Application Server
User’s Guide
Invensys Systems, Inc.
Revision D
Last Revision: 10/27/09
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, InBatch,
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Application Server User’s Guide
Welcome.......................................... 13
Documentation Conventions.............................................13
Technical Support .............................................................14
Chapter 1 Getting Started with the IDE .................. 15
What’s a Galaxy? ...............................................................15
Creating a New Galaxy .....................................................17
Connecting to an Existing Galaxy....................................19
Getting Around the IDE....................................................20
Using the Template Toolbox ..........................................22
Using the Graphics Toolbox...........................................22
Using IDE Application Views ........................................23
Model View .................................................................23
Deployment View........................................................26
Derivation View..........................................................29
Operations View .........................................................30
Customizing Your Workspace...........................................31
Docking Views ................................................................31
Floating Views ................................................................31
Hiding Views...................................................................32
Resetting the Workspace ...............................................32
Synchronizing the Views................................................32
Configuring User Information .......................................33
Logging on and Logging off............................................35
Changing Users ..............................................................36
4 Contents
Application Server User’s Guide
Chapter 2 Getting Started with Objects ..................37
About Templates and Instances .......................................39
Templates .......................................................................39
About Base Templates ...................................................41
Application Templates ............................................... 42
Device Integration Templates ...................................42
System Templates ...................................................... 42
About Derived Templates ..............................................44
Viewing Object Properties ................................................45
Chapter 3 Working with Objects ...........................47
Managing Toolsets ............................................................47
Creating Toolsets............................................................48
Creating Child Toolsets .................................................49
Deleting Toolsets ............................................................49
Creating Derived Templates.............................................50
Deriving Templates from Another Derived Template..51
Creating Contained Templates.........................................52
ApplicationObject Containment ....................................55
Using Contained Names ................................................58
Containment Examples..................................................60
Viewing Containment Relationships.............................62
Renaming Contained Objects ........................................62
Editing Objects ..................................................................63
Getting Help ...................................................................65
Help File Structure ........................................................65
About the General Editor Layout..................................66
Locking and Unlocking Template Attributes ........... 67
Setting Object Security .............................................. 70
Group Locking/Security ............................................. 71
About the Object Information Page...............................72
Customizing Help....................................................... 73
Finding the Help Folders ........................................... 73
About the Scripts Page...................................................74
About the UDAs Page ....................................................75
About the Extensions Page ............................................77
Referencing Objects Using the Galaxy Browser...........79
Browsing for Attributes .................................................79
Viewing Attribute Details in the Galaxy Browser ...81
Browsing for Graphics ...................................................84
Contents 5
Application Server User’s Guide
Browsing for Element Properties ..................................85
Creating a Filter for the Galaxy Browser .....................86
Changing How Information is Shown in the Galaxy
Chapter 4 Managing Objects................................ 89
Checking Objects Out........................................................89
Checking In Objects ..........................................................90
Validating Objects .............................................................91
Validating Scripts and Other External Components ...92
Validating Manually ......................................................93
Creating Instances ............................................................94
Renaming Objects..............................................................95
Deleting Objects ................................................................97
Exporting Objects ..............................................................97
Exporting Script Function Libraries .............................98
Importing Objects..............................................................99
Importing Script Function Libraries...........................101
After You Import ..........................................................101
Chapter 5 Enhancing Objects .............................103
Creating and Working with UDAs .................................103
UDAs and Scripting .....................................................104
UDA Naming Conventions...........................................105
Writing and Editing Scripts............................................106
About Scripts ................................................................107
Script Execution ...........................................................107
Locking Scripts .............................................................112
Creating and Working with Extensions.........................114
About Extension Inheritance.......................................114
Using the InputOutput Extension...............................117
When Objects Are On Scan......................................118
Using InputOutput Extensions in Scripts ..............118
Using the Input Extension...........................................119
Using the Output Extension........................................120
Working with Outputs .............................................121
Quality of Input, InputOutput and Output
Extensions ................................................................123
Using the Alarm Extension .........................................124
Using the History Extension .......................................125
Using the Boolean Label Extension ............................126
Creating and Working with Graphics ............................127
6 Contents
Application Server User’s Guide
Adding Graphics...........................................................128
Modifying Graphics ......................................................128
Renaming Graphics......................................................128
Deleting Graphics.........................................................129
Chapter 6 Deploying and Running an Application..... 131
Planning for Deployment................................................131
Determining Galaxy Status............................................133
Configuring Advanced Communication Management ..134
Selecting Advanced Communication Management ....136
Configuring Scan Modes ..............................................136
Deploying Objects............................................................139
Deployment Error Messages........................................143
Redeploying Objects ........................................................144
Undeploying Objects .......................................................144
Uploading Run-time Configuration................................145
Undeployment Situations ............................................147
Chapter 7 Working with History .......................... 149
Application Server History Components .......................150
Sending Historical Data Between Application Server
and Wonderware Historian .....................................151
Saving Historical Data During Communication
Collecting Late Data ....................................................152
Saving Object Attribute Data to the Historian .............152
Saving Process Values as Historical Data ..................153
Saving Data Quality as Historical Data .....................154
Additional Quality Data Saved to the Historian ....154
Saving the Data Timestamp as Historical Data.........156
Saving Alarms and Events as Historical Data ...........158
Deploying and Undeploying Attributes ......................158
Saving Historical Data During Run Time ..................159
Advanced Communication Management ................159
Store Forward Mode.................................................160
Configuring Common Historical Attributes ..................160
Configuring System Objects to Store Historical Data... 164
Configuring the WinPlatform Object to Store
Historical Data.........................................................165
Configuring an AppEngine Object to Store
Historical Data.........................................................169
Setting Up an AppEngine for Late Data.................169
Contents 7
Application Server User’s Guide
Configuring an Area Object to Save Alarm
Counts as Historical Data .......................................171
Configuring Application Objects to Save Historical
Chapter 8 Working with Alarms and Events ............175
Understanding Events ....................................................176
Types of Events.............................................................176
Understanding Alarms....................................................178
Types of Alarms............................................................181
State Alarms.............................................................181
Limit Alarms.............................................................182
Target Deviation Alarms .........................................183
Rate of Change Alarms ............................................184
Statistical Alarms.....................................................185
Setting Alarm State with Object Attributes ...............185
AlarmModeCmd Attribute .......................................185
AlarmInhibit Attribute ............................................185
AlarmMode Attribute...............................................186
_AlarmModeEnum Attribute...................................186
Setting Alarm State for Individual Alarms ................187
Enabling, Silencing, and Disabling Alarms................188
Enabling Alarms.......................................................190
Silencing Alarms ......................................................190
Disabling Alarms......................................................190
Throttling Alarms.........................................................191
Propagating Timestamps with Alarms and Events ...192
Alarms or Events Become Active.............................192
Alarms Become Disabled .........................................192
Alarms Revert to Normal.........................................193
Alarm Acknowledgement .........................................193
Configuring Alarms.........................................................194
Configuring Alarming for System Objects ..................194
Configuring WinPlatform Object Alarms................196
Configuring Alarms for an AppEngine Object........198
Configuring Alarms and Events for Application
Objects ......................................................................200
Setting Alarms on the Extension Page .......................203
Distributing Alarms and Events ....................................204
Subscribing to Alarms and Events from a Client .......205
Using InTouch HMI as the Alarm and Event Client .206
Understanding the Syntax of Alarm Queries .........206
8 Contents
Application Server User’s Guide
Alarm Query Syntax when Register Using
Galaxy_<GalaxyName> is Enabled ......................206
Examples of Alarm Queries ..................................... 207
Alarm Requirements for InTouch Client
Alarms and Events in the InTouch HMI and in
Application Server ................................................... 210
Chapter 9 Working with References..................... 213
Using Message Exchange and Attributes ......................214
Reference Strings ............................................................214
Relative References ......................................................215
Property References .....................................................216
Handling Time Zones with the Time Property .......217
Preserving Time Stamps from the Publishing
Source .....................................................................217
Arrays ...........................................................................218
Formatting Reference Strings .....................................219
Using Literals...........................................................219
Viewing Attributes in Objects ........................................222
Viewing References and Cross References..................223
Finding Objects ............................................................225
Using Galaxy References in InTouch .............................226
Chapter 10 Working with Security ....................... 231
About Security.................................................................232
About Authentication Modes .......................................233
Multiple Accounts Per User.....................................233
Changing Security Settings .....................................234
About Security Groups.................................................235
About Roles...................................................................236
About Users ..................................................................237
Configuring Security .......................................................237
Assigning Users to Roles..............................................242
Deleting Security Groups.............................................244
Deleting Roles...............................................................244
Deleting Users ..............................................................244
About OS Group-based Security.....................................245
Connecting to a Remote Node for the First Time.......245
Cached Data at Log In .................................................245
Mixed or Native Domains ............................................246
Using InTouch Access Levels Security........................246
Contents 9
Application Server User’s Guide
Chapter 11 Working with Languages.....................247
Defining and Configuring Galaxy Languages ...............248
Graphics Language Switching........................................248
Alarm Comment Language Switching ...........................248
Workflow ..........................................................................248
Configuring Languages for a Galaxy..............................250
Adding a Language to a Galaxy...................................250
Removing a Language from a Galaxy .........................251
Modifying the Font for a Language.............................252
Changing the Default Language for a Galaxy ............253
Exporting Symbol Text for Offline Translation.............255
Types of Language Dictionary Files............................255
Exporting Language Data for All Symbols in a
Exporting Language Data for Specific Objects...........257
Exporting Symbol Language Data for a Managed
InTouch Application.................................................258
Exporting Symbol Language Data for a Published
InTouch Application.................................................259
Exporting Symbol Text to an Existing Dictionary
File ............................................................................260
Translating Exported Symbol Language Files ..............261
Translating Exported Symbol Text Dictionary Files .261
Importing Translated Symbol Language Files ..............262
Importing Translated Symbol Dictionary Files..........263
Examples of Symbol or Object Mismatch Handling
during Language Imports........................................265
Language Data Handling for Galaxy Operations.......267
Exporting Alarm Comments for Offline Translation ....269
Guidelines and Recommendations ..............................269
Organizing Your Export...........................................269
Translation File Formatting and Editing ...............269
Reimporting ..............................................................269
About the Alarm Comments Language File ...............270
Exporting Alarm Comments from Very Large
Exporting All Galaxy Alarm Comments .....................271
Exporting Alarm Comments by Area ..........................272
Using File Names .....................................................272
Exporting Objects Not Assigned to an Area ...........272
Translating Exported Alarm Comment Language
10 Contents
Application Server User’s Guide
Importing Translated Alarm Comment Language
Files ..............................................................................276
Re-exporting Alarm Comments ......................................277
Exporting New Untranslated Alarm Comments....278
Exporting Modified Existing Alarm Comments .....278
Testing the Language Switching Functionality at
Run Time ......................................................................278
Chapter 12 Managing Galaxies ............................ 279
Backing Up and Restoring Galaxies ..............................279
Changing Galaxies ..........................................................280
Deleting a Galaxy............................................................281
Exporting a Galaxy Dump File.......................................282
Looking at the Galaxy Text Dump File Structure......283
Host Attributes.........................................................283
About Quotation Marks and Carriage Returns......284
Time Formats in Excel.............................................284
Importing a Galaxy Load File.........................................285
Synchronizing Time across a Galaxy .............................286
Using Time Synchronization in Windows Domains... 286
Synchronization Schedule............................................287
Required Software........................................................287
Hosting Multiple Galaxies in One Galaxy Repository ..288
Managing Licensing Issues.............................................289
Viewing License and End-User License Agreement
Information .............................................................. 289
Updating a License.......................................................294
Disk Space Requirements ...............................................295
Managing Communication between Galaxy Nodes....... 295
About ArchestrA User Accounts.....................................296
Using Multiple Network Interface Cards ...................... 297
Defining the Order of the NIC.....................................297
Configuring the IP Address and DNS Settings ..........298
Configuring Multiple NICs for the Vista and
Windows Server 2008 Operating Systems .............299
Chapter 13 Working with Redundancy .................. 303
About Redundancy ..........................................................304
Configuring AppEngine Redundancy..........................304
Redundancy during Run Time.....................................306
Working with AppEngine Redundancy..........................307
Contents 11
Application Server User’s Guide
Configuring the Redundancy Message Channel.........308
Configuring Redundancy .............................................309
Configuring Redundancy in Templates...................310
Deleting Redundant AppEngines ............................311
Deploying AppEngine Objects .....................................311
Configuration Requirements ...................................312
Undeploying AppEngine Objects.............................313
During Deployment ......................................................314
Objects at Run Time.................................................314
During Run Time..........................................................314
AppEngine Redundancy States ...............................315
Generating Alarms.......................................................319
Generating History ......................................................320
Working with Data Acquisition Redundancy ................321
Configuring Data Acquisition Redundancy ................321
Deploying Redundant DIObjects .................................322
What Happens in Run Time ........................................322
RedundantDIObject and PLC Connectivity............322
Index .............................................333
12 Contents
Application Server User’s Guide
Application Server User’s Guide
This guide describes how to use the ArchestrA Integrated
Development Environment (IDE) to develop and manage
Application Server applications.
You can view this document online or you can print it, in part
or whole, by using the print feature in Adobe Acrobat Reader.
This documentation assumes you know how to use Microsoft
Windows, including navigating menus, moving from
application to application, and moving objects on the screen.
If you need help with these tasks, see the Microsoft online
In some areas of theWonderware
Application Server, you
can also right-click to open a menu. The items listed on this
menu change, depending on where you are in the product. All
items listed on this menu are available as items on the main
Documentation Conventions
This documentation uses the following conventions:
Convention Used for
Initial Capitals Paths and file names.
Menus, commands, dialog box names,
and dialog box options.
Code samples and display text.
14 Welcome
Application Server User’s Guide
Technical Support
Wonderware Technical Support offers a variety of support
options to answer any questions on Wonderware products
and their implementation.
Before you contact Technical Support, refer to the relevant
section(s) in this documentation for a possible solution to the
problem. If you need to contact technical support for help,
have the following information ready:
The type and version of the operating system you are
Details of how to recreate the problem.
The exact wording of the error messages you saw.
Any relevant output listing from the Log Viewer or any
other diagnostic applications.
Details of what you did to try to solve the problem(s) and
your results.
If known, the Wonderware Technical Support case
number assigned to your problem, if this is an ongoing
Application Server User’s Guide
Chapter 1
Getting Started with the IDE
This section explains how to create and open a Galaxy. It also
briefly describes the ArchestrA Integrated Development
Environment (IDE).
What’s a Galaxy?
A Galaxy represents your entire production environment,
including all computers and components that run your
application. A Galaxy is a collection of platforms, engines,
templates, instances, and attributes you define as the parts
of your specific application. Persistent information about this
collection of objects is stored in a Galaxy database.
16 Chapter 1 Getting Started with the IDE
Application Server User’s Guide
A Galaxy database resides on a single network computer. A
Galaxy database can reside on any computer on your
network with the SQL Server, Bootstrap, and Galaxy
Repository software installed. But, you cannot store parts of
a Galaxy database on several computers.
A Galaxy Repository (GR) is the name of the single computer
where the Galaxy database is located.
You can deploy Galaxy components, such as platforms and
engines, on multiple computers to share the work load while
applications are running. For more information, see
Deploying and Running an Application on page 131.
A Galaxy's namespace is the set of unique object and
attribute identifiers. The namespace and the values of each
of its identifiers define a Wonderware Application Server
application, and can be accessed by clients of the
configuration system as well as the Application Server
Message Exchange in a deployed system.
A key benefit of the Application Server namespace is that it
allows Application Server objects and process data to be
referenced by scripts and animation links from any computer
in the Galaxy without the reference needing to specify the
object's location.
Galaxies also include security, which is turned off by default.
Using security allows you to limit what users can do. You can
add more users, security roles, and security groups later if
you want. For more information, see
Working with Security
on page 231.
When you start the IDE, you must select an existing Galaxy
or create a new Galaxy. You cannot open the IDE without
opening a Galaxy.
Before you can open the IDE, you must also have a valid
license. For more information about licensing issues, see
Managing Licensing Issues on page 289.
Creating a New Galaxy17
Application Server User’s Guide
Creating a New Galaxy
Each time you start the ArchestrA IDE, you must connect to
a Galaxy. You must either create a new Galaxy or select an
existing Galaxy before opening the IDE. Also, you must have
a valid Wonderware license installed before opening the IDE.
Creating a new Galaxy requires you to specify a Galaxy
Repository (GR) node name and the name of the Galaxy. The
Galaxy database is created and is ready for you to connect to
and use.
You can only create a new Galaxy on a computer with the
Bootstrap and the Galaxy Repository
software installed.
New Galaxies are created without security. To learn more
about setting security for your Galaxy, see
Working with
Security on page 231.
To create a new Galaxy
On the Start menu, point to Programs, Wonderware and
ArchestrA IDE. The Connect to Galaxy dialog box
2 Click New Galaxy.
18 Chapter 1 Getting Started with the IDE
Application Server User’s Guide
3 Specify the properties of your new Galaxy:
In the GR Node Name list, type, or select the name of a
computer that has the Galaxy Repository software
installed. If necessary, click the
Browse button to
locate the node where the Galaxy Repository is
In the Galaxy Name box, type the name of the Galaxy
you want to create within that Galaxy Repository. A
Galaxy name can be up to 32 alphanumeric
characters, including _ (underscore), $, and #. The
first character must be a letter. A Galaxy name
cannot contain a blank space.
In the Galaxy Type list, select the name of the already
created backup Galaxy files, which are located at
BackupGalaxies folder. The selected file is used as a
template to create a new Galaxy. The system restores
the selected backup Galaxy and renames it to the
Galaxy name that you provided in the Galaxy Name
Note You cannot use the following reserved names as Galaxy
names: Me, MyContainer, MyArea, MyHost, MyPlatform, MyEngine
and System. You cannot use a name that conflicts with an existing
object in the backup Galaxy file.
Click Create. The Create Galaxy dialog box opens, showing
the Galaxy database being created.
5 After the Galaxy database is created, click Close. You are
ready to open the Galaxy and begin creating your
application. For more information about opening an
existing Galaxy, see Connecting to an Existing Galaxy on
page 19.
Connecting to an Existing Galaxy 19
Application Server User’s Guide
Connecting to an Existing Galaxy
Selecting an existing Galaxy lets you open a previously
created Galaxy so you can work in it.
If security is enabled for an existing Galaxy, you cannot open
it without logging in. If you do not have log on rights to a
Galaxy, you cannot log in to that Galaxy. For more
information about security, see
Working with Security on
page 231.
To connect to an existing Galaxy
On the Start menu, point to Programs, Wonderware and
ArchestrA IDE. The Connect to Galaxy dialog box
2 Do the following:
In the GR node name list, select the name of a
computer you previously connected to. Click the
Browse button to browse and select from the available
domains and nodes on your network.
In the Galaxy name list, select the name of the Galaxy
on that GR node.
Click Connect.
If the Galaxy you select has security enabled, the
dialog box appears. Type your user name and password
and click
The Galaxy opens in the IDE. You are ready to start
working with your Galaxy.
20 Chapter 1 Getting Started with the IDE
Application Server User’s Guide
Getting Around the IDE
The IDE is the integrated design and development tool from
which all ArchestrA objects are configured and deployed to
target computers. You work from the IDE to create,
configure, and maintain the objects that comprise your
application and the underlying infrastructure that supports
your application.
Using the ArchestrA IDE, you can import new types of
objects in to the Galaxy Repository, configure new ones, and
deploy them to computers in your network. Multiple users
can work concurrently on different sets of objects from
different ArchestrA IDEs.
After you open a Galaxy, the IDE opens and shows the
different views of your Galaxy.
For a complete discussion of items like templates and
instances, see
About Templates and Instances on page 39.
Galaxy name
and node name
User name, if
Ta bs
security is enabled
Te m plate
Getting Around the IDE21
Application Server User’s Guide
Views in the IDE include:
Template Toolbox Expand the top level folders to see the
different templates in the toolboxes.
Graphic Toolbox Contains the global ArchestrA graphics
that can be used in the Galaxy. For
information, see the Creating and
Managing ArchestrA Graphic’s User
Application views Click the tabs at the bottom to open:
Model view - the object
relationship to the automation
scheme layout. The objects are
organized into Areas that typically
represent the physical plant layout.
Deployment view - the object
relationship to the computers that
comprise the deployed system that
the objects run on.
Derivation view - the derivation
path from base template to the
instances. This View allows a user
to see all object instances that were
based on a given template. All
templates and instances appear in
this view.
Status bar Shows messages, user name, Galaxy
name and node, and license
information. Turn off the Status bar by
Status bar on the View menu.
22 Chapter 1 Getting Started with the IDE
Application Server User’s Guide
Using the Template Toolbox
The Template Toolbox lists template toolsets, which contain
object templates. The Template Toolbox shows a tree view of
template categories in the Galaxy. Double-click a category to
expand the toolset and show the templates within it.
A new Galaxy is automatically populated with base
Using the Graphics Toolbox
The Graphic Toolbox shows a treeview of toolsets that
contains ArchestrA symbols and Clients Controls.
Double-click the toolsets to open them and reveal the
graphics they contain. A new Galaxy is automatically
populated with a library of Graphics organized in toolsets.
Template Toolb ox
Getting Around the IDE23
Application Server User’s Guide
Using IDE Application Views
Base templates and non-base templates are included with
Application Server. Non-base templates include: $Boolean,
$Double, $Float, $Integer, and $String. They are derived
from $FieldReference. The templates are automatically
imported into the IDE when you first create a Galaxy.
Base templates appear in the Template Toolbox and in the
Derivation view with a $ as the first character of their name.
You cannot directly modify base templates but you can use
them to create your own objects or derived templates.
When you move from one view to another, the selected object
in the first view is selected in the second view, if the object
exists in that view. For example, templates are not shown in
the Deployment view and Model view.
Model View
The Model view shows objects in terms of their physical or
containment relationships, and allows you to organize them
through a folder structure. This Model view most accurately
represents an application perspective of the processes that
users are emulating: for instance, specific process areas,
tanks, valves, pumps and their relationships based on
For more information about containment, see Creating
Derived Templates on page 50.
Note You must undeploy an object before reassigning it to
another object.
24 Chapter 1 Getting Started with the IDE
Application Server User’s Guide
The tree structure acts like a standard Microsoft Windows
Explorer tree. Initially, it shows a simple hierarchy: <Galaxy
name> and the Unassigned Area folder.
In the Model view, all objects are grouped by areas and by
containment relationship. The Model view shows these
relationships in the following ways:
The top of the tree is the Galaxy.
Top-level Areas are shown under the Galaxy.
Within each Area, contained Areas are listed. Areas
support hierarchical composition; that is, they support
sub-Area construction. Areas can be nested only 10 levels
(after the sub-area is 10-levels deep, you cannot add
another sub-level).
Getting Around the IDE25
Application Server User’s Guide
Objects that belong to an Area are listed under the Area.
Objects contained by other objects are listed under their
respective containers. Multiple levels are allowed. For
more information about containment, see Creating
Derived Templates on page 50.
Note Objects belong to the same Area as the object that contains
Some object’s hierarchical, or contained, names are
truncated if you have multiple levels shown. To view the
entire hierarchical name, select the object and click
Properties on the Galaxy menu. The entire hierarchical
name is shown in the
Properties dialog box. For more
information about hierarchical names, see Using
Contained Names on page 58.
Objects that currently do not belong to an Area are listed
under Unassigned Area. Containment relationships
between parent and child objects are shown there.
In each branch of the tree, objects are listed in alphabetical
order. Default objects are shown in bold.
To assign an object to another, drag it onto the host object. If
that object is an inappropriate assignment match, the
international Not symbol appears. To unassign an object,
drag it to the
Unassigned Host folder.
26 Chapter 1 Getting Started with the IDE
Application Server User’s Guide
Deployment View
The Deployment view shows instances only in terms of their
assignment relationships. This view allows you to organize
those objects through a folder structure.
This view shows which objects instances reside on which
computers. In the ArchestrA environment, the physical
location of object instances is not required to approximate the
real-world environment it models. The Deployment view does
not need to reflect your physical plant environment.
The tree structure acts like a standard Windows Explorer
tree. It is initially divided into two hierarchical levels:
<Galaxy Name> and the Unassigned Host folder.
Getting Around the IDE27
Application Server User’s Guide
In the Deployment view, objects appear in a tree according to
their distribution relationships in a multi-node system in the
following ways:
The top of the tree is the Galaxy.
WinPlatforms are shown under the Galaxy.
Under each WinPlatform, assigned AppEngines are
Under each AppEngine, assigned Areas and DI Objects,
such as DINetwork Objects, are listed.
Under each Area, assigned ApplicationObjects are listed.
Under each ApplicationObject, contained
ApplicationObjects are listed. Multiple levels are allowed.
Under each DINetwork Object, assigned DIDevice
Objects are listed.
Unassigned objects are grouped together in the
Unassigned Host folder. Area and containment
relationships are maintained in this view.
Important DINetwork objects have specific configuration limits
such as whether more than one object can be deployed to a single
WinPlatform. The IDE does not check for these limits. For more
information about configuration limits, see the online help for the
DINetwork object.
Under each branch of the tree, objects are listed in
alphabetical order. Default objects are shown in bold.
28 Chapter 1 Getting Started with the IDE
Application Server User’s Guide
For objects shown in any view, you see the following symbol
in the corner of the object's icon:
To assign an object to another, drag it onto the host object. If
that object is an inappropriate assignment match, the
international Not symbol appears. To unassign an object,
drag it to the
Unassigned Host folder.
Note You must undeploy an object that is currently deployed
before reassigning it from one object to another.
Not deployed
Deployed, but pending configuration changes
exist that have not been deployed.
Deployed, but software modifications exist that
have not been deployed.
Applies only to redundant AppEngines. An
AppEngine is undeployed, but its redundant pair
is deployed.
Applies only to redundant AppEngines. An
AppEngine is deployed, but its redundant pair is
not deployed.
Applies only to redundant AppEngines. An
AppEngine is deployed, its redundant pair is not
deployed, and pending configuration changes
exist that have not been deployed.
Applies only to redundant AppEngines. An
AppEngine is deployed, its redundant pair is not
deployed, and software modifications exist that
have not been deployed.
Error. The object in an Error state and cannot be
InTouchViewApp application files are being
asynchronously transferred to the target node.
This icon is normally visible for only a few
moments at the end of an InTouchViewApp
deployment operation, unless the object is
deployed on a slow network. This icon completely
replaces the original while it is shown.
Getting Around the IDE29
Application Server User’s Guide
Derivation View
The Derivation view shows objects and templates in terms of
their parent/child relationship. An object derived from
another object appears in a hierarchy level under it.
The tree structure acts like a standard Windows Explorer
tree, and initially is divided into three hierarchical levels:
<Galaxy Name>, <Used Base Templates>, and the Unused
Base Templates folder.
In the Derivation view, objects appear according to their
parent-child relationship in the following ways:
The top of the tree is the Galaxy.
Base templates with associated child objects, either
derived templates or instances, are shown under the
Under each base template, derived templates and
instances created from the base template are listed.
Multiple levels are allowed. Instances created from
derived templates are listed under their parents.
Templates with no associated derived templates or
instances are grouped together in the
Unused Base
Temp l a t e s
30 Chapter 1 Getting Started with the IDE
Application Server User’s Guide
Objects with names that start with a “$” are templates,
either base or derived. Under each branch of the tree, child
objects are listed in alphabetical order.
As in other views, dragging one object onto another in the
Derivation view associates the two objects based on the
predefined rules of the object types. For example, you can
drag ApplicationObjects onto other ApplicationObjects but
you cannot drag ApplicationObjects to an Engine.
Operations View
The Operations view shows the results of validating the
configuration of objects. You may need to open it before you
see it. On the View menu, click Operations.
During the validation of an object, its icon and name appear
with the status of the operation.
Important You can validate both templates and instances if they
are checked in.
The status of the object (Status column) is shown with an icon
and a descriptive word or phrase.
When validation is complete, the Command Result column
shows a “Succeeded” or “Failed” message and additional
information about the validation results. For more
information about validating objects, see
Validating Objects
on page 91.
Note You can validate all objects in the Galaxy by running the
Validate operation on the Galaxy object. In that case, Command
Result messages are shown after all objects in the Galaxy are
The Operations view, like the Template Toolbox and
Applications views, is also updated as the status and
conditions of objects in the Galaxy change.
Customizing Your Workspace31
Application Server User’s Guide
Customizing Your Workspace
You can customize your workspace by docking and floating
the IDE’s views. You can also hide some of the views.
Docking Views
To dock a view, drag the view to the location you want it. For
example, drag the title bar of the Template Toolbox and dock
it under the Application views. You can also undock it by
dropping it anywhere on your desktop. Drag it back to dock it
Floating Views
You can also float a view. With your cursor over the view you
want to float, click the arrow. On the menu that appears,
You can also float just one view. To float the Derivation view,
click the arrow. On the menu that appears, click Floating.
The view floats on your desktop. You can move it to another
location or dock it.
32 Chapter 1 Getting Started with the IDE
Application Server User’s Guide
Hiding Views
To hide a view, click the Pin icon. The views “hide” as tabs on
the side of the window. The Operations view hides at the
bottom of the window.
When you move the mouse over the tab, the view expands
into the workspace.
Resetting the Workspace
You can easily reset the IDE workspace and restore views
back to their default locations.
To return the views to the default docking
On the View menu, click Reset Layout.
Synchronizing the Views
You can specify that a selected object stay selected as you
move through the views. In any of the views, select the object
you want to synchronize. On the
View menu, click
Synchronize Views. Now as you move from one view to
another, that object stays selected.
Customizing Your Workspace33
Application Server User’s Guide
Configuring User Information
You can configure options for a Galaxy, including prompts for
check-in comments and user defaults. These user options
apply to the currently open Galaxy and do not change options
for other Galaxies.
If you specify a security group, that security group must
already exist. For more information about security and
security groups, see
Configuring Security on page 237.
To configure user information
On the Edit menu, click User Information. The Configure
User Information
dialog box appears.
2 In the Prompts area, do one or more of the following:
Select the Ask for ‘Check In’ Comments check box if
you want to be prompted to type comments when
checking in templates and objects.
Select the Warn before launching an editor for a
read-only object
check box if you want to see a prompt
that informs you if you are opening an instance or
template as read-only. The prompt warns you if you
open an instance or template while someone else is
working on it. If someone else is working in the
instance or template, you cannot make changes.
34 Chapter 1 Getting Started with the IDE
Application Server User’s Guide
Select the Warn for insufficient permissions check box
if you want o see a prompt that tells you if you have
permission to create or modify InTouchView
applications. These permissions authorize or prevent
you from creating and modifying InTouch View
Select the Warn before launching an InTouchViewApp
check box if you want to see a prompt each time
you attempt to edit an InTouchView application
instance. You can edit the associated template or
cancel the operation. If you do not select this check
box, the request to edit the InTouchViewApp instance
is automatically redirected to the associated
3 Select the Initial scan state for deployed objects. You can
select On Scan or Off Scan. You can change this setting on
an individual basis in the Deploy dialog box when you
deploy. For more information, see Deploying and
Running an Application on page 131.
4 Select the Scan state defaults when undeploying or
redeploying instances. Force Off Scan will attempt to take
the target object offscan when an already deployed object
is redeployed.
Don’t Force Off Scan does not force the
target to go off scan when you deploy.
Note Redeployment of objects that are currently deployed
on-scan will be cancelled unless this option is selected.
Make your Auto context selection.
6 In the User defaults area, provide the following object
names of Framework objects you select to be defaults
with respect to assignment relationships.
Type the Platform name.
Type the Application Engine name.
Type the Area name.
Type the View Engine name.
Type your Security Group name, if any.
7 When you are done, click OK.
Customizing Your Workspace35
Application Server User’s Guide
Logging on and Logging off
Some Galaxies have security associated with them. If you try
to open a Galaxy with security, you need to log on to the
Galaxy to open it.
Note If you do not have logon rights, you cannot open a Galaxy.
For information about setting up security in the ArchestrA
environment, see Working with Security on page 231.
To log on to a Galaxy
When you open a security enabled Galaxy, the Change
dialog box appears.
2 Type your user name and password. If OS authentication
security is enabled for the Galaxy, you must select the
Domain on which your user account is located. If the list is
unavailable, the selected Galaxy is on your local
You can change your password after you type your user
name and password. Click
Change Password. Type the
new password and then retype it.
3 Click OK. Your logon data is validated by the Galaxy
Repository being accessed. Depending on operating
system security, the IDE opens. If the GR does not
recognize your user name or password, you are prompted
to enter them.
36 Chapter 1 Getting Started with the IDE
Application Server User’s Guide
Changing Users
You can change users in a Galaxy at any time. Any security
restrictions associated with a user change when the user logs
on or logs off from the Galaxy. For more information about
users and security, see
Configuring Security on page 237.
If the Galaxy has not be configured to enable security, you
see a message. All users in an open security environment are
treated as the DefaultUser by the Galaxy. This means all
users have full access to everything.
To c h a n g e u s e r s
On the Galaxy menu, click Change User.
If security is enabled on the Galaxy, the
Change User
dialog box appears.
2 Enter your logon information and click OK.
If needed, click Change Password to change the
password for the new user.
Type the new password and then retype it.
3 Click OK.
Application Server User’s Guide
Chapter 2
Getting Started with Objects
Before you start modeling your application using the
Application Server, you must understand templates and
object instances.
Templates are elements in Application Server that contain
common configuration parameters for objects instances that
you use multiple times in your application.
For example, you might create a template for valves. You
configure the template with all the unique attributes for
valves. You use that template to make object instances of
valves. You can further configure and customize each object
instance to represent a specific valve.
Object instances are the specific devices in your environment,
such as diaphragm valves or very complex devices, like a
reactor. You create an instance from a template and then
customize the specific instance as needed.
Instances are deployed to the run-time environment.
Templates exist in the development environment and cannot
be deployed.
Creating templates and instances is very similar to
object-oriented programming. For example, templates and
instances have a parent/child relationship that involves
inheriting attributes. There are differences, however,
between object-oriented programming and creating
templates and instances in Application Server.
38 Chapter 2 Getting Started with Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
Collectively, templates and instances are called objects. The
following graphic shows the different kinds of objects and
how they are organized.
If you are new to this kind of programming, the next section
explains the basic concepts you need to know before you
start. If you are familiar with object-oriented programming,
the concepts in the next section may be familiar to you, but
notice the important differences between object-oriented
programming and Application Server.
Galaxy Objects
System Objects
AppEngine WinPlatform
Domain Objects
Application Objects
Device Integration
Objects (DIObjects)
FS Gateway
AB TCP Network
and so on
Field Reference
About Templates and Instances 39
Application Server User’s Guide
About Templates and Instances
Understanding templates and instances is critical to working
with Application Server.
Instances are the run-time objects created from templates in
Application Server. Instances are the specific things in your
environment like processes, valves, conveyer belts, holding
tanks, and sensors. Instances can get information from
sensors on the real-world device or from application logic in
Application Server. Instances exist during run time.
In your environment, you may have a few instances or
several thousand. Many of these instances may be similar or
identical, such as valves or holding tanks. Creating a new
valve object from scratch when you have several thousand
identical valves is time-consuming. That’s where templates
come in.
Templ ates
Templates are high-level definitions of the devices in your
environment. Templates are like a cookie cutter from which
you can make many identical cookies.
You define a template for an object, like a valve, one time and
then use that template when you need to define another
instance of that item. Template names have a dollar sign ($)
as the first character of their name.
A template can specify application logic, alarms, security,
and historical data for an object.
A template can also define an area of your environment. You
can extend and customize a template by adding User Defined
Attributes (UDAs), scripts, or extensions to meet the specific
needs of your environment. Objects inherit attributes from
their parents.
Application Server comes with predefined templates, called
base templates. You cannot modify base templates. All
templates you create are derived from base templates.
You can also nest templates, or contain them. Contained
templates consist of nested object templates that represent
complex devices consisting of smaller, simpler devices,
including valves. A reactor is a good candidate for
Templates only exist in the development environment.
40 Chapter 2 Getting Started with Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
Using the Diaphragm valve template, you can quickly create
a Diaphragm valve instance when you need another
Diaphragm valve in your application.
If you need to change something about all diaphragm valves,
you can change the template for the Diaphragm valve and all
diaphragm valves in your application inherit the changes,
assuming the attributes are locked in the parent template.
This makes it easy to maintain and update your application.
Templates Child Instances
Parent Template
Derived Template
Derived Template
Each template inherits
from the one above it
Each object instance
inherits attributes
from its template
About Templates and Instances 41
Application Server User’s Guide
About Base Templates
When you first open the IDE, you see the base templates in
the Template ToolBox.
You cannot modify base templates. You use base templates to
create derived templates, which are copies of the base
templates. You modify your derived templates and create
instances of them for your applications.
The template classes are as follows:
Application templates
Use these templates to represent real devices in your
Galaxy. These devices represent real objects in your
environment. For example, use the DiscreteDevice base
template to create a derived template for valves.
Device integration templates
Use these templates to create instances that
communicate with external devices. For example, use the
DIObject base template to create a derived template for a
PLC device.
System templates
Use these templates to define system instances, like
other computers.
42 Chapter 2 Getting Started with Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
Application Templates
These base templates let you easily create devices in your
Galaxy. They contain the properties you need to set for each
kind of device. For example, a DiscreteDevice device contains
all the settings you need to specify for an on/off device. Of
course, using UDAs, scripts, and extension, you can extend
and customize any device you select.
Device Integration Templates
These base templates represent the communication with
external devices. External devices run on the application
For example:
DINetwork object – Refers to the object that represents
the network interface port to the device through the Data
Access Server. The object provides diagnostics, and
configuration for that specific card.
DIDevice object – Refers to the object that represents the
actual external device (such as a PLC or RTU), which is
associated to the DINetwork Object.
System Templates
These objects represent the parts of a Galaxy and not the
domain they are monitoring/controlling. These base
templates let you create more system level grouping and
computers, such as areas you add objects to or another host
WinPlatform Object
The WinPlatform platform object is a key base object because
you need a platform to host the objects you are modeling.
This object:
Calculates various statistics for the node it is deployed to.
These statistics are published in attributes.
Monitors various statistics related to the node it is
deployed to. These monitored attributes can be alarmed
and historized.
Start and stop engines, based on the engines startup type
which are deployed to it.
Monitor the running state of engines deployed to it. If the
platform detects an engine failed, it can, optionally based
on the value of the engine’s restart attribute, restart the
About Templates and Instances 43
Application Server User’s Guide
AppEngine Object
The AppEngine object must have a Platform on which to run.
This object:
Hosts ApplicationObjects, device integration objects and
Contains the logic to set up and initialize objects when
they are deployed.
Contains the logic to remove objects from the engine
when they are undeployed.
Determines the scan time which all objects within that
particular engine run.
Area Object
All application objects belong to an area. Areas can contain
sub-Areas. Areas provide a key organizational role in
grouping alarm information and providing that information
to those who use alarm/event clients to monitor their areas of
The values of three Area object alarm attributes can be saved
to the historian:
Active alarm counter
Unacknowledged alarm counter
Disabled (or silenced) alarm counter
ViewEngine Object
The ViewEngine object must have a Platform on which to
run. This object:
Hosts InTouchViewApp objects.
Contains the logic to set up and initialize objects when
they are deployed.
Contains the logic to remove objects when they are
Determines the scan time which all objects within that
particular engine run.
44 Chapter 2 Getting Started with Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
InTouchViewApp Object
The InTouchViewApp object must have a ViewEngine on
which to run. This object:
Manages the synchronization and delivery of files
required by the associated InTouch application.
Provides run-time access to tags on the associated
InTouch application.
Starts WindowMaker for the associated InTouch
application when edited.
About Derived Templates
All templates you create within the IDE are derived
When creating your Galaxy application, plan ahead and
create derived templates for devices of a certain type so you
can use the templates to create instances from.
A new derived template is an exact copy of its parent
template with the possible exceptions of locking and security
and modified attribute values. You can lock attributes to
prevent them from being modified in child templates.
After you create a new derived template, you can customize
it. For more information about customizing and extending
templates, see
Creating Derived Templates on page 50.
Every template has a set of attributes and default values.
When you create an instance, attributes are inherited by the
instance. In the instance, you can reconfigure many of the
attributes inherited from the parent template if they are not
locked on the parent template.
For more information about customizing instances, see
Working with Objects on page 47.
Viewing Object Properties45
Application Server User’s Guide
Viewing Object Properties
You can view the properties of an object by right-clicking and
clicking Properties. Object properties vary, depending on the
type of selected object and whether it is a base template, a
derived template, or an instance.
For more information about specifying the properties of
objects, see
Working with Objects on page 47.
46 Chapter 2 Getting Started with Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
Application Server User’s Guide
Chapter 3
Working with Objects
You can work with objects using the Application Server
development environment. Both templates and instances are
collectively referred to as objects. For more information about
what templates and instances are, see
About Templates and
Instances on page 39.
Managing Toolsets
Toolsets are high-level folders shown in the Application
Toolbox. You can create toolsets to store the templates and
graphics used in your Galaxy. You can also create toolsets
within toolsets.
Use the Template Toolbox to view and organize object
48 Chapter 3 Working with Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
Use the Graphic Toolbox to view and organize ArchestrA
You can move content between their respective toolsets. You
can also show or hide toolsets to make the workspace less
Creating Toolsets
When you create your own toolset, it must have a unique
name. Toolset names are not case sensitive, so Valves is the
same name as
valves. A toolset name can be up to a
maximum of 64 alphanumeric and special characters,
including spaces, except $.
To create a new toolset in the Toolbox
On the Galaxy menu, point to New and click either
Template Toolset or Graphic Toolset.
2 Type a name for the new toolset.
A new toolset appears and is in focus. Now, you can drag
templates into the new Template toolset, or you can drag
graphics into the Graphics toolset.
Managing Toolsets49
Application Server User’s Guide
Creating Child Toolsets
Toolsets can be created within existing toolsets. Nested
toolsets help in further organizing templates and graphics.
You can create a maximum of ten levels of toolset folders.
To create a child toolset
Select the parent toolset.
2 On the Galaxy menu, point to New and click either
Template Toolset or Graphic Toolset.
3 Type a name for the new toolset.
A new toolset appears beneath the parent toolset and is
in focus.
4 Drag templates into the new child Template toolset, or
you can drag graphics into the Graphics toolset.
Deleting Toolsets
You can delete toolsets you no longer want or need. Before
you start, make sure you move or delete all content from the
The toolset you want to delete must be empty, or it cannot
To delete a toolset
Select the toolset you want to delete.
2 On the Edit menu, click Delete.
3 Click Yes to delete the toolset.
50 Chapter 3 Working with Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
Creating Derived Templates
All templates you create are derived templates. A derived
template inherits attributes and behaviors from the parent
template. You cannot change the attributes in a base
After you create a derived template, you can customize and
modify its attributes. If you change locked attributes in the
parent template, the changes propagate to the derived
After you create derived templates, you can create instances
of the templates. You can change and modify unlocked
attributes in the instances, making adjustments to meet the
needs of the specific object you are modeling.
For example, your plant processes can use several models of
a pump made by a single vendor. Each pump model has
unique characteristics that map to different attribute values
of the DiscreteDevice base template.
After you create a derived template, you can customize it.
To derive a template from another template
Select the base template to use as the parent template in
Template Toolbox or Derivation views pane.
2 On the Galaxy menu, click New and click Derived
Temp l a t e
. A derived template is created in the same
toolset as its parent and placed in name edit mode. The
default name is the same as the parent template followed
by a numeric sequence.
Templates Object Instances
Base Template
Derived Template
Creating Derived Templates 51
Application Server User’s Guide
3 Rename the derived template, if needed. Template names
can be up to 32 alphanumeric or special characters,
including the required $ as the first character. The
second character cannot be $ and the name must include
at least one letter. Template names cannot contain
Note You cannot use the following reserved names as template
names: Me, MyContainer, MyArea, MyHost, MyPlatform, MyEngine
and System.
You are ready to customize your new template. For more
information, see Editing Objects on page 63.
Deriving Templates from Another Derived
Tem pl at e
You can create derived templates from other derived
templates. The child template inherits attributes from all
parent templates. Any changed attributes in the immediate
parent overrides attributes changes in grandparent levels.
If you change locked attributes in the parent template, the
locked attributes propagate to the derived template.
A derived template is an exact copy of its parent with the
exceptions of locking, security, and the unlocked attributes
that have been edited. If you create a new derived template
from an existing container template, the new derived
template has the same contained templates.
52 Chapter 3 Working with Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
A good practice is to create a hierarchy of derived templates
until you reach logical endpoints. Then create instances from
each unique derived template.
To create a derived template from a derived template
In the Template Toolbox or Derivation view, select the
derived template you want to use as the parent template.
2 On the Galaxy menu, click New and click Derived
Temp l a t e
. A derived template is created in the same
toolset as its parent. You can edit the name of the new
derived template. The default name is the same as the
parent template followed by a numeric sequence.
Template names can be up to 32 alphanumeric or special
characters, including the required $ as the first
character. The second character cannot be $ and the
name must include at least one letter. Template names
cannot contain spaces.
Note You cannot use the following reserved names as template
names: Me, MyContainer, MyArea, MyHost, MyPlatform, MyEngine
and System.
You can create another derived template by repeating the
steps above, or you can customize your new derived
template. For more information about customizing your
template, see Editing Objects on page 63.
Creating Contained Templates
Containment is the relationship in which one object includes
another. Containment relationships organize objects in a
hierarchy. You can build objects that represent complex
devices consisting of smaller, simpler devices.
In scripts, these objects can be referred to by the name that
derives from the containment relationship. This name is
called a hierarchical name.
Creating Contained Templates53
Application Server User’s Guide
An object can have three kinds of names if it is contained by
another object. The three names include:
Note Base templates cannot be contained by another template,
either as the container or as the template being contained. You
can only use containment with derived templates.
Name Description
Tag Name The unique name of the individual object.
For example,
The name of the object within the context
of its container object. For example, the
object whose Tag name is Valve1 may also
be referred to as
Tank1.Outlet, if Tank1
contains it and it has the contained name
Hierarchical names that are fully-qualified
names of a contained object include the
name of the objects that contain it.
Because the object that contains it may
also be contained, there are potentially
multiple hierarchical names that refer to
the same object.
For example, if:
"Reactor1" contains Tank1 (also known
within Reactor1 by its contained name
"Tank1" contains Valve1 (also known
within Tank1 by its contained name
Valve1 could be referred to as:
54 Chapter 3 Working with Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
Higher level objects contain lower level objects. This allows
you to more closely model complex plant equipment, like
tank systems. You can nest templates to 10 levels.
Note Objects can only contain objects like themselves. For
example, ApplicationObjects can only be contained by other
ApplicationObjects. Areas can only contain other Areas.
Inlet Valve
Outlet Valve
Creating Contained Templates55
Application Server User’s Guide
ApplicationObject Containment
ApplicationObjects can be contained by other
ApplicationObjects. This provides context for the contained
object and a naming hierarchy that provides a powerful tool
for referencing objects.
Note Base templates cannot be contained by another template,
either as the container or as the template being contained. You
can only use containment with derived templates.
An example of a containment hierarchy is a tank that
contains the following objects:
Inlet Valve
Outlet Valve
Tank Template
56 Chapter 3 Working with Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
To enable referencing and flexibility within scripting, these
objects can be referenced in several different ways. Each
object has a unique tag name, such as:
Inlet Valve = InletValve01
Agitator = Agitator01
Outlet Valve = OutletValve01
Level = Level01
InletValve = InletValve01
OutletValve = OutletValve01
Level = Level01
Agitator = Agitator01
Tank = Tank01
Creating Contained Templates57
Application Server User’s Guide
Within the context of each hierarchy, the contained names
are unique, in that the names only refer to this tank system
and the contained objects.
So if the tank is named Tank01, the contained names are:
Tank = Tank01
Inlet Valve = Tank01.InletValve
Outlet Valve = Tank01.Outlet01
Level = Tank01.Level01
Agitator = Tank01.Agitator01
58 Chapter 3 Working with Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
This naming convention adds context to the instances
contained by Tank01.
Additionally, you can use containment references in scripts
such as:
Me.Outlet: Allows a script running within the parent
object to generically reference its child outlet instance.
MyContainer.Inlet: Allows a script running in any of
the children instances to reference another child instance
named Inlet that belongs to the same parent.
Using Contained Names
The contained name of a contained object only has to be
unique in the context of its container.
An object can have three kinds of names, depending if it is
contained by another object. The three names include:
Name Description
Tag name The unique name of the individual
object. For example,
The name of the object within the
context of its container object. For
example, the object whose tag name is
Valve1 may also be referred to as
Tank1.Outlet, if Tank1 contains it and
it has the contained name "Outlet".
Creating Contained Templates59
Application Server User’s Guide
For example, an instance of a $Tank is named Tank01. An
instance of $Valve called Valve01 is contained within the
instance of $Tank.
Change the contained name of Valve01 to InletValve. Now
Valve01 can also be referred to by its hierarchical name
Reactor1.InletValve. The name of the contained object can be
changed, though, within the scope of the hierarchy.
Contained names can be up to 32 alphanumeric or special
characters. The second character cannot be $ and the name
must include at least one letter. You cannot use spaces.
Hierarchical names that are
fully-qualified names of a contained
object include the name of the objects
that contain it.
Because the object that contains it may
also be contained, there are potentially
multiple hierarchical names that refer
to the same object.
For example, if:
"Reactor1" contains Tank1 (also known
within Reactor1 by its contained name
"Tank1" contains Valve1 (also known
within Tank1 by its contained name
Valve1 could be referred to as:
Name Description
60 Chapter 3 Working with Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
Containment Examples
You can have a Tank object that contains two DiscreteDevice
objects that represent its inlet and outlet valves.
Note Base templates cannot be contained by another template,
either as the container or as the template being contained. You
can only use containment with derived templates.
To implement containment
Create the following instances: Tank1 from $UserDefined
and Valve from $DiscreteDevice. Valve has only one
name, Valve.
2 In the Model or Deployment view, drag Valve on to Tank.
Note If Tank1 already contains an object with a contained name
of Valve, the Galaxy generates a unique contained name for the
newly contained object, such as Valve_001.
Change the contained name of Valve within Tank1 to
Outlet. Valve can now be referred to by its tagname,
Valve, as well as its hierarchical name, Tank1.Outlet.
4 Create an instance called Reactor1 from $UserDefined.
5 In the Model or Deployment view, drag Tank1 onto
6 Change the contained name of Tank1 to Holding. Tank1
now has two names, Tank1 and Reactor1.Tank. Also,
Valve1 has a three-part hierarchical name:
Creating Contained Templates61
Application Server User’s Guide
For the three objects in this example (Reactor1
containing Tank1 containing Valve1), the following
naming hierarchy exists:
To implement template-level containment
Note Contained Templates do not have tagnames. When an
instance hierarchy is created from a template and its contained
children, unique tagnames will be created for the instances based
on their contained names.
Create the following derived templates: $Tank from
$UserDefined and $Valve from $DiscreteDevice.
2 Derive $Inlet from $Valve.
3 In the Template Toolbox, drag $Inlet on to $Tank. If
$Tank already contains a template named Inlet, the
Galaxy generates a unique tagname for the new
contained template, such as
The contained template now has a hierarchical name
4 Create an instance (Tank1) of $Tank.
5 The Model and Deployment views show an instance Tank1
that contains an instance called
62 Chapter 3 Working with Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
Viewing Containment Relationships
Containment relationships appear for templates in the
Template Toolbox. For instances, the relationship appears in
both the Model and Deployment views.
In the Derivation view, if a template contains other
templates, you can expand it to show the containment under
that template.
The Derivation view shows templates and instances with
regard to containment in the following ways:
Non-contained instances show their tagnames.
Contained instances show their tagnames and
hierarchical names.
Non-contained templates show their template name.
Contained templates show their hierarchical name.
Renaming Contained Objects
Before you rename a contained name of an object, make sure
that the object is not checked out to another user or currently
The new contained name must comply with naming
restrictions. Template names can be up to 32 alphanumeric
or special characters, including the required $ as the first
character. The second character cannot be $ and the name
must include at least one letter. You cannot use spaces.
Editing Objects63
Application Server User’s Guide
Contained names also cannot be the same contained name as
an existing contained object within the same level of
hierarchy in the containment relationship.
WARNING! Be careful renaming contained objects. References
from other objects to the object being renamed are not
automatically updated with the new name. You must update
the references. Objects with broken references receive bad
quality data at run-time.
To rename an object’s contained name
Select the object in an Application view.
2 On the Edit menu, click Rename Contained Name.
3 Type a new contained name.
All IDEs connected to the Galaxy show the object’s new
contained name.
Editing Objects
Using the Object Editor, you define attributes specific to an
The Object Editor shows object extension pages that are
common to all objects and may also show you pages that are
unique to the object. See
Enhancing Objects on page 103 for
more information about the Scripts, UDAs, and Extensions
pages. Click the tab of each page to open that page.
When you open the Object Editor in non-ReadOnly mode, the
object is checked out. No one else can edit an object while you
are working with it. If someone else is already working on it,
you can open it to view but you cannot make changes.
When editing an object, you may see attribute text boxes
showing a --- (dashdashdash). The --- is a placeholder
reference that does not cause the associated object to be
placed in a warning configuration status when it is validated.
You may also see attribute text boxes showing a ---.---
(dashdashdash dot dashdashdash). You need to provide a
valid reference in the text box. The ---.--- placeholder causes
the associated object to be placed in a warning configuration
status when the associated object is validated.
64 Chapter 3 Working with Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
When you are finished editing an object and save it, the
configuration data for the object is validated. If errors or
warnings are identified during validation, a message
appears. You can cancel the save or save the object
configuration as it is.
If you cancel, the Object Editor remains open so you can
correct the problems.
If you save the configuration as it is, the object is placed
into a bad or warning state. The object’s status is marked
in the Galaxy database as Good, Warning or Error. Error
means the object is undeployable.
To edit an object in the Object Editor
Select the object.
2 On the Galaxy menu, click Open. A red check mark
appears next to the object’s icon indicating it is checked
out and the Object Editor opens.
3 Make your changes. For more information about locking
attributes, see About the UDAs Page on page 75. For
more information about setting security, see Setting
Object Security on page 70.
4 When you finish configuring the object, click Save or Close
on the
Galaxy menu.
Save keeps the editor open and saves all configuration
changes to the Galaxy database.
Close closes the editor.
To keep the object checked out, select the Keep
Checked Out
check box before closing.
Editing Objects65
Application Server User’s Guide
Getting Help
Tooltips are available in the Object Editor. Point to any
editor option and a tooltip appears, showing the attribute
name. This name is used when referring to the attribute in
scripts, for example.
Each object also includes documentation about usage,
configuration, run-time behavior, and attributes. For help
with configuring the object, click the question mark on the
toolbar to open the help for that object.
Help File Structure
The header part of the Help file contains the following
The rest of the help file shows general information about the
Tag name The object’s name.
Contained Name The object’s contained name. For
more information, see
Contained Templates on page 52.
Description A short summary of what the object is
Code Base The code version of the object.
Derived From The immediate parent template for
the object.
Object Version The configuration version of the
Process Order The run-time execution order within
the host engine's scan (none, before,
after) relative to the
Relative Object
Relative Object The object that runs before or after in
Process Order.
66 Chapter 3 Working with Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
About the General Editor Layout
When you open the attributes for an instance or a template,
you see the Object Editor. The Object Editor is where you
configure the object's attributes and add scripts or associated
graphics to the object. The Object Editor has several pages
related to the type of object you select. If you are working
with an instance, you see different pages than if you are
working with a template. For example, the screen below
shows you an analog device template.
When you open the Object Editor, the object is automatically
checked out so no other user can work on it. When you close
the Object Editor, the object is checked in to the Galaxy
database, if it was automatically checked out when the editor
was opened.
To keep the object checked out, click Keep Checked Out
before closing.
To save configuration changes you made, close the editor,
and check the object back in, click the
Close icon.
After the object is checked in, other users can edit it.
Editing Objects67
Application Server User’s Guide
Locking and Unlocking Template Attributes
When you create derived templates, you can lock or unlock
some or all of the attributes. Locking an attribute prevents
the attribute from being changed in derived templates or
instances. You can only lock attributes in templates.
Locking an attribute in a template specifies that its value or
setting is inherited by all derived objects, both templates and
instances. Locking an attribute also makes the attribute act
as a constant during run time.
You can reference the attributes:
Attributes that are locked in a parent template are
referred to as “locked in parent.” This parent can be at
any parent level above the selected object.
Attributes that are locked in a template are referred to as
“locked in me.”
If an attribute is locked in the template, you can change the
value in that template, but not in the derived children. If you
change the value in the parent template, the change
propagates to all child objects.
Lock controls and status are shown with an icon. If the option
is enabled, click the lock control to switch it between locked
and unlocked. These icons mean:
Icon Name Description
(in me)
The associated attribute is locked
(in me) and enabled. Only
templates can have this kind of
lock. The attribute value is
Derived templates and instances
do not have a unique copy of this
attribute. Child objects share the
locked attribute of the parent.
Changing the value of a locked
attribute in the parent template
updates the value of that attribute
in all derived templates and
68 Chapter 3 Working with Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
Note Locking a UDA during configuration makes its value a
constant. You cannot write to locked UDAs during run time.
(in parent)
The associated attribute is locked
in the parent object and cannot be
unlocked or modified by the child
object. Both templates and
instances can have these. The
attribute is read-only.
The templates and objects do not
have a unique copy of this
attribute, but instead use the
attribute value in the parent where
the attribute is locked.
Unlocked The associated attribute is
unlocked and enabled. Both
templates and instances can have
this kind of lock. The attribute is
The object has its own copy of the
attribute value and the value is not
shared by derived objects.
Refers to a specified group of
options. An indeterminate state
indicates different lock states for
individual options in the group.
Undefined The associated attribute doesn't
exist. This indicates that another
attribute be enabled before the
associated attribute is created and
before its lock status can be
Icon Name Description
Editing Objects69
Application Server User’s Guide
To lock an attribute example
Create a derived template from the $Discrete Device base
template. Name the derived template
2 Edit the $Valve template and set an attribute value.
Lock the attribute by clicking the Lock icon for the
3 Save $Valve.
4 Create a derived template from $Valve. Name it
5 Create an instance from $Valve named Valve1.
In the editor of
$Valve, the attribute lock icon shows the
attribute is locked in
You cannot change the attribute value in
$BigValve and
Valve1. The editor options for the attribute are disabled
and the lock icon, if shown, indicates a lock in the parent.
Also, the attribute lock icon in children derived from
$Valve is now locked and disabled.
If you change the attribute value in
$Valve, the change
propagates to
$BigValve and Valve1 after you save the
To unlock an attribute example
Using the objects from the previous example, in the
$Valve template’s editor, unlock the locked attribute.
2 Save $Valve.
In the editor for
$Valve, the attribute lock icon shows it
is unlocked.
The lock type for this attribute of
$BigValve now
indicates locked in
me. The lock type for this attribute of
Valve1 instance shows unlocked but the locking icon
is unavailable.
70 Chapter 3 Working with Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
Setting Object Security
Operators interact with objects through the individual
attributes of those objects. Each attribute on the Object
Editor that can be modified by operator's at run time and can
have an associated security control, which is used to modify
its run-time security classification.
If an attribute's security classification is configurable, click
the security control to select one of seven possible states:
Security Icon Description
Lets you change this value without
restriction even if you have no defined
permissions on the object. Anyone can
write to these attributes to perform
safety or time critical tasks that can be
hampered by an untimely logon request.
For example, halting a failing process.
Lets you work with Operate permissions
to do certain normal day-to-day tasks.
These include writing to attributes like
Setpoint or Command for a Discrete
Device object. This level of security
requires you to have Operate permission
for the security group for the object.
Requires you to authenticate using your
user name and password each time you
want to write to the attribute. You also
need to have Operate permissions for the
Requires you to have Operate
permissions to log on again and a second,
different user to also log on before writing
to the attribute. You also need to have
Operate permissions for the object.
Allows end users with Tune Operational
permissions to tune the attribute in the
run-time environment. Examples of
tuning are attributes that adjust alarm
setpoints and PID sensitivity.
Editing Objects71
Application Server User’s Guide
If an attribute’s security is shown in gray, its security
classification is locked in its parent object and cannot be
changed or it requires the enabling of a group attribute.
Group Locking/Security
The lock and security controls associated with option groups
quickly set those conditions for all options in the group.
The group control typically reflects the setting for all options
in the group. But, if at least one option in the group has a
lock or security control that is different from the other
options, the group control shows an indeterminate icon.
In addition to the undefined controls, the group controls for
locking and security are the same as those for individual
Allows end users with Configure
Operational permissions to configure the
attribute’s value. Requires that the user
first put the object off scan. Writing to
these attributes is considered a
significant configuration change. For
example, a PLC register that defines a
Discrete Device input.
Only allows users to read this attribute’s
value in the run-time environment. This
attribute is never written to at run time,
regardless of the user's permissions.
Security Icon Description
72 Chapter 3 Working with Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
About the Object Information Page
The Object Information page is common to all object
configuration editors.
This page includes the following fields:
Description: A short summary of the object’s purpose.
Hierarchical Name: The fully qualified name of a
contained object, including the container object’s
Container: The name of the other object that contains this
object, if applicable.
Code Base: The code version of the object.
Derived From: The immediate parent template of the
object, either a base or derived template.
Host: Another object to which the object is assigned (for
example, a WinPlatform hosts an AppEngine). An object's
host determines where an object will run when it is
Area: An object that represents a logical grouping to
which this object belongs. An object's area mostly affects
the way in which its alarms are reported to alarm clients.
Editing Objects73
Application Server User’s Guide
Security Group: The security group the object is associated
with. For more information, see Working with Security
on page 231.
Execution Order: If you want this object to run before or
after another object within its engine's scan, select from
Process order list. Click the Browse button to specify
Relative object in the Attribute Browser. For more
information about the Attribute Browser, see Referencing
Objects Using the Galaxy Browser on page 79.
Add Object Help: Opens a copy of the HTML help page for
the template this object is derived from. You can edit this
information. This allows you to create Help about the
object you are currently configuring for downstream
users. This Help appears when you select an object in a
view and then click
Object Help on the Help menu.
Customizing Help
Do not use Microsoft Word as an editor to create downstream
object HTML help pages. Use an HTML editor like Microsoft
If clicking Add Object Help opens Word on your computer,
change the program associated with editing HTM files. Open
the Windows Explorer's
Folder Options dialog box and go to
the File Types page to make this change. For more
information about associating programs with files, see your
Windows help.
Finding the Help Folders
The path to each object’s Help folder is unique. It depends on
the path you selected when you installed the Galaxy
Repository. The path to an object’s Help is:
\<Installation Path>\Framework\FileRepository\
The default is:
<Installation Path> is \<Program Files\ArchestrA\.
To add images to the Help file, place the images in the proper
folder on the Galaxy Repository computer and use a relative
path to those images in the HTML file.
For the example above, place images in the \1033 folder or
create an images folder under it.
74 Chapter 3 Working with Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
About the Scripts Page
The Scripts page has five areas. To learn more about using
scripts, see Writing and Editing Scripts on page 106.
The main areas of the Scripts page include:
Scripts list: Shows all scripts currently associated with
the object. The columns indicate which kind of trigger the
script uses: Startup, On Scan, Execute, Off Scan and
Shutdown. Click the
Add button to add a new script.
Inherited scripts name list: Shows all scripts associated
with the object’s parent. The columns indicate which kind
of trigger the script uses: Startup, On Scan, Execute, Off
Scan and Shutdown.
Aliases area: Lets you create and modify aliases that
apply to the script you are working on. Aliases are
logically descriptive names for typically long ArchestrA
reference strings that you can use in the script to make
the script more readable.
Declarations area: Provides a place to add variable
declaration statements, such as
DIM MyArray[1] as
. These declared variables live from the start to
the shutdown of the object and can be used to hold values
that persist from one execution of the script to the next.
They apply only to the script in which they are declared.
Editing Objects75
Application Server User’s Guide
Basics area: Provides a location in which you set the
expression, triggering conditions, and other settings that
run the script in the run-time environment. See Writing
and Editing Scripts on page 106 for descriptions of
triggers and when they are executed. This area includes:
Configure Execution Order: Sets the execution order of
multiple scripts (inherited and local) associated with this
Historize Script State: Select to send the state of the script
to the Wonderware historian.
Script Creation box: Shows the script you are writing.
About the UDAs Page
The UDAs page has four areas. To learn more about creating
UDAs, see
Creating and Working with UDAs on page 103.
The main areas of the UDAs page include:
UDAs list: Lists all UDAs currently associated with the
object. Click the Add button to add a new UDA.
Inherited UDAs list: Lists all UDAs associated with the
object’s parent. The object automatically includes these
UDAs. They can only be edited by modifying the parent
76 Chapter 3 Working with Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
Data type list: Shows the data type options for configuring
the selected UDA.
Select from the data types Boolean, Integer, Float, Double,
String, Time, ElapsedTime
or InternationalizedString. For
more information about each data type and category, see
the help file.
Category list: Shows the category options for configuring
the selected UDA.
Allowed categories are:
Calculated: Permits only scripts within the same object to
write to the attribute. Calculated attributes are not saved
across restarts.
Calculated retentive: Permits only scripts within the
same object to write to the attribute. Calculated retentive
attributes are saved across restarts.
Object writable: Permits other objects to write to this
attribute in addition to being set by scripts within this
object. Object Writeable attributes are saved across
restarts, and they are Writeable_S. This category is not
user writeable.
User writeable: Permits other users to write to this
attribute in addition to being set by scripts and objects
throughout the system. User writeable attributes are
saved across restarts, and they are
Writeable_USC_Lockable and they can be locked at
configuration time. This category is not user writeable.
Note You can lock writable attributes. If you select Calculated
for an attribute, only scripts running on the same object can write
to the attribute.
Select This is an array and specify the array's length in the
Number of elements box. You can create an array for each
data type except
Value parameter specifies the initial setting for the
attribute when the object is deployed. Enter value data
for each data type. In the case of a non-arrayed
select the
True/ False check box to use a True value. Clear
the check box to use a False value. For an arrayed
Boolean, select the desired element and provide a default
value by typing either
true or false.
Editing Objects77
Application Server User’s Guide
About the Extensions Page
The Extensions page consists of seven areas. To learn more
about creating extensions, see Creating and Working with
Extensions on page 114.
The areas include:
Extendable Attributes list: Lists all attributes currently
associated with the object that can be extended. The list
can include those added through the UDA tab. Select the
Show Extension Attributes check box to include attributes
added on the UDAs page.
InputOutput extension group: Configure an attribute so
that its value is both read from an external-reference
source and written to an external-reference destination.
The source and destination might not be the same. The
extension reads the
Source attribute’s value and quality
and updates the extended attribute’s value and quality
every scan. Changes read from the source are not written
back to the
Destination attribute.
Input extension group: Configure the attribute to be
readable for an external object. The extended attribute
gets the update value of the Source attribute.
If you have a large I/O count, use InputOutput Extension
instead of using Input Extension and Output Extension
separately. Boolean attributes/UDAs that are extended
as an InputOutput can handle momentary changes such
as false-true-false transitions within a scan.
78 Chapter 3 Working with Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
Output extension group: Configure an attribute to be
writeable to an external object. When the value or quality
(from Bad or Initializing to Good or Uncertain) of the
extended attribute is modified, the value of the
Destination attribute is updated. The behavior of Boolean
attributes/UDAs that are an extended as InputOutput
can handle momentary changes such as false-true-false
transitions within a scan.
Alarm extension group: An alarm is triggered depending
on the state defined in the
Active alarm state.
When the alarm name contains more than 294 characters
(<object name>, <attribute name>), InTouch will not
raise an alarm even though the pv.limit and description
are minimum length. For more information, see Working
with References on page 213.
In the
Alarm message box, you can browse and select an
existing attribute or you can type a text string as an
alarm message. This text string can be seen in the
InTouch HMI.
If you specify custom labels for the
False and True
Boolean states in the Boolean label extension area, these
custom strings appear in the
Alarm active state list. These
strings can also can be used in the InTouch HMI.
Select the
Category for this alarm. Specify a Priority for
this alarm. Valid values are 0 to 999.
History extension group: Historize the value of an
attribute that does not already have history capabilities.
These values are stored in the Wonderware historian.
Boolean label extension: Specify custom text strings for
the False state and the True state. These custom text
strings appear in the
Active alarm state list in the Alarm
area for you to select. If you are using the
InTouch HMI, you can see these custom text strings in
Editing Objects79
Application Server User’s Guide
Referencing Objects Using the Galaxy Browser
Use the Galaxy Browser to browse for:
Attributes of objects. You can quickly find an object
attribute or attribute property and add a reference to it
when you are configuring an object.
ArchestrA graphics.
Graphic element properties.
The Galaxy Browser shows attributes, graphics, or attributes
and elements, depending on what you are doing at the time
you access the browser.
Browsing for Attributes
You use the Galaxy Browser to browse for:
Attributes of objects, either instances or own relative
Attributes of templates.
You can open the Galaxy Browser to browse for attributes
Within an AutomationObject Editor. For example, from a
script, from an attribute of type MxReference, or from a
custom alarm message attribute field).
Within an ArchestrA Graphic Editor. For example, to use
in scripts, animation links and references, properties and
custom properties.
Within InTouch WindowMaker. For example, to use in a
reference expression from an animation link or a script.
The Galaxy Browser shows objects in the left pane and the
attributes associated with the current selection on the right
pane. Only attributes that can be referenced at run time are
shown. You can browse "Me." references for alarm messages
When you open the Galaxy Browser, the last browsed
location for attributes is shown. The Galaxy Browser shows
the object list based on the last used state (tag name or
Hierarchical name). If the last used state of the browser was
Tagname and the selected editor reference is a Hierarchical
name, the browser opens in Tagname mode.
The status bar displays the attribute property name, and the
it displays the graphic element attribute name and
80 Chapter 3 Working with Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
To browse for attributes
In any area on a page, click the Browse button, if
available. The Galaxy Browser opens.
If you are browsing for attributes to use with an
ArchestrA symbol, such as for an animation or script, the
Galaxy Browser shows the attributes in an
2 By default, the browser shows only those attributes that
are frequently accessed. If you are viewing the attributes
of an object for the first time, the right pane can be blank.
Select the
Show all attributes check box to show all of the
object’s attributes.
3 To filter the list of tagnames, click the Filter button. For
information about configuring a filter, see Creating a
Filter for the Galaxy Browser on page 86. To switch the
content of the left pane between a
Tagname and
Hierarchical Name list of objects, click the Show Tag name
or Show Hierarchical name buttons.
Editing Objects81
Application Server User’s Guide
4 You do not have to explicitly make a selection in the
Property list. If you only select an attribute (leaving
Property set to <none>), the property of the attribute
defaults to Value.
If the option in the Object Editor is already configured
with an object reference, the
Attribute Browser shows it or
expands to the nearest matching
object/attribute/property currently configured in the
If you selected text in the script editor, that text is used
as the initial reference string and the browser finds the
nearest attribute reference to the selected text.
5 When you are done selecting the attribute/property, click
OK to place the reference into the Object Editor and close
Galaxy Browser.
The fully-qualified reference string appears in the
editor option.
If you are working in the script editor, the selected
reference appears in the script at the current cursor
position and replaces text that was selected.
Viewing Attribute Details in the Galaxy Browser
When you view attributes in the Galaxy Browser, you see two
areas. The objects shown in the left area include all of the
logged in user’s checked-out objects plus the checked-in
versions of all other objects.
Important The Galaxy Browser shows only the Primary AppEngine
and its attributes of a redundant pair. Any Backup AppEngine is
not shown. For information about using redundancy, see About
Redundancy on page 304.
The right area shows the attributes of the object selected in
the left pane. Depending on the attribute selected, you can
see these properties:
<none> Automatically defaults to the Value
property of the selected attribute.
Category Determines when and where the
attribute’s data exists (for example,
configuration or run time), which
users can write to it, and whether
the attribute is lockable or
(only for arrays)
Returns the dimension of the
attribute if it is an array.
82 Chapter 3 Working with Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
Locked Determines whether the attribute
is currently locked. Valid values
Quality The quality of the attribute as
defined in the OPC Draft 3.0
quality definition. ArchestrA stores
and transports OPC quality as a
16-bit value. OPC quality is stored
for an attribute as a current
quality, and it can be historized
and sent to clients.
SecurityClassification Determines which permissions a
user has with respect to the
attribute when using an ArchestrA
application in the run-time
environment. Relevant only for
attributes that can be written to by
users in the run-time environment.
If an attribute has no security, this
column is blank. For more on
security classifications, see
Working with Security on page 231.
Editing Objects83
Application Server User’s Guide
Important Bit field specifiers are not allowed for integer arrays.
Although bit field access is only supported in integers, they
appear to be allowed for data types besides integer because they
do not cause a warning during configuration. They cause errors in
the run-time environment.
Data Type The data type of the attribute:
Internationalized String
For information about each of
these, see the help for the object.
Value The primary value of the attribute.
Sometimes, a list of numbers is
included in the Property list. Those
numbers map to single bits in an
integer attribute’s Value property.
Valid bit field specifiers are:
.00 (least significant bit)
.01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08
.09 .10 .11 .12 .13 .14 .15 .16
.17 .18 .19 .20 .21 .22 .23 .24
.25 .26 .27 .28 .29 .30
.31 (most significant bit)
84 Chapter 3 Working with Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
Browsing for Graphics
You use the Galaxy Browser to browse for graphics from:
The ArchestrA Symbol Editor, when editing a graphic
from the Galaxy, being either a graphic from an object
(Template or Instance) or a graphic from the Graphic
InTouch WindowMaker when editing a managed InTouch
application hosted by the Galaxy.
The graphic currently being edited (or browsed from) does
not appear in the list of graphics.
Within the same user session, the Galaxy Browser
remembers the last browsed location for graphics and
presents it whenever called as the starting location so that
context is kept. Initial default location for graphic browsing
is the Graphic Toolbox with the root selected (Galaxy node).
You can use the Galaxy Browser to browse graphics from:
The Graphic Toolbox. The browser shows the Graphics
Toolbox toolset organization on the tree in the left pane
and a list of the graphics contained in the currently
selected node (Galaxy node or toolset node) in the right
AutomationObject templates. The browser shows the
Template Toolbox in the left pane and the right pane
shows the graphics associated with the currently selected
template in the right pane.
AutomationObject instances. The browser shows a flat
list of existing instances of objects in the left pane. The
right pane shows the graphics associated with the
currently selected instance. You create or apply filters to
reduce the scope of the instances shown in the left pane.
Relative references. This is possible only when you edit a
graphic belonging to an object and browse for graphics
from that specific object.
Editing Objects85
Application Server User’s Guide
To browse for graphics from the Symbol Editor
Click the Embed Graphic button in the Symbol Editor. The
Galaxy Browser opens, showing the location of the
graphics on the left pane and the graphics associated
with the current selection on the right pane.
2 Select a graphic from the list and then click OK.
3 Click in the canvas to place the graphic.
Browsing for Element Properties
If you are working on a graphic, you can create references to
properties of other graphics. For example, you can reference
another graphic’s properties from an animation link or script.
You can browse the properties of all elements on the canvas
or custom properties.
To browse for element properties
In any area on a page, click the Browse button, if
available. The Galaxy Browser opens.
2 Click the Element Browser tab.
86 Chapter 3 Working with Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
3 By default, the browser shows only those properties that
are frequently accessed. If you are viewing the properties
of an element for the first time, the right pane can be
blank. Select the
Show all properties check box to show all
of the object’s attributes.
4 Select the property and then click OK.
The fully-qualified reference string appears in the
If you are working in the script editor, the selected
reference appears in the script at the current cursor
position and replaces text that was selected.
For more information, see the Creating and Using ArchestrA
Graphics User’s Guide.
Creating a Filter for the Galaxy Browser
You can create one or more filters that limit the list based on
the object name or common attributes. You can also configure
the columns you want to show for the list.
The Default filter provides an unfiltered list of objects and
attributes. It cannot be edited.
To create a filter
Click the Filter icon. The Edit Filter dialog box appears.
2 Click the Plus button and type a name for your new filter.
3 Click the Filter tab.
Editing Objects87
Application Server User’s Guide
4 Configure the filter details.
5 Click the Display tab.
6 Configure the columns to show in the right pane of the
Galaxy Browser. Use the up and down arrows to set the
order for the columns.
7 Click OK. The new filter appears in the Filter list.
88 Chapter 3 Working with Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
Changing How Information is Shown in the
Galaxy Browser
You can change how information shown in right pane of the
Galaxy Browser. You can view:
A list of only the attribute or graphic names.
A list of details for attributes or graphics.
Named graphic icons.
Thumbnails for graphics.
The following figure shows graphic thumbnails.
Application Server User’s Guide
Chapter 4
Managing Objects
After you create several objects, like templates, you need to
manage them. For example, you need to check objects in and
out, you need to validate objects, and you may need to
rename objects. You can also export and import objects,
allowing you to reuse objects created in one Galaxy in
another Galaxy.
Checking Objects Out
To make changes to an object, you must check out the object.
Then, you can modify the object and save private versions of
it before checking the object in for other users to use. You can
select more than one object for checking out at the same time.
The Galaxy marks the objects as checked out to you and it
updates the object’s
Change Log that you can view in the
Properties dialog box. A check mark is shown next to an
object’s icon in the IDE. No one else can check out the object
until you check it back in or until you perform an Undo
Checkout operation. However, others can open the object for
read-only viewing.
To check objects out
In the Template Toolbox or Application views, select the
objects you want to work with.
2 On the Object menu, click Check Out. Or, open the Object
Editor. An object is automatically checked out to you
when you open its editor.
The Object Editor opens. You are ready to make your
90 Chapter 4 Managing Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
Checking In Objects
After you finish making your changes, you check the object
back into the Galaxy. When you check the object back in, a
dialog box prompts you to enter comments about changes you
You can turn this dialog box off if you do not want to enter
information about your changes. For more information, see
Customizing Your Workspace on page 31.
Note If the object was automatically checked out when the
editor was started and you close the editor without making any
changes to the object’s configuration, an undo-checkout is
automatically performed.
To check in an object to the Galaxy database
In an Application view or the Template Toolbo x , select the
object after you are finished making your changes.
2 On the Object menu, click Check In. The Check In dialog
box appears.
3 Type any comments you want and click OK.
Validating Objects91
Application Server User’s Guide
Validating Objects
Objects need to be validated before they can be deployed. An
object validates it’s configuration either when you are
configuring it, typically when you save that configuration to
the Galaxy database.
Validating an object’s configuration includes:
Checking allowable attribute value ranges.
Compiling its scripts.
Verifying its attribute references.
Validating its extensions.
Validating other configuration parameters that are
unique to the object.
Important Script validation on a template does not resolve
references used in the script. For example, references to
non-existing UDAs are not discovered.
Typically, each option on the Object Editor that requires a
string or numeric input has an allowable range of inputs. If
you type an input outside the allowable range and then try to
change the Object Editor page, close the Object Editor or save
the object’s configuration, a message appears about the input
error, showing the allowable range.
To open the Validation area
On the View menu, click Operations. The Validation area
92 Chapter 4 Managing Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
Validating Scripts and Other External
Some objects depend on external components to run, such as
script function libraries and references to other objects’
attributes. The status of these external components can
change, perhaps disabling some capability of the object.
For example, an object refers to a value of an attribute of
another object, which is subsequently deleted. This will
result in the remaining object going to a Warning status.
Normally, the system will update the validation status of an
object when the missing script function or object/attribute is
later added to the system. But there are a few cases where
the status of an object needs to be manually validated by the
For example:
When importing scripts and script libraries, there are
cases when the script will import before the associated
library and validate incorrectly, and
When graphics associated with an object are imported
along with a graphic they embed, the containing graphic
may be imported first and validated incorrectly.
In each of these situations, the object may incorrectly have a
status of either Bad or Warning. In this case, you may want
to manually validate the object to update its status,
especially if the status is preventing the object from being
deployed. For more information, see
Validating Manually on
page 93.
Two kinds of indicators are shown in the object icons:
Deployment status for instances only
Configuration status for templates and instances.
Validating Objects93
Application Server User’s Guide
Validating Manually
After you check an object in, you can verify that an object’s
configuration is valid and update its status by manually
validating it. You can use the Template Toolbox, the
Application views or the Find dialog box to find objects that
need to be validated.
To validate all objects in the Galaxy, validate the Galaxy
Note For a large Galaxy this is potentially a time consuming
operation, and should be used only when necessary.
You can select more than one object for validation.
If an object is being edited, validation may not be performed.
Also, if validation is in process on an object, other operations
you start on the object will fail.
Note You cannot cancel validation operations.
To manually validate one or more objects
In the Tem p l a t e Toolbox, the Application views or the Find
dialog box, select the objects you want to manually
2 On the Object menu, click Validate. The Operations view
in the IDE opens.
3 Continue using the IDE to perform other operations, if
needed, while validation is going on, including work on
other objects in the Galaxy. If you are validating a
Galaxy, then you must leave the Galaxy alone until the
validation process is complete.
4 When the validation process is complete, you see the
results of the validation in the Operations View. If the
validation failed on an object, you see a message. Correct
the problem and validate again.
Note You can also see the errors or warnings that led to an object
having a status that is not Good by looking at the Error/Warnings
tab within the object's Properties.
94 Chapter 4 Managing Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
Creating Instances
After you create templates, you can create instances.
Creating instances makes a specific object from a template,
with all the characteristics and attributes of the template.
After you have created an instance of an object, it can be
You can also customize an instance, if needed. For example,
you can have a valve template. When you create an instance
of that valve, you can specify the inputs and outputs for that
specific valve on your factory floor.
To create an instance
Select the template you want to use for the instance. For
example, to create a valve instance, select a valve
2 On the Galaxy menu, click New and then click Instance.
An instance is created.
3 Rename the instance. Select the instance. On the Edit
menu, click Rename. Type the new name. Instance names
can be up to 32 alphanumeric characters. You cannot use
$ as the first character. The name must include at least
one letter. Instance names cannot include spaces.
4 To move the new instance in the Deployment view or
Model view, drag the instance to the new location.
You are ready to configure the instance, if needed. For
more information, see Editing Objects on page 63.
Template Child Instances
Parent Template
Renaming Objects 95
Application Server User’s Guide
Renaming Objects
You can rename an object. Although you can change an
object’s containment relationship with another object, you
cannot directly rename an object’s hierarchical name. You
can rename its tagname and contained name and its
hierarchical name changes automatically. See
Contained Objects on page 62 for more information about
renaming contained objects.
Object names must be unique within each namespace, not
within the Galaxy.
Template names can be up to 32 alphanumeric
characters, including the required $ as the first
character. The second character cannot be $ and the
name must include at least one letter. You cannot use
spaces in an object name.
Instances names can be up to 32 alphanumeric
characters. You cannot use $ as the first character. The
name must include at least one letter. You cannot use
Note You cannot use the following reserved names for objects:
Me, MyContainer, MyArea, MyHost, MyPlatform, MyEngine and
An object can have three kinds of names, depending if it is
contained by another object. The three names include:
Name Description
Tagname The unique name of the individual object.
For example,
The name of the object within the context of
its container object. For example, the object
whose Tagname is Valve1 may also be
referred to as
Tank1.Outlet, if Tank1
contains it and it has the contained name
96 Chapter 4 Managing Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
When you rename an object, references from other objects to
the object being renamed can be broken. Objects deployed
with broken references receive bad quality data during run
Note Some objects may refer to themselves or to parent/host
objects up in the parent/child hierarchy. References that go up or
down the hierarchy to refer to other objects are called relative
references. Objects with relative referencing are updated
automatically if you rename them.
After renaming, all IDEs connected to the Galaxy show the
new object name.
To rename an object’s tagname
Select the object you want to rename.
2 On the Edit menu, click Rename.
3 Type the new name for the object.
4 When you are done, press Enter.
Hierarchical names that are fully-qualified
names of a contained object include the
name of the objects that contain it.
Because the object that contains it may also
be contained, there are potentially multiple
hierarchical names that refer to the same
For example, if:
"Reactor1" contains Tank1 (also known
within Reactor1 by its contained name
"Tank1" contains Valve1 (also known
within Tank1 by its contained name
Valve1 could be referred to as:
Name Description
Deleting Objects97
Application Server User’s Guide
Deleting Objects
You can delete both templates and instances with the
following exceptions. You cannot delete:
Deployed instances
Containers for other objects
Objects checked out by other users
Templates that have children (derived templates or
Note Make sure you correctly select the objects you want to
delete. After you delete an object, you cannot undelete it. You
must recreate it.
To delete an object from the Galaxy
In the Template Toolbox or Application views area, select
the object to delete. Select multiple objects by using
Shift+click or Ctrl+click.
2 On the Edit menu, click Delete. When the message
appears, confirm you want the object deleted and click
Exporting Objects
You can export some or all of your Galaxy objects. When you
export, you are exporting the objects’ associated templates,
configuration state, and containment state of those objects.
The information is saved in an .aaPKG file.
After the Galaxy objects are exported, you can import into
the same or another Galaxy.
If your objects have scripts associated with them, you need to
export the script library separately. For more information
about exporting script libraries, see
Exporting Script
Function Libraries on page 98. For more information about
scripts and script libraries, see the Application Server
Scripting Guide.
Before you start, make sure all objects you want to export are
checked in. If an object selected for export is checked out, the
checked in version of that object is exported instead. This can
lead to old versions of objects being exported.
Exporting an entire Galaxy is different than backing up the
database. Unlike with backups, change logs for the objects
are not exported. When you export objects, only the related
security information for the specific object is exported.
98 Chapter 4 Managing Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
To export an object
In the Templ a t e Toolbox or Application Views, select one or
more objects to export.
2 On the Galaxy menu, click Export and then click
Automation Object(s). The Export Automation Object(s)
dialog box appears.
To export all of the objects in the Galaxy, on the
menu, click
Export and then click All AutomationObjects.
3 In the Export dialog box, browse to a path and type a
name for the exported file.
4 Click Save. The file is saved with the specified name and
a .aaPKG extension.
5 When the export is complete, click Close. Now you can
import the .aaPKG file into another existing Galaxy.
Exporting Script Function Libraries
If you want to export objects that use scripts, the scripts are
exported with the object.
Some scripts include functions that depend on external files
called script function libraries. In this case, you must export
the script function libraries separately.
To export a script function library
On the Galaxy menu, click Export and click Script Function
. The Export Script Function Library dialog box
2 In the Script Function Library list, select the library or
libraries you want to export. If needed, browse to folder
where you keep your script libraries.
Importing Objects99
Application Server User’s Guide
3 Click OK. The selected script library is exported. Each
script is named with the name of the script and a .aaSLIB
filen name extension.
4 When the export is complete, click Close. Now you can
import the .aaSLIB file into another existing Galaxy.
Importing Objects
You can reuse objects from another Galaxy in your Galaxy.
This saves you a lot of time if the objects are already set up in
another Galaxy.
Importing instances previously exported from a Galaxy
retains previous associations, when possible, such as
assignment, containment, derivation, and area.
You can import objects from exported .aaPKG files or from an
.aaPDF file. An .aaPDF file contains the configuration data
and implementation code for one or more base templates. It’s
created by a developer using the ArchestrA Object Toolkit.
You cannot have two objects with the same name or more
than one copy of the same version of an object in the same
Galaxy. When you import an object, you can choose how you
want naming and version conflicts handled.
You should perform an “Upload Runtime Changes” before
importing a new version base template if instances of the
template are deployed. This saves changes made at Runtime
to the Galaxy database. For more information, see
Run-time Configuration on page 145
To im p o r t o b j e c t s
On the Galaxy menu, click Import and click Automation
. The Import AutomationObject(s) dialog box
100 Chapter 4 Managing Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
2 Browse for the file with either a .aaPKG or a .aaPDF
extension. You can select more than one file. Click Open.
Import Preferences dialog box appears.
3 In the Objects with same Tagname and Codebase as an
existing object
area, select one of the following:
Skip: Do not import leaves the existing object
Overwrite existing objects if the imported
configuration version is higher
(default) replaces the
existing object with the object being imported if the
imported object has a newer configuration.
Always overwrite even if imported configuration
version is same or lower replaces the existing object
regardless of whether the existing object has an older
configuration or the same configuration.
In the Base Templates with newer or older Codebases (or
minor version updates)
area, select one of the following:
Don’t migrate older objects or import minor updates.
Skip objects requiring migration
does not migrate
objects with an older codebase when a newer codebase
exists in the Galaxy.
Migrate objects that support/require migration. Import
minor version updates
migrates an older codebase
when the replacement object is available.
For more information about migrating, see After You
Import on page 101.
5 In the Objects with same Tagname but with a different
area, select one of the following:
Skip: Do not import leaves the existing object
Importing Objects101
Application Server User’s Guide
Rename object in Galaxy imports an object with a
matching tagname but a different codebase from the
existing one. The existing object is not overwritten
but is renamed.
Rename importing object imports an object with a
matching tagname but a different codebase from the
existing one. The existing object is not overwritten.
The imported object is renamed.
6 Click OK. The import process starts.
7 When the import process is complete, you can start using
the objects you imported.
Importing Script Function Libraries
You can enhance an object’s functionality by attaching a
script to it. Some scripts include functions that depend on
external files called script function libraries. Scripts are
included in the object import operation, but you must import
the script function libraries separately.
If you import an object whose script references a script
function library that is not resident in the Galaxy, the
imported object is set to Bad state and cannot be deployed. To
correct this, import the script function library and validate
the object. For more information about scripts, see the
Application Server Scripting Guide. For more information
about validating scripts, see
Validating Objects on page 91.
Script function libraries that are COM libraries developed
using Visual Studio 6 or earlier are not automatically
deployed. To place this COM library on the target platform,
you can either:
Install it directly on the target platform and register it.
Import it to the Galaxy, and then export it as an aaSLIB.
Modify the aaSLIB xml to designate that the library is to
be registered as a COM object. Reimport the aaSLIB so
that it is automatically deployed and registered.
After You Import
Imported templates are listed in the proper toolset in the
Template Toolset as defined in the object. Imported instances
are shown in the Application views. The following
post-import rules apply:
If a toolset does not exist, it is created.
If the object belongs to a security group that does not
exist, it is associated with the Default security group.
102 Chapter 4 Managing Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
If the object belongs to an area that does not exist, it is
associated with the Unassigned Area.
If the host to which the object is assigned does not exist,
it is assigned to the Unassigned Host.
If you selected from the Import Preferences dialog box,
the migrated objects are marked with “software upgrade
required” if they are deployed. These objects will be
upgraded when the objects are redeployed.
Note If you import a new version of an existing instance, the new
version is marked as requiring deployment if the existing object is
already deployed.
Application Server User’s Guide
Chapter 5
Enhancing Objects
After you create an object, you can enhance and extend the
object by using User Defined Attributes (UDAs), scripts, and
graphics extensions.
Creating and Working with UDAs
You can add UDAs to a template or an instance. When you
add a UDA to a template, the UDA, its data type, and
category are automatically locked in the child instances. For
an overview of the UDAs page, see
About the UDAs Page on
page 75.
104 Chapter 5 Enhancing Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
If UDA parameters such as initial values and security
classifications are locked in the template, they cannot be
changed in child instances. If these parameters are unlocked
in the template, the initial value and security are editable
and lockable in derived templates. When unlocked in either
the base or derived template, the value is editable in
After you add an attribute to an instance, it appears in the
Attribute Browser list for use with the scripting and attribute
extension functions. For more information about using the
Attribute Browser, see Referencing Objects Using the Galaxy
Browser on page 79.
In the UDAs page, you can:
Add a new attribute to an object.
Configure its data type.
Specify the attribute category.
Set initial values and locks on the new attribute.
Set whether the new attribute is an array and how many
elements are in the array.
UDAs and Scripting
When using UDAs in scripting, keep the following list in
If you use Calculated and Calculated retentive UDAs as
counters, they must be manually initialized. For
example, if you use
me.UDA=me.UDA+1 as a counter in a
script, you must also initialize the UDA with something
me.UDA=1 or me.UDA=<some attribute value>.
Calculated UDAs can be initialized in scripts with
Execution type triggers of On Scan and Execute, but not
initialized in Startup scripts.
You must initialize Calculated retentive UDAs in Startup
scripts and you can initialize these UDAs in On Scan and
Execute scripts. A
Calculated retentive UDA retains the
attribute’s current value after a computer restart,
redundancy-related failover, or similar situation in which
valid checkpoint data is present. Your Startup script
should contain a statement testing the Boolean value of
the StartingFromCheckpoint attribute on the object’s
AppEngine. If the value is TRUE, do not initialize the
UDA. If the value is FALSE, initialize the UDA. For more
information about
StartingFromCheckpoint, see the
help for the AppEngine object.
Creating and Working with UDAs105
Application Server User’s Guide
UDA Naming Conventions
UDA names can have up to 32 alphanumeric characters,
including periods. UDA names must include at least one
A UDA name that starts with an underscore (_) as the first
character of the name is a hidden attribute. Hidden
attributes do not appear in the Attribute Browser, the
Properties>Attributes dialog box, or the Object Viewer unless
you select to view Include Hidden.
Important After creating a UDA, it is available, like all attributes,
when extending the object further on the Extensions page. If you
extend a user defined attribute and then delete or rename the
user defined attribute, all object extensions added to the object
on the Extensions page are lost.
To create and associate a UDA with an object
On the UDAs page of the Object Editor, click the Add
button. A UDA is added to the UDAs list.
2 Type the new UDA name.
3 In the Data type list, select the Data type for the new
attribute. The available options in the Data type list
change depending on your selection in the
Data type list.
4 Set the remaining parameters as needed.
Note For detailed information about each item on the UDAs
page, see About the UDAs Page on page 75.
Lock the values, if needed. The lock is available only
when you are working with a template. If you are
working with an instance, it shows the lock status for the
value in the parent object.
6 Set any security you need. For more information about
setting security, see Setting Object Security on page 70.
7 Save and close the Object Editor when you are done.
106 Chapter 5 Enhancing Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
Writing and Editing Scripts
You can write scripts to extend and customize your objects.
You can write scripts that run commands and logical
operations based on specified criteria being met. For
example, a script starts when a key is pressed, a window is
opened, or the value of an attribute changes.
Using scripts, you can create a variety of customized and
automated system functions. A script adds behavior that
runs when the object that contains the script is deployed and
the object is either:
On scan in the run-time environment or
Changes scan or start/shutdown state
A script typically runs based on attributes of the object that
contains it, but can be started by another script based on
changing values of attributes of more than one object.
When a script condition is true, the script runs at least once
immediately. The maximum length of a script trigger period
is 49-days. A script never runs if the trigger period exceeds
For specific information about writing scripts, including the
scripting language, syntax, commands, and using .NET, see
the Wonderware® Application Server Scripting Guide.
For more information about the scripts page, see About the
Scripts Page on page 74.
Important You cannot pass UDAs as parameters for system
objects. Instead, use a local variable as an intermediary or
explicitly convert the UDA to a string using an appropriate
function call when calling the system object.
Writing and Editing Scripts107
Application Server User’s Guide
About Scripts
The following characteristics apply to the scripting
Script text has no length limitations.
Selecting a script function from the Script Function
dialog box adds it and its syntax to the script text
where you can edit it.
You can save a script with syntax errors, but the object
cannot be deployed until you correct the script syntax
You can validate your scripts before using them. This
helps you avoid syntactically correct but semantically
incorrect combinations such as two statements declaring
the same variable. Variables can be declared only one
time in a single block.
You can change the name of a script at any time by
renaming it in the Object Editor.
In the run-time environment, a script execution error
stops the script’s current execution. Script execution is
retried on the next AppEngine scan.
Script Execution
The existence and execution order of scripts associated with
an object are inherently locked at each stage of development
in the template, derived template, and instance.
For example, a set of scripts associated with a template are
treated as an ordered block in the Configure Execution Order
dialog box when configuring execution order in a
next-generation derived template.
New scripts in the derived template can be ran in any order
before and after the template’s block of scripts. The derived
template’s execution order is treated as a block in any
downstream derived templates or instances.
Scripts cannot trigger any faster than the scan period of the
AppEngine the script is associated with or faster than the
scan period of the AppEngine that hosts the object that the
script is associated with.
108 Chapter 5 Enhancing Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
Scripts run in one of two modes:
Synchronous scripting mode is the default for running
scripts in the run-time environment. This mode runs
scripts in order while an object is running on scan.
Asynchronous scripting mode is a group of scripts
running on the same, lower priority execution thread.
These scripts only support Execute triggering and run
independently from each other. Set the maximum
number of independent threads in the AppEngine
configuration editor.
To use either scripting mode, you must select Execute as the
Execution Type in the Scripts area on the Scripts page.
To create and associate a script with an object
Add a script. On the Scripts page of the Object Editor,
click the Add button. A script is added to the Scripts Name
2 Type a name for the script and press Enter. Script names
can be up to 32 alphanumeric characters, including
periods. At least one character must be a letter.
Note For detailed information about each item on the Scripts
page, see About the Scripts Page on page 74.
Select a trigger that starts the script in the run-time
Execution Type triggers include: Startup, On Scan,
Execute, Off Scan and Shutdown.
If you select Startup, On Scan, Off Scan, or Shutdown,
the Basics group is unavailable. The script is triggered
when the object starts, goes on scan, goes off scan, or
shuts down.
If you select
Execute, the Basics group is available.
If you selected Execute as the script trigger, select a
Trigg er Ty pe. Depending on the type selected, you are
required to enter an Expression and/or Trigger Period
Deadband values. When the combination of
Expression, Trigger Type, Trigger Period and/or
Deadband is satisfied in the run-time environment,
the script starts running. See the following table for
more information.
Trigger Period format is as follows:
For example, 3 hours, 5 minutes, and 10.5 seconds is:
Writing and Editing Scripts109
Application Server User’s Guide
Expressions are limited to one language statement in
length and calling only synchronous mode script
functions. Avoid using script functions with side
effects in expressions because subtle behaviors can
Trigger Type Description
Periodic Script runs at an interval specified in the
Trigger Period box. A time interval of zero
(0) starts the script during every scan. This
trigger does not require an expression.
While True When the object containing the script is
going On Scan, a While True script
evaluates its expression at the next
scheduled scan period of the AppEngine.
The script runs if true and then periodically
thereafter at the trigger interval.
The script continues running as long as the
Expression value evaluates to true. A
Trigger Period is required. Zero (0)
evaluates the expression at the AppEngine
scan period and non-zero means the
expression is evaluated at the specified
time interval.
On True When the object containing the script is
going On Scan, an On True script evaluates
its expression at the next scheduled scan
period. The script starts at the transition
between the expression going from false to
On False When the object containing the script is
going On Scan, an On False script
evaluates its expression at the next
scheduled scan period. The script starts at
the transition between the expression going
from true to false.
110 Chapter 5 Enhancing Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
4 Select one or more of the following:
Set the Runs Asynchronously and associated Timeout
parameters, as needed.
Select Report Alarm on Execution Error and set a
Priority for the alarm if you want the alarming
function to alert you if a script execution failure
Select Historize Script State to store the state of the
script in your application’s historian.
Scripts run when the value or quality of the
expression changes. The expression must
evaluate to a single, non-arrayed value of
the following types: integer, real, time,
elapsedtime, string, double, Boolean,
custom enumeration and quality. To allow
execution based on quality, select the
Quality changes check box.
A deadband can be specified for all data
types. Deadband units for time and
elapsedtime types are milliseconds.
Deadband is always ignored for strings
because any change (even from “ABC” to
“abc”) is considered a change. Only major
changes in quality (from Good/Uncertain to
Bad/Initializing or vice versa) are
considered changes.
After the object is put on scan, Data
Change-triggered scripts start running at
the AppEngine’s next scan period and then
at each subsequent scan period in which
the value or quality changes.
While False When the object containing the script is
going On Scan, a While False script
evaluates its expression at the next
scheduled scan period, runs if false, and
then periodically thereafter at the trigger
The script runs as long as the
value evaluates to be false. A Trigger
Period is required. Zero (0) evaluates the
expression at the AppEngine scan period
and non-zero means the expression is
evaluated at the specified time interval.
Trigger Type Description
Writing and Editing Scripts111
Application Server User’s Guide
5 In the Declarations area, type variable declarations about
the script you are writing.
6 Set aliases for the reference strings in the Aliases area.
This can simplify the script code and allows script code to
be created and locked at a template level using alias
names. When an individual instance of that template is
created, you can link external attributes to the alias
In the
Aliases area, click the Add button to add a new
alias. An alias is added to the list. The name is shown in
edit mode. Double-click the
Reference entry, and enter a
reference string for the alias. You can also click the
Browse button at the end of the Reference block to open
the Attribute Browser for easy selection of an object’s
7 Write the script in the Script Creation box. Use the Display
Script Function Browser
and Display Attribute Browser
buttons to help you insert script functions and object
attribute references in your script. For help with the
specific commands and syntax, see the Application Server
Scripting Guide.
Click the
Validate Script button to validate if your script
contains any syntax errors.
8 Order the scripts. If you have more than one script
associated with a single object, click Configure Execution
. Ordering does not apply to asynchronous scripts. If
a script is added to an instance derived from a template
that contains scripts, the new script automatically
defaults to running after the derived scripts.
9 When you are done creating your script and setting its
execution triggering parameters, save and close the
Object Editor.
112 Chapter 5 Enhancing Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
Locking Scripts
When you lock a script in a template, the following rules
The name of a script and its existence is implicitly always
locked. This means:
You cannot delete the script in derived objects.
You cannot change the name of the script in derived
If you rename the script in the template, the name
changes in all derived objects.
You can delete a script in the template after you
create derived objects. The script disappears from the
derived objects.
You can add a script to the template after you create
derived objects. The script appears in the derived
You can add scripts to derived objects. Adding scripts
to derived objects does not affect parent object scripts.
You can lock or unlock the script text in a template.
There is script text for Declarations, Execute, Startup,
Shutdown, On Scan
and Off Scan. You cannot separately
lock each script in the script editor. You use a single
group lock to lock or unlock all at once.
After you lock a script, derived templates and instances
cannot modify any of the script text.
When the script text is locked in a template, the alias
names are automatically locked. The alias references are
never locked. Locking of aliases is not specified
Locking aliases means the entire list of alias names is
locked, including the number of items in the list. You
cannot add new alias names in derived templates or
instances when the alias list is locked. The alias
references are always editable in derived templates and
instances even when the entire list of alias names is
locked. This is the primary objective of aliases.
The script description, runs asynchronous flag,
expression, trigger type, trigger period, deadband and
execution error alarm are individually lockable and can
be locked separately from the script text. A group lock is
provided for this group of attributes.
Writing and Editing Scripts113
Application Server User’s Guide
When you add a script to a template, all properties of the
script are editable.
When you add a script to an instance, all properties of the
script are editable except for the lock properties. A lock is
never editable in an instance.
Important An expression typically uses attribute references. To
lock the expression and the associated script in a template, use
aliases in both the expression and the script. This allows you to
specify the attributes that the aliases point to on a per instance
basis while the script code is locked.
The following rules apply to the derivation behavior of locked
script attributes:
If an attribute is locked in a template, then all templates
and instances derived from the template share the copy of
the value of the locked attribute. A change to the value is
only allowed in the template that locked it. The change
propagates to all derived templates and instances.
For scripts, locking an attribute of the script, such as its
script text or execution type, in a template means all
derived templates and instances point to that locked
attribute. Future changes to that locked attribute’s value,
such as modifying the script text, propagate and appear
in all derived templates and instances.
If instances are deployed, they are marked pending
update status. After they are redeployed, the change to
the locked attribute in the template exists in the deployed
If an attribute is not locked in a template, then all
templates and instances derived from that template
receive their own copy of the value of that locked
attribute. A change to that unlocked value is allowed in
derived templates and instances because they own their
own copy. Any change to the unlocked attribute value in
the template does not propagate to any derived template
or instance.
An unlocked attribute in a script (such as expression or
script order) in a template means that all derived
templates and instances have their own copy and the
value of that unlocked attribute can change. Future
changes to that locked attribute’s value (for example,
modified expression) in the template does not propagate
to any derived template or instance. If instances are
deployed, their status does not change to pending update.
Redeploying them does not cause the value to change in
the deployed instance.
114 Chapter 5 Enhancing Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
Creating and Working with Extensions
The Extensions page allows you to configure an existing
attribute for input, output, alarm, and history functionality
not embedded in the original object.
About Extension Inheritance
You can add object extensions to either derived templates or
instances. Base templates cannot be extended. The following
parent-child object characteristics also apply to object
If you add an extension to a derived template that has
objects derived from it, all child objects inherit the
You cannot add an extension to derived objects that
duplicate parent object extensions in name and type.
You cannot add an extension with the same name as an
existing attribute extension.
Renaming an extension in the template to which it was
originally added renames all other objects derived from
the template. This change happens when the template is
checked in.
Creating and Working with Extensions115
Application Server User’s Guide
You can check in a template with a new extension with
the same name as an existing attribute in a derived
object. The template definition of the extension overrides
the extension in the derived object.
If you remove an extension from a template, that
extension is removed from any child object. You see the
change when you check in the template.
To create and associate an extension with an object
On the Extensions page, select an attribute from the
Extendable Attributes List. The extension groups
dynamically change to allowed extension rules for the
selected attribute type.
2 Select the check box for the kind of extension you want to
apply to the selected attribute. The associated
parameters for each kind of extension become available.
For detailed information about each item on the
Extensions page, see About the Extensions Page on
page 77.
3 Select the parameters you want. Do the following:
For InputOuput extension, enter a Source attribute by
either typing in the reference string or by using the
Attribute Browser to search for the reference string in
an object. For specific information about using this
extension, see Using the InputOutput Extension on
page 117.
Destination is different from Source, click Output
destination differs from input source
. Enter a
Destination attribute by either typing in the reference
string or clicking the
Attribute Browser button. An X
appears in the
IO column of the selected attribute.
Important If you clear the Output destination differs from input
source check box, the Destination box automatically shows “---”.
In the run-time environment, “---” is the same reference as the
Source value entered during configuration time. During run time,
you can change the Source reference. During configuration, do
not lock the Destination parameter if you clear the Output
destination differs from input source check box.
116 Chapter 5 Enhancing Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
For Input extension, enter a Source attribute by either
typing in the reference string or clicking the attribute
browser button at the right. Use the
Attribute Browser
to select an attribute and automatically insert the
correct reference string for that attribute. An X
appears in the
I column of the selected attribute. For
more information about using the Attribute Browser,
see Referencing Objects Using the Galaxy Browser on
page 79.
For Output extension, enter a Destination attribute by
either typing in the reference string or clicking the
attribute browser button at the right. Use the
Attribute Browser to search for a reference string in
an object. For specific information about using this
extension, see Using the Output Extension on
page 120.
Select the
Output Every Scan check box if you want the
extended attribute to write to the
attribute every scan period of the object. Otherwise,
the write executes only when the value is modified or
when quality changes from Bad or Initializing to
Good or Uncertain. An
X appears in the O column of
the selected attribute.
For Alarm extension, select a Category from the list:
Discrete, Value LoLo, Value Lo, Value Hi, Value HiHi,
DeviationMinor, DeviationMajor, ROC Lo, ROC Hi, SPC,
Process, System, Batch
or Software. For specific
information about using this extension, see Using the
Alarm Extension on page 124.
Type a
Priority level for the alarm (default is 500). An
X appears in the A column of the selected attribute.
From the
Active alarms state list, select the value that
triggers that alarm. The items in this list can be
customized in the
Boolean label extension area.
For History extension, enter values for the remaining
Force Storage Period, Engineering Units,
Value Deadband, Trend High and Trend Low
, if
available (depends on the data type of the selected
attribute). An
X appears in the H column of the
selected attribute. For specific information about
using this extension, see Using the History Extension
on page 125.
For Boolean label extension, specify different text
strings for the Label for ‘False’ state and the Label for
‘True’ state
, if needed. These text strings appear in
Active Alarm State list for you to select.
Creating and Working with Extensions117
Application Server User’s Guide
4 Lock the values, if needed. The lock symbol is available
only when you are working with a template. If you are
working with an instance, it shows the lock condition of
the value in the parent object.
5 Set any security for the attribute. For more information
about setting security, see Setting Object Security on
page 70.
6 Save and close the Object Editor to include the new
attribute extensions in the configured object.
Using the InputOutput Extension
InputOutput extensions allow an attribute in a template or
an instance to be configured so that its value is both read
from and written to an external reference. The InputOutput
extension monitors the value/quality of an input and sends
outputs on state change.
The output destination can be the same or different from the
input source. The references are always to another
acceptable attribute type in the Galaxy.
You can add multiple InputOutput extensions to an object.
However, you cannot add an InputOutput extension to an
attribute that already has an input or output extension.
Note You can extend lockable attributes with an InputOutput
extension, but they only function correctly during run time if the
extended attribute is unlocked.
118 Chapter 5 Enhancing Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
When Objects Are On Scan
When an object is On Scan, the value and quality of the
InputOutput-extended attribute mirrors the quality of the
externally referenced attribute during a successful read. The
data quality of the extended attribute is set to Bad when
reads fail. Reads can fail because of communication errors or
datatype conversion failures.
While the extended object is On Scan, the data can change
quality. If an external set (for example, from a user) to the
extended attribute changes either the value or quality, then
a write of the extended attribute’s value to the destination
occurs during the next execute phase. The quality must be
Good or Uncertain for a write to occur. For writes to occur
because of a quality change, the quality change must be a
transition from Bad or Initializing to Good or Uncertain.
The attribute called WriteValue is publicly exposed and plays
an important role in driving outputs. When the extended
object is Off Scan, quality is always Bad and user sets are
Using InputOutput Extensions in Scripts
Two common types of scripts can be written on
InputOutput-extended attributes: One can look at the input
side and one can look at the output side.
The input side script uses the current value coming from the
input source location and performs logic or calculations on it.
This script refers directly to the extended attribute in its
expressions. For example, if the extended attribute is
me.uda1”, the script refers directly to “me.uda1” for data
change conditions and for expressions within the script.
The output side script can modify output or validate a new
requested output value. This script refers to the
“WriteValue” attribute that extends the extended attribute:
me.uda1.WriteValue”. So, to validate a new requested
value to the uda1, for example, a data change condition
expression is written on “me.uda1.WriteValue”. In addition,
if the script wants to do clamping or validation, it can
manipulate the “
me.uda1.WriteValue” directly to clamp the
output value. For example:
If (me.uda1.WriteValue > 100.0 ) then
Me.uda1.WriteValue = 100.0;
The data change expression for this script is
me.uda1.WriteValue” because this value changes when a
new value is about to be written to the field.
Creating and Working with Extensions119
Application Server User’s Guide
The script can intercept this value just before output and
manipulate it. To prevent WriteValue from being written out,
its data quality can be set to Bad with the SetBad() function.
For more information, see Working with Outputs on
page 121.
Using the Input Extension
You can add multiple input extensions to an object. However,
you cannot add an InputOutput extension to an attribute
that already has either an input or output extension. Arrays
are not supported.
Note Lockable attributes can be extended with an Input
extension, but they only function correctly during run time if the
extended attribute is unlocked.
If the data types of the extended and Source attributes are
the same, they are set to equal values according to the
extended object’s execution rate. If the two attributes are
different data types, coercion rules are applied.
If coercion fails or the input value is out of the extended
attributes range, quality for the extended attribute is set to
Bad. Otherwise, the extended attribute’s quality matches the
Source attribute. When the extended object is Off Scan,
quality is always Bad and user sets are accepted.
120 Chapter 5 Enhancing Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
Attributes extended by an input extension are not protected
by their security classification. The only enforced security
specifies if an IDE user can edit, or extend, the object. An
input extension can be added to a template or instance. If
added to a template, the existence of the input extension is
automatically locked in derived objects.
Using the Output Extension
Writeable and Calculated attributes can be extended with an
output extension. Arrays are not supported.
An output extension can be added to a template or an
instance. If added to a template, the existence of the output
extension is automatically locked in derived objects. The
Destination attribute in the extension is separately
lockable in templates.
Creating and Working with Extensions121
Application Server User’s Guide
If the data types of the extended and Destination attributes
are the same and only when the quality of the extended
attribute is good, the two attributes are set to equal values
according to the extended object’s execution rate. If the two
attributes are different data types, coercion rules are applied.
If coercion fails, the extended attribute is placed into a
configuration error and type mismatch state.
An attribute that is enhanced with an Output Extension has
the following characteristics:
A value can be output only when quality is Good or
Uncertain. The quality is not output, only the value is
output, because quality is not output on sets.
When the quality changes from Bad or Initializing to
Good or Uncertain, the value is output, even if the value
is not modified.
When the quality changes from Good to Uncertain, with
no value modification, the value is not output.
When the object goes Off Scan, no output is done.
When the extended object is Off Scan, quality is always
Good and user sets are accepted.
Working with Outputs
The following information applies to the functionality of
InputOutput and Output extensions as well as the output
function of the Field-Reference, Switch, and Analog-Device
If a single set request is made to a destination attribute
during a single scan cycle, that value is sent to the
destination. During a single scan cycle, though, more than
one set request to the same destination is possible. In that
case, folding occurs and the last value is sent to the
During a single scan cycle, only the last value requested
during a scan cycle is sent to its destination when the object
executes. Its status is marked as Pending as it waits for write
confirmation from the destination object. All other set
requests during that scan cycle are marked as successfully
If one or more new sets are requested during the next scan
cycle, then the second scan cycle's value is determined as
described above. It is then sent to the destination when the
object executes again and the value sent to the destination
during the previous scan cycle is marked with successful
completion status even if write confirmation is not received.
122 Chapter 5 Enhancing Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
Within a single scan cycle, data is folded and only the last set
requested is sent to the destination. For example, an
{11,24,35,35,22,36,40} sequence of set requests results in a
value of 40 being sent to the destination object. All other
values result in successful completion status.
Boolean data types are the exception to this rule. Boolean
data types are used in User sets from InTouch or
FactorySuite A
Gateway. This allows an unknown user
input rate (for example, repeated button pushes) with a
consistent object scan rate for outputs, and creates
reproducible results.
In this case, a combination of folding as described above plus
maintenance of a queue of one element deep better meets the
expectation of users. To begin with, the first value set after
the object is deployed (the default True or False) is always
written to its destination.
Subsequently, the following occurs during a single scan cycle:
A two-tiered caching scheme of a Value to be Sent and a Next
Value to be Sent is implemented. The Value to be Sent is
based on data change as compared to the last value sent to
the destination object. The Next Value to be Sent is based on
data change as compared to the Value to be Sent value.
When the first data change occurs, the new value is cached in
the Value to be Sent queue. Folding occurs if the same value
is requested again. If another value change occurs, this
second value is cached in the Next Value to be Sent queue.
Again, folding occurs if the same value is requested again.
The Value to be Sent value is sent during the next scan cycle,
and the Next Value to be Sent value is sent during the
following scan cycle.
Note In the case of Boolean data types used in Supervisory sets
(sets between ApplicationObjects and ArchestrA) or a mixture of
Supervisory and User sets during a single scan cycle, the behavior
is the same as the other data types.
Creating and Working with Extensions123
Application Server User’s Guide
For Boolean data types and User sets, the following examples
When the same attribute is extended with an Input
extension and an Output extension, writes to the Output
Destination occur every scan regardless of
whether the extended attribute has changed.
This behavior occurs even when the Output Every Scan check
box is cleared, which may add more network traffic. The
behavior does not apply to an Input extension.
Quality of Input, InputOutput and Output
When the object is On Scan, the value and quality of the
Input-extended attribute mirrors the quality of the
externally referenced attribute in the case of successful
reads. The data quality of the extended attribute is set to Bad
when reads fail because of communication errors or datatype
conversion failures.
While the extended object is On Scan, it behaves as follows: If
an external set (for example, from a user) to the extended
attribute causes either the value or quality to change, then a
write of the extended attribute’s value to the destination
occurs during the next execute phase.
The quality must be Good or Uncertain for a write to occur.
For writes to occur because of a quality change, the quality
change must be a transition from Bad or Initializing to Good
or Uncertain. The attribute called WriteValue is publicly
When the extended object is Off Scan, quality is always Bad
and user sets are accepted.
Scan Cycle
Value Sent
Scan Cycle
Set Requests
to be Sent
Next Value
to be Sent
0 1,0,0,1,1 1 none
1 1,0,0,1,1 0 1
0 1,1,0,0 1 0
1 1,1,0,0 0 none
124 Chapter 5 Enhancing Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
Using the Alarm Extension
An alarm extension can be added to a template or instance
Boolean attribute. If added to a template attribute, the alarm
extension is automatically locked in derived objects.
Attribute arrays cannot be extended.
Select the Category and specify an Priority for this alarm.
Valid values are 0 to 999.
In the Alarm message box, you can browse and select an
existing attribute or you can type a text string as an alarm
message. This text string appears in the InTouch alarm view.
The Active alarms state list can show the customized items
you specified in the
Boolean label extension area. It lets you
select the state that triggers the alarm. If you do not specify a
value in the Boolean label extension area, you see True and
For more information about using Alarms, see Working with
Alarms and Events on page 175.
Creating and Working with Extensions125
Application Server User’s Guide
Using the History Extension
Any attribute that exists at run time and is not already
historized can be configured with the history extension.
A history extension can be added to a template or an instance
attribute. If added to a template attribute, the existence of
the history extension is automatically locked in derived
You can extend Writeable and Calculated attributes of the
following data types with a history extension:
Float, Double (stored as a Float)
String stored as Unicode, 512 character limit
Custom Enumeration stored as an Integer
ElapsedTime stored as seconds
History Extension group parameters include:
Force Storage Period: Period after which the value must
be historized even if the value has not changed.
Engineering Units: Engineering units of the attribute to
be historized.
126 Chapter 5 Enhancing Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
Value Deadband: The threshold value, measured in
engineering units, that the absolute value of the
difference between the new and last-stored values must
differ before storing the new value to history. A value of
zero (0) is valid and means that any level of change
results in the new value being stored. A change in
Quality always causes a new record to be stored,
regardless of whether the Value has changed.
Trend High: The default top of a trend scale.
Trend Low: The default bottom of a trend scale.
Using the Boolean Label Extension
In the Boolean label extension area, you can specify a explicit
name for the True and False states of Boolean attributes. For
example, if a Boolean attribute is associated with the status
of a motor, you can specify the states as
Stopped and Running.
The labels defined in this area are available in the Active
alarm state
box in the Alarm extension area.
These labels are also shown in the Value and Limit columns of
the Alarm and Event database and InTouch AlarmView
Creating and Working with Graphics127
Application Server User’s Guide
Creating and Working with Graphics
Use the Graphics page to add, modify, rename or delete local
graphics; or to view inherited graphics. You must have the
derived template or object instance checked out in order to
add, modify, or delete local graphics; otherwise, you can only
view local graphics.
You can view graphics inherited from parent templates and
object instances. You cannot add, modify, or delete inherited
graphics. This means that in order to edit an inherited
graphic, you must check out the derived template or object
instance where the graphic is local.
You can only add graphics to derived templates and object
instances. You cannot add graphics to a base template.
On the Graphics page, use the Open button to start the
Symbol Editor for the selected graphic.
128 Chapter 5 Enhancing Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
Adding Graphics
You can add graphics to an object.
To add a graphic symbol to the object
On the Graphics page of the Object Editor, click the Add
button. A graphic name is added to the
Name list.
2 Type the new local graphic symbol name.
3 In the Description box, type a description for the graphic
symbol being added.
4 Click Open. The graphics tool box opens. For instructions
on using the Symbol Editor, see Creating and Managing
ArchestrA Graphics User’s Guide.
Modifying Graphics
All modifications made to graphic symbols referenced by
other objects are visible in the referenced objects.
To modify a graphic symbol
On the Graphics page of the Object Editor, click the Name
of the graphic symbol to be modified.
2 Click Open. The graphics tool box opens, showing the
selected graphic symbol.
3 Make changes. For instructions on using the Symbol
Editor, see Creating and Managing ArchestrA Graphics
User’s Guide.
Renaming Graphics
You can rename a graphic symbol.
To rename a graphic symbol
On the Graphics page of the Object Editor, click the Name
of the graphic symbol to be renamed.
2 Type the new name, and press Enter. The new name is
Creating and Working with Graphics129
Application Server User’s Guide
Deleting Graphics
Caution Deleting a graphic symbol with embedded references
breaks the links to their related objects. “Symbol Not Found”
appears when you open objects whose embedded graphic symbols
have been deleted.
To d e l e t e a g ra p h i c s y m b o l
On the Graphics page of the Object Editor, click the Name
of the graphic symbol to be deleted.
2 Click the Delete button. The Delete dialog box appears.
The left pane lists the graphic symbol selected for
deletion. The right pane shows all embedded references
to the selected graphic.
3 Click Yes.
130 Chapter 5 Enhancing Objects
Application Server User’s Guide
Application Server User’s Guide
Chapter 6
Deploying and Running an
You can deploy and test your objects at any time during
development. When you are ready to test or run the
application in production, you deploy the Galaxy.
You can see what your application looks like in the
Deployment view or the Model view. Both views show you the
structure of your application. For more information, see
Using IDE Application Views on page 23.
Planning for Deployment
Deploying your Galaxy copies the objects from the
development environment to the run-time environment. This
makes your objects “live” and functional.
Until you deploy your IDE configuration environment to the
run-time environment, changes you make in the IDE do not
appear in the run-time environment. To see run-time data
associated with your objects, use Object Viewer or InTouch.
For more information about using Object Viewer, see the
Object Viewer User’s Guide.
132 Chapter 6 Deploying and Running an Application
Application Server User’s Guide
Objects deploy from the configuration environment to the
run-time environment as follows:
Object Viewer
Run-time environment
Galaxy database [Does not exist in
run-time environment]
Templates [Does not exist in
run-time environment]
Instance objects Instance objects
configuration and
Security: General
[Does not exist in
run-time environment]
Security: Operational
Run-time permissions
to acknowledge alarms
and modify attributes
Scripts configuration Scripts execution
Alarms configuration Alarms generate and
History configuration History Logs
Determining Galaxy Status133
Application Server User’s Guide
Determining Galaxy Status
You can see an overview of the condition of your Galaxy
before you deploy. This lets you know if you have objects that
are in warning or error status.
To determine the status of a Galaxy
Connect to the Galaxy.
2 On the Galaxy menu, click Galaxy Status. The Galaxy
dialog box appears.
Galaxy Status dialog box shows the counts of total
instances, total templates, deployed instances with
changes, undeployed instances with changes, objects that
have an error or warning state, objects that are checked
out, and object you have checked out.
3 Click OK.
134 Chapter 6 Deploying and Running an Application
Application Server User’s Guide
Configuring Advanced Communication
Advanced Communications Management minimizes network
traffic and CPU usage of a DI Object and DA Server when a
particular DI attribute is currently subscribed to, but its
value is not currently shown. For example, scanning for
updated values from a DI attribute representing pump RPM
is suspended when an operator minimizes the application
window containing a pump graphic containing attribute
references that subscribe to the DI Object’s pump RPM
When the items on the current window are no longer active
because the window is minimized, a Suspend operation is
performed for each item. Suspending scanning causes data
updates to stop flowing to the application without deleting
the subscriptions for each item. This reduces the overhead of
unsubscribing and subscribing again to items when windows
are minimized and restored.
In Advanced Communication Management, applications
monitor the number of outstanding references to attributes
that are updated with values from an external source object.
When an attribute’s external reference count reaches zero,
the application sends a Suspend message to the source object
requesting it to suspend updates. For example, a
UserDefined object named PumpRPM has an integer UDA
named RPM, which is input extended from plc1.n7:11 where
plc1 is an ABPLC DI object.
Minimize/Switch Window
InTouch WindowViewer Running
Visualization of Managed Application
Production Environment Galaxy
Process Device
Managed Application Running
on an Application Server Node
Configuring Advanced Communication Management135
Application Server User’s Guide
When there are no active subscriptions to ud1.RPM, the
subscription between input extension and PumpRPM is
suspended. When a client like ObjectViewer or a managed
application running in WindowViewer subscribes to
ud1.RPM, an Activate message is sent to the DI object to
start sending data between the plc1 object and the
PumpRPM object. This enables ObjectViewer or a managed
client application running in WindowViewer to receive
current plc1 data.
Unlike defined static attributes, some scan groups contain
dynamic attributes. Dynamic attributes within a scan group
provide the means for a running application’s objects to
dynamically subscribe to data from an external device.
Dynamic attributes are created, activated and added to the
scan group using ArchestrA object UDA’s or InTouch indirect
tags and scripts that include the IOSetRemoteReferences
When a dynamic attribute is poked, the time stamp is
updated to the timestamp passed in with the value if
available, or the current time provided by the hosting
AppEngine is used. If the data provider passes in a Value,
Time, Quality (VTQ) triplet of data in the callback, the time
stamp is associated with the value and quality used to
update the attribute.
To enable Advanced Communication Management, you must:
Select Advanced Communication Management for your
Set the scan mode for each scan group that belongs to
your device integration objects within the Galaxy.
136 Chapter 6 Deploying and Running an Application
Application Server User’s Guide
Selecting Advanced Communication Management
Advanced Communication Management is a Galaxy-wide
configuration setting that you set from the ArchestrA IDE.
Advanced Communication Management is active by default.
To configure Advanced Communication Management
Connect to the Galaxy.
2 On the Galaxy menu, click Configure and then click
Communications Management. The Configure
Communications Management
dialog box appears.
3 If necessary, select Enable advanced communication
and click OK.
Note Any deployed platform and application engines must be
restarted when the Advanced Communication Management state
changes. Restarting should be done by means of the SMC.
Configuring Scan Modes
A scan group is a collection of object attributes with
associated data items. Scan group attributes reflect I/O
points in the address space of Data Access Server whose
values are polled from devices at a common update interval.
The update interval for each scan group is inherited from the
scan groups configured in the source DIObjects.
You can configure scan groups for OPCClient, InTouchProxy,
DDESuiteLinkClient, and RedundantDIObject device
integration objects. Within each scan group, you can specify
data items to use as the object attributes. At run time, scan
group items are updated with the latest values from the OPC
DA Server according to the update interval.
The OPCClient, RedundantDI, DDESuiteLinkClient, and
InTouchProxy objects contain a Scan Mode attribute that can
be set for each scan group. The assigned scan mode value
determines if objects are continuously updated with current
data when an operator minimizes or closes the application
Configuring Advanced Communication Management137
Application Server User’s Guide
You can assign three different scan modes to a scan group:
Items are deleted and added to the scan group as
requested (referenced) by the clients.
Items that exist when a scan mode change occurs are
not deleted unless the previous mode was ActiveAll
and the items are no longer referenced.
The Active scan mode polls all points that are
referenced, whether active or inactive.
In Active scan mode an attribute is always in the
active state. When the last reference to the attribute
is unregistered/unadvised, the attribute is deleted.
Scanning is continuous and dynamic attributes are
never removed when unsubscribed.
Items are activated by client requests, but continue to
exist even after the client are not interested in them
Items are not removed when the scan mode changes.
The scan group polls the field device for all points
irrespective of whether they are currently active,
inactive, or even subscribed to by items.
When the scan mode is configured as
ActiveOnDemand, attributes that are not actively
being referenced by any client or object are made
Inactive and are not scanned.
New Items are deleted and added to the scan group as
requested (referenced) by clients.
Items that exist when a scan mode change occurs are
not deleted unless the previous mode was ActiveAll
and the items are no longer referenced.
ActiveOnDemand scan mode polls the field device for
currently active items only. Inactive items are not
138 Chapter 6 Deploying and Running an Application
Application Server User’s Guide
The following table shows scan mode scan states for dynamic
attributes based on whether items are referenced or not.
To set a scan mode for a scan group
Edit the device integration object.
2 Show the editor page containing scan groups by
completing one of the following:
Click the Scan Group tab if you are editing a
RedundantDIObject or OPCClient object.
Click the To p ic tab if your are editing a
DDESuiteLinkClient object.
Click the Items Configuration tab if your are editing an
InTouchProxy object.
3 If necessary, add a scan group by clicking the plus sign
box above the list of available scan groups.
4 If necessary, set the length of the scan group update
interval in milliseconds. The default update interval is
5 Double-click in the Scan Mode box of the scan group to
show a drop-down list of available scan modes.
ActiveOnDemand is the default scan mode.
6 Select a scan mode from the list.
7 Save your changes to the device integration object and
exit from the editor.
Dynamic Attribute
Scan Mode
Scan Mode
Scan Mode
Reference/ Some active Scan Scan Scan
Reference/All Inactive Scan Scan No Scan
Not Referenced Delete Scan Delete
Deploying Objects139
Application Server User’s Guide
Deploying Objects
You deploy object instances for three reasons:
Placing the application into production to process field
Updating an existing application with changes you made.
When you are ready to deploy, make sure the following
conditions are met:
Bootstrap software is installed on the target computers.
The objects being deployed are not in an error state in the
Galaxy database.
You created, configured, and checked in objects to the
Objects are assigned to a host.
The object's host is already deployed. A cascade deploy
operation, which deploys a hierarchy of objects, deploys
all objects in the correct order. This deploys an object’s
host before the object is deployed.
Any associated script libraries are ready for use on the
target computer. For more information, see Importing
Script Function Libraries on page 101.
Note DINetwork objects have specific configuration limits. For
example, whether more than one object can be deployed to a
single WinPlatform. The IDE does not check for these limits. For
more information, see the help file for the DINetwork object for
specifics on configuration limits.
140 Chapter 6 Deploying and Running an Application
Application Server User’s Guide
You can tell if you have objects that need to be deployed by
looking at the icons next to the objects. Deployment status
icons include:
Not deployed
Deployed, but pending configuration changes
exist that have not been deployed.
Deployed, but software modifications exist that
have not been deployed.
Applies only to redundant AppEngines. An
AppEngine is undeployed, but its redundant pair
is deployed.
Applies only to redundant AppEngines. An
AppEngine is deployed, but its redundant pair is
not deployed.
Applies only to redundant AppEngines. An
AppEngine is deployed, its redundant pair is not
deployed, and pending configuration changes
exist that have not been deployed.
Applies only to redundant AppEngines. An
AppEngine is deployed, its redundant pair is not
deployed, and software modifications exist that
have not been deployed.
Error. The object in an Error state and cannot be
InTouchViewApp application files are being
asynchronously transferred to the target node.
This icon is normally be visible for only a few
moments at the end of an InTouchViewApp
deployment operation, unless the object is
deployed on a slow network.
Note This icon is larger than the other icons and
completely replaces the original while it is being
Deploying Objects141
Application Server User’s Guide
To deploy an object
Select the object in an Application view.
2 On the Object menu, click Deploy. The Deploy dialog box
3 Select one or more of the following
Cascade Deploy: Select this check box to deploy the
object selected for deployment as well as any objects it
hosts. This option is selected by default if the object is
a host. If you are deploying an individual host object,
clear the check box. Objects being deployed across
multiple platforms are deployed in parallel.
Include Redundant Partner: Select this check box to
also deploy an AppEngine’s redundancy partner
object. This option is selected and unavailable when
the redundant engine has pending configuration
changes or software updates.
4 In the Currently deployed objects area, select one or more
of the following options. These options are not available if
the selected object has not been deployed before.
Skip: If one of the objects you are deploying is
currently deployed, selecting
Skip makes no changes
to the already-deployed object.
Deploy Changes: If one of the objects you are deploying
is currently deployed, this option updates the object
in question with new configuration data. The
run-time state from the run-time file is preserved and
the state is modified with any changes.
142 Chapter 6 Deploying and Running an Application
Application Server User’s Guide
Redeploy Original: If one of the objects you are
deploying is currently deployed, this option deploys
the same version as previously deployed. For
example, use this option to redeploy an object that is
corrupted on the target computer.
Force Off Scan: If one of the objects you are deploying
is currently deployed, this option sets the target
object to off scan before deployment occurs.
5 In the Currently undeployed objects area, select the
Deploy New Objects check box to start a normal
6 In the Deploy Status Mismatch area, select the Mark as
check box to mark the object as deployed in the
Galaxy. A mismatch happens when the object is
previously deployed to a target node, but the Galaxy
shows the object is undeployed. Clear this option to
redeploy the object to the target node.
7 In the Initial Scan State area, select one of the following:
On Scan: Sets the initial scan state to on scan for the
objects you are deploying. If the host of the object you
are deploying is currently off scan, this setting is
ignored and the object is automatically deployed off
scan. When you deploying multiple objects, the deploy
operation deploys all of the selected objects "off-scan."
After all of the objects are deployed, the system sets
the scan-state to “on-scan.”
Objects can run only when both the host/engine is "on
scan" and the object is "on scan." If either the
host/engine or the object is "off scan," the object
cannot run.
Always deploy Areas to their host AppEngines on
scan. Because Areas are the primary providers to
alarm clients, deploying Areas off scan results in
alarms and events not being reported until they are
placed on scan.
Deploying Objects143
Application Server User’s Guide
Off Scan: Sets the initial scan state to off scan for the
objects you are deploying. If you deploy objects off
scan, you must use the ArchestrA System
Management Console Platform Manager utility to put
those objects on scan and to function properly in the
run-time environment.
Note The System Management Console controls the state of the
host/engine. The ObjectViewer controls the state of the objects.
The default scan setting is set in the User Default
settings in the Configure User Information dialog box.
For more information, see Configuring User
Information on page 33.
8 Click OK to deploy the objects. The Deploy progress box
appears. If you see error messages, see Deployment Error
Messages on page 143. When the deploy is complete, click
Deployment Error Messages
If the object being deployed has configuration problems that
were not known during configuration, the Deploy progress
box shows messages.
The Progress dialog box also shows the affected instances and
any error and warning messages. The target object can take
any actions necessary to achieve a valid state, including
changing attribute values provided during deployment.
WinPlatforms are the only objects whose configuration
designates its deployment location. Deployment problems
unique to WinPlatforms are the following:
The target computer could not be found on the network.
Ensure the WinPlatform was configured properly and the
target computer is properly connected to your network.
Another WinPlatform is deployed already to the target
computer. Resolve this problem by undeploying the
existing WinPlatform before deploying the new one.
The target platform is running on the old version of the
product. To resolve this problem, the user must upgrade
the remote platform.
If a WinPlatform object is deployed on a slow network
and it does not respond to the IDE before the 30-second
message time-out, a communication error occurs and the
object is shown as not deployed. You may need to adjust
the message time-out for the WinPlatform object to
accommodate the slow network speed.
144 Chapter 6 Deploying and Running an Application
Application Server User’s Guide
Redeploying Objects
Redeploying is similar to deployment. While you are testing,
you frequently redeploy your application to see changes you
make. The redeploying process undeploys the object and then
deploys it back.
You may have an object with a Pending Update deployment
state. The Pending Update state means the object changed
since it last deployment. When you deploy those changes, the
new object is marked as the last deployed version in the
To r e d e p l o y
On the Object menu, click Deploy.
2 Follow the procedure for Deploying Objects on page 139.
Undeploying Objects
You may need to undeploy one of more objects. Undeploying
removes one or more objects from the run-time environment.
Before you start, you need to select the object or objects you
want to undeploy in the IDE.
Before you delete or restore a Galaxy, undeploy all objects in
the Galaxy.
Undeploying can fail if the target object has objects assigned
to it. Make sure you select Cascade Undeploy in the Undeploy
dialog box.
To u n d e p l o y
On the Object menu, click Undeploy. The Undeploy dialog
box appears.
In the upper right of this dialog box, the Undeploy Object
box shows the number of objects being undeployed.
You can select a single object in
Application view and, if
you selected
Cascade Undeploy and other objects are
assigned to the selected object, the total number of
objects appears in this box.
Uploading Run-time Configuration145
Application Server User’s Guide
2 Select one or more of the following. Some of these options
might not be available, depending on the kinds of object
you select.
Cascade Undeploy: Select to undeploy the selected
object as well as any objects it hosts.
Include Redundant Partner: Select to also undeploy an
AppEngine’s redundancy partner object.
Note The AppEngine in a redundant pair that was configured as
the Primary can be undeployed alone because objects hosted by it
run on the deployed Backup AppEngine, which becomes Active.
Force Off Scan
: If one of the objects you are
undeploying is currently on scan, selecting Force Off
sets the target object to off scan before
undeployment. If you do not select
Force Off Scan and
the target object is on scan, the undeployment
operation fails.
On Failure Mark as Undeployed: Marks the object as
undeployed in the Galaxy when the object targeted
for undeployment is not found.
Uploading Run-time Configuration
You can upload run-time configuration changes to the Galaxy
database. This lets you keep any attribute values that
changed during run time.
Note Upload run-time changes will not be permitted from old
run-time node to the Galaxy
The values of certain attributes can be set in the
configuration environment, but they can also be changed by
the user at run time. As a result, the values of these
attributes can differ between the run-time and configuration
environments. These attribute types are:
For example. you create an object with a UDA myInteger. In
the Object Editor, you specify an initial value of 30.
Writeable_UC Writeable_UC_Lockable
Writeable_USC Writeable_USC_Lockable
146 Chapter 6 Deploying and Running an Application
Application Server User’s Guide
Then you deploy the object. At run time, you write a new
value to myInteger of 31. If you redeploy this object, the
original value of 30 overwrites any value assigned during run
time. To avoid losing changes made during run time, upload
changes before redeploying an object.
If you want to upload run-time changes to the Galaxy, make
sure the selected objects are:
Not edited and checked in since last deployment or
Not in Pending Update state
Checked in
Objects whose configuration are successfully uploaded have a
new version number and a change log entry for the upload
operation. The run-time object’s version number also has a
new version number. That version number matches the
version in the configuration database.
If you select an object that is currently checked out to you, a
warning appears during run-time upload. If you continue,
you lose all configuration changes you made to the checked
out object. The Galaxy performs an Undo Check Out
operation on it before the run-time attributes are copied to
the Galaxy database.
Note You cannot upload run-time changes for objects checked
out to other users.
To upload run-time changes to the Galaxy
Select one or more objects in the Model view or
Deployment view. For example, you could select an entire
hierarchy from AppEngine down.
2 On the Object menu, click Upload Runtime Changes. The
run-time attributes of the selected objects are copied over
those in the Galaxy database.
Uploading Run-time Configuration147
Application Server User’s Guide
Undeployment Situations
The following situations occur in these specified
undeployment scenarios:
After undeploying a WinPlatform, only the Bootstrap
software remains on the target computer. All other
WinPlatforms are notified of the undeployment of the
WinPlatform and stop trying to communicate with it over
the network.
Alarm Clients know immediately that an area is
undeployed and is no longer available. They remove the
area from selection lists. Alarms associated directly with
the area (not as a result of containment) are immediately
removed from current alarm views.
Undeploying an object that has Pending Updates status
removes that status. It is now marked as undeployed.
If cascade undeploy fails on one object, then the undeploy
continues to the extent possible on other objects. The
entire operation is not terminated because the undeploy
fails for one object. However, a host might not be
undeployable if one of its assigned objects cannot be
Assume an ApplicationObject is hosted by the Active
AppEngine in a redundant pair and a number of
subscriptions is configured in that ApplicationObject that
refers to items in a DIObject. If you undeploy the
ApplicationObject in question, the items are not removed
immediately from the item count of the DIObject. How fast
those items are removed depends upon the value of the
Maximum time to maintain good quality after failure option
(Redundancy.StandbyActivateTimeout attribute) on the
Redundancy page in the AppEngine’s editor. This behavior
does not apply to the undeployment of ApplicationObjects
hosted by non-redundant AppEngines.
148 Chapter 6 Deploying and Running an Application
Application Server User’s Guide
Application Server User’s Guide
Chapter 7
Working with History
You can configure application objects to store process data in
the Wonderware
Historian (formerly called IndustrialSQL
Server). Historical data from Application Server can be
retrieved and viewed using standard Wonderware Historian
database utilities. Also, you can use historical data to
produce reports shown from your client applications. InTouch
includes a set of ActiveX controls designed to show historical
data from the Wonderware Historian in trends or graphs
that can be embedded in client application windows.
150 Chapter 7 Working with History
Application Server User’s Guide
Application Server History Components
To save your process data to a historical database, you must
install the Wonderware Historian. A Wonderware Historian
database can be installed on any computer outside the
Galaxy, but on the same network. In a production
environment, the Wonderware Historian should be installed
on a dedicated computer without other ArchestrA products
running on it.
The following figure shows the major ArchestrA components
to save process data from a production device to the
Wonderware Historian
A single Wonderware Historian installation can receive
historical data from a single Galaxy. A push model is used to
send and save new historical updates to Wonderware
Historian. Each system object Engine (Platform, AppEngine,
ViewEngine) includes a historian primitive that sends all
history updates for all hosted objects to the historian. The
historian primitive receives the history updates from history
primitives, history extension primitives, and bulk history
primitives on the same engine only. All Engine objects
include an attribute to specify the node name of the computer
hosting Wonderware Historian.
The figure shows a single Wonderware Historian. This may
be a common configuration, but other Application Server
configurations support multiple Wonderware Historian
databases for a Galaxy. However, each Engine object only
sends its historical data to one Wonderware Historian.
Production Environment Galaxy
Wonderware Hi st orian
Process Device
WinPl atform
Application Server
Application Server History Components151
Application Server User’s Guide
Sending Historical Data Between Application
Server and Wonderware Historian
Application Server communicates with Wonderware
Historian through an interface called Manual Data
Acquisition Service (MDAS). MDAS uses Distributed COM
(DCOM) to send data to the historian.
Wonderware Historian requires a tag to be configured in its
database for each attribute of an Application Server object
configured to save historical data. Thus, there is a one-to-one
relationship between a historical object attribute and a tag in
Wonderware Historian.
After the Wonderware Historian starts, it configures MDAS
by sending its information about the tags (including their
data sources) for which the MDAS is to acquire data. When
the historian storage subsystem is ready to accept data,
MDAS automatically connects to its data sources, starts
acquiring data, and sends the data to be saved in the
historical database.
Data received by the MDAS is temporarily stored in a series
of 64 KB buffers on disk. The contents of the buffers are
periodically sent to the Wonderware Historian in packets.
MDAS sends data from a buffer after the buffer is full, or at a
specified interval. The number of pre-allocated buffers is
configurable for each MDAS.
Saving Historical Data During Communication
A variety of problems can break communication between
Application Server and Wonderware Historian. MDAS
includes store forward capability, which protects against a
temporary loss of historical data in the event that the MDAS
cannot communicate with the Wonderware Historian.
If MDAS cannot communicate with the historian, all data
currently being processed can be stored locally on the
computer running MDAS. This hard drive location is called
the store forward path and is configurable from the
WinPlatform object.
If the MDAS is unable to send data to the historian, data is
written to disk. Historical data is stored until the threshold
capacity of the cache is reached or communication to the
historian is restored. In the event that all store forward disk
capacity is used to store historical data, no more data is
stored. An error message is logged. Remote store forward
paths are not supported.
152 Chapter 7 Working with History
Application Server User’s Guide
Collecting Late Data
Application Server data that arrives with a timestamp more
than 30 seconds later than the Historian’s current time is
considered late data. The Historian processes late data by
several different methods.
Data that is late, but is sent in steady stream. For
example, because of communications delays, a topic
defined in an DAServer might send a stream of data
values that is consistently several minutes behind the
Wonderware Historian time. Although this type of data is
late, it is handled by the real-time data storage process if
the topic is configured for late data.
Data that is sent in periodic bursts. For example, a topic
defined in an DAServer might represent an RTU that
sends a block of data values every few hours. Late data of
this type is handled by the "manual" data storage
Note Late data is enabled when an older Galaxy is imported or
migrated to Application Server 3.1 or later.
The late data option must be enabled for the topic in order for
late data to be processed. If the late data option is not
enabled, data values are discarded that arrive with
timestamps earlier than 30 seconds of the current
Wonderware Historian time.
Saving Object Attribute Data to the Historian
Some attribute values can be saved as historical data when
values change. Data quality and time are also associated
with attribute values. When available, Application Server
uses the extended attribute’s value, the timestamp when the
value changed, and the calculated quality of the data to
create a Value, Time, Quality (VTQ) packet sent to the
Historian. If there is no timestamp associated with the
attribute value, the current scan time from the AppEngine
hosting the object is used instead.
Saving Object Attribute Data to the Historian153
Application Server User’s Guide
Saving Process Values as Historical Data
For attribute data to be stored in the historian, a host
AppEngine must be configured to send history data to a
Wonderware Historian node. For each object, you can
configure attributes of the following data types to be saved to
the Wonderware Historian.
Float (numerical).
Double (numerical) maps to a Wonderware Historian
float data type. If the value of the double exceeds the
range of a float, its value is clamped to the maximum
value for the float and the quality is set to Uncertain.
Integer (numerical)
Boolean (non-numerical)
String – Unicode (non-numerical). Limited to 512
characters. Characters that exceed the 512 maximum
length are truncated. If truncation occurs, the quality
value of the packet is set to Uncertain.
CustomEnum (non-numerical) maps to a Wonderware
Historian integer.
ElapsedTime (numerical) maps to a Wonderware
Historian float and is converted to seconds.
Arrays or parts of arrays are not supported.
Enum type attributes are saved as Wonderware
Historian integer ordinal values.
IEEE NaN values for float and double data types are
converted to null values prior to being sent to the
historian. NaN values are associated with a Bad OPC
data quality.
All numerical attributes sent to the Wonderware
Historian are in the engineering units specified for the
attribute. The Wonderware Historian does not scale
numerical values.
154 Chapter 7 Working with History
Application Server User’s Guide
Saving Data Quality as Historical Data
Wonderware Historian supports the OPC Quality definition.
A 16-bit value for OPC data quality is sent to Wonderware
Historian in the VTQ packet. Within the 16-bits, the
low-order byte is the standard OPC portion. Wonderware
reserves the high order byte and it is currently unused. The
Good, Bad, Initializing (which is a form of Bad) and
Uncertain quality states are specified in the low-order byte.
Any change in the mapped Wonderware Historian Quality
Detail saves a new record to Wonderware Historian,
regardless of whether the attribute value has changed. If an
attribute value remains constant over a period of time with
varying changes in quality, multiple records are stored in
Wonderware Historian. The OPC quality stored in
Wonderware Historian is the actual quality of the attribute
in Application Server without modification.
Wonderware Historian can create and insert additional
(non-ArchestrA generated) VTQ records that modify quality
in the database. These additional VTQ records provide
additional information about network outages or other
events to client applications that use historical data from
Wonderware Historian.
Additional Quality Data Saved to the Historian
Wonderware Historian also has two additional data quality
fields (quality and quality detail) that are non-OPC
compliant. Both fields are stored with each record in addition
to the OPC quality. Wonderware Historian maps the value of
these fields in a manner consistent with its quality definition
for those fields. The values of those fields are driven by the
OPC quality sent by Application Server. For example, an
OPC Good quality results in Wonderware Historian quality
detail of Good.
Saving Object Attribute Data to the Historian155
Application Server User’s Guide
Wonderware Historian Quality is a 1-byte flag that
summarizes the quality of the associated data value in the
packet sent by Application Server. Wonderware Historian
Quality is an enumerated type with the following values:
OPC Qualities from Application Server result in storage of an
Wonderware Historian Quality as follows:
Wonderware Historian QualityDetail contains the detail of
data quality as a 32-bit value. QualityDetail is derived from
OPC quality. Each source is allocated a byte position within
the QualityDetail 32-bit word, which is formatted as:
Hex Decimal Name Description
0x00 0 Good Good value.
0x01 1 Bad Value was marked as
0x10 16 Doubtful Value is uncertain. Only
fabricated at retrieval time.
0x85 133 Initial
(Good) Initial value for a
delta request.
OPC Quality
(substatus form)
Wonderware Historian Quality
Decimal (1-byte)
Good (any) 0 - Good
Bad (any) 1 - Bad
Bad (Initializing form) 1 - Bad
Uncertain (any) 0 - Good
156 Chapter 7 Working with History
Application Server User’s Guide
Only the low-order two bytes (DDDD) are mapped to OPC
quality for data sent by Application Server and saved to the
Saving the Data Timestamp as Historical Data
Application Server includes a timestamp in the VTQ packet
sent to the historian for each attribute value/quality update
that is saved as a historical record. Application Server
propagates the timestamp associated with an attribute
value. The timestamp is propagated throughout all
Application Server components as UTC in FILETIME
If an object attribute has a Value DeadBand specified, a
quality change or value change from previous scan cycle
greater than Value Deadband causes the attribute's Value,
Time and Quality (VTQ) to be saved as historical data in the
Historian. When a Value DeadBand is not specified, any
change to the attribute’s value, timestamp, or quality cause
the attribute to be saved as historical data.
When an attribute is configured to periodically save a
historical record, the attribute’s current time is used as the
timestamp. If the attribute does not support a timestamp,
the hosting AppEngine's current scan time is used as
timestamp included in the packet.
OPC Quality (any
substatus form)
Results in any one of these
Wonderware Historian Quality Details
Good (any) 192 - Good value
150 - Initial value (good)
151 - Initial store/forward value
252 - First value received (good)
44 - First good value received by
storage after the connection to
MDAS has been restored.
248 - First value in the second
stream during a store-and-forward.
Bad (any) 24 (DAServer disconnect)
Bad (Initializing
24 (DAServer disconnect)
Uncertain (any) 192
Saving Object Attribute Data to the Historian157
Application Server User’s Guide
If slow updates for real-time data values are received from an
I/O source and an intermittent network disconnect occurs,
the timestamp of the first data value of a historized attribute
uses the AppEngine’s timestamp instead of the source’s
timestamp. In the following example, in row number 4, the
value "30" is sent again to the historian, but the timestamp is
the AppEngine timestamp and not the actual timestamp of
“2008-11-24 18:50:41.061” when the value of 30 was
generated from the I/O source.
If slow updates for late data values are received from an I/O
source and an intermittent network disconnect occurs, the
timestamp of the first data value of a historized attribute is
modified to maintain the time sequence. In the following
example, in row number 4, the value "30" is sent again to the
historian, but the timestamp is modified by adding 5
milliseconds to previous timestamp of the NULL data value.
Note that a QualityDetail of 704 is stored for the data value
in row number 4.
DateTime TagNa me Value Quality QualityDetail OPCQuality
20 133 44 192
30 0 192 192
NULL 1 24 0
30 0 192 192 –> Row number 4
40 0 192 192
DateTime Ta g Name Value Quality QualityDetail OPCQuality
20 133 44 192
30 0 192 192
NULL 1 24 0
30 0 704 192 –> Row number 4
40 0 192 192
158 Chapter 7 Working with History
Application Server User’s Guide
Saving Alarms and Events as Historical Data
Alarms and events detected by the Application Server at run
time are saved as historical data to the Wonderware
Historian for the host engine. Alarms are a type of event that
can be historized. In addition, alarm-related events such as
Acknowledge are also saved as historical alarm data.
Deploying and Undeploying Attributes
When an object is deployed with historical attributes, the
history primitives cause dynamic reconfiguration of
Wonderware Historian. Each history primitive causes a new
tag to be created and configured automatically in
Wonderware Historian at deployment time. The Wonderware
Historian storage system that will be used is determined by
the configuration of the host engine object.
This dynamic configuration causes appropriate row/column
configuration in the Wonderware Historian schema.
If the connection to the Wonderware Historian is down at
deploy time, the attempt to dynamically reconfigure
Wonderware Historian is achieved when the connection is
restored. In other words, automatic retry is built in.
However, any data generated by the object during the time
between deployment and the recovery is lost and cannot be
recovered by store forward.
When an object configured for history is redeployed, changes
to an object’s attributes makes the historian reconfigure
storage. For example, if the engineering units string of an
object changes from “Deg F” to “Deg C” when the object is
redeployed, the Wonderware Historian configuration
database shows the change.
When an object configured for history is undeployed, all
history remains in the Wonderware Historian. The history
data can be viewed in the future even if the object is no
longer deployed.
Saving Object Attribute Data to the Historian159
Application Server User’s Guide
Saving Historical Data During Run Time
While an application is running, data is saved to the
historian as follows:
If no previous historical attribute value exists in the
historian, the first value is always saved to the historian.
Numerical attributes (double, float or integer): If the
value for the attribute changes and that change is more
than the value deadband, or the value's quality changes
(for example, from Good to Bad), the data is saved to the
If the attribute type is qualitative (enumeration, string,
or Boolean) and the attribute’s value or quality changes.
If the current time exceeds the last Forced Store period
occurred for the attribute by the time period that was set
as the Force Storage Period. If no last Forced Store
occurred since starting the object, a new store occurs
Note If enabled, the Value Deadband mechanism resets itself
based on this new stored value.
All new attributes value, timestamp, and quality are sent
to the Wonderware Historian for storage.
Wonderware Historian stores the historical records to the
Advanced Communication Management
To ensure that attribute data saved to the historian is always
current and continuous, Application Server registers a
reference to the attribute. By registering a reference to the
attribute, it prevents Message Exchange from suspending
historical updates during the period when the client
application has minimized the window containing the object.
Historical data continues to be saved to the Wonderware
Historian even during the period when the object is in an
Advanced Communication Management Suspended state.
160 Chapter 7 Working with History
Application Server User’s Guide
Store Forward Mode
If the Wonderware Historian shuts down or the network
connection to it is lost while an application is running,
historical data continues to be stored locally on the computer
hosting the WinPlatform object.
When the Wonderware Historian node recovers, data is
forwarded from the local node to the Wonderware Historian
node at a low priority.
If an AppEngine loses connectivity to the Wonderware
Historian node, the Wonderware Historian reports bad data
quality to clients. When you undeploy an object with
attributes configured for history, the Wonderware Historian
stores the final data points with Bad quality.
Configuring Common Historical Attributes
Each application or system object that you select from the
Template Toolset include a set of common attributes you
configure to save data to the Historian.
The historical attributes you configure are based on the data
type of the object. For example, the following figure shows
the common historical attributes for numerical attributes.
If you are configuring a discrete attribute, you see a smaller
set of historical attributes.
Configuring Common Historical Attributes161
Application Server User’s Guide
You can also assign historical extensions to extended
attributes that you select from the Extensions tab of your
You select the Show extensions attributes check box to show
the extensions of an application object’s attributes in the list.
Then, you select an extendable attribute from the list whose
data you want to save to the historian.
After you select the History extension check box to save the
data to history associated with the attribute extension you
selected. An
X appears in the H column of the Extendable
list to indicate its data is saved to the historian.
This section describes the common historical attributes that
you can configure for your system and application objects.
Refer to this section as you complete the procedures to
configure your objects.
Force Storage Period
Interval in milliseconds in which an attribute value is
saved to the Historian, regardless of whether the value
exceeds its value deadband setting or not. An attribute
value is saved to the Historian at every Force Storage
interval. The default value of zero (0) disables the Force
Storage period.
162 Chapter 7 Working with History
Application Server User’s Guide
Value Deadband
Threshold value in engineering units, which is the
absolute difference between the current and most recent
saved historical values. The current value must exceed
the absolute deadband to be saved as historical data.
The Value Deadband filters out small, momentary value
changes from being saved to the Historian. A new value
that is within the range of the deadband is not saved to
the Historian. The default value of 0.0 disables the Value
Deadband and any change to a value is saved as
historical data.
Interpolation Type
List of methods used by the Historian to interpolate
analog historical data. The interpolation type determines
which analog value is selected during a Historian data
retrieval cycle. Interpolation types include System
Default, Stairstep, or Linear. The default interpolation
type is System Default.
No interpolation occurs. The last known value is
returned with the given cycle time. If no valid value
can be found, a NULL is returned to the Historian.
The Historian calculates a new value at the given
cycle time by interpolating between the last known
value prior to the cycle time and the first value after
the cycle time.
System Default
The Wonderware Historian system-wide
interpolation setting. The system-wide setting must
be either stairstep or linear interpolated.
Rollover Value
Positive integer value that represents a tag’s reset limit
when the Historian operates in counter retrieval mode.
In counter retrieval mode the Historian uses a tag's
rollover value to calculate and return the delta change
between consecutive retrieval cycles. The default value is
The Rollover value applies only to numeric attributes.
The Rollover value is disabled if the historical attribute
data type is Boolean or a string.
Configuring Common Historical Attributes163
Application Server User’s Guide
Trend Hi
Initial maximum trend value in engineering units for
clients. The default is 100.
Trend Lo
Initial minimum trend value in engineering units for
clients. The default is 0.0.
Sample Count
Integer that indicates the number of samples the
Historian should store in the active image for an
attribute value. Acceptable range of values is from 0 to
9999. The Historian enforces a sample count of 65 for the
active image.
If the current sample count for the active image is 65, and
you set the sample count to a value less than or equal to
65, the new sample count setting is not saved to the
Historian database, and the active image count remains
at 65.
If the current sample count for the active image is greater
than 65, and you set the sample count to a value less than
or equal to 65, the new sample count is saved to the
Historian database and 65 is used by the active image.
Regardless of the current sample count for the active
image, if you set the sample count to a value greater than
65, the new sample count is saved to the Historian
database and used by the active image.
Enable Swinging Door
A flag that indicates whether the swinging door rate
deadband is enabled or disabled. The default is disabled.
Enable Swinging Door is disabled if the historical
attribute data type is Boolean or a string.
Rate Deadband
Percentage rate of change deadband based on the change
in the slope of incoming data values to the Historian. For
example, specifying a swinging door rate deadband of 10
percent means that data is saved to the Historian if the
percentage change in slope of consecutive data values
exceeds 10 percent.
The default is 0.0, which indicates a swinging door rate
deadband is not applied. Any percentage greater than 0.0
can be assigned to the rate deadband.
164 Chapter 7 Working with History
Application Server User’s Guide
Configuring System Objects to Store
Historical Data
The following table shows the historical attributes for
Application Server system objects.
History Attributes
Application Server System
Buffer count
z z z
z z z
Enable Late Data
Enable Storage to
z z z
Enable Swinging Door
z z z z
Enable Tag Hierarchy
z z z
Engineering units
z z z z
Force Storage Period
z z z z
Forwarding chunk size
z z z
Forwarding delay
z z z
z z z
History store forward
z z z
Idle duration
Interpolation Type
z z z z
Process Interval
Rate Deadband
z z z z
Rollover Value
z z z z
Sample Count
z z z z
Store forward deletion
z z z
Configuring System Objects to Store Historical Data165
Application Server User’s Guide
Configuring the WinPlatform Object to Store
Historical Data
A WinPlatform object contains attributes to configure how
historical store forward data is cached locally and then
pushed to the Historian. Also, you can select the
WinPlatform object’s platform, scheduler, and engine data to
be saved to the Historian. Finally, you can select the
WinPlatform’s extendable attribute values to be saved to the
Store forward minimum
z z z
Trend High
z z z z
Trend Low
z z z z
Value Deadband
z z z z
History Attributes
Application Server System
166 Chapter 7 Working with History
Application Server User’s Guide
The following table shows the WinPlatform attributes you
can configure to save data to the Historian. The table shows
the attributes by the tabbed pages when you edit
WinPlatform attributes.
Attribute Name Attribute Description
General Tab
Network Address Node name of the computer hosting the
WinPlatform object.
History store forward
Folder location to temporarily save store forward
data sent to the Historian.
The name of the AppEngine is always appended
to the SF directory name. For example, if you
specify the store-forward location for
AppEngine001 as C:\SFData, the actual folder
name is C:\SFData\AppEngine001. Appending
the AppEngine name to the store forward folder
ensures unique store forward directory names for
each AppEngine.
Engine Tab
Enable storage to historian Checkbox to select data to be saved to the
Enable Tag Hierarchy Check box to select if you want the portion of the
model view hierarchy hosted by the AppEngine
to get replicated into the public group namespace
when the Historian engine starts.
Historian Node name of the computer that hosts
Wonderware Historian.
Store forward deletion
Size in MB to reserve free on the store forward
disk and not use during store forward.
Store forward minimum
Minimum duration in seconds the MDAS
remains in Store Forward mode to send data to
the Historian. After the MDAS enters storef
orward mode, it continues to send store forward
data until the condition requiring store forward
disappears, or the minimum store forward period
has elapsed, whichever comes later.
Forwarding chunk size Number of bytes of data sent to the MDAS in a
single chunk as store forward data.
Forwarding delay Interval length in milliseconds between sending
chunks of store forward data to MDAS.
Configuring System Objects to Store Historical Data167
Application Server User’s Guide
To configure a WinPlatform Object to store historical data
Double-click on an WinPlatform derived template or
instance to open the Object Editor.
2 Click the General tab to show history attributes.
3 In the Network address box, type or select the node name
of the computer assigned to the WinPlatform object.
4 In the History store forward directory box, enter the path
to the folder to save store and forward historical data.
The folder must exist on the computer specified in the
Network address box.
5 Click the Engine tab to show store forward history
6 Assign values to the Store Forward attributes shown in
History area of the Engine page.
a Select the Enable storage to historian checkbox.
b In the Historian box, type or select the node name of
the computer that hosts the Historian.
Buffer count Number of 64K buffers used to store store
forward data.
Platform History, Scheduler History, and Engine History Tab
For more information about the historical attributes that can be configured from
these tab pages of the WinPlatform object, see Configuring Common Historical
Attributes on page 160.
Attribute Name Attribute Description
168 Chapter 7 Working with History
Application Server User’s Guide
c In the Store forward deletion threshold box, type the
amount of data in megabytes to save in the Store
Forward folder before overwriting currently stored
data with new data.
d In the Forwarding chunk size box, type the number of
of bytes of data sent to MDAS from the Store Forward
e In the Forwarding delay box, type the delay in
milliseconds before sending data from the Store
Forward folder to MDAS.
f In the Buffer count box, type the number of 64K
buffers in the Store Forward folder to temporarily
store data before sending it to the MDAS.
7 Click the Platform History tab to show the attributes to
save system data from the computer hosting the
WinPlatform object to the historian.
8 Select the checkbox next to each attribute whose data you
want saved in the historian. For more information about
these historical attributes, see Configuring Common
Historical Attributes on page 160.
9 Click the Scheduler History tab to show the attributes to
save data to the historian.
10 Select the checkbox next to each scheduler attribute
whose data you want saved in the historian.
11 Click the Engine History tab to show the attributes to save
data from AppEngines hosted by the WinPlatform object.
12 Select the checkbox next to each engine attribute whose
data you want saved in the historian.
13 Save your changes and check in the WinPlatform object.
14 Deploy the object to its target computer in an on scan
Configuring System Objects to Store Historical Data169
Application Server User’s Guide
Configuring an AppEngine Object to Store
Historical Data
If an AppEngine is deployed before Wonderware Historian is
started, no history data is stored until the objects
successfully register with the Wonderware Historian.
Note Except for Late Data, the ViewEngine object contains the
same historical attributes as the AppEngine object.
Setting Up an AppEngine for Late Data
If you enable late data for an AppEngine object, you need to
configure two parameters:
Idle duration
The idle duration is the delay in seconds after receiving
the last data value before the contents of the MDAS
buffer are sent to the Historian. For example, an idle
duration of 60 seconds means that data from the topic is
cached and only processed by the historian after no more
data has been received from the MDAS for at least 60
seconds. The default length of the idle duration is 60
The idle duration is important if you anticipate bursts of
late data being sent to the MDAS. The length of the idle
duration depends on your specific historian
implementation and application requirements. The
longer you set the idle duration, the longer it takes to see
the data in your client applications.
Process interval
The process interval is how often Wonderware Historian
process buffers from MDAS. The default is 120 seconds.
The process interval ensures that the Historian receives
historical data even if the idle duration is never satisfied.
The Historian processes data from the MDAS at least
once every processing interval.
By default, the process interval is set to twice the length
of the idle duration. You cannot set the processing
interval to a value less than the idle duration.
170 Chapter 7 Working with History
Application Server User’s Guide
To configure an AppEngine to store historical data
Double-click on the AppEngine instance to open it within
the Object Editor.
2 Click on the General tab to show history attributes.
3 In the History area, select the Enable storage to historian
check box.
4 Select the Enable Tag Hierarchy check box if you want the
portion of the model view hierarchy hosted by the
AppEngine to get replicated into the public group
namespace when the Historian engine starts.
5 In the Historian box, type or select the node name of the
computer hosting the Wonderware Historian.
6 Specify the characteristics of store forward historical
data by setting values for the following attributes:
a In the Store forward detection threshold box, type the
size in megabytes to reserve free on the MDAS store
forward disk and not use during store forward.
b In the Store forward minimum duration box, type the
minimum duration in seconds for MDAS to remain in
Store Forward mode.
c In the Forwarding chunk size box, type the number of
bytes of data sent by the MDAS in a single chunk as
store forward data to the historian.
d In the Forwarding delay box, type the number of
milliseconds between sending chunks of bytes when
forwarding store forward data to the historian
e In the Buffer count box, type the number of 64K
MDAS buffers to be pre-allocated for buffering data
sent to the historian.
Configuring System Objects to Store Historical Data171
Application Server User’s Guide
7 If you want the MDAS to send late data to the historian,
select the Enable Late Data check box. The Idle duration
Process Interval boxes remain inactive until you
select the Enable Late Data check box.
8 In the Idle duration box, type the number of seconds the
MDAS waits after receiving the last value before sending
the contents of the buffer to the historian.
9 In the Process Interval box, type the number of seconds
between each interval when the historian processes the
contents of the MDAS buffers.
10 Click the Scheduler History tab to show the attributes to
save data to the historian.
11 Select the checkbox next to each scheduler attribute
whose data you want saved in the historian.
12 Click the Engine History tab to show the attributes to save
data from AppEngines hosted by the WinPlatform object.
13 Select the checkbox next to each engine attribute whose
data you want saved in the historian.
14 Save your changes to the AppEngine object.
Configuring an Area Object to Save Alarm Counts
as Historical Data
An Area object represents a plant area to group objects for
modelling and report alarms. You can configure a set of
attributes to save the counts of an area’s alarm states to the
historian. An Area object contains a set of attributes to save
the counts of the following alarm states to the historian:
Active alarms
Unacknowledged alarms
Disabled or silenced alarms
172 Chapter 7 Working with History
Application Server User’s Guide
To configure an Area object to store historical data
1 Double-click on the Area instance to open it within the
Object Editor.
2 Click on the General tab to show attributes for area alarm
counts that can be saved as historical data.
3 Select the checkbox next to each alarm state counter that
you want to save to the historian.
4 Set the attributes for each alarm counter that you select.
For more information about assigning values to historical
attributes, see Configuring Common Historical
Attributes on page 160.
5 Save your changes and close the Object Editor.
Configuring Application Objects to Save Historical Data173
Application Server User’s Guide
Configuring Application Objects to Save
Historical Data
The following table shows the historical attributes for
application objects. These history attributes are described in
Configuring Common Historical Attributes on page 160.
Note The historical attributes available from the UserDefined
object are based on the data type associated with the selected
field attribute.
Application Server Application Objects
z z z z z z
z z z z z z z z z
z z z z z z
z z z z z z
z z z z z z
z z z z z z z z z
Trend High
z z z z z z
Trend Low
z z z z z z
z z z z z z
174 Chapter 7 Working with History
Application Server User’s Guide
To configure an application object to store history
Open the application object in the Object Editor.
2 Click the General tab to show the history attributes for
the object’s PV value.
If you selected an AnalogDevice object, click the
tab. If you selected a UserDefined object, click the
3 Select the Historize PV check box to enable the common
history attributes shown in the History area of the page.
If you selected an AnalogDevice object, the History page
includes check boxes to save
PV, SP, PV mode, Control
, and Control Track Flag data to the historian.
If you select a UserDefined object, create a field attribute
and then select the
Enable history check box. If you
created a discrete attribute, you see two history
attributes after selecting Enable history. You see nine
history attributes if you created an analog field attribute.
4 Assign values to the PV history attributes that appear in
the History area of the page. For more information about
assigning values to the common history attributes, see
Configuring Common Historical Attributes on page 160.
5 Set the attributes for each attribute extension that you
select. For more information about assigning values to
the common historical attributes, see Configuring
Common Historical Attributes on page 160.
6 Save your changes and close the Object Editor.
Application Server User’s Guide
Chapter 8
Working with Alarms and Events
You can create ArchestrA applications that generate alarms
and events to provide the status of a running application.
Alarms warn about process conditions that can
potentially cause problems. Typically, you set up an
alarm to become active when a process value exceeds a
defined limit. For example, you can set an alarm for a
pump that warns when no fluid pressure is detected.
An alarm is an abnormal condition that requires
immediate attention. An operator usually acknowledges
an alarm. ArchestrA handles the real-time reporting of
alarms and provides special clients for viewing them.
Events represent normal system, application, or user
occurrences that produce status messages. A typical
event occurs when an operator logs on to an application
at the beginning of a work shift. Application Server can
detect events, store them as historical data, and report
them to client applications.
ArchestrA objects include built-in event and alarming
reporting capabilities. You must configure alarms for each
object in the IDE to use the event and alarm functions.
176 Chapter 8 Working with Alarms and Events
Application Server User’s Guide
Understanding Events
An event indicates a significant occurrence that is detected,
reported, and saved as historical data. Events can be
detected by any Application Server component including
automation objects and the SMC.
Events are more general purpose than alarms and provide a
means for any software component to log information about a
system, application, or operator action. Application Server
components use an event API to send event messages to
Alarm/Event distributors and the Wonderware Historian.
Also, events are sent to client applications like InTouch HMI
to be shown in real-time trends or reports.
Types of Events
Application Server creates several types of run-time event
messages, which are saved as historical data.
System events
Event messages are logged when a Platform, Engine,
Area, DI Network or DI Device start or stop. Any system
action that affects a large number of objects is logged as
an event.
A System event message contains the following
Event type, which is System.
Tagname, which is the name of the object generating
the event.
Tag description, which is a short description of the
object generating the event.
Area, which is the name of the area that contains the
object generating the event.
Event description, which describes the system action
and can be either Started or Stopped.
Timestamp, which is the current system time.
Security-audit (operator change) events
Event messages are logged to the SMC when an operator
logs on to or logs off from an application. Also,
security-audit events are logged when an operator
changes actions by means of User sets.
Understanding Events177
Application Server User’s Guide
A Security-audit event message contains the following
Event type, which is operator change.
Timestamp, which is the date and time when the
operator change event occurred. The timestamp of the
event is the current AppEngine scan time.
Tagname, which is the name of object generating the
Prim.attr, which is the reference string of the
attribute being changed.
Tag description, which is a short description of the
Area, which is the name of the area that contains the
object generating the event.
UserEngine, which is the name of the view engine or
other user engine requesting the operator change.
Operator1, which is the full name of the primary
operator requesting a change. The full name is an
attribute of the UserProfile.
Operator2, which is the full name of the secondary
operator validating the change, if any.
Old value, which is the previous value of an attribute.
New Value, which is the new value of an attribute.
Application (or process) related events
Application event messages are generated by application
objects in response to process actions. For example,
application event messages are created when a process
pump starts or stops.
An Application event contains the following information:
Event type, which is data change.
Timestamp, which is the date and time when the
application event occurred. The timestamp assigned
to the event is the timestamp of the attribute
associated with the event, if available. Otherwise, the
event timestamp is the current AppEngine scan time.
Tagname, which is the name of the object generating
the event.
178 Chapter 8 Working with Alarms and Events
Application Server User’s Guide
Prim.attr, which is the reference string of the
attribute being changed.
Tag description, which is a short description of the
Area, which is the name of the area that contains the
object generating the event.
Old value, which is the previous value of an attribute.
New Value, which is the new value of an attribute.
Understanding Alarms
Application and system objects can detect and generate an
alarm. To detect an alarm, a system or application object sets
a Boolean Attribute flag to indicate whether the object's
alarm condition is currently true or false.
To report an alarm, the object must contain an Alarm
Primitive. The Alarm Primitive makes a reference to the
object’s Boolean flag to determine whether the alarm
condition is true. It then combines this information with the
current alarm mode to determine whether to report a this as
an active or inactive alarm state. An Alarm Primitive is
dedicated to reporting a single alarm condition’s state. Alarm
Primitives send alarm notification messages to ArchestrA
alarm and event distributors.
Every alarm notification includes a set of fields containing
data that describes the alarm. Some alarm notification data
is saved as historical data. The following list describes all
fields sent with an alarm notification.
TagName, which is the name of the object generating the
alarm. Saved as historical data.
Name, which is the name of the alarm. Saved as
historical data.
InAlarm, which is a Boolean value that indicates whether
the object’s alarm state is currently active or inactive.
Saved as historical data.
Quality, which is the current quality of the data upon
which the alarm is based. Saved as historical data.
Understanding Alarms179
Application Server User’s Guide
OnTimeStamp, which is the time when the attribute
value transitioned into an alarm state. The attribute’s
value timestamp is used, if available. Otherwise, the
timestamp is the AppEngine scan time. Saved as
historical data.
OffTimeStamp, which is the time when the alarmed
attribute value returns to normal. The attribute’s value
timestamp is used, if available. Otherwise, the
OffTimeStamp is the AppEngine scan time. If an active
alarm is disabled, it forces a return to normal and the
timestamp is the current time. Saved as historical data.
Category, which is an integer between 1 and 14 that
identifies the type of alarm and source of the alarm.
These values are associated with Internationalized
category labels set by Wonderware.
Alarm category labels can be localized to other languages.
Application Server uses the default Galaxy language to
retrieve these strings and send them to InTouch. The
alarm category labels appear in InTouch and InTouch
history as the default Galaxy language strings. Saved as
historical data.
Priority, which is an integer value from 1 to 999
indicating the severity of the alarm. An alarm priority of
1 is most urgent and 999 least urgent.
TargetValueReference, which is an optional field that
makes a reference to the target value of the alarm. Not
saved as historical data.
ActualValueReference, which is an optional field that
makes a reference to the actual attribute value for the
alarm condition Not saved as historical data.
TargetValue Snapshot, which is an optional field
containing the attribute’s target value at the time when
the alarm became active. Saved as historical data.
ActualValueSnapshot, which is an optional field
containing the attribute’s actual value at the time when
the alarm became active. Saved as historical data.
180 Chapter 8 Working with Alarms and Events
Application Server User’s Guide
EngUnitsReference, which is the reference to the
engineering units string for the condition. Saved as
historical data.
AcknowledgedFlag, which indicates whether the alarm is
acknowledged or not. If this flag is FALSE, the alarm is
still unacknowledged. Saved as historical event data.
AcknowledgeTime, which indicates the time when the
alarm was acknowledged if the AcknowledgedFlag is
TRUE. Saved as historical data at the time of
AcknowledgeUserId, which is the string containing the
name of the user who acknowledged the alarm. Saved as
historical data at the time of acknowledgement.
AlarmMode, which indicates whether the alarm mode is
Enabled, Silenced or Disabled. Saved as historical data at
the time when the alarm mode changes.
Message text describing the alarm, which can be
statically or dynamically constructed. The message
typically contains the alarm description, the exceeded
limit value, and possibly the variable value. For the
standard alarm utility primitive, this message is
retrieved by means of a reference to a
string/international string attribute in the object. The
reference is setup at ObjectDesigner time for standard
alarm primitives. If none is specified, then the common
primitive short description attribute is utilized. This field
is also provided in the alarm extension primitive and can
be dynamically generated and scripted. Saved as
historical data.
Area, which is the name of the area that contains the
object generating the alarm. Saved as historical data.
Understanding Alarms181
Application Server User’s Guide
Types of Alarms
Application Server supports the following types of alarms:
State alarms, which are also known as Boolean alarms
Limit alarms
Target deviation alarms
Rate of change alarms
The type of alarm that you can configure is based on the data
type of the attribute’s value.
State Alarms
A state alarm corresponds to a discrete tag with two possible
states. When you create a state alarm, you configure whether
the active alarm state corresponds to the TRUE or FALSE
state of the attribute.
You can set an alarm message and Priority for a state alarm.
The time deadband sets the length of time that an attribute
value must continuously remain in an alarm or unalarmed
state. The time deadband filters out rapid, transitory value
The timestamp when a state alarm becomes active or
inactive is the most current timestamp of the corresponding
input value. If there is no timestamp associated with the
alarmed value, the AppEngine timestamp is used instead.
182 Chapter 8 Working with Alarms and Events
Application Server User’s Guide
Limit Alarms
A limit alarm compares the current value to one or more
predetermined alarm limits within the attribute’s full range
of values. If the value exceeds a limit, an alarm occurs.
You can individually select and configure values and
priorities for the LoLo, Lo, Hi, and HiHi alarm limits. You
can set individual messages for each alarm limit.
You can also configure alarm and time deadbands for limit
alarms. The alarm deadband is expressed as a percentage of
the attribute’s full value range. The deadband range sets the
percentage of the total range that the attribute value must
change to reset a limit alarm to the inactive state. For
example, if the HiHi alarm limit is 80 and the alarm
deadband is 5, then the attribute value must decrease to 74
to reset a HiHi alarm to an inactive state.
The time deadband sets the length of time that an attribute
value must continuously remain in an alarm or unalarmed
condition. The process variable must remain above or below
the indicated limit for at least the indicated deadband time
before the application object updates the status of the alarm
CONDITION Boolean. Then, standard Alarm Primitive logic
determines whether to take that updated alarm condition
and report changes to the alarm state or not.
The timestamp when a limit alarm becomes active or inactive
is the most current timestamp of the corresponding input
value. If there is no timestamp associated with the alarmed
value, the AppEngine timestamp is used instead.
Lo Alarm Level
LoLo Alarm Level
Hi Alarm Level
HiHi Alarm Level
Understanding Alarms183
Application Server User’s Guide
Target Deviation Alarms
A target deviation alarm compares the current attribute
value to a target Engineering Units value. Then, the absolute
value of the difference is compared to one or more alarm
deviation limits expressed in Engineering Units.
You can individually select and configure values and
priorities for the minor deviation limit and the major
deviation limit. You can set individual messages for the
minor and major deviation alarm limits.
The deviation alarm’s settling period is the time allowed for
the attribute value to reach an expected target value after a
device starts. No alarm can occur during the settling period.
You can also configure a value for a deviation deadband,
which is expressed in Engineering Units. The deadband
range sets a threshold that an attribute value must change
from a deviation limit to reset the alarm to the inactive state.
The timestamp when a deviation alarm becomes active or
inactive is the most current timestamp of the corresponding
input value. If there is no timestamp associated with the
alarmed value, the AppEngine timestamp is used instead.
Target 50 EU No Alarm
10 EU Minor
Deviation Alarm
20 EU Major
Deviation Alarm
5 EU Deadband
5 EU Deadband
5 EU Deadband
5 EU Deadband
184 Chapter 8 Working with Alarms and Events
Application Server User’s Guide
Rate of Change Alarms
A rate of change alarm identifies when an attribute value is
changing too quickly over time. For example, you can set a
rate of change alarm for a tank level that indicates when the
pump inlet pressure is too high.
Rate of change is the calculated slope, which is the absolute
difference between the current and previous attribute values
divided by a specified interval. When the slope (positive or
negative) exceeds a specified value, a rate of change alarm
occurs. For example, if a tank volume increases from 17 to 45
liters over a 5 minute interval, the calculated slope is 5.6
liters per minute. If you set your rate of change alarm limit to
5.0 liters per minute, a rate of change alarm condition exists.
Alarm limits are expressed in the Engineering Units of the
attribute’s value over an interval, which can be per second,
minute, hour, or day.
You can select and configure the value and priority for the
upward and downward ROC limits. You can set individual
messages for ROC alarms that exceed the upward or
downward limits.
15:05:25 15:05:55
Understanding Alarms185
Application Server User’s Guide
The timestamp when a rate of change alarm becomes active
or inactive is the most current timestamp of the
corresponding input value. If there is no timestamp
associated with the alarmed value, the AppEngine
timestamp is used instead.
Statistical Alarms
A statistical alarm is one in which a statistic is calculated,
based upon an attribute. If the statistic exceeds some pre-set
limit, the object flags the alarm condition as TRUE.
Setting Alarm State with Object Attributes
The Application Server alarm enable/disable mechanism
includes four attributes to set an object alarm mode and
report alarm status.
AlarmModeCmd Attribute
AlarmModeCmd is a writable attribute that sets the current
commanded alarm mode for the object. You set the
AlarmModeCmd to enabled, silenced, or disabled with a
script, user input, or from an input extension.
AlarmInhibit Attribute
The AlarmInhibit attribute disables one or more alarms
when set to TRUE. The value of the AlarmInhibit attribute is
typically set by a script, manually by the user, or from an
input extension. If the AlarmInhibit attribute is set TRUE,
all alarms of the object and of any contained objects are
When the AlarmInhibit attribute is set to FALSE, alarms are
not inhibited and the object AlarmMode and parent object
AlarmMode determine whether alarming is enabled,
silenced, or disabled.
186 Chapter 8 Working with Alarms and Events
Application Server User’s Guide
AlarmMode Attribute
The AlarmMode is a calculated attribute that identifies the
object alarm mode and is based upon the current values of an
AlarmModeCmd attribute
AlarmInhibit attribute
Parent object AlarmMode attribute
Application Server checks the AlarmModeCmd and
AlarmInhibit attributes of an object and the AlarmMode
status of the parent object. Application Server then updates
the object's AlarmMode attribute to reflect the most
restrictive setting.
All individual alarms use the object's AlarmMode status to
determine whether they are enabled, silenced, or disabled.
_AlarmModeEnum Attribute
The _AlarmModeEnum attribute can be used by any object to
obtain an enumeration of permissible settings for the
AlarmModeCmd attribute.
Parent AlarmMode
Parent AlarmMode
Parent Object
Child Object
Understanding Alarms187
Application Server User’s Guide
Setting Alarm State for Individual Alarms
You can set individual alarms within an object for each type
of alarm. For example, you can set alarms for each of the
limits of a level alarm. The following figure shows an object’s
individual alarms for the HiHi and Hi alarm limits.
The calculated AlarmMode attribute value of an individual
alarm uses the same inputs an object alarm. The parent
AlarmMode attribute is from the object itself. As with object
alarms, the individual alarm mode is set to the most
restrictive input state. For example, if the object’s
AlarmMode state is disabled and the individual alarm’s
AlarmInhibit is FALSE, the individual alarm is disabled.
Each individual alarm is autonomous from other individual
alarms in an object. The AlarmMode of an individual alarm
is not propagated to other alarms. Unlike inhibit for the
entire object, inhibit of an individual alarm does not affect
the alarms of any contained objects. You can selectively
enable, silence, or disable an individual alarm and not set
other alarms to the same value within the object hierarchy.
Parent Object
Parent AlarmMode
Parent AlarmMode
Parent AlarmMode
HiHi Individual Alarm
Hi Individual Alarm
188 Chapter 8 Working with Alarms and Events
Application Server User’s Guide
Enabling, Silencing, and Disabling Alarms
Alarms can be enabled, disabled, or silenced while an
application is running. Setting an object’s alarm state can be
set at the Area level, at the container object level, or at the
individual object. In addition, individual alarms within a
single object can be enabled, silenced, or disabled.
Enabled: All alarms for an object are reported to client
applications and saved as historical data. The enabled
state is less restrictive than the silenced or disabled
alarm states.
Silenced: All alarms for an object are detected, saved to
history, and sent to alarm clients. But, alarm clients do
not show the alarms. The silenced alarm state is more
restricted than the enabled state, but less restrictive than
the disabled state.
Disabled: No alarms for the object are detected. The
alarm is return-to-normal until the alarm is re-enabled.
The disabled state is more restrictive than the silenced
and enabled alarm states. A disabled alarm does not
require acknowledgement.
The following figure shows how the different alarm modes
affect the different phases of an alarm. In the case of Alarm
Suppressed, selected alarms can be filtered out of the
InTouch AlarmViewer display by an operator, or
programatically by a script.
To ensure that alarmed attributes always have current data,
the alarm primitive and the alarm extension primitive
always register a reference to the alarmed attribute. This
guarantees that Message Exchange never suspends updates
for this attribute. Even if alarms are disabled for a particular
attribute, the alarmed attribute cannot enter an Advanced
Communication Management Suspended state.
Alarm NotificationAlarm StateAlarm Condition Alarm Display
Alarm Disabled Alarm Silenced Alarm Suppressed
InTouch Application
Understanding Alarms189
Application Server User’s Guide
The object hierarchy and alarm states determine the final
alarm condition of an object.
An Area object’s alarm state determines the alarm state
for all alarms of objects that belong to the Area.
The most restrictive setting within an object hierarchy
determines the object’s alarm state.
When an individual object alarm is silenced or disabled,
it applies only to that alarm and not to other alarms
belonging to the object.
The alarms on any contained object are not affected. The
disabled or silenced state of an individual alarm does not
propagate downward through the object hierarchy to the
alarms of any contained or assigned object.
Container Object-Any
Contained Object-Any
Object Alarm State = Disabled
Container Object-Disabled
Contained Object-Enabled
Object Alarm State = Disabled
Container Object-Enabled
Contained Object-Enabled
Object Alarm State = Enabled
Object Alarm State = Disabled
190 Chapter 8 Working with Alarms and Events
Application Server User’s Guide
Enabling Alarms
To enable an object’s alarms, you must ensure that the
AlarmModeCmd and AlarmInhibit attributes are enabled for
the object, its container, and its area. An event, including the
user’s name, is generated indicating the object’s alarms are
When object alarms are enabled, you can enable, silence, or
disable an individual alarm.
Silencing Alarms
When object alarms are silenced, an individual alarm that is
enabled or silenced is forced to be silenced. When object
alarms are silenced, an individual alarm can be disabled.
Disabling Alarms
When object alarms are disabled, an individual alarm that is
enabled or silenced is forced to be disabled.
When object alarms are enabled and an individual alarm is
enabled or silenced, the individual alarm can be inhibited.
This forces the individual alarm to be disabled.
When object alarms are silenced and an individual alarm is
enabled or silenced, the individual alarm can be inhibited.
This forces the individual alarm to be disabled.
When object alarms are inhibited, an individual alarm that is
enabled or silenced is forced to be disabled.
Understanding Alarms191
Application Server User’s Guide
Throttling Alarms
Alarm throttling prevents network and message queues from
flooding during periods of high alarm activity. Throttling sets
a maximum number of transitions into and out of an alarm
state within a defined period. Alarm transitions that exceed
the throttling limit are not reported.
The WinPlatform object includes tuning parameters that
specify the maximum alarm rate per second on an engine.
The Alarm throttle limit attribute must be used in
conjunction with the scan period to determine the maximum
number of alarms that can occur in a scan cycle. You can set
the alarm throttle limit when you configure the WinPlatform
object. For more information about setting the scan period
and alarm throttle limit, see
Configuring WinPlatform
Object Alarms on page 196.
Alarm messages can be throttled for alarms going into alarm
and out of alarm state. Alarm acknowledgement messages
are not throttled. Users can still acknowledge alarms even
when alarm throttling is active. Users can still disable
alarms for objects or areas when the alarm rate causes
throttling to occur. Also, the alarm inhibit and the
disable/enable/silence messages are not throttled.
If an active alarm is disabled, the going out of alarm and
disabled messages are sent to the notification distributor. If
alarms are being throttled, the going out of alarm message
can be throttled. The disabled message is accepted regardless
of the throttling status. The going out of alarm message is
not raised again. This can result in never logging a message
for that alarm indicating it went out of alarm. The final
alarm list in the Notification Distributor still shows the
correct alarm state.
192 Chapter 8 Working with Alarms and Events
Application Server User’s Guide
Propagating Timestamps with Alarms and Events
An alarm extension primitive always registers a reference to
the alarmed attribute. This registered reference guarantees
that Message Exchange never suspends updates for the
alarmed attribute. Even if alarms are disabled for a
particular attribute, the Advanced Communication
Management feature cannot suspend the attribute.
Be aware that the time stamp propagates to all masked bits
of an integer attribute, even if only one of the bits changes.
For example, you have an Integer address in a PLC that
represents 16 different alarm states. You assign
ObjA.UDA_Integer to point to the PLC address. You then
split the bits to different alarm attributes, adding a field
attribute for each alarm and naming them
ObjA.FA_Alarm00 to ObjA.FA_Alarm15. Each field attribute
has an input source that refers to a different bit of
ObjA.UDA_Integer. For example, ObjA.FA_00.InputSource
-> me.UDA_Int.00, and so on. At run time, when bit 00 is
changing in the PLC, all of the field attributes
(ObjA.FA_Alarm00 to ObjA.FA_Alarm15) get a new time
stamp, as all the bits changed. This can result incorrect time
stamps for alarms.
Alarms or Events Become Active
For alarms or events, if an attribute has no timestamp, the
current AppEngine scan time is used instead. If an attribute
has a timestamp, the timestamp of the value that caused the
alarm to occur is used as the value for the object’s
AlarmOnTime attribute.
When an alarm is silenced or disabled, and an alarm
condition becomes TRUE, when the alarm is later enabled,
the timestamp for AlarmOnTime is the timestamp of the
most recent attribute change, not the time at which the
alarm was enabled.
For an event, if an attribute has a timestamp, the timestamp
of the value that caused the event to be reported is used for
the EventTime. A System Event timestamp is the current
system time.
Alarms Become Disabled
If an active alarm becomes disabled, the alarm is forced to
return to normal. The timestamp corresponds to the current
time when the alarm became disabled, not the timestamp of
the attribute nor of the alarm condition. Otherwise, the
assigned timestamp is the AppEngine scan time.
Understanding Alarms193
Application Server User’s Guide
Alarms Revert to Normal
If an attribute value has a timestamp, the timestamp of the
value that caused the alarm to revert to normal is used for
the AlarmOffTime.
If alarm is based upon several attributes or upon several
values of a single attribute, the most recent timestamp is
used when assigning values to the AlarmOnTime or
Alarm Acknowledgement
Alarms are acknowledged by users who view
unacknowledged alarms from their client applications like
InTouch HMI. Only alarms of certain priority levels need to
be acknowledged.
The basic workflow to acknowledge an alarm consists of the
following general steps:
The alarm is detected and reported to any subscribed
alarm clients. The alarm is unacknowledged unless it is
of a priority level that does not require acknowledgement.
An authorized user attempts to acknowledge the alarm
from the client. The user can type an optional comment
when acknowledging the alarm.
The user’s acknowledge request is sent to the detecting
object’s alarm primitive. The acknowledgment must pass
through standard security checks first. The acknowledge
request contains the user’s name and any alarm
For the alarm utility and alarm extension primitive, the
alarm is acknowledged within the alarm primitive
immediately. The user name, comment, and acknowledged
time are also saved. Alarm comments can be localized into
any supported language. See
Working with Languages on
page 247.
The acknowledge is considered an alarm state change, which
is sent to all subscribed clients. When an alarm is
acknowledged, the current AppEngine timestamp is used as
the acknowledgement time.
After an alarm is acknowledged for the first time, any
additional (extra) acknowledgement attempts for the same
alarm are rejected and an error is returned.
194 Chapter 8 Working with Alarms and Events
Application Server User’s Guide
Configuring Alarms
Alarming capabilities are a part of object templates, but they
are not implemented until you configure the object in the
IDE. After alarms are configured, you can view Application
Server alarms in a client visualization application like
InTouch HMI.
Configuring an object to be an alarm provider includes the
following general sequence of steps:
Decide whether alarm notification is needed for each
possible alarm condition of an object. For example, a
command time-out alarm for a valve if the output
command fails to move the valve.
Edit the object and set an attribute that specifies
Edit the object from the IDE and assign values to alarm
Configure the alarm properties. Typically, the fields that
require configuration are Category, Priority and
Configuring any limit fields to set an alarm. For example,
the feedback time-out time limit.
You can add alarm detection and reporting capabilities to
objects that were not originally developed to detect alarms.
You do this by setting alarm extensions for the object.
Configuring Alarming for System Objects
To enable alarming for your application, you need to
configure your Galaxy’s WinPlatform and AppEngine objects
as alarm providers. Both system objects report their own
Client applications subscribe to application object alarms by
the area containing the objects. Client applications can also
subscribe to WinPlatforms and AppEngines directly. These
are called "pseudo-areas." They do not need to be assigned to
an area for a client to see the alarms, although the user may
want to assign them to an area, such as for simplifying the
alarm query in the InTouch Alarm Viewer or Alarm DB
Configuring Alarms195
Application Server User’s Guide
The following list shows the alarms for each system object.
Excess CPU load alarm
Low disk space alarm
Excessive page faults alarm
Low memory alarm
Engine failure alarm
Engine checkpoint failure alarm
Object quarantined condition
Subscription folding condition
Scheduler scan overrun condition
A WinPlatform object includes a general communication
alarm when it loses contact with the areas to which it is
Checkpoint failure alarm
Object quarantined condition
Subscription folding condition
Scheduler scan overrun condition
Redundancy failover alarm
Redundancy Standby unavailable
Redundancy Standby not ready
Checkpoint failure alarm
Object quarantined condition
Subscription folding condition
Scheduler scan overrun condition
The Area and InTouchViewApp system objects do not include
any alarms.
196 Chapter 8 Working with Alarms and Events
Application Server User’s Guide
Configuring WinPlatform Object Alarms
You select the areas of your Galaxy to monitor for alarms
from the WinPlatform object. Also, you can select specific
alarms for the status of the WinPlatform itself.
You must specify that the WinPlatform object is an InTouch
alarm provider to subscribe to alarms from the various areas
(and pseudo-areas) of the Galaxy and report them to the
InTouch Alarm Manager.
Selecting the Register using “Galaxy_<GalaxyName>”
instead of “Galaxy” option:
When you select the Register using “Galaxy_<Galaxy name>”
instead of “Galaxy” option, you enable ITAlarmProvider
contained in WinPlatform to register the ITAlarmSubsystem using
a provider name of Galaxy_GalaxyName.
This means that all IT applications which query alarms from
this platform should be modified to use
Select this option when the ArchestrA Alarm Control, the
embedded alarm client or EAC, or the AlarmViewControl
in InTouch queries alarms from different galaxies.
To configure a WinPlatform object to be an alarm provider
Open the WinPlatform object in the Object Editor.
2 Click the General tab.
3 Select the InTouch alarm provider check box.
4 Select the Register using “Galaxy_<GalaxyName>” instead
of “Galaxy”
check box to enable Galaxy_<GalaxyName>
registration for alarm comment language switching. An
information box appears. Click
OK on the information box
to continue. See Working with Languages on page 247.
Configuring Alarms197
Application Server User’s Guide
5 In the Alarm Areas box, type the names of areas to
subscribe to for alarms.
If you leave the
Alarm Areas box blank, the WinPlatform
subscribes to all areas in the Galaxy.
If you want to subscribe to only selected areas within the
Galaxy, insert a space between each area name. For
Area1 Area2 Area3
6 Click the Engine tab to show the Alarm throttle limit box.
Either accept the default throttle limit of 2000 alarms per
second, or enter another value. A value of 0 disables
alarm throttling. For more information about alarm
throttling, see Throttling Alarms on page 191
7 Click the Alarms tab to show platform, engine, and
scheduler alarms that can be set for the WinPlatform
198 Chapter 8 Working with Alarms and Events
Application Server User’s Guide
8 Select the checkbox next to each alarm that you want to
enable for the WinPlatform object.
9 Set the limit, value deadband, and priority for each alarm
you selected.
10 Save and close the Object Editor.
11 Check the object in to the Galaxy.
12 Deploy the object in an on scan state.
Configuring Alarms for an AppEngine Object
You can set AppEngine attributes that determine whether
alarms are enabled for an engine, scheduler, and redundant
failover engine.
To configure AppEngine object alarms
Open the AppEngine object in the Object Editor.
2 Click the Alarms tab to show engine, scheduler, and
redundancy alarms that can be set for the AppEngine
3 Select the checkbox next to each alarm that you want to
enable for the AppEngine object.
4 Set the priority for each alarm you selected.
5 Save and close the Object Editor.
Configuring Alarms199
Application Server User’s Guide
6 Check the object in to the Galaxy.
7 Deploy the object in an on scan state.
200 Chapter 8 Working with Alarms and Events
Application Server User’s Guide
Configuring Alarms and Events for Application
The following table shows the different types of alarms that
can be specified for application objects. The table shows the
application objects containing native alarm attributes.
You can also set alarms for an object’s extendable attributes.
For more information about setting alarms for extendable
attributes, see
Setting Alarms on the Extension Page on
page 203.
The following list shows the types of alarms for each
application object in more detail.
Level alarms (HiHi, Hi, Lo, LoLo) [limit alarms]
Rate of Change alarms (Up, Down)
Target Deviation alarms (Minor, Major)
PV Bad Value alarm [state alarm]
Application Objects
Alarm Types
Targ e t D e v i ation
Rate of Change
z z z z
z z
z z z z
Configuring Alarms201
Application Server User’s Guide
Uncommanded change alarm [state alarm]
Command time-out alarm [state alarm]
Active1 state alarm [state alarm]
Active2 state alarm [state alarm]
Fault state alarm [state alarm]
Active1 state duration alarm [statistical alarm]
Active2 state duration alarm [statistical alarm]
Execution halted [state alarm]
Condition trigger failure [state alarm]
OnEntry output failure [state alarm]
OnExit output failure [state alarm]
PV State alarm [state alarm]
UserDefined (Field Attributes can be alarmed)
Discrete field attribute
PV State alarm [state alarm]
PV Bad Value alarm (that is, bad quality) [state
Analog field attribute
Limit alarms (HiHi, Hi, Lo, LoLo) [limit alarms]
Rate of Change alarms (Up, Down)
Target Deviation alarms (Minor, Major)
PV Bad Value alarm (that is, bad quality) [state
There are no built-in alarms for these application objects:
You can also configure your application objects to generate
an event each time the object’s PV value changes. In
addition, you can configure an alarm extension on any object
for any Boolean attribute.
202 Chapter 8 Working with Alarms and Events
Application Server User’s Guide
To configure alarming and events for application objects
Open the application object with the Object Editor.
2 Click the General tab to show the Generate event upon PV
change checkbox.
An AnalogDevice object does not include this checkbox.
The checkbox is located on he
Field Attributes page for a
UserDefined object.
3 Select or clear the checkbox based on whether you want
to generate an event each time the object’s PV value
4 Click the tab that lists alarm attributes.
For the AnalogDevice object, click Alarms.
For the DiscreteDevice object, click Alarms.
For the Sequencer object, click Settings.
For the Switch object, click General.
For the UserDefined object, click Field Attributes.
5 Select the checkbox that enables alarming for the object.
6 Assign values to the attributes for the type of alarm you
selected by completing the following steps:
a Assign values to the alarm limits based on the type of
b Assign an alarm priority (1-999) for each limit you
c Accept the default alarm message or include another
message for each alarm limit.
d Assign values to the remaining attributes based on
the type of alarm you selected. For more information
about other alarm attributes, see Types of Alarms on
page 181.
7 Save your object changes and close the Object Editor.
Configuring Alarms203
Application Server User’s Guide
Setting Alarms on the Extension Page
You set alarms for all Application Server objects in the
Extensions page in the Object Editor.
To specify alarms for an object extension
On the Extensions page of the Object Editor, select an
attribute from the Extendable Attributes List. The four
extension groups dynamically change to allowed
extension rules for the selected attribute type.
2 Select the Alarms check box. For Alarm Extension, select a
Category from the list:
Type a Priority level for the alarm (default is 500).
Select to use either the Object Description for Alarm
or type another alarm message in the
Message box. An X appears in the A column of the
selected attribute.
3 For Boolean Label Extension, specify text strings for the
False state and the True state, if needed. These text
strings appear in the
Active Alarm State list for you to
4 Lock the values, if needed. The lock symbol is available
only when you are extending a template. Otherwise, it
indicates the lock condition of the value in the parent
Batch DeviationMajor DeviationMinor
Discrete Process ROC Hi
ROC Lo Software SPC
System Value Hi Value HiHi
Value Lo Value LoLo
204 Chapter 8 Working with Alarms and Events
Application Server User’s Guide
Distributing Alarms and Events
After you configure object instances for alarm detection,
deploy the instances and put them On scan. The instances
begin checking for alarm conditions.
When an alarm is detected, or an event occurs, a notification
is reported to its alarm and event distributor, which is
running on the same AppEngine.
These alarm and event distributors include:
The Area object plays a key role in alarm and event
distribution. All objects belong to an Area. Areas can contain
sub-Areas. Alarm and event clients are configured to
subscribe to a set of Areas.
Areas provide a key organizational role in grouping alarm
information and assigning it to users who use alarm and
event clients to monitor their Areas of responsibility.
WinPlatforms, AppEngines and Device Integration objects do
not report their alarms and events to Area objects even
though they belong to Areas. This allows alarm clients to
receive alarm notifications without any dependencies on
Area objects. For example, a deployed and running
WinPlatform can report alarms even though its Area is not
deployed and running.
Alarm-event distributor objects maintain a list of all
currently active alarms and inactive but unacknowledged
alarms. They do not maintain a list of events, which are
routed to clients that are currently subscribed at the time of
the event.
You can configure a WinPlatform to act as an InTouch Alarm
Provider in the run-time environment.
Area objects Area objects report detected
alarms through the Area, which
distributes them to alarm and
event clients.
WinPlatform objects Report their own alarms and
AppEngine objects Report their own alarms and
Report their own alarms and
Distributing Alarms and Events205
Application Server User’s Guide
The WinPlatform sends an alarm through the InTouch
Distributed Alarm System to InTouch clients when the
WinPlatform loses communication with an Area that it
subscribes to. This condition typically occurs during a
network outage with computers hosting those Areas.
In a network outage, the WinPlatform InTouch Alarm
Provider sends an alarm for each disconnected Area that it
subscribes to, including all of its alarm distribution
hierarchy. Each of these alarms is a high priority alarm that
contains the name of the Area to which communication is
lost. These communication problem alarms must be
Although they still appear in the historical record, any
current alarms from the disconnected Area drop from the
InTouch client’s summary list. They can no longer be
When communication to the disconnected Areas is restored,
any unacknowledged alarms generated in those Areas are
sent to the alarm client.
Subscribing to Alarms and Events from a Client
Clients indicate interest in alarms and events by subscribing
to an Area. When subscribing to an Area, the subscription is
actually to all notification distributors within that Area.
For example, if an Area contains sub-Areas, those sub-Areas
are subscribed to. If WinPlatforms, AppEngines or Device
Integration objects belong to an Area, those objects are also
directly subscribed to.
When a notification distributor receives an alarm and event
subscription from a client, the notification distributor
provides the client with the following:
A list of all current alarm conditions, including
unacknowledged return-to-normal conditions.
An alarm condition state change. A state change includes
transitions into or out of alarm (return to normal) and
change in acknowledged flag.
An event occurrence.
Alarm and event subscription requests do not include filters,
for example, only show alarms greater than a specific priority
value. All alarm and event messages received by the
notification distributor are sent to all subscribed clients.
Filtering is provided as a display option by clients.
206 Chapter 8 Working with Alarms and Events
Application Server User’s Guide
Using InTouch HMI as the Alarm and Event Client
InTouch run-time clients subscribe to event reports from a
Galaxy. Application Server reports alarms to the InTouch
Distributed Alarm System, which subscribe to alarm and
event reports from a Galaxy.
An InTouch client application can visualize Application
Server components. An InTouch alarm client can show alarm
information for new, unacknowledged alarms, including all
required fields.
The new alarm is in the unacknowledged state. An operator
can view alarms, acknowledge alarms, disable alarms, and
enable alarms from the client application running in InTouch
Understanding the Syntax of Alarm Queries
InTouch alarm queries subscribe to alarm and event
information from objects within a Galaxy. The alarm and
event queries can be in the form of user input or a script.
Alarm query syntax must be in one of the following forms:
You can have one or more references in a query separated by
You can also optionally append a tagname filter at the end,
separated by another exclamation mark:
The filter can have a wildcard * character at the beginning or
at the end, but not both.
The \\Node at the beginning is only important if you want to
query for alarms from a provider on another computer.
Otherwise, you can leave it off and the reference is assumed
to be a provider on the local computer. The provider name
Galaxy refers to alarms and events that get reported by the
WinPlatform configured as an InTouch alarm provider on
that computer node.
Alarm Query Syntax when Register Using
Galaxy_<GalaxyName> is Enabled
In the WinPlatform object, when you enable InTouch alarm
provider, you can enable
Register using Galaxy_<GalaxyName>
instead of Galaxy
. This option will register the platform to the
Distributing Alarms and Events207
Application Server User’s Guide
alarm subsytem using the Galaxy name preferred by
“Galaxy_” intead of just the word “Galaxy”. This allows an
InTouch application to monitor alarms from multiple
Galaxies and avoid name conflicts.
Syntax changes slightly when Galaxy_GalaxyName is
Use \\ for machine name.
Use \ for Galaxy or Galaxy_<GalaxyName>.
Use ! for Area.
For example: \\Galaxy\MyGalaxy!Area001.
If Galaxy_GalaxyName is not enabled in WinPlatform, then
the default behavior described in the previous section
You can determine if Galaxy_<GalaxyName> has been
enabled by monitoring the run-time attribute of the platform
Examples of Alarm Queries
You can submit a query to get all alarms from Area1 and
all other alarms within Area1, as reported by the
WinPlatform object on the local computer.
The query returns all alarms and events from all objects
directly contained in Area1 and any sub-areas contained
by Area1. This hierarchy is determined by what is
configured in the Model View in the IDE.
If Area1 and Area2 are two separate mutually exclusive
areas, you can submit a query for alarms from both areas.
\Galaxy!Area1 \Galaxy!Area2
If you're on NodeA and the WinPlatform is on NodeB, you
can submit a query for the alarms from the remote
You can submit a query for all alarms from objects whose
name begins with "Tank" in the TankFarm1 area.
The trailing wildcard character matches alarms from all
objects with names that begin with “Tank” like Tank001,
Tank002, TankUpper, or TankLower.
208 Chapter 8 Working with Alarms and Events
Application Server User’s Guide
You can submit a query for specific alarm types. For
example, you can submit a query for all HiHi alarms in
the TankFarm1 area.
You can submit a query for all types of alarms from a
specific object within an area.
The trailing wildcard character matches all alarm types
for Tank752.
Distributing Alarms and Events209
Application Server User’s Guide
Alarm Requirements for InTouch Client Applications
For Application Server alarming to function, the following
conditions must be met:
In Application Server:
One or more Area objects are deployed and running.
The source object is on scan.
The source object’s Area is on scan.
Alarming must be enabled for the target object.
An InTouch alarm provider on any WinPlatform in the
In InTouch:
The InTouch client application is running in
An InTouch alarm ActiveX control is placed in a window
and configured as an alarm consumer for the Galaxy.
The user is logged into InTouch using ArchestrA security
and is authorized to acknowledge alarms for the object
that is in the alarm state. If the user only wants to view
alarms, security authorization is not required.
Application Server validates the user has sufficient security
privileges to acknowledge the alarm.
If the user does not have privileges to acknowledge alarms,
the user can attempt to acknowledge the alarm, but the
Galaxy rejects the acknowledgment request.The alarm
remains unacknowledged in the InTouch Alarm display.
The rejected alarm acknowledge event is recorded in InTouch
Event History if the user attempting the acknowledgement
has a valid Galaxy user account. Otherwise, the rejected
acknowledgement is not recorded as an event.
210 Chapter 8 Working with Alarms and Events
Application Server User’s Guide
Alarms and Events in the InTouch HMI and in
Application Server
Both InTouch HMI and Application Server implement
alarms and events. The table below shows the similarities
and differences between the two products.
Item InTouch Application Server
configured or
detected by
Within a tag Within an object
Alarm Classes
(client column)
Only certain classes of alarms are
supported or detected: DSC, VALUE,
No system-wide
distinction for classes.
Alarms are tied to a
Boolean that can be
triggered from any logic.
Alarm Type
(client column)
Discrete, LoLo, Lo, Hi, HiHi,
MinorDev, MajorDev, ROC, SPC.
Client column.
No sub-class. The Alarm
Primitive name is the
closest concept. For
example, ".PVHiAlarm".
Mapped from Category.
(client column)
1-999 (1 most urgent) Priority 0-999. 0 most
urgent. 0 is mapped to 1
in InTouch.
(client column)
Alarm name = Tag name. Object.attribute
Separate alarm comment, which is
different from the tag comment.
Object short description
or alarm message where
Group Alarm group allows client-side
filtering. Sub-groups must be on same
No alarm group. But
Area provides mappable
concept. Sub-Areas can
be on different nodes.
Distributing Alarms and Events211
Application Server User’s Guide
State Four 4 states, which are combinations
UNACK/ALARM (usually
displayed as UNACK)
ACK/ALARM (usually displayed as
UNACK/RTN (usually displayed as
ACK/RTN (usually displayed as
These states have a 1:1 correspondence
with states of the Alarm Primitive,
which keeps track of whether the
alarm is InAlarm and IsAcked.
Alarms in the state ACK/RTN are not
shown in the SUMMARY alarm
display because they do not need any
further action from the operator. But,
all four states appear in the HISTORY
display, and in the Alarm Database.
Alarm state provides
equivalent concept and
can be mapped.
Only static values sent with alarm
Static values and
dynamic references are
Ack All alarms sent to client and require
acknowledgement regardless of
All alarms sent to client
and require
regardless of priority.
History Alarm state changes are logged to
event history and shown on historical
Alarm state changes are
logged to event history
and shown on historical
Item InTouch Application Server
212 Chapter 8 Working with Alarms and Events
Application Server User’s Guide
Application Server User’s Guide
Chapter 9
Working with References
References allow identification and communication between
objects in the ArchestrA environment. Every object, every
attribute, and every property can be uniquely referenced.
Those references are communicated over the messaging
system. The Message Exchange is the object-to-object
communications protocol used by ArchestrA and the
Wonderware Application Server.
Note ArchestrA is the framework for supervisory control and
manufacturing information systems. It is an open and extensible
technology based on a distributed, object-based design. For
example, if you are using Application Server with InTouch, these
products communicate with each other using the ArchestrA
This section describes the concept of references and how to
use reference strings in creating your Application Server
214 Chapter 9 Working with References
Application Server User’s Guide
Using Message Exchange and Attributes
All object attributes have properties, such as Value and
Quality. Any data read or written to or from these attributes
over ArchestrA Message Exchange is tracked. If an operation
cannot be performed, the requesting client is notified.
Message Exchange provides the following features and
Guaranteed response
Name signatures
Status and data quality
Message order preservation within a priority system
AppEngine-to-AppEngine buffering
Publish-subscribe heartbeats
Reference Strings
Reference strings refer to an object or to data within an
object’s attributes. A reference string consists of an object's
reference string plus an attribute's reference string.
object Reference + Attribute Reference
A reference string is the object name plus the attribute name:
In TIC101.PV, TIC101 is the object reference and PV is the
attribute reference. The AttributeName can be omitted in a
reference string,
PV being assumed in such cases.
Note Some objects have a PV attribute, while others do not.
Reference strings are concatenated substrings, each no more
than 32 characters separated by periods. A substring cannot
contain a period. Mathematical operator characters are not
allowed. At least one character in each substring must be
Reference Strings215
Application Server User’s Guide
Avoid assigning objects and attributes names such that the
same reference string can refer to two different things. For
example, you have two objects named A1 and B2, and inside
A1 you create a UDA Float named B2. A1.B2 refers to the
UDA Float named B2. If you then assign object B2 so that A1
is a container of object B2, the reference A1.B2 could refer
either to the object B2 or the UDA B2 Float.
Important The Galaxy resolves reference strings. If the GR is not
available, resolution is done on a peer-to-peer level. After initial
resolution, an object is provided an alias that handles references
to its location across your network. If an object is relocated or
renamed, the reference string resolution is repeated and a new
alias provided.
Relative References
References that go up the hierarchy to parent objects are
called relative references.For more information, see
ApplicationObject Containment on page 55.
Relative references, such as Me, are valid reference strings. A
valid reference string must always contain at least a relative
reference or one substring.
The following are valid relative references that refer to the
current object:
Relative references are especially useful in templates
because absolute references typically do not apply or make
When you use relative references, like MyContainer, you can
refer to contained objects within that container. For example,
a reference to
MyContainer.InletValve.PV is equivalent to
Tank1.InletValve.PV in the following hierarchy:
Me MyContainer MyArea
MyPlatform MyEngine.
Cannot reference at this level because
this is not contained
Inlet Valve
Can reference at this level because this
object is contained
Outlet Valve
Can reference at this level because this
object is contained
216 Chapter 9 Working with References
Application Server User’s Guide
Property References
Certain property names are reserved for ArchestrA. If a
string has a reserved property name in the ArchestrA
environment, you can still use it. The PROPERTY keyword
must be part of the string, for example,
PROPERTY(propertyName). In all other cases, the case
PROPERTY keyword is not required.
The Value property is assumed if no property reference is
The following are property references:
obj = object specifier
int = attribute
PROPERTY = keyword
(quality) = property specifier
For example, you can address the time of an attribute in a
scan group for a DIObject from within an InTouch
application, as follows:
This is the same as if you used .Time:
You can directly address an item without having an attribute
in the scan group. For this example, the item is MB1:
Reference Strings217
Application Server User’s Guide
For objects with a default scan group, you must refer to the
.Time, .Value, and .Quality properties using the
.Property(time), .Property(value), and .Property(quality)
Handling Time Zones with the Time Property
If you need to share time stamp values across different time
zones (Platforms), use the Time data type in every time zone
location. However, if you need to share it as string, remember
that when converting the Time data type to a string (for
example, in a script), it is automatically converted to local
time, so you lose the ability to adjust it in a different time
For example, to convert the Time property to a string GMT:
Dim localDateTime As System.DateTime;
localDateTime = System.DateTime.Parse( obj.attr.Time );
To convert the string GMT to a string of local time:
Dim univDateTime As System.DateTime;
univDateTime = System.DateTime.Parse(
obj.udStringGMTfromLocalTime );
Obj.udStringLocalTimeFromGMT =
Preserving Time Stamps from the Publishing Source
In the following cases, if you want to pass only the time
stamp, the subscriber gets the time stamp as converted to the
local time zone of the publisher and not the time zone of the
data source.
Examples of configurations that do not preserve the original
time zone are as follows.
In this configuration, GalaxyB:Object1.TimeAttr shows the
time adjusted to the local time zone of the GalaxyA
FSGateway and not the time zone of the PLC:
PLC.Item <= GalaxyA Object1.IntAttr.Time <=
FSGateway <= GalaxyB OPCClient <= Object1.TimeAttr
In this configuration, GalaxyB:Object1.TimeAttr shows the
time adjusted to the local time zone of the InTouch
application and not the time zone of the PLC:
PLC.Item <= GalaxyA Object1.IntAttr.Time <= InTouch
App I/O Message Tag <= GalaxyB InTouchProxy <=
218 Chapter 9 Working with References
Application Server User’s Guide
To avoid these problems, subscribe to the
GalaxyA:Object1.IntAttr value property. This way, both the
value and time stamp propagate to GalaxyB:Object1.IntAttr.
You can then use the GalaxyB:Object1.IntAttr.Time. For
PLC.Item <= GalaxyA Object1.IntAttr <= FSGateway <=
GalaxyB OPCClient <= Object1.IntAttr
PLC.Item <= GalaxyA Object1.IntAttr <= InTouch App
I/O Integer Tag <= GalaxyB InTouchProxy <=
In this configuration, the time property propagates from
InTouch to Object.IntAttr.Time:
PLC.Item <= InTouch I/O Integer Tag <= Galaxy
InTouchProxy <= Object.IntAttr
A reference string can also refer to the Value property of an
array attribute with an optional Array Element Reference
that includes up to one dimension:
[i] – individual element
[] – entire array
The letter i represents an integer constant.
Reference Strings219
Application Server User’s Guide
Formatting Reference Strings
These symbols apply to the reference strings that follow:
Quotation marks are not allowed in tag names, primitive
names, or attribute names.
Using Literals
Items outside of angle brackets “<>” are literals. For
reference_string ::=
nce> | <tag_name>
Automation_object_reference ::=
absolute_reference ::=
tag_name ::= <identifier>
contained_name ::= <identifier>
relative_reference ::= <relative_name> |
relative_contained_reference ::=
MyContainer.<contained_name> |
relative_name ::= Me | MyContainer | MyArea |
MyHost | MyEngine | MyPlatform
attribute_reference ::=
whole_attribute_ref ::=
[.<primitive>][.<attribute>] |
value_ref ::=
This... means...
::= can be replaced by
| or
[] contents optional
{} contents can be left out, used one time or
220 Chapter 9 Working with References
Application Server User’s Guide
array_index ::= <open_bracket> {<index>}
property_ref ::=
property ::=
yClassification|Locked|Category | propertyref
propertyref ::=
BitField ::= .00, .01, .02, …, .31
(valid ONLY
for attributes of type MxInteger; otherwise Configuration
error occurs at run time)
attribute ::=
static_attribute ::=
<dynamic_attribute> ::=
primitive ::= [<primitive>.]<identifier>
identifier ::= <valid_char>{<valid_char>}
valid_char ::=
letter ::= any letter in alphabet of any
digit ::= any numerical character
special_character ::= any graphics char,
except the following:
. + - * / \ = ( ) ` ~ ! % ^ & @ [ ] { } | : ; ’
, < > ? “ whitespace
whitespace ::= CR, LF, Tab, Space, FF, as
returned by iswspace()
any_char_but ::= any character except
open_bracket := [
close_bracket := ]
Galaxy_identifier ::= <letter> | <digit>
Reference Strings221
Application Server User’s Guide
<tag_name> is an object’s unique name.
<contained_name> is an object’s optional contained
name. It can be specified in a reference when an object is
referred to as a contained child of another object.
<index> is –1 or a positive integer from 1 to 32767.
<identifier> is limited to a maximum of 32 characters.
An <attribute> name or <primitive> name can contain
several <identifier> parts. The length of each <identifier>
part can be up to 32 characters. Each <identifier> part is
separated by a period. The maximum total length of the
<attribute> name is 329. This name length applies to
both static and dynamic attribute names. The maximum
total length of the <primitive> name is 329.
<relative_name> and <property> replacements are case
insensitive, including PROPERTY().
If no attribute reference is specified, .PV is assumed. If
PV is an attribute of type array, the resulting reference is
invalid. For arrays, the
.PV[] part must be explicitly
The exception to this rule is a reference that is preceded
with an @ sign. This reference refers to the object itself
and not any particular attribute or property. Currently,
this reference string format is used only in the
group on the Object Information page of the Object
Do not use Property Names or InTouch Pseudo-Property
Names for the names of primitives or attributes when
enhancing an object’s functionality on the Scripts, UDAs
Extensions pages.
ArchestrA Property Names include: Locked, Category,
HasruntimeSetHandler, Name, Type, Quality,
Dimension1, Value, SecurityClassification, 00, 01, 02, 03,
04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31.
InTouch Pseudo-Property Names include: #VString,
#VString1, #VString2, #VString3, #VString4,
#EnumOrdinal, #ReadSts, #WriteSts and #QString. For
more information on InTouch Pseudo-Property Names,
see the InTouch® HMI Data Management Guide.
222 Chapter 9 Working with References
Application Server User’s Guide
Viewing Attributes in Objects
Within the ArchestrA IDE, you can view the attributes in an
object. This lets you see what attributes are available.
To view the attributes in a selected object
Select an object.
2 On the Galaxy menu, click Properties.
3 To see the references for the selected object, click the
Attributes tab.
This page shows you:
The selected attributes for the
object, the current value, and
locked and security status. The
information shown depends on
Configuration and
or Runtime Only is
Value Shows the value of the attribute.
Locked/Unlocked Shows if the attribute is locked or
Security Shows the current security
setting, if any.
Viewing Attributes in Objects223
Application Server User’s Guide
4 To filter the view, select one or more of the following:
Configuration and Runtime: Select to show both
configuration and run-time attributes for the selected
Runtime only: Select to show only run-time attributes
for the selected object.
Include hidden: Select to show hidden attributes for
the selected object.
5 When you are done, click Close.
Viewing References and Cross References
Objects have references and cross references.
References are the objects the selected object is looking
Cross references are the objects looking for the selected
You can view references and cross references for a selected
Some attributes are dynamic attributes. These are attributes
that get created during run time and exist only in run-time.
A device integration (DI) reference to a hardware register is a
good example.
The attribute referencing a hardware register does not exist
at configuration time by default. DI instances create the
attribute dynamically during run time if the hardware
register exists in the target device.
Note References and cross-references shown in the Properties
dialog box only refer to interobject communications. Area
associations, containment, or host assignments are not shown.
Cross Reference
224 Chapter 9 Working with References
Application Server User’s Guide
To view references and cross-references
Select an object.
2 On the Galaxy menu, click Properties.
3 To see the references for the selected object, click the
References tab. You see:
4 To see the cross references for the selected object, click
the Cross References tab. You see the:
5 When you are done, click Close.
The attribute in the selected object
referencing an attribute in another
object in the application Galaxy.
The reference string within the
Source Attribute. This is either an
absolute reference or a relative
The absolute reference of the
Attribute Reference. If this is a
reference to a dynamic attribute, the
Target Attribute only lists the
Tagname name of the instance.
The absolute reference of the
Attribute Reference. If this is a
reference to a dynamic attribute, the
Target Attribute only lists the
Tagname name of the instance.
The reference string within the
Source Attribute. This is an absolute
reference or a relative reference.
The attribute in the selected object
that is referencing an attribute in
another object in the application
Viewing Attributes in Objects225
Application Server User’s Guide
Finding Objects
Your Galaxy can get very large and can include many objects.
It can become difficult to find a specific object. You can
search for templates or instances. Also, you can search by
part or all of a tag name or hierachical name.
To search for objects
On the Edit menu, click Find. The Find dialog box appears.
2 Do some or all of the following:
In the Find what box, type some or all of the name of
the object.
In the Which name area, select either Tag n a me or
Hierarchical name as the type of name you entered in
Find what box.
In the Type area, specify if you are looking for an
Instance or a Tem p l a te. If you select Te m p l a te, the
Which name and Search scope groups are unavailable.
In the Search criteria area, specify how to search for
the name in the Find what box. The options are:
Contains, Exact match, Starts with or Ends with.
Limit the search scope by selecting from the Search
226 Chapter 9 Working with References
Application Server User’s Guide
3 When you are done specifying the search criteria, click
Find. The search results appear in the bottom pane.
4 Double-click an object in the results pane. The object is
located and selected for you in the
Application views area.
If you double-click a Backup AppEngine, the IDE opens
Deployment view and the object is selected there. See
Working with AppEngine Redundancy on page 307 for
more information.
Using Galaxy References in InTouch
You can use Galaxy references in InTouch. Use the InTouch
Tag Browser in unlimited selection mode to browse and
include references from an Application Server Galaxy in
InTouch applications you are developing.
Note You must install the Bootstrap and IDE on the InTouch node
to create the TagSource to browse Galaxy objects.
The following lists the primary ways you can open the Tag
Browser in InTouch to see unlimited selection mode:
Double-click an animation link tagname or expression
input box.
Double-click an ActiveX or wizard tagname or expression
input box.
Double-click an empty area in any InTouch QuickScript
In the InTouch QuickScript editor, select Tagname on the
Insert menu.
Press the Alt+N keys in the InTouch QuickScript editor.
Using Galaxy References in InTouch227
Application Server User’s Guide
Double-click a blank New Name box in the Substitute
Tagn a m e s
dialog box.
Double-click the Tag n a m e input box in the SQL Access
Bind List Configuration dialog box.
For complete information about using the InTouch Tag
Browser, see the InTouch documentation.
Before you can browse Galaxy references, you must define a
new tag source.
228 Chapter 9 Working with References
Application Server User’s Guide
To define a new tag source
In the InTouch HMI Tag B r o w s er, click the Browse button
to the right of the
Tag Source list. The Define Tag Sources
dialog box appears.
2 Click New to open the Define Tag Source dialog box.
3 Type a Tag Source Name. This name appears in the Tag
box of the Tag Browser. For example: Training1.
4 Select Galaxy from the list for Access Name and Tag
Source Type
5 In the GR node name box, type the Host Name of the
computer on which the Galaxy is located. If the Galaxy is
located on the same computer, use
Using Galaxy References in InTouch229
Application Server User’s Guide
6 In the Galaxy Name list, select the name of your Galaxy.
For example: Training. Assuming the examples given in
steps 3 and 5, the
Define Tag Sources dialog box appears
as follows.
7 Click Close. The Tag Browser appears. Now you can
browse the TagNames.
To browse attribute references in a Galaxy
Open the InTouch Tag Browser in unlimited selection
2 In the Tag Source box, select the tag source you created in
the previous steps (Training1 in the example). The
Attribute Browser appears.
3 Select the object and attribute you want to reference in
your InTouch application and click OK.
Note The next time you open the Tag Browser, the Attribute
Browser automatically opens. To change that, exit the Attribute
Browser without selecting anything by clicking the blue arrow at
top right. The Tag Browser appears and it defaults to the InTouch
Ta g n a m e D i c t i o n a r y.
For more information about using the Attribute Browser, see
Referencing Objects Using the Galaxy Browser on page 79.
230 Chapter 9 Working with References
Application Server User’s Guide
Application Server User’s Guide
Chapter 10
Working with Security
Galaxies are created without security. After a Galaxy is
created, you can assign security to manage access. Using
security lets you manage access to:
IDE for configuring and managing objects.
ArchestrA System Management Console (SMC) for
performing maintenance and system administration
Any run-time operations.
This section describes the architecture of ArchestrA security
and how to use it to manage access to configuration and
run-time aspects of your Application Server application.
For more information on ArchestrA security, see the
Wonderware Developer Network.
232 Chapter 10 Working with Security
Application Server User’s Guide
About Security
Security not only controls access to user interfaces in the
ArchestrA environment but also controls access to object
attributes and the data they represent.
Each Galaxy in the Galaxy Repository manages its own
security model. The security schema managed in a Galaxy is
a three-level configuration model to create and maintain the
Users associated with specific roles
User roles associated with specific system
administration, configuration and run-time (operational)
permissions, which map to security groups
Security groups associated with specific objects in the
The default Galaxy Security model includes:
Two users: DefaultUser and Administrator, both with full
access to everything.
One security group named Default.
Two security roles: Default and Administrator, both with
full privileges.
The security matrix defines a cascading model of users
associated with specific roles that are associated with specific
security groups that are associated with specific objects. User
run-time permissions can vary from object to object, action to
action, and process to process. The security icons associated
with object attributes map directly to control points in the
ArchestrA security model.
Read-only to all
Role B
Read/Write to all
Read/Write to some
Role A
Role C
About Security233
Application Server User’s Guide
About Authentication Modes
You can select from three authentication modes to assign
Galaxy: Uses local Galaxy configuration to authenticate
users. All security for the Galaxy is specified and
contained at the specific Galaxy level. When the user logs
on, security credentials are checked and access to areas
and activities is granted at the Galaxy level.
OS User Based: Uses the operating system's user
authentication system on an individual user level. All
security for the Galaxy is specified and contained in the
operating system (OS) on a user level basis. When the
user logs on, security credentials are checked and access
to areas and activities are decided at the OS user level.
OS Group Based: Uses the operating system's user
authentication system on a group basis. All security for
the Galaxy is specified and contained in the user-to-roles
mapping you created in the OS to assign security. When a
user logs on, security credentials are checked and verified
at the OS group level. OS groups are mapped to security
roles in the Galaxy to allow access to areas and activities
in the Galaxy.
Note If you are using OS user-based security or OS group-based
security and you have permissions to use the IDE, the Log In
dialog box does not appear.
For more information about OS security, see About OS
Group-based Security on page 245.
Multiple Accounts Per User
Regardless of the security system, a single user can have
multiple accounts. For example, a user can have an account
that provides permissions for working with instances but not
templates. The same person can have another supervisory
account for working with templates and managing users in
the ArchestrA environment.
234 Chapter 10 Working with Security
Application Server User’s Guide
Each account requires a different user name and password.
For example:
Changing Security Settings
After you change security for a Galaxy, you see the following
behaviors and conditions:
When you change the authentication mode security, the
IDE restarts.
To switch users, the person must log on as the new user
by clicking Change User on the Galaxy menu.
If you previously configured security under one
authentication mode and then switch authentication
modes, only those users created while configuring the
new mode are available. Other users are not deleted, just
unavailable in the new mode.
Objects that are reassigned to different security groups
are marked as “pending update” and require
redeployment for the change in security group to take
If security was previously configured for an OS-based
authentication mode, reconfiguring security synchronizes
the user’s full name and OS groups if some data in the OS
has changed.
User Name Password Access
bsmith password Instances, not templates
bobsmith super Instances, templates, not
managing users
Robertsmith admin Instances, templates,
managing users
About Security235
Application Server User’s Guide
About Security Groups
Every object in the Galaxy belongs to only one security group.
You can create and manage security groups that make sense
for your organization. These security groups are mapped to
roles on the
Roles page.
Permissions determine what kind of access users have for
each attribute. There are four basic operational permissions:
Acknowledge alarms
Change the value of attributes with security mode
Change the value of attributes with security mode
Operate; this includes also security modes Secured Write
and Verified Write
Change the value of attributes with security mode Tune
By default, all currently used objects are assigned to a
security group called Default.
A user who is a member of a role assigned to Security Role
“Default” has permission to:
Acknowledge alarms
Change attribute values with “configure” security mode
Change attribute values with “operate” security mode,
including “secured write” and “verified write”
Change attribute values with “tune” security mode
For example, you want users in certain roles to only have
permission to acknowledge alarms that are generated from
objects contained in Area1. You have a role named
Area1Acknowledgers. You need to:
1 Create a new Security Group, for example
2 Assign all objects that are contained in area Area1 to
Security Role SecRoleArea001.
3 On the Roles page, select the Area1Acknowledgers role. In
Operational Permissions the Security Group for
SecGrpArea001, select Can Acknowledge Alarms.
4 Any user that belongs to the Area1Acknowledgers role can
at least acknowledge alarms of objects contained in the
security group
SecGrpArea001. They do not have any
other operational permissions for those objects.
236 Chapter 10 Working with Security
Application Server User’s Guide
About Roles
You can create and manage user roles that apply to your
organization’s processes and work-based authorities. Two
roles are defined by default: Administrator and Default.
You can specify General and Operational Permissions for
each role.
General permissions relate to application configuration
and administration tasks.
Operational permissions relate to the security groups
listed on the Security Groups page. By default, the
Administrator has all permissions.
Note You cannot modify the General permissions for the role of
The Operational Permissions that can be associated with a
Can Modify “Operate” Attributes: Allows users with
operational permissions to do certain normal day-to-day
tasks like changing setpoint, output and control mode for
a PID object, or commanding a Discrete Device object.
Can Modify “Tune” Attributes: Allows users to tune the
attribute in the run-time environment. Examples of
tuning are attributes that adjust alarm setpoints and
PID sensitivity.
Can Modify “Configure” Attributes: Allows users to
configure the attribute’s value. Requires that the user
first put the object Off scan. Writing to these attributes is
considered a significant configuration change, for
example, a PLC register that defines a Discrete Device
Can Acknowledge Alarms: Allows users to manually
acknowledge an alarm in the run-time environment.
Configuring Security237
Application Server User’s Guide
About Users
If you select either OS based authentication mode, users with
local accounts are added to the Authorized Users Available list
in the following format: .\<username>.
If you select OS Group Based authentication mode, the local
account must exist on each node in the Galaxy for successful
authentication of that user on any computer in the Galaxy.
Two users are defined by default when a new Galaxy is
created: Administrator and DefaultUser. These cannot be
deleted in an open security setting and they are both
associated with the default roles, Administrator and Default.
Configuring Security
Before you open the security editor for a Galaxy, make sure:
No other user is connected to the Galaxy.
All objects in the Galaxy are checked in.
Your user profile has configuration permissions to change
Framework Configuration/Modify Security Model, if
security is previously configured.
If you try to open the security editor before these conditions
are met, a warning message appears and you are denied
Caution Do not configure security settings of the IDE while an
IDE-managed InTouch application is opened for editing in
Other users who try to open the Galaxy while you are
configuring security are denied access to the Galaxy.
Caution You can only change the ArchestrA administrator
username or password using the Change Network Account Utility.
The administrator account information is cached, and you may
need to redeploy engines after you change the account so that
the engines run using the current information. For more
information about the utility, see About ArchestrA User Accounts
on page 296.
238 Chapter 10 Working with Security
Application Server User’s Guide
To configure Galaxy security
On the Galaxy menu, click Configure and then click
Security. The Configure Security dialog box appears.
2 On the Authentication Mode tab, do the following:
Select the security type you want. Depending on what
you select, more options become available.
If you select OS Group-based and you are working on a
slow or intermittent network, you can specify the
intervals in milliseconds:
Login Time: The time-out period (measured in
milli-seconds) during which the system validates the
user’s membership against the OS groups selected as
ArchestrA Roles. Minimum value is 0 (zero),
maximum is 9,999,999. The default value is 1,000. If
the login time is set to 0 (zero), which turns this
feature off, the operation does not time out. Specify a
value, based on the speed of your network and the
number of groups configured in ArchestrA. The
slower the network or the larger the number of
groups, the greater the value.
Configuring Security239
Application Server User’s Guide
Role Update: The time between each validation
attempt per OS group for the user’s membership
when a log on is attempted. The user membership
update is done one role per
Role Update interval to
minimize network usage. The minimum allowed
value is 0 (zero) and the maximum is 9,999,999. The
default value is 0 (zero), which turns off this feature
so the operation does not pause between validating
user membership and groups. This option operates
independently of the
Login Time option. Even if Login
times out, the role update operation continues in
the background and eventually updates user-to-role
relationships for this user in the local cache. For more
information about OS group-based security, see the
Wonderware Development Network.
Click OK or click the Security Groups tab.
240 Chapter 10 Working with Security
Application Server User’s Guide
3 On the Security Groups page, do the following:
Create a new security group by clicking the Add
button. Type a unique name for the new group in the
Security Groups Available pane. Security group names
can be up to 32 alphanumeric characters, including a
period. The name must include at least one letter and
cannot start with $.
Note Security group names are not case sensitive. Admin is the
same as admin.
Assign the objects you want the new group to have
access to. Click the Default group. Drag the objects to
the new security group.
Click OK or click the Roles tab.
4 On the Roles page, do the following:
Create a new role by clicking the Add button. Type a
name for the new role in the
Roles Available pane.
Role names can be up to 512 alphanumeric
characters, including a period.
Select the General and Operational Permissions for the
new role.
Important If a role is given “Can Modify Deployed Instances”
permission, make sure “Can Create/Modify/Delete...”
permissions in the System Configuration, Device Integration
Objects, and Application Configuration groups are also selected.
This provides the role with check in and undo checkout abilities.
Configuring Security241
Application Server User’s Guide
Click OK or click the Users tab.
5 On the Users page, do the following:
Create a new user by clicking the Add button.
If you selected authentication as Galaxy, type a name
for the user. User names can be up to 255
alphanumeric characters with no spaces.
If you selected an OS-based authentication, click the
Browse button in the Roles Available pane, select an
existing user and click
OK. The user name appears as
While viewing Application Server events and alarms
in InTouch, the “.” appears as the user’s domain if it is
a local name. Otherwise, it appears as
Note Users and Roles in bold red text are invalid with the
selected Authentication Mode.
When you are done, click OK. You are prompted to log on
to the currently open Galaxy.
242 Chapter 10 Working with Security
Application Server User’s Guide
Assigning Users to Roles
After you create users and roles, you can assign users to
roles. On the Users page, all users in the Galaxy and the roles
they are assigned are listed.
By default, the new user is associated with the Default role
but not the Administrator role. This cannot be changed as
every user belongs to the Default role. Double-click in a text
box to change, if needed.
Note All users are automatically assigned to the Default role in
addition to any new roles you create and assign to them. The best
way to manage permissions is to limit the permissions of the
Default role to those permissions you want everyone to have.
Then, add users to other roles with permissions for other parts of
Application Server.
The Administrator user can log on any authentication mode
except when security is disabled. When logged on as
Administrator on the Galaxy Repository node, you can
change the password of any Galaxy user without providing
the old password.
In Galaxy authentication mode, you can edit the User
in the Change Password dialog box.
In OS-based authentication modes, the User Name of the
OS user is shown. User information cannot be edited.
You can assign users to more than one role.
Configuring Security243
Application Server User’s Guide
To assign a role to a user
On the Galaxy menu, click Configure and then click
Security. The Configure Security dialog box appears.
2 Click the Users tab.
3 Select the user in the Authorized Users available area.
Select a role in the
Associated Roles for <user name> area.
4 Provide each user with a password by clicking Change
. The Change Password dialog box appears.
Important If an OS-based security mode is selected on the
Authentication Mode page, changing a user’s password changes
the OS password for the user. Any ArchestrA password may be set
to a maximum of 127 characters.
Enter the correct information. This information is used in
the configuration, administration and run-time
environment to authenticate users.
6 Click OK.
244 Chapter 10 Working with Security
Application Server User’s Guide
Deleting Security Groups
You can delete a security group you no longer need. Before
you can delete a security group, make sure no objects are
associated with it.
You cannot delete the Default security group.
To delete a security group
On the Galaxy menu, click Configure and then click
Security. The Configure Security dialog box appears. Click
the Security Groups page.
2 On the Security page, select the group you want to delete.
3 Click the Delete button.
Deleting Roles
You can delete roles you no longer need. You cannot delete a
role if any users are associated with it.
You cannot delete the Default and Administrator roles.
To d e l e t e a r o l e
On the Galaxy menu, click Configure and then click
Security. The Configure Security dialog box appears. Click
the Roles tab.
2 On the Role page, select the role you want to delete.
3 Click the Delete button.
Deleting Users
You can delete users you no longer need.
Note You cannot delete a user who is currently logged on.
To d e l e t e a u s e r
On the Galaxy menu, click Configure and then click
Security. The Configure Security dialog box appears. Click
the Users tab.
2 On the User page, select the user you want to delete.
3 Click the Delete button.
About OS Group-based Security245
Application Server User’s Guide
About OS Group-based Security
If you use OS Group-based Authentication Mode, make sure
you understand the Windows operating system, particularly
its user permissions, groups and security features. ArchestrA
OS Group-based security uses these Windows features. For
more help, see the Microsoft online help or a 3rd party book
about Windows security.
When you use local OS Groups as Roles, each node within the
Galaxy must have the same OS Users, Groups, and
user-group mappings to get the same level of access to the
user at each node.
Connecting to a Remote Node for the First Time
A newly-added user working on a computer with no access to
the Galaxy Repository node cannot write to an attribute on a
remote node if that user has never logged on to the remote
node. This is true even if the user is given sufficient run-time
operational permissions to do writes. To enable remote
writing capabilities, log on to the remote node at least one
Cached Data at Log In
If you log on to ArchestrA on a workstation that belongs to
Domain A and Domain Controller A fails, locally cached login
data is used on subsequent log on attempts. When the
domain controller returns to operation, your log on fails
during the time period that trusts are being reestablished by
the controller.
If, during the controller outage, your username/password
data changed, you can use the old log on data if you intend to
work locally.
If you want to perform remote operations, you should log on
with the new log on data. If that fails, the trusts are being
reestablished by the controller, and you should retry at a
later time.
The user’s full name is not available to any client (for
example, an InTouch window) if the domain controller is
disconnected from the network when the user logs on to
ArchestrA for the first time.
If the user previously logged on to ArchestrA when the
domain controller was connected, the user’s full name is still
available to the client from data stored in cache even if the
domain controller is disconnected when the user
subsequently logs on to ArchestrA.
246 Chapter 10 Working with Security
Application Server User’s Guide
Mixed or Native Domains
The list of domains and user groups appears differently in
the group browser depending on whether your domain is
configured as a Mixed or Native domain.
Your unique listing maps to the list of domains and user
groups you see when you use the Windows tool for managing
your domain. A domain group configured as “Distribution”
instead of “Security” cannot be used for security purposes.
Using InTouch Access Levels Security
The Roles page includes the Access Level column. The Access
is an InTouch function.
In InTouch, access levels are a schema for prioritizing
run-time functions. In the ArchestrA security model, it only
maps to InTouch values and has no prioritizing
The maximum value is 9999 and the minimum is 0 (zero). If a
user is assigned more than one role with different access
levels, the higher access value is passed to InTouch.
Application Server User’s Guide
Chapter 11
Working with Languages
Application Server language features enable you to develop
applications that can be switched to another language at run
time. To enable run-time language switching, you must:
Configure multiple languages for the application.
Export your application text for offline translation.
Translate one or more exported dictionary files.
Import one or more translated dictionary files.
This section describes the features and procedures for
configuring languages and enabling run-time language
248 Chapter 11 Working with Languages
Application Server User’s Guide
Defining and Configuring Galaxy Languages
You can set the Galaxy default language and you can define
additional languages for purposes of switching symbol and
alarm comment languages at run time.
The default language is set and languages are added only at
the Galaxy level.
Graphics Language Switching
Run-time language switching applies to all portions of the
graphics or animations that you create or configure using the
ArchestrA Symbol Editor or InTouch WindowMaker. The
language to display is set when the application is being
shown at run time.
You can only view translations at design time for ArchestrA
symbols in the Symbol Editor. You cannot switch languages
in WindowMaker at design time to see the translations.
Alarm Comment Language Switching
The alarm comment language switching feature allows you to
format and export the configured alarm comments from
attributes in a Galaxy to external files. The purpose of
exporting the alarm comments to external files is to produce
InTouch-compatible localized files to support language
switching of alarm comments in the InTouch runtime
You can import the alarm comment files back into the Galaxy
after translation for convenient updating and re-export.
If you change an alarm comment after exporting the alarm
comments, you must re-export the alarm comments. The
translated alarm comments imported into InTouch and
displayed at run time do not change dynamically when the
alarm comment is edited.
A typical workflow for a large Galaxy might consist of the
1 Export the Galaxy elements to be translated as a single
file that is more manageable by the translator.
2 Import the translated file back into the Galaxy.
3 Export the translated file by Areas for use by InTouch
Application Server User’s Guide
4 Import the translated language file into InTouch.
In stand-alone InTouch, you can perform a single
import operation.
In managed InTouch, you must import the language
file into each managed InTouch application.
5 For InTouch applications that only target subareas of the
Galaxy, exporting by Area is a more optimal workflow.
Important Exporting, translating and importing the translated
files back into the Galaxy are important steps for translating and
managing translated files. Note that run-time language switching
will not function if you do not import the translated language file
as described in number 4.
250 Chapter 11 Working with Languages
Application Server User’s Guide
Configuring Languages for a Galaxy
The language settings of the Galaxy control which languages
are available to symbols and alarm comments. You cannot
add a language at the symbol or attribute level. Languages
are only added at the Galaxy level using the IDE.
When you open a symbol for editing using the Symbol Editor
or open a managed InTouch application in WindowMaker,
the language settings are retrieved from the Galaxy.
For example, you configure English and French languages
for the Galaxy. You open symbol S1 in the Symbol Editor.
Symbol S1 is now configured with English and French
languages. Using the IDE, you add German to the list of
configured languages. You must close the Symbol Editor and
open symbol S1 again to see the German language available
for the symbol.
For more information about language switching in ArchestrA
symbols, see the Creating and Managing ArchestrA Graphics
User’s Guide.
Adding a Language to a Galaxy
Every Galaxy is associated with a base language. You must
configure any additional languages that you want to support.
To add a language for a Galaxy
Using the ArchestrA IDE, open the Galaxy for which you
want to add a language.
2 On the Galaxy menu, point to Configure, and then click
Languages. The Configure Languages dialog box appears.
Configure Languages dialog box shows the base
(default) language of the Galaxy.
Configuring Languages for a Galaxy251
Application Server User’s Guide
3 Click Add. The Add Language dialog box appears.
4 Specify the language and font for the translated text.
In the By Name or the Locale ID list, click the language
to add. If you select the language by name, the
corresponding locale ID appears in the
Locale ID list,
and vice versa.
In the Font list, click the name of the font.
5 Click OK to close the Add Language dialog box. The
language you configured is listed in the Configure
dialog box.
6 To add more languages, repeat steps 3 through 5.
7 To remove a language, select the row in the list and then
click Remove.
8 To specify a particular language as the default, select the
row in the list and then click
Set Default.
9 When you are done, click OK.
Removing a Language from a Galaxy
You cannot remove the default language. At least one
language must be configured for a Galaxy.
To remove a language for a Galaxy
Using the ArchestrA IDE, open the Galaxy for which you
want to remove a language.
252 Chapter 11 Working with Languages
Application Server User’s Guide
2 On the Galaxy menu, point to Configure, and then click
Languages. The Configure Languages dialog box appears.
3 Select the row of the language to remove and then click
Remove. A Confirm Delete dialog box appears.
4 The dialog box provides an additional language deletion
option. Select the checkbox to delete alarm comment
translations for the language selected. Leave the
checkbox empty (unselected) if you want to keep the
alarm comment translations for the selected language.
5 Click YES to confirm deletion of the selected language as
well as the alarm comment translations for that language
if also seleted
Modifying the Font for a Language
The default font for all languages is Arial. You can change
the font setting for a language that you have already added.
You cannot edit the font for the default language.
The configured font for a language is used in design time
when a specific translation is supplied for a language. It is
also propagated to all translations for secondary languages
when the fonts are not specifically overridden by you.
For example, if you create a text element and provide
translation for the secondary language without modifying the
font, the text is shown using the font from the Galaxy.
However, if you manually modify the font, then the text will
always use the chosen font. This same behavior also applies
to run time.
Configuring Languages for a Galaxy253
Application Server User’s Guide
For an ArchestrA symbol to show the updated font from the
Galaxy, WindowViewer must be restarted. No notification is
provided to WindowViewer when the Galaxy font changes.
All managed InTouch applications are updated to use the
new font for the selected language.
To change the font settings for a configured language
Using the ArchestrA IDE, open the Galaxy for which you
want to change the font for a configured language.
2 On the Galaxy menu, point to Configure, and then click
Languages. The Configure Languages dialog box appears.
3 In the list of languages, select the target language.
4 In the Font column, double-click on the name of the font
so that a drop-down arrow appears.
5 Click the name of the new font.
6 Click OK.
Changing the Default Language for a Galaxy
When you change the default language for the Galaxy:
The new default language is shown when the Symbol
Editor opens.
The base language for translation export is changed to
the new default language.
You cannot import translations for that language.
Symbols opened in design time use the default language
when showing text that does not have a specific
translation in a secondary language.
Symbols shown at run time use the default language if
specific translated values are not provided for the
currently viewed language.
Thumbnails for symbols are shown using the default
254 Chapter 11 Working with Languages
Application Server User’s Guide
The default language for managed InTouch applications is
always the same as the InTouch installed language.
To change the default language for a Galaxy
Using the ArchestrA IDE, open the Galaxy for which you
want to change the default language.
2 On the Galaxy menu, point to Configure, and then click
Languages. The Configure Languages dialog box appears.
Configure Languages dialog box shows the base
language of the Galaxy.
3 In the list of languages, select the target language.
4 Click Set Default.
5 Click OK.
Note Changing the default language does not change the alarm
comment default language. Alarm comments are always stored as
the Galaxy Repository default language, which is the locale of the
operating system on which the Galaxy is created.
Exporting Symbol Text for Offline Translation255
Application Server User’s Guide
Exporting Symbol Text for Offline Translation
If your application has many strings, you typically send the
text strings for your graphic symbols out for bulk translation.
You can export symbol strings for translation and modify
them using a text editor, an XML editor, or a spreadsheet
program like Microsoft Excel.
We recommend that you do not make changes to symbols
while symbol text is being translated.
If you make changes to your application after you export your
dictionary files, you must export the dictionary file again. For
more information, see
Exporting Symbol Text to an Existing
Dictionary File on page 260.
You can only export the text strings for one language at a
time. You cannot export text strings for the default language.
Each symbol in a Galaxy is only exported one time, no matter
how many times it is referenced.
When you export the text, you specify a folder for the
dictionary files. Creating a new folder to export phrases for
each language makes it easy to manage dictionary files. For
example, ...\Galaxy1\My German Files\.
Also, all exported files have the following convention:
<GalaxyName>_<LanguageID>.xml. If you will be exporting
language data for different objects at different times, use
separate target directories to prevent subsequent exports
from overwriting the first export.
When you export the dictionary for an application, the files
are .xml files that you can edit using Microsoft Excel 2003 or
Types of Language Dictionary Files
A language export creates the following types of dictionary
Dictionary file for all Graphics Toolbox symbols, template
symbols, and AutomationObject symbols. The file naming
convention is: <GalaxyName>_<LanguageID>.xml. For
example, if the Galaxy name is TestSample and the
language being exported is French (Language ID = 1036)
then the file name is TestSample_1036.xml.
Dictionary file for each managed InTouch application.
Dictionary file for each SmartSymbol in managed
InTouch applications.
256 Chapter 11 Working with Languages
Application Server User’s Guide
Note The alarm comment export files are named and formatted
differently from symbol dictionary files. For further information
see Exporting Alarm Comments for Offline Translation on
page 269.
Exporting Language Data for All Symbols in a
You can export language data for all symbols in a Galaxy at
one time. The export contains language data for:
Graphic Toolbox symbols.
All symbols contained in AutomationObject templates,
except for an $InTouchViewApp template.
All symbols contained in AutomationObject instances.
The export operation only applies to symbols that are
checked in.
To export language data for all symbols
Using the ArchestrA IDE, open the Galaxy for which you
want to export symbol text.
2 On the Galaxy menu, point to Export, and then click All
. The Export Locale Data dialog box appears.
3 Configure the export settings.
In the Languages to export list, select the language
dictionary to export. The default language is not
In the Path box, type the folder to which you want to
export the dictionary. Click
Browse to select an
existing folder or create a new folder.
4 Click Export. The export progress is shown.
5 Click Close.
Exporting Symbol Text for Offline Translation257
Application Server User’s Guide
Exporting Language Data for Specific Objects
You can export language data for these types of Galaxy
Graphic ToolBox symbols
AutomationObject templates and instances
$InTouchViewApp templates and instances.
All symbols in an instance or template are exported.
When you export the language data for a symbol, the
language data for all symbols referenced by the symbol is
also exported. The exported symbols can be referenced
through direct embedding or through a show symbol
For example, a Galaxy has Symbol1 and Symbol2 defined in
the Graphic Toolbox. There are two instances called
UserDefined1 and UserDefined2. UserDefined1 includes
Symbol1. UserDefined2 includes Symbol1 and Symbol2. The
instance symbol UserDefined1.Symbol1 embeds Symbol1
and Symbol2 from the Graphics Toolbox and one instance
symbol UserDefined2.Symbol1. If you select the instance
UserDefined1 and export the language data, then the
language data would also be exported for the symbols
Symbol1, Symbol2, and UserDefined2.Symbol1.
To export language data for specific objects
Using the ArchestrA IDE, open the Galaxy for which you
want to export symbol text.
2 Select one or more objects to export.
Export by selecting
instance UD1 in the IDE
Single dictionary file with
localizable content from
the following symbols:
- UD1.S1
- S1
- S2
258 Chapter 11 Working with Languages
Application Server User’s Guide
3 On the Galaxy menu, point to Export, and then click
Localization(s). The Export Locale Data dialog box appears.
4 Configure the export settings.
In the Language to export list, select the language
dictionary to export. The default language is not
In the Path box, type the folder to which you want to
export the dictionary. Click Browse to select an
existing folder or create a new folder.
5 Click Export. The export progress is shown.
6 Click Close.
Exporting Symbol Language Data for a Managed
InTouch Application
You export language data for a managed InTouch application
using the IDE. You cannot export translations from within
the InTouch HMI.
The export includes strings for:
All InTouch windows
All SmartSymbols
ArchestrA symbols referenced by the $InTouchViewApp
The export causes a cascade export of all referenced
ArchestrA symbols.
When you export language data for a managed InTouch
application, the default language for the Galaxy is ignored.
The InTouch default locale is always the installed InTouch
locale. If the InTouch installed locale and the Galaxy default
language are not the same, the export is skipped for the
selected InTouchViewApp and a message is logged.
Exporting Symbol Text for Offline Translation259
Application Server User’s Guide
To export language data for a managed InTouch application
Using the ArchestrA IDE, open the Galaxy for which you
want to export symbol text.
2 Select one or more managed InTouch applications.
3 On the Galaxy menu, point to Export, and then click
Localization(s). The Export Locale Data dialog box appears.
4 Configure the export settings.
In the Language to export list, select the language
dictionary to export. The default language is not
In the Path box, type the folder to which you want to
export the dictionary. Click Browse to select an
existing folder or create a new folder.
5 Click Export. The export progress is shown.
6 Click Close.
Exporting Symbol Language Data for a Published
InTouch Application
If you export languages for a published InTouch application,
the following are not included:
ArchestrA embedded symbols
Custom property overrides
String overrides.
The export only includes native InTouch translations.
260 Chapter 11 Working with Languages
Application Server User’s Guide
Exporting Symbol Text to an Existing Dictionary
If you change your application after you translate the text
strings, you need to export the text again. For more
information, see
Exporting Symbol Text for Offline
Translation on page 255.
If you export more than one time to the same directory, a
message box appears.
If you click Yes, the existing .xml files are deleted and the
current text for symbols in the Galaxy are exported as a new
.xml file.
Any existing translations for a symbol are reflected in the
new .xml file.
Translating Exported Symbol Language Files261
Application Server User’s Guide
Translating Exported Symbol Language Files
The procedures and tools for translating the exported
language files are similar for both symbol text and for alarm
comment text. However, there are important differences.
Procedures for each are described in this section.
Translating Exported Symbol Text Dictionary
After you export the dictionary file containing your
application text, use Microsoft Excel 2003 or later to edit the
text or, for very large Galaxies, Excel 2007.
To translate an exported dictionary file
Open the XML file in Excel. The Open XML dialog box
2 Click As an XML list, then click OK. A message may appear
informing you that an XML schema will be created.
3 Click OK.
The XML file opens in Excel with columns for the:
Phrases in your application.
Translated phrases from the translator.
Translated font name.
Translated font properties.
Translated font size.
Base font properties.
Base font size.
Context, phrase ID, language ID and foreign
language ID.
262 Chapter 11 Working with Languages
Application Server User’s Guide
Important Only modify data in the Translation,
TranslatedFontSize, TranslatedFontName, and
TranslatedFontProperty columns. Do not change any column
header. Do not insert or delete rows.
Type the language-specific text in the Translation column
in the row that corresponds with the base language string
in the Phrase column.
5 If necessary, change the font parameters for the
translated strings. If you only provide a translation, the
Galaxy-configured font for the language is used to render
the text after the translation is imported. If you specify a
font, it overrides the Galaxy-configured font.
In TranslatedFontName column, type the font name.
In the TranslatedFontProperty column, type the
notation for the font properties:
B =
I = italic
U = underline
For example, if you want to the text to be bold, type B
in the TranslatedFontProperty column. If you want the
text to be bold and underlined, type BU in the
TranslatedFontProperty column.
6 Save the file using XML Data as the file type.
Important If you save as another file type, such as XML
Spreadsheet, Excel changes the schema and the
Galaxy cannot
load the file. If you change the name of the XML file, the file will
not import properly into the Galaxy.
Importing Translated Symbol Language Files
You can import alarm comment language files for re-export
by area, to facilitate the export of new, untranslated alarm
comments, and to facilitate re-export of previously translated
alarm comments that have been changed.
For symbol text, you must import the translated dictionary
files for each language to enable run-time language switching
for those languages. All dictionary files for a given language
should be placed in the same folder.
You can import files for only one language at a time. When
you import, you select the desired language and specify the
files to import.
Importing Translated Symbol Language Files263
Application Server User’s Guide
Importing Translated Symbol Dictionary Files
All affected symbols and relevant objects are checked out
before the import begins and are checked in when the import
is done. If an affected symbol or object is already checked out,
a message appears in the progress dialog box, and the import
is skipped for the checked out object.
For a published InTouch application, only the native InTouch
translations are imported.
You can configure how you want Galaxy and symbol/object
mismatches handled during the import.
The import is skipped if:
If default locale specified in the .xml translation file does
not match the current default locale of the Galaxy.
An InTouchViewApp’s installed locale does not match the
current default locale of the Galaxy.
Important You cannot cancel the import after it starts.
To import a translated dictionary file
Using the ArchestrA IDE, open the Galaxy for which you
want to import symbol text.
2 Close all editors and check in all Galaxy objects.
3 On the Galaxy menu, point to Import, and then click
Localization. When a message appears, click OK. The
Import Locale Data dialog box appears.
4 Configure the import settings.
In the Language to import list, select the language
dictionary to import.
264 Chapter 11 Working with Languages
Application Server User’s Guide
In the Path box, specify the folder that includes the
dictionary file to import.
In the Select files to Import box, select the .xml files to
import. Only files that include the current Galaxy
name and the locale ID for the selected language are
5 Click Import. The Import Locale Preferences dialog box
6 In the Galaxy mismatch area, configure how you want
Galaxy mismatches handled. A Galaxy mismatch occurs
when you try to import a translation file that was
exported from a different Galaxy. The Galaxy name in
the translation .xml file is used to match the current
name of the Galaxy.
Click Skip file to skip all the files that do not contain
the current Galaxy name in the file name.
Click Import to import all the selected files, regardless
of what the Galaxy name is in the .xml filename.
In the Symbol/Object Mismatch area, configure how you
want symbol and object mismatches handled. A symbol or
object mismatch occurs when the name of the symbol and
the internal ID (GObjectID) of the symbol do not match
what is within the .xml file. Objects include
AutomationObjects and InTouchViewApp objects.
Click Skip to skip the symbols and objects that have
mismatch names or mismatch IDs in the .xml file
Importing Translated Symbol Language Files265
Application Server User’s Guide
Click Import to import a symbol or object only if it has
a matching name or matching ID. If the name
resolves to one object, and the ID resolves to another
object, then the import is skipped.
For examples, see Examples of Symbol or Object
Mismatch Handling during Language Imports on
page 265.
7 Click Import. The import progress is shown.
8 Click Close. The Import Language Dictionary Files dialog
box appears.
9 Click Check In. The check in progress is shown.
10 Click Close. A summary of the import is shown.
11 Click OK.
Examples of Symbol or Object Mismatch
Handling during Language Imports
The following table shows an example of handling mismatch
conditions for a toolbox symbol. The bold name/ID is the
matching name/ID in the .xml file and current Galaxy during
Symbol Name
and ID in the
Galaxy while
Symbol Name
and ID in the
Galaxy while
Change made after
export and before
1 S1, 100 S1, 100 No change Import
to S1
Import to S1
2 S1, 100 S2, 100 Rename S1 to S2 Skip Import to S2
3 S1, 100 S1, 200 Delete S1,
Create/Import S1
Skip Import to S1
4 S1, 100 S1, 200
S2, 100
Rename S1 to S2
Create/Import S1
Skip Ambiguous,
skip import
5 S1, 100 No S1 and
No 100 in the
Deleted S1 Skip Skip import
266 Chapter 11 Working with Languages
Application Server User’s Guide
The following table shows an example of handling mismatch
conditions for an AutomationObject symbol. The bold
name/ID is the matching name/ID in the .xml file and
current Galaxy during import.
Name and
ID in the
Name and
ID in the
Object Name
and ID in the
Galaxy while
Change made
after export
and before
1 Pump1, 10 S1, 100 Pump1, 10 No change Import
to S1
only if
has S1
with an
ID of
Import to S1
only if
Pump1 has
S1 with an
id of 100
2 Pump1, 10 S1, 100 Pump2, 10 Rename
Pump1 to
Skip Skip import
if S1 and
100 pointing
to two
symbols in
Import to S1
only if
Pump2 has
S1 or a
symbol with
id of 100.
Importing Translated Symbol Language Files267
Application Server User’s Guide
Language Data Handling for Galaxy Operations
If you import or export objects, all language data within the
associated symbols is imported or exported.
You can export all objects in the Galaxy, selected
instances/templates, or selected symbols from the Graphics
Toolbox. All language data is exported as part of the graphics
definition, regardless of the languages configured in the
You can import Galaxy objects that contain language data
from the same Galaxy or a different Galaxy. All language
data in the ArchestrA graphics is imported, regardless of
what languages are configured for the target Galaxy.
3 Pump1, 10 S1, 100 Pump1, 20 Delete
Create and
Skip Skip import
if S1 and
100 pointing
to two
symbols in
Import to S1
only if
Pump1 has
S1 or a
symbol with
id of 100.
4 Pump1, 10 S1, 100 Pump1, 20
Pump2, 10
Pump1 to
Create and
Skip Ambiguous,
skip import
5 Pump1, 10 S1, 100 No Pump1
No 10 in the
Skip Skip import
Name and
ID in the
Name and
ID in the
Object Name
and ID in the
Galaxy while
Change made
after export
and before
268 Chapter 11 Working with Languages
Application Server User’s Guide
No ArchestrA symbol or InTouchViewApp language data is
read or modified during the import operation.
If you import an unmanaged InTouch application, the
configured locales in the Galaxy are applied to the
unmanaged InTouch application. No element translations in
the InTouch application are removed during import, even
though languages may no longer be visible in the InTouch
HMI or available at run time in WindowViewer.
Exporting Alarm Comments for Offline Translation269
Application Server User’s Guide
Exporting Alarm Comments for Offline
As with symbol text export for translation, you typically send
the alarm comment text out for bulk translation. You can
export alarm comments and modify them using a text editor
or a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel. Once
translated the files can be reimported to Application Server
and can be imported by InTouch for run-time alarm comment
language switching.
Guidelines and Recommendations
The following guidelines and recommendations will help you
make best use of the alarm comment language switching
Important The exported file name is generated automatically
and must not be changed.
Organizing Your Export
You can only export the alarm comment text for one
language at a time.
When you export text, you specify a folder for the
language files. We recommend that you create a separate
folder for each language. For example,
For large Galaxies, exporting files for each area, after
being translated and re-imported in the Galaxy, will
perform faster when the alarm clients access those files.
For small Galaxies or for InTouch applications, we
recommend that you export the entire Galaxy for
Translation File Formatting and Editing
Microsoft Excel 2007 is the recommended spreadsheet
program. Excel 2007 provides enhanced formatting
capabilities to convert the text file into tabular format. Also,
Excel 2007 supports larger worksheets. See
Exporting Alarm
Comments from Very Large Galaxies on page 271.
We highly recommend reimporting the translated files to
the Galaxy after translation. Although reimport is not
mandatory, you can use the reimport to optimize the
export files to be used in the InTouch application.
270 Chapter 11 Working with Languages
Application Server User’s Guide
If you make changes to your alarm comments after you
export comment text, you must export the alarm
comments again. For this reason, we further recommend
using the import functionality in Application Server to
reimport the language file after each translation. This
practice will avoid the need to retranslate alarm
comments you have already translted.
For further information and procedures, see the following
sections in this chapter:
Exporting Alarm Comments from Very Large Galaxies on
page 271
Exporting Alarm Comments by Area on page 272.
Importing Translated Alarm Comment Language Files
on page 276
About the Alarm Comments Language File
The alarm comment language switching feature exports
alarm comments to a .txt file. That file can be edited directly,
but working in a text editor typically is more difficult and
prone to errors.
All files export as Unicode. We recommend that you save
the exported files as Unicode.
We recommend that you open the .txt file in Microsoft
Excel 2003 or later for editing and save it as a .txt file.
The language file name is not user-configurable. The file
naming convention for alarm comment export is:
t. or
_ Comments.txt, where the locale ID is the selected
language decimal identification number.
For example, if the Galaxy name is “TestSample” and the
exported language is Chinese, the langauge file name would
be Galaxy_TestSample_2052_Alarm_Comments.txt.
For example, if the Galaxy name is “TestSample” the Area
name is “Area001”, and the exported language is German,
the language file name would be
See Translating Exported Alarm Comment Language Files
on page 274 for further information about alarm comment
language files.
Exporting Alarm Comments for Offline Translation271
Application Server User’s Guide
Exporting Alarm Comments from Very Large
You can export language data in one operation for all alarm
comments in a Galaxy. However, very large Galaxies with
numerous alarm comments require longer export processing
time and can result in a very large .txt language file. We
recommend the following best practices for handling large
Galaxies and a large number of alarm comments:
Export alarm comments by Area rather than for the
entire Galaxy to a single language file. See Exporting
Alarm Comments by Area on page 272.
If you prefer to export all Galaxy alarm comments to a
single file, we recommend using Microsoft Excel 2007
rather than Excel 2003. MS Excel 2007 supports
1-million-line worksheets whereas Excel 2003 supports
65-thousand-line worksheets.
Exporting All Galaxy Alarm Comments
You can export language data for all alarm comments in a
Galaxy at one time. The export operation only applies to
objects that are checked in.
To export all Galaxy alarm comments to a single file
Using the ArchestrA IDE, open the Galaxy for which you
want to export alarm comments.
2 On the Galaxy menu, select Export, then select the
Localization menu option, and then select the All Alarm
menu option. The Export Alarm Messages dialog
box appears.
272 Chapter 11 Working with Languages
Application Server User’s Guide
3 Configure the export settings:
a In the Select option to export all alarm messages area,
select the Export all alarm messages to a single file
radio button.
b Check the Export untranslated alarm messages only
check box if you have already exported, translated
and re-imported your language file and you want to
export only newer, untranslated messages.
Otherwise, leave the check box unchecked.
c In the Language to export pull-down list, select the
language to export. You can export only one language
at a time.
d In the Path box, type the folder to which you want to
export the language file. Click
Browse to select an
existing folder or create a new folder.
4 Click Export. The export progress box appears.
5 Click Close when the export completes.
Exporting Alarm Comments by Area
You can export all alarm comments by Area or you can export
Alarm comments for a specific Area.
Using File Names
Comments.txt file name convention applies to specific Area
alarm comment exports. Area names will be included the file
name. For example, given a Galaxy name “TestSystem”, an
Area name “Area001”, and an export to Chinese (language
designation 2052), the language file name would be
Exporting Objects Not Assigned to an Area
System Objects typically are not assigned to an Area. These
Platform Objects
Device Integration Objects
Engine Objects
For purposes of language export, these System Objects form
their own “Area” or become notification distributors for the
purpose of sending alarms. Exporting System Objects follows
these important conventions:
Exporting Alarm Comments for Offline Translation273
Application Server User’s Guide
System Object can only be exported from the Galaxy
menu. They cannot be selected and exported using a
context menu.
System Objects can only be exported by exporting
alarm comments for all Areas.
To export alarm comments for all Areas.
Using the ArchestrA IDE, open the Galaxy for which you
want to export alarm comments.
2 On the Galaxy menu, select Export, then select the
Localization menu option, and then select the All Alarm
menu option. The Export (Area) Alarm Messages
dialog box appears.
3 Configure the export settings:
a In the Select option to export all alarm messages area,
select the Export selected area(s) only radio button, or
select the
Include sub-areas radio button to include all
sub areas for each selected Area.
b Check the Export untranslated alarm messages only
check box if you have already exported, translated
and re-imported your language files by Area and you
want to export only newer, untranslated messages.
Otherwise, leave the check box unchecked.
c In the Language to export pull-down list, select the
language to export. You can export only one language
at a time.
d In the Path box, type the folder to which you want to
export the language file. Click Browse to select an
existing folder or create a new folder.
4 Click Export. The export progress box appears.
5 Click Close when the export completes.
274 Chapter 11 Working with Languages
Application Server User’s Guide
To export alarm comments for a selected Area or Areas
Using the ArchestrA IDE, open the Galaxy for which you
want to export alarm comments.
2 Expand the Application View tree and select the Area(s)
you want to export.
3 Right click to view the context menu. Select Export on the
context menu, then select Localization, and then select
Alarm message(s) of selected Area(s).
As an alternate method to using the context menu, you
can select the Area you wish to export, then use the
Galaxy menu as in the preceding procedures.
4 Configure the export settings:
a In the Select option to export all alarm messages area,
select the
Export selected area(s) only radio button, or
select the
Include sub-areas radio button to include all
sub areas for each selected Area.
b Check the Export untranslated alarm messages only
check box if you have already exported, translated
and re-imported your language files by Area and you
want to export only newer, untranslated messages.
Otherwise, leave the check box unchecked.
c In the Language to export pull-down list, select the
language to export. You can export only one language
at a time.
d In the Path box, type the folder to which you want to
export the language file. Click Browse to select an
existing folder or create a new folder.
5 Click Export. The export progress box appears.
6 Click Close when the export completes.
Translating Exported Alarm Comment
Language Files
Alarm comments are exported to a .txt file, located in the
selected directory. You can edit the files with a text editor,
but we recommend opening and editing them in Microsoft
Excel 2003 or Excel 2007.
Using the format-as-table feature in Excel greatly simplifies
editing the specific text to be translated
Translating Exported Alarm Comment Language Files275
Application Server User’s Guide
To translate an exported alarm comment file
Open the .txt file in Excel. The Excel Text Import Wizard
appears. Follow the wizard instructions to import the
text file in tab delimited, general column data format.
The file appears unformatted in Excel.
2 Format the text as a table in Excel:
a Select cell A5.
b Select the Home tab, then select Format as Table.
c Select the color pattern you want and click OK in the
Format as Table dialog box. Excel will format the
region to be edited.
276 Chapter 11 Working with Languages
Application Server User’s Guide
The Excel display is divided into four regions:
Column 1 contains Phrase ID numbers used
internally in the language file. Do not edit this
Column 2 contains the exported alarm messages. Do
not edit this column.
Column 3 contains the alarm message translations.
Edit this column with your translation text.
Below the alarm comment text columns are the
alarms and phrase IDs, which map to column 1 and
are used internally in the language file. Do not edit
this area.
3 Translate the alarm comment text. Type the alarm
comment translations into the appropriate rows in
column 3.
Important Only edit the text in column 3, translations. No other
text in the file may be edited. You can edit the original alarm
comment text only within the ArchestrA IDE.
Save the file as a .txt file in the directory you originally
selected for export.
Important Do not change the file name or the file type,
otherwise it will not import correctly into the Galaxy.
Importing Translated Alarm Comment
Language Files
You can import translated alarm comment language files
only from the Galaxy menu, not from the context menu for
specific Areas.
To import alarm comment language files, you must first have
exported alarm comments for translation of some or all of the
alarm comments.
To import a translated alarm comment language file
Using the ArchestrA IDE, open the Galaxy for which you
want to import translated alarm comments.
Re-exporting Alarm Comments277
Application Server User’s Guide
2 On the Galaxy menu, select Import, then select the
Localization menu option, and then select the Alarm
menu option. The Import Alarm Messages dialog
box appears.
3 Configure the import settings:
a In the Language to import pull-down list, select the
language to import. You can import only one
language at a time.
b In the Path box, type or browse to the folder where
you previously exported your language file. The
available language files appear in the Select files to
c Select a file or files to import.
4 Click Import. The import progress box appears.
5 Click Close when the import completes.
Note If an alarm name or message do not match, the alarm
comment import will display a message for each failed alarm
message import.
Re-exporting Alarm Comments
After exporting and translating alarm comments, you can
re-import them to ArchestrA to help maintain up-to-date
alarm comment language files.
After adding new alarm comments that require translation
or after modifying existing, already translated alarm
comments, you must re-export the language file to update the
278 Chapter 11 Working with Languages
Application Server User’s Guide
Exporting New Untranslated Alarm Comments
In the Export Alarm Messages dialog box, select the Export
untranslated alarm messages only
check box. This creates a
file named _untranslated.txt. For example, exporting
untranslated alarm comments in Chinese for a Galaxy name
“TestSystem” would create a file named Galaxy_TestSystem_
Exporting Modified Existing Alarm Comments
You can make changes to alarm comments that you
previously exported, translated and imported back into
ArchestrA. You must re-export the alarm comment language
file(s) to update the translations.
In the Export Alarm Messages dialog box, select the same
language option and folder you selected for the previous
export. When asked, confirm that you want to overwrite the
existing file.
Testing the Language Switching Functionality
at Run Time
We recommend that you test the run-time language
switching functionality. Follow the procedures outlined in
this chapter to enable run-time language switching in your
application. Then import the appropriate language file into
InTouch. The import step applies to both stand-alone and
managed InTouch applications.
To test the language switching functionality
Open the application in WindowViewer.
2 On the Special menu, point to Language, and then click
the name of the language to switch to.
The information from the corresponding translated
dictionary file (if one exists and has been imported into
InTouch) loads and appears.
3 When you are done, click Close.
Related Topics
Configuring Languages for a Galaxy
Application Server User’s Guide
Chapter 12
Managing Galaxies
You can back up and restore Galaxies, change the Galaxy you
are working with, delete a Galaxy, and export and import all
or part of a Galaxy.
If you want to create a Galaxy, see Creating a New Galaxy on
page 17.
Backing Up and Restoring Galaxies
Periodically, you should back up your Galaxy. Backing up
your Galaxy helps if you have a computer failure or other
problem. If there is a failure, you can restore your Galaxy
from the backup.
Use the Galaxy Database Manager to back up and restore
your Galaxy. The Galaxy Database Manager is part of the
suite of ArchestrA System Management Console utilities.
280 Chapter 12 Managing Galaxies
Application Server User’s Guide
To open the Galaxy Database Manager
Click Start, point to Programs and then to Wonderware,
and then click System Management Console.
See the Galaxy Database Manager documentation for
more information about backing up or restoring your
Changing Galaxies
You can have many Galaxies in the Galaxy Repository. If you
are a systems integrator, you have at least one Galaxy for
every client.
For a Galaxy to deploy objects to other computers in the
Galaxy, the GR must host a platform defined in that Galaxy.
Because of this, you can only deploy one Galaxy from the
Galaxy Repository at a time to the computers on your
network. For more information about deploying, see
Deploying Objects on page 139.
Galaxy Repository Node
Galaxy B
Galaxy C
Galaxy D
Galaxy A
Active G alaxy
Deleting a Galaxy281
Application Server User’s Guide
To change from one Galaxy to another
On the Galaxy menu, click Change Galaxy. The Change
dialog box appears.
2 Do one of the following:
Select another Galaxy from the Galaxy Name list.
Select another Galaxy Repository node from the GR
Node Name
3 Click Connect.
Deleting a Galaxy
You can delete a Galaxy. Deleting a Galaxy removes all of the
Galaxy information from your computer.
Before you delete a Galaxy, you must undeploy all objects
within it. For more information about undeploying objects,
Undeploying Objects on page 144.
Make sure you select the right Galaxy to delete. After you
delete a Galaxy, you cannot undelete it. You can only
recreate it by restoring from a backup. For more information,
Backing Up and Restoring Galaxies on page 279.
To d e l e t e a G a l a x y
Undeploy all objects from the Galaxy you want to delete.
2 Close any Galaxy and connected IDE you have open.
3 On the File menu, click Change Galaxy. The Connect to a
dialog box appears.
4 Select the Galaxy you want to delete, except the
connected Galaxy.
5 Click Delete Galaxy.
6 At the prompt, click Yes.
7 When the Galaxy is deleted, click Close.
282 Chapter 12 Managing Galaxies
Application Server User’s Guide
Exporting a Galaxy Dump File
You can export instances and their configuration data in a
Galaxy to a
comma-separated values file with a .csv file name
extension. After you export the Galaxy to a .csv file, you can
edit it with Microsoft Excel 2000 or later. This makes it very
easy to do large editing changes, such as search and replace.
Exporting only exports instances. Templates cannot be
exported in .csv file format.
The .csv file contains the configuration for the checked-in
versions of the selected instances and the checked-out
instances of the user who does the Galaxy dump. If an
instance is checked out by another user when you export the
Galaxy, the checked in version is exported.
The file contains only those attributes that are unlocked and
configuration time-writeable, one column per attribute. The
following are not exported:
Scripts libraries are not exported. Scripts within an
object are exported.
Attributes that are not text-based are not exported. For
example, type QualifiedStruct is not exported.
Custom object online help files are not exported.
See Looking at the Galaxy Text Dump File Structure on
page 283 for specific information about the structure of the
.csv file. Before you start, make sure you know what
instances you want to export to a file.
To export objects to a Galaxy dump file
In the Application views area, select at least one instance.
Shift+click to select multiple instances. You can export
all instances derived from a template by selecting the
2 On the Galaxy menu, click Export and then click Galaxy
. The Galaxy Dump dialog box appears.
3 Browse to the location of the .csv file to which you want
to dump the selected instances. Type the name of the file.
4 When the Galaxy export process is done, click Close. A
.csv file is created containing the selected objects and
configuration data.
You can open this file in a text editor like Notepad or in
Microsoft Excel 2000 or later. When you have finished
editing the file, save it as plain text .csv (comma
delimited) file to import back into the Galaxy.
Exporting a Galaxy Dump File283
Application Server User’s Guide
Looking at the Galaxy Text Dump File Structure
The Galaxy .csv file has a specific structure. This section
describes that structure.
Objects are organized in the .csv file based on the template
each is derived from. A header row per template indicates the
instance’s columns’ reference.
Other information is organized in columns. This makes it
easy for you to read the information and carefully make any
changes you need. You can easily import the
.csv file into a
text editor or into Microsoft Excel.
Add comments by adding a line with a semi-colon as the first
character in the comment.
Host Attributes
Galaxy dump files contain a column for the Host attribute of
the objects being dumped. In the case of Platform objects,
Host is always the name of the Galaxy from which the object
is being dumped.
This data is ignored in subsequent Galaxy Load operations
because the Host for Platform objects is automatically the
name of the Galaxy into which it is being loaded, regardless
of the name of the Galaxy from which it was dumped.
Using a text editor, you can delete the Host attribute column,
like any other data in the Galaxy dump file. This has no
effect on Platform objects in subsequent Galaxy Load
operations because they take the Galaxy name as their Host.
284 Chapter 12 Managing Galaxies
Application Server User’s Guide
About Quotation Marks and Carriage Returns
Carriage returns in scripts associated with dumped objects
are replaced with \n in the .csv file. If you edit the dump
file, do not delete the \n characters. If you edit scripts in the
dump file, use \n for a carriage return. This character set is
interpreted as a carriage return when the dump file is used
in a Galaxy Load operation.
When editing a script in a dump file, use \\n if you want to
include the backslash character (\) followed by the letter n in
a script. This character set is not converted to a carriage
return in a Galaxy Load function.
Be careful when adding or editing quotation marks in the
.csv file. Type all single quotation marks as two single
quotation marks and surround the entire string with opening
and closing quotation marks.
Make sure the string contains an even number of quotation
marks. When the object is loaded in a Galaxy Load operation,
the extra quotation marks are stripped from the string.
For example, if you want to enter 3"Pipe as a Short
Description, add a second quotation mark (3"“Pipe) and
then surrounding quotation marks (“3””Pipe”).
Time Formats in Excel
If you edit a Galaxy dump file in Microsoft Excel, be careful
typing time entries. Excel can change the time format and
the resulting entries do not work when you reload the
changed Galaxy.
Galaxy Load accepts two formats:
DAYS HH:MM:SS:SSSSSS - the number of DAYS is followed
by a space.
HH:MM:SS:SSSSSS - Excel automatically changes the
entry to an incompatible format.
When you type time entries in Excel, use the following
For example:
0000 01:02:12.123: 1
Importing a Galaxy Load File285
Application Server User’s Guide
Importing a Galaxy Load File
After you are done editing a .csv file, you can import it back
into your Galaxy.
A load file contains only instances. Templates cannot be
dumped or loaded. See
Looking at the Galaxy Text Dump
File Structure on page 283 for more information about the
contents of the .csv file.
Note A comment line in a .csv file created in Microsoft Excel
can create an unintended default-value object. To avoid this,
open the .csv file in Notepad to make sure the comment line
does not contain quotation marks.
To import a .csv file
On the Galaxy menu, click Galaxy Load. The Galaxy Load
dialog box appears.
2 Browse to find the .csv file that contains the objects and
configuration data you want to import. Select the file and
3 The Galaxy Load Conflict Resolution dialog box appears.
Use it to resolve conflicts that can occur if objects you
want to load already exist in the Galaxy.
4 Select one of the following:
Replace entire instance if an instance of an object with
the same name already exists and you want to replace
it entirely with the object in the import file.
Only update changed attributes if an instance with the
same name already exists and you want to replace
only the attributes of the object where the values are
286 Chapter 12 Managing Galaxies
Application Server User’s Guide
Skip if an instance with the same name already exists
and you want to keep the version already in the
Stop Galaxy Load if an instance with the same name
already exists and you want to cancel the Galaxy
5 Click OK. A progress box appears showing the Galaxy
load process.
When the load is done, all objects changed or created
during the Galaxy Load process are checked in.
Synchronizing Time across a Galaxy
Some of the Application Server functions like scripting,
alarming, and historizing depend on all member computers
of a Galaxy synchronized to the same time. A time master is
a Network-Time-Protocol Server that provides a time that
other nodes on your network can synchronize with.
The time master can be a non-ArchestrA node or one within
the Galaxy. The ArchestrA nodes in the Galaxy periodically
synchronize their clocks to the time master.
Using Time Synchronization in Windows Domains
The system administrator of the Windows 2000 domain may
have time synchronization configured already. If this is the
case, configuring a Galaxy Time Master is unnecessary and
can conflict with the existing time synchronization.
Time synchronization in your Galaxy is critical if one or more
nodes run the Windows XP operating system. Windows XP
supports a network authentication protocol that requires
time synchronization between two nodes to enable
communication between them. This protocol fails the
communication between the nodes if the time on the two
nodes differs by a predetermined amount (for example, five
If a node in your Galaxy runs Windows XP operating system
and its system time is beyond the allowed variance,
ArchestrA operations, such as deployment, may fail.
Synchronizing Time across a Galaxy287
Application Server User’s Guide
Synchronization Schedule
The designated node clock serves as the master clock for all
timestamping functions. Time synchronization is based on
Microsoft’s Windows Time Service. ArchestrA does not
implement its own time synchronization algorithm.
The default synchronization period is one time every 45
minutes until three successful synchronizations occur. After
three successful synchronizations, synchronization runs one
time every eight hours.
All WinPlatforms begin synchronizing the time on their node
when they are deployed.
You can specify a time master node in another time zone. The
time on each Application Server node is set to the time
specified on the node in the other time zone.
Required Software
If a time master or a time client node runs either Windows
2003 Server or Windows XP software, you must install a
Microsoft hotfix on that computer before you can synchronize
to a time master. Install the appropriate hotfix according to
the following table.
Contact Microsoft through its Product Support Services to
get these hotfixes.
If your time master computer is a non-Galaxy node,
regardless of operating system, you must also change certain
Registry keys. Contact Wonderware Technical Support to
obtain the files that can set those Registry keys.
Important You must complete the software and Registry updates
before configuring a node as a time master.
Before you start, you need the fully qualified node name in
the format of:
2003 Server
288 Chapter 12 Managing Galaxies
Application Server User’s Guide
To configure a time master node
Apply all hotfixes and make the Registry changes as
explained previously.
2 On the Galaxy menu, point to Configure and then click
Time Master. The Configure Time Master dialog box
3 Type the node name in the Time Master Node box.
4 Click OK.
Hosting Multiple Galaxies in One Galaxy
You can create and configure multiple Galaxies in a single
Galaxy Repository on the same computer. You can configure
one Galaxy from an IDE and then change Galaxies and
configure the second one using the same IDE.
Note If you try to deploy objects from the second Galaxy to a
computer that hosts deployed objects from the first Galaxy, the
deploy fails.
Managing Licensing Issues289
Application Server User’s Guide
Managing Licensing Issues
Your license controls access to the Galaxy Repository. If a
license-related message appears when you open the IDE,
there is a problem with your license. The message appears as
a result of one of the following conditions:
A license is not installed.
Your license expired.
You exceeded the licensed I/O count or number of
licensed WinPlatforms.
The number of I/O or WinPlatforms specified in your IDE
development license is more than the I/O or
WinPlatforms specified in your Galaxy license.
Note If a license expires while you are using the IDE, you cannot
connect to the Galaxy the next time you open the IDE.
Viewing License and End-User License
Agreement Information
Use the License Utility to view information about your
license and End-User License Agreement. Until any
problems are resolved, you cannot:
Open the IDE
Connect to existing Galaxies
Create new Galaxies
After you update your license, you can connect to your
Galaxy and open the IDE with no further problems. For more
information about updating your license, see
Updating a
License on page 294.
To view ArchestrA IDE version information
On the ArchestrA IDE menu, click Help.
290 Chapter 12 Managing Galaxies
Application Server User’s Guide
2 Click About ArchestrA IDE. The About ArchestrA IDE dialog
box appears, showing the copyright notice, version, and
build date for your installed ArchestrA IDE application.
3 Click OK.
To view your license information
On the About ArchestrA IDE screen, click the View License
icon. The License Information dialog box appears.
2 In the Type list, select the license you want to view.
3 In the License Information area, check your Expiry date.
Managing Licensing Issues291
Application Server User’s Guide
4 Select Fs Dev License to view:
In the Configuration Sessions area:
In the IO Point area
Current count The number of IDE sessions
currently open.
Max count Maximum number of configured
sessions allowed by your license.
Status Relationship between the
configured and maximum I/O
point count values.
You see one of three states:
OK: Everything is fine.
Exceeded: Configured I/O
points count exceed the
maximum allowed by your
DEV: Your license has no I/O
and Platform Count feature
Configured count Number of configured I/O points
in your Galaxy.
Max count Maximum number of configured
I/O points allowed by your license.
If your license has no I/O and
Platform Count feature line, N/A
Status Relationship between the
configured and maximum I/O
point count values.
You see one of three states:
OK: Everything is fine.
Exceeded: Configured I/O
points count exceed the
maximum allowed by your
DEV: Your license has no I/O
and Platform Count feature
292 Chapter 12 Managing Galaxies
Application Server User’s Guide
5 Select App Server License to view:
In the Platform area:
In the IO Point area:
6 When you are done, click Close.
Current Count Number of deployed
WinPlatforms in your Galaxy.
Max Count Maximum number of deployed
WinPlatforms allowed by your
license. If your license has no I/O
and Platform Count feature line,
N/A appears.
Status Relationship between the current
and maximum WinPlatform
count values.
You see one of three states:
OK: Everything is fine.
Exceeded: Deployed
WinPlatform count exceeds
the maximum allowed by your
DEV: Your license has no I/O
and Platform Count feature
Number of configured I/O points
in your Galaxy.
Max Count Maximum number of configured
I/O points allowed by your
license. If your license has no I/O
and Platform Count feature line,
N/A appears.
Status Relationship between the
configured and maximum I/O
point count values.
You see one of three states:
OK: Everything is fine.
Exceeded: Configured I/O
points count exceed the
maximum allowed by your
DEV: Your license has no I/O
and Platform Count feature
Managing Licensing Issues293
Application Server User’s Guide
To view the end-user license agreement
On the About ArchestrA IDE dialog box, click View License
. The Eula Viewer dialog box appears. Scroll
down to read the terms and conditions of the agreement.
2 Click View Patent Information to read the patent
information. You must have an Internet connection to
view the patent information.
3 When you are done, click Close.
294 Chapter 12 Managing Galaxies
Application Server User’s Guide
Updating a License
After you get your new license from Wonderware, you must
install it to update your Galaxy Repository license. Follow
the steps below.
To update your license
Start the License Utility. On the Windows Start menu,
point to Programs, Wonderware, then to Common, and
then click
License. The License Utility appears.
2 On the File menu, click Install License File. Browse to the
folder where you saved the .lic file.
3 Select the .lic file and click Open. The Destination
Computer for Installation
dialog box opens.
4 Do the following:
In the Domain box, type the name of the domain in
which the computer resides.
In the Computer box, type the name of the computer
on which you want to install the license file.
Click OK.
If a license file exists on that domain, the
Installing a
License File
dialog box appears.
To overwrite the license file, click Overwrite.
To add the new license file information to the existing
license, click
When you are done updating the license file, you can
see the results of the installation in the
Results pane.
Disk Space Requirements295
Application Server User’s Guide
Disk Space Requirements
After Application Server is installed, certain operations
require at least 100 MB of available disk space. These
operations include
Creating a Galaxy
Deploying objects
Importing and exporting objects
Loading and dumping a Galaxy
Restoring and backing up a Galaxy.
This minimum requirement applies to the Galaxy node as
well as any remote IDE nodes.
If your computer has less than 100 MB of available hard disk
space, running any of these operations can result in erratic
Managing Communication between Galaxy
You can use Application Server in a distributed environment.
All computers with ArchestrA-enabled software installed
must be able to communicate with each other.
Two items must be considered to ensure communication
between nodes:
ArchestrA user accounts
Multiple network interface cards in computers
All Platforms communicate with several attributes on the
Galaxy Repository (GR) Platform to detect configuration
changes. This communication sends NMX heartbeats from
each Platform to the GR Platform. For example, the
attributes include “time of last deploy," and “time of last
configuration change.”
In addition to NMX heartbeats, all Bootstraps on each
Platform in the Galaxy send each other heartbeats. These
heartbeats are for Platform status information, occur every
two seconds, and are configurable.
296 Chapter 12 Managing Galaxies
Application Server User’s Guide
About ArchestrA User Accounts
Communication occurs with an ArchestrA-specific user
account set up during the initial installation of each
ArchestrA component on each computer, including the IDE.
WARNING! The user account that is used for ArchestrA
communication is a standard Windows operating system
account located on the local computer or on a domain. Do not
delete this account with operating system account
management tools. If you do, the IDE stops functioning.
If you delete the ArchestrA user account on an IDE node, you
must recreate it with the Change Network Account utility.
You must have Administrator privileges on the computer to
make changes with the Change Network Account utility.
Before you start, find out the user name and password that is
created on all computers with ArchestrA-enabled software
To recreate an ArchestrA user account
Start the Change Network Account program by clicking
Start, point to Programs, and click Wonderware. Click
Common and then click Change Network Account.
2 Do one of the following:
In a single-node ArchestrA system, create any
In a multi-node ArchestrA system, create the same
user account with the same user name and password
on all other ArchestrA computers.
Using Multiple Network Interface Cards297
Application Server User’s Guide
3 Click OK. After you recreate the user account, the
Microsoft Windows security component on your computer
can take several minutes to update this information on
the ArchestrA Galaxy node. Until that happens, your
IDE might not function properly. Restarting the Galaxy
node applies this update immediately.
Using Multiple Network Interface Cards
You can use nodes with more than one network interface
card (NIC). These nodes must be configured properly so they
can communicate with other ArchestrA nodes.
If a node contains multiple NICs for redundancy reasons, see
Working with Redundancy on page 303 for more information.
If a multiple NIC computer in your Galaxy uses only one
NIC, you need to disable all cards except the supervisory
Defining the Order of the NIC
For any multiple NIC ArchestrA node to communicate with
all other Galaxy nodes, you must define the correct order of
network connections in the network services of the computer.
Before you start configuring multiple network cards, you
need the IP address for the second and further nodes.
To define the correct order
Open the Network and Dial-up Connections dialog box and
rename each card with a clearly identifiable function, for
Supervisory Net and PLC net.
Opening the
Network and Dial-up Connections dialog box
varies, depending on the version of Windows you are
2 Order the network cards properly. On the Advanced
menu, click
Advanced Settings. In the Advanced Settings
dialog box, click the up and down arrows to define the
correct order of Connections.
The first connection in the list must be the supervisory
network card. If a computer contains more than two
network cards, for example, a supervisory connection, a
PLC connection, and a Redundancy Message Channel
(RMC) connection for ArchestrA redundancy, the
supervisory net must be listed first and the others can be
listed in any other position.
3 Click OK.
298 Chapter 12 Managing Galaxies
Application Server User’s Guide
Configuring the IP Address and DNS Settings
After you specify the order of the network cards, you are
ready to configure several other parameters to ensure
successful node-to-node communications in the ArchestrA
You must configure the IP address and DNS settings as
follows for each network card to function properly.
To configure the IP address and DNS settings
In the Network and Dial-up Connections dialog box,
right-click the network connection and click Properties in
the shortcut menu. The
Properties dialog box for this
connection appears.
2 In the list of components used by this connection, select
Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and click Properties. The
Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties dialog box appears.
3 For the supervisory network, select Obtain an IP address
For the other network connections, select
Use the
following IP address
. Type the correct IP address for the
secondary and further cards. See your network
administrator for the proper settings for the remainder of
the parameters in this group.
Important If you are using the Vista or Windows Server 2008
operating systems, you must configure the NICs in a certain way.
For more information, see Configuring Multiple NICs for the Vista
and Windows Server 2008 Operating Systems on page 299.
Click Advanced. The Advanced TCP/IP Settings dialog box
appears. Click the DNS tab.
5 For the supervisory network, select Register this
connection’s addresses in DNS
For the other network connections, clear this check box.
6 Click OK.
Using Multiple Network Interface Cards299
Application Server User’s Guide
Configuring Multiple NICs for the Vista and
Windows Server 2008 Operating Systems
The Vista and Windows Server 2008 operating systems
identify and assign network profiles during computer startup
and each time a connection changes. The three profiles
currently in use in these Microsoft operating systems are:
Domain profile: Active only when the computer can
authenticate with a domain controller on all active
interfaces (LAN, wireless, VPN, etcetera) The domain
profile may be more or less restrictive than the other two
profiles depending on network security policies.
Private profile: Active whenever the network type for
all active network connections on the computer are
identified as private networks. The private profile
typically is used in a more trusted environment and is
less restrictive than the public profile to allow for
network discovery.
Public profile: Active in all other circumstances. The
public profile typically is more restrictive than the
private profile because the computer often is connected to
the Internet in an insecure location. Network discovery
and remote access are disabled rather than explicitly
blocking specific traffic.
For the Vista and Windows Server 2008 operating systems,
all firewall exceptions are turned off if one or more network
interface cards (NICs) are configured as "Public Network."
Also, when the IP address of a network card changes, Vista
and Windows Server 2008 automatically update the NIC to
"Public Network." If a computer has two or more NICs, even
if some of the NICs are configured as “Private Network”, if
any of the NICs are configured as “Public Network”, the
firewall exceptions will be disabled.
This is particularly important for computers configured to
run as a redundant pair. If the TCP/IP properties for a
network card are set to obtain an IP address automatically,
there is a possibility that the network address will change
when the computer restarts. The computer may suddenly
change from having a "Private Network" to having a "Public
Network," and potentially cause the firewall exceptions to be
turned off again.
Note An exception to this would occur if the NICs are configured
and set to the Public Profile before Application Server is installed.
The Application Server installation would create the necessary
firewall exceptions in the current (Public) profile.
300 Chapter 12 Managing Galaxies
Application Server User’s Guide
The following describes the key NIC settings for a redundant
pair on the Vista operating system. You configure these
settings for both the primary and backup computers.
These settings apply if more than two NICs are installed for
redundancy (RMC) or other networking purposes, such as
networking PLCs.
For detailed instructions on how to configure multiple
network intervace card binding order settings, see Defining
the Order of the NIC on page 297 and Configuring the IP
Address and DNS Settings on page 298.
To configure multiple NICs for the Vista and Windows Server
2008 operating systems
Select the Use the following IP address option and provide
an IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway.
a For the primary computer, the default gateway
should be the IP address that you configure for the
backup computer. For example:
IP address:
Subnet mask:
Default gateway:
b For the backup computer the default gateway should
be the IP address that you configure for the primary
computer. For example:
IP address:
Subnet mask:
Default gateway:
c A NIC acting as Redundancy Message Control (RMC)
does not require a default gateway. The IP address
and Subnet mask can be configured as described for
the primary and backup computers. Vista and
Windows Server 2008 will identify this NIC and
assign it a private profile. For example:
IP address
Subnet mask:
2 Make sure that the Register this connection's address in
option is not selected.
3 Make sure that the primary network adapter is first in
the binding order. This places it above the RMC network
in the binding order.
4 Make sure that ALL network cards are configured as
"Private Network."
Using Multiple Network Interface Cards301
Application Server User’s Guide
5 Configure the RMC NIC to have a persistent (across
reboots) Private profile.
a Click Start, then click Run. Enter the command
secpol.msc. The Security Settings window appears.
b Select Network List Manager Policies.
c Select Unidentified Network.
d Right click, then select Properties, and then change
the Location type from Not configured to Private.
e Exit the menu and return to Windows.
It may be necessary to restart the computer for the
changes in steps 4 and 5 to take effect.
If the two computers are set up properly, you can install the
Wonderware software and the OSConfigurationUtility sets
up the firewall exceptions appropriately.
If you install the Wonderware software before configuring
the NICs properly, configure the NICs as described in this
section and then run the OSConfigurationUtility again. To
do this, run the OSConfigurationUtility.exe, located in the
“C:\Program Files\Common Files\ArchestrA” folder.
To verify that the firewall exceptions are set, open Control
Panel and then open the Windows Firewall application. Click
Exceptions tab. The list of exceptions should include the
executables for the Wonderware products you have installed.
302 Chapter 12 Managing Galaxies
Application Server User’s Guide
Application Server User’s Guide
Chapter 13
Working with Redundancy
You can set up and run Application Server in a redundant
environment. In Application Server, two types of redundancy
ensure continued run-time operation. You can configure
AppEngine object pairings for computer or software
Data acquisition communications to one or more PLCs.
A failover is the condition during which run-time operations
are moved from one critical component to another. Failover
can occur due to failure conditions or it can be forced
manually, called a forced failover.
For more information about redundancy, see the
Wonderware Developer Network.
304 Chapter 13 Working with Redundancy
Application Server User’s Guide
About Redundancy
Application Server provides redundancy in two critical
You must configure both an AppEngine and two
Data acquisition
You must configure two DIObjects (data sources) and a
Configuring AppEngine Redundancy
The Primary/Backup AppEngines form a redundancy pair.
The ArchestrA infrastructure will generate the backup
AppEngine automatically when redundancy is enabled for an
AppEngine. Hierarchy of ApplicationObjects can only be
assigned to the primary AppEngine. The primary and backup
engines need to be assigned to redundancy enabled
platforms, and they can be deployed separately.
For data acquisition, the Primary/Backup DIObjects (the
data sources) must be separately created, configured, and
deployed. Also, you must create, configure, and deploy a
RedundantDIObject to control failovers between the two data
source objects.
In a redundant system, install and configure the primary
OPC server on the backup engine node.
Important For AppEngine redundancy, ArchestrA supports a
one-to-one topology in which the computers hosting the Primary
and Backup object sets must be connected by crossover cable and
have fixed IP addresses.
About Redundancy305
Application Server User’s Guide
When you configure redundancy, you configure the Primary
object and the Backup object.
Primary object: The main or central object that
provides the functionality during run time. For
AppEngines, this is the object you enable for redundancy.
For data acquisition, this is the DIObject you intend to
use first as your data source in run time.
Backup object: The object that provides the
functionality of the Primary object when the Primary
object fails. For AppEngines, this is the object created by
the ArchestrA infrastructure when the Primary object is
enabled for redundancy. For data acquisition, this is the
DIObject you do not intend to use first as your data
source in the run-time.
AppEngine A
AppEngine A
Primary Server Backup Server
DIObject A DIObject B
Primary object Backup object
306 Chapter 13 Working with Redundancy
Application Server User’s Guide
Redundancy during Run Time
When you deploy these objects to a run-time environment,
the configuration objects become the Active object and the
Standby object.
Active object: The object that is currently executing
functions. For AppEngines, it is the object that is hosting
and executing ApplicationObjects. For data acquisition, it
is the object that is providing field device data through
the RedundantDIObject.
Standby object: The object that is waiting for a failure
in the Active object or for a force-failover. For
AppEngines, it is the object that monitors the status of
the Active AppEngine. For data acquisition, it is the
object that is not providing field device data through the
In the AppEngine redundancy environment, the Active and
Standby objects monitor each other’s status and switch when
failure conditions occur.
In the data acquisition environment, the RedundantDIObject
monitors the status of the two DIObject data sources, and
handles the switching from Active to Standby objects.
The relationship between the configuration time
(Primary/Backup) and run-time (Active/Standby) object pairs
is not static. In the run time, either the Primary or Backup
object can be the Active object at any particular time.
Whenever one becomes the Active object, the other
automatically becomes the Standby.
AppEngine A
AppEngine A
Primary Server Active Server
DIObject A DIObject B
Active object Standby object
Working with AppEngine Redundancy307
Application Server User’s Guide
Working with AppEngine Redundancy
You enable AppEngine redundancy in the Primary
AppEngine. You must also configure two WinPlatforms for
redundancy, one to host the Primary AppEngine and one to
host the Backup AppEngine.
Important WinPlatforms hosting redundancy-enabled AppEngines
must be deployed to computers running the same operating
The configuration of both WinPlatforms should be the same.
At a minimum, the store-forward directory configurations
must be common to both WinPlatforms:
During configuration, you can assign Primary and Backup
AppEngines to the same WinPlatform. To deploy, you must
assign the Primary and Backup AppEngines to different
Each production computer hosting a redundancy-enabled
AppEngine must have a minimum of two network cards. One
NIC is for the supervisory network and PLC network, if the
computer has only two network cards. The other must be for
a dedicated Ethernet connection between computers for the
redundancy message channel (RMC).
For information about distributed networks, see Using
Multiple Network Interface Cards on page 297.
The RMC handles redundancy monitoring, message handling
and data synchronization between redundant pairs.
AppEngine A
AppEngine A
Redundancy Message
Channel (RMC)
Requires dedicated
NIC on each computer
Supervisory Network
WinPlatform 1 WinPlatform 2
308 Chapter 13 Working with Redundancy
Application Server User’s Guide
Configuring the Redundancy Message Channel
For the redundant pair of AppEngines to successfully
communicate with each other, you must define the correct
order of network connections in the network services of each
We recommend that you name each card with a clearly
identifiable function (for example, “Supervisory Net” and
“Redundant Message Channel”).
You must configure at least the following parameters:
Redundancy Message Channel IP Address
Redundancy Message Channel Port
Primary Message Channel
To configure network cards
Open the Network Connections dialog box in Windows.
The specifics about opening this dialog box varies,
depending on the version of Windows you are working on.
2 Click Advanced Settings. If the computer name is used in
the platform's "node name" box, The first connection in
the list must be the supervisory network card. Use the up
and down arrows to define the correct order.
3 Connections.
If a computer contains more than two network cards, the
supervisory net must be listed first and the RMC
connection can be listed in any other position. For
example, your computer might have a supervisory
connection, a field device connection, and a RMC
4 Configure the DNS settings for the supervisory network
card to function properly.
On the DNS page of the Advanced TCP/IP Settings
dialog box, select the
Register this connection’s
addresses in DNS
check box.
For the RMC network card to function properly, clear
the Register this connection's addresses in DNS check
box. For more details on these settings, see Using
Multiple Network Interface Cards on page 297.
5 In Application Server, open the WinPlatform in the
Object Editor for the computer you just configured.
6 Change the Redundancy Message Channel IP Address to the
IP address of the RMC connection. See the WinPlatform
Help for more information about these parameters.
7 Save and close.
Working with AppEngine Redundancy309
Application Server User’s Guide
Configuring Redundancy
You configure redundancy in AppEngine/WinPlatforms
objects using their Object Editors.
The redundancy-related parameters in the AppEngine Object
Editor are located on the
Redundancy and General tabs.
An AppEngine that is part of a redundancy pair has a
deployment status indicating its own status and that of its
partner object. These statuses are visually indicated in the
Application views.
You can set the status of a redundancy pair to one of the
following states:
To create AppEngine redundancy
In the Primary AppEngine, select Enable Redundancy on
the Redundancy tab.
2 Configure the remaining redundancy parameters as
needed. See the help file for the AppEngine for specific
information about these parameters.
3 On the General tab, set the Engine Failure Timeout option
to 2000 milliseconds. You may need to tune this
parameter between 2000 ms and the default 10000 ms,
depending on the requirements of your application.
Note The actual engine failure time-out is three times the value
of this parameter. If you set the parameter to 2000 ms (2
seconds), a failover occurs if the AppEngine fails to communicate
with the computer’s Bootstrap for 6 seconds. A setting of 10000
ms (10 seconds) can be too long a wait period (30 seconds) for a
well-functioning redundancy operation.
Pair Deployed Both Primary and Backup AppEngines
are deployed.
Pair Undeployed Both Primary and Backup AppEngines
are undeployed.
Partial Deployed Either the Primary or Backup
AppEngine is deployed and its partner is
not deployed. If an AppEngine has a
Partial Deployed status, its partner has
a Partial Undeployed status.
Either the Primary or Backup
AppEngine is undeployed and its partner
is deployed. If an AppEngine has a
Partial Undeployed status, its partner
has a Partial Deployed status.
310 Chapter 13 Working with Redundancy
Application Server User’s Guide
4 On the General tab, clear the Restart the engine when it
check box.
Important If you enable redundancy in an AppEngine, do not
select the Restart the engine when it fails option on the General
page of the AppEngine’s editor.
After you save the configuration of the object and check it
into the Galaxy, the icon for the object changes. A Backup
AppEngine is created with the same configuration as the
Primary object.
Configuring Redundancy in Templates
You can create a redundancy-enabled AppEngine template.
When you create an instance of the template, both the
Primary and Backup instances are created.
The Backup AppEngine is hosted by the Unassigned Host or
the default WinPlatform if you specified one in the Configure
User Information
dialog box.
If you change the configuration and check in the Primary
AppEngine, the Backup AppEngine:
Is checked out in the background
Updates the configuration
Is checked in without notification to connected clients
Icon Object
Primary AppEngine
Backup AppEngine
Working with AppEngine Redundancy311
Application Server User’s Guide
Deleting Redundant AppEngines
You can disable redundancy in an AppEngine after the
ArchestrA infrastructure creates the Backup object. If you
disable redundancy and check in the Primary AppEngine,
the Backup is deleted from the Galaxy. The exception is
when the Backup is already deployed. In that case the newly
configured Primary object cannot be checked in.
To delete a Backup AppEngine from the Galaxy, you must
undeploy it first.
There is no redundancy-related configuration required on
ApplicationObjects hosted by an AppEngine configured for
redundancy. When a system failure occurs, the
ApplicationObjects and their attribute values are duplicated
on the Standby AppEngine, which becomes the Active
AppEngine. For more about failover functionality, see
Deployment on page 314.
If the Platform hosting the redundant AppEngine is
shutdown in SMC, the AppEngine cannot be flagged as “On
failure mark as undeployed” when you undeploy the
AppEngine. You see an engine communication error in the
Deploy dialog box.
Deploying AppEngine Objects
Primary and Backup AppEngines can be deployed together
or individually.
When they are deployed together, regardless of which
object is actually selected for deployment, the Primary
always becomes the Active and the Backup becomes the
When they are deployed individually, the first one
deployed becomes the Active.
Hosted ApplicationObjects are always deployed to the Active
AppEngine. When deploying the first of a redundant pair of
AppEngines, you can cascade deploy all objects it hosts. This
operation can be paired with deploying both the Primary and
Backup AppEngines at the same time.
Important If you deploy the Backup AppEngine first and then
deploy hosted objects to that AppEngine, make sure the network
communication to both target computers is good before deploying
the Primary AppEngine. Otherwise, errors occur.
In the run-time environment, either the Primary or Backup
AppEngine can become the Active or Standby depending
upon failure conditions on either computer.
312 Chapter 13 Working with Redundancy
Application Server User’s Guide
Configuration Requirements
Before deploying the Primary and Backup AppEngines, all
configuration requirements must be met.
Each AppEngine must be assigned to a separate
A valid redundancy message channel (RMC) must be
configured for each WinPlatform.
To deploy the Primary and Backup together, select
Include Redundant Partner in the Deploy dialog box. This
option is not available when doing the following
Cascade deploy from the Galaxy
Multiple object selection deploy
Deploying the WinPlatform that hosts the Primary or
Backup AppEngine
The following table shows a matrix of allowed operations
based on specific conditions.
Deploy Both
Primary and
Backup Objects
Cascade Deploy
Backup AppEngine's
host WinPlatform
configured for failover
and deployed
Yes Yes
Backup AppEngine in
error state
Yes Yes
Backup AppEngine's
host WinPlatform not
No Yes
Backup AppEngine's
host WinPlatform not
configured for failover
and deployed
Yes Yes
Deploy from Galaxy
No Yes
Deploy from
WinPlatform hosting
Primary AppEngine
No Yes
Multiple object
selection deploy
No No
Working with AppEngine Redundancy313
Application Server User’s Guide
Undeploying AppEngine Objects
Undeploying redundant pairs of AppEngines is just like
undeploying any regular object.
You can undeploy the Active and Backup AppEngines
separately or as a pair.
Important Undeploying any objects, including redundant
AppEngine pairs, does not uninstall code modules for that object
from the hosting computer. Code modules are uninstalled only
when the WinPlatform is undeployed.
To undeploy as a pair
Select one of the objects in an Application view.
2 On the Object menu, click Undeploy. The Undeploy dialog
box appears.
3 Select Include Redundant Partner in the Undeploy dialog
box and click
Backup AppEngine's
host WinPlatform not
configured for failover
and not deployed
No Yes
Deploy from Backup
Yes Yes
Deploy from Primary
Yes Yes
Deploy Both
Primary and
Backup Objects
Cascade Deploy
314 Chapter 13 Working with Redundancy
Application Server User’s Guide
During Deployment
During initial deployment of a redundant pair of
AppEngines, files are deployed in the following order:
Code modules and other files for the Primary AppEngine
are deployed
Those files for its assigned ApplicationObjects
All of these files are deployed to the Standby AppEngine
by the Active engine’s WinPlatform using the redundancy
message channel (RMC)
Note If some or all of these files already exist on the Standby
AppEngine’s WinPlatform, perhaps, assigned to another AppEngine
on that platform, only the delta files are deployed to the Standby
Objects at Run Time
Objects are always assigned to the Primary AppEngine in the
configuration environment.
During run time, objects are always deployed to the Active
AppEngine whether or not it was initially configured as the
Primary object.
All files are deployed by the Active AppEngine’s WinPlatform
to the Backup AppEngine as described above.
During Run Time
In the run-time environment, the Active and Standby
AppEngines first attempt to establish communication across
the RMC. This occurs when an AppEngine belonging to a
redundant pair first starts. Therefore, if one AppEngine is
relocated later to a different WinPlatform, this
communication between AppEngines can be reestablished.
During run time, the Active and Standby engines
communicate with each other and monitor each other's
In the case of a hardware or software failure on the Active
computer, the Standby AppEngine becomes the Active one.
To move the new Standby AppEngine from its hosting
computer, undeploy this AppEngine by selecting the
failure mark as undeployed
option on the Undeploy dialog box.
Reassign and redeploy it to a WinPlatform that is configured
for redundancy on another computer.
Working with AppEngine Redundancy315
Application Server User’s Guide
AppEngine Redundancy States
Redundant pairs of AppEngines can have one of the following
states at a time:
Active: The state of an AppEngine when it has
communication with its partner object, its partner is in
Standby-Not Ready, Standby-Sync’ing with Active, or
Standby-Ready state. A Standby AppEngine transitions
into this state when a failover condition is detected. In
this state, an AppEngine schedules and runs deployed
objects, sends checkpoint data and sends subscriber list
updates to the Standby AppEngine.
Active - Standby not Available: The state of an Active
AppEngine when it determines it cannot achieve
communications with its partner object. This could mean
that checkpoint, subscription and alarm state changes
are not successfully transmitted to the Standby object
because the partner AppEngine is not deployed, number
of heartbeats missed from standby objects exceeds the
configured max consecutive number of heartbeats
missed, or notification is received that the Standby
AppEngine shutdown or is not running. If an AppEngine
is in this state, it 1) continues normal execution of hosted
objects, 2) cannot be manually switched to Standby state,
and 3) while continuing to attempt communicate with the
Standby, does not attempt to send data to the Standby
Determining Failover Status: The initial state of a
redundancy-enabled AppEngine when it is first started.
It has not determined yet whether it is the Active or
Standby AppEngine. Communication between the two
AppEngines is attempted first over the RMC and then
over the primary network to make this determination. If
communication cannot be made after a certain time-out
period, an AppEngine assumes the Active role if it has all
of the code modules and checkpoint file data to do so.
Continued attempts are made at communicating with its
316 Chapter 13 Working with Redundancy
Application Server User’s Guide
Standby - Missed Heartbeats: The state of an
AppEngine when 1) the heartbeat pings are not received
from its Active partner through the RMC, but the
number of missed beats haven't reached the maximum
consecutive number of heartbeats missed, or 2) the
hearbeats from active engine have been missed through
the primary channel. When in this state, the Standby
object attempts to determine whether or not the Active
object failed. If a manual failover is started by using the
ForceFailoverCmd attribute, it is processed only if the
heartbeats were missed over the primary network and
not missed over the RMC.
Standby - Not Ready: The state of an AppEngine when
one of several conditions occurs: 1) its lost
communications with its partner object or it maintains
communications with its partner but missed checkpoint
updates or alarm state changes from the Active
AppEngine, 2) new objects are deployed to the Active
AppEngine and necessary files are not installed on the
Standby AppEngine yet, or 3) the Standby AppEngine
lost communications over the RMC before it completed
synchronizing data. Typically, the AppEngine’s partner is
in one of the following states: Active-Standby not
Available, or Active.
Standby - Ready: The state of an AppEngine when it
completed synchronizing code modules and checkpoint
data with the Active AppEngine. In this state, the
AppEngine monitors for Active AppEngine failure by
verifying heartbeat pings received from the Active engine
and checks that all files required for execution are in sync
with the Active engine. It receives the following from the
Active AppEngine: checkpoint change data,
subscription-related notifications, alarm state changes,
and history blocks.
Standby - Sync'ng with Active: The state of an
AppEngine when it is synchronizing code modules with
the Active object. If code modules exist on the Standby
computer that do not exist on the Active node, they are
uninstalled, and likewise, any code modules that exist on
the Active node but not on the Standby node are
installed. After all code modules are synchronized, the
AppEngine transitions to Standby-Sync’d Code state.
Application Server User’s Guide
Standby - Syncing Code: The state of a Standby
AppEngine that successfully synchronized all code
modules with the Active object.
Standby - Syncing Data: The state of a Standby
AppEngine when all object-related data, including
checkpoint and subscriber information, are synchronized
with the Active object. An object in this state typically
transitions to Standby-Ready state.
Switching to Active: A transitional state when a
Standby AppEngine is commanded to become Active.
Switching to Standby: A transitional state when an
Active AppEngine is commanded to become Standby.
When the active engine is switched to standby, the
engine will be restarted. This transition state can be
switched off by the user changing the attribute of the
Failed: The state of a redundant partner when its
process crashes or is terminated by the user. The
AppEngine process can be restarted using System
Management Console/PlatformManager.
Unknown: The state of a redundant partner when a
communication loss occurs between AppEngines or when
the partner AppEngine is stopped, shutdown, or
For examples on redundant configuration, see the
Wonderware Developer Network.
Most troubleshooting happens in the System Management
Console. For more information about using the System
Management Console, see the System Management Console
User’s Guide.
Certain requirements are validated by the system
infrastructure. For example, the order in which you configure
an object pair for redundancy is validated.
318 Chapter 13 Working with Redundancy
Application Server User’s Guide
The following problems can occur when you are using
You can configure an AppEngine for redundancy before
configuring its associated WinPlatform. If you do this,
you see an error message that the Platform (specifically,
the RMC) is not configured yet.
If the RMC IP Address parameter is not configured in
both hosting WinPlatforms, then the configuration state
of both Primary and Backup AppEngines changes to
Error. You also see a message indicating that the host
WinPlatform is not configured with the network adapter
required for redundant communications. When the RMC
IP Address is configured and the WinPlatforms are
checked in, the hosted AppEngines are automatically
revalidated and the Error state is resolved. If hosted
AppEngines are checked out, they are not revalidated.
If both Primary and Backup AppEngines are assigned to
the same WinPlatform and you try to deploy both
engines, both the Primary and Backup fail to deploy. You
see a message that the Primary and Backup objects must
be hosted by different WinPlatforms. Reassign the
Backup object to another WinPlatform and deploy it
If both the Network Address and RMC IP Address
parameters in the WinPlatform’s editor refer to the same
network card, you get a warning message when you save
the configuration. These parameters must refer to
different network cards.
Before restarting a computer that hosts one of a
redundant pair of AppEngines (either the Active or
Backup), ensure that the Primary Network is connected.
A restart while the Primary Network is disconnected
makes the Primary Network bind to the RMC’s IP
address. An incorrect redundancy state occurs, indicating
that redundancy functionality is good. Any time you
restart a redundancy-enabled computer, check for proper
network connections afterwards. For more information,
see Using Multiple Network Interface Cards on page 297.
Application Server User’s Guide
Generating Alarms
When failover conditions occur, the ArchestrA system reports
alarms to subscribed alarm clients like InTouch.
These alarms contain the following information:
The name of the AppEngine reporting the alarm.
The node name of the AppEngine reporting the alarm.
The state of the AppEngine.
The node name of the AppEngine’s partner object.
Depending on what caused the failover, the Standby
AppEngine can become the Active AppEngine in an Off scan
state and alarms might not be generated.
If the Active AppEngine is shutdown off scan, the
checkpointer can transfer that state to the Standby. When
the Standby becomes the Active, it starts off scan. When the
AppEngine is put on scan, alarms then are generated.
Reported alarms include the following:
When a failover occurs, the Standby AppEngine that
becomes active carries alarms outstanding from the old
Active AppEngine. The state of those old alarms, though, will
change to reflect the new partner's status.
Reported By
Not Ready *
Active Standby
Not Ready
Not Ready
Active Active
the next
scan of
* The Active AppEngine monitors the status of the Standby through the RMC to determine when to raise
this alarm. Also, if the Active AppEngine is in Active-Standby not Available state, this alarm is not
320 Chapter 13 Working with Redundancy
Application Server User’s Guide
Timestamps are preserved for alarms, including when:
The alarm was acknowledged
The alarm condition went true
The alarm condition went false
Finally, the following information is preserved for alarms:
An alarm was acknowledged
The message input by the operator when the alarm was
All alarm state information is collected and sent to the
Standby AppEngine at the end of a scan cycle and before
being sent to alarm clients.
The sequence of reporting alarms ensures that alarm clients
do not report alarms in states that are different from those
reported by the Standby AppEngine if the Active AppEngine
Generating History
All active objects (AppEngine and hosted objects) report
history data as they normally do in the run-time
Historical data is reported to the historian only from the
Active AppEngine.
Losing connectivity with the historian does not cause a
failover. The Active AppEngine goes into store-forward mode
and caches data every 30 seconds. Store-forward data is
synchronized with the Standby AppEngine.
When failover conditions occur, no more than 30 seconds of
history data is lost in the transition from Standby to Active
status. For more information, see the Wonderware Developer
Working with Data Acquisition Redundancy321
Application Server User’s Guide
Working with Data Acquisition Redundancy
The RedundantDIObject monitors and controls the
redundant DIObject data sources at the object level. Unlike
redundant AppEngines, individual DIObject data sources do
not have redundancy-related states. For all practical
purposes, they function as standalone objects.
Only one DIObject data source provides field device data
through the RedundantDIObject at a time. Both data sources
must have commonly-configured DAGroups. These must be
reflected in and channeled through the RedundantDIObject,
which monitors the two DIObject data sources. It also
determines which one is Active at any given time. Both data
sources must also have the same item address space.
Configuring Data Acquisition Redundancy
Data acquisition redundancy objects involve two DIObjects
and the RedundantDIObject. In data acquisition redundancy,
you must configure all three components:
Primary DIObject data source
Backup DIObject data source
Redundant DIObject data source
Because data acquisition redundant components are
essentially standalone objects, all valid operations that apply
to any other ApplicationObjects apply to the three objects.
All IDE commands, Galaxy Dump and Load functions, and
import and export operations are valid on the two DIObject
data sources and the RedundantDIObject.
See the online help associated with each DIObject for help in
configuring its Object Editor. Also see the help associated
with the RedundantDIObject.
Before you can deploy the RedundantDIObject, you must
configure at least one scan group. Also, configure only scan,
block read, and block write groups shared by the Primary
and Backup DIObjects in the RedundantDIObject.
To configure the Redundant DIObject
On the General tab of the Object Editor, set the Primary DI
and Backup DI Source.
2 Set up the common scan groups.
3 Set up the common block read and block write groups on
the tabs of the Object Editor.
322 Chapter 13 Working with Redundancy
Application Server User’s Guide
Deploying Redundant DIObjects
Deployment for data acquisition redundancy is the same as
individually deploying unrelated objects. No special
conditions apply to each DIObject data source and the
See Deploying and Running an Application on page 131 for
more information about deploying objects.
What Happens in Run Time
The three objects in the data acquisition redundancy scheme
(RedundantDIObject and its two DIObject data sources)
work like any other ArchestrA object when deploying,
alarming, and historizing. They have no special
redundancy-related states or restrictions.
During run time, the RedundantDIObject monitors the
status of the DIObject data sources, and handles the
switching from Active to Standby object if failure conditions
RedundantDIObject and PLC Connectivity
For the RedundantDIObject, you can use the scan group
PingItem attribute to monitor the connection status of the
PLC at run time. If you are using the redundancy feature of
the RedundantDIObject to communicate with DIObjects, you
should configure the PingItem attribute for each scan group.
Application Server User’s Guide
application A collection of objects in a Galaxy Repository that performs
automation tasks. Synonymous with Galaxy. There can be
one or more applications within a Galaxy Repository.
Application Engine
A scan-based engine that hosts and executes the run-time
logic contained within AutomationObjects.
ApplicationObject An AutomationObject that represents some element of your
production environment. This can include things like
An automation process component. For example, a
thermocouple, pump, motor, valve, reactor, or tank
An associated application component. For example,
function block, PID loop, Sequential Function Chart,
Ladder Logic program, batch phase, or SPC data sheet
Application Server The supervisory control platform. Application Server uses
existing Wonderware products such as InTouch for
visualization, the Wonderware Historian for data storage,
and the device Integration product line like a
Data Access
Server (DAServer) for device communications.
An Application Server can be distributed across multiple
computers as part of a single Galaxy namespace.
Application view The Applications view shows the object-related contents of
Galaxy in four different ways: Model view, Deployment
view, Derivation view, and Operations view. The Model view
appears when the IDE is opened for the first time.
ArchestrA The distributed architecture for supervisory control and
manufacturing information systems. It is an open and
extensible technology based on a distributed, object-based
324 Glossary
Application Server User’s Guide
ArchestrA Object
A programmer’s tool to create new ApplicationObjects and
Device Integration Object (DIObjects) templates, including
configuration and run-time implementations. Includes a tool
to build DI Objects and create unique Domain Objects that
interact with DIObjects in the
ArchestrA environment.
ArchestrA Symbol A graphic you create and use to visualize data in an InTouch
HMI system. You use the ArchestrA Symbol Editor to create
ArchestrA Symbols from basic elements, such as rectangles,
lines, and text elements.
area A logical grouping of AutomationObjects that represents an
area or unit of a plant. It is used to group related objects for
alarm, history, and security purposes. It is represented by an
area AutomationObject.
area object The system object that represents an area of your plant
within a Galaxy. The Area Object acts as an alarm
concentrator, and places other Automation Objects into
proper context with respect to the actual physical automation
assignment The designation of a host for an AutomationObject. For
example, an AppEngine object is assigned to a WinPlatform
attribute An externally accessible data item of an AutomationObject.
attribute reference
A text string that references an attribute of an
AutomationObject An object type that represents permanent things in your
plant, such as ApplicationObject or Device Integration Object
(DIObjects), with user-defined, unique names within the
Galaxy. It provides a standard way to create, name,
download, execute, and monitor the represented component.
Backup Application
The object created by the ArchestrA infrastructure when the
Primary object is enabled for redundancy. See redundancy for
further details.
base template A root template at the top of a derived hierarchy. Unlike
templates, a base template is not derived from another
template but developed with the ApplicationObject Toolkit
and imported into a Galaxy. All base templates names start
with a dollar sign ($).
Block Read Group A DAGroup that is triggered by the user or another object. It
reads a block of data from the external data source and
indicates the completion status.
Application Server User’s Guide
Block Write Group A DAGroup that is triggered by the user or another object
after all the required data items are set. The block of data is
sent to the external data device. When the block write is
complete, it indicates the completion status.
Bootstrap The base ArchestrA service which is required on all
ArchestrA computers. It provides the base software
environment to enable a platform and allows a computer to
be included in the Galaxy Namespace.
change log The revision history that tracks the life cycle activities of
ArchestrA Objects, such as object creation, check in/check
out, deployment, and import/export.
change propagation The ability to create templates which allows each component
template to support changes such that a change in one of the
elements can be automatically propagated to all — or select,
related — object
check in IDE operation for making a configured object available for
other users to check out and use.
check out IDE operation for the purpose of editing an object. It makes
the item unavailable for other users to check out.
Checkpoint The act of saving to disk the configuration, state, and all
associated data necessary to support automatic restart of a
AutomationObject. The restarted object has the
same configuration, state, and associated data as the last
checkpoint image on disk.
compound object An ApplicationObject that contains at least one other
contained name An alternate naming convention that when combined with
the TagName of the root container object, results in the
hierarchical name. For example, for a given object, its
Hierarchical Name = Line1.Tank1.InletValve and its
Contained Name= InletValve.
containment A hierarchical grouping that allows one or more
AutomationObject to exist within the name space of a parent
object and be treated like parts of the parent object. Allows
for relative referencing to be defined at the
template and
instance level.
DAGroup A data access group associated with Device Integration
Object (DIObjects). It defines how communications are
achieved with external data sources. It can be a Scan Group,
Block Read Group or Block Write Group.
326 Glossary
Application Server User’s Guide
DAServer Manager
(DAS Manager)
The System Management Console (SMC) snap-in supplied by
the Data Access Server (DAServer) that provides the
required interface for activation, configuration, and diagnosis
of the DAServer.
Data Access Server
The server executable that handles all communications
between field devices of a certain type and client applications.
Similar to I/O Servers but with more advanced capabilities.
Data Access Server
Toolkit (DAS Toolkit)
A developer tool that can build a Data Access Server
Deployment The operation which instantiates an AutomationObject
instance in the ArchestrA run time. This action involves
installing all the necessary software and instantiating the
object on the target platform with the object’s default
attribute data from
Galaxy Repository.
Deployment view The part of the Application view in the IDE that shows how
objects are physically dispersed across Platforms, areas and
Engines. This is a view of how the application is spread
across computing resources.
derivation The creation of a new template based on an existing
Derivation view The part of the Application view in the IDE that shows the
parent-child relationship between base templates, derived
templates and derived instances. A view into the genealogy of
the application.
derived template Any template with a parent template. Derived templates
inherit the attributes of the parent template. You can
changes these attributes in the derived template.
Device Integration
Object (DIObjects)
An AutomationObject that represents the communication
with external devices or software. DI Objects run on an
Application Engine (AppEngine), and include DINetwork
Objects and DIDevice Objects.
DIDevice Object An object that represents the actual external device (for
example, a PLC or RTU) that is associated with a DINetwork
Object. It can diagnose and browse data registers of the
DAGroups for that device.
DINetwork Object An object that represents the network interface port to the
device through the Data Access Server (DAServer) or the
object that represents the communications path to another
software application. It provides diagnostics and
configuration for that specific network card.
Application Server User’s Guide
element Basic shapes, such as rectangles, lines, and text elements,
and controls you can use to create an ArchestrA Symbol to
your specifications.
Engine Object An ArchestrA system-enabled object that contains Local
Message Exchange and provides a host for
ApplicationObjects, Device Integration Object (DIObjects)
and area objects.
event record The data that is transferred about the system and logged
when a defined event changes state. For example, an analog
crosses its high level limit, an acknowledgement is made, or
an operator logs in to the system.
export The act of generating a package file (.aaPKG) extension from
persisted data in the Galaxy database. You can import the
resulting .aaPKG file into another Galaxy.
A Microsoft Windows application program that acts as a
communications protocol converter. Built with the ArchestrA
DAS Toolkit, FS Gateway links clients and data sources that
communicate using different data access protocols.
Galaxy The entire application. The complete ArchestrA system
consisting of a single logical name space (defined by the
Galaxy database) and a collection of platform objects, Engine
Objects and other objects. One or more networked computers
that constitute an automation system. This is referred to as
the Galaxy Namespace.
Galaxy database The relational database containing all persistent
configuration information like templates, instances, and
security in a Galaxy Repository.
Galaxy Database
A utility to manage your Galaxy. It can back up and restore
Galaxies if they become corrupt or to reproduce a Galaxy on
another computer. The Galaxy Database Manager is part of
System Management Console (SMC).
GalaxyObject The object that represents a Galaxy.
Galaxy Repository The software sub-system consisting of one or more Galaxy
Graphic Toolbox The part of the IDE main window that shows a hierarchy of
graphic toolsets, which contain ArchestrA Symbols and client
hierarchical name The name of the object in the context of its container object.
For example, Tank1.OutletValve, where an object called
Tank1 contains the OutletValve object.
328 Glossary
Application Server User’s Guide
Historical Storage
System (Historian)
The time series data storage system that compresses and
stores high volumes of time series data for later retrieval.
The standard historian is the Wonderware Historian.
host The parent of a child instance in the deployment view.
Example: a Platform instance is a Host for an Application
Engine (AppEngine) instance.
import The act of reading a package file (.aaPKG) and using it to
create AutomationObject instances and templates in the
Galaxy Repository.
instance An object derived from a template. You deploy instances to
the run-time environment.
instantiation The creation of a new instance based on a corresponding
Environment (IDE)
The Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is the
interface for the configuration side of Application Server. In
the IDE, you manage templates, create instances, deploy and
un-deploy objects, and other functions associated with the
development and maintenance of the system.
InTouch View InTouch View clients are InTouch run-time clients that solely
use of the Application Server for its data source. In addition,
standard InTouch run times can leverage Application Server
with the addition of a Platform license.
Represents an InTouch application in the Wonderware
Application Server environment. The InTouchViewApp object
manages the check-in, check-out, and deployment of an
InTouch application.
I/O count Number of I/O points being accessed within a Galaxy. I/O
points are real I/O and are not equivalent to InTouch tags.
I/O count is based on the number of I/O points that are
configured through an OPC Server, I/O Server,
Data Access
Server (DAServer) or InTouch Proxy Object, over the whole
Application Server namespace, regardless of how many
computers are in the system.
Message Exchange The object to object communications protocol used by
Application Server. Message Exchange includes
Model view The area in the Application view in the IDE that shows how
objects are arranged to describe the physical layout of the
plant and supervisory process being controlled.
LMX communication between objects
NMX communication between Galaxy nodes.
Application Server User’s Guide
object Any template or instance in a Galaxy database. A common
characteristic of all objects is they are stored as separate
components in the Galaxy Repository.
object extensions The capability to add additional functions to an
AutomationObject while not changing the object’s original
behavior. Can be added to derived templates and object
instances. They include Scripts, User Defined Attributes
(UDAs) and Attribute Extensions.
Object Viewer A utility in which you can view the attribute values of the
selected object in run time. This utility is only available when
object is deployed. Object Viewer shows you diagnostic
information on ApplicationObjects so you can see
performance parameters, resource consumption and
reliability measurements. In addition to viewing an object’s
data value, data quality and the communication status of the
object, you can also modify some of its attributes for
diagnostic testing. Modifications can include adjusting
timing parameters and setting objects in an execution or idle
OffScan The state of an object that indicates it is idle and not ready to
execute its normal run-time processing.
OnScan The state of an object in which it is performing its normal
run-time processing based on a configured schedule.
Operations view The area in the IDE that shows the results of validating the
configuration of objects.
package definition
file (.aaPDF)
The standard description file that contains the configuration
data and implementation code for a base template. File
extension is .aaPDF.
package file
The standard description file that contains the configuration
data and implementation code for one or more objects or
templates. File extension is .aaPKG.
Platform Count Number of computers in the Galaxy. Each Workstation or
Server communicating directly with the Application Server
requires a platform to be part of the Galaxy Namespace. This
includes each InTouch and InTouch View client. Each
InTouch Terminal Services Session needs a Application
Server Terminal Services Session License.
A Platform License includes a per seat FSCAL2000 with
Microsoft SQL Server CAL. Stand-alone computers only
hosting InSQL Servers or a remote
Data Access Server
(DAServer) do not need a platform license.
330 Glossary
Application Server User’s Guide
Platform Manager This utility is an extension snap-in to the ArchestrA System
Management Console (SMC).Provides Galaxy application
diagnostics by allowing you to view the run-time status of
some system objects and to perform actions upon those
objects. Actions include setting platforms and engines in an
executable or idle mode and starting and stopping platforms
and engines.
platform object An object that represents a single computer in a Galaxy,
consisting of a system wide message exchange component
and a set of basic services. This object hosts all Application
Primary Application
The object created by the ArchestrA infrastructure when the
Backup object is created through redundancy. See
redundancy for further details.
properties Data common to all attributes of objects, such as name,
value, quality, and data type.
proxy object An AutomationObject that represents an actual product for
the purpose of device integration with the Application Server
or InTouch HMI. For example, a Proxy object enables the
Application Server to access an OPC server.
redundancy Two computers: One executes objects. The other is a stand by.
RedundantDIObject Monitors and controls the redundant Device Integration
Object (DIObjects) data sources. Unlike redundant
AppEngines, individual DIObject data sources do not have
redundancy-related states. They function as stand-alone
Redundant Message
A dedicated Ethernet connection which is required between
the platforms hosting redundant engines. The RMC is vital to
keep both engines synchronized with alarms, history, and
checkpoint items from the engine that is in the Active Role.
Each engine also uses this Message Channel to provide its
health and status information to the other.
reference A string that refers to an object or to data within one of its
relative reference Objects may refer to themselves, containers, hosts or to child
objects elsewhere in the parent/child hierarchy using special
reserved keywords such as “Me” or “MyContainer”. Relative
references continue to work properly even if the object that is
referenced is renamed. Examples of relative references are
“Me”, “MyArea”, “MyContainer”, and “MyPlatform”.
Application Server User’s Guide
remote reference The ability to redirect ArchestrA object references or
references to remote InTouch tags. The new script function
that redirects remote references at run time is
Scan Group A DAGroup that requires only the update interval be defined.
The data is retrieved at the requested rate.
Scan State The Scan State of an object in run time. This can be either
OffScan or OnScan.
security Application Server security is applied to IDE, System
Management Console (SMC), and the run-time data level. At
the run-time data level which centralizes the definition of all
permissions to the
ApplicationObjects. These
ApplicationObjects can be accessed by a variety of clients but
the security is centrally defined, allowing ease of
maintenance. Users that are allowed to modify these
ApplicationObjects at run time are mapped to the objects by
user-defined roles. These roles can be mapped directly to
existing groups in a Microsoft Domain or workgroup.
System Management
Console (SMC)
The central run-time system administration/management
product where you perform all required run-time
administration functions.
system object An object that represents an area, platform or engine.
TagName The unique name given to an object. For example, for a given
object, its TagName = V1101 and its HierarchicalName =
template An object containing configuration information and software
templates used to create a derived template or instance.
Template Toolbox The part of the IDE main window that shows Toolsets
containing templates. The Template Toolbox shows a tree
view of template categories in the
To o l s e t A named collection of templates shown together in the IDE
Template Toolbox.
User Defined
Attributes (UDA)
Allow you to add new functionality to an object. An attribute
is added to an object at configuration time.
ViewEngine object Hosts InTouchViewApp objects. The ViewEngine object
supports common engine features such as deployment,
undeployment, startup, and shutdown.
332 Glossary
Application Server User’s Guide
WinPlatform object An object that represents a single computer in a Galaxy. A
WinPlatform object consists of a system-wide message
exchange component and a set of basic ArchestrA services.
The WinPlatform object hosts the
Application Engine
Application Server User’s Guide
active object 286
active object, redundancy 286
adding custom help to objects 71
Advanced Communication Management
configuring scan modes 134–136
description 132
saving alarm data 186
saving historical data 157
setting for Galaxy 134
AlarmInhibit alarm attribute 183
AlarmMode alarm attribute 184
AlarmModeCmd alarm attribute 183
Area AutomationObjects 201
configuring 192
configuring for system objects 192–193
definition 173
disabled 186, 188
disabling 186
distributors 201
enabled 186, 188
extensions 114, 122, 200
grouping 201
individual 185
limit type 180
notification data 176–178
object attributes 183–184
propagating timestamps 190–191
rate of change type 182
setting categories 200
silenced 186, 188
specifying 200
state type 179
statistical type 183
subscribing 202
subscription 202
suppressed 186
target deviation type 181
throttling 189
types 179–182
undeploying clients 145
rules for locking in scripts 110
using in scripts 109
allowed IO, viewing license
information 272
analog device objects, output
extensions 119
AppEngine objects
deleting redundant 291
deploying redundant 291
description 41
history configuration 162
redundancy 287
redundancy states 295
334 Index
Application Server User’s Guide
ApplicationObject containment 53
ArchestrA architecture, ArchestrA 209
templates 40
using views 21
messaging system 209
user accounts 278
Area AutomationObjects, alarms 201
Area object, description 41
dynamic 219
hardware register 219
hidden in UDAs 103
historizing 150
in runtime, writing to UDAs 66
keeping runtime values 143
locking in instances 65
locking in templates 65
locking in UDAs 66
property, finding 77
runtime 219
security 68
security locked in parent 69
unlocking in instances 65
unlocking in templates 65
AutomationObjects at runtime 294
backup object
description 285
redundancy 285
backup server, redundancy 284
base templates
creating derived templates 39
description 37
importing 97
modifying 21
bit field access 81
alarm extensions 122
data types 120
label extension 76
deploy 137
deploy, selecting 139
changing, users 34
check-in comments, setting 31
checking objects
in 88
out 87
clients and alarms 202
communication at runtime 294
components in Galaxies 13
configuration, Object Editor Extension
page 200
configure user information 31
alarm providers 192
data acquisition redundancy 301
history 150
multiple network cards 279
network cards 288
objects to store history 171
redundancy 289
security 233
user information 31
WinPlatforms and AppEngines for
history 162
configuring bit field access 81
configuring computers for
redundancy 284
configuring redundancy
AppEngine 289
ordering network connections 288
existing Galaxy 17
remote node for the first time 241
names 51, 56, 93
templates, creating new 49
contained objects
naming conventions 57, 60
viewing 60
definition 50
examples 58
names, scripting 56
naming conventions 57, 60
relationships, viewing 23, 57
templates 50
copyright 2
contained templates 50
Index 335
Application Server User’s Guide
derived templates 48
extensions 112
Galaxy, security restrictions 15
instances 92
object extensions 113
scripts 106
toolsets 46, 47
UDAs 101
creating user accounts 278
crossover cable, wiring redundancy 284
.csv files
characters in 248
editing 246
importing 249
structure 247
time formats 248
custom, help, locating folders 71
derived templates 48
information for a Galaxy 31
object help 71
your workspace 29
acquisition redundancy 301
types and bit field access 81
data types, configure history 151
default, templates 37, 39
deleting Galaxies, before you start 245
deploy host objects first 137
DINetwork objects 137
history 156
imported objects 100
instances 35
objects 137
redundant diobjects 302
templates 35
error messages 141
redundancy 302
deployment status
pair undeployed 289
partial deployed 289
partial undeployed 289
redundancy objects 301
viewing icons 138
Deployment view
assignment relationships 24
using 24
Derivation view
parental relationships 27
using 27
derivation, viewing objects 27
derived locked scripts 111
derived templates 39, 42
contained names 56
creating 48
customizing 48
nesting 49
deriving templates from derived
templates 49
device intergration templates 40
DIDevice objects, definition 40
DINetwork objects
configuration limits 25
definition 40
deploying 137
DIObject data sources 301
disabled alarms 186, 188
alarms 186, 188
redundancy 291
disk space requirements 277
DNS settings, configuring 280
documentation conventions 11
dynamic attributes 219
objects 61
scripts 104
editing .csv files 247
editing .csv files, characters in 248
enabled alarms 186, 188
enabling alarms 188
distributors 201
subscription 202
definition 173
types 174–176
execution order of objects, setting 71
expanding tabs 30
336 Index
Application Server User’s Guide
exporting file structure 247
Galaxy dump file 246
instances 95, 246
object help 246
objects 95, 246
script function libraries 96
script libraries 246
scripts 95, 96
exporting templates 246
extension inheritance 112
characteristics 112
Extensions page 75, 112
extensions, deleting 113
failover and redundancy 283
field reference object 119
help folders 71
object attributes 77
objects 221
areas 29
views 29
fonts, languages 256
formatting reference strings 215
adding a language 254
backing up 243
changing 245
changing the default language 257
components of 13
creating 15
default users 228
definition 13
deleting 245
deploying components 14
determining status 131
disk space requirements 277
Galaxy Repository 14
language settings 253
location on the network 13
logging in to 33
logging out of 33
managing multiple 244
naming conventions 16
opening with security 17
removing a language 255
reserved names 16
restoring 243
specifying GR node name 15
switching 245
synchronizing time 250
synchronizing time in Windows 2000 or
XP 250
validating 91
viewing text dump 247
Galaxy Browser 77
Galaxy dump files
characters 248
importing 249
time formats 248
general Object Editor layout 64
alarms 299
history 300
lock icons 69
locking 69
security 69
grouping alarms 201
hardware register attributes 219
heartbeats 277
help header structure 63
hidden attributes, UDAs 103
areas 30
views 30
names 51, 57, 94
names, viewing 23
historized data
store forward 158
when data is stored 157
attributes 150
data, installing Wonderware
Historian 148
deploying 156
undeploying 156
Index 337
Application Server User’s Guide
History extension 123
history, data types, configuring 151
host attributes 247
hosting, multiple Galaxies in one Galaxy
repository 252
HTML editors for customizing object
help 71
I/O licenses 271
icons, deployment status 138
IDE objects in runtime 130
IDE, views 18
base templates 97
.csv files 249
Galaxy load files 249
objects 97
objects and deploying 100
objects and security groups 99
objects with scripts 99
script function libraries 99
individual alarms 185
inheriting attributes, parent and child
relationships 35
Input extensions 113
Input extensions, data quality 121
attributes in scripts 116
extension 115
InputOutput extensions, data
quality 121
installing Wonderware Historian 148
instances 37
creating 92
defined 37
deploying 35
exporting 95, 246
locking attributes 65
naming conventions 92
on other computers 24
reserved names 93
unlocking attributes 65
alarm and event client 203
references in a Galaxy 222
IO, viewing allowed 272
IP address, network settings 280
changing default for a Galaxy 257
configuring for a Galaxy 253, 254
configuring for Galaxy 253
dictionary files 258
exporting data for all symbols 259
exporting data for specific objects 260
exporting for managed InTouch
application 261
fonts 256
removing from a Galaxy 255
translating symbol text 258
.lic files, using 276
license information, viewing 272
licensed objects
licenses 271
licensing issues 271
limit alarms 180
limit type 180
locked scripts in child objects 111
aliases in scripts 110
scripts 110
template attributes 65
UDAs 101
in to disconnected networks 241
in to Galaxies 33
in to Galaxies, security enabled 33
out of Galaxies 33
managed InTouch application, exporting
language data 261
managing templates with toolsets 45
initializing scripts 102
validating objects 91
historizing data 149
using 149
Message Exchange and attributes 210
mixed or native domains 242
Model view, opening 21
338 Index
Application Server User’s Guide
objects, undeploying 21
views 29
accounts per user 229
network cards in one computer 279
multiple Galaxies 244
naming conventions
containment 57, 60
Galaxies 16
instances 92
scripts 106
templates 49
toolsets 46
UDAs 103
nesting templates 37, 52
configuring DNS settings 280
configuring IP address 280
network cards
multiple in one computer 279
redundancy 287
setting 279
specifying the order 279
derivation, viewing 27
properties, viewing 43
relationships, viewing 22
object attributes, finding 77
Object Editor
getting help 63
opening 61
object help
adding images 71
exporting 246
HTML editors for customizing 71
Object Information page 70
checking in 88
checking out 87
deleting 95
deploying 137
enabling alarms 188
exporting 95, 246
exporting language data 260
help folders, finding 71
importing 97
in runtime 130
inheriting extensions 112
opening Object Editor 61
redeploying 142
specific information 119
undeploying 142
validating manually 91
Objects Information page 70
Operations view, opening 28
ordering network cards 279
extension 114
functionality 119
Output extensions, data quality 121
parent and child, relationships,
viewing 27
passwords, changing 33
planning for deploying 129
Primary AppEngine, viewing
attributes 79
primary object, redundancy 285
primary server, redundancy 284
propagating changes, templates 38
published InTouch application, exporting
language data 262
rate of change alarms 182
rate-of-change alarms 182
reassigning objects, undeploying 21
recreating ArchestrA user account 278
objects 142
objects, uploading changes first 143
alarm generation 299
AppEngine states 295
ApplicationObjects configuration 291
configuring templates 290
during deployment 294
history generation 300
pair 284
runtime 286
setting network cards 287
Index 339
Application Server User’s Guide
templates 290
wiring for 284
Redundancy, page 289
redundant AppEngines, deleting 291
redundant engines, undeploying 293
redundant partner deploy, selecting 139
RedundantDIObject 284
reference strings 210
references in scripts, validating 89
referencing objects, Galaxy Browser 77
relationships, viewing parent/child 27
contained objects 60
contained objects, updating
references 61
objects 93
reorganizing the workspace 30
required software 251
reserved names
instances 93
list of 16
templates 49
the workspace 30
workspace 30
restoring Galaxies 243
return views to the default locations 30
reusing existing objects 97
roles, deleting 240
rules for locking
aliases in scripts 110
scripts 110
and bit field access 81
attributes 219
configuration, uploading 143
how objects deploy from the IDE 130
runtime environment, scripting 105
script function libraries
exporting 96
importing 99
script libraries, exporting 246
containment names 56
UDAs 102
aliases, using 109
automatically starting 102
execution types 106
exporting 95
initializing Startup scripts 102
InputOutput attributes 116
locked in child objects 111
locking rules 110
manually initializing 102
naming conventions 106
timing 105
validating 89, 105
Scripts page 72
assigning users roles 238
deleting roles 240
Galaxy users 228
groups, default 228
groups, importing objects 99
icon not available 69
icons 69
opening Galaxies 17
options in attributes 69
restricting access to attributes 68
restrictions, creating new Galaxies 15
security roles 228
security groups, deleting 240
setting network cards 279
setting prompts for check-in
comments 31
setting, alarms 201
silenced alarms 186, 188
single scan cycles 119
SmartSymbols, exporting language
data 261
standby object, redundancy 286
Startup scripts, initializing 102
state alarms 179
statistical alarms 183
store forward, historized data 158
storing history, configuring 171
subscribing to alarms 202
suppressed alarms 186
switch objects 119
exporting language data 259
translating text 258
synchronization schedule 251
340 Index
Application Server User’s Guide
time across a Galaxy 250
views 30
synchronizing time across networks 250
synchronizing time across networks,
Windows 2000 or XP 250
system templates 40
tagnames 51, 56, 93
tagnames, containment 54
target deviation alarms 181
target deviation type 181
technical support, contacting 12
Template Toolbox, location 19
templates 37
alarm extensions 122
application 40
base 37, 39
classes 39
configuring redundancy 290
contained names 56
containment 50
creating derived 48
default 37, 39
defined 37
deploying 35
derived 39, 42
device integration 40
exporting 246
inheriting extensions 112
managing 45
naming conventions 49
nesting 37
nesting levels 52
propagating changes 38
reserved names 49
system 40
text strings, specifying for Boolean
states 76
throttling alarms 189
time formats, .csv files 248
time master
specifying 250
specifying in Windows 2000 or XP 250
propagating in alarms 190–191
saving as historical data 150
creating 46, 47
definition 45
deleting 47
managing 45
naming conventions 46
troubleshooting 297
UDA naming conventions 103
adding to objects 101
and scripting 102
hidden attributes 103
locking attributes 66
locking in child objects 101
page 73
scripting 102
undeploying 142
AppEngine objects 293
history 156
objects 142
objects before moving 21
undeploying redundant engines 293
undeployment conditions 145
unlocking, template attributes 65
updating your license 271, 276
uploading runtime configuration 143
user accounts 278
user defaults, setting 31
changing 34
default 228
deleting 240
Galaxies 91
manually 91
object manually 91
objects 89
objects, viewing results 28
references in scripts 89
scripts 89, 105
attributes in objects 218
containment relationships 60
Index 341
Application Server User’s Guide
cross references 219
license information 272
object properties 43
object relationships 22
objects, assignment relationships 24
references 219
viewing your licenses 271
views in the IDE 18
views, synchronizing 30
2000 domains 250
user accounts 278
XP domains 250
WinPlatform object, configuring for
redundancy 287
WinPlatform, object 40
WinPlatforms, history configuration 162
Wonderware Historian, installing 148
extensions 112
UDAs 101
workspace, resetting 30
scripts 104
to attributes in runtime, UDAs 66
342 Index
Application Server User’s Guide