MINUTES: Meeting of the Board of Directors
Thursday, April 18, 2024
The meeting was called to order at 1:00pm by Chair Amanda Bombard. The Catalina Island Tourism Authority (CITA)
meeting was held in the Founders Room of US Bank and via Zoom for guests only. Attendance and voting for slate
utilized roll-call procedure. There were no on-line guests.
This note was on the posted agenda:
Remote attendance: In accordance with legal advice, under the Brown Act rules in effect as of January 2024, board
member’s remote attendance is limited to locations identified in advance on the agenda. For a full guide to Open and
Public meetings under the Brown Act go here.
Members of the public may attend online using this link.
Bombard, Fornasiere, Noll, Stevenson, Allen, Bradley, Cassidy, Flathers, Foley, Garcia, Hohenstein, Maistros, Paret, Vega,
Villalobos, Alkibay, Glass, Latorre
Luttjohann, Miller, Johnson, DeMyer
Lisa Beach, Jeff Skelton, Grayce Upton, Yolanda Say, Tyler Wilson
Chair Bombard asked for discussion and approval of Minutes from March 21, 2024 CITA board meeting
Motion to approve Paret, second Hohenstein; passed unanimously.
Approval of February 2024 Monthly Financials
Luttjohann reminded the February 2024 financials were delayed due a QuickBooks software issue which is now
Motion to approve Noll, second Paret; passed unanimously.
Approval of March 2024 Monthly Financials
Motion to approve by Cassidy, second Fornasiere; passed unanimously.
Reminder--April 30 Special MeetingBombard reminded attendees of the April 30 full-day meeting which is scheduled
as a closed session. Luttjohann explained that since the two-day session in February hes had several consultations with
CIVITAS and Charney; many are pro-bono hours. Foley and Wright entered the meeting at 1:05pm. With all the red-line
edits to update the existing bylaws, Charney and CIVITAS recommend creating new bylaws. Luttjohann is awaiting final
advice on the closed session; the April 30 meeting could be an open meeting with more than board members and key
staff attending. Bombard stated this upcoming meeting might be hybrid, open or closed session.
Draft Policies ManualBombard reminded the policies manual will be presented for approval at the April 30 meeting.
Today is the last day for board members to provide feedback on this document.
Excused Absences of Villalobos, Latorre and Alkibay for the April 18 meetingBombard expressed that each absence
today is due to work conflicts. She added that Wright requested an excuse for the March meeting that is not listed on
the agenda. Bombard requested each absence be presented as its own motion.
Motion to approve the absence of Villalobos as excused by Noll, second Bradley; passed unanimously.
Motion to approve Latorre’s excused absence by Garcia, second Cassidy; passed unanimously.
Motion to approve the absence of Alkibay as excused by Hohenstein, second Fornasiere; passed unanimously.
Motion to approve Wright’s March absence as excused by Hohenstein, second Garcia; passed with abstention by
Report of the Nominating CommitteeStevenson handed out a sheet listing the proposed 2024 Slate of Directors and
Officers. This included notes on the five potential board members and their associated business. He mentioned the
nominations closed April 12. All guests were asked to leave the room and the board moved to a closed session at
1:16pm for discussion.
The closed session ended at 1:29 and all guests were invited back into the room. Stevenson read the slate of proposed
directors and requested a motion.
Motion to approve Grayce Upton, Yoli Say, Lisa Beach, Cinde Cassidy, and Amanda Bombard as the 2024
Proposed Slate of Directors by Noll, second Garcia. Roll-call vote passed with abstentions by Bombard and
Stevenson welcomed the new board and said these terms begin July 1. He reminded all board members to work as a
team for the overall good of Catalina Island business. The Proposed Slate will be sent to the CITA membership for final
Stevenson announced the board position of Marketing Chair will remain open and officer nominations are being
accepted until June 1. Luttjohann said the Executive Committee Slate will be presented at the May or June meeting
adding the Treasurer position could change in November/December. Luttjohann encouraged the incoming board
members to attend the April 30 meeting at the Catalina Canyon Inn and explained the benefits of their attendance.
President’s ReportLuttjohann stated his report in this months board packet has more detail than normal. He gave a
brief report on his recent attendance at SeaTrade and noted that Vega attended as well. He and Vega participated in the
Cruise the West booth which garnered some discussions with cruise executives. He mentioned Catalina Island received
positive feedback and decent scores, although a bit lower than the previous year. Luttjohann was surprised to learn only
six Catalina Island shore excursions are currently available onboard cruise ships. A discussion on excursions included
Flathers informing there is a required dress code for participating on-shore businesses; surprisingly a belt is one of the
requirements. Garcia has tried several times to submit activities for her businesses to be booked on-board cruise ships.
She said it is quite hard to be accepted. Stevenson explained Catalina Island Co (CICo) offers their tours to Royal
Caribbean and Disney, but no longer does business with Carnival. Several mentioned the large commission required to
participate. Luttjohann informed of the recent Santa Barbara decision to limit cruise ship calls to that port. This could
affect Catalina Island either way; possibly good if Avalon is substituted as a port of call for Santa Barbara, however if
California Coastal Cruises are pulled, there would be less stops here. Luttjohann submitted his report as written.
Visitor and Member Services ReportHohenstein presented two new membership applications for approval: Catalina
Sea Spa and Empress Wellness.
Approval of New Member Catalina Sea Spa
Motion for approval Hohenstein, second Noll; passed unanimously.
Approval of New Member Empress Wellness
Motion for approval Cassidy, second Fornasiere; passed with abstention by Wright.
Sales & Marketing ReportFornasiere stated CITA partnered with Visit California sending a dedicated email to a list of
233K+ and the open rate was fantastic at 52.05%. She said the CastAway promotion begins April 25 and on May 7
another sponsored Visit California email blast will go out with this information. CITA was invited to attend a media event
earlier in April and made valuable connections. CITA is working with 62Above to follow up and connect with those media
contacts. A proposal and budget request at the March meeting approved $67.5K for photos, videos, and drone content.
The negotiations were successful meaning 2.5 days for the price of 1.5; unlimited drone and video usage in perpetuity;
longer photo usage rights; and video delivered in a color format to upload to our DAM system. On-island shoot dates are
May 13-15. The 2024-25 Map was printed on Tuesday, is being bound and folded with delivery set for next week.
Luttjohann stated USA Today is searching for the Best Summer Travel Destination and Catalina Island is among the
nominees; voting can be done daily until May 13. Bombard urged all to set a reminder to vote daily.
Events ReportDeMyer reminded tonight the Mixer begins at 6pm and is hosted by The Avalon Hotel which invited
Avalon Smart Homes to co-host. She spoke of other upcoming events like Shred, Taste of Avalon, Restaurant Week,
Pride, and the Summer Concert Series with a Beer Garden run by Rotary. DeMyer is meeting with Bleu World to discuss
a community clean-up. She asked any businesses willing to donate rooms for Pride to please contact her. Luttjohann
announced LA Pride added an event at Universal Studios the evening of June 15; this extension came after CITA chose
dates for the Catalina Pride event trying to avoid other mainland celebrations.
Fornasiere reported the Catalina Museum for Art & History is having their first Tamale Festival on April 27 with
free admission, food vendors and a Mariachi band. The annual Cinco de Mayo event is 6-9pm with live music by
Sin Frontera. The Silent Film Festival, May 17-18, will not be held in the Casino Theatre this year and will
encompass two days at the museums outdoor amphitheater. Movies are Hitchcocks last silent film Blackmail
and a comedy, Safety Last, with Harold Lloyd's granddaughter present to introduce the film. Fornasiere
announced this is her last meeting as a board member. She accepted a position as Director of Community
Outreach with Catalina Island Health. Bombard thanked her for the years she has served in a permanent seat on
the board, many times on the executive committee. Luttjohann appreciated how her knowledge and skills were
utilized often for CITA. As her report ended the room erupted in applause.
Noll looked at his watch and noted the first Resource Fair just ended, consisting of 11 booths to assist with
medical, food and other services. He said the local Sheriffs brought in a few of Avalons homeless to receive
advice and aid. Catalina Island Health plans to hold a similar event in October.
Hohenstein reminded of the upcoming clothing drive on April 27 at the Catalina Canyon Inn. Donations can be
dropped at the hotel without leaving your vehicle. Interact students will accept the items making this a drive-by
event. Rotarians are delivering the boxes to Palm Springs. Cash donations are also accepted. She thanked the
Bombard family for donating the freight to the mainland. The Rotary Club asks for gently used blankets, shoes,
and clothing for children and adults. Bombard requested a report on how much is collected and Luttjohann
added, the number of boxes or weight would be a nice way to inform on the amount not dumped in our landfill.
Hohenstein announced Veronica and Francisco Bravo are opening Sunset Bar & Grill at the Catalina Canyon Inn
on May 3. The Rotary Wine Fest is set for June 22 at Two Harbors.
Paret gets a happy feeling when the Disney Cruise line horn plays a few notes from When You Wish Upon A Star.
He wondered if the chimes tower might respond or play Disney tunes while the ship is in port.
Vega reported that May 13 will be a big day with the potential of 6.5K visitors. Eight volunteers will help direct
visitors that day but a few more are desired as at least 15 would be nice. Maistros added, the next three
Tuesdays a volunteer system will be tested to see how it works.
Foley announced he is transferring with US Bank to Dana Point. May 10 is his final day at this branch and this is
his last meeting as a board member.
Wright mentioned she had success with workers hired at the Avalon High School job fair. She urged others to
support the upcoming event.
Skelton gave an update on the Catalina horse riding business. He stated things have not moved as quickly as he
would like but they are moving forward. The land has water at the property and a permit was filed with Edison.
He has lined up horses and saddles. Phase one is less horses but he promises summer 2025 more horses will
optimize the operation. He is looking forward to bringing back something special to the island.
Bombard said Catalina Express extended the Spring Schedule. The Summer Schedule was released and she urged
people to book early for travel as reservations were being booked as the schedule was being uploaded. Cassidy
asked if Catalina Express would consider updating their travel time. She checked in cranky hotel guests, upset
the trip is not one hour as advertised. Cassidy added, the trip has not been one hour for quite some time.
Bombard explained they are softening the timing to say approximately one hour or one hour 10-15. It was
agreed that passengers do not take into consideration the time it takes to disembark.
Maistros reported the COAST transit has been running for 10 days. City of Avalon is happy with the Ride Circuit
partnership. He mentioned the ability to contract with hotels for special events or ongoing offers to their guests.
Wheelchair-bound passengers are served by an ADA compliant vehicle. Cassidy reminded wrap advertising was
mentioned but she loves the Pier Green color chosen for the vehicles. Maistros said this summer there will be no
ads on the vehicles, they will remain as they are. He added the upcoming digital signboard program will have a
location near the mole and a TBD site near Via Casino arch. He stated selfies are taken of those interacting with
the signs and visitors can connect with COAST on the screen.
There being no further business to come before the Board, Chair Bombard adjourned the board meeting at 2:25pm.