April 2019 ERA Forum Webinar Q&A
Research.gov Business Office, DIAS, NSF
ERA Forum April 2019 Webinar Questions & Answers
This document contains the questions and answers about Separately Submitted Collaborative Proposals from Multiple Organizations on
Research.gov discussed during the ERA Forum Webinar on April 10, 2019.
For further questions and ongoing feedback about Research.gov proposal preparation and submission, click the Feedback button at the bottom
of the Research.gov homepage, email rg[email protected] or call 1-800-381-1532. For questions regarding NSF proposal and award policies and
procedures, please see the Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 19-1) or email polic[email protected].
In a separately submitted collaborative proposal, can both the
lead and non-lead organizations have subawards as part of the
same proposal?
Yes, both the lead and non-lead organizations have the option
for subawards in a separately submitted collaborative proposal.
When is proposal submission required for each separately
submitted proposal? If the lead organization is on the East
Coast and a non-lead organization is on the West Coast, what
would be the submission deadline?
Proposals must be received by 5 p.m. submitter's local time on
the established deadline date. In this example, the lead
organization on the East Coast must submit by 5 p.m. Eastern
Time, and the non-lead organization on the West Coast must
submit by 5 p.m. Pacific Time.
Can proposal linking occur if the non-lead organization uses
FastLane, but the lead organization does not?
Proposals prepared in Fastlane cannot link to proposals
prepared in Research.gov and vice versa. In addition, a proposal
file update (PFU) must be prepared and submitted in the
system where the proposal was initiated.
April 2019 ERA Forum Webinar Q&A
Research.gov Business Office, DIAS, NSF
Can I submit collaborative proposals in Research.gov?
Beginning in summer 2019, collaborative research proposals
from one organization (i.e., proposals with subawards) will be
able to be prepared and submitted in Research.gov. Proposers
will still be able to use FastLane and Grants.gov to prepare and
submit collaborative proposals with subawards, but we
encourage proposers to use the new Research.gov capability.
The Research.gov Proposal Preparation and Submission Site is
being developed incrementally, and feedback from the research
community is a vital part of the development process. Using the
new Research.gov site for proposal preparation and submission
and providing your feedback will only help to improve the site.
If you choose no subawards on a separately submitted
collaborative proposal but later need to add a subaward, would
you have to start a new proposal?
For the initial release of the capability to support separately
submitted collaborative proposals from multiple organizations,
if the collaboration type needs to be changed after proposal
creation, you would have to start a new proposal with the
updated collaboration type. A future release will include the
ability to change the collaboration type of an in-progress
proposal. For the initial release, if “subawards” was selected, at
least one subaward must be present in the proposal in order to
submit. Similarly, for the initial release, if non-collaborative is
selected, a subaward cannot be added later in the process.
Can the lead organization be notified when all non-lead
organizations have submitted their proposals?
This automated email messaging feature is possible for a future
release. In the initial release, the lead organization will have a
"Manage Collaborative Proposals" page that displays the
submission status of each non-lead organization proposal.
April 2019 ERA Forum Webinar Q&A
Research.gov Business Office, DIAS, NSF
Is there a timeline for when submission via Research.gov will be
required? When will we be able to submit collaborative
proposals which only have subawards in Research.gov? When
will the collaborative capability be released in Research.gov?
To minimize impacts, NSF will provide ample warning of
FastLane's retirement to the research community. The
functionality to support full research collaborative proposals
with subawards is planned for a Summer 2019 release.
The Research.gov functionality for separately submitted
collaborative proposals from multiple organizations has not yet
been scheduled for release.
This ERA Forum is part of the socialization process to solicit
feedback and identify design considerations. Use of
Research.gov is currently optional. FastLane will remain
available until all necessary functionality has been released in
Research.gov. NSF strongly encourages the use of Research.gov
where possible and wants feedback on your experience, so NSF
can continue to prioritize features and offer a better user
Business Rules
The list for lead/non-lead requirements does not state which
can upload Other Supplementary Documents and/or Single
Copy documents. Will Other Supplementary Documents and/or
Single Copy Documents be available for both lead and non-lead
organizations to upload?
For the requirements list, please reference ERA Forum Webinar
presentation (slide #14). Presentation can be viewed on the
ERA Forum website
Supplementary Documents and Single Copy Documents will be
available for both lead and non-lead organizations to upload.
April 2019 ERA Forum Webinar Q&A
Research.gov Business Office, DIAS, NSF
If the proposal title is pre-populated for the non-lead
organization proposal, how will the non-lead Primarily
Undergraduate Institutions (PUIs) add the Research in
Undergraduate Institution (RUI) acronym to their project title
per the RUI guidelines in Program Solicitation NSF 14-579?
Currently, per solicitation NSF 14-579, RUI proposals must be
submitted in FastLane. Future enhancements will include the
ability submit RUI proposals via Research.gov. Once available in
Research.gov the non-lead organization should coordinate with
the lead organization to ensure that "RUI" appears in the title
per the solicitation.
For separately submitted collaborative proposals, what is the
limit for Principal Investigators (PI) and co-Principal
Investigators (co-PIs)? Please clarify whether the limit is PI-plus-
four for the collaborative proposal, or PI-plus-four co-PIs for the
lead proposal and PI-plus-four co-PIs for the non-lead proposal.
The lead proposal can have a PI-plus-four co-PIs, and non-lead
proposals can have a PI-plus-four co-PIs.
Does Research.gov employ solicitation-specific logic? For
example, if a program solicitation does not allow separately
submitted collaborative proposals from multiple organizations,
will the option to link be available?
Currently, separately submitted collaborative proposals from
multiple organizations and other unsupported proposal types
are not yet available in Research.gov. Solicitation-specific logic
will be built into future Research.gov releases.
Since only the lead organization can enter the proposal title,
does the non-lead organization leave that section blank? Can an
incomplete Cover Sheet be saved in Research.gov?
The proposal title cannot be blank. At a minimum, the system
will pre-populate "Collaborative Research" in the title field. The
lead organization's title will be applied upon linking. An
incomplete Cover Sheet can be saved but cannot be submitted.
If the non-lead organization submits a PFU or revised budget,
will the linking between the lead organization proposal and
non-lead organization proposal be unlinked as it is now?
Currently, it requires the Authorized Organizational
Representative (AOR) from the non-lead organization to have
Research.gov restore the link after the updated/revised
Collaborative proposals will not have to be unlinked for the
lead, non-lead, or both lead and non-lead organizations to
complete a PFU or revised budget. However, a change in one
proposal could necessitate an update in a linked proposal and
both changed proposals would have to be submitted.
Is there a limitation on the number of non-lead organizations
that can participate in a collaborative proposal?
No, there is no limit on the number of non-lead organizations
that can participate in a collaborative proposal
What is the maximum number of subawards allowed per lead
organization proposal and non-lead organization proposal?
There is no maximum number of subawards for lead and non-
lead organization proposals.
April 2019 ERA Forum Webinar Q&A
Research.gov Business Office, DIAS, NSF
How will title information in the non-lead organization
proposal(s) be reconciled with the lead organization proposal’s
title, if they are different? If the title order requires program,
size, then collaborative research, can the pre-populated
collaborative research text be reordered?
The PAPPG states that the collaboration allows investigators
from two or more organizations “to submit a single, focused
proposal.” In Research.gov, that single proposal will have a
single title. The lead organization proposal contains the title
and the non-lead organization proposal acquires that title upon
proposal linking.
When preparing a collaborative proposal, does the proposal
title need to begin with the term "Collaborative Research"?
Yes, both types of collaborative proposals will automatically
have “Collaborative Research” inserted at the beginning of the
proposal title.
When the Collaborative Research title auto-generates, can
other indicators be added in front of the term "Collaborative
Research" (e.g., CPS: Medium: Collaborative Research: Title)?
The current design approach will let the lead organization add
any required acronyms after the term “Collaborative Research”
and this will be accepted by NSF.
Can the Sponsored Project Office (SPO) see the proposal before
the PI forwards it to the SPO/AOR?
The PI or co-PI must grant access to the SPO/AOR before they
are able to view it.
Does a compliance check exist to ensure that the total budget
does not go over the budget limit when collaborative budgets
are added together? Will both the lead organization and non-
lead organization get a notification if the budget limit has been
The proposal submitters are responsible for reviewing the
budgets for accuracy and ensuring compliance with the
guidance in the solicitation. An automated budget limit check is
not currently being considered.
Have there been enhancements to the compliance check
features (e.g., uploading files that are compliant with 1"
margins, PDF format, and correct font but receiving uploading
Compliance check features have been enhanced. If unexpected
errors occur when uploading a PDF document, please contact
NSF IT Help Central at 1-800-381-1532 for assistance. The PDF
can be analyzed, and a solution can be identified. NSF IT Help
Central is available by phone from 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM ET
Monday -Friday except federal holidays or via email to
Since non-lead organization collaborators do not need to
submit the Project Summary, Project Description, etc., will a
check on the proposal show a “complete” proposal as long as
all seven other required documents have been uploaded?
Research.gov will perform checks to ensure that all required
sections have been uploaded before submission for both lead
proposals and non-lead proposals. Per the requirements in the
PAPPG, a non-lead proposal has fewer required sections than a
lead proposal.
April 2019 ERA Forum Webinar Q&A
Research.gov Business Office, DIAS, NSF
Managing Access
Who receives the proposal request link at the non-lead
The proposal link request will be sent to the non-lead PI and co-
PIs in the initial release. NSF is considering whether requests
will also go to the non-lead SPOs, AORs, Other Authorized Users
(OAUs), and others designated by the non-lead organization.
Invitations to link notifications will be automated based on
Research.gov user roles and verified via account management.
Notification details have not yet been fully defined, and
additional notification functionality may become available in
future releases. NSF is working with the research community to
confirm the requirement for who needs to receive the proposal
link request, and NSF welcomes your feedback on this process.
Once a separately submitted collaborative proposal has been
unlinked, will the non-lead organization receive an email
notification, or will the unlinking only be shown on the Proposal
Application screen?
An email notification could be sent to an organization that has
been unlinked from a proposal. However, this feature has not
yet been defined.
If a non-lead organization drops out of a collaborative proposal,
does the lead organization have to start a new proposal since it
would no longer be a collaborative proposal? Or can a
collaborative proposal be changed to a non-collaborative
If the proposal is no longer collaborative, the lead organization
must start a new proposal. The ability to change from a
collaborative to a non-collaborative proposal will be available in
the future.
If the lead organization submits its proposal before the non-
leads submit their proposals, will the lead organization be
notified when submissions have been completed by the non-
lead organizations?
Once submissions have been completed by all non-lead
organizations and the lead organization, a proposal ID number
will be assigned, and an email will be generated informing that
the collaborative proposal has been submitted.
April 2019 ERA Forum Webinar Q&A
Research.gov Business Office, DIAS, NSF
How does the lead organization get the temporary ID for the
non-lead organizations, in order to send the link invitation?
The temporary ID must be shared outside the Research.gov
system. Since all individuals involved with a collaborative
proposal should be communicating and collaborating, there is
no search feature available.
Do you have to unlink proposals to make changes to your part
and then relink the proposals?
No, both lead and non-lead organization proposals can be
edited after linking. Linking the proposals ensures they are
together as a collaborative. Lead and non-lead organizations
can make changes to their respective proposals up to the point
of submission and even afterward using a PFU.
Will non-lead organizations be able to see the entire proposal,
or at least the parts that are not proprietary?
The non-lead organization will have view-only access to the
lead organization proposal. NSF is in the process of determining
which proposal pieces can be viewed by non-lead
organizations. NSF is aware that single-copy or proprietary
parts of proposals cannot be shown.
Does the non-lead organization need to generate a proposal
and share the proposal number with the lead organization in
order for the lead organization to send a request to link? What
if the non-lead and lead organization proposal titles do not
The non-lead organization must start a proposal with the lead
organization for the lead organization to send a link request.
When linking occurs, both proposals will have the same title
the title of the lead. The lead organization can make changes to
the title and those changes will propagate down to the non-
lead organization(s).
Can the lead organization edit the personnel of the subaward
In a separately submitted collaborative proposal, a non-lead
organization would manage its own personnel and budgets. A
collaborative proposal from one organization, the prime
organization with subawards can edit the subaward personnel.
At what point in the process can the SPO see the collaborative
screens that the PI sees?
Once the PI grants access to the SPO by clicking the "Share with
SPO/AOR" button, the SPO can access the proposal, has the
ability to link non-lead proposals, and can view what the PI can
Will non-lead proposal submitter(s) see warning information
about related proposals not yet submitted?
NSF is determining how to provide this functionality. Currently,
the lead organization can see the non-lead organization's
warming information.
April 2019 ERA Forum Webinar Q&A
Research.gov Business Office, DIAS, NSF
Who initiates the request to link proposals? How will the linking
process work?
The lead organization enters the Temporary ID Number of the
non-lead organization proposal to initiate the link request. The
non-lead organization proposal PI and co-PI(s) receive an email
message saying a link request exists in Research.gov. The non-
lead organization proposal PI or co-PI(s) logs in to Research.gov
and the In-Progress Proposals screen shows “Link request
pending." Upon accepting the request in the non-lead
organization proposal, linking is complete. Research.gov
eliminates the need for a PIN. Whether OAUs should also
receive the link requests and be able to accept them is being
reviewed and is a feature which may be included in a future
NSF is also considering including the SPO/AOR on link-related
email notifications.
Once collaborative proposals have been unlinked, can
proposals be relinked?
The lead organization proposal PI or co-PI can initiate another
link request and the proposals can be relinked.
Does the PI at the non-lead organization still need to initiate
the proposal and request for SPO/AOR access before it can be
Once the PI initiates a proposal it can immediately be linked,
regardless whether the SPO/AOR has been granted access.
Can a non-lead organization unlink a collaborative proposal if it
is decided that there is no longer interest in collaborating? Is a
non-lead organization able to unlink a proposal?
For the initial release, the lead organization can execute
unlinking when needed. The ability for the non-lead
organization to unlink a proposal and notify the lead
organization (and other non-lead organizations, if any) is
planned for a future release.
Can PIs link proposals after the proposal has been shared with
the SPO/AOR?
Yes, proposals can be linked after being shared with the
What happens if the PI gives SPO/SPO access before linking?
Linking and unlinking are available until submission of a
collaborative proposal.
When adding a subaward organization, do senior personnel
also have to be added for the subaward?
Senior personnel who are funded on the subaward budget must
be added to the subaward.
April 2019 ERA Forum Webinar Q&A
Research.gov Business Office, DIAS, NSF
If a collaborative proposal is created with one other
organization but the organizations are unlinked prior to
submission, can one organization still submit?
Each lead organization in a separately submitted proposal must
have at least one linked non-lead organization proposal in order
to submit.
Future Enhancements
Can the Postdoctoral Researcher Mentoring Plan be opened in
the non-lead organization proposal if the non-lead organization
is the only institution that has a postdoctoral researcher?
NSF is looking at how best to address this. This process has not
yet been defined.
Will separately submitted collaborative proposals flow into
Cayuse 424 proposals?
Integration with Cayuse 424 is not in the current development
plans but can be considered in the future.