Getting There Greener
The Guide to Your Lower-Carbon Vacation
Union of Concerned Scientists
December 2008
Getting There Greener
The Guide to Your Lower-Carbon Vacation
Union of Concerned Scientists
Getting There Greener
© 2008 Union of Concerned Scientists
All rights reserved
The Union of Concerned Scientists is the leading science-based nonprofit
working for a healthy environment and a safer world.
The UCS Clean Vehicles Program develops and promotes strategies to reduce
the adverse environmental impact of the U.S. transportation system.
More information about the Union of Concerned Scientists and the Clean
Vehicles Program is available on the UCS website at
The full text of this report is available online (in PDF format) at or may be obtained from:
UCS Publications
Two Brattle Square
Cambridge, MA 02238-9105
Or, email [email protected] or call (617) 547-5552.
esign: Catalano Design
Getting There Greener
Figures & Tables iv
Contributors & Acknowledgments vi
Executive Summary 1
Chapter 1
Rules of the Road for a Greener Vacation 7
Chapter 2
Air Travel 10
Chapter 3
Automobile Travel 16
Chapter 4
Rail Travel 20
Chapter 5
Motor Coach Travel 23
Chapter 6
The Greenest Travel Option for You 26
Chapter 7
Rules of Thumb for Getting There Greener
Appendix A: Methodology 33
Appendix B: Aircraft Data 36
Appendix C: Automobile Data 42
Appendix D: Rail Data 44
Appendix E: Motor Coach Data 47
Appendix F: Comparing Carbon Footprints for Each Travel Mode 49
Endnotes 51
Photo & Map Credits
Union of Concerned Scientists
Getting There Greener
Figure 1: Elsen Family Commute vs. First-Class Vacation 7
Figure 2: Elsen Family Commute vs. Lower-Carbon Vacation 9
Figure 3: Effect of Seat Class on Carbon Footprint 11
Figure 4: Carbon Footprint of Nonstop vs. Connecting Flights 12
Figure 5: Carbon Footprint of Driving to Airport for Nonstop Flight vs. Taking Flight with Connections 12
Figure 6: Carbon Emissions Depend on the Route You Take 13
Figure 7: Seat Configurations in the Boeing 737-300 (733) 14
Figure 8: U.S. Airports with the Longest Delays, 2007 15
Figure 9: Total CO
Emissions, 500-Mile Trip 17
Figure 10: Auto Emission Factors, by Number of People Traveling Together 17
Figure 11: Projected U.S. Road Congestion, 2020 18
Figure 12: Carbon Emissions Depend on the Auto You Drive 19
Figure 13: Amtrak’s U.S. Routes 21
Figure 14: U.S. Intercity Bus Service, 2005 24
Figure 15: Selected Routes for U.S. Vacation Trips 26
Figure 16: Comparing Carbon Footprints: Solo Traveler 27
Figure 17: Comparing Carbon Footprints: Two Travelers 28
Figure 18: Comparing Carbon Footprints: Family of Four 28
Figure 19: Harry’s Heading Out Solo 29
Figure 20: Rita and Louie Head to Vegas, Baby! 30
Figure 21: The Elsens Are Going to Disney World 30
Figure 22: Carbon Footprints, by Vehicle 31
Figure 23: Comparing Carbon Footprints across All Modes: Solo Traveler 49
Figure 24: Comparing Carbon Footprints across All Modes: Two Travelers 49
Figure 25: Comparing Carbon Footprints across All Modes: Family of Four 50
Figures & Tables
Getting There Greener
Table 1: Carbon Footprint of Air Travel, by Aircraft 14
Table 2: Estimated Costs of Driving Different Vehicles 19
Table 3: Take Me Out to the Ballgame 22
Table 4: Carbon Footprints by Vehicle and Travel Distance 27
Table 5: Distances between Popular Vacation Route Origins and Destinations, in Miles 34
Table 6: Average Aircraft Emission Factors, by Type 37
Table 7: Aircraft CO
Emissions from Takeoff/Landing and Approach 38
Table 8: Aircraft CO
Emissions from Ground Operations 39
Table 9: Aircraft CO
Emissions from In-Flight Cruising (>3,000 ft.) 40
Table 10: Calculations of Seat Area for Sample Aircraft 41
Table 11: Per-Vehicle CO
Emissions by Vehicle Type and Number of Occupants 42
Table 12: Per-Passenger CO
Emissions by Vehicle Type and Number of Occupants 43
Table 13: Total CO
Emissions from Automobiles by Number of Travelers and Distance 43
Table 14: Estimate of Emission Factor for Diesel Rail, 2005 44
Table 15: Estimate of Emission Factor for Electric Rail, 2005 45
Table 16: Total CO
Emissions from Rail by Number of Travelers and Distance 46
Table 17: Estimates of Emission Factor for Motor Coaches 47
Table 18: Total CO
Emissions from Motor Coaches by Number of Travelers and Distance 48
Union of Concerned Scientists
Getting There Greener
his report was made possible through the generous support of Foundation M,
Oak Foundation, The Energy Foundation, The Pew Charitable Trusts, The William
and Flora Hewlett Foundation, and Wallace Global Fund, with additional support from
NoraLee and Jon Sedmak.
Scott Nathanson, Rich Hayes, and Jim Kliesch of the Union of Concerned Scientists
(UCS) were instrumental in the conception and production of this report. Deborah
Gordon, an independent transportation policy consultant, developed the initial draft,
along with the core methodology used to compare fuel cycle carbon emissions from
different vacation travel modes. UCS staff members David Friedman, Michelle
Robinson, Patricia Monahan, and Don Anair provided additional review and suggestions.
The authors would like to thank Sandra Hackman for her efforts and skill in editing
under a tight timeline, and Rob Catalano for his design and layout talents.
We would also like to thank several experts for reviewing specific topics and chapters
and providing valuable input. John Davies of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
commented on the methodology. John Putnam of Kaplan Kirsch & Rockwell, who
chairs the Subcommittee on Aviation and Climate Change at the National Academies
Transportation Research Board, and Anja Kollmuss, of the Stockholm Environment
Institute, reviewed the chapter on air travel. Ross Capon and Matthew Melzer, National
Association of Railroad Passengers, and Scott Leonard and Roy Deitchman, Amtrak,
reviewed the chapter on rail travel. Dana Lowell of M.J. Bradley & Associates reviewed
the information on intercity motor coaches. Stuart Cohen of TransForm (formerly the
Transportation and Land Use Coalition) provided helpful guidance on the accounting of
motor coach and rail emissions.
The opinions in this report do not reflect those of the individuals who reviewed and
commented on it. UCS alone is responsible for the content.
Contributors & Acknowledgments
Getting There Greener
hile the idea of “green” vacations has attracted
recent attention, most information focuses on
what to do when you get to your destination, not on how
to get there. No definitive source has been available to
guide travelers toward the greenest travel option—trains,
planes, automobiles, or motor coach (a.k.a. buses)—for
their particular vacation.
This report turns an analytical eye toward the environ-
mental impact of domestic vacation travel, where global
warming pollution—largely in the form of carbon dioxide
) emissions—can add up quickly. The results of our
analysis may surprise you.
One Vacation Can Be Worse Than
Commuting for a Year
Meet the Elsens, our eco-con-
scious family of four from the
suburbs of Chicago. They’ve
been trying to minimize their
impact on the environment,
especially when it comes to
their commute. Dad drives a
Chevy Malibu for his 10-mile
round-trip travel to and from
work. Mom recently switched
from a Ford Explorer to a more efficient Ford Escape for
her daily 25 miles of travel, which includes driving round-
trip to work and carpooling the kids to and from after-
school activities.
This year, with the holidays coming up, the Elsens
decided to pull out all the stops for their first trip to
Disney World and use frequent flyer miles to travel first-
class. The available flight includes a layover in Houston,
but the family figured that deluxe seats were worth the
extra time. However, take a look at the resulting carbon
footprint (see the figure to the right).
Yes, you’re reading that right—the Elsens’ one vaca-
tion splurge produces more than one and a half times the
global warming pollution created by their whole year of
weekday commuting. These stats are a sobering remind-
er that our carbon footprint is not merely a product of our
daily habits, but of our vacation habits as well.
Fortunately, a number of travel options are greener
than those the Elsens selected. This new guide gives
Americans the tools they need to make sure they’re
getting there greener.
Your Guide to a Greener Vacation
How are you traveling? Where are you going?
Who’s tagging along?
This report provides the first comprehensive analysis—
peer-reviewed by experts—of the highest-carbon and
lowest-carbon options for vacation travel. In our matrix,
three key factors determine the environmental impact of
your travel: (1) the type of vehicle you are taking; (2) the
distance you are traveling; and (3) the number of people
traveling with you. Based on these factors, our analysis
can tell you how environmentally sound—or perhaps
unsound—your travel plans are.
Of course, Americans’ travel is not a matter of abso-
lutes, as different regions have access to different trans-
portation options. As you plan your journey, the table on
the next page can help you evaluate each option for solo,
couple, or family travel. What you find might surprise
you, as your best travel bet can shift significantly
depending on the distance you travel and the size of
your party.
Notes: This comparison assumes that the Elsens’ Chevy Malibu gets 25 miles per
gallon, their two-wheel-drive Ford Escape gets 23 mpg, and the family takes four
first-class round-trip flights from Chicago to Orlando via Houston. Weekday commuting
represents 35 percent of the Elsens’ average annual automobile travel. See Appendices
B and C for emission factors of air and automobile travel used in this analysis.
Elsen Family Commute vs. First-Class Vacation
Family Annual
Weekday Commute
Family First-Class
(Pounds)Total CO
Union of Concerned Scientists
Getting There Greener
Vacation Traveler Carbon Guide
For each grouping, travel options are listed from best to worst. Steer toward the greenest and try to avoid
those in red!
Notes: We based the color-coded ranking on the distribution of CO
emissions across modes. The analysis assumes typical car and typical SUV fuel economies
of 23 mpg and 18 mpg, respectively. Train emissions reflect an average of electric and diesel operations. The analysis assumes use of turboprops for 100-
mile flights, regional jets for 500-mile flights, and narrow-body jets for 1,000-mile flights, based on information from the Federal Aviation Administration. We
assumed that all flights are nonstop. For more on the emission factors for each mode, see Appendices B, C, D, and E. To compare emissions across modes,
see Appendix F.
Best Travel Options: Solo Traveler
100 miles 500 miles 1,000+ miles
Take motor coach Take motor coach Take motor coach
Take train Take train Fly economy
Fly economy Fly economy Take train
Drive typical car Drive typical car Fly first-class
Drive typical SUV Fly first-class Drive typical car
Fly first-class Drive typical SUV Drive typical SUV
Best Travel Options: Two Travelers
100 miles 500 miles 1,000+ miles
Take motor coach Take motor coach Take motor coach
Take train Take train Fly economy
Drive typical car Drive typical car Take train
Drive typical SUV Fly economy Drive typical car
Fly economy Drive typical SUV Drive typical SUV
Fly first-class Fly first-class Fly first-class
Best Travel Options: Family of Four
100 miles 500 miles 1,000+ miles
Take motor coach Take motor coach Take motor coach
Drive typical car Drive typical car Drive typical car
Drive typical SUV Drive typical SUV Drive typical SUV
Take train Take train Fly economy
Fly economy Fly economy Take train
Fly first-class Fly first-class Fly first-class
Getting There Greener
Top Five Rules of Thumb for Green Travel
The table to the left gives travelers an easy way to
compare travel options to fit their needs. However, our
Getting There Greener analysis also enabled us to create
“rules of thumb” to help guide your initial travel choices,
and to help you shrink your carbon footprint once you
have made those choices. Let’s start with the top travel
tips, and then look more closely at each travel mode:
Motor coaches and trains are a carbon bargain.
Whether traveling with a family, with a partner, or
alone, those seeking a carbon bargain should seriously
consider rail and motor coach travel. Intercity bus
options have been on the upswing, as numerous
regional carriers now provide coaches with very
comfortable seats. And Amtrak offers everything
from high-speed rail service in the Northeast to “auto
trains” that enable long-distance travel without the
wear and tear on your automobile. From a carbon
perspective, motor coaches and trains are among
your lowest-emission options, especially on shorter
(less than 500-mile) trips. Moreover, because motor
coaches and trains are often underused, they may
offer what amounts to a carbon “free ride.”
Big SUVs and first-class flights usually have the
largest carbon footprints. Driving alone, driving
inefficient SUVs (with or without other people), and
flying first-class are the most polluting ways to go.
To reduce your vacation’s carbon footprint, consider
other options.
For couples and solo travelers, a nonstop coach
flight almost always beats an average car. Carbon
from cars and trucks adds up, especially when those
vehicles travel long distances and are only partially
occupied. If you’re traveling alone or with one other
person, you’re usually better off flying direct in coach
than getting behind the wheel of a passenger vehicle.
This is especially true for trips of more than 500 miles.
To significantly reduce your carbon footprint
behind the wheel, drive or rent a more efficient
car. If you don’t own a fuel-efficient vehicle, think
about renting one when driving on longer trips. The
carbon emissions from a large, inefficient SUV are
nearly four times those of a high-miles-per-gallon
hybrid such as the Toyota Prius. If hybrids are not
available, look into efficient conventional cars, which
can ease the environmental harm while cutting your
gasoline bill. Many car rental agencies now offer
both hybrids and efficient conventional vehicles.
Take advantage of them, and take some wear and
tear off your car.
Avoid traveling during peak periods. Congestion
has a noticeable effect on your fuel consumption and
carbon footprint. When a car or SUV is stuck in traffic,
its fuel consumption rate can be double the rate it
gets at steady cruising speeds. So think about getting
a GPS unit for your car that can alert you to traffic hot
spots in real time and suggest ways to avoid them.
(Some sell for as little as $150.) And think about
changing your vacation schedule to avoid peak travel
periods that keep you stuck in traffic.
Now that you’ve decided whether to fly, drive, or
take a train or motor coach, consider the following
additional rules of thumb from our analysis of each travel
mode, to shave your emissions even further.
Notes: Assumes a 46-mpg hybrid car, 32-mpg efficient car, 23-mpg typical car,
18-mpg typical SUV, and 12-mpg worst SUV. See Appendix C for details on
automobile emission factors.
Carbon Emissions Depend on the Auto You Drive
Couple Traveling 500 Miles
(Pounds per One-Way Trip)
Union of Concerned Scientists
Getting There Greener
Class matters—save money and save carbon.
When choosing seats, avoid first class. Because
a first-class seat takes twice as much space
as an economy seat, a first-class traveler on
domestic flights is responsible for twice as
much carbon as someone flying coach.
Don’t stop. Choose nonstop flights over
connecting flights, especially for shorter trips.
Because takeoff, landing, and ground operations
produce a lot of carbon, a 1,000-mile nonstop
flight from New York City to Orlando can
save nearly 35 percent compared with a two-
connection flight down the eastern seaboard.
If you must stop, fly straight. Travel websites
and agents can show you exactly how many
miles your flight will cover. If you can’t get a
nonstop flight, fly the most direct route possible
to save carbon.
More seats = less carbon. Make the market
work. Choose airlines with all-economy seating
when possible, as they have smaller per-
passenger carbon footprints.
Vacation Carbon Tips: Air Travel
Solo and couples vacationing? Keep it in
the garage. Single travelers driving a typical
car leave a large per-passenger footprint, while
couples fare only a little better. Unless you’re
driving a vehicle that gets more than 45 mpg,
look for other options, such as the bus, train,
or even plane (economy seating, of course).
Keep the family road-trip tradition alive.
If you’re planning on bringing the grandparents
or the kids along for the ride, your per-person
carbon footprint shrinks accordingly. This makes
cars—especially efficient cars—a low-carbon
option for larger groups traveling together.
Be car smart. How you pack, how you drive,
and how you maintain your vehicle can save
significant carbon and cash.
Congestion guzzles excess gas. Select
travel times carefully and consider routes that
allow you to avoid getting stuck in rush-hour
traffic—especially if your trip takes you through
congested areas.
Vacation Carbon Tips: Automobile Travel
Carbon Emissions Depend on the Route You Take
Flying from Charlottesville, VA, to New York City
New York City
(Pounds per One-Way Trip)
Washington, DC-
New York City
New York City
New York City
Note: This analysis is based on actual routes and the type of aircraft
used on each, whether turboprop, regional jet, or narrow-body jet.
Getting There Greener
Take Me Out to the Ballgame
Here is one example of a chance to cut carbon emissions by taking the train. Vacationers traveling
to Major League Baseball stadiums will find that many are located near train stations:
Ride the rails in the Northeast to cut carbon
and congestion. The Northeast Corridor is
Amtrak’s most highly developed segment, so
you have more options, including high-speed
Acela express trains between Washington, DC,
and Boston. Because they run on electricity,
Northeast Corridor trains are the cleanest
rail option.
Even outside the Northeast, an Amtrak
station might be closer than you think. Check
out your rail options even if you don’t live near
a train station. Amtrak’s ThruWay bus service
connects most cities to rail stations.
No rental required when training. Unlike
most airports, train stations are often right in
city centers, so you don’t have to hail a taxi or
rent a car to get downtown, saving pollution as
well as time. Amtrak also offers an “auto train”
option that allows passengers to ride the train
while bringing their cars along for the ride.
Vacation Carbon Tips: Rail Travel
Ballpark (City) Miles from airport Miles from train station
Coors Field (Denver) 25.0 0.4
Dodger Stadium (Los Angeles) 20.0 1.8
Minute Maid Park (Houston) 18.6 1.1
Busch Stadium (St. Louis) 14.9 0.8
Camden Yards (Baltimore) 9.7 2.5
Union of Concerned Scientists
Getting There Greener
Where you decide to go and how you get there is
entirely up to you. It’s your vacation. But prepped with
rules of thumb and information about the carbon footprint
of your travel options, perhaps next time you will choose
to get there greener!
How We Created Getting There Greener
This analysis is based on energy consumption, ridership
(passenger-miles), and carbon dioxide emissions data
associated with each mode of travel. We used that
information to compute average “in-use” carbon
emissions for each mode, in pounds of CO
per passenger-mile traveled. We then added upstream
emissions—those associated with extracting,
refining, and transporting a given fuel—to yield total
carbon dioxide emissions in pounds per passenger-mile.
We estimated the amount of emissions accrued per trip
by multiplying the resulting emission factors for each
mode by distance traveled.
Motor coaches leave carbon in the dust.
A couple boarding a motor coach will cut their
carbon nearly in half, compared with driving
even a hybrid car. And if they take the motor
coach rather than flying, they will cut their
emissions by 55 to 75 percent, depending on
the distance they travel.
Group tours = low carbon. Interstate tour-bus
travel has seen a major expansion over the past
decade. So think about that group trip in a new,
green way.
Not your daddy’s Greyhound. Today many
companies have ditched their older buses and
offer plush new coaches with everything from
seat-back video to satellite radio to wireless
Internet connections.
Search and ye shall find. You can jump-start
your low-carbon vacation with an Internet
search. Bus travel—unlike air and rail travel—
does not have a centralized reservations
website (such as Orbitz, Expedia, Travelocity,
or, but here are a few addresses
to you get started:,,, Happy trails!
Vacation Carbon Tips: Motor Coach Travel
Getting There Greener
Today’s American Vacation Can Mean
Big Carbon
Meet the Elsen family—our amalgam of a typical
American family. Greg and Ann Elsen, daughter Sarah,
and son Joey live in the suburbs of Chicago, and have
recently taken steps to reduce their carbon footprint
and save money at the gas pump. Greg, for example,
leaves his sports car in the garage and drives a Chevy
Malibu on his 10-mile round-trip commute to work.
Sarah, meanwhile, just traded in their old Ford Explorer
for a more fuel-efficient Ford Escape, and is now get-
ting about 23 miles per gallon for her 25 miles of daily
work and errand travel.
Now Greg and Ann face another decision: how to
travel on their vacation to Disney World during Sarah’s
upcoming spring break. Despite the expense of flying,
they have saved enough credit card points to afford
first-class seats for the entire family, and an upgrade
on a rental car. But to fly free from Chicago to Orlando,
they have to take a connecting flight through a hub
city—either Houston or Cleveland. Finding the comfort
(and novelty) of first class too good to pass up, the
Elsens go for it, and decide to fly to Orlando through
What the Elsens don’t realize is that global warming
emissions from one vacation without a plan to get there
greener can greatly exceed emissions produced dur-
ing a year of weekday commuting. It turns out that the
emissions from flying first-class and making a signifi-
cantly out-of-the-way stopover really add up (Figure 1).
The Elsens’ story is being retold by millions of
Americans every year. Vacations account for more than
half the trips of 100 miles or more that Americans make
each year.
U.S. residents take almost 650 million trips
of 50 miles or more every summer.
In 2006, some 124
million Americans took a vacation, traveling an average
of 1,200 miles.
The family car is still the king of American vaca-
tion travel, with 82 percent of us hopping in a sedan,
wagon, minivan, or sport utility vehicle (SUV) to get
away, though generally at least one vacation trip per
year is made by plane.
Conversely, travel on motor
coaches (tour buses, intercity buses) and trains account
for only 3 percent of all U.S. vacation travel.
But these trends are not set in stone. Indeed, as
the effects of climate change increasingly affect the
way we live and travel, making carbon count as part of
a vacation plan could, and should, spur Americans to
rethink the way they travel.
This report turns an analytical eye toward this enor-
mous transportation challenge, with the goal of helping
consumers evaluate the carbon footprint of their vaca-
tion travel. Of course, we recognize that people also
care about the cost, speed, and flexibility of their trips.
With that in mind, this report gives Americans a new
analytical tool for identifying greener ways to travel
Figure 1. Elsen Family Commute vs.
First-Class Vacation
Family Annual
Weekday Commute
Family First-Class
(Pounds)Total CO
Note: The comparison assumes that the Elsens’ Chevy Malibu gets 25 miles per gallon,
their two-wheel-drive Ford Escape gets 23 mpg, and the family takes four first-class
round-trip flights from Chicago to Orlando via Houston. Weekday commuting represents
35 percent of the Elsens’ average annual automobile travel.
Union of Concerned Scientists
Getting There Greener
to their favorite vacation spots—in a way that makes
sense for them.
We have mined information on energy consump-
tion, ridership, and carbon dioxide emissions from
government and other key sources to calculate carbon
emissions from auto, train, bus, and airplane travel.
We have also analyzed how the number of people trav-
eling together affects their carbon footprint. Combine
that with figures on trip distance, and you have the first
tool that can give you your best transportation option,
depending on where you are, where you’re going, and
how many people are going with you.
Time to Think Green
With this report, Americans can now begin to truly fac-
tor carbon into their vacation planning choices, no matter
who is going with them and where they’re headed. Let’s
take another look at the Elsens, and two other examples,
to see how these choices might work in action.
Flying greener
The Elsens have discovered that flying first-class to
Orlando through Houston would create a huge carbon
footprint, so they have decided to revise their trip in
two ways: they will fly coach and find a nonstop flight.
Their new direct coach flight will cut their carbon emis-
sions roughly 70 percent compared with their original
flight plans. The Elsens have also decided to shave a
little more carbon off their trip by using their upgrade to
rent a 45-mpg Prius instead of a 19-mpg minivan. The
result: a far cleaner vacation (Figure 2).
Motoring greener
Rita and Louie, who live in Santa Ana, CA, want to cel-
ebrate their fortieth wedding anniversary in Las Vegas
this January. Instead of taking their Dodge Ram pickup,
they’ve decided to travel in a luxury motor coach. The
coach, which departs from nearby Anaheim and will
drop them off on the Strip, will cost less than the drive,
while cutting their carbon emissions from 460 pounds to
just 90 pounds—a reduction of more than 80 percent.
All aboard greener
Harry wants to escape the Big Apple on the first day of
spring for a little fly-fishing in Maine. He has decided
to ditch the SUV rental this year and go by train. He
will cut his carbon emissions 70 percent by making the
switch. And Harry just found out he can save time, too, if
he takes the higher-speed Acela electric train to Boston,
and then continues on Amtrak’s diesel-powered com-
muter rail to Portland.
Travel Trends
The way we travel on vacation greatly affects
our carbon footprint. According to recent
figures, Americans take most vacations with
their partner (62 percent), and the most
popular destination is a big city (39 percent).
As one might expect, we Americans
tend to be weekend travelers. We favor
Saturday or Sunday departures for trips of
fewer than 500 miles, and Friday departures
for trips of 500 to 1,000 miles. But these
departure times—which vacationers can
usually control—affect our carbon footprint,
because we often hit traffic, especially on
summer weekends. Given that more than
half a billion days of vacation go unused in
America every year,
U.S. vacationers could
really get a win-win simply by extending their
vacation so they can travel on less-congested
days. (See Chapter 3 for more on the effect
of congestion on carbon footprints.)
While travel mode and time affect our
vacation carbon footprint, so does the dis-
tance we’re traveling. Air travel has helped
create a “smaller” America by expanding our
vacation options. As vacation distances grow,
travelers shift away from their autos: about
two of three vacation travelers fly or use
other modes for vacation distances of
1,000 to 1,500 miles (one-way). And fewer
than 16 percent of us drive to our destina-
tions when we take vacations of more than
1,500 miles.
Getting There Greener
Figure 2. Elsen Family Commute vs. Lower-Carbon Vacation
Family Annual
Weekday Commute
Family Lower-
Carbon Vacation
(Pounds)Total CO
Notes: The comparison assumes 250 days of weekday commuting in a Chevy Malibu getting 25 miles per gallon traveling 10
miles per day, and a two-wheel-drive Ford Escape getting 23 mpg traveling 25 miles per day. The family vacation includes four
economy-class round-trip direct flights from Chicago to Orlando. Weekday commuting represents about one-third of the family’s
total annual automobile travel.
Curbing Global Warming
The U.S. transportation sector alone is responsible for
some 40 percent
of our nation’s fossil-fuel-related
carbon dioxide (CO
) emissions—the primary heat-trap-
ping gas responsible for global warming. When released
into the air, global warming pollution acts like a blanket,
trapping heat in our atmosphere and altering weather
patterns globally as well as here in the United States.
Global warming is well under way, and will have a wide
range of consequences for our health and well-being.
Simply put, we need to significantly reduce these heat-
trapping emissions to avoid the most harmful effects of
global warming.
This report analyzes each travel mode—planes,
trains, automobiles, and motor coaches—and offers rules
of thumb on green vacation travel. The next four chapters
take an in-depth look at your travel options and illustrate
several opportunities for cutting carbon. As you will see,
a little planning can go a long way when it comes to
shrinking your vacation carbon footprint.
Union of Concerned Scientists
Getting There Greener
.S. air travel has doubled over the past two
By 2015, the number of passengers
carried by U.S. commercial airlines will likely hit the 1
billion mark.
This rise in air travel will continue to drive
up U.S. carbon emissions, because planes leave a large
carbon footprint owing to their enormous weight and
the long distances they fly. Wide-body jets, for example,
can emit 100 pounds of CO
for every mile they travel;
a single cross-country flight can create 150 tons of
global warming pollution.
On a more positive note, today’s aircraft—wide-
body and narrow-body jets, regional jets, and turboprop
airplanes—travel relatively full, thereby reducing their per-
passenger carbon emissions. In 2007, 80 percent of all
seats were occupied.
Because of these high occupancy
levels, a given seat is unlikely to go empty: if you don’t
take it, someone else probably will, or the airline will fill
at least some of the void by adding commercial cargo.
Still, your in-flight carbon footprint can vary widely,
depending on a number of factors. With a little bit of
forethought and a closer look at the information you have
when you book your flight, you can shrink the emissions
from your trip—and help convince the air travel industry
to focus its resources on lower-carbon options.
Based on our research, the top green travel tips for
air travel are listed below.
Coach seats with more legroom—sometimes called “economy plus”—are responsible for an average of 20 percent more carbon than standard coach seats.
Note: This analysis is based on actual routes and the type of aircraft
used on each, whether turboprop, regional jet, or narrow-body jet.
Class matters—save money and save carbon.
When choosing seats, avoid first class. Because
a first-class seat takes twice as much space
as an economy seat, a first-class traveler on
domestic flights is responsible for twice as
much carbon as someone flying coach.
Don’t stop. Choose nonstop flights over
connecting flights, especially for shorter trips.
Because takeoff, landing, and ground operations
produce a lot of carbon, a 1,000-mile nonstop
flight from New York City to Orlando can
save nearly 35 percent compared with a two-
connection flight down the eastern seaboard.
If you must stop, fly straight. Travel websites
and agents can show you exactly how many
miles your flight will cover. If you can’t get a
nonstop flight, fly the most direct route possible
to save carbon.
More seats = less carbon. Make the market
work. Choose airlines with all-economy seating
when possible, as they have smaller per-
passenger carbon footprints.
Know your plane. Travel agents and travel sites
can also tell you what kind of plane you will be
riding. When options are available, choose the
plane with the smallest average carbon footprint
per seat.
Avoid airports with long delays. Delays while
you are on the plane, at the gate, and on the
runway waste fuel and produce more carbon
pollution. Less-congested airports often mean
fewer headaches and fewer emissions.
Vacation Carbon Tips: Air Travel
Getting There Greener
Class Matters—Save Money and
Save Carbon
Flying in coach instead of first class is one way to
curb your vacation carbon footprint. That is because
first-class seats (and coach seats with more legroom,
sometimes known as economy-plus) take up more
space, reducing the number of passengers that a flight
can carry.
On domestic flights, a traveler in a typical first-class
seat is responsible for twice as much carbon as some-
one in coach (Figure 3). On international flights, even
higher carbon penalties for seating other than coach
are likely, depending on how the airline configures the
plane. The more expansive the layout—fully reclining
first-class seats that convert into beds, the addition of
business class, and extra space for flight attendants
serving multiple classes—the fewer the passengers
who can fit on the plane, translating into more emis-
sions per seat.
Don’t Stop
It takes a lot of fuel to propel a 65-ton jet 30,000 feet
into the air, as well as to safely land it and bring it to a
stop. Takeoff, landing, and ground operations produce
sizable carbon emissions—as much as 10,000 pounds
per plane for a wide-body jet—especially on shorter
trips, where those operations account for a larger share
of total emissions. Because connecting flights require
two or more cycles of takeoff, landing, and ground
operations, your carbon footprint is smaller when you
choose a nonstop flight.
For example, as illustrated in Figure 4, you can cut
roughly 20 percent of your carbon emissions by flying
nonstop from Chicago to Los Angeles—a 2,000-mile
trip—rather than taking connecting flights. That per-
centage will rise or fall depending on the length of the
trip, as takeoff, landing, and “ground ops” account for
a smaller fraction of emissions from a longer trip. For
example, you can shave nearly 35 percent of the carbon
off a 1,000-mile trip from New York City to Orlando by
flying nonstop, but just about 10 percent off a 3,000-
mile trip from San Francisco to Boston.
When families travel longer distances by air, it may
make sense to drive up to 90 miles or even more to
avoid connecting flights. As illustrated in Figure 5, a
family can plan a trip that produces 25 percent less
carbon by driving to a distant airport to fly nonstop,
rather than making a single connection from a local
airport. In this example, if the family avoids making two
connections, they can reduce their carbon emissions by
35 percent.
0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600
First Class
Figure 3. Effect of Seat Class on Carbon Footprint
Solo Traveler Flying 2,000 Miles
Total CO
Emissions (Pounds)
Source: See Appendix B for seat calculation estimates, and for information from the Federal Aviation Administration on aircraft emissions.
Note: The figure assumes a nonstop flight on an average wide-body jet, and an occupancy rate of 80 percent—the 2007 industry average.
Union of Concerned Scientists
Getting There Greener
Fly with
1 Connection
Figure 5. Carbon Footprint of Driving to Airport for Nonstop
Flight vs. Taking Flight with Connections
Family of Four Flying 1,000 Miles, Driving 90 Miles
Fly with
2 Connections
Take Car (23 mpg)
to Airport
to Fly Nonstop
Take SUV (18 mpg)
to Airport
to Fly Nonstop
Total CO
Emissions (Pounds)
Notes: The chart assumes that trips with two connections use two turboprop planes that fly 250 miles each and connect
to a flight on a narrow-body jet. Trips with one connection use a regional jet traveling 400 miles and connect to a flight
on a narrow-body jet. A nonstop flight uses a wide-body jet for the entire 2,000-mile trip. See Appendix B for more on
emissions from different types of aircraft.
Note: The figure assumes plane types specified in Appendix B, and “typical car” and “typical SUV”
fuel economies noted in Appendix C.
Getting There Greener
If You Must Stop, Fly Straight
You can’t always avoid connecting flights, especially if
you live in a smaller city with few nonstop options. But
when your connecting flights take you in the opposite
direction from your destination, your carbon footprint
expands dramatically. The goal is to steer clear of mul-
tiple connections, and to make a single connection as
direct as possible. If you do, you can cut your carbon
emissions by a factor of two, three, or more.
Take, for example, a flight from Charlottesville, VA,
to New York City. USAir offers a 310-mile direct flight.
Passengers unable to make that flight have several
options with connecting flights. For example, United
can connect you through Dulles Airport in Washington,
DC—a very direct route—for a total of 340 miles. Delta
offers a flight connecting through Atlanta, which has
you traveling southbound to reach your northbound
destination, for a total of 1,190 miles. Delta also offers
a 1,285-mile trip detouring through Cincinnati and then
Boston. As illustrated in Figure 6, out-of-the-way lay-
overs can double or even triple your trip’s emissions.
More Seats = Less Carbon
Choose airlines that offer only coach class. Different air-
lines configure their airplanes differently, so each plane
has its own carbon footprint per seat. In the end, the
more seats an aircraft has, the less carbon-intensive the
ride for everyone onboard.
Some airlines remove first-class seats altogether
and limit all seating to coach. This approach yields the
lowest carbon emissions per passenger—carbon sav-
ings of about 10–15 percent, depending on how many
seats the airline converts to coach. Travelers choosing
airlines that offer only coach class encourage other air-
lines to do the same, sending a powerful signal to the
market in support of cleaner air travel.
Let’s look at a tale of two planes as an example.
A Boeing 737-300 (733) operated by Southwest carries
a total of 137 passengers in a single class: economy.
However, Continental configures the same plane with 124
seats, a dozen of which are in first class. Other options
might include flights on United or USAir, which configure
their 737s with 120 to 128 seats in a range of classes
(Figure 7). In this case, the Southwest flight would reduce
average per-passenger carbon emissions by as much as
12 percent compared with those of the other airlines.
Similarly, a Jet Blue Airbus 320 configured with
150 economy-class seats would reduce average per-
passenger carbon emissions 8 percent compared with
the same aircraft operated by United, which is con-
figured with 12 first-class, 36 economy-plus, and 90
coach-class seats.
Figure 6. Carbon Emissions Depend on the Route You Take
Flying from Charlottesville, VA, to New York City
New York City
(Pounds per One-Way Trip)
Washington, DC-
New York City
New York City
New York City
Note: This analysis is based on actual routes and the type of aircraft used on each, whether turboprop,
regional jet, or narrow-body jet.
Union of Concerned Scientists
Getting There Greener
Know Your Plane
Not all planes are created equal when it comes to car-
bon. Extensive data collected by the Federal Aviation
Administration show that when planes fly at today’s
80 percent average capacity, a wide-body jet’s in-flight
carbon footprint per seat is 7 percent smaller than that
of a narrow-body jet. The in-flight carbon footprint of a
turboprop and a regional jet is roughly 50 percent larger
than that of a wide-body jet.
However, you can save even more carbon by avoid-
ing flights on the highest-emitting aircraft in the fleet,
which are often older. The most efficient wide-body jet
produces 27 percent less carbon per seat than its least-
efficient counterpart (Table 1). The most efficient nar-
row-body jet produces 32 percent less carbon than the
least-efficient version, and the most efficient regional
jet produces 36 percent less. The best- and worst-per-
forming turboprops have the largest range: the former
produces 56 percent less carbon than the latter.
Although average in-flight emissions for todays
regional jets are comparable to those of turboprop
planes, emissions during takeoff, landing, and ground
operations are 50 percent higher. Again, these vary with
the age and design of the aircraft. Older aircraft produce
more carbon pollution during ground operations than
newer, more efficient models (see Appendix B). If you
want to fine-tune your vacation carbon profile, you can
look for the type of aircraft when booking flights on the
Figure 7. Seat Configurations in the
Boeing 737-300 (733)
United “Version 1” Southwest
Total seats: 120 Total seats: 137
First class: 8 seats Economy: 137 seats
Economy-plus: 46 seats
Economy: 66 seats
Source: and
Best wide-body jet -- -- 490
Average wide-body jet -- -- 570 930
Worst wide-body jet -- -- 660
Best narrow-body jet -- 200
Avg. narrow-body jet -- 220 610 --
Worst narrow-body jet -- 290
Best regional jet 110
-- --
Average regional jet 170 300 -- --
Worst regional jet 190
-- --
Best turboprop
-- -- --
Average turboprop 160 -- -- --
Worst turboprop
-- -- --
Table 1. Carbon Footprint of Air Travel, by Aircraft
Total Pounds of CO
per Trip for a Solo Traveler
Source: See Appendix B.
Notes: Values in bold are those used for comparison in the text. Figures reflect a direct
flight of the specified distance. Turboprops typically travel fewer than 250 miles, regional
jets fewer than 1,000 miles, and narrow-body jets fewer than 2,000 miles. A trip that
pieces together connecting flights on smaller-range aircraft will require more takeoffs,
landings, and ground operations, and thus create more emissions.
Getting There Greener
Avoid Airports with Long Delays
Delays are costly in terms of carbon emissions. Planes
waste fuel when they sit on the tarmac waiting to take
off, and when they circle in the air waiting to land. The
more congested the airport, the greater your chance of
experiencing such delays. For every gallon of jet fuel
a plane burns while stuck in traffic on the ground or in
the air, it emits 25 pounds of carbon dioxide (including
indirect emissions from the extraction, shipment, refin-
ing, and distribution of the fuel).
In 2007, planes emit-
ted 8.5 million metric tons of CO
during airport delays,
from both direct and indirect sources.
On average,
this amounts to a 6 percent carbon penalty attributable
to delays.
Flights are delayed for many reasons—some of
which, such as bad weather and mechanical prob-
lems, are beyond a traveler’s control. Still, one of the
best ways to actively combat delays is to avoid the
most congested airports (Figure 8)—including New
York City’s Kennedy and LaGuardia airports, Chicago’s
O’Hare, Washington, DC’s Dulles, and the Newark and
Philadelphia airports—and choose secondary airports
instead. This may mean driving to regional airports, pref-
erably those from which economy airlines fly nonstop to
your destination. Finally, keep in mind that where you’re
landing matters in avoiding delays, not just where
you’re departing.
Figure 8. U.S. Airports with the Longest Delays, 2007
Source: U.S. Senate Joint Economic Committee, 2008, Your flight has been delayed again, Figure 8.
Union of Concerned Scientists
Getting There Greener
oading up the car to go on vacation is an American
tradition. Nine out of 10 Americans use a personal
vehicle when traveling to summer vacation destinations
less than 500 miles away.
And while Americans may
prefer flying to reach vacation spots across the country,
automobiles still often figure in their trip plans, whether
for getting to the airport or driving around once they
reach their destination.
However, automakers have not matched America’s
love of the road with a commitment to provide more
efficient vehicle options. The average fuel economy
of our nation’s cars, minivans, SUVs, and pickups
has essentially remained constant for more than two
decades. While new federal fuel economy standards—
complemented by state clean-car standards—will
deliver more efficient options in coming years, today’s
traveler needs to do some serious thinking before hit-
ting the road.
To calculate your carbon footprint, all you need is
your vehicle’s fuel economy rating. Roughly 25 pounds
of carbon dioxide are emitted into the atmosphere for
every gallon of gasoline burned—including the emis-
sions from extracting, refining, and transporting the
Given its fuel economy, the cleanest hybrid vehi-
cle sold today emits 0.54 pound of CO
per mile driven.
If you drive another type of vehicle, your carbon foot-
print can expand by more than a factor of four, topping
two pounds of CO
emitted for every mile you drive.
Given those findings, we compare automobiles
with other transportation options and offer several
Solo and couples vacationing? Keep it in
the garage. Single travelers driving a typical
car leave a large per-passenger footprint, while
couples fare only a little better. Unless you’re
driving a vehicle that gets more than 45 mpg,
look for other options, such as the bus, train, or
even plane (economy seating, of course).
Keep the family road-trip tradition alive.
If you’re planning on bringing the grandparents
or the kids along for the ride, your per-person
carbon footprint shrinks accordingly. This makes
cars—especially efficient cars—a low-carbon
option for larger groups traveling together.
Be car smart. How you pack, how you drive,
and how you maintain your vehicle can save
significant carbon and cash.
Congestion guzzles excess gas. Select
travel times carefully and consider routes that
allow you to avoid getting stuck in rush-hour
traffic—especially if your trip takes you through
congested areas.
Banish the gas guzzler and rent more MPG.
While technologies exist to bring the fuel econo-
my of SUVs up to that of cars, automakers have
made most models gas-guzzling carbon emitters.
Consider renting an efficient car or hybrid instead
of taking a low-mpg car or SUV on vacation.
Vacation Carbon Tips: Automobile Travel
Getting There Greener
Solo and Couples Vacationing?
Keep It in the Garage
When you travel alone in your car or SUV, you create a
larger carbon footprint than in nearly any other mode of
Indeed, in most cases, solo auto travel produc-
es even more carbon than the “bad boy of air travel,”
regional jets. The situation improves slightly when two
or more people travel together by car, with SUVs still
the clear carbon loser (Figure 9).
Keep the Family Road-Trip Tradition Alive
To travel greener, families should keep motoring togeth-
er but use a more efficient vehicle. You may consume a
bit more fuel loading up your car with more passengers
and luggage, but the effect is small compared with the
number of seats you occupy. A family of four that packs
their luggage into an efficient car for a 100-mile trip will
produce 89 pounds of global warming pollution—only
about 13 percent more than someone traveling alone
in the same vehicle to the same destination. Each per-
son in the group is therefore responsible for emitting a
little more than one-quarter as much pollution as a solo
traveler. This makes efficient cars one of the greenest
ways for families to travel together (Figure 10).
Number of People Traveling
1 2
Figure 9. Total CO
Emissions, 500-Mile Trip
Typical Car
(23 mpg)
Typical Truck/SUV
(18 mpg)
Regional Jet
(Pounds per Trip)
Source: See Appendix C.
Notes: All other graphs show emissions per trip. This graph highlights emissions per passenger-mile, to show how per-person pollution
changes based on the number of people in a private vehicle. For more information, see Appendix A.
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Emissions (Pounds/Passenger-Mile)
Hybrid Car (46 mpg)
Efficient Car (32 mpg)
Typical Car (23 mpg)
Typical SUV (18 mpg)
Worst SUV (12 mpg)
Figure 10. Auto Emission Factors, by Number
of People Traveling Together
Family of Four
Solo Traveler
Note: For more on the emission factors used in this figure, see
Appendices B and C.
Union of Concerned Scientists
Getting There Greener
Be Car Smart
Preparation for a long trip is the perfect time to get the
car into the best possible shape. A well-maintained vehi-
cle is 4 percent more fuel efficient, on average, than a
vehicle with problems. Replacing a car’s very dirty air fil-
ter can save up to 10 percent on carbon emissions. And
inflating your tires to the proper pressure, along with
using the oil grade recommended specifically for your
car, can shrink your carbon footprint another 5 percent.
A “lead foot” can diminish the benefits of an effi-
cient car, however. Driving sensibly—avoiding aggres-
sive acceleration and too much braking—can cut carbon
5–30 percent and save you money, too.
You can also
cut carbon by obeying the speed limit. The rule of
thumb is that each five miles per hour you drive over
60 mph is like paying an additional $0.25 to $0.30 per
gallon for gas (when gasoline is $3.50–$4.00 per gallon).
You can also shave a little carbon by using cruise
control, and by avoiding idling whenever possible. You
may also want to rethink that extra suitcase: adding
100 pounds can lower a vehicle’s fuel economy by as
much as 2 percent.
Congestion Guzzles Excess Gas
Getting stuck in traffic, especially on vacation, can be
maddening as you waste precious time, money, energy,
and carbon all at once. In fact, your decision on when
to hit the road can be a big factor in just how long, and
how much fuel, you need to get where you are going.
This decision will become even more important as con-
gestion on U.S. roads continues to rise in the coming
years (Figure 11).
Most Americans who choose to drive to their vaca-
tion destination tend to leave on the weekend. Yet
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, especially in the summer,
can be problematic in terms of traffic. It is worth consid-
ering off-peak departure times and days, such as nights
or midday during the week.
Unless you’re driving a hybrid that offers low-speed
electric-only operation, crawling in stop-and-go traf-
fic at an average of five miles per hour can more than
quadruple your CO
emissions compared with smooth
travel at 45–55 mph. Carbon emissions from congestion
start to grow when speeds drop under 30 mph, and rise
precipitously in traffic moving from 0–20 mph.
Figure 11. Projected U.S. Road Congestion, 2020
Source: Federal Highway Administration, 2005, Traffic congestion and reliability: Trends and advanced strategies for congestion
mitigation, online at
Getting There Greener
your vacation travel to off-peak times could therefore
not only make your trip more pleasant but also shrink
your carbon footprint.
Banish the Gas Guzzler and Rent More MPG
Unless you’re comparing a Porsche 911 to a Ford
Escape Hybrid, a car—rather than an SUV—is usually the
greener way to go. Driving an SUV that accommodates
a family of six or more can sometimes be comparable to
taking two typical cars.
But if a family can fit in one car,
it’s a far better choice, because the average car emits
roughly 25 percent less CO
than the average SUV.
The difference is even more striking when you
compare very efficient and inefficient vehicles, such as
a gas-sipping Toyota Prius and a Chevrolet Suburban
(one of the most inefficient SUVs on the road). A fam-
ily of four choosing the Suburban over the Prius would
more than triple their carbon pollution (Figure 12). So
choose an efficient or hybrid car if you have one, or rent
one if you don’t.
You may think driving an inefficient SUV that you
already own is essentially free, but doing so actually
costs you a bundle. Autos are expensive to operate:
the average total cost of fuel, maintenance, and
wear and tear ranges from 58.5 cents to 70.0 cents per
mile, depending on fuel efficiency.
As fuel prices rise,
driving your less-than-efficient large SUV or minivan on
vacation becomes less economical. In fact, given high
gas prices, you will save money by renting an efficient
conventional or hybrid sedan instead of driving your
SUV (Table 2).
Notes: The figure assumes a 46-mpg hybrid car, a 32-mpg efficient car,
a 23-mpg typical car, an 18-mpg typical SUV, and a 12-mpg worst SUV.
For more on automobile emission factors, see Appendix C.
Table 2. Estimated Costs of Driving Different Vehicles
500-Mile Vacation
Notes: This table assumes two-person vacation travel over a long weekend; the use of a typical, efficient, or hybrid car at competitive rental rates;
and gasoline at $3.50 per gallon.
*Other costs include tires and maintenance at a combined 6.3 cents per mile, and depreciation at an estimated 32.3 cents per mile, based on
Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2008, Transportation energy data book, Tables 10.12 and 10.13. For more information, see AAA, 2008, Your driving
costs 2008, online at For more on emission factors, see Appendix C.
Rented hybrid car
(46 mpg)
Rented efficient
car (32 mpg)
Rented typical
car (23 mpg)
Owned typical
SUV (18 mpg)
Owned worst SUV
(12 mpg)
Gasoline $38 $55 $76 $97 $146
Other costs* -- -- -- $193 $193
Car rental $120 $100 $110 -- --
Total cost
$158 $155 $186 $290 $339
Total carbon 281 lbs. 406 lbs. 562 lbs. 712 lbs. 1,061 lbs.
Figure 12.
Carbon Emissions Depend on
the Auto You Drive
Couple Traveling 500 Miles
(Pounds per One-Way Trip)
Union of Concerned Scientists
Getting There Greener
century ago railroads were the only option for
fast, reliable intercity travel. Traveling by train,
once a romantic staple of U.S. destination travel, has
waned dramatically over the years—from a high of 1.3
billion passengers annually in the 1920s to 26 million in
Despite intermittent surges in ridership during
the post–World War II years and again after the oil cri-
ses of the 1970s, Amtrak’s share of intercity passenger
travel has shrunk to 1 percent as air travel has grown to
40 percent and auto ownership has exploded.
Amtrak has remained in shaky financial condition
since it was created during the Nixon administration,
as growth in both population and consumer affluence
boosted the popularity of highway and air travel. Public
policy has also played a role, as federal and state gov-
ernments have spent great sums on auto and airplane
infrastructure since the 1950s through cost-sharing
agreements for highways and airways. Rail infrastruc-
ture has no similar financing mechanism.
Competing use of rail tracks is another challenge
for passenger rail in America today. Roughly 97 percent
of Amtrak’s route-miles rely on tracks owned and main-
tained by freight railroads, which carry some 40 percent
of the nation’s goods.
This reliance on the freight
network has exacerbated the economic challenges of
passenger rail travel compared with other modes.
Given the high priority of air and auto travel among
the country’s transportation options, some Americans
might assume that the passenger rail system simply
“can’t get you there.” But, in fact, it can. You can board
an Amtrak train in 46 states and throughout Canada.
Amtrak’s ThruWay bus service facilitates rail connec-
tions among 800 cities, including popular vacation
spots such as Orlando, San Francisco, the Grand
Canyon, Yosemite, Las Vegas, and the Big Apple.
Amtrak also offers an “auto train” option, allowing
passengers to ride the train while bringing their cars
along. And unlike most air travel, Amtrak brings you
Ride the rails in the Northeast to cut carbon
and congestion. The Northeast Corridor is
Amtrak’s most highly developed segment, so
you have more options, including high-speed
Acela express trains between Washington, DC,
and Boston. Because they run on electricity,
Northeast Corridor trains are the cleanest
rail option.
See the cities, take the train, cut the carbon.
Even outside the Northeast, trains are a great
way to take a family vacation. Families that take
advantage of the routes and timetables can see
more of America while cutting carbon.
An Amtrak station might be closer than you
think. Check out your rail options even if you
don’t live near a train station. Amtrak’s ThruWay
bus service connects most cities to rail stations.
No rental required when training. Unlike most
airports, train stations are often right in city
centers, so you don’t have to hail a taxi or rent a
car to get downtown, saving pollution as well as
time. Amtrak also offers an “auto train” option
that allows passengers to ride the train while
bringing their cars along for the ride.
Vacation Carbon Tips: Rail Travel
Getting There Greener
right downtown, rather than depositing you miles from
cities and transit.
Passenger trains produce an average of 0.43
pound of carbon dioxide emissions per passenger-mile.
However, America has two distinct types of train ser-
vice: that in the Northeast Corridor (from Washington,
DC, to Boston), which runs on electricity, and the rest
of the Amtrak network, which operates on diesel.
Northeast Corridor trains average 0.37 pound of CO
emissions per passenger-mile while all other Amtrak
trains average 0.45 pound—about 20 percent more.
These emission rates are quite good compared
with, say, a typical car with one passenger, which emits
1.08 pounds of CO
per passenger-mile. Perhaps even
more important, however, is the fact that a train often
offers what amounts to a carbon “free ride,” as it is an
underused travel mode in many areas of the country.
(For more information, see Appendix A.)
Ride the Rails in the Northeast to Cut Carbon
and Congestion
Trips along the eastern seaboard between Washington,
DC, and Boston are best made on rail. Some of the
nation’s busiest roads and airports are located in this
region, from Logan Airport in Boston to New York City’s
Kennedy and LaGuardia to Philadelphia Airport to Dulles
outside Washington, DC. Congestion can mean that
travel by car and plane gets plagued with delays.
Many features of the Northeast rail corridor make
it an ideal travel option. Not only does the region have
an electric rail system, but the proximity of a number
of major metropolitan areas—not to mention coastal
areas—allows you to keep your travel distance down
while tapping an enormous variety of vacation options.
It’s a perfect example of merging travel mode and dis-
tance to curb your vacation carbon count.
See the Cities, Take the Train, Cut the Carbon
The Northeast Corridor is not the only place to take a
multicity vacation by rail. Indeed, even if you fly to a
different region of the country, you may still have the
opportunity to take rail to see multiple sites (Figure 13).
California, for example, offers intriguing possibilities.
With service to nearly 200 California cities (with the
aid of connecting bus service), Amtrak can transform
vacation travel in the Golden State. Instead of enduring
Figure 13. Amtrak’s U.S. Routes
Union of Concerned Scientists
Getting There Greener
exhausting drives or being stuck in Californias notorious
traffic, Amtrak offers a coast-hugging ride with views of
the Pacific Ocean.
Other states with extensive Amtrak service and
connecting buses to numerous cities include Michigan
(46 cities), Oregon (39), New York (32), Washington (31),
Florida (30), and Texas (29).
An Amtrak Station Might Be Closer
than You Think
No train track anywhere near home? Don’t dismiss the
train too quickly. Instead, head to
and plug in where you want to start and end your trip.
Amtrak’s ThruWay bus connections offer extensive ser-
vice beyond its 40 major rail station hubs. And given the
extremely low emissions from motor coaches, travelers
who use them to connect to trains can cut their carbon
even further.
No Rental Required When Training
City limits can be 20 miles or more from major U.S.
airports, and connecting highways are often congested
with cars during rush hour and with trucks off peak.
That isn’t the case with rail. Stations are usually down-
town, near hotels, subways, and tourist attractions (see
Table 3 for one example). So when you ride the rails,
you can often forgo the rental car or the long, often
expensive cab ride to your vacation destination, saving
money, carbon, and a lot of hassle. No parking chal-
lenges, no confusing airport traffic patterns, no parking
tickets, no meters, and no gas stations.
Table 3. Take Me Out to the Ballgame
Vacationers traveling to Major League Baseball stadiums will find that many are located near train
stations, eliminating the need for another leg of carbon-emitting travel:
Ballpark (City) Miles from airport Miles from train station
Coors Field (Denver) 25.0 0.4
Dodger Stadium (Los Angeles) 20.0 1.8
Minute Maid Park (Houston) 18.6 1.1
Busch Stadium (St. Louis) 14.9 0.8
Camden Yards (Baltimore) 9.7 2.5
Getting There Greener
he bus, a.k.a. motor coach, is perhaps
America’s best-kept travel secret. And slowly but
surely, motor coaches are making a comeback. Fifty
years ago, before the rise of air travel, cheap, rapid
intercity bus service was the easiest way to travel
in the United States. Soldiers heading to war, young
couples honeymooning, families embarking on a new
life, kids traveling to summer camp, retirees touring
the country—pretty much everyone a generation ago
spent some time in a bus terminal. “Go Greyhound and
leave the driving to us” was coined in 1956, the same
year Congress passed the first highway bill to finance
America’s new interstate system.
More recently, of course, Greyhound, Trailways,
Peter Pan, and other traditional, depot-based, scheduled
bus services have seen their customers dwindle. Still,
buses have quietly remained a backbone of American
travel, today holding one-third of the intercity passenger
market. While the large companies have continued their
service, enterprising smaller operators are entering the
motor coach business in droves.
Offering everything
from group tours to routes in niche-market corridors,
these new operators have propelled the entire industry
to a higher level of service. For example, Greyhounds
Bolt service in the Northeast now provides low fares on
new buses that even have wireless Internet connectivity.
This couldn’t be better news for climate change.
Even at today’s average occupancy rates, your carbon
footprint will be a mere 0.17 pound for every mile you
travel on a motor coach—the smallest footprint of any
mode for people traveling alone or with a companion.
And as buses fill up, their per-passenger emissions will
drop even further.
And it has never been easier to board a bus.
Services expanded greatly in recent years—more than
10 percent from 2006 to 2007 alone.
Motor coaches leave carbon in the dust.
A couple boarding a motor coach will cut their
carbon nearly in half, compared with driving
even a hybrid car. And if they take the motor
coach rather than flying, they will cut their
emissions by 55 to 75 percent, depending on
the distance they travel.
Group tours = low carbon. Interstate tour-bus
travel has seen a major expansion over the past
decade. So think about that group trip in a new,
green way.
Not your daddy’s Greyhound. Today many
companies have ditched their older buses and
offer plush new coaches with everything from
seat-back video to satellite radio to wireless
Internet connections.
Search and ye shall find. You can jump-start
your low-carbon vacation with an Internet
search. Bus travel—unlike air and rail travel—
does not have a centralized reservations
website (such as Orbitz, Expedia, Travelocity,
or, but here are a few addresses
to you get started:,,, Happy trails!
Vacation Carbon Tips: Motor Coach Travel
Union of Concerned Scientists
Getting There Greener
operators offer charter buses, tour buses, sightseeing
buses, contract shuttles, commuter buses, and other
special operations. And buses operate more freely
than planes and trains because they don’t require
new infrastructure. New breeds of motor coaches
even forgo conventional terminals, leaving from
curbside locations or public-transit facilities. What’s
more, fares are very competitive compared with
other travel options.
Ease, economics, and environmental benefits will
combine to spur greater use of buses in coming years.
Indeed, for those with extra time, they make it possible
to truly see America.
Motor Coaches Leave Carbon in the Dust
It’s plain and simple: buses are the low-carbon travel
champ. On a per-passenger basis, buses emit less than
one-sixth the carbon pollution of a typical car with one
passenger. Put another way, every person who chooses
motor coach travel instead of driving alone reduces his
or her carbon dioxide emissions by an average of 85
percent. Moreover, each motor coach has the poten-
tial to remove as many as 55 autos from the highway,
reducing congestion. So whether you’re headed to the
Hamptons, doing Disney, or seeing the Strip in Vegas,
motor coaches should be front and center as you con-
sider how to get there.
Group Tours = Low Carbon
Private operators such as Greyhound, Peter Pan,
Bonanza Bus Lines, and Trailways used to dominate
the bus industry. Today Greyhound accounts for less
than 1 in 10 passenger-miles traveled on buses.
the lion’s share of bus service falls into one of two
categories: a host of operators that provide charter and
tour buses for groups, and a small array of private bus
operators that provide scheduled service between U.S.
cities (Figure 14).
With the dynamic rise of luxury chartered motor
coach service and its small carbon footprint, you have
more reasons than ever to consider that group vaca-
tion. By helping to fill the bus with passengers, you will
maximize the vehicle’s carbon “efficiency,” while also
getting a chance to read, nap, chat with the person next
to you, or just take in the scenery without worrying
about the road.
Not Your Daddy’s Greyhound
Motor coaches serve a wide array of travelers. For
those on a tight budget, some carriers offer tickets for
as little as one dollar for travel from New York City to
Washington, DC. In fact, motor coach vacation travel is
far easier on the wallet than any other option. And then
there’s the other end of the spectrum: those seeking a
luxurious ride with seat-back video, XM satellite radio,
laptop hookup, and a gourmet snack galley and cappuc-
cino bar can often find a motor coach that fits the bill.
In metropolitan areas and a growing number of
states, motor coach operators are sprouting up. Dozens
of carriers operate a variety of services out of New York
City, for example, with hundreds of daily departures to
other U.S. cities and states. Low-cost bus lines there
serve Boston; Washington, DC; Philadelphia; and St.
Louis, as well as Michigan, Ohio, and Florida, among
other destinations. Thousands of companies operate
around the nation, including Megabus, which serves
31 cities in 15 states; CoachUSA, which operates in
450 cities in 18 states (300 cities in New York and New
Jersey alone); Bolt Bus; and many others.
Charter 53%
Scheduled 21%
Commuter 13%
Tour 8%
Other %5
Figure 14. U.S. Intercity Bus Service, 2005
Share of Passenger-Miles
Source: M.J. Bradley & Associates, 2007, Comparison of energy use and CO
emissions from different transportation modes.
Getting There Greener
Search and Ye Shall Find
New motor coach operators continue to sprout up
around the nation, especially in large cities. Today
the industry is largely a network of some 4,000 small
each running a small fleet of individually
tailored motor coaches. And the good news is that
ridership is growing. The bad news is that enterprising
startup motor coach operators rely on word of mouth to
publicize their services and do not publish timetables in
Russell’s Guide, a monthly subscription to bus sched-
ules throughout the United States and Canada.
time they will advertise their services more widely.
The entrepreneurial, carbon-cutting traveler can
usually find a motor coach with a little digging. One of
the best places to start looking is,
an site that includes routes for a
number of smaller vendors around the country (not
those of major carriers). Some services in regional
corridors—such as the renowned “Chinatown Express,”
which runs from Washington, DC, to Philadelphia and
on to New York City—are offered by a number of local
carriers. And even larger carriers such as Greyhound
have started subsidiaries such as Bolt Bus (www., which operates new, luxury motor
coaches serving niche markets. For the green traveler,
these options are well worth an Internet search.
Union of Concerned Scientists
Getting There Greener
he size of your vacation carbon footprint depends
on three main factors: the distance you travel, the
type of vehicle you select, and the size of your group.
Once you know these basics, you can easily choose the
best travel option for your trip.
As an example, let’s compare the carbon footprints
of different travel options between select cities for
groups of various sizes. Figure 15 shows popular vaca-
tion origins and destinations for trips ranging from
100 to 2,500 miles. While of course you have many
other vacation options, the map provides examples of
the range of trips you could take if you stay within
the country.
As illustrated in Table 4 and Figures 16 through 18,
motor coaches are typically the greenest way to go.
But if you don’t find it convenient to take a motor coach
on your next vacation, the next best way to travel will
depend on your plans. When traveling alone or as a
twosome, the train is the next-best option for trips up
to about 750 miles. For longer solo trips, your carbon
footprint is smaller if you fly coach, especially if the
flight is nonstop.
If you travel as a family of four, things shape up
differently. Again, motor coaches are worth a try if they
fit your vacation plans. Apart from motor coaches, cars
beat out trains in terms of carbon footprint, and the
more efficient the car, the greater its advantage. SUVs
(fully occupied) edge past trains if they have at least
average fuel efficiency (18 mpg). Families traveling dis-
tances of 750 miles or more—and who don’t have time
to take a motor coach or passenger vehicle—can fly
greener by choosing nonstop coach seats.
Figure 15. Selected Routes for U.S. Vacation Trips
For mileage and carbon footprints associated with each route, see the
corresponding (color-coded) section of Table 4.
Washington, DC
New York City
San Francisco
Los Angeles
Las Vegas
Getting There Greener
Train Car SUV Airplane
15 45 110 140 75
35 85 110 140 150
65 170 120 150 305
40 110 270 345 160
85 215 280 355 315
170 430 300 375 630
85 215 540 695 300
170 430 565 710 605
335 860 605 755 1,205
125 320 815 1,040 320
250 645 840 1,070 640
505 1,290 910 1,130 1,285
170 430 1,085 1,385 514
335 860 1,125 1,145 835
670 1,720 1,210 1,505 1,665
250 645 1,625 2,080 570
505 1,290 1,685 2,135 1,135
1,010 2,580 1,815 2,260 2,275
420 1,075 2,710 3,465 925
840 2,150 2,810 3,560 1,855
1,680 4,300 3,020 3,660 3,705
Table 4. Carbon Footprints by Vehicle and Travel Distance
Total Pounds of CO
per Trip
Source: See Appendices A through E for calculations for each vehicle.
Notes: Not every vehicle travels direct. Airplane data are for a nonstop coach flight. Car and SUV data reflect typical vehicle fuel economies of 23 mpg and
18 mpg, respectively. Train emissions reflect current use-weighted average of electric and diesel passenger trains.
Distance (Miles)
100 500 1,000 2,000 3,000
Figure 16. Comparing Carbon Footprints: Solo Traveler
Take Motor Coach
Take Train (diesel/elec avg)
Fly Economy Nonstop
Drive Car (23 mpg)
Drive SUV (18mpg)
Fly First-Class Nonstop
Total CO
Emissions (Pounds/Trip)
Distance (Miles)
100 500 1,000 2,000 3,000
Figure 17. Comparing Carbon Footprints: Two Travelers
Take Motor Coach
Take Train (diesel/elec avg)
Fly Economy Nonstop
Drive Car (23 mpg)
Drive SUV (18mpg)
Fly First-Class Nonstop
Total CO
Emissions (Pounds/Trip)
Distance (Miles)
100 500 1,000 2,000 3,000
Figure 18. Comparing Carbon Footprints: Family of Four
Take Motor Coach
Take Train (diesel/elec avg)
Fly Economy Nonstop
Drive Car (23 mpg)
Drive SUV (18mpg)
Fly First-Class Nonstop
Total CO
Emissions (Pounds/Trip)
Solo Traveler (blue)
Couple (red)
Family of Four (green)
Union of Concerned Scientists
Getting There Greener
Distance (Miles)
100 500 1,000 2,000 3,000
Figure 16. Comparing Carbon Footprints: Solo Traveler
Take Motor Coach
Take Train (diesel/elec avg)
Fly Economy Nonstop
Drive Car (23 mpg)
Drive SUV (18mpg)
Fly First-Class Nonstop
Total CO
Emissions (Pounds/Trip)
Distance (Miles)
100 500 1,000 2,000 3,000
Figure 17. Comparing Carbon Footprints: Two Travelers
Take Motor Coach
Take Train (diesel/elec avg)
Fly Economy Nonstop
Drive Car (23 mpg)
Drive SUV (18mpg)
Fly First-Class Nonstop
Total CO
Emissions (Pounds/Trip)
Distance (Miles)
100 500 1,000 2,000 3,000
Figure 18. Comparing Carbon Footprints: Family of Four
Take Motor Coach
Take Train (diesel/elec avg)
Fly Economy Nonstop
Drive Car (23 mpg)
Drive SUV (18mpg)
Fly First-Class Nonstop
Total CO
Emissions (Pounds/Trip)
Getting There Greener
Planning Greener Vacation Travel: Three
Case Studies
Which way to get away? The choice is yours, but keep
in mind the environmental trade-offs. To highlight those
choices, here are three case studies based on the rules
of thumb from previous chapters. We will look at the
solo traveler on a weekend jaunt, a couple traveling
together, and a family of four working around conflict-
ing schedules to take a long-planned vacation. These
hypothetical scenarios illustrate real travel options in
authentic vehicles to actual places. And as you’ll see,
the carbon these travelers trail along the way varies dra-
matically depending on how they get away.
Harry’s heading out solo
All Harry does is work, work, work at his high-pres-
sured investment job in New York City. He realizes that
the best way to balance his life is to carve out time for
R&R, and that means taking a vacation whenever he
gets a chance. He’s planning a long-weekend getaway
to the Maine coast to fly-fish for striped bass, a passion
he has shared with his dad since he was a kid. Harry
does not keep a car in the city, so he is considering
renting one for the trip north: a Jeep Grand Cherokee,
just for fun, even with gas prices hovering around
four dollars per gallon.
He could, of course, take Amtrak to Portland, ME.
He would just need to switch trains in Boston while
he stretches his legs and picks up a copy of the Globe.
And if he caught the Acela high-speed train to Boston,
he’d get there an hour sooner while shaving even
more carbon.
So what does he do? Well, Harry is always a sucker
for comfort and convenience. Taking Amtrak means
he won’t have to battle traffic out of the city on Friday
evening. (That will shave carbon off his trip, too.) And
he can talk to his dad about his fishing plans on his cell
phone along the way, and plug his laptop into one of
the outlets available in every row of seats. And there’s
another hook: a memo circulating around the firm notes
that it is investing in carbon futures. Why not do his part
and shrink his carbon footprint on vacation? He can brag
about his whopping 70 percent carbon savings (Figure
19) when he gets back to the office the following
Tuesday at 7 a.m. sharp.
Rita and Louie head to Vegas, baby!
Couples need to get away and reconnect on vacations.
It’s no surprise that, now that they’re retired, Rita and
Louie look forward to their annual vacation in Las Vegas.
Home is Santa Ana, CA, south of Los Angeles, with
their two Welsh terriers. For the past six years, Rita
and Louie have hopped in their Dodge Ram pickup and
headed to the Strip, driving some 270 miles each way
and trying different hotels each time. But this year, their
15-mile-per-gallon truck is pinching their budget, given a
regional gas price of $4.50 a gallon. Driving their pickup
will run them $160 each way, including $80 in gasoline
alone—that’s a lot of lost quarters for the slots!
they’re thinking of leaving their gas guzzler (and the
dogs) home and traveling to Vegas another way.
As it turns out, there is. An ad for the Lux Bus just
ran in the couple’s local paper. A motor coach departs
nearby Anaheim daily, and offers plush reclining seats,
free beverage service, and a movie along the way.
What’s more, this mode of travel is the biggest carbon
winner compared with the pickup—and at $94 per
round-trip senior ticket, it’s a fiscal jackpot too. Rita can’t
believe she can cut carbon emissions by a factor of five
(Figure 20) by switching from their truck to Lux Bus!
Amtrak Jeep Grand Cherokee
Figure 19. Harry's Heading Out Solo
New York City to Portland, ME, Round-Trip
Total CO
Emissions (Pounds)
Notes: The graph assumes 215 miles of travel by electric train, and 112
miles of travel by diesel train, each way. Travel by passenger vehicle is 318
miles each way. The fuel economy of the Jeep Grand Cherokee is 18 mpg.
See Appendix D for emission factors for rail travel, and Appendix C for
emission factors for automobile travel.
Union of Concerned Scientists
Getting There Greener
The Elsens are going to Disney World
Greg and Ann Elsen are planning their long-awaited
family vacation. Sarah and her younger brother Joey
usually disagree about where to go. But not this year:
it’s unanimous. During Sarah’s spring break, they will go
to the fabled “House of Mouse” in Orlando, FL.
Ann has frequent-flyer miles for first-class
upgrades, and figures she’ll use them to take the family
from Chicago to Orlando in style. The only rub is that to
obtain free first-class seats, the family will have to make
a connection in Houston. No worries, figures Ann: a
more luxurious trip will be worth the extra time.
However, Sarah recently began talking about global
warming, which she’s been studying in science class.
She thinks it would be better to make the trip as green
as possible by shrinking her family’s carbon footprint. So
Ann and Sarah reviewed the family’s options together,
and decided on a nonstop flight with all-coach seating
instead. That flight will reduce their one-way travel from
about 1,800 to 1,000 miles—a drop of more than 40
percent. Sarah also learned in school that by opting for
coach rather than first class, the family could cut their
remaining emissions in half, as coach seats take up less
room on the plane. All told, this simple change in flight
plans will shrink the family’s vacation travel footprint by
roughly 70 percent (Figure 21).
Now when Sarah returns to school, she can talk to
her class about how her family saved more than four
tons of CO
getting there greener. She’ll no doubt also
rave about Space Mountain.
As Harry, Rita and Louie, and the Elsen family
show, no single hard-and-fast rule applies to reducing
global warming pollution on vacation. Carbon footprints
depend largely on the vehicle you select, how many
miles you are traveling, and how many people are going
with you. Just follow the rules of thumb laid out in prior
chapters and summarized in the next, concluding chap-
ter to make the best choice.
Motor Coach Dodge Ram
Figure 20. Rita and Louie Head to Vegas, Baby!
Santa Ana, CA, to Las Vegas, Round-Trip
Total CO
Emissions (Pounds)
Notes: The graph assumes 268 miles of travel each way. Fuel economy
of the Dodge Ram is 15 mpg, minus a 0.4 mpg penalty for the weight of
passengers and luggage. The emission factor for this vehicle with two
occupants is 1.7 pounds of CO
per mile. See Appendix E for emission
factors for motor coach travel.
Figure 21. The Elsens Are Going to Disney World
Chicago to Orlando, First-Class with
Layover vs. Nonstop Coach
Total CO
Emissions (Pounds)
Notes: The high-carbon family vacation includes four first-class round-trip
flights on narrow-body jets from Chicago to Orlando via Houston, totaling
1,778 miles each way (852 miles from Chicago to Houston, and 926 miles
from Houston to Orlando). The lower-carbon family vacation includes four
economy-class round-trip direct flights from Chicago to Orlando, totaling
1,005 miles each way. Emission factors are detailed in Appendix B.
Getting There Greener
Figure 22. Carbon Footprints, by Vehicle
Emission Factor (Pounds/Passenger-Mile)
Hybrid Car (46 mpg)
Rail (Electric)
Narrow-Body Jet (Economy Class)
Efficient Car (32 mpg)
Rail (Diesel)
Regional Jet (Economy Class)
Typical Car (23 mpg)
Typical SUV (18 mpg)
Worst-in-Class Turboprop
Large SUV (12 mpg)
Regional Jet (First Class)
nowing how to count carbon from vacation travel
is important. Motor coaches, trains, the most
efficient hybrid cars (which get 46 mpg), and coach
seats on narrow-body jets have the smallest carbon
footprints: less than one-half pound of CO
per mile
(Figure 22). Medium carbon footprints result when trav-
elers choose typical or efficient cars (23 to 32 mpg) or
fly coach on regional jets. Travel by SUV or first-class jet
produces the largest carbon footprint: more than one
pound of CO
per mile.
Every vacationer’s situation is unique. Some travel-
ers may pursue vacations centered around a specific
mode of travel, such as a passenger vehicle for a fam-
ily road trip, or a train for a countryside rail vacation.
Other vacationers may have more flexibility in their
travel options but feel constrained by time or cost.
Nevertheless, armed with information on the carbon
emissions from different types of vacation travel, every-
one can make better choices.
This chapter summarizes the major rules of thumb
for low-carbon vacation travel. Together with the vaca-
tion carbon tips in earlier chapters, these guidelines can
help you get there greener.
Notes: Dots represent average emission factors for each vehicle. The vertical lines for cars and SUVs represent single-occupant emissions (high end),
two occupants (dot), and four occupants (low end). Vertical lines below other vehicles represent emissions at 80 percent occupancy.
Union of Concerned Scientists
Rules of Thumb
Motor coaches and trains are a carbon bargain
Whether traveling with a family, with a partner, or
alone, vacationers seeking a carbon bargain should
seriously consider rail and motor coach travel. Intercity
bus options have been on the upswing, as numerous
regional carriers now provide coaches with very com-
fortable seats. And Amtrak offers everything from high-
speed rail service in the Northeast to “auto trains” that
enable long-distance travel without the wear and tear
on your automobile. From a carbon perspective, motor
coaches and trains are among your lowest-emission
options, especially on shorter (less than 500-mile) trips.
Moreover, because motor coaches and trains are often
underused, they may offer what amounts to a carbon
“free ride.”
Big SUVs and first-class flights usually have the
largest carbon footprints
Driving alone, driving inefficient SUVs (with or without
other people), and flying first-class are the most pollut-
ing ways to go. To shrink your vacation’s carbon foot-
print, consider other options.
For couples and solo travelers, a nonstop coach
flight almost always beats an average car
Carbon from cars and trucks adds up, especially when
those vehicles travel long distances and are only partial-
ly occupied. If you’re traveling alone or with one other
person, you’re usually better off flying direct in coach
than getting behind the wheel of a passenger vehicle.
This is especially true for trips of more than 500 miles.
To significantly reduce your carbon footprint
behind the wheel, drive or rent a more efficient car
If you don’t own a fuel-efficient vehicle, think about
renting one when driving on longer trips. The carbon
emissions from a large, inefficient SUV are nearly four
times those of a high-mpg hybrid like the Toyota Prius.
If hybrids are not available, look into efficient conven-
tional cars, which can ease your environmental impact
while cutting your gasoline bill. Many car rental agen-
cies now offer both hybrids and efficient conventional
vehicles. Take advantage of them, and take some wear
and tear off your car.
Avoid traveling during peak periods
Congestion has a noticeable effect on your fuel con-
sumption and carbon footprint. When a car or SUV is
stuck in traffic, its fuel consumption rate can be double
the rate it gets at steady cruising speeds. So think
about getting a GPS unit for your car that can alert you
to traffic hot spots in real time and suggest ways to
avoid them. (Some sell for as little as $150.) And think
about changing your vacation schedule to avoid peak
travel periods that keep you stuck in traffic.
Carbon footprints are usually smaller on nonstop
flights than on connecting flights
If you do need to fly, get to know your aircraft options.
One important way to cut emissions is to fly nonstop,
since doing so eliminates excess, out-of-the-way travel.
And smaller planes have a bigger carbon footprint than
larger ones, on average. Because connecting flights
tend to use smaller planes on at least one leg, nonstop
flights are usually the greener way to go.
takeoff, landing, and ground operations produce a lot
of carbon, and connecting flights require more of these
high-carbon activities than nonstop flights. Finally, the
carbon footprint of connecting flights can be even
larger because you have a greater chance of encounter-
ing delays.
For years we have heard so much about the causes
of climate change that we’ve often overlooked the fact
that practical solutions can slow this growing problem
now. Driving fuel-efficient vehicles, using renewable
energy, and protecting threatened forests are the most
important ways we can reduce global warming while
saving money and creating new businesses and jobs.
But because U.S. emissions of heat-trapping gases are
so high, we each need to take every step we can to
help curb global warming. You can boost your personal
contribution to that effort and set an example for your
friends, family, and neighbors by traveling green.
Getting There Greener
As many environmentally conscious consumers are
aware, driving a personal vehicle has a clearly defined
global warming impact. Such a vehicle emits slightly
more than 19 pounds of carbon dioxide for every gal-
lon of gasoline it consumes; producing that fuel and
transporting it from the wellhead to the pump releases
another five to six pounds of carbon dioxide. In all,
some 25 pounds of CO
enter the atmosphere for every
gallon of gasoline our cars and trucks burn. Fuel-effi-
cient vehicles, of course, are better for the environment
when it comes to personal travel. However, as this
report shows, other options are also available.
Large motor coaches and trains with low occupancy
make excellent environmental choices for vacation trav-
el, because your decision to ride those vehicles adds
essentially no environmental impact. If a half-empty
bus is already scheduled to travel from Baltimore to
Knoxville, adding you to the passenger manifest won’t
require the company to send another bus. “On the mar-
gin,” therefore, your decision to take that trip won’t add
carbon to the atmosphere.
In fact, however, the fuller a vehicle, the more envi-
ronmentally friendly it is. On a per-passenger basis, a car
is roughly four times as environmentally friendly with
four seats occupied as when the driver travels alone.
This same principle applies to other vehicles as well.
Whether there are five people in a car, 50 people in a
motor coach, or 500 people in a 747, the environment
gets more travel “bang” for its carbon “buck” when
those vehicles are fully occupied.
So what does this all mean for consumers try-
ing to make environmentally friendly travel decisions?
Fortunately, the answer is straightforward. Today,
except in certain highly congested areas, most buses
and trains run well under capacity. These travel modes
are therefore usually your best environmental bet.
Of course, emissions are associated with all travel,
and the best way to compare modes is on a per-pas-
senger basis. The following sections explain the overall
methodology we used in this report, and provide the
emission factors for each mode. See Appendices B
(aircraft), C (automobiles), D (rail), and E (intercity motor
coaches) for more on the calculations and assumptions
for individual modes.
Green Travel Methodology Overview
Our analysis is based on energy consumption, ridership
(passenger-miles), and carbon dioxide emissions for
each mode of travel. We obtained that information from
a number of government and commercial sources for
the most recent year available, usually 2004 or 2005.
We then used standard metrics to convert energy
consumption to CO
emissions, and divided by rider-
ship, to arrive at average pounds of CO
emitted per
passenger-mile traveled in each mode.
Finally, we added upstream CO
associated with extracting, refining, and transporting
a given fuel—to yield total pounds of carbon dioxide
emitted per passenger-mile traveled in each mode.
We estimated per-trip emissions by multiplying the lat-
ter number by distance traveled. (See Appendices B
through E for these values for each mode.)
Table 5 provides examples of distances for road and
air travel between popular domestic locations.
Why We Do Not Evaluate Travel
on the Margin
In this report we developed and used average emis-
sion factors rather than attempting to estimate marginal
emissions—that is, those associated with each addition-
al passenger. We did this for several reasons. First and
most important, the data we collected on fuel use and
ridership for each travel mode are aggregated, and thus
are not amenable to marginal calculations.
Moreover, even if such data were available, the
resulting emission factors would depend heavily on the
capacity of each vehicle. This would yield widely vari-
able and sometimes extreme results that would impart
little practical information to the typical vacation traveler.
Finally, passengers on planes, rail, and motor
coaches rarely know ahead of time whether they are
taking the last seat on a plane, or whether they are
Appendix A: Methodology
Union of Concerned Scientists
Getting There Greener
Boston Chicago Los Angeles
New York
1,100 720 2,185 880 2,595
950 605 1,950 760 2,140
- 985 2,980 215 3,110
- 870 2,610 185 2,705
985 - 2,015 790 2,130
870 - 1,750 740 1,845
1,970 1,005 1,025 1,775 1,270
1,755 890 860 1,620 965
Las Vegas
2,730 1,750 270 2,540 570
2,380 1,515 240 2,240 410
Los Angeles
2,980 2,015 - 2,800 380
2,610 1,750 - 2,460 335
1,505 1,415 2,740 1,290 3,095
1,260 1,750 2,340 1,090 2,585
New York City
215 790 2,800 - 2,900
185 740 2,460 - 2,580
1,300 1,230 2,510 1,085 2,890
1,120 1,005 2,215 945 2,445
2,700 1,915 370 2,460 750
2,300 1,440 370 2,150 650
San Francisco
3,110 2,130 380 2,900 -
2,705 1,845 335 2,580 -
3,055 2,060 1,140 2,860 800
2,495 1,720 955 2,410 680
440 700 2,715 230 2,815
415 590 2,290 220 2,420
Table 5. Distances between Popular Vacation Route
Origins and Destinations, in Miles
Red = Flying Blue = Driving
Sources: Driving distances from city center to city center— Nonstop flying distances
between major airports—Bureau of Transportation Statistics, Inter-airport distance,
distance.asp. Rail distances vary from the driving and flying distances, depending on the route selected.
Getting There Greener
responsible for putting a new motor coach into opera-
tion. Without that information, travelers would lack the
ability to ascertain their “place” along the marginal
Limitations of Our Assessment
Our methodology examines only carbon dioxide emis-
sions. While other pollutants from these transporta-
tion modes have clear adverse environmental effects,
limits on the available information prevented us from
including these effects in our analysis. As more data on
emissions other than CO
from various travel modes
become available, we hope to factor that information
into our analysis.
We also exclude “radiative forcing” of greenhouse
gas emissions from airplanes at cruising altitudes
(more than 3,000 feet) from our current methodol-
Scientists agree that greenhouse gas emissions
at these high altitudes lead to radiative forcing, but the
exact mechanism and associated multiplier are unclear.
Similar uncertainty remains regarding the effects of the
large quantity of water vapor (contrails) emitted in flight.
As analysts begin to better understand the contribution
(positive or negative) of contrails to climate change, we
could also include those findings when updating our
Union of Concerned Scientists
Getting There Greener
Appendix B: Aircraft Data
We estimated carbon dioxide emissions from aircraft
based on reported data for three categories of flight
operations: (1) cruising (a function of distance flown);
(2) ground operations; and (3) takeoff/landing and
approach (TOL). The latter two categories occur once
per flight (or, in the case of multi-leg trips, once per leg),
and are not a function of distance flown.
The emission factors used in this report are average
estimates for four different types of aircraft: wide-body
jets, narrow-body jets, regional jets, and turboprops.
However, many airline and travel websites now provide
information on the specific type of aircraft used for a
given flight—a useful tool for those seeking the lowest-
carbon flight. (See Table 6 for emissions from the most
commonly flown aircraft.)
Of course, 747s are not used commercially for
100-mile trips, and turboprops are not used for cross-
country trips. Based on data from the Federal Aviation
Administration, we assumed turboprop use for flight
distances of 100 to 275 miles, regional jet use for flights
of approximately 500 miles, narrow-body jets for flights
of 750 to 1,500 miles, and wide-body jets for flights
covering more than 2,000 miles.
Airlines today fly planes with occupancies that aver-
age 80 percent of their passenger capacity, and typically
add freight to fill up available remaining weight capac-
ity. We therefore used an 80 percent load factor when
determining per-passenger emissions associated with
air travel.
How Delays Affect Carbon Emissions
Air traffic delays force aircraft to burn more fuel, and
thus produce more carbon emissions. Estimates show
that delays resulted in 7.1 million metric tons of CO
emissions in 2007.
Given indirect emissions from the
production and transport of the extra fuel, delays were
responsible for a total of 8.5 million metric tons of
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency reports
that domestic commercial aviation accounted for 144
million metric tons of CO
emissions in 2006.
the total emissions from delays noted above, that
means they exacted a 6 percent CO
penalty on aver-
age. However, because delays do not occur system-
wide, but rather depend on where and when you fly,
this report does not account for carbon emissions asso-
ciated with them.
Getting There Greener
Aircraft Manufacturer
Aircraft category
(wide-body jet = WJ,
narrow-body jet = NJ,
regional jet = RJ,
turboprop = TP)
Avg. miles
per flight,
by aircraft
Avg. in-flight
by aircraft
(lbs. CO
Avg. TOL+ground
by aircraft
(lbs. CO
B744 Boeing
WJ 3,587 0.36 25
MD11 McDonnell Douglas WJ 2,925 0.40 27
B772 Boeing WJ 2,661 0.35 37
B767 Boeing WJ 2,336 0.31 34
B747 Boeing WJ 2,225 0.42 28
B763 Boeing WJ 2,112 0.35 36
Use-Weighted Average:
WJ 0.36 31
B757 Boeing
NJ 1,501 0.34 32
B753 Boeing NJ 1,432 0.35 31
B752 Boeing NJ 1,212 0.34 24
MD83 McDonnell Douglas NJ 1,072 0.42 33
A320 Airbus NJ 846 0.37 33
B737 Boeing NJ 798 0.40 39
A319 Airbus NJ 775 0.40 33
B733 Boeing NJ 597 0.41 34
MD80 McDonnell Douglas NJ 540 0.50 41
Use-Weighted Average:
NJ 0.38 33
CRJ7 Bombardier/Canadair
RJ 561 0.37 22
CRJ2 Bombardier/Canadair RJ
465 0.57 30
CRJ1 Bombardier/Canadair RJ 463 0.54 28
E145 Embraer RJ 461 0.58 43
Use-Weighted Average:
RJ 0.54 33
AT72 Aerospatiale
TP 261 0.39 15
AT43 Aerospatiale TP 219 0.41 17
SF34 Saab TP 202 0.89 32
DH8A De Havilland TP 191 0.54 20
C208 Cessna TP 144 0.57 31
Use-Weighted Average:
TP 0.55 21
Table 6. Average Aircraft Emission Factors, by Type
Sources: Aircraft classifications—, Commercial aircraft encyclopedia. Emission rates—Federal Aviation Administration, 2004, SAGE aircraft data.
Notes: Use-weighted averages apply to each aircraft class. Yellow = wide-body jets (2,000-mile or greater typical range). Blue = narrow-body jets (500–1,500-mile typical range).
Orange = regional jets (500-mile typical range). Purple = turboprops (125–275-mile typical range). TOL = takeoff and landing.
Union of Concerned Scientists
Getting There Greener
Number of
Fraction of
global use
No. of
per TOL
per-seat CO
Avg. CO
by aircraft
611 6.2% 9.7E+06 3.8E+05 1.4E+09 7,929 19.5
410 1.6% 2.9E+06 1.2E+05 2.7E+08 4,985 18.3
391 4.3% 7.9E+06 3.5E+05 1.1E+09 6,738 26.0
307 1.9% 7.5E+04 3.1E+03 5.7E+06 4,016 19.7
524 <0.1% 8.6E+04 1.1E+03 3.8E+06 7,421 21.3
274 5.0% 1.2E+07 5.2E+05 9.1E+08 3,888 21.4
228 0.4% 7.7E+04 3.4E+03 4.6E+06 3,054 20.2
227 0.4% 1.3E+06 5.7E+04 7.9E+07 3,041 20.2
218 5.7% 2.3E+07 1.0E+06 9.7E+08 2,113 14.6
172 0.8% 3.9E+06 1.6E+05 1.8E+08 2,477 21.7
8.1% 4.8E+07 2.0E+06 2.4E+09 2,620 24.1
136 3.7% 2.2E+07 9.8E+05 9.9E+08 2,229 24.7
137 3.8% 2.4E+07 1.0E+06 9.7E+08 2,070 22.8
140 5.3% 4.2E+07 1.9E+06 1.6E+09 1,943 20.9
145 2.6% 2.4E+07 9.8E+05 1.3E+09 2,910 30.2
72 0.9% 7.9E+06 3.5E+05 9.2E+07 581 12.1
21 Regional jet
50 2.8% 2.8E+07 1.2E+06 3.2E+08 575 17.3
50 2.5% 2.5E+07 1.1E+06 2.9E+08 581 17.5
50 3.1% 3.3E+07 1.4E+06 6.4E+08 1,019 30.7
66 0.6% 7.9E+06 4.9E+05 8.8E+07 399 9.1
15 Turboprop
46 0.3% 4.4E+06 2.5E+05 3.4E+07 303 9.9
34 0.7% 1.0E+07 7.1E+05 1.9E+08 593 26.3
37 0.3% 1.2E+07 6.7E+05 8.4E+07 278 11.3
12 0.2% 4.4E+06 2.5E+05 2.0E+07 180 22.6
Notes: These estimates apply to emissions from operations that occur on the ground or at altitudes lower than 3,000 feet. All aircraft calculations assume an average load factor
of 80 percent. We add 20 percent to the totals for indirect emissions associated with the production and distribution of jet fuel. See Appendix A for sources and details. TOL =
takeoff and landing.
Table 7. Aircraft CO
Emissions from Takeoff/Landing and Approach
As Reported by the Federal Aviation Administration (SAGE 2004)
Getting There Greener
Number of
equiv. seats
No. of
Fuel per
Total CO
Avg. CO
by aircraft
611 3.8E+05 1.2E+08 3.9E+08 325 1,028 2,267 5.6
410 1.2E+05 4.1E+07 1.3E+08 346 1,088 2,399 8.8
391 3.5E+05 1.4E+08 4.4E+08 401 1,263 2,784 10.7
307 3.1E+03 1.3E+06 4.2E+06 423 1,332 2,936 14.4
524 1.1E+03 4.0E+05 1.3E+06 354 1,116 2,461 7.1
274 5.2E+05 2.0E+08 6.3E+08 384 1,211 2,670 14.7
228 3.4E+03 8.4E+05 2.6E+06 250 788 1,738 11.5
227 5.7E+04 1.4E+07 4.4E+07 244 773 1,704 11.3
218 1.0E+06 2.0E+08 6.3E+08 195 615 1,356
172 1.6E+05 2.9E+07 9.0E+07 178 560 1,235 10.8
159 2.0E+06 3.0E+08 9.3E+08 145 459 1,011 9.3
136 9.8E+05 1.8E+08 5.6E+08 182 575 1,267 14.0
137 1.0E+06 1.4E+08 4.4E+08 136 426 940 10.3
140 1.9E+06 3.2E+08 1.0E+09 171 543 1,197 12.9
145 9.8E+05 1.5E+08 4.7E+08 152 481 1,060 11.0
72 3.5E+05 2.4E+07 7.6E+07 68 216 476 10.0
12 Regional jet
50 1.2E+06 7.4E+07 2.3E+08 60 189 416 12.5
50 1.1E+06 5.6E+07 1.8E+08 51 160 353 10.6
50 1.4E+06 8.3E+07 2.6E+08 60 189 416 12.5
66 4.9E+05 1.8E+07 5.8E+07 38 119 263 6.0
7 Turboprop
46 2.5E+05 7.1E+06 2.3E+07 29 91 201 6.6
34 7.1E+05 1.2E+07 3.9E+07 17 54 119 5.3
37 6.7E+05 2.9E+08 6.5E+07 435 98 216 8.8
12 2.5E+05 2.5E+06 7.9E+06 10 32 70 8.7
Table 8. Aircraft CO
Emissions from Ground Operations
As Reported by the Federal Aviation Administration (SAGE 2004)
Union of Concerned Scientists
Getting There Greener
Number of
Miles per
of flights
Fuel burn
Fuel per
Total CO
Avg. CO
by aircraft
611 3,587 1.3E+09 3.8E+05 2.8E+10 8.9E+10 74,844 145 0.36
410 2,925 3.4E+08 1.2E+05 5.4E+09 1.7E+10 45,468 108 0.40
391 2,661 9.2E+08 3.5E+05 1.2E+10 3.8E+10 34,882 91 0.35
307 2,336 7.3E+06 3.1E+03 6.6E+07 2.1E+08 20,999 63 0.31
524 2,225 2.5E+06 1.1E+03 5.4E+07 1.7E+08 47,100 147 0.42
274 2,112 1.1E+09 5.2E+05 9.9E+09 3.1E+10 19,241 63 0.35
228 1,501 5.0E+06 3.4E+03 3.7E+07 1.2E+08 10,925 51 0.34
227 1,432 8.1E+07 5.7E+04 6.1E+08 1.9E+09 10,717 52 0.35
218 1,212 1.2E+09
1.0E+06 8.7E+09 2.7E+10 8,550 49 0.34
172 1,072 1.7E+08 1.6E+05 1.2E+09 3.8E+09 7,449 48 0.42
159 846 1.7E+09 2.0E+06 9.9E+09 3.1E+10 4,867 40 0.37
136 798 7.8E+08 9.8E+05 4.1E+09 1.3E+10 4,178 36 0.40
137 775 8.0E+08 1.0E+06 4.2E+09 1.3E+10 4,051 36 0.40
140 597 1.1E+09 1.9E+06 6.0E+09 1.9E+10 3,235 38 0.41
145 540 5.3E+08 9.8E+05 3.6E+09 1.2E+10 3,714 48 0.50
72 561 2.0E+08 3.5E+05 5.0E+08 1.6E+09 1,425 18 0.37
0.54 Regional jet
50 465 5.7E+08 1.2E+06 1.6E+09 4.9E+09 1,264 19 0.57
50 463 5.1E+08 1.1E+06 1.3E+09 4.2E+09 1,205 18 0.54
50 461 6.4E+08 1.4E+06 1.8E+09 5.6E+09 1,267 19 0.58
66 261 1.3E+08 4.9E+05 3.1E+08 9.8E+08 639 17 0.39
0.55 Turboprop
46 219 5.4E+07 2.5E+05 9.9E+07 3.1E+08 399 13 0.41
34 202 1.4E+08 7.1E+05 4.1E+08 1.3E+09 580 20 0.89
37 191 1.3E+08 6.7E+05 2.4E+08 7.7E+08 364 13 0.54
12 144 3.6E+07 2.5E+05 2.4E+07 7.4E+07 95 5 0.57
Table 9. Aircraft CO
Emissions from In-Flight Cruising (>3,000 ft.)
As Reported by the Federal Aviation Administration (SAGE 2004)
Getting There Greener
Sources: For computation methodology—Stuart Reddaway, 2007, The carbon cost of business and first-class long-haul flying, online at
For airline configuration specifications—
Note: For more information on seat configurations used by different carriers, see,, and
United A320
No. seats
Seats in
Coach 31 6 25% 6.46 1.0 90 90
Coach + 36 6 30% 7.80 1.2 36 43
First 38 4 40% 13.30 2.1 12 25
Total 158
Northwest A320
No. seats
Seats in
Coach 31 6 25% 6.46 1.0 132 132
Coach + 32 6 30% 6.93 1.1 0 0
First 36 4 40% 12.60 2.0 16 31
Total 163
Table 10. Calculations of Seat Area for Sample Aircraft
United A319
No. seats
Seats in
Coach 31 6 25% 6.46 1.0 72 72
Coach + 35 6 30% 7.58 1.2 40 47
First 38 4 40% 13.30 2.1 8 16
Total 135
Northwest A319
No. seats
Seats in
Coach 31 6 25% 6.46 1.0 108 108
Coach + 32 6 30% 6.93 1.1 0 0
First 35 4 40% 12.25 1.9 16 30
Total 138
United B777-200
No. seats
Seats in
Coach 31 9 25% 4.31 1.0 223 223
Coach + 35 9 30% 5.06 1.2 89 105
First 38 6 40% 8.87 2.1 36 74
Total 402
Delta 777-200
No. seats
Seats in
Coach 31 9 25% 4.31 1.0 218 218
Coach + 35 9 30% 5.06 1.2 0 43
First 60 6 40% 14.00 3.3 50 163
Total 381
no. of
no. of
no. of
Union of Concerned Scientists
Getting There Greener
Appendix C: Automobile Data
Per-trip emissions from automobiles are treated dif-
ferently from those of airplanes, trains, and motor
coaches. That’s because—unlike in other modes—the
traveler determines the number of passengers in a car,
truck, or SUV. What’s more, per-passenger carbon emis-
sions from personal vehicles decline precipitously as the
number of occupants rises. If a driver decides to travel
alone, the vehicle’s carbon emissions are fully attributed
to that individual. If, on the other hand, the driver brings
a spouse, a friend, or an entire family along, he or she
incurs a small carbon penalty for the extra weight but
per-person emissions fall by a factor of two, three, four,
or more. In the case of airplanes, buses, and trains, we
assume that those emission factors remain constant
regardless of the number of passengers traveling.
Per-trip emissions from automobiles vary dramati-
cally with the type of vehicle. We estimated emissions
for five different types of passenger vehicles: hybrid
car, efficient conventional car, typical car, typical SUV,
and large SUV. We evaluated each type of vehicle with
one to five passengers, accounting for the modest drop
in fuel economy that results from the additional people
and their luggage.
1 2 3 4 5
emissions in lbs./vehicle-mile (direct and indirect emissions)
Hybrid car (46 mpg)
0.54 0.56 0.58 0.60 0.63
Efficient car (32 mpg)
0.78 0.81 0.85 0.89 0.93
Typical car (23 mpg)
1.08 1.12 1.16 1.21 1.26
Typical SUV (18 mpg)
1.39 1.42 1.46 1.51 1.55
Large SUV (12 mpg)
2.08 2.12 2.17 2.21 2.26
Assumptions regarding average weight, in pounds:
Luggage (per-passenger)
Hybrid car
Efficient car
Average car
Average SUV
Worst SUV
19.564 pounds of CO
per gallon of gasoline (direct emission factor)
27.5% (multiplier for indirect emissions)
Table 11. Per-Vehicle CO
Emissions by Vehicle Type
and Number of Occupants
Sources: Fuel economies for different types of vehicles are based on assessments at and in EPA, Office
of Transportation and Air Quality, 2008, Light-duty automotive technology and fuel economy trends: 1975–2008.
Getting There Greener
1 2 3 4 5
emissions in lbs./passenger-mile
Hybrid car (46 mpg)
0.54 0.28 0.19 0.15 0.13
Efficient car (32 mpg)
0.78 0.41 0.28 0.22 0.19
Typical car (23 mpg)
1.08 0.56 0.39 0.30 0.25
Typical SUV (18 mpg)
1.39 0.71 0.49 0.38 0.31
Large SUV (12 mpg)
2.08 1.06 0.72 0.55 0.45
Table 12. Per-Passenger CO
Emissions by Vehicle Type
and Number of Occupants
Number of
Distance traveled (miles)
100 250 500 750 1,000 2,000 2,500 3,000
Hybrid car
54 136 271 407 542 1,085 1,356 1,627
2 56 140 281 421 562 1,123 1,404 1,685
3 58 146 291 437 582 1,164 1,455 1,747
4 60 151 302 453 604 1,209 1,511 1,813
5 63 157 314 471 628 1,257 1,571 1,885
Efficient car
78 195 390 585 780 1,559 1,949 2,339
2 81 203 406 609 812 1,624 2,030 2,436
3 85 212 424 635 847 1,695 2,118 2,542
4 89 221 443 664 886 1,772 2,214 2,657
5 93 232 464 696 928 1,856 2,320 2,784
Typical car
108 271 542 813 1,085 2,169 2,711 3,254
2 112 281 562 842 1,123 2,246 2,808 3,369
3 116 291 582 873 1,164 2,329 2,911 3,493
4 121
302 604 907 1,209 2,418 3,022 3,627
5 126 314 628 943 1,257 2,514 3,142 3,771
Typical SUV
139 346 693 1,039 1,386 2,772 3,464 4,157
2 142 356 712 1,068 1,424 2,848 3,559 4,271
3 146 366 732 1,098 1,464 2,928 3,660 4,392
4 151 377 753 1,130 1,506 3,013 3,766 4,519
5 155 388 776 1,163 1,551 3,103 3,878 4,654
Large SUV
208 520 1,039 1,559 2,079 4,157 5,197 6,236
2 212 530 1,061 1,591 2,121 4,242 5,303 6,363
3 217 541 1,083 1,624 2,165 4,331 5,413 6,496
4 221 553 1,106 1,659 2,211 4,423 5,528 6,634
5 226 565 1,130 1,695 2,259 4,519 5,649 6,778
Table 13. Total CO
Emissions from Automobiles by Number of Travelers and Distance
Pounds per Trip
Union of Concerned Scientists
Getting There Greener
Train service in America falls into two distinct catego-
ries: the Northeast Corridor (from Washington, DC, to
Boston), where trains run on electricity, and the rest of
Amtrak’s network, where trains run on diesel. Tables 14
and 15 provide our calculations for the emission factors
from both types of trains, based on data from Amtrak
and the federal government. We assumed that trains in
the Northeast Corridor run on electricity, while those in
all other regions run on diesel.
Amtrak claims that emission factors for electric
and diesel service are similar. However, we came to
a different conclusion. The electric locomotives that
Amtrak uses in the Northeast Corridor are heavy and
not very efficient, but they are still slightly cleaner than
the diesel trains used elsewhere in the country. That
is because the electricity grid serving the Northeast
Corridor is relatively clean—it relies less on coal and
more on natural gas and hydroelectricity than the grid
in much of the rest of the country. And because of the
pollution associated with extracting, refining, and distrib-
uting diesel fuel,
we found that when we accounted
for both in-use and upstream carbon emissions, electric
trains end up being roughly 20 percent cleaner than die-
sel trains.
Appendix D: Rail Data
Units Source
65.5 Million gallons of diesel fuel consumed (a)
22.38 Pounds of CO
per gallon of diesel (downstream only) (b)
1,466 Million pounds of CO
from Amtrak diesel trains computed
3,821 Estimated Amtrak non-electrified passenger-miles (millions)
0.38 Pound of CO
per passenger-mile computed
0.20 Indirect emission factor (d)
0.45 Pound of CO
per passenger-mile (includes upstream emissions)
(c) Estimated value, confirmed by National Association of Railroad Passengers.
(d) EPA, Office of Transportation and Air Quality, 2006, Greenhouse gas emissions from the U.S. transportation
sector 1990–2003.
Table 14. Estimate of Emission Factor for Diesel Rail, 2005
Getting There Greener
Units Source
65.5 Million gallons of diesel (a)
138,700 BTUs per gallon of diesel (b)
9.08 Trillion BTUs of diesel use computed
533 Million kWh of electricity consumed (c)
10% Electricity transmission losses (est.)
593 Million kWh of electricity consumed (incl. transmission) computed
5,381 Total Amtrak passenger-miles in 2005 (millions) (d)
1,560 Million passenger-miles in Northeast Corridor (est.)
0.908 Pound of CO
per kWh (Northeast avg., 2004) (f)
538 Million pounds of CO
from Amtrak in Northeast Corridor computed
0.34 Pound of CO
per passenger-mile computed
0.075 Indirect emission factor (g)
Pound of CO
per passenger-mile
(includes upstream emissions)
(b) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), 2008,Transportation energy data book, Table A.15.
(c) Computed based on total Amtrak energy use reported in ORNL, Table 9.10.
(d) ORNL, Table 9.10.
(e) Amtrak monthly performance report, November 2006, page A-1.3.
(g) EPA, Office of Transportation and Air Quality, 2006, Greenhouse gas emissions from the U.S. transportation
sector 1990–2003.
Table 15. Estimate of Emission Factor for Electric Rail, 2005
Union of Concerned Scientists
Getting There Greener
No. of
Distance traveled (miles)
100 250 500 750 1,000 2,000 2,500 3,000
45 114 227 341 454 908 1,135 1,362
2 91 227 454 681 908 1,816 2,271 2,725
3 136 341 681 1,022 1,362 2,725 3,406 4,087
4 182 454 908 1,362 1,816 3,633 4,541 5,449
5 227 568 1,135 1,703 2,271 4,541 5,676 6,812
37 93 185 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2 74 185 371 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
3 111 278 556 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
4 148 371 741 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
5 185 463 927 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
43 107 215 322 430 860 1,075 1,290
2 86 215 430 645 860 1,720 2,150 2,580
3 129 322 645 967 1,290 2,580 3,224 3,869
4 172 430
860 1,290 1,720 3,439 4,299 5,159
5 215 537 1,075 1,612 2,150 4,299 5,374 6,449
Table 16. Total CO
Emissions from Rail by Number of Travelers and Distance
Pounds per Trip
Note: “Average” estimates reflect average use-weighted emissions from diesel and electric rail combined (0.43 pound of CO
per passenger-mile).
Getting There Greener
Because motor coaches encounter much less stop-and-
go traffic than public-transit buses, they have notably
lower carbon emissions, making them a very green way
to travel. In fact, even when not filled to capacity, motor
coaches have the smallest carbon emission factors of
any major motorized vehicle.
We relied on several sources of information to
develop emission factors for motor coaches (intercity
buses). Without a way to evaluate which source had
the most accurate information, we simply averaged the
results from all the sources to develop the emission
value used in this report.
We multiplied bus emission factors by the distance
traveled and the number of people in the party to arrive
at total carbon footprints.
Appendix E: Motor Coach Data
Units Source
American Bus Association
184 Passenger-miles per gallon of diesel (a)
22.38 Pounds of CO
per gallon of diesel (b)
0.12 Pound of CO
per passenger-mile
184 Passenger-miles per gallon of diesel (c)
22.38 Pounds of CO
per gallon of diesel (b)
0.12 Pound of CO
per passenger-mile
Congressional Research Service
953 BTUs per passenger-mile (1990) (e)
161.4 Pounds of CO
per million BTUs (f)
0.15 Pound of CO
per passenger-mile
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
932 BTUs per passenger-mile (2000) (g)
161.4 Pounds of CO
per million BTUs (h)
0.15 Pound of CO
per passenger-mile
Peter Pan
946 BTUs per passenger-mile (2006) (i)
161.4 Pounds of CO
per million BTUs (j)
0.15 Pound of CO
per passenger-mile
0.14 Pound of CO
per passenger-mile (k)
0.20 Indirect emission factor (l)
Pound of CO
per passenger-mile
(includes upstream emissions)
(a) M.J. Bradley & Associates, American Bus Association, May 2007, Table 2.2.
(b) Energy Information Administration,
(d) Energy Information Administration,
(e) CRS, 1996, Amtrak and energy conservation in intercity passenger transportation,
(f) Energy Information Administration,
(g) Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2008,Transportation energy data book, Table 2.13.
(h) Energy Information Administration,
(j) Energy Information Administration,
(k) Computed average of five sources.
(l) EPA, Office of Transportation and Air Quality, 2006, Greenhouse gas emissions from the U.S. transportation sector 1990–2003.
Table 17. Estimates of Emission Factor for Motor Coaches
Union of Concerned Scientists
Getting There Greener
Distance traveled (miles)
Number of
100 250 500 750 1,000 2,000 2,500 3,000
1 17 42 84 126 168 336 420 504
2 34 84 168 252 336 672 840 1,008
3 50 126 252 378 504 1,008 1,260 1,512
4 67 168 336 504 672 1,344 1,680 2,016
5 84 210 420 630 840 1,680 2,100 2,520
Table 18. Total CO
Emissions from Motor Coaches by Number of Travelers and Distance
Pounds per Trip
Getting There Greener
Appendix F: Comparing Carbon Footprints for Each
Travel Mode
The figures below compare carbon footprints across all major modes of travel for vacation parties of different sizes.
To avoid complication, we averaged the results for specific types of vehicles within some travel modes in the body of
the report.
Distance (Miles)
100 500 1,000 2,000 3,000
Figure 23. Comparing Carbon Footprints across All Modes: Solo Traveler
Take Train (Electric)
Take Motor Coach
Fly Economy Nonstop
Take Train (Diesel)
Drive Hybrid Car (46mpg)
Fly First-Class Nonstop
Drive Typical Car (23 mpg)
Drive Typical SUV (18 mpg)
Drive Large SUV (12 mpg)
Total CO
Emissions (Pounds/Trip)
Distance (Miles)
500 1,000 2,000 3,000
Figure 24. Comparing Carbon Footprints across All Modes: Two Travelers
Take Train (Electric)
Take Motor Coach
Drive Hybrid Car (46mpg)
Fly Economy Nonstop
Take Train (Diesel)
Drive Typical Car (23 mpg)
Drive Typical SUV (18 mpg)
Fly First-Class Nonstop
Drive Large SUV (12 mpg)
Total CO
Emissions (Pounds/Trip)
Union of Concerned Scientists
Getting There Greener
Distance (Miles)
100 500 1,000 2,000 3,000
Figure 25. Comparing Carbon Footprints across All Modes: Family of Four
Take Train (Electric)
Take Motor Coach
Fly Economy Nonstop
Take Train (Diesel)
Drive Hybrid Car (46mpg)
Fly First-Class Nonstop
Drive Typical Car (23 mpg)
Drive Typical SUV (18 mpg)
Drive Large SUV (12 mpg)
Total CO
Emissions (Pounds/Trip)
Getting There Greener
Coach seats with more legroom—sometimes called
“economy-plus”—are responsible for an average of 20 percent
more carbon than standard coach seats.
U.S. Department of Transportation. 1997. 1995 American travel
survey. Washington, DC. These statistics are the most recent
available, as the department does not update them routinely.
U.S. Department of Transportation. National household travel
survey: Summer travel quick facts, 2001–2002. Washington,
DC. Online at
Travel Industry Association (TIA). 2007. New study identifies
travelers’ ideal vacation trip. Washington, DC.
TIA 2007.
U.S. Department of Transportation 1997.
See Appendices A through E for more on our research
methods and how we calculated our results.
TIA 2007.
NBC News. 2007. Escape work: Get the most out of your
vacations. Online at
U.S. Department of Transportation. National household travel
survey: Summer travel quick facts, 2001–2002.
This calculation is based on: U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA). 2006. Greenhouse gas emissions from the U.S.
transportation sector: 1990–2003. And: Energy Information
Administration. 2007. Emissions of greenhouse gases in
the United States, 2006. The 40 percent figure includes
“upstream” emissions associated with extracting, refining, and
transporting fuel from the wellhead to the fuel pump.
For more information, see
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). 2008. Transportation
energy data book, 27
edition, Table 9.2. Oak Ridge, TN.
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). March 15, 2007. Press
release no. AOC-8-07. Washington, DC.
U.S. Department of Transportation, Bureau of Transportation
Statistics, Research and Innovation Technology Administration
(RITA). 2008. Transtats database. Online at www.transtats. Washington, DC.
Although the aircraft and its fuel account for most of the
weight on a flight, the “payload” (crew, supplies, passengers,
luggage, and air freight) does affect the flight’s carbon
footprint. The industry attributes 100 kilograms (220 pounds)
to each passenger and their luggage, although experts now
believe this estimate is too low. Because most large airlines
accrue additional revenues from carrying cargo, they add air
freight to an underoccupied plane whenever possible. The
emission factors used in this report do not consider air freight.
Instead, all emissions stem from an assumed passenger
load of 80 percent (the industry average). See Appendix B
for more details.
See endnote 1.
For aircraft with multiple classes of seats, we calculated the
area that each seat class occupies by dividing the pitch (in
inches) by the number of seats across the aircraft, multiplied
by the percent of overhead space devoted to each class. We
then converted this area to an economy-equivalent number of
seats. The same aircraft can have different seat configurations,
and thus varying numbers of economy-equivalent seats. For
example, Delta configures its Boeing 777s with 381 economy-
equivalent seats, while United’s 777s have 402 economy-
equivalent seats.
See for seating configurations for the
planes each airline has in service.
The type of engine in an aircraft does affect its carbon
emissions. If a manufacturer decides to use different engines
in various aircraft of the same model, estimates of carbon
emissions for that model will be less accurate.
Direct emissions alone are 21 pounds of CO
per gallon of jet
fuel. See: Energy Information Administration. 2007. Voluntary
reporting of greenhouse gases. Online at
oiaf/1605/coefficients.html. Indirect emissions add 20 percent
to this amount. See: EPA 2006, Appendix B.
U.S. Senate Joint Economic Committee. 2008. Your flight has
been delayed again. Figure 2. This number includes indirect
emissions, as estimated in EPA 2006.
Domestic commercial air operations are responsible for
emitting a total of 144 million metric tons of CO
to: EPA. Forthcoming. Greenhouse gas emissions from U.S.
transportation and other mobile sources. Washington, DC. This
figure includes both direct and indirect carbon emissions.
Bureau of Transportation Statistics. 2004. National household
travel survey. Online at
Throughout this report we use fuel cycle emission factors.
That is, we include emissions from the extraction, shipment,
refining, and distribution of fuel, in addition to the direct
emissions from each vehicle’s tailpipe. See: EPA 2006. For
up-to-date fuel economy ratings for any vehicle, see www.
The sole exception is first-class air travel covering distances of
500 miles or fewer, which has a slightly larger carbon footprint
than driving a typical (23 mpg) car that distance.
Union of Concerned Scientists
Getting There Greener
All data in this section are from U.S. Department of Energy
(DOE). Driving more efficiently. Washington, DC. Online at
We all recognize aggressive driving when someone else is
doing it. Such driving can include relying on “jackrabbit” starts,
accelerating to a stop, making an excessive number of lane
changes, tailgating with rapid flutters on the gas pedal,
and more.
Driving at speeds in excess of the speed limit also increases
carbon emissions. For more information on speed and fuel
economy, see ORNL 2008, Table 4.22.
This depends on the fuel economy of the respective vehicles.
Six passengers in a 12 mpg SUV are responsible for about the
same amount of carbon dioxide as three occupants in each of
two 23 mpg cars.
The figure of 70.0 cents per mile is from ORNL 2008, Table
10.12. The figure of 58.5 cents per mile is the Internal
Revenue Service’s reimbursement rate, effective July 1, 2008.
Gasoline and oil represent 14.3 percent of the total cost of
driving a car, according to ORNL 2008.
The data in this paragraph are from and
Congressional Research Service (CRS). 2004. Amtrak:
The political and social aspects of federal intercity passenger
rail policy. Washington, DC.
Eno Transportation Foundation. 2007. Transportation in
America. Washington, DC.
CRS 2004.
See Appendix D for data and calculations.
Eno Transportation Foundation 2007, 45.
When families of four or more travel together, per-passenger
emissions are lower if they drive a 46 mpg hybrid car than if
they take a bus.
Schweiterman, J., et al. 2007. The return of the intercity bus:
The decline and recovery of scheduled service to American
cities, 1960–2007. Chicago: DePaul University.
M.J. Bradley & Associates. 2007. Comparison of energy use
and CO
emissions from different transportation modes.
Concord, MA.
American Bus Association. 2003. Motor coaches: Partners in
the community. Washington, DC.
Motor coaches remain the principal form of passenger
transportation between cities in Canada, according to Transport
Canada, the country’s transportation ministry. See American
Bus Association 2003.
These costs use the Internal Revenue Service’s mileage
reimbursement rate of $0.585 per mile, and assume a one-
way distance of 270 miles.
This rule of thumb holds as long as analysts continue to
concur that “radiative forcing” at altitudes higher than
3,000 feet—where long-distance jets tend to fly—does not
undermine their carbon advantage over short-distance aircraft.
The concept of radiative forcing addresses the fact that CO
emissions at higher altitudes have a larger impact than those
at lower altitudes.
See Appendices B through E for specific sources for each
mode. They include the Federal Aviation Administration for
aircraft; Amtrak for electric and diesel rail; the American Bus
Association, Greyhound, Congressional Research Service, Oak
Ridge National Laboratory, and Peter Pan for intercity buses;
and the EPA for cars and SUVs.
For upstream emissions from various transportation modes,
see EPA 2006.
Travel distances for rail must be estimated, but they are closer
to driving distances than to flying distances.
See endnote 44 for an explanation of radiative forcing.
U.S. Senate Joint Economic Committee 2008.
See: EPA. Forthcoming. Greenhouse gas emissions from U.S.
transportation and other mobile sources. Washington, DC.
SAGE is a computer model used by the Federal Aviation
Administration to predict fuel burn and emissions for all
commercial flights in a given year. The EPA reports that total
emissions from domestic commercial aviation were
relatively stable in 2004 (the data used above) and 2006. This
implies that the SAGE data used in this report are still current.
See: EPA. Forthcoming. Greenhouse gas emissions from U.S.
transportation and other mobile sources. Washington, DC.
See endnote 51.
See endnote 51.
Adding one more passenger to any vehicle will cut per-
passenger emissions, but this decline is small in travel modes
that carry large numbers of passengers, such as planes, trains,
and motor coaches. Adding occupants to cars, SUVs, and
minivans, in contrast, can decrease per-passenger emissions
by as much as a factor of five.
DOE. 2006. Driving technology: A transition strategy to
enhance energy security. Online at
EPA 2006.
Total Amtrak passenger-miles minus passenger-miles in
Northeast Corridor. See Table 15.
Operations in the Northeast Corridor account for about
29 percent of Amtrak’s total passenger-miles. In personal
communication with the authors, Amtrak estimated its
Northeast Corridor passenger-miles at 1.5 billion, which is
consistent with our estimate.
Getting There Greener
Photo & Map Credits
Front cover: ©örn Kindler (plane);
© (car); © Vomund (train);
© Lindqvist (bus)
Page 1: © Lee
Page 4: © Oliva
Page 5: © Lindström (woman on train);
© Collins (ballpark)
Page 6: © Lindqvist
Page 7: ©2008 JupiterImages Corp. (family in pool);
© H. Lewis (snowboarders)
Page 10: © Surkov (mother with child);
©örn Kindler (plane)
Page 15: ©U.S. Senate Joint Economic Committee
Page 16: Erin Rogers (family in minivan); ©
McCaig (hybrid car)
Page 18: ©Federal Highway Administration, 2005
Page 20: © Vomund (train);
© Noskowski (man with suitcases)
Page 21: ©Amtrak
Page 22: © Klein (father and son);
© Burley (two boys with glove)
Page 23: © (white bus); ©Wikimedia Commons/
Secondarywaltz (Trailways bus)
Page 26: Bryan Wadsworth (Disney World);
© Rhay (Las Vegas sign);
© Carlos Torres (Statue of Liberty)
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Getting There Greener
The Guide to Your Lower-Carbon Vacation
hile the idea of “green” vacations has
attracted recent attention, most information
focuses on what to do when you get to your
destination, not on how to get there. No definitive
source has been available to guide travelers toward
the transportation option—train, plane, automobile,
or motor coach (a.k.a. bus)—that will produce the
least global warming pollution during a particular
vacation. Until now.
In Getting There Greener, the Union of Concerned
Scientists presents the first comprehensive analysis—
peer-reviewed by experts—of the highest-carbon and
lowest-carbon options for vacation travel.
This analysis shows that three key factors
determine the environmental impact of your travel:
(1) the type of vehicle you are taking; (2) the distance
you are traveling; and (3) the number of people
traveling with you. Based on these factors, this guide
can tell you how environmentally sound (or perhaps
unsound) your travel plans are.
Where you decide to go and how you get there
is entirely up to you. It’s your vacation. But with our
rules of thumb and the information we provide about
the carbon footprint of your travel options, you’ll have
the tools you need to get there greener!