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Part 3
Motor Vehicle Insurance
Superseded 1/1/2025
31A-22-301 Definitions.
As used in this part:
(1) "Motor vehicle" means the same as that term is defined in Section 41-6a-102.
(2) "Motor vehicle business" means a motor vehicle sales agency, repair shop, service station,
storage garage, or public parking place.
(3) "Motor vehicle liability policy" means a policy which satisfies the requirements of Sections
31A-22-303 and 31A-22-304.
(4) "Occupying" means being in or on a motor vehicle as a passenger or operator, or being
engaged in the immediate acts of entering, boarding, or alighting from a motor vehicle.
(5) "Operator" means the same as that term is defined in Subsection 41-12a-103(7).
(6) "Owner" means the same as that term is defined in Subsection 41-12a-103(8).
(7) "Pedestrian" means any natural person not occupying a motor vehicle.
Amended by Chapter 245, 2021 General Session
Effective 1/1/2025
31A-22-301 Definitions.
As used in this part:
(a) "Motor vehicle" means the same as that term is defined in Section 41-6a-102.
(b) For purposes of this chapter, "motor vehicle" includes a street-legal all-terrain vehicle.
(2) "Motor vehicle business" means a motor vehicle sales agency, repair shop, service station,
storage garage, or public parking place.
(3) "Motor vehicle liability policy" means a policy which satisfies the requirements of Sections
31A-22-303 and 31A-22-304.
(4) "Motorboat" means the same as that term is defined in Section 73-18c-102.
(5) "Occupying" means being in or on a motor vehicle as a passenger or operator, or being
engaged in the immediate acts of entering, boarding, or alighting from a motor vehicle.
(6) "Operator" means the same as that term is defined in Subsection 41-12a-103(7).
(7) "Owner" means the same as that term is defined in Subsection 41-12a-103(8).
(8) "Pedestrian" means any natural person not occupying a motor vehicle.
(9) "Street-legal all-terrain vehicle" means the same as that term is defined in Section 41-6a-102.
Amended by Chapter 236, 2024 General Session
31A-22-302 Required components of motor vehicle insurance policies -- Exceptions.
(1) Every policy of insurance or combination of policies purchased to satisfy the owner's or
operator's security requirement of Section 41-12a-301 shall include:
(a) motor vehicle liability coverage under Sections 31A-22-303 and 31A-22-304;
(b) uninsured motorist coverage under Section 31A-22-305, unless affirmatively waived under
Subsection 31A-22-305(5);
(c) underinsured motorist coverage under Section 31A-22-305.3, unless affirmatively waived
under Subsection 31A-22-305.3(3); and
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(d) except as provided in Subsection (2) and subject to Subsection (4), personal injury protection
under Sections 31A-22-306 through 31A-22-309.
(2) A policy of insurance or combination of policies, purchased to satisfy the owner's or operator's
security requirement of Section 41-12a-301 for a motorcycle, off-highway vehicle, street-legal
all-terrain vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer is not required to have personal injury protection under
Sections 31A-22-306 through 31A-22-309.
(3) A card issued by an insurance company as evidence of owner's or operator's security under
Section 41-12a-303.2 on or after July 1, 2014, may not display the owner's or operator's
address on the card.
(a) First party medical coverages may be offered or included in policies issued to motorcycle, off-
highway vehicle, street-legal all-terrain vehicle, trailer, and semitrailer owners or operators.
(b) Owners and operators of motorcycles, off-highway vehicles, street-legal all-terrain vehicles,
trailers, and semitrailers are not covered by personal injury protection coverages in
connection with injuries incurred while operating any of these vehicles.
(5) First party medical coverage expenses shall be governed by the relative value study provisions
under Subsections 31A-22-307(2) and (3).
Amended by Chapter 91, 2013 General Session
31A-22-302.5 Named driver exclusions.
(1) A policy of personal lines insurance or combination of personal lines policies purchased
to satisfy the owner's or operator's security requirement under Section 41-12a-301 may
specifically exclude from coverage:
(a) a person who is a resident of the named insured's household, including a person who usually
makes the person's home in the same household but temporarily lives elsewhere; or
(b) a person who usually or customarily operates the motor vehicle.
(2) The named driver exclusion under Subsection (1) is effective only if:
(a) at the time of the proposed exclusion, each person excluded from coverage satisfies the
owner's or operator's security requirement under Section 41-12a-301, independently of the
named insured's proof of owner's or operator's security;
(b) any named insured and the person excluded from coverage each provide written consent to
the exclusion; and
(c) the insurer includes the name of each person excluded from coverage in the evidence of
insurance provided to an additional insured or loss payee.
(3) The provisions of Subsection (2)(a) do not apply to the named driver exclusion of the person
excluded from coverage if the person's driver license has been denied, suspended, or revoked.
(4) The named driver exclusion shall remain effective until removed by the insurer.
(5) If the driver license of a person excluded from coverage under Subsection (1) has been denied,
suspended, revoked, or disqualified and the person excluded from coverage subsequently
operates a motor vehicle, the exclusion shall:
(a) exclude all liability coverage and all physical damage coverage without regard to the
comparative fault of the excluded driver;
(b) proportionately reduce any benefits otherwise payable to the person excluded from
coverage and to any named insured for benefits payable under uninsured motorist coverage,
underinsured motorist coverage, personal injury protection coverage, and first party medical
coverage to the extent the person excluded from coverage was comparatively at fault; and
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(c) if the person excluded from coverage is 50% or more at fault in causing the accident, bar both
the excluded driver and any named insured from recovering any benefits under any coverage
listed under Subsection (5)(b).
(6) The named driver exclusion under Subsection (1) does not apply when the person excluded
from coverage is:
(a) a non-driving passenger in a motor vehicle; or
(b) a pedestrian.
Amended by Chapter 425, 2011 General Session
31A-22-303 Motor vehicle liability coverage.
(a) In addition to complying with the requirements of Chapter 21, Insurance Contracts in General,
and Part 2, Liability Insurance in General, a policy of motor vehicle liability coverage under
Subsection 31A-22-302(1)(a) shall:
(i) name the motor vehicle owner or operator in whose name the policy was purchased, state
that named insured's address, the coverage afforded, the premium charged, the policy
period, and the limits of liability;
(A) if it is an owner's policy, designate by appropriate reference all the motor vehicles on
which coverage is granted, insure the person named in the policy, insure any other person
using any named motor vehicle with the express or implied permission of the named
insured, and, except as provided in Section 31A-22-302.5, insure any person included in
Subsection (1)(a)(iii) against loss from the liability imposed by law for damages arising out
of the ownership, maintenance, or use of these motor vehicles within the United States
and Canada, subject to limits exclusive of interest and costs, for each motor vehicle, in
amounts not less than the minimum limits specified under Section 31A-22-304; or
(B) if it is an operator's policy, insure the person named as insured against loss from the
liability imposed upon him by law for damages arising out of the insured's use of any motor
vehicle not owned by him, within the same territorial limits and with the same limits of
liability as in an owner's policy under Subsection (1)(a)(ii)(A);
(iii) except as provided in Section 31A-22-302.5, insure persons related to the named insured
by blood, marriage, adoption, or guardianship who are residents of the named insured's
household, including those who usually make their home in the same household but
temporarily live elsewhere, to the same extent as the named insured;
(iv) where a claim is brought by the named insured or a person described in Subsection (1)(a)
(iii), the available coverage of the policy may not be reduced or stepped-down because:
(A) a permissive user driving a covered motor vehicle is at fault in causing an accident; or
(B) the named insured or any of the persons described in Subsection (1)(a)(iii) driving a
covered motor vehicle is at fault in causing an accident; and
(v) cover damages or injury resulting from a covered driver of a motor vehicle who is stricken
by an unforeseeable paralysis, seizure, or other unconscious condition and who is not
reasonably aware that paralysis, seizure, or other unconscious condition is about to occur to
the extent that a person of ordinary prudence would not attempt to continue driving.
(b) The driver's liability under Subsection (1)(a)(v) is limited to the insurance coverage.
(i) "Guardianship" under Subsection (1)(a)(iii) includes the relationship between a foster parent
and a minor who is in the legal custody of the Division of Child and Family Services if:
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(A) the minor resides in a foster home, as defined in Section 62A-2-101, with a foster parent
who is the named insured; and
(B) the foster parent has signed to be jointly and severally liable for compensatory damages
caused by the minor's operation of a motor vehicle in accordance with Section 53-3-211.
(ii) "Guardianship" as defined under this Subsection (1)(c) ceases to exist when a minor
described in Subsection (1)(c)(i)(A) is no longer a resident of the named insured's
(a) A policy containing motor vehicle liability coverage under Subsection 31A-22-302(1)(a) may:
(i) provide for the prorating of the insurance under that policy with other valid and collectible
(ii) grant any lawful coverage in addition to the required motor vehicle liability coverage;
(iii) if the policy is issued to a person other than a motor vehicle business, limit the coverage
afforded to a motor vehicle business or its officers, agents, or employees to the minimum
limits under Section 31A-22-304, and to those instances when there is no other valid and
collectible insurance with at least those limits, whether the other insurance is primary,
excess, or contingent; and
(iv) if issued to a motor vehicle business, restrict coverage afforded to anyone other than the
motor vehicle business or its officers, agents, or employees to the minimum limits under
Section 31A-22-304, and to those instances when there is no other valid and collectible
insurance with at least those limits, whether the other insurance is primary, excess, or
(i) The liability insurance coverage of a permissive user of a motor vehicle owned by a motor
vehicle business shall be primary coverage.
(ii) The liability insurance coverage of a motor vehicle business shall be secondary to the
liability insurance coverage of a permissive user as specified under Subsection (2)(b)(i).
(3) Motor vehicle liability coverage need not insure any liability:
(a) under any workers' compensation law under Title 34A, Utah Labor Code;
(b) resulting from bodily injury to or death of an employee of the named insured, other than a
domestic employee, while engaged in the employment of the insured, or while engaged in the
operation, maintenance, or repair of a designated vehicle; or
(c) resulting from damage to property owned by, rented to, bailed to, or transported by the
(4) An insurance carrier providing motor vehicle liability coverage has the right to settle any claim
covered by the policy, and if the settlement is made in good faith, the amount of the settlement
is deductible from the limits of liability specified under Section 31A-22-304.
(5) A policy containing motor vehicle liability coverage imposes on the insurer the duty to defend,
in good faith, any person insured under the policy against any claim or suit seeking damages
which would be payable under the policy.
(a) If a policy containing motor vehicle liability coverage provides an insurer with the defense
of lack of cooperation on the part of the insured, that defense is not effective against a third
person making a claim against the insurer, unless there was collusion between the third
person and the insured.
(b) If the defense of lack of cooperation is not effective against the claimant, after payment, the
insurer is subrogated to the injured person's claim against the insured to the extent of the
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payment and is entitled to reimbursement by the insured after the injured third person has
been made whole with respect to the claim against the insured.
(a) A policy of motor vehicle coverage may limit coverage to the policy minimum limits under
Section 31A-22-304 if the policy or a specifically reduced premium was extended to the
insured upon express written declaration executed by the insured that the insured motor
vehicle would not be operated by a person described in Subsection (7)(c) operating in a
manner described in Subsection (7)(b)(i).
(i) A policy of motor vehicle liability coverage may limit coverage as described in Subsection (7)
(a) if the insured motor vehicle is operated by an individual described in Subsection (7)(c) if
the individual described in Subsection (7)(c) is guilty of:
(A) driving under the influence as described in Section 41-6a-502;
(B) impaired driving as described in Section 41-6a-502.5; or
(C) operating a vehicle with a measurable controlled substance in the individual's body as
described in Section 41-6a-517.
(ii) An individual's refusal to submit to a chemical test as described in Sections 41-6a-520 and
41-6a-520.1 is admissible evidence, but not conclusive, that the individual is guilty of an
offense described in Subsection (7)(b)(i).
(c) A reduction in coverage as described in Subsection (7)(a) applies to the following individuals:
(i) the insured;
(ii) the spouse of the insured; or
(iii) if the individual has a separate policy as a secondary source of coverage, and:
(A) the individual is over the age of 21 and resides in the household of the insured; or
(B) the individual is a permissible user of the motor vehicle.
(d) A reduction in coverage as described in Subsection (7)(a) does not apply to an individual
under the age of 21 who is a relative of the insured and a resident of the insured's household.
(a) When a claim is brought exclusively by a named insured or a person described in Subsection
(1)(a)(iii) and asserted exclusively against a named insured or an individual described in
Subsection (1)(a)(iii), the claimant may elect to resolve the claim:
(i) by submitting the claim to binding arbitration; or
(ii) through litigation.
(b) Once the claimant has elected to commence litigation under Subsection (8)(a)(ii), the claimant
may not elect to resolve the claim through binding arbitration under this section without the
written consent of both parties and the defendant's liability insurer.
(i) Unless otherwise agreed on in writing by the parties, a claim that is submitted to binding
arbitration under Subsection (8)(a)(i) shall be resolved by a panel of three arbitrators.
(ii) Unless otherwise agreed on in writing by the parties, each party shall select an arbitrator.
The arbitrators selected by the parties shall select a third arbitrator.
(d) Unless otherwise agreed on in writing by the parties, each party will pay the fees and costs of
the arbitrator that party selects. Both parties shall share equally the fees and costs of the third
(e) Except as otherwise provided in this section, an arbitration procedure conducted under this
section shall be governed by Title 78B, Chapter 11, Utah Uniform Arbitration Act, unless
otherwise agreed on in writing by the parties.
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(i) Discovery shall be conducted in accordance with Rules 26b through 36, Utah Rules of Civil
(ii) All issues of discovery shall be resolved by the arbitration panel.
(g) A written decision of two of the three arbitrators shall constitute a final decision of the
arbitration panel.
(h) Prior to the rendering of the arbitration award:
(i) the existence of a liability insurance policy may be disclosed to the arbitration panel; and
(ii) the amount of all applicable liability insurance policy limits may not be disclosed to the
arbitration panel.
(i) The amount of the arbitration award may not exceed the liability limits of all the defendant's
applicable liability insurance policies, including applicable liability umbrella policies. If the
initial arbitration award exceeds the liability limits of all applicable liability insurance policies,
the arbitration award shall be reduced to an amount equal to the liability limits of all applicable
liability insurance policies.
(j) The arbitration award is the final resolution of all claims between the parties unless the award
was procured by corruption, fraud, or other undue means.
(k) If the arbitration panel finds that the action was not brought, pursued, or defended in good
faith, the arbitration panel may award reasonable fees and costs against the party that failed
to bring, pursue, or defend the claim in good faith.
(l) Nothing in this section is intended to limit any claim under any other portion of an applicable
insurance policy.
(9) An at-fault driver or an insurer issuing a policy of insurance under this part that is covering an
at-fault driver may not reduce compensation to an injured party based on the injured party not
being covered by a policy of insurance that provides personal injury protection coverage under
Sections 31A-22-306 through 31A-22-309.
Amended by Chapter 415, 2023 General Session
31A-22-304 Motor vehicle liability policy minimum limits.
(1) A policy issued or renewed on or before December 31, 2024, containing motor vehicle liability
coverage may not limit the insurer's liability under that coverage below the following:
(i) $25,000 because of liability for bodily injury to or death of one person, arising out of the use
of a motor vehicle in any one accident;
(ii) subject to the limit for one person in Subsection (1)(a)(i), in the amount of $65,000 because
of liability for bodily injury to or death of two or more persons arising out of the use of a
motor vehicle in any one accident; and
(iii) in the amount of $15,000 because of liability for injury to, or destruction of, property of
others arising out of the use of a motor vehicle in any one accident; or
(b) $80,000 in any one accident whether arising from bodily injury to or the death of others, or
from destruction of, or damage to, the property of others.
(2) Subject to Subsection (3), a policy issued or renewed on or after January 1, 2025, containing
motor vehicle liability coverage may not limit the insurer's liability under that coverage below the
(i) $30,000 because of liability for bodily injury to or death of one person, arising out of the use
of a motor vehicle in any one accident;
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(ii) subject to the limit for one person in Subsection (2)(a)(i), in the amount of $65,000 because
of liability for bodily injury to or death of two or more persons arising out of the use of a
motor vehicle in any one accident; and
(iii) in the amount of $25,000 because of liability for injury to, or destruction of, property of
others arising out of the use of a motor vehicle in any one accident; or
(b) $90,000 in any one accident whether arising from bodily injury to or the death of others, or
from destruction of, or damage to, the property of others.
(3) Notwithstanding Subsection (2), for a policy for a self-insured, private rental fleet, the policy
containing motor vehicle liability coverage may not limit the insurer's liability under that
coverage below the following:
(i) $25,000 because of liability for bodily injury to or death of one person, arising out of the use
of a motor vehicle in any one accident;
(ii) subject to the limit for one person in Subsection (3)(a)(i), in the amount of $65,000 because
of liability for bodily injury to or death of two or more persons arising out of the use of a
motor vehicle in any one accident; and
(iii) in the amount of $15,000 because of liability for injury to, or destruction of, property of
others arising out of the use of a motor vehicle in any one accident; or
(b) $80,000 in any one accident whether arising from bodily injury to or the death of others, or
from destruction of, or damage to, the property of others.
Amended by Chapter 51, 2023 General Session
31A-22-305 Uninsured motorist coverage.
(1) As used in this section, "covered persons" includes:
(a) the named insured;
(b) for a claim arising on or after May 13, 2014, the named insured's dependent minor children;
(c) persons related to the named insured by blood, marriage, adoption, or guardianship, who are
residents of the named insured's household, including those who usually make their home in
the same household but temporarily live elsewhere;
(d) any person occupying or using a motor vehicle:
(i) referred to in the policy; or
(ii) owned by a self-insured; and
(e) any person who is entitled to recover damages against the owner or operator of the
uninsured or underinsured motor vehicle because of bodily injury to or death of persons under
Subsection (1)(a), (b), (c), or (d).
(2) As used in this section, "uninsured motor vehicle" includes:
(i) a motor vehicle, the operation, maintenance, or use of which is not covered under a liability
policy at the time of an injury-causing occurrence; or
(A) a motor vehicle covered with lower liability limits than required by Section 31A-22-304;
(B) the motor vehicle described in Subsection (2)(a)(ii)(A) is uninsured to the extent of the
(b) an unidentified motor vehicle that left the scene of an accident proximately caused by the
motor vehicle operator;
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(c) a motor vehicle covered by a liability policy, but coverage for an accident is disputed by the
liability insurer for more than 60 days or continues to be disputed for more than 60 days; or
(i) an insured motor vehicle if, before or after the accident, the liability insurer of the motor
vehicle is declared insolvent by a court of competent jurisdiction; and
(ii) the motor vehicle described in Subsection (2)(d)(i) is uninsured only to the extent that the
claim against the insolvent insurer is not paid by a guaranty association or fund.
(3) Uninsured motorist coverage under Subsection 31A-22-302(1)(b) provides coverage for
covered persons who are legally entitled to recover damages from owners or operators of
uninsured motor vehicles because of bodily injury, sickness, disease, or death.
(a) For new policies written on or after January 1, 2001, the limits of uninsured motorist coverage
shall be equal to the lesser of the limits of the named insured's motor vehicle liability coverage
or the maximum uninsured motorist coverage limits available by the insurer under the named
insured's motor vehicle policy, unless a named insured rejects or purchases coverage in a
lesser amount by signing an acknowledgment form that:
(i) is filed with the department;
(ii) is provided by the insurer;
(iii) waives the higher coverage;
(iv) need only state in this or similar language that uninsured motorist coverage provides
benefits or protection to you and other covered persons for bodily injury resulting from
an accident caused by the fault of another party where the other party has no liability
insurance; and
(v) discloses the additional premiums required to purchase uninsured motorist coverage with
limits equal to the lesser of the limits of the named insured's motor vehicle liability coverage
or the maximum uninsured motorist coverage limits available by the insurer under the
named insured's motor vehicle policy.
(b) Any selection or rejection under this Subsection (4) continues for that issuer of the liability
coverage until the insured requests, in writing, a change of uninsured motorist coverage from
that liability insurer.
(i) Subsections (4)(a) and (b) apply retroactively to any claim arising on or after January
1, 2001, for which, as of May 14, 2013, an insured has not made a written demand for
arbitration or filed a complaint in a court of competent jurisdiction.
(ii) The Legislature finds that the retroactive application of Subsections (4)(a) and (b) clarifies
legislative intent and does not enlarge, eliminate, or destroy vested rights.
(d) For purposes of this Subsection (4), "new policy" means:
(i) any policy that is issued which does not include a renewal or reinstatement of an existing
policy; or
(ii) a change to an existing policy that results in:
(A) a named insured being added to or deleted from the policy; or
(B) a change in the limits of the named insured's motor vehicle liability coverage.
(i) As used in this Subsection (4)(e), "additional motor vehicle" means a change that increases
the total number of vehicles insured by the policy, and does not include replacement,
substitute, or temporary vehicles.
(ii) The adding of an additional motor vehicle to an existing personal lines or commercial lines
policy does not constitute a new policy for purposes of Subsection (4)(d).
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(iii) If an additional motor vehicle is added to a personal lines policy where uninsured motorist
coverage has been rejected, or where uninsured motorist limits are lower than the named
insured's motor vehicle liability limits, the insurer shall provide a notice to a named insured
within 30 days that:
(A) in the same manner as described in Subsection (4)(a)(iv), explains the purpose of
uninsured motorist coverage; and
(B) encourages the named insured to contact the insurance company or insurance producer
for quotes as to the additional premiums required to purchase uninsured motorist
coverage with limits equal to the lesser of the limits of the named insured's motor vehicle
liability coverage or the maximum uninsured motorist coverage limits available by the
insurer under the named insured's motor vehicle policy.
(f) A change in policy number resulting from any policy change not identified under Subsection
(4)(d)(ii) does not constitute a new policy.
(i) Subsection (4)(d) applies retroactively to any claim arising on or after January 1, 2001, for
which, as of May 1, 2012, an insured has not made a written demand for arbitration or filed
a complaint in a court of competent jurisdiction.
(ii) The Legislature finds that the retroactive application of Subsection (4):
(A) does not enlarge, eliminate, or destroy vested rights; and
(B) clarifies legislative intent.
(h) A self-insured, including a governmental entity, may elect to provide uninsured motorist
coverage in an amount that is less than its maximum self-insured retention under Subsections
(4)(a) and (5)(a) by issuing a declaratory memorandum or policy statement from the chief
financial officer or chief risk officer that declares the:
(i) self-insured entity's coverage level; and
(ii) process for filing an uninsured motorist claim.
(i) Uninsured motorist coverage may not be sold with limits that are less than the minimum bodily
injury limits for motor vehicle liability policies under Section 31A-22-304.
(j) The acknowledgment under Subsection (4)(a) continues for that issuer of the uninsured
motorist coverage until the named insured requests, in writing, different uninsured motorist
coverage from the insurer.
(i) In conjunction with the first two renewal notices sent after January 1, 2001, for policies
existing on that date, the insurer shall disclose in the same medium as the premium renewal
notice, an explanation of:
(A) the purpose of uninsured motorist coverage in the same manner as described in
Subsection (4)(a)(iv); and
(B) a disclosure of the additional premiums required to purchase uninsured motorist coverage
with limits equal to the lesser of the limits of the named insured's motor vehicle liability
coverage or the maximum uninsured motorist coverage limits available by the insurer
under the named insured's motor vehicle policy.
(ii) The disclosure required under Subsection (4)(k)(i) shall be sent to all named insureds that
carry uninsured motorist coverage limits in an amount less than the named insured's motor
vehicle liability policy limits or the maximum uninsured motorist coverage limits available by
the insurer under the named insured's motor vehicle policy.
(l) For purposes of this Subsection (4), a notice or disclosure sent to a named insured in a
household constitutes notice or disclosure to all insureds within the household.
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(i) Except as provided in Subsection (5)(b), the named insured may reject uninsured motorist
coverage by an express writing to the insurer that provides liability coverage under
Subsection 31A-22-302(1)(a).
(ii) This rejection shall be on a form provided by the insurer that includes a reasonable
explanation of the purpose of uninsured motorist coverage.
(iii) This rejection continues for that issuer of the liability coverage until the insured in writing
requests uninsured motorist coverage from that liability insurer.
(i) All persons, including governmental entities, that are engaged in the business of, or that
accept payment for, transporting natural persons by motor vehicle, and all school districts
that provide transportation services for their students, shall provide coverage for all motor
vehicles used for that purpose, by purchase of a policy of insurance or by self-insurance,
uninsured motorist coverage of at least $25,000 per person and $500,000 per accident.
(ii) This coverage is secondary to any other insurance covering an injured covered person.
(c) Uninsured motorist coverage:
(i) in order to avoid double recovery, does not cover any benefit under Title 34A, Chapter
2, Workers' Compensation Act, or Title 34A, Chapter 3, Utah Occupational Disease
Act, provided by the workers' compensation insurance carrier, uninsured employer, the
Uninsured Employers' Fund created in Section 34A-2-704, or the Employers' Reinsurance
Fund created in Section 34A-2-702, except that:
(A) the covered person is credited an amount described in Subsection 34A-2-106(5); and
(B) the benefits described in this Subsection (5)(c)(i) do not need to be paid before an
uninsured motorist claim may be pursued and resolved;
(ii) may not be subrogated by the workers' compensation insurance carrier, uninsured
employer, the Uninsured Employers' Fund created in Section 34A-2-704, or the Employers'
Reinsurance Fund created in Section 34A-2-702;
(iii) may not be reduced by any benefits provided by the workers' compensation insurance
carrier, uninsured employer, the Uninsured Employers' Fund created in Section 34A-2-704,
or the Employers' Reinsurance Fund created in Section 34A-2-702;
(iv) notwithstanding Subsection 31A-1-103(3)(f), may be reduced by health insurance
subrogation only after the covered person has been made whole;
(v) may not be collected for bodily injury or death sustained by a person:
(A) while committing a violation of Section 41-1a-1314;
(B) who, as a passenger in a vehicle, has knowledge that the vehicle is being operated in
violation of Section 41-1a-1314; or
(C) while committing a felony; and
(vi) notwithstanding Subsection (5)(c)(v), may be recovered:
(A) for a person under 18 years old who is injured within the scope of Subsection (5)(c)(v) but
limited to medical and funeral expenses; or
(B) by a law enforcement officer as defined in Section 53-13-103, who is injured within the
course and scope of the law enforcement officer's duties.
(d) As used in this Subsection (5), "motor vehicle" means the same as that term is defined in
Section 41-1a-102.
(6) When a covered person alleges that an uninsured motor vehicle under Subsection (2)(b)
proximately caused an accident without touching the covered person or the motor vehicle
occupied by the covered person, the covered person shall show the existence of the uninsured
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motor vehicle by clear and convincing evidence consisting of more than the covered person's
(a) The limit of liability for uninsured motorist coverage for two or more motor vehicles may not be
added together, combined, or stacked to determine the limit of insurance coverage available
to an injured person for any one accident.
(i) Subsection (7)(a) applies to all persons except a covered person as defined under
Subsection (8)(b).
(ii) A covered person as defined under Subsection (8)(b)(ii) is entitled to the highest limits of
uninsured motorist coverage afforded for any one motor vehicle that the covered person is
the named insured or an insured family member.
(iii) This coverage shall be in addition to the coverage on the motor vehicle the covered person
is occupying.
(iv) Neither the primary nor the secondary coverage may be set off against the other.
(c) Coverage on a motor vehicle occupied at the time of an accident shall be primary coverage,
and the coverage elected by a person described under Subsections (1)(a) through (c) shall be
secondary coverage.
(a) Uninsured motorist coverage under this section applies to bodily injury, sickness, disease,
or death of covered persons while occupying or using a motor vehicle only if the motor
vehicle is described in the policy under which a claim is made, or if the motor vehicle is a
newly acquired or replacement motor vehicle covered under the terms of the policy. Except
as provided in Subsection (7) or this Subsection (8), a covered person injured in a motor
vehicle described in a policy that includes uninsured motorist benefits may not elect to collect
uninsured motorist coverage benefits from any other motor vehicle insurance policy under
which the person is a covered person.
(b) Each of the following persons may also recover uninsured motorist benefits under any one
other policy in which they are described as a "covered person" as defined in Subsection (1):
(i) a covered person injured as a pedestrian by an uninsured motor vehicle; and
(ii) except as provided in Subsection (8)(c), a covered person injured while occupying or using a
motor vehicle that is not owned, leased, or furnished:
(A) to the covered person;
(B) to the covered person's spouse; or
(C) to the covered person's resident parent or resident sibling.
(i) A covered person may recover benefits from no more than two additional policies, one
additional policy from each parent's household if the covered person is:
(A) a dependent minor of parents who reside in separate households; and
(B) injured while occupying or using a motor vehicle that is not owned, leased, or furnished:
(I) to the covered person;
(II) to the covered person's resident parent; or
(III) to the covered person's resident sibling.
(ii) Each parent's policy under this Subsection (8)(c) is liable only for the percentage of the
damages that the limit of liability of each parent's policy of uninsured motorist coverage
bears to the total of both parents' uninsured coverage applicable to the accident.
(d) A covered person's recovery under any available policies may not exceed the full amount of
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(e) A covered person in Subsection (8)(b) is not barred against making subsequent elections if
recovery is unavailable under previous elections.
(i) As used in this section, "interpolicy stacking" means recovering benefits for a single incident
of loss under more than one insurance policy.
(ii) Except to the extent permitted by Subsection (7) and this Subsection (8), interpolicy stacking
is prohibited for uninsured motorist coverage.
(a) When a claim is brought by a named insured or a person described in Subsection (1) and is
asserted against the covered person's uninsured motorist carrier, the claimant may elect to
resolve the claim:
(i) by submitting the claim to binding arbitration; or
(ii) through litigation.
(b) Unless otherwise provided in the policy under which uninsured benefits are claimed, the
election provided in Subsection (9)(a) is available to the claimant only, except that if the policy
under which insured benefits are claimed provides that either an insured or the insurer may
elect arbitration, the insured or the insurer may elect arbitration and that election to arbitrate
shall stay the litigation of the claim under Subsection (9)(a)(ii).
(c) Once the claimant has elected to commence litigation under Subsection (9)(a)(ii), the claimant
may not elect to resolve the claim through binding arbitration under this section without the
written consent of the uninsured motorist carrier.
(d) For purposes of the statute of limitations applicable to a claim described in Subsection (9)(a),
if the claimant does not elect to resolve the claim through litigation, the claim is considered
filed when the claimant submits the claim to binding arbitration in accordance with this
Subsection (9).
(i) Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the parties, a claim that is submitted to binding
arbitration under Subsection (9)(a)(i) shall be resolved by a single arbitrator.
(ii) All parties shall agree on the single arbitrator selected under Subsection (9)(e)(i).
(iii) If the parties are unable to agree on a single arbitrator as required under Subsection (9)(e)
(ii), the parties shall select a panel of three arbitrators.
(f) If the parties select a panel of three arbitrators under Subsection (9)(e)(iii):
(i) each side shall select one arbitrator; and
(ii) the arbitrators appointed under Subsection (9)(f)(i) shall select one additional arbitrator to be
included in the panel.
(g) Unless otherwise agreed to in writing:
(i) each party shall pay an equal share of the fees and costs of the arbitrator selected under
Subsection (9)(e)(i); or
(ii) if an arbitration panel is selected under Subsection (9)(e)(iii):
(A) each party shall pay the fees and costs of the arbitrator selected by that party; and
(B) each party shall pay an equal share of the fees and costs of the arbitrator selected under
Subsection (9)(f)(ii).
(h) Except as otherwise provided in this section or unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the
parties, an arbitration proceeding conducted under this section shall be governed by Title
78B, Chapter 11, Utah Uniform Arbitration Act.
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(i) The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with Rules 26(a)(4) through (f), 27 through
37, 54, and 68 of the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure, once the requirements of Subsections
(10)(a) through (c) are satisfied.
(ii) The specified tier as defined by Rule 26(c)(3) of the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure shall be
determined based on the claimant's specific monetary amount in the written demand for
payment of uninsured motorist coverage benefits as required in Subsection (10)(a)(i)(A).
(iii) Rules 26.1 and 26.2 of the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure do not apply to arbitration claims
under this part.
(j) All issues of discovery shall be resolved by the arbitrator or the arbitration panel.
(k) A written decision by a single arbitrator or by a majority of the arbitration panel shall constitute
a final decision.
(i) Except as provided in Subsection (10), the amount of an arbitration award may not exceed
the uninsured motorist policy limits of all applicable uninsured motorist policies, including
applicable uninsured motorist umbrella policies.
(ii) If the initial arbitration award exceeds the uninsured motorist policy limits of all applicable
uninsured motorist policies, the arbitration award shall be reduced to an amount equal to the
combined uninsured motorist policy limits of all applicable uninsured motorist policies.
(m) The arbitrator or arbitration panel may not decide the issues of coverage or extra-contractual
damages, including:
(i) whether the claimant is a covered person;
(ii) whether the policy extends coverage to the loss; or
(iii) any allegations or claims asserting consequential damages or bad faith liability.
(n) The arbitrator or arbitration panel may not conduct arbitration on a class-wide or class-
representative basis.
(o) If the arbitrator or arbitration panel finds that the action was not brought, pursued, or defended
in good faith, the arbitrator or arbitration panel may award reasonable attorney fees and costs
against the party that failed to bring, pursue, or defend the claim in good faith.
(p) An arbitration award issued under this section shall be the final resolution of all claims not
excluded by Subsection (9)(m) between the parties unless:
(i) the award was procured by corruption, fraud, or other undue means; and
(ii) within 20 days after service of the arbitration award, a party:
(A) files a complaint requesting a trial de novo in a court with jurisdiction under Title 78A,
Judiciary and Judicial Administration; and
(B) serves the nonmoving party with a copy of the complaint requesting a trial de novo under
Subsection (9)(p)(ii)(A).
(i) Upon filing a complaint for a trial de novo under Subsection (9)(p), the claim shall proceed
through litigation in accordance with the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure and Utah Rules of
(ii) In accordance with Rule 38, Utah Rules of Civil Procedure, a party may request a jury trial
with a complaint requesting a trial de novo under Subsection (9)(p)(ii)(A).
(i) If the claimant, as the moving party in a trial de novo requested under Subsection (9)
(p), does not obtain a verdict that is at least $5,000 and is at least 20% greater than the
arbitration award, the claimant is responsible for all of the nonmoving party's costs.
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(ii) If the uninsured motorist carrier, as the moving party in a trial de novo requested under
Subsection (9)(p), does not obtain a verdict that is at least 20% less than the arbitration
award, the uninsured motorist carrier is responsible for all of the nonmoving party's costs.
(iii) Except as provided in Subsection (9)(r)(iv), the costs under this Subsection (9)(r) shall
(A) any costs set forth in Rule 54(d), Utah Rules of Civil Procedure; and
(B) the costs of expert witnesses and depositions.
(iv) An award of costs under this Subsection (9)(r) may not exceed $2,500 unless Subsection
(10)(h)(iii) applies.
(s) For purposes of determining whether a party's verdict is greater or less than the arbitration
award under Subsection (9)(r), a court may not consider any recovery or other relief granted
on a claim for damages if the claim for damages:
(i) was not fully disclosed in writing prior to the arbitration proceeding; or
(ii) was not disclosed in response to discovery contrary to the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure.
(t) If a court determines, upon a motion of the nonmoving party, that the moving party's use of the
trial de novo process was filed in bad faith in accordance with Section 78B-5-825, the court
may award reasonable attorney fees to the nonmoving party.
(u) Nothing in this section is intended to limit any claim under any other portion of an applicable
insurance policy.
(v) If there are multiple uninsured motorist policies, as set forth in Subsection (8), the claimant
may elect to arbitrate in one hearing the claims against all the uninsured motorist carriers.
(a) Within 30 days after a covered person elects to submit a claim for uninsured motorist benefits
to binding arbitration or files litigation, the covered person shall provide to the uninsured
motorist carrier:
(i) a written demand for payment of uninsured motorist coverage benefits, setting forth:
(A) subject to Subsection (10)(l), the specific monetary amount of the demand, including a
computation of the covered person's claimed past medical expenses, claimed past lost
wages, and the other claimed past economic damages; and
(B) the factual and legal basis and any supporting documentation for the demand;
(ii) a written statement under oath disclosing:
(I) the names and last known addresses of all health care providers who have rendered
health care services to the covered person that are material to the claims for which
uninsured motorist benefits are sought for a period of five years preceding the date
of the event giving rise to the claim for uninsured motorist benefits up to the time the
election for arbitration or litigation has been exercised; and
(II) the names and last known addresses of the health care providers who have rendered
health care services to the covered person, which the covered person claims are
immaterial to the claims for which uninsured motorist benefits are sought, for a period of
five years preceding the date of the event giving rise to the claim for uninsured motorist
benefits up to the time the election for arbitration or litigation has been exercised that
have not been disclosed under Subsection (10)(a)(ii)(A)(I);
(I) the names and last known addresses of all health insurers or other entities to whom the
covered person has submitted claims for health care services or benefits material to
the claims for which uninsured motorist benefits are sought, for a period of five years
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preceding the date of the event giving rise to the claim for uninsured motorist benefits up
to the time the election for arbitration or litigation has been exercised; and
(II) the names and last known addresses of the health insurers or other entities to whom
the covered person has submitted claims for health care services or benefits, which the
covered person claims are immaterial to the claims for which uninsured motorist benefits
are sought, for a period of five years preceding the date of the event giving rise to the
claim for uninsured motorist benefits up to the time the election for arbitration or litigation
have not been disclosed;
(C) if lost wages, diminished earning capacity, or similar damages are claimed, all employers
of the covered person for a period of five years preceding the date of the event giving rise
to the claim for uninsured motorist benefits up to the time the election for arbitration or
litigation has been exercised;
(D) other documents to reasonably support the claims being asserted; and
(E) all state and federal statutory lienholders including a statement as to whether the covered
person is a recipient of Medicare or Medicaid benefits or Utah Children's Health Insurance
Program benefits under Title 26B, Chapter 3, Part 9, Utah Children's Health Insurance
Program, or if the claim is subject to any other state or federal statutory liens; and
(iii) signed authorizations to allow the uninsured motorist carrier to only obtain records and
billings from the individuals or entities disclosed under Subsections (10)(a)(ii)(A)(I), (B)(I),
and (C).
(i) If the uninsured motorist carrier determines that the disclosure of undisclosed health care
providers or health care insurers under Subsection (10)(a)(ii) is reasonably necessary, the
uninsured motorist carrier may:
(A) make a request for the disclosure of the identity of the health care providers or health care
insurers; and
(B) make a request for authorizations to allow the uninsured motorist carrier to only obtain
records and billings from the individuals or entities not disclosed.
(ii) If the covered person does not provide the requested information within 10 days:
(A) the covered person shall disclose, in writing, the legal or factual basis for the failure to
disclose the health care providers or health care insurers; and
(B) either the covered person or the uninsured motorist carrier may request the arbitrator or
arbitration panel to resolve the issue of whether the identities or records are to be provided
if the covered person has elected arbitration.
(iii) The time periods imposed by Subsection (10)(c)(i) are tolled pending resolution of the
dispute concerning the disclosure and production of records of the health care providers or
health care insurers.
(i) An uninsured motorist carrier that receives an election for arbitration or a notice of filing
litigation and the demand for payment of uninsured motorist benefits under Subsection (10)
(a)(i) shall have a reasonable time, not to exceed 60 days from the date of the demand and
receipt of the items specified in Subsections (10)(a)(i) through (iii), to:
(A) provide a written response to the written demand for payment provided for in Subsection
(B) except as provided in Subsection (10)(c)(i)(C), tender the amount, if any, of the uninsured
motorist carrier's determination of the amount owed to the covered person; and
(C) if the covered person is a recipient of Medicare or Medicaid benefits or Utah Children's
Health Insurance Program benefits under Title 26B, Chapter 3, Part 9, Utah Children's
Utah Code
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Health Insurance Program, or if the claim is subject to any other state or federal statutory
liens, tender the amount, if any, of the uninsured motorist carrier's determination of the
amount owed to the covered person less:
(I) if the amount of the state or federal statutory lien is established, the amount of the lien; or
(II) if the amount of the state or federal statutory lien is not established, two times the
amount of the medical expenses subject to the state or federal statutory lien until such
time as the amount of the state or federal statutory lien is established.
(ii) If the amount tendered by the uninsured motorist carrier under Subsection (10)(c)(i) is the
total amount of the uninsured motorist policy limits, the tendered amount shall be accepted
by the covered person.
(d) A covered person who receives a written response from an uninsured motorist carrier as
provided for in Subsection (10)(c)(i), may:
(i) elect to accept the amount tendered in Subsection (10)(c)(i) as payment in full of all
uninsured motorist claims; or
(ii) elect to:
(A) accept the amount tendered in Subsection (10)(c)(i) as partial payment of all uninsured
motorist claims; and
(B) continue to litigate or arbitrate the remaining claim in accordance with the election made
under Subsections (9)(a) through (c).
(e) If a covered person elects to accept the amount tendered under Subsection (10)(c)(i) as
partial payment of all uninsured motorist claims, the final award obtained through arbitration,
litigation, or later settlement shall be reduced by any payment made by the uninsured motorist
carrier under Subsection (10)(c)(i).
(f) In an arbitration proceeding on the remaining uninsured claims:
(i) the parties may not disclose to the arbitrator or arbitration panel the amount paid under
Subsection (10)(c)(i) until after the arbitration award has been rendered; and
(ii) the parties may not disclose the amount of the limits of uninsured motorist benefits provided
by the policy.
(g) If the final award obtained through arbitration or litigation is greater than the average of the
covered person's initial written demand for payment provided for in Subsection (10)(a)(i) and
the uninsured motorist carrier's initial written response provided for in Subsection (10)(c)(i),
the uninsured motorist carrier shall pay:
(i) the final award obtained through arbitration or litigation, except that if the award exceeds the
policy limits of the subject uninsured motorist policy by more than $15,000, the amount shall
be reduced to an amount equal to the policy limits plus $15,000; and
(ii) any of the following applicable costs:
(A) any costs as set forth in Rule 54(d), Utah Rules of Civil Procedure;
(B) the arbitrator or arbitration panel's fee; and
(C) the reasonable costs of expert witnesses and depositions used in the presentation of
evidence during arbitration or litigation.
(i) The covered person shall provide an affidavit of costs within five days of an arbitration
(A) Objection to the affidavit of costs shall specify with particularity the costs to which the
uninsured motorist carrier objects.
(B) The objection shall be resolved by the arbitrator or arbitration panel.
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(iii) The award of costs by the arbitrator or arbitration panel under Subsection (10)(g)(ii) may not
exceed $5,000.
(i) A covered person shall disclose all material information, other than rebuttal evidence, within
30 days after a covered person elects to submit a claim for uninsured motorist coverage
benefits to binding arbitration or files litigation as specified in Subsection (10)(a).
(ii) If the information under Subsection (10)(i)(i) is not disclosed, the covered person may not
recover costs or any amounts in excess of the policy under Subsection (10)(g).
(j) This Subsection (10) does not limit any other cause of action that arose or may arise against
the uninsured motorist carrier from the same dispute.
(k) The provisions of this Subsection (10) only apply to motor vehicle accidents that occur on or
after March 30, 2010.
(A) The written demand requirement in Subsection (10)(a)(i)(A) does not affect the covered
person's requirement to provide a computation of any other economic damages claimed,
and the one or more respondents shall have a reasonable time after the receipt of the
computation of any other economic damages claimed to conduct fact and expert discovery
as to any additional damages claimed.
(B) The changes made by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter 290, Section 10, and
Chapter 300, Section 10, to this Subsection (10)(l) and Subsection (10)(a)(i)(A) apply to a
claim submitted to binding arbitration or through litigation on or after May 13, 2014.
(ii) The changes made by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter 290, Section 10, and Chapter
300, Section 10, to Subsections (10)(a)(ii)(A)(II) and (B)(II) apply to any claim submitted to
binding arbitration or through litigation on or after May 13, 2014.
(a) A person shall commence an action on a written policy or contract for uninsured motorist
coverage within four years after the inception of loss.
(b) Subsection (11)(a) shall apply to all claims that have not been time barred by Subsection
31A-21-313(1)(a) as of May 14, 2019.
Amended by Chapter 158, 2024 General Session
31A-22-305.3 Underinsured motorist coverage.
(1) As used in this section:
(a) "Covered person" means the same as that term is defined in Section 31A-22-305.
(i) "Underinsured motor vehicle" includes a motor vehicle, the operation, maintenance, or use
of which is covered under a liability policy at the time of an injury-causing occurrence, but
which has insufficient liability coverage to compensate fully the injured party for all special
and general damages.
(ii) The term "underinsured motor vehicle" does not include:
(A) a motor vehicle that is covered under the liability coverage of the same policy that also
contains the underinsured motorist coverage;
(B) an uninsured motor vehicle as defined in Subsection 31A-22-305(2); or
(C) a motor vehicle owned or leased by:
(I) a named insured;
(II) a named insured's spouse; or
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(III) a dependent of a named insured.
(a) Underinsured motorist coverage under Subsection 31A-22-302(1)(c) provides coverage for a
covered person who is legally entitled to recover damages from an owner or operator of an
underinsured motor vehicle because of bodily injury, sickness, disease, or death.
(b) A covered person occupying or using a motor vehicle owned, leased, or furnished to the
covered person, the covered person's spouse, or covered person's resident relative may
recover underinsured benefits only if the motor vehicle is:
(i) described in the policy under which a claim is made; or
(ii) a newly acquired or replacement motor vehicle covered under the terms of the policy.
(a) For purposes of this Subsection (3), "new policy" means:
(i) any policy that is issued that does not include a renewal or reinstatement of an existing
policy; or
(ii) a change to an existing policy that results in:
(A) a named insured being added to or deleted from the policy; or
(B) a change in the limits of the named insured's motor vehicle liability coverage.
(b) For new policies written on or after January 1, 2001, the limits of underinsured motorist
coverage shall be equal to the lesser of the limits of the named insured's motor vehicle liability
coverage or the maximum underinsured motorist coverage limits available by the insurer
under the named insured's motor vehicle policy, unless a named insured rejects or purchases
coverage in a lesser amount by signing an acknowledgment form that:
(i) is filed with the department;
(ii) is provided by the insurer;
(iii) waives the higher coverage;
(iv) need only state in this or similar language that "underinsured motorist coverage provides
benefits or protection to you and other covered persons for bodily injury resulting from an
accident caused by the fault of another party where the other party has insufficient liability
insurance"; and
(v) discloses the additional premiums required to purchase underinsured motorist coverage with
limits equal to the lesser of the limits of the named insured's motor vehicle liability coverage
or the maximum underinsured motorist coverage limits available by the insurer under the
named insured's motor vehicle policy.
(c) Any selection or rejection under Subsection (3)(b) continues for that issuer of the liability
coverage until the insured requests, in writing, a change of underinsured motorist coverage
from that liability insurer.
(i) Subsections (3)(b) and (c) apply retroactively to any claim arising on or after January
1, 2001, for which, as of May 14, 2013, an insured has not made a written demand for
arbitration or filed a complaint in a court of competent jurisdiction.
(ii) The Legislature finds that the retroactive application of Subsections (3)(b) and (c) clarifies
legislative intent and does not enlarge, eliminate, or destroy vested rights.
(i) As used in this Subsection (3)(e), "additional motor vehicle" means a change that increases
the total number of vehicles insured by the policy, and does not include replacement,
substitute, or temporary vehicles.
(ii) The adding of an additional motor vehicle to an existing personal lines or commercial lines
policy does not constitute a new policy for purposes of Subsection (3)(a).
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(iii) If an additional motor vehicle is added to a personal lines policy where underinsured
motorist coverage has been rejected, or where underinsured motorist limits are lower than
the named insured's motor vehicle liability limits, the insurer shall provide a notice to a
named insured within 30 days that:
(A) in the same manner described in Subsection (3)(b)(iv), explains the purpose of
underinsured motorist coverage; and
(B) encourages the named insured to contact the insurance company or insurance producer
for quotes as to the additional premiums required to purchase underinsured motorist
coverage with limits equal to the lesser of the limits of the named insured's motor vehicle
liability coverage or the maximum underinsured motorist coverage limits available by the
insurer under the named insured's motor vehicle policy.
(f) A change in policy number resulting from any policy change not identified under Subsection
(3)(a)(ii) does not constitute a new policy.
(i) Subsection (3)(a) applies retroactively to any claim arising on or after January 1, 2001 for
which, as of May 1, 2012, an insured has not made a written demand for arbitration or filed
a complaint in a court of competent jurisdiction.
(ii) The Legislature finds that the retroactive application of Subsection (3)(a):
(A) does not enlarge, eliminate, or destroy vested rights; and
(B) clarifies legislative intent.
(h) A self-insured, including a governmental entity, may elect to provide underinsured motorist
coverage in an amount that is less than its maximum self-insured retention under Subsections
(3)(b) and (l) by issuing a declaratory memorandum or policy statement from the chief
financial officer or chief risk officer that declares the:
(i) self-insured entity's coverage level; and
(ii) process for filing an underinsured motorist claim.
(i) Underinsured motorist coverage may not be sold with limits that are less than:
(i) $10,000 for one person in any one accident; and
(ii) at least $20,000 for two or more persons in any one accident.
(j) An acknowledgment under Subsection (3)(b) continues for that issuer of the underinsured
motorist coverage until the named insured, in writing, requests different underinsured motorist
coverage from the insurer.
(i) The named insured's underinsured motorist coverage, as described in Subsection (2),
is secondary to the liability coverage of an owner or operator of an underinsured motor
vehicle, as described in Subsection (1).
(ii) Underinsured motorist coverage may not be set off against the liability coverage of the
owner or operator of an underinsured motor vehicle, but shall be added to, combined with,
or stacked upon the liability coverage of the owner or operator of the underinsured motor
vehicle to determine the limit of coverage available to the injured person.
(i) In conjunction with the first two renewal notices sent after January 1, 2001, for policies
existing on that date, the insurer shall disclose in the same medium as the premium renewal
notice, an explanation of:
(A) the purpose of underinsured motorist coverage in the same manner as described in
Subsection (3)(b)(iv); and
(B) a disclosure of the additional premiums required to purchase underinsured motorist
coverage with limits equal to the lesser of the limits of the named insured's motor vehicle
Utah Code
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liability coverage or the maximum underinsured motorist coverage limits available by the
insurer under the named insured's motor vehicle policy.
(ii) The disclosure required under this Subsection (3)(l) shall be sent to all named insureds that
carry underinsured motorist coverage limits in an amount less than the named insured's
motor vehicle liability policy limits or the maximum underinsured motorist coverage limits
available by the insurer under the named insured's motor vehicle policy.
(m) For purposes of this Subsection (3), a notice or disclosure sent to a named insured in a
household constitutes notice or disclosure to all insureds within the household.
(i) Except as provided in this Subsection (4), a covered person injured in a motor vehicle
described in a policy that includes underinsured motorist benefits may not elect to collect
underinsured motorist coverage benefits from another motor vehicle insurance policy.
(ii) The limit of liability for underinsured motorist coverage for two or more motor vehicles may
not be added together, combined, or stacked to determine the limit of insurance coverage
available to an injured person for any one accident.
(iii) Subsection (4)(a)(ii) applies to all persons except a covered person described under
Subsections (4)(b)(i) and (ii).
(i) A covered person injured as a pedestrian by an underinsured motor vehicle may recover
underinsured motorist benefits under any one other policy in which they are described as a
covered person.
(ii) Except as provided in Subsection (4)(b)(iii), a covered person injured while occupying,
using, or maintaining a motor vehicle that is not owned, leased, or furnished to the covered
person, the covered person's spouse, or the covered person's resident parent or resident
sibling, may also recover benefits under any one other policy under which the covered
person is also a covered person.
(A) A covered person may recover benefits from no more than two additional policies, one
additional policy from each parent's household if the covered person is:
(I) a dependent minor of parents who reside in separate households; and
(II) injured while occupying or using a motor vehicle that is not owned, leased, or furnished
to the covered person, the covered person's resident parent, or the covered person's
resident sibling.
(B) Each parent's policy under this Subsection (4)(b)(iii) is liable only for the percentage of the
damages that the limit of liability of each parent's policy of underinsured motorist coverage
bears to the total of both parents' underinsured coverage applicable to the accident.
(iv) A covered person's recovery under any available policies may not exceed the full amount of
(v) Underinsured coverage on a motor vehicle occupied at the time of an accident is
primary coverage, and the coverage elected by a person described under Subsections
31A-22-305(1)(a), (b), and (c) is secondary coverage.
(vi) The primary and the secondary coverage may not be set off against the other.
(vii) A covered person as described under Subsection (4)(b)(i) or is entitled to the highest
limits of underinsured motorist coverage under only one additional policy per household
applicable to that covered person as a named insured, spouse, or relative.
(viii) A covered injured person is not barred against making subsequent elections if recovery is
unavailable under previous elections.
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(A) As used in this section, "interpolicy stacking" means recovering benefits for a single
incident of loss under more than one insurance policy.
(B) Except to the extent permitted by this Subsection (4), interpolicy stacking is prohibited for
underinsured motorist coverage.
(c) Underinsured motorist coverage:
(i) in order to avoid double recovery, does not cover any benefit under Title 34A, Chapter
2, Workers' Compensation Act, or Title 34A, Chapter 3, Utah Occupational Disease
Act, provided by the workers' compensation insurance carrier, uninsured employer, the
Uninsured Employers' Fund created in Section 34A-2-704, or the Employers' Reinsurance
Fund created in Section 34A-2-702, except that:
(A) the covered person is credited an amount described in Subsection 34A-2-106(5); and
(B) the benefits described in this Subsection (4)(c)(i) do not need to be paid before an
underinsured motorist claim may be pursued and resolved.
(ii) may not be subrogated by a workers' compensation insurance carrier, uninsured employer,
the Uninsured Employers' Fund created in Section 34A-2-704, or the Employers'
Reinsurance Fund created in Section 34A-2-702;
(iii) may not be reduced by benefits provided by the workers' compensation insurance carrier,
uninsured employer, the Uninsured Employers' Fund created in Section 34A-2-704, or the
Employers' Reinsurance Fund created in Section 34A-2-702;
(iv) notwithstanding Subsection 31A-1-103(3)(f), may be reduced by health insurance
subrogation only after the covered person is made whole;
(v) may not be collected for bodily injury or death sustained by a person:
(A) while committing a violation of Section 41-1a-1314;
(B) who, as a passenger in a vehicle, has knowledge that the vehicle is being operated in
violation of Section 41-1a-1314; or
(C) while committing a felony; and
(vi) notwithstanding Subsection (4)(c)(v), may be recovered:
(A) for a person younger than 18 years old who is injured within the scope of Subsection (4)
(c)(v), but is limited to medical and funeral expenses; or
(B) by a law enforcement officer as defined in Section 53-13-103, who is injured within the
course and scope of the law enforcement officer's duties.
(a) Notwithstanding Section 31A-21-313, an action on a written policy or contract for
underinsured motorist coverage shall be commenced within four years after the inception of
(b) The inception of the loss under Subsection 31A-21-313(1) for underinsured motorist claims
occurs upon the date of the settlement check representing the last liability policy payment.
(6) An underinsured motorist insurer does not have a right of reimbursement against a person
liable for the damages resulting from an injury-causing occurrence if the person's liability
insurer has tendered the policy limit and the limits have been accepted by the claimant.
(7) Except as otherwise provided in this section, a covered person may seek, subject to the terms
and conditions of the policy, additional coverage under any policy:
(a) that provides coverage for damages resulting from motor vehicle accidents; and
(b) that is not required to conform to Section 31A-22-302.
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(a) When a claim is brought by a named insured or a person described in Subsection
31A-22-305(1) and is asserted against the covered person's underinsured motorist carrier, the
claimant may elect to resolve the claim:
(i) by submitting the claim to binding arbitration; or
(ii) through litigation.
(b) Unless otherwise provided in the policy under which underinsured benefits are claimed, the
election provided in Subsection (8)(a) is available to the claimant only, except that if the policy
under which insured benefits are claimed provides that either an insured or the insurer may
elect arbitration, the insured or the insurer may elect arbitration and that election to arbitrate
shall stay the litigation of the claim under Subsection (8)(a)(ii).
(c) Once a claimant elects to commence litigation under Subsection (8)(a)(ii), the claimant may
not elect to resolve the claim through binding arbitration under this section without the written
consent of the underinsured motorist coverage carrier.
(d) For purposes of the statute of limitations applicable to a claim described in Subsection (8)(a),
if the claimant does not elect to resolve the claim through litigation, the claim is considered
filed when the claimant submits the claim to binding arbitration in accordance with this
Subsection (8).
(i) Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the parties, a claim that is submitted to binding
arbitration under Subsection (8)(a)(i) shall be resolved by a single arbitrator.
(ii) All parties shall agree on the single arbitrator selected under Subsection (8)(e)(i).
(iii) If the parties are unable to agree on a single arbitrator as required under Subsection (8)(e)
(ii), the parties shall select a panel of three arbitrators.
(f) If the parties select a panel of three arbitrators under Subsection (8)(e)(iii):
(i) each side shall select one arbitrator; and
(ii) the arbitrators appointed under Subsection (8)(f)(i) shall select one additional arbitrator to be
included in the panel.
(g) Unless otherwise agreed to in writing:
(i) each party shall pay an equal share of the fees and costs of the arbitrator selected under
Subsection (8)(e)(i); or
(ii) if an arbitration panel is selected under Subsection (8)(e)(iii):
(A) each party shall pay the fees and costs of the arbitrator selected by that party; and
(B) each party shall pay an equal share of the fees and costs of the arbitrator selected under
Subsection (8)(f)(ii).
(h) Except as otherwise provided in this section or unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the
parties, an arbitration proceeding conducted under this section is governed by Title 78B,
Chapter 11, Utah Uniform Arbitration Act.
(i) The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with Rules 26(a)(4) through (f), 27 through
37, 54, and 68 of the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure, once the requirements of Subsections
(9)(a) through (c) are satisfied.
(ii) The specified tier as defined by Rule 26(c)(3) of the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure shall be
determined based on the claimant's specific monetary amount in the written demand for
payment of uninsured motorist coverage benefits as required in Subsection (9)(a)(i)(A).
(iii) Rules 26.1 and 26.2 of the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure do not apply to arbitration claims
under this part.
(j) An issue of discovery shall be resolved by the arbitrator or the arbitration panel.
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(k) A written decision by a single arbitrator or by a majority of the arbitration panel constitutes a
final decision.
(i) Except as provided in Subsection (9), the amount of an arbitration award may not exceed the
underinsured motorist policy limits of all applicable underinsured motorist policies, including
applicable underinsured motorist umbrella policies.
(ii) If the initial arbitration award exceeds the underinsured motorist policy limits of all applicable
underinsured motorist policies, the arbitration award shall be reduced to an amount equal
to the combined underinsured motorist policy limits of all applicable underinsured motorist
(m) The arbitrator or arbitration panel may not decide an issue of coverage or extra-contractual
damages, including:
(i) whether the claimant is a covered person;
(ii) whether the policy extends coverage to the loss; or
(iii) an allegation or claim asserting consequential damages or bad faith liability.
(n) The arbitrator or arbitration panel may not conduct arbitration on a class-wide or class-
representative basis.
(o) If the arbitrator or arbitration panel finds that the arbitration is not brought, pursued, or
defended in good faith, the arbitrator or arbitration panel may award reasonable attorney fees
and costs against the party that failed to bring, pursue, or defend the arbitration in good faith.
(p) An arbitration award issued under this section shall be the final resolution of all claims not
excluded by Subsection (8)(m) between the parties unless:
(i) the award is procured by corruption, fraud, or other undue means; or
(ii) either party, within 20 days after service of the arbitration award:
(A) files a complaint requesting a trial de novo in the a court with jurisdiction under Title 78A,
Judiciary and Judicial Administration; and
(B) serves the nonmoving party with a copy of the complaint requesting a trial de novo under
Subsection (8)(p)(ii)(A).
(i) Upon filing a complaint for a trial de novo under Subsection (8)(p), a claim shall proceed
through litigation in accordance with the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure and Utah Rules of
(ii) In accordance with Rule 38, Utah Rules of Civil Procedure, either party may request a jury
trial with a complaint requesting a trial de novo under Subsection (8)(p)(ii)(A).
(i) If the claimant, as the moving party in a trial de novo requested under Subsection (8)
(p), does not obtain a verdict that is at least $5,000 and is at least 20% greater than the
arbitration award, the claimant is responsible for all of the nonmoving party's costs.
(ii) If the underinsured motorist carrier, as the moving party in a trial de novo requested under
Subsection (8)(p), does not obtain a verdict that is at least 20% less than the arbitration
award, the underinsured motorist carrier is responsible for all of the nonmoving party's
(iii) Except as provided in Subsection (8)(r)(iv), the costs under this Subsection (8)(r) shall
(A) any costs set forth in Rule 54(d), Utah Rules of Civil Procedure; and
(B) the costs of expert witnesses and depositions.
(iv) An award of costs under this Subsection (8)(r) may not exceed $2,500 unless Subsection
(9)(h)(iii) applies.
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(s) For purposes of determining whether a party's verdict is greater or less than the arbitration
award under Subsection (8)(r), a court may not consider any recovery or other relief granted
on a claim for damages if the claim for damages:
(i) was not fully disclosed in writing prior to the arbitration proceeding; or
(ii) was not disclosed in response to discovery contrary to the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure.
(t) If a court determines, upon a motion of the nonmoving party, that a moving party's use of the
trial de novo process is filed in bad faith in accordance with Section 78B-5-825, the court may
award reasonable attorney fees to the nonmoving party.
(u) Nothing in this section is intended to limit a claim under another portion of an applicable
insurance policy.
(v) If there are multiple underinsured motorist policies, as set forth in Subsection (4), the claimant
may elect to arbitrate in one hearing the claims against all the underinsured motorist carriers.
(a) Within 30 days after a covered person elects to submit a claim for underinsured motorist
benefits to binding arbitration or files litigation, the covered person shall provide to the
underinsured motorist carrier:
(i) a written demand for payment of underinsured motorist coverage benefits, setting forth:
(A) subject to Subsection (9)(l), the specific monetary amount of the demand, including a
computation of the covered person's claimed past medical expenses, claimed past lost
wages, and all other claimed past economic damages; and
(B) the factual and legal basis and any supporting documentation for the demand;
(ii) a written statement under oath disclosing:
(I) the names and last known addresses of all health care providers who have rendered
health care services to the covered person that are material to the claims for which the
underinsured motorist benefits are sought for a period of five years preceding the date
of the event giving rise to the claim for underinsured motorist benefits up to the time the
election for arbitration or litigation has been exercised; and
(II) the names and last known addresses of the health care providers who have rendered
health care services to the covered person, which the covered person claims are
immaterial to the claims for which underinsured motorist benefits are sought, for a period
of five years preceding the date of the event giving rise to the claim for underinsured
motorist benefits up to the time the election for arbitration or litigation has been exercised
that have not been disclosed under Subsection (9)(a)(ii)(A)(I);
(I) the names and last known addresses of all health insurers or other entities to whom the
covered person has submitted claims for health care services or benefits material to the
claims for which underinsured motorist benefits are sought, for a period of five years
preceding the date of the event giving rise to the claim for underinsured motorist benefits
up to the time the election for arbitration or litigation has been exercised; and
(II) the names and last known addresses of the health insurers or other entities to whom
the covered person has submitted claims for health care services or benefits, which
the covered person claims are immaterial to the claims for which underinsured motorist
benefits are sought, for a period of five years preceding the date of the event giving rise
to the claim for underinsured motorist benefits up to the time the election for arbitration
or litigation have not been disclosed;
(C) if lost wages, diminished earning capacity, or similar damages are claimed, all employers
of the covered person for a period of five years preceding the date of the event giving rise
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to the claim for underinsured motorist benefits up to the time the election for arbitration or
litigation has been exercised;
(D) other documents to reasonably support the claims being asserted; and
(E) all state and federal statutory lienholders including a statement as to whether the covered
person is a recipient of Medicare or Medicaid benefits or Utah Children's Health Insurance
Program benefits under Title 26B, Chapter 3, Part 9, Utah Children's Health Insurance
Program, or if the claim is subject to any other state or federal statutory liens; and
(iii) signed authorizations to allow the underinsured motorist carrier to only obtain records and
billings from the individuals or entities disclosed under Subsections (9)(a)(ii)(A)(I), (B)(I), and
(i) If the underinsured motorist carrier determines that the disclosure of undisclosed health care
providers or health care insurers under Subsection (9)(a)(ii) is reasonably necessary, the
underinsured motorist carrier may:
(A) make a request for the disclosure of the identity of the health care providers or health care
insurers; and
(B) make a request for authorizations to allow the underinsured motorist carrier to only obtain
records and billings from the individuals or entities not disclosed.
(ii) If the covered person does not provide the requested information within 10 days:
(A) the covered person shall disclose, in writing, the legal or factual basis for the failure to
disclose the health care providers or health care insurers; and
(B) either the covered person or the underinsured motorist carrier may request the arbitrator
or arbitration panel to resolve the issue of whether the identities or records are to be
provided if the covered person has elected arbitration.
(iii) The time periods imposed by Subsection (9)(c)(i) are tolled pending resolution of the
dispute concerning the disclosure and production of records of the health care providers or
health care insurers.
(i) An underinsured motorist carrier that receives an election for arbitration or a notice of filing
litigation and the demand for payment of underinsured motorist benefits under Subsection
(9)(a)(i) shall have a reasonable time, not to exceed 60 days from the date of the demand
and receipt of the items specified in Subsections (9)(a)(i) through (iii), to:
(A) provide a written response to the written demand for payment provided for in Subsection
(B) except as provided in Subsection (9)(c)(i)(C), tender the amount, if any, of the
underinsured motorist carrier's determination of the amount owed to the covered person;
(C) if the covered person is a recipient of Medicare or Medicaid benefits or Utah Children's
Health Insurance Program benefits under Title 26B, Chapter 3, Part 9, Utah Children's
Health Insurance Program, or if the claim is subject to any other state or federal statutory
liens, tender the amount, if any, of the underinsured motorist carrier's determination of the
amount owed to the covered person less:
(I) if the amount of the state or federal statutory lien is established, the amount of the lien; or
(II) if the amount of the state or federal statutory lien is not established, two times the
amount of the medical expenses subject to the state or federal statutory lien until such
time as the amount of the state or federal statutory lien is established.
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(ii) If the amount tendered by the underinsured motorist carrier under Subsection (9)(c)(i) is
the total amount of the underinsured motorist policy limits, the tendered amount shall be
accepted by the covered person.
(d) A covered person who receives a written response from an underinsured motorist carrier as
provided for in Subsection (9)(c)(i), may:
(i) elect to accept the amount tendered in Subsection (9)(c)(i) as payment in full of all
underinsured motorist claims; or
(ii) elect to:
(A) accept the amount tendered in Subsection (9)(c)(i) as partial payment of all underinsured
motorist claims; and
(B) continue to litigate or arbitrate the remaining claim in accordance with the election made
under Subsections (8)(a) through (c).
(e) If a covered person elects to accept the amount tendered under Subsection (9)(c)(i) as partial
payment of all underinsured motorist claims, the final award obtained through arbitration,
litigation, or later settlement shall be reduced by any payment made by the underinsured
motorist carrier under Subsection (9)(c)(i).
(f) In an arbitration proceeding on the remaining underinsured claims:
(i) the parties may not disclose to the arbitrator or arbitration panel the amount paid under
Subsection (9)(c)(i) until after the arbitration award has been rendered; and
(ii) the parties may not disclose the amount of the limits of underinsured motorist benefits
provided by the policy.
(g) If the final award obtained through arbitration or litigation is greater than the average of the
covered person's initial written demand for payment provided for in Subsection (9)(a)(i) and
the underinsured motorist carrier's initial written response provided for in Subsection (9)(c)(i),
the underinsured motorist carrier shall pay:
(i) the final award obtained through arbitration or litigation, except that if the award exceeds the
policy limits of the subject underinsured motorist policy by more than $15,000, the amount
shall be reduced to an amount equal to the policy limits plus $15,000; and
(ii) any of the following applicable costs:
(A) any costs as set forth in Rule 54(d), Utah Rules of Civil Procedure;
(B) the arbitrator or arbitration panel's fee; and
(C) the reasonable costs of expert witnesses and depositions used in the presentation of
evidence during arbitration or litigation.
(i) The covered person shall provide an affidavit of costs within five days of an arbitration
(A) Objection to the affidavit of costs shall specify with particularity the costs to which the
underinsured motorist carrier objects.
(B) The objection shall be resolved by the arbitrator or arbitration panel.
(iii) The award of costs by the arbitrator or arbitration panel under Subsection (9)(g)(ii) may not
exceed $5,000.
(i) A covered person shall disclose all material information, other than rebuttal evidence, within
30 days after a covered person elects to submit a claim for underinsured motorist coverage
benefits to binding arbitration or files litigation as specified in Subsection (9)(a).
(ii) If the information under Subsection (9)(i)(i) is not disclosed, the covered person may not
recover costs or any amounts in excess of the policy under Subsection (9)(g).
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(j) This Subsection (9) does not limit any other cause of action that arose or may arise against
the underinsured motorist carrier from the same dispute.
(k) The provisions of this Subsection (9) only apply to motor vehicle accidents that occur on or
after March 30, 2010.
(i) The written demand requirement in Subsection (9)(a)(i)(A) does not affect the covered
person's requirement to provide a computation of any other economic damages claimed,
and the one or more respondents shall have a reasonable time after the receipt of the
computation of any other economic damages claimed to conduct fact and expert discovery
as to any additional damages claimed. The changes made by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter
290, Section 11, and Chapter 300, Section 11, to this Subsection (9)(l) and Subsection (9)
(a)(i)(A) apply to a claim submitted to binding arbitration or through litigation on or after May
13, 2014.
(ii) The changes made by Laws of Utah 2014, Chapter 290, Section 11, and Chapter
300, Section 11, under Subsections (9)(a)(ii)(A)(II) and (B)(II) apply to a claim submitted to
binding arbitration or through litigation on or after May 13, 2014.
Amended by Chapter 158, 2024 General Session
31A-22-305.5 Uninsured motorist property damage coverage -- Coverage limitations.
(a) At the request of the named insured, every motor vehicle liability policy of insurance under
Sections 31A-22-303 and 31A-22-304 or combination of policies purchased to satisfy the
owner's or operator's security requirement of Section 41-12a-301 which policy does not
provide insurance for collision damage shall provide uninsured motorist property damage
coverage for property damage to the motor vehicle described in the policy.
(b) The uninsured motorist property damage coverage provided under Subsection (1)(a) shall
be for the benefit of covered persons, as defined under Section 31A-22-305, who are legally
entitled to recover damages:
(i) from the owner or operator of an uninsured motor vehicle, as defined under Subsections
31A-22-305(2)(a), (c), and (d); and
(ii) arising out of the operation, maintenance, or use of an uninsured motor vehicle.
(a) Except as provided under Subsection (5), the coverage provided under this section shall
include payment for loss or damage to the motor vehicle described in the policy, not to
exceed the motor vehicle's actual cash value or $3,500, whichever is less.
(b) Property damage does not include compensation for loss of use of the motor vehicle.
(3) The coverage provided under this section shall be payable only if:
(a) the occurrence causing the property damage involves actual physical contact between the
covered motor vehicle and an uninsured motor vehicle;
(b) the owner, operator, or license plate number of the uninsured motor vehicle is identified; and
(c) the insured or someone on his behalf reports the occurrence within 10 days to the insurer or
his agent.
(4) Except as provided under Subsection (5), the coverage provided under this section shall be
subject to a $250 deductible and shall be excess to any other insurance covering property
damage to the motor vehicle described in the policy.
(5) The insurer providing coverage under this section may, at appropriate premium rates, make
available additional:
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(a) coverage above the limits provided under Subsection (2); and
(b) deductibles for the coverage under Subsection (5)(a) above the limits provided under
Subsection (4).
(6) A rating surcharge may not be applied to any policy of motor vehicle insurance issued in this
state as a result of payment of a claim made under this section.
Amended by Chapter 37, 2005 General Session
31A-22-306 Personal injury protection.
Personal injury protection under Subsection 31A-22-302(2) provides the coverages and benefits
described under Section 31A-22-307 to persons described under Section 31A-22-308, but is
subject to the limitations, exclusions, and conditions set forth in Section 31A-22-309.
Amended by Chapter 204, 1986 General Session
31A-22-307 Personal injury protection coverages and benefits.
(1) Personal injury protection coverages and benefits include:
(a) up to the minimum amount required coverage of not less than $3,000 per person, the
reasonable value of all expenses for necessary:
(i) medical services;
(ii) surgical services;
(iii) X-ray services;
(iv) dental services;
(v) rehabilitation services, including prosthetic devices;
(vi) ambulance services;
(vii) hospital services; and
(viii) nursing services;
(i) the lesser of $250 per week or 85% of any loss of gross income and loss of earning capacity
per person from inability to work, for a maximum of 52 consecutive weeks after the loss,
except that this benefit need not be paid for the first three days of disability, unless the
disability continues for longer than two consecutive weeks after the date of injury; and
(ii) a special damage allowance not exceeding $20 per day for a maximum of 365 days, for
services actually rendered or expenses reasonably incurred for services that, but for the
injury, the injured person would have performed for the injured person's household, except
that this benefit need not be paid for the first three days after the date of injury unless the
person's inability to perform these services continues for more than two consecutive weeks;
(c) funeral, burial, or cremation benefits not to exceed a total of $1,500 per person; and
(d) compensation on account of death of a person, payable to the person's heirs, in the total of
(i) To determine the reasonable value of the medical expenses provided for in Subsection (1)
and under Subsection 31A-22-309(1)(a)(vi), the commissioner shall conduct a relative value
study of services and accommodations for the diagnosis, care, recovery, or rehabilitation
of an injured person in the most populous county in the state to assign a unit value and
determine the 75th percentile charge for each type of service and accommodation.
(ii) The relative value study shall be updated every other year.
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(iii) In conducting the relative value study, the department may consult or contract with
appropriate public and private medical and health agencies or other technical experts.
(iv) The costs and expenses incurred in conducting, maintaining, and administering the relative
value study shall be funded by the tax created under Section 59-9-105.
(v) Upon completion of the relative value study, the department shall prepare and publish a
relative value study which sets forth the unit value and the 75th percentile charge assigned
to each type of service and accommodation.
(i) The reasonable value of any service or accommodation is determined by applying the unit
value and the 75th percentile charge assigned to the service or accommodation under the
relative value study.
(ii) If a service or accommodation is not assigned a unit value or the 75th percentile charge
under the relative value study, the value of the service or accommodation shall equal the
reasonable cost of the same or similar service or accommodation in the most populous
county of this state.
(c) This Subsection (2) does not preclude the department from adopting a schedule already
established or a schedule prepared by persons outside the department, if it meets the
requirements of this Subsection (2).
(d) Every insurer shall report to the commissioner any pattern of overcharging, excessive
treatment, or other improper actions by a health provider within 30 days after the day on
which the insurer has knowledge of the pattern.
(i) In disputed cases, a court on its own motion or on the motion of either party, may designate
an impartial medical panel of not more than three licensed physicians to examine the
claimant and testify on the issue of the reasonable value of the claimant's medical services
or expenses.
(ii) An impartial medical panel designated under Subsection (2)(e)(i) shall consist of a majority
of health care professionals within the same license classification and specialty as the
provider of the claimant's medical services or expenses.
(3) Medical expenses as provided for in Subsection (1)(a) and in Subsection 31A-22-309(1)(a)(vi)
include expenses for any nonmedical remedial care and treatment rendered in accordance with
a recognized religious method of healing.
(4) The insured may waive for the named insured and the named insured's spouse only the loss of
gross income benefits of Subsection (1)(b)(i) if the insured states in writing that:
(a) within 31 days of applying for coverage, neither the insured nor the insured's spouse received
any earned income from regular employment; and
(b) for at least 180 days from the date of the writing and during the period of insurance, neither
the insured nor the insured's spouse will receive earned income from regular employment.
(5) This section does not:
(a) prohibit the issuance of a policy of insurance providing coverages greater than the minimum
coverage required under this chapter; or
(b) require the segregation of those minimum coverages from other coverages in the same
(6) Deductibles are not permitted with respect to the insurance coverages required under this
(a) A person shall bring an action on a written policy or contract for personal injury protection
coverage within four years after the inception of loss.
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(b) This Subsection (7) applies to a claim that is not time barred by Subsection 31A-21-313(1)(a)
as of May 3, 2023.
Amended by Chapter 185, 2023 General Session
31A-22-308 Persons covered by personal injury protection.
The following may receive benefits under personal injury protection coverage:
(1) the named insured, when injured in an accident involving any motor vehicle, regardless of
whether the accident occurs in this state, the United States, its territories or possessions, or
Canada, except where the injury is the result of the use or operation of the named insured's
own motor vehicle not actually insured under the policy;
(2) persons related to the insured by blood, marriage, adoption, or guardianship who are residents
of the insured's household, including those who usually make their home in the same
household but temporarily live elsewhere under the circumstances described in Section (1),
except where the person is injured as a result of the use or operation of his own motor vehicle
not insured under the policy; and
(3) any other natural person whose injuries arise out of an automobile accident occurring while the
person occupies a motor vehicle described in the policy with the express or implied consent
of the named insured or while a pedestrian if he is injured in an accident occurring in Utah
involving the described motor vehicle.
Amended by Chapter 327, 1990 General Session
31A-22-309 Limitations, exclusions, and conditions to personal injury protection.
(a) A person who has or is required to have direct benefit coverage under a policy which includes
personal injury protection may not maintain a cause of action for general damages arising out
of personal injuries alleged to have been caused by an automobile accident, except where the
person has sustained one or more of the following:
(i) death;
(ii) dismemberment;
(iii) permanent disability or permanent impairment based upon objective findings;
(iv) permanent disfigurement;
(v) a bone fracture; or
(vi) medical expenses to a person in excess of $3,000.
(b) Subsection (1)(a) does not apply to a person making an uninsured motorist claim.
(a) Any insurer issuing personal injury protection coverage under this part may only exclude from
this coverage benefits:
(i) for any injury sustained by the insured while occupying another motor vehicle owned by or
furnished for the regular use of the insured or a resident family member of the insured and
not insured under the policy;
(ii) for any injury sustained by any person while operating the insured motor vehicle without the
express or implied consent of the insured or while not in lawful possession of the insured
motor vehicle;
(iii) to any injured person, if the person's conduct contributed to the person's injury:
(A) by intentionally causing injury to the person; or
(B) while committing a felony;
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(iv) for any injury sustained by any person arising out of the use of any motor vehicle while
located for use as a residence or premises;
(v) for any injury due to war, whether or not declared, civil war, insurrection, rebellion or
revolution, or to any act or condition incident to any of the foregoing; or
(vi) for any injury resulting from the radioactive, toxic, explosive, or other hazardous properties
of nuclear materials.
(b) This Subsection (2) does not limit the exclusions that may be contained in other types of
(3) The benefits payable to any injured person under Section 31A-22-307 are reduced by:
(a) any benefits which that person receives or is entitled to receive as a result of an accident
covered in this code under any workers' compensation or similar statutory plan; and
(b) any amounts which that person receives or is entitled to receive from the United States or any
of its agencies because that person is on active duty in the military service.
(4) When a person injured is also an insured party under any other policy, including those policies
complying with this part, primary coverage is given by the policy insuring the motor vehicle in
use during the accident.
(a) Payment of the benefits provided for in Section 31A-22-307 shall be made on a monthly basis
as expenses are incurred.
(b) Benefits for any period are overdue if they are not paid within 30 days after the insurer
receives reasonable proof of the fact and amount of expenses incurred during the period. If
reasonable proof is not supplied as to the entire claim, the amount supported by reasonable
proof is overdue if not paid within 30 days after that proof is received by the insurer. Any part
or all of the remainder of the claim that is later supported by reasonable proof is also overdue
if not paid within 30 days after the proof is received by the insurer.
(c) If the insurer fails to pay the expenses when due, these expenses shall bear interest at the
rate of 1-1/2% per month after the due date.
(d) The person entitled to the benefits may bring an action in contract to recover the expenses
plus the applicable interest. If the insurer is required by the action to pay any overdue benefits
and interest, the insurer is also required to pay a reasonable attorney's fee to the claimant.
(a) Except as provided in Subsection (6)(b), every policy providing personal injury protection
coverage is subject to the following:
(i) that where the insured under the policy is or would be held legally liable for the personal
injuries sustained by any person to whom benefits required under personal injury protection
have been paid by another insurer, the insurer of the person who would be held legally
liable shall reimburse the other insurer for the payment, but not in excess of the amount of
damages recoverable; and
(ii) that the issue of liability for that reimbursement and its amount shall be decided by
mandatory, binding arbitration between the insurers.
(b) There shall be no right of reimbursement between insurers under Subsection (6)(a) if the
insurer of the person who would be held legally liable for the personal injuries sustained has
tendered its policy limit.
(i) If the insurer of the person who would be held legally liable for the personal injuries
sustained reimburses a no-fault insurer prior to settling a third party liability claim with an
injured person and subsequently determines that some or all of the reimbursed amount
is needed to settle a third party claim, the insurer of the person who would be held legally
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liable for the personal injuries sustained shall provide written notice to the no-fault insurer
that some or all of the reimbursed amount is needed to settle a third party liability claim.
(ii) The written notice described under Subsection (6)(c)(i) shall:
(A) identify the amount of the reimbursement that is needed to settle a third party liability
(B) provide notice to the no-fault insurer that the no-fault insurer has 15 days to return the
amount described in Subsection (6)(c)(ii)(A); and
(C) identify the third party liability insurer that the returned amount shall be paid to.
(iii) A no-fault insurer that receives a notice under this Subsection (6)(c) shall return the portion
of the reimbursement identified under Subsection (6)(c)(ii) to the third party liability insurer
identified under Subsection (6)(c)(ii)(C) within 15 business days from receipt of a notice
under this Subsection (6)(c).
Amended by Chapter 130, 2020 General Session
31A-22-310 Assigned risk plan.
(1) After consultation with insurers authorized to issue policies containing the provisions specified
under Section 31A-22-302, the insurance commissioner shall approve a reasonable plan for the
equitable apportionment among the insurers of applicants for those policies who are in good
faith entitled to, but are unable to procure, these policies through ordinary methods.
(2) Upon the commissioner's approval of a plan under this section, all insurers issuing policies
described under Section 31A-22-302 shall subscribe to and participate in the commissioner's
approved plan.
(3) Any applicant for a policy under the commissioner's plan, any person insured under the
plan, and any insurer affected by the commissioner's plan may appeal to the insurance
commissioner from any ruling or decision of the manager or committee designated to operate
the plan.
(4) Section 31A-2-306 applies to the commissioner's decision on this appeal.
Amended by Chapter 161, 1987 General Session
31A-22-311 Definitions.
As used in Sections 31A-22-312 and 31A-22-314:
(1) "Authorized driver" means the person to whom the vehicle is rented and includes:
(a) his spouse if a licensed driver satisfying the rental company's minimum age requirement;
(b) his employer or coworker if engaged in business activity with the renter and if they are
licensed drivers satisfying the rental company's minimum age requirement;
(c) any person who operates the vehicle during an emergency situation;
(d) any person who operates the vehicle while parking the vehicle at a commercial establishment;
(e) any person expressly listed by the rental company on the rental agreement as an authorized
(2) "Damage" means any damage or loss to the rented vehicle resulting from a collision, including
loss of use and any costs and expenses incident to the damage or loss.
(3) "Rental agreement" means any written agreement stating the terms and conditions governing
the use of a private passenger motor vehicle provided by a rental company.
(4) "Rental company" means any person or organization in the business of providing private
passenger motor vehicles to the public.
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(5) "Renter" means any person or organization obtaining the use of a private passenger motor
vehicle from a rental company under the terms of a rental agreement.
Amended by Chapter 316, 1994 General Session
31A-22-312 Liability for collision damage -- No security required -- No waiver -- Section
inapplicable to rental companies disclosing charges.
(1) No rental company may, in rental agreements of 30 continuous days or less, hold any
authorized driver liable for any damage except when:
(a) the damage is caused intentionally by an authorized driver or as a result of his willful and
wanton misconduct;
(b) the damage arises out of the authorized driver's operation of the vehicle while illegally
intoxicated or under the influence of any illegal drug as defined or determined under the law
of the state where the damage occurred;
(c) the damage is caused while the authorized driver is engaged in any speed contest;
(d) the rental transaction is based on information supplied by the renter with the intent to defraud
the rental company;
(e) the damage arises out of the use of the vehicle while committing or otherwise engaged in a
criminal act in which the use of the motor vehicle is substantially related to the nature of the
criminal activity;
(f) the damage arises out of the use of the motor vehicle to carry persons or property for hire; or
(g) the damage arises out of the use of the motor vehicle outside of the United States or Canada
unless the use is specifically authorized by the rental agreement.
(2) No security or deposit for damage in any form may be required or requested by the rental
company during the rental period, or pending the resolution of any dispute.
(3) No waiver may be offered to provide coverage for any of the exceptions listed in this section.
(4) This section does not apply to any rental company:
(a) whose advertising in this state clearly discloses all charges and costs incidental to the basic
daily rental rate; and
(b) that provides written notice to renters clearly printed on the rental agreement and prominently
displayed at its place of business, that the renter's own motor vehicle insurance or his credit
card agreement may cover any damage or loss to the rental vehicle.
Enacted by Chapter 251, 1989 General Session
31A-22-314 Mandatory coverage.
(1) As used in this section, "owner's or operator's security" has the same meaning as defined in
Section 41-12a-103.
(a) A rental company shall maintain owner's or operator's security meeting the requirements of
Title 41, Chapter 12a, Financial Responsibility of Motor Vehicle Owners and Operators Act.
(b) Owner's or operator's security maintained by a rental company under Subsection (2)(a)
applies only when there is no other valid or collectible insurance or other form of security
meeting the minimum requirements of Title 41, Chapter 12a, Financial Responsibility of Motor
Vehicle Owners and Operators Act.
(c) If other valid or collectible insurance or other form of security satisfies the minimum
requirements of Title 41, Chapter 12a, Financial Responsibility of Motor Vehicle Owners and
Operators Act, on a loss involving a rental vehicle, a rental company's obligation under Title
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41, Chapter 12a, Financial Responsibility of Motor Vehicle Owners and Operators Act, is
(d) When no other valid or collectible insurance or other form of security exists meeting the
minimum requirements of Title 41, Chapter 12a, Financial Responsibility of Motor Vehicle
Owners and Operators Act, a rental company shall provide security meeting the minimum
requirements of Title 41, Chapter 12a, Financial Responsibility of Motor Vehicle Owners and
Operators Act, for losses involving a rental vehicle.
(3) Nothing in this section shall be construed to expand or reduce the liability of a rental company
or to impair a rental company's right to indemnity, contribution, or both.
Amended by Chapter 391, 2007 General Session
Superseded 1/1/2025
31A-22-315 Motor vehicle insurance reporting -- Penalty.
(a) As used in this section, "commercial motor vehicle insurance coverage" means an insurance
policy that:
(i) includes motor vehicle liability coverage, uninsured motorist coverage, underinsured motorist
coverage, or personal injury coverage; and
(ii) is defined by the department.
(b) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the department
shall make rules defining commercial motor vehicle insurance coverage.
(a) Except as provided in Subsections (2)(b) and (c), each insurer that issues a policy that
includes motor vehicle liability coverage, uninsured motorist coverage, underinsured motorist
coverage, or personal injury coverage under this part shall before the seventh and twenty-first
day of each calendar month provide to the Department of Public Safety's designated agent
selected in accordance with Title 41, Chapter 12a, Part 8, Uninsured Motorist Identification
Database Program, a record of each motor vehicle insurance policy in effect for vehicles
registered or garaged in Utah as of the previous submission that was issued by the insurer.
(b) Each insurer that issues commercial motor vehicle insurance coverage shall before the
seventh day of each calendar month provide to the Department of Public Safety's designated
agent selected in accordance with Title 41, Chapter 12a, Part 8, Uninsured Motorist
Identification Database Program, a record of each commercial motor vehicle insurance policy
in effect for vehicles registered or garaged in Utah as of the previous month that was issued
by the insurer.
(c) An insurer that issues a policy that includes motor vehicle liability coverage, uninsured
motorist coverage, underinsured motorist coverage, or personal injury coverage under this
part is not required to provide a record of a motor vehicle insurance policy in effect for a
vehicle to the Department of Public Safety's designated agent under Subsection (2)(a) or
(b) if the policy covers a vehicle that is registered under Section 41-1a-221, 41-1a-222, or
(d) This Subsection (2) does not preclude more frequent reporting.
(a) A record provided by an insurer under Subsection (2)(a) shall include:
(i) the name, date of birth, and driver license number, if the insured provides a driver license
number to the insurer, of each insured owner or operator, and the address of the named
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(ii) the make, year, and vehicle identification number of each insured vehicle; and
(iii) the policy number, effective date, and expiration date of each policy.
(b) A record provided by an insurer under Subsection (2)(b) shall include:
(i) the named insured;
(ii) the policy number, effective date, and expiration date of each policy; and
(iii) the following information, if available:
(A) the name, date of birth, and driver license number of each insured owner or operator, and
the address of the named insured; and
(B) the make, year, and vehicle identification number of each insured vehicle.
(4) Each insurer shall provide this information by an electronic means or by another form the
Department of Public Safety's designated agent agrees to accept.
(a) The commissioner may, following procedures set forth in Title 63G, Chapter 4, Administrative
Procedures Act, assess a fine against an insurer of up to $250 for each day the insurer fails to
comply with this section.
(b) If an insurer shows that the failure to comply with this section was inadvertent, accidental, or
the result of excusable neglect, the commissioner shall excuse the fine.
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session
Effective 1/1/2025
31A-22-315 Motor vehicle insurance reporting -- Penalty.
(a) As used in this section, "commercial motor vehicle insurance coverage" means an insurance
policy that:
(i) includes motor vehicle liability coverage, uninsured motorist coverage, underinsured motorist
coverage, or personal injury coverage; and
(ii) is defined by the department.
(b) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the department
shall make rules defining commercial motor vehicle insurance coverage.
(a) Except as provided in Subsections (2)(b) and (c), each insurer that issues a policy that
includes motor vehicle liability coverage, uninsured motorist coverage, underinsured motorist
coverage, or personal injury coverage under this part shall before the seventh and twenty-first
day of each calendar month provide to the Department of Public Safety's designated agent
selected in accordance with Title 41, Chapter 12a, Part 8, Uninsured Motorist Identification
Database Program, a record of each motor vehicle or motorboat insurance policy in effect for
vehicles registered or garaged in Utah as of the previous submission that was issued by the
(b) Each insurer that issues commercial motor vehicle insurance coverage shall before the
seventh day of each calendar month provide to the Department of Public Safety's designated
agent selected in accordance with Title 41, Chapter 12a, Part 8, Uninsured Motorist
Identification Database Program, a record of each commercial motor vehicle insurance policy
in effect for vehicles registered or garaged in Utah as of the previous month that was issued
by the insurer.
(c) An insurer that issues a policy that includes motor vehicle liability coverage, uninsured
motorist coverage, underinsured motorist coverage, or personal injury coverage under this
part is not required to provide a record of a motor vehicle insurance policy in effect for a
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vehicle to the Department of Public Safety's designated agent under Subsection (2)(a) or
(b) if the policy covers a vehicle that is registered under Section 41-1a-221, 41-1a-222, or
(d) This Subsection (2) does not preclude more frequent reporting.
(a) A record provided by an insurer under Subsection (2)(a) shall include:
(i) the name, date of birth, and driver license number, if the insured provides a driver license
number to the insurer, of each insured owner or operator, and the address of the named
(ii) the make, year, and vehicle identification number of each insured vehicle; and
(iii) the policy number, effective date, and expiration date of each policy.
(b) A record provided by an insurer under Subsection (2)(b) shall include:
(i) the named insured;
(ii) the policy number, effective date, and expiration date of each policy; and
(iii) the following information, if available:
(A) the name, date of birth, and driver license number of each insured owner or operator, and
the address of the named insured; and
(B) the make, year, and vehicle identification number of each insured vehicle.
(4) Each insurer shall provide this information by an electronic means or by another form the
Department of Public Safety's designated agent agrees to accept.
(a) The commissioner may, following procedures set forth in Title 63G, Chapter 4, Administrative
Procedures Act, assess a fine against an insurer of up to $250 for each day the insurer fails to
comply with this section.
(b) If an insurer shows that the failure to comply with this section was inadvertent, accidental, or
the result of excusable neglect, the commissioner shall excuse the fine.
Amended by Chapter 236, 2024 General Session
31A-22-315.5 Motor vehicle insurance verification -- Penalty.
(a) Except as provided in Subsection (1)(b), and in addition to the reporting requirements under
Section 31A-22-315, each insurer that issues a policy that includes motor vehicle liability
coverage, uninsured motorist coverage, underinsured motorist coverage, or personal injury
coverage under this part shall, upon request, provide to the Department of Public Safety's
designated agent selected in accordance with Title 41, Chapter 12a, Part 8, Uninsured
Motorist Identification Database Program, verification of whether or not a motor vehicle
insurance policy is in effect for a specified vehicle.
(b) An insurer that issues a policy that includes motor vehicle liability coverage, uninsured
motorist coverage, underinsured motorist coverage, or personal injury coverage under this
part is not required to provide verification of a motor vehicle insurance policy in effect for a
vehicle to the Department of Public Safety's designated agent under Subsection (1)(a) if:
(i) the policy covers a vehicle that is registered under Section 41-1a-221, 41-1a-222, or
(ii) the policy covers a commercial motor vehicle; or
(iii) the insurer issues insurance for less than 500 motor vehicles.
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(2) Each insurer shall provide the verification required under Subsection (1) using an electronic
service established by the insurers, through the Internet, world wide web, or a similar
proprietary or common carrier electronic system that:
(a) is compliant with:
(i) the specifications and standards of the Insurance Industry Committee on Motor Vehicle
Administration; and
(ii) other applicable industry standards;
(b) is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, subject to reasonable allowances for:
(i) scheduled maintenance; or
(ii) temporary system failures; and
(c) includes appropriate security measures, consistent with industry standards, to:
(i) secure its data against unauthorized access; and
(ii) maintain a record of all information requests.
(a) The commissioner may, following procedures set forth in Title 63G, Chapter 4, Administrative
Procedures Act, assess a fine against an insurer of up to $250 for each day the insurer fails to
comply with this section.
(b) The commissioner shall excuse the fine if an insurer shows that the failure to comply with this
section was:
(i) inadvertent;
(ii) accidental; or
(iii) the result of excusable neglect.
Enacted by Chapter 243, 2012 General Session
31A-22-316 Title.
Sections 31A-22-316 through 31A-22-319 are known as the "Aftermarket Crash Parts Act."
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 8, 1995 General Session
31A-22-317 Definitions.
As used in Sections 31A-22-316 through 31A-22-319:
(1) "Aftermarket crash part" means a replacement for any of the nonmechanical sheet metal or
plastic parts that generally constitute the exterior of a motor vehicle, including inner and outer
(2) "Installer" means an individual who replaces or repairs the parts of a motor vehicle.
(3) "Insurer" means an insurance company and any person authorized to represent the insurer with
respect to a claim.
(4) "Nonoriginal equipment manufacturer" or "non-OEM" means a manufacturer of replacement
parts for a different manufacturer's equipment.
(5) "Non-OEM aftermarket crash part" means an aftermarket crash part not made for or by the
manufacturer of the motor vehicle.
(6) "Repair facility" means any motor vehicle dealer, garage, body shop, or other commercial entity
that repairs or replaces those parts that generally constitute the exterior of a motor vehicle.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 8, 1995 General Session
31A-22-318 Identification.
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(1) Any aftermarket crash part supplied by a nonoriginal equipment manufacturer for use in a motor
vehicle in this state shall have the logo or name of the nonoriginal equipment manufacturer
affixed or inscribed on the aftermarket crash part.
(2) The nonoriginal equipment manufacturer's logo or name shall be visible after installation
whenever practicable.
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 8, 1995 General Session
31A-22-319 Prohibition on insurer requiring certain parts -- Disclosure.
(1) Unless the insured is given notice in writing an insurer may not specify the use of non-OEM
aftermarket crash parts in the repair of an insured's motor vehicle. The notice required by
Subsection (1) shall identify non-OEM parts as not made for or by the vehicle manufacturer.
(2) Unless the consumer is given notice in writing prior to installation, a repair facility or installer
may not use non-OEM aftermarket parts to repair a vehicle.
(3) In all instances where non-OEM aftermarket crash parts are intended for use by an insurer:
(a) the written estimate shall clearly identify each non-OEM aftermarket crash part; and
(b) a disclosure document containing the following statements in 10 point or larger type shall
appear on or be attached to the insured's copy of the estimate: "This estimate has been
prepared based on the use of crash parts supplied by a source other than the manufacturer
of your motor vehicle. Warranties applicable to these replacement parts are provided by the
manufacturer or distributor of these parts rather than the manufacturer of your vehicle."
Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 8, 1995 General Session
31A-22-320 Use of credit information.
(1) For purposes of this section:
(a) "Credit information" means:
(i) a consumer report;
(ii) a credit score;
(iii) any information obtained by the insurer from a consumer report;
(iv) any part of a consumer report; or
(v) any part of a credit score.
(i) Except as provided in Subsection (1)(b)(ii), "consumer report" is as defined in 15 U.S.C.
(ii) "Consumer report" does not include:
(A) a motor vehicle record obtained from a state or an agency of a state; or
(B) any information regarding an applicant's or insured's insurance claim history.
(i) "Credit score" means a numerical value or a categorization that is:
(A) derived from information in a consumer report;
(B) derived from a statistical tool or modeling system; and
(C) developed to predict the likelihood of:
(I) future insurance claims behavior; or
(II) credit behavior.
(ii) "Credit score" includes:
(A) a risk predictor; or
(B) a risk score.
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(iii) A numerical value or a categorization described in Subsection (1)(c)(i) is a credit score
if it is developed to predict the behavior described in Subsection (1)(c)(i)(C) regardless
of whether it is developed to predict other factors in addition to predicting the behavior
described in Subsection (1)(c)(i)(C).
(d) "Motor vehicle related insurance policy" means:
(i) a motor vehicle liability policy;
(ii) a policy that contains uninsured motorist coverage;
(iii) a policy that contains underinsured motorist coverage;
(iv) a policy that contains property damage coverage under this part; or
(v) a policy that contains personal injury coverage under this part.
(2) An insurer that issues a motor vehicle related insurance policy:
(a) except as provided in Subsection (2)(b), may not use credit information for the purpose of
determining for the motor vehicle related insurance policy:
(i) renewal;
(ii) nonrenewal;
(iii) termination;
(iv) eligibility;
(v) underwriting; or
(vi) rating; and
(b) notwithstanding Subsection (2)(a), may use credit information for the purpose of:
(i) if risk related factors other than credit information are considered, determining initial
underwriting; or
(ii) providing to an insured:
(A) a reduction in rates paid by the insured for the motor vehicle related insurance policy; or
(B) any other discount similar to the reduction in rates described in Subsection (2)(b)(ii)(A).
(3) In accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, the
commissioner may make rules necessary to enforce this section.
Amended by Chapter 382, 2008 General Session
31A-22-321 Use of arbitration in third party motor vehicle accident cases.
(1) A person injured as a result of a motor vehicle accident may elect to submit all third party bodily
injury claims to arbitration by filing a notice of the submission of the claim to binding arbitration
in a court with jurisdiction under Title 78A, Judiciary and Judicial Administration, if:
(a) the claimant or the claimant's representative has:
(i) previously and timely filed a complaint in a court that includes a third party bodily injury claim;
(ii) filed a notice to submit the claim to arbitration within 14 days after the complaint has been
answered; and
(b) the notice required under Subsection (1)(a)(ii) is filed while the action under Subsection (1)(a)
(i) is still pending.
(a) If a party submits a bodily injury claim to arbitration under Subsection (1), the party submitting
the claim or the party's representative is limited to an arbitration award that does not exceed
$75,000 or the defendant's per person limits of third party bodily insurance, whichever is
less, in addition to any available personal injury protection benefits and any claim for property
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(b) A claim for reimbursement of personal injury protection benefits is to be resolved between
insurers as provided for in Subsection 31A-22-309(6)(a)(ii).
(c) A claim for property damage may not be made in an arbitration proceeding under Subsection
(1) unless agreed upon by the parties in writing.
(d) A party who elects to proceed against a defendant under this section:
(i) waives the right to obtain a judgment against the personal assets of the defendant; and
(ii) is limited to recovery only against available limits of insurance , plus a maximum $15,000 in
excess of policy limits, and available costs if appealed.
(i) This section does not prevent a party from pursuing an underinsured motorist claim as set
out in Section 31A-22-305.3.
(ii) An underinsured motorist claim described in Subsection (2)(e)(i) is not limited to the
defendant's per person limits of third party bodily insurance coverage or the $75,000 limit.
(iii) There shall be no right of subrogation on the part of the underinsured motorist carrier for a
claim submitted to arbitration under this section.
(3) A claim for punitive damages may not be made in an arbitration proceeding under Subsection
(1) or any subsequent proceeding, even if the claim is later resolved through a trial de novo
under Subsection (11).
(a) A person who has elected arbitration under this section may rescind the person's election if
the rescission is made within:
(i) 90 days after the election to arbitrate; and
(ii) no less than 30 days before any scheduled arbitration hearing.
(b) A person seeking to rescind an election to arbitrate under this Subsection (4) shall:
(i) file a notice of the rescission of the election to arbitrate with the court in which the matter was
filed; and
(ii) send copies of the notice of the rescission of the election to arbitrate to all counsel of record
to the action.
(c) All discovery completed in anticipation of the arbitration hearing shall be available for use by
the parties as allowed by the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure and Utah Rules of Evidence.
(d) A party who has elected to arbitrate under this section and then rescinded the election to
arbitrate under this Subsection (4) may not elect to arbitrate the claim under this section
(a) Unless otherwise agreed to by the parties or by order of the court, an arbitration process
elected under this section is subject to Rule 26, Utah Rules of Civil Procedure.
(b) Unless otherwise agreed to by the parties or ordered by the court, discovery shall be
completed within 150 days after the date arbitration is elected under this section or the date
the answer is filed, whichever is longer.
(a) Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the parties, a claim that is submitted to arbitration
under this section shall be resolved by a single arbitrator.
(b) Unless otherwise agreed to by the parties or ordered by the court, all parties shall agree on
the single arbitrator selected under Subsection (6)(a) within 90 days of the answer of the
(c) If the parties are unable to agree on a single arbitrator as required under Subsection (6)(b),
the parties shall select a panel of three arbitrators.
(d) If the parties select a panel of three arbitrators under Subsection (6)(c):
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(i) each side shall select one arbitrator; and
(ii) the arbitrators appointed under Subsection (6)(d)(i) shall select one additional arbitrator to
be included in the panel.
(7) Unless otherwise agreed to in writing:
(a) each party shall pay an equal share of the fees and costs of the arbitrator selected under
Subsection (6)(a); and
(b) if an arbitration panel is selected under Subsection (6)(d):
(i) each party shall pay the fees and costs of the arbitrator selected by that party's side; and
(ii) each party shall pay an equal share of the fees and costs of the arbitrator selected under
Subsection (6)(d)(ii).
(8) Except as otherwise provided in this section and unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the
parties, an arbitration proceeding conducted under this section shall be governed by Title 78B,
Chapter 11, Utah Uniform Arbitration Act.
(a) Subject to the provisions of this section, the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure and Utah Rules of
Evidence apply to the arbitration proceeding.
(b) The Utah Rules of Civil Procedure and Utah Rules of Evidence shall be applied liberally with
the intent of concluding the claim in a timely and cost-efficient manner.
(c) Discovery shall be conducted in accordance with Rules 26 through 37 of the Utah Rules of
Civil Procedure and shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the court in which the matter is filed.
(d) Dispositive motions shall be filed, heard, and decided by the court prior to the arbitration
proceeding in accordance with the court's scheduling order.
(10) A written decision by a single arbitrator or by a majority of the arbitration panel shall constitute
a final decision.
(11) An arbitration award issued under this section shall be the final resolution of all bodily injury
claims between the parties and may be reduced to judgment by the court upon motion and
notice unless:
(a) either party, within 20 days after service of the arbitration award:
(i) files a notice requesting a trial de novo in the court; and
(ii) serves the nonmoving party with a copy of the notice requesting a trial de novo under
Subsection (11)(a)(i); or
(b) the arbitration award has been satisfied.
(a) Upon filing a notice requesting a trial de novo under Subsection (11):
(i) unless otherwise stipulated to by the parties or ordered by the court, an additional 120 days
shall be allowed for further discovery;
(ii) the additional discovery time under Subsection (12)(a)(i) shall run from the notice of appeal;
(iii) the claim shall proceed through litigation in accordance with the Utah Rules of Civil
Procedure and Utah Rules of Evidence.
(b) In accordance with Rule 38, Utah Rules of Civil Procedure, either party may request a jury
trial with a request for trial de novo filed under Subsection (11)(a)(i).
(a) If the plaintiff, as the moving party in a trial de novo requested under Subsection (11), does
not obtain a verdict that is at least $5,000 and is at least 30% greater than the damages
awarded in arbitration, excluding the items listed in Subsection (19), the plaintiff is responsible
for all of the nonmoving party's costs.
(b) The costs described in Subsection (13)(a) include:
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(i) any costs set forth in Rule 54(d), Utah Rules of Civil Procedure;
(ii) the costs of expert witnesses and depositions;
(iii) the arbitration costs paid by the prevailing party under Subsection (7);
(iv) prejudgment interest described in Section 78B-5-824; and
(v) postjudgment interest described in Section 15-1-4.
(a) If a defendant, as the moving party in a trial de novo requested under Subsection (11),
does not obtain a verdict that is at least 30% less than the damages awarded in arbitration,
excluding the items described in Subsection (19), the defendant is responsible for all of the
nonmoving party's costs.
(b) The costs described in Subsection (14)(a) include:
(i) costs described in Rule 54(d), Utah Rules of Civil Procedure;
(ii) the costs of expert witnesses and depositions;
(iii) the arbitration costs paid by the prevailing party under Subsection (7);
(iv) prejudgment interest described in Section 78B-5-824; and
(v) postjudgment interest described in Section 15-1-4.
(15) For purposes of determining whether a party's verdict is greater or less than the arbitration
award under Subsections (13) and (14), a court may not consider any recovery or other relief
granted on a claim for damages if the claim for damages:
(a) was not fully disclosed in writing prior to the arbitration proceeding; or
(b) was not disclosed in response to discovery contrary to the Utah Rules of Civil Procedure.
(16) If a court determines, upon a motion of the nonmoving party, that the moving party's use of
the trial de novo process was filed in bad faith as defined in Section 78B-5-825, the court may
award reasonable attorney fees to the nonmoving party.
(17) Nothing in this section is intended to affect or prevent any first party claim from later being
brought under any first party insurance policy under which the injured person is a covered
(a) If a defendant requests a trial de novo under Subsection (11), the total damages award at trial
may not exceed $15,000 above any available per person limits of insurance coverage, not
including the costs described in Subsection (14)(b).
(b) If a plaintiff requests a trial de novo under Subsection (11), the verdict at trial may not exceed
$75,000, or the per person limits of insurance coverage, whichever is less.
(19) All arbitration awards issued under this section shall include:
(a) the costs described in Rule 54(d), Utah Rules of Civil Procedure;
(b) the arbitration costs paid by the prevailing party under Subsection (7);
(c) prejudgment interest described in Section 78B-5-824; and
(d) postjudgment interest described in Section 15-1-4.
(20) If a party requests a trial de novo under Subsection (11), the party shall file a copy of the
notice requesting a trial de novo with the commissioner notifying the commissioner of the
party's request for a trial de novo under Subsection (11).
Amended by Chapter 158, 2024 General Session
31A-22-322 Improper administration of cancelled auto insurance coverage.
(1) Upon cancellation by an insured of auto insurance coverage, the insurer shall discontinue any
automatic payments and withdrawals related to the cancelled policy before the later of:
(a) 15 days after the request for cancellation; or
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(b) 15 days after the effective date of the cancellation.
(2) After cancellation by an insured of auto insurance coverage, the insurer may not reinstate the
cancelled policy without the express consent of the insured.
(3) After cancellation by an insured of auto insurance coverage, the insurer shall refund any funds
collected by the insurer to which the insurer is not entitled, calculated according to the terms of
the insurance policy, before the later of:
(a) 30 days after the request for cancellation; or
(b) 30 days after the effective date of the cancellation.
(4) The commissioner may order an insurer who violates this section to forfeit to the state not more
than $2,500 for each violation.
Enacted by Chapter 125, 2016 General Session