CP-138 Date 1999/06/30
Procedure and Action Item for Image IODs Status: Final Text
Correction Number CP-138
Log Summary: Procedure and Action Item Code Sequence for Image IODs
Type of Modification
Name of Standard
PS 3.3-1998
Rationale for Correction
There is no place in the existing Composite Image objects for recording the Procedure Code or
Action Items actually performed.
What was scheduled via the modality worklist can be recorded in the Request Attributes
Sequence in the image, but this may not correspond to what was actually performed.
The appropriate attributes that could also be recorded in the image are defined in modules of
the Modality Performed Procedure Step IOD
The Procedure Code Sequence attribute should be placed at the Study level, since it
corresponds to the request, but it may have multiple values since the image may be created to
satisfy more than one request.
The Performed Action Item Code Sequence should be placed at the Series level, since there is
no Performed Procedure Step/Study Component entity explicitly represented in a Composite
IOD, and the Series level is the next entity lower.
This is consistent with the approach of Supplement 17 that added Modality Performed
Procedure Step.
One of the potental uses of these codes is to allow devices receiving images to route or hang
(organize display layout) images based on codes. At the present time, other text fields are used
by different implementors in an ad hoc manner for this purpose. Even in the absence of a single
universal coding scheme for procedures and action items having a consistent place to enter
common codes is helpful.
Sections of documents affected
C.7.2.1 General Study Module Table C.7-2
C.7.3.1 General Series Module Table C.7-4
Correction Wording:
Append to C.7.2.1 General Study Module Table C.7-2:
C.7.2.1 General Study Module
Table C.7-2
... ... ... ...
Procedure Code Sequence (0008,1032) 3 A Sequence that conveys the type of procedure performed.
One or more Items may be included in this Sequence.
>Include ‘Code Sequence Macro’ Table 8.8-1
No Baseline Context ID is defined.
CP-138 Date 1999/06/30
Procedure and Action Item for Image IODs Status: Final Text
Append to C.7.3.1 General Series Module Table C.7-4:
C.7.3.1 General Series Module
Table C.7-4
... ... ... ...
Performed Action Item
(0040,0260) 3 Sequence describing the Action Items performed for this
Procedure Step. One or more Items may be included in this
>Include ‘Code Sequence Macro’ Table 8.8-1
No Baseline Context ID is defined.