Guide to Public Housing Regulated by
Chapter 11B of the California Building Code
Division of the
State Architect
First Edition
Department of General Services
Division of the State Architect
Governor Gavin Newsom
Yolanda Richardson, Secretary of the Government Operations Agency
Ana Lasso, Director of the Department of General Services
Division of the State Architect
Ida A. Clair, AIA, LEED AP, CASp, State Architect
DSA Access Codes and Standards Team
Derek Shaw, Supervising Architect
Susan Moe, Senior Architect, CASp
Debbie Wong, Senior Architect, CASp
Michelle Golden, Senior Architect
The Division of the State Architect is a division within the Department of General Services
Visit our website at
Table of Contents 2
Table of Contents
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................ 3
Rulemaking Authority ............................................................................................................................................................ 4
Overview of the State and Federal Regulations .................................................................................................................... 4
ADA and 2010 ADAS ............................................................................................................................................................... 5
HUD Section 504 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 7
HUD Fair Housing Act of 1968, as Amended ......................................................................................................................... 9
California Building Code, Chapter 2 Definitions .................................................................................................................. 10
Flowcharts and Resources.................................................................................................................................................... 11
Federal Regulations ADA and 2010 ADAS ........................................................................................................................ 12
Federal Regulations ADA and 2010 ADAS for Title II Entities .......................................................................................... 13
Federal Regulations ADA and 2010 ADAS for Title III Entities ......................................................................................... 14
Federal Regulations Fair Housing Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act........................................................... 15
Federal Regulations Fair Housing Act and Fair Housing Accessibility Guidelines ........................................................... 16
Federal Regulations Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act ............................................................................................. 17
State Regulations California Building Code Chapter 11B ................................................................................................. 18
State Regulations California Building Code Chapter 11B Public Housing ..................................................................... 19
State Regulations California Building Code Chapter 11B Transient Lodging, Housing at a Place of Education, Social
Service Center Establishments ............................................................................................................................................. 20
Housing Programs and Applicable Regulations and Guidelines ......................................................................................... 21
For More Information .......................................................................................................................................................... 27
Introduction 3
This guide is provided by the Division of the State Architect (DSA) to offer guidance for understanding the application of
Chapter 11B of the California Building Code (CBC) for public housing projects. Selected parts of Federal standards and
guidelines are reproduced in this document only to show consistency of those standards and guidelines to the definition
of public housing in Chapter 2 of the CBC.
The genesis of this guide arose from the numerous questions DSA has received regarding the definition of public housing
and what is considered a “housing program.” DSA has a statutory directive to provide education and training to code
users on compliance with the CBC and has endeavored to improve the clarity of the State regulations for public housing.
The information included in this guide is intended to expand this endeavor and provide guidance to code users such as
design professionals, housing developers, and building officials related to housing regulated by Chapter 11B of the CBC.
This guide is intended to be complementary to, and not a substitute for, the specific scoping requirements of the CBC
and federal regulations. Each project provides a unique set of project parameters that require close examination of the
applicability of State and federal standards; therefore, this guide should not be used as the sole mechanism to check for
compliance with the regulations. Additionally, this guide does not supersede the interpretation of the local enforcement
entity, who under California law possesses the exclusive authority to enforce and interpret the requirements of the CBC.
Furthermore, the California Attorney General’s Office has declared that it is outside the authority of the local
enforcement entity to enforce the federal regulations cited in this guide; therefore, the responsibility for compliance
with the federal requirements rests with the owner and the design professionals working on the project.
The information contained in this manual is intended only to serve as a guide and an informational tool on compliance
with federal and State laws, regulations, and standards. This manual does not constitute legal advice. Please consult
with appropriate legal counsel regarding any legal questions you may have with the content of this guide. DSA is unable
to provide interpretations or guidance on federal standards and guidelines. DSA has no authority to regulate, interpret
and enforce Federal laws and regulations, and this document is not making any such action. DSA does not claim
expertise in providing information on Federal regulations.
For questions related to the federal standards and guidelines cited in this document contact the following agencies:
United States Department of Justice Civil Rights Division
United States Department of Housing and Urban Development
It should be noted that State and federal laws, regulations, standards, and guidelines are subject to revisions, additions,
or deletions, at any time.
DSA has the authority to interpret and enforce Chapter 11B for projects that are within its jurisdiction. DSA has no
enforcement authority at the local level. Only the local building department has the authority to interpret and enforce
CBC Chapters 11A and 11B for projects that are in its jurisdiction.
DSA is unable to provide interpretations or guidance on CBC Chapter 11A. For questions related to CBC Chapter 11A
please contact:
California Department of Housing and Community Development -
Rulemaking Authority, Overview of the State and Federal Regulations 4
Rulemaking Authority
Government Code section 12955.1, subdivision (c), grants the Division of the State the authority to develop regulations
for public housing and reads in part:
“…regulations adopting building standards necessary to implement, interpret, or make specific the provisions of
this section shall be developed by the Division of the State Architect for public housing….”
During the rulemaking cycle for the 2013 Triennial Edition of the CBC, with the decision to use the 2010 ADA Standards
for Accessible Design (2010 ADAS) as model code, the regulations for public housing in Chapter 11B were significantly
amended. A definition for “public housing” was developed and provided in Chapter 2 of the CBC. This guide is offered for
use as a starting point to analyze if the definition of public housing and the scoping and technical provisions for public
housing in CBC Chapter 11B apply to the project under consideration.
Overview of the State and Federal Regulations
The following pages provide information for the various types of housing regulated by the federal standards and public
housing regulated by the State standards. Public housing may be both privately funded and part of a public entity’s
program to provide housing. However, all public accommodations in the State are required to comply with CBC Chapter
ADA and 2010 ADAS 5
ADA and 2010 ADAS
The ADA mandates that when state or local governments establish a program that provides housing to its
residents, that public entity has the obligation to ensure that its program is operated in a non-discriminatory
manner whether the program is provided directly by the public entity or through "contractual, licensing, or other
When a state or local government enters into an agreement with a private party the obligation to comply with the
ADA is not contracted away. Adherence to the ADA and the 2010 ADAS is required in such an agreement.
2010 ADAS and ADA Title II Regulations (28 CFR 35), applicable to state and local government
services, programs, and activities:
§ 35.149 Discrimination prohibited.
Except as otherwise provided in § 35.150, no qualified individual with a disability shall, because a public
entity's facilities are inaccessible to or unusable by individuals with disabilities, be excluded from
participation in, or be denied the benefits of the services, programs, or activities of a public entity, or be
subjected to discrimination by any public entity.
§ 35.151 New construction and alterations.
(a) Design and construction.
(1) Each facility or part of a facility constructed by, on behalf of, or for the use of a public entity shall be
designed and constructed in such manner that the facility or part of the facility is readily accessible to and
usable by individuals with disabilities if the construction was commenced after January 26, 1992.
For the whole text, you can go to: 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design.
(j) Facilities with residential dwelling units for sale to individual owners.
(1) Residential dwelling units designed and constructed or altered by public entities that will be offered for
sale to individuals shall comply with the requirements for residential facilities in the 2010 Standards,
including sections 233 and 809.
(2) The requirements of paragraph (1) also apply to housing programs that are operated by public entities
where the design and construction of particular residential dwelling units take place only after a specific buyer
has been identified. In such programs, the covered entity must provide the units that comply with the
requirements for accessible features to those pre-identified buyers with disabilities who have requested such a
For the whole text, you can go to: 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design
The ADA National Network DISABILITY LAW Handbook provides the following information related to the Americans
with Disabilities Act (ADA) and housing:
Where is housing covered in the ADA?
Housing under the ADA is covered in Title II and Title III of the Act.
Title II covers programs of state or local governments, which includes housing. Title II requires new construction and
alterations to have no architectural barriers that restrict access or use. Each part of a facility built after January 26,
1992, must be designed and constructed to be accessible. Title II applies to individual housing units as well as offices,
recreational areas, and other parts of a housing complex that might not be covered by the FHA. Facilities
constructed between January 26, 1992, and March 15, 2012, should have been built in compliance with either the
ADA and 2010 ADAS 6
1991 ADA Standards for Accessible Design or UFAS. Housing built on or after March 15, 2012, must comply with the
2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design.
Title III covers places of public accommodation associated with housing. Just like under Title II, new construction and
alterations must be designed and constructed with no architectural barriers. Most private housing is not covered by
Title III, but rental offices, day care centers, & other places of public accommodation associated with private housing
facilities are covered. Public accommodations built for first occupancy after January 26, 1993, and before March 15,
2012, should have been built in compliance with the 1991 ADA Standards for Accessible Design. Public
accommodations built on or after March 15, 2012, must comply with the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design.
Architectural barriers in existing public accommodations constructed before January 26, 1993, must be removed if
the removal is relatively easy to accomplish without much difficulty or expense.
This handbook can be found on the ADA National Network website at:
HUD Section 504 7
HUD Section 504
Section 504 Regulations prohibit discrimination based on disability in any program or activity that receives federal
financial assistance. The Section 504 regulations define “recipient” as any state or its political subdivision, any
instrumentality of a state or its political subdivision, any public or private agency, institution organization, or other
entity or any person to which federal financial assistance is extended for any program or activity directly or through
another recipient, including any successor, assignee, or transferee of a recipient, but excluding the ultimate
beneficiary of the assistance. Thus, a HUD-funded public housing agency or a HUD-funded non-profit developer of
low-income housing is a recipient of federal financial assistance and is subject to Section 504's
requirements. However, a private landlord who accepts Section 8 tenant-based vouchers in payment for rent from a
low-income individual is not a recipient of federal financial assistance merely by receipt of such payments. Similarly,
while a developer that receives Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) or HOME funds for the rehabilitation
of an owner-occupied unit is a recipient for purposes of Section 504, a family that owns the unit is not a recipient
because the family is the ultimate beneficiary of the funds.
The above information is taken from Section 504: FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS at
The questions and answers can be found on the HUD website at:
Code of Federal Regulations Title 24 Housing and Urban Development Part 8 Section 8.3 Definitions. Federal
financial assistance as defined is:
Federal financial assistance means any assistance provided or otherwise made available by the Department through
any grant, loan, contract, or any other arrangement, in the form of:
(a) Funds;
(b) Services of Federal personnel; or
(c) Real or personal property or any interest in or use of such property, including:
(1) Transfers or leases of the property for less than fair market value or for reduced consideration; and
(2) Proceeds from a subsequent transfer or lease of the property if the Federal share of its fair market value is not
returned to the Federal Government.
Federal financial assistance includes community development funds in the form of proceeds from loans guaranteed
under section 108 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, but does not include
assistance made available through direct Federal procurement contracts or payments made under these contracts
or any other contract of insurance or guaranty.
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Section 504. Nondiscrimination under Federal grants and programs.
SEC. 504. (a) No otherwise qualified individual with a disability in the United States, as defined in section 7(20), shall,
solely by reason of her or his disability, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be
subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance or under any
program or activity conducted by any Executive agency or by the United States Postal Service. The head of each such
agency shall promulgate such regulations as may be necessary to carry out the amendments to this section made by
the Rehabilitation, Comprehensive Services, and Developmental Disabilities Act of 1978. Copies of any proposed
regulation shall be submitted to appropriate authorizing committees of the Congress, and such regulation may take
effect no earlier than the thirtieth day after the date on which such regulation is so submitted to such committees.
HUD Section 504 8
(b) For the purposes of this section, the term ‘‘program or activity’ means all of the operations of
(1)(A) a department, agency, special purpose district, or other instrumentality of a state or of a local
government; or
(B) the entity of such state or local government that distributes such assistance and each such department
or agency (and each other state or local government entity) to which the assistance is extended, in the case
of assistance to a state or local government;
(2)(A) a college, university, or other postsecondary institution, or a public system of higher education; or
(B) a local educational agency (as defined in section 8101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of
1965), system of vocational education, or other school system;
(3)(A) an entire corporation, partnership, or other private organization, or an entire sole proprietorship
(i) if assistance is extended to such corporation, partnership, private organization, or sole proprietorship
as a whole; or
(ii) which is principally engaged in the business of providing education, health care, housing, social
services, or parks and recreation; or
(B) the entire plant or other comparable, geographically separate facility to which Federal financial
assistance is extended, in the case of any other corporation, partnership, private organization, or sole
proprietorship; or
(4) any other entity which is established by two or more of the entities described in paragraph (1), (2), or (3);
any part of which is extended Federal financial assistance
HUD Fair Housing Act of 1968, as Amended 9
HUD Fair Housing Act of 1968, as Amended
Title 42 United States Code sections 3601 et seq
Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968 (Fair Housing Act), as amended, prohibits discrimination in the sale, rental, and
financing of dwellings, and in other housing-related transactions, because of race, color, religion, sex, familial status,
national origin, and disability. It also requires that all federal programs relating to housing and urban development be
administered in a manner that affirmatively furthers fair housing.
The Fair Housing Act applies whether the housing is publicly funded or not.
Fair Housing Accessibility Guidelines
Dwelling Covered by the Design Requirements
The design requirements apply to buildings built for first occupancy after March 13, 1991, which fall under the definition
of “covered multifamily dwellings.” Covered multifamily dwellings are:
1. all dwelling units in buildings containing four or more dwelling units if such buildings have one or more elevators, and
2. all ground floor dwelling units in other buildings containing four or more units.
The above information is taken from Fair Housing Act Design Manual that can be found on the HUD website at:
California Building Code, Chapter 2 Definition 10
California Building Code, Chapter 2 Definition
The definition for “Public Housing” in Chapter 2 of the CBC is derived from requirements of the ADA and the 2010
ADAS that regulate the built environment.
2010 ADAS and ADA Title II Regulations (28 CFR 35), applicable to state and local government services.
§ 35.102 Application.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, this part applies to all services, programs, and activities
provided or made available by public entities.
Entire section can be located at: 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design
Ҥ 35.151 New construction and alterations.
(a) Design and construction.
(1) Each facility or part of a facility constructed by, on behalf of, or for the use of a public entity shall be designed
and constructed in such manner that the facility or part of the facility is readily accessible to and usable by
individuals with disabilities, if the construction was commenced after January 26, 1992.”
Entire section can be located at: 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design
“(j) Facilities with residential dwelling units for sale to individual owners.
(1) Residential dwelling units designed and constructed or altered by public entities that will be offered for sale to
individuals shall comply with the requirements for residential facilities in the 2010 Standards, including sections 233
and 809.
(2) The requirements of paragraph (1) also apply to housing programs that are operated by public entities where
design and construction of particular residential dwelling units take place only after a specific buyer has been
identified. In such programs, the covered entity must provide the units that comply with the requirements for
accessible features to those pre-identified buyers with disabilities”
Entire section can be located at: 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design
The above referenced provisions are in Chapter 2 of the CBC’s definition of public housing, which is the basis for
determining whether or not a project is public housing and thereby regulated by CBC Chapter 11B.
PUBLIC HOUSING. Housing facilities constructed or altered by, for, or on behalf of a public entity, or constructed or
altered as part of a public entity’s program to provide housing pursuant to United States Code of Federal Regulations, 28
CFR Part 35, 102(a), including but not limited to the following:
1. One-or two-family dwelling units, or congregate residences;
2. Buildings or complexes with three or more residential dwellings units;
3. Homeless shelters, group homes, halfway houses and similar social service establishments;
4. Transient lodging, such as hotels, motels, hostels and other facilities providing accommodations of a short term
nature of not more than 30 days duration;
5. Housing at a place of education, such as housing on or serving a public school, public college or public university.
Note: A public entity’s program to provide housing may include but is not limited to: the allocation of local, state, or
federal financial assistance, Community Development Block Grants, Low Income Housing Tax Credits, the California
Multifamily Housing Program, loan agreements and housing bonds. Examples that are not considered a public entity’s
program to provide housing may include but are not limited to: density bonuses, the receipt of public funds for the
installation of energy efficiency features, seismic strengthening, water conservation and fire safety features. For
additional information see “Guide to Public Housing Regulated in Chapter 11B of the California Building Code” and
the “California Access Compliance Advisory Reference Manual” available on the Division of the State Architect’s
Flowcharts and Resources 11
Flowcharts and Resources
The information in the following flowcharts and tables are based on DSA staff research and are not exhaustive.
Additional State and local regulations specific to the project, such as those promulgated by the Tax Credit Allocation
Committee, must be adhered to if applicable.
Housing that is both a place of public accommodation and public housing, such as housing at a place of education, social
service center establishments and transient lodging facilities, have flowcharts provided only for reference.
The flowcharts are intended to be used as a step-by-step guide to analyze and determine which of the federal and State
regulations are applicable to a housing project. Each flowchart addresses only one federal or State standard or
regulation. The user must process each flowchart for the project to determine which standards or regulations apply.
When more than one standard or regulation applies, the user must ensure that all requirements for the specific
standard are met, and where individual requirements appear to coincide or conflict, apply the most restrictive
requirement to the project.
Responsibility for complying with the applicable laws and regulations rests with those involved in the design and
construction of housing facilities. A housing facility that is non-compliant with the applicable State and federal
requirements could have a complaint filed at any time against all parties involved in the design and construction of the
facility including the government entity, the owner, the architect, the contractor, etc. The government entity is required
to inform the contracted party or recipient of benefit (owner) participating in its housing program of the State and
federal accessibility regulations applicable to the project. The owner must inform the design professionals and
contractor of the State and federal accessibility regulations to which the facility must be designed and constructed. The
Architects Practice Act in California requires that the architect have knowledge of all applicable building laws, codes, and
regulations. Contractors should take care in constructing housing facilities in compliance with the approved set of plans
and specifications. Building officials have the authority to review projects for compliance with the California Building
Code only and are not authorized to review for compliance with federal regulatory requirements.
Federal Regulations-ADA and 2010 ADAS 12
Federal Regulations – ADA and 2010 ADAS
United States Department of Justice
Civil Rights Division
Americans with Disabilities Act
2010 Americans with Disabilities Act
Standards for Accessible Design
Title II
Public Entities
Title III
Places of Public
Accommodation and
Commercial Facilities
Housing facilities
owned, operated
constructed or altered
by, on behalf of, or for
the use of state or
local governments or
as part of a Title II
entities program
Housing at a Place of Education,
Transient Lodging and Social Service
Center Establishments
Key Concepts
Scoping applies to 1 or more residential
dwelling units
5% required to have mobility features
2% required to have communication
Mobility features and communication
features can overlap in the same
residential dwelling unit
Transient lodging limits the overlap of
mobility features and communication
features in guest rooms
Requires residential dwelling units and
transient lodging guest rooms to be
dispersed among the various types of
dwelling units and guest rooms
Multi-story residential dwelling units
require an accessible route throughout
the unit
A single-story dwelling unit can be
substituted for a multi-story dwelling
unit when comparable features are
Building officials do not have the
authority to enforce Federal standards
or regulations. The parties designing and
developing the project have the
responsibility for compliance with these
standards and regulations.
Federal Regulations-ADA and 2010 ADAS Flowchart for Title II Entities 13
Federal Regulations – ADA and 2010 ADAS for Title II Entities
Are the facilities constructed or altered by, on behalf of, or for
the use of a public entity or as part of a Title II entities program?
Are the facilities with
residential dwelling units
provided by entities
subject to HUD Section
504 Regulations?
Comply with HUD
Section 504 and UFAS or
2010 ADAS Section 233.2
or Deeming Notice
Are the facilities with
residential dwelling units
newly constructed?
Comply with 2010 ADAS Section 233.3
for the number of residential dwelling
units with:
Mobility features 5%
Communication features 2%
Are the facilities social service
center establishments?
Group homes
Halfway houses
Shelters or similar
establishments either
temporary or residential
dwelling units
Are the facilities housing at a
place of education?
Comply with Sections 233, 809
and CFR Part 36.406
Addition to an existing building?
Alteration to vacated building with
15 or more residential units?
Alteration to individual residential
dwelling unit?
Is the alteration to a Qualified
Historical Building?
Comply with 2010 ADAS
Sections 28 CFR 35.151 (b)(3)
Undergraduate student
housing not leased on a
year-round basis?
Comply with 2010 ADAS
Sections 224 and 806
Requirements apply only to
residential dwelling units added until
the total number complies with 2010
ADAS Section 233.3 for the minimum
number required (5 % mobility and
2% communication)
At least 5% of the residential
dwelling units required to be on an
accessible route, comply with 809.2
through 809.4 and 2% required to
comply with 809.5
Where bathroom or kitchen is
substantially altered and at least one
other room is altered, requirements
apply until the total number meets
minimum number required 2010
ADAS Section 233.3 (5% mobility and
2% communication)
Graduate student or faculty housing leased
on a year-round basis with no common use
educational programming areas?
Comply with 2010 ADAS Sections
233, 809 and CFR Part 36.406
Federal Regulations-ADA and 2010 ADAS Flowchart for Title III Entities 14
Federal Regulations – ADA and 2010 ADAS for Title III Entities
Are the facilities a place of public accommodation?
Are the facilities with residential
dwelling units newly constructed?
Are the facilities a public accommodation
with transient lodging guest rooms?
Are the facilities places
of lodging?
Comply with 2010 ADAS Sections
224 and 806
Is a commercial facility located in a newly
constructed or altered private residence?
Are the facilities social service center
Group home
way house
Shelter or similar
establishments that provide
either temporary sleeping
accommodations or residential
dwelling units
Comply with 2010 ADAS Sections 233
and 809 and CFR 35.151
Are the facilities housing at a place of
Undergraduate student housing not
leased on a year-round basis?
Graduate student or faculty housing
leased on a year-round basis with no
common use educational programming
Comply with Sections 233 and 809
and 35.151
Portions of the facility used exclusively as a residence are not
regulated by the 2010 ADAS. Portions of the residence used
in operation of commercial or both commercial and
residential use are regulated by the 2010 ADAS.
Comply with 2010 ADAS Sections 224
and 806 and CFR 35.151
Federal Regulations-Fair Housing Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act 15
Federal Regulations – Fair Housing Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
United States Department of Housing and Urban Development
Fair Housing Act Section 504 of the Rehabilitation ACT
Options for Compliance
HUD recognizes ten “safe harbors”
for compliance with the Fair Housing
The first three are:
Fair H
ousing Act Accessibility
Fair Housing Act Design Manual
ANSI A117.1 (1986) used with the
FHA and the Guidelines
The Guidelines are not mandatory;
the purpose is to provide technical
guidance on designing dwelling units
in compliance with the FHA.
The remaining safe harbors are
various editions of ANSI A117.1 and
the International Building Code (IBC)
In California the IBC is not used as
model code for access compliance in
Chapters 11A and 11B.
Both Chapters provide an alternate
means to comply with the FHA
however care should be taken to
ensure the regulations used provide
the most stringent level of
2010 Americans
with Disabilities
Act Standards for
Accessible Design
w/exceptions in
the Deeming
Key Concepts
Fair Housing Act Accessibility Guidelines
Scoping applies to 4 or more covered multifamily
Applies to new construction of housing built for
first occupancy after March 13, 1991
Does not regulate alterations to covered
multifamily dwellings constructed for first
occupancy prior to that date
Applies when a new building is constructed
behind an existing façade
Ten safe harbors are allowed for compliance
Tenant bears the cost of a reasonable
accommodation or modification
HUD Section 504 Regulations
Scoping applies to 5 or more dwelling units
5% are required to have mobility features
An additional 2% are required to have
communication features
Mobility features and communication features
can’t overlap in the same unit
Requires the units with mobility and
communication features to be dispersed among
the various types of dwelling units
Recipient of federal financial assistance bears the
cost of a reasonable accommodation or
Building officials do not have the authority to
enforce Federal standards or regulations. The
parties designing and developing the project have
the responsibility for compliance with these
standards and regulations.
Federal Regulations-Fair Housing Act and Fair Housing Accessibility Guidelines 16
Federal Regulations – Fair Housing Act and Fair Housing Accessibility Guidelines
Are the facilities covered multifamily dwellings with four or
more residential dwelling units?
Are the facilities covered multifamily dwellings constructed for first
occupancy on or after March 13, 1991?
Condominiums Homeless shelter used as a residence
Cooperatives Student housing
Apartment buildings Timeshares
Dormitories Assisted living housing
Are the facilities new construction or
alteration by, on behalf of, or for the
use of a public entity or as part of a
public entities program?
Does the facility include public
accommodations such as rental or sales
Are the facilities located on a site
where it is impractical to provide an
accessible route due to steep terrain or
unusual site characteristics?
Compliance with ADA and
2010 ADAS is required
Are the facilities:
Covered multifamily dwellings with four
or more residential dwelling units
New building constructed behind old
façade with four or more residential
dwelling units
Additions of four or more residential
dwelling units
Are the residential facilities either:
Single family detached dwellings
Multistory townhouses without internal elevators
Carriage Units
Are the dwelling units being altered in an existing
building occupied prior to March 13, 1991?
Number of units required to be accessible with adaptable features:
All dwelling units in buildings with four or more dwelling units in
buildings with one or more elevators
All ground floor dwelling units in buildings with four or more
dwelling units with no elevator
When a freight elevator is provided, even when there is no
passenger elevator, the building is considered an elevator
building and all dwelling units are required to be accessible with
adaptable features
Fair Housing Accessibility Guidelines do not apply to:
Single family detached dwellings
Multistory townhouses without internal elevators
Buildings occupied prior to March 13, 1991
Carriage units in which the garage footprint is used as the
footprint for the remaining floor or floors
Impracticality requires ground floor units
to comply with accessibility guidelines in
buildings with:
One or more elevators
Elevators providing access to ground
Elevated walkway between building
entrance and vehicular or pedestrian
arrival points
Requires a minimum of 20% to comply
Federal Regulations-Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act 17
Federal Regulations – Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
Are the facilities constructed with federal financial assistance?
Are the facilities new construction of multifamily housing with five
or more residential dwelling units?
Are the facilities undergoing a substantial
alteration of 15 or more units when the cost of
alterations is 75% or more of replacement cost
of completed facility?
Are the facilities
undergoing a lesser
Are the facilities
undergoing an
alteration in a
Qualified Historical
Does not require
actions where
significant historic
features are impaired
Number of residential dwelling
units with:
Mobility features 5%
Communication features 2%
HUD may prescribe a higher percentage
based on request by any affected
recipient or State or Local government
Compliance can be met by using one of the following
standards or guidelines:
Uniform Accessibility Standards
2010 Americans with Disabilities Act Standards for
ccessible Design w/exceptions (Deeming Notice
Modifications required to the
maximum extent feasible without
imposing undue financial or
administrative burden
State Regulations-California Building Code Chapter 11B 18
State Regulations California Building Code Chapter 11B
California Department of General Services
Division of the State Architect
California Building Code Chapter 11B
Public Housing
Places of Public
Accommodation and
Commercial Facilities
Housing at a Place of Education,
Transient Lodging and Social Service
Center Establishments
Housing facilities owned,
operated constructed or
altered by, on behalf of, or
for the use of State or local
government or as part of a
Title II entities housing
Key Concepts
Scoping applies to 1 or more residential
dwelling units
5% required to have mobility features
2% required to have communication
All ground floor residential dwelling units
required to be on an accessible route with
adaptable features
Mobility features and communication
features can overlap in the same
residential unit
Transient lodging limits the overlap of
mobility features and communication
features in guest rooms
Requires residential dwelling units and
transient lodging guest rooms to be
dispersed among the various types of
dwelling units and guest rooms
Multi-story residential dwelling units with
mobility features require an accessible
route throughout the dwelling unit
A single-story dwelling unit with mobility
features can be substituted for a multi-
story dwelling unit when comparable
features are provided
State Regulations-California Building Code Chapter 11B Flowchart Public Housing 19
State Regulations California Building Code Chapter 11B Public Housing
Are the facilities public housing?
Are the facilities newly
constructed with one or more
residential dwelling units?
Addition to an existing
Comply with
Section 11B-233.3
Alteration to vacated building
with 15 or more residential
dwelling units?
At least 5% of the residential
dwelling units required to be on
an accessible route, complying
with 809.2 through 809.4
2% required to comply with
In a new building constructed
behind existing façade
requirements apply to ground
floor dwelling units
Alteration to an individual
residential unit?
Requirements apply only to
residential dwelling units added
until the total number complies
with the minimum number
Mobility features 5%
Communication features 2%
Ground floor dwelling units
Are the facilities
privately funded covered
multifamily dwellings?
Where bathroom or kitchen and at
least on other room is altered,
requirements apply until the total
number meets the minimum
required (5% mobility and 2%
Refer to Chapter
11A of the CBC
Is a public
accommodation located
in a newly constructed
or altered private
Are the facilities located on a
site where it is impractical to
provide an accessible route
because of terrain or unusual
Impracticality not allowed in buildings
One or more elevators
Elevator providing access to units
on ground floors
Elevated walkway between
building entrance and vehicular or
pedestrian arrival points
Is the alteration to a
Qualified Historical
Portions of the facility used
exclusively as a residence are not
regulated by Chapter 11B. Portions
used in the operation of a public
accommodation or both a public
accommodation and residence are
regulated by Chapter 11B.
Comply with California Historical
Building Code, Title 24, Part 8 and
Chapter 11B
State Regulations-California Building Code Chapter 11B Flowchart Transient Lodging, Housing at a Place of Education, Social Service Center Establishments 20
State Regulations California Building Code Chapter 11B – Transient Lodging, Housing at a Place of
Education, Social Service Center Establishments
Are the facilities a place of public accommodation or
public housing?
Are the facilities transient lodging?
Resort and similar transient
lodging facilities
Are the facilities social service center
Group homes
Halfway houses
Shelters or similar establishment,
either temporary or residential
dwelling units
Are the facilities housing at a
place of education?
Undergraduate student housing
not leased on a year-round
Comply with transient lodging standards
Section 11B-224.7 and 11B-806
Comply with Sections 11B-224.1
through 11B-224.6 and 11B-806
Comply with Sections 11B-
233 and 11B-809
Graduate student or faculty housing
leased on a year-round basis with no
common use educational programming
Comply with Sections 11B-224.8 and 11B-
233 for Social Service Center
Housing Programs and Applicable Regulations and Guidelines 21
Housing Programs and Applicable Regulations and Guidelines
# Housing Program 504/UFAS 2010 ADAS Fair Housing Act
CBC Chapter
CBC Chapter
Opportunities for
Persons with AIDS
Program (HOME)
Development Block
Receipt of federal
financial assistance
administered by HUD
requires compliance
with HUD Section
504 or 2010 ADAS
with exceptions
(Deeming Notice).
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with 2010 ADAS and
HUD Section 504 or
2010 ADAS with
exceptions (Deeming
Applies to covered
multifamily dwellings
of four or more units
constructed for first
occupancy after
March 13, 1991.
Public housing
requires compliance
with CBC, Chapter
HUD Project-Based
Receipt of federal
financial assistance
administered by HUD
requires compliance
with HUD Section
504 or 2010 ADAS
with exceptions
(Deeming Notice).
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with 2010 ADAS and
HUD Section 504 or
2010 ADAS with
exceptions (Deeming
Applies to covered
multifamily dwellings
of four or more units
constructed for first
occupancy after
March 13, 1991.
Public housing
requires compliance
with CBC, Chapter
Housing and Urban
Development (HUD)
Tenant Based Rental
Assistance (TBRA)
and Housing Choice
Applies to covered
multifamily dwellings
of four or more units
constructed for first
occupancy after
March 13, 1991.
Applies to privately
funded covered
multifamily dwellings
of three or more
units depending on
type, constructed for
first occupancy after
March 13, 1991.
Compliance with FHAG & Chapter
11A is not based on receipt of rental
assistance voucher, rather on the
number of units and initial date of
Housing and Urban
Development (HUD)
Mortgage Insurance
for Rental and
Cooperative Housing
Receipt of federal
financial assistance
administered by HUD
requires compliance
with HUD Section
504 or 2010 ADAS
with exceptions
(Deeming Notice).
When the mortgage
insurance is provided
to the lender and not
administered by a
public entity
compliance with the
2010 ADAS is not
Applies to covered
multifamily dwellings
of four or more unit
constructed for first
occupancy after
March 13, 1991.
When the mortgage
insurance is provided
to the lender and not
administered by a
public entity
compliance with CBC,
Chapter 11B is not
Applies to privately
funded covered
multifamily dwellings
of three or more
units depending on
type, constructed for
first occupancy after
March 13, 1991.
Housing Programs and Applicable Regulations and Guidelines 22
# Housing Program 504/UFAS 2010 ADAS Fair Housing Act
CBC Chapter
CBC Chapter
Housing and Urban
Development (HUD)
Multifamily Rental
Housing for
Families (Section
221(d)(3) and (4))
Receipt of federal
financial assistance
administered by HUD
requires compliance
with HUD Section
504 or 2010 ADAS
with exceptions
(Deeming Notice).
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with 2010 ADAS and
HUD Section 504 or
2010 ADAS with
exceptions (Deeming
Applies to covered
multifamily dwellings
of four or more units
constructed for first
occupancy after
March 13, 1991.
Public housing
requires compliance
with CBC, Chapter
Applies to privately
funded covered
multifamily dwellings
of three or more
units depending on
type, constructed for
first occupancy after
March 13, 1991.
HUD issues mortgage insurance to
finance rental and cooperative
housing of five or more units.
1. When the mortgage insurance is
administered by a public agency
mortgagor, compliance with the
UFAS, 2010 ADAS and Chapter 11B is
2. If the mortgagor insurance is
provided to a private entity then
compliance with UFAS or 2010 ADAS
with exceptions, compliance with
Chapter 11B is not required.
Housing and Urban
Veterans Affairs
Supportive Housing
Program (HUD-VASH)
Receipt of federal
financial assistance
administered by HUD
requires compliance
with HUD Section
504 or 2010 ADAS
with exceptions
(Deeming Notice).
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with 2010 ADAS and
HUD Section 504 or
2010 ADAS with
exceptions (Deeming
Applies to covered
multifamily dwellings
of four or more units
constructed for first
occupancy after
March 13, 1991.
Public housing
requires compliance
with CBC, Chapter
The regulations and guidelines apply
when project-based vouchers are
Federal Home Loan
Banks Affordable
Housing and
Applies to covered
multifamily dwellings
of four or more units
constructed for first
occupancy after
March 13, 1991.
Applies to privately
funded covered
multifamily dwellings
of three or more
units depending on
type, constructed for
first occupancy after
March 13, 1991.
Multifamily Bond
Financing Program
issued by a public
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with 2010 ADAS.
Applies to covered
multifamily dwellings
of four or more units
constructed for first
occupancy after
March 13, 1991.
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with CBC, Chapter
City issued tax-exempt and taxable
multifamily housing bonds.
Housing Programs and Applicable Regulations and Guidelines 23
# Housing Program 504/UFAS 2010 ADAS Fair Housing Act
CBC Chapter
CBC Chapter
California Statewide
Authority (CSCDA)
Housing Bonds
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with 2010 ADAS.
Applies to covered
multifamily dwellings
of four or more units
constructed for first
occupancy after
March 13, 1991.
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with CBC, Chapter
The CSCDA Housing Bond Program is
designed to assist both for profit and
nonprofit developers in accessing
tax-exempt bonds (“Bonds”) for the
financing of low-income multifamily
and senior housing projects.
Low Income Housing
Tax Credits (LIHTC)
issued by the Internal
Revenue Service and
distributed by a
public entity
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with 2010 ADAS.
Applies to covered
multifamily dwellings
of four or more units
constructed for first
occupancy after
March 13, 1991.
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with CBC, Chapter
Low Income Housing
Tax Credits (LIHTC)
issued by the
California Tax Credit
Committee (TCAC)
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with 2010 ADAS.
Applies to covered
multifamily dwellings
of four or more units
constructed for first
occupancy after
March 13, 1991.
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with CBC, Chapter
When LIHTC are issued by the IRS
HUD Section 504 Regulations do not
apply. LIHTC issued by HUD require
compliance with HUD Section 504
Veterans and
Affordable Housing
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with 2010 ADAS.
Applies to covered
multifamily dwellings
of four or more units
constructed for first
occupancy after
March 13, 1991.
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with CBC, Chapter
United States
Department of
Multi-family rental
Program requires
compliance with
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with 2010 ADAS.
Applies to covered
multifamily dwellings
of four or more units
constructed for first
occupancy after
March 13, 1991.
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with CBC, Chapter
Infill Infrastructure
Grant Program (IIG)
Applies to site
elements. N/A
Applies to site
elements. N/A
Applies to infrastructure not
residential dwelling units.
Department of
Housing and
Development (HCD)
Multifamily Housing
Loans and Grants
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with 2010 ADAS.
Applies to covered
multifamily dwellings
of four or more units
constructed for first
occupancy after
March 13, 1991.
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with CBC, Chapter
Housing Programs and Applicable Regulations and Guidelines 24
# Housing Program 504/UFAS 2010 ADAS Fair Housing Act
CBC Chapter
CBC Chapter
Department of
Housing and
Development (HCD)
Affordable Housing
and Sustainable
Program (AHSC)
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with 2010 ADAS.
Applies to covered
multifamily dwellings
of four or more units
constructed for first
occupancy after
March 13, 1991.
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with CBC, Chapter
Department of
Housing and
Development (HCD)
Development Block
Grant (CDBG)
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with 2010 ADAS.
Applies to covered
multifamily dwellings
of four or more units
constructed for first
occupancy after
March 13, 1991.
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with CBC, Chapter
Department of
Housing and
Development (HCD)
Golden State
Acquisition Fund
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with 2010 ADAS.
Applies to covered
multifamily dwellings
of four or more units
constructed for first
occupancy after
March 13, 1991.
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with CBC, Chapter
Department of
Housing and
Development (HCD)
Receipt of federal
financial assistance
administered by HUD
requires compliance
with HUD Section
504 or 2010 ADAS
with exceptions
(Deeming Notice).
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with 2010 ADAS and
HUD Section 504 or
2010 ADAS with
exceptions (Deeming
Applies to covered
multifamily dwellings
of four or more units
constructed for first
occupancy after
March 13, 1991.
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with CBC, Chapter
11B. N/A
Department of
Housing and
Development (HCD)
Housing for a Healthy
California (HHC)
Receipt of federal
financial assistance
administered by HUD
requires compliance
with HUD Section
504 or 2010 ADAS
with exceptions
(Deeming Notice).
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with 2010 ADAS and
HUD Section 504 or
2010 ADAS with
exceptions (Deeming
Applies to covered
multifamily dwellings
of four or more units
constructed for first
occupancy after
March 13, 1991.
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with CBC, Chapter
Housing Programs and Applicable Regulations and Guidelines 25
# Housing Program 504/UFAS 2010 ADAS Fair Housing Act
CBC Chapter
CBC Chapter
Department of
Housing and
Development (HCD)
Joe Serna, JR.
Farmworker Housing
Grant (FWHG)
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with 2010 ADAS and
HUD Section 504 or
2010 ADAS with
exceptions (Deeming
Applies to covered
multifamily dwellings
of four or more units
constructed for first
occupancy after
March 13, 1991.
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with CBC, Chapter
Department of
Housing and
Development (HCD)
Local Housing Trust
Fund Program (LHTF)
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with 2010 ADAS and
HUD Section 504 or
2010 ADAS with
exceptions (Deeming
Applies to covered
multifamily dwellings
of four or more units
constructed for first
occupancy after
March 13, 1991.
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with CBC, Chapter
Department of
Housing and
Development (HCD)
Multifamily Housing
Program (MHP)
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with 2010 ADAS and
HUD Section 504 or
2010 ADAS with
exceptions (Deeming
Applies to covered
multifamily dwellings
of four or more units
constructed for first
occupancy after
March 13, 1991.
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with CBC, Chapter
Department of
Housing and
Development (HCD)
National Housing
Trust Fund Program
Receipt of federal
financial assistance
administered by HUD
requires compliance
with HUD Section
504 or 2010 ADAS
with exceptions
(Deeming Notice).
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with 2010 ADAS and
HUD Section 504 or
2010 ADAS with
exceptions (Deeming
Applies to covered
multifamily dwellings
of four or more units
constructed for first
occupancy after
March 13, 1991.
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with CBC, Chapter
Department of
Housing and
Development (HCD)
No Place Like Home
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with 2010 ADAS.
Applies to covered
multifamily dwellings
of four or more units
constructed for first
occupancy after
March 13, 1991.
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with CBC, Chapter
Housing Programs and Applicable Regulations and Guidelines 26
# Housing Program 504/UFAS 2010 ADAS Fair Housing Act
CBC Chapter
CBC Chapter
Department of
Housing and
Development (HCD)
Loan Program (PDLP)
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with 2010 ADAS.
Applies to covered
multifamily dwellings
of four or more units
constructed for first
occupancy after
March 13, 1991.
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with CBC, Chapter
Department of
Housing and
Development (HCD)
Supportive Housing
Multifamily Housing
Program (SHMHP)
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with 2010 ADAS.
Applies to covered
multifamily dwellings
of four or more units
constructed for first
occupancy after
March 13, 1991.
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with CBC, Chapter
Department of
Housing and
Development (HCD)
Transit Oriented
Program (TOD)
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with 2010 ADAS and
HUD Section 504 or
2010 ADAS with
exceptions (Deeming
Applies to covered
multifamily dwellings
of four or more units
constructed for first
occupancy after
March 13, 1991.
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with CBC, Chapter
Department of
Housing and
Development (HCD)
Veterans Housing
and Homelessness
Prevention Program
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with 2010 ADAS.
Applies to covered
multifamily dwellings
of four or more units
constructed for first
occupancy after
March 13, 1991.
Public entity’s
housing program
requires compliance
with CBC, Chapter
11B. N/A
Density Bonus Law,
Government Code
Sections 65915-
Applies to covered
multifamily dwellings
of four or more units
constructed for first
occupancy after
March 13, 1991.
Applies to privately
funded covered
multifamily dwellings
of three or more
units depending on
type, constructed for
first occupancy after
March 13, 1991.
Administrative (ministerial) action of
a government through planning
departments provided to all projects
that meet the criteria. Not
considered a public entity’s housing
program. Compliance with FHAG &
Chapter 11A is not based on density
bonus, rather on the number of units
and date of occupancy.
For More Information 27
For More Information
The following websites provide additional information:
Division of the State Architect, Access Compliance Reference Materials:
Department of Housing and Community Development:
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development:
U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division:
Fair Housing Accessibility First:
Should you have any questions or suggestions for improving this guide they can be emailed or sent to the
Division of the State Architect at:
Susan R. Moe, Senior Architect
Division of the State Architect
1102 Q Street
Sacramento, CA 95811