11 March 2024
ACCESSIBILITY: Publications and forms are available on the Officer Training School document
management system of record.
RELEASABILITY: This instruction is only releasable through Officer Training School selection
processes. Distribution of this publication will be approved by the OPR.
Supersedes: OTSMAN 36-2604,
1 October 2023
Certified by: OTS/PET Chief
(Maj Paige Young)
Pages: 37
This instruction implements Air Force Policy Directive (AFPD) 36-26, Total Force Development and
Management, and Department of the Air Force Manual (DAFMAN) 36-2032, Military Recruiting and
Accessions, Air Force Handbook 36-2647, Competency Modeling and applies to all Officer Training School
(OTS) Officer Trainees and staff. It provides guidance and standardization for OT training. Refer
recommended changes and/or corrections to this publication to the Office of Primary Responsibility using
the AF Form 847, Recommendation for Change of Publication, through the chain of command. Subordinate
units may publish unit guidance to implement or supplement this manual. Route all implementing or
supplementing guidance through OTS Programs, Evaluations, and Training (PET) prior to approval.
Provide a copy of the approved guidance to OTS/PET. Submit waiver requests to OTS/PET through
appropriate chain of command. Ensure all records created as a result of processes prescribed in this
publication are maintained in accordance with Air Force Instruction 33-322, Records Management and
Information Governance Program, and disposed of in accordance with the Air Force Records Disposition
Schedule. The use of the name or mark of any specific manufacturer, commercial product, commodity, or
service in this publication does not imply endorsement by the Department of the Air Force.
Title change from OTSMAN to OTS SPINS. Updated leadership nomenclature. Reference to Airman’s
Foundational Competencies and OLAs added. IDMT sick call specified time block removed. Officer
Trainees will stay standing and reading THE TALON in auditorium while waiting for instructor to instruct
“take seats.” Seating in the auditorium and flight room is automatically “at ease.” Reporting instructions
clarified. SMU/Guide-on procedures during DP specified. Mandatory items updated to include THE
TALON instead of OTSMAN. Updated DFAC procedures for serving area processing. Updated Training
Wing Structure in Attachment 4. Added Field Leadership Formations as Attachment 7.
OTS SPINS 11 March 2024
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: OFFICER TRAINING SCHOOL .........................................................................................4
1.1. Officer Training School Ethos. ........................................................................................................4
1.2. Officer Training School Vision ........................................................................................................4
1.3. Officer Training School Mission. ....................................................................................................4
1.4. Officer Training School Honor Code. ..............................................................................................4
1.5. Officer Training School Chain of Command. ..................................................................................4
1.6. Airman’s Foundational Competencies .............................................................................................4
1.7. Guardian's Foundational Competencies………………… ……..............…………………………4
1.8. Officer Training School Leadership Attributes (OLAs) ..................................................................4
Chapter 2: GENERAL PROCEDURES .................................................................................................5
2.1. Officer Trainee Designation and Interaction....................................................................................5
2.2. Officer Trainee Conduct. .................................................................................................................5
2.3. Scheduled Military Training (SMT). ...............................................................................................5
2.4. Staff/Officer Trainee Interaction. .....................................................................................................5
2.5. Standardization .................................................................................................................................7
2.6. Customs and Courtesies ...................................................................................................................7
2.7. Academic Buildings Operating Requirements. ................................................................................8
2.8. Reporting Procedures. ....................................................................................................................10
2.9. Training Feedback Tools. ..............................................................................................................10
2.10. Security Violations .......................................................................................................................11
2.11. Religious Services ........................................................................................................................11
2.12. Network Access & Computer Usage ...........................................................................................11
2.13. Food Delivery ..............................................................................................................................11
2.14. Alcohol Use Policy ......................................................................................................................11
2.15. Tobacco/Nicotine Product Use Policy .........................................................................................11
2.16. Authorized Areas and Establishments. ........................................................................................12
2.17. Use of Privately Owned Vehicles (POV).....................................................................................12
2.18. Receiving and Entertaining Guests. .............................................................................................12
2.19. Authorized Travel Areas. .............................................................................................................12
2.20. Leave While Attending OTS ........................................................................................................12
2.21. Mobile Phones. .............................................................................................................................12
2.22. Commander’s Review (CR). ........................................................................................................12
OTS SPINS 11 March 2024
Chapter 3: OFFICER TRAINEE DRESS AND APPEARANCE ......................................................14
3.1. Personal Appearance. .....................................................................................................................14
3.2. Variations. ......................................................................................................................................14
3.3. Uniform of the Day (UOD). ...........................................................................................................14
3.4. Hydration Systems. ........................................................................................................................14
3.5. Reflective Belts ..............................................................................................................................14
3.6. Eyeglasses ......................................................................................................................................14
3.7. Cosmetics .......................................................................................................................................14
3.8. Items Not Mentioned......................................................................................................................14
Chapter 4: HEALTH AND PHYSICAL TRAINING ..........................................................................16
4.1. Officer Trainee Health. ..................................................................................................................16
4.2. Officer Trainee Sick Call. ..............................................................................................................16
4.3. Emergency Treatment ....................................................................................................................16
4.4. Medical Appointments ...................................................................................................................16
4.5. Quarters ..........................................................................................................................................16
4.6. Transportation ................................................................................................................................16
4.7. Medical Profile Documentation and Injury Reports. .....................................................................16
Attachment 2: DRILL AND CEREMONIES .......................................................................................19
Attachment 3: DINING FACILITY PROCEDURES ..........................................................................25
Attachment 4: OFFICER TRAINEE WING STRUCTURE ................................................................30
Attachment 5: SAFETY INFORMATION ...........................................................................................31
Attachment 6: EXAMPLE AETC FORM 341 .....................................................................................35
Attachment 7: FIELD LEADERSHIP FORMATION .........................................................................36
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Chapter 1:
1.1. Officer Training School Ethos. As OTS professionals, we are dedicated to owning the mission. We
will purposefully develop as leaders within the Profession of Arms with pride, passion, and unity. We will
teach and be taught. We will lead and be led. We will identify and push beyond our perceived limits through
courage, resiliency, and hardiness of spirit. We will model the way with a relentless pursuit of excellence…
“Always with Honor!”
1.2. Officer Training School Vision. The premier leader-development institution within the Profession
of Arms.
1.3. Officer Training School Mission. Developing Warrior-Minded Leaders of Character committed to
our oath, values, and creed.
1.4. Officer Training School Honor Code. We will not lie, steal, or cheat, nor tolerate among us anyone
who does.
1.5. Of
ficer Training School Chain of Command. See Attachment 4, Officer Trainee Wing Structure.
Officer Trainees will enter the Wing upon successful completion of Module 1. Any references to
“Squadron” or “SQ” refer to OTS permanent party staff. Any references to “Commander” or “CC” refer
to the G-Series permanent party staff commander. Officer Trainee Wing Leadership within the OT Wing
will be designated or prefaced by “Officer Trainee” or “OT.”
1.6. Airman’s Foundational Competencies. Reference AFH 36-2647, Competency Modeling.
1.7. Guardian’s Foundational Competencies. Reference the USSF Competency Framework S1 Memo
dated 05 October 2022.
1.8. Officer Training School Leadership Attributes (OLAs). Professionalism, Communication,
Warfighting, Leadership, and Mission Execution.
OTS SPINS 11 March 2024
Chapter 2:
2.1. Officer Trainee Designation and Interaction. References to Officer Trainee” or Trainee” in this
manual refer to any trainee assigned to OTS. Officer Trainees are addressed as “OT” (e.g., OT Smith or
Officer Trainee Smith). Officer Trainees arriving with a commission may be addressed as either “OT” or
according to their commissioned rank (e.g., Captain Smith).
2.2. Officer Trainee Conduct.
2.2.1. Reporting Violations. Officer Trainees will report all violations of the Honor Code and UCMJ
to include unprofessional relationships, maltreatment, maltraining, and violations of written or verbal
orders. Officer Trainees are required to report any misconduct to their chain of command immediately,
whether committed by Officer Trainees, faculty/staff, or others. Failure to report may be punishable
under Article 92 of the UCMJ.
2.2.2. AFI 36-2909, Air Force Professional Relationship and Conduct, para 3.1.4. Conduct unbecoming
an officer. Officers are accountable for conducting themselves at a higher standard of personal and
professional behavior. A failure by an officer to maintain this higher standard, by engaging in an
unprofessional relationship, may constitute a violation of Article 133, Uniform Code of Military Justice,
Conduct Unbecoming an Officer (10 United States Code Section 933). Article 133 is further defined in
the Manual for Courts-Martial.
2.3. Scheduled Military Training (SMT). SMT is the period beginning with Lights-On and ending with
the last scheduled training event each day (no earlier than dinner Dining Priority (DP) on weekdays).
Missing SMT hours may result in Commander’s Review. After SMT, OTs will need to coordinate any off-
campus activity for approval by owning TRS/DO.
2.3.1. Call to Quarters. Officer Trainees must be on base by 2100 and signed in with Charge of Quarters
(CQ) accountability by 2145. Trainees will not depart the dormitory until morning accountability is
reported and will not depart after evening accountability is reported.
2.3.2. Quiet Hours. Quiet hours are from 2145-0430 during the week and 2200-0500 on the weekend.
2.3.3. Dormitories. Officer Trainees will not return to the dormitories during SMT unless granted
specific permission from their instructor or a Military Training Instructor (MTI).
2.4. Staff/Officer Trainee Interaction. Officer Trainees will consider all members assigned to OTS as
staff regardless of rank or status (to include civilians and guests). Officer Trainees will use “Sir/Ma’am” or
rank and last name when addressing staff members or other Officer Trainees. As part of military decorum,
Officer Trainees may substitute any verbiage which states “Sir/Ma’am” with rank and last name. For the
duration of training, due to positional authority, OTS staff outranks all OTs regardless of commissioning,
however, traditional outdoors customs and courtesies will still be followed.
2.4.1. Professional academic environment. Trainees address each other by OT (Last Name) or (rank)
(last name). Trainees will address staff by Rank/Last Name or with Sir/Ma’am appropriately. All yes/no
responses will be accompanied by Sir/Ma’am.
2.4.2. Addressed by/Addressing Staff Member. Officer Trainees will assume the position of attention
prior to speaking or when addressed by staff. Once addressed, move to the position of parade rest for
OTS SPINS 11 March 2024
the remainder of the conversation. Upon completion of the conversation, assume the position of
attention, provide the greeting of the day, and salute as appropriate. When any staff member addresses an Officer Trainee, the Officer Trainee will respond with
one of the following seven basic responses, unless otherwise directed. For situations not specified,
Officer Trainees will begin or end every sentence with Sir/Ma’am. “Yes, Sir/Ma’am.” “No, Sir/Ma’am.” “Sir/Ma’am, I do not know.” “Sir/Ma’am, I do not understand.” “Sir/Ma’am, may I ask a question?” “Sir/Ma’am, may I make a statement?” “No excuse, Sir/Ma’am.” Greeting of the Day. Officer Trainees passing OTS staff will give the proper greeting of
the day unless the staff member is engaged in a conversation. Select greeting based on time of day:
“Good morning, Sir/Ma’am” from 0000 until 1159, “Good afternoon, Sir/Ma’am” from 1200 until
1659 and “Good evening, Sir/Ma’am” from 1700 until 2359. Greeting Order of Precedence. Render the greeting of the day to the highest-ranking
individual first when approaching a group (e.g., greet a male Major walking with a female Captain
with “Good morning, Sir, Good morning, Ma’am”). If the individuals are of the same rank, greet the female(s) first (e.g., Greet a female
Captain walking with a male Captain with “Good morning, Ma’am, Good morning, Sir”). If all individuals are of the same gender, greet them as a group with “Ladies” or
“Gentlemen” (e.g., a male Major and Captain will be greeted with Good morning,
Gentlemen”). If rank is indeterminable, greet the female(s) first (e.g., A group of four males and
two females in the Physical Training (PT) Uniform greeting is “Good morning, Ladies. Good
morning, Gentlemen”). If the Officer Trainee knows the staff member (i.e., the staff member is their Flight
Commander or assigned MTI), it is acceptable to greet them by name in rank order. For
example, “Good morning, Major Smith; Good morning, Master Sergeant Scarib.” Delivery of the greeting of the day should sound clear and confident from an appropriate
distance. When entering or departing staff office areas (cube city), OTs will announce their presence
by clearly stating “OT(s) in the area” and “OT(s) departing the area.”
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2.5. Standardization. Officer Trainees will always present a standardized and professional image.
2.5.1. Academic Areas/Outdoor Events. Officer Trainees will standardize all equipment/gear to the
maximum extent possible to present a neat, orderly, and organized appearance.
2.5.2. Uniforms. Officer Trainees will standardize uniform wear to the maximum extent, while
exercising good judgement and appropriate decision making. Mandatory Items. The following items will be carried on the trainee’s person at all times: Identification Card. Government issued photo ID (e.g., Common Access Card,
Driver’s License, Passport, etc.) Hydration System. See Chapter 3.4 for approved deviations. Writing Implement/Material. Pencil or blue or black ink pen, paper to take notes.
Exceptions: Not required for PT sessions. Two properly filled out copies of the AETC Form 341 IAW Attachment 6. Reflective Belt. See Chapter 3 for approved deviations. The Talon.
2.6. Customs and Courtesies.
2.6.1. Saluting. Saluting is taught as a formal lesson by training day (TD) three IAW AFI 1-1, Air Force
Standards. Do not salute indoors unless formally reporting-in to a commissioned staff member’s
office/cubicle or upon receiving an award at an awards ceremony. Do not salute when reporting to
enlisted staff members, except during Open Ranks Inspections. While outdoors, Officer Trainees passing an officer engaged in conversation will render a
salute, but not interrupt with the greeting of the day. If the officer does not return the salute, Officer
Trainees will continue and drop the salute once abreast the officer(s). Saluting is not required when either staff or Officer Trainees are in Physical Training Gear
(PTG); however, Officer Trainees will render the proper greeting of the day.
2.6.2. No-Salute Areas. Saluting is not required at any field leadership event to include the following
locations: LRC, assault/confidence courses, Blue Thunder, Vigilant Warrior, running track, the covered
breezeway between Gilbert Hall/Gilbert Hall Annex, Ritchey Center, and Dojo.
2.6.3. “Reveille,” “Retreat” and “National Anthem” Courtesies. “Reveille.” Customs and Courtesies will only be rendered if followed by “The National
Anthem,” or if a flag detail is present and can be seen.
OTS SPINS 11 March 2024 “Retreat.” Personnel outdoors in uniform, to include PTG, will face the flag if visible, or
turn towards the music and assume the position of parade rest upon hearing the first note of
“Retreat.” Upon hearing the first note of “The National Anthem,” assume the position of attention,
and salute. Hold the salute until the last note of the music is played. “The National Anthem.” When “The National Anthem” is played indoors during a
ceremony, military members in uniform will assume the position of attention, face the flag, but not
salute. If in civilian clothes indoors or outdoors and “The National Anthem” is played, assume the
position of attention, and place the right hand over the heart. If wearing a hat, it should be removed.
If outdoors, uniformed members will face the flag or music (if flag is not visible) and render a salute
upon hearing the first note and hold the salute until the conclusion. Saluting outdoors while in
civilian clothes is permitted, but not required. Exceptions. When participating in PT, Leadership Exercises, or Warrior Events, Officer
Trainees and staff should continue with these activities and are not required to render normal
customs and courtesies for “Reveille,” “Retreat” or “The National Anthem.”
2.7. Academic Buildings Operating Requirements.
2.7.1. Talking. Talking is not permitted outside of academic building classrooms unless making on-
the-spot corrections to other Officer Trainees or giving the greeting of the day. Officer Trainees may
talk quietly inside the flight room until the Class/Flight Leader instructs them to prepare for instruction.
2.7.2. Hallways. Officer Trainees will march in a single file, at the position of attention, on the right
side of the hallway (to include the Annex breezeway). Officer Trainees will not perform facing
movements on carpeted areas.
2.7.3. The Personnel Action Center (PAC) and the Independent Duty Medical Technician (IDMT)
Waiting Area. Officer Trainees will remain seated and read The Talon until called for by staff member.
Staff break rooms are off limits to Officer Trainees.
2.7.4. Auditoriums. Officer Trainees will enter the auditorium and fill the seats starting in the front
according to the seating arrangement assigned by Officer Trainee leadership. Officer Trainees will
remain standing at ease, quiet, and studying The Talon until lecturer instructs to take seats; then sit at
ease and remain attentive. Auditorium Opening. The class leader will come to the position of attention, centered in
front of the stage, they will then state “STANDBY” to allow for the putting away of all materials
to include their Talon. After this is complete, they will then call the room to attention once they see
the instructor approaching. Auditorium Closing. Once the instructor/lecturer indicates they are ready to close class, the
class leader will come to the position of attention, march directly to the center in front of the stage
and command: “Class, prepare for dismissal.” OTs will then set aside class materials and stand at
Parade Rest; the class leader will then call the room to attention. When the instructor/lecturer
departs the auditorium, they will command “CARRY ON” and the class will respond with
“ALWAYS WITH HONOR.” If the instructor/lecturer does not give the command, the class leader
will command “CARRY ON” once the instructor/lecturer has left the auditorium, the class will
respond with “ALWAYS WITH HONOR.” After “ALWAYS WITH HONOR,” Officer Trainees
OTS SPINS 11 March 2024
will follow staff direction. If there is no direction from the staff, Officer Trainees will prepare for
the next lesson by transiting back to their flight room or the designated event location. Asking/Answering Questions. When Officer Trainees wish to ask a question or provide an
answer during an auditorium lecture, they will remain seated and raise their hand. Unless directed
otherwise, when the lecturer recognizes the Officer Trainee, the Officer Trainee will, in order: stand
at attention, provide the greeting of the day, state OT (or Rank) and Last Name, ask or answer the
question, and stand at ease until the dialogue is complete or invited to sit. Tardiness. Officer Trainees who arrive late to an auditorium lecture will sit or stand in the
back of the auditorium and will not disrupt the lecture. Attendance. Officer Trainees will not leave the auditorium during a lecture except for
unforeseen health issues and staff-directed/approved appointments. If an Officer Trainee must
leave, they will reenter discreetly and return to their seat or sit/stand in the back of the auditorium.
Officer Trainees directed to leave for disrupting the lecture will immediately notify their Module
Flight Commander.
2.7.5. Flight Room. Heads-Up Display. Before each flight room lecture, the Flight Leader will ensure the lesson
title (e.g., Followership), instructor’s rank and name, scheduled time (e.g.,1310-1400), and
cognitive samples of behavior for that lecture are written neatly and legibly on the left side (as
viewed from the back of the room) of the white board. The Flight Leader will sit in the position closest to the white board to easily view the door. All required training materials will be in place and ready for use, to include display of
Instructor requested or provided lesson slides. Opening Procedures. Prior to the instructor entering the flight room, all trainees will be at
parade rest, standing behind their chairs, and facing the center of the room. As the instructor crosses
the doorway threshold, the Flight Leader will assume the position of attention and call the room to
attention. The instructor will command, “TAKE YOUR SEATS” or “SEATS.” Closing Procedures. Once the instructor indicates they are ready to close class, the Flight
Leader will immediately stand, push in their chair, assume the position of attention behind their
chair, and command “Flight, prepare for dismissal.” Each flight member will then stand, push in
their chair, standardize training materials, and assume the position of Parade Rest behind their chair.
After the entire flight accomplishes these steps, the Flight Leader will confirm standardization,
assume the position of attention, and call the room to attention. As the instructor breaks the threshold
of the doorway, the instructor will command “CARRY ON” and the flight will respond with
“ALWAYS WITH HONOR.” If the instructor does not give the command, the Flight Leader will
command “CARRY ON” once the instructor has left the flight room, and the flight will respond
with “ALWAYS WITH HONOR.” The last Officer Trainee departing the room will ensure all
audiovisual equipment (except the computer) and lights are off. Flight Room and Field Event Protocol.
OTS SPINS 11 March 2024 If a lecture is in session or the same lesson will resume upon conclusion of a break,
Officer Trainees will not call the room to attention when the instructor or a visitor (regardless
of rank) enters or exits. This is a single academic session and will continue uninterrupted. When a lecture is not in session, Officer Trainees will call the room to attention when
a commissioned staff member enters or exits the room, provided there is not already a
commissioned staff member in the room of equal or higher rank. As the officer breaks the
threshold of the doorway, the first Officer Trainee to see the officer will call the room to
attention. If aware, OTs may prepare using the “STANDBY” command. Officer Trainees will form up for pre- and de-brief IAW with Attachment 7 for field
leadership events (e.g., Leadership Reactionary Course (LRC)).
2.7.6. Use of any OTS conference rooms and non-classroom spaces must be pre-coordinated with
owning agency.
2.8. Reporting Procedures.
2.8.1. When directed to report to a staff member’s office/cubicle, Officer Trainees will center
themselves on the threshold of the door or cubicle entrance and knock once (loud enough to be heard).
Once acknowledged, Officer Trainees will enter, using the most direct route to the staff member, center
themselves two paces away (if possible) in front of the desk or staff member, salute (if the staff member
is a commissioned officer), and give the appropriate reporting statement.
2.8.2. In the office/cubicle area, if multiple Officer Trainees are reporting in, one Officer Trainee in
the group will salute (as appropriate) and state, “Sir/Ma’am, (Officer Trainee/Rank) (Name) plus
(number of Officer Trainees) reports [or reports as ordered].” If told to take a seat, Officer Trainees
will take their seat. When departing, the Officer Trainee who reported-in will salute as appropriate and
give the greeting of the day for the entire group. Officer Trainees will take the most direct route out of
the office.
2.9. Training Feedback Tools.
2.9.1. AETC Form 341, Excellence/Discrepancy Report. This document may be used to address
positive and/or negative Officer Trainee performance. Officer Trainees will always carry a minimum
of two copies. The form will have Name, OT, Organization, and Class/Flight blocks legibly filled in
blue or black ink, see Attachment 6 for example.
2.9.2. Motivational Training (MT). MT consists of physical exercises designed to motivate trainees to
follow OTS standards and expectations. Qualified staff may administer MT to correct lapses in
procedures as well as motivate trainees to work as a team.
2.9.3. Form 2, OTS Leadership Attribute Assessment. This form will be used at the discretion of the
staff to address performance with feedback aligned with the attributes.
2.9.4. Memorandums and Record of Individual Counseling (RIC). Memorandums and RICs are a
means of documenting Officer Trainee performance expectations. Excessive negative documents affect
an Officer Trainee’s ability to successfully complete OTS. Officer Trainees will acknowledge receipt
of all memorandums and RICs.
OTS SPINS 11 March 2024
2.9.5. Form 3, Module Report. This form will be used at the end of each week/module to capture
performance within the module.
2.9.6. Feedback Acknowledgment. If an Officer Trainee wishes to make a response to feedback
received during training, they will have up to three calendar days (excluding holidays with Module
Flight Commander approval) from the event to submit a comment written IAW AFH 33-337, Tongue
and Quill, to their Module Flight Commander.
2.10. Security Violations. Security violations occur when Officer Trainees intentionally or unintentionally
permit the release or loss of controlled information, materials, or funds. Examples include leaving dorm
room security drawers unlocked when rooms are unoccupied, leaving electronic devices unsecured, leaving
Personally Identifiable Information or ID cards unattended, or release of OTS Graded Measures and study
materials. Note: Laptops and items stored in backpacks are considered secured when left in an Officer
Trainee’s dorm room or flight room provided the system is password or biometrically protected.
2.11. Religious Services.
2.11.1. Officer Trainees may be allotted up to 4 hours to attend worship services of their choice, on or
off Maxwell AFB. Squadron ADOs may grant extensions to the 4-hour time limit for religious
observances on a case-by-case basis. Officer Trainees will inform their Flight Commander, OT chain
of command, and CQ of any off-base worship to ensure accountability.
2.11.2. The Reflection and Accommodation Center (RAC) is located on the second floor of building
1487 (Room C211) and can be used for personal religious purposes. Officer Trainees will follow all
guidance posted inside the RAC concerning its use. Officer Trainees may discuss any issues of
religious accommodation in detail with the Holm Center/OTS Chaplain or chain of command.
2.12. Network Access & Computer Usage. All OTs accessing government information systems are
subject to AFI 17-130, Cybersecurity Program Management. Additionally, social media use is subject to
AFI 1-1. These provisions are encompassed with in UCMJ Article 92 and violations may be grounds for
Commanders Review.
2.12.1. Officer Trainees will complete Department of Defense Information Assurance (IA)
Cyber Awareness Challenge training prior to using any computer connected to a .mil network (e.g.,
requiring CAC access/Air Force network). This requirement does not apply to Officer Trainees using
the OTS-provided Wi-Fi network (AMNET).
2.12.2. Officer Trainees will secure personal, or government furnished, electronic devices. Systems are
secured when password protected and may be left in flight or dormitory rooms as training needs dictate.
External storage and communication devices must be secured in security drawers when not in use.
Devices will be displayed in accordance with dormitory procedures.
2.13. Food Delivery. Officer Trainees will not order food to be delivered to any location on the OTS
campus without TRS SQ/CC approval.
2.14. Alcohol Use Policy. Officer Trainees are not authorized possession or consumption of alcohol at
any time without TRS SQ/CC approval. Route requests through OT chain of command.
2.15. Tobacco/Nicotine Product Use Policy. Officer Trainees are not authorized possession or
consumption of tobacco or nicotine products IAW AFI 48-104 para 3.5.2.
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2.16. Authorized Areas and Establishments.
2.16.1. OTS Campus. Includes the Dining Facility (DFAC), academic areas, Physical Conditioning
Center (PCC), basketball court, quarter-mile track, drill pad, pull-up bars, and dormitories.
2.16.2. Off Campus. Paperclip running track, volleyball courts, athletic fields, Fairchild Library
(academic study purposes only), AU/OTS Shoppette (Express & Military Clothing Sales Store), and
any other off campus location to include on-base commercial food vendors requires TRS SQ/CC
approval, Module ADO may approve single event usage on a case-by-case basis. Route requests
through OT chain of command.
2.16.3. Unauthorized Areas. Officer Trainees will not use, or traverse unescorted, through Ritchey
Center (building 1425), including its playground, courtyard, and sidewalks. All other locations,
including on-base commercial food vendors, require TRS SQ/CC approval, delegated no lower than the
2.17. Use of Privately Owned Vehicles (POV). Officer Trainees will only use or access POVs with
prior OTS staff coordination and authorization.
2.17.1. Officer Trainees will have until the end of training day two to retrieve all items needed for OTS
(insurance, registrations, credit cards, cash, uniform items, computer, printer, etc.). After training day
two, OTs requiring access will submit an official memorandum to the TRS SQ/DO requesting access.
2.17.2. Designated Parking Area. Officer Trainees may only use non-reserved parking spaces on
Sycamore St., directly north of the paperclip track and grass sports fields, unless otherwise directed. Do
not park next to the Ritchey Center.
2.18. Receiving and Entertaining Guests. Officer Trainees will not entertain guests at the OTS Complex.
This includes meeting members on or off Maxwell AFB. Exceptions require TRS SQ/CC approval, route
requests through the OTW Chain of Command.
2.19. Authorized Travel Areas. Except for emergency medical issues, travel outside of the local area will
not be authorized. Off-base areas and locations will be approved by TRS SQ/CC route requests through OT
chain of command. While on and off-campus, OTs will travel with a Wingman unless otherwise specified
in this manual.
2.20. Leave While Attending OTS. Officer Trainees may request leave during training for emergencies as
defined in AFI 36-3003, Military Leave Program. Emergencies must be submitted through the American
Red Cross for verification at (877) 272-7337. Officer Trainees will submit an AF Form 988, Leave
Request/Authorization, for TRS SQ/CC consideration. Reserve and National Guard Officer Trainees will
also coordinate/request leave with their home units.
2.21. Mobile Phones. Cell phone use is limited to official use only during SMT. Phones will be away and
silenced during scheduled events, unless required for emergency notification purposes.
2.22. Commander’s Review (CR). Initiated due to failure of an Officer Trainee’s ability to learn, comply,
and/or adapt to the military environment IAW AFMAN 36-2032, Military Recruiting and Accessions.
During CR, all relevant factors will be reviewed by applicable commanders to determine if the Officer
Trainee in question will be reinstated, recycled, disenrolled, or disenrolled with prejudice IAW UCMJ,
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DAFMAN 36-2032, AFI 36-3206, Administrative Discharge Procedures for Commissioned Officers,
and/or AFI 36-3208, Administrative Separation of Airmen.
2.22.1. Failure to meet Department of the Air Force standards will result in disenrollment. This
includes, but is not limited to, the Physical Fitness Assessment, and the Cumulative Academic
Assessment. Officer Trainees may provide a statement after disenrollment proceedings IAW DAFI
36-2907, Adverse Administrative Actions.
2.22.2. During CR, an Officer Trainee may only submit a rebuttal to an Airman’s Competency
Failure, Officer Training School Leadership Attribute Failure, or a Warrior-minded Leader of
Character Failure. The Officer Trainee will be informed of the CR and associated failure and will
have three days to submit a rebuttal package with Area Defense Counsel (ADC) assistance. Rebuttal
of failures only applies to CR, see “Feedback Acknowledgement” paragraph for making official
statements for received feedback.
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Chapter 3:
3.1. Personal Appearance. Officer Trainees will maintain dress and personal appearance standards IAW
DAFI 36-2903, Dress and Personal Appearance of United States Air Force and United States Space Force
Personnel, and SPFGM 2022-36-02, Space Force Guidance Memorandum Establishing U.S. Space Force
(USSF) Dress and Appearance Standards, to include any Air Education and Training Command (AETC),
Maxwell AFB, and OTS Supplements.
3.2. Variations.
3.2.1. Officer Trainees are not authorized to wear the Flight Duty Uniform (FDU), Desert FDU, 2
Piece FDU, OCP baseball cap, or have facial hair, including mustaches, unless approved with waiver.
3.2.2. PTG shirt will be tucked into shorts or running pants while marching, in formation, or while
performing group physical training to include formation runs and double-time. Otherwise, PTG shirts
may only be untucked during active individual physical training in accordance with DAFI 36-2903.
3.3. Uniform of the Day (UOD). The training schedule will dictate the UOD and is mandatory for all
Officer Trainees. The TRS SQ/DO is the approval authority for all UOD changes and variations. After
SMT, with TRS SQ/DO coordination and approval, other authorized uniforms may be worn and shall be
worn IAW DAFI 36-2903. Note: Officer Trainees will wear the PTG to sleep unless deviations are
3.4. Hydration Systems. Hydration systems will be always worn, except in the flight room, auditorium,
or latrines. Wearing the hydration system is optional in the dormitories. In the flight room and auditorium,
hydration systems will be placed on the back of the Officer Trainee’s chair and standardized. Hydration
systems will be hand-carried while wearing service dress or dress blues (Class A / Class B). Note: Officer
Trainees may only leave the hydration system in the flight room or auditorium when transiting to/from the
3.5. Reflective Belts.
3.5.1. Utility Uniform. May be worn or secured around the hydration system; may be removed or
stowed during the execution of scheduled and independent field events as determined by the TRS
SQ/DO. Officer Trainees will maintain standardization of their reflective belts.
3.5.2. Blues: Class A/Class B. Will be secured around the hydration system.
3.5.3. Officer Trainees will keep their module specific reflective belts in good working order and will
not hang items from, or attach items to, the reflective belt.
3.6. Eyeglasses. Eye-glass straps are required for all field leadership events and PT. Contact lenses are
not authorized during field events.
3.7. Cosmetics. Wear of cosmetics will be IAW DAFI 36-2903. Due to the nature of the training
environment, eyelash extensions are not authorized. Cosmetics will not be worn during field conditions.
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3.8. Items not mentioned.
Items not mentioned within this document does not mean that it is allowed.
The philosophy of “It doesn’t say I can’t; therefore, I can” does not apply to this document. If it does
not say it is authorized, then it is not authorized. (verbiage adapted from JTR).
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Chapter 4:
4.1. Officer Trainee Health. IDMTs in the OTS Medical Aid Station provide basic medical care for
Officer Trainees while at OTS. IDMTs provide Officer Trainee medical profiles and coordinate referrals
to the base Medical Treatment Facility (MTF) as needed. Officer Trainees will not seek medical treatment
or appointments at the base MTF without first coordinating with the IDMTs. Officer Trainees with a
medical specialty will not self-prescribe medication or provide medical treatment to other Officer Trainees
unless life, limb, or permanent sensory impairment is at risk.
NOTE: See Attachment 5 for safety information including A5.2 for fluid replacement in different flag
conditions and A5.3 for recognizing heat stress.
4.2. Officer Trainee Sick Call. Sick call hours will be briefed during medical in-processing. Officer
Trainees will notify their instructor of any missed event during SMT due to sick call attendance. Officer
Trainees should make every attempt to report to morning sick call. If an Officer Trainee requires any urgent
medical care outside of normal IDMT sick call, they should notify their instructor. Medical authorization
from the Nurse Advice Line at 1-800-874-2273 is required before any Officer Trainee receives urgent or
routine medical care from an off-base provider. Officer Trainees failing to receive authorization prior to
receiving off-base urgent or routine care may incur medical expenses. Note: Officer Trainees will not bring
a wingman to IDMT sick call.
4.3. Emergency Treatment. If an Officer Trainee requires emergency medical care for a threat to life,
limb, or eyesight, call 911 (if using a landline) or (334) 953-9911 (if using a cell phone). Officer Trainees
will notify the instructor immediately. All Officer Trainees seen off-base for emergency treatment will
report to the IDMT the next duty day during morning sick call hours with the off-base medical
documentation from their appointment. Upon returning to campus, Officer Trainees will immediately
notify their instructor.
4.4. Medical Appointments. IDMTs will coordinate all MTF appointments. Officer Trainees will notify
their instructor of all scheduled appointments and potential impacts to SMT. All Officer Trainees seen off-
campus for medical appointments will report to the IDMT the next duty day during sick call hours with the
medical documentation from their appointment.
4.5. Quarters. Officer Trainees placed on quarters by the MTF will notify the IDMTs and their Flight
Commander prior to proceeding to their dorm rooms. Officer Trainees placed on quarters by the IDMT
will notify their instructor prior to proceeding to their dorm room. While on medical quarters, Officer
Trainees will leave their door closed. Flights will coordinate food requirements with the instructor to ensure
meal coverage for the Officer Trainee on quarters.
4.6. Transportation. Transportation to the MTF or to an off-base medical appointment will be by taxi
service or (trainee) POV if approved by ADO. Travel with a wingman when feasible.
4.7. Medical Profile Documentation and Injury Reports.
4.7.1. Medical Profiles. If treated at the base MTF, Officer Trainees will present a copy of the AF
Form 469, Duty Limiting Condition Report or AF Form 422, Notification of Air Force Member’s
Qualification Status, to the IDMTs and their instructor as soon as possible. Officer Trainees seen at an
off-base medical facility will present the medical documents from their appointment to the IDMT to
establish an AF Form 422. Officer Trainees will present a copy of the AF Form 422 to their instructor
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as soon as possible. Officer Trainees will always carry the original AF Form 422 with them. Officer
Trainees will follow the instructions stated on the AF Form 422 until expired. The “release date” on
the AF Form 422 is the date that the Officer Trainee is returned to full duty with no restrictions; release
time is Lights-On unless otherwise noted. Officer Trainees requiring a medical profile extension will
report to the IDMT during sick call. Disregarding the instructions on the AF Form 422 is considered
disobeying a direct order and may result in the Officer Trainee being liable for the costs of treating
further injuries.
4.7.2. Injury Reports. If injured (either on or off-duty/base), Officer Trainees will notify their instructor
immediately, but no later than 24 hours after the injury occurred. Officer Trainees will fill out an AF
Form 978, Supervisor’s Mishap Report, and submit the form to their instructor within 48 hours. The
AF Form 978 is also required anytime an Officer Trainee is involved in a vehicle accident on or off-
base, whether there were injuries or not. The AF Form 978 is not required for Officer Trainees who
become ill.
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Attachment 1:
DODI 1304.33, Protecting Against Inappropriate Relations During Recruiting and Entry Level Training
DAFI 36-2903, Dress and Appearance of United States Air Force and United States Space Force
DAFMAN 36-2905, Air Force Physical Fitness Program
DAFMAN 36-2032, Military Recruiting and Accessions
AFPD 36-26, Total Force Development and Management
AFH 36-2647, Competency Modeling
AFI 1-1, Air Force Standards
AFI 17-130, Cybersecurity Program Management
DAFI 36-3003, Military Leave Program
DAFPAM 34-1203, Drill and Ceremonies
AFI 36-2909, Air Force Professional Relationships and Conduct
AFI 91-202_AETCSUP, The US Air Force Mishap Prevention Program
AFI 91-207_MAXWELLAFBSUP, The US Air Force Traffic Safety Program
AFI 36-2909_AETCSUP, Air Force Professional Relationships and Conduct
AFI 36-2903_MAXWELLAFBSUP, Dress and Appearance of Air Force Personnel
Adopted Forms
AF Form 422, Notification of Air Force Member’s Qualification Status
AF Form 847, Recommendation for Change of Publication
AF Form 978, Supervisor’s Mishap Report
AF Form 988, Leave Request/Authorization
AETC Form 341, Excellence/Discrepancy Report
Abbreviations and Acronyms
AEF—Air & Space Expeditionary Force
AFMAN—Air Force Manual
AFB—Air Force Base
AFI—Air Force Instruction
AU—Air University
CAC—Common Access Card
CQ—Charge of Quarters
CR—Commander’s Review
DFAC—Dining Facility
DO—Director of Operations
DP—Dining Priority
DV—Distinguished Visitor
GOB—Guidon Bearer
IAW—In Accordance With
IDMT—Independent Duty Medical
LAN—Local Area Network
LRC—Leadership Reaction Course
MTF—Medical Treatment Facility
MTI—Military Training Instructor
OCP—Operational Camouflage Pattern
PCC—Physical Conditioning Center
PT—Physical Training
PTG—Physical Training Gear
SMT—Scheduled Military Training
SOB—Samples of Behaviors
SOP—Standard Operating Procedures
TRS—Training Squadron
TRSS— Training Support Squadron
UCMJ—Uniform Code of Military Justice
UOD—Uniform of the Day
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Attachment 2:
A2.1. Definitions.
A2.1.1. Small Marching Unit (SMU). Formation of two to four Officer Trainees (Exception:
Guidon Bearer may march on their own). In formations with three or four Officer Trainees, the
formation is properly sized with the tallest Officer Trainees in the front and on the right regardless
of rank and position. In SMUs of two, the senior ranking Officer Trainee marches on the right. If
two Officer Trainees are the same rank, the tallest will be to the right. When in an SMU with a
guidon, the person on the right will carry it. In SMU formations, all will salute and extend military
courtesies as appropriate. SMU’s will use the preparatory command “Flight, ….” OT calling
commands will respond to their own commands when in a SMU. Note: Any OT’s performing a
specific task (e.g., trash detail, flag detail) will use the preparatory command “Detail, ...” If there
are 5-7 Officer Trainees, Officer Trainees will make multiple SMU’s. Never make a single SMU
greater than 4 Officer Trainees.
A2.1.2. Flight. Formation of eight or more Officer Trainees. This includes a designated Flight
Leader and a guidon bearer. There will be at least two but no more than four elements at normal
interval. While on the OTS Complex, flights will normally march with two elements. In flight
formations, the Flight Leader renders the military courtesies for the formation. Officer Trainees on
marching waivers will walk six paces behind the flight and extend all military courtesies
A2.1.3. Flight Leader. Officer Trainee designated to lead the flight and ensure safety. The Flight
Leader ensures all flight members are accounted for. The Flight Leader assumes all responsibility
for their flight to include precise flight control through proper command execution and rendering
courtesies when appropriate for the flight. After the command of execution has been given and the
movement has begun, give other appropriate commands to bring the element to the desired
position. If a command is improperly given, the individuals execute the movement to the best of
their ability. Flight members will only respond to valid commands.
A2.1.4. Road Guard. Officer Trainee designated to stop traffic while Officer Trainees cross a
road or parking lot.
A2.1.5. Element Leader. The leader of the smallest drill unit comprised of at least three, but
usually eight to 12 individuals, one of whom is designated the element leader.
A2.1.6. Drill Command. An oral order to direct a formation. Most drill commands consist of two
commands. The Preparatory Command, which explains what the movement will be and the
Command of Execution, given after the Preparatory Command. This explains when the movement
will be carried out. In certain commands, the preparatory command and the command of execution
are combined, for example: “FALL IN” or “AT EASE.” Informational commands have no
Preparatory Command or Command of Execution, and they are not supplementary. Two examples
A2.1.7. Cadence. Cadence is the measure or beat of movement. Cadence is given in sets of two
as follows: “HUT, TOOP, THREEP, FOURP; HUT, TOOP, THREEP, FOURP.” Do not initiate
cadence if a complete set of two cannot be achieved.
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A2.1.8. Sizing. OT Flights and OT Squadrons must be sized prior to moving. If not sized, the
proper verbiage is as follows: “With the exception of the guidon bearer and element leaders (or
with no exception), if you are taller than the Officer Trainee/OT in front of you, tap them on the
shoulder and move forward.”
A2.2. General Guidance for Formations (refer to DAFPAM 34-1203, Drill and Ceremonies).
A2.2.1. The formation leader’s first responsibility is the safety of the formation. Therefore,
situational awareness of the surroundings is critical and must be maintained, even when stationary.
When giving commands, the formation leader is at the position of attention and in the best position
to observe their flight performing the movement. Generally, this will be the action side or direction
the flight is moving toward. Good military bearing is necessary for good leadership.
A2.2.2. All Officer Trainees will march at the position of attention while on sidewalks, parking
lots, troop walks, across active roadways, and other improved surfaces.
A2.2.3. Double Time. Officer Trainees may double time after 1 hour has elapsed from the last
meal. Officer Trainees may double time on paved surfaces to and from physical conditioning
activities except when crossing the street. Officer Trainees will not double time during hours of
darkness for safety reasons. Exception: Approved formation runs may take place during dawn and
dusk, and if the formation is carrying flashlights or reflective gear.
A2.2.4. At Ease March. If using unimproved surfaces (e.g., grass, dirt, etc.) use caution while
marching at ease (does not include Welch Field). Extreme weather and flag conditions may warrant
marching at ease for long distances. Flights must be placed back at attention while marching prior
to giving “Flight, HALT.”
A2.2.5. All members of a formation must carry operable flashlights during hours of darkness and
periods of reduced visibility. Exception: Reflective gear is a suitable substitute during formation
A2.2.6. Building entrance procedures. Entrance procedures are necessary to promote good order
and discipline among Officer Trainees while entering any permanent structure. These procedures
apply to squadron, flight, and SMU formations. If a door becomes propped in the open position,
the last Officer Trainee entering will close it.
A2.2.6.1. Column of Files. To form a single file when in a column of two or more elements,
the command is: COLUMN OF FILES from the right (left), forward, MARCH.” If the
movement is from the left, on the informational command, the guide will execute a face in
marching, then right face in front of the file that will move first and remain at carry guidon.
On the preparatory command, the element leader of the right (left) element turns their head
45 degrees to the right (left) and command, “Forward.” The same time, the remaining
element leaders turn their heads 45 degrees to the right (left) and command “STAND FAST.”
Their heads are kept to the right (left) until they step off. On the command “March,” the
extreme right (left) element steps off. The element leader of each remaining element
commands “Forward, MARCH” as the last Officer Trainee in each element passes, ensuring
the leaders element is in step with the preceding element. All subsequent elements then
incline to the right (left), following the leading elements in successive order.
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A2.2.6.2. If carrying a guidon, the guidon bearer will place the guidon in the guidon stand (if
available). The initial element leader holds the door for the flight. The Flight Leader will hold
the door for the initial element leader. The Flight Leader will be the last person from their flight
to enter the building.
A2.2.6.3. While marching as an SMU, the Officer Trainee in charge will command, “Flight,
HALT, COVER,” followed by the command of DISMISSED” if entering a building or
leaving the general area. “FALL OUT” will be given if remaining in the general area, such as
after meals when leaving the DFAC to join the larger flight formation.
A2.2.7. Building departure procedures. The Flight Leader will be the first member of the flight
to depart the building and will designate the position for forming the flight. The last Officer Trainee
in a formation will ensure building doors close behind them. After open ranks instruction, flights
may use the command of “FALL IN.” Flight Leaders will take care to not block traffic into or out
of the building.
A2.2.7.1. When departing as an SMU, Officer Trainees will exit the academic building in an
orderly manner and form up on the sidewalk. There will be no talking in formation.
A2.2.7.2. Once the flight has been formed, any flight member needing to join the flight will
adhere to the following procedures: Salute and state, “Sir/ma’am, (officer trainee/rank) (name),
requests permission to join the flight.” The Flight Leader will then return a salute and instruct
the Officer Trainee to FALL IN” or “Size yourself in,” if the formation has been previously
A2.2.7.3. Any individual placed in charge of the flight that is not the designated Flight Leader
will return to their position in the flight once control is regained by the designated Flight
Leader. To accomplish, the Flight Leader and acting Flight Leader will exchange salutes and
the Flight Leader will instruct the acting Flight Leader to “FALL IN” or “Size yourself in,” if
the formation has been previously sized. Before a command is given by the regaining Flight
Leader, that individual will ensure the flight is aware that they are now in command of the
A2.3. Marching Requirements.
A2.3.1. Pennant. Once awarded at OTS, the flight pennant signifies a flight’s ability to march
without OTS staff direct supervision. Until awarded, OTS staff will escort flights to all activities
that require transit outdoors. Exception: After awarded, initial off campus transit must be
monitored by staff. Officer Trainees will maintain flight integrity and march as a complete flight
as much as possible except when directed by OTS staff, for safety reasons (ref, paragraph A2.6),
or in the following cases:
A2.3.1.1. The Officer Trainee senior leadership and designated key staff may march alone and
separate from their flights to monitor formation activity.
A2.3.1.2. Officer Trainees may march in pairs to work details.
A2.3.1.3. To meet individual appointments or perform individual PT. (For safety reasons, two
or more Officer Trainees must participate in the aerobics/exercise programs together.)
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A2.3.2. Officer Trainees are not required to march while escorting guests during authorized times;
however, they will maintain a professional military image and render proper military courtesies.
A2.3.3. Formations will be properly sized IAW DAFPAM 34-1203. The Flight Leader will ensure
only authorized routes of march are utilized.
A2.3.4. Right of Way for Formations. Under normal conditions, a formation will not pass another
formation that is on the march. Formations/SMUs may pass other stationary formations without
requesting permission. The leader of a stationary formation must yield the right of way to a
formation underway. If formations are on the march and converging on each other, leaders will
yield the right of way to formations on their right.
A2.3.5. Utilization of Improved Surfaces Only. Officer Trainees will only plan to march/walk on
improved surfaces. Do not walk/march across areas covered in grass surface (unless directed by OTS
staff or for safety reasons).
A2.4. Road Guards.
A2.4.1. General Information.
A2.4.1.1. Road guards ensure the safety of Officer Trainees during transit around the OTS
campus and Maxwell AFB. Road guards are required for all student formations greater than
eight students. For flights seven or smaller, the Flight Leader will function as road guard for
their flight. SMUs, formations of two to four students do not require road guards.
A2.4.1.2. The last individual(s) in the rear of each element will serve as a road guard. Required
safety equipment for road guards: fluorescent/reflective vest (if transiting off campus),
reflective belt, and flashlight (during hours of darkness). Occasionally, situations may warrant
more or less than two road guards (e.g., intersections with greater than two possible vehicular
traffic routes). Squadron formations require four road guards; they will be positioned in groups
of two approximately six paces ahead and behind the formation.
A2.4.1.3. Officer Trainees will not piggyback” units (march more than one unit across the
street without allowing traffic to proceed between them) when crossing streets. OTS staff may
do so only when deemed necessary but will make every effort not to obstruct the flow of traffic.
A2.4.1.4. The Flight Leader will render all courtesies for the flight. If an officer (on foot) or
staff vehicle passes (from the front) the person in charge will render courtesies. If a staff vehicle
approaches the flight while crossing an intersection the road guard will not salute (due to
safety). The person in charge will march the flight across the street, halt the flight, call in the
road guards, and then render courtesies to the staff vehicle.
A2.4.2. Procedures.
A2.4.2.1. For safety reasons, flights will always be halted prior to entering a hazard area so
the Flight Leader can ensure the safety of the posting road guards. Hazard areas include all
intersections where vehicular transit occurs including parking lots.
A2.4.2.2. The Flight Leader will move forward, post in front of the flight at the sidewalk or
hazard edge.
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A2.4.2.3. The Flight Leader will wave traffic past OR motion for the traffic to stop by
extending either arm and displaying the palm of the hand with the fingers pointed upward.
A2.4.2.4. The Flight Leader will then march into the intersection and post in the middle of
the road, perform an about face (so they are facing the flight), ensure traffic is stopped and
command, “Road guards, OUT.”
A2.4.2.5. On the command, “Road guards, OUT,” each road guard will go to the lane as
directed by the Flight Leader. They will face oncoming traffic at modified parade rest with
the right arm up and palm flat with the fingers pointed upward. If carrying a flashlight, road
guards will hold the flashlight in the extended arm with the beam pointed down.
A2.4.2.6. The Flight Leader will command the flight to march across the intersection and
perform the necessary facing movements so they can always observe the flight.
A2.4.2.7. Once the flight is through the intersection, the Flight Leader will halt the flight and
command, “Road guards, IN.”
A2.4.2.8. The Flight Leader will remain in the intersection and continue to halt existing traffic
while the road guards return to the rear of the flight.
A2.4.2.9. The Flight Leader does not give further commands (e.g., “Forward, MARCH”) until
rejoining the flight.
A2.4.2.10. Road guards or formation leaders will report vehicles that fail to observe safety
precautions or follow road guard directions. Officer Trainees will report the time, place, type
of vehicle, license number (if known), and description of the violation to their instructor.
A2.4.2.11. When two or more formations approach opposite ends of a hazard, the formation
proceeding to an appointment has priority and the returning formation must yield. The
returning formation must move to the side opposite of the hazard and out of the proceeding
formation’s path. Once the formation with priority has passed, the returning formation will
resume transit on the designated route and execute all road guard procedures as needed.
A2.5. Flight Guidons.
A2.5.1. While in lower class status each flight will carry their flight guidon from start to end
of academic day while marching from one location to another on Maxwell AFB, except
when specifically instructed by this manual or staff to do otherwise, or due to weather
restrictions. Squadron guidons are for official functions only.
A2.5.2. The guidon will be carried to all events except for Blue Thunder and Leadership
Reaction Course (LRC), field events held off complex, and PT. If there is no guidon holder
at the event, the guidon bearer will make every effort to ensure the guidon is stored/displayed
properly and will not become a safety hazard. Guidons will not be posted by jamming them
into the ground.
A2.5.3. Storage of the Guidon. Flight Guides are responsible for storing the guidon in the
appropriate rack when not in use. Guidons shall not be placed with the tip of the ornament on
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the ground or with the pennant wrapped tightly around the staff. During any drill class or
parade practice, the guidon is placed by the first set of bleachers. If entering a building that
does not have a storage rack, Officer Trainees will take the guidon inside with them and place
it out of the way, leaning into a corner so that it will not fall. Note: When entering a building
with a guidon, Officer Trainees will announce “Guidon” to alert others in the area to the
A2.5.4. Officer Trainees will take care of the guidon. If any part of the guidon breaks, Officer
Trainees will not attempt to repair it, they will take the guidon to the MDC for repair. Officer
Trainees will not mark guidons on the staff; marking guidons without pennants will be on the
ferrule so to not damage the staff. Once the guidon has a pennant, all additional markings will
be removed.
A2.6. Marching Under Weather Conditions. Officer Trainees and OTS staff are expected to exercise
sound judgement and risk management practices while training under adverse weather conditions,
regardless of whether an official base notification has been published. During “lightning within five,”
Officer Trainees will transit quickly using the most direct route as individuals or in single file. If off
campus, seek shelter in a lightning approved location. Lightning approved locations include the Dojo,
LRC, and latrines, and the Sim City warehouse. Shelter-in-Place (SIP) only in the event of airborne
hazards (e.g., chemical spill) and follow SIP procedures. Additional guidance can be found in
Attachment 6.
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Attachment 3:
A3.1. General Information. Officer Trainees are typically scheduled to eat three meals daily at the
Dining Facility (DFAC). Officer Trainees who choose not to eat are still required to process through
the DFAC. The menu is available for review prior to entering the serving line and should be used to
expedite processing. Use courtesy and etiquette when requesting items from personnel at the serving
line. Officer Trainees will make a reasonable attempt to consume all food purchased to minimize food
waste. Food will not be taken from the DFAC without prior coordination and staff approval. Extraneous
conversation is not authorized in the DFAC.
A3.2. Dining Priorities (DP). DPs are scheduled times when flights are required to arrive at the DFAC
bays. Typically, each flight will be assigned three DPs (breakfast, lunch, dinner) unless the weekly
training schedule directs otherwise. Officer Trainees will meet all flight DPs, even those on a
weekend/holiday. Note: Officer Trainees performing assigned details during their scheduled DPs are
not required to meet their flight’s DP.
Figure A3.1. Outside Layout of the DFAC.
A3.3. Mess Checker/Chow Shark. Mess Checkers and Chow Sharks will arrive at the DFAC five (5)
minutes prior to the student squadron’s first scheduled DP and will work as a team until the last flight
has met their DP. After the last scheduled meal of the day, Mess Checkers will place their DP rosters
in their respective CQ binders. Note: Mess Checkers and Chow Sharks will not leave an academic or
training session early to perform these assigned duties.
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A3.3.1. Mess Checker. The Mess Checker has the authority to clear flights into the DFAC
early/late if entry will not inhibit any other flight’s on-time entry. Note: When a Flight Leader is
reporting-in to the Mess Checker, neither the Mess Checker nor the Flight Leader will interrupt
reporting procedures to greet and salute commissioned staff.
A3.3.2. Chow Shark. The Chow Shark is responsible for ensuring all Officer Trainees follow
proper procedures inside the DFAC.
A3.4. Arriving at the DFAC. Flights will execute ‘Mark Time’ upon arrival at the hold line during DP
hours. For extended delays or at the Flight Leader’s discretion, halt the flight. Flights and individual
Officer Trainees will arrive no more than plus or minus three (3) minutes of their scheduled DP time.
Flight Leaders and individual Officer Trainees will use the time arrived at their initial hold line as their
official arrival time.
A3.4.1. Academic Material/Backpacks. Officer Trainees will not bring academic material or
backpacks to the DFAC unless directed by OTS staff or during hazardous weather conditions.
A3.4.2. After the hold line, Flight Leaders will march their flight into either unoccupied
A3.4.3. Once a flight is in either the right or left exterior bay, the flight will remain at attention,
the Flight Leader will take the most direct and unobstructed route to within two paces in front of
the Mess Checker, initiate a salute and state the following: “Sir/Ma’am, flight__ reports with a
dining priority of__. We arrived at __.” The Mess Checker will return the salute and, if the flight
is within their window, allow access once the interior bay is clear. If the flight arrives outside of
their window, the Mess Checker will determine if the flight may proceed into the DFAC, wait until
their scheduled time, or wait until after the last flight enters. The Flight Leader will give the
greeting of the day, return to their flight, and then wait to enter the DFAC. Flights may be “AT
EASE” until the inside bay is clear, and they are prepared to enter AFTER they have reported in.
Mess Checker will report early/late arrivals, and their resolution, to the OT Wing Commander.
Note: Due to the positional authority of the Mess Checker, the Mess Checker will always drop
their salute first, no matter the rank of the Flight Leader.
A3.4.4. Once the assigned interior bay is clear, the Flight Leader will direct their flight to enter
using the “COLUMN OF FILES” command. The file closest to the center of the building, enters
the DFAC first. After the command, the guidon bearer will place the guidon in the guidon stand
and fall-in at the rear of their flight; the Flight Leader will hold open the door and enter last.
A3.4.5. DFAC Arrival During Inclement Weather. Officer Trainees will approach the DFAC entry
overhang by the most direct means available. If the interior entry bays are full, flights will march
under the overhang, utilizing as much overhang as possible. Up to six flights may seek shelter
under the overhang. The PCC is the tertiary hold position during lightning storms if the center of
the overhang is full. Once inside, procedures resume as normal starting with the hold line.
A3.5. Serving Area Guidance. Officer Trainees will perform facing movements and pivots in the
DFAC when not carrying food or utensils or on carpeted areas. All movements in the serving line will
be accomplished in a modified position of attention.
A3.5.1. Officer Trainees are not required to greet in the DFAC but must still adhere to customs
and courtesies. No talking is allowed in the DFAC unless making on-the-spot corrections, issuing
OTS SPINS 11 March 2024
required commands, or when directly addressed by OTS and/or DFAC Staff. While moving
through the DFAC, Officer Trainees will alert other individuals of their presence and intent to pass
by clearly saying, Sir/Ma’am, excuse me,” “Excuse me, Sir/Ma’am,” or “Pardon me please,
A3.5.2. Upon entering the DFAC, Officer Trainees will form two columns beginning abreast the
corner edge of the wall and will stand at the position of attention at close interval from each other
and from the wall.
A3.5.3. Before moving forward, the Officer Trainee closest to the wall will look both ways to
ensure the area is clear to proceed. Once clear, the Officer Trainee closest to the wall will turn
their head away from the wall and announce to their wingman, POST.” The first two Officer
Trainees in line will then proceed into the open serving area. Officer Trainees will enter the serving
area using either open tray / silverware serving area.
A3.5.4. While transiting to the serving area, the Officer Trainees will fall in file and in-step behind
one another, with the Officer Trainee who called “POST” walking in front. Once aligned with the
tray and silverware serving area, the Officer Trainees will halt, the Officer Trainee in the back will
call “POST” and both Officer Trainees will do a facing movement towards the tray and silverware
serving area. The Officer Trainees will take a tray and appropriate silverware ensuring the narrow
side of the tray is facing away from them as they continue down the serving line.
A3.5.5. Officer Trainees will ensure efficient flow of traffic throughout the serving area and may
cross to opposing side after the salad bar before the main serving area. Once at the cashier, Direct
Commissioned Officer Trainees must pay for their meal; have form of payment ready for use prior
to arrival at the cashier to expedite processing. Line Officer Trainees shall stop and wait for cashier
to account for meal items.
A3.5.6. Officer Trainees will not square corners while carrying trays and will only consume food
and drink after seated at their table.
A3.6. Dining Area Guidance.
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A3.6.1. Seating and table guidance. After leaving the service line cashier, Officer Trainees will
proceed to the same side seating area. Officer Trainees will quickly fill the farthest row of tables
from the serving line first, filling in the furthest open table in the row. Officer Trainees will use the
aisle way preceding the table at which they will sit. When filling seats, Officer Trainees will start
with farthest open chair., reference Figure A3.2.
A3.6.1.1. Officer Trainees will remain standing at the position of attention behind their chair
to be seen by their wingman; once a wingman joins them at the table, they will take their seat.
Tables may accommodate up to four Officer Trainees, however, do not join a table which has
already sat. Officer Trainees may sit alone at a table provided they wait a reasonable time for
a wingman, or as advised by the Chow Shark.
A3.6.1.2. Officer Trainees addressed by a staff member while seated will finish chewing,
swallow their food, then respond appropriately.
A3.6.1.3. Officer Trainees will have up to 10 minutes to finish their meals after sitting unless
otherwise directed by the TRS SQ/CC.
A3.6.1.4. Officer Trainees may leave their table for additional food or drink. Officer Trainees
will push in their chair, come to the position of attention, and proceed to the serving line using
the row in which they entered and transit using the outer most rows as depicted in Figure A3.2.
Upon returning to the table, Officer Trainees will place food/drink on their tray, come to the
position of attention, and then sit down.
A3.6.1.5. When wearing OCPs or PTGs, Officer Trainees may place coats/jackets (if worn) on
the back of their chair but will not remove their hydration system. When wearing blues/service
uniform, Officer Trainees will place the hydration source on the back of the chair. Officer
Trainees will place all other gear neatly under the table, resting on top of their feet, leaning
against their shins, with all straps/material stowed away. Once seated, Officer Trainees will
bring their chair in as far as possible to avoid congesting the aisle way.
A3.6.2. Clearing the Table. Officer Trainees are responsible for cleanliness and sanitation of the
dining table areas and efficient use of the tray return.
A3.6.2.1. Once finished eating or the time limit has elapsed, whichever occurs first, Officer
Trainees will stand, don their gear, standardize, and ground their chairs to the table, assume
the position of attention behind their chair, and prepare to depart.
A3.6.2.2. Officer Trainees will stack their trays in pairs of two and wipe down the table,
catching crumbs in the trays. Do not place glassware inside of other glassware. Officer Trainees
will exit towards the windows, maintaining directional flow of traffic, and transit using the
outer most rows as depicted in Figure A3.2.
A3.6.2.3. Place trays in the tray cabinet beginning at the bottom to prevent a top-heavy cabinet.
After stowing trays, and ensuring a clean dining area, Officer Trainees will proceed in an
orderly manner to the exit.
A3.6.2.4. If receiving a “to-go” meal, Officer Trainees will depart the DFAC, via dining area
exit, after cashier transaction.
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A3.7. Departing the DFAC.
A3.7.1. Officer Trainees will exit the DFAC utilizing the doors closest to the parade field, unless
directed otherwise. Officer Trainees will march alone or in single file to their respective staging
A3.7.2. After departing the DFAC, the Guidon Bearer will march to the front of the DFAC to
retrieve the guidon and return to their flight, abiding the hold line procedures. Guidon Bearers will
not use front/main entrance to retrieve the guidon. Guidon Bearer will not hand carry any items
while retrieving guidon.
A3.7.3. Officer Trainees will form up in column formation in the designated area and quietly wait
for remaining flight members before forming up as a flight. Once all members are present, the
Flight Leader will form and size the flight to march to the next training event.
A3.7.4. Departing During Inclement Weather. When departing the DFAC during lightning
storms, OTs will exit the DFAC on the side closest to Welch Field and proceed directly to Gilbert
Hall, in a single file, and in an expeditious manner, to gain accountability of flight or as otherwise
dictated by OTS Staff / Officer Trainee Chain of Command. Do not collect guidon staffs during
lightning within five.
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Attachment 4:
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Attachment 5:
A.5.1. Cold Weather Limitations. Reference DAFMAN 36-2905, Department of the Air Force
Physical Fitness Program, for Physical Fitness Assessment limitations. Reference DAFI 48-151,
Thermal Stress Program, for physical training, conditioning, and work/rest cycles.
A.5.2. Flag Conditions and Thermal Stress Considerations. Officer Trainees will observe flag
conditions and thermal stress considerations throughout the training program, taking appropriate
precautions to ensure workloads and hydration schedules are properly being assessed. Flag locations
are Dining Facility and Practice Review Stand.
A.5.3. Post Meal Activities. Following a full meal, as defined by Dining Priority, allow for 15 minutes
prior to moderate work, 30 minutes prior to heavy work, and 60 minutes prior to very heavy work (ref
Table A5.2).
A5.4. Lightning Conditions.
A.5.4.1. Lightning Watch. Potential within in 10 miles. Officer Trainees will march with Guidons.
A.5.4.2. Lightning Warning. Observed within 10 miles. Officer Trainees will march without
A.5.4.3. Lightning Warning. Observed within 5 miles. Officer Trainees will seek shelter and
remain indoors.
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Table A5.2. Work/Rest Times and Fluid Replacement Guide (adapted from DAFI 48-151, Table
Easy Work
(250 W)
training, drill, and
Moderate Work
(425 W)
Patrolling with 30 lb.
load, low and high
crawl, dig defensive
positions, combatives
drill, obstacle course
Heavy Work
(600 W)
Patrolling with 45 lb.
load, four-person
litter carry, jogging 4
mph, combatives
Very Heavy Work
(800 W)
Two-person litter
carry, move under
direct fire, litter
1 78-81.9 NL 1/2 NL 3/4
82-84.9 NL 1/2 NL
30/30 (70)* 1
85-87.9 NL 3/4 NL
30/30 (60)* 1
88-89.9 NL 3/4
(1 ¼)*
20/40 (50)*
(1 ¼)*
(1 ¼)*
> 90 NL 1
(1 ½)*
15/45 (45)*
(1 ½)*
(1 ½)*
NL = No limit to work times per
* Use the amounts in parentheses for
continuous work when rest breaks are not
possible. Leaders should ensure several hours
of rest and rehydration time after continuous
CAUTION: Hourly fluid
intake should not exceed 1.25
quarts. Daily fluid intake
should not exceed 12 quarts.
This guidance will sustain performance and hydration for at least 4 hours of work in the specified heat category.
Fluid needs can vary based on individual difference (+/-0.25 qt/hr.) and exposure to full sun or full shade (+/-0.25 qt/hr.).
Rest means minimal physical activity (sitting or standing) in the shade if possible.
Body Armor – Add 5
F to WBGT index in humid climates.
NBC (MOPP 4) – Add 10
F (Easy Work) or 20
F (Moderate or Hard Work) to WBGT index.
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Figure A5.3. Heat Stress Information.
Heat Stress Information
Heat Exhaustion Symptoms Heat Stroke Symptoms
Headache, Dizziness, Nausea
Weakness, Rapid pulse, poor judgment
Sweating profusely
Shivering and have goosebumps
Normal or slightly elevated temperature
Headache, dizziness, nausea
Excessive sweating or red, hot, dry skin
High body temperature (hot to touch)
Altered mental status/confusion
Abnormal behavior/unconsciousness
Loss of bowel or bladder control
Twitching or convulsions
Deep coma with pinpoint pupils
Call 334-953-9911 immediately if these signs are
shown, then follow first-aid steps
First Aid First Aid
Heat Exhaustion
- Move OT to shady/air-conditioned area
- Remove outer layers of clothing
- Pour cold water on head/neck/torso
- Hydrate with sips of cold water
- Fan vigorously
- Seek medical evaluation if symptoms
worsen or do not improve within 60
Heat Stroke
Move OT to shady/air conditioned area
Remove outer layers of clothing
Pour cold water on head/neck/torso
Hydrate with sips of cold water
Use Ice Sheets
Fan vigorously; Cold packs under armpits
Heat Cramps Symptoms Heat Rash Symptoms
Muscle spasms
Pain; usually in abdomen, arms, or legs
Clusters of red bumps on skin
Often appears on neck, upper chest, folds of skin
Have OT rest in shady, cool area
OT should drink water or other cool
Wait a few hours before allowing worker
to return to strenuous work
Have OT seek medical attention if
cramps do not go away
Try to work in a cooler, less humid environment when
Keep the affected area dry
Contact information
IDMT: 334-318-1058 (0700-1600, M-F)
Nurse Advice Line: 1-800-874-2273
Nurse Appointment Line: 334-953-3368
On base 911: 334-953-9911
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Figure A5.4. Preventative Measures to Reduce Frostbite Risk, Technical Bulletin 508 (US
Army, 2005). (DAFI 48-151, Table 5.1.)
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Attachment 6:
1. Name will be in all caps, LAST NAME, FIRST NAME and MIDDLE INITIAL.
a. No punctuation or dashes in this block.
2. Everyone's grade will be OT even if direct commissioned.
3. Organization. Will be assigned trainee Squadron (e.g., Goldhawks, Hoyas, Mustangs,
4. Class/Flight will be IAW registrar.
Trainee Squadron (e.g., Goldhawks) 24-06 / 2-11
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Attachment 7:
OTS SPINS 11 March 2024
Always With Honor