U.S. Virgin Islands Ecosystem Services Approach to Support Hazard
Mitigation and Resilience Planning
Submitted by:
Dr. David W. Yoskowitz, Principal Investigator
Christine Hale
Kara Coffey
Dijani Laplace
Socio-Economics Group
August 31, 2021
Prepared for:
U.S. Virgin Islands Hazard Mitigation & Resilience Plan
Acknowledgements: This research was funded by the University of the Virgin Islands through
the Hazard Mitigation and Resilience Plan partnership with the Virgin Islands Territorial
Emergency Management Agency and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. We are
grateful to the subject matter experts and community members that contributed hours of their
time and knowledge to this project. Special thanks to the staff of the Caribbean Green
Technology Center and Virgin Islands Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research
for supporting this effort, especially Christopher McDonald, Michael Emanuel, Angelisa
Freeman, Kaisa Prentice, Judith Freeman-Shimel, Dr. Kim Waddell, and Dr. Greg Guannel. The
workshops would not have been as engaging and informative without keynote speakers Dr.
LaVerne Ragster, Rafe Boulon, and Professor Olasee Davis; thank you. Thanks to Dr. Diana Del
Angel for review, and Jae Clark for research assistance.
Suggested citation: Hale, C.; Coffey, K.; Laplace, D.; & Yoskowitz, D. (2021). U.S. Virgin Islands
Ecosystem Services Approach to Support Hazard Mitigation and Resilience Planning. Harte
Research Institute for Gulf of Mexico Studies. Report prepared for USVI Hazard Mitigation and
Resilience Plan.
Executive Summary
The University of the Virgin Islands (UVI), in collaboration with the Virgin Islands Territorial
Emergency Management Agency (VITEMA), is leading a multi-year effort to update the
Territory’s Hazard Mitigation Plan. The updated and adopted USVI Territorial Hazard Mitigation
Plan (Plan) will result in a set of recommendations to identify and integrate principles and
elements of resilience, sustainability, and climate adaptation planning for the U.S. Virgin Islands
(USVI). With formal adoption of the Plan, financial support through the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) for the USVI’s hazard mitigation efforts can be applied. FEMA's
Disaster Mitigation Act requires that State Mitigation Plans be updated and submitted to FEMA
for approval every 5 years to maintain eligibility for non-emergency assistance. However, in
addition to meeting the terms of FEMA’s requirements for the Plan, the goal is to provide a
consistent and Territory-wide approach to assessing hazards and risks through technical
analyses and community engagement. These assessments, in partnership with stakeholders,
are part of the planning process and provide the basis for a comprehensive evaluation of the
Territory’s status in terms of resilience (HMRP, 2020).
Following the adoption of the Plan, hazard mitigation and resilience activities and efforts will
build momentum, projects will be identified for funding, and decisions will be made to advance
the goals set out in the Plan, both in the short and long term. These activities include continued
post-hurricane development and rebuilding of the USVI, which will alter the natural and built
environments, the islands’ social systems, and ultimately, the wellbeing of USVI residents. The
main objective of the Planning team is to evaluate how risks are interlinked with social,
economic, cultural, and ecological factors (HMRP, 2020). With particular focus on the ecological
factors coupled with human wellbeing in the USVI, the results of the activities reported within
this document aim to inform that objective.
Specifically for this project, an ecosystem services assessment was conducted to better
understand the human wellbeing benefits gained from the natural environment of the USVI as
it pertains to hazard mitigation and resilience. Resilience and hazard mitigation are terms that
are often interpreted in multiple ways. For the purposes of this assessment, resilience refers to
the ability to prepare for and adapt to changing conditions and to withstand and recover rapidly
from disruptions. Hazard mitigation is defined as the process of taking measures to minimize
and potentially eliminate the impact of hazard events on human life and property. Additionally,
ecosystem service assessments can be conducted with various methodologies depending on
location and local stakeholder needs. For this assessment, subject matter experts were
consulted, and communities participated in a series of workshops to discuss natural resource
management and hazard mitigation scenarios within the context of a resilient and sustainable
future. Select components of the ridge to reef” island ecosystem were characterized, along
with inferred changes in provision of ecosystem services.
An overall profile of forests, ghuts, farmland, wetlands, and coral reefs reveals that with the
loss and change in quality of these key ecosystem components, comes loss in the services
they have traditionally provided to residents of the USVI. Key findings include:
The services wetlands provide (especially mangroves) will continue to degrade without
intervention, and their extent will continue to be threatened by future development.
Urban development in areas designated as prime farmland has increased by over 400%
from 1985-2018, reducing the amount of farm-able land, and impacting food security.
Despite anthropogenic stressors and poor local management practices that reduce the
mitigation services provided by ghuts, some ghuts can retain many of their ecological
functions and interactions.
Significant decreases in forest cover combined with development and spread of invasive
species have decreased the extent and quality of local forests, and by extension, some
of the services they provide.
Both shallow and mesophotic reefs are under severe threat from multiple stressors
(ocean warming, storms, disease, pollution, etc.) and it is likely that the ecological
services that coral reefs provide will decrease if impacts continue to contribute to future
coral die-offs and overall coral decline.
Despite significant changes to ecosystems and ecosystem services over time, results of this
project include suggestions for a path toward resilience:
Island communities, or community liaisons, must be engaged as leads or co-leads from
the beginning of hazard mitigation and resilience project or program planning and
continue leading throughout the planning, implementation, and evaluation process.
Decision-makers should use the local community’s feedback to identify wellbeing
outcomes that are important to the community, as well as in identifying priority
ecosystem components and mitigation activities.
Decision-makers can intentionally target human health outcomes as a starting point in
hazard mitigation and resilience planning.
Decision-makers should invest in hazard mitigation activities that will most likely benefit
multiple habitats and that influence wellbeing outcomes important to many people (e.g.
human health).
Consistent, well-planned long-term monitoring of paired terrestrial and marine
ecosystems is necessary to gain a clear picture of how the whole ridge to reef ecosystem
changes over time.
More local socio-ecological systems research is needed to connect ridge to reef
ecosystem changes to human wellbeing outcomes.
Developing a human wellbeing monitoring protocol that captures physical, mental,
economic, and other health metrics in tandem with natural resource metrics would
allow for a more holistic assessment of resilience, consistently over time.
1. Introduction
The natural environment provides a multitude of benefits to people. For example, healthy,
functioning ecosystems offer provisioning services, or the provision of natural resources and
raw materials, like food and water. Ecosystems also offer regulating services, or the
maintenance of essential ecological processes and life support systems for human wellbeing
such as flood and disease control. Additionally, cultural services that enhance emotional,
psychological, and cognitive wellbeing are derived from ecosystems, as are supportive services
that maintain the conditions for life on Earth, such as photosynthesis. These benefits we receive
are known collectively as ecosystem services and underpin human quality of life (Table 1;
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005).
Table 1. The four types of Ecosystem Services. For full list of ecosystem service types and examples, see
Appendix 1. (Adapted from Harte Research Institute, 2020.)
Fresh water
Air quality regulation
Food (e.g. fruit/vegetable crops, fish, etc.)
Climate regulation
Raw materials (e.g. plant fibers, oils, lumber, dyes, etc.)
Water regulation (run-off, flooding, etc.)
Genetic resources (e.g. genes for biotechnology)
Natural hazard regulation (e.g. storm protection)
Medicinal resources, pharmaceuticals
Pest regulation
Ornamental resources (e.g. shells, flowers, feathers)
Disease regulation
Erosion regulation
Water purification and waste treatment
Cultural heritage
Soil formation
Primary production
Nutrient cycling
Aesthetic value
Gas sequestration, storage, and production
Spiritual and religious value
Water cycle
Inspiration of art, folklore, architecture, etc.
Social relations
Science and education
Pollination and seed dispersal
People derive benefits from the natural environment whether they intentionally use the
environment or not; these values are known as use values or non-use values, respectively. Use
values include provisioning, regulating, cultural, and supportive services (Table 1). Non-use
values (more appropriately known as passive values) include bequest value, which is value
people place on knowing that future generations will have the option of using an ecosystem
good or service, as well as existence value, the value people place on knowing that a certain
ecosystem good or service exists. Additionally, option value is value people place on knowing
that they have the option of using or benefiting from a certain ecosystem service or good at
some point in the future (Harte Research Institute, 2020).
Ecosystem services help frame the way that we assess the impacts and consequences of our
interactions with the natural environment. These services also influence how we choose to
manage the natural environment as well as the many human activities taking place within the
natural environment. In order to identify management options (e.g. to preserve, conserve, or
develop an area) the natural environment needs to be integrated into the decision-making
process. In doing so, managers and community members can work together to identify
management options that maximize public benefit and minimize risks associated with excluding
ecosystem services from the management decision. Decisions are incomplete and inefficient if
they do not include all benefits and costs, including those from the environment.
An ecosystem services assessment is the first step toward incorporating ecosystem services into
the decision-making process. It is an evaluation of the condition of a local ecosystem, the
potential supply of services, and their relation to human wellbeing. The assessment is a
mechanism for delineating the value people in this case USVI residents place on their
environment. This enables a process to determine which service or set of services is valued by
people and how to develop approaches to maintain those services by managing the natural and
human built systems sustainably.
In the short-term, ecosystem service assessments can guide community leaders and decision-
makers as activities that will alter the ecosystem are selected, and over the long-term, will
allow communities to adapt and align projects as progress is made. Importantly, the
assessment process, as well as its results, not only helps people understand the connections
between environmental wellbeing and human wellbeing (Figure 1), but helps them make
informed decisions about how, where, and when they might make changes to the natural and
human built environments over time.
It is well documented that climate change combined with changing land use practices in the
USVI have altered the biophysical functioning of the “ridge to reef” ecosystem (the integrated
land and seascape) (Virgin Islands EPSCoR, 2021). However, it is not as well documented how
these changes in the ecosystem have been altering the wellbeing benefits humans receive from
diverse ecosystems. Before further development occurs, and as hazard mitigation activities are
identified for funding, the current interdependence between the ridge to reef environment and
islander wellbeing needs to be clarified for informed decision making in the Territory. To realize
the goals of a resilient and sustainable future, island residents need to identify and prioritize
habitats that can realistically provide hazard mitigation services to them now and in the future.
Figure 1. Understanding the linkages between natural habitats of the USVI and the wellbeing of island
residents can help guide decision-making related to hazard mitigation and disaster preparedness.
(Infographic adapted from Millennium Ecosystem Assessment definition and Harte Research Institute.)
1.1 Methods
1.1.1 Literature review
A literature review was conducted with focus on hazard mitigation services and resilience
associated with the USVI ridge to reef ecosystem. The review included relevant peer-reviewed
academic literature and government or institutional reports related to human use of and
reliance on island ecosystems and ways those ecosystems, services, and benefits have changed
over time. While the USVI Territory was the primary area of interest, literature about
ecosystem services relevant to other Caribbean islands and regions was also collected, as
appropriate. This literature review, paired with subject matter expert feedback (below), created
a foundational understanding of previous research into ecosystem services focused on the
USVI, helped identify components of the ridge to reef ecosystem that support resilience and
offer hazard mitigation services, and identified information gaps.
1.1.2 Subject matter expert discussions
Local knowledge from subject matter experts regarding the current state of the USVI ridge to
reef ecosystem was collected through an online discussion process during the months of March
through May 2021. Open-ended questions for discussion were designed by the project team
ahead of time and conversations were conducted using the online Microsoft Teams
conferencing platform to solicit feedback in an open discussion format. Discussion questions
are available in Appendix 2. Based on initial recommendations from the Hazard Mitigation and
Resilience Plan partners and using a snowball sampling method (also known as chain sampling,
where existing subjects suggest names of other subjects to contact), 40 individuals considered
to have local expertise or knowledge pertaining to ecosystems across the entire Territory were
emailed an invitation letter to contribute their knowledge. Of the 40 invited, 16 responded and
provided input. Each discussion lasted approximately one hour, and with permission from
participating experts, all responses were documented by a note-taker while another teammate
facilitated the conversation. Through this process, experts identified components of the ridge
to reef ecosystem such as habitats and species that have value for hazard mitigation
services or support resilience and suggested potential indicators for resilience. Experts also
commented on ways communities that are reliant on ecosystem services can be engaged in
developing mitigation strategies and decisions. Responses were used to direct research into
natural resources with hazard mitigation and resilience value in the USVI, to create ridge to reef
natural resource profiles, and to inform the development of community workshops. Subject
matter expert feedback was de-identified to protect anonymity and confidentiality, and
summarized using MAXQDA
, a software program for qualitative and mixed methods research.
Summaries of feedback are provided in the Results section.
1.1.3. Ridge to reef profiles
To provide an overall profile of natural resources in the Territory, the extent of select
ecosystem components and land use was characterized with a focus on indicators of ecosystem
health and function that are tied to resilience. To characterize how change in land cover and
inferred land use patterns have impacted the provision of ecosystem services, and identify
areas with potential for local, targeted management, with the aim of the sustainable use of the
Territory’s natural resources, maps were created using the most recent and available natural
resource or land use extent data for select ridge to reef ecosystem components of the three
main USVI islands. Additionally, select components are described, including extent, condition,
associated ecosystem services, and the relation of the identified habitat or land use to human
wellbeing. This enabled general quantification of human wellbeing benefits that USVI residents
currently gain or do not gain from the natural environment as it pertains to hazard mitigation
and resilience. The profiles are included in the Results section.
The selection of the profiles characterized in this report forests, ghuts, wetlands, coral reefs,
and farmland was based on subject matter expert feedback, literature review results, and
data availability. It is important to note that the ridge to reef ecosystem in the USVI is not
limited to only those four habitat types and land use is not limited to farms; there are many
other habitat types such as rocky beaches, sandy beaches, seagrass beds, shallow coral reef,
mesophotic reef, shrublands, grasslands, etc. Likewise, there are additional land uses such as
pastureland, developed or built environment, and conservation and preservation areas that are
critical to making decisions about long-term sustainability. For the purposes of this assessment,
the selected ecosystem components (habitats and land use) were identified by subject matter
experts as important to resilience in terms of ecosystem function and hazard mitigation (see
Results section for expert feedback summaries). Additionally, focus on this set of habitats and
land use enabled efficient use of time in conducting a Relative Ratings (ranking) analysis with
USVI workshop participants as described in the following section.
1.1.4. Community workshops
In partnership with the Hazard Mitigation and Resilience Plan team, three separate and island-
specific workshops were planned and co-hosted for the communities of St. Thomas, St. John,
and St. Croix in July 2021. The goals for the workshops were to:
1) Identify ways that the communities that are reliant on ecosystem services (e.g, farmers,
fishers, ecotourism businesses, dive shops, recreational boating industry, etc.) can be
engaged in developing mitigation strategies and decisions.
2) Identify ways in which the Territory can strengthen the underlying positive factors and
enhance the resilience of the USVI’s ecosystem services for the Territory’s benefit.
3) Conduct a trade-off analysis on ecosystem service provision given land use changes -
using one or two specific sites that local stakeholders and the project team identify as
priority - to present various development and management options within the
framework of a resilient and sustainable future.
Initially, these workshops were planned to include in-person, full-day interactions with
volunteer participants from each island community. However, due to complications resulting
from the Covid-19 pandemic, and in the interest of maintaining the safety of participants, the
planned in-person workshops were not feasible. All workshops were reduced to half-day and
re-formatted for a virtual experience using the Zoom
video-conferencing platform, and also
shared live through USVI Hazard Mitigation Plan’s Facebook account. These changes had
implications for the above-mentioned objectives. In particular, the methodology for the trade-
off analysis was initially planned to include a Stated Preference approach. This approach is a
market research technique that allows researchers to understand how consumers value
different ecosystem products and/or services. It involves asking consumers to rate, rank, or
how much they would be willing to pay or accept for a certain ecosystem good or service. The
choices made by consumers help determine how they value a certain product or service.
Examples of this technique include contingent valuation, conjoint analysis, and choice
experiment (Harte Research Institute, 2020). This method typically involves full-day workshops
where participants work together in groups, interacting with physical props (items representing
money, tokens, or other units of value) with guidance from facilitators. This method is not
easily transferrable to a virtual platform, so the project team adapted two different approaches
that were more conducive to the web-based format: The Relative Ratings approach, and the
Ecosystem Service Logic Model Framework.
With the Relative Ratings method, individuals rate natural resources as a means of estimating
value. For example, if a wetland provides erosion control and erosion control is highly valued,
then the individual would rate the wetland with a 5, which would represent the highest level of
relative importance (Harte Research Institute, 2020). Additionally, the Ecosystem Service Logic
Model Framework (Figures 2 and 3) represents the way a management action (such as a hazard
mitigation project) cascades through an ecological system and results in ecosystem services and
human wellbeing impacts.
In these logic models, a management action is linked to multiple changes in the biophysical and
ecological environment, or in model terms, the “intermediate components” (see gray box in
Figure 2). This change whether it is increased, decreased, or stays the same isn’t immediately
important is only depicted in the logic model if it has been tested or vetted in the scientific
literature. These science-based linkages are depicted with arrows in the model. Additionally,
the intermediate components in the model are then linked to changes in human activity,
depicted in the model as light blue boxes. These changes in human activity then influence
human wellbeing or socio-economic outcomes, such as economic activity, mental health, or
socio-cultural shifts (GEMS, nd.). Logic models are a useful tool to compare actions across
locations to match likely outcomes with stakeholder goals. Evidence that accompanies these
models can be used to clarify uncertainties that need to be considered and to identify critical
research gaps. If standardized, these models can provide a consistent platform for planning,
management, or hazard mitigation approaches and help increase monitoring efficiency (GEMS,
Figure 2. The basic components of an Ecosystem Services Logic Model. (Adapted from GEMS, n.d.)
Through research and application, it is known that some outcomes of mitigation activities, such
as habitat restoration or water quality infrastructure improvements, can be associated with
community resilience. Resilience refers to the ability to prepare for and adapt to changing
conditions and to withstand and recover rapidly from disruptions. These disruptions can include
hurricanes, sea-level rise, flooding, drought, earthquakes, disease and other natural and
manmade threats and issues common in the Caribbean region. A community can be resilient in
diverse ways, but in general includes economic, structural, social, and cultural resilience. Some
factors of resilience have been found to correspond with many of the outcomes linked to
hazard mitigation actions, particularly restoration (Table 2; GEMS, n.d.). These outcomes do not
capture all aspects of community resilience but can be used as targets when planning,
implementing, and monitoring hazard mitigation projects, or other resilience activities, in the
Thus, for each island workshop, Ecosystem Services Logic Models (ESLMs) were used to
illustrate the complex connections between making changes in the ridge to reef ecosystem and
human wellbeing outcomes of those changes. The project team designed case study scenarios
for each island workshop, using simplified logic chains (pulled from fully developed models) to
walk through hypothetical, but applicable and realistic, examples of management actions within
specific locations that islanders are familiar with, and that experts recommended. For St.
Thomas, two scenarios were presented: mangrove restoration in Magens Bay (Figure 4), and
drought management techniques in the Bordeaux area. Logic models were presented, and
human wellbeing outcomes of these management actions were identified. Likewise, for the St.
John workshop, participants were presented with building and restoring trails and boardwalks
(Figure 5), as well as native forest restoration, as management options in the Coral Bay area.
For the St. Croix workshop, salt pond restoration for the Great Pond location was presented
(Figure 6), as was coral reef restoration for the Cane Bay area.
Using the Mentimeter
polling device, facilitators applied the Relative Ratings
approach to solicit feedback from participants regarding what components of the ecosystem
they value, what types of hazard mitigation and natural resource management activities they
deem important, and what human wellbeing outcomes they think decision-makers should
prioritize for their island. Finally, Mentimeter
was also used to gather insights from
participants about obstacles in and solutions for engaging communities in decisions that affect
ecosystems as well as their own wellbeing. All workshop feedback is summarized in the Results
section and synthesized for the trade-off analysis in the Discussion section. The three
workshops were held on July 6
, 7
, and 9
, 2021, respectively; see Appendix 3 for each
workshop agenda. Visit the USVI Hazard Mitigation and Resilience Plan team’s YouTube.com
channel “ResilientVI” to view each of the recorded workshop sessions (or click here directly for
St. Thomas, St. John and St. Croix).
Table 2. Socio-economic outcomes associated with resilience. This list is specific to restoration projects,
and the outcomes do not fully capture all aspects of resilience. These outcomes can be used as targets
when planning, implementing, and monitoring hazard mitigation projects, or other resilience activities,
in the USVI. (Adapted from GEMS, n.d.)
Socio-economic outcome
Resilience relevance
Economic activity
Increased economic activity in a particular community through jobs, labor, and
income allow that community to be more resilient to external shocks that harm the
When people in the community are employed, they enjoy greater levels of
economic resilience and respond better to unexpected shocks. Also, diverse job
markets are known to be more resilient because the community does not depend
on one industry.
Damage to property is a direct reflection of structural resilience, and repair costs
for property damage similarly link to the property owner’s economic resilience.
Increased spending at businesses in a particular community allow that community
to be more resilient to external shocks. If spending takes place at businesses
outside of the target community, then this may not affect local resilience.
Property protection from
flooding or erosion
The ability for shoreline property to withstand external stressors like flooding and
erosion represents a facet of structural resilience.
Human health
Community members’ health and associated capabilities are essential to resilience;
a healthy community is better able to respond to and cope with external shocks.
Cultural values
When community members gain increased knowledge and understanding of their
environment in the context of threats to resilience, this can help spur increased
public support for future similar restoration projects that would add to resilience.
Strengthened (or maintained) cultural values can be linked to community ties and
increased social capital, which in turn lead to increased social resilience.
Property value
Increases in property value can be linked to an individual household’s economic
resilience, and at a larger scale increases in a community’s property values (which
can lead to a larger tax base) can be linked to economic resilience at the
community level.
Social disruption
Critical facilities (e.g. hospitals, schools, government buildings) are important for a
community’s ability to respond to hazardous events, therefore changes in their
closure rate impact a community’s resilience.
Figure 3. A fully developed Ecosystem Services Logic Model representing the outcomes from the management action of mangrove restoration
(dark blue box). Key pathways to strongly linked socioeconomic outcomes (yellow boxes) are indicated with bold arrows as well as with bold
outlines around the intermediate components (gray boxes) and human activity outcomes (light blue boxes). Solid arrows indicate long-term
effects and dashed arrows indicate short-term effects. The faded-out yellow box indicates weakly linked socioeconomic outcomes, whereas non-
faded or bold yellow boxes indicate strongly linked outcomes. (GEMS, n.d.)
Figure 4. For the Magens Bay scenario, a simple logic chain was built for the St. Thomas workshop participants showing some of the human
wellbeing outcomes of restoring mangroves in Magens Bay. (GEMS, n.d.)
Figure 5. For the Coral Bay scenario, a simple logic chain was built for the St. John workshop participants showing some of the human wellbeing
outcomes of building new or restoring existing trails and boardwalks in the Coral Bay area. (GEMS, n.d.)
Figure 6. For the Great Pond Bay scenario, a simple logic chain was built for the St. Croix workshop participants showing some of the human
wellbeing outcomes of salt pond restoration in Great Pond. (GEMS, n.d.)
2. Results
2.1 Subject matter expert feedback summaries
Discussions with subject matter experts were initiated with a set of pre-determined, open-
ended questions, yet the conversations were not bound to only those questions. Feedback
collected from experts was used to direct research and workshop development. The input from
those conversations was noted consistently across the 16 discussions with experts, where the
notetaker documented responses to each question asked (see Appendix 2 for questions). A
project team member sorted and coded segments of the conversations, to identify the
Key themes related to ecosystems, hazard mitigation, and resilience
Components of the ridge to reef ecosystem with hazard mitigation and resilience value
Potential indicators of resilience
Community engagement challenges, solutions, and ideas
Table 3 provides a summary of the key themes as well as how frequently the themes appeared
in the discussion notes. The most common theme revolved around issues and threats, for
example these could include issues and threats related to management and policy, human use
of natural resources, natural hazards, ecosystems or parts of ecosystems, socio-cultural and
economic issues, and communications. For a breakdown of the common issues and threats
mentioned by experts, see Table 4, along with select coded segments as examples.
Additionally, the “issues and threats” segments of conversations were further analyzed to
understand what specific habitats and land uses were mentioned in association with those
issues and threats (Table 5). Commentary regarding “development” was the most frequent
issue that emerged in conversations. Within the context of issues and threats, the habitats (or
natural resources) and/or land uses experts most frequently discussed were wetlands, forests,
and coral reefs. Ghuts and whole watersheds, fresh water, harvest/fishing/farming, were also
mentioned. Beaches and paved surfaces were mentioned as well, but did not emerge as
frequently in conversation.
Similarly, all conversations were analyzed for mention of habitats, components of the
ecosystem, or land uses that provide human wellbeing benefits or with hazard mitigation and
resilience value (Table 6). In addition to broad discussion about ecosystem services and benefits
that people derive from the environment in general, the idea that the whole watershed (or
ridge to reef ecosystem) provides a multitude of benefits to people surfaced as a frequent
consideration; some experts felt strongly that the entire ridge to reef ecosystem, in its natural
state is most beneficial in terms of successfully mitigating disaster and supporting resilience.
Additionally, experts frequently mentioned that islanders benefit from specific components of
the ecosystem that relate to food, coded in Table 6 as, Harvest/fishery/farmland”. Other
habitats, components of the ecosystem, and land uses repeatedly mentioned by subject matter
experts as providing human wellbeing benefits or with hazard mitigation and resilience value
were forests, mangroves, the marine ecosystem, and coral, in addition to others mentioned less
To gain an understanding of potential indicators of resilience, experts were asked, “How do we
know when the island ecosystems (or natural habitats) have changed? What are the indicators
(signs)?” The most frequent idea expressed was related to change in biodiversity and species
(Table 7). In other words, experts felt that in general, monitoring biodiversity and species
change (e.g. changes in species population numbers, changes in species richness) in the ridge to
reef ecosystem will allow for resilience signals to be perceived. Experts also had more specific
ideas; birds, coral health, native vs. non-native species, fish and fisheries, and prevalence of
droughts and floods were mentioned the most often as key indicators of resilience (Table 7).
Experts were also asked to comment on community engagement in the USVI. Specifically, they
were asked, “Are communities involved in decisions concerning the USVI ecosystem (or natural
habitats)? How so? If not, how can they be?” The most common idea expressed in response to
this set of questions was coded as “Attitudes, perception, and/or behavior. For example, one
respondent described how there was little concern for terrestrial biodiversity in USVI or other
smaller Caribbean islands and that typically terrestrial biodiversity is more important in the
geographically larger islands. As a result, this respondent expressed that we are losing huge
benefits when we place value on terrestrial biodiversity, and the need to change perception of
this in the USVI. Additionally, communication was mentioned often, and usually within a
negative context, by experts as an important aspect of community engagement. For instance,
some experts shared that information on public hearings related to natural resource
management is hard to find, and that the Department of Planning and Natural Resources
website is particularly hard to navigate. One comment described a language disconnect, in that
information doesn’t reach all the diverse communities that make up the USVI; Haitians, people
from the Dominican Republic are large parts of the community who may not get contacted
effectively. Other comments on community engagement frequently touched upon issues
related to improving education and/or awareness concerning the environment and its
connection to human wellbeing. Some experts discussed ideas related to galvanizing pride in
the local environment and ways to engage and increase support, coded as
Pride/support/engaged”. Coded summaries with examples are provided in Table 8.
Taken together, this subject matter feedback helped the project team determine what habitats
or land uses to consider describing for the ridge to reef profiles, and what ecosystem
components to develop for creating ecosystem services logic models, case studies, and
conducting rankings exercises and discussion sessions at the three workshops.
Table 3. Key themes that subject matter experts in the USVI expressed during individual discussion
sessions. Experts responded to pre-determined, open-ended questions. Frequency = number of
mentions in coded segments of conversations.
Key themes
Issues and threats in the USVI
Community engagement
Ecosystem condition
Hazard mitigation
Table 4. The key theme of “Issues and threats in the USVI” were coded to evaluate the most common
issues and threats mentioned by subject matter experts. Frequency = number of mentions in coded
segments of conversations.
Issues and threats
Example coded segment from conversations
Development and/or built
We continually replace natural resources with human development.
Drainage, run off, and/or
Roadways cutting across hillsides “messes up” natural waterways; causes
vertical flooding.
Waste management and/or
The trash issue on the island; Waste management has an issue with
pickup and waste overflow; a lot of the dumpsites are located near ghuts
and heavy rains carry trash to the coast.
Storms and/or hurricanes
Hurricanes have damaged forests, their structure and foliage.
Attitudes, perception,
and/or behavior
VI pride is not necessarily connected to our local land and nature, but to
cultural values/notions and historical ideas. Should be related to both,
make connections in both.
Education and/or awareness
People aren’t always aware of different solutions/ways of doing things in
regards to protecting their property; natural solutions like planting trees
could help limit erosion but people just do what they are used to.
Drought and/or water
Number of short-term droughts has increased dramatically, but annual
rainfall has not changed dramatically. There is more periods of extremely
dry weather followed by heavier rain periods.
Enforcement and/or
We regularly don’t follow laws; e.g. VI code states that you should not
build within 30 ft. of any watercourse, but this is not followed.
Community engagement
and/or communications
Public hearings don’t typically let the community get involved, dismissive
of local input, testimony.
Invasive vs. native species
Replanting areas with non-native plants; don’t cope with drought well;
leads to sediment runoff.
Climate change
Climate change and the Sahara dust now negatively impacts locals.
Gardening, and farming are trendy at the moment, have led to
conversations about food resilience. But it is superfluous and abstract, it
doesn’t connect consistently to the environment.
Water flow from rain now flows straight into the ocean, carries all the
sediment into the ocean; we need to find out how to get water to stay in
the watershed.
Invasive vegetation. When you clear vegetation, it makes room for
invasive seeds to make their way in and inhabit this cleared land; a lot of
the shrubs become invasive and not endemic.
Disconnect between locals
and nature
General public may be confused or ignorant (in true sense of the word
meaning not aware) of connections between ecosystem services and
natural resources.
Species decline
Reduction in certain species of organisms (cushion sea stars used to be
more common in the past).
Short-term vs. long-term
Need more long-term planning & management in the VI to deal with
Table 5. Habitats, land use, or resource use most often mentioned in relation to the issues and threats
to USVI ecosystems and human wellbeing. Frequency = number of mentions in coded segments of
Habitats & land use related to issues &
Wetlands (mangroves, ponds, lagoons,
Forests (plants, vegetation, trees, shrubs,
Coral reefs
Ghuts & watersheds
Fresh water
Paved surfaces
Table 6. Habitats, components of the ecosystem, and land uses mentioned by subject matter experts as
providing human wellbeing benefits or with hazard mitigation and resilience value. Frequency = number
of mentions in coded segments of conversations.
Habitats & land uses that benefit humans in
the USVI
General benefits & services
Whole watershed/ridge to reef
Marine ecosystem
Water quality
Preserved land
Salt ponds/lagoons
Table 7. Potential indicators of resilience mentioned by subject matter experts. Frequency = number of
mentions in coded segments of conversations.
Potential indicators of resilience
Species change & biodiversity
Coral health
Native/non-native species
Fish & fisheries
Droughts & floods
Change in fruiting & blooming of plants
Land cover and use change
Access to nature
Challenges (lack of data; should be
ecosystem based)
Fresh water availability
Water quality
Soil retention levels
Table 8. Ideas related to community engagement in the USVI mentioned by subject matter experts.
Frequency = number of mentions in coded segments of conversations.
Community engagement ideas
Example coded segment from conversations
Attitudes, perception, and/or behavior
People have opportunities to get involved but there is a
disconnect, inconsistent attention to projects that are legally
approved, there is typically a snowballing effect, outrage on
one issue leads to outrage on other issues that occurred
under the radar. People tend to care intensely for a short
period of time but them give up. How do we make people
care AND see connections to the ecosystems?
Notification is not consistent for persons who live near
development. E.g. North side community was not notified
about supermarket being built in the area.
Education and/or awareness
Community may not understand how decisions are made in
the USVI.
The general population only gets involved in ecosystem
issues when their favorite places or places with cultural
value are being threatened by development. E.g. Mandahl
area wasn’t used much; had scrap and old tires there. After
development was slated to occur there; people came
together try to stop this development. Speaks to the level of
ecosystem awareness/ ecosystem consciousness in the
Territory; all action is reactionary.
Fishermen, banded together after the storms, especially
some that were not accustomed to working together. A
positive response.
Language disconnect, information doesn’t reach all
communities, USVI community is diverse, Haitians, Persons
from the Dominican Republic are large parts of the
community who may not get contacted effectively.
Social media
Public hearings may be one of the major ways to get
through to the government, social media posts are common,
but issues may not actually be addressed by relevant
2.2 Ridge to reef profiles
2.2.1 Territory overview
The United States Virgin Islands (USVI) are part of the Leeward Islands of the Lesser Antilles,
located to the east of Puerto Rico and west of the British Virgin Islands (Figure 7). The USVI
includes the three main islands of St. Thomas, St. John, and St. Croix, as well as more than 50
smaller offshore cays. The Danes controlled the area during the 17th and early 18th centuries
when sugarcane, produced by African slave labor, drove the islands' economy. In 1917, the
United States purchased the islands which have since remained an organized, unincorporated
Territory of the United States. In terms of land area, St. Thomas, St. John, and St. Croix
combined total approximately 353 km
(137 square miles) (Platenberg & Valiulis, 2018). St.
Thomas and St. John are situated 64 km (40 mi) to the north of St. Croix. The most recent
human population estimate for the Territory is 106,405 (U.S. Census, 2020). Between 2.5 and 3
million tourists visit the Territory per year, with most arriving from cruise ships. Tourism, trade,
and other services are the primary economic activities, accounting for nearly 60% of the Virgin
Island's GDP and about half of total citizen employment (CIA World Factbook, 2021). The
Territory's capital is Charlotte Amalie on the island of St. Thomas.
Figure 7. Location of the U.S. Virgin Islands. Image adapted from Google Earth.
While St. Thomas, St. John, and St. Croix have a shared history, each maintains a distinct culture
influenced by characteristics of the land and sea unique to each island. St. Thomas is
mountainous, with a land area of 74 km
(29 mi
). It is highly developed and with a population
of 51,634 considered densely populated (U.S. Census, 2010). Tourism-related industries drive
St. Thomas’s economy, with marinas, hotels, restaurants, shopping districts, and a major cruise
ship port as key players. St. Thomas also hosts many U.S. businesses that take advantage of
Economic Development Commission benefits while providing economic support to the local
community (Platenberg & Valiulis, 2018). St. John is around 50 km
(19 mi
), making it the
smallest of the three islands, and with a human population estimated to be less than 4,170, also
the least populated. The Virgin Islands National Park owns approximately two thirds of the land
area on St. John, and with significant prehistoric sites on almost every beach and in every bay in
the Park, it is regarded as one the most comprehensive and undisturbed Caribbean landscapes
(National Park Service, 2021). Tourism is important to the economy of St. John, though because
it is not as easy to access (visitors must fly into St. Thomas first, then take a ferry over to St.
John), tourists are more likely long-stay visitors who rent villas or camp at the National Park or
private campsites. (Platenberg & Valiulis, 2018). Spanning 217 km
(84 mi
) and nearly double
the size of St. Thomas, St. Croix is the largest of the three islands, though its population (50,601)
is similar in size to St. Thomas (U.S. Census, 2020) . Agriculture has dominated the landscape of
St. Croix, both historically and currently, and for many Crucians, farming and harvest is not only
important economically, but contributes significantly to cultural identity (Jackson & Barrios,
2020). In 1966, Hess Corporation built a large petroleum refinery on the south shore of St.
Croix, which for a long time contributed to the economy of St. Croix, until it was shut down in
2012 (Johnson, 2019). It was reopened by Limetree Bay Terminals, but the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) recently revoked the operator’s permit after an accidental oil vapor
release that impacted the health of residents in the community, along with multiple other
environmental and health concerns (United States Department of Justice, 2021) Tourism also
supports the economy of St. Croix, with active restaurant and hotel industry primarily in the
islands two major towns, Christiansted and Frederiksted.
The USVI continues to endure challenges associated with climate change, such as drought,
flooding, hurricanes, earthquakes, and landslides. In September 2017, Hurricane Irma passed
over St. Thomas and St. John, severely damaging structures, roads, the airport,
communications, and electricity. Less than two weeks later, Hurricane Maria passed over Saint
Croix, causing substantial damage with heavy winds and flooding rains. Illness, such as
mosquito-borne Dengue fever and Chikungunya, or the recent Covid-19 pandemic, are
significant public health concerns in the USVI. Changing land use practices, particularly
increased development, impact the environment as well as human wellbeing in the USVI.
Importantly, the Territory does not currently have a comprehensive land and water use plan to
guide development or other land and water use decisions. Territorial government agencies and
partners have drafted plans over the years, but those have not been formerly adopted by the
government (Farrelly, 1993).
Looking at spatial land use data from 1985 through 2018 (Figure 8), it is evident that as
development increased, less space has become available for the natural environment. Given
that the natural environment has changed, and continues to change, the many beneficial
services that ecosystems provide change too, ultimately influencing human wellbeing. The
following section describes five components of the ridge to reef ecosystem that are associated
with human wellbeing in the USVI: Ghuts, wetlands, forests, farms, and coral reefs. The most
recent and available data about the extent and health of these ecosystem components is
shared, along with inferences about how the services provided by these areas has changed over
Figure 8. Land use in St. Thomas, St. John, and St. Croix, USVI, in 1985 (top) vs. 2018 (bottom). Data from
the Caribbean Green Technology Center.
2.2.2 Ghuts
Watercourses, known in the United States Virgins Islands as ghuts, are well defined natural
channels formed overtime by the action of rain and stormwater flowing over impermeable rock
(Figure 9) (DPNR, 2018). Ghuts are a defining characteristic of the terrain of the USVI, where
two of the three major islands (St. Thomas and St. John) are mostly “ridges and ghuts”
(Gardner, 2008; Gardner et al., 2008). Additionally, the lack of gentle sloping land has made
ghuts the major source of fresh water on the islands (Platenberg, 2006). Furthermore, many of
the ghuts on the islands connect vegetated upland and marine systems since they drain from
hills directly towards the ocean (Gardner et al., 2008).
Many upland, relatively undisturbed ghuts in the Territory are forested, with gallery shrubland
and gallery moist forest being the dominant forest types present. (Platenberg & Valiulis 2018;
Gardner et al., 2008; DPNR, 2018). The forests that exist in these ghuts include a variety of
native plant species, and some are considered rare. Gardner et al. (2008) noted that the
endangered plant species, Egger’s Cock’s-Spur (Erythrina eggersii), was present in ghuts and
many of the plant species were yet to be inventoried. Additionally, vegetated ghuts can form
“habitat corridors” that some species may use for migration where ghuts overlap with urban
areas. Platenberg & Valiulis (2018) noted that the endangered Virgin Islands Tree Boa
(Chilabothrus granti) uses vegetated ghuts as a corridor on St. Thomas’s East End. Some
examples of notable vegetated ghuts on each major island are Caldonia Ghut on St. Croix, Reef
Bay on St. John, and Bonne Resolution Ghut in St. Thomas.
Ghuts in the Territory are key habitats for a variety for wildlife. They provide nursery and
nesting areas, are used for foraging, and are important watering holes and migration corridors
(Gardner et al., 2008; Thomas & Devine, 2005). Some have permanent freshwater pools
(particularly during the rainy season) that are home to a variety aquatic species such as native
freshwater shrimp (Machrobrachium spp., Xiphocaris elongate, Atya spp.) native fish species
such as the Goby (Sicydium plumieri), Mountain Mullet (Agonostoma monticola), American eel
(Anguila rostrata) and non-natives such as Guppy (Poecilia reticulata) and Tilapia (Oreochromis
spp.) (Platenberg & Nemeth, 2007; Platenberg & Valiulis, 2018; DPNR, 2018). Freshwater
shrimp species also move between downstream marine waters and upstream freshwater
habitats (Thomas & Devine, 2005). Some species of freshwater shrimp filter stormwater by
trapping organic debris with their modified claws (Thomas & Devine, 2005). Terrestrial species
such as bats, migratory birds (warblers), iguanas, deer, bees, goats and water-associated
invasives like the Cane toad (Rhinella marina) and Cuban tree frog (Osteopilus septentrionalis)
rely on ghuts as a fresh source of water.
Ghuts have long benefitted the people of the USVI. Historically, ghuts were the major source of
water for settlers in the USVI from the colonial era up to the 1960’s in some areas (Gardner et
al., 2008). Most of the settlements in the past were placed near ghuts to provide easy access to
water that was primarily used for domestic, industrial, and agricultural purposes (mostly sugar
production). Many ghuts were also used as food source in the past in the recreational practice
of catching freshwater shrimp (Gardner et al., 2008). Some ghuts that have historical
significance and archaeological significance include Savan Ghut, Water Gut, Bethlehem Ghut,
Living Ghut, Fairplain Ghut, Saly, Magen’s Bay Ghut, and Turpentine Run (Conservation Data
Center, 2010).
Currently, ghuts are used still used recreationally for hiking, nature walks, and professional
tours (Gardner et al., 2008). Nature walks and hikes have also been used as ideal segue ways
into educational and learning opportunities for students at the elementary and junior high
level. Students and faculty at the university level have also made ghuts and associated habitats
the foundation of their research in the areas of water quality, gut biodiversity, and wildlife
(Gardner et al., 2008; Conservation Data Center, 2010; DPNR, 2018). Importantly, ghuts
mitigate the potential for flooding. As natural stormwater channels, torrential downpours
produced by storms and hurricanes drain straight down the ghuts, to the bay, and out to sea
(Reiblich & Ankersen, 2016; Gardner et al., 2008). Furthermore, the gallery moist and gallery
shrubland forests associated with ghuts prevent soil erosion and the sedimentation of
downstream habitats (coastal wetlands, coral reefs) as well as filter any other potential runoff
from pollutants. (Platenberg & Valiulis, 2018; Benoit & Nemeth, 2011).
Many of the ghuts in the Territory have been infringed upon and degraded. Currently, there are
variety of legal protections that may be applied to ghuts in the Territory. One in particular is VI
Code Title 12 Chapter 3 which prohibits “the cutting or injury of any tree or vegetation within
30 feet of the center of any natural watercourse or 25 feet from the edge, whichever is greater,
without written permission from the Commissioner” (VIC 12 Chapter 3; Gardner et al., 2008,
Platenberg, 2005). Despite this, lack of enforcement allows development to continue,
vegetation is regularly removed from ghuts, and ghut boulders moved by property owners,
impacting ghut banks, channels, and water flow (Platenberg & Valiulis, 2018; subject matter
experts pers. comm., 2021). During their surveys, the Center for Watershed Protection (2008)
stated that there were “a number of instances” where they observed ghuts being encroached
upon in the Coral Bay Watershed. Gardner et. al (2008) surmised that the land use practices
detrimental to ghuts could be explained by ignorance and indifference, greed, lack of
stormwater management, and the limited space that a small island provides. Many ghuts were
previously paved over in the past and now exist in highly trafficked areas, and many intersect
with major roadways (Figure 9). The storms of 2017 further exacerbated the anthropogenic
issues many of the ghuts were already experiencing since rapid water flows caused them to be
filled and blocked with debris, severing their natural connections to coastal wetlands and the
marine systems. Downed and defoliated ghut vegetation also caused ghut temperatures to rise
in the immediate aftermath of the storms, encouraging algal growth (Platenberg & Valiulis,
2018). Other issues that continue to negatively impact ghuts in the Territory range from
changed drainage patterns via development, improper solid waste disposal (both residential
and commercial), loss of rare plant species, sewage disposal, agricultural waste disposal, and
bacterial and nutrient contamination (Gardner et al., 2008). Overall, the anthropogenic
stressors combined with poor local management practices have led to a decrease in some of
the mitigating factors that ghuts provide (subject matter experts pers. comm., 2021). However,
some ghuts are able to retain many of their ecological functions and interactions despite
external negative pressure (Platenberg & Valiulis, 2018).
Figure 9. Locations of major ghuts in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Data from: ArcGis Online Server “USVI Ghuts
2.2.3 Wetlands
Wetlands are areas with inundated or waterlogged soil that typically support vegetation that is
adapted to living in these specific conditions (Platenberg & Valiulis, 2018). Although some
freshwater ponds exist in the USVI, wetland areas are typically found near the coast (UVI &
VIMAS, 2009) or in the case of ghuts, lead to the coast. Overall, there are five (5) major types of
wetland areas found in the Territory: mangroves, salt ponds, salt flats, freshwater ponds, and
ghuts (Figure 10). Because ghuts emerged in subject matter expert discussions as a uniquely
important habitat component regarding mitigation and resilience, they were discussed in the
previous section.
“Mangrove” is a term used to describe trees, shrubs, and other types of vegetation that persist
in saline and brackish conditions. Mangroves are found in tropical climates and seven (7)
species can be found in the Caribbean (Platenberg, 2006). Four (4) species of mangroves can be
found in the USVI: the Red Mangrove (Rhizophora mangle), Black Mangrove (Languncularia
racemosa), White Mangrove (Avicennia germinans), and Buttonwood (Conocarpus erectus). In a
mangrove community, there may be distinct zonation of mangrove species due to their special
adaptations. Red Mangroves are found in calm, shallow ocean waters, followed by Black
Mangroves (extremely salt tolerant) near the water’s edge. White mangroves are found in
moist soils further inland or near salt ponds, while Buttonwood prefers the drier soils on the
fringe of the community.
Mangroves are integral parts of the ecosystems they help create. They serve as nursery areas to
many juvenile fish and bird species which all have varied recreation and commercial importance
(Platenberg, 2006). Mangroves in Hurricane Hole, St. John have even sheltered and fostered
the growth of a variety of coral in between their prop roots (Rogers, 2019). They also provide
nutrients to some of these organisms within and near to these habitats due to the detritus
produced from their leaf litter. The Great Land Crab (Cardisoma guanhumi) uses the leaves of
buttonwood, red, and white mangroves as its primary food source (Platenberg, 2006).
Mangroves also support many species of resident and migratory birds in the Territory. It is
estimated that about 90% of the resident and migratory birds in the USVI use mangrove
wetlands for feeding, nesting, or roosting (Philibosian & Yntema, 1977) and up to 75% of the
121 species on St. Croix use mangrove habitats in some way (Platenberg, 2006). In fact, many of
the Important Bird Areas (IBAs) in the USVI have or are associated with mangrove habitats
(Corven, 2009).
Mangrove habitats also perform numerous physical functions beneficial to nature and humans
in their associated ecosystems. Mangroves and mangrove forests help to sequester carbon in
their biomass which can help to reduce the impacts of climate change (Mcleod et al., 2011).
Mangroves trap and stabilize sediment between their roots, helping to prevent coastal erosion
(UVI & VIMAS, 2009). Mangroves also protect low-lying inland areas by acting as a buffer from
storm surge and similar wave action since they reduce the amount of oncoming wave energy
(Granek & Ruttenberg, 2008). On St. John, residents typically anchor their boats in the
Hurricane Hole area (that is filled with fringing mangroves) since it has historically offered
adequate protection from storm surge (Rogers, 2019). Mangroves also help maintain
surrounding water quality by trapping oncoming runoff and removing harmful pollutants from
the water and soil (Alongi & McKinnon, 2005; Chakroff, 2010; Mcleod et al., 2011). Sediment
studies in the St. Thomas East End Reserve (STEER) have shown that the mangroves in the
Mangrove Lagoon may be acting as a buffer, preventing toxic metals and other pollutants from
entering the marine areas east of the landfill (Pait et al., 2016).
Currently, the mangroves in the Territory are still recovering from the cumulative impacts of
Hurricanes Irma and Maria in 2017. At Hurricane Hole, most of the fringing mangroves were
uprooted and destroyed (Rogers, 2019). The slow growth of mangroves makes it challenging to
restore them to their pre-hurricane state, but mitigating external stressors (pollution, removal
of dead or decaying mangroves) is beneficial for the recovery process (Platenberg & Valiulis,
2018). The ecological services mangroves provide will certainly continue to degrade without
intervention (Department of Homeland Security, 2020), and their extent (whose decrease is
confirmed by aerial imagery) will continue to be threatened by future development (Platenberg
& Valiulis, 2018).
Salt Ponds and Salt Flats
Salt ponds are small bodies of saltwater that form intertidal basins. There are over sixty (60) salt
ponds in the Territory (Rennis et al., 2006), making them the dominant type of wetland found in
the USVI (UVI & VIMAS, 2009). Salt flats differ from salt ponds since they are not always
inundated with water, but rather have muddy soils that are periodically submerged by tidal
waters. Many salt ponds and salt flats in the Territory have mangroves and other salt tolerant
plants growing near or around them and their general conditions (size, salinity, oxygen
concentration, temperature, water depth) are heavily influenced by rainfall and evaporative
processes (Division of Fish and Wildlife, 2005; Platenberg & Valiulis, 2018).
Due to their high salinity, salt ponds make good substrate for black and white mangroves in the
Territory. It is estimated that 71% of the salt ponds have White mangroves, 45% have Black
mangroves and 80% have Buttonwood (Stengel, 1998). Their close association with mangroves
allows them to support a variety of wildlife and it also makes them the premium habitat for
resident and migratory birds in the islands (Division of Fish and Wildlife, 2005). Salt ponds and
salt flats also prevent marine sedimentation by trapping runoff and pollutants that flow down
the steep terrain toward the ocean (Rennis, 2006). This process protects coral reef or seagrass
beds that may be located in the shallow waters nearby. Salt ponds also help to alleviate coastal
flooding from storm surge by acting as a catchment system for oncoming waves (Department of
Fish and Wildlife, 2005).
Salt ponds have significant cultural value in the Territory. Historically, salt ponds were
important for local and recreational fishing, and people would visit salt ponds to collect
mangrove roots and branches to design fish traps (Platenberg & Valiulis, 2018). Salt harvesting
was also a common practice in the hypersaline ponds in the Territory, and when conditions
allow, still occurs at Salt Pond in St. John (Platenberg, 2006).
Salt ponds were heavily impacted by saltwater intrusion due to storm surge from the 2017
hurricanes. Storm surge, along with strong winds and heavy rain, introduced pollutants and
debris into these ponds and severely damaged their associated mangroves (Platenberg &
Valiulis, 2018). Additionally, the berm of Great Pond on St. Croix was breached by the storms,
linking it to the ocean for a number of months, potentially changing the hydrology and ecology
of the pond (subject matter experts pers. comm., 2021). It is difficult to assess the current
quality of salt ponds in the territory (last complete inventory was Stengel in 1998) but issues
with sedimentation, encroachment, and rising sea levels have likely lead to a decline in their
water quality and sediment retention capabilities (Rennis et al., 2006; Platenberg & Valiulis,
2018; subject matter experts pers. comm. 2021).
Freshwater Ponds
Due to the steep topography and shallow soils of the USVI, many of the freshwater ponds that
currently exist are manmade. Most of the ponds exist on the relatively flat island of St. Croix
(which has about 130 ponds), many of them being impoundments (Conservation Data Center,
2010; Platenberg and Valiulis, 2018). Many of the ponds in the Territory were created for
agricultural purposes historically by forming dams and impoundments, and currently some
farms have ponds as their predominant source of water e.g. Bordeaux Pond on St. Thomas
(Department of Planning and Resources, 2010).
Unlike salt ponds, freshwater ponds in the Territory are not generally found near vegetation,
but some ponds do have algae, macrophytes and non-native plants (UVI & VIMAS, 2009). Two
exotic species of fish, Guppy (Poecilia reticulata) and Tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) are
commonly found in many of the freshwater ponds in the Territory (Platenberg & Valiulis, 2018).
Many indigenous and migratory waterbirds, such as the Least Grebe (Tachybaptus dominicus),
the Blue- Winged Teal (Spatula discors), the White-Cheeked Pintail (Anas bahamensis) and the
Green Heron (Butorides virescens) use freshwater ponds as habitats, and some native (five bat
species) and non-native mammals (deer, mongoose) use the ponds as source of freshwater
(Platenberg & Valiulis, 2018).
Freshwater ponds in the Territory are mostly used in agriculture for irrigation and as water
source for livestock (Platenberg, 2006). A farmer living in Bordeaux, a relatively isolated
community in St. Thomas, mentioned that farmers in that area rely on a freshwater pond to
irrigate their farms (ResilientVI, 2021). Man- made ponds capture agricultural runoff and
sediment and prevent it from entering marine systems (Division of Environmental Protection,
Many of the freshwater ponds in the territory are improperly maintained are home to invasive
species such as the Water Hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes), the Cane toad (Rhinella marina) and
the Red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta) (Platenberg & Valiulis, 2018). Some ponds with
agricultural uses are cleared by the farmers that use them for water, but there is no policy that
dictates this for all ponds (Platenberg & Valiulis, 2018). Freshwater water ponds were also
subject to sedimentation and an influx of stormwater, pollutants, and various forms of debris
from the 2017 hurricanes (Platenberg & Valiulis, 2018).
The U.S. Caribbean region (Puerto Rico and the USVI) is expected to become drier and have
longer periods between significant precipitation events (Gould et al., 2018). Within the last
year, U.S. Drought Monitor data has shown extended periods of abnormally dry weather
occurring in each of the three islands, especially in St. Croix (National Drought Mitigation
Center, 2021). Drier climatic conditions and poor management may lead to a reduction in the
water levels of many of these freshwater ponds, thereby reducing their ecological and
agricultural functionality.
Figure 10. Extent of wetland areas in the U.S. Virgin Islands including mangroves, salt ponds, salt flats,
and freshwater ponds. Data from: Caribbean Green Technology Center.
2.2.4 Forests
Forests in the United States Virgin Islands (USVI) are typically defined as areas of land not slated
for agricultural use spanning at least 0.5 hectares, with trees five (5) meters or higher, and over
10% canopy cover in situ (Brandeis & Chakroff, 2010). There are an estimated 118 live species
of trees in the USVI; with the non-native species Tan Tan (Leucaena leucephala) having the
highest biomass of all trees (Marcano-Vega & Williamson, 2017). Land use and topography
have had a distinct effect on the forest cover of each island (Figure 11). About two thirds (2/3)
of St. John is a part of the Virgin Islands National Park (VINP), allowing the island to remain 81%
forested (Marcano-Vega & Williamson, 2017). St. Croix, a more industrial and agricultural
island, is 56% forested, with most of these forests being centered on the northwestern end of
island while St. Thomas- the most densely populated island- is about 44% forested (Brandeis &
Turner, 2013; Marcano-Vega & Williamson, 2017).
The forests in the Territory are mostly comprised of subtropical dry forests found at lower
elevations and subtropical moist forests found at higher elevations, but some overlap between
forest types is common. Subtropical dry forests in the USVI are typically comprised of semi
deciduous dry forest, dry woodland. Native tree species such as Lignum Vitae (Guaiacum
officinale), Turpentine Tree (Bursera simaruba), Torch Wood (Amyris elemifera) and Jamaican
Caper (Capparis cynophallophora) are commonly found in the subtropical dry forest system
(Platenberg & Valiulis, 2018; Brandeis & Chakroff, 2010). Broad-leaved, evergreen trees, upland
moist forest, gallery moist forests (near ghuts), and basin moist forests are all associated with
subtropical moist forest systems on the island. Common trees found in this forest type are Dog
Almond (Andira inermis), Black Mampoo (Guapira fragans), Dog Plum (Spondias mombin), Gre
Gre (Bucida buceras), Sandbox Tree (Hura crepitans), Kapok Tree (Ceiba petandra), Cigar Box
Cedar (Cedrela odarata), Bayrum Tree (Pimenta racemosa), Royal Palm (Roystonea
borinquena), Stinking Toe (Hymanaea courbaril, Pumpwood (Cecropia schreberianaI), and Pink
Poui/White Cedar (Tabeuia heterophylla) (Brandeis & Chakroff, 2010; Platenberg & Valiulis,
Forests provide many important ecosystem services in the Territory and are a critical habitat for
many of the terrestrial animal species (birds, bats, frogs, lizards, snakes, insects, other
invertebrates) that persist in the islands (Platenberg & Valiulis, 2018). McGinley et al. (2017)
stated that up to 16 terrestrial mammal species, 99 bird species, and 8 amphibian species were
associated with forest habitats in the USVI and that as many as 1,769 insect species were
documented living on the islands. Additionally, 22 animal and 13 plant species native to the
Territory are on the IUCN’s Red List (IUCN, 2015). Forests also help to sequester carbon in their
biomass (stems, leaves, etc.) which is critically important in mitigating the effects of global
warming and climate change. In 2014, it was estimated that for trees whose stems were at least
an inch in diameter, live tree carbon was 12.1 tons per acre in dry forests and 15.4 tons per acre
in moist forests, with a total of 611,622 tons overall in USVI forests (Marcano-Vega &
Williamson, 2017). Another estimate from 2009 stated above ground living tree biomass was
609,000 tons, and below ground was 737,000 tons (McGinley et al., 2017).
The topography in the USVI (many hills, little flat land) makes forests incredibly important in
erosion control and in the prevention of sediment runoff. Forests help to control water flow in
their watersheds and filter sediment from runoff (Platenberg & Valiulis, 2018; McGinley et al.,
2017; Benoit & Nemeth, 2011). Many of the forest areas in the Territory also overlap with and
are cut through by urban development, and fragmented forests in these areas provide shade,
reduce noise pollution, absorb radiating heat from roads and sidewalks, and potentially trap
some of the CO
produced by vehicles (Platenberg & Valiulis, 2018). Slatton et al. (2012) stated
that there were 9,929 trees near roads in St. Croix, and urban forests constitute 30.5% of the
forests in St. Thomas and 17% in St. Croix (Allerton & Van Bloem, 2018). Some species of trees
in these forests such as mahogany (Swietenia spp.) and Tibet (Albizia lebbeck) were used for
craft and building material in the 1990’s, producing up to 189,000 board feet per year. Non-
wood products, such as fruits and medicinal plants, are still commonly produced by these
forests today (McGinley et al., 2017). Some examples of medicinal plants that may be found in
or adjacent to local forests are worrywine (Stachytarpheta jamaicensis) and inflammation bush
(Verbesina alata) (Palada et al., 2003; UVI Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine,
Many of the forests in these USVI are intrinsically valuable to the Territory’s residents for their
overall wellbeing. These forests have significant cultural and spiritual value, whether via
aesthetics (lush, green views) and recreation (nature walks, hiking, forest trails). Hiking also
becomes an economic driver via ecotourism, where many tourists enjoy walking on these trails
during their visits. Magens Bay, a popular tourist beach on St. Thomas, has a nature trail and an
arboretum (which closed after the 2017 storms) where residents and tourists were able to use
for relaxation or to view various flora and fauna (Platenberg & Valiulis, 2018).
Forests in the USVI were significantly damaged by the 2017 hurricanes, and many trees were
left with little to no leaves, broken branches, and stems, or uprooted altogether (Platenberg &
Valiulis, 2018). Prior to this, many of the forests in the Territory were already plagued by a
variety of other issues. Brandeis and Turner (2009) stated that 85% of the forests are
dominated by many small diameter trees (2.5cm at the stem at 1.4m high). Many trees also
suffered from minor stem decay (54%) and defoliation was a significant issue in seedlings
(Marcano-Vega & Williamson, 2017). Other notable challenges for USVI forests ranged from
natural hazards (fire, drought, hurricanes/storms, flooding, climate change), animal damage
(white tailed deer, wild hogs, Indian mongoose, goats, rats), anthropogenic stressors
(urbanization and forest fragmentation) and invasive plant species (Allerton & Van Bloem,
2018). Significant decreases in forest cover (down 20% from 1985 to 2018 via GIS Data)
combined with the anthropogenic stressors (development and invasives like tan tan) have
decreased the extent and quality of local forests, and by extension, some of the services they
Figure 11. Extent of forested areas in relation to development in the U.S. Virgin Islands. Data from:
Caribbean Green Technology Center.
2.2.5 Coral Reefs
Coral reefs are underwater structures formed by a community of coral polyps, which form hard
skeletons of calcium carbonate on a hard, solid substrate. Coral polyps are living organisms, and
they can form a variety of complex structures. Coral reefs are found in the waters of the USVI
since they meet the conditions that coral needs to persist (water is 20-32, clear, clean, and
stable). The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) estimated that existing
coral reef hardbottom only in the USVI was 299.014 km
. If associated vegetation (algae and
seagrass) is included in the coral reef ecosystem, the extent is estimated to be 463.841 km
(NOAA, 2009). There are at least 40 different species of coral living in the Territory (Pittman et
al., 2014), mostly comprised of scleractinian corals (hard or stony species) and Millepora
species. (Rogers et al., 2008).
There are several different reef structures that can be found in the USVI. Fringing reefs are
generally near the shore and are linear. Patch reefs are small and isolated reefs typically
separated from more complex reef structures by sand, seagrass, and other seafloor elements.
Spur and groove reefs are parallel ridges of reefs (spurs) separated by channels (grooves).
Further offshore reef structures are barrier (lagoon separates reef from the shoreline), shelf
reefs (form platform reefs that rise to the water’s surface), submerged shelf reefs, and
mesophotic reefs. Mesophotic reefs are found in waters generally 30-100m deep and account
for a large portion of the reefs in the Territory (Platenberg & Valiulis, 2018). Mesophotic reefs
) in the USVI are thought to be the most well developed mesophotic reef ecosystems in
the Caribbean (Ennis et al., 2019), and account for more than double the total area of shallow
reef ecosystems (71km
) in the Territory (Holstein et al., 2019; Smith et al., 2019).
Coral reef ecosystems support some of the highest biodiversity found in the USVI. Besides a
variety of coral species, many different species of fish, algae, seagrass, marine invertebrates,
and other marine organisms can be found living in and around reef systems (Platenberg &
Valiulis, 2018). In 2019, the Territorial Coral Reef Monitoring Program (TCRMP) recorded 148
species of fish at their monitoring sites in St. Thomas and St. John, and 128 species at the sites
in St. Croix (Ennis et al., 2019). Due to their high biodiversity, many commercial and local
fishermen have used waters near coral reefs as their favorite fishing spots. These reefs support
a variety of economically important species such as conch, whelk, spiny lobster, snapper, and
grouper (Ennis et al., 2019). Fishermen involved in coral fisheries produced about $6.6 million in
2007 dollars, which was $8 million in 2015 dollars (Pendleton et al., 2016).
Coral reefs are a significant part of the USVI’s tourism driven economy. In 2016, over 2.5 million
people visited the USVI and tourism-related expenditures were more than $1.3 billion (Bureau
of Economic Research, 2018). Coral reef ecosystems provide many recreational opportunities
for tourists who visit the islands, such as snorkeling, diving, and ocean tours. Sports fishing and
charter boats are also common in Territorial waters (Ennis et al., 2019). Edwards (2013)
estimated that coral reefs provided a total value of $210 million in 2012 dollars, through
tourism, recreation, cultural value, amenities, coastal protection, and commercial fishing.
Economic value from snorkeling and diving alone was estimated to be $12.8 million annually
(Van Beukering et al., 2011).
The physical structures of coral reefs perform very essential functions as well. Coral reefs
reduce oncoming wave energy which aids in preventing coastal erosion and reduces the effects
of storm surge and elevated wave action (Taylor et al., 2009). Coastal protection from reefs in
the Territory was estimated to be $1.2 million annually (Van Zaten et al., 2014). Storlazzi et al.
(2019) stated that by reducing the impacts of wave action, coral reefs directly protect people,
buildings and economic activity in the Territory. They estimated that reefs directly protected
$22 million in buildings, 340 people, and $25.3 million in economic activity (Storlazzi et al.,
Coral reefs in the Territory, like most in the Caribbean region, have experienced a significant
number of die-offs and stressors in the last few decades. NOAA’s 2020 status report for corals
in the USVI declared that they are in “fair condition” since they are in moderate decline and
there is human awareness and beneficial intervention to improve their overall condition
(NOAA, 2020). However, coral cover is still not near the level it was just two decades prior.
Many of the corals in the Territory were significantly reduced by the 2005 coral bleaching event
and were further stressed by bleaching events in 2010, 2012, and 2019 (Ennis et al., 2019).
Bleached and damaged corals have been competing with macroalgae for substrate, with
species such as the invasive Ramicrusta outcompeting and effectively killing coral on some reefs
(Ennis et al., 2019). Coral reefs were also significantly damaged by the 2017 hurricanes, and
complex and unique coral systems such as the mangrove/coral system at Hurricane Hole, St.
John, were lost (Rogers, 2019). The Territory’s corals are also under the threat of disease, and
more recently (2019), Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease has been documented at many of the
coral monitoring sites around the island of St. Thomas (Ennis et al., 2019) and is continuing to
spread to St. John, St. Croix, and outlying cays (Brandt, 2021). Other factors that affect USVI
coral reefs are mostly anthropogenic and are related to overfishing, influx of people via
tourism, pollution, invasive species (e.g. lionfish) and global climate change (Jackson et al.,
2014). Overall, the combination of stressors continues to keep both shallow and mesophotic
reefs under threat (Smith et al., 2016; Ennis et al., 2019). Although some success stories exist
(Ennis et al., 2019) it is likely that the ecological services that coral reefs provide will decrease if
impacts of ocean warming, storms, disease, and preventable anthropogenic stressors continue
to contribute to future coral die-offs and overall coral decline (Platenberg & Valiulis, 2018).
Figure 12. Coral cover in the USVI. Data from The Nature Conservancy (2017). For further details on the
complex array of mesophotic reefs that exist along the Puerto Rican Shelf, see Smith et al. 2019.
2.2.6 Farmland
USVI farmland is defined as “any agricultural operation where $500 dollars or more of
agricultural products were produced and sold (or would normally be sold) in a 12-month
period” (USDA, 2018). The USDA’s 2018 census of agricultural activity in the Territory stated
there were 565 active farms (up from 219 in 2007) totaling 9,324 acres (37.7km
) of land (16.5
per farm) (Figure 13). Out of those farms, 415 were designated for crops (400
were harvested), 224 had pasture or grazing land, 53 had woodland, and 333 had land
designated for other use. Many farms use private irrigation systems (247 farms) supplied
mainly by cisterns and wells, but some also use ponds and other public water sources (USDA,
Most farms in the USVI produce three (3) main types of crops: field/forage, vegetables, and
fruits (USDA, 2018). Common field crops include cassava, dry corn, hay nut, sugarcane, sweet
potatoes, taniers and yams. The vegetable crops produced include cabbage, carrots, celery,
cucumbers, eggplant, green beans, lettuce, okra, onions/chives/scallions, peppers, spinach,
squash, tomatoes/cherry tomatoes, sorrel, and herbs. Fruit crops are avocados, bananas,
breadfruit, coconuts, grapefruit, lemons, limes, mangoes, oranges, papayas, pineapples,
plantains, nuts and ornamental plants. Many farms also produce a variety of livestock such as
cattle (cows, calves, and bulls), sheep and lamb, goats, pigs/hogs, and poultry (chicken, turkey,
ducks, geese) (USDA, 2018).
Farms in the USVI directly support the USVI economy. The USDA stated that farms in the in
Territory produced $3.33 million in 2018, more than double than $1.3 million produced in 2007
(USDA, 2018). Despite recent increases in agriculture, the USVI still relies heavily on imports for
its food supply. It is estimated that the USVI imports at least 95% of its raw and processed food
(Laurencin, 2017), and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) stated that fresh fruits and
vegetables account for $4.4 million of the $110.3 million the Territory currently spend on food
product imports (OMB, 2020).
Local agriculture is also important to the Territory in other ways besides food production.
Agriculture as a practice is a significant part of local culture and identity. Farming in some
families on St. Croix is held in high regard and is a generational practice (Laurencin, 2017). It
also allows some farmers to feel closer with their ancestors who farmed before them
(Laurencin, 2017). On a larger scale, agriculture can have some tourism- related activities in the
USVI to a limited extent. Many tourists tend to purchase produce locally grown and sold by
small vendors that may not even identify as farmers (Laurencin, 2017). Local restaurants prefer
to buy local produce to use in the dishes they sell and would prefer if they were more readily
available (Crossman et al., 2008). St. Croix’s annual “Taste of St. Croix” event invites famous
U.S. chefs to use local produce to create their most notable dishes (Laurencin, 2017). Proper
management practices of farms in the Territory can maintain soil quality, prevent soil erosion,
and inhibit weed growth via cover cropping (Weiss et al., 2017).
Farming in the Territory is hindered by a variety of factors. The USVI has moved away from its
reliance on agriculture as its major economic driver since the 1960’s (McElroy & Alburquerque,
1984) and transition to a tourism and service-based economy left has local agriculture with
little governmental investment. Farming on small islands is always very limited by lack of
available land, and the steep topography of the islands (mainly St. John and St. Thomas)
significantly limits the availability of farmable land (Pluke, 2008). Furthermore, arable land in
the USVI is typically encroached upon by other land use practices such as the erection of
buildings and impervious surfaces (Chakroff, 2010). As a result, over 70% (407/565) of the
existing farms in the territory are less than 9 acres, and many are less than 3 acres (268). Many
of the farmers also have not adopted more modern farming techniques and tools in part due to
the age of the farming populace (average farmer age is 61) and lack of revenue (USDA, 2018).
Less than half the farms in the Territory (244/565) have implemented computerized systems to
help manage their business (USDA, 2018). Other limitations farmers in the Territory experience
range from relatively high labor costs, low profitability of produce, water availability, and lack of
farming resources (Pluke, 2008). Unfortunately, farming as a practice has generally been
forgotten by the majority USVI residents, and urban development in areas designated as prime
farmland has increased by over 400% from 1985-2018, reducing the amount of available farm-
able land (Figure 13; Laurencin, 2017; USDA, 2018).
Figure 13. Areas of pre-existing USVI prime farmland in 1985 (top), compared to 2018 (bottom). Red
areas designate low, medium, and high-density urban development. Yellow areas are undeveloped
prime farmland (prime farmland is determined by USDA soil surveys). Data from USDA Natural
Resources Conservation Service and Caribbean Green Technology Center (2021).
2.3 Community workshops
2.3.1 Wellbeing outcome rankings
Participants in each island workshop were asked to “Rank the human wellbeing outcomes that
you think decision-makers should prioritize for your island community.” The options they were
presented with are some of the human wellbeing outcomes often associated with community
resilience and hazard mitigation activities such as restoration (Table 2). Across all three
workshops, the highest rank was unanimous: Human health. In fact, the rankings were almost
the same for each workshop (Table 9). Cultural and heritage values and property protection
also received high rankings. At the bottom of the ranked list was Property value. In terms of
resilience outcomes of management actions (e.g. habitat restoration), the “property value”
outcome refers to increases in property value that can be linked to an individual household’s
economic resilience, and at a larger scale increases in a community’s property values (which
can lead to a larger tax base). Property value can be linked to economic resilience at the
community level. Group discussion at the St. Thomas workshop revealed some possible
explanation for why property value might not be as important in terms of managing ecosystems
for improved resilience. One participant explained that in the islands, most people rent their
homes or can’t afford to own, so management decisions that might affect the value of a home
that they are not financially or legally responsible for may not concern them as much as
management decisions that affect their health, which is essential to resilience; a healthy
community is better able to respond to and cope with external shocks.
Table 9. Participants responses to “Rank the human wellbeing outcomes that you think decision-makers
should prioritize for your island community.” *Note that “Culture and heritage values” was
unintentionally left out of the choices for the St. John workshop. The error was pointed out to
participants, who discussed that they would have ranked it highly, had it been on the list of options.
St. Thomas
St. John
St. Croix
Human health
Human health
Human health
Cultural and heritage values
Property protection
Cultural and heritage values
Property protection
Economic activity
Property protection
Social disruption
Social disruption
Economic activity
Costs & expenditures
Costs & expenditures
Social disruption
Economic activity
Costs & expenditures
Property value
Property value
*see note in caption
Property value
2.3.2 Habitat selections
Participants in each island workshop were asked the open-ended question, “What habitat do
you value as most important for hazard mitigation and resilience?” While they had been
presented with information specific to ghuts, wetlands, forests, farms, and coral reefs, they
were encouraged to list any USVI habitats that they felt were most valuable. All feedback was
coded and summarized in Figure 14.
Forests/terrestrial vegetation, mangroves, and coral reefs emerged as the top three choices
across all of the workshops. Ghuts were also important to all participants across the three
workshops, although participants in the St. John workshop placed coastlines/shorelines slightly
above ghuts, and in St. Croix, mangroves received slightly more votes than ghuts. Even though
mangroves are technically included in the “wetlands” category and participants could have
selected “wetlands” to include all types of wetland habitats in their choice mangroves
emerged as important enough to mention as a habitat to focus on separately from the rest of
the wetland types. Spatially, mangroves only occupy a very small proportion of land when
compared to other habitats and land uses, but the services they provide are significant in terms
of hazard mitigation and resilience. The whole watershed was mentioned as important to St.
John and St. Croix participants. In all three workshops, discussion ensued about how difficult it
was to choose because the interactions within the whole system were important. Additionally,
some participants did not respond with habitats, but mentioned types of species (e.g. sea
turtles), land use (e.g. historical properties, conservation areas), and actions (e.g. erosion
control, soil protection) as important.
2.3.3 Hazard mitigation activity selections
Participants in each workshop were asked the multiple-choice question, “If you had to pick one,
which type of mitigation activity do you feel would benefit your island community the most?”
(Figure 15). Native forest and plant/vegetation restoration emerged as the top choice across all
three workshops, but especially in St. Croix. Drought management came in second place as
most important in St. Thomas and St. Croix, but not for St. John participants, which could be
explained by the fact that most of farming activity (which is significantly impacted by drought)
takes place in St. Thomas and St. Croix. St. John workshop participants had slightly more
interest in wetland restoration. Interest in coral reef restoration was lowest in all three islands.
Figure 14. Responses from all participants across three island workshops to the open-ended question,
“What habitat do you value as most important for hazard mitigation and resilience?” are along the Y
axis. The X axis represents total combined number of responses across all three islands. Numbers in
colored bars represent total responses per individual island for that habitat.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Forest, terrestrial…
Seagrass beds
Sea turtles
Conservation areas
Erosion control
Soil protection
Historical properties
What habitat do you value as most important for hazard mitigation
and resilience?
St. Thomas St. John St. Croix
Figure 15. Total responses from all participants across three islands, separated by island workshop, to
the multiple-choice question, “If you had to pick one, which type of mitigation activity do you feel would
benefit your island community the most?” The X axis represents total combined number of responses
across all three islands. Numbers in colored bars represent individual responses per island.
0 5 10 15 20 25
Wetland restoration
Native forest/plant restoration
Coral reef restoration
Drought management techniques
If you had to pick one, which type of mitigation activity do you
feel would benefit your island community the most?
St. Thomas St. John St. Croix
2.3.4 Community engagement discussion results
Following the ratings exercise, participants in each island workshop were asked to discuss
obstacles affecting community engagement with ecosystem management decisions (Table 10)
and to share ideas for how people can get more involved (Table 11). In general, responses were
similar to the feedback collected from subject matter experts. Major obstacles mentioned
included poor communication, lack or education or awareness, and a general disconnect from
environmental issues and decisions. Policy, lack of government enforcement, and power
structures/sense of powerlessness were also mentioned as obstacles. As for how to get the
community more involved, ideas included getting involved with local organizations or working
groups, attending public hearings, and traveling/going to communities (“meet where we live
and play”) to listen and learn from them directly.
Additionally, to encourage discussion about solutions and how to build on success, participants
were asked to share any success stories concerning local ecosystems and where community
engagement resulted in positive change. In St. Thomas workshop, the St. Thomas East End
Reserve was pointed out as a successful collaborative effort between citizens, academia, and
local and federal government. In St. John, one participant mentioned that the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service and local partners are removing invasive plants starting a propagation program
for endangered species. In St. Croix, the coral restoration effort led by The Nature Conservancy
and other partners was mentioned as an example of positive change. The full list of examples is
available in Table 12.
Table 10. Responses divided by island workshop to the discussion question, What obstacles keep individuals or
communities from being involved in decisions that affect ecosystems? Answer with three words or phrases.”
St. Thomas
St. John
St. Croix
hardship; awareness; positivity
poor telecommunications; cultural
differences; diverse values
awareness avenues opportunities
poorly organized; distribution
Lack of knowledge
poor communication; lack of
awareness; sense of
availability; access; isolation
unaware lack of information
power structures
lack of knowledge; lack of connection
Lack of notice; Not understanding
time; discrimination; knowledge
lack of information; poverty; despair
Local Government enforcement of
laws; Poor communication
Lack of education; Collaborative
environment; Mutual respect
Silos; Resistance; Financial Interests
Governance Awareness Money
Toxic runoff; Shareholder profit;
Never asked; Education; Economic
Values void of Nature; No value
for Nat Resources; Lack Education
awareness; finances; apathy
apathy or frustration; uneducated in
environment; selfishness
Government; Big Investors Dollars
Access or inclusion; Funding to
lead projects
disenfranchisement education
political decisions
Time; Education; Policy
Lack of information; Failure to speak
lack of knowledge; lack of
transparency; awareness
Persistence Awareness
Lack of Knowledge; Concerns
more pressing; lack of gvt
disinterest; small worldview timescale
outreach; situational awareness
lack of knowledge; lack of interest
No respect for nature; Teacher
Education; Public education
Lack of awareness; Political
lack of engagement; cultural
obstacles; racial economic
political apathy; voicelessness;
diverse expectations
no power to effect change
Education; Lack of Public Outreach;
Lack of Interest
Lack of engagement by gov; Perceived
powerlessness; Again gov doesn't
Uphill battle; lack of knowledge;
awareness; hard to work in groups
Table 11. Responses divided by island workshop to the discussion question, “How can people get more involved in
decisions concerning the USVI ecosystem and their wellbeing? Answer with three words or phrases.” (Responses
not corrected for spelling/grammar.)
St. Thomas
St. John
St. Croix
invite them; education; more
band together; speak out; do it
community engagement; place-
based conversations; meet where
we live play
include in cultural event
Better networking; Government
transparency; Government
More public forums; multi-medium
platforms; Increased Collaboration
more access opportunities; more
outreach; demonstrate successes
go to them; listen to them;
connect them to wellbeing
Time; Outreach
Join Community Groups; Talk with
Read local news; Engage w
nonprofits; Vote
pay attention; join enviro
organization; network
vote; speak up; ask questions
Value Nature; Get Involved; Be
Collaborative workshops;
Community interaction; Community
Champion sector
Get connected; Read newspaper or
social; Listen to the radio
Work with NGOs; Go to town
halls and mtgs; Self-educate
Challenge VI Govt; Teacher
Education; Parent Education
Adopt a small plot; Call your
senators; Press groups to cooperate
word of mouth
pay attention
Follow relevant outlets; Attend
public meetings; Leverage advocacy
trust that voice is heard; public
forums; collaboration by orgs
go to them; listen to them; talk to
Speak Up; Stay with the process;
Explain the benefits; Your
involvement important; Sell quality
of life
attend public hearing; listen open
minded; react to everything
join influential boards; join non-
outreach at public fairs; outreach in
shopping area
Join an environmental org Advocate
with legislators Network with
relevant off
Connection to the Land; Teacher
Education; Parent Education
find like-minded; make concerns
early education
publicize what going on
grass roots efforts; school
curriculum; community influencers
Table 12. Participant responses to the open-ended discussion question, “Are there any success stories
concerning local ecosystems, where community engagement resulted in positive change? (Responses
not corrected for spelling/grammar.)
St. Thomas
St. John
St. Croix
Cas Cay
mangrove clean ups in Coral Bay
Get Trashed clean ups around the island
SEA purchase of Southgate!
Cleaning up of mangroves
Salt Pond, Salt River
Awareness of Coral ecosystems by
Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease
Montessori has done a lot of work with
beach cleanups. It's mostly gauged towards
the school students, but it can certainly be
replicated elsewhere.
The establishment of Smith Bay Park
on St. Thomas
development of a management
plan for Cas Cay involved students
and the community and VIG in
Yes, CBCC as an NGO has become a
watershed mgt agency and has engaged in
a number of projects that have worked.
more needs to be done, as always -
particularly to recover from hurricane
decision NOT to build an aerospace
facility at Great Pond east (now
EEMP office)
In the 60's the north side stopped
condos from being built on Hull
Blocking Summers End
Tulipan Park in Estate Welcome
Stony coral tissue loss disease
distribution of water filters for cistern use
after Hurricane Irma
Volunteers help plant endangered
Agave eggersiana at Sandy Point
NWR, Southgate Coastal Reserve,
and onto private properties on STX.
St Croix Enviro Assoc purchase of
land for conservation easement at
Chenay Bay, STX
huge amount of volunteer work, and
supported by donations from generous
people to remove debris from ecosystems
Coastal Clean Ups!
stopping hotel development near
private (at the time) portion of
Magens Bay
USFWS is partnering with the Friends of the
VIIS to remove invasive plants and to start
a propagation program for listed species on
Mangrove planting in Salt River
Mandahl bay development
Huge amount of volunteer work to remove
debris - and donations of dollars too
Coral restoration at TNC
Volunteers planting trees to
enhance the habitat of Buck Island
Cay NM. St. Croix Environmental
worked with Cub Scouts and local
volunteers to plant over 100
endangered Agave eggersiana at
Newspaper online & print, word of mouth
The establishment of drinking water
vending machines, which
encourages plastic bottle recycling
mangrove cleanups
Outreach/fundraising to targeted
local neighborhood allowed our org
to cover the cost for us to take
ownership of forest and ephemeral
pond property to ensure long term
3. Discussion
In general, a trade-off involves losing one quality or quantity of something in return for gaining
another quality or quantity. In terms of ecosystem services, trade-offs occur when management
decisions are made that directly or indirectly affect the potential provision of an ecosystem
service. For example, a decision is made to restore mangroves in a particular bay to help reduce
storm-caused erosion, but that would mean displacing some sea grass which provides soil
stabilization, among other things. Another important point is that ecosystems and ecosystem
services can be highly interdependent in space and time.
Trade-offs of ecosystem services can be categorized along three axes: spatial scale, temporal
scale, and reversibility. “Spatial scale” refers to whether the effects of the trade-off are local or
distant. “Temporal scale” refers to whether the effects of the trade-off happen quickly or over a
longer period. “Reversibility” refers to whether the ecosystem service will return to its original
state (Rodriguez et al., 2006; Howe et al., 2014). For example, overharvesting of fish today, in
their spawning aggregation area, can impact catch elsewhere in the region (spatial) as well as
future catch and recreational opportunities (temporal), and intense overharvesting could
jeopardize the ability of the stock to rebound (reversibility), putting at risk connected ecosystem
On the other hand, a synergy amongst ecosystem services exists when the enhancement (or
degradation) of one ecosystem service directly increases (or decreases) the provision of another
service. For example, the protection of coral reef areas for recreational (non-extractive)
purposes positively impacts fish abundance, which increases algal grazing and thus protects the
coral (Bennett et al., 2009). There can also be a decrease in multiple services when synergies
are present. For example, property owners might decide to remove trees and clear vegetation
for building on an island hillside. This activity will impact downstream water quality because the
roots of trees and vegetation keep sediment in place, and without that forest, the sediment
flows down the hillside and into the bay. Therefore, recreation (e.g. hiking, bird watching)
previously associated with that forested area will be impacted, as well as in the downstream
area, such as beaches, bays, and reefs where swimming, fishing, or tourism activities take place.
Management for or enhancement of ecosystem services for resilience involves managing
the habitats (systems) that services are supplied from and the demand and expectations
that people have for these services. Critical to making resource allocation decisions for the
restoration or protection of habitats that provide services and enhance resilience is
understanding what communities want or need, and from a resource management perspective,
what is feasible to achieve within a given time frame and budget. At that point trade-offs
between services may occur or synergies may develop. The Relative Ratings polling that was
conducted to elicit workshop participants’ professional opinion on what wellbeing outcomes
should be prioritized provides important information on what services and by extension what
habitat(s) should be enhanced or protected.
Specifically, across all island workshops, participants unanimously selected human health as the
wellbeing outcome that decision-makers should prioritize (Table 9). Although this workshop
series was an exercise and does not represent the perspectives of the whole USVI population, it
is safe to say that human health could be a value shared across the entire Territory when it
comes to planning for a more resilient future. As discussed previously, community members’
health and associated capabilities are essential to resilience; a healthy community is better able
to respond to and cope with external shocks (Table 2). Of course, “human health” can mean
different things to different people, as it encompasses the many physical, mental, emotional,
psychological, and spiritual aspects of living in the USVI. People gain or access health benefits
from their natural environment in different ways (e.g. swimming, wading, trail walking,
meditating, socializing, source for nutrition). Despite the diversity of health-related outcomes
and approaches to those outcomes, decision-makers can intentionally target human health
outcomes as a starting point.
With this target in mind, it follows that decision-makers can then identify which habitats and
mitigation activities are known to be linked to or result in the desired wellbeing outcomes (in
this case, human health; Table 9). There are science-based tools that can help decision-makers
do that (e.g. GEMS tool) but importantly, those decision-makers should use the local
community’s feedback to identify the habitats and mitigation activities that are important to
them. For example, across all the island workshops, participants selected forests, mangroves,
and coral reefs as habitats that they value the most in terms of providing ecosystem services.
Native forest restoration was the most preferred type of hazard mitigation activity. However,
coral reef restoration was rated low for preferred mitigation activities even though coral was
rated highly on the habitat poll. So, in consideration of their community’s interests, should
decision-makers focus on forest restoration or coral restoration? What about mangrove
restoration, since communities rated mangroves highly, too? This is where tradeoffs and
synergies must be considered alongside best available science.
As discussed previously in Section 2.2 (Ridge to reef profiles), it is likely that the ecological
services that coral reefs provide will decrease if ocean warming, storms, disease, and
anthropogenic stressors continue to contribute to future coral die-offs and overall coral decline
(Platenberg & Valiulis, 2018; Ennis et al., 2019). Also, significant decreases in forest cover
combined with the anthropogenic stressors (urban development and invasives species) have
decreased the extent and quality of local forests, and by extension, some of the services they
provide. Decision-makers could choose to focus hazard mitigation efforts on forests, knowing
that by doing so, the positive effects of restoring native plants and forests will not only benefit
the forests, but will also benefit downstream mangroves and coral reefs (e.g. reduces erosion,
sedimentation, and pollution). Forests, mangroves, and coral reefs were all highly valued by
workshop participants, so choosing and investing in hazard mitigation activities that will likely
benefit multiple habitats and outcomes that are important to many people (e.g. human health)
increases community engagement and support.
One way to synthesize this feedback into a science-based blueprint for resilience planning is to
apply the Ecosystem Services Logic Model (ESLM) framework as discussed previously and as
presented in the local island workshops. While the models were adapted from ongoing efforts
in the Gulf of Mexico, the ESLM framework, the process for creating the models, and the
models themselves can certainly be applied to projects and programs in the USVI. However, to
effectively link ridge to reef ecological changes to human wellbeing outcomes using best
available science, more local socio-ecological systems research is needed in the USVI.
Additionally, the subject matter experts consulted in this project suggested many ideas about
ecological indicators that can and should be used for resilience monitoring (Table 7). In
gathering data layers and discussing the health and function of the USVI ridge to reef
ecosystem with local experts for this project, it became clear that consistent, well-planned long-
term monitoring of paired terrestrial and marine ecosystems is necessary to gain a clear picture
of how the whole ridge to reef ecosystem changes over time. While the Territorial Coral Reef
Monitoring Program continues to deliver consistent and useful data for management decisions,
coral reefs are just one component of the larger ridge to reef ecosystem. There is no equivalent
in the Territory for terrestrial monitoring and assessment. However, there are many examples
of local experts and resource managers that have been working to identify issues and develop
solutions on the whole-ecosystem scale, such as the Watershed Management Project.
To comprehensively understand the connections between environmental change and human
wellbeing, human wellbeing should be monitored. Developing a human wellbeing monitoring
protocol that captures physical, mental, economic, and other health metrics in tandem with
natural resource metrics would allow for a more holistic assessment of resilience, consistently
over time. For example, in the Gulf of Mexico, a region that continues to experience issues and
threats like the USVI, a Community Health Observing System (CHOS) is being developed to
assess adverse human health consequences of future disasters like well-established
environmental observing systems (Sandifer et al., 2020). If the ESLM framework is to be
applied, USVI resilience planning leadership will be able to determine which socio-behavioral-
economic indicators to focus on, and which metrics will effectively capture the changes in the
socio-ecological system.
The ESLM framework is just one of several approaches to planning, for example the National
Fish and Wildlife Foundation recently completed a Coastal Resilience Assessment for the USVI,
and created a USVI module for the Coastal Resilience Evaluation and Siting Tool (CREST) that
project managers can use to make informed decisions about the siting of coastal restoration
and resilience projects. Similarly, the BlueValue (Harte Research Institute, 2020) database is a
searchable database of simplified and useful ecosystem valuation information, and the
Economic Decision Guide Software and Online Tool (EDGe$) was designed by the National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to support community-level resilience planning.
Regardless of the planning tools of choice, it is evident through the feedback collected from
both subject matter experts and professional community workshops that island communities
must be engaged as leads (or co-leads with technical experts) from the beginning of project or
program planning and continue as leads throughout the planning, implementation, and
evaluation process. When asked to share local examples of successful community engagement
within the context of environmental decisions and resilience planning, participants were able to
point to some evidence of positive engagement (Table 12). For instance, native
plant/vegetation restoration emerged as a top choice for mitigation activities in all workshops,
and one participant mentioned that Cub Scouts and other volunteers were successful in
planting plant over 100 endangered Agave eggersiana to enhance the habitat of Buck Island in
St. Croix. These types of community events can enhance engagement and community sense of
agency, which was noted as one of the many community engagement issues (Table 10). These
experiences are opportunities for learning what did or did not work for each local case and can
serve as a foundation upon which to build for improved adaptive planning. Planning is a
community- or place-based process that provides a future vision for communities and
translates social values into government policies and programs to protect human and ecological
wellbeing (Daniels & Daniels, 2003). Adaptation planning considers approaches for managing a
changing environment and community conditions (Figure 16; Del Angel, 2021).
Figure 16. The three phases and process stages of adaptation planning. Figure adapted by Del Angel,
(2021) from Moser and Ekstrom (2010).
It is recognized that like many small island jurisdictions, the USVI is limited in capacity and
resources in terms of research, monitoring, and implementation of hazard mitigation activities
and resilience projects and programs. However, there are methods of community capacity
building which draws from positive experiences like those discussed in the workshop (Table 12)
and that could be adapted for the USVI, such as Asset Based Community Development (ABCD).
The ABCD approach mobilizes individuals, local associations, and institutions for capacity-driven
development. It focuses on community assets and strengths rather than problems and needs,
and identifies and mobilizes individual and community assets, skills, and passions. It is
community driven ‘building communities from the inside out’ – and is relationship driven
(Kretzmann & McKnight, 1993).
4. Conclusion
In summary, this ecosystem services assessment is an evaluation of the general condition of the
USVI ridge to reef ecosystem, with particular focus on habitats and land use that contribute to
hazard mitigation and resilience. Importantly, this assessment process, as well as its results,
helped improve understanding of the connections between environmental and human
wellbeing specific to the USVI, factors to consider in decisions surrounding the natural and built
environments, and offered a framework for moving toward a more resilient and sustainable
future. This process has informed the following suggestions for ways in which the Territory can
strengthen the underlying positive factors and enhance the resilience of the VI’s ecosystem
services for the Territory’s benefit:
1. Island communities, or community liaisons, must be engaged as leads or co-leads from
the beginning of hazard mitigation and resilience project or program planning and
continue leading throughout the planning, implementation, and evaluation process.
2. Decision-makers should use the local community’s feedback to identify wellbeing
outcomes that are important to the community, as well as in identifying priority
ecosystem components and mitigation activities.
3. Decision-makers can intentionally target human health outcomes as a starting point in
hazard mitigation and resilience planning.
4. Decision-makers should invest in hazard mitigation activities that will likely benefit
multiple habitats and that influence outcomes important to many people (e.g. human
health). Focusing hazard mitigation efforts on upland habitats (e.g. forests, ghut-
associated forests, native vegetation, farms), will not only benefit upland areas and the
people living there, but will also have cascading benefits to other habitats that provide
ecosystem services crucial to hazard mitigation and resilience (e.g. mangroves and coral
5. Consistent, well-planned long-term monitoring of paired terrestrial and marine
ecosystems is necessary to gain a clear picture of how the whole ridge to reef ecosystem
changes over time.
6. More local socio-ecological systems research is needed to connect ridge to reef
ecosystem changes to human wellbeing outcomes.
7. Developing a human wellbeing monitoring protocol that captures physical, mental,
economic, and other health metrics in tandem with natural resource metrics would
allow for a more holistic assessment of resilience, consistently over time.
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Appendix 1. Ecosystem services organized by Use Value and Non Use Value. (Harte Research Institute, 2020)
Ecosystem Service
Description of service
Supportive Functions and
Ecological structures and functions that are essential to the delivery of ecosystem services
Nutrient processing
The cycling of nutrients, including acquisition and storage, within the
Nitrogen cycle; phosphorus cycle; maintenance of
soil fertility
Primary production
The conversion of sunlight into biomass.
Plant growth
Pollination and seed dispersal
Movement of plant genes.
Insect pollination; seed dispersal by animals
The physical place where organisms reside.
Refugium for resident and migratory species;
spawning and nursery grounds
Hydrological Cycle
Movement and storage of water through the biosphere.
Evapotranspiration; stream runoff; groundwater
Regulating Services
Maintenance of essential ecological processes and life support systems for human wellbeing
Gas sequestration, storage, and
Regulation of the chemical composition of the atmosphere and
Sequestration of carbon dioxide and release of
oxygen; vegetative absorption of volatile organic
Climate processes
Processes related to regulation of climate from a local to global scale.
Direct influence of land cover on temperature,
precipitation, wind, and humidity
Storm surge protection
Dampening or reducing environmental impacts from storm surge.
Marshes and other coastal habitats absorbing
waters from surge
Biological control
Species interactions.
Control of pests and diseases; reduction of
herbivory (crop damage)
Water flow
Flow of water across the planet’s surface.
Modulation of the drought-flood cycle; purification
of water
Soil retention
Erosion control and sediment retention.
Prevention of soil loss by wind and runoff;
avoiding buildup of silt in lakes and wetlands
Pollution abatement
Removal or breakdown of non-nutrient compounds and materials, or
other forms of potentially harmful pollution.
Pollution detoxification; absorption of noise
Provisioning Services
Provisioning of natural resources and raw materials
Freshwater provision
Filtering, retention, and storage of freshwater.
Provision of freshwater for drinking; medium for
transportation; irrigation
Provisioning of edible plants and animals for human consumption.
Hunting and gathering of fish, game, fruits, and
other edible animals and plants; small-scale
subsistence farming and aquaculture
Raw materials
Products harvested from natural resources for human use such as
building, manufacturing, energy, fertilizer.
Lumber, skins, plant fibers, oils and dyes; fuel
wood, organic matter (ex: peat); topsoil,
leaves, litter, excrement
Genetic resources
Genetic resources.
Genes to improve crop resistance to pathogens
and pests and other commercial applications
Medicinal resources
Biological and chemical substances for use in drugs and
Quinine; Pacific yew; Echinacea
Ornamental resources
Resources for fashion, handicraft, jewelry, pets, worship, decoration
and souvenirs.
Feathers used in decorative costumes; shells used
as jewelry
Cultural Services
Enhancing emotional, psychological, and cognitive wellbeing
Opportunities for rest, refreshment, and recreation.
Ecotourism; bird-watching; outdoor sports
Sensory equipment of functioning ecological systems.
Proximity of houses to scenery; open space
Science and education
Use of natural areas for scientific and educational enhancement.
A natural field laboratory and reference area
Cultural, spiritual and historic
Use of nature for symbolism or representation; natural
landscapes/seascapes with significant spiritual, religious, or cultural
Oyster middens; burial sites; ancestral lands
Value people place on knowing that future generations will have the option of using an ecosystem good or service.
Value people place on knowing that a certain ecosystem good or service exists.
Value people place on knowing that they have the option of using/benefiting from a certain service or good.
Total Economic Value (TEV)
Value of all Use and Non-Use Ecosystem Services.
Appendix 2. Questions for Subject Matter Experts
1. In what ways do people benefit from the “ridge to reef” ecosystems (or natural habitats;
terrestrial, coastal, marine) of the USVI? For example, clean ocean water is important for
our health it sustains fish that we eat or sell, attracts tourism to our islands, and is a
place to swim and relax.
2. Thinking about all the diverse habitats and species that make up the “ridge to reef”
ecosystem of the USVI, what aspects reduce risks to communities? For example, are
forests important for protecting us from hazards like mud slides?
3. How have these ecosystems (or natural habitats) changed due to natural hazards? For
example, how have droughts impacted the landscape?
4. As ecosystems have changed, and the services they provide changed, have islanders
changed their methods for dealing with this change, how have they adapted? For
example, as trees and bush are removed, soil becomes loose, and over time we build
bigger retaining walls to keep the soil in place.
5. How have these ecosystems (or natural habitats) changed due to human activity? For
example, how have building developments impacted the land or sea?
6. How do we know when the island ecosystems (or natural habitats) have changed? What
are the indicators (signs)? For example, when a fisherman is out at sea and sees too many
lionfish an invasive species that could signal a problem. What examples can you think
of on land or in the sea?
7. Are communities involved in decisions concerning the USVI ecosystem (or natural
habitats)? How so? If not, how can they be? Are they at the table, do they care to be? Do
they know that decisions are being made?
8. Are there any specific places within the Territory that have come to your mind during our
conversation today? Would any of these places be good for a case study? We will be
hosting a workshop this spring and will focus on a place currently facing a management
challenge or decision related to ecosystems and resilience.
9. Is there anyone else that you recommend we talk to?
Appendix 3. Workshop agendas