Monograph 23
A Continuing Education Series supported by an educational grant from
Writing a Business
Plan for a New
Pharmacy Service
2 The Dynamics of Pharmaceutical Care: Enriching Patients’ Health
Writing a Business Plan for a
New Pharmacy Service
Reviewed by Randy McDonough
By putting their plans in writing before implementing new services, pharmacists are more likely to attain long-range
goals and achieve success.
A business owner who fails to plan,
plans to fail.
Covello and Hazelgren
In the past decade, pharmacists have begun offering an
expanding array of patient care services, from self-care coun-
seling and medication therapy management (MTM) to spe-
cialized services, such as diabetes education and immuniza-
tion programs.
Having identified a compelling area for a
new patient care service, many pharmacists are understand-
ably eager to leap ahead to implement it. However, before
moving forward with service delivery, pharmacists are
advised to engage in an essential but often overlooked
preparatory step: developing a business plan.
A business plan is a formal document that fleshes out the
details of a business idea—in this case, a new or expanded
pharmacy service. It specifies the components of a business
strategy, including the mission statement, external and inter-
nal environments, and opportunities and threats to the prac-
tice. A business plan has been likened to a “current and
futuristic x-ray of the business.”
It gives readers a picture of
the pharmacy’s current practice and operations, then articu-
lates a vision for the future. A well-constructed plan precisely
defines the proposed pharmacy service, states its exact mis-
sion and goals, and provides a clear but flexible road map for
implementation and evaluation. It is wise to develop a formal
business plan before a new venture is started or a major new
initiative is launched.
A thoughtful business plan serves several important func-
tions—it is a communication tool, a management tool, and a
planning tool. If a bank loan will be needed to finance a new
pharmacy service, a business plan usually is required to
demonstrate the financial feasibility and merits of the ven-
ture. However, even when external investors are not needed,
a business plan offers many benefits. During the process of
writing the plan, the pharmacist-author must clearly formu-
late the concept and implementation of the new service to
foresee possible roadblocks—and devise routes around
them—before start-up.
A business plan is a powerful communication tool. It can
be used to convey the goals, mission, and operating plan for
the pharmacy service with employees and senior manage-
ment. The plan also can be used to help develop partner-
ships with external stakeholders, such as physicians who are
considering a collaborative relationship with the pharmacy as
well as employers who may want to purchase pharmacy ser-
vices as a health benefit for workers.
This article provides an overview of the key steps in
writing a business plan, with an emphasis on planning for
pharmacy-based services.
Preparing to Write a Business Plan
Every year, approximately one million new businesses are
started in the United States. However, only 200,000, or one
in five, survive until their fifth anniversary.
In many cases,
lack of planning is a primary reason for these business fail-
ures. Common reasons for failure to plan include a lack of
time and the notion that simply having a good entrepreneur-
ial idea in one’s mind is sufficient. For pharmacists whose
daily responsibilities do not involve much writing, another
Learning Objectives
After reading this article, the pharmacist will be
able to:
Explain the purpose of a business plan and
name three functions for which it can be used.
List the core components of a typical business
Explain the difference between a market analy-
sis and a marketing strategy.
Describe the financial statements and projec-
tions that are usually included in a business
Discuss the uses of the business plan after it is
Monograph 23: Writing a Business Plan for a New Pharmacy Service 3
barrier may be lack of experience and confidence with draft-
ing copy. To help surmount these initial obstacles to writing a
business plan, the following suggestions may be helpful:
Begin well in advance of the proposed date for service start-
up. As a general rule, the business plan should be
developed at least 6 months before implementing the
new service.
More time may be needed if the venture
will require funding from external investors, entry into
a new and untested market, or construction of new
facilities. It is important to allow sufficient time to
research the market for the intended service. Meeting
with key stakeholders (e.g., local physicians, potential
third-party payers) also may be necessary to determine
if the service is feasible.
Choose a time and place that is conducive for regular work
on the business plan. Pharmacists who have some flexi-
bility in their schedules may be able to set aside some
time at work for research and writing without interrup-
tion. Alternatively, it may be more helpful to find a
secluded place away from the pharmacy or office, such
as a quiet spot in the local library or at home.
Whatever the situation, giving time and thought to
your new service is essential. The more time that you
put into planning, the greater the rate of success will be
for the new venture.
Take advantage of resources for writing a business plan that
can make the process more efficient, focused, and even fun.
Many print, software, and Internet resources are
available to assist pharmacists in writing their plans
(Table 1). For example, the U.S. Small Business
Administration (SBA) has devoted an area on its Web
site for starting a business, including a detailed tutorial
on writing a business plan. Assistance also may be
available through regional SBA offices or a local busi-
ness school, which may offer resources to assist small
businesses and entrepreneurs.
Although a freelance writer or consultant can be hired to
write the business plan, most experts recommend that entre-
preneurs write their own plans. By personally drafting the
plan, section by section, the pharmacist is compelled to care-
fully consider the feasibility of the service and the logical
steps for successful implementation. In this way, erroneous
assumptions and other serious flaws can be identified and
corrected early in the planning process, before they damage
(or doom) the venture’s chance of success.
Starting With a Good Idea
No matter how thoroughly researched and well written the
business plan might be, a business cannot survive unless it is
based on a sound concept. Before writing the plan, take time
to carefully consider your idea and make it as strong as possi-
ble. You may choose to model your service on another suc-
cessful practice, such as the Asheville Project.
Or, you may
opt to examine the services that are currently compensated by
third-party payers (including Medicare Part D MTM programs,
Medicaid, and self-insured employers), and develop a service
that meets their requirements. Alternatively, you may use your
creativity and imagination to envision a unique business that
stands out in the marketplace.
Randy McDonough, PharmD, MS, CGP, BCPS
Co-owner and Director of Clinical Services
Towncrest and Medical Plaza Pharmacies
Iowa City, Iowa
Financial Disclosure
Randy McDonough, PharmD, MS, CGP, BCPS, declares no conflicts of interest
or financial interests in any product or service mentioned in this program,
including grants, employment, gifts, stock holdings, and honoraria. APhAs
editorial staff declares no conflicts of interest or financial interests in any
product or service mentioned in this program, including grants, employment,
gifts, stock holdings, and honorarium.
Table 1.
Hagel HP, Rovers JP, eds. Managing the Patient-Centered
Pharmacy. Washington, DC: American Pharmaceutical
Association; 2002.
Schumock GT, Stubbings J. How to Develop a Business
Plan for Pharmacy Services. Lenexa, KS: American
College of Clinical Pharmacy; 2007.
Center for Business Planning
Business plan software, samples, and strategy
Business plans
Howard University Small Business Development
Business plan outline
Small Business Administration
Small business planner
4 The Dynamics of Pharmaceutical Care: Enriching Patients’ Health
Once the business idea is formulated, have faith in the
concept and try not to be discouraged if some skeptics do not
believe in its merits.
Developing a Mission Statement
Before beginning to write the plan, it is useful to develop
a concise and clearly worded mission statement that briefly
describes your business or practice, what it intends to
accomplish, and for whom it will be provided. As new
services are developed each should have its own mission
statement that is consistent with the overall mission state-
ment of the practice (Figure 1).
A simple way to test the clarity of the business concept
is to try to state the idea clearly and succinctly in about
1 minute.
If the pharmacist has trouble stating exactly what
he or she proposes, it raises a red flag that elements of the
basic idea may not have been sufficiently considered.
Writing a mission statement will help ensure that the con-
cept for the plan is sound and well formulated. The authors
of Managing the Patient-Centered Pharmacy recommend that
the following elements be included in the mission statement
Intended customers. Which groups of patients are likely
to use your services? Would other stakeholders also
benefit from or have an interest in your services, such
as local physicians?
Core values. What professional values will guide your
dealings with patients and other health care providers?
Services and products. What kinds of services and prod-
ucts will the patient care program offer?
Goals and philosophy. What specific objectives are you
trying to achieve? What benefits will patients attain
from using your services?
Desired public image. How would you like the public to
view your services?
Gathering Documentation for the Business Plan
To make the business plan compelling and persuasive,
facts about the need for the service and its anticipated benefits
should be researched and documented. It is important to
gather sufficient detail to make the plan credible and convinc-
ing to potential investors and other intended audiences.
Gathering research data before writing the plan will make the
writing process more efficient. A useful strategy is to start with
a list of fundamental questions that need to be answered (e.g.,
how many patients in the pharmacy’s service area have a par-
ticular disease or unmet health need?) and resources that are
likely to provide the answers. When the research questions
are clearly formulated, an assistant (e.g., a student pharmacist,
technician) may be able to help obtain the information.
Pharmacists can gather much of the necessary information
from journal articles, professional and trade associations, and
government resources. Knowledgeable professionals in the
community, such as a local or university reference librarian,
county health department official, or pharmacy school facul-
ty, also may be helpful resources. Several Web sites offer tools
that can facilitate research for business plans, including the
Business Plan Components
The business plan components shown in Table 2 are the
core features commonly included in most plans. However,
there is no single way of preparing a business plan, and alter-
native formats can be found in various references.
Typically, a business plan ranges from 30 to 40 pages (not
including appendices, which may vary in length). However,
in some situations, a plan of 10 pages or fewer may be suffi-
cient. For example, a plan that will be read only by the phar-
macy’s senior executives probably can be brief, while a plan
intended for bank loan officers, who presumably know little
about pharmacy, should be more detailed.
To make the plan visually appealing, look for opportuni-
ties to present some information in the form of charts,
graphs, or photographs. For example, the section on opera-
tions might show a photo of the patient care area, the man-
Table 2.
1. Cover and title page
2. Executive summary
3. Table of contents
4. Business description
5. Service description
6. Marketing plan (market analysis and marketing
7. Financial plan (financial statements and
8. Management team
9. Operations
10. Appendices
Figure 1.
The medication therapy management service at XYZ
Pharmacy aims to comprehensively review patients’ use
of medications to identify and resolve drug-related
problems and to improve patients’ clinical and financial
agement section might show a flowchart of the organizational
structure, and the marketing section might include a graph
detailing the size of the patient population (e.g., new cases
diagnosed yearly on a local or national basis) that may use
the service.
Title Page
The title page identifies the pharmacy and the name of the
proposed service, the physical addresses, telephone numbers,
and e-mail addresses where the principals can be reached,
and the name of the person who wrote the business plan.
Keep the title page simple and brief, but also attractive and
Executive Summary
The executive summary, which is sometimes compared
with the abstract in a medical journal article, captures the
essence of the business plan. This section provides a succinct
overview (usually 1 or 2 pages) of the pharmacy’s present sta-
tus and future direction. It highlights key points in the plan,
summarizes the main objectives and purpose of the service,
explains financial and professional target goals, and describes
principals’ work experience and past successes.
Although the executive summary is the first major section
readers see, it usually is written last, after the author has had a
chance to think and rethink the plan. This section needs to
catch readers’ attention and excite them about the potential
rewards and benefits of the service, so they are motivated to
read the rest of the plan.
Description of the Business
This section provides a brief description and history of the
pharmacy’s current business in order for readers to have a
frame of reference to understand how the new service will fit
into existing operations. This section typically answers ques-
tions such as these:
What are the pharmacy’s physical layout, location, and
hours of operation?
How many and what types of employees does the
pharmacy have?
How many prescriptions are filled daily, on average?
What services and products are offered currently?
How would you describe the pharmacy’s human
resources, such as staff training, work ethic, and
Description of the Service
After summarizing the pharmacy’s current business,
describe the proposed service and how it will build upon
existing operations and strengths. Using the mission state-
ment as a touchstone, clearly explain what the service is,
how the service will be performed, and who will provide the
service. Also mention the key indicators that will be used to
define and measure progress toward the goals of the new ser-
vice. Examples of monthly key indicators used to measure
the progress of a pharmacy service include the number of
patient appointments, the number of new referrals, and
income from the patient care service.
Marketing Plan
This section, which can be viewed as a plan within a plan,
answers essential questions about the market for the pro-
posed service: Who will buy and pay for it? How large is the
market? What particular segments within the broader market
will be targeted? How will you educate various stakeholders
about the service?
The first part of the marketing plan, the market analysis,
describes the target market for the service and explains how
the service will be differentiated from the competition. The
second part, the marketing strategy, describes methods to
promote the service to patients and other interested stake-
Market Analysis
Generally, the market analysis includes a SWOT analysis,
which assesses the pharmacy’s s
trengths and weakness in the
context of the o
pportunities and threats in the external envi-
A number of references are available to help
pharmacists perform a SWOT analysis, including a detailed
worksheet in Managing the Patient-Centered Pharmacy.
Examples of strengths include staff training or certification
(e.g., certified diabetes educator, board certified pharmacothera-
py specialist), a loyal patient base, a large proportion of patients
with third-party coverage for the service, or a high-volume
location. The plan also should describe intangible strengths,
such as the pharmacy’s excellent reputation in the community
or strong relationships with local physicians. Weaknesses
include any barriers that may hinder the delivery of high-
quality service, such as low employee morale, poor pharmacy
design, workflow problems, or lack of third-party payers.
The market analysis should provide information about
unmet health needs in the community that the new service
can fulfill. This information can be gleaned from a variety of
sources, such as surveys of existing or prospective customers,
focus groups with pharmacy patrons, and analysis of local
demographic data. (Note that data from the U.S. Census
[] can provide local demographic infor-
mation for areas as small as individual blocks.)
Analysis of pharmacy records is another useful method to
gather information about a target market. By analyzing elec-
tronic dispensing data, pharmacists can determine how many
and what percentage of their customers have certain condi-
tions (e.g., heart disease, diabetes) and how often patients
come to the pharmacy.
Information on the pharmacy’s competitors and an explana-
Monograph 23: Writing a Business Plan for a New Pharmacy Service 5
6 The Dynamics of Pharmaceutical Care: Enriching Patients’ Health
tion how the service will stand out from others in the market-
place should be provided in the market analysis. Do other
pharmacists in the area provide similar services and, if so, what
types? How are they compensated for their services?
Pharmacists may choose to develop a table to compare and
contrast their competitors and to assess their strengths and
weaknesses. By using this format, managers could more easily
see threats to their business and develop strategies to overcome
them. The worksheet shown in Figure 2 is a useful tool for
gathering and presenting information about local competitors.
The market analysis also should identify other partners
who may have an interest in the planned service. Physicians
are a particularly important group, because, when favorably
impressed, they may refer patients to the pharmacy.
Employers, especially those who self-fund their workers’
health benefits, constitute another potential market for phar-
macy services. If the pharmacy expects to collaborate with
local physicians or employers, consider asking these intended
partners to write letters indicating their support for and inter-
est in the new service. These letters can be included in the
appendices of the business plan to provide further evidence of
need for the service and anticipated use.
Marketing Strategy
This section of the plan presents the pharmacy’s strategy
for promoting the service to the intended target market. It
includes strategies for market penetration, business growth,
and communications. The business plan should explain how
promotional strategies have been designed to reach the target
market. It should discuss sales strategies that will be used by
the practice and whether a person or persons need to be hired
to promote the service.
Examples of promotional activities that may be part of the
marketing plan include a direct mail campaign to prospective
patrons, special events or presentations at the pharmacy to
introduce the service, and participation in community events,
such as health fairs. Radio, television, and newspaper adver-
tisements are other common ways to promote services. If a
newspaper advertisement, flyer, or brochure has been devel-
oped for the service, this material can be added to the appen-
dices of the business plan.
If relationship marketing techniques are an important com-
ponent of the overall marketing strategy, briefly describe their
use in the plan. Relationship marketing emphasizes the use of
personal selling skills to inform prospective patrons of the fea-
tures and benefits of the service.
Briefly explain how the
pharmacy intends to implement this strategy, such as by train-
ing employees to screen prospective patrons for the service
and refer candidates to the pharmacist for more information.
The business plan should include an accurate estimate of
the anticipated costs for advertising and promotional activi-
ties. Investors are well aware that failure to budget adequately
for marketing activities can derail a new service before it has a
chance to become established. Mass-media advertising, in par-
ticular, can be a significant expense. It is important to ensure
the pharmacy has adequate cash flow to fund advertising and
other marketing expenses. Projected costs are discussed fur-
ther in the Financial Plan section of this monograph.
To detail the pharmacy’s marketing strategies and associat-
ed costs, the business plan may include a chart that shows
planned marketing activities and expenses on a month-by-
month basis for the first year of service. By summing total
expenses for the year, the chart can show the annual budget
for advertising and promotion. Also consider implementing a
Figure 2.
Source: Adapted from Reference 11.
Competitor #1 Competitor #2 Competitor #3
Name of competitor
Service offered
Marketing strategy
Image and reputation
Pricing structure
mechanism to track the success of advertising and promotion-
al strategies, so future advertising dollars can be spent effi-
ciently. One simple technique: when gathering information
from new patients, include a question that asks how they
learned about the pharmacy service.
Financial Plan
The financial section in the business plan gives a dollars-
and-cents view of the proposed service. This section shows
the revenue a new service is expected to generate from
sources such as consulting fees and product sales, and antici-
pated expenses, which typically include staff time, marketing
costs, rent, utilities, supplies, and equipment. The plan
should project a break-even point for the service (the point in
time when revenues will meet expenses).
Typically, the business plan includes projections of rev-
enue and expenses for years 3 and 5 after start-up.
A clear
explanation of the underlying assumptions upon which the
projections are based should be included. For example, if the
revenue projection for the first year is based on 10 patients
per week using the service, the plan should state why this
number of customers can reasonably be expected. Generally,
it is best to use moderate assumptions and avoid inflated
estimates that are unlikely to be realized. The plan may
include low, moderate, and high estimates for revenue, based
on varying assumptions for the level of demand.
To develop the financial section, pharmacists need to look
critically at all potential sources of income and the costs asso-
ciated with their proposed services. A pharmacy business
reference such as the Digest from the National Community
Pharmacists Association can be useful to help estimate key
financial information, such as gross margins and cost of
This annually updated publication compiles and
summarizes comprehensive financial data from independent
pharmacies nationwide.
Pharmacists may want to consult with an accountant for
help in generating financial projections and statements, espe-
cially if a loan is needed to start the service. Lenders usually
require a set of financial statements that provide an overview
of the pharmacy’s past, present, and forecasted financial sta-
tus. These historical and pro forma (projection) statements
typically include
Income and expense statements, which show profit and
loss for the business at the end of a given time period
(e.g., annually).
Balance sheets, which are position statements that show
assets and liabilities (i.e., how much is owned and
owed) on a given date.
Cash flow statements, which show the flow of money into
and out of the business.
Projecting Revenue
When estimating projected revenue, consider income from
both product sales and fee-based services. For example, a
consulting service on nonprescription medications and other
over-the-counter products may provide significant revenue
from product sales. Also consider sales of nonpharmacologic
products, such as monitoring devices for hypertension or dia-
betes, other self-care products, and books that may be related
to the targeted services.
Fee-based compensation is another potential revenue
source. If cash-paying patients are a primary market, the plan
should explain the proposed fees and the rationale for setting
them. Also describe how the service fee will be structured.
For example, a service that requires multiple visits (e.g., a
smoking cessation, weight loss) may be segmented into
sessions that can be purchased individually or at a more
economical “package price” for the entire program.
In addition to payment from patients, the plan should
provide information on other potential purchasers of the
pharmacy service. If the market analysis identified local
employers as key stakeholders, the plan may include projec-
tions for their payment for various worksite services, such as
disease state management, smoking cessation, or immuniza-
tion programs. Anticipated revenue from third-party payers,
such as health insurers or Medicaid/Medicare, also should be
described, as appropriate.
Projecting Expenses
The financial plan should estimate initial and ongoing
expenses for the service. This will help to demonstrate that
the pharmacy has sufficient cash flow and adequate capital
reserves until the service surpasses the break-even point.
Briefly, projected expenses in these general categories should
be included
Start-up costs. These expenses include the cost of train-
ing (e.g., travel to a continuing education program) and
any changes the pharmacy layout needs to accommo-
date the service. Other start-up costs may include new
technology (e.g., computers and software for docu-
menting the service, a bone densitometer for an osteo-
porosis screening service) and supplies.
Fixed costs. These costs remain constant as the volume
of service delivery changes. For example, a monthly
newspaper or television advertisement would be a fixed
cost. Other examples of fixed costs include salary,
utilities, insurance premiums, and building rent or
Variable costs. These costs fluctuate as the volume of
service delivery changes. The biggest expense in this
category is typically the cost of professional time for
the pharmacist(s) who provide the service.
Because financial forecasting is based on a number of
uncertainties, some flexibility must be built into the plan.
Include contingency measures in the event that demand for
service is lower (or higher) than anticipated. For example, if
the break-even point is not reached in the proposed time
frame, are additional funds available to ensure adequate cash
flow? Alternatively, if the service is immensely popular, will
Monograph 23: Writing a Business Plan for a New Pharmacy Service 7
8 The Dynamics of Pharmaceutical Care: Enriching Patients’ Health
the pharmacy be able to ramp up to meet the demand, such
as by hiring additional staff?
Start-Up Financing
This section should provide information on how the new
service will be funded. If the pharmacy will need external
funding to start the service, such as a bank loan, explain how
much funding will be needed and for how long. If the service
will be internally funded, such as by the pharmacy owner or
profits from the existing business, briefly describe the mecha-
nism and anticipated need for self-funding.
Exit Strategy
Finally, the financial section should include a contingency
plan in the event that the new service fails or the owner no
longer wants to continue the service. If debt has been
incurred to start the service, how will these funds be repaid?
Possible exit strategies include starting a new service in lieu
of the failed venture, selling the pharmacy to new owners, or
downsizing the service to curtail expenses. This planning can
give investors confidence that the pharmacy is prepared to
manage the situation no matter what course the service takes.
Management Team
Studies analyzing key factors in small business failures
have found that 98% of failures result from managerial weak-
Because a sound management team is crucial for the
success of a new venture, the business plan should include a
section that highlights the qualifications and experience of
the senior managers who will oversee the service. A flowchart
describing the management structure of the pharmacy is
often included in this section (Figure 3).
Describe the management team’s roles, duties, and respon-
sibilities, previous experience and successes, and explain how
Figure 3.
Board of
Pharmacists Technicians
Monograph 23: Writing a Business Plan for a New Pharmacy Service 9
these qualifications relate to the implementation of the pro-
posed service. Also highlight the educational background and
any specialized training of key staff members, such as certifi-
cation in diabetes education or extensive prior experience in
providing pharmaceutical care. Résumés or curricula vitae
can be included in the appendices (or omitted from the
business plan and forwarded separately to interested parties,
when needed).
Some business experts advise entrepreneurs to assemble
an external board of advisors who meet periodically to help
the senior management team evaluate the venture and make
strategic suggestions for improvement. If a board of advisors
will be involved (or is in place), the plan should present brief
information on these individuals and state the board’s role in
providing oversight or consultation for the new service.
This section of the plan describes the process for service
delivery and explains how it will be integrated into existing
pharmacy operations. Describe strategies in place to ensure
adequate staffing and efficient workflow, documentation and
record keeping, adequate insurance coverage, and compliance
with state and federal regulations.
The operations section should describe methods to regular-
ly evaluate and continuously improve the quality of pharmacy
services. Evaluation tools include a patient satisfaction survey
that asks patrons for feedback on the service and periodic
analysis of participants’ clinical outcomes (e.g., aggregate
changes in blood pressure, cholesterol levels, or hemoglobin
A1c measurements).
Keep in mind that documented out-
comes from the service can be used in future marketing
The operations section also should briefly outline the key
steps necessary to implement the new service and the expect-
ed time frame for each step. A chart to illustrate the antici-
pated timetable for the major steps required to implement
the new service can be an effective device for conveying this
Reviewing and Critiquing the Business
Before finalizing the plan, it is worthwhile to present the
draft document to impartial outsiders for review (Table 3).
For example, the pharmacy’s accountant may be asked to
review the financial section, while a respected pharmacy col-
league may have valuable comments on the proposed model
for service delivery and the marketing plan. Reviewers may
point out previously unseen flaws in the plan, such as
unrealistic assumptions and unsubstantiated claims, at a
stage when these shortcomings can be readily corrected.
When the content revisions are complete, check the
document for errors in spelling or grammar and editorial
inconsistencies in style, format, or organization. If the
pharmacist-author is not proficient in this area, consider
asking a colleague with good English skills or hiring a
freelance copy editor to review the plan.
Ensure the plan is reader-friendly. For example, the table
of contents should be detailed enough that readers can easily
find any section in the plan, including items in the appen-
dices. The final plan also should be neat and visually appeal-
ing. To create a favorable impression on readers, put the
business plan in an attractive folder or spiral binder for pre-
Once completed, the business plan should not be set aside
and forgotten. Like a road map, the business plan can be
reviewed regularly to help the management team stay focused
on key goals and assess their progress. Experts recommend
that business plans be treated as dynamic documents that are
Table 3.
Does the business plan meet current patient care
Does the plan expand the market share of the
Does the plan meet the pharmacy’s organizational
mission and vision?
Is the plan based on realistic assumptions, factual
information, and logical reasoning?
Does the plan present a conflict with other current
pharmacy initiatives or programs?
Is the plan’s design flexible enough to respond to
unpredictable developments?
Do affected staff members have the necessary knowl-
edge, skills, and abilities for successful implementa-
tion of the plan? Are they committed to making it
Is the marketing plan on target? Will it bring in new
patrons or payers? Will it enhance the reputation of
the pharmacy? Will it improve the delivery of patient
Are the financial projections based on reasonable
assumptions? Does the pharmacy have enough
reserves to implement the plan?
If the service fails to meet expectations, what will be
the effect on the pharmacy? Its reputation? Its
patients and staff? Do the owners have a sound plan
in place in the event of failure?
Adapted from Reference 12.
10 The Dynamics of Pharmaceutical Care: Enriching Patients’ Health
updated on a regular basis (at least yearly) to reflect changes
in the external market or internal pharmacy operations.
The business plan also can be used as required reading for all
new employees to ensure they clearly understand their duties
and how their actions contribute to the pharmacy’s overall
mission and goals.
A well-constructed business plan is the pharmacist’s most
effective tool for reaching long-term goals and achieving
success with patient care services. A sound plan not only
describes the pharmacist’s idea in compelling and convincing
language, it also demonstrates that the author has the profes-
sional abilities and business competence to make the envi-
sioned concept a reality.
Pharmacists without a business plan often start their ser-
vices based on the presumption that “if I build it, they will
come,” only to have their businesses fail because of faulty
assumptions. Those who take the time to develop thorough
business plans before implementing their services have a
competitive advantage and the flexibility to change course
efficiently if unexpected events occur.
1. Covello J, Hazelgren B. Your First Business Plan. Naperville, IL:
Sourcebooks, Inc.; 1995.
2. Srnka QM. Implementing a self-care–consulting practice. Am Pharm.
3. Campbell RK, White J. Counseling patients with type 2 diabetes and
insulin resistance in the retail pharmacy setting. Diabetes Educator.
2002;28:938–43, 947–50, 952–4.
4. Goode JV, Marquess JG, Crawford S. Building a year-round immuniza-
tion program. J Am Pharm Assoc. 2000;40(5 suppl 1):S32–S33.
5. Haag AB. Writing a successful business plan. Am Assoc Occup Health
Nurses J. 1997;45:25–32.
6. Bunting BA, Cranor CW. The Asheville Project: long-term clinical,
humanistic, and economic outcomes of a community-based medication
therapy management program for asthma. J Am Pharm Assoc.
7. Cranor CW, Bunting BA, Christensen DB. The Asheville Project: long-
term clinical and economic outcomes of a community pharmacy dia-
betes care program. J Am Pharm Assoc. 2003;43:173–84.
8. Cohn KH, Schwartz RW. Business plan writing for physicians. Am J Surg.
9. Hagel HP, Rovers JP, eds. Managing the Patient-Centered Pharmacy.
Washington, DC: American Pharmaceutical Association; 2002.
10. Lehman LB. Developing an effective business plan. Med Interface.
11. Pinson L, Jinnett J. How to Write a Business Plan. 1993. Available at:
p32.pdf. Accessed October 4, 2007.
12. Latona P. A nurse leader’s guide to writing business plans. Semin Nurse
Managers. 2000;8:58–60.
13. McDonough RP, Pithan ES, Doucette WR, Brownlee MJ. Marketing
pharmaceutical care services. J Am Pharm Assoc. 1998;38:667–81.
14. Doucette WR, McDonough RP. Beyond the 4Ps: using relationship
marketing to build value and demand for pharmacy services. J Am
Pharm Assoc. 2002;42:183–93.
15. Rovers JP, Currie JD, Hagel HP, et al., eds. A Practical Guide to
Pharmaceutical Care. Washington, DC: American Pharmaceutical
Association; 1998.
16. National Community Pharmacists Association. NCPA-Pfizer Digest-In-
Brief. Alexandria, VA: National Community Pharmacists Association;
2006. Available at:
Accessed October 4, 2007.
17. Larson LN, Rovers JP, MacKeigan LD. Patient satisfaction with pharma-
ceutical care: update of a validated instrument. J Am Pharm Assoc.
Monograph 23: Writing a Business Plan for a New Pharmacy Service 11
CE Assessment Questions
Instructions: To complete the online CE Examination
Form, go to At the top right,
Log in. If you are not a member, click on the Guest button at
the top right to obtain your user name and password. There is
no fee associated with registering. CE processing for this program
is FREE. Use the Online CE Quick List and search for the
program title alphabetically. You will be routed to the program
and may take the CE Examination online. Please review all
your answers to be sure that you have selected the proper
response. There is only one correct answer to each question.
Your CE Certificate will be available immediately upon pass-
ing the CE examination.
1. Which section of the business plan is often compared
with the abstract in a medical journal article?
a. Growth plan.
b. Title page.
c. Mission statement.
d. Executive summary.
2. Approximately what percentage of new businesses fail
to survive until their fifth anniversary?
a. 10%.
b. 20%.
c. 60%.
d. 80%.
3. The point in time when revenues meet expenses is
called the:
a. Break-even point.
b. Tipping point.
c. Balance point.
d. Projection point.
4. A business plan should be written at least how long
before the service is implemented?
a. 1 month.
b. 2 months.
c. 4 months.
d. 6 months.
5. The acronym SWOT stands for:
a. Sales, workflow, outcomes, therapeutics.
b. Services, work plan, operations, treatments.
c. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats.
d. Skills, work environment, objections, training.
6. In financial terms, variable costs include:
a. Training and pharmacy design change expenses.
b. Costs that fluctuate as the volume of service delivery
c. Salary, utilities, insurance premiums, and building
rent or mortgage.
d. The costs of lost opportunities.
7. Which type of statement should pharmacists write to
briefly describe a new service, what it intends to
accomplish, and for whom it will be provided.
a. Pro forma statement.
b. Marketing statement.
c. Mission statement.
d. SWOT statement.
8. In a business plan, an exit strategy describes:
a. How the pharmacist closes up the pharmacy at the
end of the day.
b. The process used when a pharmacist’s employment is
c. A contingency plan in the event that the service fails
or the owner no longer wants to continue the service.
d. A process for terminating contracts.
9. What is the approximate length of the executive
summary for a business plan?
a. 1 to 2 pages.
b. At least 10 pages.
c. 30 to 40 pages.
d. No particular length is customary.
10. A description of strategies to ensure adequate staffing
and efficient workflow should be located in which part
of the business plan?
a. Description of the business.
b. Description of the service.
c. Marketing strategy.
d. Operations.
11. When performing a market analysis, which of the
following is an example of an intangible strength?
a. New counseling area.
b. Automated dispensing system.
c. Good reputation in the community.
d. Well-trained pharmacy technicians.
12. Which part of the business plan provides a clear and
succinct description of the service that can be stated
in about 1 minute?
a. Executive summary.
b. Mission statement.
c. SWOT analysis.
d. Title page.
12 The Dynamics of Pharmaceutical Care: Enriching Patients’ Health
13. Approximately what percentage of business failures
are estimated to result from managerial weaknesses?
a. 12%.
b. 55%.
c. 73%.
d. 98%.
14. An example of a tool for market analysis is:
a. A promotional flyer.
b. Pharmacy records.
c. A presentation at a health fair.
d. A patient satisfaction survey.
15. Which of the following would generally be located in
the appendix of a business plan?
a. Letters of support from potential business partners.
b. The marketing plan.
c. Income and expense statements.
d. Revenue projections.
16. In general, how often should a business plan be
a. Monthly.
b. At least once a year.
c. Every 5 to 10 years.
d. Never.
17. Which of the following statements about writing
business plans is true?
a. Pharmacists are advised to hire outside consultants to
write their business plans.
b. A business plan is recommended only for pharmacists
who require outside funding.
c. Pharmacists should choose a conducive time and
place to work regularly on the business plan.
d. Business plans should never be shared with outside
reviewers, because they are unlikely to understand
the service.
18. Which of the following statements about writing
business plans is true?
a. All successful business plans follow the same format.
b. Student pharmacists or technicians can assist with
gathering information for the business plan.
c. A table of contents for the business plan should be
listed on the title page.
d. A SWOT analysis is necessary only if there are other
pharmacies in the area that provide a similar service.
19. In a business plan, a key indicator is:
a. Used to define and measure progress toward goals of
the service.
b. A tool used to highlight essential components of the
business plan.
c. The expected amount of time required before the
service becomes profitable.
d. The result of the SWOT analysis.
20. Which financial document shows how much is owned
and owed on a given date?
a. Balance sheet.
b. Capital expense budget.
c. Profit and loss statement.
d. Cash flow statement.
CE Credit
To obtain 1.5 hours of continuing education credit (0.15
CEUs) for “Writing a Business Plan for a New Pharmacy
Service,” complete the CE Examination Form online. A
Statement of Credit will be awarded for a passing grade of
70% or better. Pharmacists who complete this exercise
successfully before December 1, 2010, can receive credit.
The American Pharmacists Association is
accredited by the Accreditation Council for
Pharmacy Education as a provider of con-
tinuing pharmacy education. The ACPE
Universal Program Number assigned to the
program by the accredited provider is:
“Writing a Business Plan for a New Pharmacy Service” is
a home-study continuing education program for pharma-
cists developed by the American Pharmacists Association
and supported by an educational grant from
Merck & Co., Inc.