New Testament Scripture Index
Scripture Volume Link Sermon Number
Matt 1:21 24 1434 - Jesus! 1434
Matt 1:23 21 1270 - "God with Us" 1270
Matt 2 42 Exposition following sermon #2497 2497
Matt 2:1, 2, 9, 10 29 1698 - The Star and the Wise Men 1698
Matt 2:1-4 39 2325 - The Far-Off, Near—The Near, Far Off 2325
Matt 2:1-12 39 Exposition following sermon #2325 2325
Matt 2:1-12 40 Exposition following sermon #2392 2392
Matt 2:2 16 967 - The Sages, the Star, and the Savior 967
Matt 2:14, 15; 28 1675 - Out of Egypt 1675
Matt 2:23; Acts 24:5 27
1632 - The Nazarene and the Sect of the Nazarenes
Matt 3; Psa 2 41 Exposition following sermon #2409 2409
Matt 3:1-12; John 1:15-37;
John 3:22-36
49 Exposition following sermon # 2818 2818
Matt 3:7; Heb 6:18 46 2704 - "Flee from the Wrath to Come" 2704
Matt 3; 11:20-30; 46 Exposition following sermon # 2704 2704
Matt 3:13-17; 45 Exposition following sermon # 2613 2613
Matt 3:16, 17 16 909 - Voices from the Excellent Glory 909
Matt 3:16, 17 58 3298 - Lessons from Christ's Baptism 3298
Matt 3:17 41
2409 - A Great Sermon by the Greatest Preacher
Matt 4:1 52 2997 - "Tempted by the Devil" 2997
Matt 4:1-11; 45 Exposition following sermon # 2613 2613
Matt 4:1-11 52 Exposition following sermon # 2997 2997
Matt 4:3 45 2613 - Sonship Questioned 2613
Matt 4:4 20
1208 - Infallibility—Where to Find It and How to Use It
Matt 4:5-7 12 689 - Temptations on the Pinnacle 689
Matt 4:11 ;Luke 4:13 39 2326 - Satan Departing, Angels Ministering 2326
Matt 4:12-24; 45 Exposition following sermon # 2646 2646
Matt 4:15, 16 17 1010 - Light for Those Who Sit in Darkness 1010
Matt 4:17 6 329 - Christ's First and Last Subject 329
Matt 4:18, 19 12 702 - Peter's Three Calls 702
Matt 4:19 32 1906 - How to Become Fishers of Men 1906
Matt 4:20 45 2618 - "Straightway" 2618
Matt 4:23-25 6 333 - Three Homilies from One Text 333
Matt 5:1-12 53 Exposition following sermon # 3065 3065
Matt 5:1-12;Psa 149 43 Exposition following sermon #2508 2508
Matt 5:1-12 55 3155 - The Beatitudes 3155
Matt 5:1-30 55 Exposition following sermon # 3155 3155
Matt 5:3 55 3156 - The First Beatitude 3156
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Matt 5:41-48; 6:1-8 60 Exposition following sermon # 3416 3416
Matt 5:5 53 3065 - The Third Beatitude 3065
Matt 5:6 35
2103 - The Hunger and Thirst Which Are Blessed
Matt 5:6 55 3157 - The Fourth Beatitude 3157
Matt 5:7 55 3158 - The Fifth Beatitude 3158
Matt 5:8 55 3159 - The Sixth Beatitude 3159
Matt 5:9 7 422 - The Peacemaker 422
Matt 5:13-26 53 Exposition following sermon # 3069 3069
Matt 5:14 19 1109 - The Light of the World 1109
Matt 5:15, 16 27 1594 - The Candle 1594
Matt 5:17-48 53 Exposition following sermon # 3031 3031
Matt 5:18 28 1660 - The Perpetuity of the Law of God 1660
Matt 5:31-42 55 Exposition following sermon # 3156 3156
Matt 5:43-48; 6:1-4 55 Exposition following sermon # 3157 3157
Matt 5:45 24 1414 - No Difference 1414
Matt 5:47 18 1029 - A Call to Holy Living 1029
Matt 6:1-4; 55 Exposition following sermon # 3157 3157
Matt 6:1-23; 60 Exposition following sermon # 3391 3391
Matt 6:5-34 56 Exposition following sermon # 3186 3186
Matt 6:9 4 213 - The Fatherhood of God 213
Matt 6:10 30
1778 - A Heavenly Pattern for Our Earthly Life
Matt 6:13 9 509 - "Lead Us Not Into Temptation" 509
Matt 6:13 24 1402 - "Lead Us Not into Temptation" 1402
Matt 6:22, 23 6 335 - A Single Eye and Simple Faith 335
Matt 6:31-33 52
2973 - Thought Condemned, Yet Commanded
Matt 6:33 31 1864 - First Things First 1864
Matt 6:33 43 2515 - Something Worth Seeking 2515
Matt 7 48 Exposition following sermon # 2808 2808
Matt 7 59 Exposition following sermon # 3376 3376
Matt 7:1-8 54 Exposition following sermon # 3096 3096
Matt 7:7-29 41 Exposition following sermon #2436 2436
Matt 7:12 29 1723 - "Knock!" 1723
Matt 7:13-23 63 Exposition following sermon # 3561 3561
Matt 7:13-29; 15:1-12 59 Exposition following sermon # 3379 3379
Matt 7:21 20 1158 - The Sieve 1158
Matt 7:21-23 48 2808 - The Disowned 2808
Matt 7:24-27 16 918 - The Two Builders and Their Houses 918
Matt 8 62 Exposition following sermon # 3509 3509
Matt 8:1-27 41 Exposition following sermon #2434 2434
Matt 8:1-27 50 Exposition following sermon # 2868 2868
Matt 8:2, 3 36 2162 - And Why Not Me? 2162
Matt 8:8 36 2161 - Self Low, But Christ High 2161
Matt 8:8, 9 41 2434 - "A Man Under Authority" 2434
Matt 8:10 16 936 - A Blessed Wonder 936
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Matt 8:11, 12 1 39-40 - Heaven and Hell 3940
Matt 8:13 24
1422 - The Chief Physician and the Centurion's Servant
Matt 8:14, 15 31 1836 - First Healing and Then Service 1836
Matt 8:16, 17 36 2124 - Help for Your Sickness 2124
Matt 8:16-34; 40 Exposition following sermon #2361 2361
Matt 8:19, 20 40 2361 - Hopeful, Yet Doubtful 2361
Matt 8:23-34; 39 Exposition following sermon #2337 2337
Matt 8:26 49 2852 - Comfort for the Fearful 2852
Matt 9 42 Exposition following sermon #2482 2482
Matt 9:2 56 3227 - The Secret of Happiness 3227
Matt 9:1-13 42 Exposition following sermon #2493 2493
Matt 9:1-17 58 Exposition following sermon # 3310 3310
Matt 9:2; Mark 2:3-5; Luke
52 3016 - Good Cheer from Forgiven Sin 3016
Matt 9:2-7 39
2337 - The Physician Pardons His Palsied Patient
Matt 9:9 42 2493 - "A Man Named Matthew" 2493
Matt 9:10 50 2889 - Christ Receiving Sinners 2889
Matt 9:12 11 618 - The Great Physician and His Patients 618
Matt 9:16 60 3438 - The Compassion of Jesus 3438
Matt 9:18-38 58 Exposition following sermon # 3302 3302
Matt 9:20-22; 53 3020 - Good Cheer from Grace Received 3020
Matt 9:21 30 1809 - May I? 1809
Matt 9:27-30 23
1355 - Our Lord's Question to the Blind Men
Matt 9:27-30 26 1560 - The Plain Man's Pathway to Peace 1560
Matt 9:27-35; 55 Exposition following sermon # 3139 3139
Matt 9:27-38 60 Exposition following sermon # 3438 3438
Matt 9:28 58 3302 - Faith in Christ's Ability 3302
Matt 9:32, 33 42 2482 - An Unparalleled Cure 2482
Matt 9:35-38; Matt 13:3-8, 18-
53 Exposition following sermon # 3058 3058
Matt 9:36-38; 10; 54 Exposition following sermon # 3109 3109
Matt 9:37, 38; 19 1127 - Harvest Men Needed 1127
Mark 9:43 60 3415 -Right-Hand Sins 3415
Matt 10:1, 2 12 702 - Peter's Three Calls 702
Matt 10:1-27 46 Exposition following sermon # 2674 2674
Matt 10:16 23 1370 - Sheep Among Wolves 1370
Matt 10:16-23 60 Exposition following sermon # 3405 3405
Matt 10:16-33 59 Exposition following sermon # 3383 3383
Matt 10:22 10 554 - Enduring to the End 554
Matt 10:24-42 56 Exposition following sermon # 3219 3219
Matt 10:27 46
2674 - Learning in Private What to Teach in Public
Matt 10:30 4 187 - Providence 187
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Matt 10:30 34 2005 - The Hairs of Your Head Numbered 2005
Matt 10:32, 33 60 3405 -Confession of Christ 3405
Matt 10:37-40; 60 Exposition following sermon # 3395 3395
Matt 10:37-42 63 Exposition following sermon # 3563 3563
Matt 11 47 Exposition following sermon # 2708 2708
Matt 11 63 Exposition following sermon # 3555 3555
Matt 11:1-6; Eph 2 60 Exposition following sermon # 3389 3389
Matt 11:5 3 114 - Preaching for the Poor 114
Matt 11:6 24 1398 - Offended Because of Christ? 1398
Matt 11:12 5 252 - Holy Violence 252
Matt 11:19 10 556 - The Sinner's Friend 556
Matt 11:25, 26 7 394 — Even So, Father" 394
Matt 11:25-30 48 Exposition following sermon # 2781 2781
Matt 11:27-28 62 3502 - Powerful Persuasives 3502
Matt 11:28 28 1691 - Christ's Word with You 1691
Matt 11:28 39 2298 - The Christ-Given Rest 2298
Matt 11:28 47 2708 - The Old Gospel for the New Century 2708
Matt 11:28 48 2781 - Jesus Calling 2781
Matt 11:28 59 3352 — A World Wide Welcome 3352
Matt 11:28-30 5 265 - The Meek and the Lowly One 265
Matt 11:28-30 17 969 - Rest, Rest 969
Matt 11:28-30 22 1322 - Rest for the Laboring 1322
Matt 11:29 19 1105 - The Heart of Jesus 1105
Matt 11:30 49 2832 - Christ's Yoke and Burden 2832
Matt 12:3-7 25 1503 - How to Read the Bible 1503
Matt 12:6 22 1275 - One Greater than the Temple 1275
Matt 12:10, 13 25 1485 - The Withered Hand 1485
Matt 12:19-21 19 1147 - The Gentleness of Jesus 1147
Matt 12:20 1 6 - Sweet Comfort for Feeble Saints 6
Matt 12:38-42 55 Exposition following sermon # 3166 3166
Matt 12:38-45; 48 Exposition following sermon # 2779 2779
Matt 12:42 9
533 - The Queen of the South, Or the Earnest Enquirer
Matt 12:42 48 2777 - The Queen of Sheba, a Sign 2777
Matt 12:42 55 3166 - "A Greater Than Solomon" 3166
Matt 12:42 59 3351 — The Queen of Sheba 3351
Matt 13:1-23 58 Exposition following sermon # 3305 3305
Matt 13:1-23; 15:13-28 1Cor
60 Exposition following sermon # 3393 3393
Matt 13:3 49 2842 - The Sower 2842
Matt 13:5, 6 49 2844 - The Seed Upon a Rock 2844
Matt 13:7, 22 34 2040 - Sown Among Thorns 2040
Matt 13:10-17; 39 Exposition following sermon #2304 2304
Matt 13:12 25 1488 - More and More, Or Less and Less 1488
Matt 13:24-50 61 Exposition following sermon # 3449 3449
Matt 13:24-58 58 Exposition following sermon # 3312 3312
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Matt 13:30 60 3393 - Wheat in the Barn 3393
Matt 13:45, 46 24 1424 - A Great Bargain 1424
Matt 13:51 58 3305 - A Clear Understanding 3305
Matt 13:55, 56 58
3312 - The Carpenter's Son and His Relations
Matt 14:13-36 53 Exposition following sermon #3046 3046
Matt 14:14-33 51 Exposition following sermon #2925 2925
Matt 26:14-45 53 Exposition following sermon # 3033 3033
Matt 14:16 53 3046 - One of the Master's Choice Sayings 3046
Matt 14:17, 18 8 453 - Compassion for the Multitude 453
Matt 14:22-33 55 Exposition following sermon # 3128 3128
Matt 14:25-27 63 Exposition following sermon # 3562 3562
Matt 14:26 16 957 - Jesus No Phantom 957
Matt 14:28-31 63 3562 — Peter Walking on the Sea 3562
Matt 14:30 56 3186 - Peter's Shortest Prayer 3186
Matt 14:31 5 246 - Mr. Fearing Comforted 246
Matt 14:31 31 1856 - The History of Little-Faith 1856
Matt 14:31 51 2925 - Reasons for Doubting Christ 2925
Matt 14:31 57 3247 - Unreasonable Reasons 3247
Matt 14:31; 15:28 36 2173 - Little Faith and Great Faith 2173
Matt 15; Psa 42 57 Exposition following sermon # 3268 3268
Matt 15:1-13; 42 Exposition following sermon #2487 2487
Matt 15:1-20, 29-39 43 Exposition following sermon #2545 2545
Matt 15:10-31 44 Exposition following sermon # 2597 2597
Matt 15:13 7 423 - The Weeding of the Garden 423
Matt 15:13-28; 13:1- 23; 1 Cor
60 Exposition following sermon # 3393 3393
Matt 15:18-31 42 Exposition following sermon #2481 2481
Matt 15:19 13 732 - The Heart—A Den of Evil 732
Matt 15:21 42 2481 - Faith Victorious 2481
Matt 15:21-28 42 Exposition following sermon #2446 2446
Matt 15:21-39 38 Exposition following sermon #2253 2253
Matt 15:23 49
2841 - Prayer—Its Discouragements and Encouragements
Matt 15:23 57 3268 - The Savior's Silence 3268
Matt 15:24, 25 30
1797 - How to Meet the Doctrine of Election
Matt 15:25 44 2597 - A Prayer for Everybody 2597
Matt 15:27 12 715 - Children's Bread Given to Dogs 715
Matt 15:27 36 2129 - Pleading, Not Contradiction 2129
Matt 15:28 38 2253 - The Perseverance of Faith 2253
Matt 15:28 42 2446 - Carte Blanche 2446
Matt 16:13-17 34 2041 - Jesus Known by Personal Revelation 2041
Matt 16:21-23; Isa 40 47 Exposition following sermon # 2733 2733
Matt 16:24-28; 47 Exposition following sermon # 2729 2729
Matt 16:28 10 594 - An Awful Premonition 594
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Matt 17:1-13; 47 Exposition following sermon # 2729 2729
Matt 17:1-5 46 Exposition following sermon # 2658 2658
Matt 17:2 47 2729 - Christ's Transfigured Face 2729
Matt 17:5 61 3440 - Attention! 3440
Matt 17:5, 6, 7 29
1727 - The Voice from the Cloud and the Voice of the Beloved
Matt 17:8 16 924 - Jesus Only 924
Matt 17:17 14 821 - Hope in Hopeless Cases 821
Matt 17:19-21; 42 2454 - The Secret of Failure 2454
Matt 18:1-22 60 Exposition following sermon # 3415 3415
Matt 18:12, 13 35 2083 - One Lost Sheep 2083
Matt 18:19-21 10 549 - A Desperate Case—How to meet It 549
Matt 18:20 30 1761 - The Lord with Two Or Three 1761
Matt 19:13-30 43 Exposition following sermon #2517 2517
Matt 19:19 3 145 - Love Your Neighbor 145
Matt 20:1-7 44 Exposition following sermon # 2602 2602
Matt 20:1-28 62 Exposition following sermon # 3532 3532
Matt 20:3,4 43 2517 - From Twenty-Five to Thirty-Five 2517
Matt 20:6 44 2602 - Good News for the Aged 2602
Matt 20:15 2 77 - Divine Sovereignty 77
Matt 20:16 37 2221 - The First, Last—And the Last, First 2221
Matt 20:17-19 37
2212 - The Private Thoughts and Words of Jesus
Matt 20:28 4 181 - Particular Redemption 181
Matt 20:28 62 3532 - Christ's Great Mission 3532
Matt 20:29-34 55 Exposition following sermon # 3139 3139
Matt 21:1-5 51 Exposition following sermon #2939 2939
Matt 21:5 7 405 - The Triumphal Entry Into Jerusalem 405
Matt 21:5 18 1038 - Another Royal Procession 1038
Matt 21:9 37 2196 - Hosanna! 2196
Matt 21:9 60 3427 - The Blessed Christ 3427
Matt 21:10 51 2939 - A Stir—And What Came of It 2939
Matt 21:10 54 3085 - An Exciting Enquiry 3085
Matt 21:10; 60 3394 - "Who Is This" 3394
Matt 21:15, 16 30 1785 - The Children and Their Hosannas 1785
Matt 21:17-20 35 2107 - The Withered Fig Tree 2107
Matt:21:23-46 47 Exposition following sermon # 2756 2756
Matt 21:28 23 1338 - Work for Jesus 1338
Matt 21:28-30 47 2747 - Saying Versus Doing 2747
Matt 21:28-32 13
742 - A Sermon to Open Neglecters and Nominal Followers of Religion
Matt 22:1, 3, 5, 6 11 664 - Early and Late 664
Matt 22:1-14 48 Exposition following sermon # 2809 2809
Matt 22:2-4 17 975 - The Parable of the Wedding Feast 975
Matt 22:5 2 98 - Making Light of Christ 98
Matt 22:8-10 58 3328 - Guests for the Royal Feast 3328
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Matt 22:10 34
2022 - The Wedding Was Furnished with Guests
Matt 22:11-13 34 2024 - What Is the Wedding Garment? 2024
Matt 22:11-14 17 976 - The Wedding Garment 976
Matt 22:30 14 842 - The Angelic Life 842
Matt 22:42 19
1093 - Questions of the Day and THE Question of the Day
Matt 23:19 14 831 - The Altar 831
Matt 23:29-39; 40 Exposition following sermon #2381 2381
Matt 23:37 40 2381 - "I Would, But You Would Not" 2381
Matt 23:37 45 2630 - What Jesus Would Do 2630
Matt 24:1-28 58 Exposition following sermon # 3301 3301
Matt 24:12 58 3301 — A Prophetic Warning 3301
Matt 24:16 20 1180 - Jesus Near but Unrecognized 1180
Matt 24:24 6 324 - Effects of Sound Doctrine 324
Matt 24:39 14 823 - Noah's Flood 823
Matt 24:42-51; 45 Exposition following sermon # 2642 2642
Matt 25:1-13 45 Exposition following sermon # 2618 2618
Matt 25:10 43 2500 "Entrance Exclusion" 2500
Matt 25:14-30 45 Exposition following sermon # 2643 2643
Matt 25:21 26 1541 - Unprofitable Servants 1541
Matt 25:22, 23 4 175 - The Two Talents 175
Matt 25:30 26 1541 - Unprofitable Servants 1541
Matt 25:31-36 12 671 - The Reward of the Righteous 671
Matt 25:32 21 1234 - The Final Separation 1234
Matt 26:2 43 2522 - "After Two Days Is the Passover" 2522
Matt 26:6-30; Psa 147 40 Exposition following sermon #2350 2350
Matt 26:10 36 2126 - Something Done for Jesus 2126
Matt 26: 13 6 286 - Woman's Memorial 286
Matt 26:14-35 58 Exposition following sermon # 3295 3295
Matt 26:17-30; 44 Exposition following sermon # 2595 2595
Matt 26:17-39; 46 Exposition following sermon # 2699 2699
Matt 26:59-68; Luke 23; Psa
59 Exposition following sermon # 3385 3385
Matt 26:20-30; 52 Exposition following sermon # 2982 2982
Matt 26:26 40 2350 - "Take, Eat" 2350
Matt 26:26-30 38 Exposition following Sermon #2268 2268
Matt 26:28 33 1971 - The Blood Shed for Many 1971
Matt 26:29 62 3526 - The New Wine of the Kingdom 3526
Matt 26:30 52 2982 - The Memorable Hymn 2982
Matt 26:31-35, 57, 58, 69-75;
Mark 14:53, 54, 66-72; Luke
22:54-62; John 18:15-18, 25-27
48 Exposition following sermon # 2771 2771
Matt 26:36 12 693 - The Garden of the Soul 693
Matt 26:36-46; 40 Exposition following sermon #2376 2376
Matt 26:39 40 2376 - "I Will," Yet, "Not As I Will" 2376
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Matt 26:39 47 2715 - Christian Resignation 2715
Matt 26:53, 54 33 1955 - Jesus Declining the Legions 1955
Matt 26:56-68; 42 Exposition following sermon #2473 2473
Matt 26:17-30; 50 Exposition following sermon # 2865 2865
Matt 26:64 23 1364 - Nevertheless, Hereafter 1364
Matt 27:15-54; 49 Exposition following sermon # 2824 2824
Matt 27:19 28 1647 - The Dream of Pilate's Wife 1647
Matt 27:22-50 39 Exposition following sermon #2333 2333
Matt 27:22, 23 61 3457 - All Are Guilty 3457
Matt 27:24, 25 28
1648 - Pilate and Ourselves Guilty of the Savior's Death
Matt 27:27 39 2333 - The Whole Band Against Christ 2333
Matt 27:27-54 48 Exposition following sermon # 2803 2803
Matt 27:27-54 50 Exposition following sermon # 2887 2887
Matt 27:28-30 55 3138 - Mocking the King 3138
Matt 27:29 20 1168 - The Crown of Thorns 1168
Matt 27:29 49 2824 - Mocked of the Soldiers 2824
Matt 27:30 60 3404 -A Gross Indignity 3404
Matt 27:32-49 63 Exposition following sermon # 3558 3558
Matt 27:33-44; 51 Exposition following sermon #2942 2942
Matt 27:43 34 2029 - Let Him Deliver Him Now 2029
Matt 27:45 32 1896 - The Three Hours of Darkness 1896
Matt 27:45 61 3471 - The Three Hours' Darkness 3471
Matt 27:46 36
2133 - "My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?"
Matt 27:46 48 2803 - The Saddest Cry from the Cross 2803
Matt 27:46 62 3507 - Our Lord's Solemn Enquiry 3507
Matt 27:50, 51; 34 2015 - The Rent Veil 2015
Matt 27:50-53 34 2059 - The Miracles of Our Lord's Death 2059
Matt 27:50-54; 39 Exposition following sermon #2311 2311
Matt 27:50-66 63 Exposition following sermon # 3559 3559
Matt 27:61 24 1404 - Over Against the Sepulcher 1404
Matt 28 43 Exposition following sermon #2518 2518
Matt 28:1-15 39 Exposition following sermon #2323 2323
Matt 28:2 15 863 - The Stone Rolled Away 863
Matt 28:4-6 48 2773 - For Or Against? 2773
Matt 28:6 1 18 - The Tomb of Jesus 18
Matt 28:6 18 1081 - A Visit to the Tomb 1081
Matt 28:8-10 39 2323 - Obedience Rewarded 2323
Matt 28:9, 10 45 2628 - "All Hail!" 2628
Matt 28:16-20; 39 Exposition following sermon #2330 2330
Matt 28:18 42 2465 - Our Omnipotent Leader 2465
Matt 28:18-20 20 1200 - The Power of the Risen Savior 1200
Matt 28:18, 19 7 383 - The Missionary's Charge and Charts 383
Mark 1:14-35 52 Exposition following sermon # 2980 2980
Mark 1:15 8 460 - Faith and Repentance Inseparable 460
Mark 1:21-28 30 1765 - An Astounding Miracle 1765
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Mark 1:28-45; 56 Exposition following sermon # 3228 3228
Mark 1:29-33 21 1236 - The Best House-visitation 1236
Mark 1:31 52 2980 - A Lift for the Prostrate 2980
Mark 1:35-39 30 1769 - Before Daybreak with Christ 1769
Mark 1: 40-42 34 2008 - The Lord and the Leper 2008
Mark 1:45 22 1298 - Gathering to the Center 1298
Mark 2 52 Exposition following sermon # 3016 3016
Mark 2:1-14 61 Exposition following sermon # 3487 3487
Mark 2:3-5; Matt 9:2; Luke
52 3016 - Good Cheer from Forgiven Sin 3016
Mark 2:12 21 1269 - The New Fashion 1269
Mark 2:17; Rom 5: 6, 8; 1 Tim
23 1345 - For Whom Is the Gospel Meant? 1345
Mark 3:5 32 1893 - Jesus Angry with Hard Hearts 1893
Mark 3:8 26
1529 - A Powerful Reason for Coming to Christ
Mark 3:10 14 841 - Crowding to Touch the Savior 841
Mark 4:1-25 43 Exposition following sermon #2512 2512
Mark 4:5, 6 19 1132 - The Seed Upon Stony Ground 1132
Mark 4:17 49 2846 - "No Root in Themselves" 2846
Mark 4:24 43 2512 - Hearing with Heed 2512
Mark 4:26-29 27
1603 - What the Farm Laborers Can Do and What They Cannot Do
Mark 4:33, 34 28
1669 - Teaching for the Outer and Inner Circles
Mark 4:35-41 57 Exposition following sermon # 3241 3241
Mark 4:38 19 1121 - Christ Asleep in the Vessel 1121
Mark 4:40 33 1964 - Why Is Faith So Feeble? 1964
Mark 4:40 57 3241 - A Painful and Puzzling Question 3241
Mark 4:41 28
1686 - With the Disciples on the Lake of Galilee
Mark 5 58 Exposition following sermon # 3306 3306
Mark 5:1-20 38 Exposition following sermon #2262 2262
Mark 5:1-24; 43 Exposition following sermon #2507 2507
Mark 5:6; Luke 15:20 43 2507 - He Ran, and He Ran 2507
Mark 5:7 51 2966 - Resistance to Salvation 2966
Mark 5:9 58 3306 - Satan, Self, Sin and the Savior 3306
Mark 5:17-19 38 2262 - Christ's Curate in Decapolis 2262
Mark 5:19 3 109 - Going Home—A Christmas Sermon 109
Mark 5: 25-28 14
827 - The Faculty Baffled, the Great Physician Successful
Mark 5:28 23 1382 - The Touch 1382
Mark 5:30, 31 28 1640 - The Touch 1640
Mark 5:33 9 514 - Tell It All 514
Mark 6:6 16 935 - The Sad Wonder 935
Mark 6:20 6
347 - Preaching Man's Privilege and God's Power!
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Mark 6:20 26 1548 - John and Herod 1548
Mark 6:45-52 55
3128 - Good Cheer from Christ's Real Presence
Mark 6:52 21 1218 - The Miracle of the Loaves 1218
Mark 7:20-23 32 1911 - Hideous Discovery 1911
Mark 7:24-30; Gen 32:22-30;
Exo 32:7-14
42 Exposition following sermon #2486 2486
Mark 7:27, 28 22 1309 - The Little Dogs 1309
Mark 8:1-30 48 Exposition following sermon # 2761 2761
Mark 8:4 32 1885 - The Problem of the Age 1885
Mark 8:19-21 31
1822 - Certain Curious Calculations about Loaves and Fishes
Mark 8:22-25 12
701 - Seeing and Not Seeing—Or, Man As Trees Walking
Mark 8:22-25 48 2761 - The Free Agency of Christ 2761
Mark 8:22-26 50 2892 - The Free-Agency of Christ 2892
Mark 8:36 2 92 - Profit and Loss 92
Mark 9:2-21 58 Exposition following sermon # 3334 3334
Mark 9:2-29 42 Exposition following sermon #2454 2454
Mark 9:2-29 50 Exposition following sermon # 2881 2881
Mark 9:8 45
2634 - "Jesus Only"—A Communion Meditation
Mark 9:14-32, 43-48 49 Exposition following sermon # 2844 2844
Mark 9:17-20 47 2731 - Bringing Sinners to the Savior 2731
Mark 9:20-41 59 Exposition following sermon # 3341 3341
Mark 9:22, 23 37 2224 - "If You Can"—"If You Can" 2224
Mark 9:23 8 474 - Faith Omnipotent 474
Mark 9:23 29 1744 - Where the "If' Lies 1744
Mark 9:24 18 1033 - Faith's Dawn and Its Clouds 1033
Mark 9:24 50
2881 - Feeble Faith Appealing to a Strong Savior
Mark 9:28, 29; 42 2454 - The Secret of Failure 2454
Mark 9:30-40 42 Exposition following sermon #2494 2494
Mark 10: 13-16 10
581 - Children Brought to Christ, Not to the Font
Mark 10:13-16 32 1925 - Jesus and the Children 1925
Mark 10:13-27, 32-52 61 Exposition following sermon # 3491 3491
Mark 10:17-45 51 Exposition following sermon #2946 2946
Mark 10:21 51 2946 - A Procession of Cross-Bearers 2946
Mark 10:21 58 3334 - Lovely, but Lacking 3334
Mark 10:46-52 5 266 - The Blind Beggar 266
Mark 10:46-52 57
3277 - Good Cheer from Christ's Call and from Himself
Mark 10:46-52; 51 Exposition following sermon #2955 2955
Mark 10:46-52 62 Exposition following sermon # 3505 3505
Mark 10:47, 48 11 645 - The Blind Man's Earnest Cries 645
Mark 10:49 23 1389 - A Gospel Sermon to Outsiders 1389
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Mark 10:49 27 1587 - Jesus at a Standstill 1587
Mark 10:51 42 2458 - Reasons for a Singular Question 2458
Mark 10:51 61 3491 - The Savior's Charity 3491
Mark 10:51 62
3537 - A Definite Challenger for Definite Prayer
Mark 11:13 10 555 - Nothing But Leaves 555
Mark 11:22 24 1444 - The Moral of a Miracle 1444
Mark 11:24 6 328 - True Prayer—True Power 328
Mark 12:6-9 33 1951 - The Pleading of the Last Messenger 1951
Mark 12:12-44 52 Exposition following sermon # 2989 2989
Mark 12:30 3 162 - The First and Great Commandment 162
Mark 12:34 26 1517 - For the Candid and Thoughtful 1517
Mark 12:34 52 2989 - Near the Kingdom, Or in It? 2989
Mark 14:1-9; 60 Exposition following sermon # 3404 3404
Mark 14:6 31 1834 - To Lovers of Jesus—An Example 1834
Mark 14:14 13 785 - Wanted, A Guest Chamber! 785
Mark 14:22-41; 2 Sam 15:13-
23;Isa 61
60 Exposition following sermon # 3431 3431
Mark 14:27-31, 53, 54; John
18:15-18; 25-27
47 Exposition following sermon # 2735 2735
Mark 14:32 56 3190 - Christ in Gethsemane 3190
Mark 14:50-52 53 3023 - John Mark—Or, Haste in Religion 3023
Mark 14:53,54, 66-72; Matt
26:31-35, 57, 58, 69-75; Luke
22:54-62; John 18:15-18, 25-27
48 Exposition following sermon # 2771 2771
Mark 14:53-65; John 18:12-14,
19-26; Luke 22:63-71; Luke
49 Exposition following sermon # 2822 2822
Mark 14: 64 28
1643 - Our Lord's Trial before the Sanhedrin
Mark 14:72 47 2735 - Fountains of Repentant Tears 2735
Mark 15:1-41; 54 Exposition following sermon # 3099 3099
Mark 15:15-23; 59 Exposition following sermon # 3360 3360
Mark 15:15-39; 41 Exposition following sermon #2443 2443
Mark 15:20, 21; 28
1683 - The Great Cross-Bearer and His Followers
Mark 15:21 31
1853 - Up from the Country and Pressed into Service
Mark 15:23 41
2443 - The Determination of Christ to Suffer for His People
Mark 15:34-37; 40 Exposition following sermon #2390 2390
Mark 15:43-46 30 1789 - Joseph of Arimathaea 1789
Mark 16 42 Exposition following sermon #2467 2467
Mark 16 48 Exposition following sermon # 2780 2780
Mark 16 61 Exposition following sermon # 3452 3452
Mark 16:1-14; 41 Exposition following sermon #2408 2408
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Mark 16:6 61 3452 - Belief in the Resurrection 3452
Mark 16:7 34 2060 - The Message of Our Lord's Love 2060
Mark 16:9 11 625 - Jesus Appearing to Mary Magdalene 625
Mark 16:9 14 792 - Mary Magdalene 792
Mark 16:10 43
2518 - A Sad Interior and a Cheery Messenger
Mark 16:14 50 2890 - Unbelievers Upbraided 2890
Mark 16:15, 16 10 573 - Baptismal Regeneration 573
Mark 16:15, 16 15 900 - Preach, Preach, Preach Everywhere! 900
Mark 16:16 39 2339 - Baptism Essential to Obedience 2339
Mark 16:20 42 2467 - Christ and His Co-Workers 2467
Luke 1:5-17; 3:1-18 41 Exposition following sermon #2404 2404
Luke 1:5-35; 46-56; Psa 148 44 Exposition following sermon # 2582 2582
Luke 1:16-56; 59 Exposition following sermon # 3256 3256
Luke 1:17 41 2404 - "A People Prepared for the Lord" 2404
Luke 1:18, 31 24 1405 - A Distinction with a Difference 1405
Luke 1:20 62 3495 - The Judgment upon Zacharias 3495
Luke 1:26-56 52 Exposition following sermon # 3019 3019
Luke 1:32 30 1760 - "He Shall Be Great" 1760
Luke 1:39-56 51 Exposition following sermon #2941 2941
Luke 1:46 26 1514 - The Keynote of a Choice Sonnet 1514
Luke 1:46, 47 10 606 - Mary's Song 606
Luke 1:46, 47 37 2219 - A Harp of Ten Strings 2219
Luke 1:46, 47 51 2941 - Mary's Magnificat 2941
Luke 1:53 44 2582 - Alto and Bass 2582
Luke 1:53 52 3019 - The Hungry Filled, the Rich Emptied 3019
Luke 1:77-79 32 1907 - "The Tender Mercy of Our God" 1907
Luke 1:78 53 3029 - God's Tender Mercy 3029
Luke 2:1-19 50 Exposition following sermon # 2915 2915
Luke 2:1-40 55 Exposition following sermon # 3177 3177
Luke 2:7 8 485 - No Room for Christ in the Inn 485
Luke 2:10 12 727 - God Incarnate, the End of Fear 727
Luke 2:10 22 1330 - The Great Birthday 1330
Luke 2:10-12 17 1026 - Joy Born at Bethlehem 1026
Luke 2:14 4 168 - The First Christmas Carol 168
Luke 2:15 50 2915 - A Visit to Bethlehem 2915
Luke 2:17-20 11 666 - Holy Work for Christmas 666
Luke 2:21-38 39 Exposition following sermon #2293 2293
Luke 2:25 11 659 - Simeon 659
Luke 2: 28-30 24 1417 - "Your Salvation" 1417
Luke 2:29, 30 17 1014 - "Nunc Dimittis" 1014
Luke 2:29, 30 39 2293 - Simeon's Swan Song 2293
Luke 2:30 55 3177 - Christ Seen As God's Salvation 3177
Luke 2:32 14 826 - Christ, the Glory of His People 826
Luke 2:34 15 907 - Christ—The Fall and Rise of Many 907
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Luke 2:44 29
1724 - Supposing Him to Have Been in the Company
Luke 2:44-46 45 2611 - A Lost Christ Found 2611
Luke 2:48, 49 28 1666 - The First Recorded Words of Jesus 1666
Luke 2:49 3 122 - Christ About His Father's Business 122
Luke 3:16 18 1044 - Loosening the Sandal Strap 1044
Luke 3:21,22 56 3178 - The Preparatory Prayers of Christ 3178
Luke 4:1-15 39 Exposition following sermon #2326 2326
Luke 4:13; Matt 4:11 39 2326 - Satan Departing, Angels Ministering 2326
Luke 4: 14-32 40 Exposition following sermon #2371 2371
Luke 4:16-30; 39 Exposition following sermon #2330 2330
Luke 4:16-30; 43 Exposition following sermon #2522 2522
Luke 4:27 53 3061 - The Rule of Grace 3061
Luke 4:28-30 13
753 - Nazareth—Or, Jesus Rejected by His Friends
Luke 4:33-36; Luke 6:6- 11;
Luke 13:10-17; Luke 14:1-6;
John 5:1-9; John 9:1-14
44 Exposition following sermon # 2568 2568
Luke 4:33-41; 50 Exposition following sermon # 2892 2892
Luke 4:39 18 1071 - The Ministry of Gratitude 1071
Luke 4:38, 39 36 2174 - Fever and Its Cure 2174
Luke 5:1-32 49 Exposition following sermon # 2835 2835
Luke 5:4 8 443 - The Two Draughts of Fishes 443
Luke 5:5 28 1654 - "At Your Word" 1654
Luke 5:5 48 2810 - "Nevertheless at Your Word" 2810
Luke 5:8 60 3407 - Peter's Prayer 3407
Luke 5:12-26 41 Exposition following sermon #2417 2417
Luke 5:12-32 45 Exposition following sermon # 2614 2614
Luke 5:16-26 17 981 - Carried by Four 981
Luke 5:17 12 720 - The Gospel's Healing Power 720
Luke 5:17 33 1991 - "Sitting By" 1991
Luke 5:18-20; Matt 9:2; Mark
52 3016 - Good Cheer from Forgiven Sin 3016
Luke 5:20 41 2417 - First Forgiveness, Then Healing 2417
Luke 5:26 45 2614 - Strange Things 2614
Luke 5:31 49 2835 - Patients for the Great Physician 2835
Luke 6:12 14 798 - Special Protracted Prayer 798
Luke 6:15 11 639 - Zealots 639
Luke 6:32-34 27 1584 - The Heroic in Christianity 1584
Luke 6:39, 40 21 1248 - The Choice of a Leader 1248
Luke 6:46-49 29 1702 - On Laying Foundations 1702
Luke 7:4-9 10
600 - The Centurion—Or, an Exhortation to the Virtuous
Luke 7:6-8 14 800 - The Centurion's Faith and Humility 800
Luke 7:11-17 34 2003 - Young Man, Is This for You? 2003
Luke 7:18-50 50 Exposition following sermon # 2876 2876
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Luke 7:24-50 42 Exposition following sermon #2484 2484
Luke 7:34 42 2484 - The Very Friend You Need 2484
Luke 7:36-48 63 Exposition following sermon # 3550 3550
Luke 7:36-50 52 Exposition following sermon # 3015 3015
Luke 7:37, 38 14 801 - The Woman Which Was a Sinner 801
Luke 7:37, 38 59 3359 — Penitence, Pardon and Peace 3359
Luke 7:38 35 2066 - Our Place—At Jesus' Feet 2066
Luke 7:41 48 2768 - Debtors and Debtors 2768
Luke 7:41, 42 52 3015 - The Two Debtors 3015
Luke 7:41-43 50 2873 - Who Loves Christ More? 2873
Luke 7:42 29 1739 - Bankrupt Debtors Discharged 1739
Luke 7:42, 43 36 2127 - Love's Competition 2127
Luke 7:50 37 2183 - A Gracious Dismissal 2183
Luke 7:50 48 2770 - "Go in Peace" 2770
Luke 7:50; Luke 18:42 20 1162 - Saving Faith 1162
Luke 8:1-3; 54 Exposition following sermon # 3099 3099
Luke 8:1-21 49 Exposition following sermon # 2843 2843
Luke 8:4-8 6 308 - The Parable of the Sower 308
Luke 8:5 49 2843 - The Seed by the Wayside 2843
Luke 8:6 49 2845 - Lacking Moisture 2845
Luke 8:12 25
1459A - Satan's Punctuality, Power and Purpose
Luke 8:18 59 3357 — Heedful Hearing 3357
Luke 8:26-56 44 Exposition following sermon # 2593 2593
Luke 8:28 13 778 - Plain Words with the Careless 778
Luke 8:40 44 2593 - A Welcome for Jesus 2593
Luke 8:41-56 62 Exposition following sermon # 3529 3529
Luke 8:42-48; 53 3020 - Good Cheer from Grace Received 3020
Luke 8:43, 44 34 2018 - Cured at Last! 2018
Luke 8:46 54 3124 - Real Contact with Jesus 3124
Luke 8:47 34 2019 - She Was Not Hid 2019
Luke 9:11 15 889 - Real Grace for Real Need 889
Luke 9:11 27 1624 - Welcome! Welcome! 1624
Luke 9:32 46 2658 - Waking to See Christ's Glory 2658
Luke 9:37-62 38 Exposition following sermon #2273 2273
Luke 9:42 2 100 - The Comer's Conflict with Satan 100
Luke 9:42 29 1746 - The Devil's Last Throw 1746
Luke 9:51-56 47 Exposition following sermon # 2754 2754
Luke 9:52, 53 42 2463 - Why Men Reject Christ 2463
Luke 9:57-62 38 2273 - Fickle Followers 2273
Luke 9:61 7 403 - The Broken Column 403
Luke 10:1-22 39 Exposition following sermon #2319 2319
Luke 10:19 51 2927 - Love at Leisure 2927
Luke 10:20 22 1321 - Why May I Rejoice? 1321
Luke 10:21 39 2319 - The Lord's Chosen Ministers 2319
Luke 10:21, 22 26 1571 - The Joy of Jesus 1571
Luke 10:25-37 57 Exposition following sermon # 3277 3277
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Luke 10:25-42 55 Exposition following sermon # 3172 3172
Luke 10:38-42; Psa 63; John
51 Exposition following sermon #2927 2927
Luke 10:40 55 3163 - Cumbered with Much Serving 3163
Luke 11:1-26 56 Exposition following sermon # 3230 3230
Luke 11:9, 10 19 1091 - Prayer Certified of Success 1091
Luke 11:14-54 52 Exposition following sermon # 3018 3018
Luke 11:21; Psa 29:11 36
2157 - The Peace of the Devil and the Peace of God
Luke 10: 25-37 23 1360 - The Good Samaritan 1360
Luke 11:27, 28 32
1920 - Believers As Blessed As the Blessed Virgin
Luke 11:27, 28 52 3018 - The True Lineage 3018
Luke 11:31 27 1600 - A Greater Than Solomon 1600
Luke 10:33 8 473 - Good News for You 473
Luke 11:33-36 35 2109 - The Eye and the Light 2109
Luke 10:38-42 16 927 - Martha and Mary 927
Luke 10:41-42 61 3469 - Martha and Mary 3469
Luke 10:42 17 1015 - The One Thing Needful 1015
Luke 10:44; John 9:25; Phil
62 3536 - A Threefold Slogan 3536
Luke 11:11-13 16 959 - Right Replies to Right Requests 959
Luke 11:21-26 11
613 - "The Strong One Driven Out by a Stronger One"
Luke 11:29 15
898 - A Word with Those Who Wait for Signs and Wonders
Luke 12:1 5 237 - Hypocrisy 237
Luke 12:1-32 50 Exposition following sermon # 2898 2898
Luke 12:1-44 53 Exposition following sermon # 3028 3028
Luke 12:12-48 39 Exposition following sermon #2302 2302
Luke 12:13-44 41 Exposition following sermon #2445 2445
Luke 12:19 34
2038 - The Lord's Supper, A Remembrance of Jesus
Luke 12:22-48 42 Exposition following sermon #2477 2477
Luke 12:29 50 2871 - Anxiety, Ambition, Indecision 2871
Luke 12:32 63 3549 - Little but Lovely 3549
Luke 12:35-48 41 Exposition following sermon #2440 2440
Luke 12:37, 38 39 2302 - Watching for Christ's Coming 2302
Luke 12:49 15 854 - Fire—The Need of the Times 854
Luke 12:54-57 19 1135 - Signs of the Times 1135
Luke 13:1-5 7 408 - Accidents, Not Punishments 408
Luke 13:1-13 56 Exposition following sermon # 3195 3195
Luke 13:1-22 43 Exposition following sermon #2547 2547
Luke 13:6-9; Isa 5:1-7; Song
42 Exposition following sermon #2480 2480
Luke 13:7, 8 11
650 - Judgment Threatening But Mercy Sparing
New Testament Index Page 15 of 63
Luke 13:7-24 56 Exposition following sermon # 3221 3221
Luke 13:8 25 1451A - "This Year Also" 1451
Luke 13:10-13 24 1426 - The Lifting Up of the Bowed Down 1426
Luke 13:10-13 50 2891 - A Sabbath Miracle 2891
Luke 13:10-23 62 Exposition following sermon # 3537 3537
Luke 13:11-13 56 3195 - Christ Loosens from Infirmities 3195
Luke 13:11-35 49 Exposition following sermon # 2857 2857
Luke 13:18, 19 35
2110 - The Mustard Seed—A Sermon for the Sunday School Teacher
Luke 13:18-34 45 Exposition following sermon # 2630 2630
Luke 13:24 8 475 - Self-Delusion 475
Luke 13:24 63 3560 - The Strait Gate 3560
Luke 13:30 51 2934 - Great Changes 2934
Luke 13:33 62 3520 - Jerusalem the Guilty 3520
Luke 14:17 23 1354 - All Things Are Ready, Come 1354
Luke 14: 18 10 578 - A Bad Excuse Is Worse Than Nothing 578
Luke 14:20 36 2122 - A Straight Talk 2122
Luke 14:22 56 3221 - "Yet There Is Room" 3221
Luke 14:22 62 3529 - More Room for More People 3529
Luke 14:23 5 227 - Compel Them to Come In 227
Luke 14:25-35 46 Exposition following sermon # 2686 2686
Luke 14:26; 45 2650 — Characteristics of Christ's Disciples 2650
Luke 14:28-30 20 1159 - Counting the Cost 1159
Luke 14:31, 32 11 632 - Consider Before You Fight 632
Luke 15 41 Exposition following sermon #2414 2414
Luke 15 43 Exposition following sermon #2520 2520
Luke 15 48 Exposition following sermon # 2791 2791
Luke 15 49 Exposition following sermon # 2863 2863
Luke 15:1 14 809 - The Approachableness of Jesus 809
Luke 15:1, 2 60 3410 -Christ and His Hearers 3410
Luke 15:1-24 59 Exposition following sermon # 3343 3343
Luke 15:1-24 61 Exposition following sermon # 3450 3450
Luke 15:1-27 60 Exposition following sermon # 3407 3407
Luke 15:2 4 220 - God's Barrier Against Man's Sin 220
Luke 15:2 11 665 - Open House for all Comers 665
Luke 15:4 49 2821 - "Until He Finds It" 2821
Luke 15:4, 5, 6 35
2065 - Our Great Shepherd Finding the Sheep
Luke 15:4-7 30 1801 - Parable of the Lost Sheep 1801
Luke 15:8-10 17 970 - The Lost Silver Piece 970
Luke 15:10 4 203 - The Sympathy of the Two Worlds 203
Luke 15:10 48 2791 - A High Day in Heaven 2791
Luke 15:11-32 60 Exposition following sermon # 3410 3410
Luke 15:17 17
1000 - Number One Thousand, Or, "Bread Enough and to Spare"
Luke 15:17 41 2414 - The Prodigal's Climax 2414
Luke 15:20 4 176 - The Prodigal's Return 176
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Luke 15:20 10 588 - The Prodigal's Reception 588
Luke 15:20 20 1189 - The Turning Point 1189
Luke 15:20 37 2236 - Prodigal Love for the Prodigal Son 2236
Luke 15:20;Mark 5:6 43 2507 - He Ran, and He Ran 2507
Luke 15:20, 21 43 2520 - A Program Never Carried Out 2520
Luke 15:22, 23 20 1204 - The Reception of Sinners 1204
Luke 15:25-32 60 Exposition following sermon # 3392 3392
Luke 16:31 3 143 - A Preacher from the Dead 143
Luke 16:2 4
192 - The Sunday School Teacher—A Steward
Luke 16:2 41 2445 - The Last Sermon for the Year 2445
Luke 16:26 9 518 - The Bridgeless Gulf 518
Luke 17:1-10 39 Exposition following sermon #2334 2334
Luke 17:1-10 51 Exposition following sermon #2963 2963
Luke 17:5 1 32 - The Necessity of Increased Faith 32
Luke 17:5 22
1318 - Increased Faith the Strength of Peace Principles
Luke 17:5 59 3384 - Growth in Faith 3384
Luke 17:7-10 39
2334 - Our Service for Christ Never Finished
Luke 17:10 26 1541 - Unprofitable Servants 1541
Luke 17:11-19; Psa 166 40 Exposition following sermon #2347 2347
Luke 17:11-32 51 Exposition following sermon #2944 2944
Luke 17:12-14 27 1635 - Only Trust Him! Only Trust Him! 1635
Luke 17:15-19 32
1935 - "Where Are the Nine?"—Or, Praise Neglected
Luke 17:17 51 2960 - "Where Are the Nine"? Where? 2960
Luke 17:22 22 1323 - And Why Not? 1323
Luke 17:32 25 1491 - Remember Lot's Wife 1491
Luke 18:1 43 2519 - When Should We Pray? 2519
Luke 18:1-8 15 856 - The Importunate Widow 856
Luke 18:1-14 46 Exposition following sermon # 2687 2687
Luke 18:1-14 56 Exposition following sermon # 3178 3178
Luke 18:1-27 49 Exposition following sermon # 2851 2851
Luke 18:7 49 2836 - Prayerful Importunity 2836
Luke 18:8 33 1963 - The Search for Faith 1963
Luke 18:1-14; Psa 122 41 Exposition following sermon #2395 2395
Luke 18:10 41 2395 - The Blessings of Public Worship 2395
Luke 18:13 4 216 - Confession and Absolution 216
Luke 18:13 33
1949 - A Sermon for the Worst Man on Earth
Luke 18:14 46 2687 - Too Good to Be Saved! 2687
Luke 18:17 24
1439 - Receiving the Kingdom of God As a Little Child
Luke 18:31-42 62 Exposition following sermon # 3497 3497
Luke 18:31-43; 42 Exposition following sermon #2458 2458
Luke 18:35-43; 39 Exposition following sermon #2304 2304
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Luke 18:35-43; 46 Exposition following sermon # 2665 2665
Luke 18:35-43; 47 Exposition following sermon # 2755 2755
Luke 18:37 15 906 - The Soul's Crisis 906
Luke 18:42;Luke 7:50 20 1162 - Saving Faith 1162
Luke 19 53 Exposition following sermon #3050 3050
Luke 19:1-27 46 Exposition following sermon # 2701 2701
Luke 19:5 2 73 - Effectual Calling 73
Luke 19:5 47 2755 - Must He? 2755
Luke 19:6 46 2701 - Jesus Joyfully Received 2701
Luke 19:6 61 3487 — The Honored Guest 3487
Luke 19:7 22 1319 - The Sinner's Savior 1319
Luke 19:9 46 2665 - A Day to Be Remembered 2665
Luke 19:10 4
204 - The Mission of the Son of Man (Particular Redemption)
Luke 19:10 19 1100 - Good News for the Lost 1100
Luke 19:10 47 2756 - Saving the Lost 2756
Luke 19:10 53 3050 - The Errand of Mercy 3050
Luke 19:10 58
3309 - Christ the Seeker and Savior of the Lost
Luke 19:12, 13 33 1960 - The Servants and the Pounds 1960
Luke 19:28 63 3545 - Our Glorious Leader 3545
Luke 19:37-40 12 678 - Praise Your God, O Zion! 678
Luke 19:41 26 1570 - The Lamentations of Jesus 1570
Luke 20:37, 38 31 1863 - Departed Saints Yet Living 1863
Luke 21 42 Exposition following sermon #2496 2496
Luke 21:28-31 42
2496 - Joyful Anticipation of the Second Advent
Luke 21:33 45 2636 - The Perpetuity of the Gospel 2636
Luke 22:1-39 43 Exposition following sermon #2514 2514
Luke 22:7-34, 54-62 45 Exposition following sermon # 2620 2620
Luke 22:7-54 54 Exposition following sermon # 3107 3107
Luke 22:9-16 42 Exposition following sermon #2466 2466
Luke 22:14 54 3107 - Christ and His Table Companions 3107
Luke 22:14-24; 45 Exposition following sermon # 2638 2638
Luke 22:14-46 48 Exposition following sermon # 2769 2769
Luke 22:27 43 2514 - Servus Servorum 2514
Luke 22:32 34 2035 - Peter after His Restoration 2035
Luke 22:32 45 2620 - Christ's Prayer for Peter 2620
Luke 22:39-65 42 Exposition following sermon #2489 2489
Luke 22:43 48 2769 - The Weakened Christ Strengthened 2769
Luke 22:44 9 493 - Gethsemane 493
Luke 22:44 20 1199 - The Agony in Gethsemane 1199
Luke 22:47, 48 9 494 - The Betrayal 494
Luke 22:54-62; 48 Exposition following sermon # 2771 2771
Luke 22:60-62 34 2034 - Peter's Restoration 2034
Luke 22:61, 62 48 2771 - Peter's Fall and Restoration 2771
New Testament Index Page 18 of 63
Luke 22:63-65 49 2825 - Majesty in Misery 2825
Luke 22:63-71;Luke 23:1;John
18:12-14, 19-26
49 Exposition following sermon # 2822 2822
Luke 23; Matt 26:58-69; Psa
51; 32
59 Exposition following sermon # 3385 3385
Luke 23:1-16 62 Exposition following sermon # 3507 3507
Luke 23:8, 9 28 1645 - Our Lord before Herod 1645
Luke 23:11 34 2051 - Setting Jesus at Nothing 2051
Luke 23:13-28 61 Exposition following sermon # 3453 3453
Luke 23:18-25, 32, 34 62 Exposition following sermon # 3512 3512
Luke 23:26-33; Psa 60:1-21;
Mark 15:15-23
59 Exposition following sermon # 3360 3360
Luke 23:27-31 22 1320 - Why Should I Weep? 1320
Luke 23:27-40; 41 Exposition following sermon #2443 2443
Luke 23:27-49; 39 Exposition following sermon #2311 2311
Luke 23:33-46 38 Exposition following sermon #2279 2279
Luke 23:34 15 897 - The First Cry from the Cross 897
Luke 23:34 38 2263 - Christ's Plea for Ignorant Sinners 2263
Luke 23:34 53 3068 - Unknown Depths and Heights 3068
Luke 23:34 63 3558 - An Plea from the Cross 3558
Luke 23:36-44 33
1958 - The First Appearance of the Risen Lord to the Eleven
Luke 23:39-43 59 3363 - Witnessing at the Cross 3363
Luke 23:40-42 32 1881 - The Dying Thief in a New Light 1881
Luke 23:42, 43 35 2078 - The Believing Thief 2078
Luke 23:46 39 2311 - Our Lord's Last Cry from the Cross 2311
Luke 23:46; 45
2644 - The Last Words of Christ on the Cross
Luke 23:48 15 860 - Mourning at the Sight of the Crucified 860
Luke 24 47 Exposition following sermon # 2720 2720
Luke 24 56 Exposition following sermon # 3191 3191
Luke 24:5 60 3397 - A Timely Expostulation 3397
Luke 24:5, 6 19 1106 - "The Lord Is Risen, Indeed" 1106
Luke 24:13-35 61 Exposition following sermon # 3481 3481
Luke 24:25 33 1980 - Folly of Unbelief 1980
Luke 24:28, 29 28 1655 - The Blessed Guest Detained 1655
Luke 24:31 12 681 - Eyes Opened 681
Luke 24:32-44; 41 Exposition following sermon #2408 2408
Luke 24:36 61 3456 - "Peace Be Unto You" 3456
Luke 24:38 41 2408 - Christ the Cure for Troubled Hearts 2408
Luke 24:40 5 254 - The Wounds of Jesus 254
Luke 24:41 7 425 - Too Good to Be True—A Paradox 425
Luke 24:41-45 38 2279 - Joy Hindering Faith 2279
Luke 24:47 6 329 - Christ's First and Last Subject 329
Luke 24:47 29 1729 - Beginning at Jerusalem 1729
Luke 24:47 56 3224 - "Repentance and Remission" 3224
Luke 24:49-53; 51 Exposition following sermon #2950 2950
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Luke 24:50-53 51 2949 - Our Lord's Posture in Ascension 2949
John 1:1-34 38 Exposition following sermon #2259 2259
John 1:1-34 56 Exposition following sermon # 3222 3222
John 1:1-37 39 Exposition following sermon #2329 2329
John 1:11 18 1055 - Ingratitude of Man 1055
John 1:11-13 21 1212 - Faith and Its Attendant Privileges 1212
John 1:11-13 38
2259 - The Simplicity and Sublimity of Salvation
John 1:12 30 1757 - The New Year's Guest 1757
John 1:12, 13 12 669 - Open Heart for the Great Savior 669
John 1:14 7 414 - The Glory of Christ Beheld! 414
John 1:14, 17 31
1862 - The True Tabernacle and Its Glory of Grace and Peace
John 1:15-37; Matt 3:1-12;
John 3:22-36
49 Exposition following sermon # 2818 2818
John 1:16 7 415 - The Fullness of Christ—Received! 415
John 1:16 15
858 - The Fullness of Jesus the Treasury of Saints
John 1:16 20
1169 - The Fullness of Christ the Treasury of the Saints
John 1:16 63 3553 - The Fullness and the Filling 3553
John 1:18-33; 19:1-16 61 Exposition following sermon # 3457 3457
John 1:19-51; 45 Exposition following sermon # 2646 2646
John 1:29 33 1987 - "Behold the Lamb of God" 1987
John 1:29 45 2646 - The Baptist's Message 2646
John 1:29 56 3222 - "The Lamb of God" 3222
John 1:29-42; Isa 60 Exposition following sermon # 3432 3432
John 1:29-51 40 Exposition following sermon #2375 2375
John 1:35, 36 39 2329 - The Lamb of God in Scripture 2329
John 1:36 18 1060 - Behold the Lamb! 1060
John 1:37 12 702 - Peter's Three Calls 702
John 1:37-51 10 570 - The First Five Disciples 570
John 1:39 11 633 - Two Loving Invitations 633
John 1:42 15 855 - Everyday Usefulness 855
John 1:43-45 40 2375 - Found by Jesus—And Finding Jesus 2375
John 1:45 56 3225 - Finding and Following Christ 3225
John 1: 45-51 16 921 - Nathanael and the Fig Tree 921
John 1:47 35
2068 - Nathanael—The Man Needed for the Day
John 1:50 34
2021 - Nathanael—Or, the Ready Believer and His Reward
John 1:50, 51 25
1478 - Greater Things Yet Who Shall See Them?
John 2:1-11 39 Exposition following sermon #2317 2317
John 2:5 39 2317 - Obeying Christ's Orders 2317
John 2:7 26 1556 - The Waterpots at Cana 1556
New Testament Index Page 20 of 63
John 2:9, 10 5 226 - The Feast of the Lord 226
John 2:9, 10 5 225 - Satan's Banquet 225
John 2:11 36
2155 - The Beginning of Miracles Which Jesus Did
John 3:1-15;Num 21:1-9 56 Exposition following sermon # 3214 3214
John 3:1-18 39 Exposition following sermon #2339 2339
John 3:1-18 46 Exposition following sermon # 2663 2663
John 3:1-18 53 Exposition following sermon # 3053 3053
John 3:1-21 54 Exposition following sermon # 3095 3095
John 3:1-21 54 Exposition following sermon # 3124 3124
John 3:1-21 61 Exposition following sermon # 3463 3463
John 3:1-24 42 Exposition following sermon #2463 2463
John 3:3 3 130 - Regeneration 130
John 3:5 53 3053 - Jesus Christ's Idiom 3053
John 3:7 25 1455 - Every Man's Necessity 1455
John 3:7 54 3121 - The Necessity of Regeneration 3121
John 3:8 11
630 - The Holy Spirit Compared to the Wind
John 3:8 23 1356 - The Heavenly Wind 1356
John 3:8 35 2067 - The Spirit and the Wind 2067
John 3:13-36 61 Exposition following sermon # 3490 3490
John 3:14 3 153 - The Mysteries of the Bronze Serpent 153
John 3:14-17; Job 7 46 Exposition following sermon # 2705 2705
John 3:16 31 1850 - Immeasurable Love 1850
John 3:18 7 361 - None But Jesus—First Part 361
John 3:18 7 362 - None But Jesus—Second Part 362
John 3:18 16 964 - The Essence of the Gospel 964
John 3:22-36;Matt 3:1- 12;
John 1:15-37
49 Exposition following sermon # 2818 2818
John 3:33 36 2158 - Christ's Testimony Received 2158
John 3:36 17 1012 - Unbeliever's Unhappy Condition 1012
John 4:1-29 44 Exposition following sermon # 2570 2570
John 4:1-32 41 Exposition following sermon #2423 2423
John 4:1-34 50 Exposition following sermon # 2897 2897
John 4:1-39 55 Exposition following sermon # 3135 3135
John 4:1-42 38 Exposition following sermon #2277 2277
John 4:1-42 45 Exposition following sermon # 2623 2623
John 4:6 44 2570 - Jesus Sitting on the Well 2570
John 4:7 41 2423 - The Model Soul-Winner 2423
John 4:10 13 782 - Saving Knowledge 782
John 4:10 38 2277 - Sychar's Sinner Saved 2277
John 4:11 50 2897 - The Source 2897
John 4:14 15 864 - Life's Ever-Springing Well 864
John 4:14 20 1202 - Holy Water 1202
John 4:15 13 770 - The Water of Life 770
New Testament Index Page 21 of 63
John 4:23, 24 12
695 - The Axe at the Root—A Testimony Against Puseyite Idolatry
John 4: 27-30 28
1678 - The Samaritan Woman and Her Mission
John 4:31-38 32 1901 - Mysterious Meat 1901
John 4:34 6 302 - Jesus About His Father's Business 302
John 4:34 55 3135 - A Golden Sentence 3135
John 4:35 12 706 - Fields White for Harvest 706
John 4:39-42 18 1053 - Testimony and Experience 1053
John 4:39-42 45 2623 - How Faith Comes 2623
John 4:46-53 31 1865 - The Nobleman's Faith 1865
John 4:48 6 317 - Characteristics of Faith 317
John 5:1-9 13
744 - Jesus at Bethesda—Or, Waiting Changed for Believing
John 5:1-9; 9:1-14; Luke 4:33-
36; Luke 6:6-11; Luke 13:10-17;
Luke 14:1-6
44 Exposition following sermon # 2568 2568
John 5:1-23 38 Exposition following sermon #2269 2269
John 5:5-9 38 2269 - Impotence and Omnipotence 2269
John 5:6 16 955 - A Singular But Needful Question 955
John 5:8 21
1211 - The Hospital of Waiters Visited with the Gospel
John 5:9 44 2568 - Sabbath-Work 2568
John 5:11 25
1479 - The Work of Grace the Warrant for Obedience
John 5;24-44; 42 Exposition following sermon #2470 2470
John 5:25 60 3389 - The Soul's Awakening 3389
John 5:40 1 52 - Free Will—A Slave 52
John 5:40 22 1324 - Unwillingness to Come to Christ 1324
John 5:44 21 1245 - Why Men Cannot Believe in Christ 1245
John 5:46 61 3463 - Why Men Do Not Believe 3463
John 6:1-14; 30-45 52 Exposition following sermon # 2999 2999
John 6:1-21 57 Exposition following sermon # 3253 3253
John 6:1-41 59 Exposition following sermon # 3352 3352
John 6:6 27 1605 - Jesus Knew What He Would Do 1605
John 6:11 37 2216 - The Lad's Loaves in the Lord's Hands 2216
John 6:14-40 51 Exposition following sermon #2945 2945
John 6:17 51 2945 - Night—And Jesus Not There! 2945
John 6:17 51 2954 - The Big Gates Wide Open 2954
John 6:22-40; 40 Exposition following sermon #2349 2349
John 6:22-59 56 Exposition following sermon # 3192 3192
John 6:24 16 947 - Seeking for Jesus 947
John 6:25-51 45 Exposition following sermon # 2606 2606
John 6:29 26
1521 - A Plain Answer to An Important Enquiry
John 6:35 19 1112 - Soul-Satisfying Bread 1112
New Testament Index Page 22 of 63
John 6:35 56 3192 - The Soul's Food and Drink 3192
John 6:37 10
599 - The Certainty and Freeness of Divine Grace
John 6:37 30 1762 - High Doctrine and Broad Doctrine 1762
John 6:37 40 2349 - All Comers to Christ Welcomed 2349
John 6:37 52 3000 No. 3000 Or, Come Welcome 30003000
John 6:37 56 3230 - The Last Message for the Year 3230
John 6:39, 40 19 1117 - The Father's Will 1117
John 6:41-65 46 Exposition following sermon # 2706 2706
John 6:41-66 60 Exposition following sermon # 3424 3424
John 6:41-71 40 Exposition following sermon #2386 2386
John 6:41-71 43 Exposition following sermon #2528 2528
John 6:44 4 182 - Human Inability 182
John 6:44, 45 40 2386 - The Drawings of Divine Love 2386
John 6:45 45 2606 - Choice Teaching for the Chosen 2606
John 6:47 28 1642 - "Verily, Verily" 1642
John 6:47, 48 46 2706 - Feeding on the Bread of Life 2706
John 6:48 33 1940 - The Best Bread 1940
John 6:53-56 22 1288 - Truly Eating the Flesh of Jesus 1288
John 6:55 25
1460 - The Meat and Drink of the New Nature
John 6:55 60 3424 -Meat Indeed, and Drink Indeed 3424
John 6:63 11 653 - A Blow for Puseyism 653
John 6:63 46 2677 - Spiritual Religion 2677
John 6:64 50 2898 - The Search Warrant 2898
John 6: 66-69 28
1646 - A Home Question and a Right Answer
John 6:67 50 2914 - A Mournful Defection 2914
John 6:67 63 3556 - Absconding and Apostasy 3556
John 6:67, 68 56 3210 - Clinging to Christ 3210
John 7:1-13; Heb 5 47 Exposition following sermon # 2722 2722
John 7:37 31
1875 - The Preacher's Last Sermon for the Season
John 7:14-53 47 Exposition following sermon #2710 2710
John 7:30-63; 8:1 52 Exposition following sermon # 3003 3003
John 7:38, 39; 28
1662 - The Indwelling and Outflowing of the Holy Spirit
John 7:43 47 2710 - Christ the Cause of Division 2710
John 7:46 16 951 - The Unrivalled Eloquence of Jesus 951
John 7:53;John 8:1-11 45 Exposition following sermon # 2637 2637
John 7:53; John 8:1 52 3003 - A Vivid Contrast 3003
John 8:1; John 7:53 52 3003 - A Vivid Contrast 3003
John 8:12 62 3534 - The Light of the World 3534
John 8:12-45 44 Exposition following sermon # 2560 2560
John 8:28-59 44 Exposition following sermon # 2584 2584
John 8:29 20 1165 - The Christian's Motto 1165
John 8:29-58; Mark 14:1-9;
John 12:1-7
60 Exposition following sermon # 3404 3404
New Testament Index Page 23 of 63
John 8:30-32 37
2191 - Believing on Jesus—And Its Counterfeits
John 8:31; John 13:35; John
15:8; Luke 14:26
45 2650 — Characteristics of Christ's Disciples 2650
John 8:31-59 45 Exposition following sermon # 2652 2652
John 8:36 10 565 - The Great Liberator 565
John 8:37-59 (RV); Luke 4:16-
43 Exposition following sermon #2522 2522
John 8:37 44 2584 - Place for the Word 2584
John 8:38 44 2560 - Universal Fatherhood—A Lie 2560
John 8:42 21 1257 - Love to Jesus the Great Test 1257
John 8:46 9 492 - Nominal Christians—Real Infidels 492
John 8:51-53 36
2169 - The Man Who Shall Never See Death
John 8:56 45 2652 — Seeing Christ's Day 2652
John 9 46 Exposition following sermon # 2668 2668
John 9; 1Cor 10:15-33; 1 Cor
46 Exposition following sermon # 2656 2656
John 9 55 Exposition following sermon # 3132 3132
John 9 62 Exposition following sermon # 3536 3536
John 9:1-7; 51 Exposition following sermon #2955 2955
John 9:1-38 39 Exposition following sermon #2309 2309
John 9:1-38 53 Exposition following sermon # 3032 3032
John 9:3 39 2309 - God's Works Made Manifest 2309
John 9:3, 4 29
1754 - The Blind Man's Eyes Opened—Or, Practical Christianity
John 9:4 13 756 - Work 756
John 9:4 16 943 - The Spur 943
John 9:5, 6, 7 33
1977 - The Blind Beggar of the Temple and His Wonderful Cure
John 9:11 51 2950 - True and Not True 2950
John 9:21 24 1393 - Speak for Yourself—A Challenge! 1393
John 9:25 51 2955 - Simple But Sound 2955
John 9:25; 62 3536 - A Threefold Slogan 3536
John 9:32 18 1065 - The Healing of One Born Blind 1065
John 9:35 36 2141 - The Question of Questions 2141
John 9:35 52 3008 - An All-Important Question 3008
John 9:35 55 3132 - A Question for You 3132
John 9:35, 36 18 1088 - The Essence of Simplicity 1088
John 9:35-38 46 2667 - A Pressed Man Yielding to Christ 2667
John 9: 39 30 1798 - Sight for Those Who See Not 1798
John 10:1-18 58 Exposition following sermon # 3287 3287
John 10:1-30 56 Exposition following sermon # 3190 3190
John 10:1-30; 58 Exposition following sermon # 3330 3330
John 10:1-31 40 Exposition following sermon #2359 2359
John 10:3 40 2359 - Personal and Effectual Calling 2359
John 10:9 47 2752 — The Door 2752
New Testament Index Page 24 of 63
John 10:9 58 3287 - The Only Door 3287
John 10:10 20 1150 - Life More Abundant 1150
John 10:11 51 2919 - "Whose Goodness Never Fails" 2919
John 10:14, 15 32 1877 - Our Own Dear Shepherd 1877
John 10:16 29 1713 - Other Sheep and One Flock 1713
John 10:17 35 2117 - The Father's Love to His Dying Son 2117
John 10:27 17 995 - The Sheep and Their Shepherd 995
John 10:27-30 35
2120 - The Security of Believers—Or, Sheep Who Shall Never Perish
John 10:28 12 726 - Life Eternal 726
John 10:28 18 1056 - Perseverance without Presumption 1056
John 10:39-42 32 1924 - A Cheering Incident at Bethabara 1924
John 10:39-42 49 2818 - Jesus and His Forerunner 2818
John 11:1-26 59 Exposition following sermon # 3342 3342
John 11:1-44 57 Exposition following sermon # 3236 3236
John 11:3 26 1518 - Beloved and Yet Afflicted 1518
John 11:14, 15 10
585 - A Mystery! Saints Sorrowful and Jesus Glad!
John 11:22 38 2249 - Even Now 2249
John 11:24-26 30 1799 - "Though He Were Dead" 1799
John 11:26 26 1568 - The Believer Catechized 1568
John 11:27-46 59 Exposition following sermon # 3386 3386
John 11:28 20 1198 - The Master 1198
John 11:28-32 61 3461 - The Welcome Visitor 3461
John 11:35 35 2091 - "Jesus Wept" 2091
John 11:36 56 3228 - "Oh, How He Loves!" 3228
John 11:37 33 1944 - Might Have Been, Or May Be 1944
John 11:37 60
3420 - Could He Not? Ah! But He Would Not
John 11:40 59 3342 — Faith Seeing God's Glory 3342
John 11:43, 44 30 1776 - Unbinding Lazarus 1776
John 11:43, 44 44 2554 - The Spiritual Resurrection 2554
John 11:44 18 1052 - The Sphere of Instrumentality 1052
John 11:45-57 61 Exposition following sermon # 3469 3469
John 11:47 47 2736 - The Great Miracle Worker 2736
John 12:1 55 3174 - Concentration and Diffusion 3174
John 12:1-7; Mark 14:1-9;John
60 Exposition following sermon # 3404 3404
John 12:1-8; Psa 63; Luke 38-42 51 Exposition following sermon #2927 2927
John 12:1-43 55 Exposition following sermon # 3174 3174
John 12:12-36 53 Exposition following sermon # 3024 3024
John 12:19-43 39 Exposition following sermon #2338 2338
John 12:20-41 50 Exposition following sermon # 2874 2874
John 12:20-50 58 Exposition following sermon # 3285 3285
John 12:23-24 53 3024 - Christ's Death and Ours 3024
New Testament Index Page 25 of 63
John 12:26 8
463 - Christ's Servant—His Duty and Reward
John 12:26 42
2449 - The Rule and Reward of Serving Christ
John 12:26 45 2651 — The Christian's Service and Honor 2651
John 12:26 50 2874 - Precepts and Promises 2874
John 12:28 16 909 - Voices from the Excellent Glory 909
John 12:28 24 1391 - A Golden Prayer 1391
John 12:29-50 41 Exposition following sermon #2413 2413
John 12:31-33 39 2338 - The Crisis of This World 2338
John 12:32 3 139 - Christ Lifted Up 139
John 12:32 13 775 - The Great Attraction 775
John 12:32, 22 29 1717 - The Marvelous Magnet 1717
John 12:36 41 2413 - Despised Light Withdrawn 2413
John 12:37-41 31
1844 - Israel and Britain—A Note of Warning
John 12:37-50; Isa 6 60 Exposition following sermon # 3437 3437
John 13:1 14 810 - The Faithfulness of Jesus 810
John 13:1 40 2377 - Love Stronger Than Death 2377
John 13:1-17 51 Exposition following sermon #2936 2936
John 13:1-19 40 Exposition following sermon #2377 2377
John 13:3-5 25 1499 - The Lessons of the Foot-Washing 1499
John 13:6 11 612 - Jesus Washing His Disciples' Feet 612
John 13:7 22 1293 - The Unknown Ways of Love 1293
John 13:8 16 926 - The Sine Qua Non 926
John 13:17 59 3348 — Knowing and Doing 3348
John 13:23-26 34 2052 - On His Breast 2052
John 13:34, 35 51 2936 - Christ's "New Commandment" 2936
John 14 43 Exposition following sermon #2515 2515
John 14 54 Exposition following sermon # 3078 3078
John 14 58 Exposition following sermon # 3307 3307
John 14 59 Exposition following sermon # 3378 3378
John 14:1 13 730 - Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled 730
John 14:1-2; 47 Exposition following sermon # 2751 2751
John 14:1-4 29 1741 - "Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled" 1741
John 14:1-20 62 Exposition following sermon # 3510 3510
John 14:1-21 46 Exposition following sermon # 2672 2672
John 14:2 47
2751 - "A Prepared Place for a Prepared People"
John 15:5 6 345 - Self-Sufficiency Slain 345
John 14:6 5 245 - The Way to God 245
John 14:6 16 942 - The Way 942
John 14:6 51 2938 - Jesus the Way 2938
John 14:6 62 3544 - The Only Road 3544
John 14:9 60 3430 - Chiding and Cheering 3430
John 14:14 8 465 - The Holy Spirit Glorifying Christ 465
John 14:15 32 1932 - Love's Law and Life 1932
New Testament Index Page 26 of 63
John 14:15-31 50 Exposition following sermon # 2895 2895
John 14:15-31 57 Exposition following sermon # 3272 3272
John 14:15-31 51 Exposition following sermon #2953 2953
John 14:16 18 1074 - The Paraclete 1074
John 14:16, 17 1 4 - The Personality of the Holy Spirit 4
John 14:17 13 754 - The Saint and the Spirit 754
John 14:17 35
2074 - Intimate Knowledge of the Holy Spirit
John 14:18 52 2990 - The Believer Not an Orphan 2990
John 14:19 17 968 - Life in Christ 968
John 14:19 51 2953 - Spiritual Sight and Eternal Life 2953
John 14:19 60 3401 - Sharing Christ's Life 3401
John 14:19 61 3443 - Seeing Jesus 3443
John 14:21-31 62 Exposition following sermon # 3519 3519
John 14:22 1
29 - Christ Manifesting Himself to His People
John 14:23 50 2895 - A Blessed Gospel Chain 2895
John 14:24-26 31 1842 - The Private Tutor 1842
John 14:26 1 5 - The Comforter 5
John 14:26 6 315 - The Teaching of the Holy Spirit 315
John 14:26 59
3353 — The Great Teacher and Remembrancer
John 14:27 5 247 - The Best of Masters 247
John 14:27 6 300 - Spiritual Peace 300
John 14:27 54
3076 - The Cause and Effect of Heart Trouble
John 14:28 31
1871 - Love's Transformations—A Communion Meditation
John 15 41 Exposition following sermon #2444 2444
John 15 52 Exposition following sermon # 2990 2990
John 15:1-8 45 Exposition following sermon # 2644 2644
John 15:1-8 48 Exposition following sermon # 2767 2767
John 15:1-11 47 Exposition following sermon # 2715 2715
John 15:1-11 51 Exposition following sermon #2935 2935
John 15:1-17 61 Exposition following sermon # 3488 3488
John 15:2 13 774 - A Sharp Knife for the Vine Branches 774
John 15:5 27 1625 - Without Christ—Nothing 1625
John 15:7 34 2002 - The Secret of Power in Prayer 2002
John 15:9 33 1982 - Love at Its Utmost 1982
John 15:9 41 2444 - Cheering Words 2444
John 15:9-27 45 Exposition following sermon # 2627 2627
John 15:9-27 45 Exposition following sermon # 2651 2651
John 15:11 51 2935 - Christ's Joy and Ours 2935
John 15:12-27 47 Exposition following sermon # 2709 2709
John 15:13 19 1128 - Love's Crowning Deed 1128
John 15:13 52 2986 - One Aspect of Christ's Death 2986
John 15:14 26 1552 - The Friends of Jesus 1552
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John 15:14 60 3437 - Friendship's Guide 3437
John 15:22 4 194 - Human Responsibility 194
John 15:25 2 89 - Hatred Without a Cause 89
John 15:27 47 2709 - Christ's Past and Present Witnesses 2709
John 16 50 Exposition following sermon # 2907 2907
John 16 61 Exposition following sermon # 3461 3461
John 16:1-14 55 Exposition following sermon # 3136 3136
John 16:1-16 40 Exposition following sermon #2382 2382
John 16:1-20 39 Exposition following sermon #2307 2307
John 16:1-22 53 Exposition following sermon # 3052 3052
John 16:7 10
574 - The Superlative Excellence of the Holy Spirit
John 16:7; John 7:38, 39 28
1662 - The Indwelling and Outflowing of the Holy Spirit
John 16:8-11 29
1708 - The Holy Spirit's Threefold Conviction of Men
John 16:13 1 50 - The Holy Spirit—The Great Teacher 50
John 16:14 50 2907 - The Holy Spirit Glorifying Christ 2907
John 16:14 53 3062 - The Spirit's Office Towards Disciples 3062
John 16:14 55 3127 - A Promise and Precedent 3127
John 16:14, 15 37 2213 - "Honey in the Mouth!" 2213
John 16:14, 15 40 2382 - The Holy Spirit's Chief Office 2382
John 16:16-33 38 Exposition following sermon #2271 2271
John 16:16-33 43 Exposition following sermon #2525 2525
John 16:20 52 2983 - A Wonderful Transformation 2983
John 16:20-22 24 1442 - Sorrow At the Cross Turned into Joy 1442
John 16:22 43 2525 - Joy in Place of Sorrow 2525
John 16:26, 27 48 2800 - "Pray, Always Pray" 2800
John 16:31, 32 38 2271 - Alone, Yet Not Alone 2271
John 16:31, 32 53 3052 - Christ's Loneliness and Ours 3052
John 16:33 22 1327 - Christ the Overcomer of the World 1327
John 16:33 33 1994 - Sweet Peace for Tried Believers 1994
John 16:33 58
3285 - Good Cheer from Christ's Victory Over the World
John 17 40 Exposition following sermon #2331 2331
John 17 40 Exposition following sermon #2355 2355
John 17 42 Exposition following sermon #2449 2449
John 17 42 Exposition following sermon #2483 2483
John 17 49 Exposition following sermon # 2821 2821
John 17 57 Exposition following sermon # 3280 3280
John 17 62 Exposition following sermon # 3499 3499
John 17; John 18:1-9 45 Exposition following sermon # 2616 2616
John 17; Psa 32 61 Exposition following sermon # 3456 3456
New Testament Index Page 28 of 63
John 17:1 25
1465A - The Son Glorified by the Father and the Father Glorified by the Son
John 17:1-12; 40 Exposition following sermon #2368 2368
John 17:2 10 566 - General and Yet Particular 566
John 17:3; 41 2396 - Eternal Life! 2396
John 17:9, 10 39
2331 - Christ's Pastoral Prayer for His People
John 17:11, 13 32 1883 - Prospect—"He Will Keep" 1883
John 17:15 1 47 - Christ's Prayer for His People 47
John 17:15 40 2355 - Christ's Negative and Positive Prayer 2355
John 17:15 46
2703 - The Preservation of Christians in the World
John 17:15-26 40 Exposition following sermon #2376 2376
John 17:16 2 78 - The Character of Christ's People 78
John 17:17 32
1890 - Our Lord's Prayer for His People's Sanctification
John 17; 18:1-9 55 Exposition following sermon # 3151 3151
John 17:18 36
2144 - Believers Sent by Christ, As Christ Is Sent by the Father
John 17:20 55 3133 - Christ's Prayer for Believers 3133
John 17:20, 21 12 668 - Unity in Christ 668
John 17:22, 23 25
1472 - The Glory, Unity and Triumph of the Church
John 17:24 4 188 - The Redeemer's Prayer 188
John 17:24 32 1892 - Why They Leave Us 1892
John 17:24 40 2376 — "I Will" Yet, "Not As I Will" 2376
John 17:25, 26 23
1378 - The Righteous Father Known and Loved
John 17:26 28 1667 - "Love and I"—A Mystery 1667
John 18:1, 2 48 2767 - Jesus in Gethsemane 2767
John 18:1-27 56 Exposition following sermon # 3181 3181
John 18:8 45 2616 - Christ's Care of His Disciples 2616
John 18:8, 9 12 722 - The Captive Savior Freeing His People 722
John 18:8, 9 40 2368 - The Living Care of the Dying Christ 2368
John 18:12, 13, 19-23 49 2820 - Christ Before Annas 2820
John 18:12-14, 19-26; Mark
14:53-65; Luke 22:63-71; Luke
49 Exposition following sermon # 2822 2822
John 18:12-27 56 Exposition following sermon # 3207 3207
John 18:15-18, 25-27; Mark
14:27-31, 53, 54
47 Exposition following sermon # 2735 2735
John 18:15-18, 25-27; Matt
26:31-35, 57, 58, 69-75; Mark
14:53,54, 66-72; Luke 22:54-62
48 Exposition following sermon # 2771 2771
New Testament Index Page 29 of 63
John 18:18 56 3181 - A Sermon for a Winter's Evening 3181
John 18:24 49 2822 - Christ in Bonds 2822
John 18:25 56 3207 - Secret Disciples Encouraged 3207
John 18:26 35 2106 - "In the Garden with Him" 2106
John 18:28-38; 49 Exposition following sermon # 2824 2824
John 18:28-40; Psa 2 49 Exposition following sermon # 2826 2826
John 18:34 45 2624 - Secondhand 2624
John 18:37 18 1086 - Jesus, the King of Truth 1086
John 18:37 49 2826 - The King in Pilate's Hall 2826
John 18:38 28
1644 - Our Lord's First Appearance before Pilate
John 18:40 10 595 - Barabbas Preferred to Jesus 595
John 19:1-37 54 Exposition following sermon # 3123 3123
John 19:14 23 1353 - Ecce Rex 1353
John 19:14-37 57 Exposition following sermon # 3279 3279
John 19:16 9 497 - The Procession of Sorrow 497
John 19:17; 28
1683 - The Great Cross-Bearer and His Followers
John 19:19 54 3123 - "The King of the Jews" 3123
John 19:23-37 58 Exposition following sermon # 3311 3311
John 19:25-30 38 Exposition following sermon #2263 2263
John 19:28 24 1409 - The Shortest of the Seven Cries 1409
John 19:28 59 3385 - The Savior's Thirst 3385
John 19:30 7 421 - It Is Finished! 421
John 19:30 40 2344 - Christ's Dying Word for His Church 2344
John 19:31-37 33 1956 - On the Cross After Death 1956
John 19:32-37 63 3559 - The Pierced Heart of Jesus 3559
John 19:34 58 3311 - The Water and the Blood 3311
John 19:38-42 40 2390 - A Royal Funeral 2390
John 19:38-42; 40 Exposition following sermon #2390 2390
John 20:1-18 53 Exposition following sermon # 3067 3067
John 20:10-16 35
2119 - Magdalene at the Sepulcher—An Instructive Scene
John 20:11-29 42 Exposition following sermon #2475 2475
John 20:15 51 2956 - A Handkerchief 2956
John 20:17 44
2561 - "Nolin Me Tangier" ("Touch Me Not")
John 20:17 47
2733 - Christ's Manifestation to Mary Magdalene
John 20:18-31 62 Exposition following sermon # 3541 3541
John 20:19 21 1254 - Jesus in Our Midst 1254
John 20:19-31 47 Exposition following sermon # 2721 2721
John 20:27 34 2061 - The Evidence of Our Lord's Wounds 2061
John 20:27, 28 62 3541 - A Memorable Interview 3541
John 20:28 30 1775 - "My Lord and My God!" 1775
John 20:29 47 2721 - Faith Without Sight 2721
John 21 53 Exposition following sermon #3057 3057
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John 21 55 Exposition following sermon # 3146 3146
John 21 62 Exposition following sermon # 3524 3524
John 21:6 8 443 - The Two Draughts of Fishes 443
John 21:7 55 3146 - The Power of Christ's Presence 3146
John 21:7, 8 51 3481 - Visits from the Lord 3481
John 21:12 11 633 - Two Loving Invitations 633
John 21:12 35 2072 - Breakfast with Jesus 2072
John 21:15 28
1684 - "Feed My Lambs"—A Sunday School Sermon
John 21:15-17 3 117 - Do You Love Me? 117
John 21:16 22 1281 - "Do You Love Me?" 1281
John 21:16 56 3211 - "Feed My Sheep" 3211
John 21:17 46 2669 - Comfort from Christ's Omniscience 2669
John 21:17 62 3524 - "Do I Love the Lord or Not?" 3524
John 21:20 26 1539 - "The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved" 1539
John 21:22 53 3057 - Following Christ 3057
John 22:15 29 1699 - "Supposing Him to Be the Gardener" 1699
John 22:30, 31 27 1631 - The Main Matter 1631
John 23:3 45 2615 - The Anxious Enquirer 2615
Acts 1:1-12; 51 Exposition following sermon #2950 2950
Acts 1:6-8 39
2330 - Witnessing Better Than Knowing the Future
Acts 1:10, 11 31
1817 - The Ascension and the Second Advent Practically Considered
Acts 1:14 60 3421 -Prayer Meetings 3421
Acts 2 47 Exposition following sermon # 2712 2712
Acts 2:1 30 1783 - Pentecost 1783
Acts 2:1-4 9 511 - Pentecost 511
Acts 2:1-21 56 Exposition following sermon # 3225 3225
Acts 2:1-42 44 Exposition following sermon # 2586 2586
Acts 2:2-4 27 1619 - The Pentecostal Wind and Fire 1619
Acts 2:14-43 54 Exposition following sermon # 3106 3106
Acts 2:17 14 806 - A Young Man's Vision 806
Acts 2:17 54 3094 - Heart Piercing 3094
Acts 2:24 47 2712 - Bonds Which Could Not Hold 2712
Acts 2:36, 37 35 2102 - "Pricked in Their Heart" 2102
Acts 2:36-47 56 Exposition following sermon # 3224 3224
Acts 2:39 44 2586 - A Far-Reaching Promise 2586
Acts 2:47 20 1167 - Additions to the Church 1167
Acts 3:1-21 44 Exposition following sermon # 2592 2592
Acts 3:11-26; Acts 4:1-4; 2
Peter 3
45 Exposition following sermon # 2628 2628
Acts 3:15 36 2139 - The Prince of Life 2139
Acts 3:16 44 2592 - The Power of Christ's Name 2592
Acts 3:19 14 804 - Apostolic Exhortation 804
Acts 4:8-33 60 Exposition following sermon # 3421 3421
New Testament Index Page 31 of 63
Acts 4:12 4 209 - The Way of Salvation 209
Act 4:13 1 21 - Christ's People—Imitators of Him 21
Acts 4:30 9 545 - The Holy Child Jesus 545
Acts 5:19, 20 34 2032 - The Charge of the Angel 2032
Acts 5:31 22 1301 - A Prince and a Savior 1301
Acts 5:31 56 3229 - The Royal Savior 3229
Acts 5:42 7 369 - The First Sermon in the Tabernacle 369
Acts 6:7 14 802 - Good Earnests of Great Success 802
Acts 7:13 54 3096 - The Second Time 3096
Acts 7:14-43 45 Exposition following sermon # 2631 2631
Acts 7:55, 56 13 740 - Stephen's Martyrdom 740
Acts 7:58 51 2948 - Stephen and Saul 2948
Acts 7:59; 45
2644 - The Last Words of Christ on the Cross
Acts 7:59, 69 20 1175 - Stephen's Death 1175
Acts 8 40 Exposition following sermon #2352 2352
Acts 8:4, 5, 35 34 2044 - All At It 2044
Acts 8:37 47 2737 - Who Should Be Baptized? 2737
Acts 8:8 40 2352 - Great Joy in the City 2352
Acts 8:30-33 30
1792 - Do You Understand What You Are Reading?
Acts 8:4-40 47 Exposition following sermon # 2737 2737
Acts 9:1-22; 56 Exposition following sermon # 3205 3205
Acts 9:1-22 62 Exposition following sermon # 3515 3515
Acts 9:1-31 54 Exposition following sermon # 3084 3084
Acts 9:5 12 709 - Kicking Against the Pricks 709
Acts 9:5, 6 26
1520 - Pressing Questions of An Awakened Mind
Acts 9:10 31
1838 - The Good Ananias—A Lesson for Believers
Acts 9:11 1 16 - Paul's First Prayer 16
Acts 9:11 31 1860 - "Behold, He Prays" 1860
Acts 9:13-16 16
944 - An Encouraging Lesson From Paul's Conversion
Acts 9:32-35 22 1315 - Aeneas 1315
Acts 10:14 31
1823 - Peter's Blunder—A Lesson for Ourselves
Acts 10:28 11 655 - The Great Itinerant 655
Acts 10:36 16 952 - Negotiations for Peace 952
Acts 10:38 16
929 - The Model Home Mission and the Model Home Missionary
Acts 10:42 25 1476 - Jesus, The Judge 1476
Acts 10:42, 43 26 1540 - The Mediator—Judge and Savior 1540
Acts 10:44 4 201 - The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit 201
Acts 11:18 1 44 - Repentance Unto Life 44
Acts 9:18 56 3205 - Scales Taken from the Eyes 3205
Acts 11:21 22 1282 - Conversions Desired 1282
Acts 12:9 9 526 - No Illusion 526
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Acts 12:12 21 1247 - The Special Prayer Meeting 1247
Acts 12:18 54 3118 - What Had Become of Peter? 3118
Acts 13:12 30 1781 - Two Pauls and a Blinded Sorcerer 1781
Acts 13:13-49 40 Exposition following sermon #2366 2366
Acts 13:13-49 50 Exposition following sermon # 2899 2899
Acts 13:14-42 63 Exposition following sermon # 3547 3547
Acts 13:26 50 2899 - "To You" 2899
Acts 13:34 40 2366 - "The Sure Mercies of David" 2366
Acts 13:36 38 2243 - His Own Funeral Sermon 2243
Acts 13:38 56 3191 - The True Aim of Preaching 3191
Acts 13:38, 39 63 3547 - Simple Fact and Simple Faith 3547
Acts 13:46-48 34 2045 - Further Afield 2045
Acts 13:49 2 76 - Gospel Missions 76
Acts 14:9, 10 10 559 - The Cripple at Lystra 559
Acts 15:9 23 1349 - Faith Purifying the Heart 1349
Acts 15:11 13 765 - Grace—The One Way of Salvation 765
Acts 16:9 4 189 - Cry of the Heathen 189
Acts 16:9-34 38 Exposition following sermon #2275 2275
Acts 16:13, 14 9 544 - Lessons from Lydia's Conversion 544
Acts 16:14 37 2222 - Lydia, the First European Convert 2222
Acts 16:24-34 59 3372 - Conversion and Character 3372
Acts 16:31 6
293 - The King's Highway Opened and Cleaned
Acts 16:31 54 3095 - Faith in Christ 3095
Acts 16:32-34 17 1019 - Household Salvation 1019
Acts 16:33, 34 38 2275 - Belief, Baptism, Blessing 2275
Acts 17:6 4 193 - The World Turned Upside Down 193
Acts 17:27 33 1973 - God's Nearness to Us 1973
Acts 18 61 Exposition following sermon # 3447 3447
Acts 18:9, 10 26
1566 - Cheer for the Worker and Hope for London
Acts 18:10 61 3447 - A Present Helper 3447
Acts 18:27 36
2138 - The Shank-Bone Sermon—Or, True Believers and Their Helpers
Acts 19:2 30 1790 - Receiving the Holy Spirit 1790
Acts 19:19, 20 62 3518 - The Powerful Truth of God 3518
Acts 20:19 7 365 - Humility 365
Acts 20:21 29 1734 - A Gospel Worth Dying For 1734
Acts 20:21 35 2073 - Two Essential Things 2073
Acts 20: 26, 27 6 289 - The Minister's Farewell 289
Acts 23:10-13 55 3153 - Paul Cheered in Prison by His Lord 3153
Acts 24:5; Matt 2:23 27
1632 - The Nazarene and the Sect of the Nazarenes
Acts 24:15 2 66-67 - Resurrection of the Dead 6667
Acts 24:15 59
3346 — Resurrection for the Just and the Unjust
Acts 24:25 4 171 - Paul's Sermon Before Felix 171
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Acts 25:18, 19 34 2016 - Jesus Affirmed to Be Alive 2016
Acts 25-26; 1 John 4 55 Exposition following sermon # 3153 3153
Acts 26:1-28 63 Exposition following sermon # 3548 3548
Acts 26:8 18 1067 - The Resurrection Credible 1067
Acts 26:14 4 202 - The Conversion of Saul of Tarsus 202
Acts 26:16-20 30
1774 - God's Work Upon Minister and Convert
Acts 26:28 15
871 - To Those Who Are "Almost Persuaded"
Acts 27:1-26; Psa 90 55 Exposition following sermon # 3145 3145
Acts 27:11-44 51 Exposition following sermon #2960 2960
Acts 27:18-25 55 3145 - Paul in the Tempest 3145
Acts 27:20 18 1070 - Wrecked, But Not Reckless 1070
Acts 27:24 52 2952 - The Church—The World's Hope 2952
Acts 27:25 23 1335 - A Cheery Word in Troublous Times 1335
Acts 28 55 Exposition following sermon # 3138 3138
Acts 28:2 55 3136 - Lessons from the Malta Fire 3136
Acts 28:23 33 1970 - Loving Persuasion 1970
Acts 28:24 9 516 - The Minister's Stock-Taking 516
Rom 1:1-17 39 Exposition following sermon #2320 2320
Rom 1:1-25 38 Exposition following sermon #2257 2257
Rom 1:7 39 2320 - The Beloved Pastor's Plea for Unity 2320
Rom 1:15 38 2285 - Paul, the Ready 2285
Rom 1:20, 21 30 1763 - Knowledge. Worship. Gratitude 1763
Rom 1:20, 21 38
2257 - Inexcusable Irreverence and Ingratitude
Rom 2:4 29 1714 - Earnest Expostulation 1714
Rom 2:4 49
2857 - God's Goodness Leading to Repentance
Rom 2:4 55 3154 - Concerning the Forbearance of God 3154
Rom 2:16 31
1849 - Coming Judgment of the Secrets of Men
Rom 2:25-29; Rom 3; Psa 110 61 Exposition following sermon # 3475 3475
Rom 3 38 Exposition following sermon #2255 2255
Rom 3 45 Exposition following sermon # 2608 2608
Rom 3; 4:16-25 40 Exposition following sermon #2357 2357
Rom 3:3, 4 38
2255 - God Justified, Though Man Believes Not
Rom 3:9 59 Exposition following sermon # 3356 3356
Rom 3:9-27;Rom 5:11; Rom 8:1-
52 Exposition following sermon # 2*74 274
Rom 3:11 43 2545 - The Greatest Folly in the World 2545
Rom 3:19-31; 53 Exposition following sermon # 3038 3038
Rom 3:22,23 45 2608 - "There Is No Difference" 2608
Rom 3:23 3 126 - Justification by Grace 126
New Testament Index Page 34 of 63
Rom 3:24, 25 7 373 - Christ Set Forth as a Propitiation 373
Rom 3:24-26 53
3038 - Justice Vindicated and Righteousness Exemplified
Rom 3:24-26 61
3488 - Justification, Propitiation, Declaration
Rom 3:27 5 255 - Justice Satisfied 255
Rom 3:27 8 429 - Grace Exalted—Boasting Excluded 429
Rom 4:1-20 61 Exposition following sermon # 3462 3462
Rom 4; 5:1, 2 55 Exposition following sermon # 3154 3154
Rom 4:16 23 1347 - How Is Salvation Received? 1347
Rom 4:16, 17 36 2159 - The Holdfasts of Faith 2159
Rom 4:19-21 13 733 - Unstaggering Faith 733
Rom 4:1-21; 53 Exposition following sermon # 3038 3038
Rom 4:20 23 1367 - Strong Faith 1367
Rom 4:24 48 2806 - "Jesus Our Lord" 2806
Rom 4:24, 25 40 2357 - The Two Pillars of Salvation 2357
Rom 5 39 Exposition following sermon #2341 2341
Rom 5 44 Exposition following sermon # 2587 2587
Rom 5 54 Exposition following sermon # 3115 3115
Rom 5; Jonah 3; 43 Exposition following sermon #2544 2544
Rom 5:1 9 510 - Peace by Believing 510
Rom 5:1, 2; 4 55 Exposition following sermon # 3154 3154
Rom 5:1 25 1456 - Peace—A Fact and A Feeling 1456
Rom 5:1 60 3392 - Justification By Faith 3392
Rom 5:1-5 47 Exposition following sermon # 2750 2750
Rom 5:1-9 60 Exposition following sermon # 3408 3408
Rom 5:1-10; 56 Exposition following sermon # 3203 3203
Rom 5:1-11 58 Exposition following sermon # 3304 3304
Rom 5:1-11; Psa 81:1-14 58 Exposition following sermon # 3326 3326
Rom 5:5 14 829 - The Perfuming of the Heart 829
Rom 5:5 32
1904 - The Personal Pentecost and the Glorious Hope
Rom 5:5 59 3339 - The Heart Perfumed 3339
Rom 5:6 8 446 - The Old, Old Story 446
Rom 5:6 20 1184 - The Sad Plight and Sure Relief 1184
Rom 5:6 20 1191 - For Whom Did Christ Die? 1191
Rom 5:6 39
2341 - The Underlying Gospel for the Dying Year
Rom 5: 6, 8; Mark 2:17; 1 Tim
23 1345 - For Whom Is the Gospel Meant? 1345
Rom 5:6-21 47 Exposition following sermon # 2744 2744
Rom 5:8 2 104 - Love's Condemnation 104
Rom 5:10 44 2587 - "Much More" 2587
Rom 5:10-21; Psa 116:1-6 60 Exposition following sermon # 3413 3413
Rom 5:11 18 1045 - Joy in a Reconciled God 1045
Rom 5:11 44 2550 - Joy in God 2550
New Testament Index Page 35 of 63
Rom 5:11;Rom 3:9- 27; Rom
52 Exposition following sermon # 2974 2974
Rom 5:15 27 1591 - Honey from a Lion 1591
Rom 5:16 43 2544 - The One and the Many 2544
Rom 5:16 47
2744 - Lost Through One—Saved Through One
Rom 5:20 1 37 - Law and Grace 37
Rom 5:20 34
2012 - Grace Abounding over Abounding Sin
Rom 5:20 54 3115 - Sin and Grace 3115
Rom 5:20 58 3304 - Grace Abounding 3304
Rom 5:21 6 330 - Reigning Grace 330
Rom 6 51 Exposition following sermon #2938 2938
Rom 6 58 Exposition following sermon # 3298 3298
Rom 6 59 Exposition following sermon # 3347 3347
Rom 6:3, 4 27 1627 - Baptism—A Burial 1627
Rom 6:4 37
2197 - Christ's Resurrection and Our Newness of Life
Rom 6:6 15 882 - The Old Man Crucified 882
Rom 6:8-11 9 503 - Death and Life in Christ 503
Rom 6:11, 12 51 2933 - Dead, Yet Alive 2933
Rom 6:14 15 901 - The Upper Hand 901
Rom 6:14 24
1410 - Believers Free from the Dominion of Sin
Rom 6:14, 15 29
1735 - The Doctrines of Grace Do Not Lead to Sin
Rom 6:18 25 1482 - Our Change of Masters 1482
Rom 6:23 31
1868 - Death and Life—The Wage and the Gift
Rom 7; 8:1-4 46 Exposition following sermon # 2671 2671
Rom 7:8, 9 61 3475 - The Soul's Great Crisis 3475
Rom 7:13 19 1095 - The Monster Dragged to Light 1095
Rom 7:13 59 3374 - Sin's True Character 3374
Rom 7:22, 23 18 1062 - Why Am I Thus? 1062
Rom 7:23 25
1459B - The Dual Nature and the Duel Within
Rom 7:24, 25 5 235 - The Fainting Warrior 235
Rom 8 62 Exposition following sermon # 3502 3502
Rom 8:1 32 1917 - In Christ No Condemnation 1917
Rom 8:1-9; Psa 66 54 Exposition following sermon # 3105 3105
Rom 8:1-14 58 Exposition following sermon # 3300 3300
Rom 8:1-22 57 Exposition following sermon #32555 32555
Rom 8:1-31 59 Exposition following sermon # 3345 3345
Rom 8:1-32; 52 Exposition following sermon # 2974 2974
Rom 8:1-34 61 Exposition following sermon # 3486 3486
Rom 8:3 12
699 - Sin Condemned and Executed by Christ Jesus
New Testament Index Page 36 of 63
Rom 8:3 16 932 - How God Condemned Sin 932
Rom 8:3, 4 37 2228 - The Law's Failure and Fulfillment 2228
Rom 8:7 1 20 - The Carnal Mind Enmity Against God 20
Rom 8:7 32 1878 - A Traitor Suspected and Convicted 1878
Rom 8:9 19 1133 - A Fatal Deficiency 1133
Rom 8:12 2 96 - The Christian—a Debtor 96
Rom 8:14 21
1220 - The Leading of the Spirit, the Secret Token of the Sons of God
Rom 8:14 61 3483 - The Family Likeness 3483
Rom 8:14-17; Psa 27 44 Exposition following sermon # 2573 2573
Rom 8:14-30 60 Exposition following sermon # 3377 3377
Rom 8:14-39 45 Exposition following sermon # 2626 2626
Rom 8:15, 16 30 1759 - The Spirit of Bondage and Adoption 1759
Rom 8:15-31 62 Exposition following sermon # 3506 3506
Rom 8:16, 17 6 339 - The Sons of God 339
Rom 8:17 7 402 - The Joint-Heirs and Their Portion 402
Rom 8:17 51 2961 - "Heirs of God" 2961
Rom 8:18-39 50 Exposition following sermon # 2872 2872
Rom 8:19-39 44 Exposition following sermon # 2550 2550
Rom 8:22, 23 14
788 - Creation's Groans and the Saint's Sighs
Rom 8:23-39 57 Exposition following sermon # 3263 3263
Rom 8:24, 25 27 1616 - Saved in Hope 1616
Rom 8:26, 27 26 1532 - The Holy Spirit's Intercession 1532
Rom 8:26-30; Rev 62 Exposition following sermon # 3526 3526
Rom 8:26-39 56 Exposition following sermon # 3204 3204
Rom 8:26-39 Exposition following sermon # 3 3
Rom 8:28 3 159 - The True Christian's Blessedness 159
Rom 8:28-39;Psa 138; Isa 55:1-
60 Exposition following sermon # 3422 3422
Rom 8:29 7 355 - Portraits of Christ 355
Rom 8:29 18 1043 - Glorious Predestination 1043
Rom 8:30 5 241 - Predestination and Calling 241
Rom 8:30 11 627 - Justification and Glory 627
Rom 8:31 10 580 - God Is With Us 580
Rom 8:32 15
869 - The Gospel of Abraham's Sacrifice of Isaac
Rom 8:32 56 3204 - The Saint's Riches 3204
Rom 8:33,34; Job 9:20 51 2932 - False Justification and True 2932
Rom 8:34 5 256 - The Believer's Challenge 256
Rom 8:34 21 1223 - Jesus, the Substitute for His People 1223
Rom 8:34 38 2240 - A Challenge and a Shield 2240
Rom 8:34 53 3067 - A Bold Challenge Justified 3067
Rom 8:37 13 751 - More than Conquerors 751
Rom 8:38, 39 42 2492 - Paul's Persuasion 2492
New Testament Index Page 37 of 63
Rom 9 43 Exposition following sermon #2532 2532
Rom 9:1-5 24 1425 - Concern for Other Men's Souls 1425
Rom 9:1-25; Exo 3:1-14 59 Exposition following sermon # 3340 3340
Rom 9:13 5 239 - Jacob and Esau 239
Rom 9:23, 24 6
327 - Vessels of Mercy, a Sermon of Self-Examination
Rom 9:25; Hosea 2:23 39 2295 - God's People Or Not God's People 2295
Rom 9:26-32 59 Exposition following sermon # 3353 3353
Rom 9:30-33 33 1961 - S.S.—Or, The Sinner Saved 1961
Rom 9:33 10
571 - Unbelievers Stumbling, Believers Rejoicing
Rom 10 39 Exposition following sermon #2341 2341
Rom 10 47 Exposition following sermon # 2752 2752
Rom 10 51 Exposition following sermon #2932 2932
Rom 10 53 Exposition following sermon # 3051 3051
Rom 10 56 Exposition following sermon # 3229 3229
Rom 10:1, 2, 3 32 1899 - Zealous, But Wrong 1899
Rom 10:1-15 52 Exposition following sermon # 2988 2988
Rom 10:1-19; Isa 61 Exposition following sermon # 3441 3441
Rom 10:1-20 62 Exposition following sermon # 3522 3522
Rom 10:3 37 2214 - Barriers Broken Down 2214
Rom 10:4 22 1325 - Christ the End of the Law 1325
Rom 10: 5-9 29
1700 - A Monument for the Dead—And a Voice to the Living
Rom 10:9 32 1898 - Mouth and Heart 1898
Rom 10:10 9 520 - Confession with the Mouth 520
Rom 10:10 52 3011 - Faith First, Confession Following 3011
Rom 10:11 36 2145 - Scriptural Salvation 2145
Rom 10:13 3 140 - A Simple Sermon for Seeking Souls 140
Rom 10:14, 15 39 2327 - The Whole Machinery of Salvation 2327
Rom 10:16 48 2804 - Disobedience to the Gospel 2804
Rom 10:17 18 1031 - How Can I Obtain Faith? 1031
Rom 10:17 57 3259 - Faith's Way of Approach 3259
Rom 10:19 9 519 - Believing with the Heart 519
Rom 10:21, 22 4
207 - Sovereign Grace and Man's Responsibility
Rom 11:36 10 572 - Laos Doe 572
Rom 12:1-16 62 Exposition following sermon # 3517 3517
Rom 12:11 15 885 - Serving the Lord 885
Rom 12:12 25 1480 - Constant, Instant, Expectant 1480
Rom 12:15 62 3517 - Sympathy and Song 3517
Rom 12:21 22 1317 - Overcome Evil with Good 1317
Rom 13:11 15 857 - Timely Reflections 857
Rom 13:11 24 1445 - Wake Up! Wake Up! 1445
Rom 13:11-14 27 1614 - Dressing in the Morning 1614
Rom 13:14 36 2132 - Christ Put On 2132
Rom 14: 10-12 27 1601 - The Judgment Seat of God 1601
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Rom 15:1-16 47 Exposition following sermon # 2753 2753
Rom 15:4 47
2753 - Patience, Comfort and Hope from the Scriptures
Rom 15:13 1 30 - The Power of the Holy Spirit 30
Rom 15:13 12 692 - Joy and Peace in Believing 692
Rom 15:13 23 1384 - A Round of Delights 1384
Rom 15:13 45 2626 - "Peace in Believing" 2626
Rom 15:13-33 48 Exposition following sermon # 2768 2768
Rom 15:19 23 1332 - Our Urgent Need of the Holy Spirit 1332
Rom 15:30-33 32 1887 - Pleading for Prayer 1887
Rom 15:33 1 49 - The God of Peace 49
Rom 16:1-16 19 1113 - Romans, But Not Romanists 1113
Rom 16:24 17 988 - The Pastor's Parting Blessing 988
1 Cor 1 45 Exposition following sermon # 2610 2610
1 Cor 1 56 Exposition following sermon # 3218 3218
1 Cor 1:1-9 44 Exposition following sermon # 2580 2580
1 Cor 1:1-24 59 Exposition following sermon # 3363 3363
1 Cor 1:2 8 434 - Threefold Sanctification 434
1 Cor 1:6 50 2875 - Confirming the Witness of Christ 2875
1 Cor 1:9 11
616 - The Special Call and the Unfailing Result
1 Cor 1:9 44 2580 - Partnership with Christ 2580
1 Cor 1:18 27 1611 - The Word of the Cross 1611
1 Cor 1:23 56 3218 - Preaching Christ Crucified 3218
1 Cor 1:23, 24 1 7-8 - Christ Crucified 78
1 Cor 1:24 3 132 - Christ the Power and Wisdom of God 132
1 Cor 1:25-31; Psa 103 59 Exposition following sermon # 3365 3365
1 Cor 1:26-29 10 587 - God's Strange Choice 587
1 Cor 1:30, 31 17 991 - The Fourfold Treasure 991
1 Cor 1:31 20 1178 - Glorying the Lord 1178
1 Cor 2:2 21 1264 - The Man of One Subject 1264
1 Cor 2:2 46 2673 - Christ Crucified 2673
1 Cor 2:9, 10 2 56 - Heaven 56
1 Cor 2:12 35 2087 - Grace for Grace 2087
1 Cor 2:14 7 407 - Natural or Spiritual? 407
1 Cor 3 50 Exposition following sermon # 2904 2904
1 Cor 3:1-16; 60 Exposition following sermon # 3391 3391
1 Cor 3:6-9 27 1602 - Farm Laborers 1602
1 Cor 3:11 25 1494 - The One Foundation 1494
1 Cor 3:17-23; Matt 60 Exposition following sermon # 3393 3393
1 Cor 3:21-23 44 2589 - The Christian's Glorious Inventory 2589
1 Cor 3:22 15 870 - Things Present 870
1 Cor 3:22 15 875 - "Things to Come" 875
1 Cor 4:1, 2 59 3350 — "Stewards" 3350
1 Cor 4:2 41 2440 - Faithful Stewardship 2440
1 Cor 4:7 5 262 - Distinguishing Grace 262
New Testament Index Page 39 of 63
1 Cor 4:7 22 1271 - Pride Catechized and Condemned 1271
1 Cor 4:7 24 1392 - A Catechism for the Proud 1392
1 Cor 5:7 2 54 - Christ Our Passover 54
1 Cor 5:6-8 16 965 - Purging Out the Leaven 965
1 Cor 6:1-14 46 Exposition following sermon # 2661 2661
1 Cor 6:9-11 46 2661 - A Marvelous Change 2661
1 Cor 6:17 16 961 - The Saint One with His Savior 961
1 Cor 6:19, 20 17 1004 - Bought with a Price 1004
1 Cor 6:19, 20 26 1554 - Redemption by Price 1554
1 Cor 6:20; 1 Cor 7:23 20 1163 - Redemption and Its Claims 1163
1 Cor 7:23; 1 Cor 6:20 20 1163 - Redemption and Its Claims 1163
1 Cor 7:29 49 2861 - "The Time Is Short" 2861
1 Cor 7:32 28 1692 - "Without Carefulness" 1692
1 Cor 7:29-31 8 481 - A Drama in Five Acts 481
1 Cor 7:31 53 3032 — "The Fashion of This World" 3032
1 Cor 9:7 62 3511 - The Battle of Life 3511
1 Cor 9:16 1 34 - Preach the Gospel 34
1 Cor 9:22 20 1170 - "By All Means, Save Some" 1170
1 Cor 9:22 25 1507 - Soul Saving Our One Business 1507
1 Cor 9:22-27 51 Exposition following sermon #2920 2920
1 Cor 9:24 4 198 - The Heavenly Race 198
1 Cor 10:1-13 50 Exposition following sermon # 2912 2912
1 Cor 10:1-14 45 Exposition following sermon # 2621 2621
1 Cor 10:13 45 2603 - Comfort for the Tempted 2603
1 Cor 10:13 50 2912 - Comfort for Tried Believers 2912
1 Cor 10:15-33; 46 Exposition following sermon # 2656 2656
1 Cor 10:16 44 2572 - Fellowship with Christ 2572
1 Cor 10:16, 17 58
3295 - Communion with Christ and His People
1 Cor 11:17-34; 45 Exposition following sermon # 2638 2638
1 Cor 11:20-26; 52 Exposition following sermon # 2982 2982
1 Cor 11:20-34 38 Exposition following sermon #2268 2268
1 Cor 11:20-34; 44 Exposition following sermon # 2595 2595
1Cor 11:20-34; 46 Exposition following sermon # 2699 2699
1 Cor 11:23-26 45
2638 - The Right Observance of the Lord's Supper
1 Cor 11:24 54 3099 - The Double Forget-Me-Not 3099
1 Cor 11:24, 25 55 3130 - "In Remembrance" 3130
1 Cor 11:25,26 55
3151 - The Lord's Supper—Simple But Sublime!
1 Cor 11:26 39 2307 - The Greatest Exhibition of the Age 2307
1 Cor 11:26 44
2595 - What the Lord's Supper Sees and Says
1 Cor 11:26 50 2872 - The Lord's Supper 2872
1 Cor 11:26 51 2942 - The Objective of the Lord's Supper 2942
1 Cor 11:26 59 3338 - The Witness of the Lord's Supper 3338
1 Cor 11:26 62 3501 - The Feast of the Lord 3501
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1 Cor 11:28 45
2647 - Preparation Necessary for the Communion
1 Cor 11:28 46 2699 - Examination Before Communion 2699
1 Cor 11:28 50 2865 - Fencing the Table 2865
1 Cor 11:28 60 3391 - Preparation for the Lord's Supper 3391
1 Cor 11:32 47
2746 - The Nature and Design of Divine Chastening
1 Cor 12:31 46 2694 - Grace Preferred to Gifts 2694
1 Cor 12; 1Cor 13:1-3 47 Exposition following sermon # 2741 2741
1 Cor 12:12-31 44 Exposition following sermon # 2572 2572
1 Cor 13; Eph 1 62 Exposition following sermon # 3525 3525
1 Cor 13:7 27 1617 - Love's Labors 1617
1 Cor 13:12 17 1002 - Now, and Then 1002
1 Cor 15 51 Exposition following sermon #2940 2940
1 Cor 15:1-9; 45 Exposition following sermon #2390 2390
1 Cor 15:1-20 38 Exposition following sermon #2287 2287
1 Cor 15:1-28, 50-58; Rev 7:9-
46 Exposition following sermon # 2659 2659
1 Cor 15:1-32 58 Exposition following sermon # 3286 3286
1 Cor 15:6 46 2659 - Fallen Asleep 2659
1 Cor 15:8 46 2663 - A Leap Year Sermon 2663
1 Cor 15:10 49 2833 - Lesson on Divine Grace 2833
1 Cor 15:10 54 3084 - Paul's Parenthesis 3084
1 Cor 15:12-19 38 2287 - "If There Is No Resurrection" 2287
1 Cor 15: 19 10
562 - "Alas for Us, If You Were All, and Nothing Beyond, O Earth"
1 Cor 15:20 8 445 - Resurrection—Christ the First Fruits 445
1 Cor 15:25 14 807 - Good News for Loyal Subjects 807
1 Cor 15:25 51 2940 - "He Must Reign" 2940
1 Cor 15:26 12 721 - The Last Enemy Destroyed 721
1 Cor 15:26 22 1329 Christ the Destroyer of Death 1329
1Cor 15:28; Col 3:11 43 2501 - All and All in All 2501
1 Cor 15:31 14 828 - Dying Daily 828
1 Cor 15:35-38 6 306 — Resurrection! 306
1 Cor 15:55-58 51 2929 - A Challenge and a War Cry 2929
1 Cor 15:56, 67 1 23 - Thoughts on the Last Battle 23
1 Cor 25:58 19 1111 - Motives for Steadfastness 1111
2 Cor 1:1-20 45 Exposition following sermon # 2640 2640
2 Cor 1; 2 Cor 2:1 46 Exposition following sermon # 2657 2657
2 Cor 1:20 46 2657 - All the Promises 2657
2 Cor 1:3, 4 45 2640 - Comforted and Comforting 2640
2 Cor 1:5 1
13 - Consolation Proportionate to Spiritual Suffering
2 Cor 1:9 26
1536 - Sentence of Death, the Death of Self-Trust
2 Cor 1:10 47 2718 - The Tenses 2718
New Testament Index Page 41 of 63
2 Cor 1:11, 12 9
507 - The Power of Prayer and the Pleasure of Praise
2 Cor 2:1; 2 Cor 1 46 Exposition following sermon # 2657 2657
2 Cor 2:15, 16 1 26 - The Two Effects of the Gospel 26
2 Cor 3:5, 6 36 2160 - Not Sufficient, and Yet Sufficient 2160
2 Cor 3:17 1 9 - Spiritual Liberty 9
2 Cor 4 55 Exposition following sermon # 3169 3169
2 Cor 4 57 Exposition following sermon # 3244 3244
2 Cor 4; 5:1-9 58 Exposition following sermon # 3288 3288
2 Cor 4:3 58 3288 - Why the Gospel Is Hidden 3288
2 Cor 4:3, 4 28
1663 - The True Gospel Is No Hidden Gospel
2 Cor 4:4 35 2077 - The Gospel of the Glory of Christ 2077
2 Cor 4:4 39 2304 - Blinded by Satan 2304
2 Cor 4:5; Rom 5:1-10 56 Exposition following sermon # 3203 3203
2 Cor 4:6 25
1493 - The Glory of God in the Face of Jesus Christ
2 Cor 4:17 57 3244 - "Our Light Affliction" 3244
2 Cor 4:18 23 1380 - Vanities and Verities 1380
2 Cor 5:1 29
1719 - The Tent Dissolved and the Mansion Entered
2 Cor 5:1-9; 2 Cor 4 58 Exposition following sermon # 3288 3288
2 Cor 5:5 16 912 - The Glorious Hereafter and Ourselves 912
2 Cor 5:5 62 3538 - Preparation for Heaven 3538
2 Cor 5:5-10 22
1303 - The Believer in the Body and Out of the Body
2 Cor 5:7 12 677 - Faith Versus Sight 677
2 Cor 5:8 7 413 - To Die or Not to Die! 413
2 Cor 5:9-21 49 Exposition following sermon # 2837 2837
2 Cor 5:10 18 1076 - The Great Assize 1076
2 Cor 5:14 24 1411 - Under Constraint 1411
2 Cor 5:17 15 881 - The Believer a New Creature 881
2 Cor 5:17 20 1183 - Is Conversion Necessary? 1183
2 Cor 5:17 22 1328 - Christ the Maker of All Things New 1328
2 Cor 5:18 6 318 - High Doctrine 318
2 Cor 5:18 49 2837 - "The Ministry of Reconciliation" 2837
2 Cor 5:18-21 19
1124 - God Beseeching Sinners by His Ministers
2 Cor 5:20 55 3148 - Christ's Ambassadors 3148
2 Cor 5:20 62 3497 - A Solemn Embassy 3497
2 Cor 5:20, 21 32 1910 - The Heart of the Gospel 1910
2 Cor 5:21 3 141-142 - Substitution 141142
2 Cor 5:21 6 310 - Christ—Our Substitute 310
2 Cor 5:21 56 3203 - Christ Made Sin 3203
2 Cor 6:1-18 50 Exposition following sermon # 2885 2885
2 Cor 6:2 10 603 - Now 603
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2 Cor 6:2 24 1394 - The Day of Salvation 1394
2 Cor 7:1 57 3245 - Our Position and Our Purpose 3245
2 Cor 7:10 46 2691 - Sorrow and Sorrow 2691
2 Cor 8 54 Exposition following sermon # 3092 3092
2 Cor 8 60 Exposition following sermon # 3411 3411
2 Cor 8:5 37 2234 - The Best Donation 2234
2 Cor 8:5 60 3411 - Joining the Church 3411
2 Cor 8:9 3 151 - The Condescension of Christ 151
2 Cor 8:9 40 2364 - Poverty and Riches 2364
2 Cor 8:9 47 2716 - Christ's Poverty, Our Riches 2716
2 Cor 8:9; Phil 1:29 37 2232 - Christ's Motive and Ours 2232
2 Cor 8;9 54 3092 - Knowing and Doing 3092
2 Cor 8:9 59 3380 - Our Lord's Voluntary Poverty 3380
2 Cor 8:24 26 1522 - Expected Proof of Professed Love 1522
2 Cor 9:7 14 835 - A Cheerful Giver Is Beloved of God 835
2 Cor 9:15 26 1550 - The Unspeakable Gift 1550
2 Cor 9:15 38 2247 - Praise for the Gift of Gifts 2247
2 Cor 9:15 39 2290 - God's Unspeakable Gift 2290
2 Cor 10:5 25
1473 - Forts Demolished and Prisoners Taken
2 Cor 12:7-9 18 1084 - The Thorn in the Flesh 1084
2 Cor 12:9 22
1287 - Strengthening Words from the Savior's Lips
2 Cor 12:9 52 2974 - A Wafer of Honey 2974
2 Cor 12:10 34 2050 - A Paradox 2050
2 Cor 12:11 25
1458 - A Sermon Upon One Nothing By Another Nothing
2 Cor 13:3, 4, 5 30 1788 - The Proof of Our Ministry 1788
2 Cor 13:5 4 218 - Self-examination 218
Gal 1 44 Exposition following sermon # 2594 2594
Gal 1:4, 5 42 2483 - The Objective of Christ's Death 2483
Gal 1:11 37 2185 - Our Manifesto 2185
Gal 1:11-24; 2 56 Exposition following sermon # 3202 3202
Gal 1:15 56 3202 - "It Pleased God" 3202
Gal 1:15, 16 11 656 - Preceding Grace 656
Gal 1:16 54 3078 - God-Guided Men 3078
Gal 2:10 2 99 - Duty of Remembering the Poor 99
Gal 2:15-20; 3 53 Exposition following sermon # 3062 3062
Gal 2:16-21; Gal 3 40 Exposition following sermon #2370 2370
Gal 2:20 13 781 - Christos et Ego 781
Gal 2:20 27 1599 - Everyday Religion 1599
Gal 2:20 40
2370 - "Christ First, Me Last—Nothing Between But Love"
Gal 2:21 26
1534 - Salvation by Works, A Criminal Doctrine
Gal 3; Gal 2:16-21 40 Exposition following sermon #2370 2370
Gal 3 41 Exposition following sermon #2402 2402
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Gal 3 56 Exposition following sermon # 3194 3194
Gal 3:1 26 1546 - Men Bewitched 1546
Gal 3:2 29 1705 - The Hearing of Faith 1705
Gal 3:3 4 178 - The Work of the Holy Spirit 178
Gal 3:10 4 174 - A Call to the Unconverted 174
Gal 3:10-14 35 2093 - The Curse and the Curse for Us 2093
Gal 3:11 14 814 - Life by Faith 814
Gal 3:11; Hab 2:4; Rom 1:17;
Heb 10:38
48 2809 - Faith—Life 2809
Gal 3:13 15 873 - Christ Made a Cure for Us 873
Gal 3:13 57 3254 - The Curse Removed 3254
Gal 3:19 3 128 - The Uses of the Law 128
Gal 3:20 36 2180 - A Mediator 2180
Gal 3:22 19
1145 - The Great Jail—And How to Get Out of It
Gal 3:23 41 2402 - Under Arrest 2402
Gal 3:24, 25 20 1196 - The Stern Teacher 1196
Gal 4:3-6 30
1815 - The Great Birthday and Our Coming of Age
Gal 4; 5:1 44 Exposition following sermon # 2574 2574
Gal 4:6 24 1435 - Adoption—The Spirit and the Cry 1435
Gal 4:12-31; 5:1-14, 61 Exposition following sermon # 3451 3451
Gal 4:24 2 69 - The Allegories of Sarah and Hagar 69
Gal 5 57 Exposition following sermon # 3249 3249
Gal 5:5 21
1228 - Salvation by Faith and the Work of the Spirit
Gal 5:6 22 1280 - An Objection and an Answer 1280
Gal 5:6 26 1553 - Faith Working by Love 1553
Gal 5:6 29 1750 - A Luther Sermon at Exeter Hall 1750
Gal 5:6 61 3454 - Circumcision and Uncircumcision 3454
Gal 5:11 44 2594 - "The Offense of the Cross" 2594
Gal 5:13-26; Gal 6:1-10 45 Exposition following sermon # 2632 2632
Gal 5:13-26; Gal 6:1, 2 49 Exposition following sermon # 2831 2831
Gal 5:22 27 1582 - Fruit of the Spirit—Joy 1582
Gal 5:22 30 1782 - The First Fruit of the Spirit 1782
Gal 5:24 21
1239 - Messrs. Moody and Sankey Defended
Gal 6:6 59 3355 — Life's Inevitable Burden 3355
Gal 6:7 54 3109 - Sowing and Reaping 3109
Gal 6:9 23
1383 - The Cause and Cure of Weariness in Sunday School Teachers
Gal 6:1, 2;Ga1 5:13-26 49 Exposition following sermon # 2831 2831
Gal 6:2, 5 49 2831 - Burden-Bearing 2831
Gal 6:6-18 49 Exposition following sermon # 2834 2834
Gal 6:14 24 1447 - Three Crosses 1447
Gal 6:14 31 1859 - The Cross Our Glory 1859
Gal 6:14 61 3451 - Grand Glorying 3451
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Eph 1 38 Exposition following sermon #2266 2266
Eph 1 45 Exposition following sermon # 2635 2635
Eph 1 48 Exposition following sermon # 2807 2807
Eph 1; 1 Cor 13 62 Exposition following sermon # 3525 3525
Eph 1; Psa 136 58 Exposition following sermon # 3317 3317
Eph 1; 2:1 60 Exposition following sermon # 3429 3429
Eph 1:1-14 53 Exposition following sermon #3049 3049
Eph 1:3, 4 29 1738 - "Glory Be Unto the Father" 1738
Eph 1:3, 4 38 2266 - Blessing for Blessing 2266
Eph 1:5 7 360 - Adoption 360
Eph 1:6 8 471 - "Accepted in the Beloved" 471
Eph 1:6 16 958 - Dei Gratia 958
Eph 1:6 29 1731 - Accepted of the Great Father 1731
Eph 1:6 48 2763 - The Glory of Grace 2763
Eph 1:6 60 3429 - "Accepted in the Beloved" 3429
Eph 1:7 6 295 - The Treasure of Grace 295
Eph 1:7 26 1555 - The Glories of Forgiving Grace 1555
Eph 1:7 37
2207 - Redemption through Blood—The Gracious Forgiveness of Sins
Eph 1:12, 13 33 1978 - Trust 1978
Eph 1:13 10 592 - The True Position of Assurance 592
Eph 1:13, 14 7 358 - The Earnest of Heaven 358
Eph 1:13, 14 22 1284 - The Sealing of the Spirit 1284
Eph 1:17 49 2863 - Great Forgiveness for Great Sin 2863
Eph 1:18-20 25 1466 - The Three Whets 1466
Eph 1:19-13 9
534 - The Mighty Power Which Creates and Sustains Faith
Eph 2 38 Exposition following sermon #2267 2267
Eph 2 48 Exposition following sermon # 2770 2770
Eph 2 49 Exposition following sermon # 2841 2841
Eph 2 56 Exposition following sermon # 3198 3198
Eph 2 61 Exposition following sermon # 3474 3474
Eph 2; Matt 11:1-6 60 Exposition following sermon # 3389 3389
Eph 2:1 3 127 - Spiritual Resurrection 127
Eph 2:1 38 2267 - Life from the Dead 2267
Eph 2:1 40 2388 - Once Dead, Now Alive 2388
Eph 2:3; Rom 8:16, 17 56 3198 - What Christians Were and Are 3198
Eph 2:4, 5 14 805 - Resurrection with Christ 805
Eph 2:4, 5 52 2968 - "His Great Love" 2968
Eph 2:5 47 2741 - Salvation by Grace 2741
Eph 2:7 28 1665 - The Exceeding Riches of Grace 1665
Eph 2:8 18 1064 - Salvation All of Grace 1064
Eph 2:8 27
1609 - Faith—What Is It? How Can It Be Obtained?
Eph 2:8 61 3479 - All of Grace 3479
Eph 2:9 60 3408 - Not Boasting, But Trusting 3408
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Eph 2:9, 10 37
2210 - The Agreement of Salvation by Grace with Walking in Good Works
Eph 2:10 31 1829 - The Singular Origin of a Christian 1829
Eph 2:12 61 3472 - A Solemn Deprival 3472
Eph 2:13 15 851 - Nearness to God 851
Eph 2:13 62 3496 - Our Glorious Transforming 3496
Eph 2:14 59 3386 — Christ Our Peace 3386
Eph 2:20 23 1388 - Jesus Christ Himself 1388
Eph 2:22 5 267 - The Tabernacle of the Most High 267
Eph 3:8 13 745 - The Unsearchable Riches of Christ 745
Eph 3:8 20
1209 - A Grateful Summary of Twenty Volumes
Eph 3:10 8 448 - Another and a Nobler Exhibition 448
Eph 3:10 16 933 - Angelic Studies 933
Eph 3:15 21
1249 - Saints in Heaven and Earth One Family
Eph 3: 16-19 12 707 - Heavenly Geometry 707
Eph 3:19 8
455 - "The Love of Jesus—What It Is—None But His Loved Ones Know"
Eph 3:19 29 1755 - The Top of the Ladder 1755
Eph 3:20, 21 21 1266 - Paul's Doxology 1266
Eph 4 40 Exposition following sermon #2388 2388
Eph 4 48 Exposition following sermon # 2763 2763
Eph 4; 5:1-15 61 Exposition following sermon # 3466 3466
Eph 4:3 11 607 - True Unity Promoted 607
Eph 4:7-12 17 982 - The Ascension of Christ 982
Eph 4:15, 16 45 2653 — The Head and the Body 2653
Eph 4:20, 21 47 2719 - True Learning 2719
Eph 4:30 5 278 - Grieving the Holy Spirit 278
Eph 4:30 13 738 - Grieve Not the Holy Spirit 738
Eph 4:32 11 614 - "For Christ's Sake" 614
Eph 4:32 24 1448 - Forgiveness Made Easy 1448
Eph 5 41 Exposition following sermon #2401 2401
Eph 5:1 29 1725 - Imitators of God 1725
Eph 5:1-15; Eph 4 61 Exposition following sermon # 3466 3466
Eph 5:11 41
2401 - The Child of Light and the Works of Darkness
Eph 5:14 12 716 - The Church Awakened 716
Eph 5:18 35
2111 - Filling with the Spirit and Drunkenness with Wine
Eph 5:20 19 1094 - Always and for All Things 1094
Eph 5:25 42 2488 - Christ's Love to His Spouse 2488
Eph 5:25-27 11 628 - A Glorious Church 628
Eph 5:30 20 1153 - The Matchless Mystery 1153
Eph 5:30 38 2244 - Members of Christ 2244
Eph 5:30 38 2245 - "Living, Loving, Lasting Union" 2245
Eph 6:7 25 1484 - Our Motto 1484
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Eph 6:15 55 3143 - Shoes for Pilgrims and Warriors 3143
Eph 6:16 7 416 - Shield of Faith 416
Eph 6:17 37 2201 - The Sword of The Spirit 2201
Phil 1:3-7 36 2154 - The Pastor's Joy and Confidence 2154
Phil 1:6 15 872 - The Perseverance of the Saints 872
Phil 1:12-20; 47 Exposition following sermon # 2716 2716
Phil 1:18 7 370 - Evangelical Congratulations 370
Phil 1:19 19 1139 - The Minister's Plea 1139
Phil 1:21 3 146 - The Good Man's Life and Death 146
Phil 1:21-30; Phil 2:1-11 55 Exposition following sermon # 3137 3137
Phil 1:23 19 1136 - "Forever with the Lord" 1136
Phil 1:23 5 274 - Paul's Desire to Depart 274
Phil 1:27 11
640 - The Gospel's Power in a Christian's Life
Phil 1:29; 2 Cor 8:9 37 2232 - Christ's Motive and Ours 2232
Phil 2:1-11; Phil 1:21-30 55 Exposition following sermon # 3137 3137
Phil 2:1-18 38 Exposition following sermon #2281 2281
Phil 2:1 7 348 - Consolation in Christ 348
Phil 1:12-20; 47 Exposition following sermon # 2716 2716
Phil 2:8 38 2281 - Our Lord in the Valley of Humiliation 2281
Phil 2:9-11 2 101 - The Exaltation of Christ 101
Phil 2:12 17 1003 - Your Own Salvation 1003
Phil 2:12, 13 14 820 - Working Out What Is Worked In 820
Phil 2:14-16 8 472 - Believers—Lights in the World 472
Phil 3 39 Exposition following sermon #2315 2315
Phil 3 44 Exposition following sermon #2553 2553
Phil 3 56 Exposition following sermon # 3209 3209
Phil 3:7-9 23 1357 - A Business-Like Account 1357
Phil 3:8 56 3209 - The Priceless Prize 3209
Phil 3:10 10 552 - Do You Know Him? 552
Phil 3:10 35 2080 - The Power of His Resurrection 2080
Phil 3:12 39
2315 - Paul Apprehended and Apprehending
Phil 3:13; Luke 10:44; John
62 3536 - A Threefold Slogan 3536
Phil 3:13, 14 19 1114 - Onward! 1114
Phil 3:18, 19 2 102 - False Professors Solemnly Warned 102
Phil 3:18, 19 44 2553 - The Enemies of the Cross of Christ 2553
Phil 3:20 8 476 - Citizenship in Heaven 476
Phil 3:20, 21 17
973 - The Power of Christ Illustrated by the Resurrection
Phil 3:20, 21; Phil 4:1 33
1959 - The Watchword for Today—"Stand Fast"
Phil 4 41 Exposition following sermon #2351 2351
Phil 4 41 Exposition following sermon #2405 2405
Phil 4; 2 Kings 4:1-7 57 Exposition following sermon # 3231 3231
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Phil 4:1-9; 1 John 4 41 Exposition following sermon #2394 2394
Phil 4:4 41 2405 - Joy, a Duty 2405
Phil 4:6 25 1469 - Prayer Perfumed with Praise 1469
Phil 4:6, 7 41 2351 - Prayer, the Cure for Care 2351
Phil 4:7 4 180 - How to Keep the Heart 180
Phil 4:7 24 1397 - The Peace of God 1397
Phil 4:11 6 320 - Contentment 320
Phil 4:13 6 346 - All-Sufficiency Magnified 346
Phil 4:19 29 1712 - Filling the Empty Vessels 1712
Phil 4:19 57 3231 - A New Year's Wish 3231
Col 1 42 Exposition following sermon #2465 2465
Col 1 56 Exposition following sermon # 3180 3180
Col 1:5 24 1438 - The Hope Laid Up in Heaven 1438
Col 1:9, 10 29
1742 - Spiritual Knowledge and Its Practical Results
Col 1:12, 13 6 319 - Special Thanksgiving to the Father 319
Col 1:13 59
3366 - Deliverance from the Power of Darkness
Col 1:16 56 3180 - Christ the Creator 3180
Col 1: 18 14 839 - The Head of the Church 839
Col 1:19 17 978 - All Fullness in Christ 978
Col 1:19 20
1169 - The Fullness of Christ the Treasury of the Saints
Col 1:23 28 1688 - Stand Fast 1688
Col 1:27 29 1720 - Christ in You 1720
Col 1:28 44 2581 - Perfection in Christ 2581
Col 1:29 16 914 - Work in Us and Work by Us 914
Col 2 56 Exposition following sermon # 3189 3189
Col 2:6 8 483 - Life and Walk of Faith 483
Col 2:6 53 3030 - A Consistent Walk for Time to Come 3030
Col 2:6 55 3173 - "As" and "So" 3173
Col 2:6-17 39 Exposition following sermon #2298 2298
Col 2:6-23; Col 3:1-3 45 Exposition following sermon # 2605 2605
Col 2:12 7 381 - Christian Baptism 381
Col 2:13 35 2101 - Life and Pardon 2101
Col 2:13, 14 45 2605 - Death and Its Sentence Abolished 2605
Col 2:15 5 273 - Christ Triumphant 273
Col 2:18 61 3466 - A Warning to Believers 3466
Col 3; Col 4:1-4 53 Exposition following sermon # 3037 3037
Col 3; 4:1-4; Psa 28:1-6 61 Exposition following sermon # 3446 3446
Col 3:1, 2 26 1530 - Following the Risen Christ 1530
Col 3:1-17 46 Exposition following sermon # 2679 2679
Col 3:4 11 617 - Christ Our Life—Soon to Appear 617
Col 3:11 17 1006 - Christ Is All 1006
Col 3:11 50 2888 - "Christ Is All" 2888
Col 3:11 61 3446 - "Christ Is All" 3446
New Testament Index Page 48 of 63
Col 3:11; 1Cor 15:28 43 2501 - All and All in All 2501
Col 3:13 31
1841 - Divine Forgiveness Admired and Imitated
Col 3:15 28 1693 - That Horrible East Wind! 1693
Col 3:16 46 2679 - Christ's Indwelling Word 2679
Col 3:17 17
913 - Method and Music, Or the Art of Holy And Happy Living
Col 3: 24 20 1205 - All for Jesus! 1205
Col 4:1-4; Col 3 53 Exposition following sermon # 3037 3037
Col 4:2 7 354 - A Sermon for the Week of Prayer 354
1 Thess 1 63 Exposition following sermon # 3551 3551
1 Thess 1:5 11
648 - Degrees of Power Attending the Gospel
1 Thess 1:5-10 63 3551 - The Gospel in Power 3551
1 Thess 1:8 35 2076 - Sounding Out the Word of the Lord 2076
1 Thess 1:9, 10 30
1806 - A Summary of Experience and a Body of Divinity
1 Thess 2:13, 14 33 1979 - Three Sights Worth Seeing 1979
1 Thess 2:18 11 657 - Satanic Hindrances 657
1 Thess 3:8 30
1758 - The Pastor's Life Wrapped Up with His People's Steadfastness
1 Thess 1:4-6 51
2920 - Election—Its Defenses and Evidences
1 Thess 4:13 54 3077 - Death—A Sleep 3077
1Thess 4:13-18; 42 Exposition following sermon #2490 2490
1 Thess 4:17 23 1374 - "Forever with the Lord" 1374
1 Thess 5 62 Exposition following sermon # 3503 3503
1 Thess 5:1-28 55 Exposition following sermon # 3167 3167
1 Thess 5:6 2 64 - The Enchanted Ground 64
1 Thess 5:6 3 163 - Awake! Awake! 163
1 Thess 5:6 17 1022 - Sleep Not 1022
1 Thess 5:8 55 3167 - The Christian's Helmet 3167
1 Thess 5:16 32 1900 - Rejoice Evermore 1900
1 Thess 5:17 18 1039 - "Pray Without Ceasing" 1039
2 Thess 1; 2:1-4 52 Exposition following sermon # 2993 2993
2 Thess 1 56 Exposition following sermon # 3185 3185
2 Thess 1:3 4 205 - A Lecture for Little-Faith 205
2 Thess 1:3 31 1857 - The Necessity of Growing Faith 1857
2 Thess 1:3 57 3250 - The Growth of Faith 3250
2 Thess 1:10 25 1477 - Jesus Admired in Them That Believe 1477
2 Thess 2; 40 Exposition following sermon #2363 2363
2 Thess 2 56 Exposition following sermon # 3179 3179
2 Thess 2:13 58 3300 - Titles of Honor 3300
2 Thess 2:13,14 1 41-42 - Unconditional Election 4142
2 Thess 2:16, 17 19 1096 - Divine Love and Its Gifts 1096
New Testament Index Page 49 of 63
2 Thess 2:16, 17 26 1542 - Free Grace a Motive for Free Giving 1542
2 Thess 2:16, 17 40 2363 - Comfort and Constancy 2363
2 Thess 2:16, 17 52 2991 - What We Have, and Are to Have 2991
2 Thess 2:16, 17 56 3179 - A Comprehensive Benediction 3179
2 Thess 3 23 Exposition following sermon #2929 2929
2 Thess 3:5 28
2028 - The Love of God and the Patience of Christ
2 Thess 3:13 51 2918 - Facing the Wind 2918
2 Thess 3:16 34 1343 - The Jewel of Peace 1343
1 Tim 1:1-17 39 Exposition following sermon #2300 2300
1 Tim 1:11 13
758 - The Glorious Gospel of the Blessed God
1 Tim 1:13 26 1574 - I Was Before 1574
1 Tim 1:15 4 184 - The Glorious Gospel 184
1 Tim 1:15 9 530 - The Chief of Sinners 530
1 Tim 1:15 24 1416 - The Faithful Saying 1416
1 Tim 1:15 39 2300 - The Whole Gospel in a Single Verse 2300
1 Tim 1:15; Mark 2:17; Rom 5:
6, 8
23 1345 - For Whom Is the Gospel Meant? 1345
1 Tim 1:15 54 3089 - A Sermon on a Grand Old Text 3089
1 Tim 1: 15-17 31 1837 - A Great Gospel for Great Sinners 1837
1 Tim 1:16 59 3367 - Paul As a Pattern Convert 3367
1 Tim 2:3, 4 26 1516 - Salvation by Knowing the Truth 1516
1 Tim 3:15 7
393 - The Church—Conservative and Aggressive
1 Tim 3:15 24 1436 - What the Church Should Be 1436
1 Tim 3:15 54
3093 - The Church of God and the Truth of God
1 Tim 3:16 13 786 - The Great Mystery of Godliness 786
1 Tim 3:16 18 1087 - The Hexapala of Mystery 1087
1 Tim 4:8 16
946 - The Profit of Godliness in the Life to Come
1 Tim 4:8, 9 16 937 - The Profit of Godliness in This Life 937
1 Tim 4:10 51 2964 - Trust in the Living God 2964
1 Tim 4:13 58 3318 - How to Read the Bible 3318
1 Tim 5:22 53 3055 - Accomplices in Sin 3055
1 Tim 6:12 37 2226 - "Lay Hold on Eternal Life" 2226
1 Tim 6:12, 19 33 1946 - Eternal Life Within Present Grasp 1946
2 Tim 1; 2 Tim 2:1-13 57 Exposition following sermon # 3273 3273
2 Tim 1:1-8; 49 Exposition following sermon # 2846 2846
2 Tim 1:1-18 62 Exposition following sermon # 3531 3531
2 Tim 1:6 18 1080 - Our Gifts and How to Use Them 1080
2 Tim 1:9 12 703 - Salvation Altogether by Grace 703
2 Tim 1:12 5 271 - Faith Illustrated 271
2 Tim 1:12 16 908 - Assured Security in Christ 908
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2 Tim 1:12 58 3331 - Knowing and Believing 3331
2 Tim 1:12-14 32 1913 - Confidence and Concern 1913
2 Tim 1:13 2 79 - The Form of Sound Words 79
2 Tim 1:18 62 3531 - "That Day" and Its Disclosures 3531
2 Tim 2:3 16 938 - A Good Soldier of Jesus Christ 938
2 Tim 3; 2 Tim 1:1-8; 49 Exposition following sermon # 2846 2846
2 Tim 4:1-11 58 Exposition following sermon # 3331 3331
2 Tim 4:1-62; 49 Exposition following sermon # 2846 2846
2 Tim 2:8 28 1653 - The Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus 1653
2 Tim 2:9 33 1998 - Not Bound Yet 1998
2 Tim 2:12 10 547 - Suffering and Reigning with Jesus 547
2 Tim 2:13 25
1453 - Eternal Faithfulness Unaffected by Human Unbelief
2 Tim 2:15 21 1217 - Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth 1217
2Tim 2:15-26 60 Exposition following sermon # 3394 3394
2 Tim 2:19 31
1854 - The Foundation and Its Seal—A Sermon for the Times
2 Tim 2:20, 21 23
1348 - The Great House and the Vessels in It
2 Tim 3:5 35
2088 - The Form of Godliness Without Power
2 Tim 3:15 31
1866 - The Sunday School and the Scriptures
2 Tim 4:6 17 989 - A Last Lookout 989
2 Tim 4:13 9 542 - Paul—His Cloak and His Books 542
2 Tim 4:20 25 1452A - The Sick Man Left Behind 1452
Titus 1:2 10 568 - What God Cannot Do! 568
Titus 1, 2 41 Exposition following sermon #2439 2439
Titus 1:4 41 2439 - Five Links in a Golden Chain 2439
Titus 1:15 62 3521 - A Searching Test 3521
Titus 2:6-15; 3 41 Exposition following sermon #2416 2416
Titus 2:10 41 2416 - Adorning the Gospel 2416
Titus 2:11-14 32
1894 - The Two Appearings and the Discipline of Grace
Titus 2:14 2 70 - Good Works 70
Titus 2:14 62 3513 - Christ's Marvelous Giving 3513
Titus 3 48 Exposition following sermon # 2766 2766
Titus 3:3-8 34 2042 - The Maintenance of Good Works 2042
Phile 54 Exposition following sermon # 3103 3103
Phile 1:2 54 3103 - A Pastoral Visit 3103
Phile 1:15 21 1268 - The Story of a Runaway Slave 1268
Heb 1:1-14;John 10:1-30 58 Exposition following sermon # 3330 3330
Heb 1:2, 3 45 2635 - Depths and Heights 2635
Heb 2 45 Exposition following sermon # 2655 2655
Heb 2:1-15 45 Exposition following sermon # 2619 2619
Heb 2:3 56 Exposition following sermon # 3217 3217
Heb 2:9 13 771 - Seeing Jesus 771
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Heb 2:9 25 1509 - The Best of All Sights 1509
Heb 2:10 8 478 - Christ—Perfect Through Suffering 478
Heb 2:10 45 2619 - The Captain of Our Salvation 2619
Heb 2:11-13 41 2418 - "All of One" 2418
Heb 2:14 4 166 - The Destroyer Destroyed 166
Heb 2:14, 15 58 3286 - The Fear of Death 3286
Heb 2:15 55 3125 - Fear of Death 3125
Heb 2:16 2 90 - Men Chosen—Fallen Angels Rejected 90
Heb 2:18 9 487 - A Tempted Savior—Our Best Succor 487
Heb 2:18 33 1974 - The Suffering Savior's Sympathy 1974
Heb 2:18 50 2885 - Christ's Sympathy with His People 2885
Heb 3: 4:1-9 62 Exposition following sermon # 3495 3495
Heb 3; 4:1 55 Exposition following sermon # 3160 3160
Heb 3:1-16 44 Exposition following sermon # 2552 2552
Heb 3:7 20 1160 - The Entreaty of the Holy Spirit 1160
Heb 3:7 55 3160 - The Call of "Today" 3160
Heb 3: 11 18 1042 - A Persuasive to Steadfastness 1042
Heb 3:12 44 2552 - "Take Heed, Brethren" 2552
Heb 3:13 11 620 - A Warning Against Hardness of Heart 620
Heb 3:13 36 2130 - The Deceitfulness of Sin 2130
Heb 4 56 Exposition following sermon # 3184 3184
Heb 4:1; 3 55 Exposition following sermon # 3160 3160
Heb 4:1, 2 20 1177 - Fearful of Coming Short 1177
Heb: 4:1-9; Heb 3 62 Exposition following sermon # 3495 3495
Heb 4:2 35 2089 - Profitable Mixture 2089
Heb 4:3 15 866 - Rest 866
Heb 4:3 35 2090 - A Delicious Experience 2090
Heb 4:3 55 3169 - The Believer's Present Rest 3169
Heb 4:9 3 133 - Heavenly Rest 133
Heb 4:12 34 2010 - The Word a Sword 2010
Heb 4:14-16; Heb 5 43 Exposition following sermon #2529 2529
Heb 4:15 36 2148 - The Tenderness of Jesus 2148
Heb 4:16 17 1024 - "The Throne of Grace" 1024
Heb 4:16 56 3182 - Boldness at the Throne 3182
Heb 5; Heb 4:14-16 43 Exposition following sermon #2529 2529
Heb 5 46 Exposition following sermon # 2689 2689
Heb 5; John 7:1-13; 47 Exposition following sermon # 2722 2722
Heb 5:2 24 1407 - Compassion on the Ignorant 1407
Heb 5:2 38 2251 - Our Compassionate High Priest 2251
Heb 5:2 43 2529 - Compassion on the Ignorant 2529
Heb 5:7-10 32 1927 - Our Sympathizing High Priest 1927
Heb 5:8 47 2722 - The Education of Sons of God 2722
Heb 5:9 20 1172 - The Savior You Need 1172
Heb 5:14 9 506 - Strong Meat 506
Heb 6 42 Exposition following sermon #2492 2492
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Heb 6:4-6 2 75 - Final Perseverance 75
Heb 6:9 3 152 - Things That Accompany Salvation 152
Heb 6:17, 18 15 893 - Strong Consolation 893
Heb 6:17-20 22 1294 - The Anchor 1294
Heb 6:18 23
1352 - Strong Consolation for the Lord's Refugees
Heb 6:18; Matt 3:7 46 2704 - "Flee from the Wrath to Come" 2704
Heb 6:20 54 3102 - The Forerunner 3102
Heb 7:1-14; Psa 110:1-7 61 Exposition following sermon # 3443 3443
Heb 7:2 30
1768 - First, King of Righteousness, and after That, King of Peace
Heb 7:3 31 1835 - The Man Christ Jesus 1835
Heb 7:15-28; 61 Exposition following sermon # 3442 3442
Heb 7: 20-22 27
1597 - The Priest Ordained by the Oath of God
Heb 7:23-25 32 1915 - The Ever-Living Priest 1915
Heb 7:25 2 84 - Salvation to the Uttermost 84
Heb 7:27 46 2693 - Priest and Victim 2693
Heb 8:7-12; 48 Exposition following sermon # 2762 2762
Heb 8:10 43 2506 - God's Law in Man's Heart 2506
Heb 8:10 58 3326 - The Wondrous Covenant 3326
Heb 8:12; 10:17; Isa 43:25; Jer
28 1685 - God's Non-Remembrance of Sin 1685
Heb 3:18, 19 56
3217 - An Earnest Warning Against Unbelief
Heb 9 41 Exposition following sermon #2427 2427
Heb 9; Exo 23:1-10 58 Exposition following sermon # 3293 3293
Heb 9:1-22; Lev 16:1-31 40 Exposition following sermon #2369 2369
Heb 9:12 35 2075 - Our Lord's Entrance Within the Veil 2075
Heb 9:13, 14 25 1481 - The Red Heifer 1481
Heb 9:13, 14 31 1846 - The Purging of the Conscience 1846
Heb 9:18-28; 51 Exposition following sermon #2951 2951
Heb 9:19, 20 58 3293 - "The Blood of the Testament" 3293
Heb 9:20 26 1567 - The Blood of the Covenant 1567
Heb 9:22 3 118 - The Blood Shedding 118
Heb 9:22 51 2951 - With or Without Shedding of Blood 2951
Heb 9:22 60 3418 -An Unalterable Law 3418
Heb 9:24-28; 10 54 Exposition following sermon # 3102 3102
Heb 9:24-28; 38 Exposition following sermon #2283 2283
Heb 9:26 13 759 - Jesus Putting Away Sin 759
Heb 9:26 16 911 - The Putting Away of Sin 911
Heb 9:26 16 962 - A Personal Application 962
Heb 9:26 38 2283 - Christ's One Sacrifice for Sin 2283
Heb 9:26-28 37 2194 - Between the Two Appearings 2194
Heb 9:27, 28 8 430 - Two Advents of Christ 430
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Heb 10:1-18; 38 Exposition following sermon #2283 2283
Heb 10:1-22 46 Exposition following sermon # 2693 2693
Heb 10:5-7; Psa 40:6-8 37 2202 - "Lo, I Come"—Exposition 2202
Heb 10:9 46 2698 - The First and the Second 2698
Heb 10:10 26 1527 - Perfect Sanctification 1527
Heb 10:11-14 18 1034 - The Only Atoning Priest 1034
Heb 10:12, 13 2 91 - Christ Exalted 91
Heb 10:14 5 232 - Perfection in Faith 232
Heb 10:15-18 12 714 - A Savior Such As You Need 714
Heb 10:17; Isa 43:25; Jer 31:34;
Heb 8:12
28 1685 - God's Non-Remembrance of Sin 1685
Heb 10:19, 20; 34 2015 - The Rent Veil 2015
Heb 10:19-39 48 Exposition following sermon # 2810 2810
Heb 10:23 32 1897 - Holding Fast Our Profession 1897
Heb 10:31 12 682 - Future Punishment a Fearful Thing 682
Heb 10:35 21 1263 - Hold Fast Your Shield 1263
Heb 10:38 15 891 - The Vital Force 891
Heb 10:38; Gal 3:11; Hab 2:4;
Rom 1:17
48 2809 - Faith—Life 2809
Heb:11 45 Exposition following sermon # 2634 2634
Heb 11 47 Exposition following sermon # 2740 2740
Heb 11 57 Exposition following sermon # 3259 3259
Heb 11 59 Exposition following sermon # 3 3
Heb 11:1-13, 32-40 50 Exposition following sermon # 2890 2890
Heb 11:1-21 39 Exposition following sermon #2292 2292
Heb 11:1-21 54 Exposition following sermon # 3120 3120
Heb 11:1-36 61 Exposition following sermon # 3478 3478
Heb 11:5, 6; Gen 5:21-24; Jude
14, 15
22 1307 - Enoch 1307
Heb 11:6 3 107 - Faith 107
Heb 11:6 35 2100 - Faith Essential to Pleasing God 2100
Heb 11:6 43 2513 - How to Please God 2513
Heb 11:6 47 2740 - What Is Essential in Coming to God? 2740
Heb 11:7 36
2147 - Noah's Faith, Fear, Obedience and Salvation
Heb 11:8 5 261 - The Call of Abraham 261
Heb 11:8 21
1242 - Abraham's Prompt Obedience to the Call of God
Heb 11:8 37 2195 - The Obedience of Faith 2195
Heb 11:9, 10 39 2292 - Abraham, a Pattern to Believers 2292
Heb 11:13, 14 31
1825 - An Inscription for the Mausoleum of the Saints
Heb 11:14, 15 16 940 - The Winnowing Fan 940
Heb 11:15, 16 18 1030 - The Pilgrim's Longing 1030
Heb 11:15, 16 61 3478 - Go Back? Never! 3478
Heb 11:16; Exo 3:6 45 2633 - The Two Pivots 2633
New Testament Index Page 54 of 63
Heb 11:21 24 1401 - Jacob Worshipping on His Staff 1401
Heb 11:22 16 966 - Joseph's Bones 966
Heb 11:23 24 1421 - The Hiding of Moses by Faith 1421
Heb 11:24-26 18 1063 - Moses' Decision 1063
Heb 11:24-26 34 2030 - Moses—His Faith and Decision 2030
Heb 11:31 3 119 - Rahab's Faith 119
Heb 11:34 12 697 - God's Cure for Man's Weakness 697
Heb 11:34 37 2209 - The Best Strengthening Medicine 2209
Heb 11:37 26 1528 - "They Were Tempted" 1528
Heb 11:38 8 435 - Obtaining Promises 435
Heb 12 54 Exposition following sermon # 3111 3111
Heb 12 56 Exposition following sermon # 3206 3206
Heb 12 61 Exposition following sermon # 3492 3492
Heb 12:1, 2 34 2037 - The Rules of the Race 2037
Heb 12:1-6; Isa 35 63 Exposition following sermon # 3545 3545
Heb 12:1-17 57 Exposition following sermon # 3260 3260
Heb 12:1-17 58 Exposition following sermon # 3327 3327
Heb 12:2 5 236 - The Shameful Sufferer 236
Heb 12:3 18 1073 - A Honeycomb 1073
Heb 12:3 58 3327 - Our Lord's Heroic Endurance 3327
Heb 12:5 1 48 - Chastisement 48
Heb 12:11 9 528 - Chastisement—Now and Afterwards 528
Heb 12:13 49 2854 - Lame Sheep 2854
Heb 12:14 50 2902 - Holiness Demanded 2902
Heb 12:24 4 211 - The Voice of the Blood of Christ 211
Heb 12:24 12
708 - The Blood of Abel and the Blood of Jesus
Heb 12:22-24 28
1689 - The General Convocation Around Mount Zion
Heb 12:23 56 3206 - "The Church of the First-Born" 3206
Heb 12:24, 25 32
1888 - The Blood of Sprinkling (First Sermon)
Heb 12:24, 25 32
1889 - The Blood of Sprinkling (Second Sermon)
Heb 12:25 61 3492 - God's Word Not to Be Refused 3492
Heb 12:27 12 690 - A Lesson from the Great Panic 690
Heb 12:28, 29 28 1639 - Acceptable Service 1639
Heb 13 40 Exposition following sermon #2358 2358
Heb 13:1-21 55 Exposition following sermon # 3150 3150
Heb 13:5 8 477 - Never! Never! Never! Never! Never! 477
Heb 13:5 31
1880 - A Lesson and a Fortune for Christian Men of Business
Heb 13:5 60 3387 - A New Year's Benediction 3387
Heb 13:5, 6 24 1449 - A Vile Weed and a Fair Flower 1449
Heb 13:5,6 55 3150 - "Never, No Never, No Never" 3150
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Heb 13:8 4 170 - The Immutability of Christ 170
Heb 13:8 15 848 - Jesus Christ Is Immutable 848
Heb 13:8 40 2358 - The Unchangeable Christ 2358
Heb 13:12 46 2660 - Suffering Outside the Camp 2660
Heb 13:13 10 577 - "Let Us Go Forth" 577
Heb 13:20 5
277 - The Blood of the Everlasting Covenant
Heb 13:20, 21 20 1186 - The Blood of the Covenant 1186
Heb 13:20, 21 23
1368 - The God of Peace and Our Sanctification
Heb 13:15 34 2048 - A Life-Long Occupation 2048
James 1 43 Exposition following sermon #2537 2537
James 1 56 Exposition following sermon # 3212 3212
James 1:2, 3, 4 29 1704 - All Joy in All Trials 1704
James 1:1-26 60 Exposition following sermon # 3434 3434
James 1:5 13 735 - Loving Advice for Anxious Seekers 735
James 1:6, 7 43 2537 - A Warning to Waverers 2537
James 1:12 31
1874 - A Discourse Upon True Blessedness Here and Hereafter
James 1:18 57 3275 - "A Kind of First Fruits" 3275
James 1:21, 22 31
1847 - Before Sermon, at Sermon and after Sermon
James 1:22-25 25 1467B - Two Sorts of Hearers 1467
James 1:23-25 31 1848 - The Looking Glass 1848
James 1:27 39 2313 - Charity and Purity 2313
James 1:27 39 Exposition following sermon #2313 2313
James 2:17 60 3434 - Fruitless Faith 3434
James 2:23; Isa 41:8 33 1962 - The Friend of God 1962
James 2:25 18 1061 - Rahab 1061
James 3:12 56 3226 - Figs and Olives 3226
James 4 48 Exposition following sermon # 2795 2795
James 4:2, 3 28 1682 - Ask and Have 1682
James 4:6 61 3459 - More and More 3459
James 4:7 22 1276 - Unconditional Surrender 1276
James 4:7-10 24
1408 - The Reason Why Many Cannot Find Peace
James 4:8 48 2795 - The Double Drawing Near 2795
James 4:8 56 3212 - A Command and a Promise 3212
James 4:13-17 38 2242 - God's Will about the Future 2242
James 4:14 30 1773 - What Is Your Life? 1773
James 4:14 55 3126 - Pictures of Life 3126
James 5:7, 8 17 1025 - A Visit to the Harvest Field 1025
James 5:11 31
1845 - The Pity of the Lord—The Comfort of the Afflicted
James 5:11 57 3255 - The Pearl of Patience 3255
James 5:19, 20 1 45 - Conversion 45
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James 5:19, 20 19
1137 - To Sunday School Teachers and Other Soul-Winners
1 Peter 1 56 Exposition following sermon # 3223 3223
1 Peter 1;1 Peter 5:1-9 46 Exposition following sermon # 2707 2707
1 Peter 1:1-12 45 Exposition following sermon # 2653 2653
1 Pet 1:1-16; 60 Exposition following sermon # 3395 3395
1 Peter 1:2 8 434 - Threefold Sanctification 434
1 Peter 2 54 Exposition following sermon # 3112 3112
1 Peter 2 61 Exposition following sermon # 3485 3485
1 Peter 2:4 62 3509 - Coming to Christ 3509
1 Peter 2:7 54 3112 - A Sermon and a Reminiscence 3112
1 Peter 1:3-5 16 948 - A String of Pearls 948
1 Peter 1:6 4
222 - The Christian's Heaviness and Rejoicing
1 Peter 1:7 34 2055 - The Trial of Your Faith 2055
1 Peter 1:8, 9 12
698 - Seeing Is Not Believing, But Believing Is Seeing
1 Peter 1:8, 9 56 3223 - Salvation As It Is Now Received 3223
1 Peter 1:9-12 26 1524 - Your Personal Salvation 1524
1 Peter 1:12 46 2697 - Angelic Interest in the Gospel 2697
1 Peter 1:13 32 1909 - A Seasonable Exhortation 1909
1 Peter 1:13 45 2649 - Girded for the Work 2649
1 Peter 1:13-25 45 Exposition following sermon # 2649 2649
1 Peter 1:17-25; 2:1-12 57 Exposition following sermon # 3258 3258
1 Peter 1:19 11 621 - "The Precious Blood of Christ" 621
1 Pet 1:19 60 3395 - The Savior's Precious Blood 3395
1 Peter 1:23-25 7 398 - The New Nature 398
1 Peter 1:23-25 17 999 - The Withering Work of the Holy Spirit 999
1 Peter 2 48 Exposition following sermon # 2765 2765
1 Peter 2 48 Exposition following sermon # 2790 2790
1 Pet 2 52 Exposition following sermon # 3014 3014
1 Peter 2:1-3 8 459 - A Sermon for Men of Taste 459
1 Peter 2:3 36 2168 - The Test of Taste 2168
1 Peter 2:4 23 1334 - Coming—Always Coming 1334
1 Peter 2:4, 5 23
1376 - The True Priesthood, Temple and Sacrifice
1 Peter 2:5 57 3266 - The Priesthood of Believers 3266
1 Peter 2:6 24 1429 - Faith's Sure Foundation 1429
1 Peter 2:7 5 242 - Christ Precious to Believers 242
1 Peter 2:7 16 931 - Three Precious Things 931
1 Peter 2:7 36 2137 - Christ Precious to Believers 2137
1 Pet 2:7 52 3014 - A Sermon from a Sick Preacher 3014
1 Peter 2:7, 8 21
1224 - Jesus, the Stumbling Stone of Unbelievers
1 Peter 2:8 57 3258 - Stumbling at the Word 3258
1 Peter 2:9 48 2765 - Marvelous Light 2765
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1 Peter 2:18-25; 47 Exposition following sermon # 2731 2731
1 Peter 2:24 19 1143 - Death for Sin and Death to Sin 1143
1 Peter 2:24 48 2790 - Our Lord's Substitution 2790
1 Pet 2:24;Isa 53:5 50 2887 - A Dire Disease Strangely Cured 2887
1 Peter 3:1-17; 47 Exposition following sermon # 2731 2731
1 Peter 3:6; Isa 51:2 27 1633 - Sarah and Her Daughters 1633
1 Peter 3:7 20 1192 - Hindrances to Prayer 1192
1 Peter 3:18 44 2573 - Unparalleled Suffering 2573
1 Peter 4 43 Exposition following sermon #2549 2549
1 Peter 4:1-3 43 2549 - Luminous Words 2549
1 Pet 4:1-13; 52 Exposition following sermon # 2984 2984
1 Peter 4:18 53 3047 - If So—What Then? 3047
1 Peter 5:1 45 2610 - A Witness and a Partaker 2610
1 Peter 5:6 29 1733 - On Humbling Ourselves before God 1733
1 Peter 5:7 8 428 - A Cure for Care 428
1 Peter 5:7 57
3273 - A Sermon to Ministers and Other Tried Believers
1 Peter 5:8, 9 7 419 - The Roaring Lion 419
1 Peter 5:10 6 292 - A New Year's Benediction 292
1 Peter 5:10 29 1721 - Glory! 1721
2 Peter 1 54 Exposition following sermon # 3118 3118
2 Peter 1:1 16 931 - Three Precious Things 931
2 Peter 1:1-4 10 551 - Faith and Life 551
2 Peter 1:1-8 57 Exposition following sermon # 3245 3245
2 Peter 1:4 16 931 - Three Precious Things 931
2 Peter 1:9-21 57 Exposition following sermon # 3248 3248
2 Peter 1:10, 11 3 123 - Particular Election 123
2 Peter 1:16-20; 41 Exposition following sermon #2441 2441
2 Peter 2:4 31 1820 - Fallen Angels a Lesson to Fallen Men 1820
2 Peter 2:9 41
2441 - The Lord's Knowledge, Our Safeguard
2 Peter 3 43 Exposition following sermon #2533 2533
2 Peter 3; 45 Exposition following sermon # 2628 2628
2 Peter 3:8 8 447 - God's Estimate of Time 447
2 Peter 3:10, 11 19 1125 - The World on Fire 1125
2 Peter 3:15 33
1997 - God's Long-Suffering—An Appeal to Conscience
2 Peter 3:17 43 2533 - The Ever-Present Crisis 2533
2 Peter 3:18 8 427 - A Psalm for the New Year 427
2 Peter 3:18 46 2700 - Growth in Grace 2700
1 John 1:1-10; 2:1-2; Psa 130:1-
57 Exposition following sermon # 3269 3269
1 John 1; 2:1-6 50 Exposition following sermon # 2905 2905
1 John 1; Psa 33 41 Exposition following sermon #2424 2424
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1John 1:1-3; 1Sam 30:1-13;Gen
61 Exposition following sermon # 3459 3459
1 John 1:3 7 409 - Fellowship with God 409
1 John 1:3 50 2905 — The Father and the Son 2905
1 John 1:4 57 3272 - How to Become Full of Joy 3272
1 John 1:4 60 3406 -Fullness of Joy Our Privilege 3406
1 John 1:6, 7 33 1986 - The Child of Light Walking in Light 1986
1 John 1:7 4 223 - Evil and Its Remedy 223
1 John 1:7 11
663 - Walking in the Light and Washed in the Blood
1 John 1:8, 9, 10 21 1241 - Honest Dealing with God 1241
1 John 1:9 5 255 - Justice Satisfied 255
1John 2 51 Exposition following sermon #2943 2943
1 John 2 57 Exposition following sermon # 3266 3266
1 John 2; 3:1, 2 52 Exposition following sermon # 3004 3004
1 John 2:1 9 515 - The Sinner's Advocate 515
1 John 2:3, 4 16 922 - Sincerity and Duplicity 922
1 John 2:4-7; Psa 130 61 Exposition following sermon # 3460 3460
1 John 2:6 29 1732 - In Him—Like He Is 1732
1 John 2:12, 13 29
1711 - A Sermon to the Lord's Little Children
1 John 2:13, 14 29
1715 - A Description of Young Men in Christ
1 John 2:13, 14 29 1751 - Fathers in Christ 1751
1 John 2:14 14 811 - Unto You, Young Men 811
1 John 2:28 35
2105 - Preparation for the Coming of the Lord
1 John 3 42 Exposition following sermon #2488 2488
1 John 3 43 Exposition following sermon #2509 2509
1 John 3 51 Exposition following sermon #2959 2959
1 John 3:1 32
1934 - "And We Are"—A Jewel from the Revised Version
1 John 3:2 2 61-62 - The Beatific Vision 6162
1 John 3:2 4 196 - A Present Religion 196
1 John 3:2 52 3004 - The Christian's Manifestation 3004
1 John 3:4, 5 43 2509 - The Sinful Made Sinless 2509
1 John 3:5 57 3235 - The Hope That Purifies 3235
1 John 3:8 29 1728 - The Works of the Devil Destroyed 1728
1 John 3:10-21 55 Exposition following sermon # 3173 3173
1 John 3:14 44 2556 - Life Proved by Love 2556
1John 3:16 46 2656 - The Death of Christ for His People 2656
1 John 3:16 51 2959 - God's Love to the Saints 2959
1 John 3:20, 21 55 3152 - The Lower Courts 3152
1 John 3:21 31 1855 - What Is the Verdict? 1855
1 John 3:22-24 19 1103 - The Conditions of Power in Prayer 1103
1 John 3:23 9 531 - The Warrant of Faith 531
1 John 4 40 Exposition following sermon #2383 2383
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1 John 4 47 Exposition following sermon # 2730 2730
1 John 4; Acts 25-26 55 Exposition following sermon # 3153 3153
1 John 4; Phil 4:1-9 41 Exposition following sermon #2394 2394
1 John 4:9-21 38 Exposition following sermon #2256 2256
1John 4:10 41 2394 - Love's Climax 2394
1 John 4:10 42 2448 - "Herein Is Love" 2448
1 John 4:10, 11 29 1707 - "Herein Is Love" 1707
1 John 4:14 40 2383 - Seeing and Testifying 2383
1 John 4:16 5 253 - A Psalm of Remembrance 253
1 John 4:19 5 229 - Love 229
1 John 4:19 17 1008 - Love's Logic 1008
1 John 4:19 22 1299 - Love's Birth and Parentage 1299
1 John 4:19 47 2730 - The Secret of Love to God 2730
1 John 4:19 60 3398 - Love's Great Reason 3398
1 John 5 47 Exposition following sermon # 2759 2759
1 John 5 53 Exposition following sermon # 3071 3071
1 John 5 57 Exposition following sermon # 3252 3252
1 John 5:1 17 979 - Faith and Regeneration 979
1 John 5:4 1 14 - The Victory of Faith 14
1 John 5:4, 5 47 2757 - Victorious Faith 2757
1 John 5:6 57 3252 - "By Water and Blood" 3252
1 John 5:8 20 1187 - The Three Witnesses 1187
1 John 5:9, 10 21
1213 - Faith, and the Witness Upon Which It Is Founded
1 John 5:10 20
1207 - A Solemn Impeachment of Unbelievers
1 John 5:10 21 1250 - The Priest Dispensed With 1250
1 John 5:10 24
1428 - The True Position of the Witness Within
1 John 5:12 13 755 - Dead or Alive—Which? 755
1 John 5:13 30 1791 - Helps to Full Assurance 1791
1 John 5:13 34 2023 - The Blessing of Full Assurance 2023
1 John 5:13-15 10 596 - Praying and Waiting 596
1 John 5:18-20 55 3161 - Positivism 3161
1 John 5:20, 21; 41 2396 - Eternal Life! 2396
1 John 5:21 53 3071 - Idolatry Condemned 3071
3 John 4 19 1148 - The Parent's and Pastor's Joy 1148
Jude 41 Exposition following sermon #2412 2412
Jude 52 Exposition following sermon # 2994 2994
Jude 1 8 434 - Threefold Sanctification 434
Jude 1:24, 25 52 2994 - Jude's Doxology 2994
Jude 1:24, 25 54 3074 - Danger. Safety. Gratitude 3074
Jude 1, 2 41 2412 - A Special Benediction 2412
Jude 3 27 1592 - The Common Salvation 1592
Jude 12 14 797 - Spots in Our Feasts of Charity 797
Jude 14, 15;Gen 5:21- 24; Heb
11:5, 6
22 1307 - Enoch 1307
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Jude 20 12 719 - Praying in the Holy Spirit 719
Jude 21 22 1286 - A Weighty Charge 1286
Jude 21s
59 3378 - God's Prison, Warden and Prisoner 3378
Jude 24, 25 11
634 - Christians Kept in Time and Glorified in Eternity
Jude 24, 25 39 2296 - Saints Guarded from Stumbling 2296
Rev 1 43 Exposition following sermon #2498 2498
Rev 1 62 Exposition following sermon # 3501 3501
Rev 1:1-14 61 Exposition following sermon # 3467 3467
Rev 1:5, 6 29 1737 - John's First Doxology 1737
Rev 1:5, 6 37 2230 - Loved and Washed 2230
Rev 1:7 33 1989 - "He Comes with Clouds" 1989
Rev 1:12-17 7 357 - The Christ of Patmos 357
Rev 1:13 63 3555 - With Golden Band Girded 3555
Rev 1:15-20; Psa 77 61 Exposition following sermon # 3468 3468
Rev 1:16 33 1976 - Lessons from the Christ of Patmos 1976
Rev 1:16 43 2498 - A Portrait No Artist Can Paint 2498
Rev 1:17 26 1533 - Fear Not 1533
Rev 1:17, 18 18
1028 - The Glorious Master and the Swooning Disciple
Rev 1:18 15 894 - Christ with the Keys of Death and Hell 894
Rev 1:18 46 2689 - The Ever-Living Christ 2689
Rev 2:3 18 1069 - Laboring and Not Fainting 1069
Rev 2:4 4 217 - Declension from First Love 217
Rev 2:4, 5 32 1926 - Love's Complaining 1926
Rev 2:12, 13 34 2007 - Holding Fast the Faith 2007
Rev 3:4 2 68 - A Solemn Warning for All Churches 68
Rev 3:8, 10 30 1814 - Commendation for the Steadfast 1814
Rev 3:14 12 679 - The Amen 679
Rev 3:14-21 20
1185 - An Earnest Warning Against Lukewarmness
Rev 3:15, 16 48 2802 - Lukewarmness 2802
Rev 3:17, 18 28
1677 - A Great Mistake and the Way to Rectify It
Rev 3:19 3 164 - The Loved Ones Chastened 164
Rev 4:1 15 887 - A Door Opened in Heaven 887
Rev 4:3 60 3412 - The Heavenly Rainbow 3412
Rev 4:10 19 1102 - Royal Homage 1102
Rev 4:10, 11 8 441 - The Elders Before the Throne 441
Rev 5:6, 7 35 2095 - The Lamb in Glory 2095
Rev 5:8 18 1051 - Golden Bowls full of Incense 1051
Rev 5:8-10 39 2321 - The Heavenly Singers and Their Song 2321
Rev 5:9, 10 21 1225 - Jesus, the Delight of Heaven 1225
Rev 5:10 1 10 - The Kingly Priesthood of the Saints 10
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Rev 6:12-17;Rev 19:11- 16;Rev
20:11-15; Rev 21:1; Matt 26:56-
42 Exposition following sermon #2473 2473
Rev 7 58 Exposition following sermon # 3323 3323
Rev 7 60 Exposition following sermon # 3403 3403
Rev 7:9, 10 60 3403 -The Multitude Before the Throne 3403
Rev 7:9-17; 46 Exposition following sermon # 2659 2659
Rev 7:9-17; 46 Exposition following sermon # 2704 2704
Rev 7:9-17; Isa 49 57 Exposition following sermon # 3238 3238
Rev 7:13, 14 18
1040 - Who Are These, and from Where Did The Come?
Rev 7:14 22 1316 - Why the Heavenly Robes Are White 1316
Rev 7:16 62 3499 - The Bliss of the Glorified 3499
Rev 7:16, 17 30 1800 - Heaven Below 1800
Rev 7:16, 17; Isa 49:10 36 2128 - Heaven Above and Heaven Below 2128
Rev 7:17 11 643 - No Tears in Heaven 643
Rev 8:3, 4 57 3282 - Preparing for the Week of Prayer 3282
Rev 11:12 9 488 - The Voice From Heaven 488
Rev 11:19; Jer 3:16 27 1621 - The Ark of the Covenant 1621
Rev 11:19 41 2427 - "The Ark of His Covenant" 2427
Rev 12 59 Exposition following sermon # 3382 3382
Rev 12:11 21 1237 - How They Conquered the Dragon 1237
Rev 12:11 34
2043 - The Blood of the Lamb, the Conquering Weapon
Rev 12:12 25 1502 - Satan in a Rage 1502
Rev 14 39 Exposition following sermon #2324 2324
Rev 14 42 Exposition following sermon #2456 2456
Rev 14 50 Exposition following sermon # 2910 2910
Rev 14:1-3 3 110 - Heavenly Worship 110
Rev 14:4 42 2456 - The Lamb Our Leader 2456
Rev 14:4, 5 39 2324 - The Followers of the Lamb 2324
Rev 14:12, 13 21 1219 - A Voice from Heaven 1219
Rev 14:14-20 50 2910 - The Harvest and the Vintage 2910
Rev 15.3 3 136 - Israel in Egypt 136
Rev 16:9 34
2054 - Judgments and No Repentance—Repentance and No Salvation
Rev 18:20-24; 41 Exposition following sermon #2428 2428
Rev 18:21-24; 19:1-10 60 Exposition following sermon # 3412 3412
Rev 19:7, 8 35 2096 - "The Marriage of the Lamb" 2096
Rev 19:9 41 2428 - The Marriage Supper of the Lamb 2428
Rev 19:9 55 3144 - "The True Sayings of God" 3144
Rev 19:11-16 25
1452B - The Rider on the White Horse and the Armies with Him
Rev 19:11-16 60 Exposition following sermon # 3430 3430
Rev 19:12 5 281 - The Savior's Many Crosses 281
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Rev 20:4-6 7 391 - The First Resurrection 391
Rev 20:11 42 2473 - An Awful Contrast 2473
Rev 20:11 12 710 - The Great White Throne 710
Rev 20:12 7 391 - The First Resurrection 391
Rev 21 55 Exposition following sermon # 3129 3129
Rev 21:5 31 1816 - Sermon for a New Year's Day 1816
Rev 21:5 61 3467 - A New Creation 3467
Rev 21:6 26 1549 - Good News for Thirsty Souls 1549
Rev 21:9-27 46 Exposition following sermon # 2648 2648
Rev 21:10-27; 22:1-5; Rom
62 Exposition following sermon # 3526 3526
Rev 21:22-27; 22 57 Exposition following sermon # 3282 3282
Rev 21:23 10 583 - The Lamb—the Light 583
Rev 21:27 27 1590 - The Barrier 1590
Rev 22 40 Exposition following sermon #2360 2360
Rev 22:1-5; Rev 21:10- 27; Rom
62 Exposition following sermon # 3526 3526
Rev 22:1-7; 46 Exposition following sermon # 2660 2660
Rev 22:2 21 1233 - Healing Leaves 1233
Rev 22:2 57 3251 - Christ the Tree of Life 3251
Rev 22:3 27 1576 - The Throne of God and of the Lamb 1576
Rev 22:4 14 824 - The Heaven of Heaven 824
Rev 22:13 9 546 - Alpha and Omega 546
Rev 22:17 5 279 - Come, and Welcome 279
Rev 22:17 8 442 - God's will and Man's will 442
Rev 22:17 22 1331 - The Two "Comes" 1331
Rev 22:17 27 1608 - The Double "Come" 1608
Rev 22:17 46 2685 - The Oft-Repeated Invitation 2685
Rev 22:21 27 1628 - Till We Meet Again 1628
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