H&E Troubleshooting Table
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1. Nuclei not crisp, “smudgy”
nuclei, nuclear bubbling or no
distinct chromatin pattern
seen. There is no variation in
the nuclear chromatin patterns
among cells, and there is no
variation in chromatin staining
within one nucleus.
a) Fixation is incomplete.
b) Fixation delayed (time to
fixation was inadequate).
c) Quality of fixative was poor due
to solution
i) Allow tissues to fix for a longer time.
ii) Tissue should be placed in fixative (formalin)
iii) Document time in fixative to assure adequate
iv) Exchange the fixative in the containers
(grossing table and tissue processor) at
regular intervals.
b) Water is not completely
removed during the processing
i) Ensure the dehydration is sufficient by
reviewing processing schedule.
ii) Ensure that processing solutions are rotated
and/or exchanged on a schedule to prevent
solution exhaustion.
c) Slides were exposed to
excessive heat during
processing or drying.
i) Ensure that tissues are not exposed to high
temperatures, and if increased temperature is
required that it be as low as possible and
exposure time is limited.
ii) Assess whether paraffin baths provide radiant
heat to the retort, causing temperature to be
increased during dehydration and clearing
steps. Adjust exposure times to counter
increased heat.
iii) Remove excess water from cut slides by
standing slides on end or edge to allow water
to drain thoroughly before drying. Dry slides at
as low a temperature as possible.
2. Three distinct shades of eosin
not seen.
a) Fixation inadequate.
i) Ensure adequate fixation by prolonging the time
ii) Exchange the fixative in the containers
(grossing table and tissue processor) at regular
b) Improper processing occurred.
i) Ensure that proper processing occurs, by
validating each step for completeness.
c) There is poor differentiation of
the eosin.
i) Ensure good differentiation of the eosin.
Differentiation of eosin occurs best in 70%
alcohol solutions and to a lesser extent in
higher grade alcohols. Therefore, adding 70%
alcohol to the dehydration series or increasing
the time in the 70% alcohol will aid in
ii) Ensure that the 70% or 95% alcohol used in
eosin differentiation is changed at regular
d) Eosin solution is not at the
correct pH. The correct pH for
eosin stain is pH 4.0-4.5.
Check manufacturer’s SDS for
pH for commercially prepared
i) Exchange eosin solution on stainer with fresh
eosin or adjust by adding acetic acid.
ii) Ensure that slides are well rinsed in water after
“bluing” to avoid carry over of alkaline solutions
into the eosin stain.
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3. Poor contrast between the
nuclear stain (hematoxylin)
and the cytoplasmic stain
a) The nuclear stain is too dark.
i) Decrease the intensity of the hematoxylin
staining by decreasing the time in the
hematoxylin solution or increasing the time in
the nuclear differentiating solution.
ii) Check the pH of the hematoxylin daily to
maintain an optimum acidic solution (pH 2.5-
2.9). Adjust the pH using the acid used in the
original formulation.
b) Nuclear stain is too pale
compared to the cytoplasmic
i) Increase the intensity of the hematoxylin stain
Increasing the time in the hematoxylin stain
Decreasing the time in the nuclear
differentiating solution
Change to a stronger hematoxylin
ii) The pH of the water used to rinse slides after
hematoxylin staining must be neutral
Acidic rinse water will act as a differentiator,
removing hematoxylin
Iron in tap water can act as a hematoxylin
Water pH can be affected by agricultural
runoff or other contaminants from old
plumbing lines.
iii) The pH of running tap water rinses can be
controlled by placing ionization filters in the
water line or by connecting directly to a de-
ionized or distilled water source.
c) The cytoplasmic stain is too
dark compared to the nuclear
i) Decrease the intensity of the eosin stain by:
Decreasing the time in the eosin stain
Diluting the eosin stain
Change the eosin stain formulation
Adjusting concentration of phloxine dye, if
Allowing more time in the 70% or 95%
dehydrating alcohols
d) The cytoplasmic stain is too
light compared to the nuclear
i) Increase the intensity of the eosin stain by:
Allowing a longer time in the eosin stain
Decreasing the time in the 70% or 95%
dehydrating alcohols
Ensuring the pH of the eosin is between 4.0
and 4.5 and adjust if required
Change to an eosin-phloxine formulation
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4. Cytoplasmic stain
(eosin) is too dark; the
cytoplasmic stain is so intense
that the differentiation between
collagen, smooth muscle and
red cells is lost.
a) Staining time in the eosin is
too long
i) Decrease the staining time in the eosin solution.
b) There is inadequate eosin
differentiation in the alcohols
that follow the eosin stain.
i) Increase the differentiating time in the 70% or
95% dehydrating alcohol.
c) Aqueous eosin formulations
stain tissues darker than
alcohol-based stains.
i) Switch to an alcohol-based eosin which is easier
to differentiate in the graded alcohols used for
d) The alcohol rinse used for
differentiation is not
performed properly after eosin
i) Change the first alcohol rinse from 100% to 95%
alcohol or from 95% to 70% alcohol.
e) Eosin may be too
concentrated, especially if
phloxine is present.
i) If phloxine is present, decrease the
concentration or change to an eosin only
ii) Dilute the eosin with diluted alcohol (70%, 95%)
that is used in the original formulation.
f) Isopropyl alcohol was used as
the dehydrating alcohols;
isopropyl alcohol does not
differentiate eosin in the same
manner as ethyl alcohol.
i) Change the type of dehydrating alcohol used.
ii) Increase the time in the isopropyl alcohol
iii) Use a diluted isopropyl alcohol (e.g., 95% or
80%) as the first alcohol following the eosin in
dehydration, follow with the standard 99%
isopropyl alcohols.
5. Cytoplasmic stain (eosin) is too
light. The cytoplasmic stain is
so pale that the differentiation
between collagen, smooth
muscle and red cells is lost.
a) The eosin solution is
i) Replace the current eosin stain with a fresh
eosin stain.
b) The eosin has passed the
expiry date.
i) Replace eosin with fresh (in date) solution.
ii) Rotate commercially prepared supplies to
ensure oldest lot number is used first.
iii) Prepare only sufficient volume of eosin to be
used with established stabile date range.
c) The staining time in the eosin
stain is too short.
i) Increase the staining time in eosin solution.
d) The pH of the eosin staining
solution is greater than 4.5.
i) Check the pH of the staining solution; it should
be between 4.0 and 4.5. If necessary, adjust
the pH with acetic acid.
e) Eosin stain formulation is not
correct (eosin dye
concentration low)
i) Adjust concentration of eosin dye in staining
solution and re-validate staining method.
ii) Change eosin formula to include phloxine dye
and re-validate staining method.
iii) Decrease alcohol dilution (add more water) in
the staining solution
f) The bluing solution (pH 8) is
not completely washed out of
the section or off the glass
slide or staining rack before
the slides are transferred to
the eosin solution.
i) Increase rinse time in running water (or more
changes) after bluing solution. Carryover of the
bluing reagent can raise the pH of the eosin.
Eosin with a pH 5 stains lighter than eosin pH
g) Differentiation in diluted
alcohols is prolonged.
i) Decrease the time in the
differentiation/dehydrating alcohols.
h) The alcohol rinse after the
eosin stain is incorrectly
i) Validate that correct staining procedure is being
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6. Nuclear stain too dark, the
nuclear stain is so dark that
the chromatin pattern is lost,
and some non-nuclear
elements show hematoxylin
a) The hematoxylin solution is too
strong due to formulation.
i) Replace hematoxylin solution with weaker
formulation (ie,, replace Gills III with Gills II).
b) Staining time in the
hematoxylin stain is too long.
i) Adjust staining protocol, decreasing the staining
time in hematoxylin.
c) There is inadequate
differentiation of the
hematoxylin stain.
i) Adjust staining protocol, increasing time in the
differentiation solution.
ii) Change formulation of differentiation solution
Change concentration of acid
Decrease alcohol concentration (e.g., change
from 95% alcohol to 70% alcohol)
7. Nuclear stain too light, the
nuclear stain is so light that
well defined chromatin
patterns cannot be seen.
a) Incomplete deparaffinization.
i) Increase the number of changes of xylene, or
xylene substitute used for removal of paraffin.
ii) Increase the amount of time in each xylene, or
xylene substitute, used for paraffin removal.
b) The hematoxylin is
overused/exhausted or used
beyond its shelf life.
i) Replace hematoxylin with fresh (in date)
ii) Rotate commercially prepared supplies to
ensure oldest lot number is used first; use by
expiration date provided by manufacturer.
iii) Prepare only sufficient volume of hematoxylin
to be used with established stabile date range.
iv) Prevent overoxidation of hematoxylin solution
by storing in a tightly closed container away
from direct sunlight. Store in a dark container.
Store at room temperature.
c) The pH of the hematoxylin is
incorrect. The correct pH for
hematoxylin solution is pH 2.4-
2.9. Check manufacturer’s
SDS for pH for commercially
prepared stains.
i) Check the pH of the hematoxylin solution. If
necessary, adjust the pH using the acid used
in the original formulation.
d) The hematoxylin is diluted by
carryover from a previous
water rinse.
i) Change to fresh hematoxylin solution. Establish
a regular change schedule for reagents.
e) Sections are over
i) Decrease the time in the differentiating solution.
ii) Decrease the acid concentration of the
differentiation solution.
iii) Increase the alcohol content of the
differentiating solution from 70% to 95%
f) Staining time in hematoxylin
solution is too short.
i) Increase the time in hematoxylin solution.
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7. (Cont’d)
g) Additives/contaminants are
present in tap water rinses
(before or after the staining).
i) The pH of the water used to rinse slides after
hematoxylin staining must be neutral Acidic
rinse water will act as a differentiator removing
ii) Iron in tap water can act as a hematoxylin
iii) Water pH can be affected by agricultural runoff
or other contaminants from old plumbing lines.
The pH and contaminants of running tap water
rinses can be controlled by placing ionization
filters in the water line or by connecting directly to
a de-ionized or distilled water source.
h) Poor fixation and or
processing, resulting in tissues
that are unable to bind the
i) Ensure that tissue blocks are well fixed prior to
processing and are well dehydrated, cleared
and paraffin infiltrated during processing
i) Section too thin.
i) Thin sections result in less tissue binding sites
for hematoxylin to attach. Increase staining
time may help only to a certain degree. Recut
thicker sections.
8. Uneven hematoxylin or eosin
staining; the stain varies in
intensity in different areas of
the section.
a) The section may be thick
and/or thin; chatters or
venetian blind effect.
i) Recut the section, ensuring that the section is
of uniform thickness.
b) Some solutions are not high
enough to cover entire
section, resulting in a distinct
line across the section.
i) Ensure that all solutions are of sufficient volume
to completely cover the tissue sections,
especially when slide rack is only partially
c) Nuclear differentiation solution
(acid alcohol) or bluing
solution volume is higher than
wash water levels. Acid
alcohol and/or bluing reagent
become trapped between
slides/in slide racks and not
washed away by water; they
then drip down the slide
causing vertical lines to
appear on the slide where
staining intensity is affected.
i) Ensure that water wash levels are higher than
acid alcohol and bluing solution levels.
d) The water rinse was not
adequate after hematoxylin
staining to remove excess
i) Increase the time and/or fluid levels of water
e) The water rinse after acid
alcohol was not adequate to
stop differentiation of
i) Increase the time and/or fluid levels of water
rinse after acid alcohol.
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9. Red brown nuclei. The nuclear
stain has a distinct red brown
or reddish hue, often seen
throughout the entire slide.
a) The sections have not been
sufficiently blued.
i) Increase the amount of time the sections remain
in the bluing solution.
ii) Ensure the pH of bluing solution is minimally pH
iii) Increase water rinsing time post hematoxylin
b) The hematoxylin is breaking
down due to over oxidation of
the hematein.
i) Change to a fresh solution of hematoxylin.
ii) Check expiry date of hematoxylin solution.
10. Dark precipitate scattered
throughout the section; blue-
black or purple precipitate is
present on parts of the
a) Deteriorated hematoxylin.
Hematoxylin is used beyond
the expiry date or damaged
from improper storage
i) Change to a fresh solution of hematoxylin.
ii) Ensure proper storage of hematoxylin solutions
according to manufacturer’s guidelines.
iii) Check with supplier that hematoxylin was stored
correctly during shipping. Excessive heat or
freezing can cause solution to decompose.
b) Some hematoxylin
formulations (e.g., Harris
hematoxylin) form a metallic
sheen on the surface of the
solution when exposed to air.
This metallic sheen transfers
or adheres to the surface of
slide and the tissue section.
i) Monitor the hematoxylin solution throughout the
day for the appearance of a metallic sheen
(hematein). If this is observed, replace or filter
the hematoxylin, ensuring that the solution
container is clean and free of deposits before
11. Sections with an overall hazy
appearance or eosin
bleeding throughout the
section, the tissue appears
hazy or out of focus when
examined microscopically.
a) Dehydrating and clearing
solutions are contaminated
with water from previous
solutions or humidity.
i) Design and implement a standardized, routine,
solution change schedule for alcohols and
xylene that minimizes humidity contamination or
helps keep carry over from prior solutions to a
b) Sections were not adequately
dehydrated after eosin
i) Use a minimum of three changes of anhydrous
alcohol at the end of the staining series
ii) Increase the amount of time per station, for each
anhydrous alcohol, at the end of the staining
iii) Establish a schedule for regularly changing the
anhydrous alcohols used for dehydration.
12. Mucus staining with
a) Hematoxylin formulations differ
in their abilities to stain acid
mucin. Gill hematoxylin
formulations will stain
specifically acid mucins. Harris
formulations due to their
excess alum will not stain acid
i) Depending on the preference of the pathologist
change hematoxylin formulation being used.
ii) For proprietary formulations check with the
manufacturer for staining characteristics of acid
iii) Acid differentiation of acid mucins staining by
Gill hematoxylin will decolorize both the mucin
and the nuclei.
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13. Mounting artifact air is
under the coverslip and the
image of the tissue is
obscured or mounting media
is on top of the coverslip,
making focusing on some
areas of the tissue difficult.
a) The mounting media has
retracted from the edges of the
i) Gently remove the coverslip by exposing the
slide to xylene or xylene substitute to soften and
remove mounting media. Expose section to
fresh solutions of clearant and remount a new
ii) Ensure the mounting media is not too thin.
Xylene or toluene is used as a diluent in the
mounting media and as it evaporates the resin
can retract from the edges of the slide.
iii) Ensure that automated or manual process is not
adding or retaining too much xylene on slide
surface to thin mounting media.
b) The mounting media has not
spread to the edges of the
i) Gently remove the coverslip by exposing the
slide to xylene or xylene substitute to soften and
remove mounting media. Expose section to
fresh solutions of clearant and remount a new
ii) Ensure that automated or manual process is
applying sufficient mounting media to spread
across entire surface of coverslip. The volume
required must be adjusted to the size of the
coverslip used.
iii) Ensure that the surface of the slide holds
sufficient xylene to assist with the spread of the
mounting media.
c) Air bubbles are trapped under
the coverslip.
i) Gently remove the coverslip by exposing the
slide to xylene or xylene substitute to soften and
remove mounting media. E pose section to fresh
solutions of clearant and remount a new
ii) Avoid mixing or shaking mounting media when
adding to automated or manual dispensing
bottle. If this occurs, wait and allow bubbles to
rise to the surface and dissipate.
d) There is mounting media on the
top of the coverslip.
i) Gently remove the coverslip by exposing the
slide to xylene or xylene substitute to soften
and remove mounting media. Expose section
to fresh solutions of clearant and remount a
new coverslip.
14. Brown granular deposit,
similar in appearance to
formalin pigment, is seen
throughout the section. The
nuclei appear glossy, black,
and refractile with brown
a) The tissue section has dried out
before the coverslip was
i) Gently remove the coverslip by exposing the
slide to xylene or xylene substitute to soften and
remove mounting media. Expose section to
fresh solutions of clearant and remount a new