Characterizing Scalability Issues in
Spreadsheet Software using Online Forums
Kelly Mack, John Lee, Kevin Chang,
Karrie Karahalios, Aditya Parameswaran
Department of Computer Science
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
knmack2, lee98, kcchang, kkarhal, [email protected]
In traditional usability studies, researchers talk to users of tools
to understand their needs and challenges. Insights gained via
such interviews offer context, detail, and background. Due to
costs in time and money, we are beginning to see a new form
of tool interrogation that prioritizes scale, cost, and breadth
by utilizing existing data from online forums. In this case
study, we set out to apply this method of using online forum
data to a specific issue—challenges that users face with Excel
spreadsheets. Spreadsheets are a versatile and powerful pro-
cessing tool if used properly. However, with versatility and
power come errors, from both users and the software, which
make using spreadsheets less effective. By scraping posts from
the website Reddit, we collected a dataset of questions and
complaints about Excel. Specifically, we explored and charac-
terized the issues users were facing with spreadsheet software
in general, and in particular, as resulting from a large amount
of data in their spreadsheets. We discuss the implications
of our findings on the design of next-generation spreadsheet
Spreadsheets are widely used by professionals in a variety
of disciplines. Even in their most basic form, they act as a
useful organizational aid, allowing users to record informa-
tion in a two-dimensional tabular layout. With capabilities
like formulae and macros to support complex calculations or
automate processes, spreadsheets become indispensable as a
comprehensive medium for data management and analysis
At the same time, spreadsheets have problems: studies have
shown that they foster errors [29, 27], they are not able to easily
express useful data operations, such as joins or filters [11, 10],
and they are known to be sluggish or crash when operating on
very large datasets [30]. The last class of problems are what
we call scalability problems, i.e., situations where users are
unable to complete standard operations in a reasonable amount
of time when the scale or complexity of the dataset increases
[7]. With the increasing availability of large volumes of data
in most domains, we suspect that scalability problems are only
going to become more common—as an example, our biologist
collaborators routinely use spreadsheets, and can now generate
large genomic (VCF) files, but are unable to open these files
even simply to verify correctness in spreadsheet software [12].
We conduct a case study of problems in spreadsheet software,
with a special emphasis on scalability problems. Prior studies
on spreadsheet software has largely focused on the ability of
users to use a spreadsheet effectively, as opposed to spread-
sheet software problems, including understanding users’ con-
ceptual models [23, 27, 25], and detecting and categorizing
user errors [9, 20, 28, 13]. In contrast, we focus on settings
where spreadsheet software does not meet expectations. For
example, one user performed a copy/paste operation on a few
hundred thousand rows of data; they waited two and a half
hours and still could not accomplish their task. This behavior
where expectations and models of use are clear—is relatively
A second difference with prior studies on understanding the
use of spreadsheet software is our methodology. Our first
attempt at characterizing spreadsheet problems was via inter-
views with current or aspiring spreadsheet users, such as our
biologist collaborators, teaching faculty who managed MOOC
student grades in spreadsheets, business analysts wanting to
use spreadsheets to study ad campaigns, among others. While
these interviews were illuminating in their depth of detail, they
were lacking breadth—we wanted to survey a broad popula-
tion of spreadsheet users, specifically Microsoft Excel users,
to understand their problems. Thus, we turned to online fo-
rums, specifically Reddit, that captured users’ self-reported
opinions, questions, and frustrations on the Microsoft Excel
spreadsheet subreddit
To the best of our knowledge, online forums have not been
used to understand the spectrum of problems in spreadsheet
software. Online forums have been used for other goals, such
as understanding the factors that (1) influence perception—
e.g., the discovery of credibility factors in medical crowd-
funding sites using Reddit [18], (2) describe use and behavior
practices—e.g., physical interaction of users with disabili-
ties using YouTube videos [8], and (3) highlight areas for
improvement via “app mining”—prioritizing application bug
fixes using Google Play Store reviews [17]. While our work
is similar in its categorization of improvement areas to [17],
they focus on improving an existing code/review pipeline to
determine where to modify code, whereas we investigate the
arXiv:1801.03829v2 [cs.HC] 31 Jan 2018
scalability landscape surrounding multiple existing use cases
in spreadsheets.
To accomplish this, we collected over 700 posts from an Excel
Reddit forum. While analyzing the posts, four main types of
operations emerged that posed problems, both in scalability,
and otherwise—importing, managing, querying, and present-
ing data. We dig deeper to characterize these problem areas to
highlight concrete areas of improvement for spreadsheet soft-
ware, with an eye towards expanding the reach and usability of
spreadsheets, especially for very large and complex datasets.
The contributions of this paper are (1) a mapping of challenges
users face using spreadsheets in general, as well as (2) how
they pertain to scalability, and (3) a methodology for broad
evaluation of problems in features, capabilities, and intent
specification for end-user software, and (4) a discussion of
how to fix these problems, as a means towards building a more
robust, scalable, powerful spreadsheet tool.
Our work builds on prior work in two different research areas,
(1) spreadsheets and (2) the use of online community discourse
as a primary data source for study.
Prior work in spreadsheets
Previous research in spreadsheets have focused on improving
spreadsheets through understanding existing problems via user
studies and analyzing existing spreadsheets. Researchers have
conducted user studies to understand users’ conceptual models
of spreadsheets to identify how the cognitive process can affect
error rates [27], to see how users navigate large spreadsheets
[23], to evaluate how multiple users interact with a single
spreadsheet [25], and to characterize the strengths and weak-
nesses of spreadsheets [26, 14]. Other studies have focused
on errors: Powell et al. explore different types of errors that
occur and how they can be minimized [28], while others study
real spreadsheets to discover errors [9, 20]. Our approach
is instead to identify scalability problems in spreadsheets by
exploring troubleshooting posts on an online forum.
Using online communities as a data source
The availability of diverse and large amounts of online com-
munity data has led researchers to mine this data to answer
research questions [15, 8, 21, 18, 16]. While this method
may bias the user sample to users with internet access and a
level of technology savviness, prior works have successfully
created rich characterizations of users via this approach. In
addition to the papers mentioned in the introduction [8, 18,
17], Kulshrestha et al. [21] measured the political bias of an
individual Twitter search result by extracting features from
the Twitter user’s account, while Keelan et al. [16] extracted
Youtube videos to measure the sentiment (positive/negative)
surrounding immunization.
Reddit is a website that hosts a variety of forums called sub-
reddits. Each subreddit is a forum dedicated to a specific topic
and is named /r/topic_name. Within these forums, users can
post questions or notes and can comment on each others’ posts,
leading to discussions. Reddit has an API [3] to access data
from the site, making it ideal to use for those interested in
automating the scraping and categorizing of data.
The Forum
The /r/excel forum has been around for over 8 years, and as of
September 2017, had over 70,000 subscribers [4]. Note that a
subscriber is someone who subscribes to (follows) the forum;
anyone with a Reddit account can read, post, or comment
in the /r/excel forum without following it. Reddit recently
removed its statistics regarding the traffic of subreddits to im-
prove user privacy [5], resulting in the number of subscribers
being the most valuable statistic publicly available. Note also
that this forum is monitored (meaning a moderator can take
down posts as they see fit), and one of the moderators of the
forum disclosed in a post entitled "Please welcome our new
Corporate Overlords" that the subreddit is involved in the
Excel Influencer Program [2].
The Users of the Forum
Reddit does not collect any information from the user other
than a username, password, and email, so it is difficult to
characterize the type of users that frequent Reddit, never mind
those that visit the /r/excel subreddit. However, in their posts
and comments, some users share their experience level with
Excel. Often users who ask questions begin with a statement of
their unfamiliarity with Excel. Others state that they use Excel
frequently for work but that they need help performing a new
and/or complex operation. The users who answer questions
typically do not state their credentials, but often their complex
solutions indicate a high level of experience with Excel.
In some cases, there are tools other than Excel that are useful
for managing (particularly large amounts of) data like Mi-
crosoft’s Access software [22] or relational databases. Users
of the forum (both post makers and commenters) showed vary-
ing degrees of knowledge about these alternatives. In some
cases, the user wanted to know if a tool was more appropriate
than Excel. In others, the users specifically said they knew
other programs would perform better, but they were forced
to use Excel. Sometimes the user did not mention Access
or databases, but was recommended by commenters to use a
database as opposed to a spreadsheet. Out of the 712 posts we
collected, 89 mentioned one or more of the terms “Access”,
“SQL”, or “database” in the post body or comments.
The Uses of Excel
In the 712 posts, the uses of Excel seemed to fall into two
overarching categories: Excel for personal use, and Excel for
professional use. Traditionally, in both of these areas, we think
of spreadsheets as being used for record keeping of data like
addresses and emails, time trackers and schedules, or financial
information and budgets. There were many posts regarding
these topics in both personal and professional settings. How-
ever, the more unusual uses of Excel were impressive, detailed
Regarding personal uses, several users asked about how to
keep track of and calculate sports statistics; fantasy football
was particularly popular. One user wanted to design a spread-
sheet that automatically organizes a table tennis tournament.
Another wanted to create an ELO rating system for profes-
sional tennis players. The games mentioned also included
virtual ones. Several people asked questions about keeping
track of statistics for video games including Pokemon and
League of Legends. Some users went even further and created
fully functional versions of popular games like Tic-Tac-Toe or
Blackjack in Excel. Another popular personal use was keeping
track of health information like food consumption and body
measurements in Excel.
Professionals from a variety of industries used Excel spread-
sheets for work. Unsurprisingly, many users’ questions related
to time tracking and inventory or office management. Several
posts dealt with financial information, including two people
who were pulling live stock statistics from the web. Manufac-
turing industry professionals created spreadsheets that serve as
specialized calculators. One user created a sheet that accepts
input from a bar code scanner and organizes data accordingly.
Real estate industry professionals used Excel to track renova-
tion progress at tens of locations or to modeling rental income.
Several types of scientists utilize Excel’s data analytics fea-
tures. Two biologists asked questions regarding spreadsheets
they used to organize animal tracking data. Other scientists
used Excel to create models of hydraulics and analyze a set of
lunar data. The medical industry uses Excel not just to keep
track of things like patient diagnoses and diets, but also for
medical research. One user in particular created graphs in
Excel that analyzed a set of brain wave data.
Overall, we found posts that touched on the following
users/industries: real estate, finance, manufacturing, accoun-
tants, biologists, doctors and medical staff, teachers, research-
ing students and professors, family management, and quanti-
fied self. Note that this is information from users who identi-
fied the context of their work. The majority of posts simply
listed their problem without giving context as to where the
spreadsheet is used.
One goal of this work is to understand the breadth of issues
users experience while using Excel, specifically issues re-
lated to scalability. To accomplish this, we chose to analyze
posts from the Excel forum “/r/excel” on Reddit. There are
other spreadsheet related forums such as /r/spreadsheets and
/r/sheets. However, as Microsoft Excel is one of the largest
players in the spreadsheet industry, we limited our scope to
the Excel forum.
Constructing and coding a Dataset from Reddit
We collected two datasets of posts from the /r/excel forum
using the Reddit API: one dataset to understand the general
scope of Excel challenges and a second dataset to understand
scalability issues specifically.
The random dataset
To collect our first dataset, we used the Reddit
API’s “random” function, fetching 50-100 posts with each call
and collected 278 posts in May of 2017 over the period of two
weeks. With this data we aimed to understand the breadth of
the issues users encountered.
We used open coding to code our random posts. Two
authors individually examined 50-100 fetched posts at a time
and developed criteria to separate the posts into themes (and
then sub-themes). The two then compared their themes to
create a codebook to create a common set of themes. They
repeated the process of fetching and categorizing posts until
no new themes emerged.
Most of these posts related to a user’s uncertainty of how to
perform operations (e.g., how can one convert columns into
rows) or described a behavior not meeting expectations (e.g.,
"AND" operation did not join two clauses in an array formula
correctly, resulting in no data returned). Two posts described
scalability issues, where the dataset size caused undesired
behavior: in one, a formula calculated for 30 minutes before
crashing, and in the second, Excel froze every time the screen
shifted. We were intrigued by the scalability issues because
(1) to date, they have not been chronicled in existing work,
and (2) the outcomes of anecdotal cases did not have solutions.
We, therefore collected a second dataset to explore scalability
(see below).
Establishing Reliability.
For both this and the following set,
after creating the categories, two of the authors coded sets
of 10% of the posts from each dataset separately until they
achieved a Cohen’s kappa of at least .78. They then proceeded
to code the entirety of the dataset, comparing 5% of all post
codes every 85 posts (20% of all posts), ensuring that they
maintained a Cohen’s kappa of at least .7.
The search term dataset
We used the Reddit API and searched for scal-
ability posts via keywords within the same /r/excel forum.
Adapting the methodology used in [19, 21, 18], we finalized
the set of search terms in the following manner: (1) From
the randomly collected posts, we identified scalability posts
and their keywords. (2) Using the keywords found in (1), we
searched for additional scalability posts. We then extracted
new scalability keywords from these posts. We repeated this
process until no new keywords/phrases were identified. The fi-
nal list of scalability keywords was “big”, “crash”, “forever”,
“freeze”, “lag”, “large”, “long time”, and “slow”.
Using our final set of eight keywords/phrases, we created a
dataset of 434 posts by collecting the first 100 posts returned
by each keyword or until the API call ceased to return results,
whichever happened first, from July through August of 2017.
Typically, approximately 70 posts were returned, but some
keywords returned as few as nine.
While this approach was designed to filter scalability issues
from the forum as a whole, we found that people also ad-
dressed Excel “crashing” or “freezing” in other situations (e.g.,
“freeze panes" or “crash course in Excel"). To capture posts
that addressed the scalability issues, we created a codebook
to separate scalability issues from non-scalability issues. We
stopped collecting data when no new themes emerged in our
coding of problem area themes.
Coding for Theme.
We adapted the coding process we used
for the random dataset to code this search term dataset. We
ran each search term separately and coded resulting posts in
batches as they arrived. Two of the authors developed criteria
to separate the posts into themes (and then sub-themes). The
two then compared their themes to create a codebook to create
a common set of themes. They repeated the process of fetching
and categorizing posts until no new themes emerged. While
we started with a blank slate after coding the random dataset,
we found that the posts essentially fell into the same themes as
the randomly fetched posts. The posts that did not fall into the
four main themes were placed in a miscellaneous category.
Coding for Scalability.
As described earlier, we separated the
scalability related posts from the non-scalability related posts.
The authors created the following criteria for this coding: a
scalability issue is defined as poor behavior within an Excel
workbook that contains a large amount of data. Specifically,
poor behavior is characterized as Excel lagging, not respond-
ing, crashing, or taking long enough to respond that the user
declared the spreadsheet unusable. The inclusion criteria for
scalability posts were: (1) the user specified observing thou-
sands of rows of data, (2) the user’s file size was 5MB
larger, (3) the user did not quantitatively specify how large
their data was, but they expressed suspicion that the issues
were due to the dataset size, (4) a user could successfully
import a small amount of data, but failed when the data size
We coded the same dataset thematically and for scale. For
both codings of the search term dataset, we established coding
reliability in the same manner as we described in the random
dataset coding section. From the 434 search term posts, 81
posts addressed scalability concerns, bringing the combined
number of posts dealing with scalability issues to 83 out of
We made two observations which laid out the architecture for
our thematic coding. First, the posts were overwhelmingly
questions, as opposed to statuses or updates. Second, the
majority of the questions dealt with four themes: importing
data, managing data, querying data, and presenting data.
While the majority of posts fell into these four themes, the
remainder were placed in a Miscellaneous theme. These posts
generally asked broader, questions than other posts, as we
discuss further below.
Our four main themes were further categorized into sub-
themes. We introduce the themes and sub-themes below with
a brief description of the posts they contain, followed by a ta-
ble presenting paraphrased quotes (to preserve anonymity) of
posts from a selection of sub-themes. Each post received one
of the following labels as well as a yes or no label indicating
whether it related to scalability to better understand both the
post issue whether the issue was affected by scalability. The
pair of labels allowed us to see the operation areas affected by
scalability. To illustrate how the “scalability” code changes the
nature of the problems users encountered, we present several
posts in Table 1 with their scalability code.
This is the size where users began experiencing “lag” and “freezing”
Importing Data
This theme includes posts related to importing data from
sources such as CSV files, PDFs, websites, and other Excel
Managing Data
This theme emerged from posts that discussed cleaning and
updating data after it has been imported. This theme included
the three sub-themes below.
Manipulating Data.
This sub-theme includes questions about
actions required to transform data into a analyzable state. (e.g.,
cleaning data after import and changing the format of data for
a non-aesthetic purpose–changing the format of a date so it is
consistent with existing data and formulas in the sheet.)
Deleting Data.
This sub-theme includes questions that ask
how to delete or hide data from view.
Updating Data.
This sub-theme includes questions asking
how to update existing entries in a workbook or how to add
more data to a workbook, e.g., adding a fixed value to all of the
entries in a column or adding new entries to a list of records
in a sheet.
Querying Data
This theme includes posts related to extracting information
from the data in a workbook.
This sub-theme includes questions on how to
create new values from existing data in the spreadsheet. Note
that simply selecting existing data from the sheet does not
qualify as a calculation; new data is created.
This sub-theme includes posts about finding
and/or selecting pieces of information from a workbook (e.g.,
questions whose main topic is VLOOKUP). Other common ex-
amples discuss operations such as finding duplicates or finding
which records fall between two dates.
This sub-theme includes posts that ask ques-
tions about grouping all records of a sheet into themes, count-
ing entities (often via COUNTIF), summing entities, or using
pivot tables. The main distinction between Aggregations and
Selections is that Selections deal with selecting data that meets
certain conditions while disregarding the remainder of the data,
whereas Aggregations deal with organizing/categorizing all
of the data in a sheet. A selection functions as a drop down
filter. An Aggregation functions similarly to a SQL groupby
statement, as it organizes all of the data in a table.
Presenting Data
This theme includes posts relating to how the data is presented
to the Excel user (and not necessarily for the purpose of creat-
ing a formal presentation).
This sub-theme includes posts that relate to
the creation of charts, graphs, and tables. The questions ad-
dress creating templates, changing the style of a chart, or
selecting the correct data to be used in a chart.
This sub-theme includes posts that deal with the style
of the Excel sheet or the style of the data within the sheet.
Figure 1. A hierarchical representation of the themes and their sub-themes.
Examples of style actions in the sheet include highlighting,
outlining cells, and changing row/column widths. Actions that
deal with the style of the data include changing font properties
or the number of decimal places displayed. One important
distinction with the style of the data is that it is done for an
aesthetic purpose; it does not change the traits of the data that
would influence queries.
This sub-theme includes posts that deal with the
position or layout of data within the workbook. Questions
asking how to move data within the same workbook also fall
into this theme. Other common questions include moving all
data in a certain manner (e.g., up one row or converting rows
to columns).
These posts were significant enough to warrant coding, but did
not fall into one of the aforementioned themes.
How-To or Isn’t Working.
This sub-theme included posts
that either ask how to do a task (not present in the previous
four themes) or ask why a simple feature in Excel does not
meet user expectations. Often these formats of questions are
combined into one—"X is not working, how would I solve
this problem". Creative uses of Excel (e.g., creating games
within a spreadsheet) fell in this sub-theme.
This sub-theme includes posts that ask for general
advice about Excel functionality. If a post was specifically
asking about aggregating data, for example, we included it in
the aggregate theme. However this theme captured questions
that were broad in scope—for example, “how do I structure a
large amount of data in a spreadsheet”.
Simple Expected Features.
This sub-theme includes posts
that contain descriptions of simple features that did not func-
tion as expected. We define simple features as those required
for Excel to properly function as data storage mechanism
(e.g., opening/closing the application, adding a row to a sheet,
saving the data, and scrolling).
Not Relevant.
This sub-theme includes posts that were not
relevant to our case study addressing spreadsheet needs and
desires. These posts included advertisements or requests for
software alternatives to Excel.
The main goal of this work is to present the landscape of
scalability issues present in Excel as captured in a popular
Table 1. Excerpts from collected posts.
Figure 2. The legend for the following charts.
subreddit forum. We first present characteristics of the posts
before describing distribution of results in categories.
Figure 3 presents the distribution of the set of 278 random
posts, Figure 4 presents the distribution of the 434 search
term posts, and Figure 5 shows the distribution of the posts
we categorized as relating to scalability. 83 of the 712 posts
related to scalability. 81 came from the search terms posts,
while the other two came from the random posts. We now
discuss the characteristics of the posts and the conclusions we
Results Regarding All Posts
We collected 712 posts in total. Of these posts, 644 posts had
unique authors. 21 posts had no author
. We were interested
to see if authors of comments were similarly diverse, or if
there were a few users that commented on many posts. We
We have not found a source for why a post can have no author. We
assume that this occurs when a user makes a post and then deletes
their account.
Figure 3. The distribution of the random posts (legend in figure Fig-
ure 2).
Figure 4. The distribution of the search term posts (legend in Figure 2).
found that there were 315 unique comment authors– one of
which was "no author". For these 712 posts, the most unique
posts that one user commented on was 8. The most comments
that one user made was 18 across a total of 7 different posts.
Again, there does not appear to be a small number of users
that dominate the comments.
The average length of a post (not including the comments)
was 135 words, and the average number of comments was 7–
note that this includes all comments posted by users and bots.
However, 42 posts received no comments. On this subreddit,
users can specify that their post is a question which starts out in
the "unresolved state". The post maker can then wait for other
users to comment and suggest solutions. If a solution works,
Figure 5. The distribution of the scalability posts (legend in Figure 2).
they comment "solution verified" and the post is marked as
resolved. If the user fails to mark the post as resolved within
a certain amount of time, a bot comments reminding them to
mark a solution as verified. 91 posts had the "solution verified"
Reddit allows users to "upvote" and "downvote" posts. On
the /r/excel subreddit, when a user tries to downvote a post,
a box pops up indicating that the user should comment why
they are downvoting and says specifically "this is NOT a dis-
agree button". This comment likely indicates that the forum
encourages the number of upvotes and downvotes to reflect
the quality of the post as opposed to if they like/agree with it.
The average upvote to downvotes ratio of the 712 posts was
84.2%, indicating that the majority of posts users believe to
be of high quality.
Traditional methods of determining quality of posts and dis-
cussions include looking at the thread depth of posts [31].
Here, we measure thread depth as the height of the comment
tree, where the original post has thread depth 0, a direct reply
to the original post has depth 1, and so on. The average thread
depth of the posts in the forum was 3, with the maximum and
minimum thread depths being 10 and 1. One of the posts with
a thread depth of 1 stated that Excel crashed every time it
was closed and listed the solutions that had already been tried.
A post that had a thread depth of 10 asked a more general
question. For example, one post that had a thread depth of 10
asked how to best encrypt a spreadsheet.
Results Specific to Scalability Posts
As we specifically wanted to study the circumstances that
lead to scalability issues, we analyzed the post content and
comments of scalability posts in depth.
File Size
We were curious as to what sized file are susceptible to scal-
ability issues. Microsoft specifies data limits in the Excel
documentation [1]. Specifically, Excel can handle no more
than 1,048,576 rows by 16,384 columns. We expected that
worksheets with over 1 million rows would start to have scal-
ability issues. Indeed, the largest spreadsheet we saw in our
scalability posts contained about 5 million rows, and Excel
was slow to partially open it. The smallest sheet that we clas-
sified as having scalability issues had 18 thousand rows. This
user wanted to perform multiple conditional if statements on
the data, but needed a more time efficient solution. As the
solution of using conditional if statements would have worked
on a smaller dataset, we classified it as a scalability issue.
Suggested Solutions
Every scalability post included a question and most received
more than one suggested solution from other Reddit users.
We analyzed the solutions that were frequently recommended
in each of the importing data, managing data, querying data,
and presenting data themes. The following solutions were
common across all of these four themes:
1. Use a database.
This common solution was suggested by
multiple people in 38 of the 83 scalability posts. Reddit
users commented that, once a large enough amount of data
is stored in the spreadsheet, a database is the best way to en-
sure that one can still manage and query the data in a reason-
able amount of time. Though commenters indicated using a
database is the best solution, they offered other suggestions,
if using Excel is unavoidable. For example, PowerQuery
and PowerPivot, Excel extensions that are meant to process
large amounts of data more easily, are not as powerful as a
database, but are still better than using basic Excel. Other-
wise, users are recommended to perform tedious operations
like breaking up the data into chunks and processing the
smaller chunks one at a time so as not to overwhelm the
2. Turn of automatic calculations.
This was a suggested
solution for 12 of the 83 scalability posts. Excel is set by
default so that once a user updates a cell c, the system will
recalculate any cells that depend on c immediately. This
can be very time consuming, especially when an update
to one cell triggers a chain of recalculations. Turning off
automatic calculations results in Excel waiting to recalculate
formulas after an update until the user manually selects to
recalculate. This does not necessarily make the calculations
faster, but will allow the spreadsheet to remain interactive
while changes are made.
3. Save Excel files as .XLSB files.
This was a suggested solu-
tion for 12 of the 83 scalability posts. By default, Excel files
are saved as .XLS or .XLSX files. If instead a spreadsheet
is saved as a .XLSB file, it is stored in binary format. The
effects of the binary format include a smaller file size and
shorter loading and saving times.
4. Use as little conditional formatting as possible.
This was
a suggested solution for 10 of the 83 scalability posts. Con-
ditional formatting is the adjusting the formatting of a cell
based on a conditional statement. For instance, highlight
each cell in column C if its value is less than 50. Multi-
ple users report that conditional formatting slows down an
Excel file, particularly if it affects many rows.
5. Avoid using volatile functions.
This was a suggested so-
lution for 10 of the 83 scalability posts. Functions like
OFFSET are considered volatile, meaning that any update
to any cell in the spreadsheet triggers a recalculation of
this formula. Obviously, this can become very expensive
6. Avoid using computationally intensive functions.
was a suggested solution for 9 of the 83 scalability posts.
Computationally intensive functions include VLOOKUP
and COUNTIF. Users indicate that these functions, though
sometimes necessary, oftentimes slow a spreadsheet down,
particularly if the sheet has a lot of data. One alternative
preferred to VLOOKUP as INDEX MATCH often examines
fewer cells in total than VLOOKUP.
We drew two main conclusions:
1. Users understand the capabilities of Excel, but not how to
operationalize them.
As a whole, the results stress the impor-
tance of Excel as a data storage tool and as a data processing
engine (these posts account for 63.2% of all posts collected).
Note the large difference between the number of posts that
fell in the querying data (29.5% of posts) theme compared to
importing and manipulating data combined (13.3% of posts).
This indicates that users are generally comfortable with using
Excel as a tool for storage, but they struggle when it comes to
applying functions which allow them to extract useful infor-
mation from their data.
In the majority of posts, users state what they would like
Excel to do, and ask how to obtain this result. People do not
underestimate what can be accomplished with Excel. The
questions span the whole gamut of data analysis, from data
collection (crawling the web with VBA code) to consumption
of information (visualizations) and everything in between.
Many of the posts in the How to category deal with people
trying to accomplish creative tasks with Excel. One user was
trying to implement Tic-Tac-Toe. Another was trying complete
their RSA encryption homework in a spreadsheet.
These results together indicate that we need to make these
complex and powerful capabilities more accessible to users.
The technical knowledge of post makers ranged from people
who were not familiar with VBA and wanted to avoid a solu-
tion using VBA to those who used it frequently. To cater to
both types of users, perhaps more research can be given into
spreadsheet tutorials and documentation.
Many of the posts tell a story of an often complex task the user
wants to complete. Context is given, a goal is explained, and
ideas of implementation are shared. Often these posts reflect
an understanding of how to perform operations in Excel, but
express confusion with stringing multiple operations together
to perform a complete task. While documentation is very
useful for understanding how a specific function works, it is
not much help in understanding how to build a solution to a
large problem out of basic functions. More research in the
area of helping users understand how to integrate functions
together would be of great use to many of the post makers on
the /r/excel subreddit.
2. Scalability issues affect a wide range of operations in
Every theme and sub-theme contains posts re-
lating to scalability. Analyzing this distribution can help priori-
tize which operations are the most important to adapt to handle
large quantities of data. For example, a large amount of the
scalability issues deal with either importing data or querying
data. These two areas in particular require further attention.
Notice that scalability issues cause a large number of the issues
in the simple expected feature posts. This indicates that as data
sets become larger, even the simplest of features in Excel cease
to respond in a timely manner. Without these features, as the
post makers comment, Excel is essentially useless. Users turn
to other options like databases, but some are reluctant to use
them because they are not familiar with SQL. Ideally, these
users who are not familiar with databases should be able to
use the spreadsheet interface they are comfortable with, while
utilizing the processing power and scalability of a database.
Moreover, from an expressiveness point of view, many of
the users’ issues could be solved by a simple SQL statement.
Multiple times, we witnessed a user trying to create a complex
formula to accomplish what could be done with a simple select
statement. For example, one post maker asked "I want to be
able to input two dates, and have shown the text and date for
every date between those. I think i[sic] need to use some sort
of array formula, but I’m not sure how (the exact formula, not
array as a whole)". The suggested solution posted was to use
the following formula:
* ($B$5:$B$80<=$F$28), ROW($B$5:$B$80)),
ROWS($B$5:$B5))), "")
Not only is this formula hard to parse and understand, but
also the post maker was not able to conceive of this formula
themselves. They further could not alter the suggested formula
for their task and needed assistance to organize the results. The
solution to this problem is much simpler and cleaner in SQL:
SELECT text, date FROM table WHERE date >
date1 AND date < date2
Multiple users similarly try to create a complex formula using
VLOOKUP in order to complete what at its basic form is a join.
Similar observations could be made of many of the questions
in the querying data theme—that they could be expressible as
simple SQL queries (with joins, group-by, and selections) [10,
24, 6]. Using SQL queries would help users avoid using com-
putationally intensive formulae (as was suggested by Reddit
users) like COUNTIF, SUMIF, and VLOOKUP.
Our methodology poses some limitations. Our collection ap-
proach using the “random” API call is described as a “the
serendipity button, indicating that it returns a random post
from the forum. However, verifying that it is truly random is
challenging. In our results, we see a bias towards more recent
posts. We also have a self-selection bias in the posters that
contribute to the subreddit we studied.
In our case study, we set out to apply a method of utilizing
online forum posts to understand usability issues people face
with spreadsheets. The majority of posts in the subreddit
were Excel users asking questions about the four main steps
needed to process data: importing, managing, querying, and
presenting—we found that all four are important. Furthermore,
not only are scalability issues very real problems plaguing
those who want to analyze large amounts of data, but these
issues touched on all four areas of actions users take to process
data. This motivates the need for developing a spreadsheet
application which continues to perform as expected on very
large volumes of data [12].
1. 2017. Excel specifications and limits.
(2017). Accessed: September 24, 2017.
2. 2017. Please welcome our new Corporate Overlords.
welcome_our_new_corporate_overlords/. (2017). Accessed:
September 24, 2017.
Name Num Posts Percentage
Import 11 4.0
Manipulate 16 5.8
Delete 9 3.2
Update 3 1.1
Calculation 32 11.5
Selection 45 16.2
Aggregation 31 11.2
Visualization 13 4.7
Style 21 7.6
Layout 19 6.8
How to 52 18.7
Advice 9 3.2
Simple 8 2.9
Irrelevant 9 3.2
Table 2. Accessible representation of distribution of random posts (fig-
ure 3).
Name Num Posts Percentage
Import 2 5.1
Manipulate 20 4.6
Delete 10 2.3
Update 4 .9
Calculation 35 8.1
Selection 40 9.2
Aggregation 27 6.2
Visualization 10 2.3
Style 11 2.5
Layout 71 16.4
How to 79 18.2
Advice 31 7.1
Simple 54 12.4
Irrelevant 20 4.6
Table 3. Accessible representation of distribution of search term posts
(figure 4).
Name Num Posts Percentage
Import 11 13.3
Manipulate 1 1.2
Delete 1 1.2
Update 1 1.2
Calculation 8 9.6
Selection 11 13.3
Aggregation 8 9.6
Visualization 3 3.6
Style 1 1.2
Layout 7 8.4
How to 4 18.7
Advice 8 9.6
Simple 19 22.9
Table 4. Accessible representation of distribution of scalability posts (fig-
ure 5).
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September 15, 2017.
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Support with your Formula, Macro, and VBA problems |
A Reddit Community). (2017). Accessed:
September 24, 2017.
2017b. Upcoming Changes: View counts, users here now
and traffic pages.
(2017). Accessed: September 24, 2017.
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