Cal Poly Pomona
Quarter to Semester
Last Updated: 8/23/18
The Semester Conversion team is continually updating this handbook.
Check back regularly for updates!
Table of Contents
CPP’s Pledge to Students ............................................................................................... 3
Overview of Semester Conversion .................................................................................. 4
Your Semester Conversion Checklist .............................................................................. 5
Tuition Costs .................................................................................................................... 6
Financial Aid & Scholarships ........................................................................................... 6
Curriculum Changes and Course Numbering ................................................................ 7
Quarter to Semester Unit Conversion ............................................................................. 8
Changes to the Degree Progress Report........................................................................ 9
Course Scheduling ........................................................................................................ 10
Changes to General Education ..................................................................................... 11
Changes to Interdisciplinary General Education (IGE)................................................. 12
Your Semester Conversion Toolbox .............................................................................. 13
Whats Next? .................................................................................................................. 14
2018-19 Academic Calendar* ....................................................................................... 15
Your Advising Resources .............................................................................................. 16
CPP’s Pledge to Students
The continued success of our students is our highest priority during this conversion. The faculty and staff
at Cal Poly Pomona commit to a two-way partnership with students to achieve a conversion that does not
adversely affect the time to degree or cost of the degree.
The University’s Commitments
There should be no loss of credits applied to students’ degree requirements earned before
the semester conversion.
The time to graduation should be the same as would have been the case had Cal Poly Pomona
remained on the quarter system.
The university will provide timely and focused advising support and assistance to prepare an
Individual Academic Plan (IAP) for undergraduate students (a) who wish to graduate prior to the
conversion to semesters and (b) whose programs span the quarter-to-semester transition.
It will provide timely and focused advising support and assistance to prepare a Conversion Master’s
Contract (CC) for graduate students whose programs span the quarter-to-semester transition.
Changes in policies and procedures shall be communicated to students in a timely manner.
Annual student tuition and fees under the semester system should not be greater than they would be
under the quarter system. (CSU tuition fees, as well as campus based fees, may be adjusted as
deemed necessary and authorized by the Board of Trustees and/or the campus president.)
Conversion should not adversely affect students’ financial aid.
Tuition and fees payment schedules as well as financial aid and scholarship disbursements will
be aligned with the semester calendar in a manner consistent with the schedules that exist under
the quarter calendar.
Students’ Commitments
Undergraduate students should remain in the major selected by the time they have completed 45
quarter units. Undergraduates who change their majors after completing 45 or more units may extend
their time to graduation.
Graduate students are expected to submit a master’s contract no later than the end of the second
quarter of attendance.
All students should:
o Develop an Individual Academic Plan (or a Conversion Master’s Contract if you are a graduate
o Follow the IAP/CC timeline and revise as necessary to maintain the expected time to degree.
o Meet minimum grade requirements.
o Consult regularly with an advisor and follow advising instructions.
o Satisfy all other graduation requirements as specified in the catalog.
o Be flexible with choices of classes and times.
All students should stay informed about university policies and procedures via their Cal Poly Pomona
email. Email is the university’s official form of communication.
The university shall make a good-faith effort to support students through the conversion process. The
university is not responsible for consequences that occur because of students not meeting the above
Overview of Semester Conversion
Cal Poly Pomona faculty and staff are hard at work in the process of converting from quarters to
semesters. The semester system will allow you to get to know your professors and classmates better,
have more time to learn and study class material and take advantage of more internship or study
abroad opportunities. Our first semester term will be fall 2018 and will begin August 23, 2018.
In 2017-18, all Cal Poly Pomona students will be responsible for creating an academic plan in
partnership with their academic advisor. If you are graduating before fall 2018, you will not be affected
by the conversion. However, students who will transition to semesters will need to make sure they talk
to their academic advisor and use academic planning tools to stay on track to graduation.
In this guide, you’ll find resources and tools to aid you in making your transition plan, as well as
information about what’s changing and what’s staying the same. You’ll also find resources at Student
Success Central, a website that has the academic calendar, advising and academic resources,
support services information and more. You’ll also be able to find all semester conversion-related
information on the Semester Conversion website.
What’s changing in Fall 2018, and what’s staying the same?
Academic Year
Fall Quarter, Winter
Quarter and Spring
Fall Semester and Spring Semester
Term Length
10-Week Quarters
15-Week Semesters
Optional Terms
Summer Quarter
Summer Session
Recommended Unit Load
15 Units Per Quarter
15 Units Per Semester
Academic Year Calendar
Starts in September
and ends in June
Starts in August
and ends in May
Annual tuition is
divided into three
Annual tuition is
divided into two
Financial Aid
*Optional term not included
Annual award is
divided into three
Annual award is
divided into two
Your Semester Conversion Checklist
Undergraduate Students
r Check your Degree Progress Report to see your remaining degree requirements,
especially if you’re close to graduation.
r Use your Semester Conversion Toolbox, listed on Page 12, to draft your transition
r Attend regular group or individual advising sessions, and review your transition plan
with your academic advisor. You should ask your academic advisor how often you
should be meeting.
r If you’re planning on repeating a course, do that as soon as you can.
r Turn in your academic petitions and paperwork, such as Grade Forgiveness.
r Finish any sequences you’ve started.
r Finish any General Education areas you’ve started, especially Area D.
r Submit all requested financial aid documents on your BroncoDirect Student Center To
Do List on time.
r If you’re receiving a financial aid refund, manage your refund efficiently.
Tuition Costs
Semester conversion will not affect overall annual tuition costs. However, on the semester calendar,
you will pay twice a year instead of three times per year.
The price per term will be higher than you’re used to because it’s being split into two instead of
three. You will need to be more mindful of payment due dates. If you have difficulty meeting the
payment deadlines, contact Student Accounting & Cashiering Services.
What’s changing in Fall 2018, and what’s staying the same?
(Optional terms not
Annual tuition is
divided into three
Annual tuition is
divided into two
Financial Aid & Scholarships
Semester conversion will not affect the amount of financial aid you may receive. Financial Aid &
Scholarships will continue to award you based on your Expected Family Contribution (EFC) as
determined by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). However, disbursement will
happen twice a year instead of three times.
The refund process will remain the same. Your financial aid will be applied to your student account
and any excess funds (refund) will be returned to you by direct deposit (if you are signed up for this
service) or through the mail.
What’s changing in Fall 2018, and what’s staying the same?
Financial Aid Disbursement
Annual award is
divided into three
Annual award is
divided into two
Units Needed for Full
Financial Aid Disbursement*
12 units
12 units
Satisfactory Academic
Progress Notification
Measured after Spring
grades post
Measured after Spring
grades post
*Some types of aid require less units. Refer to Financial Aid & Scholarships’ Units Required webpage.
Curriculum Changes and Course
The Semester Conversion Course Conversion Guide is a tool that shows you how your remaining quarter
curriculum requirements translate into semesters. Not all courses will have equivalent translations or are
available, as many are still being reviewed and approved.
Most quarter courses will be assigned new course numbers in semesters, and some may also have new
course names. You can see an example below. Semester courses will have a four-digit course number
instead of three, which will help you see the difference. Some quarter courses will also be combined or
split apart into semester courses, and some quarter courses may not be offered in semesters.
The Conversion Guide is not meant to replace your academic planning tools, including the Degree
Progress Report and MyPlanner. When you’re using the Conversion Guide, make sure you have access
to your DPR, Transfer Credit Report, curriculum sheet, roadmap and any course planning notes from
your previous advising meetings.
Conversion Guide Example Course Listing
Explanation of Course Equivalency Details
Be sure to read the comments for any course in the Conversion Guide.
means that the quarter to semester equivalency is to be determined. Work with your academic
advisor if you need to take a course that has this Detail.
1 to 1
means that one quarter course has translated directly to one semester course.
1 to Many
means that one quarter course has become multiple semester courses. Pay special attention
to the Comments for these classes.
Many to 1
means that many quarter courses have become one semester course. Pay special attention to
the Comments for these classes.
Quarter Only
means that the course was only offered in quarters and there won’t be a semester
Semester Only
means that the course has been newly created for semesters and that there isn’t a
quarter equivalent.
For more information about using the Conversion Guide, visit the Semester Conversion website.
Quarter to Semester Unit Conversion
What’s changing in Fall 2018, and what’s staying the same?
Unit Requirement
in Quarters
Unit Requirement
in Semesters
Most Majors:
180 units
Engineering Majors:
191 units (Electromechanical Systems
Engineering, Electronic Systems
Engineering Technology)
193 units (Construction Engineering)
194 units (All Other Engineering)
Architecture Majors:
248 units
Most Majors:
120 units
Engineering Majors:
124 units (Computer Engineering, Construction Engineering
and Electronic Systems Engineering Technology)
125 units (Electrical Engineering)
126 units (Civil Engineering)
127 units (Aerospace Engineering, Chemical Engineering,
Industrial Engineering and Mechanical Engineering)
128 units (Manufacturing Engineering)
Architecture Majors:
150 units
Semester Units = Quarter Units divided by 1.5
Quarter Units = Semester Units multiplied by 1.5
The amount of units required for a degree in the quarter system will change in the semester system. For
most majors, a 180-unit requirement will become a 120-unit requirement. Although semester courses
carry fewer units than equivalent quarter courses, the number of semester units required for a degree is
reduced by an equivalent amount. Units earned under the quarter system are converted to semester
units by dividing the number of quarter units by 1.5.
In addition to meeting unit requirements, you must also meet curriculum requirements. You should work
with your academic advisor to decide if you should complete your degree requirements on your major’s
quarter curriculum, or if it is more advantageous to switch to completing your degree requirements on
your major’s semester curriculum when you graduate.
Unit Converter Calculator
Access a unit converter calculator on the Semester Conversion website.
Changes to the Degree Progress Report
Your Degree Progress Report (DPR) in your BroncoDirect Student Center provides you with information
about the status of your degree requirements. When you start taking semester courses, your DPR will
show your degree requirements slightly differently.
Staying on Quarter Curriculum Requirements
If you continue your degree requirements on a quarter curriculum,
your DPR will look the same because
you are following quarter curriculum requirements. When you begin taking semester courses, those
courses will come up in your DPR as 4-digit courses (if the course is a 1 to 1 equivalency), and the
semester units will automatically convert to quarter units. The example below illustrates these changes.
Excess units that result from conversion will continue to be displayed on the line where it indicates the
number of units taken. They will not drop down to your Credits Not Used section.
Changing to Semester Curriculum Requirements
If you change your degree requirements to a semester curriculum,
you will then follow new semester
curriculum requirements. Your DPR will list these new requirements. The courses that you previously took
in quarters will come up in your DPR as 3-digit courses, and the quarter units will automatically convert to
semester units. The example below illustrates these changes.
You may notice that you are short units in a requirement because of the mathematical unit conversion
(See the Quarter to Semester Unit Conversion page for more information). Be sure to speak to your
advisor about this before you register for additional coursework.
Unit Conversion: 3 semester units x 1.5 = 4.5 quarter units
Semester Course
Semester Curriculum Requirement
Unit Conversion: 4 quarter units / 1.5 = 2.66 semester units
Quarter Course
Course Scheduling
Courses will be available in a variety of different timeslots and days, including Saturdays and Sundays. A
three-unit lecture may meet twice per week for one hour and 15 minutes, or three times per week for 50
minutes. Your department will make decisions about the day and time combinations their courses will be
This example schedule for a bicycling student shows how a 15-unit course load may look.
For the entire list of possible modules, view this PDF.
Changes to General Education
GE Area
GE Area Quarter
Total Quarter
Units by GE
GE Area
GE Area
Semester Unit
Units by GE
(8 semester)
C2 a)
D1 a)
68 quarter
68 quarter
48 semester
48 semester
There will be changes to the General Education requirements in semester conversion. GE Areas A, B, C
and E have the same number of courses in quarters and in semesters. However, GE Area D requires one
more course in quarters than in semesters, as well as more units. Over summer 2018, the labeling of GE
Area C received an update. For students on semester curriculum, C2 is now C2a, C3 is now C2b and C4
is now C3. The courses within these sections have not changed, so this does not affect you.
We recommend that you finish any lower-division General Education areas you’ve started, especially
Area D, to make the transition to semesters smoother. If you have specific questions about what GE
courses to take or how to fit them into your schedule, talk to your academic advisor.
Changes to Interdisciplinary General
Education (IGE)
IGE Quarter Sequence
IGE Semester Sequence
(Satisfies A2 and any two C1, 2 or 3):
IGE 120 – Consciousness and Community
IGE 121 – Rationalism and Revelation
IGE 122 – Authority and Faith
(Satisfies A2 and C2b):
IGE 1100 – Consciousness and Community
IGE 1200 – Authority and Faith: Late
Ancient and Medieval Worlds
(Satisfies both D1a+b and D3):
IGE 220 – Ways of Knowing: Culture and
IGE 221 – Ways of Coexisting: Reform and
IGE 222: Ways of Doing: The Industrial Age
(Satisfies C1 and C2a):
IGE 2100 – Empires, States, and Peoples:
Cultural Contact and Exchange
IGE 2200 – Encountering Difference:
Culture and Power
(Satisfies D2 and E):
IGE 223 – Ways of Living: The Contemporary
IGE 224 – Connections Seminar: Capstone
(Satisfies D1 and D3):
IGE 2300 – Ways of Doing: Culture, Society,
and the Sciences
IGE 2400 – Ways of Living: Local, Global, and
Universal Challenges
(Satisfies C4 or D4):
IGE 3100: Interdisciplinary Perspectives:
Capstone Seminar
There will be changes to the Interdisciplinary General Education (IGE) requirements in
semester conversion.
IGE will allow up to two course substitutions for the program in the first, second or third years.
IGE will also allow skipping the second or third years to fulfill major requirements.
For more information, contact the IGE department in Building 94, room 321 or at
(909) 869-3347.
Your Semester Conversion Toolbox
Your academic advisors.
Work with them to draft your transition plan. Find the advising directory on Student Success Central.
Your Degree Progress Report.
Use this to find out what degree requirements you have left to complete. It’s in your BroncoDirect
Student Center.
Your MyPlanner.
Use this to map out your longterm academic plan. It’s in your BroncoDirect Student Center.
Conversion Guide.
Use this to find out how your remaining quarter degree requirements translate into semesters. It’s on
the Semester Conversion website.
The University Catalog.
Use this to find official university policy and course information. Find it at catalog.cpp.edu.
Student Success Central website.
Use this to find the academic calendar, academic and advising resources, support services and
more. Find it at www.cpp.edu/studentsuccess.
Semester Conversion website.
Use this to find conversion-related information and updates. Find it at www.cpp.edu/semester.
Cal Poly Pomona (@calpolypomona) and Bronco Advising Center (@cppbac) social media
Follow on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to get up-to-date news about semester conversion.
The Student Success Ambassadors.
These are your peers that can help you use your resources. Find them at
Whats Next?
Cal Poly Pomona has pledged that you will not lose any credits, have your time to graduation
extended or experience any increased costs as a result of the conversion. However, you must also
do your part to uphold this pledge.
You may be contacted by your faculty advisor, your college advising center or the Bronco Advising
Center via your Cal Poly Pomona email address. It is very important that you respond to these
messages in a timely manner, as they will give you important information on steps you need to take
to make your transition plan. You should also continue to monitor your BroncoDirect Student Center
and MyCPP.
Once you create your transition plan and your advisor approves it, it will be important to follow the
plan. Any deviation from the plan on your part (i.e. failing a class, not taking courses in the sequence
listed in your plan, etc.) will likely result in your graduation date being extended.
If you have any questions about your major curriculum, contact your academic advisor. If you have
any questions about university policy and procedures, contact the Bronco Advising Center.
2018-19 Academic Calendar*
Fall 2018
First Day of Classes
August 23, 2018
Holiday Labor Day
September 3, 2018
Holiday Veteran’s Day Observed
November 12, 2018
Holiday Thanksgiving
November 22-23, 2018
Last Day of Classes
December 9, 2018
Finals Week
December 10-16, 2018
Winter Break
December 17, 2018-January
18, 2019
Spring 2019
Holiday Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday
January 21, 2019
First Day of Classes
January 19, 2019
Holiday Cesar Chavez Day
April 1, 2019
Spring Break
March 30-April 5, 2019
Last Day of Classes
May 10, 2019
Finals Week
May 11-17, 2019
May 17-19, 2019
Summer 2019
Holiday Memorial Day
May 27, 2019
Summer Session I (10 weeks)
May 29-August 1, 2019
Summer Session II (5 weeks)
May 29-June 27, 2019
Summer Session III (5 weeks)
July 3-August 1, 2019
Holiday Independence Day
July 4, 2019
*All dates are subject to change. Visit Student Success Central for the most up-to-date calendar.
Your Advising Resources
If you’re not sure who your academic advisor is, reach out to the Bronco Advising Center
for assistance.
Bronco Advising Center
Building 98, 2
(909) 869-4600
Don B. Huntley College of Agriculture
Student Success Center
Building 2, room 125
(909) 869-5229
College of Business Administration
Student Success Center
Building 164, room 1060
(909) 869-3787
College of Education and Integrative
Studies Advising Center
Building 94, rooms 287, 289 & 291
(909) 869-5408
College of Engineering Advising Center
Building 9, room 155
(909) 979-5501
College of Environmental Design Advising
Building 7, room 200
(909) 869-2670
Collins College of Hospitality
Management Advising Center
Building 79B, room 2250
(909) 869-3458
College of Letters, Arts & Social Sciences
Student Success Center
Building 5, room 228
(909) 979-5695
College of Science Advising Center
Building 3, room 1645
(909) 979-5654
Student Support & Equity Programs:
Undeclared Student Advising
Building 94, room 121
(909) 869-3360