Adobe Captivate Prime Security Overview
White Paper
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Adobe® Captivate Prime
Security Overview
Table of Contents
Adobe Security 1
About Adobe Captivate Prime 1
Adobe Captivate Prime NetworkManagement 5
Data Center Physical and Environmental Controls 8
e Adobe Security Organization 10
Adobe Soware Security CerticationProgram 12
Adobe Captivate Prime Compliance 12
Adobe Risk & VulnerabilityManagement 13
Adobe Corporate Locations 14
Conclusion 16
Adobe Security
At Adobe, we know the security of your digital experience is important. Security practices
aredeeply ingrained into our internal soware development, operations processes, and tools.
ese practices are strictly followed by our cross-functional teams to help prevent, detect,
and respond to incidents in an expedient manner. We keep up to date with the latest threats
and vulnerabilities through our collaborative work with partners, leading researchers, security
research institutions, and other industry organizations. We regularly incorporate advanced
security techniques into the products and services we oer.
is white paper describes the defense-in-depth approach security procedures implemented
by Adobe to bolster the security of your Adobe® Captivate Prime experience and your data.
About Adobe Captivate Prime
Adobe Captivate Prime is a Learning Management System (LMS) that streamlines the set-up,
delivery, and tracking of virtually any form of learning content. A self-service, cloud-based
tool, Adobe Captivate Prime enables specialists in learning and development, training,
and corporate HR departments to take charge of the learning environments they manage.
Course authors can upload a variety of static content formats into Captivate Prime, including
PowerPoint, video, PDF, and Word documents, as well as interactive content, such as AICC,
TinCan/xAPI, and SCORM packages.
Adobe Captivate Prime Application Architecture
Adobe Captivate Prime is a hosted cloud solution that separates logical functions, such as
presentation, application processing, and data management, across independent processes.
ese processes run on multiple application servers, each of which provides a dierent
service based on the dierent needs of LMS users, including administrators, authors,
managers, and learners.
Adobe Captivate Prime includes the following six (6) components:
Adobe Captivate Prime Business Logic Server — Enables the creation and
management of users, learning objects (e.g., courses, learning programs, and
certications), enrollments, and user groups.
Adobe Captivate Prime Learning Record Server — Manages learning records captured
while learners take courses (e.g., capture slide view, time spent on a slide, quiz scores,
etc.) and handles all requests pertaining to real-time, customizable reports.
Adobe Captivate Prime Worker Server — Performs all asynchronous jobs, such as
course content conversion, large report generation, and bulk user import.
API Gateway Server — Validates each connection request to determine user
authenticity and session validity. e API gateway also authorizes and allows access to
resources only to privileged users (e.g., only Authors can create a course, only Admins
can add a learner, etc.).
Container Servers — Hosts miscellaneous services, including external connectors
(e.g., SFDC, FTP servers, and WorkDay), public APIs, and oAuth.
Fluidic Player — Allows learning content to play on user devices with a
CaptivatePrime VPC
Public Subnet
Private Subnet
API Gateway
Business Logic
Learning Record
Fast Search
SQS Async
SNS S3 Storage
External SaaS e.g. CDN,
Video Delivery Network,
Payment Gateway, Mail Service
Monitoring Services
Other SSO Providers
Records DB
Figure 1: Adobe Captivate Prime application architecture
Adobe Captivate Roles
Adobe Captivate Prime supports six (6) dierent roles, each of which delivers and consumes
various types of data. e roles and the specic data for which each is responsible include:
Administrators and Integration Administrators — Import user data into Adobe Captivate
Prime and provision access to the account as well as course assets to other users of the
system. User data is typically provided in CSV format or manually entered user details
(e.g., email, name, designation, location, etc.).
Authors — Create courses by uploading various eLearning content (e.g., PDF, video, .doc/.
docx, PPT, Zip, etc.)
Learners — Take courses based on their interest or based on assignments made by their
manager or administrators. Adobe Captivate Prime records interactions between the
learner and the course (e.g., time spent per slide/page, answers given to questions, time
spent in video, etc.) for reporting purposes.
Managers — View reporting data collected for their team using a variety of
Instructors — Manage sessions and modules, upload additional resources, grade
activities, approve submissions and checklists, and mark session aendance.
Adobe Captivate Data Flow
e diagram below illustrates how data ows in the Adobe Captivate Prime system, including
where it is stored and how it is consumed. Each color line describes one type of data ow
into and out of the system.
creates course
(PDF, DOC, Video, ZIP)
Business Logic Server
Admin creates account
Import user data
via CSV or add
users using email ID
Business Logic DB
Search DB
Web Services
Learner Record Store
Reporting DB
Content Delivery
Network (CDN)
Video CDN
Manager sees
Reports and gets
info about his team
Learner consumes
Figure 2: Adobe Captivate data ow
All client connections to Adobe Captivate Prime over the Internet are sent via HTTPS using
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer), a cryptographic protocol that is designed to protect against
eavesdropping, tampering, and message forgery. Any communication with a third-party
service, such as Akamai, Brightcove, SendGrid, FastSpring, and BOX, is also sent using HTTPS.
Adobe Captivate Security Architecture
Adobe Captivate Prime is hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS) in an Amazon Virtual
Private Could (Amazon VPC). All user-supplied content (e.g., courses, prole images, etc.)
is made available via an authorization layer and can only be accessed by appropriately
authorized individuals.
e Adobe Captivate Prime databases also reside inside the VPC and can only be accessed
via authorized application server machines. ese multi-tenant databases include special
in-database security layers and additional code that helps restrict data access to the
designated tenant. A user of one Adobe Captivate Prime account does not have permission
to access data of any other Adobe Captivate Prime account.
Administrative Security Controls
Adobe Captivate Prime provides role-based authentication and authorization and supports
the above-mentioned six (6) user roles. e Administrator role has full control of the
organization’s Adobe Captivate Prime account, including adding, removing, enrolling, and
updating users, creating learning objects, and viewing reports. Only those with Administrator
privileges can provision and revoke roles, including the Integration Administrator role, which
manages the integration of Adobe Captivate Prime with external systems, such as Salesforce
and Workday. Users are only able to access functionality specically granted to their role.
User Authentication
Users can access Adobe Captivate Prime in one of three (3) dierent types of user-named
licensing. Each of these types uses an email address as the user name and include:
Adobe ID is for Adobe-hosted, user-managed accounts that are created, owned, and
controlled by individual users.
Federated ID is an enterprise-managed account where all identity proles—as well
as all associated asset—are provided by the customer’s Single Sign-On (SSO) identity
management system and are created, owned, controlled by the customer’s IT department.
Adobe Captivate Prime integrates with most any SAML 2.0-compliant identity provider.
Captivate Prime ID enables external users (temporary users or partners) to create
their Adobe Captivate Prime account by providing their email and seing a password.
esecredentials are stored in Adobe Captivate Prime and are used for authentication
purposes. All the passwords are hashed and salted for encryption before storing in the
database. e database is in private subnet and can only be accessed by the Adobe
Captivate Prime authentication module.
All Protections implemented via the authentication and authorization layer help ensure
content (e.g., courses, les, images, etc.) uploaded into Adobe Captivate Prime can only be
seen by users logged into an Adobe Captivate Prime account with sucient privileges to view
that content (e.g., a user can only view course content when the admin specically grants
him or her the necessary permissions).
Adobe Captivate Prime
Adobe understands the importance of securing the data collection, data content serving,
and reporting activities over the Adobe Captivate Prime network. To this end, the
network architecture is designed with security as a top priority, including segmentation
ofdevelopment and production environments and authenticated RBAC.
Isolation of Customer Data/Segregation of Customers
Adobe provisions a separate Adobe Captivate Prime VPC for each customer using strong
tenant isolation security and control capabilities, both those implemented by the hosting
provider as well as Adobe-specic code that further restricts access to each customer VPC.
As a virtualized, multi-tenant environment, AWS implements security management
processes and other security controls designed to isolate each customer from other AWS
customers. Adobe uses the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to further restrict
access to compute and storage instances.
All user-supplied content (e.g., courses, prole images, etc.) is made available via an
authorization layer and can only be accessed by appropriately authorized individuals.
eAdobe Captivate Prime databases also reside inside the VPC and can only be accessed
via authorized application server machines. ese multi-tenant databases include special
in-database security layers and additional code that helps restrict data access to the
designated tenant. A user of one Adobe Captivate Prime account does not have permission
toaccess any other Adobe Captivate Prime account.
Customer data resides in the same data center as the customers Adobe Captivate Prime VPC,
either US East (Virginia) or Frankfurt, Germany. Replication of Amazon S3 data objects occurs
in the regional cluster in which the data is stored.
Secure Management
Adobe deploys dedicated network connections from our corporate oces to our data center
facilities in order to enable secure management of the Adobe Captivate Prime servers.
All management connections to the servers occur over encrypted Secure Shell (SSH),
SecureSockets Layer (SSL), or Virtual Private Network (VPN) channels and remote access
always requires two-factor authentication (2FA). Unless the connection originates from a list
of trusted IP addresses, Adobe does not allow management access from the Internet.
Service Monitoring
Adobe monitors all servers, routers, switches, load balancers, and other critical network
equipment on the Adobe Captivate Prime network 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days
a year (24x7x365). e Adobe Network Operations Center (NOC) receives notications from
the various monitoring systems and will promptly aempt to x or escalate the issue to the
appropriate Adobe personnel. Additionally, Adobe contracts with multiple third parties to
perform external monitoring.
Further, Adobe uses state-of-the-art technologies and industry-leading providers for
application-specic monitoring and alerting. SLIs and SLOs are constantly tracked,
andviolations result in alerts with the appropriate severity.
Change Management
Adobe uses a change management tool to schedule modications, helping to increase
communication between teams that share resource dependencies and inform relevant
parties of pending changes. In addition, Adobe uses this change management tool to
schedule maintenance blackouts outside of periods of high network trac. Adobe also
maintains a Status Health Dashboard for Adobe Captivate Prime.
Patch Management
In order to automate patch distribution to host computers within the Adobe Captivate
Prime organization, Adobe uses internal patch and package repositories as well as industry-
standard patch and conguration management. Depending on the role of the host and the
criticality of pending patches, Adobe distributes patches to hosts at deployment and on
aregular patch schedule. If required, Adobe releases and deploys emergency patch releases
on short notice.
Firewalls (Secure Network Routing)
Secure network routing is implemented to only allow connections to allowed ports, i.e.,
Port 443 for HTTPS. Outbound trac is only allowed on HTTPS and NAT masks the true
IP address of a server from the client connecting to it. e load balancers proxy incoming
HTTPS connections and also distribute requests that enable the network to handle
momentary load spikes without service disruption. Adobe implements fully redundant
rewalls and load balancers, reducing the possibility that a single device failure can disrupt
the ow of trac.
Non-routable, Private Addressing
Adobe maintains all servers containing customer data on servers with non-routable IP
addresses (RFC 1918). ese private addresses, combined with NAT and internal network
policies, prevent an individual server on the network from being directly addressed from
thexInternet, greatly reducing the potential vectors of aack.
Intrusion Detection
Adobe deploys Intrusion Detection System (IDS) sensors at critical points in the network
to detect and alert our security team to unauthorized aempts to access the network.
esecurity team follows up on intrusion notications by validating the alert and inspecting
the Adobe Captivate Prime platform for any sign of compromise. Adobe regularly updates
allsensors and monitors them for proper operation.
Access Controls
Only authorized users within the Adobe intranet or remote users who have completed the
multi-factor authentication process to create a VPN connection can access administrative
tools. In addition, Adobe logs all Captivate Prime production server connections for auditing.
For Captivate Prime environments, Adobe makes built-in security features available to
implement permissions and access control using groups and privileges.
In order to help protect against unauthorized access and modication, Adobe captures
and manages network logs, OS-related logs, and intrusion detections using a combination
of industry-standard and Adobe-proprietary tools. Adobe periodically reviews log storage
capacity and expands storage capacity if, and when, required. Adobe hardens all systems
that generate logs and restricts access to logs and logging soware to authorized Adobe
personnel. Adobe retains raw logs for one year and all logs are managed and accessed only
by Adobe personnel.
Data Center Physical and
Environmental Controls
e below description of data center physical and environmental access controls includes
controls that are common to all Adobe data center locations. Some data centers may have
additional controls to supplement those described in this document.
Physical Facility Security
Adobe physically secures all hardware in Adobe-owned or -leased hosting facilities against
unauthorized access. All facilities that contain production servers for Captivate Prime include
dedicated, 24-hour on-site security personnel and require these individuals to have valid
credentials to enter the facility. Adobe requires PIN or badge credentials—and, in some cases,
both—for authorized access to data centers. Only individuals on the approved access list
can enter the facility. All facilities include the use of man-traps, which prevent unauthorized
individuals from tailgating authorized individuals into the facility.
Fire Suppression
All data center facilities must employ an air-sampling, fast-response smoke detector system
that alerts facility personnel at the rst hint of a re. In addition, each facility must install a
pre-action, dry-pipe sprinkler system with double interlock to ensure no water is released
into a server area without the activation of a smoke detector and the presence of heat.
Controlled Environment
Every data center facility must include an environmentally controlled environment, including
temperature humidity control and uid detection. Adobe requires a completely redundant
heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system and 24x7x365 facility teams to
promptly handle environmental issues that might arise. If the environmental parameters
move outside those dened by Adobe, environmental monitors alert both Adobe and the
facility’s Network Operations Center (NOC).
Video Surveillance
All facilities that contain product servers for Captivate Prime must provide video surveillance
to monitor entry and exit point access, at a minimum. Adobe asks that data center facilities
also monitor physical access to equipment. Adobe may review video logs when issues or
concerns arise in order to determine access.
Backup Power
Multiple power feeds from independent power distribution units help to ensure continuous
power delivery at every Adobe-owned or Adobe-leased data center facility. Adobe also
requires automatic transition from primary to backup power and that this transition occurs
without service interruption. Adobe requires each data center facility to provide redundancy
at every level, including generators and diesel fuel contracts. Additionally, each facility must
conduct regular testing of its generators under load to ensure availability of equipment.
Disaster Recovery
Captivate Prime utilizes multi-AZ deployment and backups are stored in multiple AZs in their
respective regions, either US East (Virginia) or Frankfurt, Germany, thereby helping ensure
the solution’s resilience in the event of a data center failure. Service restoration is fullled
within commercially reasonable best eorts and is performed in conjunction with the data
center providers ability to supply adequate infrastructure at the prevailing failover location.
Captivate Prime is hosted in state-of-the-art AWS data centers, which are highly resilient
and designed to tolerate system or hardware failures with minimal impact. Each data center
runs on its own physically distinct and independent infrastructure to help ensure business
continuity in the event of an outage. Captivate Prime’s recovery point objective (RPO) is
24hours and recovery time objective (RTO) is 72 hours.
Availability and Notication
Captivate Prime uptime data is available at on the Adobe Status website. Additionally, for
both planned and unplanned system downtime, the Captivate Prime team also follows a
notication process to inform customers about the status of the service. If there is a need to
migrate the operational service from a primary site to a disaster-recovery site, customers will
receive several specic notications including:
Notication of the intent to migrate the services to the disaster recovery site
Hourly progress updates during the service migration
Notication of completion of the migration to the disaster recovery site
e notications will also include contact information and availability for client support and
customer success representatives. ese representatives will answer questions and concerns
during the migration as well as aer the migration to promote a seamless transition to newly
active operations on a dierent regional site.
e Adobe Security Organization
As part of our commitment to the security of our products and services, Adobe coordinates
all security eorts under the Chief Security Ocer (CSO). e oce of the CSO coordinates all
product and service security initiatives and the implementation of the Adobe Secure Product
Lifecycle (SPLC).
e CSO also manages the Adobe Secure Soware Engineering Team (ASSET), a dedicated,
central team of security experts who serve as consultants to key Adobe product and operations
teams, including the Adobe Captivate Prime team. ASSET researchers work with individual
Adobe product and operations teams to strive to achieve the right level of security for products
and services and advise these teams on security practices for clear and repeatable processes for
development, deployment, operations, and incident response.
Trust &
Tech GRC/
& PR
Legal &
Figure 3: e Adobe Security Organization
Adobe Secure Product Development
As with other key Adobe product and service organizations, the Adobe Captivate Prime
organization employs the Adobe Soware Product Lifecycle (SPLC) process. A rigorous set
of several hundred specic security activities spanning soware development practices,
processes, and tools, the Adobe SPLC is integrated into multiple stages of the product
lifecycle, from design and development to quality assurance, testing, and deployment. ASSET
security researchers provide specic SPLC guidance for each key product or service based
on an assessment of potential security issues. Complemented by continuous community
engagement, the Adobe SPLC evolves to stay current as changes occur in technology, security
practices, and the threat landscape.
Adobe Secure Product Lifecycle
e Adobe SPLC activities include, depending on the specic Captivate Prime component,
some or all of the following recommended best practices, processes, and tools:
Security training and certication for product teams
Product health, risk, and threat landscape analysis
Secure coding guidelines, rules, and analysis
Service roadmaps, security tools, and testing methods that guide the Adobe Captivate
Prime security team to help address the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP)
Top 10 most critical web application security aws and CWE/SANS Top 25 most dangerous
soware errors
Security architecture review and penetration testing
Source code reviews to help eliminate known aws that could lead to vulnerabilities
User-generated content validation
Static and dynamic code analysis
Application and network scanning
Full readiness review, response plans, and release of developer education materials
Abuse, Fraud &
Incident Responses
& Monitoring
Deployment Staging
& Stabilization
& Testing
& Planning
& Certication
Figure 4: Adobe Secure Product Lifecycle (SPLC)
Adobe Soware Security
As part of the Adobe SPLC, Adobe conducts ongoing security training within development
teams to enhance security knowledge throughout the company and improve the overall
security of our products and services. Employees participating in the Adobe Soware Security
Certication Program aain dierent certication levels by completing security projects.
Various teams within the Captivate Prime organization participate in additional security
training and workshops to increase awareness of how security aects their specic roles
within the organization and the company in general. For more information, please see the
Adobe Security Culture white paper.
Adobe Captivate Prime Compliance
Captivate Prime meets or can be congured to meet compliance requirements for many
industry and regulatory standards. Customers maintain control over their documents, data,
and workows and can choose how to best comply with local or regional regulations, such
as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the EU. For more information on Adobe
privacy policies, please see the Adobe Privacy Center.
Adobe Common Controls Framework
Captivate Prime adheres to the Adobe Common Controls Framework (CCF), a set of security
activities and compliance controls that are implemented within our product operations
teams as well as in various parts of our infrastructure and application teams. In creating the
CCF, Adobe analyzed the criteria for the most common security certications for cloud-based
businesses and rationalized the more than 1,000 requirements down to Adobe-specic
controls that map to approximately a dozen industry standards.
10+ Standards,
~1350 Control Requirements (CRs)
~ 290 common controls
across 20 control domains
Asset Management – 11 Controls
Backup Management – 5 Controls
Business Continuity – 5 Controls
Change Management – 6 Controls
Conguration Management – 15 Controls
Data Management – 32 Controls
Identity and Access Management – 49 Controls
Incident Response – 9 Controls
Mobile Device Management – 4 Controls
Network Operations – 19 Controls
People Resources – 6 Controls
Risk Management – 8 Controls
Security Governance – 23 Controls
Service Lifecycle – 7 Controls
Site Operations – 16 Controls
System Design Documentation –3 Controls
Systems Monitoring – 30 Controls
ird Party Management – 13 Controls
Training and Awareness – 6 Controls
Vulnerability Management – 21 Controls
AICPA Trust Service Principles
Service Organization Controls (SOC) - 116
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) - 5
FedRAMP - 325
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) - 28
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) - 12
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) - 112
ISO 27001 and 27002 - 150
Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) - 247
Privacy Shield - 47
Sarbanes Oxley 404 (Information Technology General Controls) - 63
BSI C5 - 114
Figure 5: e Adobe Common Controls Framework (CCF)
Adobe Risk &
Adobe strives to ensure that its risk and vulnerability management, incident response,
mitigation, and resolution process is nimble and accurate. Adobe continuously monitors the
threat landscape, shares knowledge with security experts around the world, swily resolves
incidents when they occur, and feeds this information back to its development teams to help
achieve the highest levels of security for all Adobe products and services.
Penetration Testing
Adobe approves and engages with leading third-party security rms to perform penetration
testing that can uncover potential security vulnerabilities and improve the overall security of
Adobe products and services. Upon receipt of the report provided by the third party, Adobe
documents these vulnerabilities, evaluates severity and priority, and then creates a mitigation
strategy or remediation plan. Adobe conducts a penetration test annually and before every
major release. Vulnerability scans are performed monthly while web and database scans are
performed quarterly.
e Captivate Prime security team performs a risk assessment of all Captivate Prime
components prior to every release and also contracts with an industry-leading third-party
vendor to conduct an annual external assessment. To help ensure high-risk vulnerabilities
are mitigated prior to each release, the Captivate Prime security team partners with technical
operations and development leads. For more information on Adobe penetration testing
procedures, see the Adobe Secure Engineering Overview white paper.
Incident Response and Notication
New vulnerabilities and threats evolve each day and Adobe strives to respond to mitigate
newly discovered threats. In addition to subscribing to industry-wide vulnerability
announcement lists, including US-CERT and SANS, Adobe also subscribes to the latest
security alert lists issued by major security vendors.
For more detail on Adobe’s incident response and notication process, please see the
AdobeIncident Response Overview.
Forensic Analysis
For incident investigations, the Captivate Prime team adheres to the Adobe forensic analysis
process that includes, as appropriate, complete image capture or memory dump of an
impacted machine(s), evidence safe-holding, and chain-of-custody record. We oer a data
retention feature that helps automate deletion of Captivate Prime agreement data at a
customer-specied interval aer agreement completion. We also provide an administrative
interface for customers to manually delete selected data.
Adobe Corporate Locations
Adobe maintains oces around the world and implements the following processes and
procedures company-wide to protect the company against security threats:
Physical Security
Every Adobe corporate oce location employs on-site guards to protect the premises 24x7.
Adobe employees carry a key card ID badge for building access. Visitors enter through
the front entrance, Captivate Prime in and out with the receptionist, display a temporary
Visitor ID badge, and are accompanied by an employee. Adobe keeps all server equipment,
development machines, phone systems, le and mail servers, and other sensitive systems
locked at all times in environment-controlled server rooms accessible only by appropriate,
authorized sta members.
Virus Protection
Adobe scans all inbound and outbound corporate email for known malware threats.
Adobe Employees
Adobe maintains employees and oces around the world and implements the following
processes and procedures company-wide to protect the company against security threats:
Employee Access to Customer Data
Adobe maintains segmented development and production environments for Captivate Prime,
using technical controls to limit network and application-level access to live production
systems. Employees have specic authorizations to access development and production
systems, and employees with no legitimate business purpose are restricted from accessing
these systems.
Background Checks
Adobe obtains background check reports for employment purposes. e specic nature
and scope of the report that Adobe typically seeks includes inquiries regarding educational
background, work history, court records, including criminal conviction records and references
obtained from professional and personal associates, each as permied by applicable law.
ese background check requirements apply to regular U.S. new hire employees, including
those who will be administering systems or have access to customer information. New U.S.
temporary agency workers are subject to background check requirements through the
applicable temporary agency, in compliance with Adobes background screen guidelines.
Outside the U.S., Adobe conducts background checks on certain new employees in
accordance with Adobe’s background check policy and applicable local laws.
Employee Termination
When an employee leaves Adobe, the employee’s manager submits an “exiting worker” form.
Once approved, Adobe People Resources initiates an email workow to inform relevant
stakeholders to take specic actions leading up to the employees last day. In the event
Adobe terminates an employee, Adobe People Resources sends a similar email notication
torelevant stakeholders, including the specic date and time of the employment termination.
Adobe Corporate Security then schedules the following actions to help ensure that, upon
conclusion of the employee’s nal day of employment, he or she can longer access to Adobe
condential les or oces:
Email Access Removal
Remote VPN Access Removal
Oce and Datacenter Badge Invalidation
Network Access Termination
Upon request, managers may ask building security to escort the terminated employee from
the Adobe oce or building.
© 2021 Adobe. All rights reserved.
Adobe and the Adobe logo are either registered
trademarks or trademarks of Adobe in the United
States and/or other countries.
Facility Security
Every Adobe corporate oce location employs on-site guards to protect the premises 24x7.
Adobe employees carry a key card ID badge for building access. Visitors enter through
the front entrance, Captivate Prime in and out with the receptionist, display a temporary
Visitor ID badge and are accompanied by an employee. Adobe keeps all server equipment,
development machines, phone systems, le and mail servers, and other sensitive systems
locked at all times in environment-controlled server rooms accessible only by appropriate,
authorized sta members.
Customer Data Condentiality
Adobe treats customer data as condential. Adobe does not use or share the information
collected on behalf of a customer except as may be allowed in a contract with that customer
and as set forth in the Adobe Terms of Use and the Adobe Privacy Policy.
e proactive approach to security and stringent procedures described in this paper help
protect the security of Captivate Prime and your condential data. At Adobe, we take the
security of your digital experience very seriously and we continuously monitor the evolving
threat landscape to try to stay ahead of malicious activities and help ensure the security our
customers’ data.
For more information, please visit the Adobe Trust Center.
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