Conservation of Momentum
A) Overview
This unit introduces the important concept of the conservation of momentum.
Namely, the total momentum of a system of particles will be conserved whenever the
sum of the external forces acting on the system is zero. We will apply this conservation
law to collisions of particles and investigate sources of energy loss in these collisions.
We will also introduce a special reference frame, associated with a system of particles,
called the center of mass frame, in which the total momentum of all the particles in the
system is zero. The description of collisions is often simple in this frame.
B) Momentum Conservation
In the last unit we introduced the concept of the center of mass of a system of
particles as the mass-weighted average of their positions. Taking the derivative of this
expression with respect to time, the left hand side of the equation becomes the velocity of
the center of mass, and the numerator on the right hand side becomes the sum of the mass
times velocity for each object in the system.
We have already defined the product of the mass and velocity of an object as its
momentum. Therefore, the numerator on the right hand side is just equal to the total
momentum of the system. Multiplying both sides of the equation by the total mass of the
system, we obtain the result that the total momentum of the system is equal to the product
of the total mass and the velocity of the center of mass.
Differentiating once more with respect to time, we see that the time rate of change of the
total momentum of the system is equal to the product of the total mass of the system and
the acceleration of the center of mass.
Now we showed in the last unit that the product of the total mass and the acceleration of
the center of mass is just equal to the total external force applied to the system.
Therefore, we see that the time rate of change of the total momentum of the system is just
equal to the total external force applied to the system.
This deceptively simple looking equation is extremely important and we will spend
several units exploring its meaning.
is the total momentum vector of the system and
is equal to the
vector sum
of the momenta of all of the parts of the system. Likewise, the
total external force is the
vector sum
of all external forces acting on all parts of the
Note that when there are no external forces acting on the system, the time rate of
change of the total momentum is zero. In other words, if the total external force is zero,
then the total momentum of the system does not change in time. In this case, we say that
momentum of the system
. We will now work out a couple of simple
examples that illustrate momentum conservation.
C) Momentum Example: Astronaut and Wrench
We’ll start by revisiting the problem we ended with in the last unit – that of an
astronaut throwing a wrench. Since the astronaut and the wrench are both initially at rest,
the initial momentum of the system is zero, and since there are no external forces acting
on the system of the astronaut and the wrench, the total momentum of the system is
conserved and will therefore
. The total momentum of the system has two
contributions – one from the astronaut and one from the wrench – and the vector sum of
these is zero.
We see that in order for the total momentum to be zero, the astronaut must move
in the opposite direction of the wrench with a speed fixed by the ratio of the masses.
For example, if the mass of the astronaut is ten times as big as the mass of the wrench,
the speed of the wrench will be ten times the speed of the astronaut. This requirement
ensures both that the magnitudes of the momentum of the wrench and the astronaut are
the same, and also that the center of mass of the system does not move since the distance
the wrench moves in any given time interval will be ten times that moved by the
Let’s now examine our momentum equation a bit more carefully. Suppose the
total external force is zero in some direction but not in others – what can we say about the
momentum of the system?
Since our equation is a vector equation, we know that the only component of momentum
which will be conserved will be the one that lies along the direction in which the total
external force is zero.
D) Example: Inelastic Collision
We will now move on to consider an interesting class of problems that can be
addressed using this conservation of momentum principle. Namely, we will look at
collisions between particles. We’ll start with the example shown in Figure 11.1. A box
of mass
slides with velocity
along a horizontal frictionless floor and collides with a
second box of mass
which is initially at rest. After the collision the boxes stick
together and move with a final velocity
. Our job is to determine this final velocity.
In this problem the system we are interested in is made up of the two boxes. Since
the floor is horizontal and frictionless, the total external force on the system in the
horizontal direction is
. Therefore the total momentum of the two box system is
conserved. That is, this total momentum will be the same before and after the collision.
At this point you might be wondering about the forces that will act between the
boxes during the actual collision itself – won’t these forces, which will definitely have
components in the horizontal direction, change the momentum of the system? The answer
is no – they will not – and the reason is simple: The forces between the boxes are not
external forces; these forces are internal forces, being exerted by the boxes, the objects
that make up the system. In other words, the force by box 1 on box 2 will definitely
change the momentum of box 2 and the force by box 2 on box 1 will definitely change
the momentum of box 1, but the total momentum of the two boxes will not change since
these forces are equal and opposite by Newton's third law! For this reason we never
actually have to worry about what happens during the instant when the boxes collide –
we can just focus on the total momentum before and after
In this example the initial momentum of the system in the horizontal direction is
due entirely to box 1. The final momentum of the system is due to
boxes. Since the
initial and final momentum of the system has to be the same, we can solve for the final
velocity of boxes 1 and 2 in terms of the initial velocity of box 1.
( )
E) Energy in Collisions
We see that momentum is conserved in this collision, but what happens to the
total kinetic energy of the system? Is it conserved also? The answer to this question
depends on what we call the kinetic energy of the system. Certainly, if there are no
external forces acting on the system, then there is no macroscopic work done on the
system and the kinetic energy of the system, defined as ½ the total mass times the square
of the velocity of the center of mass cannot change either. However, this kinetic energy
of the center of mass is
equal to the sum of the kinetic energies of the objects making
Figure 11.1
An inelastic collision: Box 1 moves with speed v
and collides with Box 2 that is initially at rest. The two
boxes stick together and move off with speed v
. The momentum of the system of two boxes is conserved
in this collision which allows us to determine the final speed v
up the system. We will demonstrate this claim now as we explicitly calculate the sum of
the kinetic energies of boxes 1 and 2 before and after the collision.
Before the collision the sum of the kinetic energy of the boxes is just equal to the
initial kinetic energy of box 1.
After the collision the sum of the kinetic energies of the boxes is equal to the final kinetic
energy of the object composed of the two boxes stuck together.
( )
vmmK +=
In the last section, we used the conservation of momentum to determine the final velocity
of the boxes in terms of the initial velocity of box 1. Therefore, we can determine the
final kinetic energy in terms of the initial kinetic energy.
( )
We see here that the final energy is smaller than the initial kinetic energy by exactly the
same factor that related the final and initial velocities. In other words, the kinetic energy
of the system, defined as the sum of the kinetic energies of the boxes, was not conserved
in the collision. We call this kind of a collision “inelastic”. In the next section, we will
take a look at how this energy is lost.
F) Energy Loss in Collisions
We saw in the last section that the kinetic energy of the boxes after the collision
was less than the kinetic energy of the boxes before the collision. How can we
understand this loss of energy? Where did the energy go?
To understand this loss of energy, we need to look at the collision in more detail.
Let’s first focus our attention on box 1. We can define box 1 to be our system and apply
the center of mass equation to determine that the change in the kinetic energy of the box
is equal to the macroscopic work done on the box during the collision.
What force is responsible for this work? Clearly, the force that box 2 exerts on box 1
during the collision must be responsible for this work. This work is done during the time
of the collision and it may be hard to visualize since the idealized diagram we have drawn
seems to suggest that the boxes themselves are not crushed or deformed during the
To get a better feeling for what is going on, just consider what happens to two
cars after a collision. The obvious deformation of the cars as a result of the collision
shows where the energy was lost during the collision. This energy loss can be understood
in terms of the work done during this collision by the force that one car exerts on the
other times the distance that the front of the other car was deformed.
Returning to our example of the sliding boxes, we can see that if we actually
wanted the boxes to stick together we would have to provide some mechanism for non-
conservative work to be done during the collision. Perhaps we could put a bit of putty on
the surface of one of the boxes that could be compressed during the collision. The details
of the nature of the internal forces acting during the collision can influence the amount of
energy lost in a collision, but as long as there are no external forces acting, then we can
be sure that the total momentum of the system will be conserved!
G) Center of Mass Reference Frame
We will now return to the concept of the center of mass since we will find that it
can play a useful role in collisions as well. We have already derived the important
relationship between the total momentum of a system and the velocity of its center of
If we know that the total momentum does not change in time, for example, then it must
be true that the velocity of the center of mass also does not change in time!
Recall the example of the astronaut throwing the wrench. We determined that the
velocity of the center of mass of the system (astronaut + wrench) was constant and, in
fact, equal to zero. The total momentum of the system was zero implying that the
momentum of the wrench was exactly equal and opposite to the momentum of the
astronaut. The reference frame in which we presented this example is called the center of
mass reference frame, since the velocity of the center of mass is zero in this frame.
What about the more general case when the center of mass is moving with some
constant velocity? We already know how to compare measurements in different reference
frames. We learned in unit 3 that if the velocity of an object is known in reference frame
A, and reference frame A is moving relative to reference frame B with a constant
velocity, then the velocity of the object in reference frame B, is just equal to the vector
sum of these velocities.
Therefore, once we determine the velocity of the center of mass in the given frame, we
can always transform the problem to the center of mass frame, if doing so makes the
problem easier to solve. We will do such an example in the next section.
H) Example: Center of Mass Reference Frame
Suppose an asteroid is moving with a constant velocity of 4 km/s in the +
direction as observed by a spaceship. An explosive device inside the asteroid suddenly
blows it into two chunks, one having twice the mass of the other as shown in Figure 11.2.
In the reference frame of the asteroid the lighter chunk moves in the +
direction with a
speed of 6 km/s. What is the speed of the heavier chunk of the asteroid as measured by
someone on the spaceship?
The total momentum is
always zero
in the center of mass reference frame. Now
the center of mass frame for the two chunks is clearly the frame in which the asteroid was
at rest before it exploded. Since
the total momentum is zero in
this frame, the momentum of the
two chunks after the explosion
must be equal and opposite. If
the lighter chunk has a velocity
of 6 km/s upward then the
bigger chunk must be moving
downward and must have half
the speed of the lighter chunk
since it has twice the mass.
The velocity of any
object in the reference frame of
the spaceship is equal to the
velocity of that object in the
center of mass reference frame
plus the velocity of the center of
mass in the reference frame of
the ship.
For the big chuck of asteroid,
the velocity relative to the center
of mass is 3 km/s in the
direction and the velocity of the center of mass relative to the
ship is 4 km/s in the +
direction. We can add these vectors using the Pythagorean
theorem to find that the speed of the big chink is 5 km/s in the spaceship frame as shown
in Figure 11.3.
Figure 11.2
An asteroid moving in the x-direection suddenly
explodes into two pieces. Conservation of
momentum is most conveniently applied in the
asteroid center of mass to determine the speed of
the heavier chunk in the spacship frame.
Figure 11.3
To find the velocity of the chunk with respect to the spaceship, we take
the vector sum of the velocity of the chunk with respect to the asteroid
CM and the veloicty of the asteroid CM with respect to the spaceship.