2017 Impact Report
This publication is intended to convey the importance and impact of
the Idaho State Police Forensic Services Laboratories on the criminal
justice system in Idaho. All the cases highlighted in this newsletter are
cases where ISPFS played a critical role by performing forensic analysis
used in the criminal proceedings. Some analysis performed helped to
convict individuals. Other forensic ndings helped lead to exonera-
tions. While the cases highlighted here were all published in major
news media outlets, the majority of the cases worked on a daily basis
are not published or publicized. In scal year 2017 alone the labs
worked over 13,100 cases in support of local and state criminal justice
agencies. Timely forensic science analysis is vital to the success of the
Idaho judicial system. Support from Idaho policymakers has been
essential in the successes of the state laboratory system. The lab
system employees will continue to work for Idaho citizens and other
criminal justice stakeholders. Many new and ongoing forensic science
initiatives will keep our Idaho lab system leading the country with
innovative ideas. We expect scal year 2018 to be a banner year!
The identity of a gun-wielding man in a
Sept. 28, 2017 home invasion and re at a
house near Meridian — which left three
people dead — has been a mystery while
DNA tests were done to identify a mans
body found at the scene.
That body has been identied as 35-year-
old Pavel Florea, the Ada County coroner
said in a release Monday. The case remains
under investigation, and Floreas cause and
manner of death were not released.
Sheri Stephen Barlett said deputies who
responded to a report of a prowler at the
house red at the armed man, who was
banging on the front door of the house be-
fore gaining entry. Within about 15
minutes, the house was on re.
ISP forensic scientists used DNA analysis to
identify the decedent.
Idaho Statesman
For 3 years Stephanie Johnson
was terrorized by her boyfriend,
Max Gorringe. In a KTVB
interview in March 2017,
Stephanie recounted the
violence she endured. It was
things like I was stabbed and lit
on re, and locked in a
crawlspace, and beaten over
and over again with metal pipes,
and spray cans and sts and
anything that he had really.
Forensic scientists with ISP
Forensic Services performed
both biological screening and
DNA analyses in this case.
Max Gorringe is now in prison
serving a 15 year sentence for
Attempted Strangulation.
Survivor credits Canyon County
Sheris Oce with saving her life
Domestic Violence Survivor
On February 19, 2017, concerned
friends went to check on the
Spillett family of Preston. They
discovered the dead bodies of
Tate Spillett (37) and three
children, Corbin, (15), McCoy (7),
and Jessica (6). The investiga-
tion revealed that the father,
Tate, had shot the children and
then killed himself. The chil-
drens mother, Summer Spillett,
was out of town at the time.
An ISP Forensic Services analyst
from the Pocatello lab assisted
with processing the crime scene.
In an article from the Preston
Citizen, Preston Police Chief,
Ken Geddes, thanked all of the
agencies involved in the
investigation including the Idaho
State Police Forensics
Funeral set for family who died of
gunshot on Sunday
Franklin County Tragedy
A new synthetic opioid dubbed
Pinkywas discovered in a
federal drug raid in Pocatello in
February 2017. The drugs
scientic name is U-47700 and
was designated as a Schedule 1
controlled substance by the
Drug Enforcement Agency in
November 2016.
According to a Local 8 News
article, over 50 deaths have now
been connected to U-47700 use
in the United States.
A suspect was arrested in the
Pocatello bust, but the case was
The drug evidence seized in the
raid was analyzed by an ISP
Forensic Scientist in the
Controlled Substances section.
A new drug has made its way into
south east Idaho
Deadly New Drug in Idaho
On June 19, 2017, the bodies of three people were discovered in a shed in Caldwell o of KCID
Road during a welfare check by a Canyon County Sheris deputy. The bodies were badly
decomposed and it is thought that they had been dead for two to three weeks before being
discovered. All three had been shot and identication was dicult because of the level of
decomposition. The rst body to be identied was
of Cheryl Baker, a former Utah teacher. After DNA
comparison, the other two bodies were identied
as Nadja, 48, and Payton Medley, 14.
Cheryl Baker had purchased the home in May 2017
with her husband, Gerald Michael Bullinger.
Friends of Nadja and Payton say that Nadja and
Bullinger had been dating for two years. The
dynamics of the relationships are unknown.,
though by all accounts, Cheryl and Mike were thought to be happily married.
Mike Bullinger is currently wanted in connection with the murders, which has sparked a
nationwide manhunt. Bullingers car was found in July at a campground in Wyoming, containing
some evidence in the case. Biological screening and DNA analyses were performed by ISP
Forensic Scientists in this case.
Canyon County Sheri, Kieran Donahue, said in a recent press conference Because of the ability
of forensic science and the forensic lab here in the state of Idaho, and of course the dental
records with our oce and with Vicki, its amazing to be able to bring all of those resources to
bare and then ultimately identify these individuals and again that helps bring such closure to
those families. We really appreciate what the Idaho State Police Forensics Lab has done for us in
this case.
Victims in Caldwell Triple Homicide Identied; Bullinger wanted on murder charges
Caldwell Triple Homicide
On September 7, 2017, Anthony Ish was sentenced to life in prison for the 2014 murder of
Darrell Auck. Even though Aucks body has never been found, there were witness accounts
that Ish red a pistol at Auck several times. Witnesses also testied that they saw Ish load the
body of Auck into a truck and drive away. The murder occurred during Anthony Ishs birthday
party at his grandmothers mobile home in Fort Hall. An anonymous tip led to the arrest of Ish
within 24 hours of the murder. An ISP Forensic Scientist performed biological analysis in this
case. Ish will serve his sentenced in a federal prison.
Anthony Ish sentenced to life in prison for murdering man whose body has never been found
Murder Conviction With No Body
Pocatello Manslaughter
In April 2017, Martin Ish was convicted of felony voluntary manslaughter for
his involvement in the death of Eugene Red Elk. Red Elk died outside of
Duys Tavern in Pocatello in 2009. The exact cause of death was unclear, but
could have been caused from blunt force trauma
to the head. Ishs cousin testied that he told her
that he had blastedRed Elk and he was gurgling
blood.A friend of Martin Ishs, Charles Tademy,
also indicated that Ish had asked him to drive by
Duys and see if anything was going on. Tademy told Ish there were
police vehicles at the tavern. Ish was sentenced to 15 years in prison
with the possibility for parole in 2025. An ISP Forensic Scientist
performed biological analysis in this case.
Martin Ish Found Guilty of Manslaughter
In June 2017, Patricia Beyer was convicted of vehicular manslaughter in the
2016 death of Anne Davis. Beyer also hit Laura Stark, who is now paralyzed
from the chest down. This was the 16th trac violation Beyer has had in
Idaho. The judge sentenced Beyer to 60 days in jail and suspended her
drivers license for three years. According to Bonneville County Deputy
Prosecutor, John Dewey, Idaho law says that violation of trac laws that
result in fatalities are generally misdemeanors. ISP Forensic Scientists
performed blood alcohol and toxicology analyses in this case.
Both women were part of a group of bicyclists riding cross county to raise money for charity.
Anne Daviss family said that they think Beyer should have been charged with a felony, and that
the sentence should be more harsh.
Her 16th trac violation took a life, family disappointed in 60 day jail sentence
Idaho Falls Vehicular Manslaughter
Fort Hall Murder
In June 2017, Demetrius Gomez was sentenced to 30 years in
federal prison for the second degree murder of his cousin,
Tyrone Diaz in Fort Hall. Gomez shot Diaz in the face at close
range with a shotgun and then hid the body in a shed.
According to the U.S. Attorneys oce, the shooting was
intentional and unprovoked. The investigation was conducted by Fort Hall
Tribal Police and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. ISP Forensic Scientists
performed blood alcohol, toxicology, and ngerprint analyses in this case.
They also assisted with eld services at the crime scene.
Fort Hall Man Sentenced For Killing Cousin, Hiding Body in a Shed
In December 2016, Bruce Marchant was arrested in New York City for the
kidnapping, rape, and murder of 18 year old Sierra Bush of Boise. Sierra went
missing in September of last year and her body was found south of Idaho City in
October. Police eventually found Marchants abandoned vehicle and discovered
a pair of gloves with blood stains. ISP Forensic analysts performed latent print
comparison, biological screening, and DNA analyses on several pieces of
evidence. Analysts conrmed that the blood on the gloves were from Sierra
Bush. Sierras step-father, Bart Green, told KTVB we want to extend our thanks
to all of the Boise Police Department detectives, uniformed ocer and forensic technicians,
the Idaho State Police crime lab workers, those at the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the U.S.
Marshals Service and law enforcement agencies in other states for the role that each of them
played in discovering and developing the evidence and in running to ground Sierras alleged
killer.On September 5, 2017, Marchant pleaded guilty to killing Sierra Bush and is scheduled to
be sentenced on December 6, 2017.
Prosecutor: bloody gloves link suspect to slain teen
Man charged in death of Sierra Bush, arrested in NYC
She wasnt breathing anymore:Man pleads guilty to killing Boise State student
Innocence Lost
Couples Argument Kills Daughter
In March 2016, James Barnes and Jordan Jamison were driving their
daughter to school when they began arguing. The situation escalated
and the couple hit each other, causing Jamison to lose control of the
vehicle and it rolled. Autumn Barnes, 14 years old, was injured and died
at the scene. It was later discovered that Jordan Jamison had
methamphetamine in her system at the time of the crash. Both Barnes
and Jamison were charged with felony Injury to Child with an enhancement for inicting great
bodily harm and misdemeanor controlled substance possession. Jury trials for both are sched-
uled for July and October 2017. Blood alcohol and toxicology
analyses were performed by ISP forensic scientists in this
ACSO: Parents hitting each other when SUV rolled, killing Kuna girl
In August 2017 Mykle
Blumenshine and Lyle Croson
pleaded guilty to the second-
degree murder of Paul Russell.
Russell was an innocent
bystander that was shot during
an altercation between his
friends and the two suspects.
Blumenshine and Croson are
scheduled to be sentenced on
October 13, 2017. They could be
sentenced to up to life in prison.
ISP Forensic Scientists
performed rearms, controlled
substance, biology, and
ngerprint analyses in this case.
Shooters plead guilty in Garden City
Dirk Johnson pleaded not
guilty to vehicular man-
slaughter in June 2017. He is
accused of causing the
death of Shirley Williams
while driving a gravel truck
on I-15 on June 28, 2017.
Williamss horse was also
killed in the crash.
ISP Forensic Scientists
performed blood alcohol
analysis in this case.
Idaho Falls Man Pleads Not Guilty
to Vehicular Manslaughter After
Deadly Crash on I-15
In June, Lauren Weeks lost
control of her vehicle while
driving drunk. Weeks also had
four children in the vehicle at
the time. She admitted she
had been drinking while at
the water park in Rexburg.
Weeks was also cited for
Injury to a child and open
container, but those charges
were later dismissed.
Weeks was convicted of
excessive DUI. Two breath
alcohol tests measured .306
and .312, almost 4 times the
legal limit of .08. ISP Forensic
Services had calibrated the
instrument used for the
breath testing.
Weeks was sentenced to 90
days in jail.
Police: Mom got drunk crashed car
with 4 kids inside
Garden City Shooting
Driver Kills Woman & Horse Rexburg Drunk Driver
On April 29, 2016 four men
plotted a hate crime that
resulted in murder. They
answered an ad for a male escort
posted by Steven Nelson, 49.
When Nelson arrived at the
meeting place near Lake Lowell,
the assailants savagely beat and
robbed him, even kicking him
over 30 times with steel-toed
boots. They stole his clothes,
wallet, and car keys.
Nelson managed to walk naked
to a home nearby where
residents called 911. He ended up
dying several hours later from
cardiac arrest. Two analysts from
ISP Forensic Services performed
biological screening and DNA
Man accused in Lake Lowell murder
found guilty
A former Devils Diciples biker
club president, Scott Arlis
Thomas, was indicted in federal
court for possession with intent
to distribute methamphetamine
and possession of a rearm by a
prohibited person. The bust was
the result of combined eorts of
the Treasure Valley Metro
Violent Crime Task Force,
Caldwell Police Department, and
ATF. A forensic scientist in the
ISP Coeur dAlene lab analyzed
the sample for controlled
Investigation Leads to Federal
Indictment of Former President of
Devils Disciples Motorcycle Club
James Mancuso was recently
sentenced to 10 years to life in
prison for the March 2016 mur-
der of Robert Stevens in Nampa.
Mancuso stabbed Stevens and
then ed with his girlfriend,
Ashley Ford. The two split up
and Mancuso was apprehended
three months later in Spokane
and Ford in Las Vegas. Ashley
Ford was charged with
Harboring a Person Who
Committed a Felony but the
case was dismissed in March
ISP Forensic Services personnel
conducted biological analyses
latent print comparison, and
crime scene assistance in
Bonner County.
Former fugitive sentenced in
Nampa murder
Lake Lowell Hate Crime
Biker Tracks Meth
Murder Fugitive Sentenced
A Kuna man nally admitted he
staged a Caldwell shooting in order
to avoid a prison sentence and to
collect on disability insurance.
Shannon Egeland told his teenage
son to shoot him in
the leg in 2014.
Egeland is in federal
prison. Biology
screening and
rearms analyses
was performed by ISP Forensic
Kuna man admits fraud after son
Caldwell Shooting Staged
Parma Fire & Vandalism
ISP Forensic Services assists
Parma Police with arson and
vandalism investigation in
August 2016.
Ocials investigate re, vandalized
trucks in Parma
Longtime Firebird Raceway employee, Joel Eggers, was killed in April 2016 when Tyler Martinez
hit him with his car while texting near the Boise Airport. Martinez was convicted of vehicular
manslaughter and sentenced to 15 years in prison. Controlled substance and toxicology anal-
yses were completed by ISP Forensic Services. The destruction of evidence, possession of a
controlled substance, and possession of drug paraphernalia charges were dropped in ex-
change for a guilty plea for vehicular manslaughter.
Boise man pleads guilty to Firebird Raceway employees killing
Boise Vehicular Manslaughter
Michael Downs accepted a plea deal in October for stabbing his close friend, Daniel Ridgeway,
in January 2016. Michael Downs believed that the victim had raped his mother and sister.
Downs claims that his actions were caused by his use of methamphetamine. His parents said he
had stopped taking his medication for bipolar disorder and even told a doctor only a few days
before that he wanted to kill Daniel. Daniel Ridgeway was hospitalized for months while
ghting infections, gangrene, and blood clots. He died March 26, 2016. Prosecutors insisted
that a condition of the plea agreement was that they would ask the judge to impose a 40 year
sentence, with 20 years xed. The judge chose to hand down a life sentence with the possibility
of parole in 2031. Biological screening was performed by an ISP analyst in
this case.
Boise man pleads guilty to murder in friends stabbing death
Murder suspects parents recount bizarre behavior before stabbing
False Assault Report
Man Stabs Friend
In February 2016, an ISP Forensic Scientist performed biological screening on a sexual assault kit after a
woman reported being attacked in Boise in late January. A composite sketch of the suspect was
released, but the victim later recanted her story. The woman was not charged with making a false re-
port to law enforcement.
Boise sexual assault report recanted
In June 2016 Michael Dauber
agreed to a plea deal in Boise
County for the murder of two
men. Dauber was accused of
shooting and dismembering
Joshua Reddington, 25, in 2000
and Steve Kalogerakos, 45, in
2007. After dismembering the
bodies, Dauber disposed of them
in the Boise National Forest
outside Idaho City. The remains
were not found until 2013 and
2014. Six ISP Forensic Scientists
were involved in many aspects of
the investigation, including
assisting with eld services at
the scenes, rearm and DNA
analyses, and latent print
Dauber was sentenced to life in
prison for 2 counts of 2nd
Degree Murder and will be
eligible for parole in 17 years.
Dauber pleads guilty to killing,
dismembering 2 men
In May 2016 a Glenns Ferry
man was hospitalized
after using marijuana
laced with a chemical.
According to Chief Deputy
Mike Barclay of the
Elmore County Sheris
Oce, the chemical
caused irreversible
damage to the man. The
Elmore County Sheris
Oce released a warning
to marijuana users that
they should be careful and
know where their
marijuana comes from.
Idaho State Police
Forensic Services
controlled substance
scientists analyzed the
evidence in this case.
Idaho man collapses after
consuming laced marijuana, police
A 6-year-old boy died in
August 2016 after
accidentally shooting
himself. The Washington
County Sheri, Matt
Thomas, said it appears
that the child found the gun
while his mother and her
boyfriend were outside.
While playing with it, the
gun red and the bullet hit
the boy in the head.
Three ISP forensic scientists
responded to the scene and
two collected ngerprints
from the victim during the
Sheri Thomas urged
parents to teach their
children about guns and
not to play with them.
6-year-old Weiser boy dies after
shooting himself
Murder & Dismemberment
Laced Marijuana Accidental Shooting
In May 2016 Cody Meade robbed a gas station in Twin Falls. After being
held at the Twin Falls County Jail, Meade was charged with close to 20
felonies, including taking another inmate hostage with a piece of
broken mirror. Meade was sentenced to life in prison for the robbery,
but was also given sentences for Injuring Jail Property, Riot, and
Propelling Bodily Fluids. He will be eligible for parole in 2035. Codys brother, Skylar, is also
incarcerated for his own crimes, including Assault/Battery on Certain Personnel, Possession of a
Controlled Substance, and Possession of Major Contraband Within Correctional Facility, among
others. Between the two brotherscases, many ISP Forensic Scientists performed controlled
substance, latent ngerprint, and biological analyses.
Brother of accused jail hostage-taker, also in custody, charged with having shank meant to stab deputies
Family Aair
A Jerome man, Jose de Jesus Segundo-Huizar, will be tried in the death of 34 year old Carmen
Magallanes-Sanchez. On September 4, 2016, a hunter found the body of a woman that had been
decapitated in a shallow grave about 10 miles north of Elko, Nevada. Segundo-Huizar led police
to where the head was buried a month later and was subsequently arrested. He has been
charged with rst-degree murder, kidnapping, child abuse, and concealing or destroying
evidence, but no trial date had been set as of January 11,
2017. Multiple Idaho State Police Forensic Services
personnel responded to and assisted with the Nevada
crime scene.
Idaho man to be tried in death of decapitated woman
Shooting Suspect Acquitted
Elko Decapitation
Fred Zapata Paiz was acquitted in July 2016 of charges related to a shooting in a Twin Falls park
in September 2015. Paiz was accused of being involved in the shooting of Marcus Loya.
Witnesses said Paiz was at home with his girlfriend and children when the
shooting happened. Latent ngerprint comparison was performed by an ISP
Forensic Scientist contractor in this case.
Jerome man acquitted in Twin Falls park shooting
Gilberto Delgado was captured in
Pocatello in August 2016.
Delgado was wanted in
connection with the shooting
deaths of a brother and sister in
Spokane Valley, Washington. The
female victims son was also
present and witnessed the
shootings and made the 911 call.
The boy was not injured.
According to the Spokane
County Sheris Oce, Delgado
was the ex-boyfriend of the
woman killed.
Gilberto Delgado is currently
incarcerated in Idaho for a prior
conviction of Aggravated Assault
in Power County from 2009. His
sentence satisfaction date is
A member of ISP Forensic
Services assisted with evidence
collection from the suspects car.
Man wanted for Spokane Valley
shooting deaths arrested in
southern Idaho
In September 2016, while under
the inuence of drugs and
alcohol, Brandi Christensen
allegedly hit Idaho State
University student, Justin
Kynaston, with her car.
Kynaston was in critical
condition for months, but died
from injuries in December 2016.
Christensen has been charged
with Vehicular Manslaughter
and the preliminary hearing is
scheduled for 6/14/2017.
Justin Kynaston, originally from
Boise, was a nuclear and
mechanical engineering student.
Blood alcohol testing and
controlled substance analyses
were performed by ISP Forensic
Scientists in this case.
Pocatello woman accused of
hitting pedestrian will face
additional charges
On June 14, 2016, a car crashed
into the house of William Bill
Hong in Blackfoot causing a re.
Hong later died at the hospital
from smoke inhalation injuries.
Dillon Gibson admitted to being
under the inuence at the time
of the accident. Gibson entered
a guilty plea to vehicular
manslaughter in October in
exchange for dismissal of the
other charges including leaving
the scene of an accident and
two counts of failure to report
the accident.
Dillon Gibson was sentenced to
15 years in prison and will be
eligible for parole in 2019.
Biological, blood alcohol, and
toxicology analyses were
completed by ISP Forensic
Man who crashed into house
pleads guilty to manslaughter
Pocatello Fugitive Capture
ISU Student Killed DUI Crash Causes Death
The North Idaho Violent Crime Task Force, which consists of the FBI, Coeur dAlene Police
Department, Kootenai County Sheris Oce, and the Post Falls Police Department, assisted a
federal drug task force in investigating and taken down drug trackers in 2016. Eleven people
were arrested by federal agents for selling oxycodone, heroin, and methamphetamine in Idaho,
Washington, Montana, and North Dakota. The leader of the operation was 52 year old Loren
MamaToelle, a former stripper from Las Vegas. Also involved were Toelles brother, Robert
Hill, three of her children, and several others. Stanley Toelle, Lorens ex-husband and a physician
at Kootenai Health, pleaded guilty to ling false IRS documents. It is estimated that the ring
produced more than $1.3 million since 2009. The U.S. attorneys oce in Idaho is seeking to
forfeit that amount in addition to four homes and 10 vehicles belonging to the defendants.
Loren Toelle: sentenced to 17 1/2 years in federal prison for drug tracking
Robert Hill: sentenced to 12 1/2 years in federal prison for drug tracking
Stanley Toelle: sentencing in August 2017
Geena Milho: sentenced to 2 years in federal prison
ISP Forensic Scientists performed controlled substance and latent
ngerprint analyses on four of the connected cases.
Leader of Drug Tracking Organization Loren MamaToelle Sentenced to Prison
Task Force Brings Down CDA Drug Ring
Sexual Abuse By Caretaker
In May 2016, Phillip Smalley was given three 25 year
sentences (that will run concurrently) in prison for Sex Abuse
and Exploitation of a Vulnerable Adult and Forcible Sex
Penetration Use of Foreign Object. Smalley was convicted of
sexually abusing a 102 year old woman while he was working
at a Coeur dAlene assisted living facility. He will be eligible
for parole in 2025. ISP Forensic Scientists completed biological screening and
DNA analyses in this case.
Caretaker guilty of sexual abuse gets 25 years in prison
In November 2015, Council
rancher, Jack Yantis, was shot
and killed by two Adams County
Sheris Oce deputies. Yantis
had been trying to put one of his
bulls down after it had been hit
by a car. Deputies Wood and
Roland say they thought Yantis
was pointing his rie at the crash
scene so they tried to intervene.
It is not exactly clear what
happened. The Idaho State
Police completed a lengthy
investigation, even
reconstructing the events of that
night. The Idaho Attorney
Generals Oce reviewed the
information and determined the
deputies would not face criminal
The Yantis family
brought a civil suit
against the Adams
County Sheris
Oce and the two deputies for
wrongful death. Cody Roland
resigned in 2015. Brian Woods
last day was August 31, 2016 but
it is unknown whether he was
terminated or resigned.
Blood alcohol, toxicology,
biological screening, DNA, latent
ngerprint, and rearm analyses
were performed by ISP Forensic
Scientists in the case.
ISP to hand Jack Yantis case over to
Idaho Attorney Generals Oce
Owyhee County Deputy, Terry
McGrew, and Homedale Po-
lice Ocer, Chris Steed, were
cleared by the Canyon County
Prosecutor in 2016 for the
2015 shooting of Gilberto
Heredia. They were assisting
with a custody exchange
when Heredia pulled a gun
and pointed it at the ocers.
The ocers attempted
to administer rst aid and
make sure the children in the
home were alright.
The man was hospitalized for
6 days before his family took
him o of life support.
It was later learned that Here-
dia had methamphetamine
and marijuana in his system
at the time of the incident.
Firearms analysis was
performed by an ISP Forensic
Scientist in the case.
Deputy, ocer cleared in
Homedale mans death
After a gunshot victim showed
up in a Fruitland emergency
room in October 2015, Payette
County Sheris deputies
learned that the shooter was
Delbert Rundell.
When a search warrant was
executed on Rundells house, he
admitted there was an explosive
device in the bedroom. The
Nampa Police Department
Bomb Squad responded and ISP
Forensic Services personnel
assisted with evidence
processing at the scene.
A 2016 press release from
the U.S. Attorneys Oce said
there were 42 grams of meth, 33
rearms, and evidence of drug
use. It is a federal crime to
possess rearms if you use
controlled substances. A federal
judge ordered Rundell to forfeit
over $20,000 in drug proceeds,
the 33 rearms, and about
28,000 rounds of ammunition.
Delbert Rundell was
sentenced to 4 years in state
prison for Aggravated Assault
and almost 5 years in federal
prison for drug and weapons
Bomb squad called to shooting
suspects home
New Plymouth Man Sentenced to
57 Months in Prison for Unlawful
Possession of Firearms
Council Rancher Killed
Homedale Shooting New Plymouth Bomb Scare
In November 2015, Brandon Shaw broke into his ex-girlfriends house
with the intention of shooting her. The gun jammed so Shaw grabbed
kitchen knives, chased Chelsea Malone into the street, and stabbed her
multiple times. Malone died from her injuries, leaving three young sons
behind. Shaw admitted to planning to kill Malone and described his pur-
suit of her as a pack of wolves after a deer.An ISP Foren-
sic Scientists performed rearms analysis in the case. Brandon Shaw
was convicted of 1st Degree Murder and sentenced to life in prison with
the possibility of parole in 2052.
Hearing reveals more details in Nampa stabbing death
Mother of 3 Killed in Stabbing
In September 2015, Arturo Mendoza was sentenced to 15 years in prison for the
torture of a woman in Nampa. The woman had stolen his cell phone but instead
of reporting it to the police, Mendoza followed her to her home, rammed her
car, and held her in his home while he beat and tortured her. She was burned
with cigarettes, hit in the head with a wrench, and told he would keep her alive for a week and a
half just to continue torturing her. When the woman attempted to escape, Mendoza caught her
and broke her leg with a baseball bat. At that point, she was able to crawl under his car and he
left. Even while in the Canyon County Jail, Arturo Mendoza attempted to get the victim to drop
the charges. Three ISP Forensic Scientists completed biological screening, DNA, and latent
ngerprint analyses in this case.
Man sentenced to 15 years in prison for torturing woman
Pearce Drug Charges Dropped
Woman Tortured in Nampa
Canyon County drug charges against Sarah Pearce were dropped in July 2015 after lab results
found that a syringe in her possession did not contain a controlled substance.
Pearce was on parole for her alleged involvement in the attack on Linda
LeBrane in 2000.
LeBrane was stabbed, beaten, her throat was slit, and her car set on re.
Controlled substance analysis was performed by an ISP Forensic Scientist.
Pearce is now back in prison for a separate drug conviction. Drug charges dismissed against Sarah
In October 2015, Jacob
Hernandez was found guilty of
voluntary manslaughter.
Hernandez, 19 at the time, was
involved in the stabbing death of
22 year old Ricky Sedano and
injury of two other men on
Christmas Eve 2014. Three other
men were also charged in
connection with the stabbing
including Edgar Covarrubias,
Gilberto Garza, and Gustavo
Rodriguez. The charges against
Garza were dropped because he
agreed to testify against the
others. Covarrubias was
sentenced to 15 years, and
Rodriguezs pre-trial hearing is
scheduled for 7/10/2017. The
stabbing was attributed to a
gang rivalry. Biological and latent
print analyses were performed
by ISP Forensic Scientists.
Christmas Eve stabbing suspect
The Idaho State Police released
the results of an investigation of
a Middleton ocer-involved
shooting in November 2015.
They determined that no
charges would be brought
against Canyon County Sheris
Oce deputy, Chad Bingham, in
the shooting of Brandon Rapp in
March 2015. ISP Captain Bill
Gardiner said the footage from
the deputys body cam was key
to piecing together the nights
events. Brandon Rapp had
come out of the house with a
loaded pistol and confronted
deputies when they responded
to his home. Tests showed
Rapp had alcohol and THC in his
system at the time of the
Blood alcohol, toxicology, and
rearms analyses were
completed by ISP Forensic
Services personnel.
No charges led in Middleton
ocer-involved shooting
Nampa man, Alberto Chavez,
was sentenced to 15 years in
prison for the shooting death
of Kyle Jackson in August 2014.
Chavez and two other were
Involved in a high speed chase
after the shooting. Chavez and
Jackson were members of rival
gangs. Robert Johnson was
sentenced is currently on
probation for Eluding a Peace
Ocer. Firearms analysis was
completed by an ISP Forensic
Nampa man gets 15 years for gang
Christmas Eve Stabbing
Middleton Shooting Nampa Gang Shooting
In March 2015, Adam Dees broke into a garage in the Foothills. He then took house keys from
one of the cars and let himself into the home of Ted and Elaine Welp. Dees proceeded to
bludgeon the Welps son, Tom, so hard that wood chips from the bat were found scattered on
the bed. He was also shot and stabbed in the neck. Adam Dees then tied up Elaine and Ted, and
shot them. The Welpscredit cards and jewelry were stolen, and Dees later used the cards to
make several purchases. He was caught picking up an item from Best Buy he had ordered with
the Welps credit card. Dees said his dark, suicidal thoughts drove him to think life seems pretty
grim when youre facing down the barrel of your own gun. It was then, at that point, I decided I
would live crazy before I died.
Two ISP Forensic Scientists processed the bodies for ngerprints. Biological screening and DNA
analyses were also performed by ISP Forensic Services sta.
Adam Dees was sentenced to life in prison without the
possibility of parole for three counts of 1st
Degree Murder.
Dees sentenced to life in prison without parole in foothills triple murder
Foothills Triple Murder
Boise Meth Distribution
Quentin Padilla was sentenced in October 2016 to 8 years in prison for Possession
of a Controlled Substance. Police say Padilla sold more than 31 grams of meth to an
informant in April 2015. Then several days later, he led police on a high speed chase
and abandoned some rearms and ammunition . Padilla is a known gang member.
He was sentenced to a total of 22 years in state prison for several crimes and will
serve a concurrent federal sentence of almost 9 years for
distributing methamphetamine. Controlled substance
analysis was conducted by an ISP Forensic Scientist in
the case.
Boise man sentenced for meth distribution
In August 2015, police announced
that a man who had just been
sentenced for attempted rape,
Andy Gallegos, was also the
prowler that had been in the BSU
area. In one case, Gallegos broke
into a womans home. When she
woke up and he was in her bed,
she tried to ght back but he
beat her. Several weeks later he
went into the home of another
woman while she was sleeping
and raped her. DNA at one of the
scenes linked Gallegos to the
attacks years later.
Andy Gallegos was sentenced to
30 years in prison for two counts
of attempted rape. He will be
eligible for parole in 2034.
ISP Forensic Scientists
performed biological screening
and DNA analyses.
Police: BSU prowler, North End
rapist are same man
Patrick Zavala was sentenced
to 30 years in prison for
Aggravated Assault/Battery
On Certain Personnel in 2015.
When Boise Police Ocer
Adam Crist tried to pull over
Zavalas car, he jumped out
and ran with a loaded gun.
When the ocer caught up to
the parolee, he pointed his
gun at Crist. Crist shot Zavala
in the leg. Zavala also red
his weapon, hitting himself in
the hand.
Ocer Adam Crist was
cleared by an investigation in
the ocer-involved shooting
Patrick Zavala will be eligible
for parole in 2035.
Blood alcohol, toxicology, and
Controlled substance analyses
were performed by ISP
Forensic Scientists.
Man who pointed gun at Boise
ocer headed to prison
Boise Police Ocer Jason
Green was cleared in an
ocer-involved shooting in
October 2015. Green was the
rst on the
scene after
there was a
report of a
with a crowbar in the Bench
area of Boise. The ocer
heard shots red and saw
Michael Casper inside of a
home with a gun. Ocer
Green instructed Casper to
drop his weapon multiple
times, but the man would not
comply. When Casper aimed
his gun at another ocer,
Green red and hit Casper,
killing him. Michael Caspers
blood alcohol was measured
at .262 after his death. ISP
Forensic Scientists completed
blood alcohol and toxicology
analyses in this case.
Boise ocer cleared in fatal Bench
North End Rapist
Gun Pointed At Ocer Bench Shooting
In September 2015 Makaela Zabel-Gravatt was gunned down in her own backyard
by Christopher Wirfs. Wirfs had been a hairdressing client of Zabel-Gravatts but
then started harassing and threatening her. She tried to obtain a protection order
against Wirfs but could not because they were not related or in a
relationship. On the day of the shooting Wirfs had been thrown
out of the salon. The stalker shot the woman, one bullet hitting her in the back
and she was sent to the hospital in serious condition. Wirfs was arrested the
same night. In March 2016, Wirfs was sentenced to 30 years for Aggravated
Battery and 25 years for 1st Degree Stalking. He will be eligible for parole in 2040. Firearm
analysis was conducted by an ISP Forensic Scientist. Man pleads guilty in North End stalking,
Woman Shot By Stalker
Cameron Post was sentenced to 15 years in prison for the shooting death of his father-in-law in
2015. Post and his father-in-law, Trent Spreier, got into an argument about borrowing a vehicle
on January 31, 2015. The argument escalated and Post shot Spreier in the face. Spreier was taken
to the hospital where he later died. Post was originally charged with second-degree murder but
ended up pleading guilty to the lesser charge of involuntary manslaughter in 2016. Cameron Post
said he felt threatened by Spreier and that is why he shot him. Latent
ngerprint and rearm analyses were performed by three
ISP Forensic Scientists.
Meridian man sentenced for killing father-in-law
Boise International Market Fire
Meridian Man Kills Father-In-Law
The Boise International Market was destroyed in a re in September 2015. The Boise Police
Department and Boise Fire Department investigated the re and determined it was arson. Many
business owners were displaced and lost equipment. A $5,000 reward was oered but no
suspects have been identied yet. Boise International Market
co-owner, Lori Porreca, said Its heartbreaking to learn that someone
set this intentionally.ISP Forensic Services conducted re debris
analysis in the case.
Vendor shocked Boise Intl. Market re was arson
In July 2015, Kent Storrer and his
son-in-law, Jasper Qualls, posted
a car for sale on Craiglist. The
two met Jacob Marshall and
Jerry Kimball to test drive the
car. After the drive, Marshall
shot Qualls and Storrer with a
hidden AR-15 assault rie he had
stashed in Kimballs car. Storrer
was killed and
Qualls was
Marshall and
Kimball then stole
the victims car
and led police in a chase.
According to court records,
Kimball said he
knew Marshall
wanted to steal
the car, either by
force or by killing
Marshall was sentenced to life in
prison for 1st-Degree Murder and
Robbery. He was also convicted
of Battery With Intent to Commit
Murder and will be eligible for
parole in 2085. Jerry Kimballs
jury trial is set for 8/21/2017. ISP
Forensic Scientists performed
rearm and latent ngerprint
Man gets 70 years to life for Twin
Falls killing
In February 2015, William
McGrath and Crystal Turner
murdered Nevada man, Charles
Johnston, at a Twin Falls motel.
Johnston was trying to help
Turner nd a place to live when
she planned to rob him. Two
men Turner knew came into the
motel room and shot Charles
Johnston as he showered.
William McGrath ed and was
later found at a trailer where a
friend was letting him stay.
Turner turned herself in and the
other male suspect was never
identied. McGraths friend,
Emmillie Sarnirand, was found
guilty of being an accessory to a
felony and is on probation until
November 2017. McGrath was
sentenced to life in prison for 1st
-Degree Murder and Turner was
sentenced to life for Aid and
Abet Murder. ISP Forensic
Scientists completed biological,
rearms, and latent ngerprint
analyses in this case.
2 charged in Twin Falls motel
shooting get life in prison
A 2 year old child was disgured,
and their father injured after a
car accident in November 2015.
The accident was caused by
Maria Guadalupe Maciel, who
was under the inuence of
alcohol at the time. Maciels
blood alcohol level was
measured at .24, which is three
times the legal limit.
Maciel was charged with two
counts of aggravated DUI, but
accepted a plea deal where one
charge was dismissed. The judge
rejected the sentence oered by
the state and instead sentenced
Maciel to 10 years. After serving
her sentence, she will be
deported. An ISP Forensic
Scientist testied about blood
alcohol results in this case.
New Plymouth Man Sentenced to
57 Months in Prison for Unlawful
Possession of Firearms
Craigslist Car Killing
Motel Shooting Rexburg Child Disgured
In January 2015, Stephan Romanchuk of Hailey disappeared. His wife
contacted the police and said Romanchuk may have gone to see Keith
Blankenship to ask him about money Blankenship had borrowed.
Blankenship told police he did not know Romanchuk at all. ISP Forensic
Services had helped with collecting evidence from Romanchuks truck
after it was found. There were no leads in the disappearance until May 2015 when Blankenship
went into the Blaine County Sheris Oce and admitted he had killed Romanchuk in
self-defense. Blakenship also indicated he had buried the man in his backyard. ISP Forensic
Scientists responded to and assisted with the crime scene, and completed DNA analysis. A trial
for murder and destruction of evidence ended in a mistrial and as part of a plea agreement, the
state agreed to only charge Blankenship with Failure to Report Death to Law Enforcement. He
was sentenced to 10 years and will be eligible for parole in 2021. Man accused of central Idaho murder
Missing Person & Homicide
In May 2015, Sgt. Greg Moore of the Coeur dAlene Police Department was gunned
down when Moore tried to question him concerning recent car burglaries in the
area. Renfro shot Sgt. Moore in the face and stole his gun and patrol car. Renfro
was charged with 1st-degree murder, grand theft, unlawful possession of a weapon
by a convicted felon, robbery, and eluding police. Blood alcohol and toxicology analyses were
completed by ISP Forensic Scientists. ISP Forensic Scientist, Stuart Jacobson, testied in
September 2017 that the hole found in the jacket Renfro was allegedly
wearing was consistent with being made by a rearm from inside the
pocket. There was also lead and powder residue found around the
hole. Sgt. Moore is survived by his wife, Lindy, and their daughter,
Suspect charged with murder in death of CdA police ocer
Ketchum Sexual Assault
Coeur dAlene Police Sgt Killed
Craig Lee was convicted of felony lewd conduct with a minor under 16 for the 2015 sexual abuse
of a 13 year old Utah boy. Lee allegedly met the boy through a dating app called Grindr and
invited him to come to the childrens apparel store he co-owned. Two ISP
Forensic Scientists conducted biological screening and DNA analyses in the case.
Lee was sentenced to 7 1/2 years but also received a rider.
Jury nds Lee guilty of lewd conduct
In 2014 Jerey Dyer was
murdered in Nampa over a $700
drug debt. Raul Herrera and
Angelo Cervantes broke into
Dyers home, beat him to death
with a baton, and severely
injured his father. The two also
robbed the house then put
Dyers body in the trunk of his
own car. They drove to Oregon
and abandoned the car and
body. Cervantes testied against
Herrera and also said that they
did not plan to kill anyone.
ISP Forensic Scientists
performed controlled substance,
biological screening and DNA
analyses in the case.
Raul Herrera was sentenced to
life in prison for 1st-Degree
Murder, Robbery, and 2nd-
Degree Kidnapping. He will be
eligible for parole in 2049.
Angelo Cervantes was also
sentenced to life for 1st-Degree
Murder and will be eligible for
parole in 2029.
Nampa man sentenced to life in
prison for drug debt murder
In 2014, Sylys Hernandez died at
just three months old. His
mother had been in prison for
meth charges so he was left in
the care of this father, Isaac
Hernandez. Although the cause
of death was indicated as
undetermined by the coroners
oce, Sylyss body showed
signs of severe, prolonged
The baby had 26 fractures to his
ribs, both legs had been broken,
and had bruises on his face,
wrists, hands, and penis. He was
also underfed and dehydrated.
Biological, blood alcohol, and
controlled substance analyses
were completed by three ISP
Forensic Scientists.
Isaac Hernandez
was sentenced to
27 years in prison
for three counts of
Injury to a Child.
He will be eligible for parole in
Nothing but pain, suering, and
hunger:Nampa man gets prison
In May 2014, Eloy and Tillie
Montoyas car was hit head on
while driving on Highway 20 in
Canyon County. The other
driver, Spook Meras, was
under the inuence of
methamphetamine and
marijuana at the time of the
crash. Tillie Montoya died at
the hospital that night and Eloy
Montoya died from his injuries
several weeks later. There
were also two children in
Merass car that were injured.
Blood alcohol and toxicology
analyses were performed by
ISP Forensic Scientists in this
case. Spook Meras was
sentenced to 20 years in prison
for two counts of vehicular
manslaughter but was released
in 2016 and is currently on
Notus man pleads guilty in Parma
couples death
Drug Debt Murder
Man Brutalizes Infant Son Parma Couple Killed
A ght over a cab
ride turned fatal
at the Torch strip
club on October
16, 2014. Two
men, Parley Ward and Phillip
Law started an altercation after
they got into a cab that had
been called for by Humberto
Herrera and Jesus Hurtado. At
one point, Law and Ward were
losing so they started to walk
away but then changed their
minds. They circled back and
ambushed Herrera and
Hurtado, stabbing them in the
chest. Herreras heart was
pierced by the knife and he died
at the scene. It is not clear if
each man stabbed one of the
others or if one man stabbed
both. ISP Forensic Scientists
screening and
DNA analyses in
this case.
Parley Ward was sentenced to
10 years for Aid and Abet
Involuntary Manslaughter/
Aggravated Battery. Phillip Law
was sentenced to 15 years for
Aid and Abet Voluntary
Boise man gets 15 years for strip
club stabbing
Four men were
convicted for their
part in a May 2014
shooting. Anthony Robins Jr.
hired John Douglas to kill
Travontae Calloway and Elliot
Bailey because they
stole 30 pound of
marijuana. One of
Calloway and
Baileys friends,
Samari Winn, helped set up the
victims for the killer. They came
to the victims apartment after a
party and shot the two men and
Jeanette Juraska.
Both Callaway and
Bailey died, but
Juraska survived.
John Douglas was
allegedly only
oered $300 to
murder the men.
Multiple disciplines in ISP
Forensic Services were involved
in the analysis of evidence in the
case. There were eight separate
submissions of evidence that
underwent controlled
substance, rearm, latent
ngerprint, biological screening,
and DNA analyses. John Douglas
and Anthony Robins, Jr, and
Samari Winn were sentenced to
life and Anton Raider to 3 years.
Suspects in Boise murder-for-hire
In July 2014, a mother and
her 6 year old daughter were
murdered by the womans
husband, Angel Morales-
Larranaga, in Post Falls. Police
responded to the apartment
after a neighbor had called to
say the man had come to her
house and told her he had
strangled his wife and
The prosecutor oered to
take the death penalty o the
table if Morales-Larranaga
pleaded guilty to two counts
of 1st-Degree Murder. He will
be serving two life sentences
consecutively with no
possibility of parole.
ISP Forensic Scientists
assisted with the crime scene,
latent print, and DNA
Two found dead in Post Falls
home; suspect in custody
Strip Club Stabbing
Boise Murder for Hire Post Falls Double Murder
In February 2013, two drivers in Boise were shot at by Shawn Fisher. Fisher
had rammed the vehicle of the rst victim and then shot at them. He tried to
follow and nd the victim at Best Buy, but could not nd them. The shooter
then continued driving and shot Matthew Mohler-Kerns on Franklin Road,
killing him. Mohler-Kerns was a BSU student and his mother said in court, I
am Matthews mother. Im standing here today because my son was
senselessly murdered, shot in the face, and left to die by the defendant, Shawn Nathan
The defense argued that Fisher suers from paranoid schizophrenia, and was also under the
inuence of drugs at the time of the shootings. ISP Forensic Scientists performed rearms
and controlled substance analyses for this case. Shawn Fisher was sentenced to life in prison,
without the possibility of parole, for 2nd-Degree Murder. The judge in the case cited concern
about Fishers ability to re-enter society as grounds for the sentence. Judge Jason Scott said
I just cant get there comfort level wise. I think Mr. Fisher and the risk he
presents is a profound one.
Man gets life in prison for Boise murder
Boise Driver Shot
Drunk Driver Kills Peck Man
Paul Stuk of Peck was killed in December 2013 in Nez Perce County by a drunk driver,
Kyle Rios. Rios had a blood alcohol level of 0.263, which is three times the legal limit.
The blood alcohol was ruled unlawful in appeals court because ocers did not have
a warrant to do the blood draw. A separate blood draw from Rioss medical
evaluation was available, though. An ISP Forensic Scientist performed the blood
alcohol analysis in this case. Rios was sentenced to seven years in prison for
Vehicular Manslaughter, and will eligible for parole in 2018.
Man pleads guilty despite unlawful blood draw
In 2012, Brian Geddes met a 21-year old woman named Jordan Shaver. Shaver
was down on her luck and needed a place to stay so Geddes allowed her to
move into his Garden City home. Jordan Shaver proceeded to take advantage
of Brians generosity, having parties while he was out of town, even telling her
friends that the house was hers. At one point, Geddes seemed to be missing so
his children went to his house. They found it in
disarray after parties had been held there. They
were concerned because they knew their father
would not keep his home this way. They also found
Jordan Shaver living there, and when questioned,
she said Brian was in Jackpot. The police were
called but Shaver had left the house before they arrived. They were nally able
to track her because she had Brian Geddess cell phone. Shaver rst told the
police Geddes was out of town, but eventually told them he had accidentally
shot himself while cleaning his gun. The autopsy report
found that Brian Geddes was shot in the head, stued in
a comforter, his body placed in the crawl space under
his own home. Jordan Shaver pleaded guilty to 2nd-
Degree Murder and was sentenced to life in prison. She
will be eligible for parole in 2032.
ISP Forensic Scientists performed rearm, latent print,
biological screening, and DNA analyses in this case.
The Investigation Discovery channel featured the case in an episode of their
show, Stranger In My Home, in an episode called,
Death of Youth.
Stranger in My HomeReviews Case of Man Found Dead After Being Buried
Under Trailer Home by Houseguest
Garden City Man Murdered
In a new trial, Joseph Thomas, Jr. was convicted of the 1st-Degree Murder of his
ex-wife, Beth Irby-Thomas. Thomas was convicted of the same crime in 2011, but
the Idaho Supreme Court overturned the conviction in 2014 because they
determined important evidence was not allowed to be admitted by the presiding
Thomas contends that his ex-wife liked autoerotic asphyxiation and that she was
actually alone when she died. The prosecution has evidence that Thomas told a
fellow deputy about killing his ex-wife, but he has since died.
Thomas, Jr, is a former deputy with the Nez Perce County Sheris Oce. He and
Beth had two sons together.
Joseph Thomas, Jr. was sentenced to life in prison and will be eligible for parole
in 2035.
ISP Forensic Scientists performed latent ngerprint, biological screening, and
DNA analyses in this case.
Former deputy convicted of ex-wifes murder in new trial
ISP Forensic Services 2017