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Completing the Performance Evaluation for
an AP Employee
Rev. 11/2/2020
1. Log into your OneCampus Portal using your Radford credentials. On the landing page of your Portal, select or
search for SelectSuite - PeopleAdmin. Click on the icon to open.
2. The landing page will usually appear as the Applicant Tracking page and the banner should be blue. No matter
the page you land on, select the three blue dots on the top.
3. From this menu, select the option Radford University Employee Portal
4. As you arrive on the Home page of your Employee Portal, you will see your Action Items, which should include any
evaluations that need to be completed. Start the evaluation by clicking on The Item/employee in blue. (see below)
Chris Walton
Joe Smith
Chris Walton
Chris Walton
PeopleAdmin is part of Radford University’s single sign-on. This means that it is accessible through your
OneCampus Portal.
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Completing the Performance Evaluation for an AP Employee
*The supervisor can view the self-evaluation of the employee, by clicking the tab entitled, Self Evaluation”.
5. Review each Tab. The Performance Factors tab and Individual Goals tab have required fields. If information was
entered on the Special Assignment or Professional Development tabs on the plan, a rating/comment will be
required on the evaluation for those areas. (See examples below) If a field has been missed, the system will not
allow you to complete the evaluation.
Joe Smith
Chris Walters
Sherry gives feedback and suggestions to the ABC
Committee and is timely on all of assignments.
Sherry does an excellent job
*NOTE AP Performance Evaluations do
not require comments or a rating for
the Position Description Tab.
Joe works very hard to make sure the Budget Committee has all reports in a
timely manner and complete any research necessary.
Exceeds Expectations
Joe always makes an extra effort to always make sure the Students have all the resources for their
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Completing the Performance Evaluation for an AP Employee
6. Af
ter all of the Tabs have been completed, you may
a. At the top right hand corner, select the ACTIONS button and select Save Draft
(which will hold the evaluation at this step until you select Complete) or select
b. At the bottom left of the screen, select Save Draft (which will hold the
evaluation at this step until you select Complete) or select Complete
*You should see this message at the top of the screen if you
have selected Save Draft.
you select Complete, You will see this pop up box at the top of the
screen. If you are sure you want to complete the evaluation, select OK and
this will send the evaluation to the next step.
u should see this message at the top of the screen if you have
after marking the Supervior Evaluation as complete.
7. The Evaluation has now been moved to the next step, Meeting to Review Evaluation with
Employee. This is a manual step.
Joe is a little behind on his training. She needs to set aside time and discuss w/me to allow
her time to work on this.
Joe makes an extra effort to ensure his reports are accurate and timely
Joe is an exemplary employee. On time, does his job, works well with others. I
would like to see him finish up his training for future opportunities.
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Completing the Performance Evaluation for an AP Employee
Meeting to Review Evaluation with Employee
a) Set up the meeting with employee.
b) Print the Evaluation before the meeting.
c) The supervisor should review with the employee:
1. The Performance Plan, and
2. The printed Supervisor Evaluation
8. After the meeting, log into your Employee Portal
9. As you arrive on your Home screen, you will see your Action Items, select the Item/employee in blue.
12. S
elect Complete. NOTE: By clicking Complete, you are affirming that you had the meeting with the employee.
13. The Evaluation has now been moved to the next step, Employee Acknowledges Evaluation
After this step is completed (The Employee has acknowledged the Evaluation), you will be finished with the
Evaluation. It will now be moved to HR Review
Sherry Jones