USENIX Association 2015 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security 257
On the Impact of Touch ID on iPhone Passcodes
Ivan Cherapau, Ildar Muslukhov, Nalin Asanka, Konstantin Beznosov
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Smartphones today store large amounts of data that can be confi-
dential, private or sensitive. To protect such data, all mobile OSs
have a phone lock mechanism, a mechanism that requires user au-
thentication before granting access to applications and data on the
phone. iPhone’s unlocking secret (a.k.a., passcode in Apple’s ter-
minology) is also used to derive a key for encrypting data on the
device. Recently, Apple has introduced Touch ID, that allows a
fingerprint-based authentication to be used for unlocking an iPhone.
The intuition behind the technology was that its usability would al-
low users to use stronger passcodes for locking their iOS devices,
without substantially sacrificing usability. To this date, it is un-
clear, however, if users take advantage of Touch ID technology and
if they, indeed, employ stronger passcodes. It is the main objective
and the contribution of this paper to fill this knowledge gap.
In order to answer this question, we conducted three user studies
(a) an in-person survey with 90 participants, (b) interviews with 21
participants, and (c) an online survey with 374 Amazon Mechani-
cal Turks. Overall, we found that users do not take an advantage
of Touch ID and use weak unlocking secrets, mainly 4-digit PINs,
similarly to those users who do not use Touch ID. To our surprise,
we found that more than 30% of the participants in each group did
not know that they could use passwords instead of 4-digit PINs.
Some other participants indicated that they adopted PINs due to
better usability, in comparison to passwords. Most of the partici-
pants agreed that Touch ID, indeed, offers usability benefits, such
as convenience, speed and ease of use. Finally, we found that there
is a disconnect between users’ desires for security that their pass-
codes have to offer and the reality. In particular, only 12% of par-
ticipants correctly estimated the security their passcodes provide.
Smartphones have become our primary devices for accessing data
and applications. With more than a billion smartphones sold in
2014 and more than 2 billion active subscribers, global smartphone
user base is expected to grow to 5.6 billion by 2019 [15]. Smart-
phones are already used for online banking, accessing corporate
data, operations that used to be only in the domain of desktops
Copyright is held by the author/owner. Permission to make digital or hard
copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted
without fee.
Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS) 2015, July 22–24,
2015, Ottawa, Canada.
and laptops. This results in sensitive and confidential data being
stored and accessed on smartphones. High mobility and small size
of smartphones alter the common threat model we used for desktop
and laptops devices. In particular, it is much easier to steal smart-
phones due to their size, and then to access data-at-rest [29].
Adopted by all mobile OS developers, the state of the art in pro-
tecting data-at-rest is to encrypt it. In order to avoid the problem
of storing an encryption key together with the encrypted data, the
key encryption key is commonly derived from the secret used for
unlocking the device. Unfortunately, users employ weak unlocking
secrets (a.k.a., “passcodes” in Apple’s terminology), mainly due to
usability-related considerations [32]. Being most common unlock-
ing secretes, personal identification numbers (PINs) are not only
susceptible to shoulder surfing attacks, but can also be easily brute-
forced [34]. At the same time, PINs are considered unusable by
more than 20% of smartphone users [32]. In particular, usability
issues pushed these users to disable smartphone lock completely,
which leaves hundreds of millions of such users unprotected [31].
Several device manufactures, such as Apple and Samsung, have
recently introduced biometric authentication for unlocking smart-
phones. As a case in point, with the release of iPhone 5S in 2013,
Apple has introduced a fingerprint sensor integrated into the “home
button”. Branded as Touch ID, the sensor authenticates a user, once
she touches the button. As stated in the iOS security white pa-
per [4], the key advantage of Touch ID is that it “makes using a
longer, more complex password far more practical because users
won’t have to enter it as frequently” and “the stronger the user
password is, the stronger the encryption key becomes. Touch ID
can be used to enhance this equation by enabling the user to estab-
lish a much stronger password than would otherwise be practical.
These claims appear to be based on the assumption that the us-
ability of a password largely depends on the frequency of its usage
and that users will use stronger passwords, as a result of the de-
crease in usage frequency. Recent research, however, casts doubts
on this assumption. In particular, several findings suggest that users
tend to create low-entropy passwords, regardless of how frequently
they have to input them [8, 18, 35]. Thus, it is unclear if and how
Touch ID impacts the choice of users’ passcodes. It is the main
focus and the contribution of this paper to fill this knowledge gap.
In order to understand the impact of Touch ID sensor on users’
passcode selection, we focused on testing our main hypothesis
)–“There is a difference in passcode entropy between those
who use Touch ID and those who do not. For assessing passcode’s
strength, we used zero-order entropy, which estimates the search
space of a secret, assuming that each character is chosen randomly
and independently. Zero-order entropy served the purpose of com-
paring the strength of two passcode groups, without having access
to actual passcodes. The results of our study revealed that even
258 2015 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security USENIX Association
with zero-order entropy, which overestimated the real complexity
of passcodes, the strength of the participants’ passcodes was such
that made brute-force attacks practical. For brevity, throughout this
paper we refer to zero-order entropy as “entropy”.
To test H
, we performed three user studies. First, we con-
ducted an in-person survey with 90 iPhone owners in shopping
malls and other public places in Vancouver, Canada. We opted for
an in-person survey in order to verify accurately the self-reported
data, such as the passcode length and the method of the phone un-
locking. Results of the survey did not reveal statistically significant
difference in the passcode entropies between those who did and
who didn’t use Touch ID. Furthermore, the 95% confidence inter-
val suggested that if, hypothetically, there were a difference, then
its absolute value could not be larger than 3.35 bits.
In order to understand why users are not adopting stronger pass-
words when Touch ID is available, we followed up with an inter-
view study of 21 participants. Its results led us to identify possible
reasons for users to stick with 4-digit PINs. Finally, to corroborate
findings of the first two studies, we conducted an online survey with
374 Amazon Mechanical Turks. Overall, we confirmed statistical
results of the first study and measured prevalence of reasons for us-
ing 4-digit PINs. In particular, more than 30% of the participants
were unaware that passwords are available on iPhones, around 35%
of the participants preferred PINs, as they are easier to remember,
and more than half of the participants used PINs because they are
easier to use (e.g., faster to type). In addition, we narrowed down
the 95% confidence interval for a theoretical difference in passcode
entropies between the two groups down to 1.91 bits.
Overall this paper makes the following contributions:
We question the validity of the assumption that such phone
unlocking methods as Touch ID would nudge users to use
higher-entropy passcodes. We did not find any significant
difference in passcode strengths between the two groups. Fur-
thermore, the 95% confidence interval for the differences in
mean entropy shows that even if there were a statistically
significant difference, it would not be greater than 1.91 bits.
In the light of observed average entropy (approximately 16
bits), such a difference would result in passcodes of 18 bits
of entropy, translating to about 4.5 hours of extra work for
an adversary performing an on-device brute-force guessing
attack on an iPhone [4].
We investigate why Touch ID has not resulted in stronger
passcodes. In particular, we find that more than 30% of users
do not know that they can use passwords, rather than PINs.
Others use PINs due to the usability benefits over passwords,
e.g., easy to remember or faster to type.
Finally, we find a significant mismatch between the desires
for protection the majority of iPhone owners report and the
actual strength of their passcodes. In particular, the prefer-
ences of only 12% of participants matched the provided level
of protection, while others preferred significantly higher pro-
tection. For instance, 48% desired their passcodes to protect
the data for more than 40 years, which is far from reality.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. We first provide
background and discuss related work in Sections 2 and 3. Next,
we present our research question and our approach at answering it
in Section 4. Then we describe our studies: in-person survey in
Section 5, interviews in Section 6, and MTurk survey in Section 7.
We discuss results in Section 8 and conclude in Section 9.
We begin this section with a description of a practical brute-force
attack on iOS device passcode. Then, we explain how Touch ID
works. We conclude by describing zero-order entropy.
2.1 Data Protection and Brute-force Attack
To protect data confidentiality, iOS encrypts each file with a unique
per-file key. Per-file key is then encrypted with one of four class
keys. Each of the four class keys is available during various contex-
tual settings, e.g., on the first unlock after booting. These class keys
are protected with a combination of the user’s passcode and the de-
vice key, a unique per-device key embedded in the crypto-chip. In
order to extract this device key, an adversary can attempt to reverse
engineer the crypto chip, which is an expensive task in terms of
time and resources required. An alternative option for an adversary
would be to mount an on-device guessing attack on the passcode.
An adversary uses the crypto-chip directly in an on-device attack,
in order to try passcode candidates and eventually to decrypt class
keys. To decrease the effectiveness of such attacks, the crypto-chip
in iPhones and iPads is calibrated to take at least 80 ms for each
passcode attempt.
In order to mount an on-device attack, an adversary needs to run
arbitrary code on the target device. This can be achieved by com-
promising the boot-chain [1], which would allow bypassing iOS
kernel’s limitation on the number of available passcode guessing
attempts [42]. For example, the current version of iOS (8.3), if con-
figured so, would limit the number of guesses to 10, and wipeout
the device afterwords. It takes some time, effort, and luck to find
an exploitable bug in the boot-chain. While no flaws are known in
the current iOS, such flaws have been found in earlier versions.
To summarize, due to the feasibility of on-device unlimited guess-
ing attacks, the protection of the data-at-rest on iOS devices could
any day end up hinging on the security of their passcodes.
2.2 Touch ID
Touch ID is a biometric authentication sensor based on a high defi-
nition fingerprint scanner embedded into “home button” on iPhones
and iPads. This sensor allows users to unlock their devices by sim-
ply touching the home button. Although Touch ID allows to unlock
a device without typing in a passcode, users are still required to set
passcodes on their devices, before being able to use Touch ID. The
main reason for such a strict requirement lays in data-at-rest en-
cryption, which needs a source of entropy that is not stored on the
device itself. User’s device unlocking secret serves this purpose.
A passcode can be either (1) a simple 4-digit PIN
or (2) a longer
one, with up to 37 characters selected from the alphabet of 77 sym-
bols, to which we refer in this paper as “password”. The user can
chose to set up either a PIN or a password as her unlocking secret.
We use term “passcode” as a general reference for an unlocking
secret, unless we want to distinguish between PINs and passwords.
When a device with Touch ID enabled boots, it prompts the user
to provide the correct passcode. At this stage, the internal memory
of Touch ID is clear, i.e., immediately after reboot users are not
able to use Touch ID sensor. Once the user provides the correct
passcode, the iOS is able to recover actual data encryption keys
and uses them to decrypt and encrypt data. If the device is locked,
OS erases certain types of keys from RAM, which will require ei-
ther the correct passcode or successful unlocking with Touch ID,
in order to recover these keys on unlock. The unlocking flow with
Touch ID enabled is shown in Figure 1.
When a user locks the device that has Touch ID enabled, iPhone’s
Apple security white paper defines it as a “simple passcode”.
USENIX Association 2015 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security 259
Figure 1: Unlocking flow with Touch ID enabled. When the user
locks the device, the class encryption keys are wrapped by a ran-
dom temporary encryption key (TEK). To unlock the device, the
user has two options, she can either (1) type in her passcode, or (2)
use Touch ID. When the user uses Touch ID, it authenticates the
user by matching her fingerprint with saved fingerprints (3). If the
authentication is successful, the sensor releases the TEK to the Se-
cure Enclave (4), which allows decrypting class keys and sending
them to the crypto-chip (7). If, the user fails to authenticate for five
times with Touch ID, or does not unlock device for 48 hours, the
Touch ID sensor flushes the TEK, which leaves typing in the pass-
code as the only option for unlocking the device. Without Touch
ID, the user types her passcode (1), which is sent to the Secure En-
clave (5). The combination of the device key (6) and password (5)
are used to decrypt class keys and send them to the crypto-chip (7).
CPU generates a random temporary encryption key (TEK), which
protects certain class keys by “wrapping” them (a cryptographic
operation somewhat similar to encryption). It then sends the TEK
to Touch ID and deletes class keys from RAM. After that, there
are two options for the iOS to recover the wrapped class keys (1)
receive the TEK from Touch ID once the user successfully authenti-
cates to the sensor, or (2) receive the correct passcode from the user,
then derive the correct encryption key from a combination of the
passcode and the device key, and then “unwrap” class keys. When
the user touches the Touch ID sensor, the sensor tries to authenti-
cate the user based on the fingerprint. If the authentication attempt
is successful, the sensor releases the TEK to the Secure Enclave,
which is located in the CPU. If, however, the user fails to authen-
ticate with the fingerprint for five times, or has not unlocked the
device for 48 hours, the Touch ID sensor flushes the TEK, which
leaves passcode as the only option for unlocking an iPhone.
We decided to focus on Touch ID, because it is deployed on an
existing and popular mobile platform, adopted by millions of users
worldwide. We did not study Android fingerprint and face recog-
nition because the former is a new technology that first appeared in
April 2014 [20] and the latter has not become widely adopted by
the users, probably due to usability [7] and security issues [16].
2.3 Zero-order Entropy
The strength of an authentication secret is defined by the effort an
attacker needs to spend on guessing it. In simple terms, this effort
is assumed to be proportional to the size of the search space the
attacker needs to check in order to find the secret. One such metric
is zero-order entropy, measured in bits and calculated as
L log
where L is the length of the password and N is the character set
size. For example, the length of iPhone’s PIN in iOS 8.3 is four
and the character set size is 10, hence, its zero-order entropy is
13.28 bits. That is, zero-order entropy measures the size of the
whole search space of all possible secrets of a given length and the
size of a given alphabet, with the assumption that each character is
selected randomly and independently from all other characters.
Of course, zero-order entropy, as a metric, suffers from several
limitations, when it’s applied to human-chosen secrets, like pass-
words and PINs. The most important one is that it does not mea-
sure the secret strength accurately. Recent research has shown that
users tend to select highly predictable passwords and often use dic-
tionary words as ones [9, 17]. Such predictability makes the search
space smaller, i.e., the work of an attacker easier. This implies that
the zero-order entropy measures the upper bound of the attacker’s
work. In other words, it overestimates the actual work.
Authentication mechanisms have been studied extensively for many
years [8, 26], however, text-based passwords remain the most com-
monly used authentication mechanism and the security’s weakest
link [9, 22, 27]. Florencio and Herley [17] conducted a study on
web password use and reuse with half a million users over a three
months period. Their results suggest that web users employ and
re-use low-entropy passwords on websites. Weir et al. [40] ana-
lyzed a set of leaked passwords. The authors showed that popular
passwords were also weak and “123456” was very common among
users. To prevent users from choosing passwords that are too easy
for an attacker to guess, system administrators often enforce pass-
word composition policies [27]. Such a policy might require users
to use a password that contains non-alphanumeric symbols, lower
and upper case letters, and numbers. Using a password policy that
is too strict, however, might backfire and push users to write down
passwords or store them on some other devices [27].
Two recent studies examined smartphone locking behaviours us-
ing conventional authentication mechanisms. Harbach et al. found
that users activate their phones 85 times and unlock their phones
50 times per day on average and that most of users did not see any
threat to the data on their phones [21]. Egelman et al. also found
a strong correlation between locking behaviours and risk percep-
tions, but the authors believe that users underestimate actual the
risks [14]. In contrast, we focused on studying the effect that Touch
ID makes on users unlocking password selection and the reasons
for such an effect.
Biometrics-based authentication modality has also received con-
siderable attention from the research community in recent years [2,
30, 38]. Although usability of a biometric system is still an impor-
tant factor in adoption [33, 37], such authentication methods could
potentially remedy common drawbacks of text-based passwords.
For example, users do not need to remember anything [7]. Indeed,
recent studies showed that the usability of biometric-based phone
unlocking is important for users [13]. Crawford and Renaud [12],
however, have showed that users are willing to try biometric au-
thentication mainly for its usability benefits. In addition, Breitinger
et al. [10] suggest that 87% of users are in favour of fingerprint
authentication. Others have found that the presence of a biomet-
ric factor in a two-factor authentication system can lead users to
picking weaker credentials, in comparison with a password-only
authentication system [41]. In contrast, we focus on how Touch
ID impacts users’ choice of iPhone passcodes in a single-factor au-
thentication system.
Indeed, there are many reasons to use fingerprint for authenti-
cation. To start with, it is unique to each individual, and it is al-
most impossible to find two people with an identical fingerprint pat-
tern [4]. Individuals’ fingerprint patterns never change during their
life span [39]. Fingerprint sensor can improve the security and the
260 2015 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security USENIX Association
convenience for users, if used in smartphones [19], because there
are many limitations of smartphones’ screens and keyboards [19,
25] that make password-based authentication/unlocking undesir-
able. For instance, text entry on constrained keyboards is prone
to errors, time-consuming and frustrating. In particular, Lee and
Zhai showed that error rate for typing on virtual keyboards, i.e.,
keyboards drawn on a screen, is 8% higher than on hardware key-
boards for desktops [28]. In addition, Bao et al. [6] found that the
average typing speed for an 8-character alphanumeric password on
mobile devices is three times slower than on desktop computers.
Finally, recent research suggests that users tend to use weak 4-
digit PINs over alphanumeric passwords in smartphones [24, 32].
Users justify such choice by ease of use of PINs, in comparison to
passwords, especially in cases when one has to unlock their device
with high frequency for day-to-day activities [31]. Unfortunately,
it is clear today that a 4-digit PIN provides virtually no security
for data-at-rest [4, 36]. To make the matter worse, even within
the search space of 4-digit PINs, users make highly predictable
choices. For example, Amitay [3] analyzed over 200,000 iPhone
PINs and discovered that “1234” is the most common PIN, fol-
lowed by “0000” and “2580”. Considering the software limitation
on the number of allowed unlocking attempts (i.e., 10 attempts in
iOS) through the user interface, one can try the top 10 PINs and still
achieve 15% success rate without the need to go for an on-device
brute-force attack.
That is, one in seven iPhones can be unlocked
by just trying the top 10 PINs. It seems that the main intuition be-
hind the design of Touch ID was to reduce the number of times the
user must type her authentication secret to unlock the device [4].
Bhagavatula et al. found that most Touch ID users perceive it as
more usable and secure than a PIN [7]. To the best of our knowl-
edge, we are the first to assess whether users take an advantage of
Touch ID by using stronger passcodes.
The main research question (RQ
) of our study was “How avail-
ability of Touch ID sensor impacts users’ selection of unlocking
authentication secrets”. To answer this research question, we have
formulated the following hypotheses to be tested:
Use of Touch ID has no effect on the entropy of pass-
codes used for iPhone locking.
Use of Touch ID affects the entropy of passcodes used
for iPhone locking.
Availability of Touch ID has no effect on ratio of
users who lock their iPhones.
Availability of Touch ID increases the ratio of users
who lock their iPhones.
We conducted three user studies, starting with a study based on
in-person surveys. This study allowed us to test our hypotheses. In
addition, it allowed us to clarify areas with the lack of understand-
ing and refine our follow-up studies. We followed the first study
with an interviews, in order to gain deeper insights into passcode
selection by users. In particular, we focused on understanding why
users do not take advantage of Touch ID, i.e., understanding users’
reasoning for not adopting stronger passcodes when Touch ID is
available. Finally, to corroborate our data from the first study and
to measure the prevalence of the reasons for using weak passcodes,
This is a simpler approach that does not require execution of arbi-
trary code on the device.
we conducted the third study in a form of an online survey. This
study gave us a larger and diverse subject pool for testing our set of
hypotheses and provided descriptive statistics on reasons for using
weak passcodes.
In the first and third studies, we chose zero-order entropy for es-
timating the strength of participants’ passcodes, even though it has
limitations, as discussed in Section 2.3. There were several rea-
sons for this choice. First, evaluation of the passcode’s guessability
would require access to plaintext passcodes, which we chose not
to obtain for ethical considerations. Second, zero-order entropy
served well the purpose of our study in comparison of two groups,
i.e., with and without Touch ID, in terms of work the attacker needs
to do. Finally, the results of our study showed that even if we over-
estimated the passcodes strength, the actual workload for a brute-
forcing attacker is still practical.
We obtained ethics approval from our university’s behavioural
research ethics board for all three studies.
5.1 Methodology
In our first study, we chose to use an in-person survey of iPhone
users for several reasons. First and foremost, this choice allowed us
to verify answers related to participants’ unlocking behaviour and
the authentication secret being used. In addition, an in-person na-
ture of the study allowed us to follow-up unforeseen answers with
additional questions. We strived to recruit a pool of diverse par-
ticipants, hence we approached people in public locations, such as
shopping malls and coffee shops. Each participant signed a consent
form and received $10 as a compensation for participation.
5.1.1 Study Design
To facilitate faster data collection in public locations with limited
and unreliable access to the Internet, we used an iPad with our own
survey app. All answers were stored locally on the iPad, and for
some of the questions we also validated participants’ answers by
asking participants to show us some elements of their unlocking
process and other relevant data. In particular, we validated the type
of the unlocking method used, by asking them to show the locked
screen. We also validated the length of the password (for those who
used it) by asking participants to show us the unlocking screen after
the password has been typed but before they clicked on the enter
button. This allowed us to validate their answer about the pass-
word length by our researcher counting the number of stars in the
password field. In addition, participants were asked to navigate to
the settings of the auto-lock screen on their iPhones and show us
the value of the auto-lock timeout. Finally, by asking each partic-
ipant who claimed to use Touch ID to unlock their device with a
fingerprint, we were able to confirm that they, indeed, used it.
Most of the survey questions were either open-ended or con-
tained option “other”, which allowed participants to provide their
own answer if needed. The questionnaire guide is provided in Ap-
pendix A.1 and consists of the following parts:
Part 1 Demographic questions (e.g., age, gender, education, in-
come, occupation).
Part 2 Security and privacy concerns related questions, e.g., we
asked participants if they had any sensitive, private or valu-
able information on their iPhones.
Part 3 Questions on the experience participants had so far with
their smartphones, including if they locked their previous
USENIX Association 2015 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security 261
Figure 2: Passcode structure question in Study I.
Part 4 Passcode metrics questions. In this part, we asked partici-
pants to provide us a structure of their unlocking passcodes.
In order to preserve confidentiality of their passcodes, we
asked participants to substitute each character in their pass-
codes with the mnemonic of the character type: D - digits, L
- lower-case letters, U - upper-case letters, S - special char-
acters. We refer to such encodings of passcodes as “masks”.
The screenshot of this question is shown in Figure 2. We
chose this approach for two reasons. First, it allowed us to
assess entropy. Second, this approach did not require partic-
ipants to reveal their passcodes to us.
Part 5a This section was only relevant to the owners of iPhone 5s,
6, and 6 Plus. Here, we asked questions related to Touch ID’s
usability and reasons for its adoption.
Part 5b This section was only relevant to the owners of iPhone 5
and older models. Here, we asked about their perception of
biometric authentication methods such as Touch ID.
In order to test our questionnaire, we conducted a pilot study
with 12 participants. Based on the results of the pilot study, we re-
vised several questions in the questionnaire and added an attention
check question (#28 in Appendix A.1). Most of the changes we
made were aimed at improving questions’ clarity and readability.
5.1.2 Participant Recruitment
We recruited participants in public places such as shopping malls,
libraries and coffee shops in the downtown area of Vancouver. We
approached prospective participants who had iPhones with them
and invited them to participate in our study. We chose this recruit-
ment method mainly because we were interested in the general
population of iPhone users. We recruited participants who were
iPhone users and 19 years old or older. Although the main focus
of our study were owners of Touch ID (iPhone models 5S, 6, and 6
Plus), we also recruited owners of older models. Participants that
used Touch ID were assigned to Touch ID group, while the rest to
non-Touch ID group. Note, that those iPhone 5S, 6 and, 6 Plus
owners who did not use Touch ID, were assigned to the non-Touch
ID group.
5.2 Results
In this section, we report the results of our in-person survey. We
first report participants’ demographics, then provide findings for
all participants and for each group separately. Finally, we report
the results of statistical tests for H
and H
Participant Demographics. Overall, we recruited 93 partici-
pants. We, however, had to exclude responses from 3 participants
who failed password length verification. Thus, the results presented
in this section are based on 90 participants.
Out of 90 participants, 30 were female. The minimum and max-
imum age was 19 and 71 years, and the average age was M =
29 (SD = 12). Among all participants, 41 used Touch ID sensor
and 49 did not. The majority of our participants was experienced
iPhone users, i.e., they owned an iPhone for more than two years.
Only 12 participants owned iPhones for less than a year. Almost
all of the participants (81) had owned another smartphone before
the current one. Most of our participants (69) stated that they un-
lock their iPhones at least once per hour. In addition, we found that
32 participants had lost their smartphones before, and 15 partici-
pants were victims of smartphone theft. On average, participants
completed survey in around 5.5 minutes (SD = 2 minutes) in non-
Touch ID group, and in around 7 minutes (SD = 3 minutes) in
Touch ID group. Demographics summary is provided in Table 2
(column “Study I”).
Reasons To Lock Or Not To. Overall the participants use var-
ious reasons for locking or not locking their iPhones. Some of the
reasons were driven by a possible attacker, e.g., 58 participants
locked their devices to prevent strangers from access, and four par-
ticipants locked their devices to protect data if they get mugged,
23 participants used locked their iPhones to control access by their
family and/or friends. In addition, we found that some participants
used social norms to rationalize locking, e.g., 12 participants locked
their devices because their friends did the same.
Other reasons could be attributed to either (1) usability problems
of device locking, voiced mainly by those who did not lock their
device, or (2) the necessity to have certain features that were either
enabled or prevented by device locking. The four participants who
did not lock their device stated the following reasons: (a) locking a
phone makes it impossible to use it in emergency cases, (b) locking
iPhone makes it impossible to contact the owner in case the device
is lost, and (c) unlocking process takes too much time. Only two
participants, out of the four who did not lock their iPhones, stated
that they did not care about security of their data.
Use of PINs and Passwords. Out of the 90 participants, 86
locked their phones, with 66 employing 4-digit PINs, and 20 using
passwords. Third of the participants (36) used the same passcode
for their iPhones as in their previous smartphones. In addition,
52 participants stated that they shared their passcode with some-
one else, and 53 stated that they knew passcodes for smartphones
owned by others.
Touch ID Group. The Touch ID group included 41 participants,
with 29 of them using 4-digit PINs. The majority of them agreed
that they liked using Touch ID. In particular, 26 participants found
that setting up Touch ID was easy or very easy, and 29 partici-
pants stated that the use of Touch ID was easy or very easy (see
Appendix A.2 for more details). The majority of the participants
(30) had never had any issues with Touch ID, and, overall, Touch
ID participants considered Touch ID as a convenient, secure, quick,
and easy to use unlocking mechanism.
Touch ID participants also voiced their concerns with fingerprint
scanning sensor. In particular, three participants had problems with
sharing their iPhones. Others saw Touch ID sensor as a threat due
to the ability of an attacker to unlock the device, while the owner
is sleeping (e.g., P9 “... [I] might be sleeping and someone might
use my finger to unlock [my iPhone] ...”).
Some participants were
even afraid that an attacker might fake their fingerprints, in order
to access the device later. Seven participants worried about privacy
of their fingerprints, due to the lack of clarity on whether Apple
stores their fingerprints somewhere else. For example, one of the
Exactly the same story has happened in December 2014, when
a boy unlocked the iPhone of his sleeping father with his father’s
thumb [11].
262 2015 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security USENIX Association
Table 1: Passcode average entropies for Touch ID and non-Touch
ID groups in Study I. While non-Touch ID group had 49 partici-
pants, four of them did not use any passcode to lock their phones
and were excluded in computing entropies.
Touch ID Non-Touch ID
Mean 15.88 bits 15.61 bits
SD 6.93 bits 7.45 bits
N 41 45
participants (P11) stated that she was afraid about Apple leaking
my fingerprint and someone can impersonate me” and “fingerprint
being used for purposes other than to just unlock my phone.
Non-Touch ID Group. The non-Touch ID group included 49
participants, where 37 participants used PINs and eight used pass-
words to unlock their iPhones. Four participants did not lock their
phones and were excluded from computing average entropy of pass-
codes in this group. While 13 in this group had Touch ID available,
they did not use it.
We observed that participants perceived fingerprint authentica-
tion as a security improvement. For example, “anyone can fig-
ure out a password but people can’t copy your fingerprint” (P69),
“for those with sensitive info on phones more security is desirable”
(P78), “it is easy, accurate and secure” (P5), “it’s safer” (P19),
“more secure than 4 digit password” (P33), “no one can fake my
fingers” (P89), "I will use Touch ID so my friends don’t get in
my phone” (P45). Although their iPhones did not have fingerprint
scanners, more than one-third of participants believe that Touch
ID is the most secure unlocking method. Surprisingly, only three
participants from non-Touch Group were willing to use a longer
alphanumeric password alongside with the Touch ID.
5.2.1 Hypothesis Testing
To test H
, we first compared proportions of participants that used
PINs and passwords in both groups. Then we compared mean val-
ues of entropies in both groups. Analysis of proportions did not
reveal any statistically significant difference (χ-squared = 1.01, p
= 0.32). For computing entropy of participants’ passcodes, we ob-
tained the length of the passcodes and the alphabet size from the
masks our participants provided (Figure 2). The results of Mann-
Whitney U test did not reveal any statistically significant difference
between mean values of entropies in Touch-ID and Non-Touch ID
groups (W = 15708, p = 0.70), see Table 1. Thus, we were unable
to reject H
In addition, statistical analysis of the mean values of entropies
gave us a confidence interval, i.e., the possible interval of the dif-
ference. This allowed us to assess the biggest possible difference
in entropies in case a statistically significant difference is found, by
recruiting larger participant pool. In this case the 95% confidence
interval for the difference between the means was from -3.35 up to
2.81, or 3.35 bits at most.
If we consider a hypothetical scenario in which the Touch ID
group has a higher entropy, and we simply failed to find it due
to small size of the participant pool, and considering the observed
mean entropy value of 15.88 bits, we can assess that the possible
maximum entropy with 95% confidence is 19.23 bits. Taking into
account the design of the data encryption in iPhones, i.e., that each
passcode guessing attempt takes at least 80ms, we can show that
19.23 bits of entropy corresponds to roughly 14 hours. In com-
parison, it would take only 1.1 hour to brute-force passcodes in
non-Touch ID group with average entropy of 15.61 bits.
We tested H
hypothesis with Chi-squared test (χ-squared = 0, p
= 1.0). We were unable to reject H
, and hence we conclude that
Study 1 failed to show an effect of Touch ID on users’ preference
to lock their iPhone.
5.3 Limitations
There were several limitations that might have negatively impacted
our ability to find a statistically significant difference between pass-
codes of Touch ID and non-Touch ID groups. First, we might not
have obtained large enough sample size. Second, our participant
pool had a fairly large bias towards the 19-34 age group. Third,
since we obtained only passcode exact length and the types of the
characters in each position, but not the characters themselves, this
coarse granularity of the data did not allow us to observe the dif-
ference. Fourth, as we did not control for or collect data on how
technically and security savvy our participants were, we might have
had one of the two groups with participants heavily skewed on these
traits. In order to address these limitations and gain a deeper insight
into why users are sticking with 4-digit PINs we decided to proceed
with an interview-based study.
While we included an attention check question (see question 28
in Appendix A.1), we realized after running the survey that the
question was poorly worded. So, we have decided not to exclude
participants based on their response to this question, because most
of those who failed the question likely did not understand it. We
paraphrased the question and used it in Study III (see question 36
in Appendix C.1).
We followed the in-person survey with an interview study in order
to gain a better understanding of users’ reasoning to stick with weak
passcodes. Our main objective was to answer research question
) “Why Touch ID users do not employ stronger passcodes for
smartphone locking?”
6.1 Methodology
We designed our study with the focus on qualitative data collec-
tion. We used semi-structured interviews since they gave us the
freedom to explore new topics, as they emerged. We used theoret-
ical sampling, rather than random sampling, because (as common
with explorative enquiries) we were interested in the diversity and
richness of the participants’ answers, rather than in the generaliz-
ability of the findings. A pilot study with eight participants revealed
the necessity for real life scenarios in several questions, and we re-
vised the interview guide accordingly. We randomized the order of
interview questions, in order to reduce bias due to the order of the
questions. Two first interviews were conducted by two researchers
together in order to ensure that all important questions were asked
and well understood by the participants. Each participant was com-
pensated $10 for a 20-minute interview. We audio recorded all in-
terviews and two researchers coded each interview independently.
After each coding session, the coders discussed any disagreements
until they reached consensus. Overall, we coded 211 responses
into 55 unique codes. Researchers disagreed on the coding of 5
responses, achieving inter-rate agreement of 91%.
6.1.1 Participant Recruitment
We recruited participants by directly approaching them in public
places such as shopping malls, libraries, and coffee shops in Van-
couver. Our inclusion criteria were participants of age 19 years and
older who used Touch ID on their iPhones. After the 17th interview,
we did not observe any new codes and decided not to schedule new
participants, hence we stopped interviewing after 21 participants.
Saturation analysis of new concepts with each additional interview
is shown in Figure 3.
USENIX Association 2015 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security 263
Table 2: Participants’ demographics for the three studies.
Study I Study II Study III
Parameter Value # % # # %
Gender Female 30 34 10 220 59
Male 60 66 11 154 41
Age 19 to 24 43 48 7 110 29
25 to 34 29 32 4 195 52
35 to 44 8 9 2 49 13
45 to 54 2 2 2 17 5
55 to 64 6 7 3 2 1
65 or older 2 2 3 1 0
Mean 29 30 N/A
Median 30 27 N/A
Education High school 30 34 5 19 5
College degree 22 24 5 129 35
Bachelor 28 31 8 151 40
Master or PhD 7 8 3 75 20
Other 3 3 0 0 0
Income Less than 20K 25 28 2 67 18
20K-50K 29 32 3 97 26
50K-80K 16 18 7 70 19
80K-120K 8 9 6 99 26
Above 120K 5 6 0 41 12
Prefer not to answer 7 8 3 0 0
Industry Construction 2 2 2 1 0
Trade 2 2 3 8 2
Transportation 3 3 1 6 2
Finance and real estate 7 8 3 23 6
Professional services 5 6 6 67 17
Business and building 11 12 0 18 5
Educational services 4 4 2 51 13
Health care and social 5 6 2 52 13
Inform./culture/recreation 3 3 0 16 4
Accommodation and food services 6 7 3 19 5
Public administration 1 1 0 9 2
Other 45 41 3 104 27
Role Individual Contributor 122 33
Team Lead 35 9
Manager 46 12
Senior Manager 7 2
Management / C-Level 9 2
Partner 5 1
Owner 18 5
Volunteer 4 1
Intern 12 3
Student 57 15
Other 59 16
Locking method PIN 66 73 19
Password 20 22 2
None 4 5 0
Locked with non-Touch ID 177/6/18
PIN/Password/None Touch ID 166/7/0
264 2015 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security USENIX Association
Figure 3: The total number of unique codes for each additional
interview in Study II. We reached saturation around 17th interview.
6.1.2 Procedure
After agreeing to be interviewed and showing us their iPhone 5s,
6, or 6 Plus, each participant was asked to read and sign a consent
form. The interviewer explained that the purpose of the interview
was to investigate how users interact with their iPhones. Interviews
followed the interview guide reproduced in Appendix B and con-
sisted of the following parts:
Using Touch ID: In the first part of the interviews, we asked par-
ticipants to describe why they use Touch ID, how they thought
Touch ID works, whether it’s possible to use Touch ID with-
out setting up PIN or password, and why and how Touch ID
impacts the iPhone security, in case the phone gets stolen.
Locking Behaviour: We asked participants whether they locked
their iPhones or not and also, what method they used (PIN
or password). We verified their answers by asking them to
unlock their iPhones. We asked why they chose to use PIN
or password. We also asked participants about their passcode
sharing behaviour.
iPhone Data: Then we asked participants about the most valuable
data in their iPhones, what data they considered to be confi-
dential or sensitive, and who they cared protecting it against.
Data Protection: We asked participants for how long they wanted
their data to be protected, in case their iPhones get stolen.
6.2 Results
6.2.1 Participant Demographics
Overall, we recruited 21 participants, out of which 10 were females,
and the average age was 29 (SD = 12.4). Only one participant used
a password, while all others used a PIN. All participants had owned
an iPhone for over a year. Almost all participants had owned an-
other smartphone before the current one. In addition, 16 partici-
pants lost their smartphones before, including the six participants
who also were victims of smartphone theft. Participants’ demo-
graphics are summarized in column “Study II” of Table 2.
6.2.2 Reasons for using PINs
The most common reason for using 4-digit PINs was a wrong per-
ception of Touch ID impact on data security when a device is lost
or stolen. In particular, nine participants did not understand how
Touch ID works, which led to confusion about the relationship be-
tween passcode and Touch ID. They believed that Touch ID “some-
how” protects data-at-rest when a device is stolen, i.e., would not
allow to decrypt data without a correct fingerprint.
“I guess Touch ID will protect my phone. They cannot
open my phone without my finger. So it [Touch ID] will
definitely help. [P1]
Another evidence of participants’ confusion was that they in-
correctly understood how Touch ID and passcode work together.
That is, they assumed that using Touch ID, in addition to having a
passcode, increases security of data-at-rest, while in reality it does
not. In addition, some participants thought that Touch ID provides
higher security, compared to passcode. They justified such an an-
swer by stating that users tend to use dictionary words as pass-
words, while random digits are usually used for PINs. For instance:
“Touch ID is more secure than PIN or password be-
cause it’s unique for the owner” [P3]
“people often choose their dogs’ names or middle names
or something similar as their passwords” [P11]
The second most common factor for using a PIN was the lack
of knowledge about the ability to use passwords on iPhones. Six
participants were not aware that they could use a password for un-
locking their iPhones. For instance:
[After the participant was explained what a passcode
is and how to use it.] “Really? I even did not know
that you could do this [use a password]. That is good
to know. I will look at it today” [P4],
Two participants stated that they used PINs because the sales
staff who helped with setting up their iPhones in Apple Stores,
showed only the PIN option to the participants. As a result, they
believed that this was the only option available:
“When I bought my iPhone, they asked me to set up a
PIN. That is why I am using PIN” [P5]
“They [Apple store customer service employee] only
gave me a PIN code option... [P14]
Also, five participants admitted that they got habituated to use
PINs from their previous devices, and continued to use PINs on the
new iPhones. In addition, participants stated that they did not want
to remember a new password, so they just decided to use the old
PIN on the new device:
“Because on my old phone I was lazy to think about
password back then, so now I just stuck with PIN. There
is really no major reason; it is just the way it is. I am
just too used to this number and I am just too lazy to
memorize a new set of numbers. [P1]
Unsurprisingly some participants stated that they decided to use
PINs because it is easier to use, faster to type and easier to re-
member in comparison to passwords. Indeed, similar results have
been shown in previous research, e.g. [31]. In addition, five par-
ticipants stated that they did not store any sensitive information on
their iPhones, thus, they did not care about the extra level of se-
curity a password can provide. They believed that PINs are good
enough to protect their phones and did not see a good reason to
switch to passwords:
“PIN is easier. I do not want to type the whole pass-
word in. If I lose my phone, it is not a big deal for me.
There is nothing important on it” [P15]
USENIX Association 2015 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security 265
Finally, seven participants reused their PINs across multiple de-
vices or accounts in order to reduce the amount of information they
needed to remember. Several participants stated that, because they
shared their iPhones with others, PINs were easier to share for them
than passwords, for instance:
“Simplicity I guess. As I said before, I am not the only
person who uses my iPhone. So PIN is easy of ac-
cess for other users. It is easier to give someone 1234
PIN than ’Charlie-unicorn’ is weird, capitals, aster-
isks, etcetera” [P8]
In summary, participants provided various reasons for sticking
with 4-digits PINs. In particular, some participants did not know
that they can use alphanumeric passwords, others were only shown
how to setup and use PINs, when they were assisted by the sales-
people when purchasing their iPhones. Other participants justified
the use of PINs by the fact that they had low requirements for the
security of data-at-rest on their iPhones. Some participants were
habituated to use PINs from previous devices or wanted to reuse
PINs across various devices and accounts. Understandably, par-
ticipants stressed the usability benefits of PINs over passwords, as
one of the reasons to use the former. In particular, they stated that
PINs are faster, easier to use and memorize. More critically, our
participants misunderstood how Touch ID works and how it im-
pacts the security of data-at-rest, in cases when an iPhone is lost
or stolen. Finally, PINs were more convenient than passwords for
sharing iPhones with others.
6.2.3 Passcode Sharing Behaviour
Eight participants shared their passcodes with others for several
reasons. First, some participants were pressed to share:
“I share [PIN] with my girlfriend because she forced
me to!” [P2]
Second, participants trusted others with their data, and, thus shared
their passcode:
“I share with my boyfriend because I trust him and
sometimes he uses my phone, too” [P19]
“I share it with my best friend because I trust her and
if she has my phone and needs to look at it, she can do
that” [P10]
Finally, participants shared their passcodes with others because of
concerns with emergency situations, when someone close needs ac-
cess to the phone or its data. For instance:
“I share with my girlfriend because if something hap-
pens with me, at least she knows the code and can un-
lock the device” [P9]
To summarize, the participants shared their passcodes to enable
emergency access to their phones, or because they trusted others
with the data on their phones, or because they were pressed to share
their phones.
6.3 Limitations
Our interview study has several limitations. As with most quali-
tative enquiries, the results of the interviews are not generalizable.
The results of the analysis might have been impacted by our bi-
ases. We strived to minimize this bias by using separate coders
and discussing the disagreements. Finally, the participants might
have misunderstood some questions. To reduce chances of such
misunderstanding, we conducted a pilot study with eight partici-
pants, with the main purpose of testing the interview questions. We
alleviated some of these limitations by conducting our third study.
The results of the first study suggest the lack of any practically sig-
nificant impact of Touch ID on passcode selection, prompting us
to investigate why users don’t choose stronger passcodes, provided
that they need to type them rarely if they use Touch ID. While the
findings from the second study offered possible reasons for stick-
ing with 4-digits PINs, the study did not allow us to assess the
prevalence of these reasons in a representative sample of the iPhone
users. Our third study aimed at addressing exactly this limitation.
We designed it in a form of an online survey, so that we could
recruit a larger and more representative sample in order (a) to cor-
roborate statistical results from the first study, and, (b) to measure
qualitatively the prevalence of reasons for iPhone users not employ-
ing stronger passcodes.
7.1 Methodology
The online survey closely resembled in its structure our in-person
questionnaire (Section 5.1). We just added questions for collect-
ing descriptive statistics about the reasons for not using stronger
passcodes. Appendix C.1 provides our online survey.
We recruited participants on Amazon Mechanical Turk
(MTurk) [23] between February and March 2015. We limited
MTurk workers to the US participants with HIT approval rate at
90% and above. Before running the study, we conducted a pilot
with 149 MTurk participants to test the data collection in general
and the survey questions in particular.
In comparison with the first two studies, which were conducted
in-person, the online survey made it challenging to validate whether
or not a participant had an iPhone and used the unlocking mecha-
nism as she claimed to. To mitigate this concern, the participants
were asked during the survey to submit two photos: (1) a photo
of their iPhone reflection in a mirror taken with the front-facing
camera, and (2) a screenshot of the unlocking interface. Examples
of verification photos that our participants submitted are shown at
Figure 4. We later used these photos to validate the claimed iPhone
model (i.e., iPhone 4, 4S, 5S) and the locking mechanism. In addi-
tion, we also asked participants to provide us with the model num-
ber, e.g., ME302C/A,
which has one-to-one correspondence with
the marketed model, e.g., iPhone 5S. We excluded responses from
all those participants who either did not provide us with photos or
who provided photos that did not match their choices in the survey.
Finally, we also used attention check question, similarly to the one
we used in Study I, in order to check if the participant read instruc-
tions carefully. This time, it was revised to improve the wording
(see question 36 in Appendix C.1). We paid $1.00 to all the partic-
ipants, including those who failed the attention check question or
iPhone model verification or unlocking mechanism verification.
7.2 Results
7.2.1 Demographics
Overall, we recruited 1,219 participants and assigned them to Touch
ID and non-Touch ID groups, depending on whether they reported
using Touch ID or not. At the end, responses from 374 participants
were taking into account during the data analysis, 31% of the ones
who were recruited.
Non-Touch ID group. 698 participants have started the survey
in the non-Touch ID group, and 550 finished it. On average it took
each of them about 16.3 minutes (SD = 7.5 minutes) to finish the
survey. Note that we excluded seven participants that spent more
Device model can be found in the Model field of iPhone’s Settings
in General->About section.
266 2015 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security USENIX Association
Figure 4: Examples of verification photos that participants sent us.
From left to right, (1) a photo of an iPhone taken with front facing
camera in a mirror, (2) a screenshot of PIN based iPhone unlock
interface, and (3) a screenshot of password-based iPhone unlock
than an hour finishing the survey. 317 participants failed to submit
correct photos of the iPhone and screen shots of the locking inter-
face, which left us with 226 eligible participants. Finally, 25 out of
226 participants failed the attention check question, which reduced
the non-Touch ID group size to 201 participants, i.e., 37% of all
participants that finished the survey.
Touch ID group. 521 participants have started the survey, and
445 finished it. On average it took about 15.7 minutes (SD = 6.2
minutes) for participants to answer the questions. Similarly to non-
Touch ID group, we excluded unqualified participants. In particu-
lar, we excluded five participants that spent over an hour to finish
the study, and all the participants who failed to submit a proper
proof of an iPhone and locking mechanism screenshot. We also ex-
cluded all the participants who failed the attention check question,
which reduced our participant pool down to 173 participants, 39%
of those who finished.
The participants’ demographics are shown in column “Study III”
of Table 2. We recruited participants from various occupations,
ranging from agriculture to public administration. The participants’
job titles also included various positions, such as managers, stu-
dents, team leaders and others. Our participants had diverse educa-
tion levels, including 75 participants with Ph.D. or Masters degrees.
More than 50% of the participants were between 25 and 34 years
old. Finally, our participants had various income levels.
7.3 Testing Hypotheses
In H
, we hypothesized that, due to the usability of Touch ID, users
would switch from PIN to passwords with a bigger search space, in
order to increase the work required for a brute-force attack. We
first used Chi-square test to check if the proportions of users who
used PINs and passwords in both groups were different. The results
of the statistical analysis did not reveal any statistically significant
difference (χ =0.01, p = 0.92).
The 95% percentile confidence interval for the difference be-
tween the means of passcode entropies in two groups was [-1.91,
+0.95]. That implies that in case if, hypothetically, there is a dif-
ference and we just failed to reveal it, due to small sample size,
then with 95% confidence we can state that the difference between
mean entropies of passcodes in Touch ID and non-Touch ID groups
would be 1.91 bits at most. Analysis with t-test did not reveal any
statistically significant difference (t= -0.66, p = 0.51) between the
non-Touch ID (M = 14.13 bits, s = 5.04) and Touch ID (M = 14.61
bits, s = 8.20) groups. Due to the results of these statistical tests,
we could not reject H
Similarly to Study I, we estimated the amount of work an at-
Figure 5: Reasons for using PIN instead of password for each
tacker will need to do, on average, in order to brute-force the whole
passcode space for Touch ID group, assuming the best case sce-
nario for defenders, i.e., iPhone users. Considering the observed
average passcode entropy in Touch ID group (14.61 bits) and the
maximum possible difference between the groups (i.e., 1.91 bits),
we can easily obtain the maximum possible average entropy in the
Touch ID group (with 95% confidence), which is 16.52 bits.
sidering that for testing each passcode candidate on iPhones, an
attacker must spend at least 80ms, they can brute-force the whole
search space of 16.52 bits in size in about 2 hours.
In order to test H
hypothesis, we split all 18 participants in the
non-Touch ID group who did not lock their device on those who
had Touch ID (4) and who did not (14). The results of Chi-square
test did not reveal any statistically significant difference (χ = 3.78,
p = 0.05) between the proportions in the two groups. Thus, we
could not verify the correlation between the presence of Touch ID
on the phone and the user’s willingness to lock their device with a
7.4 Reasons for using PIN
In both groups, we asked users for reasons why they used a PIN
rather than a password. A summary of participants’ answers is
shown in Figure 5. Note, that for this analysis we excluded the
last option, i.e., “Touch ID is enough”, from both groups, since it
was only present in Touch ID group. Our analysis did not reveal
any statistically significant difference in distributions of answers
between the two groups (χ-squared = 4.88, p = 0.85).
The results of the statistical analysis suggested that users in both
groups use similar reasons for using PINs. We found that the top
most three reasons were either related to usability of PINs, i.e., “It
is faster” and “It is easier to remember”, or to the gap in knowl-
edge, i.e., “Did not know about the password”. Finally, in Touch
ID group, more than 25% of participants stated that Touch ID was
As with Study I, this was an overestimation and real difference of
search spaces is likely smaller. We chose to overestimate the search
space to show the upper bound, i.e., the maximum work an attacker
needs to do on average.
USENIX Association 2015 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security 267
Figure 6: Distribution of actors (insiders and strangers) who our
participants locked their iPhones against.
good enough for them from the security perspective.
7.5 Reasons for using Touch ID
Participants selected speed, convenience, and ease of use as the top
three reasons for using Touch ID. Furthermore, more than 50% of
participants stated that security provided by Touch ID was one of
the reasons to use it. This suggests that the key factors that drive the
adoption of Touch ID are due to its usability and perceived security.
The summary of participants’ answers is provided in Figure 10.
7.6 Who Users Lock their iPhones Against
The distribution of participants’ answers to the question that asked
who they locked their iPhone against is shown at Figure 9 in Ap-
pendix C.2. Our analysis did not reveal any statistically signifi-
cant difference between Touch ID and Non-Touch ID groups (χ-
squared = 9.98, p = 0.13). Interestingly, almost all participants in
both groups stated that they wanted to protect their device against
strangers (see Figure 6). At the same time, participants were also
concerned with insiders. For instance, around 40% in both groups
locked their device against co-workers, around 30% locked their
phone against friends and family members, and around 20% locked
their phones against classmates and roommates. These results are
in line with previously reported findings [32].
We also asked participants for how long they would want their
data to be protected in case if someone steals their iPhone and tries
to brute-force the passcode, in order to decrypt data. See ques-
tion 27 in Appendix C.1.1 for the options that we gave to choose
from. Note that for the observed average passcode entropy (i.e.,
about 15 bits, see Section 7.3 for details), we can show that it takes
less than 44 minutes to search through the whole password space.
Comparing the results with what users desired, we found, surpris-
ingly, that the preferences of only 12% of our participants matched
the strength of the actual protection. The remaining 88%, how-
ever, preferred the data to be protected for more than an hour. Even
more, 48% of participants wanted the data to be protected for 40
years or indefinitely.
7.7 Passcode Sharing Behaviour
We asked our participants who they shared their iPhone passcodes
with (Figure 7). We did not find any statistically significant differ-
ence in sharing habits between non-Touch ID and Touch ID groups
(χ-squared = 3.00, p = 0.70), thus, in our report we combined both
groups. Overall, we found that 40% of participants did not share
their passcodes with anyone. Others shared with different cate-
gories of related people. In particular, more than 25% of partici-
pants shared their passcodes with a partner or other family mem-
bers. About 10% shared their passcodes with friends, while almost
no one shared their passcodes with co-workers. In addition, 61% of
Figure 7: Distribution of passcode sharing with various groups of
people (N = 374).
all participants stated that they knew unlocking secret of someone
else’s smartphone.
7.8 Limitations
Online surveys have several limitations. First of all, in this study
we asked Amazon Mechanical Turk participants to take a picture of
their phone and send us a screenshot. This requirement introduced
a bias in our survey toward more technically savvy users. We tried
to mitigate this limitation by providing detailed instructions on how
to make a screenshot. Second, Mechanical Turk users do not nec-
essarily represent general iPhone users, thus, any generalization of
the results from this study should be done carefully.
We first discuss the main result of the work, that is, the lack of
correlation between the use of Touch ID and passcode entropy. We
then proceed with a discussion of reasons why users do not take
advantage of Touch ID and continue using weak passcodes. Finally,
we conclude with a discussion of possible approaches to address
the low adoption of stronger passcodes.
8.1 No Effect
Surprisingly, we did not find any statistically significant difference
between the entropies of passcodes of those users who use Touch
ID and those who do not. In addition, the results of our study sug-
gest that the availability of Touch ID does not increase the ratio of
users who lock their devices. At least, the effect is so small that
we could not measure it. Under the assumption that use of Touch
ID does result in the increase of passcode entropy by 1.91 bits (cf.
see Section 7.3), our estimates show that, on average, an attacker
would need to spend around 2 hours to brute-force the whole space
of passcodes in an on-device attack. For the observed average en-
tropies in both groups, i.e., around 15 bits, the attacker would only
need 44 minutes to search through the whole space, which would
meet desires of only 12% of our participants from Study III.
8.2 Reasons for Using 4-digit PINs
The second and the third studies allowed us to get a better under-
standing of reasons for users to stick with PINs. In particular, the
results suggest that the main factors are (a) the lack of awareness
that one can use password, and (b) usability considerations, e.g.,
ease of remembering, sharing, and typing. For instance, we found
that more than 30% of our participants did not know that they can
use passwords instead of PINs. Currently, during device initializa-
tion with iOS 8.3, one can setup only a PIN, even if Touch ID sensor
is turned on. If the user wants to switch from PIN to password, she
must do so by navigating to the corresponding settings, and only
268 2015 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security USENIX Association
after her iPhone setup is finished. Even more, our interview study
revealed that some users have been guided by salespersons with
setting up the device lock, hence, have not explored the passcode
setup options. These findings suggest that currently the password
option lacks visibility. First, this option should be made available
during the setup process. Second, users should be told about this
option, if they are assisted by a salesperson at the time of setup.
The remaining participants, approximately 70%, used PINs due
to their higher usability. For example, more than 50% of partic-
ipants stated that they used PINs, as they are faster to type than
passwords. Furthermore, about 45% used PINs because they are
easier to remember. This suggests that more research is needed to
find a usable authentication method that allows users to create se-
crets that are stronger than PINs yet just as memorable. In addition,
new methods should have speed and accuracy comparable to PINs.
For instance, an investigation of passcode-composition policy af-
fects, similar to the one by Komanduri et al. [27], can be conducted
with a focus on smartphone unlocking. Also, an option of provid-
ing users with feedback on passcode strength might be a promising
direction for future research.
Finally, we found that over 55% of participants share their pass-
codes with someone else, such as family members, friends, part-
ners, etc. Participants stressed that they did so in order to enable
those people to access their devices in case of emergencies. Given
that Touch ID allows registering up to five fingers, it would be in-
teresting to see if Touch ID could actually facilitate such sharing,
possibly in a more secure way. In addition, our participants indi-
cated that they were concerned that locking an iPhone makes it im-
possible to call from it a dedicated number, specified by the owner,
when a lost phone is found. This suggests that certain features are
still missing from the current mobile OSs.
8.3 Recommendations
We envision several approaches for improving the current state of
passcode selection, when Touch ID available. First, considering
that the user can only use a PIN during the setup of a new iPhone,
Apple should allow or request users to create stronger passcodes
when they set Touch ID. Also, if sales personnel helps users to
setup their iPhones, they should explain to the customers the weak-
nesses of PINs and let them know about the password option.
Second, the results of our study suggest that most users do not
understand how Touch ID works and how it impacts the security of
the data-at-rest. In particular, our participants did not understand
that Touch ID is just another path in the unlocking procedure and
has no impact on the physical security of their iPhones. One pos-
sible way to address this lack of understanding is by providing a
better system image that facilitates the development of an adequate
mental model. For example, showing that the time span of the data-
at-rest protection depends only on the passcode might be one such
Third, the feedback on passcode strength can also be improved.
Results of our investigation suggest that currently the preferences
of only 12% of users roughly match the strength of the actual pro-
tection provided by their passcodes. It would be interesting to see
if feedback on passcode strength might help users to choose appro-
priate passcodes.
Fourth, persuasion might be an effective option. For example,
iPhone can show statistics to the Touch ID user on how often they
actually use their passcode and suggest choosing a stronger pass-
code. Also, in order to alleviate the difficulty of retaining infre-
quently used passcodes in long-term memory [5], the OS can ask
the user to type their passcode once every 2-3 days, in locations
where it is easy to do so, e.g., at home or in office, but not on a bus,
or in a car, or while the user is walking. Finally, one can employ
gamification methods to motivate the choice of stronger passcodes,
e.g., the user can get something (app, music, game, iCloud storage)
for free as a reward.
Last but not least, our findings suggest that current mobile OSs
miss important features that could impact users’ choice with re-
gards to locking their devices. In particular, the owner should be
able to specify another phone number that can be called from a
locked phone if someone finds it, in order to facilitate a return.
In addition, the ability to share device in a usable and secure
fashion appears to be another important factor that impacts users’
choice of passcodes. By providing a secure and usable way to share
a smartphone, developers can enable users to pick stronger pass-
codes, yet being able to share their devices easily.
In this paper, we presented our investigation of Touch ID’s impact
on passcodes used for unlocking iPhones. To characterize the im-
pact, we conducted three user studies (a) an in-person survey with
90 subjects, (b) an interview-based study with 21 participants, and
(c) an online survey with 374 subjects. The results of user stud-
ies did not reveal any correlation between the use of Touch ID and
the strength of users’ passcodes. In particular, we observed that
the average entropy was 15 bits, which corresponds to 44 minutes
of work for an attacker to brute-force the whole search space, in
order to find the correct password. Surprisingly, the preferences
of only 12% of our participants matched the strength of the actual
protection provided by passcodes. We also found that more than
30% of participants did not know that they can use alphanumeric
passwords to lock their iPhones.
Based on the results of our investigation, we suggest research
directions to improve the awareness of Touch ID users of the im-
pact of stronger passcodes on data-at-rest security and to increase
the visibility of the password option. We plan to investigate the
proposed research directions in future work.
We would like to thank our reviewers and our colleagues for their
help and constructive feedback on earlier versions of this paper.
Constructive suggestions of our SOUPS shepherd Simson Garfinkel
were very helpful in improving the paper.
USENIX Association 2015 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security 269
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A.1 Questionnaire
A.1.1 Inperson Interaction Script
1. Introduce yourself, your affiliation and give an overview of the study:
“The purpose of this study is to investigate how users interact with
iPhones. We aim to investigate users’ motivation for choosing pass-
words and using fingerprint unlock. You will be asked to answer the
questionnaire on iPad. It will take approximately 15 minutes. Please
feel free to provide any comments and feedback on the study”.
2. Verify that the participant has iPhone.
3. After the participant read and agreed with the consent form, asked
her to read and sign a payment receipt and hand her a honorarium
payment of $10.
4. After a participant completed the survey, conduct short exit interview
asking PIN users “Why do you use 4-digit PIN, not alphanumeric
password?” and password users “Why do you use alphanumeric pass-
word, not PIN?”.
5. Verify the length of the password and auto-lock time.
6. Debrief.
A.1.2 Questions for both conditions
1. What is your age?
2. What is your gender?
(a) Female
(b) Male
(c) Prefer not to answer
3. What is your highest level of completed education?
(a) High school
(b) College degree
(c) Bachelor
(d) Master or PhD
(e) Other, please specify
4. What industry have you worked for the past 6 months?
(a) Agriculture
(b) Forestry, fishing, mining, quarrying, oil and gas
(c) Utilities
(d) Construction
(e) Manufacturing
(f) Trade
(g) Transportation and warehousing
(h) Finance, insurance, real estate and leasing
(i) Professional, scientific and technical services
(j) Business, building and other support services
(k) Educational services
(l) Healthcare and social assistance
(m) Information, culture and recreation
(n) Accommodation and food services
(o) Public administration
(p) Other
5. What is the annual income of your household?
(a) Less than $20,000
(b) Above $20,000, below $50,000
(c) Above $50,000, below $80,000
(d) Above $80,000, below $120,000
(e) Above $120,000
(f) Prefer not to answer
Questions that does not have suggested possible answers are open-
ended questions
USENIX Association 2015 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security 271
6. Have you ever lost your smartphone?
(a) Yes
(b) No
7. Have you been a victim of smartphone theft?
(a) Yes
(b) No
8. In your opinion, what unlocking method is more secure?
(a) Multi-character password
(b) 4-digit PIN
(c) Fingerprint unlock (Touch ID)
(d) Eye recognition
(e) Face recognition
(f) None of them
(g) I have no idea
9. You are willing to use face recognition authentication
(a) Strongly disagree
(b) Disagree
(c) Agree
(d) Strongly agree
(e) I don’t know
10. Please explain your answer to the previous question.
11. What is the model of your iPhone?
(a) 5s, 6 or 6 Plus
(b) 5c or earlier model
(c) I am not sure
(d) Other, please specify
12. Do you use the same password for your iPhone as you used in your
previous smartphone?
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) N/A
(d) Prefer not to answer
13. How often do you change your PIN or password?
(a) Weekly
(b) Monthly
(c) Every six months
(d) Once a year
(e) Never
(f) I don’t know
14. Enter a structure of your iPhone password. That is, substitute each
digit (single digit number) with D, lowercase with L, uppercase with
U, special character with S. For example structure for password A1b%B
15. For how long have you been using an iPhone during last 5 years?
(a) Less than a year
(b) 1 to 2 years
(c) 2 to 3 years
(d) Over 3 years
16. Does your iPhone store any sensitive or confidential information?
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) I have no idea
17. What is the worst thing that could happen to your iPhone?
(a) My iPhone gets broken or stolen, but I recover my data, so no-
body will get access to my data
(b) Someone get access to the data on my iPhone
(c) Someone misuses my apps and account
(d) Other, please specify
18. On average, how frequently do you unlock your iPhone?
(a) Once a day
(b) Few times a day
(c) Once per hour
(d) Few times per hour
(e) I have no idea
19. What is your iPhone auto lock time (how long the screen stays on if
the device is not being used)?
(a) Never
(b) 1 min
(c) 2 min
(d) 3 min
(e) 4 min
(f) 5 min
(g) I don’t know
20. A simple password is a 4-digit number. Do you know how to turn
simple password off in the settings?
(a) Yes
(b) No
21. Have you ever shared your iPhone password with anybody else?
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) Maybe
22. Do you know anybody else smartphone security lock?
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) Maybe
23. What motivates you to lock your iPhone? Select all that apply.
(a) My friends lock their phones
(b) Locking prevents strangers from using my iPhone
(c) It’s easy to lock
(d) Locking controls when my family or friends can use my iPhone
(e) Other, please specify
24. (alternative) Why do you choose not to lock your iPhone? Select all
that apply.
(a) Information on my iPhone is useless
(b) In case of loss, I can easily be contacted
(c) It is too much effort
(d) In case of emergency, others can use my iPhone
(e) None of the above
(f) Other, please specify
25. What kind of smartphone did you own before iPhone?
(a) Android
(b) Windows Phone
(c) iPhone
(d) BlackBerry
(e) None of them
(f) Other, please specify
26. What security lock have you used for your old smartphone?
(a) Multi-character password
(b) 4-digit PIN
(c) Fingerprint unlock (Touch ID)
(d) Pattern Lock
(e) Face recognition
(f) I didn’t use a lock
(g) I didn’t have a smartphone
(h) Other, please specify
27. Enter a structure of your previous smartphone password. That is,
substitute each digit (single digit number) with D, lowercase with L,
uppercase with U, special character with S. For example structure for
password A1b%B is UDLSU.
272 2015 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security USENIX Association
28. Please select the option ’no answer’ for this question. How long did
you feel this survey was?
(a) Very long
(b) Long
(c) Neither short nor long
(d) Very short
(e) No answer
A.1.3 Questions for Touch ID group
1. How hard was it to set up Touch ID?
(a) Very difficult
(b) Difficult
(c) Decent
(d) Easy
(e) Very easy
2. Is it easy to use Touch ID?
(a) Very difficult
(b) Difficult
(c) Decent
(d) Easy
(e) Very easy
3. Why do you use Touch ID?
(a) Convenience
(b) Novelty
(c) Security
(d) Time
(e) Ease of use
(f) Reliability
(g) Privacy
(h) Cool to use
(i) Fun to use
(j) Other, please specify
4. Have you ever had issues with using Touch ID?
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) I don’t know
5. In your own experience, what situations are best suited for using
Touch ID? Select all that apply. Answers are in random order for
each survey.
(a) Driving
(b) Walking
(c) Sitting
(d) When using only one hand
(e) When it’s dark
(f) When the owner is intoxicated
(g) Other, please specify
6. What situations are NOT suitable for using Touch ID? Select all that
apply. Answers are in random order for each survey.
(a) Driving
(b) Walking
(c) Sitting
(d) When using only one hand
(e) When it’s dark
(f) When the owner is intoxicated
(g) Other, please specify
7. Does use of Touch ID affect your privacy?
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) I don’t know
8. What is your major security or privacy concern about Touch ID?
9. What kind of limitations do you experience because of using Touch
10. What kind of situations Touch ID should be temporarily disabled ac-
cording to your own experience?
11. You feel that it is easy to circumvent Touch ID
(a) Very difficult
(b) Difficult
(c) Decent
(d) Easy
(e) Very easy
12. Would you recommend using Touch ID to your friend?
(a) Yes
(b) Maybe
(c) No
13. Please explain your answer to the previous question.
14. Overall, how satisfied are you with using Touch ID?
(a) I hate it
(b) I dislike it
(c) I’m OK with it
(d) I like it
(e) I love it!
A.1.4 Questions for non-Touch ID
1. Have you ever used a biometric authentication system?
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) I don’t know what is biometric authentication
(d) I’m not sure I used biometric authentication
2. In general, what are your major security or privacy concerns about
biometric authentication?
3. You are willing to use face recognition authentication
(a) Strongly disagree
(b) Disagree
(c) Agree
(d) Strongly agree
(e) I don’t know
4. Please explain your answer to the previous question.
5. You are willing to use fingerprint authentication
(a) Strongly disagree
(b) Disagree
(c) Agree
(d) Strongly agree
(e) I don’t know
6. Please explain your answer to the previous question.
7. Would you start using longer alphanumeric password alongside with
using of fingerprint scanner?
(a) Yes
(b) Maybe
(c) No
(d) I don’t know
A.1.5 Final instructions for both groups
Please follow the instructions in the order given below:
1. Lock your iPhone.
2. Turn your iPhone on.
3. Swipe to unlock.
4. Enter your password (DO NOT PRESS ‘DONE’).
5. Show your masked password to the researcher (we just want to count
number of characters).
6. Navigate to the ‘Settings’–>‘General’ and show the auto-lock interval
to the researcher.
Thank you for your participation!
USENIX Association 2015 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security 273
A.2 Additional Results
Figure 8: Touch ID participants’ answers for questions "How hard
was it to set up Touch ID?", "Is it easy to use Touch ID?" and "Over-
all, how satisfied are you with using Touch ID?" (n = 41).
B.1 Agenda
1. Introduce yourself, your affiliation and give an overview of the study:
“The purpose of the study is to investigate how users interact with
iPhones. We aim to investigate users’ motivation for choosing pass-
words and using fingerprint scanner. t will take approximately 15
minutes. Please feel free to provide any comments and feedback on
the study”.
2. Verify that a participant has iPhone 5S, 6 or 6 Plus with her.
3. Ask her to unlock her iPhone without using Touch ID.
4. Ask the participant to read and sign the consent form.
5. Turn on audio recording.
6. When interview is over, turn off audio recording.
7. Ask the participant to fill out a demographics form.
8. Ask the participant to sign a receipt form.
B.2 Questions
1. Lets talk about your use of Touch ID:
(a) Why do you use Touch ID?
(b) How do you think Touch ID works?
(c) Do you know if you can use Touch ID without a password/PIN?
(d) How do you think Touch ID impacts the security of your device
in case it gets stolen? [Ask to elaborate. Clarify that after Touch
ID recognizes the fingerprint, it restores PIN or password and
unlocks device using PIN or password]
2. Password vs. PIN code section:
(a) Can I ask you if the password/PIN code that unlocks your iPhone
is being used anywhere else? [Other Devices, Web-Sites, Credit
Cards, other online services]
(b) Do you share your password/PIN with anyone else, like family
members, friends of colleagues? [YES] Why do you do that?
(c) Do you know how to switch iPhone lock from PIN to password?
[Please, show me how to do that]
(d) Did you change your password/PIN after you started using Touch
ID enabled iPhone? Why [for both cases]?
(e) Why do you use PIN, not password? (OR Why do you use pass-
word, not PIN?)
3. Let’s talk about how you use your iPhone:
(a) What is the most valuable in your phone for you? How about
your data? [Ask to elaborate on data types]
(b) Is there any data that you consider to be confidential, private or
sensitive? [Ask to provide some examples]
(c) Who do you care protecting your private data against? [Strangers,
Co-workers, Friends, Family]
4. Lets consider the following scenario: “Someone stole your iPhone.
He is trying to get into it to get access to your data by guessing your
PIN or password. Also, he is very careful, and removed SIM card
so that your iPhone is not connected to the Internet. For how long
would you like your iPhone to be able to protect your [sensitive, con-
fidential, private] data in hands of such criminal?
C.1 Survey Questions
C.1.1 Questions for both groups
1. What is the model of your iPhone?
(a) 3G, 3GS, 4, 4S, 5 or 5c
(b) 5s, 6 or 6 Plus
(c) I don’t know
(d) Other, please specify
2. What is the model number of your iPhone? You can find the model
number in the About screen on your iPhone. Choose Settings > Gen-
eral > About.
3. How often do you change your PIN/password?
(a) Hourly
(b) Daily
(c) Weekly
(d) Monthly
(e) Every six months
(f) Once a year
(g) Never
(h) I don’t use either PIN or password
(i) I don’t know
4. When did you change your iPhone PIN password last time?
(a) 1-2 hours ago
(b) 1-2 days ago
(c) 1-2 weeks ago
(d) 3-4 weeks ago
(e) 1-2 months ago
(f) 3-6 months ago
(g) 6-12 months ago
(h) More than 12 months ago
(i) Never
5. When did you change last but one iPhone PIN/password?
(a) 1-2 hours ago
(b) 1-2 days ago
(c) 1-2 weeks ago
(d) 3-4 weeks ago
(e) 1-2 months ago
(f) 3-6 months ago
(g) 6-12 months ago
(h) More than 12 months ago
(i) Never
6. For how long in total have you been using iPhone?
(a) Less than a year
(b) 1 to 2 years
(c) 2 to 3 years
(d) Over 3 years
7. What is the worst thing that could happen to your iPhone?
(a) My iPhone gets broken, but I recover my data
(b) My iPhone gets broken, but I do not recover my data
274 2015 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security USENIX Association
(c) Someone steals my iPhone and gets access to my iPhone data,
my apps or my accounts
(d) Other, please specify
8. On average, how frequently do you unlock your iPhone?
(a) Once a day
(b) A few times a day
(c) Once per hour
(d) A few times per hour
(e) I have no idea
9. What is your iPhone auto lock time (i.e. how long does the screen
stay on if the device is not being used)? You can find iPhone auto
lock time in Settings > General > Auto-Lock.
(a) Never
(b) 1 min
(c) 2 min
(d) 3 min
(e) 4 min
(f) 5 min
(g) I don’t know
10. Do you use 4-digit PIN or alphanumeric password for unlocking your
(a) PIN
(b) Password > Please enter the structure of your iPhone password.
That is, substitute each single digit number with D, lowercase
with L, uppercase with U, special character with S. For example
the structure for password A1b%B is UDLSU
(c) Neither
11. What motivates you to lock your iPhone? Select all that apply.
(a) My friends lock their phones.
(b) Locking makes my iPhone inaccessible in case I lose it.
(c) Its easy to lock
(d) Locking gives me control over when my family or friends want
to use my iPhone
(e) Other, please specify
12. (Optional) Why do you choose not to lock your iPhone? Select all
that apply.
(a) Information on my iPhone is not sensitive and I do not care if
others look into it
(b) In case of loss, I can easily be contacted
(c) It is too much effort to lock
(d) In case of emergency, others can use my iPhone to call my fam-
ily and friends
(e) I never lose sight of my iPhone, it’s always with me
(f) Other, please specify
13. Do you use the same PIN/password for your iPhone as you used in
your previous smartphone?
(a) Yes
(b) I did not use PIN/password in my previous smartphone.
(c) This is my first phone.
(d) No
14. Do you use your iPhone PIN/password anywhere else (for web sites,
credit cards, other online services)?
(a) Yes
(b) No
15. Do you share your iPhone PIN/password with anyone else, e.g. fam-
ily members, friends of colleagues?
(a) Yes > Who do you share you iPhone PIN/password with? Fam-
ily, Friends, Co-workers, Partners, No one, Other.
(b) No
(c) Other, please specify
16. Do you know anybody else smartphone security lock?
(a) Yes
(b) No
17. Does your iPhone store any sensitive or confidential information?
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) I don’t know
18. Who do you care protecting your private data against?
(a) Strangers
(b) Co-workers
(c) Friends
(d) Family
(e) Classmates
(f) Roommates
(g) Other, please specify
19. What kind of smartphone did you owe or use right before your current
(a) Feature phone
(b) Android
(c) Windows Phone
(d) iPhone
(e) BlackBerry
(f) None
(g) Other, please specify
20. What security lock have you used for your old smartphone? Select
all that apply.
(a) Alphanumeric password > Enter the structure of your previous
smartphone password. That is, substitute each single digit num-
ber with D, lowercase with L, uppercase with U, special char-
acter with S. For example the structure for password A1b%B is
(b) Long PIN (PIN with 5 or more digits)
(c) 4-digit PIN
(d) Fingerprints (Touch ID)
(e) Pattern
(f) Face recognition
(g) I didn’t use a lock
(h) I didn’t have a smartphone
(i) Other, please specify
21. In your opinion, what unlocking method provides the best security
for your iPhone?
(a) Alphanumeric password
(b) 4-digit PIN
(c) Fingerprint scanner (Touch ID) + 4-digit PIN
(d) Fingerprint scanner (Touch ID) + alphanumeric password
(e) Other, please specify
22. Do you know that you can use alphanumeric password for unlocking
your iPhone?
(a) Yes > Please, provide exact steps how you can turn on alphanu-
meric password
(b) No
23. Please, rate your agreement with the following statements. PIN is
good enough for unlocking the iPhone
(a) Strongly disagree
(b) Disagree
(c) Neutral
(d) Agree
(e) Strongly agree
24. My iPhone is more secure if I use Touch ID than PIN/password alone.
(a) Strongly disagree
(b) Disagree
(c) Neutral
(d) Agree
USENIX Association 2015 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security 275
(e) Strongly agree
For PIN participants: Why do you use 4-digit PIN, not alphanu-
meric password?
(a) Touch ID is enough to protect my iPhone, so I do not see a
reason why I should use a password
(b) I didn’t know that there is an alphanumeric password option
(c) PIN is easier to remember
(d) PIN is faster to type
(e) PIN is easier to share
(f) I continue with PIN, because I used PIN in my previous
(g) PIN provides enough security for my iPhone
(h) I use the same PIN for multiple devices or accounts
(i) I do not care about security of my iPhone
(j) I do not have any sensitive data on my iPhone that I need to
(k) Other, please specify
For password participants: Why do you use alphanumeric pass-
word, not 4-digit PIN?
(a) Password is more secure than PIN.
(b) My company requires me to use password.
(c) I continue with password, because I used password in my
previous smartphone.
(d) Other, please specify
26. What do you think the most common way for an attacker to break
into your iPhone?
(a) Guessing (aka brute-forcing) PIN/password to unlock your iPhone
(b) Using social engineering to learn your PIN/password
(c) Shoulder surfing
(d) Other, please specify:
26. Lets consider the following scenario: “Someone has stolen your iPhone.
He is trying to get into your iPhone to get access to your data. She is
doing so by guessing your PIN/password. Also, she is very careful,
and removed SIM card so that your iPhone is not connected to the
Internet. Thus, you can not remotely wipe or ‘kill’ your iPhone. For
how long would you like your iPhone to be able to protect your data
in hands of such criminal?
(a) SLIDEBAR [0-1h-3h-6-12-1d-2d-3d-1w-2w-1m-2m-6m-1y-2y-
27. What is your gender?
(a) Female
(b) Male
(c) Prefer not to answer
28. What is your age?
(a) 19-24
(b) 25-34
(c) 35-44
(d) 45-54
(e) 55-64
(f) 65 or older
29. What is your highest level of completed education?
(a) High school
(b) College degree
(c) Bachelor
(d) Master or PhD
(e) Other, please specify
30. What industry have you worked for the past 6 months?
(a) Agriculture
(b) Forestry, fishing, mining, quarrying, oil and gas
(c) Utilities
(d) Construction
(e) Manufacturing
(f) Trade
(g) Transportation and warehousing
(h) Finance, insurance, real estate and leasing
(i) Professional, scientific and technical services
(j) Business, building and other support services
(k) Educational services
(l) Healthcare and social assistance
(m) Information, culture and recreation
(n) Accommodation and food services
(o) Public administration
(p) Other services, please specify
31. What is your job title?
32. What is the annual income of your household?
(a) Less than $20,000
(b) Above $20,000, below $50,000
(c) Above $50,000, below $80,000
(d) Above $80,000, below $120,000
(e) Above $120,000
(f) Prefer not to answer
33. Have you ever lost your smartphone?
(a) Yes
(b) No
34. Have you ever been a victim of smartphone theft?
(a) Yes
(b) No
35. Have you ever experienced a situation when somebody has unautho-
rizedly used your iPhone for data access or making a call?
(a) Yes
(b) No
36. You have almost completed the survey. We have to make sure that
our data are valid and not biased. Specifically, we are interested in
whether you read instructions closely. Please select the option ‘no
answer’ for this question. How long did you feel this survey was?
(a) Very long
(b) Long
(c) Neither short nor long
(d) Very short
(e) No answer
C.1.2 Questions for non-Touch ID group
1. Biometrics authentication is used in computer science as a form of
identification and access control. Examples include fingerprint and
face recognition Have you ever used a biometric authentication sys-
(a) Yes
(b) No
(c) I’m not sure I used biometric authentication
2. In general, what are your major security or privacy concerns about
biometric authentication?
3. Please, rate your agreement with the following statements. I am will-
ing to use face recognition authentication
(a) Strongly disagree
(b) Disagree
(c) Neutral
(d) Agree
(e) Strongly agree
4. I am willing to use fingerprint authentication like Touch ID
(a) Strongly disagree
(b) Disagree
(c) Neutral
276 2015 Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security USENIX Association
(d) Agree
(e) Strongly agree
5. I am willing to use a longer alphanumeric password alongside the
fingerprint scanner such as Touch ID
(a) Strongly disagree
(b) Disagree
(c) Neutral
(d) Agree
(e) Strongly agree
C.1.3 Questions for Touch ID group
1. Why do you use Touch ID? Select all that apply.
(a) Convenience
(b) Novelty
(c) Security
(d) Time/speed
(e) Ease of use
(f) Reliability
(g) Privacy
(h) Efficiency
(i) Cool to use
(j) Fun to use
(k) Other, please specify
2. Please, rate your agreement with the following statements. PIN is
good enough for unlocking the iPhone
(a) Strongly disagree
(b) Disagree
(c) Neutral
(d) Agree
(e) Strongly agree
3. My iPhone is more secure if I use Touch ID than PIN/password alone.
(a) Strongly disagree
(b) Disagree
(c) Neutral
(d) Agree
(e) Strongly agree
4. It was difficult for me to set up Touch ID
(a) Strongly disagree
(b) Disagree
(c) Neutral
(d) Agree
(e) Strongly agree
(f) I did not set it up
5. It is easy for me to use Touch ID
(a) Strongly disagree
(b) Disagree
(c) Neutral
(d) Agree
(e) Strongly agree
6. Overall, I am satisfied with using Touch ID
(a) Strongly disagree
(b) Disagree
(c) Neutral
(d) Agree
(e) Strongly agree
C.2 Additional Results
Figure 9: Actors who users lock their iPhones against, for Touch
ID (n = 173), and non-Touch ID (n = 201) groups.
Figure 10: Reasons for using Touch ID (n = 173).