These sample forms are intended to help the resident council comply with
requirements set by HUD and the Sample Bylaws available in this Toolkit.
These forms may be modified and adapted by your resident council.
Public Housing Resident Organizing and Participation Toolkit
Sample Forms
for Resident
Council Elections
Table of Contents
Protecting Resident Council Members Information and Privacy 3
Election Checklist 4
Initial Notice of Election of Board Members to the Resident Council 5
Final Notice of Election of Board Members to the Resident Council 7
Final Notice of Election of Board Members to the Resident Council
(Flyer Version) 8
Candidate Nomination Form 9
Election Ballot Tracking Form 10
Certification of Resident Council Election 11
Board of Directors Public Contact Information 13
Recall Petition 15
This document is part of the Public Housing Resident Organizing and Participation Toolkit.
The full toolkit includes topical guides, customizable resident council documents and forms,
tools related to tenant participation funds, and case studies of resident organizations around
the country. To see the full toolkit go to:
This document is provided for informational purposes only and is not an ocial, or required, HUD document.
Cover photo credit: iStockphoto
Protecting Resident Council Members Information and Privacy
At times resident councils need to collect personal information from members, particularly contact
information in order to stay in touch with members. Resident councils have a responsibility to safeguard
members’ personally identifiable information whether that information is stored on paper or electronically.
Tips related to the collection of personally identifying information:
Only collect information about individuals that is relevant and necessary. For example:
If the resident council wants to acknowledge members’ birthdays, consider only collecting their
month of birth and not their full birthdate.
If demographic information (age, race, employment) is being collected for a survey, consider making
the survey anonymous.
Ensure that records (electronic and paper) are stored with safeguards, including:
Only share and discuss personal information with those who need to know it.
Do not distribute personal information, including contact information, to anyone without that person’s
prior agreement. Only consider requests if you are first convinced that the release of contact
information is authorized, proper and necessary.
Clearly label all files containing sensitive information (example “for Board use only).
Lock up all paper files and media (thumb drive or other electronic storage) containing personal
information in a file cabinet or case.
Password protect computers, or specific electronic files, and ensure only people who need the
information have the password.
Keep accurate records of where personal information is used and maintained.
Restrict access to oces where information is stored by only providing keys to those who need
them to carry-out their roles.
Destroy records once they are no longer needed.
Generally, the personal information that resident councils will have is limited to contact information that the
resident willingly provides. If the resident council is carrying out a program or activity that requires more
personal (birthdate, place of birth) or sensitive information (driver’s license number, medical records, etc) the
resident council should consult the housing authority regarding applicable rules and seek training.
Providing Notice to Members
When collecting personally identifying information, the resident council should let members know what
information is needed, why it is needed, and that sharing information is optional.
Example statement:
At times resident councils need to collect personal information from members, particularly contact information
in order to stay in touch. The resident council board takes seriously the responsibility of safeguarding your
personally identifiable information both on paper and electronically. Your information will never be shared
with outside parties without your permission. Providing your personal information, is optional. However, there
are times when sharing personal information will be necessary in order to participate in resident council
activities such as running for the Board or voting in an election.
For more information: Consult your housing authority and/or an attorney (such as someone from Legal Aid).
Election Checklist
Resident Council:
Election Date:
Name and organization or aliation of Election Judge:
The election followed the procedure below, in accordance with the Bylaws
and any procedures set by the Board or the Elections Committee:
1. Initial notice of the election was distributed to all residents and posted
as required at least 30 days before the date of the election.
2. Initial notice included the following information:
a. eligibility requirements to vote
b. eligibility requirements to be nominated as a Board member
c. the nomination and elections processes (including key dates)
d. date, time, and location of election
3. Final notice was distributed to all residents and posted as required
at least 7 days before the date of the election
4. The ballots were counted accurately in my presence
5. Only eligible residents voted
6. To the best of my knowledge the election was open, fair, and honest.
Signature of Election Judge
Attach copies of the initial and final notices and the page certifying the results of the elections.
Original to the Resident Council Secretary; copy to the housing authority.
Initial Notice of Election of Board Members to the Resident Council
Resident Council will hold elections for positions to the Board of Directors.
pm (check one)
The following positions are up for election:
President (term length)
Vice President (term length)
Secretary (term length)
Treasurer (term length)
At-large board member (term length)
Eligibility to Vote in the Resident Council Elections
Be a resident of
(name of the represented property/ properties);
Be eighteen years or older or the head of household
Be named on the lease
(any additional requirements described in the Bylaws of the Resident Council)
Eligibility Requirements to be Nominated and Serve as a Board Member
Be a resident of
(name of the represented property/ properties);
Be eighteen years or older
Be named on the lease
Be in compliance with the lease (if you have any questions about this check with the property manager). If
you have an ongoing court or grievance process, or are complying with a payment plan, you are in compli-
Be able to perform the duties of the oce for which they are running
Accept a nomination or self-nominate by submitting a Candidate Filing Form;
Participate in a training session or certify that they reviewed training materials including the description of
the responsibilities for the position on the Board that they are seeking
(any additional requirements described in the Bylaws of the Resident Council)
Nomination Process
Nominations may be made by any member of the Resident Council. The candidate is welcome to nominate
themselves. Members will be given at least 30 days to nominate potential Board members.
Nomination forms may be given to the elections committee, or Board of Directors, up to 10 days prior to the
election. All candidates nominated by the deadline and confirmed to be eligible will have their names printed
on the ballot. Nominations that are received after that date or at the election meeting can be considered as
write-in candidates.
Election Process
Nominees: shortly after nominations are due, the Board will distribute a final notice confirming the names
of nominees.
Election meeting: the election will take place at a meeting where all candidates will have a chance to
speak. (Or a meeting will be held prior to the election to allow candidates a chance to speak).
A third party,
(name of person or organization) will oversee the election process. The property manager will verify voter
and candidate eligibility.
Voting will be carried out through secret ballots at the meeting.
Accessibility: the voting location is wheelchair accessible.
Please contact
(the election committee, or a Board member) if you are in need of additional reasonable accommodations
in order to participate.
Language access: Election materials will be translated into
(specific language/s) and interpretation will be provided into
(specific language/s). If you are in need of additional language access services, please contact
(the election committee, or a Board member)
Note: For more information, please request the full Election Procedures from the Property Manager
or a Member of the Board of Directors.
This document was posted/ distributed on:
Final Notice of Election of Board Members to the Resident Council
Resident Council will hold elections for positions to the Board of Directors.
pm (check one)
The following positions are up for election:
President (term length)
Vice President (term length)
Secretary (term length)
Treasurer (term length)
At-large board member (term length)
The following Resident Council Members have been nominated to the Board of Directors, and their names will
appear on the ballot:
You may also “write-in” a candidate not named above.
Note: For more information, refer to the initial notice for the election or request the full Election Procedures
from the Property Manager or a Member of the Board of Directors.
This document was posted/ distributed on:
Final Notice of Election of Board Members to the Resident Council
(Flyer Version)
Final Notice of Election
of Board Members
The Resident Council will hold elections for
positions to the Board of Directors
The following positions are up for election:
President term
Vice President term
Secretary term
Treasurer term
At-large board member term
The following Resident Council Members have been nominated to the Board
of Directors, and their names will appear on the ballot:
You may also “write-in” a candidate not named above.
Note: For more information, refer to the initial notice for the election or request the full Election Procedures from the Property
Manager or a Member of the Board of Directors.
This document was posted/ distributed on:
Candidate Nomination Form
Any member of the Resident Council may nominate themself or another member of the Resident Council
for a position on the Board of Directors.
Candidates must meet following eligibility requirements:
be a resident at the represented property / properties
be eighteen years or older
be named on the lease
be compliant with the lease (as certified by the property manager)
be able to perform the duties of the oce for which they are running
be nominated using this form and accept the nomination (with the exception of write-in candidates)
Please fill in as much information as possible about the person you are nominating. The Board and the property
manager will confirm the candidate’s eligibility. Contact information is requested so that the committee can
verify that the person accepts the nomination:
Candidate information
Full name: Board position:
Address, including any apartment number:
Phone number: Email address:
Nominator information
I am nominating myself
I am nominating another person
The board takes safeguarding your personal information seriously. Your information will never be shared with
outside parties without your permission. Providing personal information is optional. However, at times sharing
personal information is necessary to participate in resident council activities such as running for the Board or
voting in an election.
Election Ballot Tracking Form
This form is intended for use by a member of the housing authority sta or third-party election monitor in order to ensure that only qualified
residents receive a ballot. The signature field is intended as confirmation that the resident has received the ballot. Alternative tracking methods
are also acceptable.
Note: Fill in the Building/ Apt # column in advance, and have the form in order by address, to easily see which units have already received a ballot.
Building / Apt # Resident Name Signature Date
The board takes safeguarding your personal information seriously. Your information will never be shared with outside parties without your permission.
Providing personal information is optional. However, at times sharing personal information is necessary to participate in resident council activities
such as running for the Board or voting in an election.
Certification of Resident Council Election
Resident Council:
Election Date:
Name / aliation of Election Judge:
Name / title of housing authority representative:
We certify that the individuals listed below have been duly elected by the resident council in accordance with
the bylaws for the positions and terms listed below.
The contact information provided below should be the Board members’ personal contact information. The
next sheet provides a space for Board members to share ocial contact information that can be shared with
the public.
Oce: Term: Begins:
Full name of elected candidate:
Building and Apartment #:
Oce: Term: Begins:
Full name of elected candidate:
Building and Apartment #:
Oce: Term: Begins:
Full name of elected candidate:
Building and Apartment #:
Oce: Term: Begins:
Full name of elected candidate:
Building and Apartment #:
Oce: Term: Begins:
Full name of elected candidate:
Building and Apartment #:
Signature of Election Judge Signature of housing authority representative
Board of Directors Public Contact Information
Board members should be accessible to the general membership, but may want to be selective about the
contact information they share. By signing below, you allow the Board and the PHA to provide the selected
contact information for Resident Council business. This information may be provided to residents, members
of other Resident Councils, government agencies, HUD, or other groups (but may not be shared for any
commercial purposes).
You may oer a resident council phone number or email address that will be provided to the public. You do not
have to sign the consent. This consent is good for the length of your term on the Board of Directors unless it is
cancelled sooner by written request to the housing authority and the Board.
Your signature confirms this statement: “I give the Board and the housing authority consent to give out the
information listed for Resident Council purposes.
Oce: Term: Begins:
Full name of oce holder:
Phone number to be shared:
Email address to be shared:
Signature: Date:
Oce: Term: Begins:
Full name of oce holder:
Phone number to be shared:
Email address to be shared:
Signature: Date:
Oce: Term: Begins:
Full name of oce holder:
Phone number to be shared:
Email address to be shared:
Signature: Date:
Oce: Term: Begins:
Full name of oce holder:
Phone number to be shared:
Email address to be shared:
Signature: Date:
Oce: Term: Begins:
Full name of oce holder:
Phone number to be shared:
Email address to be shared:
Signature: Date:
Oce: Term: Begins:
Full name of oce holder:
Phone number to be shared:
Email address to be shared:
Signature: Date:
Original to Secretary; copy to PHA
The board takes safeguarding your personal information seriously. Your information will never be shared with
outside parties without your permission. Providing personal information is optional. However, at times sharing
personal information is necessary to participate in resident council activities such as running for the Board or
voting in an election.
Recall Petition
We, the undersigned, petition to hold a recall election to remove
(name) from the position of of the
Resident Council.
This recall is done for the following reason(s):
Note: Only residents eligible to vote in the resident council may sign.
Building and
Apartment Signature Date
Initials of
The board takes safeguarding your personal information seriously. Your information will never be shared with
outside parties without your permission. Providing personal information is optional. However, at times sharing
personal information is necessary to participate in resident council activities such as running for the Board or
voting in an election.