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The poetics of Nirmal Verma and his stylistics
Annie Montaut
To cite this version:
Annie Montaut. The poetics of Nirmal Verma and his stylistics: from the grammar of indeniteness to
the subversion of gender oppositions. Odjel za orijentalisktiku Hrvatsjiga loloskog drustva i losofski
fakultet, 2006, 5, pp.247-296. �halshs-00549407�
The poetics of Nirmal Verma and his stylistics : from the grammar of
indefiniteness to the subversion of gender oppositions
in Voices from South Asia, Language in South Asian Literature,
(Theo Damsteegt ed.) Odjel za orijentalisktiku Hrvatsjiga filoloskog
drustva, Biblioteca Orientalika, Zagreb, 2006, pp. 247-296
Annie Montaut, Inalco/CEIAS
Nirmal Verma has explained in numerous essays the specific function and
intrinsic quality of art and, especially, literature, in particular Indian literature
Such theories have in the past repeatedly been discarded as an artificial desire to
invent roots for himself in the Indian tradition in order to legitimate a novelistic
style that is largely made up of foreign influences
. The view that Nirmal Verma’s
novelistic art is an adaptation of European technics and notions is indeed quite
wide spread in Indian literary critique, ranging from Indranath Madan (1966 :
136-38), Lakshmisagar Varshneya (1970 : 69 sq), Chandrakanta Bandivadekar
(1977 : 399) to, more recently, Jaydev (1993 : 48-49). These numerous
evaluations leave behind the impression that Verma is a Hindi writer who writes
in Hindi about Western (English) themes, structuring contents and characters
according to Western literary principles
, such as that of the late twentieth century
Western novel, where « characters often do not have names, and their motivations
and feelings remain shadowy»
The recent fame of the author (he was awarded the Gyanpith distinction in
2001 ?) has certainly made the judgments about his work less critical and has even
led to some sort of admiration for his ideology of art, making him into a kind of
Sartre or ‘maître à penser’ of his generation. Yet, such enthusiasm is often of
dubious origin as the wish to reinforce a hindu perspective is an important motif
for some of his supporters. However, reasoned comparisons of the theoretical
essays and the text of his novels have been rare and restricted to two recent papers,
both from 2000 (Prasenjit Gupta and Annie Montaut). The latter is mainly
devoted to matters of form and, like the former, deals with the contents and
narrative structure of the text rather than with its style in the phrastic meaning of
the term. What will be at stake here, as is has been in these two papers, is the
resolution of the implicit or explicit contradiction between the essays as a purely
Hindu worldview and Verma’s fiction as a Western form invested on westernized
figures and westernized intrigues or, to phrase it more adequately in a western
guise: the absence of a proper story.
See section 4. A significant selection of these essays have been translated in English under the
suggestive title India and Europe (Verma 2000).
In an already ancient conference in Paris by Alok Rai, who saw this radical opposition between
Premchand, naturally rooted in the traditions of India yet writing in a « progressive » style inspired
by the western social realism, et Nirmal Verma, uprooted and therefore in need of inventing roots.
Similarly the German critic Gaeffke, a classic reference, speaks of a « language of the
existentialist post-war jargon » (1978 : 69).
Review of The Crows of Deliverance, Publishers Weekly 238.36 : 53, August 8, 1991.
A sample of a theoretical program within the narrative offers even more
insight since it is both, implicitly, a philosophical/theoretical program and a
practical illustration of that program involving the material (here scriptural)
devices implicated in the concrete realization of the artist’s program. Such a
sample can be found in Ek cithrâ sukh (A rag called happiness in English
I will therefore start with an explanation of the content and formal
explanation of this short sample, then develop its main formal devices by
analysing some crucial extracts of the novels, eventually relating the results of the
analyses to the “philosohical’ background displayed in Nirmal’s essays.
1. Still life: a lesson of looking
In the novel mentioned above, the episode of the lesson of « how to see »
is introduced by a project, if not a full fledged program, of being a writer : « I will
remember, I will write it in my dairy ». This is followed by an outline of a scene
observed from the room on the barsati : « Bitti was hanging the clothes (…) and
I… »
. It is quite striking how the three dots (quite frequent in Nirmal Verma’s
fictional writing) link both first the observed scene to the « I », and then the « I »
to his favorite game (khel) which triggers the memory of the drawing lesson. This
punctuation also has another effect: it makes the word to stand in isolation, like an
island suspended between two silences, cut off from what precedes and what
follows, while at the same time connected to the neighboring sequences as an
iconic announce of what will follow. Knowing that the whole structure of the
novel is made to disclose, within the main protagonist, the inner « I » (maiN) who
observes the events in the third person (« he », vah) and is transformed into a
writer by writing from memory and by reliving the events, having left the deserted
scene at the end of the novel in a Proustian structure
we cannot overestimate the
impact of this short piece of poetics within the overall economy of the novel. Such
a meta-narrative injunction to « see » describes the writer’s stance in a novel
aimed, among other goals, at describing the genesis of the writer. Let us first re-
read the passage, which carries on with the third person right after the quote
mentioned above, and right before taking us into the « lesson » :
vah apne bistar par le th. Kitn br vah yah khel apne se khelt th,
jaise vah duniy se kah
bâhar se dekh rahâ hai, shâm, chhat, bittî aur
Dairî ab unhen nahîn jântâ. Vah unhen pahlî bâr dekh rahâ hai.
Uske Drâing mâsTar klâs men kahte the –
he was lying on his bed. How many times had not he played this game
with himself, as if he was looking at the world from outside, evening,
roof-top, Bitti and Dairy – now he does not know them. He is looking
p. 19. My own translation, in order to keep a very literal and almost word-to-word equivalent,
including punctuation, which is generally never kept in the translations (an exception is the French
Le Toit de tôle rouge / Lâl Tîn kî chat at Actes Sud, 2004, but not Un Bonheur en lambeaux / Ek
chithrâ sukh, Actes Sud, 2000). Kuldip Singh’s translation gives : « Bitty was hanging clothes out
to dry (…). », the ‘aur maiN’ sequence is sikipped.
See the analysis of the structure of the novel in Montaut (2000). One of the threads linking
memory, death, rebirth and vision with writing (and art) is the diary given by the young boy’s
mother, whose death he repeatedly sees again and again.
at them for the first time. His drawing master used to say in the
classroom --
dekho, yah seb hai, yah seb Tebul par rahtâ hai. Ise dhyân se dekho.
Sîdhî âNkhoN se ek sunn nigâh sûî nok–sî seb par bîdh jâtî Vah
dhîre-dhîre havâ meN ghulne lagtâ, gâyab ho jâtâ. Phir, phir, acânak
patâ caltâ seb vahîN hai, mez par, jaise-kâ taisâ sirf vah alag ho
gayâ hai, kamre se, dûsre laRkoN se, mez aur kursiyoN se aur pahlî
bâr seb ko naî nigâhoN se dekh rahâ hai. NaNgâ, sâbut, sampûrN …
itnâ sampûrN ki vah bhaybhît-sâ ho jâtâ, bhaybhît bhî nahîN sirf ek
ajîb-sâ vismay pakaR letâ, jaise kisîne uskî âNkhoN se paTTî khol
hai (p. 19).
look, this is an apple, this apple is on the table. Look at it with
attention. With right eyes an empty look pierced the apple like the
head of a needle. It/he began to slowly dissolve in the air, disappeared.
Then, then, suddenly became aware the apple is exactly there, such
as itself only he/it has got separated, from the room, from the other
children, from the table and the chairs and for the first time looks at
the apple with new eyes (a new look). Naked, entire, complete In
such a wholeness (completion) that he became kind of frightened, not
even frightened only a somewhat strange wonder seized (him), as if
someone had lifted a bandage from his eyes.
What strikes the reader about the formal structure of this short passage, of the
whole writing process, is the density of specific stylistic devices making it a
microcosm: the shifting reference in the pronominal system, the repetitions, the
use of the so-called short (truncated) imperfect sometimes called indefinite or
poetic imperfect, the very peculiar system of punctuation, the linking of
« independent » clauses or sentences with dashes rather than with commas or full
stops, an abundance of markers of indefiniteness (comparisons, the approximation
suffix , rectifications such as « frightening, not even frightening »), a number
of formal devices which all contribute to create the position of standing aloof
(dunyâ se bâhar, alag) and the empathy described in this fragment as the correct
attitude to look at things in order to write about them/describe them
. It is
significant that the passage occurs in the novel immediately after the decision to
transform the experienced feeling into a written experience thorugh the use of
diary which is given to the boy by his dead mother as a tool for precisely seeing
and remembering and thereby transcending death
. It is therefore all the more
obvious that the right vision, which makes remembering possible and allows a
Most of these devices are omitted in the English translation : « Lying on his bed, the boy played
at his secret game. He imagined that a part of him was outside, looking in at Bitty and Darry, the
diffuse afternoon light, the ceiling, as if he’d seen none of these before. At school, his art teacher
used to say : ‘Look, this thing on the table is an apple. Look at it carefully. Look at it straight so
you see nothing else whatever.’ Slowly, then, he would feel hi seye draw to a needle-point and
stick into the apple even as the rest of him seemed to fall away. The other boys in the class, the
desks, the chairs – all disappeared. Only the apple remained. In its nakedness, fullness, wholeness.
I t
was all so frightening and wonderful, as if he were seeing an apple for the first time ever, as if a
blindfold had come unstuck. » (pp. 14-145).
For the details of the analysis see Montaut 2000.
memory to be written, has to do with life and death, as art generally has in
Nirmal’s perception.
Along with the formal structures of this paragraph, which are in a way
seminal throughout Nirmal’s writing, some highly loaded words deserve a more
detailed comment
, in order to locate the whole « lesson » in the global body of the
author’s philosophical/aesthetical statements mentioned in the introduction
(before coming back to it in conclusion). Among these are dhyân and sîdhî.
Dhyân, which literally means « attention », is also the word used from medieval
times till today to indicate the concentration a devotee seeks in order to meditate
on a deity and reach a further state of union with the divine. As for sîdhî, a
feminine adjective, it literally means « straight, right » but is also is related to the
yogic powers (cf. the noun siddha, which indicates an utterly accomplished
person or some sort of saint endowed with spiritual powers) or the inner
realization of the self and of true knowledge
. This makes it obvious that the type
of perception involved in the lesson appeal to a specific way of looking , whether
it is named nigâh, âNkh or dekh in Hindi. Perhaps we can relate it to the
ritualized darshan, but the text makes no use of the word darshan, neither in this
passage nor elsewhere, as it avoids direct explicit analogies with the religious or
philosophical vocabularies. Attempting to get at the the sacred is not done through
of ready-made categories in the novel but is the result of the very immanent acts
and words as they get transcended into their bare intrinsic self. That is also hinted
at in the the frequent use of the word sunn (empty, dumb) and is further
emphasized by the use of words with a rich alliteration such as sûî the needle,
the approximative suffix, or seb the apple.
What is of special interest is of course the effect of this intense, absolute
gaze, literally piercing (bhinc) the apple to reach at its inner nature: the apple
begins to dissolve in the emptyness, while the pronoun which replaces it (vah) is
also the form used for the boy, making both viewer and viewed interchangeable
for a moment in a first reading. Once dissolved, the apple suddenly appears in its
absolute wholeness, which is paradigmatically equivalent to its nakedness,
integrity/solidity, while again the ambiguity of the pronoun vah momentarily
connects the viewed object and the viewer. A special gazeis thus required for the
object to appear in its very self and in its own being (i.e.: undistorted by the
observer), and this specific perception can only come about when someoneis
himself detached (alag) from all the present contingencies (other pupils, table and
chairs), who looks from nowhere or from outside the world (free from worldly
contingencies), and thus perceives the object for the first time because he has
freed his vision from habitual attachmentsthat are socially or psychologically or
historically conditioned, like a « blindfold » (paTTî) before one’s eyes. This kind
of perception is also described as almost frightening; an emotion that is
immediately corrected into another fundamental aesthetic emotion, amazament
The seeing for the first time, « playing » as if one is not aware of what has
previously been seen in the observed scene is then a « game » which is aschildish
as it is philosophical.
Sîdhâ, with long first vowel, is the tadbhav for siddh (with the classical vowel lengthening
compensating the simplification of medial consonant cluster)
Cf. the eight, later nine and eleven, fundamental emotions in the classical theories of rasa, in the
most clearly presented synthesis of Kunjuni Raja.
As for the object that is put before the pupils to observe, the apple, it too
belongs to the well known tradition in the training of western still-life painters
but this tradition is here renewed (nativized ?) by the words that are used to
describe it. The apple, while disclosing its pure object-ness in a literally wonderful
way, becomes part of a process. This process, the perception that units the
perceived object and the perceiverthrough the act of perception itself, is a classic
reference in the theory of meaning and grammar as well as in the theory of
aesthetics in Sanskrit. Besides, the way the object has to be perceived echoes the
pictorial perception of Raza (2002, 2004) in his theory of bindu, the focal point,
which amounts to reaching the inner spiritual truth of an object once the ocular,
superficial perception is transcended by the artist’s concentration (dhyân). In
Nirmal Verma’s novel, the still life is generally distortedonce things once are
perceived correctly. It is subtly distorted into a vibrating life, things becoming
living entities and active participants, again a subdued reference to the classical
vision of the cosmic world in Indian philosophy.
Further on in Ek Cithrâ Sukh,
after the suicide of an important character in one of the last chapters, when the
boy is already becoming an adult and a writer, and when the fusion of his « I »
and his « he »
, allows a « you » to appear in the shifting process of
(de)identification, objects are also described as active entities endowed with a
consciousness of their own, a crucial feature for this world of inter-relatedness to
connect « I », « he », « it », the self, the other, the world.
vahâN ab koî nahîN thâ. Koî nahîN thâ. Sirf vah thâ, jo ab maiN hûN…
DurghaTnâ bhî ek âtmâ hotî hai. Yah maiNne dekhâ thâ. Dekhâ thâ,
maiN Thîk kahtâ hûN, kyoNki uskî gandh âpas cîzoN ko bhî patâ cal
jâtî hai aur ve apnî-apnî jagah se uThkar tumheN gher letî haiN… aur
tum unheN hakkî-bakkî nigâhoN se aise dekh rahe ho jaise unheN pahle
kabhî nahîN dekhâ (p. 140)
Now there was nobody there. Nobody was there. He only was there,
who is now I…
Catastrophies have their own soul. This I have seen. I have seen, I say
right, because even the things around become aware of their smell and
get up from their place to circle around you… And you look at them
with dumbfounded eyes as if you had never seen them before
2. The central episode of ECS: approximation and comparison
The scene of the memory of the fair at Allahabad takes place at the
beginning of the last third of the novel (pp. 98-100) and features just one shard of
memory among many others, but this small piece gives the book its title. There is
also another reason to consider this scene as vital in the global economy of the
novel (and use it to observe its stylistic texture) : it explicitly raises the question
of rebirth, being cut off from family and social support, and, as to tis form, it
mixes short dialogues with « poetical » sequences that are equally short, which
NV has always had a special interest in painting, partly out of a personal taste partly out of a
family surrounding since his brother is the well-known painter Ram Kumar.
Fully explicite in NV’s essays (see conclusion), but showing without metadiscourse in his
The writing alternately focuses on the same character as a first person narrator or as a third
person observer in the sequence.
reflect a perception that is strongly reminiscent of the one depicted just before the
lesson in perception.
The boy, who has already been staying with his cousin Bitti for a few
months in her barsati at Nizamuddin, sometimes feverish and sometimes better,
observing Bitti’s friends in their theatrical activities as amateurs, spends his time
reading a book about a missionary and a panther. He wanders around in the
neighborhood and remembers his days in Allahabad, his home town that he left
because of a persistent fever. Among the memories that continue to recur, is that
of his mother’s death in the hospital in Allahabad, that of the fair with his cousin,
where both visited the strange spectacle of a dwarf who was stripped of all his
clothes except a few rags as a result of his walking and running in the cold wind
of the fan in the circus tent. This spectacle was shown to them as an answer to a
question aby Bitti: “what is happiness like ?”. Right after that, just before leaving
the fair ground, they step in for the last round on the giant wheel and are forgotten
by the manager, who has not seen them when he stops the machine.
koî unheN nahîN dekh saktâ ? ve adrishya haiN…ve kahîN ûpar haiN,
havâ aur andhere meN, ek dûsre ke andhere meN jakRe hue, shahar
roshniyoN, gharoN, aur âdmiyoN ke ûpar jahâN kabhî ve rahte the,
bahut pahle, kisî dûsre janm meN […] vah bîc andhere meN baiThâ thâ,
na nîce, na ûpar, samûcî duniyâ se kaTâ huâ
- BiTTî, kyâ tum pichle janm meN vishvâs karti ho?
- main nahîN kartî… tum karte ho?
- mujhe patâ nahîN… lekin aisâ samay zarûr rahâ hogâ jab hameN
koî nahîN jântâ hogâ, merâ matlab hai…
Nobody can see them? They are invisible… They are somewhere above,
in the wind and the dark, frozen in each other’s darkness, above the
lights of the city, the houses, the men, where the have once lived, long
ago, in some other life (…). He was sitting in the middle, in the
darkness, neither below nor above, cut off from the whole world.
- Bitti, do you believe in previous birth?
- No, I don’t… Do you?
- I don’t know… but there must sure be a moment when nobody
knows you, I mean...
A long (one page) dialogue follows, on the question whether people who are
reborn in one single life can change identity and life in this rebirth, in order to
“leave/quit themselves”. Then the boys asks her cousin what she would like to do
later and she answers she would like to be like the dwarf – “clad with rags
(cithRe)?” exclaims the boy, and his cousin answers “they were not rags, they
were happiness”.
The description following the dialogue belongs to the often mentioned
poetic suggestiveness of Nirmal’s style and particularly this controlled epiphany,
impressionistic evocation of setting (…) virtually impossible to emulate
. Let us
try to analyse first how the “evocation of setting” is produced at the phrastic level
at least, since it is the level most commonly ignored when commenting on
Nirmal’s poetic virtuosity. Part of it occurs before the dialogue sequence, part of it
between the two main dialogued sequences. In the first setting of the frame (the
« His mastery of succinct details, controlled epiphany, and impressionistic evocation of setting
is virtually impossible to emulate » (Aamer Hussein 1991 : 22).
first lines quoted above), “high” in the sky (ûpar), one expression is repeated
three times: andhere meN “in the dark”
. The third occurrence, which at the first
reading seems to occur as a precision (bîc andhere meN), in fact opens on a more
precise indication of the location that apparently contradicts the very first setting
(“ûpar”), since it is now specified as being “neither low nor high”. The notion of
“middle” (bîc) then appears as a trigger for the creation of an inter-space, both
high and not high, a space where contradictions are suspended since it is itself
transcending the differential categories (“nana”) in a distinctly advaitin
formulation (netineti). It is from this position that the required detachment (“cut
off from the whole world”) is obtained, along with the “invisibility”: the two kids
in the empty space are adrishya “invisible”, and what they can still see (city,
houses, men) appears to them as belonging to a previous life, while at the same
time the outside darkness changes into a shared inner darkness (ek dûrsre ke
andhere meN), transforming and balancing the outside and the inside.
Repetitions are not just a pattern that is used to musicalize the narrative, they
induce a subtle twisting of notional categories which is further developed in the
second attempt of “setting the frame”, half way through the dialogue:
use kuch samajh meN nahîN âyâ, kintu us rât bîc havâ meN baiThe hue
use sab kuch sac lagâ thâ, asambhav lekin sac, candnî rât meN peRoN
ke nîce ek khel jaisâ, jismeN jo dikhâî detâ hai, vah nahîN hai, jo
sacmuc meN hai vah dikhâî nahîN detâ.
he did not understand anything, but sitting in the air of that night he felt
as if everything was true, impossible but true, like a play under the trees
in the silvery (moon-lighted) night, in which what is visible does not
exist, what does exist is not visible.
Again the in-between position, this time, in-between the air, is used to create the
place where intellectual incomprehension changes into the feeling (lagâ) of truth,
a realization comparable to the wonder at the dissolved apple. This feeling,
involving only un-referential pronouns (kuch nahîN, sab kuch, jo ”nothing,
everything, which”), hence relying on a basis of indefiniteness, amounts to
shifting and opposing the categories of the visible and the truth (words each
repeated several times), so as to convey a deliberate turning of the focalized view-
point, just like the boy’s usual game (as if he did not know, as if he had never
seen). The comparative expression ek khel jaisâ, “as in a game”, emphasizes the
other devices for approximation (aisâ lagâ), building the scenario of a game
which is not really a game, and more generally posits blurred categories in order
to dissolve the very notion of clear-cut categories and to suggest the inter-space as
the only point from which to observe truth. It has long been observed that Nirmal
Verma makes a profuse use of such expressions as “X ko or aisâ lagâ (jaisâ)”, X
felt like / as if”, “had the impression that”, or “it was like”. The psychological
interpretation of hesitation, indeterminacy, while focalizing on the inner
subjectivity, is a secondary effect of the high frequency of similar expressions,
which mainly create the space for an adjacent category or notion. Whether it is a
metaphor or a comparison (introduced by lagâ or mâno) or a comparative clause,
all these devices present the referent as double (one signified for two signifiers),
inaccessible by means of a single clear-cut wording, requiring to be hinted at
(suggested) by other representations, questioning therefore its sheer referenciality
and direct intelligibility. In a distinct yet similar way, the approximation affix –,
originally a contraction of jaisâ (< Sk sadrishya “looking as > resembling” <
verbal root DRSH/DARSH), which in Hindi can be suffixed to nouns, adjectives,
participles, with an attenuative or approximate meaning
, transforms a notional
category into a wider and vaguer one with blurred contours, that is, a notion which
is not precisely categorisable.
This is a kind of re-birth within this birth which opens the way to a
different, clairvoyant life, linked to the quality of being invisible and unknown to
the others, detached, beyond the secure parameters of measure, society, time and
space (ghar choRkar).
And then right after this piece of dialogue already set in such a specifically
“evocating” frame, occurs a short piece of poetic description:
vah bhaybhît-sâ haNsne lagâ (…) [BiTTî] svar itnâ halkâ thâ ki
andhere meN jân paRâ, jaise vah kisî svapn chilkâ hai, jo uske
hâth rah gayâ hai… târoN pîlî châNh meN kâmptâ huâ use nice
taraf khîNctâ huâ, jahâN Illâhâbâd ke itne varSh bekâr tukRoN
tarah havâ meN uR rahe the…
kind of frightened, he started laughing (…). Bitti’s voice was so light
that it seemed in the darkness as some peeling of a dream which had
remained in his hand… shivering in the yellow/pale shadow of the
stars pulling him down, where all the many Allahabad years were
flying in the air like useless bits and pieces…
How is the poetic dimension obtained here? No particularly poetic word except
the vagueness of the “dream” in its Sanskrit equivalent (svapn), no great metaphor,
no elaborate phraseology or metaphor. But this single sentence, further de-
articulated by the punctuation (suspensive marks, dashes), is right from the
beginning framed /lit on the background created by the boy’s state of mind:
bhaybhît-sâ, the very word associated with the feeling of wonder, which creates
an expectation for what follows. What follows is in the dialogue Bitti’s answer
regarding “happiness” and rags, and the way it is reverberated in the narrative by
the boy’s reaction. This single sentence, describing the boy’s emotions at his
cousin’s answer, is both a comment on the last, crucial words, as well as a
projection of this truth onto the boy’s relationship with the world outside and the
narrator’s writing. We remain in the repeated location of “in the dark” with the
recurring use of comparative clause (jân paRâ jaise) and nominal expressions (kî
tarah). The voice, made the outer shell of some dream, then made immaterial,
further recovers materiality when described as shivering or trembling in the boy’s
hand, and this trembling is in a way taken from the twinkling light of stars by
means of a chiasm
. The whole scene becomes strange (a suggestion of the
metaphysical / aesthetical wonder) because words are slightly displaced, either by
a trope or by an apparent inadequacy (chilkâ, châNh): the selection of the
improper word is a well-known impressionist device (the French symbolist poet
Verlaine claimed it, along with unbalanced prosody), and this anaucityaso to
speak, is handled by NV with great mastery. A dream has no chilkâ, but the chilkâ
makes it physically sensible that the boy is left with a shesh, a remaining (?), a left
over in both psycho-analytical and physical (the echo, dhvani of the voice)
meanings. Similarly the “pieces” (tukRâ) are deliberately presented as a bizar
See Montaut 1995 in Faits de langue, summarized in Montaut 2004 : 254-6.
A usual way of describing the stars in NV.
metaphor for years, by means of the most undefined segmentable object and a
very banal word which has practically no meaning except that of ‘broken object’.
The very notion of brokenness, unconnectedness, uselessness is what matters here
to re-create and give fresh life to the worn out metaphor of “gone with the wind”.
To distort it too, since they are not exactly gone with the wind and forgotten, they
are half forgotten half part of the surrounding wind, as is the contingent pieces of
the past for the detached person.
Last but not least
, as far as formal devices are concerned, the punctuation
of this sentence prevents the reader from operating hierarchies in the syntactic
levels and clauses; on the contrary, flat pauses, which oppose the logical
demarcations between clauses and especially the lowering tone of end marks,
create here not only a rhythm but also a melodic line with almost no peaks and
mainly silences (…, --- ), a silent breathing, a space for internal echoes to
reverberate. Assuming that standard punctuation in a written text is a marker of
logical junctures and helps in interpretating logical dependencies, we are dealing
here with a process of de-intellectualisation, allowing for a parallel reading with a
non-logical interpretation, a relation of equivalence and not of dependence and
hierarchy which best suits the register of feelings than that of intellect.
3. The incipit of Lâl n kî chat : the “atonal” punctuation and the de-
temporalized imperfect
The one and a half page incipit of LTC is particular in many respects: the
formal division of the book makes it an incipit of the first section (“In one
breathe”, ek sns meN) rather than of the whole novel, before chapter one among
the seven which make this first section, none of them bearing a title. But section
two (“Above the town”, shahar se ûpar) has no title (it consists in seven chapters,
with, again, no title), and section three (“Beyond consolation”, tasallî se pare),
has only one chapter
. Yet this incipit bears the title of the novel itself, Lâl Tîn
chat. Another peculiarity is the use of the tenses and punctuation: 16 dashes
(among which 6 in the first six lines), 3 dots, 1 question mark, 1 exclamation mark,
for only 24 full stops. An opening in the imperfect is in no way strange for a novel,
nor is the interruption of such a static and descriptive frame or background by an
event in the preterit (simple past), which also appear in the novel: such preterit
forms occur in paragraphs 4, 6, 8, 10, 11. The dominance of the imperfect,
however, has two particularities, both related to the Hindi language itself. The
first one is not stylistically marked since it is the regular habitual and actual
imperfects which are formed with the imperfect of the verb can be used as an
auxiliary (thâ, the, thî, thîN for gender and number variations, nominal-type
variations). If such a form itself is unmarked, combined with the massive use of
the copula or existential verb (with the same form), as is the case right from the
first sentence (sab taiyâr thâ “everything was ready), the result is a particular
emphasis on the static aspect. Both copula and auxiliary polarize each other, and
both are polarized also by the same auxiliary thâ used with a past participle to
denote a resultant state: munh khulâ thâ “his mouth was open”.
The second peculiarity, this one stylistically marked and occurring almost
only in written texts, is the alternative form of the imperfect, without copula: phail
There is a definite decrescendo in the structure, the first section occupying about half of the
book and the last one a bare fifteenth of it.
jâtî “expanded, extended” (phail jâtî thî), lagtâ “seemed” (lagtâ thâ). Some
authors use it less (Alka Saraogi for instance) than others, but none use it more
than Nirmal Verma does. Given the craftsmanship and controlled mastery of his
writing, this is very likely to have some meaning.
This tense is identical in form to the present (rather unaccomplished)
participle, except in the feminine plural
. This adjective-like form (nominal
category)has often been considered to convey more of a habitual sense than the
regular “general” or “habitual” imperfect
. However its occurrence in the incipit
(p. 8), quite representative of the other occurrences throughout the novel, does not
denote particularly habitual processes or states
. Its first occurrence in the fifth
paragraph (havâ chaltî) is chained directly on actualized imperfects (leTar-bâks
laTak rahâ thâ “the letter box was hanging/dangling”, jaise jhûl rahâ ho “as
if was swinging”), which describe the actual situation at a specific moment
the time of departure. The short imperfect then describes a process that may be
repeated (“every time when the wind was blowing”, “at each wind blow”) but
within the short span of this specific sequence when everything is getting ready
for departure. During this limited duration the door may be repeatedly flapping in
the wind (to vah hilne lagtâ), but not more repeatedly than the previous long
imperfects in the above context, and the light sound it diffuses (ek dhîmî-sî âvâz
phail jâtî) inducing the pony to look around with its tired watery eyes (apnî thakî
dabdabâî ânkhoN se dekhne lagtâ), all in the short form of the imperfect, is
definitely not connected with a specifically habitual notion
However, this flapping in the wind introduces a future leitmotiv of the novel
and is then the beginning of an indistinct series. Moreover, this initial occurrence,
within the syntactic diptych of temporal-dependent and main clause, one clause
being located only in relation with the other, therefore none being externally
stabilized, marks the process, even if not really habitual, but de-temporalized in a
way. The serialization and the de-temporalization converge here to extract the
process out of the actualized temporal frame of the narration. Hence its effect of
“vagueness”, blurred contours, and poetic impressionism, which is consistent with
the formal nature of this tense (a participle, more nominal than verbal). It is
consistent, too, with the other participles in collocation with the various
imperfects of the text. The first paragraph contains a number of nominal and
participle clauses, very loosely related to the main verb, and indeed presented as
Where there is an additional nasalization (tnîN vs participle thî), similar to the simple past form
compared with the past (accomplished) participle. As a predicate, the form is homonyme to the
counterfactual mood (Montaut 2003, 2004b).
Van Olphen (1970) after Lienhard (1964) and Platts (1876 [1967]: 145) makes it a form
conveying habits, routine, remote past or duration. Similarly, Nespital (1980) labels it « imperfect
habitual » in his 39 « temporal grammemes ». “Routine imperfective” in McGregor, the form is
according to him used to describe “not actions presented as actually occurring, but actions
presented as those which would typically occur in given circumstances” (1976: 171). Kellogg
(1876: 233-234) is as often the most perceptive, both in calling the form an “indefinite imperfect”
and emphasizing the lack of “reference to any particular time”, with no equivalent in English, so
that “maiN âtâ hûN” means according to his translation as well “I ceme” as “I would come”.
Which, as is well known, are represented by a specifically marked form, the grammaticalized
« frequentative » aspect with karnâdo ») as an auxiliary following the main verb in the past
The printed translation « a tin letter box hung on one nail from the gate, like a dead bird
suspended uspside down. It creaked rustily, rocked by the wind », p. 4.
independent clauses (Sab taiyâr thâ. Bistar, poTliyâN ek sûTkes The hold-all,
bundles -- a suitcase.)
, or clauses hanging in a sort of syntactic vacuum due to
the dashes (TaTTû ko râs thâme – “holding the reins of a pony”). All such devices
converge in producing an interruption of the narrative sequence, introducing a
kind of pause, on a flat, atone melodic level, detached from the running course of
events. The first chapter (p. 16) gives a more canonical illustration of the use of
both imperfects, since the short form occurs there for marking habits. But,
similarly, such habits are more habitual than the ones marked by the long form.
Both kids Kaya and Chote wait for their father to come at night and kiss them in
their bed. The whole page describes his coming and their state of mind. The first
paragraph contains two sequences in the short form, each chained on a previous
long form. The first centers on the actions performed by the father, the second on
Kaya’s expectations and fears. In between long forms occur, although the
temporal frame is exactly the same, because the viewpoint shifts towards the inner
state of the children. This subtle shift (here in the viewpoint, elsewhere in the
scenario described here, in the focus, the topic, the character or the actions
presented in the foreground) is enough to break the continuity created by the short
form as an indistinct, quasi nominal, static, theater of blurred events. The short
form creates this absolute absence of saliency so specific of Nirmal’s gift for
representing an impressionistic shadowy suggested world
One of the most representative poetic passages of the novel, when Kaya
comes back at night to her uncle’s house and finds the veranda lit like a magic
ship, also exhibits a similar mix of nominal clauses, dashes, and short imperfects
(along with comparative structures such as mentioned above):
vah zine ke pâs âî, to pâNv ThiThak gae. Sab kamroN battiyâN jal
rahî thîN.
Kâyâ ko ek bahut purânî kitâb foTo yâd ho âî andhere pânî se
khaRâ jahâz. Navambar kî râtoN meN, jab havâ sâf hotî
, vah makân
sacmuc jahâz lagtâ thâ. Lambâ galiyârâ Dek-sâ dikhâî detâ vahâN
hameshâ ek mez aur kuch ârâm-kursiiyâN paRî rahtî thiN. Garmî ke
dinoN meN vahâN câcâ ke mitr tâsh khelte the, khânâ-pînâ bhî vahâN
hotâ thâ. Lekin sitambar ke mahîne meN ve shahroN taraf cal dete.
Galiyârâ ujâR paR jâtâ. Mez, kursiyâN, phûloN ke gamle huî
garmiyoN ke khaNDahar-se dikhâî dete. Câcâ jab kabhî bâhar na
jâte, to der shâm tak vahâN baiThe rahte. Bilkul akele. Mez par ek
botal, ek gilâs, pânî kâ ek jag… aur sâmne SaNjaulî ki battiyâN… jo
do pahâRoN ke bîc jagmagâtî rahtîN. (p. 135)
Which is not reproduced in the printed translation : « Everything was ready : the hold-all,
bundles, and one suitcase », p. 3.
Even within a series of apparently similar reminiscences, as in page 17 when the little boy
remembers all the facts related to the automnal exodus from the hill station, all processes in the
short form are in a way inter-changeable, (utrâî shurû ho jâtî, cîR kî sûiyâN dikhâî detîN, pîlî paR
jâtîN, shahar ko dekhtâ), but the one in the long form, closing a quite long enumeration, relates to
a very salient fact (pitâ kâ cehrâ jhâNktâ thâ) : father’s face is such a saliency in Chote’s
imagination that it breaks the continuity and prevents the use of the short forms which blurs
differential features. Both sequences are respectedly as follows in K. Singh’s translation : « [Chote
saw what looked like swarms of ants] marching downhill in single files among yellowing pines,
away towards distant cities » and « behind which peered one face : his Babuji’s », p. 10.
This short form in a dependant clause is located by the long imperfect in the main clause.
She went near the stairs, and then felt her legs freeze. All the lights in
the rooms were lit.
Kaya remembered a picture in a very ancient book – a ship standing in
the dark sea. In the nights of November, when the air was pure, the
house really resembled a ship. The long veranda looked like a deck
there were always a few chairs and a table there. In summer, Uncle’s
friends used to play cards there, eating and drinking was also served
there. But in September they used to leave for the city. The veranda
suddenly became deserted. Table, chairs, flower-pots looked like the
ruins/remnants of the gone/ past summer. Whenever Uncle did not go
out, he used to sit there late in the evening. Absolutely alone. A bottle
on the table, a glass, a jug of water… and the lights of Sanjauli in
front… Which glimmered (were glimmering) between two
The entire end of the sequence is in the short imperfect, as is the evocation of the
veranda like a deck in November in the beginning (after its initial location in the
long imperfect). In between is the evocation, similarly habitual in a similarly
vague past, during summer. The short forms occur right at the time of the exodus
of friends down to the city. They are maintained although the topic shifts from the
house to its owner and resident and to the landscape far away: what unites the
whole sequence is the atmosphere of solitude, emptiness and gravity, the magic
beauty of this deserted deck, which makes the house look like a ship in the ocean
at night, aloof and luminous (whereas the summer playful atmosphere, although
made of serial enumerations of actions and habits, does not fit in the mental frame
suggested by the opening comparison).
Such a technique of suspension which delocalizes the sequence from the
temporal frame—is not purely a play of form used to subvert the classical
orientation of the narrative time, from a “before” to an “after” by means of
articulated steps. What is at stake here is this particular space out of /beyond the
rational and phenomenological points of reference which build the ordinary time-
space frame. The goal in Nirmal’s fiction as in Indian classical philosophy, of
being a writer, an artist, a “seer” (rishi), is to reach this literally extra-ordinary
time-space which is outside time-space while proceeding from time-space,
echoing Nirmal Verma’s obsessive longing for immanent transcendence
The same novel (LTC) contains some passages which almost theorize this
kind of longing or at least attach this perception to characters (the protagonist
Kaya for instance) who describe such feelings as true knowledge and
understanding. One of these takes place just after the death of the dog Ginny run
over by a train in a tunnel under the eyes of both Kaya and her mysterious cousin
Lama. The sequence is described in a combination of simple past (narrative
« Seeing the lit house, Kaya recalled a picture she had seen in an old book – of a ship anchored
in darkness. In the clear November night the house loooked like that ship. The long veranda with
folding chairs set out on it was a deck. In the summer Chacha played card here with his friends and
treated them to food and drink, but they left for the plains by September. With their departure, the
veranda started looking deserted. The empty chairs, the card table, the flowerpots : the ruins of a
lost summer. Chacha now sat among these alone, nursing his drink, looking at the Sanjauli lights
glimmering between two hills. » in K. Singh’s translation (p. 108-9).
Cf. conclusion. Cf. also Rushdie, in a totally different way, in Imaginary Homelands, specially
the chapter “Is Nothing sacred?”.
preterits) and progressive imperfect, before it suddenly shifts to the short
imperfect in describing the running of the dog toward the tunnel: “she did not look
aside (here nor there) as if she had found (present perfect) this mysterious treasure
she was looking for (progressive imperfect). Vah na udhar dekhtî na idhar, jaise
vah jo chipâ khazânâ dhûndh rahî thî use mil gayâ ho (49)
. That is already a
quite unusual use of the short imperfect, since the dog is obviously not described
in a routine activity but only during this single and last run towards the tunnel;
within which iteration is not ruled out but not prevailing in the meaning of the
predicate. And suddenly after this very unusual tense pattern, the narrative shifts
to the present: a present of an untemporal (untemporalized) Kaya since she is the
Kaya remembering for ever the event: yah main dekh saktî hûn, yâd kar saktî hûn,
duhârâ saktî hûn. Ginnî nîce utartî huî rail paTriyon ke âge, etc. This I can
see, I can remember, I can repeat. Ginny going down in front of the rails” (50)
Then again the narration uses the regular pattern for the imperfect (aur main
khaRî thî “and I was standing”), with an “I” that is dissociated in a way since the
girl listens to her own shriek as if it was not hers (mujhe kâfî hairânî huî ki main
khud bâhar se apnî cîkh sun rahî hûn, khud apne ko apne meN bhendte hue I was
quite amazed [discovering] that I was myself hearing my own scream from
outside, tearing myself in myself”
). A very long sequence with nominal
expansions, describing the sudden silence after the disappearing of the roaring
smoking train, after which nothing was left (kuch bhî sheSh nahîn rahâ), only “a
speedless speed/ a motionless move/ goalless goal, where there is no time, no
death, no night, no day, only a life running between the rails, a ball of wool” (ek
gatihîn gati, jahân na samay hai, na mrityu, na rât na din, sirf paTriyon ke bîc
bhâgtî huî ek jân, ûn golâ (51)
. Then again, after this speedless speed,
directionless direction, leading to emptiness, transcending both the categories of
oriented space and time (no day nor night, no time) and death, the description
goes on in the present: jo smriti nahîn hai, vah smriti banne se pahle kî smriti hai,
jo mere lie ek bahut purânî rât ka svapn ban gayâ, “which is not memory, it is
memory before memory is born, which became for me the dream of a very ancient
. This memory which is beyond memory since it is before the making of
memory, building for the girl a primeval night beyond the very concept of
beginning, before any process, before temporality itself which transforms the
things experienced into the memory of them, introduces a distinctly non narrative
dimension in the text. If the first occurrence of the present may be explained by
the grammar of comparison, this is not the case in the second clause, which is not
relative but independent (vah smriti banne se pahle smriti hai). The relative
« [She moved as if mesmerized], looking neither at her left nor right as though she had picked
up … the scent of the cache she had been looking for all her life »
« All this I can see again, recall, repeat to myself. There was Ginny crawling down the slope,
stopping short of the railway track » (p. 38 in K. Singh’s translation).
« In a daze I realized that I too was screaming – even as that scream tore through me, I felt
detached from myself, listening to it from the outside »
« leaving behind nothing, a nothingness, time spinning to a standstill, a living creature running
for its life between the rails, a little ball of wool » in K. Singh’s translation.
« all of which is a memory, a nightmare that keeps returning. I return to this day, and wait again
by the gaping tunnel : first there is the smoke, then the roar of the wheels, the impatient panicky
call from behind the bushes – Ginny ! Ginny ! Ginny ! But that, too, subsides with the dying
whimper » --
clauses that follow this equation (na…na: beyond time and death), although they
seem to link up with the narration in the long imperfect (“where I came back often
and often, sat down, waiting”: jahân main bâr-bâr lauT âtî thî, baiTh jâtî thî,
pratîkSâ kartî huî), in fact evoke a Kaya born after this traumatic experience and
its transcendence in the na… na space of “beyond”. Immediately after the
sequence of these two regular imperfects (habitual in the strong meaning since the
routine is a life long one for Kaya), short imperfects occur, disclosing the content
of the repeated drama, demarcated by a simple comma from the preceding
sequence: “the mouth of tunnel remained open, first came the smoke then the
noise of the wheels, then the anxious call coming from behind the bushes, Ginny,
Ginny, Ginny… which slowly changed into a dying whisper (surang munh
khulâ rahtâ, pahle dhuân âtâ, phir pahiyon kâ shor, phir jhaRiyoN ke pîche se âtâ
huâ becain kâtar bulâvâ, Ginnî, Ginnî… jo dhîre-dhîre martî huî phusphusâhaT
men badal jâtâ.)
This rewriting / rehearsing, repeating the whole episode in a de-
temporalized way echoes the initial present: main dekh saktî hûn, yâd kar saktî
hûN, “I can see, I can remember”, in a quasi-performative way since this
particular remembering which is beyond memory amounts to the very act of
writing this precise sequence commented above. Performing the process of
remembering is describing the “remembered” event in the way it is described by
the de-temporalized and de-localized Kaya. Ordinary (psychological) memory
indeed requires a sequence, a first occurrence of the event, and a second ‘visit’ of
the event. A thing happens, and then is revisited, within the oriented sequence of
time. In contrast with this view, there is no first occurrence of the event here that
could be a beginning for the process of memory. This is why memory is said to
be before the making of memory. This is also why the clause is in the present,
obviously not a narrative present nor a general present. If there is a name for such
a tense in Nirmal, that would be the present of eternity, or the absolute present, as
he himself repeatedly names it in his essays on culture and art (cirantan
Memory, therefore writing (since Kaya, like Munnu, is, at times, speaking
in the first person and the present of discourse when she becomes a philosopher),
is transforming the event (that previously ‘happened’ within an ordered sequence
with a before and an after) into a non event, a never happened because always
already there: eternity: the contingent accident into absolute truth. It gives the
impression of a presentification
of facts in the mode of the absolute. So that we
could call this type of short imperfect the imperfect of eternity or of pure present
(cirantam present: eternal present).
Interestingly, the next paragraph after the remembering of the “accident”
leads to another conclusion of this metaphysical/biological experience: “then it
seemed to me that on that afternoon I had seen Lama for the first time” (tab mujhe
lagâ jaise us dupahar ko mainne pahlî bâr Lâmâ ko dekhâ hai)
. And this vision
of a familiar person “as if” it was the first time she was seen, as if we had never
seen her, of course echoes the lesson of seeing described in the beginning or the
Making present in the meaning the French philosopher Levinas gives to the word present.
Again a quite different translation in K. Singh’s : « A Lama I had not seen before rambled
along… ».
4. The background: cognitive frame in Nirmal Verma’s essays
A writer who writes a narrative but discards chains of events as
meaningless before the primeval memory, memory before memory, time which
allows no day no night, equated to non time, in the same way as motion can be
equated to motionlessness (gatihîn gati), looking till the point of evanescence of
the object seen in the seer, discovering the “I” up to the point where it stops being
“I” and identifies with “he”, who is cut off from the world and becomes a
nonseparate part of the whole world. This clearly sounds like a series of
unsolvable paradoxes, proceeding from an unsustainable stand when looked at
from the “western” rational and logical framework
. And clearly not from the
traditional “Indian” viewpoint. What is this viewpoint like, according to Nirmal
Let us start with the first paradoxes, dealing with time. The
contemporaneousness (samkâlîntâ) of past within present, says Nirmal, is an
intrinsic part of traditional cultures, and has been particularly preserved in the
Indian ethos
. Those societies which are traditional in nature have absolutely no
need for the past. My feeling of being part (ansh) of the Indian culture does not
only rely on being linked with a piece of ground which is called India but rather
derives from the fact that I live in a time (samay) which is eternally
contemporaneous to me”: jo sahaj rûp se paramparâgat hotâ hai use atît koî
âvashyaktâ nahîN hai. Merî yah bhâvnâ ki main bhârtîya sanskriti ang hûN,
keval islie nahïn hai ki main zamîn ke ek ansh se juRâ hûN jise bhârat kahte haiN
balki islie ki main ek aise samay meN jîtâ hûn jo cirantan rûp se merâ samkâlîn
hai (Dh 70-71), whereas cultural identity has been “given” to the West with
historical conscience, as the realization of culture as a collective historical culture
objectivable in churches, museums, dates, etc.. This uneasiness to separate past
from present and future is in fact a typical manifestation of what some call a
mythical mentality (mithakîya bodh). In another essay devoted to the relation of
“time, myth and reality”, Nirmal criticizes this vision of a time oriented and
progressing from past to future, which values change, and substitutes a natural
process like a never ending wheel (cakrâkâr, anavarat silsilâ) “which past and
future are both intertwined with the eternal/never-ending present. This does not
mean that the distinct categories of time do not exist but they do not move from a
beginning to an end, their motion takes both within a smooth global vision a
motion (gati) that we can call a pause (virâm), where there remains no longer any
difference between motion (gati) and motionlessness (gatihîntâ). This ‘eternal
present’ is not something like a playful dream, nor is its consciousness limited to
prehistoric populations (adi-manuSya). This consciousness of time has always
been present in man (as the consciousness of nature (prakriti kâ bodh), but
historical time (aithihâsik samay) tries to suppress (dabne) and crush (kucalne)
this consciousness, this awareness (cetnâ, bodh) although it never completely
succeeded in crushing it. Man always kept it alive as a dream and memory buried
If such a thing as « western » has any meaning
Even if this ethos may seem vague and more related to feelings than to objectivity (aspaST
bhâvnâ), undefined (aparibhâSit) or at least not allowing historical definitions (aithihâsik
paribhâSâen). Dh 70
in his intimate self, where distinctions of time, melt in the mystery and miracle of
death and rebirth”, (Sh 191-1); and this echoes what Freud has called the
suppressed impressions (dabe hue prabhâv) hidden in the layers of
. It also reminds NV of the concept of memory in Proust, where
the flow of events condensed into a never ending present (nirantar vartamân)
where there is no beginning and no end. Such a conception of time can be called
the time consciousness of nature, that is especially strong in Hindu myth but in no
way the exclusive property of Indian culture. It is now the role of art in mythless
societies to fulfill this part, kalâ mithak bhûmikâ kamobesh adâ kar saktî hai
(Sh 192).
These reflexions can help as the philosophical background for the
conceptions alluded to in the novel in the form of some formulations like “gatihîn
gati or the negative definition of “memory before memory”. They make
evocations of prehistoric, primeval times intelligible in the context of locating past
in relation to present (Kayas meditation).They also confirm that the classical
framework of space-time so indispensable for a rational thinking no longer hold
true, nor does the very notion of category (shreNî), distinction (bhed) and limit
(sîmâ), the latter two obviously constitutive of the first
Moreover, if we try to understand this feeling of “being part of the Indian
culture” (ansh), and read for instance the essays on colonization and
postcolonization entitled Dhalân se utarte hue
, we find a clear opposition
between a western(ized) objective rational concept of culture and an Indian
subjective empathic conception, which resisted to some extent the imposition of
rational objectivity with British cultural domination over India. First starting with
the classical metaphor of the body as a window that opens for the soul on the
knowable world in western philosophy, Nirmal brings against it the Indian
viewpoint, where the world is not seen through a window, but rather the window
is the world, as well as the soul. This means that the visible object (world) is not
distinct from the viewer (the soul) and the instrument (window). “The difference
between body and soul is as artificial in the Indian tradition as is the contradiction
(antarvirodh) between outside and inside. What our ancestors had seen from the
window centuries ago trees, rivers, a vast unchanging landscape of animals and
men, is the same that I see, and I discover that I am not simply a spectator
(darshak) of this surroundings (paridrishya), rather am I in the middle of them
(unke bîc), an indifferentiate part (abhinn ansh) of them. There was a feeling of
union (sanlagnatâ bhâv) which naturally conjoined me to the time and the
world (kâl aur vishv ke sâth). What matters is that this inner relation (andrûnî
sambandh) between the various components of the external surroundings is as
important as the feeling of oneness / onesoulness (ekâtmâ bhâvnâ) between the
viewer (driSTâ) and the viewed (drishya). The person who sees and the object
which is seen, their mutual relation (…) is a better key of alacrity (sphurtidâyak)
It can be added that Freud also, as Nirmal in the end of this essay, explicitly states the analogy
between this primitive feeling (oceanic feeling, refusing the limits between inside and outside,
here and there, past and present, etc .) and art (also love). Malaise dans la civilisation.
Both time and space perception relate to a form of consciousness (cetnâ) which is indivisible,
unbreakable (akhandit), which sees everything together, tearing through the limits of space and
time (jo kâl aur spes kî sîmâoN ko bhedkar sab kuch eksâth dekhtî hai, p. 16 “Kâl aur smriti”).
Hence Dh. in the references below. Similarly Sh. will refer to « Shatâbdî ke Dhalte hue Dhalân ».
and empathy or sympathy (âtmîyatâ) than the separation of viewer, viewed, man
and landscape into distinct fragments as does European culture (alag-alag
khandoN meN vibhâjit karke) (DH, p. 72). This is this whole mental state which
has been challenged by the British colonization.
With this kind of background we can now accept as “natural” (sahaj) the
lesson of seeing commented at the beginning of the paper
. The dissolution of the
object viewed (apple), allowing for a possible ambiguity (vah) of viewer and
viewed, points to this ekâtmatâ which is more philosophically expounded in the
essays, and echoes classical texts on knowledge and language (from Bhartrhari to
Such perceptions result in a very particular conception, too, of the self and
the other. To start with, the self in the traditional indian mental framework is both
ego (aham) and its wider form the self (âtman), and since this wider form
(brihattar rûp) is an all-encompassing form, including nature, animals, human
beings, trees and rivers, history and society
, there can be no conflict between
self and other: “the other is not in a relation of opposition (virodh) with the Indian
self, the others are part of its “I”, of its existence” (uske astitva, uske ‘maiN’ meN
shâmil haiN” (Dh p. 74). The world resulting from this assumingly ‘Indian’
tradition is indeed a world of inter-relation where everything is linked to and
intertwined with the whole universe, is part of it, is in a way it and radically
differs from the assumingly western world such as shown in the modern western
dynamic motion but no orientation and no center
This world-view is inseparable from a state of detachment, again a word
and concept loosely related by the West with the traditional Indian way of life and
thought, most commonly with the sadhus who are its popular embodiment.
Characterizing this state, Nirmal uses two words, both traditionally specialized in
the description of such modes of life (or rather stages of life, namely the last two
ashramas, the eremitic vanaspratha and the ultimate detachment) aiming at the
most desired achievement, moksha (mukti)
, the freeing of the self from worldly
boundaries, and from the very consciousness of such boundaries. The words used
by Nirmal are nirvaiyaktik, detached, and taTasth, indifferent, along with their
nominal derivation nirvaiyaktitva, taTasthtâ. The first word is derived from vyakti,
individual, singular person. In Nirmal’s world, vyakti belongs to the world of
separate entities (monadic beings) and therefore is the opposite of manushya, man,
human being. Vyakti looks towards aham (ego), whereas manushya looks towards
, and manushyatâ only enables one to reach sampûrNtâ, with the feeling of
wholeness or holism. Achieving the nirvaiyaktik state, literally disindividualized,
means transcending the boundaries of vyakti (egocentered), leaving the worldly
An exactly similar « lesson » is proposed by the abstract painter Raza (2002, 2004).
NV 1991 : « but there is a wider, superior form of ego, aham, which we can call âtman, which is
not in a relation of dual opposition with the phenomenal contingent world (samsar) : it is, in its
intrinsic truth, an element of this supreme absolute (param), which is somewhat larger, more
diffuse and universal than social reality, to which belongs the entire nature (prakriti), the whole of
living creatures, time and history ». See also « Kâl aur srijan », Dh.p. 13.
Either socio-historical and cut off from inner realities or ego-centered and cut off from others
and the world, a kind of double bind that Nirmal lengthily comments as the deadend of the modern
novel (Dh pp. 22-25).
Both words derive from a common root.
In this context, aham is defined asego kî chalnâoN aur bhrântiyoN” (Dh).
distinctive limits and social structures responsible for distinctive differences and
categories. It means reaching the world of connectedness where manushya,
humanity in a holistic sense (see below) is available. From this viewpoint, the
creator, creation and creature are no longer distinct entities, in the same way as the
viewer, viewed thing and process of vision are fused in oneness
. There is no
longer a contradiction between the cutting off from the world as in the episode of
Allahabad fair or of the drawing lesson, and get united to the whole universe, a
seemingly paradoxical path which is in fact deeply rooted in the high and low
Indian traditions of saintliness since the medieval bhakti traditions. Similarly,
taTasthtâ, often translated by “indifference”, impartiality, is derived from the
word taT, shore, bank of a river or seacoast, and being taTasth means standing on
the bank of the river, being on the shore, between earth and sea, on the limit
therefore neither in this nor that part of a divided space, connected with both. That
is how in Nirmal (as well as in the many various implicit traditions nourishing his
world-view, detachment
becomes equal to non-separateness and connectedness.
This process is obviously made more difficult to grasp in a translated language,
such concepts as aham/âtman, vyakti/manushya, nirvaiyaktik, sampûrN, akhaNDit,
being ill-rendered by English equivalents such as “I” ou “ego”, “self” or “soul”,
individual/man or human, detached, complete or holist. As rightly pointed by
Nirmal Verma in Bhârat and Europe (2000: 72-3), after Coomaraswamy he often
quotes, such seminal concepts” are “untranslatable”, and their English translation
has often been the cause of deep misunderstandings.
Nirmal precisely defines such an opposition (vyakti / manushya, ikâî /
sampûrNtâ) in relation with the two mental attitudes he associates to respectively
the western (American) novel and specially Saul Bellow on one side, and Indian
literature on the other side. If we turn our back to the individualistic mentality of
the Western new novel, he says, we will suddenly feel as if we leave the world of
units and arrive in the world of relations. Here all living creatures and animate
beings are intertwined, inter-related, and not only those animate beings who
breath but also the objects which externally/superficially seem to be inanimate. In
this intertwined world, the things are linked with the men, the men with the trees,
the trees with the animals, the animals with the flora /vegetation, the flora with the
sky, with the rain, with the air. A creation which is living, animate, breathing at
every second, vibrating – a creation complete within itself, within which humanity
too exists, but the important fact is that humanity is not in the center, is not
superior to everything, the measure of everything; it is only related and in its
relation(hood) it is not the autonomous unit which the individual has been
considered to be till now , on the contrary, it is complete/integral in exactly the
same way as the other living beings are complete in their relations, and in the
same way as man/ the human is not the support of creation, similarly the
Needless to emphasize the difficulties of such a view for a rational stand, difficulties echoed by
the metaphoric formulations in philosophy and mystics, since the very use of words and sentence
implies at least distinctive categories (subject / object, entity / process).
I emphasized the most radical contradiction (depiction of characters cut off from others, the
world) but the widely comment about solitude (akelâpan) favoured by many characters in Nirmal
is part of the cutting off too.
individual is not the support of man/the human, we leave the world of ends and
means and come to the world of holism”.
If Nirmal assigns such possibilities to literature, and more generally to art,
as opposed to the philosopher or the mystic, it is because art in a modern society
may assume a function similar to that of myth in a traditional society. This is
especially true for the conception of time and motion, so different in the non
modern and in the modern mentalities (cf. supra). Contemplating the stone
sculptures in Elephanta, Nirmal says: “in art there is this immobile speed (sthir
âveg) where we live in a single time / together, simultaneously, in time and past,
life and death, history and eternity (…). It is as if Shiv had centered on his face
the male power and the beauty of Shakti, both (centered) on a peaceful, detached,
fix point in an extraordinary fusion
-- which is not simply a halt, but it is such
an invisible point (bindu) where all motions stop moving”
. As the mythic view-
point, the aesthetic view-point for Nirmal is connected with the wish for worldly
life and desire, made as much precious as the abstract path of the philosopher or
the mystic. Hence his protagonists, very much human, suffering and soothing their
pain by the discovery of contemplation, but never totally relinquishing the world
of humanity, pain and happiness, memory, events and forms (ie: the world of
maya). This passion of life (âveg) is simply transcended by decantation through
the fix gaze of a contemplating gaze into its stable, ultimate or focal, point (aTal
Now, the last question is how much Indian is this world-view, and
symmetrically how much Western is the opposite one (the world of segmentation,
units, distinctive categories, logical oppositions, positive orientation, history, etc.).
In other words, how solid is the opposition East/West, terms that Nirmal keeps
using as commodities although he repeatedly suggests that the holistic view may
not be a unique property of India (Dh. p.24). It is obvious that the “western”
values have to a considerable degree been integrated in the Indian way of looking
leading to a kind of schizophrenic stand, which the author illustrates in a
striking way when describing his visit to Bharat Bhavan in Bhopal: on one side
the tribal art displaying myth-like creations, on the other the avant-gardist wing
… to hamen sahsâ lagegâ mâno ham ikâiyon kî duniyâ se nikalkar sambandhon kî duniyâ men
cale âe hain. Yahân sab jîv aur prâNî ek-dûsre men antargumphit hain, anyonyâshrit hain, na keval
ve prâNî jo prâNvân hain, balki ve cîzen bhî jo ûpar se niSprâN (inanimate) dikhâyî detî hain. Is
antargumphit duniyâ men cîzen âdmiyon se juRî hain, âdmî peRon se, peR jânvaron se, jânvar
vansaspati se, aur vanaspati âkâsh se, bârish se, havâ se. Ek jîvant, prâNvân, pratipal sans letî,
spandit hotî huî sriSTi – apne men sampûrN sriSTi jiske bhîtar manushya bhî hai, kintu
mahatvapûrN bât yah hai ki manuSya sriSTi ke kendr men nahî hai, sarvopari nahîn hai, sab cîzon
kâ mâpdaND nahîn hai; vah sirf sambandhit hai aur anpne sambandh men vah svâyatt ikâî nahîn
hai, jise ab tak ham vyakti mânte âe the, balki vah vaise hî sampûrN hai jaise dûsre jîv apne
sambandhon men sampûrN hain, jis tarah manuSya sriSTi kâ dhyey nahîn hai usî tarah manuSya
kâ dhyey vyakti honâ nahîn hai, ham sâdhan aur sâdhyon kî duniyâ se nikalkar sampûrNtâ kî
duniyâ men â jâte hain (Dh p. 25-6).
Literally “absorption”: tanmaytâ, a technical term and concept in classical aesthetics.
Kalâ men vah sthir âveg hai, jahân ham ek sâth, ek hî samay men kâl aur kâlâtît, jîvan aur
mrityu, itihâs aur shâshvat men bâs karte haiN (…) Shiv ne mâno apne chehare par puruS ke
vaibhav aur shakti ke saundarya donon ko ek shânt, nirvaiyaktik, aTal bindu par kendrit kar lyâ hai
– ek asâdhâran tanmayatâ men – jo mahaz Thahrâv nahîn hai, balki vah ek aisâ adrishya bindu hai,
jahân sab gatiyân nishcal ho jâtî hain Dh p. 14.
displaying modernity quite similar to western contemporary art. A tentative
answer to this last question will serve as a conclusion for this stylistic study.
Now coming back to the type of negative statements quoted in the
introduction, we may see something else than existential doubt and westernization
behind the “vagueness” and shallowness of the characters. Superficially this
disregard for strongly marked figures and rich individualities against an equally
rich and significant social landscape echoes the Western Nouveau Roman or New
Wave style, as well as the Indian Nai Kahânî, which has been blamed for its
. Yet the specific contextualization of this fuzzy contours
disclosed above changes the meaning of this “vagueness” obtained from the low
characterization (lack of name, motivations, feelings) of the characters.
“The effect of all this vagueness, the critic of Publishers Weekly goes on in
1991, is a langorous passivity. And this term is rightly emphasized by Prasenjit
Gupta (2002) in his introduction: “this langorous passivity sounds orientalist in its
overtones”. However, the way Gupta himself develops “orientalist”, by
emphasizing the “restraint” as a “manifestation of some essential indianness”
may surprise the reader familiar with Said’s notion of “orientalist”, but the end of
the quote he uses to illustrate this essential indianness makes it clearer: « Restraint
is the keynote of Verma’s fiction, reflecting the paradoxical nature of the Indian
character : emotional and often volatile, yet diffident to the point of repression »
Diffidence, emotionality, volatility (unreliability) indeed suit the conventional
stereotype of the oriental nature.
What is generally assumed under the tag « oriental », along with a
« langorous passivity », is indeed the feminine, or childish, or both, component in
a male subject, therefore weak, self-contradictory, unreliable, deceptive, illogic,
unfit for manly pursuits and unaware or not interested in the principle of reality,
displaying no ability for mastership and no interest in it. This negative image,
strongly present in the XIXth century colonial discourse, but also internalized in
the native reactions to it, relates in fact to a simplified polar opposition. The
masculine principle, polarized as superior, is identified with colonial domination,
and its « other » with the subjugated weaker principle (female principle, or
eventually child world). This construction is in no way specific to the Indian
scenery, as Ashish Nandy strongly demonstrated : from times immemorial, the
drive for mastery over men proceeds from « a world view which believes in the
absolute superiority of the human over the nonhuman and the subhuman, the
masculine over the feminine, the adult over the child, the historical over the
ahistorical, and the modern or progressive over the traditional or the savage »
(Nandy 1998 : VI). What may be more specifically indian is the complex
reference in both colonial and colonialized discourse and in the post-colonial
reactions to the various layers of the Hindu scriptures and traditions.
Kshatriyahood has for instance served as an image of masculinity to be contrasted
For a criticism of these judgments, see De Bruijn 2004.
This « langorous passivity » sounds Orientalist in its undertones ; even those who appreciate
Nirmal-ji’s fiction sometimes connect the restraint to some kind of essential Indianness ».
Quoted by P. Gupta from Aamer Hussein, « Visions of India, Voices of Exile », Times Literary
Supplement 46.19 (Oct. 11, 1991 : 22).
with the general « regression » and weakness of XIXth century India
. The wish
to regain male strength in some of the XIXth century reformist models is a clear
evidence of this internalization of the « oriental » stereotype as well as the
opposite attempt to acquire a suitable image according to western values, that is, a
more « manly » image : this whole process of redefining Indianness is based on
« the perception that the loss of masculinity and cultural regression of the Hindus
was due to the loss of the original Aryan qualities which they shared with the
Westerners » (Nandy 1998 : 25), which amounts to aknowledge the superiority of
the « Western » model
. This model ranks first manhood on the hierarchy then
womanhood and last effemination in man (klîbatva).
But the more interesting (and the really specifically « Indian ») reaction to
the colonial construction at that time is the Gandhian model. As noted by almost
all observers –Nandy quotes mainly Lannoy but others too Gandhi had in his
physical aspect and use of images or symbols a strikingly childlike appearence.
His emphasis on passive disobedience too is more on the child/woman side than
on the man’s side of the colonial polar opposition mentioned above. Instead of
opposing the colonial image by asserting the manly values in Indian culture, he
subverts it in a double way : within the polar opposition woman/man, he grants
superiority to womanhood (nâritva) on manhood (purushatva), adding a third term
at the bottom of the hierarchy, which is « kâpurushatva », the lack of masculinity
or cowardice. The second and for our purpose the more interesting subversion is
the second model, which makes both purushatva and nâritva (equal on the
hierarchy) inferior to androgyny, the ability to transcend the man/woman
dichotomy. This construction, being borrowed from the great and little traditions
of saintliness in India, was really fit to the requirements of Indians in the early
XXth century, hence its strength (Nandy 1998 : 52
This is the model that we find subtly enacted in Nirmal’s protagonists and
main characters, none of them belonging to the clear-cut categories of adulthood
all of them diffusing this oft noticed « passivity ». It is a striking evidence that
both Gandhi and Nirmal in his essays display a very similar world-view in their
non modernity : for Gandhi too time is an all embracing present rather than a
succession of clearly oriented events, memory is a collective memory grounded
on a diffuse feeling of belonging rather than on a clearly preserved collection of
facts and things « of the past ». For him too, myth is indistinct from or superior to
historical chronology, « circuminventing, Nandy comments, the unilinear pathway
from primitivism to modernity, and from political immaturity to political
Whereas, as is now well-known, the « real » tradition in classical scriptures rather emphasized
the power of shakti and the female principle as primary and superior (Malamoud 2005).
See Nandy’s account of the « kshatriyazation » of Krishna in Bankimchandra (25sq), of the
herioization Ravana for his masculine vigour, his warriorhood, his sense of politics and historicity
(20sq), of Dayanand Saraswati’s constructs.
While the first one enabled Gandhi to ask his followers to display the courage of the passive
resistance and never fear physical or mental authority.
The two novels studied here have child or adolescent protagonists. The last one (Antim aranya,
the last forest, with a word for forest which specifically points to the forest as the
space of eremitic
life and detachment, beyond social categories and rules), stages an old dying man, and as the main
protagonist, his « governess » who is a young man.
adulthood ». For him too, a certain vagueness, as opposed to the clear objectivity
of rationality, characterizes the belonging to a traditional culture, Indian in fact
Although coined in distinctively Indian words and notions, the general
concepts of what is better called non modernity than pre-modernity are certainly
not exclusively Indian nor even Eastern. As Said has shown, this « other » which
the colonial discourse has constructed into the image of the non-west has once
been part of the medieval european consciousness. Although it is far more present
and still vivacious in India than in Europe in spite of the internalization of the
western model of modernity there, it may not have completely been uprooted in
Europe itself
, and this is why reading and translating Nirmal to-day in Europe is
also maintaining alive this part of our non modern selves : reading our own story
against the grain of the modernist revolution and postmodernist market hegemony.
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