MPA NO. L1746
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EAST BOSTON MA 02128-2909
MPA NO. L1746
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The MASSACHUSETTS PORT AUTHORITY (Authority) is soliciting consulting services for MPA
AND ELECTRICAL UPGRADES. The Authority is seeking a qualified multidiscipline consulting firm or
team, with proven experience to provide professional services including planning, design, permitting, and
construction related services, relative to the rehabilitation or replacement (if necessary) of the Fire Boat Dock
and Boston Logan Water Transportation Dock at Logan International Airport. The Consultant must be able to
work closely with the Authority and other interested parties in order to provide such services in a timely and
effective manner.
The consultant shall demonstrate experience in several disciplines including but not limited to Waterfront
Engineering, Architectural, Civil, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Water Transportation,
Geotechnical Engineering, Code Compliance, Permitting, Hydrographic Survey, Diving Inspection, Cost
Estimating, Construction Phasing, Climate Resiliency, Sustainable Design and Lean Design.
The contract will be work order based, and that Consultant’s fee for each work order shall be negotiated;
however, the total fee for the contract shall not exceed $1,000,000.00.
A Supplemental Information Package will be available, on NOVEMBER 15
, 2023 on the Capital Bid
Opportunities webpage of Massport
bids as an attachment to the original Legal Notice, and on COMMBUYS ( in the listings
for this project.
In recognition of the unique nature of the project and the services required to support it, the Authority has
scheduled a Consultant Briefing via zoom at 11:00 AM on November 30th, 2023 via the following link:
Meeting ID:
865 0581 6268, Passcode: 450698, Dial In Number: (646) 518-9805. At this session, an overview of the project
will be provided, the services requested by the Authority will be described, and questions will be answered.
By responding to this solicitation, consultants agree to accept the terms and conditions of Massport’s standard
work order agreement. A copy of the Authority’s standard agreement can be found on the Authority’s web page
. Consultant shall
specify in its cover letter that it has the ability to obtain requisite insurance coverage.
This submission shall be addressed to Luciana Burdi, Intl. Assoc. AIA, CCM, MCPPO, Director of Capital
Programs and Environmental Affairs and received no later than 12:00 Noon on JANUARY 4
, 2024 Via Bid
. Any submission which is not received by
the deadline shall be rejected by the Authority as non-responsive.
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The Authority is seeking a qualified
multidiscipline consulting firm or team,
with proven experience to provide
professional services including planning,
design, permitting, and construction
related services, relative to the
rehabilitation or replacement (if
necessary) of the Fire Boat Dock and
Boston Logan Water Transportation
Dock at Logan International Airport. The
Consultant must be able to work closely
with the Authority and other interested
parties in order to provide such services in
a timely and effective manner.
The consultant shall demonstrate experience in several disciplines including but not limited to Waterfront
Engineering, Architectural, Civil, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Water Transportation,
Geotechnical Engineering, Code Compliance, Permitting, Hydrographic Survey, Diving Inspection, Cost
Estimating, Construction Phasing, Climate Resiliency, Sustainable Design, and Lean Design.
The scope of work shall include, but not be limited to the following (for both facilities):
(1) Investigation and Data
(2) Programming Study
(3) Preliminary Design
(4) Permitting
(5) Final Design and Bid
(6) Bid Phase Services
(7) Construction Phase Services
The Authority’s general expectations of the
consultant is having prior experience on
similar Ferry Terminal and Fire Dock
redevelopment projects, including
experience assessing existing conditions;
developing concepts; refining concepts in
close consultation with an Owner’s
Architectural/Engineering Department(s);
preparing design and bid documents;
preparing a BIM model, engineering plans
and specifications and cost estimates;
providing construction support services,
providing field inspections and resident
engineering; managing commissioning and closeout of a construction contract. Construction at each of
these sites will need to be coordinated fully with Massport and phased to minimize impacts to Logan Airport
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Logan International Airport is the largest airport
in the New England area. It is located in East
Boston and is surrounded on most of its perimeter
by Boston Harbor. All runway approaches and
departures are over Boston Harbor. Logan
International Airport is served by the Massport
Fire Department. In addition to the Aircraft
Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) services at the
airport, Massport maintains a marine division to
support fire / rescue emergencies around the
airport and within the port of Boston.
Massport’s Fire Rescue responsibilities include
aircraft rescue and firefighting, structural fire
protection, hazardous materials response
(Hazmat), emergency medical services, responding to off-shore emergencies in and around Boston Harbor
with the Marine division, which includes the 79-foot American United fireboat, as well as fire prevention
and inspections. Massport Fire Rescue is part of the Massachusetts Metro Fire District and responds to
surrounding communities on a mutual aid system.
Massport’s Fire and Rescue marine unit is stationed at a
Fire Boat Dock located immediately to the west of the
Logan Office Center at Logan International Airport. The
inlet serving the Fire Boat Dock is referred to as “Jeffries
Cove”. The dock and the surrounding channel and basin
serving the Fire Boat Dock has been shoaling and debris
has been washing into the area, resulting in channels and
basins that are starting to be restricted based on tidal
conditions, which is not acceptable for a Fire and Rescue
Service that must be available on a 24/7 basis. A small
utility building sits on the existing dock and serves for
storage purposes for Massport Fire.
The original Fire Boat Dock, which consisted of a timber pier was constructed in 1971. A portion of this
former structure is integrated into the current Fire Boat Dock. In 1984, Fire Boat operations were
transferred to the future location of the Boston Logan Water Transportation Dock, while improvements
were made to the Fire Boat Dock in 1995, which included a new steel float outboard of the old timber pier,
and a concrete finger pier connected by gangways. After completion of those improvements, Fire Boat
operations were relocated to the Fire Boat Dock.
Passengers at Logan International Airport have many options getting to/from Logan and making
connections between terminals. Logan Airport is served by the Logan Express Bus, the MBTA Blue and
Silver lines, Private Busses, Limos, and Taxis, on-airport shuttles, car shares, ride apps, and water
transportation, which is served through the Boston Logan Water Transportation Dock (“the Transportation
Dock”). The Transportation Dock is located immediately to the south of the Fire Boat Dock in Jeffries
Cove, adjacent to the Hyatt Hotel.
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The Transportation Dock is served on land via the
Massport Route 66 on Airport Shuttle Bus, which
provides free shuttle service to and from the dock. On
the water side, the Transportation Dock is serviced by
the MBTA Hingham-Hull-Logan Airport-Long Wharf
Ferry (F2H), which is a high speed everyday service.
The Transportation Dock is also service by the
Winthrop Ferry, which provides weekday service
between Winthrop, Quincy, the Seaport (at Fan Pier),
the Aquarium/Financial District, and Logan
International Airport. In addition to these two ferries,
water taxi services (including Boston Water Bus and
Red Top Boats) utilizes the Transportation Dock,
providing scheduled service seven days a week, 8 am to 8 pm to locations throughout Boston Harbor,
including downtown, Charlestown, East Boston and the Seaport District. A building services the
Transportation Dock and serves as a waiting area.
The infrastructure for the Boston Logan Water
Transportation Center was originally constructed as
part of the Fire Boat Dock in 1984. Fire Boat Dock
services were utilized at this location until 1995, at
which point they were relocated back to the Fire Boat
Dock. In 1999, the remaining portions of the Fire
Boat Dock, as well as floats that were obtained from
the Revere Sugar Site, and new infrastructure
purchased as part of the construction were integrated
into the new Boston Logan Water Transportation
Massport is seeking a consulting firm or a team, with proven experience to provide professional services
including planning, designing, permitting, bidding support, and resident inspection, relative to the
redevelopment of the Fire Boat Dock and the Boston Logan Water Transportation Dock.
Key tasks included but are not limited to:
Investigation and Data Gathering
This task is anticipated to include review of existing
information, including as-built information, historic
permits, etc., conducting a comprehensive above
and below-water inspection of both facilities. The
team will identify any critical issues that need to be
addressed in the short-term, to ensure safe and
continued operation of the Fire Boat Dock and the
Boston Logan Water Transportation Dock. In
addition, the team shall assess the feasibility of the
continued reuse of any portion of the existing
Boston Logan Water Transportation Dock or Fire
Boat Dock.
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Programming Study
This task will begin with an analysis of the future
needs of both the Boston Logan Water
Transportation Dock and the Fire Boat Dock
facilities, and the preparation and presentation of a
minimum of three alternatives for redevelopment.
The Programming Study shall include the
o Review of existing conditions.
o Evaluate the functions necessary
to take place at the facility.
o Evaluate spatial and organizational
needs to implement the required
functions at each facility, including berthing space, passenger waiting areas, storage areas,
vessel draft, etc.
o Preparation of Conceptual Layout Plans for alternatives, including both waterside and
landside design alternatives. Said alternatives shall include assessment of
reuse/rehabilitation vs. new construction for the components at each facility. Conceptual
Layout Plans for the Boston Logan Water Transportation Dock will require ADA
Compliant design options.
o Budget level cost estimates.
o Conceptual schedules for Alternatives, including permitting timeframes.
o Meet with Massport in evaluating and selecting preferred alternatives for each facility.
o Preparation of a Programming Study report, which will outline the scope, anticipated
schedule, and budget of the selected alternatives for each facility.
Preliminary Design
Preliminary design is anticipated to include preparation of preliminary design drawings suitable for permit
applications, preparation of a phased design schedule and an anticipated construction schedule, preparation
of a preliminary cost estimate and meetings with Massport to present findings.
This task is anticipated to include preparation of a draft plan for review by regulatory agencies such as
MassDEP and USACE, coordination with USACE and MassDEP to confirm requirements, preparation of
a project narrative for permitting documents, preparation of a Notice of Intent for the Boston Conservation
Commission, providing required copies and public/abutter notices, permit application fees, preparation of
a USACE permit, preparation of a 401 Water Quality Certification, and additional regulatory coordination.
All permitting activities will run through Massport for review, coordination, and submission.
Final Design and Bid Documents
After the preparation of the preliminary design, this task is anticipated to include preparation of final
construction plans, specifications, and cost estimates and bid documents for the selected alternates and this
task will include preparation of the final design plans alternative footprints, foundation design (where
required), pile design, barge design, and superstructure design, including construction plans, technical
specifications, and anticipated construction schedule, a final constructability review, and an engineer’s
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probable construction cost level estimate. For each facility, temporary services will be required to support
critical operational functions during construction.
Bid Phase Services
This task is anticipated to include providing assistance to Massport during the bidding process, including
attendance at the pre-bid conference, as
necessary, preparation of addenda as may
be required, and assistance in responding
to questions from bidders during the
bidding process. Additionally, this task
will include review of bids and preparation
of a recommendation as to qualifications of
the bidders.
Construction Phase Services
This task will include attendance at the pre-
construction meeting, review of contractor
submissions, periodic inspections/
coordination with contractor and
Massport, attendance at job site meetings, visits to verify work progress and ongoing activities, resident
engineering, provision of meeting minutes for site meetings, review of change orders, responses to requests
for information, review of payment applications, final site inspections, and preparation of record drawings
and project close-out information.
Limited funding will be available to accomplish these goals, and one of the first tasks for the selected
Consultant will be to prioritize repairs based on Massport preferences, existing conditions and available
In recognition of the unique nature of the project and the services required to support it, the Authority has
scheduled a Consultant Briefing via zoom at 11:00 AM on November 30th, 2023 via the following link:
ID: 865 0581 6268, Passcode: 450698, Dial In Number: (646) 518-9805. At this session, an overview of
the project will be provided, the services requested by the Authority will be described, and questions will
be answered.
The submission shall be evaluated on the basis of the following equally weighted criteria:
(1) Demonstrated experience and knowledge of the team for similar projects of similar size and
complexity particularly important to demonstrate for the proposed Project Manager. Highlight
the experience and expertise for major sub-consultants and their assigned staff. Familiarity with
MGL, including filed sub-bid experience, and
(2) Project understanding and proposed technical approach including QA/QC process during
document preparation, cost management and scheduling capabilities, construction oversight,
ability to plan and perform work with minimal disruption to operations, and
(3) Demonstrated experience in integrating and managing BIM/VDC in the planning, design and
construction. Experience of utilizing Lean Design & Construction (Last Planner System
Scrum or other tools) to increase the reliability and significantly improve projects and teams’
performance, and
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(4) Demonstrated project experience in sustainable and resilient high-performance building and
infrastructure design and construction, including experience with low, net zero ready or net
zero emissions, water, and waste, lifecycle analysis including embodied carbon, innovative
renewable energy strategies, and building and infrastructure sustainability certification
schemes relevant to this proposal. Firms are encouraged to demonstrate “outside of the box”
thinking for examples of inclusion of sustainable practices into its projects and specify how
those practices may be applied to this project proposal. Firms must demonstrate the capability
to incorporate design features into any project type that reflect best practices in environmental
stewardship, and
(5) Proposed approach to enhance diversity and inclusion of the proposed team to increase the pool
of consultants working on the Authority’s projects. For those M/WBE firms proposed, please
describe type and/or category of work (i.e. architecture, structural, Lean, etc.); include the
specific roles to be played by M/WBE, and the extent
to which such M/WBE involvement is anticipated as of
date of the proposal submission, (% goal).
The Authority recommends that each evaluation
criteria is addressed in the response as a separate
The selection shall involve a two-step process including
the shortlisting of a minimum of three firms based on
an evaluation of the Statements of Qualifications
received in response to this solicitation, followed
immediately by a final selection of the consultant by the
Authority. The Authority reserves the right to interview
the firms prior to final selection, if deemed appropriate.
Each submission shall include a Statement of Qualifications that provides detailed information in response
to the evaluation criteria set forth below and include Architect/Engineer & Related Services questionnaires
SF 330 (
) with the appropriate number of Part IIs. M/WBE
certification of the prime and subconsultants shall be current at the time of submittal and the Consultant
shall provide a copy of the M/WBE certification letter from the Supplier Diversity Office for M/WBE,
within its submittal.
All individuals responsible for technical disciplines
shall, upon commencement of the project, be
registered Architects or Engineers, in that
discipline, in the Commonwealth of
The Consultant shall specify in its cover letter that
it has the ability to obtain requisite insurance
The Authority may reject any application if any of
the required information is not provided: Cover
Letter, Insurance Requirements and SF330 Part
IIs for the Prime and every sub-consultant. Make
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sure that the Cover Letter is signed “Under the pains and penalties of perjury”, and that you mention
the Insurance in the Cover Letter itself.
RFQ Instructions for Electronic Submission:
Electronic submissions will be via Please refer to website for instructions on
how to submit an electronic RFQ submittal.
1. Download RFQ documents in Bid Express and fully review them before submitting your electronic
Statement of Qualifications.
2. Upload ALL required documents listed below in accordance with the instructions on Bid Express
and those in the RFQ. Failure to include all required materials or to provide materials in a format
different than that specified may have a negative effect on the evaluation or result in
3. Click the “Submit” button in Bid Express to review your response for completeness and to
encrypt/submit your response electronically.
File Naming Convention:
MPA project #_Company Name-YY-MM-DD.pdf
Example: L2302_Massport-23-04-24.pdf
Files submitted via Bid Express must follow the above filing naming convention specific in the
“Description” field for each document in the “Required Document Upload” table in Bid Express. The file
name and description entered during the file upload process ensures each file can be readily identified by
All submissions must be in .pdf format and must be in such a way that they can be read on a computer and
printed on 8 ½” x 11” paper, unless otherwise specified.
Please consider the number of pages being submitted, including the following:
Resumes of the top 10 key individuals, each limited to one (1) page under SF 330, Section E,
No more than ten (10) projects each limited to one (1) page under SF 330, Section F,
No more than ten pages (5 sheets) between SF 330 Section H and “other relevant materials” section
of the submission
By responding to this solicitation, consultants agree to accept the terms and conditions of Massport’s
standard work order agreement, a copy of the Authority’s standard agreement can be found on the
Authority’s web page at
documents/. The Consultant shall specify in its cover letter that it has the ability to obtain requisite insurance
This submission, shall be addressed to Luciana Burdi, Intl. Assoc. AIA, CCM, MCPPO, Director of Capital
Programs and Environmental Affairs and received no later than 12:00 Noon on JANUARY 4
via Bid
. Any submission which is not
received by the deadline shall be rejected by the Authority as non-responsive. Any information provided
to the Authority in any Proposal or other written or oral communication between the Proposer and the
Authority will not be, or deemed to have been, proprietary or confidential, although the Authority will use
reasonable efforts not to disclose such information to persons who are not employees or consultants retained
by the Authority except as may be required by M.G.L. c.66.
The procurement process for these services will proceed according to the following anticipated schedule:
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Solicitation: Release Date and Supplemental
Package Available
, 2023
Consultant Briefing ZOOM
, 2023 AT 11:00AM
Deadline for submission of written questions
, 2023 at 12:00 PM (noon)
Official answers published (Estimated)
, 2023
Solicitation: Close Date / Submission Deadline
, 2024 at 12:00 PM (noon)
Times are Eastern Standard Time (US).
Questions may be sent via email to
subject to the deadline for receipt
stated in the timetable above. In the subject lines of your email, please reference the MPA Project Name
and Number. Questions and their responses will be posted on Capital Bid Opportunities webpage of
Massport as an attachment to
the original Legal Notice and on COMMBUYS ( in the listings for this project.
Massport, in accordance with the provisions of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (78 Stat. 252, 42
USC §§ 2000d to 2000d-4) and the Regulations, hereby notifies all bidders or offerors that it will
affirmatively ensure that for any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, all bidders/proposers
will be afforded full and fair opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and no businesses will
be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, national origin (including limited English
proficiency), creed, sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity), age, or disability in consideration
for an award.
Project requirements include, but are not limited to:
Terms & Conditions:
By responding to this solicitation, consultants agree to accept the terms and conditions of Massport’s
standard agreement, a copy of the Authority’s standard agreement can be found on the Authority’s web
page at
Additional Requirements and Guidelines:
As deemed appropriate and required by the Authority or the project’s needs, the consultant agrees to follow
the requirements as set forth in the Guidelines and Standards that can be found on the Authority’s web page
M/WBE Participation:
The Authority is committed to helping address the disparity in the participation of minorities and women
in design. Along with the M/WBE commitments which reflect ownership status set forth below, the
Authority’s Designer Selection Panel are interested in learning about the applicant firm’s approach and
commitment to diversity in its HR policy, its overall business practices and in assembling this Project team.
Firms are encouraged to be creative in assembling their teams by considering dividing the work of a
particular discipline, when appropriate, including work it would typically provide in house, partnering,
offering opportunities to qualified firms with which it or its consultants have not previously worked or firms
that may have less experience working on public projects, and other means that provide additional
opportunities for M/WBE firms in new ways.
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Applicants, as prime firm, and team lead, in their application, should directly address their approach to
enhancing diversity in assembling the team for this Project, including a clear description of each working
relationship, and in their overall HR and business practices. The Authority strongly encourages teams
composed of firms that expand the overall breadth of
different firms working on Authority Projects.
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts establishes
combined M/WBE participation goals of 21.6% for
design of state-funded and state-assisted projects.
Massport will be highly interested in those proposals
whose strategy and approach exceed the stated goal.
Applications from M/WBE firms as prime consultant
are encouraged. Applicants that are themselves
M/WBE certified may use their participation toward
meeting the determined work order goal for the
certification they hold and will be required to bring
participation by additional firm(s) that holds the
necessary certifications to meet or exceed the goals assigned. Applicants are strongly encouraged to utilize
multiple disciplines and firms to meet the M/WBE goals. Consultants to the prime can team within their
disciplines in order to meet the M/WBE goals, but must state this relationship.
Please note that only firms that are currently certified as M/WBE in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
be credited toward meeting Project M/WBE goals.