Game Controls ............................................................................. 4
Firehouse (Ghostbusters HQ) ....................................................... 5
Pause Menu .................................................................................. 5
Options Menu .............................................................................. 5
Heads Up Display (HUD) .............................................................. 6
Equipment ................................................................................... 7
Wrangling and Capturing .......................................................... 10
Upgrades ................................................................................... 10
Xbox LIVE .................................................................................. 11
Atari Web Sites ........................................................................... 14
Technical Support (U.S. and Canada) ......................................... 14
End-User License Agreement .................................................... 15
ESRB Game Ratings
The Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) ratings are designed to provide
consumers, especially parents, with concise, impartial guidance about the age-
appropriateness and content of computer and video games. This information can
help consumers make informed purchase decisions about which games they deem
suitable for their children and families.
ESRB ratings have two equal parts:
• Rating Symbols suggest age appropriateness for the game. These symbols
appear on the front of virtually every game box available for retail sale or
rental in the United States and Canada.
• Content Descriptors indicate elements in a game that may have triggered a
particular rating and/or may be of interest or concern. The descriptors appear
on the back of the box next to the rating symbol.
For more information, visit
WARNING Before playing this game, read the Xbox 360
Instruction Manual
and any peripheral manuals for important safety and health information. Keep all
manuals for future reference. For replacement manuals, see
or call Xbox Customer Support.
Important Health Warning About Playing Video Games
Photosensitive seizures
A very small percentage of people may experience a seizure when exposed to certain
Even people who have no history of seizures or epilepsy may have an undiagnosed
condition that can cause these “photosensitive epileptic seizures” while watching
video games.
These seizures may have a variety of symptoms, including lightheadedness, altered
vision, eye or face twitching, jerking or shaking of arms or legs, disorientation,
confusion, or momentary loss of awareness. Seizures may also cause loss of
consciousness or convulsions that can lead to injury from falling down or striking
nearby objects.
Immediately stop playing and consult a doctor if you experience any of these
symptoms. Parents should watch for or ask their children about the above symptoms—
children and teenagers are more likely than adults to experience these seizures. The risk
of photosensitive epileptic seizures may be reduced by taking the following precautions:
Sit farther from the screen; use a smaller screen; play in a well-lit room; do not play
when you are drowsy or fatigued.
If you or any of your relatives have a history of seizures or epilepsy, consult a doctor
before playing.
2 3
left stick Move
right stick Turn/Look/Aim
x button Primary Fire
w button Secondary Fire/Slam
B button Jump/Evade/Sprint
directional pad m Equip Blast Stream/Boson Dart
directional pad o Equip Meson Collider/Overload Pulse
directional pad s Equip Stasis Beam/Shock Blast
directional pad q Equip Slime Blower/Slime Tether
Y button PKE Meter/Paragoggles
_ button Capture Stream
z button Vent Pack
h Display Teammate Location Portraits.
X button Throw Ghost Trap
A button (over Interact Circle) Interact/Revive Ghostbuster/Pick Up Ghost Trap
> button Pause/Options Menu
< button Field Guide Shortcut
Firehouse (Ghostbusters hQ)
The Firehouse serves as the tutorial area and is revisited between
certain levels.
save a Game
Your progress is automatically saved at checkpoints while you play.
When you start the game, your last checkpoint is loaded. Make sure
that you have at least 4 MB of free space before starting the game.
replayinG levels
You can access completed levels from the Career menu.
pause menu
Pausing the game brings up the PKE HUD interface. From here you can
view Objectives, the Tobin’s Spirit Guide, Equipment, Artifacts, Train-
ing, Statistics, & Options.
Objectives: Display the current objective.
Tobin’s Spirit Guide: View a list of all scanned ghosts, as well as the
number of creatures that you have captured and destroyed.
Equipment: View a list of all available equipment upgrades.
Artifacts: View a list of all collected Cursed Artifacts.
Training: Review the controls for specific tasks.
Statistics: Displays Career Overview, Financial, Medical and Combat
options menu
Reload Checkpoint: Reload last saved checkpoint.
Settings: Configure Gameplay, Controls and Audio/Video settings.
Quit to Main Menu: Return to the Main Menu.
Y Equip PKE Meter/
X Throw Ghost Trap
B Jump/Evade/Sprint
A Interact/Revive
Buster/Pick Up
Ghost Trap
] Secondary Fire/Slam x Primary Fire
(see chart
` Vent Pack
Xbox Guide
Game Controls
XboX 360 Controller
heads up display (hud)
1. health bar
The horizontal, green health bar health bar is located on your Proton
Pack and shows your current health. As your health is reduced, the
health bar drains. When it empties you are incapacitated. The fringes
of the screen also begins to go red and blur to indicate critical health.
2. eQuipment status meter
The vertical, red bar on your Proton Pack indicates the status of your cur-
rent equipment. If you fire your equipment for too long, it will overheat
and become unusable for a short period of time. If overheating occurs,
you can manually vent the pack by pressing z.
3. teammate portraits
When a fellow Ghostbuster is incapacitated, his portrait appears along
with a directional indicator that points toward his location. If you want to
know where your teammates are at any given moment, you can also man-
ually bring up the portraits of all Ghostbusters in the current mission.
4. Creature status
Shows the health of ghosts.
5. damaGe Claim
This HUD element shows the dollar value of all “accidents” and inciden-
tal damage caused while on the job. You can find cumulative damage
totals in the Financial Records section of your Ghostbusters Field Guide.
6. Creature reward
This shows the dollar value of killed entities or captured ghosts. When
a creature is captured or destroyed, its reward value is displayed on
screen for a short amount of time.
7. pKe meter
The rods on the sides of the PKE meter raise and begin to glow and
pulse when you are pointing it at something interesting. Ecto-Goggles
are automatically equipped when using the PKE Meter. When you have
the Ecto-Goggles on, you will find the trails that ghosts leave behind.
Your PKE METER will flash different colors at times.
• Red Signal – Hidden ghosts & entities.
• Green Signal – Environmental Phenomena
• Blue Signal Cursed Artifacts (scanning these opens bonus
content as well as adding additional money for upgrades).
8. button/aCtion prompt
The bar on the bottom-right will display a prompt, such as “Equip PKE
Meter” or “Interact” when action should be taken.
9. slam meter
This gauge indicates when you have built up enough energy to slam
a ghost.
10. eQuipment wheel
This circle of items appears on the right side when you press the D-
pad to change equipment.
blast stream (primary Fire)
Using the Proton Pack’s particle accelera-
tor, the Neutrona Wand releases a concen-
trated stream of protons that fluctuates as
it reaches its target. The fluctuations of
the Proton beam tend to cause extensive
property damage.
boson darts (seCondary Fire)
Boson Darts are super de-polarized bursts
of extremely volatile, but very effective,
boson particles. Boson particles quickly
overheat the Proton Pack, so sparse usage
is recommended. Accidental Neutrona
Wand blockage could vaporize the
surrounding three square miles. Requires:
Proton Accelerator.
shoCK blast (primary Fire)
The Shock Blast expels a conical pattern of
stripped dark matter particles that diffuse
quickly in the atmosphere. It is very pow-
erful at close range but less accurate and
less potent the farther you are from your
target. It works well on inbound ghosts and
vapor swarms or near-proximity entities.
stasis stream (seCondary Fire)
The Stasis Stream emits a high-capacity
stream of order-reversed particles
that hypo bond to ectoplasmic matter,
effectively immobilizing ghosts. The Stasis
Stream has nothing to do with cold, but the
effect is similar.
slime blower marK 2 (primary Fire)
Black slime is only vulnerable to the Plas-
ma Distribution System. Use the Slime
Blower to vaporize and eliminate black
slime. Only the Slime Blower can exorcise
possessed humans or objects.
slime tether (seCondary Fire)
Once your Neutrona Wand is equipped
for Traction-Levitation, the Slime Tether
allows for the discharge of plasmic slime
strands between two points. The plasmic
strands contract and pull on whatever is on
the two ends. The Slime Tether works great
for moving heavy objects, and you can use
it for capturing ghosts.
meson Collider (primary Fire)
The Meson Collider releases a hyper-
collided, long-range stream of particles
that vaporizes any ectoplasmic material
in its trajectory. The spread is limited but
intensely focused, making it great for long
and medium distance creatures. It also
marks a spot that the Overload Pulse will
track to automatically for several seconds.
overload pulse (seCondary Fire)
An alternate release mode of the Neutrona
Wand, the Overload Pulse Pulse is a series of
low damage, rapid-fire particles that automati-
cally track to a marker set by the Meson Col-
Ghost trap
Deploy a Containment Trap when a ghost is
wrangled. Lower the ghost into the trap for
holding until it can be deposited in the Con-
tainment Grid at the Firehouse.
pKe meter
The PKE Meter measures electromagnetic fluc-
tuations like a divining rod: point it at psychoki-
netic energy, and it heats up. Point it away and it
goes cold. Just follow the signal to your target.
Using the PKE Meter for tracking is helpful but
you can also use it to perform a full target scan
on a variety of paranormally-tainted entities and objects. At the center of
the PKE Meter screen are three nested circles. Ghosts scanned in the outer
ring receive a 25% scan, a 50% scan in the second ring, and a 100% scan
in the center ring. Information on each creature is progressively unlocked
based on it’s current scan level. Creatures can be scanned multiple time
until a 100% scan has been reached.Scanned creatures are listed in Tobin’s
Spirit Guide located in the Pause Menu.
The Goggles are enabled whenever you use
your PKE Meter. They’ll allow you to view oth-
erwise invisible ectoplasmic activity.
wranGlinG and CapturinG
Press m to equip the Blast Stream. Keep
the crosshair over the ghost and press
^ to fire the Proton Stream and weaken
Ghosts that are sufficiently wounded
will be automatically wrangled by the
Blast Stream. You can wrangle some
large objects using the Blast Stream by
pressing _.
The slam gauge will appear and begin
to fill when a ghost is being wrangled.
When enough slam has accumulated,
press w to slam the ghost.
Press X to toss a trap. Maneuver the
ghost into the trap using the left stick.
Ghosts will try to escape an open ghost
trap! Use the right stick to keep them in
the middle of the trap’s capture cone.
Congratulations on a successful cap-
You earn money for equipment upgrades by capturing Ghosts, Scanning
Cursed Artifacts, and other activities. To upgrade, press the START but-
ton to bring up the PKE HUD (Pause Menu) and view the “Equipment”
heading. Scroll through the available options and choose your upgrade.
Common upgrades include:
PKE Meter:
• Scan Improvement – Increases Scan Target Size
• Recharge Booster – Decreases Scan Recharge Time
• Fast Trap – Increases Ghost Trap Draw Down Rate.
• Slam Dunk Trap – Enables Slam Dunking Ghosts into the trap.
Blast Stream:
• Focusing – Reduces Stream Wandering
• Recoil Decrease – Removes Movement Restrictions
Unlock new equipment and earn money to discover other upgrades.
XboX live
Play anyone and everyone, anytime, anywhere on Xbox LIVE
. Build your
profile (your gamer card). Chat with your friends. Download content (TV
shows, trailers, HD movies, game demos, exclusive game content, and
Arcade games) at Xbox LIVE Marketplace. Send and receive voice and
video messages. Use LIVE with both Xbox 360
and Windows
. Play, chat,
and download on both your PC and your Xbox 360. LIVE gives you ulti-
mate access to the things you want and the people you know, on both your
PC and your TV. Get connected and join the revolution!
Before you can use Xbox LIVE, connect your Xbox 360 console to a high-
speed Internet connection and sign up to become an Xbox LIVE member.
For more information about connecting, and to determine whether Xbox
LIVE is available in your region, go to
Family settinGs
These easy and flexible tools enable parents and caregivers to decide
which games young game players can access based on the content rat-
ing. Parents can restrict access to mature-rated content. Approve who and
how your family interacts with others online with the Xbox LIVE service.
And set time limits on how long they can play. For more information, go to
ranKed or unranKed play modes
Select Xbox LIVE at the Main Menu to join up to three other players in mis-
sions and competitions.
Instant Action – Play a single Job on a map
Campaign - Play through a series of jobs on one theme. You upgrade
weapons based on your weapon specialization and cash earned.
Difficulty scales automatically in Ranked games based on the number of
players and the average rank and skill of players. For Unranked games,
you can set the difficulty to Easy, Medium, or Hard.
Note: Both Instant Action and Campaign modes offer random selection of
map/job type. You can join any Unranked game in progress. Matchmaking
is based on player Rank or Difficulty.
CharaCter and eQuipment seleCtion
You can play as any of the Ghostbusters game characters: Venkman, Egon,
Ray, Winston, or the Rookie. You choose a weapon specialization, which up-
grades that weapon for you in Instant Action and allows upgrades to it in
Campaign mode. There are different upgrade levels for each weapon. It also
gives a limited amount of ammo for the chosen weapon if applicable.
Job types
Choose from six job types:
Survival Waves of stronger ghosts at-
tack the players until they are all knocked
out at once. Survive ten waves to win!
Containment – Find, capture and destroy
as many ghosts as you can within a time limit.
Destruction Psychokinetic energy has been trapped in a variety of evil
“Relics, and you must release it by destroying the objects, as well as any
ghosts spawned by the Relic’s presence. Destroy as many objects as pos-
sible within the time limit.
Protection You must protect three “PKE Disruptors” over time as they are
built. Only one Disruptor can be in-progress at any given time; as each Dis-
ruptor is completed you can move onto the next one. Ghosts that attack the
object reverse the building process forcing you to defend it longer.
Thief Your team is pitted against some greedy ghosts trying to steal magi-
cal “Artifacts” from the level. Waves of attacking ghosts break off, grab spe-
cial objects, and try to leave the level with these objects through “escape
portals. If all objects are stolen within the time limit, the Ghostbusters fail.
Slime Dunk Portals have opened between the Ghost World and the Real
World, and waves of slimer ghosts are coming through. Each time a ghost is
“dunked” into a Big Trap, the player who dunked the slimer ghost receives
cash. This is a competitive job!
Many maps feature special events…
You are given a cash score for each match and ranked from the first rank to
the fourth. This score is applied to your gamer profile. A screen after each
match shows the results.
Ghost Stunner – Destroys or stuns all ghosts in range.
Pink Slime - Turns ghosts friendly and pink. While pink they at-
tack other ghosts!
Ghost Shrinker – Shrinks ghosts down so they are puny.
Proton Accelerator Supercharges to the Blast Stream and en-
ables the Boson Dart.
Ethereal Shield – Creates a damage-resistant shield for a limited
AmmoPlayers do not have unlimited ammo as in single-player.
Players pick up ammo canisters for each weapon type. The Ammo
level is shown on the pack and the HUD.
uniQue XboX live Features
Aggro Ghost Behaviors These special
versions of floater ghosts appear on hard-
er waves and difficulty settings. Ghosts
with an Orange glow may perform tricky
behaviors, like copying themselves, sab-
otaging Ghostbuster traps, or leaving be-
hind dangerous pools of black slime.
Most Wanted Ghosts These special ghosts appear mid game based on the
experience of the current players. Try to collect all of the most-wanted ghosts!
• Hints are shown on the Most Wanted Ghost screen with portraits of all
• Once caught or destroyed the ghost’s portrait is checked off.
RankingRank is based on total earned Xbox LIVE Ranked match cash. Your
uniform color is determined by your rank.
Player Statistics View a variety of player information.
Leaderboards Check out the top Ghostbusters and see how you and your
friends compare.
Note: Look for unique Xbox LIVE Achievements related to power ups,
Most Wanted Ghosts, and playing all Job Types!