Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
Growing Up and Growing Older:
Books for Young Readers©
An Annotated Booklist of Literature to Promote Positive Aging
(Preschool-Third Grade)
Dr. Sandra L. McGuire
Professor Emeritus
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Kids Are Tomorrow’s Seniors (KATS)
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
About the Author:
Dr. McGuire has presented at conferences and published on aging as portrayed in early children’s
literature for almost 30 years. She has published in journals including: Childhood Education, Journal of
School Nursing, Educational Gerontology, Journal of Health Education; books including: The
Encyclopedia of Ageism and Violence, Neglect and the Elderly; and in the ERIC system. Dr. McGuire is
a co-author of a 6
edition community health nursing text where she contributed information on healthy
aging and working with older adults in the community.
Dr. McGuire is a Professor Emeritus at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville and formerly Assistant
Dean and Professor (Caylor School of Nursing) at Lincoln Memorial University. She is a Fellow of the
Association for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE), serves on the AGHE K-12 Committee and the
AGHE Book Awards Task Force. Dr. McGuire is director of the Kids Are Tomorrow’s Seniors (KATS)
program and served as a member of AARP’s National Policy Council.
About the Booklist:
This booklist started decades ago as an attempt to locate early children’s literature that would help
promote positive attitudes about aging and positive aging. In reviewing this literature it was found that
portrayals of older adults often focused on the negative aspects of aging and mirrored our society’s ageist
attitudes. The booklist contains books that have meaningful, positive portrayals of aging and is available
for free, online at the Lincoln Memorial University Carnegie-Vincent Library (
This booklist is a compilation of carefully selected children’s literature that contains positive, meaningful
portrayals of older adults and promotes positive aging. Positive aging is a relatively contemporary term
that denotes attitudes, lifestyles, and activities that maximize the potentials ad quality of life of life’s later
years. Helping to promote positive aging is important. Children today are expected to live longer than any
other generation of Americans. A child born in the U.S. can expect to live to be 80, 90, or even 100 years
old. Centenarians (people 100 years old and older) are the most rapidly growing segment of the U.S.
population. The attitudes children form about aging will play an important role in how successfully they
age. The images of older people in children’s literature play an important role in attitude formation.
Books on the booklist portray aging as a natural and lifelong process of growing and developing, present
similarities between young and old, show young and old enjoying each other and learning from each
other, view older adults as valuable and contributing members of society, and help children to think about
life’s later years. Books that focus on death, dying, disability, dependency, disease, and dementia are not
included on this list. These topics are not synonymous with aging.
The books can be used to help children see their “elder within”
(the older person they can become), see
the potentials of aging, and think in terms of “lifespan activities” (activities they can do now and can do
as an older person--like reading, writing, art, dance, music, theater, traveling, and athletic activities). They
can stimulate interesting discussions, promote positive attitudes about aging, promote positive aging, help
children learn about growing up and growing older and to start planning for the long life ahead of them.
Have older adults read the books to children as an intergenerational experience. Have children write their
own stories about older adults and what they would like to be as an older adult.
The first part of the booklist presents books-in-print with publisher, reading level, ISBN, and cost. Please
note that publishers and costs of books can change. Many of the books listed are now also available as
eBooks. The listing of books-in-print is followed by: 1) a table of some of my favorite books-in-print,
2) a list of Out-of-Print Stories (OOPS), 3) a table of some of my favorite OOPS, and 4) a table of books
with multicultural content. Books can soon become out-of-print. There are many excellent OOPS that can
be obtained at libraries or through vendors.
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
In recent years, books from the extensive Rookie Biographies series (Grades 2-3) have been added to the
booklist. These bibliographies address growing up and growing older and the accomplishments of people
as older adults. They offer the opportunity to talk with children about what they would like to be and do
as an older adult. Selected books from the series are found under the “R” alphabetical listing on the
booklist. Please review the series to find additional books for the young reader.
In 2009, The Association for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE) started the AGHE Children’s
Book Award for early children’s literature (Preschool-Grade 5) with meaningful, positive portrayals of
older adults. These awards are presented biannually at the AGHE annual meeting. Books receiving
AGHE awards are: Rock, Brock and the Savings Shock (Bair), The Golden Rule (Cooper), Niwechihaw/I
Help (Nicholson), Ain’t Nobody a Stranger to Me (Grifalconi), Sometimes its Grandmas and Grandpas
and Not Mommies and Daddies (Byrne), Shoebox Sam (Barrett), and Marching With Aunt Susan: Susan
B. Anthony and the Fight for Women’s Suffrage (Murphy). Anyone can nominate books for the award by
contacting AGHE ( The AGHE website also has a listing of selected children’s
books with aging content.
Another resource for early children’s literature with positive aging content is the A is for Aging, B is for
Books website by Lindsey McDivitt ( McDivitt
provides reviews on
children’s books with positive aging content and notes “Positive Aging picture books stay away from
narrow portrayals of older adults and acknowledge the variety of interests, abilities, and talents that do not
melt away with old age, but grow with experience.” McDivitt’s commentaries on this literature are
interesting and informative. Please visit this website.
Some things to do:
Contact your local schools and libraries to make sure these books are available
Contact authors and publishers about the need for children’s books that promote positive aging
and positive attitudes about aging
Purchase and share books with children that promote positive aging
The following is a quote we should all take to heart: “Only as children view their own aging and the
elderly positively will they be able to achieve the life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness that are considered
rights of each in our society.”
We have the potential to create a generation of Americans who see the
potentials of old age and value older people. This is a legacy worth leaving.
If you have books you would like considered for the list, or comments about the list, please contact me at
[email protected]. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for visiting the booklist.
I would like to acknowledge the continuing support and assistance of Sarah Senter, Lincoln Memorial
University librarian with this booklist.
1. Elder within is a term used by Ken Dychtwald and Joe Fowler in their book Age Wave (1990). New
York: Bantam Books.
2. McDivitt, L. (2015). A is for Aging B is for Books. Retrieved from
3. Jantz, R. K., Seefeldt, C., Galper, A., & Serock, K. (1976). Children’s attitudes toward the elderly.
Final report to the American Association of Retired Persons and the National Retired Teachers
Association. College Park, MD: University of MarylandCenter on Aging and Department of Early
Childhood/Elementary Education.
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
Growing Up and Growing Older Booklist
Introduction pp. 2-3
Growing Up and Growing Older Booklist (In-Print Books) pp. 4-44
In-Print Stories Favorites List pp. 45-49
Out-of-Print Stories (OOPS) List pp. 50-75
OOPS (Out-of-Print Stories) Favorites List pp. 76-77
Multicultural List pp. 78-81
Books highlighted in Yellow are favorites.
Books with Green are new to this edition of the booklist.
Books with both Green and Yellow are new this year and favorites.
Ackerman, Karen (1988/1992). Song and Dance Man
Random House (PS-2) $15.99/$6.99
ISBN 9780394893303/ISBN9780679819950
In the attic grandfather shows the grandchildren a trunk full of mementos from his vaudeville days.
Grandfather sings and dances, they all dress up and put on a show. A good time is had by all. Shares
family history and portrays older people as fun, active, and interesting.
Caldecott Medal Award
Ada, Alma Flor (2002). I Love Saturdays y domingos
Antheneum Books for Young Readers (PS-2) $7.99
ISBN 9780689874093
On Saturdays a young girl visits her Grandma and Grandpa who are European-American. On Sundays,
(los domingos) she visits Abueleto y Abuelita, her grandparents who are Mexican-American. Her
grandparents are different in many ways but have a lot in common, especially the love for their
granddaughter. Intergenerational story of loving and caring. MULTICULTURAL
Addasi, Maha (2010). Time to Pray
Boyds Mills (2-3) $17.95
ISBN 97815907786116
Yasmin is visiting her grandmother, Teta, in the Middle East. She sees the lights from the minaret of a
nearby mosque and hears the voice of the muezzin calling people to pray. Yasmin asks her grandmother
how she would know when to pray once she goes home since they did not have a mosque near.
Grandmother makes Yasmin prayer clothes, buys her a prayer rug, and teaches her the prayers Muslims
do each day. When Yasmin went home her grandmother sent her a miniature mosque that had a prayer
clock and timer to remind her of the times to pray. When the clock goes off, it makes the sound of the
muezzin calling people to prayer. Written in English and Arabic. MULTICULTURAL
Adler, David A. (2010). A Little at a Time
Holiday House (K-2) $16.95
ISBN 9780823417391
A young grandson visits his grandfather in the city and they visit many places. The boy has questions like
“how did this tree get so tall”, and “how did you get to be so smart Grandpa”. Grandpa patiently answers
all of the questions. Each answer ends with the same refrain “a little at a time”.
Anholt, Lawrence (2014). Papa Chagall, Tell Us A Story
Barron’s Educational (2-3) $16.99
ISBN 9780764166440
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
Two children visit their grandfather the famed artist, Marc Chagall, at his farm. When they arrive he is
painting in his studio. He shares with his grandchildren stories of his life. He started painting as a child
and continues to paint. His imaginative paintings have things like a pink goat, a green man, purple cows,
and flying people. People loved these paintings and say they made them happy. The children express
they wish they could fly like the people in the paintings. He tells his grandchildren, “In your imagination
and in your paintings and in your dreams you can fly as high as you want”. He shares stories of his life
with them like how he and his wife came to American to escape the war in Europe. Illustrates growing up
and growing older, family history, the lifespan activity of painting, an active grandfather who is still
working, and young and old enjoying and learning from each other.
Anholt, Laurence (2003). The Magical Garden of Claude Monet
Barron’s Educational (2-3) $16.99
ISBN 9780764155741
The story is based on Julie, a daughter of the French painter Berthe Morisot. Julie lives in Paris and longs
to walk in a country garden. Her mother takes her to the garden of a family friend, the great painter
Claude Monet. Monet was working in his garden and took Julie on a garden tour. Monet was an avid
gardener and his gardens can still be visited today. Illustrates both painting and gardening as a lifelong
activities and intergenerational friendship. Portrays older adults as creative, active and capable.
Annino, Jan Godown (2010). She Sang Promise: The Story of Betty Mae Jumper,
Seminole Tribal Leader
National Geographic Society (1-3) $17.95
ISBN 9781426305924
This biography celebrates Betty Mae Jumper, who in 1967 became the first woman to be elected a
Seminole tribal leader. Information about her later life and her service as a nurse, interpreter,
spokesperson, and Seminole tribal leader are presented. Illustrates growing up and growing older and
Seminole life and customs. MULTICULTURAL
Applegate, Katherine (2014). The Buffalo Storm
Clarion (PS-3) $6.99
ISBN 97805449217
Hallie’s grandmother, Olympia, can bake a cake, tame a colt, birth a calf, and build a barn. When Hallie’s
parents decide to travel to Oregon by wagon train, Hallie wants to stay behind with her grandmother.
Grandmother tells Hallie she needs to go with her parents, and assures her that she will be with her
wherever she goes. Hallie was afraid of storms and grandmother gave her a quilt to wrap around her if a
storm comes so she wouldn’t be afraid. On the journey Hallie remembers her grandmother’s teachings
and feels her grandmother with her. When they arrive in Oregon Hallie writes to her grandmother about
her new baby sister, and tells her that the baby was named Olympia after her. A wise and caring
grandmother and a loving intergenerational relationship.
Arden, Carolyn (2004). Goose Moon
Boyds Mills (K-3) $15.95
ISBN 9781590780404
A young girl and her grandfather share many happy times together. They go fishing, tobogganing, drink
cocoa, and sing by the fire while grandpa plays the guitar. Grandpa explains the seasons by the coming
and going of the geese. He says that “Goose Moon” will come in the summer. Goose Moon happens
when the moon is full and the geese follow the stars to find their way home. One night grandpa takes the
girl out on the porch and they hear the sound of the geese comingGoose Moon is on its way. An
active, knowledgeable grandfather and a loving intergenerational relationship.
Aska, Warabe (2006). Tapicero Tap Tap
Tundra (1-3) $16.95
ISBN 9780887767609
Grandpa is called Tapicero Tap Tap due to the tap tap tap sound of his hammer when he is making
furniture in his shop. Grandpa stops work to tell his grandsons and their friends a story about his
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
childhood and the dream he had of traveling across the ocean. He tells them that during his life, he did
not travel, but instead found treasures in the local wine making, fiestas, and bullfights. At fiesta time he
met people from the faraway places that he had dreamed of going to. Active grandfather who is working.
Illustrates growing up and growing older. Helps children see that they can have fulfilling, productive lives
in their own communities and make a difference where ever they are. MULTICULTURAL
Atwell, Debby (2006). The Thanksgiving Door
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt $5.99
ISBN 9780547530031
An immigrant family is preparing for the first Thanksgiving in their restaurant. Everything is almost ready
when two strangers enter the restaurant. Grandmother invites the strangers as guests to dinner.
Baca, Ana (2012). Tia’s Tamales
University of New Mexico (2-3) $16.95
ISBN 9780826350275
One day there was no school and Luz and her grandmother, Abuelita, spend the day together.
Grandmother shares how the girl’s great-grandfather, Diego, learned to make tamales. Diego was caring
for his ill mother and with the help of his grandmother he learned how to use the resources around him to
gather everything needed to make tamales. Grandmother tells Luz the story, how to make tamales, and
shares the message that “sometimes you have to take what you have and embellish it…sometimes you
have to make something out of nothing.” Text is in English and Spanish. MULTICULTURAL
Bair, Sheila (2006). Rock, Brock and the Savings Shock
Albert Whitman (1-3) $16.99
ISBN 9780807570944
Grandpa proposed a summer saving plan to his twin grandsons, Rock and Brock. Each Saturday he
would pay each of them to mow his lawn and wash his car. If they saved the dollar he would match it, if
they spent it he wouldn’t. Brock saved his money but Rock didn’t save any. Brock’s money grew and at
the end of the summer he had $512 dollars. Rock and Brock learned the value of saving from their
grandfather. At the end of the book the twins are older and wealthy from their savings. A chart at the end
of the book shows how savings can grow and there is a discussion about how to become a millionaire by
starting saving as a young person. Teaches children about savings and lifelong financial security.
Association for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE) Childrens Book Award 2009
Bancroft, Greg (2013). Betsy’s Day At The Game
Scarletta Kids (2-3) $13.95
ISBN 9781938063015
Betsy’s Grandpa arrived to take her to the baseball game. On the way to the game they talked and
shared the week’s events with each other. Betsy knows the scorekeeping codes and how to keep score
at the game. Grandpa gives her tips for keeping score and they talk about the game as it goes on. As
they leave the game they both agree that they had a great time. When they arrive home Betsy finds out
that her mother had a day at a ballgame with Grandpa when she was a little girl. The book focuses on
baseball and scoring the game. Scorekeeping codes are given at the end of the book. A loving
intergenerational relationship and a knowledgeable grandfather.
Barrett, Mary Bridgid (2011). Shoebox Sam
Zonderkidz (K-3) $9.99
ISBN 9780310424130
Delia and Jesse go to see Shoebox Sam on Saturdays. Shoebox Sam is an older man who lives above
his shop where he shines and repairs shoes. Sam has paying customers for his shoe repairs, but he also
has shoes and new socks he gives to those who need them. Each week the children place the used
shoes in boxes and label them for those in need. He also has coffee, donuts and sometimes sandwiches
for those who are hungry. From Sam the children learn above giving, sharing, caring for others, and a
sense of social responsibility.
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
Bastianich, Lidia (2014). Lidia’s Egg-Citing Farm Adventure
Running Press (1-3) $16.95
ISBN 9780762451265
Grandmother, Nonna Lidia, is having a sleepover with her grandkids. She is a farmer and shares with the
children stories of her childhood on the farm with her grandparents; the children’s great-grandparents. At
the farm she helped to raise chickens and collect eggs. She tells about the homemade, nutritious meals
her grandmother cooked. In the morning the children help her fix breakfast. They prepared vegetables
for the omelet and helped to whisk the eggs. After breakfast they travel to a free range, organic poultry
farm to get more eggs. The children learn about the organic farm, feed the chickens, and collect eggs.
Nonstereotypic illustrations of the grandmother. Active grandmother, family history, intergenerational
learning, farming, and nutritional messages are shared. A loving intergenerational relationship. Recipes
are given at the end of the book that tell how kids can take part in the recipe. The book is dedicated to
the author’s grandmother and applauds all the farmers of the world.
Bastianich, Lidia (2013). Nonna’s Birthday Surprise
Running Press (1-3) $16.95
ISBN 9780762446551
Nonna Lidia helps her grandchildren prepare a birthday dinner for their great-grandmother, Nonna Mima.
Nonna Lidia tells the children how she helped grow, gather, and prepare food when she was a young girl.
She tells them about her childhood home with the animals and all the fruits and vegetables they grew:
“Each season brought its own special magic of colors, smells, and flavors”. Nonna Lidia takes her
grandchildren to the farmer’s market and teaches them how to cook fresh, seasonal food. They prepare a
meal for Nonna Mima and the entire family sit around the table to eat. The book shares with children how
life was years ago and how the cycle of nature repeats every year. Recipes are shared with instructions
on how children can participate in making the recipe. Nonsterotypic illustrations of the grandmother.
Bates, Janet Costa (2010). Seaside Dream
Lee & Low (1-3) $17.95
ISBN 9781600603471
Tomorrow is grandma’s birthday and the house is full of family and friends to celebrate. Grandma had
come to the United States from the Cape Verde Islands. Cora enjoys her time with Grandma and they
walk along the beach. Grandma is lonely for her homeland and her sister who stayed there. Cora finds a
way to have a birthday present for Grandma that reminds her of her homeland. MULTICULTURAL
New Voices Award
Beaty, Andrea (2013). Rosie Revere, Engineer
Abrams (1-3) $16.95
ISBN 9781419708459
Rosie dreamed of becoming great engineer and secretly built things. One day Rosie’s great-great-great
Aunt Rose came to visit. Her aunt had worked building airplanes a long time ago. When Rosie makes a
flying gadget that doesn’t work her Aunt tells her: “Your brilliant first flop was a raging success: Come on,
let’s get busy and on to the next…the only true failure can come if you quit”. The Aunt gives Rosie the
confidence to continue with her engineering inventions. The story ends with a historical note that tells
how women from the allied nations worked during World War II for the war effort. The fictional Rosie the
Riveter was one of those women whose slogan was “We can do it!” Capable older adult with a good
message. Few books have a great-great-great relative in them. Can lead into a discussion of longevity
and growing up and growing older.
Berenstain, Stan & Jan (1986). The Berenstain Bears and the Week at Grandma's
Random House (PS-3) $4.99
ISBN 9780394873350
When brother and sister bear find out that they are going to spend a week with their grandparents they
wonder what they will do, then end up having a really wonderful time. Illustrates the similarities between
young and old and young and old enjoying each other.
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
Berenstain, Jan & Berenstain, Mike (2013). The Bertenstain Bears: We Love Trucks
HarperCollins (PS-1) $3.99
ISBN 9780062075352
Gramps drives a pickup truck. He and the cubs are on the way to Farmer Ben’s farm to pick up some
fruit. On the way they see many different kind of trucks including delivery vans, fire engine trucks, mail
trucks, dump trucks, tow trucks, garbage trucks, moving vans, fuel trucks, and ambulances.
Berne, Jennifer (2013). On a Beam of Light: A Story of Albert Einstein
Chronicle Books (K-2) $17.99
ISBN 9780818872355
The story of Albert Einstein’s life from boyhood through old age. He was one of the greatest scientists of
all time. “He asked questions never asked before, found answers never found before, and dreamed up
ideas never dreamed before”. As a young man he wrote down his ideas, sent them to science
magazines, and renowned scientists asked him to work with them. He loved his baggy sweater, baggy
pants, favorite blue cup, and playing violin. He said playing violin helped him think better. He discovered
the atom and theories about motion and the speed of light. Einstein especially enjoyed conversations
with young children. The book challenges the children to answer unanswered questions, talks about
Einstein’s work and discoveries, and recommends the Einstein Archives Online (
for further information. Inspires children to follow their dreams and ideas, illustrates growing up and
growing older, continued learning and discovery, and a meaningful and productive life.
Biro, Maureen (2002). Walking with Maga
All About Kids (PS-1) $16.95
ISBN 9780970086341
A young girl and her grandmother, Maga, spend many happy hours together. They go walking, talk about
things they like, discover shapes in the clouds that float by, eat ice cream cones, and visit people they
know. They stop by Mr. Anton’s garage and see his shell collection. Illustrates young and old enjoying
each other.
Birtha, Becky (2005). Grandmama’s Pride
Albert Whitman (1-3) $16.99
ISBN 9780807530283
Every summer a young African American girl and her younger sister visit their grandmother who lives in
the South. During their visits the grandmother shielded the girls from what was happening with
segregation, but without her saying, the older granddaughter begins to understand. Active grandmother
who is wise, caring, and proud of her heritage. Nonstereotypic portrayal of older adult. Presents of
information about the Civil Rights Movement. MULTICULTURAL.
Golden Kite Honors Award
Blackstone, Stella (2005/2006). My Granny Went to Market: Around-the-World
Counting Rhyme
Barefoot (PS-1) $16.99
ISBN 9781841487922
In this fantasy journey Granny goes to market in Istanbul and buys a flying carpet. She travels around the
world on her carpet buying things and ends up buying 10 llamas. As the llamas are purchased the book
integrates counting from one to ten.
Blackstone, Stella (2007). Abuelita Fue Al Mercado: Un Libro En Rima APara
Contar Por El Mundo
Barefoot (PS-1) $6.99
ISBN 9781846860904
[same book as above in Spanish]
Blomberg, Dianne (1999). Sam and Gram and the First Day of School
American Psychological Association (PS-2) $14.95
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
ISBN 9781557985620
It is Gram who walks Sam to school on his first day. Gram tells Sam “I think this is going to be a fun day”.
When Sam returns home from school Gram is there with pretzels and lemonade. Sam and Gram talk
about the first day at school. The back of the book has a “Things to Do” list for parents to help prepare
children to start school. The grandmother is wise, caring, and an active part of the family.
Boyd, Lizi (2009). I Love Grandma
Candlewick (PS-K) $8.99
ISBN 9780763637286
When a little frog goes to stay with Grandma she gets tucked into bed at night. She and grandma visit a
yoga class, go swimming, and play dress up. Book describes a day with Grandma.
Boyd, Lizi (2009). I Love Grandpa
Candlewick (PS-K) $8.99
ISBN 9780763637279
A Grandpa frog and his grandson do many things together like mow the lawn, tidy up tools in the barn,
work on a stone wall, make a grass whistle, go to a diner for lunch, row a boat over to an island, and find
a nest of birds. Grandpa tells the boy stories and they enjoy their time together. Active grandfather and a
loving intergenerational relationship.
Bridges, Shirin (2002). Ruby’s Wish
Chronicle Books (1-3) $15.99
ISBN 9780811834902
A young Chinese girl’s wants to attend the university when she is older. Traditionally, girls have not gone
to the university. Her wish comes to her grandfather’s attention and grandfather makes the wish come
true. Inspired by the life of the author’s grandmother. MULTICULTURAL
Brisson, Pat (2010). Wanda’s Roses
Boyds Mills (PS-3) $10.95
ISBN 9781563979255
Wanda is a young girl who lives in the city. One morning on her way to school she noticed a bare, thorny
bush growing in a trash filled lot. She decided the bush was a rosebush that needed care so it could
bloom. Wanda talked to the people in the neighborhood about her bush. Wanda invited all of her
neighbors to a tea party in her “rose garden”. Mrs. Giamoni, her older neighbor, knew that Wanda’s bush
was not a rosebush, but helped her clean up the trash anyway. Her friends did not want her disappointed
and they brought rosebushes to plant at Wanda’s party. Soon the lot became a beautiful rose garden.
Illustrates intergenerational friendship and people working together in their community.
Broyles, Ann (2013). Arturo and the Navidad Birds
Pelican (1-3) $16.99
ISBN 9781455618019
Bilingual story in both Spanish and English. Arturo and his grandmother (Abuela) are decorating the
Christmas tree. Abuela has a box full of Christmas ornaments that were gifts from her family and friends
and hold memories of her life. Abuela shares the memories of the ornaments with her grandson as they
decorate the tree and Arturo pictures his grandmother as a young girl. Arturo found a small ornament
with a mouse in a walnut shell and Abuela explained that her mother had made the ornament for her
when she was 4 years old. When the grandson accidentally breaks one of the cherished ornaments the
grandmother shares an important message: "People are more important than things." Illustrates family
history, growing up and growing older, and a warm intergenerational relationship. MULTICULTURAL
Brumbeau, Jeff (2001). The Quiltmakers Gift
Scholastic (K-3) $18.99
ISBN 9780439309103
A generous quilt maker sews the most beautiful quilts in the world and then gives them away to those in
need. A greedy king wants one of her quilts but the older woman will not give him one because he did
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
not need it. She tells the king that when he has given away his riches she will make him a quilt. Children
find it interesting to see how the king finally obtains his quilt. The generosity and kindness of the quilt
maker are good lessons for children. Active and capable older person. Benjamin Franklin Award, ABC
Children’s Booksellers Choice Awards
Bryant, Jen (2005). Georgia’s Bones
Eerdmans, Willliam B. Publishing Company (PS-3) $17.99
ISBN 97808080252175
A biographical chronicle of the life of the artist. She grew up on a Wisconsin farm and early in her life
decided to be an artist. Follows her life in Wisconsin, at art school, in New Mexico and the Southwest,
and in New York. Illustrates growing up and growing older and tells the story of a great artist.
Bunting, Eve (2014).Washday
Holiday House (K-2) $16.95
ISBN 9780823428687
Lizzie is going to miss a tea party with her friend Lucy because she is going to Grandma’s house to help
do the wash. They ready the water for the wash, scrub the clothes on a scrub board, use the hand
wringer to wring out the water, and hang the clothes out to dry. At the end of the day Grandma has a
surprise for Lizziethey have company. Grandma has gingersnaps, Lizzie’s mother has sent over
snickerdoodles, and Lizzie’s father has walked her friend Lucy over for an after washday tea party.
Active, capable grandmother. Children may enjoy having a look back on how things such as “washday”
were done years ago.
Bunting, Eve (2004). A Picnic in October
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (2-3) $7.99
ISBN 9780152050658
A young grandson travels with this parents and grandparents to Ellis Island to celebrate the birthday of
the Statue of Liberty. He learns what the statue means to his grandparents and to so many people.
Bunting, Eve (2009). My Special Day At Third Street School
Boyds Mills Press (K-2) $10.95
ISBN 9781590787454
Amanda Drake is an older woman who is an author. She visits Third Street School where she reads
stories to the children and talks to the children about what it is like to be an author. Ms. Drake loves to
write and the children that writing “doesn’t seem like work if you are loving what you do.” She inspires
the children to write stories. The children love her and at the end of the day they do not want her to
leave. As she leaves on the city bus she waves to the children. A capable, active older adult.
Bunting, Eve (1989). The Wednesday Surprise
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (K-3) $6.99
ISBN 9780395547762
Grandma stays with Eve on Wednesday night when Eve’s mom works late and her dad is at basketball
practice with her brother. During their Wednesday times Eve and grandma plan a special surprise for
dad’s birthday. The birthday surprise is that Eve teaches grandma to read. The grandmother is an
integral member of the family. Illustrates lifelong learning and intergenerational sharing and caring.
Busse, Sarah & Martin, Jacqueline Briggs (2006). Banjo Granny
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (PS-1) $9.99
ISBN 9780547528700
Granny takes her banjo and travels to see her new grandbaby, Owen. Granny plays bluegrass music for
Owen. Celebration of a grandmother meeting her grandchild.
Buzzeo, Toni (2014). My Bibi Always Remembers
Hyperion Books (PS-1) $16.99
ISBN 9781423183853
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
Bibi is a grandmother elephant and the protector of the herd. When she calls everyone in the herd
listens. She is Tembo’s grandmother and Tembo wants to learn from her. The story is based on African
elephant life and the role of the older leader of the heard. The book is noted as a celebration of
Byrne, Gayle (2009). Sometimes It’s Grandmas and Grandpas, Not Mommies and
Abbeville (PS-2) $15.95
ISBN 9780789210289
A young girl is raised by her grandparents, Nonnie & Poppy and their dog Buddy. Shares the times the
girl has with her grandparents. Hugs and cuddles never run out with Nonnie and Poppy. Grandmother is
working. One of the girls teachers is an older adult. Addresses the contemporary issue of grandparents
raising grandchildren and older adults working. Resources are listed at the end of the book for
grandparents raising grandchildren.
Association for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE) Childrens Book Award 2012
Cali, Davide (2007). Piano Piano
Charlesbridge (1-3) $15.95
ISBN 9781580891912
Marcolino’s mom wants him to play the piano, but Marcolino is not interested. Grandpa, Marcolino, and
his mom discuss the situation and, with grandpa’s assistance. Marcolino is able to choose the musical
instrument that he wants to play.
Callahan, Sean (2006). The Bear Hug
Albert Whitman (PS-K) $15.95
ISBN 9780807505960
Cubby bear loves to visit his active grandpa. The best thing about visiting grandpa is the hugs. They go
fishing, swimming, and hunt for food. They look through a photo book of snapshots of grandpa when he
was young. Grandpa teaches Cubby how to growl. Illustrates growing up and growing older and a loving
intergenerational relationship.
Campbell, Nicola (2011). Grandpa’s Girls
Groundwood (K-2) $16.95
ISBN 978154980840
A young girl and her cousins visit grandpa’s farm where they run through the meadows, play in the barn,
feed apples to the horse, and rummage through a room filled with family memories. Grandpa is a
cowboy, a veteran, a rancher, and a businessman; but most of all he is a beloved grandfather. Illustrates
family history and presents childhood memories of the author’s life. A few words are integrated into the
story that are the native language of the Interior Salish peoples. MULTICULTURAL
Carney, Margaret (1997). At Grandpa’s Sugar Bush
Kids Can Press (PS-3) $15.95
ISBN 9781550746416
During spring break from school a young boy enjoys visiting his grandfather and helping with the maple
syrup harvest. They work together tapping the trees, collecting the sap, and making syrup. Grandfather
teaches the boy many things about the forest and syrup making. Grandfather is active, knowledgeable,
and capably works on his farm. Caring intergenerational relationship.
Caseley, Judith (1994). Dear Annie
HarperCollins (PS-3) $6.99
ISBN 9780688135751
Grandpa has been Annie's pen pal since the day she was born. Annie saves his cards and letters and
takes them to share at school for Show-and-Tell. Today letter writing is becoming somewhat of a lost art.
This book introduces children to the value of writing letters, the history that letters can tell, and can
encourage children to become pen pals with an older person. Loving intergenerational relationship.
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
Castillo, Lauren (2014). Nana in the City
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (PS-2) $16.99
ISBN 9780544104433
Nana has a new apartment in the city. The grandson goes to stay with Nana, views the city as being full
of scary things, too busy, filled with loud sounds and not a good place for Nana to live. Nana finds the city
wonderful and works to change his view of the city. She knits him a red cape that makes him feel brave
and they go explore the city. They visit Central Park, hear the music of street musicians, and see people
break dancing. He now sees the city differently, finds it extraordinary, and an okay place for grandma to
live and for him to visit. A loving intergenerational relationship and an active, perceptive grandmother.
Chall, Marsha Wilson (2012). A Secret Keeps
Lerner (K-2) $16.95
ISBN 9780761355939
A young boy is driving with his family to the farm to visit his grandparents. His grandpa says that
something is waiting for the boy and it is a secret. When he arrives at the farm grandpa does not tell him
what the secret is, the boy goes in search of it, and finally finds the secret. The farms secret is a litter of
kittens and the young grandson now has a kitten of his own. Grandma and grandpa are active.
Chall, Marsha Wilson (2011). Pick a Pup
McElderry (PS-1) $16.99
ISBN 9781416979616
Looks at the contemporary issue of pet adoption. Sam is going to the animal shelter to pick a pup. Gram
is there to help Sam pick a pup. Sam adopts a puppy.
Churchill, Ginger (2011). Wild Rose’s Weaving
Tanglewood (PS-2) $15.95
ISBN 9781933718569
Grandma tries to get Wild Rose to learn how to wrap the weaving loom, work the weaving sticks, and
weave; but Wild Rose prefers to do other things. Grandma did her weaving and when Rose returned
from her day she saw the beautiful rug that Grandma had made, “saw life in its colors, and peace in its
pattern”. Grandma tells Rose that a rug is a picture of life. Wild Rose decides she wants to learn to
weave and Grandma teaches her. A wise grandmother who shares knowledge with her granddaughter.
An epilogue to the book tells about how the art of weaving binds us together across the world and
generations; it is about expressing yourself, and is infinitely useful. Gives a website to visit on how to
make a simple loom. MULTICULTURAL
Clark, Katie (2012). Grandma Drove the Lobsterboat
Down East (PS-3) $16.95
ISBN 9781608930043
The continuing stories of grandma and her grandson, Billie. Every year for Labor Day the town has a
Lobster Bake. Grandma is enjoying a day off from running the garbage and snowplowing businesses to
having a leisurely day on the lobster boat with her son and Billie. The boat was filled with lobsters when a
storm came up. Grandma’s son, who is a lobsterman and drives the boat, got seasick, and could not get
the boat back into town. Grandma rescued the day and drove the lobster boat into the town’s port for the
annual Lobster Bake. Grandma is working, energetic, and capable.
Clark, Katie (2010). Grandma Drove the Snowplow
Down East (PS-3) $16.95
ISBN 9780892728510
Grandma runs a snowplow business and her sons plow the town’s roads in the winter. When a blizzard
threatens to cancel the town’s annual Carol Sing, Grandma and her grandson Billy clear the snow away
to the church so the sing can go on. A grandmother who is working and active.
Clark, Katie (2006) Grandma Drove the Garbage Truck
Down East (PS-3) $15.95
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
ISBN 9780892726981
Grandma runs the town’s garbage business and her sons drive the trucks. One 4
of July her sons are
too sick to drive and the trash needs to be picked up. With the help of Billie, her young grandson,
grandma takes over. Grandma and Billie have a few mishaps, but succeed in picking up all the trash.
The truck ends up winning “Most Creative Float” in the 4
of July parade from the decorations picked up
during the mishaps. Grandmother is working.
Clark, Mary Higgins (2011). A The Magical Christmas Horse
Simon & Shuster (K-3) $17.99
ISBN 9781416994787
Johnny’s family lives in Arizona. Johnny wanted to return to the big stone house where his father had
grown up in Connecticut. He remembered visiting his father’s boyhood home when he was 3 years old
and riding on the wooden house that his great-grandfather had carved. The family is going to visit the
house at Christmas and Johnny is thinking about how much his younger brother, Liam, will enjoy the
horse. During the visit Johnny spends enjoyable time with his grandfather. He explores the attic and
finds many interesting things, including the horse; but it is in need of much repair. Grandfather fixes the
horse and has it ready for Liam at Christmas. Illustrates family history. Capable, active grandfather.
Cocco-Leffler, Maryann (2001). Edgar Degas: Paintings That Dance
Grosset & Dunlap (2-4). $5.99
ISBN 9780448425207
Part of the Smart About Art bibliography series. Books in this series are written in the style of a child’
book report. Tells the story of the painter’s life from childhood to late adulthood. Many of his friends were
painters such as Monet, Cezanne, Cassatt, and Vincent Van Gogh. Edgar worked as an artist all his life
and painted into old age. Illustrates growing up and growing older and a productive old age.
Compestine, Ying Chang (2011). Crouching Tiger
Candlewick Press (PS-2) $16.99
ISBN 9780763646424
Grandpa was coming to visit from China and Vinson wants him to teach him kung fu. Grandpa calls
Vinson by his Chinese name of Ming Da. Vinson is disappointed that he only sees Grandpa doing tai chi.
and not doing kung fu. At the New Year’s Parade, Vinson finds that Grandpa is actually a master of kung
fu. Grandpa shares with him that there is a process to learning kung fu that included tai chi, self-
discipline, and serious commitment over many years. The book includes some illustrations of tai chi
poses, a brief discussion of martial arts, and the belief that in order to achieve outer strength, one most
first gain inner stillness. MULTICULTURAL
Cooney, Barbara (1985). Miss Rumphius
Penguin (K-3) $7.99
ISBN 9780140505399
A classic and must read book. Tells the story of a little girl, Alice. Alice helped her grandfather who was
an artist. Alice told her grandfather that when she grew up she wanted to go to faraway places and live
beside the sea. Her grandfather said that there was one more thing she must do: "You must do
something to make the world more beautiful". Alice grows up, becoming Miss Rumphius, and readily
accomplishes the first two goals. How she accomplished the third makes the story interesting and
heartwarming. At the end of the book Miss Rumphius is an older woman who shares her grandfather's
message with young children. Illustrates growing up and growing older, aging as a natural and lifelong
process, older people as active members of their communities, and planning for later life.
American Book Award
Cooper, Ilene (2007). The Golden Rule
Abrams (PS-3) $16.95
ISBN 9780810909601
A grandfather helps a young grandson understand the Golden Rule across different cultures and
religions. He helps him to see that it means imagining how other people feel, treating people the way you
would like to be treated, and explains that it is a valuable way of living. Grandfather helps the boy to see
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
how to practice the rule and how things would change if everyone lived by the Golden Rule. Wise
grandfather who teaches an excellent lesson to his grandson.
Association for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE) Childrens Book Award 2009
Cossons, Malcolm (2013). Dot to Dot
Thames & Hudson (K-1) $15.95
ISBN 9780500650158
Dot has a grandmother with the same name and they share the same birthday. Dot lives in London and
Grandma lives in New York City. The book tells about how Grandma Dot arranges to see Dot on their
shared birthday.
Cowley, Joy (2004). Big Moon Tortilla
Boyds Mills (K-3) $9.95
ISBN 9781590780374
Story is set in one of the small villages on a Papago reservation in southern Arizona. Marta Enos, a
Native American girl, is having a bad day and grandmother helps to make it better. Grandmother has
some good advice for her granddaughter and sings a healing song for her. MULTICULTURAL
Cox, Judy (2003). My Family Plays Music
Holiday House (K-3) $17.95
ISBN 9780823415915
A young girls family all love music and play musical instruments. Grandma plays music in a bluegrass
band. Grandpa plays tuba in a polka band and dresses in lederhosen and a hat with a feather. Great-
grandmother plays the pipe organ in St. Peter’s Cathedral. Illustrates music as a lifelong activity.
Crews, Donald (1998). Bigmama's
HarperCollins (PS-3) $6.99
ISBN 9780688158422
Crews tells the story of his childhood visits to his grandmother "Bigmama”. Every summer this African
American family traveled to see grandparents and relatives in the country. These visits were greatly
enjoyed. This is a beautifully illustrated story of family relations, activities and treasured memories. The
grandparents are valued, loved, and contributing members of the family. MULTICULTURAL
Crum, Shutta (2004). My Mountain Song
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (K-3) $16.00
ISBN 9780618159703
Brenda Gail enjoys her visits to her great-grandfather, Gran Pop, and great-grandmother, Big Ma. While
she and Gran Pop are collecting eggs she asks him what song he is singing and he tells her it is a
mountain song. He tells her that everybody born in the mountains has a mountain song in them. Active
great-grandparents who show understanding, kindness, and sensitivity. Few books have a great-
grandparent as a major character. MULTICULTURAL
Crystal, Billy (2008). I Already Know I Love You
HarperCollins (PS-2) $7.99
ISBN 9780061450570
Actor and comedian Billy Crystal tells a story of all the things he plans to do with his grandchild before the
child is born. Portrays loving relationship between grandparent and grandchild.
Cunnane, Kelly (2006). For You Are a Kenyan Child
Antheneum (PS-2) $17.99
ISBN 9780689861949
This is a story about the day in the life of a Kenyan child. There is a glossary of Swahili words and these
words are used throughout the text. A young boy has many departures as he goes to take his
grandfather’s cows to pasture. He meets his grandmother who offers him milk and reminds him to tend to
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
the cows. When the boy finally gets to the cows his grandfather is already there tending them and the
two go home together. Older adults are not main characters but are integrated in the story. Older adults
are seen as productive members of the community. Kenyan life is depicted. MULTICULTURAL
de Anda, Diane (2013). The Patchwork Garden/Pedacitos de huerto
Pinata (1-3) $16.95
ISBN 978155857636
The story is written in both English and Spanish. Tona’s grandmother, Abuela, planted her own garden
when she was a girl. She helps Tona find a patch of land in the city to plant a garden. As Abuela and
Tona plant they wear hats to protect them from the sun. Others children admire the garden and Tona and
Abuela help to them find patches of land to plant. Tona starts the Patchwork Garden Club and all across
the neighborhood there are now gardens. Vegetables from the gardens are shared with others. Presents
the value of urban gardening. Capable and knowledgeable grandmother. MULTICULTURAL
de la Pena, Matt (2015). Last Stop on Market Street
Penguin (1-3) $16.99
ISBN 9780399257742
On Sundays after church CJ and Nana ride the bus across town to Market Street. As they ride the bus
they meet interesting people including the bus driver, a man who is blind, and a guitar player. On their
trip Nana helps him to see the beauty in the world and people around him. Nana encourages CJ to listen
to the guitar music. The music gave CJ a “feeling of magic” in the world around him. The last stop on
Market Street is in an area of town where the Soup Kitchen is. Nana and CJ volunteer at the Soup
Kitchen. Active, caring older adult with good messages for her grandson. Older adults as volunteers.
Delgado, Maria (1996). Chave’s Memories
Arte Publico Press (1-3) $16.95
ISBN 9781558850842
This is a bilingual book written in English and Spanish. Chave is a young Mexican American girl who
loves visiting her grandparent’s ranch in Mexico. Her grandparents maintain the ranch and grandma has
a garden. Although there is little interaction with the grandparents in the book the story illustrates active,
independent, older people who are a respected and integral part of the family. MULTICULTURAL
De Paola, Tomie (1978/1990). Pancakes for Breakfast
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (PS-K) $6.99
ISBN 9780156707688
An older women attempts to have pancakes for breakfast and is hindered by a scarcity of supplies and
her pets. There are no words in this story. Young readers can easily follow the pictures, and can help to
make up the story. The pictures portray the older woman as active, flexible, and resourceful.
Derby, Sally (2015). Sunday Shopping
Lee (1-3) $17.95
ISBN 9781600604386
Every Sunday Evie and Grandma get ready for their weekly shopping spree. This unusual shopping spree
involves “imaginary” buying of items for sale in the newspaper. They have an amount of “imaginary”
money to spend and begin selecting the items they would like. A family tradition is presented as well as
the idea for this kind of shopping adventure with children. Nonstereotypic illustrations of the grandmother
Dixon, Dougal (1998). Clams all Year
Random House (PS-2) $12.95
ISBN 9780440414476
All the cousins gather together for summer vacation at grandpa’s house at the seashore. At sunrise
grandpa wakes the kids to go clam digging. He teaches them how to find clams with their feet, that when
you see bubbles in the sand you dig for clams, and how to clean clams. They have fun and find enough
clams for many dinners.
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
Dorros, Arthur (2014). Abuelo
HarperCollins (K-3) $17.99
ISBN 9780061686276
Abuelo is the young boy’s grandfather. They ride everywhere on their horses. Abuelo showed him how
to guide his horse, protect himself from the rain, protect himself from a mountain lion, and watch the stars
at night. Abuelo was a great teacher. When he boy’s family moves to the city he is worried Abuelo might
be lost to him, but the memories of Abuelo and what he had taught him, his laugh, and his voice were not
lost. These memories help him to adjust to his new home. Text is bilingual with Spanish words included.
A loving intergenerational relationship and an active, capable grandfather. MULTICULTURAL
Dorros, Arthur (1997). Abuela
Puffin (PS-2) $7.99
ISBN 9780140562255
Abuela means grandmother in Spanish and Spanish words are integrated throughout the text. While
taking a bus ride with her grandmother a young Hispanic girl imagines that she and her grandmother are
taken up to the sky to see the sights of New York City. Uses bright, colorful illustrations. Shows old and
young enjoying each other. MULTICULTURAL
England, Kathryn (2007). Grandfather’s Wrinkles
Flashlight Press (K-3) $13.95
ISBN 9780972922593
Lucy says that grandpa’s skin is “crinkly”. Grandpa explains that he has lived a long time and that those
crinkles are actually wrinkles, and that each was made by a big smile. Grandpa tells her the stories
behind his wrinkles, like when he got married, when Lucy’s mom was born, and when Lucy’s mom was
married. The two biggest wrinkles are from the smiles when Lucy was born. The last page of the book
shows pictures of grandpa from when he was a young man until today. Shows growing up and growing
older and gives an interesting account of how wrinkles are made.
Falwell, Cathryn (2013). Rainbow Stew
Lee & Low (PS-1) $17.95
ISBN 9781600608476
Written in rhyming verse. The grandchildren are visiting Grandpa and he is making pancakes for
breakfast. They love to visit grandpa. He lets them run and jump and play outside. This day is rainy and
the children are wondering what they will do. Grandpa has them go to his garden and gather vegetables
for “rainbow stew”. They bundle up in rain clothes and go pick the rainbow colored vegetables in
Grandpa’s garden. Grandpa gets them back to the house and into dry clothes. He supervises as they
cut up the vegetables and cook the stew. A recipe for the stew is given at the end of the book.
Nonstereotypic portrayal of an independent, capable grandfather. MULTICULTURAL
Fleischman, Paul (2013). The Matchbox Diary
Candlewick (1-3) $16.99
ISBN 9780763646011
A young girl is visiting her great-grandfather who emigrated as a young boy from Italy. As a boy the
great-grandfather could not read or write and so he used matchboxes to keep a diary of his life. A
memento in each matchbox tells a story of part of his life and his family history. Later in life great-
grandfather was able to go to school and have his own businesses. He is pleased that the young
granddaughter is a “lucky” girl who is already able to be in school. Few stories have a great-grandparent
in them. Illustrates past events in history, family history, and a warm and loving intergenerational
relationship. MULTICULTURAL
A Junior Library Guild Selection
Flett, Julie (2013). Wild Berries/Pikaci-Minisa
Simply Read (PS-K) $16.95
ISBN 9781897476895
Written in English with selected words in Cree. A separate version of the book is available in the dialect
of Cree known as Swampy Cree. When Clarence was little his grandma carried him on her back as she
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
went through the woods picking berries. Now Clarence walks through the woods with her to collect
berries. As they walk he learns from his grandma. Each page describes the sights and sound they
experience in the woods and also highlights some Cree words. A Cree pronunciation guide and glossary
are appended. MULTICULTURAL
Flood, Nancy Bo. (2014). The Hogan That Great-Grandfather Built
Boyds Mills (2-3) $16.95
ISBN 9781893354975
Tells the story of the family home, a Hogan. Great-Grandfather builtthe home and the multigenerational
family of grandmother, grandfather, children and grandchildren still lives in the hogan. Navajo tradition,
family history, and intergenerational learning are presented. Tells the story of the meaning of the Hogan
in Navajo culture. MUTICULTURAL
Flournoy, Valerie (1985). The Patchwork Quilt
Dial (K-3) $16.99
ISBN 9780803700970
Tanya is a young African America girl. She loved listening to her grandmother talk to her about the
patchwork quilt she was putting together. When grandmother gets temporarily ill Tanya decides to finish
the quilt and the whole family works together to finish the quilt for grandmother. MULTICULTURAL
Coretta Scott King Award, Christopher Book Award
Fry, Stella (2012). Grandpa’s Garden
Barefoot Books (PS-2) $7.99
ISBN 97818468680927
Billie is planting a vegetable garden with his grandpa for the first time. Billie wants things to grow fast but
Grandpa knows that things the garden cannot be rushed and Billie will need to be patient. Grandpa is an
expert gardener who teaches Billie about the garden and shares environmental gardening tips with him.
Billie does not like the slugs, snails, and aphids he finds in the garden. Grandpa explains how everything
has a role in the garden, how some things protect the garden, and how the garden grows. They use
compost from Grandpa’s compost heap to feed the vegetables. An enjoyable intergenerational activity
and an active grandfather.
Garland, Michael (2011). Grandpa’s Tractor
Boyds Mills (K-3) $16.95
ISBN 9781590787625
Grandpa Joe takes his grandson Timmy to the farm where he lived as a boy. The farm was sold long ago
and many houses are now where the farm had been. When they arrived the farm house was boarded up
and the barn was falling down. Grandpa said that years ago the house was beautiful and there were
open fields for planting and pastures for cows. As they walked past the old barn they found grandpa’s
boyhood tractor. It was rusted now and not working, but grandpa talked about how important the tractor
was to the farm. Family history, the importance of farms, and the history of the farm tractor are
Gilman, Phoebe (1993). Something From Nothing
Scholastic (K-3) $17.99
ISBN 9780590472807
The story is an adaptation of a Jewish folktale. When Joseph was born his grandfather, who is a tailor,
made him a blanket. The blanket has a long and delightful history. As Joseph grows older it becomes
worn and frazzled and his mother wants to throw it out, but Joseph says “grandpa can fix it”. Grandpa
makes the blanket into a jacket for Joseph. As the years go by the jacket becomes too small so grandpa
makes it into a vest. Later the vest is transformed by grandpa into a Sabbath tie, then a handkerchief,
and finally a button. The button is lost and now there is nothing left of the blanket. Joseph makes
“something from nothing” by writing a story about the blanket. Grandfather is independent, working,
creative, and an integral part of the family and community. MULTICULTURAL
Sydney Taylor Book Award, Ruth Schwartz Childrens Book Award
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
Glaser, Linda (1997/2004). The Borrowed Hanukkah Latkes
Albert Whitman (1-3) $6.99
ISBN 9780807508428
On the first night of the Jewish Hanukkah celebration there are only three potatoes left and more potatoes
are needed to make latkes. Rachel decides to borrow potatoes from her elderly neighbor, Mrs.
Greenburg. She invites Mrs. Greenburg participate in the family’s Hanukkah celebration. Illustrates
intergenerational friendship, caring and sharing. MULTICULTURAL
Gray, Libba Moore (1998). Miss Tizzy
Aladdin (PS-3) $7.99
ISBN 9780689818974
Miss Tizzy is loved by all the children in the neighborhood. They love her and her colorful house and
clothes. She bakes with them, lets them pick flowers, puts on puppet shows, plays her bagpipes, leads
them in parades, plays dress-up, roller skates and sings songs. Everyone wants to be like Miss Tizzy
when they are older. Illustrates intergenerational friendship and older people as active and valued
members of their communities. MULTICULTURAL
Greenfield, Eloise (1996). Grandpa's Face
Penguin (PS-3) $6.99
ISBN 9780698113817
Tamika is a young African American girl who loves her grandfather very much. She especially enjoys
spending time with him and loves his stories and their long "talk-walks". One day Tamika sees her
grandfather practicing a mean face for a play. She learns that, despite her grandfather's many faces, his
feelings for her will never change, and his love is something that she can always depend on. Illustrates
shared emotions, depicts the grandfather as active and vibrant, and illustrates a loving, caring relationship
between grandchild and grandparent. MULTICULTURAL
Guback, Georgia (1994). Luka’s Quilt
HarperCollins (PS-3) $16.99
ISBN 9780688121549
Luka is Hawaiian. Her grandmother “tutu” makes a quilt for her. Luka has envisioned a quilt of many
bright colors and is disappointed when the quilt only has green and white colors in it. When Luka and tutu
attend a Lei Day celebration Luka begins to appreciate the traditional Hawaiian quilt design and her
grandmother comes up with a way to add bright colors to Luka’s quilt. An intergenerational story
interlaced with culture and tradition. MULTICULTURAL
Handy, Femida & Carpenter, Carole (2010). Sandy’s Incredible Shrinking Footprint
Second Story Press (2-3) $15.95
ISBN 9781897187692
This book conveys meaningful environmental messages. The beach by grandpa’s house is Sandy’s and
Grandpa’s favorite place. Grandpa taught her about the beach, its environment, and showed her
footprints made by the different birds. On the beach Sandy finds garbage left from a bonfire. She picked
up the garbage that could be recycled and put trash that could not be recycled in another bag. At the
beach there is older lady who picks up garbage and works to keep the beach clean. She tells Sandy that
she should think about the footprint she is leaving on the world, and that all kinds of little choices can
make her footprint smallerlike recycling a soda can. Sandy learns that she can shrink her footprint on
the earth by reusing things and recycling. At the end of the book environmentally sound ways are given
to help people see how they can shrink the footprints they leave on the earth.
Henderson, Kathy (2008). And The Good Brown Earth
Candlewick (PS-2) $6.99
ISBN 9780763638412
Joe and his Gram are great friends. Gram has a vegetable patch that they tend together. Gram shares
environmental messages as she teaches Joe the seasons of the garden. As the seasons go by the good
brown earth does its job for the garden to grow. Depending on the season they may be planting, putting
up a scarecrow to protect the plants, weeding, watering, or harvesting. Joe enjoyed seeing the plants
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
come up. Intergenerational learning. Gram is independent, active, and knowledgeable.
Henkes, Kevin (2008). Old Bear
HarperCollins (PS-1) $17.99
ISBN 9780061552052
Old Bear is sleeping for the winter. He is dreaming about when he was a cub and all of the beautiful
things in the world. When he awakes he pokes his head out of his den and goes out into a beautiful
spring day.
Henkes, Kevin (1995). Good-bye, Curtis
HarperCollins (PS-3) $16.99
ISBN 9780688128272
Curtis has been delivering mail for 42 years. He is retiring and today is his last day at work. All along his
mail route the mailboxes are filled with surprises. Everyone loves Curtis, and at the last house on his
route they have a party for him. Illustrates an older person as a worker and opens up a discussion about
work, retirement, and preparing for retirement.
Herman, Charlotte (2010). First Rain
Albert Whitman (2-3) $6.99
ISBN 9781497649385
It was raining when Abby and her parents moved to Israel. When they arrive in Israel it is summertime
and will not rain for a long time. Abby is sad that her grandma did not move with them. To keep in touch
Grandma and Abby send letters to each other, talk to each other on the phone, and send e-mails. Abby
tells Grandma she is learning Hebrew, went on a tiyul”—a hike, visited the suka marketplace, and
took a trip to the Dead Sea. Abby remembers how she and Grandma used to play on rainy days and she
looks forward to the first rain of autumn in Israel. When the first rain comes Grandma surprises Abby with
a visit. Portrays the contemporary issue of grandparents living at a distance from grandchildren. The
grandmother is an integral part of the girls life. MULTICULTURAL
Herman, Charlotte (2014). The Memory Cupboard: A Thanksgiving Story
Albert Whitman (1-4) $6.99
ISBN 9781497651883
Katie’s family gathers at Grandma’s for Thanksgiving. On the wall in the kitchen Grandma has all the
letters and drawings Katie sent her. When clearing the table Katie accidentally broke Grandma’s antique
gravy boat. Katie was in tears, but Grandma tells Katie that “people are more important than things”. She
takes Katie’s hand and shows her a “memory” cupboard filled with old broken teapots, mugs, cookie jars,
toys, and clocks. Every object in the cupboard had “a story to tell” and Grandma shared the family
memories with Katie. The letters that Katie wrote to her Grandmother can lead into a discussion of pen
pals and letter writing. The memory cupboard stories are examples of family history. A Grandma has a
good message for her granddaughter and a loving intergenerational relationship is portrayed.
Hest, Amy (1992). The Purple Coat
Aladdin (K-3) $7.99
ISBN 9780689716348
Every autumn Gabrielle and her mother take the train to New York to Grandpa’s tailor shop for Grandpa
to make Gabrielle a new navy blue coat with gold buttons. This year Gabrielle wants a purple coat, but
her mother wants her to have a blue one. Grandfather ingeniously solves the problem by making a
reversible coat. He tells Gabrielle and her mother that "sometimes it is good to try something new".
Shows an older adult who is working, creative, and caring. Christopher Book Award
Hest, Amy (2004). Guess Who, Baby Duck!
Candlewick (PS-K) $15.99
ISBN 9780763619817
Grandpa comes to visit baby duck with a surprise. The surprise is a picture book of baby duck on the day
he was born. Leads into a discussion of growing up and growing older.
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
Hest, Amy (2007). Mr. George Baker
Candlewick (K-3) $6.99
ISBN 9780763633080
Mr. George Baker is a musician who is 100 years old. Neighbors come by to listen to him play the drums.
He and Harry are special friends who sit together on Mr. Baker’s porch while they wait for the school bus
each morning. George calls out to Harry as he runs across the lawn to wait for the bus. While they are
waiting on the porch Mrs. Baker comes out to greet them and she and Mr. Baker dance. The bus comes
and everyone on the bus wants George but every day he sits with Harry. Mr. Baker and other adults on
the busy are learning to read at school, and Harry is learning too. Lifelong learning, intergenerational
friendship, and a person who is a centenarian. Many of today’s children will live to be centenarians and
this can lead to a discussion of growing up and growing older. MULTICULTURAL
Hest, Amy (2013). When Charley Met Grampa
Candlewick (PS-K) $15.99
ISBN 9780763653149
Henry and grampa write letters back and forth and Grampa is coming by train for a visit. Henry wants
grandpa to meet his new puppy, Charley. Grampa is a little leery and says “I’ve never been friends with a
dog before”. It is windy and snowy when grampa’s train arrives and his hat blows off. Charley brings
grampa’s hat back to him, he and grandpa become friend. An active older adult, the somewhat lost art of
letter writing is part of the story, and travel by train which is part of our country’s history is presented. Can
bring up a discussion about being a pen pal with an older person.
High, Linda (2004). Beekeepers
Boyds Mills (1-4) $12.95
ISBN 9781590780466
Grandfather is a beekeeper and a young granddaughter helps him tend his beehives. They enjoy
working together. Intergenerational activities and an active Grandfather is.
Hoffman, Mary (1991). Amazing Grace
Dial/Penguin (PS-3) $18.99
ISBN 9780803710405
Grace is a young African American girl who loves acting. Her class at school plans to do the play Peter
Pan and Grace wants to try out for the title role. Some of her classmates discourage her, but with the
support and encouragement of her grandmother, Grace auditions for the part and everyone in the class
votes for her. This book portrays the grandmother as capable, sensitive, and an integral part of the
family. It shows old and young enjoying each other and learning from each other. MULTICULTURAL
Waldenbooks Best Children's Book Award
Holt, Kimberly Willis (2010). The Adventure of Granny Clearwater and Little Critter
Henry Holt (1-3) $16.99
ISBN 9780805078992
A fantasy journey about the Clearwater family moving out West. Little Critter and Granny ride in the back
of the covered wagon, the wagon jolts, and both get thrown off. They had to walk across the hot, dry
prairie to find their way back to the family. On the journey they fish, cross a mountain, catch a thief, ride
in a stagecoach, deliver mail on Pony Express, pan for gold, and Granny did a rain dance to make it ran.
They finally are reunited with the familyall under granny’s guidance.
Homan, Lynn & Reilly, Thomas (2002). The Tuskegee Airmen Story
Pelican (1-3) $16.99
ISBN 9781589800052
The grandkids find Granddad’s WWII uniforms, his leather flight helmet and medals. Grandma tells them
that Granddad was a Tuskegee Airman. Granddad tells his grandchildren about his role with the
Tuskegee Airmen, an elite squadron of African-American pilots that flew over 1,500 missions during
WWII. Family history is presented and the story introduces children to an important part of our countries
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
Horrocks, Anita (2010). Silas’ Seven Grandparents
Orca Book Publishers (K-2) $19.95
ISBN 9781551435619
Silas has seven grandparents that he loves and who love him. When his parents go away on a business
trip all of his grandparents invite Silas to stay with them. Silas does not want to say no to any of them,
he invites all of his grandparents to come to his house, and all seven came to take care of Silas.
Addresses a contemporary issue of having multiple sets of grandparents and step-grandparents.
Houston, Gloria (1997). My Great-Aunt Arizona
HarperCollins (K-3) $6.99
ISBN 9780060226060
The story is about the author’s Great-Aunt Arizona who was born in a log cabin. As a young girl she liked
to grow flowers, sing, and dance to fiddle music; but what she liked most of all is too read. She dreamed
of going to faraway places but instead stayed in the Blue Ridge Mountains. She became a teacher and
taught for 57 years. At the end of the story Arizona is an older woman and is she still teaching. She is
fondly remembered by generations of people in her community. Illustrates growing up and growing older,
older adults working, and people making a difference in their communities.
Howard, Elizabeth (1995). Aunt Flossie’s Hats (and Crab Cakes Later)
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (K-3) $7.95
ISBN 9780395720776
On Sunday afternoons Sarah and Susan, two young African American sisters, go to see Great-Great
Aunt Flossie. Aunt Flossie greets them at the door and offers them tea, cookies, and crab cakes later.
They love Aunt Flossie, her house, and especially her hats. Aunt Flossie tells the girls the stories about
Hutchins, Pat (1992). You’ll Soon Grow Into Them Titch
HarperCollins (PS-3) $6.99
ISBN 9780688115074
Titch receives hand-me-down clothes from his brother and sister. The clothes are usually too big for him
and they tell him that he will grow into them soon. One day Titch’s mother buys him new clothes. When
he outgrows them he is able to hand them down to someone else. Although there are no older
characters in the book, but the book illustrates growing up and growing older. Children can talk about
things they have outgrown and how they are growing.
Isadora, Rachel (2009). Happy Belly, Happy Smile
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (PS-2) $16.00
ISBN 9780547544786
Every Friday night Louie goes to the Chinese restaurant his grandpa owns in Chinatown and has dinner
with his grandpa. The visit is always enjoyable. Grandfather is active and working. MULTICULTURAL
Jeffers, Dawn (2006). Vegetable Dreams/Huerto Sonado
Raven Tree Press (K-3) $16.95
ISBN 9780974199290
The book is written in both English and Spanish. Erin wants a garden, but her parents are reluctant to let
her have one. Her older neighbor, Mr. Martinez, agrees to give her part of his garden to plant her
vegetables. Erin and Mr. Martinez plant and tend the garden. Erin loved to work the garden, but she
loved her talks and friendship with Mr. Martinez even more. Erin enjoyed the magic of the friendship
found in the garden. Illustrates intergenerational friendship, old and young enjoying each other, and
learning from each other. MULTICULTURAL
Johnston, Tony (2009). My Abuelita
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (PS-1) $16.99
ISBN 978052163303
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
The story has some Spanish words. A grandson lives with his active grandmother, Abuelita. Abuelita
wakes up every morning with the sun, does exercises with her grandson, prepares breakfast, sings, and
goes to work as a storyteller. Some drawings and descriptions are stereotypic a: “face as crinkled as a
dry chile, hair is the color of salt”. However, the book does address the contemporary issue of
grandparents raising grandchildren. Grandmother is portrayed as active and capable. MULTICULTURAL
Joosse, Barbara (2010). Sleepover at Gramma’s House
Penguin (PS-1) $17.99
ISBN 9780152065461
A grandmother elephant and her granddaughter enjoy the granddaughter’s overnight stays. The love
each other and have many activities that they do.
Juster, Norton (2005). The Hello, Goodbye Window
Disney-Hyperion (PS-2) $15.95
ISBN 9780786809141
Nanna and Poppy live in a big house in the middle of town. In the front of their house is a kitchen window,
the Hello, Goodbye Window. Nanna and Poppy wave hello from the window when you come and wave
goodbye and blow kisses to you when you leave. It is a special window where you can play peek-a-boo,
make silly faces, and get a lot of hellos before you go inside. Shares the fun things the grandchild does
with Nanna and Poppy, like riding a bike and Poppy playing the harmonica. When the grandchild grows
up she wants to have a “Hello, Goodbye Window”. Active grandparents and a loving family tradition.
Caldecott Medal Winner, Boston Globe-Horn Book Honor, New York Times Best Illustrated Children’s
Karon, Jan (2001). Miss Fannies Hat
Penguin (PS-2) $6.99
ISBN 9780140568127
Miss Fannie is 99 years old and lives with her daughter, Miss Wanda. She enjoys reading her Bible,
going to church, and her hats. Her favorite hat is a pink straw with silk roses and she has worn the hat to
church every Easter Sunday for 35 years. When the minister asks her to donate a hat for the Easter
auction, she donates her favorite hat. With the money earned from Miss Fannie’s hat the church planted
beds of pink roses. “Now when people pass the little white church, they think they’re seeing a garden of
dazzling pink roses. But what they’re really seeing is Miss Fannie’s hat, and it will always be her favorite.”
Not many books have an older character who is 99 years old and active in their community. A good book
to use in talking to children about how many of them will live to be as old as Miss Fannie and what they
want to be and do as an older person.
Kinch, Devon (2010). Pretty Penny Sets Up Shop
Random House (PS-2) $3.99
ISBN 9780375867354
Pretty Penny has very big ideas for someone so smalllike the time she wrote her first novel and had a
puppy dog fashion show. Every summer Penny stays with her grandma who is an artist. Grandma owns
the big yellow building she lives in, lives on the parlor floor, and rents out three apartments. The very top
floor is the attic where Grandma keeps all of her extra stuff. Her attic is full of treasures and they set up
shop” and have an attic sale.
Kirk, Connie (2004). Sky Dancers
Lee & Low (1-3) $17.95
ISBN 9781584301622
An American Indian boy, John Cloud, lives with his parents and grandfather. His grandfather was a
steelworker who used to build skyscrapers in New York City and his father is a steelworker now. John,
his mother, and grandfather took the train to New York City where his father worked. Grandfather
explained things along the way on the train. MULTICULTURAL
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
Lainez, Rene (2005). Playing loteria/El juegode la loteria
Cooper Square Publishing (K-3) $15.95/$6.95
ISBN 9780873588812/ISBN9780873589192
This text is written in both English and Spanish. A young girl goes to visit her grandma “Abuela”. The girl
speaks English and the grandma speaks Spanish. Grandma makes a deal where she will teach the
granddaughter Spanish and the granddaughter will teach her English. Every day they practice their
phrases together. Active grandma who cooks and has a loteria stand where she works. A loving
intergenerational relationship. MULTICULTURAL
Laminack, Lester (2004). Saturdays and Teacakes
Peachtree (PS-3) $16.95
ISBN 9781561453030
Every Saturday morning a young boy rides his bike to visit his grandmother and Mammaw is waiting for
him on the front porch glider. Mammaw works in the garden, grandson mows the yard, and they make
teacakes together. A warm intergenerational relationship. Shows young and older enjoying each other
and learning from each other. A capable and caring grandmother.
Laminack, Lester (2008). Jake’s 100
Day of School
Peachtree (K-3) $8.95
ISBN 9781561454631
Jake’s class is celebrating the 100
day of school by bringing in collections of 100 things. Grandma
Maggie and his teacher have planned a surprise for the class that day. Grandma Maggie brings her Aunt
Lula to class. Aunt Lula is 100 years old. Aunt Lula and grandma help the class make a snack. Few
books have a centenarian portrayed. Older adults are portrayed as active and independent. Leads into a
discussion of growing up and growing older and the fact that many children will live to be centenarians.
Lanton, Sandy (2014). The Littlest Levine
Kar-Ben (PS-2) $17.95
ISBN 9780761390459
Hannah did not like being the littlest Levine but Grandpa helps to make her see that someday she might
change her mind. Jewish holidays such as Sukkot and Passover are portrayed. Grandparents are active
members of the family. Grandpa teaches her to speak Hebrew. The seder is a festive meal to celebrate
Passover. Thanks to the teachings of her Grandpa Hannah, the littlest Levine, recites in Hebrew at the
family’s seder. Information at the end of the book explains the Passover holiday. MULTICULTURAL
Larson, Debra Jo (2012). One Frozen Lake
Minnesota Historical Society Press (PS-2) $16.95
ISBN 9780873518666
The book is written in verse and tells the story of a grandfather and grandson going ice fishing. The
grandfather drives his truck with the ice fishing shack in tow and they go ice fishing. Grandfather sets up
the ice fishing house. They spend the day together fishing, enjoy themselves, and at the end of the day
plan to go back again. Ice fishing is a traditional northern pastime. A loving intergenerational relationship.
An independent and capable grandfather.
Lasky, Katherine (2009). Georgia Rises: A Day in the Life of Georgia O’Keefe
Farrar, Straus & Giroux (2-3) $16.95
ISBN 9780374325299
Presents a day in the life of the legendary, energetic artist Georgia O’Keefe in her later years. In the book
Georgia is an older woman with white hair. She loved and painted the landscapes of Texas and her
beloved New Mexico. In New Mexico she bought a house and land called Ghost Ranch. An interesting
story that details an active, successful, and productive life in old age.
Levine, Abby (2003). This is The Turkey
Albert Whitman (PS) $6.95
ISBN 9780807578896
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
Family and friends are gathered for Thanksgiving dinner. Mom trips while taking the turkey to the table
and the turkey lands in the fish tank. Grandma says, “we have all we need because everyone’s here”.
Grandma and grandpa help the dinner go ahead as planned.
Lipson, Eden Ross (2009). Applesauce Season
Roaring Brook (PS-2) $17.99
ISBN 9781596432161
The grandson goes with his grandmother to market to purchase apples and she declares the start of
applesauce season. At home the family prepares the applesauce. Grandmother is an integral part of the
family and plays a major role in the applesauce making process. Recipe for applesauce is given at the
back of the book. Nonstereotypic portrayal of the grandmother.
Look, Lenore (2001). Henry’s First-Moon Birthday
Atheneum (PS-2) $18.99
ISBN 9780689822940
Gnin Gnin (paternal grandmother) came to help out for the birth of Jen’s baby brother, Henry. She knows
how to make sweaters, blankets, noodles, ornaments, and can braid hair beautifully. Gnin Gnin leads the
way and prepares for Henry’s first-moon (one-month) birthday. She and Jen cook food, write Chinese
calligraphy, and color eggs for good luck. Capable grandmother who is an integral part of the family.
Chinese words are defined. MULTICULTURAL
American Library Association Notable Books for Children
Lord, Janet (2008). Albert the Fix-It Man
Peachtree (PS-1) $15.95/$7.95
ISBN 9781561454334/ISBN 9781561458301
Albert has many tools and he is never to busy to help repair things for his friends and neighbors.
Everyone calls him the “Fix-It Man” repairs stuff for neighbors. Active older adult who is an integral part of
his community. When Albert falls ill his friends bring him meals and he is quickly on the mend.
Intergenerational sharing and caring.
Lord, Janet (2005). Here Comes Grandma!
Henry Holt & Company (PS-K) $14.99
ISBN 9780805076660
Grandma is coming to visit and it doesn’t matter if she has to walk, bicycle, drive, ski, or fly. Grandchild is
looking forward to the visit and grandma is greeted with a big hug.
Love, Maryann Cusimano (2010). You Are My Wish
Penguin (PS-1) $16.99
ISBN 9780399247521
The major characters are bears. Illustrates the loving relationship between grandparent and grandchild
as they explore what they mean to each other.
Lum, Kate (2002). What! Cried Granny. An Almost Bedtime Story
Penguin (PS-1) $6.99
ISBN 9780142300923
When Patrick goes to Grandma’s to spend the night he finds he needs a bed, a pillow, a blanket and a
teddy bear. Grandma makes sure Patrick has all of these. Arizona Young Reader’s Award
MacLachlan, Patricia (1994). All the Places to Love
HarperCollins (PS-3) $17.99
ISBN 9780060210984
On the day Eli was born his grandmother held him up to the window so that what he heard first was the
wind and what he saw first was all the places to love. Everyone in Eli’s family has a favorite place. Mama
loves the meadows and hay fields, papa loves the fields to plow, grandmother loves the river, and
grandfather loves the barn where family names are carved in the rafters. Eli’s favorite place is the marsh
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
where ducklings follow their mother. Eli has wonderful memories of all of these places and he grows up
knowing that no matter where the rest of his life takes him all the places to love are still there. Reciprocal
intergenerational relationships of loving, sharing, and caring. Shows older people as active and integral
members of their families. Oklahoma Book Award
Marshall, Linda Elovitz (2012). Grandma Rose’s Magic
Kar-Ben (PS-K) $7.95
ISBN 9780761352150
Grandma Rose is a seamstress and creates beautiful things. She made clothes for her family, dolls for
grandchildren, and curtains and quilts for friends and neighbors. When she sews she always sews
something extra “magical” into each work, like the beautiful pink and red buttons shaped like roses on a
skirt, napkins to go with a tablecloth, or a monogram on a shirt. She saved the money from her sewing so
she could buy “the most beautiful set of dishes” she had ever seendishes just like the ones her
grandmother used on Shabbos when she was a child. Grandma Rose finally saved enough money for
the dishes but could not find the pattern she wanted. Her friends and family surprise her by finding the
dishes and giving them to her. An active grandmother who is working and shares the gift of giving and
doing for others. MULTICULTURAL
Martin, Bill Jr. & Archambault, John (1997). Knots on a Counting Rope
Square Fish (PS-2) $7.95
ISBN 9780805054798
An American Indian boy sits by the fire with his grandfather. The boy is blind and asks his grandfather to
once again tell him the story of his life. Each time the story is told the grandfather ties a knot in the
"counting rope". Through telling the story the grandfather has helped the boy become strong, capable,
and independent. The grandfather has a profound and positive influence on the boy's life.
Martin, Jacqueline Briggs (1998). Snowflake Bentley
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (1-3) $7.99
ISBN 9780547248295
This is the story of the life of this Wilson Bentley from childhood through adulthood. Bentley was born in
Jericho Vermont. He was a self-taught scientist who photographed thousands of individual snowflakes
and studied their unique formations. Colleges and universities bought copies of Bentley’s photographs,
his photos inspired artists and designers, and the photos are still used today. It was Bentley who
determined that each snowflake is different, and his book Snow Crystals has become a classic. This
story shows a lifetime of accomplishment, creativity and activity. Illustrates growing up and growing older.
Caldecott Medal Winner, American Library Association Notable Books for Children, ABC Children’s
Booksellers Choices Award
Mason, Margaret (2011). These Hands
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (1-3) $16.99
ISBN 9780547215662
Joseph’s grandpa could do just about anything with his hands like play the piano and throw a curve ball,
but there were some things he couldn’t do with his hands. The story discusses the racial discrimination
that separated people and how hands did join together to work against discrimination. The story ends
with the grandfather telling Joseph that his hands can do anything. MULTICULTURAL
Mayer, Mercer (2014). Just a Kite
HarperCollins (PS-1) $16.99
ISBN 9780062071972
Little Critter finds a kite at the store. He and dad put it together, go to the park to practice for the
Critterville Kite Flying Contest, and a big wind rips up the kite. The kite store does not have anymore
kites. Grandpa comes to the rescue and builds him a kite, the string breaks when the kite is flying, and
the kite is lost. Grandpa once gain comes to the rescue and builds an amazing new kite that wins a
ribbon for the most original kite.
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
Mayer, Mercer (2007). Grandma, Grandpa, and Me
HarperCollins (PS-2) $3.99
Little Critter Series
ISBN 9780060539511
Little Critter has a sleepover at Grandma and Grandpa’s farm. He helps milk the cows, collects eggs,
flies a kite, picks blueberries, and bakes a pie for the contest at the Country Fair. The pie has a special
ingredient: “lots of love”. Active grandparents, loving intergenerational relationship, and intergenerational
Mayer, Mercer (2001). Just Grandma & Me
Random House (PS-1) $3.99
Little Critter series
ISBN 9780307118936
Tells the story of Little Critter and his grandma and the good time that they had at their day at the beach.
McCain, Becky Ray (2004). Grandmother’s Dreamcatcher
Albert Whitman (K-3) $6.99
ISBN 9780807530320
Kimmy stays with her Chippewa grandmother while her parents look for a new home. Grandmother
teaches her to make a dreamcatcher to keep nightmares away and comfort her during the night.
Dreamcatchers catch the bad dreams and only let the good dreams come through. Having the
dreamcatcher helps to ease Kimmy’s move to her new home. Wise, capable grandmother.
McCutcheon, John (2006). Christmas in the Trenches
Peachtree (1-3) $19.95
ISBN 9781561453740
Grandpa talks about his favorite Christmas with his young grandchildren. His favorite Christmas was
during World War I in 1914. Grandpa was in the battlefield trenches when a Christmas truce was called.
The Christmas Truce of 1914 actually happened. Illustrates family history.
McGregor, Roy (2014). The Highest Number in the World
Tundra Books (2-3) $17.99
ISBN 9781770495753
Gabe is a young girl who loves to play hockey and makes the team. Her jersey had always worn her
lucky number 22 jersey in honor of Canadian women’s hockey legend Hayley Wickenheiser. Now that
she is on the team she has been give number 9 as her jersey number. She is unhappy about this and
decides she doesnt want to play if she has to wear number 9. Grandmother played hockey as a girl and
tells Gabe that then all the girl players wore #9 in honor of Maurice “Rocket” Richard. Gordie Howe and
many famous hockey players also wore #9. Grandmother calls #9 the highest number in the world.
Gabe decides to play with her #9 jersey number. At the end of the book you see Gabe and her
grandmother in hockey jerseys on skates.
Menchin, Scott (2015). Grandma in Blue With Red Hat
Abrams (PS-1) $16.95
ISBN 9781419714849
A young boy goes to an art class at the museum each Saturday. There he learns that there are many
things that make art special. When he gets home his Grandma is waiting for him and thy talk about what
he learned. He decides to create his own special masterpiece and holds his own art exhibit. His
masterpiece is a series of paintings of Grandma that show the many aspects of her life and what she
means to the grandson. A favorite is the painting, “Grandma in Blue with a Red Hat”. Loving
intergenerational relationship. Art can be discussed as a lifespan activity. MUTICULTURAL
Mills, Claudia. Gus and Grandpa Series
Farrar, Straus & Giroux (K-3)
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
This excellent series shows a loving and warm intergenerational relationship and a grandfather who is
capable, caring, sensitive, and has good advice. Unfortunately, many of the books are out-of-print but are
available through vendors. Please visit the listing of out-of- print books in the series in this booklist.
Gus and Grandpa and Two-Wheeled Bike (1999/2001) $14.70/$4.95
ISBN 9780613983303/ISBN 9780374428167
Minnema, Cheryl (2014). Hungry Johnny
Minnesota Society Press (K-3) $17.95
ISBN 9780873519267
Johnny is hungry and grandma is cooking in the kitchen preparing thing for the community feast. At the
community center an older man was saying a prayer in Ojibwa. When the prayer was over Johnny
wanted to eat but Grandma explained that out of respect for the elders they ate first. Since Grandma was
older Johnny wanted to know why she was not eating. Grandma explained that she was a “baby elder”
and those eating were older than her. Acknowledges that people are living longer and terms such as old,
young older, old old, and oldest old are now being used. Today’s children can expect to someday be the
oldest old. Culture and language of the Ojibwa are presented. MULTICULTURAL
Mitchell, Margaree (1998). Uncle Jed’s Barbershop
Aladdin (PS-3) $7.99
ISBN 9780689819131
Everyone has a favorite relative and for a young African American girl, Sarah Jean, its her Uncle Jed.
Jedediah Johnson was the only black barber in the county. He had a dream of opening up his own
barber shop. However, a number of things kept him from achieving his dream. Uncle Jed finally opened
up his shop on his seventy-ninth birthday. Parts of our country’s history such as the Great Depression
and segregation are discussed. The story is based on the life and dreams of the author’s grandfather.
Shows an older person who is working and active in his community. MULTICULTURAL
Coretta Scott King Honor Book, American Library Association Notable Children’s Book
Mitchell, Margaree King (2012). When Grandmama Sings
HarperCollins (2-3) $16.99
ISBN 9780688175634
Belle’s Grandmama, Ivory Belle Coles, loved to sing and sang everywhere she went. She was invited to
go on a singing tour of the South but she could not read. Belle goes with Grandmama on her tour to read
for her. At the time the South was segregated and segregation, “people kept apart from one another”.
Segregation is limited where Grandmama could sing. Folks enjoyed her singing and started to write
about it. By the end of the tour Grandmama was singing to an audience of both black and white people;
her music had brought people together. Segregation is discussed. Grandmama stands up for what is
right and wanted a world where people where not kept apart. She passed that hope and message on to
her granddaughter. MULTICULTURAL
Moon, Emily Kate (2013). Joone
Dial (PS-1) $16.99
ISBN 9780803737440
Joone and her turtle, Dr. Chin, live with her grandpa who was a scientist. They live in a yurt, a round
house, that grandpa built years ago. Grandpa still fixes things at the yurt and sometimes Joone helps
him. Every day grandpa and Joone learn something from each other. Joone has a treehouse and
grandpa visits her in it. Illustrates the contemporary phenomena of grandparents raising grandchildren.
Active, independent, capable grandfather. A loving intergenerational relationship.
Mora, Pat & Martinez, Libby (2014). I Pledge Allegiance
Alfred A. Knopf (1-3) $16.99
ISBN 9780307931818
Libby’s great-aunt, “Lobo” immigrated to the United States from Mexico as a young girl. She is now 80
years old, has studied for her American citizenship test, and passed it. Libby is very proud of her. She
and Lobo practice the Pledge of Allegiance for Lobo to say when she becomes a U.S. citizen. Lobo
especially likes the words liberty and justice for alland says they are a promise to be fair to everyone.
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
The story is based on the life of the author’s great-aunt who came to the U.S. during the Mexican
revolution. In the prologue the authors tell that into her nineties “Lobo” read with them, played games
with them, and was fun. Illustrates lifelong learning, an active, capable older adult and a loving,
intergenerational relationship. MULTICULURAL
Mora, Pat (2008). Sweet Dreams/Dulces Suenos
HarperCollins (PS-K) $14.89
ISBN 9780060850425
Grandmother, Abuelita, tucks in her grandchildren, gives each a kiss, and says goodnight to each of
them. Loving intergenerational relationship. Bilingual text in Spanish/English. MULTICULTURAL
Mora, Pat (1997). A Birthday Basket for Tia
Aladdin (PS-2) $6.99
ISBN 9780689813283
Cecilia is a young Mexican American girl. She has many happy memories of special times with her
Great-Aunt Tia and decides to give her a surprise 90
birthday party with a special birthday present.
A loving intergenerational relationship. Illustrates to children the prospect of a long, productive life.
Morris, Carla (2007). The Boy Who Was Raised By Librarians
Peachtree (1-3) $16.95
ISBN 9781561453917
Melvin loves the library and can always find answers there. The librarians, Marge, Betty, and Leeola, are
always at the reference desk and ready to help him. The story shows Melvin’s love of the library from
when he was a little boy through high school. When he graduates from high school the librarians, who
are now older, go to his high school graduation. Illustrates growing up and growing older and shows the
value of reading and the library.
Morrison, Toni & Morrison, Slade (2009). Peeny Butter Fudge
Simon & Schuster (PS-2) $16.99
ISBN 9781416983323
Grandchildren have fun visiting nana. They do lots of fun activities like singing songs, reading stories,
dancing, doing puzzles, and making peeny butter fudge. Active African-American grandmother who is
an integral part of the family. Written in rhyming verse. MULTICULTURAL.
Moseley, Keith (2014). Where’s the Fairy?
Sterling (PS-1) $14.95
ISBN 9781454913634
When Moly visits her grandmother she “whisks” her off on her motorcycle on amazing adventures. This
time grandmother takes her dog, Pebbles, and Molly on in such of fairies in the forest. As they journey
through the forest on their search many forest animals are shown. Molly and grandmother do not see any
fairies, but Pebbles sees some.
Moser, Linda (2009). Kisses on the Wind
Candlewick (PS-2) $15.99
ISBN 9780763631109
A pioneer family is moving to Oregon. Grandma is not moving with them and the young granddaughter
does not want to leave her. Grandma knows what the young girl is feeling and through memories,
activities, and storytelling helps her get ready to make the trip. Grandmother gives the granddaughter a
book of her stories to take with her so she and her love will always be with her. As the family left for
Oregon the grandmother sent the granddaughter kisses on the wind.
Moser, Lisa (2006). Watermelon Wishes
Clarion (PS-2) $16.00
ISBN 9780547533803
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
Charlie and Grandpap prepare to plant watermelon seeds. Charlie tells Grandpap that he wants to grow
a “wishing watermelon” and Grandpap is not sure what that is. Charlie tells him that it is a very special
watermelon that can give only one wish. Over the summer Charlie and Grandpap do many things
together as they watch the watermelons grow. Charlie finds his watermelon and made a wish. He
wished for a summer just like the one he had just had with Grandpap. Loving intergenerational
relationship and an active Grandpap.
Murphy, Claire Rudolf (2011). Marching with Aunt Susan: Susan B. Anthony and
the Fight for Women’s Suffrage
Peachtree (1-3) $16.95
ISBN 9781561455935
When Bessie was young, girls were not allowed to do many of the things that boys did. Her brothers went
hiking and bicycle riding, but she was not allowed to. One day Bessie picks up a paper and reads about
Susan B. Anthony. Miss Anthony is now an older woman and Bessie’s mother tells her that she has
fought fifty years for women’s rights. Bessie gets to meet Miss Anthony who everyone calls “Aunt Susan”
and hears her talk about women’s rights. The talk changes Bessie’s life and she works for women’s
suffrage. Miss Anthony is seen as a person who dedicated her life to what she believed in. Illustrates a
capable, active older person.
Association for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE) Childrens Book Award 2014
Murphy, Yannick (2006). Ahwoooooooo!
Clarion (K-2) $16.00
ISBN 9780618117628
Little Wolf wants to learn to howl but mother and father wolf are too busy to teach him. Other animals in
the forest do not howl, so they cannot teach him. His grandfather teaches Little Wolf to howl.
Grandfather tells him that you have to think of all the things you love when you howl.
Newman, Leslea (2012). A Sweet Passover
Abrams (PS-2) $16.95
ISBN 9780810997370
Passover, also called the Festival of Freedom, is an eight day Jewish holiday. During Passover a young
girl, Miriam, ends up eating too much matzah. By the time Passover is over she decides that she never
wants to eat matzah again. Grandpa has a special Passover French toast, his special matzah brie, that
he makes for her and Miriam learns to like matzah again. She and Grandpa then make matzah brie
together. As the story is told things such as being humble, doing good deeds, and getting along with
everyone are mentioned. The book contains a recipe for the matzah brie, a brief summary of the
Passover holiday, and definitions of some of the words used in the book. MULTICULTURAL
Newman, Nanette (2012). What Will You Be, Grandma?
Candlewick Press (PS-2) $15.99
ISBN 9780763660994
Lily asked her grandma “What do you think you’ll be when you grow up?” Her grandmother said that a lot
of people thought she was grown up already, but Lily told her grandmother that she still had a long way to
go. Lily envisioned her grandma doing many things including her grandmother being an artist, a doctor, a
gardener, an entertainer, and a fairy with a magic wand. The story indicates that the young girl sees the
potentials of older adults and the ability to achieve and do throughout life. A loving intergenerational
relationship where the granddaughter sees the potentials of old age.
Nicholson, Caitlin (2008). Niwechihaw/I Help
Groundwood Books (PS-K) $18.95
ISBN 9780888998125
This simply told story is written in both Cree and English and illustrates Cree life and customs. The
author’s grandmother helped young people live with tradition and cultural values in a contemporary world,
was the inspiration for the book. In Cree the word kôhkom means grandmother. Cree children have
many kôhkom’s. A young boy and his grandmother as get ready to drive to the woods. In the woods they
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
walk, pray, pick berries, listen, eat, and share time together. Reflects the knowledge that children can
receive from older adults. Share with children the dialogue, notes and acknowledgements at the end of
the book. The epilogue says that children should never stop learning from elders and that elders are the
key to the past and the future. Young people use kôhkom as a term of love and respect for women
Association for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE) Childrens Book Award 2010
Nielsen, Laura (2008). Mrs. Muddle’s Holidays
Farrar, Straus & Giroux (K-3) $16.99
ISBN 9780374350949
Mrs. Muddle moves into Katie’s neighborhood. She rides a bicycle and celebrates more holidays than
anyone including First Robin Day, First Shower of April, and First Snow. Holidays are some of her
favorite things and she celebrates them with the neighborhood. The children and their families surprise
Mrs. Muddle with another holiday “Mrs. Muddle Day”. At the end of the book the meaning of “holidays” is
described. Capable, active older adult. Illustrates young and old enjoying each other, learning from each
other and intergenerational friendship.
Numeroff, Laura (2000). What Grandmas Do Best/What Grandpas Do Best
Simon & Schuster (PS-1) $16.99
ISBN 9780689805523
Animals are the characters in the book. Read the book and find out what grandmas do best, then turn the
book upside down and find out what grandpas do best. Lots of fun activities for grandparents and
grandchildren to do. What grandparents do best though is give lots of love.
O’Connor, Jane (2010). Fancy Nancy: My Family History
HarperCollins (PS-2) $3.99
ISBN 9780061882715
A story of family history and knowing about your ancestors. Children are writing ancestor reports in class.
Bree is writing about her great-grandfather who is ninety and a war hero. Robert’s great-grandmother is
one hundred and came to American on a ship that almost sank. Fancy Nancy gathers information from
her Grandpa about their family history. Few books address older adults that are 90 and 100 years old.
Opens up a discussion of the long lives the children can be expected to have and what they want to be
and do as an older adult.
O’Connor, Jane (2008). Fancy Nancy: Bonjour, Butterfly
HarperCollins (PS-3) $3.99
ISBN 9780061882715
Nancy can’t wait to attend her friend’s butterfly birthday party but finds out that she can’t go to the party
because she is attending her grandparent’s 50
wedding anniversary party. She is not happy about
missing her friend’s party, but her mother tells her that being married for fifty years is “exceptional,
extraordinary. When she gets to the anniversary party her grandparents are thrilled to see her and she
has a wonderful time. At the party grandma and grandpa dance and grandpa taught Nancy how to cha-
cha. The day after the party her grandparents take her to the zoo’s butterfly garden. Active grandparents
and non-stereotypic portrayal of older adults.
Ortega, Cristina (2006). The Eyes of the Weaver/Los Ojus del Tejedor
University of New Mexico Press (2-3) $16.95
ISBN 9780826339904
The author’s grandfather is the subject of this book. The Ortega family has made beautiful weavings for
generations. Maria Christina goes to visit her grandpa in New Mexico at the family farm. At the farm she
experiences many traditions. Grandpa is a master weaver and is proud that Christina learns to weave.
Hispanic culture is presented, Spanish words are used throughout the book, and a Spanish glossary of
words is included. Active grandfather who is still working. Loving intergenerational relationship.
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
Parish, Herman (2011). Amelia Bedelia Makes a Friend
HarperCollins (PS-2) $3.99
ISBN 9780062075154
Amelia Bedelia’s family moves away and she misses her best friend. One day a new neighbor moves in.
The new neighbor is an older woman and she and Amelia Bedelia become friends. Few books illustrate
intergenerational friendship and this book shows the potential of friendships with older adults.
Parr, Todd (2011). The Grandma Book
Little, Brown Books for Young Readers (PS) $7.00
ISBN 9780316070416
Grandmas are very special and they know everything. Grandmas are happy when you spend the night
with them and they like to hear from you. Mentions grandmas in a variety of roles including helping their
neighbors and taking care of their grandchildren. Loving portrayal of grandmas doing many things.
Parr, Todd (2011). The Grandpa Book
Little, Brown Books for Young Readers (PS) $8.00
ISBN 9780316070430
Grandpas are very special. Grandpas like to hold and hug you. Talks about the many things that
grandpas do including telling you stories, teaching you new things, sending you cards, taking you to
school and to the park, and making you laugh.
Pellegrino, Marjorie (2000). My Grandma’s the Mayor
American Psychological Association (1-3) $14.95
ISBN 9781557986085
Annie is very proud of her grandmother when she gets elected mayor but grandma now has to spend a
lot of time with her new job. Grandma and Annie work this out. This is one of the few books that shows
an older person in a leadership position. It is one of only a few books that share with children the
leadership roles older people often play in our nation and communities.
Phillips, J. C. (2009). Wink. The Ninja Who Wanted to be Noticed
Penguin (PS-2) $15.99
ISBN 9780670010929
Wink was very happy when he was accepted in the Summer Moon School for Young Ninjas. Master
Zutsu was an older ninja who taught the students. Master Zutsu has trouble getting Wink to behave like a
ninja and has interesting words of wisdom. An example, when Wink was being very loud Master Zutsu
stated: “The loudest cricket is the first to be caught”. Intergenerational learning, and an older adult who is
active and working.
Piernas-Davenport, Gail (2007). Shante Keys and the New Year’s Peas
Albert Whitman (K-3) $16.99
ISBN 9780807573303
It’s New Years and Shante Keys family is going to grandmas. Grandma has forgotten to cook the black-
eyed peas. It’s supposed to be a year of bad luck if you don’t eat black-eyed peas at New Years. Shante
goes to her neighbors to find some and each of them tells her their New Year’s foods and customs from
different countries. Shante finds the peas and invites all of her neighbors over for New Year’s dinner. At
the end of the book it talks about New Year’s traditions in other countries.
Pinson, Isabel (2014). Bubbe’s Belated Bat Mitzvah
Kar-Ben (2-3) $7.95
ISBN 9781467719506
Bubbe is teaching her great-granddaughter how to crochet and the girl finds that Bubbe never had a Bat
Mitzvah because girls were not allowed then to read from the Torah. The granddaughter decides that
Bubbe should have a Bat Mitzvah. At 95 years old Bubbe studies for her learns to read from the Torah
and all the great-grandchildren help her prepare for her belated Bat Mitzvah. The story was inspired by
the author’s mother who had a Bat Mitzvah at age 95 and celebrated the occasion with her children and
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
great-grandchildren. Active great-grandmother, lifelong learning, old and young learning from each other,
and a loving family relationship. MULTICULTURAL
Polacco, Patricia (1988, 2013). The Keeping Quilt
Simon (PS-3) $17.99
ISBN 9781442482371
The book was first published in 1988 and has a 25
anniversary edition that includes fifteen new pages
and details about what happened to the original quilt belonging to the author’s family. The quilt started
with the dress and babushka the author’s Great-Gramma Anna had when she came from Russia to
America as a child. When Anna outgrew the dress, it, the babushka, and other family clothing were made
into a quilt. Over the years other items of family clothing were incorporated into a quilt that would be
passed down through the family. The quilt was used for many things including a Sabbath tablecloth,
wedding canopy (huppa), and a blanket for welcoming new babies. The author expanded on the original
edition by incorporating information on how her children and family have used the quilt including for
sleeping, as a tent, and for superhero capes. Family history and tradition. MULTICULTURAL
Sydney Taylor Book Award from the Association of Jewish Libraries
Polacco, Patricia (1998). The Bee Tree
Penguin (K-3) $7.99
ISBN 9780698116962
Mary Ellen is tired of reading and wants to do something outside. Grampa decides that they will find a
bee tree. He lets a bee loose from a jar and tells Mary Ellen that the bee will lead them to a bee tree and
honey. Others join in the race and the bee tree is found. Grampa invited everyone back to the house for
biscuits, tea and honey.
Polacco, Patricia (1990/1997). Thunder Cake
Penguin (1-5) $7.99
ISBN 9780698115811
A grandmother helps her granddaughter overcome fear of thunderstorms. When the grandmother senses
that a storm is coming she announces it is "Thunder Cake" baking weather. To be a real Thunder Cake it
needs to be in the oven before the storm comes. Grandmother and granddaughter make the cake
together. An independent, loving, and capable grandmother emerges from this beautifully illustrated text.
Purmell, Ann (2006). Christmas Tree Farm
Holiday House (K-2) $16.95
ISBN 9780823418862
Grandpa and his grandson ride on a tractor through the family Christmas tree farm. All year long grandpa
and his family work on the farm planting, pruning, and tagging trees for Christmas. Grandpa knows about
all the trees on the farm. From the day after Thanksgiving until Christmas Eve grandpa works at his
Christmas Tree Hut. On Christmas Eve the family gathers at Grandpa and Grandma’s house for an old-
time tree-trimming party. Active Grandfather who is working.
Quattlebaum, Mary & Bryant, Laura J. (2013). Jo MacDonald Hiked in the Woods
Dawn Publications (K-2) $8.95
ISBN 9781584693352
New words to the tune of “Old MacDonald” are sung and an environmental twist is given to the song. As
Jo and her grandpa hike in the woods thy eat lunch and find all kinds of interesting things. At the end of
the book the forest community is discussed, children learn about the many things that live in the forest,
how to be a naturalist and citizen-scientist, and hear about activities to learn about the forest. Websites
for children to visit including the American Hiking Society ( and the U.S. Forest
Service, Discover the Forest site ( are given. Grandpa is independent and
active and an intergenerational activity of hiking is shared. An important environmental message is
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
Ransome, James (2012). My Teacher
Penguin (K-2) $16.99
ISBN 9780803732599
Her teacher had taught her mother and grandmothers and the girl wondered why the teacher had not
retired. The teacher loves teaching, inspires children to use their talents, and encourages them to read
and write. The teacher tells stories about things in the past, like the jazz played by Duke Ellington and
the Savoy Ballroom in Harlem where people danced. She teaches the children the gift of sharing as they
put together Thanksgiving baskets for people. She helps the children see all that they can be and do.
When the young girl asks her teacher why she keeps teaching she replies “I just love teaching and being
a part of your lives. I love helping to make your dreams come true. A capable, caring older adult who is
Rau, Dana Meachen (2003). Albert Einstein
Compass Point Books (1-3) $5.95
ISBN 9780756510503
Part of the Compass Point Biographies series. Tells the life story of one of the world’s greatest scientists
from childhood through old age. As a child Einstein had trouble memorizing words but he loved math,
science, ideas, games that took a lot of thought, and playing the violin. He especially liked finding the
answers to questions. He obtained a college degree in physics and won a Nobel Prize in physics. He
wrote theories about how the world works, discovered the atom, and the theory of relativity. He believed
that people needed to try to understand each other and was an advocate for peace. His love for mankind
is evidenced in his quote: “Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.” Some of his most important
work was developed in his old age. Illustrates growing up and growing older and a meaningful,
productive life.
Reagan, Jean (2014). How to Babysit a Grandma
Alfred A. Knopf (PS-K)
ISBN 9780385753845
It’s a sleepover at grandma’s house. When the young girl arrives at grandma’s she shouts: Grandma,
your babysitter is here!” She “keeps grandma busy” as they bake snickerdoodles, have a costume party,
go to the park, look at family pictures, play hide and seek, have a dancing puppet show, read books, play
cards, and say I-LOVE-YOU in sign language without saying a sound. Companion book to how to Babysit
a Grandpa.
Robinson, Sharon (2014). Under The Same Sun
Scholastic (2-3) $17.99
ISBN 9780545166720
Aunt Sharon and Grandmother Bibi are coming from America to Tanzania in celebration of Bibi’s 85
birthday and the children are planning a big surprise. For many days gift and stories are exchanged
among the family. The surprise is birthday party and a safari in Serengeti National Park. The family
history and slave trade as a part of this history are presented. As Bibi prepares to go home to America
she tells the children: “We may be separated by land and sea, but we are always under the same sun”.
The family plans a trip to reunite again. Nonstereotypic illustrations of older adults. Even when apart,
older adults are seen as integral members of the family. Dedicated to the author’s mother and
grandmother and to families everywhere who are separated by land and sea. MULTICULTURAL
Rookie Biographies
Scholastic/Children’s Press (1-3) $4.95-$5.95
This extensive series has multiple authors. Each book presents the lives of famous people including
presidents, artists, scientists, activists and inventors from childhood, to life as an adult, and older adult.
Interesting pictures accompany each story. The books are inspiring. Many of the people overcame
adversity to lead successful, caring, and meaningful lives. Some of the stories offer advice to children
such as: ask questions such as “Why” and “How”, think of how you can help others, discover things you
enjoy, find your talents, don’t be afraid to try new things, when you do something give it your all, and stay
focused on your dreams. Many of the books in the series are out-of-print but some come back as revised
editions. Illustrates creative life in old age. The following is a selection of books in the series that may be
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
of interest to young readers. Please view the series online to see other books and new series books that
may of interest to young readers.
Ditchfield, Christin (2003). Johnny Appleseed ISBN 9780516278162 $4.95
Eddy, Susan (2004). Mother Theresa ISBN 9780516279220 $4.95
Evento, Susan (2005). Sitting Bull ISBN 9780516258294 $4.95
Fontes, Justin (2005). Rachel Carson ISBN 97805156268194 $4.95
Grant, Karima (2006). Nelson Mandela ISBN9780516255378 $4.95
Mara, Wil (2003). Alexander Graham Bell ISBN 9780516273402 $4.95
Mara, Wil (2006). Betsy Ross ISBN 9780516253695 $4.95
Mara, Wil (2014). Amelia Earhart ISBN 978053249802 $5.95
Mara, Wil (2004). Thomas Edison ISBN 9780516258225 $4.95
Mara, Wil (2014). Benjamin Franklin ISBN 9780531212011 $5.95
Mara, Wil (2013). Steve Jobs ISBN 9780531247051 $5.95
Mara, Wil (2013). Martin Luther King ISBN 9780531247044 $5.95
Mara, Wil (2014). Abraham Lincoln ISBN 9780531249796 $5.95
Mara, Wil (2013). Harriet Tubman ISBN 9780531247027 $5.95
Mara, Wil (2003). John Muir ISBN 9780516273426 $4.95
Mara, Wil (2013). Barack Obama ISBN 9780531247013 $5.95
Mara, Wil (2014). Rosa Parks ISBN 9780513212042 $5.95
Mara, Wil (2014). Jackie Robinson ISBN 9780531249833 $5.95
Mara, Wil & Clidas, Claudia (2003). Colin Powell ISBN 9780516258775 $4.95
Rau, Dana Meachen (2014). Neil Armstrong ISBN 9780531249840 $5.95
Rau, Dana Meachen (2014). George Washington Carver ISBN 9780531249826 $5.95
Taylor, Butler, Christine (2007). Booker T. Washington ISBN9780516273020 $4.95
Root, Phyllis (2003). The Name Quilt
Farrar, Straus & Giroux (K-3) $16.00
ISBN 9780374354848
Sadie vacations at Grandma’s in the summer. Every evening grandma tucks Sadie into bed with the
“name quilt.” Every name on the quilt is a member of the family and has a story. One of the quilt’s
patches was a piece of Grandma’s wedding dress. One day when the name quilt is on the clothesline a
storm blows it away. Even with the quilt gone grandma lets Sadie know that the stories will live on. Sadie
and Grandma start a new quilt. Active grandmother. Presents family history and oral history.
Rosenbaum, Andria (2006). A Grandma Like Yours/A Grandpa Like Yours
Kar-Ben (PS-K) $6.95
ISBN 9781580131681
Grandmas and grandpas can be counted on to make each Jewish holiday special. Grandmas and
grandpas in the book are animal characters and all are portrayed as active. Jewish traditions are
portrayed. A glossary of Hebrew and Yiddish words are included. MULTICULTURAL
Rosenthal, Betsy (2006). It’s Not Worth Making a Tzimmes Over
Albert Whitman (K-2) $16.99
ISBN 9780807536773
Grandma rides a motor scooter. Sara and grandma play badminton and do many things together. One
morning grandma asked Sara if she would like to make a challah, which is a braided or round egg bread
often used on the Sabbath and Jewish holidays. Many mishaps occur in the making of the bread and
grandma responds with “It’s not work making a tzimmes over.” Grandma and Sara forget to watch the
dough and it rises up so much that it takes over the neighborhood. An interesting solution happens when
the bread is finally baked and there is enough for the entire neighborhood. MULTICULTURAL
Rubbino, Salvatore (2014). A Walk in Paris
Candlewick (1-3) $16.99
ISBN 9780763669843
A young boy and his grandfather visit Paris together and see many wonderful sites. Grandpa points out
landmarks as they walk. They find places such as the River Seine, Cathedral of Notre-Dame, Pompidou
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
Center, Eiffel Tower, and the Louvre Museum. They eat at a Bistro for lunch where steak-frites, steak
with French fries, is a popular lunch. The text presents additional information about the city, gives some
French words and phrases, and shares interesting French history and tradition. Active, capable
grandfather. Can bring up the conversation of travel with older adults and programs such as Road
Scholar (formerly Elderhostel) that offer intergenerational travel opportunities.
Ryan, Pam Munoz (2001). Mice and Beans
Scholastic (K-3) $17.99
ISBN 9780439183031
In one week Rosa Maria’s youngest grandchild, Little Catalina, will be seven years old. Rosa Maria loves
to cook and she is having the whole family (including children, grandchildren, aunts, uncles and cousins)
over for the birthday dinner. She planned the menu, ironed the tablecloths, went to the market, planned
the party activities, and ordered a cake and a birthday present. The mice in the house add an interesting
touch to the story. An active, capable grandmother who is a vital member of her family.
Rylant, Cynthia. Mr. Putter and Tabby Series
Harcourt (PS-3)
In the series Mr. Putter has a cat named Tabby and his friend, Mrs. Merriweather, has a bulldog
Named Zeke. Both Mr. Putter and Mrs. Merriweather are active older adults. The two of them enjoy each
other’s company and do things together including sports activities. Please check for additional books in
the series. A listing of books follows:
Mr. Putter and Tabby Drop the Ball (2013). ISBN 9780152050726 $14.99
Mr. Putter and Tabby Dance the Dance (2012). ISBN 9780544104969 $5.99
Mr. Putter and Tabby Ring the Bell (2012). ISBN 9780547850757 $5.99
Mr. Putter and Tabby Clear the Decks (2011). ISBN 9780152067151/ISBN9780547576954
Mr. Putter and Tabby Spill the Beans (2009/2010). ISBN 9780152050702/ISBN 9780547414331
Mr. Putter and Tabby Run the Race (2008/2010). ISBN 9780152060695/ISBN 9780547248240
Mr. Putter and Tabby See the Stars (2007/2008). ISBN 9780152060756/ISBN 978015203665
Mr. Putter and Tabby Walk the Dog (2007). ISBN 9780152008918 $5.99
Mr. Putter and Tabby Spin the Yarn (2007). ISBN 9780152060954 $5.99
Mr. Putter and Tabby Make a Wish (2006). ISBN 9780152005434 $5.99
Mr. Putter and Tabby Write the Book (2005). ISBN 9780152002411/ISBN 9870152002428
Mr. Putter and Tabby Stir the Soup (2004). ISBN 9780756939151 $16.00
Mr. Putter and Tabby Feed the Fish (2002). ISBN 9780613443159/ISBN 9780152163662
Mr. Putter and Tabby Paint the Porch (2000). ISBN 9780152024741 $5.99
Mr. Putter and Tabby Take the Train (2000).ISBN 97802613228954/ISBN 9780152023898
Mr. Putter and Tabby Toot the Horn (1999). ISBN 9780613228954/ISBN 9780152002473
Mr. Putter and Tabby Row the Boat (1997). ISBN 9870152010591 $5.99
Mr. Putter and Tabby Fly the Plane (1997). ISBN 9780752010607 $5.99
Mr. Putter and Tabby Bake the Cake (1994). ISBN 9780152002053/ISBN 97806133022903
Mr. Putter and Tabby Pour The Tea (1994). ISBN 9780152009014 $5.99
Rylant, Cynthia (2002). The Ticky-Tacky Doll
Harcourt Children’s Books (PS-2) $17.00
ISBN 9780152010782
Grandmama made her granddaughter a ticky-tacky doll from sewing scraps and the little girl loved the
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
doll. When the girl started school it made her sad to leave her doll at home so grandmama made her a
miniature of the doll that could fit into her book bag: “Very small and ready to go to school.” A caring and
sensitive grandmother and a loving intergenerational relationship. MULTICULTURAL
Rylant, Cynthia (2012). Annie and Snowball and the Grandmother Night
Simon Spotlight (K-2) $15.99/$3.99
ISBN 9781416972037/ISBN 9781416972020
Annie especially loved her grandmother and wore a locket with a picture of her. One night every month
Annie stayed at grandmother’s house. When she arrived grandmother was always waiting at the door
and scooped her into her arms with a big smile. At grandmother’s they bake cookies, play cookie tic-tac-
toe, and have fun bedtime activities. One bedtime activity is telling stories from their life. They loved
story time and learned a lot about each otherlike grandmother learning to ride a horse when she was
young. When Annie leaves grandmother hugs Annie and tells her that she loves her. Annie had a
“perfect” time and can’t wait to come back. Loving intergenerational relationship and family history.
Rylant, Cynthia (1993). When I Was Young in the Mountains
Penguin (PS-3) $6.99
ISBN 978014548754
The story is a reminiscence of the pleasures of childhood in the Appalachian Mountains. Although older
adults are not main characters they appear in a variety of roles and are integrated into family and
community throughout the story. A 20
anniversary edition is available. MULTICULTURAL
Caldecott Honor Book
Rylant, Cynthia (1993). The Relatives Came
Antheneum (PS-1) $7.99
ISBN 9780689717383
The relatives come from Virginia to visit and have a wonderful time. Older people are integrated
throughout the text. The book illustrates family relationships, allows discussion of generations, and
shows older people in a variety of situations. MULTICULTURAL
Rylant, Cynthia (1987). This Year's Garden
Antheneum (PS-3) $7.99
ISBN 9780689711220
This book shows the seasons of the year as reflected in the family garden. This is a large family and
family members are portrayed in a variety of roles. Grandmother cans the garden products. Active older
people who contribute to family life.
Salzberg,Barney (2014). Tea With Grandpa
Roaring Brook (PS-1) $15.99
ISBN 9781596438941
A young girl and her grandfather are miles apart but always have tea together at 3pm. Using computer
technology they can see and talk to each other even. Warm intergenerational relationship and a
contemporary way for children to keep in touch with grandparents who are near or far away.
Sasso, Sandy (2004). Abuelita’s Secret Matzahs
Clerisy Press (2-3) $9.99
ISBN 9781578601776
Jacobo is a young Spanish American boy. He loves to visit his grandmother, Abuelita, especially at
Easter when they paint Easter eggs. Jacobo notices that some of the traditions his family follows are
different than other families. They do not eat pork and, during Holy Week, his grandmother never ate
bread and only served tortillas made without yeast. The different traditions become more puzzling to
Jacobo and one day Abuelita shares with him “the secret of our family”. Generations ago his family had
been Jewish and they still followed many of the Jewish traditions. Spanish words are integrated
throughout the text. MULTICULTURAL
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
Say, Allen (2013). Grandfather’s Journey
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (K-3) $17.99/$7.99
ISBN 9780544050501/ISBN 978054405050
anniversary edition of the award winning book. An adult grandson tells the story of his grandfather’s
travel from Japan to America, his life in America, his return to Japan with his wife and daughter, and his
love of both countries. The daughter is the grandson’s mother. The grandson was born and raised in
Japan and eventually goes to America and shares his time between the two countries he also loves.
Illustrates growing up and growing older and family history. MULTICULTURAL
Caldecott Medal Winner
Schotter, Roni (2012). All About Grandmas
Penguin (PS-K) $16.99
ISBN 9780803737143
There are many kinds of grandmas. Illustrates grandmas doing many different things and different
cultures. Some grandmas’ work, some travel, and some tell wonderful stories from times long ago.
Mentions that if you don’t have a grandma all your own perhaps “you can find someone special on loan”.
The child in the book has an older friend who lives down the block, is like family, and who she loves a lot.
The book shares how to say grandma in languages around the world. Presents and supports the idea of
intergenerational friendship.
Schwartz, Howard (2010). Gathering Sparks
Roaring Brook (PS-2) $16.99
ISBN 978596432802
Grandfather came to visit and the night sky was filled with stars. When grandfather and grandchild go out
to enjoy it hey see fireflies and hear crickets chirping. The grandchild asks where the stars came from.
Grandfather tells a story of how the stars came to be as sparks of light scattered throughout the heavens
and how some the sparks fell to earth. The grandchild asks how the sparks can be gathered on earth
and the grandfather gives examples including doing good deeds, being kind to animals, and loving
someone. He says that one day, when enough sparks are gathered, there will be peace in the world.
Schwartz, Amy (2009). Our Corner Grocery Store
Tundra (PS-2) $19.95
ISBN 9780887768682
Saturday is the favorite day of the week for a young granddaughter, Anna Maria, because she spends the
day at her grandparent’s, Nonno Domenico and Nonna Rosa’s, grocery store. The store is full of activity
and everyone has a job to do. Her grandparents live above their store. Active grandparents who are
Sheth, Kashmira (2008). Monsoon Afternoon
Peachtree (K-3) $16.95
ISBN 9781561454556
It is monsoon season in India. A young boy is restless and can’t find anyone in his family to play with him
except for his grandfather “Dadaji”. Dadaji and the boy make paper boats and race them in a washtub in
the rain, take a walk, and watch a peacock dancing. Dadaji helps the boy play on a banyan tree and they
pick mangoes to give to grandmother “Dadima”. During their outing the grandfather teaches the boy
about the monsoon and what they are seeing. Loving relationship between grandson and grandfather.
Sheth, Kashmira (2007). My Dadima Wears a Sari
Peachtree (1-3) $16.95
ISBN 9781561453924
In America Rupa’s grandmother wears a sari like she did in India. Grandmother’s sari dances in the
breeze. The grandmother shares with Rupa all the wonderful things that sari’s do, like protect you from
the rain, wrap up shells at the beach, and a young girl can hide there. Grandmother gives Rupa and her
young sister sari’s that were hers. At the end of the book there is a picture story on how to wrap a sari.
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
Story presents family history and cultural traditions. MULTICULTURAL
Shulimson, Sarene (2012). Lights Out Shabbat
Kar-Ben (PS-2) $7.95
ISBN 97807613756574
During the lighting of the Shabbat candles a there is a snow storm and a young boy and his grandparents
lose the electrical power at his grandparent’s home. Snow storms are not common in Georgia. They
enjoy a holiday of fun that includes eating a special “cold” meal, walks around the neighborhood, shadow
puppets, making snowmen and a snow dog, grandpa telling stories, exploring the attic, and stargazing
through a telescope. The power comes back on, and the unexpected snowfall had brought a special
Shabbat to the boy and his grandparents. MULTICULTURAL
Sis, Peter (2015). Ice Cream Summer
Scholastic (PS-K) $17.99
ISBN 9780545731614
Summer provides not just time off from school, it presents opportunities for learning. Grandpa writes his
grandson a letter asking him to tell him about what he learned this summer. The grandson shares that he
reads every day, is conquering big spelling words like “tornado”, creating his own book, dreaming up
inventions, practicing his math facts and working out word problems with his family. He explains how he
has taken exciting field trips, is exploring new places, and learning about history. Grandpa had given his
grandson a set of encyclopedias and the grandson uses them to keep his brain working. The somewhat
lost art of letter writing is presented and a grandfather who is encouraging learning.
Slegers, Liesbet (2012). Katie’s Day With Grandma
Clavis (PS-K) $12.95
ISBN 9781605371269
Katie spends time at Grandma’s and Grandpa’s house. They go to the store, make pancakes, and clean
up the dishes. After eating pancakes thy make a string necklace together. At bedtime Grandma reads a
story to Katie. An enjoyable day with active grandparents.
Smith, Maggie (2014). My Blue Bunny, Bubbit
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (PS-3) $16.99
ISBN 9780547558615
The young girl’s grandmother, Nonni, made her a blue bunny, Bubbit, when she was little. Bubbit is very
special to her and was made with hundred’s kisses when Nonni made him. Bubbit has a special row of
x’s for kisses on his foot. The girl’s mother is now expecting a baby and Nonni has come to stay for a few
weeks. After supper Nonni reads to her until bedtime. She and Nonni decide to make something for the
new baby. Nonni makes a pattern, they sew together and make the baby his own special friend complete
with kisses. The new baby now has own special friend, a corduroy elephant. What goes into a sewing
basket is illustrated. Active, capable grandmother.
Solomon, Sharon (2009). Walk With Grandpa/Un paseo con abuelo
Raven Tree (K-3) $16.95/$7.95
ISBN 9781934960110/ISBN 9781932748901
Daniela and her grandfather take a walk through the woods. As they walk they play a word game to show
just how much they mean to each other. When grandfather tells Daniela that she is his earth, she
responds “You are my sky”. The conversation continues as they walk through the woods. They express
their love for each other. Written in English and Spanish. MULTICULTURAL
Spangler, Lois (2013). The Fort on Fourth Street: A Story About the Six Simple
Sylvan Dell (PS-K) $17.95/$9.95
ISBN 9781607186205/ISBN 9781607186328
Kathleen wants to build a fort in her backyard on Fourth Street. She enlists grandpa’s help. Grandpa
teaches her about the machines they need to build the fort: lever, pulley, inclined plane, wheels and axels
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
(wagon), screws, and wedge (saw). The story is told in rhyme and details the machines being used and
building them. Teaches children about simple machines that “are easy to use and easy to stow, making it
simple when you are on the go”. Active, capable grandfather.
Stanley, George (2013). Wedding Cookies
Random House Children’s (K-2) $3.99
ISBN 9780307817075 (Only available as an ebook)
Katie Lynn is happy that Grandma is getting married and she will be the flower girl. When the florist
doesn’t deliver a wedding bouquet Katie Lynn gets creative and makes a bouquet of wedding cookies for
Grandma’s wedding. One of the few books where older adults marry.
Stevens, Janet & Crummel, Susan Stevens (2004). Plaidypus Lost
Holiday House (PS-1) $17.95/$7.99
ISBN 9780823415618/ISBN 9780823427536
Grandma makes her old plaid shirt into a Plaidypus for her young granddaughter and the girl promises to
never lose him. The young girl and Plaidypus go everywhere together. There are times when Plaidypus
gets lost but then found. One time Plaidypus gets lost for longer than usual and returns home “hurt”.
Grandma fixes him good as new. Capable Grandma and a loving intergenerational relationship.
Stock, Catherine (2001). Gugu’s House
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (PS-3) $16.00
ISBN 9780618003891
The story is set in the grassy plains of Zimbabwe. Kukamba takes the bus from the city to visit her
grandmother, Gugu. From the bus they walk the long, dusty path to Gugus house. Kukamba has never
seen a home as beautiful. She loves the colorful paintings and sculpted animals that Gugu has made.
Gugu shares village traditions and shows Kukamba how to sculpt and paint wonderful animals like
zebras, leopards, and birds. The rains come and the painting and sculpting turn to mud, but grandmother
tells her that the landscape is reborn with the rain. An active, creative grandmother based on a real
person. A glossary of Afrikaans terms is included. MULTICULTURAL
Stolz, Mary (1990). Storm In The Night
HarperCollins (K-3) $6.99
ISBN 9780064432566
Thomas and his grandfather are together during a thunderstorm and the lights go off. During the storm
Thomas discovers amazing things, such as the fact that he can hear better in the dark. Shows old and
young enjoying and learning from each other.
Sullivan, Sara (2011). Passing the Music Down
Candlewick (K-3) $16.99
ISBN 9780763637538
Based on the true story of a friendship between Melvin Wine and Jake Krack. Every August people
traveled from all over to hear the fiddle playing of Melvin Wine. Jake, a boy in the crowd, knows some of
the older man’s music and plays the music with him. Mr. Wine gives Jake advice on how to play and
Jake asks him to teach him. Jake returns time after time and not only learns music but the ways of the
farm, the woods, the garden, and of many other things. They become the best of friends. “Their lives are
stitched together in a quilt of old-time tunes.” At the end of the story Mr. Wine passes away, but Jake
continues his music. The prologue of the book shares the friendship between Mr. Wine and Jake and
shares the tradition of passing the music down.
Taulbert, Clifton (2003). Little Cliff’s First Day of School
Penguin (2-3) $6.99
ISBN 9780142500828
Little Cliff, is a young African American boy who has lived with his great-grandparents, Poppa Joe and
Mama Pearl, all his life. He is apprehensive about his first day at school. His great-grandparents help
him to overcome his apprehension and make his day a happy one. Few stories have great-grandparents
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
raising great-grandchildren. Contemporary issue of grandparents raising grandchildren. Great-
grandparents are depicted as capable, sensitive, and caring. MULTICULTURAL
Teevee, Ningeokuluk (2009). Alego
Groundwood (K-2) $17.95
ISBN 9780888999436
An Inuit girl, Alego, goes to see her grandmother (Anaanatsiaq) almost every day. On this day they take
a walk to the shore to collect clams (ammuumajuit) for dinner. Grandmother knows all about finding and
catching clams. They see many things on their walk including a bright orange starfish (aggaujag) and a
sea snail (siupiruq). At home they enjoyed a feast of clams with grandfather (Atattatsiaq). Written in
Inuktitut and English. MULTICULTURAL
Thompson, Holly (2007). The Wakame Gatherers
Shens (1-3) $16.95
ISBN 9781885008336
Nanami has a grandmother, Baachan, who lives with her family in Japan and a grandmother (gram) who
lives in Maine. Gram comes to visit in Japan. Nanami’s Japanese grandmother shows gram how to
gather wakame (seaweed) to eat. The grandmothers share their experiences during World War II. When
gram returns home she sends tickets for Nanami and Baachan to visit her in Maine. The two
grandmothers enjoy and learn from each other and have the shared love of their granddaughter.
Illustrates values and traditions of different cultures. Shares some World War II history. Japanese words
are used in the text. MULTICULTURAL
Tusa, Tricia (1991). Maebelle’s Suitcase
Aladdin (K-2) $18.80
ISBN 9780689714442
One of the few books where the main character is a centenarian. One hundred and eight year old
Maebelle has a lot of hats and every year she makes a hat for the town’s annual hat contest. With the
help of one of her bird friends, Blinkie, she makes an interesting hat for the contest. Children will find the
story amusing. It illustrates the fact that people are living longer than ever before. Many children today
are expected to live to be centenarians. MULTICULTURAL
Uegaki, Chieri (2014). Hana Hashimoto, Sixth Violin
Kids Can Press (2-3) $16.95
ISBN 9781894786331
Hannah goes to visit her grandfather, ojichan, in Japan. In Japan, grandfather had been Second Violin in
a great symphony orchestra and had once played for the Imperial Family. Grandfather still enjoyed
playing violin. He played interesting sounds and music for Hannah and would play a lullaby for her to
sleep by. He inspired Hannah to learn to want to play the violin and when she returned home she started
violin lessons. She had not had many lessons when she decided to enter in the school talent show. With
the memories of her grandfather, and knowing that her grandfather would be cheering for her, she
performed at the talent show. A lifespan activity of music, an active grandfather, and a loving
intergenerational relationship. MULTICULTURAL
Velasquez, Eric (2001). Grandma’s Records
Walker & Company (2-3) $8.99
ISBN 9780802776600
Every summer Eric and his dog Daisy go to live with his grandmother in El Barrio (Spanish Harlem).
Grandmother was originally from Puerto Rico. He and his grandmother have a shared love of music. Eric
would pick records to play and grandmother would always say that she liked his selection. Grandma’s
nephew played in a band and give her tickets so she and Eric to attend the band’s first concert in New
York City. A loving intergenerational relationship and a capable grandmother. MULTICULTURAL
Venezia, Mike (2003). Grandma Moses
Scholastic (2-3) $6.95
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
ISBN 970516279138
Part of the biographical Getting To Know the World’s Greatest Artist Series. Portrays the life of Anna
Mary “Grandma” Moses. Anna loved to draw as a child but only began painting when she was about 70
years old. She became one of America’s greatest and best loved artists. Her folk art often portrayed
landscapes with people doing interesting things. Illustrates art as a lifespan activity, growing up and
growing older, and learning, doing, and becoming in old age.
Wahl, Charis (2015). Rosario’s Fig Tree
Groundwood (1-3) $18.95
ISBN 9781554983414
Rosairo is the young girl’s neighbor. He is a “garden magician” and his garden is full of vegetables.
Rosario knows how to ready garden ready and when to put in every plant and seed. He shares his
gardening knowledge with his young neighbor and they tend the garden together. Rosario has friends
who visit and like to offer him gardening advice. The young neighbor is amazed when he knew how to
save a fig tree from one season to another in a climate that is too cold for it in winter. When the young
neighbor tells Rogerio that he is a magician for saving the fig tree he responds “No magic. You just learn
and then you know”. Intergenerational friendship and learning.
Wahl, Jan (2011). The Art Collector
Charlesbridge (K-3) $15.95
ISBN 9781580892704
When Oscar was young his Great-Granny took a piece of paper and drew a chicken and gave Oscar
paper to draw on. Oscar drew a snow storm scene, he was disappointed in his work, but Great-Granny
congratulated him. Ma and Pa framed both Great-Granny’s and Oscar’s pictures. Oscar’s parents took
him to shows and flea markets where artists sold pictures. Oscar bought his first picture for $1 and
continued to collect pictures as he grew up. The years passed, his collection became famous, and a
museum was built for it. At the end of the story Oscar is an older man sitting with a young girl and
encouraging her to draw like his great-grandmother encouraged him. Oscar kept one picture that did not
go to the museum; the drawing of the chicken that his grandmother had done years ago. Illustrates the
lifespan activity of art and the process of growing up and growing older. Few books have a great-
grandparent in the story.
Wellington, Monica (2011). Gabby & Grandma Go Green
Penguin (PS-2) $16.99
ISBN 978052422143
When Gabby spends a day with grandma they love doing green projects that are good for the earth.
They sew reusable cloth bags and when the bags are finished they fill them with things to take for
recycling and use the bags for groceries instead of plastic or paper bags. They shop at the farmers
market and go to the library to find “save the Earth” books. The book notes that everyone can be
involved in green projects and that every little bit helps. Tips for going green are given throughout the
book and at the end of the story instructions for sewing a cloth bag, green tips, and some websites for
environmental information for children are given. The book was inspired by the author’s fond memories
of doing crafts with her grandmother.
Wells, Rosemary (2014). Sophies Terrible Twos
Viking (PS-K) $16.99
ISBN 9780670785124
Sophie is a mouse and today is her 2
birthday. Unfortunately when she wakes up she does not want to
cooperate with anything that her parents want her to do. Soon the doorbell rings and it was Granny.
Granny notices Sophie’s “Grumpy Street” mood and decides to do something about it. They go for a walk
and stop at a toy shop, but Sophie didn’t like the toys there. Granny had an inspiration, asked if Sophie
would like a saber-toothed tiger suit, and Sophie liked the idea. They went to a costume shop and found
a tiger suit. Sophie loved the suit and the day was saved. Perceptive, active, creative Granny.
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
Weninger, Brigitte (2011). Happy Birthday, Davy
North-South Books (PS-1) $6.95
ISBN 9780735840263
Davy, a young bunny, is anxiously waiting for his birthday. One big present this year is a visit from
grandpa and granny who brought a whole sack full of “time” with them; time for stories, times for games
and time for anything else Davy wants to do. They teach him games that they played and pranks they
did when they were young, and read him stories.
Wild, Margaret (1998). Our Granny
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (PS-3) $6.95
ISBN 9780395883952
Not all grandmothers are the same. This book celebrates these differences and affirms the love children
have for their special granny.
Williams, Vera (2007). A Chair For My Mother
HarperCollins (PS-2) $6.99
ISBN 9780688040741
A little girl, her mother and grandmother save dimes to buy a comfortable armchair after all their furniture
is lost in a fire. A story of three generations living together and caring for each other.
Caldecott Honor Book
Winter, Jeanette (2014). Mr. Cornell’s Dream Boxes
Beach Lane Books (PS-1) $17.99
ISBN 9781442499003
Mr. Cornell is a neighbor and a friend. He makes shadow boxes from things he finds in the city;
“Wonderlands” covered in glass. He fills the shadow boxes with memories of his life. He invites the
children to see an exhibition of his dream boxes. Intergenerational friendship and an active older adult.
Winter, Jeanette (2011). The Watcher
Schwartz & Wade (PS-3) $17.99
ISBN 9780375867743
A biography of the life of Jane Goodall and quotes in the book are from Goodall’s autobiographies: Africa
is My Blood and My Life With the Chimpanzees. As a young girl Jane loved to watch animals. She would
perch in a tree with her favorite book and read about Tarzan and Dr. Doolittle. As a young woman she
worked to save money to go to Africa and study animals. A famous scientist, Louis Leakey, was looking
for someone to study chimpanzees and asked if Jane would be interested. She traveled to Tanzania
where the chimps lived. For the rest of her life she studied the chimpanzees and learned their behaviors.
Today Jane is an older woman and is an international expert on chimpanzees and an animal rights
advocate. She is a living example of lifelong learning and doing. She established the Roots and Shoots
organization to encourage children’s environmental efforts. Illustrates growing up and growing older, an
active, capable older adult, and a meaningful life.
Wood, Douglas (2014). When Grandpa Says “I Love You”
Simon & Schuster (PS-1) $16.99
ISBN 97806898151
Grandpas have many way to say “I love you”. They can show love in many different ways like mussing
up your hair, showing you how to wink, patiently teaching you how to tie your shoes, holding your hand
when you cross the street, giving you a standing ovation, coming to your tea party, trying to learn a new
game that you are teaching him, listening to you practice the piano, telling you stories that make you feel
special, and many other things. There are many ways to say “I love you”. All the grandpa’s are animal
characters. Loving, caring intergenerational learning and relationships.
Wyeth, Sharon Dennis (2013). The Granddaughter Necklace
Scholastic (K-3) $16.99
ISBN 9780545081252
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
This is story of family kinship and history over many generations and the pride of the author in her
African-American heritage that has ties to Ireland and Cameroon. A necklace is handed down from one
generation to the other along with the stories of those who wore the necklace before. Although there are
no older adults as major characters in the story, the story honors family history and ancestry.
Yazzie, Seraphine G. (2011). Beauty Beside Me: Stories of My Grandmother’s
Skirts [Shima Sani’ Bitl’aakal Noot’ishi’gii Nizhonigo Nidaashch’aa’go Baa
Salina Bookshelf (2-3) $21.95
ISBN 9781893354074
The young girl lives with her grandmother. She tells about her grandmother’s beautiful skirts and how
each skirt was worn for a different purpose. Grandmother’s yellow skirt was worn while cooking, her
green skirt for planting corn. Other colored skirts were worn for things like weaving, picking herbs, picking
nuts, making cedar beads, going to a Navajo dance, and herding sheep. Grandmother’s skirts swayed
back and forth when she wore them. The grandmother shared her knowledge and wisdom with the girl.
When the girl grows up she decides to have a skirt made with all the colors of her grandmother’s skirts, a
skirt of many colors. This book is dedicated to all grandmothers who raised their grandchildren.
Illustrations show Navajo life, culture and history. Intergenerational love and learning. The story is
written in English and Navajo. There is a version of the book that contains a CD with the book text
spoken in both languages. MULTICULTURAL
Yum, Hyewon (2013). This is Our House
Farrar Straus Giroux (PS-2) $16.99
ISBN 9780374374877
The book tells about the house the young girl lives in and that her family has lived in for generations. The
stories of family members who grew up in the house is shared. Older people are not major characters in
the story but family history is presented. The concept of growing up and growing older is addressed and
can lead to a discussion with children on how they are growing up.
Ziefert, Harriet (2012). Robin, Where Are You?
Blue Apple (PS-K) $17.99
ISBN 9781609051921
Lucy’s grandpa is a bird watcher. He watches birds with his binoculars and Lucy has her own binoculars.
The two of them are out bird watching. Lucy wants to see a robin. They see many birds, but do not see a
robin until the end of the story. Grandpa shows Lucy many different birds. As they see the birds each
bird is named and explained. Active grandfather with an interesting hobby. Bird watching is something
that people can do throughout life. Illustrates a lifespan activity.
Ziefert, Harriet (2012). 40 Uses for a Grandpa
Blue Apple (PS-K) $12.99
ISBN 9781609052768
This book lists 40 reasons why grandpas are the greatest. All of the things listed are positive and enjoyed
by the grandchildren. Grandpas are for playing, e-mailing, mediating, coaching, teaching, storytelling,
and many more things. A nonstereotypic portrayal of active grandpas. Illustrates positive
intergenerational relationships.
Ziefert, Harriet (2011). 41 Uses for a Grandma
Blue Apple (PS-1) $12.99
ISBN 9781609051068
This book lists 41 reasons why grandmas are the greatest. Grandmas are great keepers of secrets,
personal shoppers, dance instructors, e-mail pals, movie companions, and many more things. A
nonstereotypic portrayal of grandmas. Illustrates positive intergenerational relationships.
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
Ziefert, Harriet (2004). My Friend Grandpa
Blue Apple (PS-1) $12.99
ISBN 9781593540630
In this story the author draws on memories of her vacations with her grandfather in the Catskill
mountains. The story has a young girl, Emma, who goes to visit her grandpa in the country every
summer. Emma loves the big tree on grandpa’s farm. She plays under it, climbs it, and swings from it.
When a storm topples the tree Emma asks grandpa to find a way to save part of the tree. Grandpa went
to work with his chain saw and turned the fallen tree into a tree house for Emma. Active, capable
grandpa. Loving intergenerational relationship.
Zolotow, Charlotte (1992). I Know A Lady
HarperCollins (PS-2) $6.99
ISBN 9780688115197
Children should all know an older person like the one in this book. She works in a garden, takes walks
with her dog, gives out candy apples at Halloween, bakes cookies, and waves to the children as they
pass by her house. She is a woman who makes others feel special, and is someone people always
remember. She is someone the children would like to be someday. The book illustrates how old and
young can enjoy each other, do for each other, and learn from each other.
Zolotow, Charlotte (1972/1985). William's Doll
HarperCollins (PS-3) $17.00/$6.99
ISBN 9780812441604/ISBN 9780064430678
In this classic book William wanted a doll, but instead his father gave him a basketball and a train set.
William still wanted a doll. His grandmother got him a doll so that when he grew up he would know how to
be a good father. Grandmother shows sensitivity, wisdom, and understanding.
Zolotow, Charlotte & Lobel, Anita (2000). This Quiet Lady
HarperCollins (PS-3) $7.99
ISBN 9780688175276
This book portrays the author’s mother from infancy through adulthood. It provides an excellent starting
point for a discussion of growing up and growing older, oral history and family history.
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
There are many wonderful books on the booklist. The following are some of my personal
favorites. A number of “favorites” have gone out-of-print. Some favorite Out-of-Print Stories
(OOPS) are given at the end of the OOPS portion of the booklist. New books are in green.
Ackerman, Karen (1988/1992). Song and Dance Man
ISBN 9780394893303/ISBN 9780679819950 $15.96/$6.99
Anholt, Laurence (2014). Pappa Chagall, Tell Us a Story
ISBN 9780764166440 $16.99
Anholt, Laurence (2003). The Magical Garden of Claude Monet
ISBN 9780764155741 $16.99
Arden, Carolyn (2004). Goose Moon
ISBN 9781590780404 $15.95
Aska, Warabe (2006). Tapicero Tap Tap
ISBN 9780887767609 $16.95 MULTICULTURAL
Baca, Ana (2011). Tia’s Tamales
ISBN 9780826350268 $16.95
Bair, Sheila (2006). Rock, Brock and the Savings Shock
ISBN 9780807570944 $16.99
Association for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE) Childrens Book Award
Barrett, Mary Bridgid (2011). Shoebox Sam
ISBN 9780310715498 $15.99
Association for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE) Childrens Book Award
Bastianich, Lidia (2014). Lidia’s Egg-Citing Farm Adventure
ISBN 9780762451265 $16.95
Beaty, Andrea (2013). Rosie Revere, Engineer
ISBN 9781419708459 $16.95
Berne, Jennifer (2013). On a Beam of Light: A Story of Albert Einstein
ISBN 9780818872355 $17.99
Birtha, Becky (2005). Grandmama’s Pride
ISBN 9780807530283 $16.95 MULTICULTURAL
Broyles, Ann (2013). Arturo and the Navidad Birds
ISBN 9781455618019 $16.99 MULTICULTURAL
Brumbeau, Jeff (2013). The Quiltmaker’s Gift
ISBN 9780439309103 $17.99
Bunting, Eve (2014). Washday
ISBN 9780823428687 $16.95
Bunting, Eve (2004). My Special Day At Third Street School
ISBN 97801590780752 $15.95
Buzzeo, Toni (2014). My Bibi Always Remembers
ISBN 9781423183583
Byrne, Gayle (2009). Sometimes It’s Grandmas and Grandpas, Not Mommies and Daddies
ISBN 9780789210289 $15.95
Association for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE) Book Award Winner
Carney, Margaret (1997). At Grandpa’s Sugar Bush
ISBN 9781550746416 $7.95
Caseley, Judith (1994). Dear Annie
ISBN 9780688135751 $6.99
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
Churchill, Ginger (2011). Wild Rose’s Weaving
ISBN 9781933718569 $15.99
Clark, Katie (2010). Grandma Drove the Snowplow
ISBN 9780892728510 $16.95
Cooney, Barbara (1982/1985). Miss Rumphius
ISBN 9780670479580/ISBN9780140505399 $16.99/$7.99
Cooper, Ilene (2007). The Golden Rule
ISBN 9780810909601 $16.95
Association for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE) Book Award Winner
Crews, Donald (1991). Bigmama's
ISBN 9780688158422 $6.99 MULTICULTURAL
Crum, Shutta (2004). My Mountain Song
ISBN9780618159703 $16.00 MULTICULTURAL
deAnda, Diane (2013). The Patchwork Garden/Pedacitos de heurto
ISBN 978155857636 $16.95 MULTICULTURAL
de la Pena, Matt (2015) Last Stop on Market Street
ISBN 9780399257742 $16.99
Falwell, Cathryn (2013). Rainbow Stew
ISBN 9781600608476 $17.95 MULTICULTURAL
Fleishman, Paul (2013). The Matchbox Diary
ISBN 9780763646011 $16.99
Flett, Julie (2013). Wild Berries/Pikaci-Minisa
ISBN 9781897476895 $16.95
Flood, Nancy Bo. (2014). The Hogan That Great-Grandfather Built
ISBN 9781893354975 $16.95
Fruisen, Catherine (2000). My Mother’s Pearls
ISBN 9781595720054 $5.95
Fry, Stella (2012). Grandpa’s Garden
ISBN 9781846860539 $7.99
Gilman, Phoebe (1992). Something From Nothing
ISBN 9780590472807 $16.95 MULTICULTURAL
Gray, Libba Moore (1993). Miss Tizzy
ISBN9780689818974 $7.99 MULTICULTURAL
Handy, Femida & Carpenter, Carole (2010). Sandy’s Incredible Shrinking Footprint
ISBN 9781897187692 $15.95
Herman, Charlotte (2003). The Memory Cupboard: A Thanksgiving Story
ISBN 9780807550557 $16.95
Hest, Amy (2007). Mr. George Baker
ISBN 9780763633080 $6.99
Hest, Amy (1992). The Purple Coat
ISBN 9780689716348 $6.99
Hoffman, Mary (1991). Amazing Grace
ISBN 9780803710405 $16.99 MULTICULTURAL
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
Homan, Lynn & Reilly, Thomas (2002). The Tuskegee Airmen Story
ISBN 9781589800052 $15.95 MULTICULTURAL
Houston, Gloria (1992). My Great-Aunt Arizona
ISBN 9780060226060 $17.99
Hughes, Sarah (2001). My Grandmother Works in a Dress Shop
ISBN 9780516295763 $4.95
Jeffers, Dawn (2006). Vegetable Dreams/Huerto Sonado
ISBN 9780974199290 $16.95 MULTICULTURAL
Juster, Norton (2005). The Hello, Goodbye Window
ISBN 9780786809141 $15.95
Karon, Jan (2001). Miss Fannies Hat
ISBN 9780140568127 $6.99
Laminack, Lester (2006). Jake’s 100
Day of School
ISBN 9781561453559 $16.95
MacLachlan, Patricia (1994). All the Places to Love
ISBN 9780060210984 $17.99
Martin, Bill Jr. & Archambault, John (1993/1997). Knots on a Counting Rope
ISBN 9780805054798 $7.95 MULTICULTURAL
Mason, Margaret (2010). These Hands
ISBN 9780547215662 $16.99 MULTICULTURAL
McCain, Becky (1998). Grandmother’s Dreamcatcher
ISBN 9780807530320 $6.99 MULTICULTURAL
Mills, Claudia. Gus and Grandpa Series
Many of the books are now out-of-print
Minnema, Cheryl (2014). Hungry Johnny
ISBN 9780873519267 $17.95
Mitchell, Margaree (2012). When Grandmama Sings
ISBN 9780688175634 $16.99
Mitchell, Margaree (1998). Uncle Jed’s Barbershop
ISBN 9780689819131 $7.99 MULTICULTURAL
Mora, Pat & Martinez, Libby (2014). I Pledge Allegiance
ISBN 9780307931818 $16.99 MULTICULTURAL
Murphy, Claire Rudolph (2011). Marching With Aunt Susan and the Fight for Women’s
Newman, Nanette (2012). What Will You Be, Grandma?
ISBN 9780763660994 $15.99
Nicholson, Caitlin (2008). Niwechihaw/I Help
ISBN97808889981215 $17.95 MULTICULTURAL
Association for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE) Childrens Book Award Winner
Nielsen, Laura (2008). Mrs. Muddle’s Holidays
ISBN 9780374350949 $16.99
Ortega, Cristina (2006). The Eyes of the Weaver/Los Ojus del Tejedor
ISBN 978082633995 $14.95 MULTICULTURAL
Parish, Herman (2011). Amelia Bedelia Makes a Friend
ISBN 978006207516/9780062075154 $16.99/$3.99
Parr, Todd (2011). The Grandma Book
ISBN 9780316070416 $7.00
Parr, Todd (2011). The Grandpa Book
ISBN 9780316070430 $8.00
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
Pelligrino, Marjorie (1999). My Grandma’s the Mayor
ISBN 9781557986085 $14.95
Pinson, Isabel (2014). Bubbe’s Belated Bat Mitzvah
ISBN 9781467719506 $7.95 MULTICULTURAL
Polacco, Patricia (2013). The Keeping Quilt
ISBN 97806898200908 $17.95
Purnell, Ann (2006). Christmas Tree Farm
ISBN 9780823418862 $16.95
Quattlebaum, Mary (2013). Jo MacDonald Hiked in the Woods
ISBN 9781584693345
Ransome, James (2012). My Teacher
ISBN 9780803732599 $16.99
Rau, Dana Meachen (2003). Albert Einstein
ISBN 9780756510503 $5.95
Robinson, Sharon (2014). Under the Same Sun
Scholastic Press $17.99
Rookie Biographies
Please refer to this listing under “R” in the booklist. This Scholastic/Children’s Press series has
multiple authors.
Root, Phyllis (2003). The Name Quilt
ISBN 9780374354848 $16.00
Rosen, Michael (2003/2005). Fishing With Dad: Lessons of Love and Lure From Father to Son
ISBN 9781579652862 $9.95 MULTICULTURAL
Rubbino, Salvatore (2014). A Walk in Paris
ISBN 9780763669843 $16.99
Rylant, Cynthia (multiple years) Mr. Putter and Tabby Series
Refer to the listing of recommended books in this series
Rylant, Cynthia. (2002). The Ticky-Tacky Doll
ISBN 9780152010782 $17.00
Say, Allen (2008). Grandfather’s Journey
ISBN 9780547076805 $7.99 MULTICULTURAL
Schotter, Roni (2012). All About Grandma’s
ISBN 978080373143
Schwartz, Howard (2010). Gathering Sparks
ISBN 978596432802 $16.99
Smalls, Irene (2005). My Nana and Me
ISBN 9780316168212 $15.99 MULTICULTURAL
Stanley, George (2013). Wedding Cookies
ISBN 9780307817075 $3.99
(Only available as an ebook)
Stevens, Janet & Crummel, Susan Stevens (2004). Plaidypus Lost
ISBN 9780823415618 $16.95
Stock, Catherine (2001). Gugu’s House
ISBN 9780618003891 $16.00 MULTICULTURAL
Sullivan, Sara (2011). Passing the Music Down
ISBN 9780763637538 $16.99
Taulbert, Clifton (2001/2003). Little Cliff’s First Day of School
ISBN 9780142500828 $6.99 MULTICULTURAL
Thompson, Holly (2007). The Wakame Gatherers
ISBN 9781885008336 $16.95 MULTICULTURAL
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
Wahl, Jan (2011). The Art Collector
ISBN 9781580892704 $15.95
Wellington, Monica (2011). Gabby & Grandma Go Green
ISBN 978052422143 $16.99
Winter, Jeanette (2014). Mr. Cornell’s Dream Boxes
ISBN 9781442499003
Winter, Jeanette (2011). The Watcher
ISBN 9780375867743 $17.99
Yazzie, Seraphine G. (2011). Beauty Beside Me: Stories of My Grandmother’s Skirts
[Shima Sani’ Bitl’aakal Noot’ishi’gii Nizhonigo Nidaashch’aa’go Baa Hane’]
ISBN 9781893354074 $21.95 MULTICULTURAL
Ziefert, Harriet (2005). 41 Uses for a Grandma
ISBN9781593540708 $12.95
Ziefert, Harriet (2005). 40 Uses for a Grandpa
ISBN 9781593540760 $12.95
Ziefert, Harriet (2004) My Friend Grandpa
ISBN 9781593540630 $12.99
Zolotow, Charlotte & Lobel, Anita (2000). This Quiet Lady
ISBN 9780688175276 $7.99
Zolotow, Charlotte (1992). I Know A Lady
ISBN 9780688115197 $6.99
Zolotow, Charlotte (1972). William’s Doll
ISBN 9780060270476/ISBN 9780064430678 $15.99/$6.99
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
OOPS (Out-of-Print Stories)
Books that are out-of-print are often available through book vendors, at your local
library, or at a used book store. Favorite OOPS are listed in yellow and are worth
searching for. A listing of favorite OOPS is given at the end of this booklist section.
Alexander, Martha (1992). Where Does the Sky End, Grandpa?
Harcourt Children’s (PS-3) $12.95
ISBN: 9780152956035
A young girl walks with her grandpa and asks him many fascinating questions. Illustrates a
knowledgeable and sensitive grandfather.
Anderson, Lena (1989). Stina
Greenwillow (K-3) $13.95
ISBN 9780688088804
Every summer Stina visits her grandfather at his house by the sea. Each day they get up early, check
grandfather's fishing nets, cook meals, and do enjoyable things together. One night a storm comes and
grandfather helps Stina to understand and learn from the storm. Portrays older people as intelligent and
capable. Shows old and young enjoying each other and learning from each other.
Applet, Kathi (2003). The Best Kind of Gift
HarperCollins (1-3) $16.99
ISBN 9780688153922
Jory is a rural Appalachian boy. His family is putting together gifts to offer the new preacher. Jory wants
to give the perfect gift, but can’t think of what he can give. Grandpa helps him to come up with the best
kind of gift, a gift from the heart.
Applet, Kathi (2002). Where, Where is Swamp Bear?
HarperCollins (PS-2) $15.95
ISBN 9780688171025
Louisiana black bears used to roam in east Texas, Mississippi, and Louisiana, but today they are an
endangered species found only in two regions of Louisiana. Pierre and Granpere search for the
Louisiana black bear, but it’s not an easy task to find the bears in the swamps where they live. Granpere
is very knowledgeable about the bear and shares this knowledge with his grandson. Illustrates young
and old enjoying each other and learning from each other, as well as the contemporary topic of
endangered species and their preservation.
Arnold, Marsha (1998). The Chicken Salad Club
Dial (2-3) $15.99
ISBN 9780803719156
Nathaniel Hopkin’s great-grandfather, Henry “Hank” Hopkins, was one hundred years old. Every day
when Nathaniel came home from school he would go next door to listen to Greatpaw’s stories and eat the
chicken salad sandwiches that Greatpaw made. Greatpaw came up with the idea of The Century Club
made up of century old people. The Club did not materialize as planned, but Greatpaw made a new
friend, Sadie Johannsen. Illustrates oral history, story telling, and an active grandfather. This is a good
opportunity to talk to the children about “centenarians”, people who are 100 years old or older. Few
books have a centenarian in them or deal with the issue of companionship in old age. By the year 2050 it
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
is estimated that there will be 1 million centenarians in the United States. Many children today will live to
be 100 years old. Greatpaw and Sadie are interesting and active.
Baker, Sanna (1995). Grandpa is a Flyer
Albert Whitman (PS-3) $15.95
ISBN 9780807530337
When Anna goes to visit her grandparents her mother and grandmother drink coffee together while
Anna’s grandfather takes her flying. The story follows the grandfather’s life from a young boy who
dreamed of flying to becoming a flyer himself. Grandpa has his own plane. He tells Anna that one day
she may be a flyer too. Illustrates shared interests between generations, life planning, and a close
intergenerational relationship.
Balouch, Kristen (2006). Mystery Bottle
Hyperion (PS-1) $15.99
ISBN 9780786809998
A package came early in the morning for Bailey with a bottle inside. When he opened the bottle the wind
inside carried him in a fantasy journey across the sea to Iran the where his grandfather, Baba Bozorg,
lived. They had tea and climbed the tallest mountain. At the top of the mountain the bottle was filled with
wind and love, and was ready to be used again for the boy to visit his grandfather. Loving
intergenerational relationship. MULTICULTURAL
Barsotti, Joan (1996). Christopher and Grandma on Safari
Barsotti Books (PS-3) $6.95
ISBN 9780964211223
Christopher and grandma go on an African safari. They live in tents and have Masai guides. Christopher
has a Masai friend called Moses and together they search for the rare brown giraffe. Shows an active
grandmother, lifelong learning, travel and adventure, and exciting intergenerational activities.
Bauer, Marion (1995). When I Go Camping With Grandma
Troll Communications (PS-3) $14.95/$5.95
ISBN 9780815734482/ISBN 9780816734498
A young girl goes tent camping with her grandmother. They hike deep into the woods, pitch a tent, build
a fire, kayak, roast marshmallows and hot dogs, paddle a canoe and go fishing. Shows an active and
capable older woman. Portrays a wonderful and adventuresome intergenerational experience. Illustrates
“lifespan” activities; activities children do now that they can do throughout life.
Beardshaw, Rosalind (2001). Grandma’s Beach
Bloomsbury Children’s Books (PS-2) $15.95
ISBN 9781582349350
Mom has to go to the office, can’t take Emily to the beach, and Emily goes to visit grandma instead.
Grandma creates an imaginary day at the beach that she and Emily enjoy. Active, capable grandmother.
Beardshaw, Rosalind (2004). Grandpa’s Surprise
Bloomsbury Children’s Books (PS-2) $15.95
ISBN 9781582349343
Jack won’t let Stanley ride his new tricycle. Grandpa knows Stanley is disappointed and cheers him up
by helping him make a go-cart. Even though Jack wouldn’t share with Stanley. Stanley lets Jack ride on
his go-cart. Brings up the concept of sharing. Grandfather is portrayed as active and capable.
Bercaw, Edna Coe (2000). Halmoni’s Day
Dial Books for Young Readers (2-3) $15.99
ISBN 9780803724440
Jennifer’s grandmother, Halmoni, is visiting from Korea. Halmoni does not speak English and Jennifer is
worried about having her come to Grandparent’s Day at school where each grandparent tells a story.
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
Halmoni goes to school and her story is translated for the class. Halmoni tells of her father’s service in
the Korean war and how proud she is of her grandchildren. The children love her story and she won the
award for the grandparent that traveled the farthest. MULTICULTURAL
Blegvad, Lenore (1993). Once Upon a Time and Grandma
Elderry Books (PS-2) $14.95
ISBN 9780689505485
Emma and her younger brother Luke are visiting Grandma. Grandma takes them to the house where she
grew up and shares memories of her childhood, when she was a young girl called “Norrie”. The children
have a hard time believing grandma was once young like them. Grandma shares memories of her
childhood and the children start to understand that grandma was young too and that they are growing up
and growing older. Illustrates growing up and growing older, family history, and a caring intergenerational
Blos, Joan (1994). The Grandpa Days
Simon & Schuster (PS-1) $8.95/3.95
ISBN 9780671646400
Philip's grandfather makes wonderful things out of wood with his carpenter tools. He shows Philip how to
use each tool, teaches him about different kinds of wood, and together they build a sled. The grandfather
is capable, skillful and knowledgeable. Illustrates shared interests and an enjoyable intergenerational
Bogart, Jo Ellen (1999). Jeremiah Learns to Read
Scholastic (1-3) $14.99
ISBN 9788426130662
Jeremiah is an older man who can do many things. He knows how to make a split-rail fence, how to build
a table, and how to grow corn. Although Jeremiah can do all these things, he cannot read. One day he
goes to the schoolhouse where the teacher and children help him to learn to read. He teaches the
children how to do things such as whittle and make bird sounds. Later, Jeremiah reads to his wife from a
book of poems about love. Portrays a reciprocal intergenerational relationship and a warm, loving
relationship with an older couple.
Bond, Ruskin (2003). Cherry Tree
Boyds Mills (1-3) $10.95
ISBN 9781563976216
Rakhi lives in the Himalayan foothills of India with her grandfather. She likes to buy cherries at the
bazaar. Grandfather suggests that she plant one of the cherry seeds in his garden. The tree and Rakhi
grow older together. One year the tree is full of beautiful blossoms and Rakhi is now a young woman.
She and her grandfather sit in the evening silence under the tree and watch the stars come out. Rakhi
comments on how the tree has changed from a small seed into a beautiful tree. "Just like you," her
grandfather replied. This story portrays a loving intergenerational relationship, illustrates growing up and
growing older, and aging as a natural and lifelong process. MULTICULTURAL
Booth, Barbara (1991). Mandy
HarperCollins (2-3) $16.95
ISBN 9780688103385
Mandy is a young girl who is deaf. Grandmother uses sign language to communicate with her. Mandy
and her grandmother do many things together including baking, dancing, and taking walks. When
grandmother's cherished silver pin is lost Mandy finds it for her. Portrays an active, capable grandmother
and a reciprocal relationship of loving and caring.
Bootman, Colin (2006). Fish for the Grand Lady
Holiday (1-3) $16.95
ISBN 9780823418985
Two young brothers go fishing and bring the fish back to their grandmother “Grand Lady” to cook. The
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
grandmother is not a major character, but the story is interesting. Shows a loving intergenerational
relationship. MULTICULTURAL
Bornstein, Ruth (1990). A Beautiful Seashell
Harper & Row (PS-1) $12.95
ISBN 9780060205942
A great-grandmother shares memories of her childhood with Rosie, her great-granddaughter. She tells
Rosie about living in another country on a hill near the sea. She tells of the ships, the fog, the seagulls,
and a beautiful seashell that she once found. At the end of the story great-grandmother goes into her
trunk and gives Rosie her treasured seashell. An intergenerational story with and family history.
Bottner, Barbara (1996). Nana Hannah’s Piano
Penguin (PS-1) $15.95
ISBN 9780399226564
Nana Hannah goes to dance class and loves to tango. Nana Hannah is able to get the grandson
interested in playing the piano.
Bowen, Anne (2004). When You Visit Grandma and Grandpa
Lerner (PS-3) $16.95
ISBN 9781575056104
A young girl talks to her baby brother about visits to grandma’s and grandpa’s house where she has lots
of fun and “anytime” is the best time to visit. At grandma’s house they splash through puddles, sing
favorite songs, read, play hide and seek, watch fireflies flickering, play in leaves, carve a jack-o-lantern,
and make snow forts. A warm intergenerational relationship and active grandparents.
Bradford, Karleen (2003). You Can’t Rush a Cat
Orca (PS-2) $7.95
ISBN 9781551432830
Jessica went to visit her grandfather and found that he was putting out a bowl of milk for a wild kitten that
was hiding in his bushes. The milk went away, but the cat did not come in, not even when it rained the
next day. Jessica was not worried because she knew that you can’t rush a cat. Jessica and her
grandfather tame the kitten. When Jessica leaves her grandfather he and the kitten are friends. A loving
intergenerational relationship and illustrates young and old enjoying each other.
Buckley, Helen (2000). Grandfather and I
HarperCollins (PS-3) $6.99
ISBN 9780688175269
A grandfather and granddaughter take long, slow walks together and stop to look at things along the way.
Other people are in a hurry, but they are not and take as long as they like. Back at home they sit in a
chair, rock, read, and talk. Portrays young and old enjoying each other
Bunting, Eve (1999). The Butterfly House
Scholastic (K-3) $17.99
ISBN 9780590848848
A little girl saves a tiny caterpillar from being eaten by a blue jay and her grandfather helps her make a
butterfly house to keep it safe. The caterpillar transforms into a beautiful butterfly and is set free. The
years pass, the girl is now as old as her grandfather was when they found the caterpillar, and something
"amazing" happens each spring. Each spring beautiful butterflies come to her garden. Her neighbors find
this a mystery, but to her it is no mystery. To her the butterflies are saying “This is the girl, but older now.
We visit her each spring to give her back the love she gave to us so long ago.” Illustrates growing up and
growing older, a wise grandfather, a loving intergenerational relationship, and aging as a natural and
lifelong process.
Bryan, Ashley (1989). Turtle Knows Your Name
Simon & Schuster (PS-3) $14.95/$4.95
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
ISBN 9780689315787/ISBN 9780689717282
The story is based on West Indian folklore. Upsilimana Tumpalerado lives with his grandmother in the
West Indies. His grandmother challenges him to find out her real name, and he succeeds. The
grandmother is portrayed as capable and a contributing member of society. MULTICULTURAL
Butterworth, Nick (2003). My Grandpa is Amazing
Candlewick (PS-1) $5.99
ISBN 9780763620578
A story told by a child about an amazing grandfather. Grandpa makes flower arrangements, dances, and
has a motorcycle. He is a lot of fun, and portrayed in nontraditional activities. Shows older people as
interesting and active.
Butterworth, Nick (2003). My Grandma is Wonderful
Candlewick (PS-1) $5.99
ISBN 9780763620516
A large-print story told by a child about a wonderful grandmother who knows all about nature and always
seems to have whatever you need. Grandmother is portrayed as active, sensitive and capable.
Cech, John (1998). My Grandmother's Journey
Tandem Library Books (PS-3) $14.15
ISBN 97870613055451
This story is based on the real life adventures of Feodosia Belevtsov. She survived the Russian
Revolution and World War II and after the war came with her family to America. The reader is introduced
to Feodosia as a young girl and travels with her to the present as she tells her life story to her
granddaughter. The text introduces the reader to interesting events in history, illustrates family history
and oral history, and shows aging as a natural and lifelong process. MULTICULTURAL
Cheng, Andrea (2003). Grandfather Counts
Lee & Low (PS-3) $8.95
ISBN 9781584301585
Helen’s Chinese grandfather, who does not speak English, comes to live with Helen’s family in the United
States. Helen and her grandfather find a way for her to learn Chinese and for him to learn English.
Illustrates young and old enjoying one another and learning from one another. MULTICULTURAL
Chichester-Clark, Ema (2003). Mimi’s Book of Counting
Charlesbridge (PS) $9.95
ISBN 9781570915734
Monkey Mimi and her grandmother spend the day counting objects from one through ten. Portrays a
loving intergenerational relationship and a caring grandmother.
Choi, Sook Nyul (1993). Halmoni and the Picnic
Houghton Mifflin (2-3) $14.95
ISBN 9780395616260
Yunmi’s grandmother, Halmoni, has moved to New York City from Korea to be with Yumni’s family.
Halmoni was a teacher in her country. Yumni’s class is having a picnic and the children would like her
grandmother to be a chaperone. Halmoni does not speak English well and Yumni is worried about this.
Halmoni does chaperone and the picnic is well received by everyone. The traditions of both cultures
blend nicely at the picnic and a good time is had by all. MULTICULTURAL
Chocolate, Debbi (1998). The Piano Man
Walker & Company (K-3) $15.25
ISBN 97808027886463
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
A story about a young African American girl and her grandfather and their shared love of music.
Grandfather’s life history from a young man to the present is told. He played piano for the silent movies,
vaudeville, and ragtime and shares his stories with his granddaughter. A story about shared interests,
growing up and growing older, family history, and oral history. An active and capable older person who is
an integral part of his family. MULTICULTURAL
John Steptoe Award for New Talent
Cohen, Caron (2003). Everything is Different at Nonna’s House
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (K-3) $16.00
ISBN 9780618073351
When a young city boy visits his grandparents in the country he finds that everything is different. No taxis
jam the streets and no tall buildings crowd the sky. Instead there are blueberry pancakes to make,
clipping roses, feeding cows, going for walks at night, and riding on the tractor with his grandfather, Pop-
Pop. Sometimes they stay out late at night and sit together on the porch swing as they watch the stars
blink and hear the crickets chirp. There are lots of hugs, kisses, and laughter. Active grandparents.
Intergenerational sharing and caring.
Cruise, Robin (2009). Bartleby Speaks
Farrar, Straus, & Giroux (1-3) $16.99
ISBN 9780374305147
Bartleby Huddle is a happy child but at the age of three he hasn’t said a single word. His noisy family
tries to make him speak but it is quiet grandfather who finally gets Bartleby to speak.
Crystal, Billy (2006). Grandpa’s Little One
HarperCollins (PS-1) $6.99
ISBN 9780060781750
Actor and comedian Billy Crystal tells about the first year his grandson’s life. Portrays a tender, loving
Cumberbatch, Judy (2006). Can You Hear the Sea?
Bloomsbury (PS-1) $15.95
ISBN 9781582347035
Sarah’s grandpa gave her a sea shell. He told her that if she listened carefully she could hear the sea.
Sarah tries to hear the sea but she cannot. She is finally able to hear the sea when grandpa helps her.
Active grandparents and loving intergenerational relationship. MULTICULTURAL
D’Arcy Karen (2001). My Grandmother is a Singing Yaya
Scholastic/Orchard (2-3) $15.95
ISBN 9780439293096
Lulu’s Greek grandmother, Yaya, used to sing on stage. When they are alone together Lulu loves to hear
Yaya’s exuberant singing, but she sometimes finds it embarrassing. She worries about bringing Yaya to
her school’s Grandparent’s Day picnic. The picnic-goers enjoy Yaya’s singing and the school principal
asks Yaya to lead the group in a song. Illustrates young and old enjoying each other. MULTICULTURAL
DeGross, Monalisa (1999). Grandaddy’s Street Songs
Hyperion Books for Children (PS-3) $14.99
ISBN 9780786821327
Roddy is an African American boy. He loves to bring out the old family photo album and listen to
grandaddy tell stories about his days as an arabber. Arabbers were fruit and vegetable street vendors in
days gone by. Grandaddy was an arabber in Baltimore and he would take his horse and wagon on the
cobblestone streets and sing out calls to his customers to get their attention. Some of his calls are given
in the book. Illustrates family history, oral history, and an interesting part of American history. A sharing
and caring intergenerational relationship. MULTICULTURAL
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
Demas, Corrine (2000). The Disappearing Island
Simon & Schuster (PS-3) $16.00
ISBN 9780689805394
For her 9
birthday Carrie’s grandmother takes her to Billingsgate Island. The island is only visible at low
tide. They travel out to the island on grandmother’s boat, Aphrodite. On the island they find shells and a
piece of the old lighthouse. Grandmother talks to Carrie about the fishing community that once lived on
the island. They have lunch and spend an enjoyable time together. Capable, knowledgeable and
energetic grandmother.
Denslow, Sharon (1990). At Taylor's Place
Bradbury (PS-2) $13.95
ISBN 9780027286854
Tory loves to see Taylor, her neighbor, at his farm. She works with him at his woodshop, and helps him
feed the goats and fill the bird feeders. They complete a weathervane they have been working on and
Taylor comments: "We make a great team." Taylor is independent and capable. The two characters
have a reciprocal relationship of sharing, caring, and learning.
DiSalvo, DyAnne (2002). Spaghetti Park
Holiday House (1-3) $16.95
ISBN 9780234168820
Angelo’s neighborhood park used to be a great place but now many people in the neighborhood avoid it
because it is run down, has graffiti, and a group of troublemakers hang out there. Angelo and his
grandfather like to go to the park and play “bocce”, an Italian bowling game. They join a neighborhood
group to clean up the park. Many of the people who help to clean up the park are older adults. Once the
park is cleaned up the troublemakers mess it up again, but everyone once more everyone helps to make
the park a good place to be. MULTICULTURAL
DiSalvo, DyAnne (1997). Uncle Willie and the Soup Kitchen
SanVal/HarperCollins (K-3) $6.99
ISBN 9780688152857
A young boy stays with his Uncle Willie after school. Uncle Willie is a volunteer at a local soup kitchen for
people who are homeless. One day when Willie is out of school he helps his uncle at the soup kitchen.
Illustrates the community service and volunteer work that many older adults are involved in. The older
adult is a role model for the young boy. Deals with the contemporary issues of homelessness and
Dorros, Arthur (1999). Isla
Penguin (PS-1) $6.99
ISBN 9780140565058
A young girl, Rosalba, and her grandmother take an imaginary trip to the Caribbean island where her
grandmother grew up. A glossary of Spanish words in included. Presents family history and shows old
and young enjoying each other. MULTICULTURAL
Douglass, Barbara (1982). Good as New
HarperCollins (PS-3) $15.00
ISBN 9780688419837
Grady's grandfather is known for his ability to fix just about anything. When a young cousin ruins Grady's
prize teddy bear, grandfather does a wonderful job of fixing it. He takes it apart, sews it back together
and fixes it "good as new!" Portrays the grandfather as intelligent, creative, and sensitive to the needs of
the child. The grandfather does some nontraditional activities for a grandfather like sewing. A loving
intergenerational relationship is portrayed.
Dunbar, James (1999). When I Was Young
Carolrhoda Books (PS-3) $15.95
ISBN 9781575053592
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
Seven year old Josh learns about family history from his grandmother and the family photo album.
Grandma tells about her life as a young girl, her grandparents and great-grandparents. An interesting
story for children to see how things used to be. Good examples of family history and oral history.
Children can be encouraged to explore their own family histories. Useful information in the back of the
book talks about what life was life from the 1690s to present. Illustrates growing up and growing older.
Duncan, Alice (1999). Miss Viola and Uncle Jed Lee
Atheneum (PS-2) $16.00
ISBN 9780689804762
Miss Viola and Uncle Jed Lee are neighbors on Joubert Street. A young boy, Bradley, lives in a house
between the two. Bradley and Uncle Jed Lee play checkers and do things together. One day Uncle Jed
Lee mentions that he would like to make a friend of Miss Viola. How Bradley brings the two of them
together is fun and interesting. Portrays intergenerational friendship. This is one of the few stories where
companionship and dating with older adults is addressed+
English, Karen (1996). Big Wind Coming
Albert Whitman (PS-3) $14.95
ISBN 9780807507261
Grandpa alerts the family that a big storm is coming. The children take the animals to the barn and help
board up the windows. Grandma and Grandpa are the ones who take charge of preparations for the
storm. Capable, active grandparents. MULTICULTURAL
English, Karen (2005). The Baby on the Way
Farrar (213) $16.00
ISBN 9780374373610
Jamal asks grandma if she was ever a baby and a little girl. Grandma tells him that she was both a baby
and a little girl. Grandma tells him the story of her birth and includes family history. MULTICULTURAL
Ford, Juwanda (1996). Kenya’s Family Reunion
Scholastic (PS-2) $2.99
ISBN 9780590537360
Kenya is a young African American girl. She is excited about the annual family reunion at her
grandfather’s farmhouse. Grandfather built the farmhouse, and this year the farmhouse will be 50 years
old. Kenya and her family have a special surprise for grandpathey made him a miniature of the
farmhouse and barn. Illustrates a loving, caring family and an active grandparent. MULTICULTURAL
Fruisen, Catherine (2004). My Mother’s Pearls
Star Bright Books (PS-2) $5.95
ISBN 9781595720054
A young girl enjoys helping her mother get dressed up and especially loves the pearls that have been in
the family since her great-great-great-great-great grandmother was given them in 1788. A story that
illustrates family history and oral history.
Goldman, Susan (1976). Grandma Is Somebody Special
Albert Whitman (PS-2) $10.95
ISBN 9780807530344
A young girl enjoys visiting her grandmother in a tall apartment building in a big city. The grandmother
demonstrates a wide range of activities--she works, goes to school, buys cookies at the bakery, and does
some very interesting things with her granddaughter. The special things they do together make this a
very enjoyable book. Grandmother is engaged in activities such as school and work that are often not
portrayed in early children’s literature.
Greene, Rhonda (2003). At Grandma’s
Holt (PS) $15.95
ISBN 9780805063360
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
A young dog always has a lot to do at grandma’s house. He sleeps in a big bed, eats cinnamon bread,
rides with grandma in a canoe, goes for walks, has a picnic lunch, works in the garden, and mends a
fence. At bedtime grandma reads him and book and puts him to bed. Shows young and old enjoying
each other and can lead into a discussion of what the children do with their grandparents or older friends.
Grifalconi, Ann (2007). Ain’t Nobody a Stranger to Me
Hyperion (K-3) $16.99
ISBN 9780786818570
The story starts with a woman telling how, as a young girl she went with her grandfather to his apple
orchard. As she and her grandfather went through the town he waved to everyone and said hello. The
grandfather did not know all the people by name and tells the girl, “Ain’t nobody a stranger to me”. The
grandfather talks to the girl about his escape from slavery on the Underground Railroad and the help and
friendship he received along the way. MULTICULTURAL
Association for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE) Childrens Book Award (2010)
Griffith, Helen (1995). Grandaddy’s Stars
Greenwillow (1-3) $15.00
ISBN 9780688136543
Grandaddy leaves his Georgia farm with his mule and chickens to come visit Janetta in the city. Janetta
had made a list of important things to show him and grandaddy loved all of them. Grandaddy showed
Janetta something that they both shared, even when they were apart, the stars in the sky. After
grandaddy leaves when he and Janetta look at the stars it is like they are still together. Illustrates shared
interests and a loving, caring relationship between grandparent and grandchild. MULTICULTURAL
Griffith, Helen (1993). Grandaddy and Janetta
Harper Collins (K-3) $15.00
ISBN 978068817114
This is Janetta’s first visit to Grandaddy’s farm after not seeing him for a year and she worries that he will
remember her. He does remember her. They have a wonderful time as they enjoy music together,
gardening, and telling stories. MULTICULTURAL
Griffith, Helen (1987). Grandaddy's Place
Harper Trophy (PS-3) $15.99
ISBN 9780688062545
Janetta is a "city girl," and her first visit to her grandfather's farm was one of mixed emotions. At first she
was not sure that she liked her granddaddy, his farm or the animals. She didn't like the wasp's nest under
the roof, or the chickens that made scary noises, the mean-looking cat or the "giant" mule. Grandfather
tells stories and finds ways to help her learn to love and understand the farm. MULTICULTURAL
Hanson, Warren (2006). Grandpa Has a Great Big Face
HarperCollins (PS-K) $16.99
ISBN 9780060787769
Grandpa’s face is big along with his feet and smile. The young grandson thinks that what is biggest of all
is grandpa’s loving heart. Loving intergenerational relationship.
Hawxhurst, Joan (1996). Bubbe and Gram. My Two Grandmothers
Dovetail Publishing (PS-2) $12.95
ISBN 9780965128421
A story about a child who learns from her two grandmothers. Bubbe, her Jewish grandmother, tells her
stories about Moses, lights Sabbath candles, and shares stories of Passover. Gram, her Christian
grandmother, dyes Easter eggs, recites the Lord’s Prayer, and tells the Nativity story. Shows respect for
different religions and traditions. An interesting story of two active and loving grandmothers.
Helldorfer, M. C. (2004). Got to Dance
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
Random House Children’s (PS-3) $17.99
ISBN 9780385908658
A little girl has the summertime blues and wants to dance. Grandpa makes a wonderful dancing
companion. Besides the dancing you see Grandpa flipping pancakes, playing cards, and going to the
zoo. Intergenerational story with an active grandparent.
Hennessy, B. G. (1994). When You Were Just a Little Girl
Puffin (PS-3) $4.99
ISBN 978014054172-1
A granddaughter asks her grandmother to tell her about life when she was a little girl. Children can be
encouraged to ask older family members and friends the same thing. Helps to instill a sense of history
and family history.
Herrera, Juan Felipe (2002). Grandma and Me at the Flea/Los Meros Meros
Children’s Book Press (2-3) $16.95
ISBN 9780892391714
Every Sunday Juanito and his grandmother sell clothes at a California flea market booth. Juanito spends
a lot of time at the many booths. Grandmother is active and working. Bilingual text in English and
Hest, Amy (1988). The Crack-of-Dawn Walkers
Puffin (PS-2) $11.95
ISBN 9780140508291
Sadie and her brother take turns going on walks with their grandfather on Sunday morning. Sadie
delights in this special time with her grandfather. They talk about the "old country," stop at a bake shop,
and sip cocoa. Later, as others are rising from their beds they notice the two very different size sets of
tracks left by the "crack-of-dawn" walkers. Illustrates a caring intergenerational relationship and old and
young enjoying each other.
Hest, Amy (1992). The Go-Between
Simon & Schuster (K-3) $14.95
ISBN 9780027436327
A story about two older people who are fond of each other and marry. The granddaughter plays the "go
between" role in the relationship. Not many stories present older people as dating and marrying. A story
about the need for companionship, love, and caring throughout life.
Hest, Amy (1993). Nana’s Birthday Party
HarperCollins (PS-3) $15.95
ISBN 9780688074975
Nana lives in New York City and Maggie enjoys visiting her with her cousins. They enjoy the family
photos that Nana shares with them. “Remember,” Nana says, “every picture tells a story.” Every year
Nana puts on a birthday party for herself with the same rules tacked to the door: no jeans; no gum; no
presents, except for the ones you make yourself; no fighting and no whining. Maggie and her cousin
Brette plan birthday presents for Nana. Good opportunity for discussion of family history. Active
grandmother who is an integral part of the family.
Hest, Amy (1998). Gabby Growing Up
Simon & Schuster (PS-3) $16.00
ISBN 9780689805738
It is grandpa’s birthday and that means a trip to the city for Gabby and her mother. On the way they
shop, have lunch and Gabby gets a new haircut. They meet grandpa and go ice skating. Gabby gives
grandpa the bright orange mittens that she knit for his birthday. Gabby and grandpa dance together on
the ice. Mother and the skaters have a surprise birthday cake for grandpa and everyone sings happy
birthday to him. Portrays an active, caring grandfather.
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
Hest, Amy (2001). The Friday Nights of Nana
Candlewick (PS-2) $15.99
ISBN 9780763606589
Friday nights with Nana begin early on Friday morning. This Friday a young Jewish girl has off school
and she and her Nana start preparing for the Sabbath. Nana washes the good china, irons the lace
tablecloth, fixes the Sabbath dress, and bakes. Nana and the granddaughter go for a walk and eat
sandwiches in the park. They look for violet-colored flowers. When they return to Nanas they finish
preparing for the Sabbath. MULTICULTURAL
Hest, Amy (2002). Make the Team, Baby Duck!
Candlewick (PS-1) $16.99
ISBN 978073615413
Baby Duck wants to join the swim team but she is scared to go in the water. Grandpa knows what to say
to get her into the water and on the team. Wise and caring Grandpa.
Hilton, Nette (2000/1992). The Long Red Scarf
Carolrhoda Books/Lerner Publishing (PS-2) $18.95/
ISBN 9780876143995/ISBN 9780876145616
Grandfather’s friend Jake has a long blue scarf that helps to keep him warm when they go fishing.
Grandfather likes Jake's scarf and decides to ask Great Aunt Maude to knit him one. Aunt Maude is
wonderful at farming and cleaning fish, but she can't knit a scarf. Grandfather asks Jake where he got his
scarf and discovers that Jake knit it himself. Grandfather learns to knit and makes himself a scarf. He
enjoys knitting so much he knits things for others in the family. Portrays the grandfather as independent,
active and creative, and engaged in a rather nontraditional activity for grandfathers of knitting”.
Hines, Anna (1996). Miss Emma’s Wild Garden
Greenwillow (PS-3) $14.89
ISBN 9780688146937
Miss Emma is a neighbor who lets her garden grow any way it wants. Her garden has dandelions, foam
wild blue phlox, and even wild animals. Miss Emma shares all kinds of wonderful things that happen in
the garden to her young friend like deer eating flower buds, rabbits nibbling the wild ginger, a woodchuck
and her baby eating sweet cicely, birds nesting, a lizard sunning on a rock, butterflies, bees sipping
blossom nectar and a toad hiding in the forget-me-nots beside the creek. The young girl values her
friendship with Miss Emma. Everyone wants a friend like Miss Emma and wants to be like her when they
are older. Illustrates intergenerational friendship and an active, independent older adult.
Hines, Anna (1998). Grandma Gets Grumpy
Tandem (PS-1) $15.25
ISBN 9780833547156
Lassen and her cousins spend the night at grandmother's house. Grandma has a box full of toys and a
drawer full of clothes for them to play with. When the cousins get a little wild “grandma gets grumpy”.
The book ends with the children knowing that even though grandma got grumpy she loves them. Most
children would agree they would get grumpy like grandma did. This book can be used to help show
children how young and old share the same types of feelings and are similar in many ways.
Hines, Anna (2003). My Grandma is Coming to Town
Candlewick (PS-1) $13.99
ISBN 9780763612375
Grandma lives far away but she and her grandson Albert have a long-distance relationship through phone
calls, photographs, letters and presents. Grandma comes for a visit but Albert is suddenly shy and won’t
talk to her. Grandma has a plan and soon Albert overcomes his shyness. Warm intergenerational
relationship and a sensitive, imaginative grandmother.
Hoberman, Mary Ann (2007). I’m Going to Grandma’s
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
Houghton Miffllin Harcourt (PS-2) $16.00
ISBN 9780152165925
A young granddaughter is going to her grandparents to spend the night. Grandpa is an artist and helps
her to draw. He plays music for her on his musical saw. Grandma likes dancing, has a whole closet of
dress-up clothes and has planted a garden where everything grows. When it gets time to go to bed
Grandma tells the girl a story of when she spent the night at her grandmothers, the granddaughter’s
great-great grandmother. The great-great grandmother made a quilt that the girl now uses. Active
grandparents, a story with family history, and a loving intergenerational relationship.
Hoffman, Mary (2011). Grace at Christmas
Dial (1-3) $17.99
ISBN 9780803735774
Grace loved Christmas and going to church with Ma and Nana. As long as Grace could remember it had
been just her, Ma, and Nana at Christmas but this year they are going to have company. Grace was not
happy about having company but Nana told her that Christmas was a time for families. Nana helps
Grace understand and accept the company. Grace admits that this was the best Christmas ever.
Holabird, Katharine (2004). Angelina, Star of the Show
Pleasant Company (1-3) $12.95
ISBN 9781584859031
Angelina is a young mouse and she can hardly wait to dance in the Mouseland Dance Festival.
Angelina’s grandparents are taking her to the festival on their boat, The Jolly Rat. Angelina practices her
dancing so much on the boat that she forgets to do some things and gets into some problems.
Grandparents are shown as active and capable. Grandmother comes to the rescue when Angelina ruins
her dance costume. Grandparents are portrayed as active and capable.
Howard, Elizabeth (2001). Lulu’s Birthday
Greenwillow (PS-2) $15.95
ISBN 9780688159443
Lulu suggests that she and her grandchildren, Laurie and Matthew, celebrate her birthday before they
leave for the summer. They talk about many of the things they have done together. The children have a
birthday surprise that is a wonderful celebration for their grandmother. Illustrates young and old enjoying
each other and loving family relationships. MULTICULTURAL
Hughes, Sarah (2001). My Grandmother Works in a Dress Shop
Scholastic (PS-1) $4.95
ISBN 9780516295763
Actual photos of a grandmother and granddaughter. The grandmother works in a dress shop and makes
a beautiful dress for her young granddaughter. Loving intergenerational relationship.
Hurd, Edith (1982). I Dance in My Red Pajamas
HarperCollins (1-3) $14.04
ISBN 9780060226992
Jenny loves her visits with her grandparents. Her parents tell her that grandma and grandpa want peace,
quiet, and tranquility, but Jenny knows differently. No one is better at jumping and stomping than
grandfather--especially when he dances with Jenny in her red pajamas. Grandmother is a wonderful
cook and knows more about cats than anyone. When grandfather tucks her into bed he tells Jenny: "Oh
what a beautiful, lovely, noisy day". Illustrates similarities between young and old, older people are
portrayed as active and vibrant and as integral members of the family.
Hutchins, Pat (2006). Bumpety Bump
Greenwillow (PS-1) $16.89
ISBN 9780060560003
Grandpa pushes his young grandson in a wheelbarrow as they go around the farm and do different
things. Grandpa helps the boy dig potatoes and pick tomatoes, lettuce, and berries. An active
grandfather. Shows young and old enjoying each other.
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
Isadora, Rachel (2005). Luke Goes to Bat
Putnam (1-3) $15.99
ISBN 9780399236044
In 1950s Brooklyn a young African American boy, Luke, really wants to play stickball with his older
brother and the other kids. One day Luke gets a chance to play, but he strikes out, and is sure the other
kids would not let him play again. Jackie Robinson of the Brooklyn Dodgers was Luke’s favorite baseball
player. Luke’s Grandma takes him to see Jackie Robinson play at Ebbets Field. His Grandma tells him
that he can’t give up and he doesn’t. Grandmother is supportive and wise. MULTICULTURAL
Jacobs, Laurie (2005). A Box of Candles
Boyds Mills Press (2-3) $17.95
ISBN 9781590781692
When Ruthie’s Grandma Gussie starts to have a friendship with Mr. Adler, Ruthie is not sure how well she
likes not getting all of grandma’s attention. She thinks of many reasons not to like Mr. Adler. As time
goes by Mr. Adler helps Ruthie with a Passover song, helps her learn how to ride a bike and ice skate,
and takes her and grandma fishing. Ruthie and Mr. Adler become friends. Mr. Adler asks grandma to
marry him and Ruthie will now have a new Grandpa. The book includes a glossary of terms and
explanations of Jewish customs and traditions and tells of Jewish history. One of the few books that
illustrates companionship, dating and marriage as an older adult. MULTICULTURAL
James, Simon (2002). The Birdwatchers
Candlewick (PS-1) $15.99
ISBN 9780736167611
Granddad is a birdwatcher, makes pictures of the birds, and tells his young granddaughter, Jess,
interesting bird watching stories. Jess joins her grandfather on a bird watching trek and a good time is
had by all.
Johnson, Angela (1990). When I Am Old With You
Scholastic [Orchard Books] (PS-3) $15.95
ISBN 9780531058848
A young African American girl shares enjoyable times with her grandfather and talks about what they will
do "When I am old with you". The story is full of love and family history. It can help children to see that
they too will someday be old, and helps them to think of activities they would like to do when they are
Joosse, Barbara (2001). A Houseful of Christmas
Henry Holt (PS-3) $14.95
ISBN 9780805063912
Every Christmas all the relatives go to Granny’s house. Weeks ahead of the visit Granny starts to bake,
decorate and wrap packages. On Christmas day she prepares a wonderful dinner and waits for her
guests to arrive. Granny plays Christmas carols on the accordion and everyone sings along. A snow
storm comes and Granny gets out blankets and pillows so everyone can sleep over. An active, capable
grandmother who is an integral part of her family.
Joosee, Barbara (2008). Grandma Calls Me Beautiful
Chronicle (K-3) $16.99
ISBN 9780811858151
A Hawaiian grandmother tells her granddaughter the story of her birth and her name: “Beautiful”. Loving
intergenerational relationship. Shows shared bond between grandmother and grandchild.
Keller, Holly (1994). Grandfather’s Dream
Greenwillow (PS-3) $17.99
ISBN 9780688123390
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
The story takes place in Vietnam. The war in Vietnam was over but the cranes had not returned.
Grandfather had a dream that the cranes would return and shares this dream with his grandson, Nam.
Grandfather likes to tell Nam stories, like the one about the otters that he trained to catch fish as a boy.
He and Nam continue to look for the cranes return and the cranes do return. The grandfather is wise and
capable and shares a message about the importance of preserving the global environment.
Kesselman, Wendy (1993). Emma
Harper Collins (PS-3) $4.95
ISBN 9780064430777
At age 72 years old, Emma begins to paint. At first she hides her painting from her family, but when the
family comes for a surprise visit Emma does not have time to put the paintings away. The family loved
her paintings. Children enjoy drawing and painting and this book helps them to see how these can be
activities when they are older. Illustrates the creativity of older people, lifelong learning, similarities
between young and old, and lifespan activities.
Kessler, Christina (2000). My Great-Grandmother’s Gourd
Scholastic (PS-3) $17.99
ISBN 9780531332849
When a new water pump comes to her Sudanese village in East Africa, Fatima is pleased. However, her
grandmother decides to still save water the old way by filling their baobab tree with rain for the dry
season. For centuries Fatima’s people have been using these trees as giant water gourds to store water.
A broken pump and water shortage finds the village mixing the old ways with the new. A wise, active
grandmother. Illustrates the knowledge of older adults. Story based on true events. MULTICULTURAL
Kinsey-Warnock, Natalie (2005). Nora’s Ark
HarperCollins (2-3) $17.99
ISBN 9780688172442
This story is based on the real-life event of the Vermont Flood of 1927. Nora’s grandpa decided to build
grandma a new house high on a hill. Just as the house is finished it started to rain and rained so much
that it caused a flood. The family, neighbors and the farm animals go to the new house on the hill to
escape the flood. With all the animals there the new house becomes “Nora’s Ark”. Shows active and
capable grandparents and a loving intergenerational relationship.
Kovalski, Maryann (1993). Take Me Out to the Ballgame
Scholastic (PS-3) $14.95
ISBN 9780590456388
Jenny and Joanna get their grandma to take them to a baseball game. At the game the girl’s balloon flies
away. Grandma rescues both the balloon and the ballgame.
Krebs, Laurie (2002). The Beeman
National (PS-3) $16.95
ISBN 9780792272243
Grandfather is known in town as the beekeeper. He has special beekeeper equipment. He teaches his
young granddaughter about the different bees in the hive and how to make honey. Intergenerational
learning. A knowledgeable and active grandfather.
Lasky, Kathryn (1988). Sea Swan
MacMillan (1-3) $14.95
ISBN 9780027517002
Elzibah Swan lived in the same house on Boston's Beacon Hill all her life. She keeps active and busy
doing things including going to the library and symphony concerts, gardening, and enjoying her
grandchildren. On her seventy-fifth birthday she wants to do something "new," and decides to learn how
to swim. Elzibah takes swimming lessons, snorkeling, and water ballet. She loves swimming so much
that she designs and with the help of her friends, builds house on the seashore. Elzibah calls her new
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
house "Sea Swan." The story integrates many generations into one text and illustrates how people can
learn and do throughout life, “lifelong learning”.
Lyons, Marty (1997). Catching the Fire. Phillip Simmons, Blacksmith
Houghton Mifflin (1-3) $17.00
This book tells the story of Phillip Simmons, an African American blacksmith. Mr. Simmons was born on
June 9, 1912 and lived in the Charleston, South Carolina area. He became a blacksmith at the age of 13.
He became famous for his ornamental wrought iron creations. Although he “officially” retired in 1987 he
continued to teach and create beautiful artwork throughout his life. A story based on a productive,
meaningful life. A role model for growing up growing older, and making a difference in the world.
Mahy, Margaret (1994). The Rattlebang Picnic
Puffin (2-3) $NA
ISBN 9780803713185
Granny McTavish is known for loving her grandchildren and her terrible cooking. Granny goes with the
family on a trip to the tip top of Mount Fogg. On the trip, Granny’s tough pizza comes in handy when the
car loses a tire.
Major, Kevin (2005). Aunt Olga’s Christmas Postcards
Groundwood (PS-2) $10.00
ISBN 9780888995933
Aunt Olga is ninety-five and has collected postcards all her life. She writes poetry, does tai chi, bakes
gingerbread, speaks a number of languages, and plans to start dancing again. Her first job long ago was
writing verses for Christmas postcards and she has a wonderful collection of Christmas postcards from all
around the world. She shares her postcards and Christmas memories with her niece, Anna. Aunt Olga
teaches Anna how to write her own Christmas verses. Illustrates a long, active, and productive life. Many
of today’s children will live into their 80s, 90s and beyond. A loving intergenerational relationship.
Martin, Bill, Hr. & Sampson, Michael (2003). Little Granny Quarterback
Boyds Mills (PS-1) $15.95
ISBN 9781563979309
Watching football on television Granny Whiteoak recalls her glory days as was the first female
quarterback to win the Heisman trophy. She looks at the wall where her trophies and newspaper
clippings are hung. In this fantasy story Granny quarterbacks again. Although this is a fantasy, it can
lead into a discussion of older people who participate in sports and Senior Olympics.
Martin, Jacqueline Briggs (1992/1997). Good Times on Grandfather Mountain
Scholastic (PS-1) $15.95/6.95
ISBN 9780531059777/ISBN 97805310708751
Washburn is an older man who always looks on the bright side of things. He is a fine fiddler and whittler.
He can whittle a fiddle out of a log or a spider out of a stick of wood. During the story many mishaps
occur including Washburn’s cow, pigs, and chickens running off. Amazingly, everything gets back to
normal. Young children delight in hearing all the things that happened to Washburn. Shows an active,
capable older person with a positive outlook on life.
Martin, Jacqueline Briggs (2003). The Water Gift and the Pig of the Pig
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (K-3) $17.00
ISBN 9780618074365
For many centuries there have been people who could locate underground water by walking across the
ground holding a Y-shaped branch, a “divining rod”. Isabel’s grandfather is one of those people who has
the water gift. Grandfather was a sea captain and he kept a pig that even went around Cape Horn with
him. Grandmother says that the pig thinks she is one of the family. When the pig gets lost Isabel
convinces her Grandfather to help her find him. Active, capable and caring grandparents.
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
Blue Ribbon Picture Books Award
Mauner, Claudia & Smalley, Elisa (2006). Zoe Sophia in New York: The Mystery of
the Pink Phoenix Papers
Chronicle (2-3) $14.95
ISBN 9780811848770
Zoe Sophia’s favorite person, her Great-Aunt Dorothy, comes to visit her in New York. Great-Aunt
Dorothy stays in Greenwich Village, is a famous writer, and is doing research for a new book. She and
Zoe hunt for a lost journal, The Pink Phoenix Papers. They visit interesting places in New York and find
clues. They dine at a restaurant where Great-Aunt Dorothy’s friend, Mr. Irving, plays the piano. Their
clues lead them to a second-hand book shop where Zoe finds a copy of the journal. Active older adult.
Matze, Claire (1999). The Stars in My Geddoh’s Sky
Albert Whitman (K-3) $14.95
ISBN 9780807553329
One summer an Arab American boys grandfather “Geddoh” comes to visit him. Geddoh has brought a
camel saddle for his grandson and helps the boy to learn about his Arab heritage. Geddoh talks to him
about the mosque where he prays. They do many fun activities together and Geddoh shows his
grandson what his name looks like in Arabic. A loving, active grandfather. MULTICULTURAL
May, Kathy (2000). Molasses Man
Holiday House (PS-2) $16.95
ISBN 9780823414383
Grandpa decides it is time to make molasses and his family pitches in to help. Everyone knows that
Grandpa is the “Molasses Man” and makes the best molasses in his community. Grandparents are
portrayed as capable and an integral part of the family. Presents family traditions of this rural African-
American family. Caring intergenerational relationships. MULTICULTURAL
Mayer, Mercer (2003). Grandma’s Garden
San Val/Carson-Dellosa (K-1) $3.95
Little Critter Series
ISBN 9781577688464
Little Critter and Little Sister help grandmother plant a vegetable garden.
McCaughrean, Geraldine (2002). My Grandmother’s Clock
Clarion (K-3) $15.00
Grandmother has a clock that does not work, but she does not need a clock. She has other ways to tell
time and to measure things. She shares these things with her granddaughter. Grandmother says that a
lifetime, can be measured in all kinds of ways, such as birthdays and friends. A loving intergenerational
relationship and an active, wise, and capable grandmother.
McCleery, Patsy (1988). The Turtle Lady
Texas Geographic Interests (1-3) $6.95
ISBN 9780915101030
This is the true, biographical story of Ila Loetscher known as "The Turtle Lady". Mrs. Loetscher lived on
South Padre Island in Texas. She took care of sick and injured sea turtles and helped to save them from
extinction. She also taught people about the endangered sea turtles. Mrs. Loetscher is a legend in her
own time. Her story helps to show children that older people are active in their communities and
contributing members of society. Brings up environmental issues and the need to protect and preserve
what we cannot create.
McCourt, Lisa (2008). Granny’s Dragon
Dutton Juvenile Books (2-3) $12.99
ISBN 9780525474630
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
A young granddaughter is staying with Granny and it is now time for bed. The granddaughter does not
want to go to bed because she is sure that there is a scary monster in her room. The grandmother tells
an interesting story about her own dragon that will protect the little girl from the scary dragon.
McLeod, Elaine (2002). Lessons from Mother Earth
Groundwood (K-2) $15.95
ISBN 9780888993120
Tess, a young Native American girl, has visited her grandmother many times but had never been aware
of her garden. Grandma teaches her that all nature can be a garden. As they visit Grandma’s garden
Tess learns about the plants and how to take care of them. MULTICULTURAL
McElroy, Lisa. Meet My Grandmother Series
Milbrook Press (2-3)
This series profiles famous grandmothers as seen through the eyes of their grandchildren. At the end of
each book the author gives the children tips on how to achieve what the grandmothers did. The author’s
use of actual older adults is an excellent way for children to see the real achievements that older adults
have made.
Meet My Grandmother. She’s a Children’s Book Author (2001). ISBN 9780761319726 $22.60
Meet My Grandmother. She’s a Deep Sea Explorer (2000). ISBN 9780761317203 $22.60
Meet My Grandmother. She’s a United States Senator (2000). ISBN 9780761317210 $22.60
Meet My Grandmother. She’s a Supreme Court Justice (2000). ISBN 9780761313861 $7.95
Mills, Claudia. Gus and Grandpa Series
Farrar, Straus & Giroux (K-3)
This excellent series shows a loving and warm intergenerational relationship and a grandfather who is
capable, caring, sensitive, and has good advice. Unfortunately many of the books in the series are out-
of-print. Some recommended OOPS follow:
Gus and Grandpa (1999). ISBN 9780374428471 $6.95
Gus and Grandpa Show and Tell (2000). ISBN 9780374428488 $6.95
Gus and Grandpa Ride the Train (2000). ISBN 9780374428136 $5.95
Gus and Grandpa and the Christmas Cookies (2000). ISBN 9780374428150 $5.95
Gus and Grandpa and the Two Wheeled Bike (2001). ISBN 9780374428167 $5.95 Gus and
Grandpa and the Halloween Costume (2002). ISBN 9780374328160 $5.95
Gus and Grandpa Go Fishing (2003). ISBN 9780374328153 $5.95
Gus and Grandpa and the Piano Lesson (2004). ISBN 9780374428150 $15.00
Mitchell, Margaree (2003). Grandaddy’s Gift
Tandem Library (K-3) $12.10
ISBN 9780606134491
A young African American girl grew up with her grandparents on a farm in Mississippi. The girl loves and
respects her grandaddy. She follows him everywhere and is nicknamed “Little Joe.” Grandaddy teaches
her the importance of education, the right to vote, and voting. He shows her the importance of standing
up for what you believe in, even in the face of adversity. Presents the problems her grandfather had
years ago when he tried to register to vote. Shows an active, capable older person who is respected by
his family and community. Addresses some significant points in American history and civil rights.
Mobin-Uddin, Asma (2007). The Best Eid Ever
Boyds Mills Press (K-3) $16.95
ISBN 9781590784310
Aneesa spends the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha with her grandmother. Her grandmother gave her a gift
of beautiful clothes for the holiday and fixed her favorite food. When they meet two young girls who need
food and clothing Aneesa and the grandmother share with them. MULTICULTURAL
Moore, Elaine (1994). Grandma’s Garden
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
Lothrup, Lee and Shephard (PS-3) $15.00
ISBN 9780688086947
Kim goes to her grandmothers in the spring and helps grandma “wake her garden.” Grandma supervises
putting in the garden and teaches Kim about gardening. They plant together, make a scarecrow, cuddle
together during a storm, and fly kites. Grandma is portrayed as fun to be with active and knowledgeable.
Illustrates intergenerational learning.
Moore, Floyd (1995). I Gave Thomas Edison My Sandwich
Albert Whitman (2-3) $14.95
ISBN 9780807535042
Floyd Thompson was born in 1908 in Iron City, Tennessee. When he was a little boy celebrity trains
often came to town. A train came to his town with President Taft, Henry Ford and Thomas Edison on it.
In real life Floyd actually talked to Thomas Edison, and in the story he gives him his sandwich. An
interesting story that illustrates past history, famous older people, and growing up and growing older.
Can lead into a discussion of older leaders and famous older people.
Nozick, Betsy (2001). Grandma and Me and Her Secret Recipe
Eakin (PS-3) $16.95
ISBN 9781571684738
A girl goes to her Grandma’s on Saturday mornings for a pancake breakfast. The young girl helps her
grandma make the pancakes and they make pancake “bears” together. Her grandfather, Poppa, is there
to join in the fun. The secret pancake recipe is given at the end of the book. Grandma has lots of hugs,
kisses, and love to share. Illustrates young and old enjoying each other and learning from each other.
Older, Effin (2000). My Two Grandmothers
Harcourt Children’s (PS-1) $16.00
Lily, a young granddaughter, has two grandmothers. Grammy Lane lives on a farm and rides a tractor
and Bubbe Silver lives in a tall apartment building and likes to play golf. In the summer Lily goes to visit
each grandmother. At the holidays she celebrates Hanukkah with one grandmother and Christmas with
the other. Each grandmother teaches her family traditions that have been passed down from generation
to generation. Lily wants the two grandmothers to meet so she invites them to a special party, the first
traditional “Grandmothers’ Party”. Illustrates young and old enjoying each other. MULTICULTURAL
Oller, Erika (2004). The Cabbage Soup Solution
Dutton Juvenile (K-3) $15.99
ISBN 9780525470052
Elsie is an older woman who has a cabbage farm. She drives in to town to sell her cabbages. One
morning see finds nearly all of her cabbages are gone and she sets out to find who took them. With the
help of her cat the mystery is solved and Elsie makes some new friends. Shows an older person who is
working and active.
Olson, Arielle (1990). Hurry Home, Grandma!
Penguin (PS-3) $4.99
ISBN 0-14-054760-6
Timothy and Melinda anxiously anticipate their explorer grandmother's arrival for Christmas. Grandma
rushes through various adventures to make it home in time. One of these adventures include flying a
plane. Grandmother is involved in many nontraditional activities. Leads into a discussion of what
children would like to do as an older person.
Oppenheim, Shulamith (1994). Fireflies for Nathan
HarperCollins (PS-2) $16.00
ISBN 9780688121471
Nathan and his grandparents catch fireflies together at their rural home, just as Nathan’s father did when
he was a boy. An intergenerational story that depicts active, interesting grandparents and family history.
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
Oxenbury, Helen (1993). Grandma and Grandpa
Puffin (PS-1) $3.99
ISBN 0-14-054978-1
A small girl tells about all the good times that she has during her weekly visits to her grandparent’s house.
Illustrates a warm and loving relationship between grandparents and grandchildren.
Park, Frances & Park, Ginger (2005). The Have a Good Day Cafe
Lee & Low (1-3) $16.95
ISBN 9781584301714
Grandma came from Korea a year ago to live with Mike and his family. Every morning the family drives to
the city where they sell Americanstyle food from their corner food cart. When business becomes slow
Grandma and Mike have a solution. They decide to make and sell Korean food from the cart. Mike
names the cart “The Have a Good Day Cafe” and the business is successful again. Active, resourceful,
grandmother. Loving intergenerational relationship. Korean words are used in the story and a glossary
of Korean words is at the end of the book. MULTICULTURAL
Pittman, Helena (1993). Once When I Was Scared
Dutton (PS-2) $4.99
ISBN 9780140549324
Grandfather talks to his grandson about when he was a little boy growing up in a mountain cabin. One
time, he recalls, the stove went out and he had to get coal from the neighbors to restart it. Going to the
"neighbors" meant going a long way across hills and through the woods. He helps the grandson learn
about what life was like when he was young.
Polacco, Patricia (2008). Someone for Mr. Sussman
Philomel (2-3) $16.99
ISBN 9780399250750
Jerome’s Bubbie (grandmother) is a “shadken”. In Jewish tradition a shadken is a matchmaker. Bubbie is
a great matchmaker and able to find matches for everyone except Mr. Sussman. At the end of the story
Bubbie becomes a match for Mr. Sussman. An amusing story that discusses Jewish tradition and shows
the interesting things Bubbie does in courting Mr. Sussman. Illustrates the topics of companionship,
dating and marriage that are often not often addressed in literature with older adults. MULTICULTURAL
Prater, John (2003). Is It Christmas?
Barron’s (PS-2) $13.95
ISBN 9780764156687
Baby bear is excited because Christmas is almost here. He and Grandpa Bear open cards, make cards,
clean the house, bake cookies for Christmas visitors, make a snowman, dig up a Christmas tree, decorate
the tree, and celebrate Christmas with the family. A loving and capable grandfather.
Purdy, Carol (1994/1997). Mrs. Merriweather’s Musical Cat
G. P. Putnam’s Sons (K-3) $15.95/$5.95
ISBN 9780399225437/ISBN 9780698115989
Mrs. Merriweather is an older woman who gives music lessons to the neighborhood children. When a
stray cat appears, she adopts the cat and calls it Beethoven. With the cat’s arrival things begin to happen.
Mrs. Merriweather joined an aerobics class, subscribed to Musical Adventure, redecorated her piano
studio, and bought a “wild” red dress. Her neighbor, Mr. Crump, bought her a bouquet of roses to thank
her for the beautiful music that came after Beethoven arrived. As the story ends, Beethoven has a
surprise for them with a litter of kittens. An active, capable older person who is working.
Purnell, Ann (2002). Apple Cider Making Days
Millbrook (K-3) $21.90
ISBN 9780761323648
Grandpa has an apple farm and makes cider. He drives the tractor that pulls the wagon that carries all
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
the aunts, uncles, cousins and grandkids out to pick the apples. Grandpa supervises the cider making
process. Once the cider is made it is sold at Grandpa’s Apple Barn along with Grandma’s homemade
jams, jellies and donuts. Active grandparents who are working.
Quigley, Mary (2007). Granddad’s Fishing Buddy
Dial (1-3) $16.99
ISBN 9780803729421
The story of a young girl staying with her grandparents at their cottage on the lake. Grandpa cooks
breakfast and gets up early to go fishing. The young granddaughter goes fishing with him and granddad
teaches her how to fish. Active grandparents and a loving intergenerational relationship.
Reynolds, Adrian (2001). Pete and Polo’s Farmyard Adventure
Scholastic (PS-1) $16.95
ISBN 9780439309134
Pete and his stuffed polar bear Polo visit Grandpa’s farm. One morning grandpa took Pete and Polo to
the pond where there were new ducklings. When they got to the pond it had dried up and the search for
the ducklings began. Pete finds the ducklings and takes them back to the farmhouse. Grandpa refills the
duck pond and Pete and Grandpa watch the ducklings swimming happily. Illustrates an active older adult
and young and old enjoying each other.
Rosa-Casanova, Sylvia (2001). Mama Provi and the Pot of Rice
Tandem Library Books (PS-3) $14.15
ISBN 9780689842498
Lucy is a Hispanic girl who lives on the eighth floor of an apartment building and her grandmother, Mama
Provi, lives on the first floor. When Lucy spends the night with her, grandmother tells her wonderful
stories and fixes her a breakfast feast. Lucy gets chickenpox and cannot go to visit. Mama Provi decides
to make Lucy’s favorite dish, rice with chicken, and take it to her. As Mama Provi climbed the stairs with
her huge pot of rice she noticed many wonderful smells and traded some of her rice for the food her
neighbors were cooking. By the time she arrived at Lucy’s door she had a feast for Lucy. Illustrates old
and young enjoying each other and an active, industrious grandmother. MULTICULTURAL
Roseberry, Vera (2005). Vera’s Baby Sister
Henry Holt (1-3) $16.95
ISBN 9780805071269
Vera is having a hard time adjusting to a new baby sister and Grandfather helps her. They plant a garden
and build a bean tent. The beans grow, Vera adjusts to her new baby sister, and plants a bean tent for
her the next year. Loving intergenerational relationship. Thoughtful, wise grandfather.
Rosen, Michael (2005). Fishing With Dad: Lessons of Love and Lure From Father
to Son
Artisan (PS-3) $9.95
ISBN 9781579652869
When the author was young he would go fishing with his father on Sunday. Now his son goes fishing with
his father like he used to. The grandson calla the grandfather “Zee” which is short for Zayde (Yiddish for
Grandpa). The pair get up early, stop for bait, travel down country roads, hike through a farmer’s field,
and find the fishing hole. Grandpa has an amazing tackle box, fishing vest and hart, as well as a fishing
secret that is revealed at the end of the book. Actual photograph are used to show the boy and his
grandfather and their fishing excursions. A loving intergenerational relationship and an active older adult.
Rotner, Shelly & Kelly, Sheila (2001). Lots of Grandparents
Milbrook Press (PS-K) $23.90
ISBN 9780761323136
Shows grandparents doing many things such as working, telling stories and playing with grandchildren.
Mentions that there are also great-grandparents. Notes that sometimes grandparents live where there
are people to take care of them and some have hearing and vision problems, but overall the portrayals in
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
the book are positive.
Ruepp, Krista (2005/2007). Runaway Pony
North-South (2-3) $15.95
ISBN 9780735819856
Anna lived with her parents and grandparents on an island in the far north of Iceland. Anna had a pony,
Prince. Prince was too young to ride and Anna was training him how to walk with a halter and lead line.
One day when they were walking Prince was frightened by a tractor and ran away. Anna’s grandmother
goes off with her to help her find Prince. The grandmother knows just what to do to win back the ponies
trust. Wise, caring grandmother. Nonstereotypic illustrations.
Rylant, Cynthia (2002/2005). Christmas in the Country
Blue Sky (PS-2) $15.95
ISBN 9780439073349
A girl lived with her grandparents in the country and Christmas was the time of year she most looked
forward to. Grandfather always chopped a Christmas tree from the woods behind the house, and the girl
and her grandmother pulled boxes of ornaments from the closet. On Christmas Eve the girl and her
grandparents went to church services. After the service grandmother helped her write a note to Santa.
On Christmas day grandma fixed a family dinner. Active, capable grandparents.
Rylant, Cynthia (1993). Mr. Griggs’s Work
Scholastic (PS-1) $6.95
ISBN 9780531070376
Year after year Mr. Griggs has worked at the Post Office. He loves his work and is very upset if he must
miss a day. Shows an active older person who is working and a vital part of his community.
Rylant, Cynthia. Mr. Putter and Tabby Series
In the series Mr. Putter has a cat named Tabby and his friend Mrs. Merriweather has a bulldog
named Zeke. Both Mr. Putter and Mrs. Merriweather are active older people. The two of them enjoy
each other’s company and do things together.
Mr. Putter and Tabby Ride the Bike (2002) $14.00.
ISBN 0-15-202432-8
Schaap, Martine & deWolf Alex (2001). Mop’s Treasure Hunt
Gingham Dog (PS-1) $12.95
ISBN 9781577688914
Twins Justin and Julie and Mop the sheepdog are going to Granddad’s. Granddad’s place is like a
pirate’s den. Granddad shows them treasures from his sailor days and tells them exciting sea stories
from his past. Illustrates young and old enjoying each other as well as family history and oral history.
Schlein, Miriam (2004). The Story About Me
Albert Whitman (PS-2) $15.95
ISBN 978080757631
Grandma loves to tell stories about the family. She tells her granddaughter about activities that happened
before the granddaughter was born, like great-uncle Paul calling from Washington, DC and great-aunt
Sally knitting for her. Leads into a discussion of family history and oral history.
Schwartz, Amy (1998). Oma And Bobo
Simon & Schuster (PS-2) $5.99
ISBN 9780689821158
Alice gets a dog "Bobo" for her birthday much to her grandmother's dismay. Alice and Bobo go to dog
obedience school. Grandmother starts to like Bobo and surprises Alice when she helps Bobo win a blue
ribbon at the dog show. An active grandmother who is loved by her granddaughter.
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
Schwartz, David (1991). Supergrandpa
HarperCollins (1-3) $17.00
ISBN 9780688098988
This book is actually based on the story of 66 year old Gustaf Hakansson of Sweden. Gustaf was told he
was too old to compete in a 1,094 mile bicycle race. He entered the race and finished first. A little girl
who saw him along the route named him “Supergrandpa.” The race shattered aging stereotypes and
captured the hearts and adoration of his country. Gustaf became a national hero. There are few
children’s books that tell a true story about an older person and this one is inspirational. Illustrates an
active, capable older person. Helps children to see activities they can do throughout life, “lifespan”
activities, such as biking. MULTICULTURAL
Schwartz, Harriet (1996). When Artie Was Little
Knopf (2-3) $16.99
ISBN 9780679832362
The story of Artie’s life is told now when Artie is now an older man. Artie tells about his best Christmas,
the most famous person he ever met, and his best friend. He tells about riding in a biplane, wanting to be
a pilot, and becoming one. As the story is told pictures of Artie as an older man appear. A story of
growing up and growing older and fulfilling one’s dreams.
Scott, Blackie (1992). It's Fun At Grandmother's House
Peachtree (PS-3) $8.95
ISBN 9780932419013
Contrasts daily events in a young girl's life at her house and at her grandmother's home. Grandmother's
house provides a wonderful time for the young girl, and it is obvious that they share a special love. The
illustrations are contemporary and not age stereotypic.
Shaw, Eve (2001). Grandma’s Alphabet: Grandma Can Be Anything From A to Z
Scholastic (PS-1) $14.95
ISBN 9780439199957
For every letter in the alphabet there is a description of a grandma. Each description is very positive and
not age stereotypic. Some interesting portrayals include grandma as an artist, business woman,
carpenter, doctor, engineer, judge, innkeeper, rancher, scientist, teacher, yachter, and zoologist. Shows
young children the potentials of aging. MULTICULTURAL
Shields, Carol (2000/2002). Lucky Pennies and Hot Chocolate
Penguin (PS) $5.99
ISBN 9780142301906
When grandpa comes for a weekend visit he and his grandson have lots of fun together. They tell jokes,
drink hot chocolate with marshmallows, eat peanut butter, go for walks, read books, do dishes, and take
rides in grandpa’s convertible with the top down. On a thunder filled night the young grandson finds it
comforting to have grandpa with him. A warm intergenerational relationship that shows similarities
between young and old and young and old enjoying each other. An active grandparent.
Silverman, Erica (1996). Mrs. Peachtree’s Bicycle
Simon & Schuster (PS-3) $15.00
ISBN 9780689804779
Set in the 1800’s. Mrs. Peachtree owns a tea shop and she and her cat Shadow walk to deliver tea and
biscuits each day. She decides that she needs to get a bicycle. However, she needs to learn how to ride
a bike. After going to the City Riding Academy she masters bike riding. Shows an older person who is
working, capable, and learning new things. Shows the children an activity that they may be already
involved in, such as biking, that can be a “lifespan activity”.
Slier, Debby (1992). Me and My Grandpa
Checkerboard (PS) $2.95
ISBN 9781562881825
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
Slier, Debby (1992). Me and My Grandma
Checkerboard (PS) $2.95
ISBN 9781562881832
Pocket-sized, wipe clean books that talk about young children's activities with grandpa and grandma.
Delightful pictures. Shows old and young enjoying one another.
Smalls, Irene (2006). My Pop Pop and Me
Little, Brown & Company (PS-1) $15.99
ISBN 9780316734226
A young African-American boy tells about his grandfather, Pop Pop. He enjoys his time with Pop Pop as
they bake and eat a yummy lemon cake. MULTICULTURAL
Smalls, Irene (2005). My Nana and Me
Little, Brown Books for Young Readers (PS-2) $15.99
ISBN 9780316168212
The story tells of a day full of love and fun between a young granddaughter and her grandmother (Nana).
They have a tea party, dress up and put on a show, play hide-and-seek, plait hair, and do bedtime
stories. The young girl says that Nana knows everything. Non-stereotypic portrayal of grandmother. An
active grandmother. MULTICULTURAL
Spinelli, Eileen (2002). Wanda’s Monster
Albert Whitman (PS-2) $15.95
ISBN 9780807586563
Wanda suspects a monster is in her closet. Granny has an interesting approach to Wanda’s monster and
helps Wanda deal with her fears. Capable, sensitive, imaginative grandmother.
Steel, Danielle (1989). Max And The Baby-Sitter
Delacorte (PS-2) $8.95
ISBN 0-385-29796-3
Max has a baby-sitter, Jean, when his parents are at work. Jean is an older woman who takes care of a
number of young children. She reads to the children and they make puppets of paper-maché and gifts for
their parents. Max likes having Jean as a sitter. Jean is shown to be a capable, loving, trustworthy
person. This book shows the children an older adult who is working.
Stilz, Carol (1995). Grandma Buffalo, May, and Me
Sasquatch Books (2-3) $14.95
ISBN 9781570610158
Although an older person is not a main character in the story this is a good story about family history. A
young girl and her mother go to visit her Montana grandma and create their family history story. A family
photo album helps to tell family history.
Sullivan, Sarah (2005). Root Beer and Banana
Candlewick (PS-2) $16.99
ISBN 9780763617486
Molly and her grandfather spend time together and go to Mister Mac’s store. Mister Mac and grandfather
are old friends. At the store Molly meets a young girl, Miracle. Miracle does not have enough money to
buy an ice pop, but grandfather helps out and both of the girls get an ice pop. Grandfather is active,
compassionate and caring. Nonstereotypic illustrations.
Taulbert, Clifton (1999). Little Cliff and the Porch People
Penguin (1-3) $16.99
ISBN 9780803721746
Little Cliff lived with his great-grandparents, Poppa Joe and Mama Pearl. He loved going with Poppa Joe
to the city where they would buy things. One day he was sent to buy a pound of Miz Callie’s special
butter for Mama Pearl’s candied sweet potatoes. He knew he was supposed to come back as fast as he
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
could, but also knew he must speak respectfully to each neighbor he saw along the way. The neighbors
are older friends and family. Few stories have great-grandparents raising great-grandchildren. A
heartwarming, intergenerational story with capable, active older people. MULTICULTURAL
Tessler, Manya (2008). Yuki’s Ride Home
Bloomsbury (K-3) $16.95
ISBN 9781599900230
Yuki pedals her bicycle across the bridge from her house to Grandma’s house. There is so much to do at
Grandma’s. Grandma has a dog, a cat, and a canary. They do many things including feeding the fish
(koi) and seagulls and making origami animals. Grandma makes her Japanese udon noodle soup for
dinner. After dinner they sit in the same spot where grandma used to sit with Yuki’s mother. They listen
to the night music of the fish splashing in the water and the waves lapping on the shore.
Thomasie, Tynia (1996). Mimi’s Tutu
Scholastic (PS-3) $14.95
ISBN 9780590440202
Mimi’s grandmother and aunts make her a traditional African tutu for her mother’s African dance class,
and she learns that her own lapa skirt has a special significance. Illustrates intergenerational sharing,
culture and family history. MULTICULTURAL
Thomson, Pat (1987). Can You Hear Me, Grandad?
BDD Books for Young Readers (PS-3) $2.50
ISBN 0-440-40025-2
When the young granddaughter talks to her grandfather as they visit the zoo, he pretends not to hear well
and mixes up her words. A good time is had by all. Shows old and young enjoying each other.
Tsubakiyama, Margaret (1999). Mei-Mei Loves the Morning
Tandem Library Books (PS-3) $15.30
ISBN 9780807550397
The story is set in contemporary China. Mei-Mei is a young girl who loves the morning because she and
grandpa do wonderful things together. Mei-Mei uncovers the bird cage, grandpa cooks breakfast and the
two of them go on grandpa’s bicycle for a ride in the city. In the city they shop, visit friends and do tai-chi.
Shows older people as active and contributing members of their families and communities.
Turner-Denstaedt, Melanie (2009). The Hat That Wore Clara B.
Farrar Straus Giroux. (1-3) $15.95
ISBN 9780670010929
It’s Mother’s Sunday at church, when the ladies dress up in crisp white suits and gloves and wear
beautiful hats. Clara B. loved to sit behind the best hat which always belonged to her Grandma. Clara B.
comes to have a hat of her own. According to the author, Mother’s Sunday is a tradition that is practiced
in many African American Baptist churches and usually occurs on Communion Sunday when the older
women in the church dress up in their finest white suits and most beautiful Sunday hats. Active
grandmother. MULTICULTURAL
Underwood, Deborah (2010). Granny Gomez and Jigsaw
Hyperion (PS-2) $16.99
ISBN 979078685216
Granny Gomez lived in a big farm house in the country. She liked her big house because it had lots of
room for all of her things including her skis, bass drum, mountain-climbing gear, and her jigsaw puzzles.
Granny decides that Granny calls the pig Jigsaw because he helps her with jigsaw puzzles. When the pig
gets too big she builds the pig its own barn home.
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
Weatherford, Carole (1996). Grandma and Me
Writers and Readers Publishing (PS) $5.95
ISBN 9780863162527
A young girl describes her grandma and the things they do together. Grandma has a smile as bright as a
sunny day, laughs and plays, reads stories, and rocks you to sleep. A loving portrayal of a grandparent
and a caring intergenerational relationship.
Williams, Barbara (1975). Kevin's Grandma
Puffin (PS-3) $9.25/$3.95
ISBN 0-525-33115-8/ISBN 0-525-45039-4
Kevin and his friend talk about their two very different grandmothers. Kevin's grandmother likes MAD
magazine, rides a Honda, arm wrestles, practices yoga and judo, belongs to mountain-climbing/scuba
diving/karate clubs, fixes her own roof, goes skydiving, takes her grandchildren on trips, and makes
peanut butter soup. His friend's grandmother gives piano lessons, plays checkers with him, takes him to
the ice cream parlor, belongs to bridge/garden/music clubs, keeps interesting scrapbooks, takes her
grandchildren on trips, and volunteers her time. Both grandmothers are portrayed as interesting and help
to illustrate to children the variety of activities older people can be involved in.
Wilson, Christopher (1980). A Treasure Hunt
U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare (K-3) Unpriced
USDHEW Publication #80-1403
This book was written as an attempt to overcome the stereotyped view of older people. As two children,
Jan and Janet, walk through their neighborhood they meet many older people. The older people in the
neighborhood plan a treasure hunt where the children visit their older neighbors. Intergenerational story
with older people who are active in their community.
Winch, John (1997). The Old Woman Who Loved to Read
Holiday House (PS-3) $16.95
ISBN 9780823412814
An older woman moved from the noisy city to the country where she thought it would be quiet and she
could read. She soon finds out that country life is not so peaceful. She has animals to care for, a barn to
repair, fields to tend, a sheep to shear, fruit to harvest, and preserves to make. Once all the chores are
done she finally has time to read. Shows older people as active and capable.
Winch, John (2000). Keeping up With Grandma
Holiday House (PS-3) $16.95
ISBN 9780823415632
Grandma and Grandpa are busy with their hobbies. Grandpa loves to paint and Grandma loves to bake.
However, Grandma longs for adventure. She decides to do mountain climbing, sledding, white-water
canoeing, diving, ballooning, cave exploring, horseback riding, and dancing. During all these adventures
Grandpa is busy “keeping up” with Grandma. Shows older people as active and capable. Illustrates
“lifespan activities”, activities people can be involved in as children and throughout life.
Winslow, Audrey (1997). My Grandma Says
Strategic (PS-1) $6.95
ISBN 9781606939796
Wise advice from grandma echo throughout the book. There is a chance for young readers to interact
with the text as they are asked questions. The interactive nature is a nice feature and lets children think
about their own grandparents and experiences with older people.
Yolen, Jane (2005). Grandma’s Hurrying Child
Gulliver Books (1-3) $16.00
ISBN 9780152018130
Grandma tells Maddy the story of her birth. On the day that Maddy was born Grandma hurried to the
hospital to see her. An active grandmother. Loving intergenerational relationship
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
Ziefert, Harriet (2011). Grandma’s Wedding Album
Blue Apple (PS-2) $17.99
ISBN 9781609050580
Emily and Michael are up in the attic and find grandmas and Poppy’s wedding clothes. Grandma shows
them her wedding album, tells them the story of how she met Poppy, and the story of her wedding.
Illustrates family history. Wedding traditions of many different cultures are discussed at the end of the
book. Non-stereotypic portrayal of the grandmother. MULTICULTURAL
Zeifert, Harriet (2009). My Forever Dress
Blue Apple (PS-2) $16.99
ISBN 9781934706459
A grandma makes the granddaughter a dress. The next year when the dress is outgrown the
grandmother talks to the girl about saving the earth, and how they should use new material only if they
have too. The girl decides she likes the shorter dress, grandma makes her a pair of leggings to go with it,
and the dress is “recycled”. The next year grandma offers to make a new dress, but the granddaughter
likes her old dress and wants to help the environment. Together they “recycle” the dress into a jumper
and a new sweater knitted by grandma. The girl calls the dress her “forever dress”. When she does
outgrow the dress she “recycles” it by giving it to her cousin to be her forever dress. Active grandmother
who shares a good lesson about helping the environment.
Ziefert, Harriet (2006). Grandma, It’s for You!
Blue Apple (PS-1) $15.95
ISBN 9781593541095
Lulu wants to give her grandma the best present she has ever received. Lulu makes her grandmother a
hat decorated with all of grandmother’s favorite things. Grandmother loves the hat. Loving
intergenerational relationship portrayed.
Ziefert, Harriet (2006). That’s What Grandmas Are For
Blue Apple (PS-1) $12.95
ISBN 9781593540982
A grandmother and her grandchildren take turns talking about all the things they enjoy about each other
and things that make their relationship special.
Ziefert, Harriet (2006). That’s What Grandpas Are For
Blue Apple (PS1) $12.95
ISBN 9781593540975
A grandfather and his grandchildren take turns talking about all the things they enjoy about each other
and things that make their relationship special.
Ziefert, Harriet (2003). Lunchtime for a Purple Snake
Houghton/Lorraine (PS-1) $15.00
ISBN 9780618311330
Jessica’s grandfather is an artist and she loves to visit him in his studio and paint with him. Grandpa
teaches Jessica about art. Grandfather is knowledgeable and working as an artist. Loving
intergenerational relationship.
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
Over the years many excellent books have gone out-of-print. These books are often available at
local libraries or through book vendors. Occasionally, some of the books return to print. The
following are some of my personal favorites. A complete listing of OOPS follow this listing.
Alexander, Martha (1992). Where Does the Sky End Grandpa?
Applet, Kathi (2003). The Best Kind of Gift
Applet, Kathi (2002). Where, Where is Swamp Bear?
Arnold, Marsha (1998). The Chicken Salad Club
Baker, Sanna (1995). Grandpa is a Flyer
Bauer, Marion (1995). When I Go Camping With Grandma
Beardshaw, Rosalind (2004). Grandpa’s Surprise
Beardshaw, Rosalind (2001). Grandma’s Beach
Blos, Joan (1994). The Grandpa Days
Bond, Ruskin (2003). Cherry Tree MULTICULTURAL
Bornstein, Ruth (1990). A Beautiful Seashell
Butterworth, Nick (2003). My Grandpa is Amazing
Butterworth, Nick (2003). My Grandma is Amazing
Chocolate, Debbie (1998). The Piano Man MULTICULTURAL
Cohen, Caron (2002). Everything is Different at Nonna’s House
Cumberbatch, Judy (2006). Can You Hear the Sea?
DeGross, Monalisa (1999). Granddaddy’s Street Songs MULTICULTURAL
Demas, Corrine (2000). The Disappearing Island
Denslow, Sharon (1990). At Taylors Place
DiSalvo, DyAnne (2002). Spaghetti Park MULTICULTURAL
DiSalvo, DyAnne (1997). Uncle Willie and the Soup Kitchen
Douglass, Barbara (1982). Good As New
Duncan, Alice (1999). Miss Viola and Uncle Jed Lee
Ford,Juwanda (1996). Kenya’s Family Reunion MULTICULTURAL
Fruisen, Catherine (2002). My Mother’s Pearls
Goldman, Susan (1976). Grandma is Somebody Special
Grifalconi, Ann (2007). Ain’t Noboby A Stranger to Me MULTICULTURAL
Griffith, Helen (1995). Grandaddy’s Stars MULTICULTURAL
Griffith, Helen (1993). Grandaddy and Janetta MULTICULTURAL
Griffith, Helen (1987). Grandaddy’s Place MULTICULTURAL
Helldorfer, M.C. (2004). Got to Dance
Hest, Amy (2001). The Friday Nights of Nana MULTICULTURAL
Hest, Amy (1998). Gabby Growing Up
Hest, Amy (1992). The Go-Between
Hest, Amy (1988). The Crack-of-Dawn-Walkers
Hilton, Nette (1990). The Long Red Scarf
Hines, Anna (1996). Miss Emma’s Wild Garden
Hoberman, Mary Ann (2007). I’m Going to Grandma’s
Hughes, Saah (2001). My Grandmother Works in a Dress Shop
Hurd, Edith (1982). I Dance In My Read Pajamas
Jacobs, Laurie (2005). A Box of Candles MULTICULTURAL
Joosse, Barbara (2001). A Houseful of Christmas
Kesselman, Wendy (1993). Emma
Kessler, Christina (2000). My Great-Grandmother’s Gourd MULTICULTURAL
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
Krebs, Laurie (2002). The Beeman
Lasky, Kathryn (1988). Sea Swan
Lyons, Marty (1997). Catching the Fire. Phillip Simmons Blacksmith
Matze, Claire (1999). The Stars in My Geddoh’s Sky MULTICULTURAL
May, Kathy (2000). Molasses Man MULTICULTURAL
McCleery, Patsy (1988). The Turtle Lady
McElroy, Lisa (2000-2001). Meet My Grandmother (series)
Mills, Claudia (1999-2004). Gus and Grandpa series. Please check the Out-of-Print listing for
books in the series that have gone out of print.
Mitchell, Margaree (2003). Grandaddy’s Gift MULTICULTURAL
Moore, Elaine (1984). Grandma’s Garden
Older, Effin (2000). My Two Grandmothers MULTICULTURAL
Oppenheim, Shulamith (1994). Fireflies for Nathan
Parr, Todd (2006). The Grandpa Book
Prater, John (2003). Is It Christmas?
Purdy, Carol (1994/1997). Mrs. Merriweather’s Cat
Purnell, Ann (2002). Apple Cider Making Days
Rosen, Michael (2005). Fishing With Dad: Lessons of Love and Lure From Father to Son
Root, Phyllis (2003). The Name Quilt
Rylant, Cynthia (2002). Christmas in the Country
Rylant, Cynthia (2002). The Ticky-Tacky Doll
Schwartz, David (1991). Supergrandpa MULTICULTURAL
Schwartz, Harriet (1996). When Artie Was Little
Shaw, Eve (2001). Grandmother’s Alphabet: Grandma Can Be Anything for A to Z
Shields, Carol (2002). Lucky Pennies and Hot Chocolate
Silverman, Erica (1996). Mrs. Peachtree’s Bicycle
Smalls, Irene (2005). My Nana and Me MULTICULTURAL
Stanley, George (2001). Wedding Cookies
Stock, Catherine (2001). Gugu’s House MULTICULTURAL
Sullivan, Sarah (2005). Root Beer and Banana
Taulbert, Clifton (1999). Little Cliff and the Porch People MULTICULTURAL
Taulbert, Clifton (2003). Little Cliff’s First Day of School MULTICULTURAL
Tessler, Manya (2008). Yuki’s Ride Home MULTICULTURAL
Tsubakiyama, Margaret (1999). Mei-Mei Loves the Morning MULTICULTURAL
Williams, Barbara (1975). Kevin’s Grandma
Wilson, Christopher (1980). A Treasure Hunt
Winch, John (2000). Keeping up With Grandma
Ziefert, Harriet (2011). Grandma’s Wedding Album
Ziefert, Harriet (2006). Grandma, It’s For You
Ziefert, Harriet (2005). My Forever Dress
Ziefert, Harriet (2004). My Friend Grandpa
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
New This Year
New This Year and Favorite
These books can be found on either the books in print list or the out-of-print
stories list. Out-of-print books are marked with an asterisk (*).
Barsotti, Joan (1995). Christopher and Grandma on Safari
Cunnane, Kelly (2006). For You Are a Kenyan Child
*Kessler, Christina (2000). My Great-Grandmother’s Gourd
Stock, Catherine (2001). Gugu’s House
Thomasie, Tynia (1996). Mimi’s Tutu
African American
Birtha, Becky (2005). Grandmama’s Pride
*Chocolate, Debbi (1998). The Piano Man
Cox, Judy (2003). My Family Plays Music
Crews, Donald (1991). Bigmama’s
*DeGross, Monalisa (1999). Grandaddy’s Street Songs
Duncan, Alice (1999). Miss Viola and Uncle Jed Lee
English, Karen (1996). Big Wind Coming
English, Karen (2005). The Baby on the Way
Falwell, Cathryn (2013). Rainbow Stew
Flournoy, Valerie (1985). The Patchwork Quilt
*Ford, Juwanda (1996). Kenya’s Family Reunion
Gray, Libba Moore (1993). Miss Tizzy
Greenfield, Eloise (1996). Grandpa’s Face
*Grifalconi, Ann (2007). Ain’t Nobody a Stanger to Me
*Griffith, Helen (1993). Grandaddy and Janetta
*Griffith, Helen (1987). Grandaddy’s Place
*Griffith, Helen (1995). Grandaddy’s Stars
Hoffman, Mary (1998). Amazing Grace
Homan, Lynn & Reilly, Thomas (2002). The Tuskegee Airmen Story
Howard, Elizabeth (1991/1998). Aunt Flossie's Hats (and Crab Cakes Later)
Howard, Elizabeth ( 2001). Lulu’s Birthday
Isadora, Rachel (2005). Luke Goes to Bat
Johnson, Angela (1993). When I am Old With You
Lyons, Marty (1997). Catching the Fire, Philip Simmons, Blacksmith
Mason, Margaret (2010). These Hands
May, Kathy (2000). Molasses Man
Menchin, Scott (2015). Grandma in Blue With Red Hat
Mitchell, Margaree King (2012). When Grandmama Sings
Mitchell, Margaree (1998). Uncle Jed’s Barbershop
*Mitchell, Margaree (1997). Grandaddy’s Gift
Morrison, Thomas & Morrison, Slade (2009). Peeny Butter Fudge
*Smalls, Irene (2005). My Nana and Me
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
*Smalls, Irene (2006). My Pop Pop and Me
*Taulbert, Clifton (1999). Little Cliff and the Porch People
*Taulbert, Clifton (2001). Little Cliff’s First Day of School
*Turner-Denstaedt, Melanie (2009). The Hat That Wore Clara B.
Tusa, Tricia (1987). Maebelle’s Suitcase
Wyeth, Sharon Dennis (2013). The Granddaughter Necklace
American Indian
Annino, Jan Godown (2010). She Sang Promise: The Story of Betty Mae Jumper,
Seminole Tribe Leader
Churchill, Ginger (2011). Wild Rose’s Weaving
Cowley, Joy (1998). Big Moon Tortilla
Flett, Julie (2013). Wild Berries/Pikaci Minisa
Flood, Nancy Bo. (2014). The Hogan That Great-Grandfather Built
Kirk, Connie (2004). Skydancers
Martin, Bill Jr. & Archambault, John (1995). Knots on a Counting Rope
McCain, Becky (1998). Grandmother’s Dreamcatcher
*McLeod, Elaine (2002). Lessons From Mother Earth
Minnema, Cheryl (2014). Hungry Johnny
Nicholson, Caitlin (2008). Niwechihaw/I Help
Yazzie, Seraphine G. (2011). Beauty Beside Me: Stories of My Grandmother’s
Crum, Sheila (2004). My Mountain Song
Rylant, Cynthia (2002). The Ticky Tacky Doll
Rylant, Cynthia (2001/1993). The Relatives Came
Rylant, Cynthia (1992/1993) When I Was Young in the Mountains
Matze, Claire (1999). The Stars in My Geddoh’s Sky
Cape Verde Islands
Bates, Janet Costa (2010). Seaside Dream
*Dorros, Arthur (1999). Isla
Bridges, Shirin (2002). Ruby’s Wish
*Cheng, Andrea (2000). Grandfather Counts
Compestine, Ying Chang (2011). Crouching Tiger
Isadora, Rachel (2009). Happy Belly, Happy Smile
Look, Lenore (2001). Henry’s First-Moon Birthday
*Tessler, Manya (2008). Yuki’s Ride Home
*Tsubakiyama, Margaret (1999). Mei-Mei Loves the Morning
*D’Arcy, Karen (2001). My Grandmother is a Singing Yaya
*Cumberbach, Judy (2006). Can You Hear the Sea
Guback, Georgia (1994). Luka’s Quilt
*Joosee, Barbara (2008). Grandma Calls Me Beautiful
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
Ada, Alma Flor (2002). I Love Saturday y domingos
Aska, Warabe (2006). Tapicero Tap Tap
Baca, Ana (2011). Tia’s Tamales
Broyles, Amy (2013). Arturo and the Navidad Birds
de Anda, Diane (2013). The Patchwork Garden/Pedacitos de huerto
Delgado, Maria (1996). Chave’s Memories
Dorros, Arthur (2014). Abuelo
*Herrera, Juan Felipe (2002). Grandma and Me at the Flea/Los Meros Meros
Jeffers, Dawn (2006). Vegetable Dreams/Huerto Cunado
Johnston, Tony (2009). My Abuelita
Lainez, Rene (2005). Play loteria/El juegode la loteria
Mora, Pat (2008). Sweet Dreams/Dulces suenos
Mora, Pat (1997). A Birthday Basket for Tia
Mora, Pat & Martinez, Libby (2014). I Pledge Allegiance
Ortega, Cristina (2006). The Eye of the Weaver. Los ojus del tejedor
*Rosa-Casanova, Sylvia (1997). Mama Provi and the Pot of Rice
Ryan, Pam Munoz (2001). Mice and Beans
Sasso, Sandy (2005). Abuelita’s Secret Matzahs
Solomon, Sharon (2009). Walk with Grandpa/Un paseo con abuelo
*Bond, Ruskin (1996). Cherry Tree
Sheth, Kashmira (2007). My Dadima Wears a Sari
Sheth, Kashmira (2008). Monsoon Afternoon
Interior Salish
Campbell, Nicola (2011). Grandpa’s Girls
Teevee, Ningeokuluk (2009). Alego
*Balouch, Kristin (2006). Mystery Bottle
DiSalvo, DyAnne (2002). Spaghetti Park
Schwartz, Amy (2009). Our Corner Grocery Store
Say, Allen (1993). Grandfather’s Journey
*Tessler, Manya (2008). Yuki’s Ride Home
Thompson, Holly (2007). The Wakame Gatherers
Ugegaki, Chieri (2014). Hana Hashimoto, Sixth Violin
Wells, Rosemary (2001). Yoko’s Paper Cranes
Gilman, Phoebe (1992). Something From Nothing
Glaser, Linda (1997). The Borrowed Hanukkah Latkes
*Hawxhurst, Joan (1996). Bubbe and Gram. My Two Grandmothers
Herman, Charlotte (2010). First Rain
*Hest, Amy (2001). The Friday Nights of Nana
*Jacobs, Laurie (2005). A Box of Candles
Lanton, Sandy (2014). The Littlest Levine
Growing Up and Growing Older 2016
Marshall, Linda Elovitz (2012). Grandma Rose’s Magic
Newman, Leslea (2012). A Sweet Passover
*Older, Effin (2000). My Two Grandmothers
Pinson, Isabel (2014). Bubba’s Belated Bat Mitzvah
*Polacco, Patricia (2008). Someone for Mr. Sussman
*Rosen, Michael (2005). Fishing With Dad: Lessons on Love and Lure From
Father to Son
Rosenbaum, Adria (2006). A Grandma Like Yours/A Grandpa Like Yours
Rosenthal, Betsy (2006). It’s Not Worth Making a Tzimmes Over
Sasso, Sandy (2005). Abuelita’s Secret Matzahs
Shulimson, Sarene (2012). Lights Out Shabbat
*Bercaw, Edna Coe (2000). Halmoni’s Day
*Choi, Sook Nyul (1993). Halmoni and the Picnic
Park, Frances & Park, Ginger (2005). The Have a Good Day Café
Addasi, Maha (2010). Time to Pray
*Mobin-Uddin, Asma (2007). The Best Eid Ever
Puerto Rican
Velasquez, Eric (2001). Grandma’s Records
*Cech, John (1998). My Grandmother’s Journey
Dillon, Jana (2003). Sasha’s Matrioshka Dolls
Schwartz, David (1991). Supergrandpa
Robinson, Sharon (2014). Under the Same Sun
*Bootman, Colin (2006). Fish for the Grand Lady
*Keller, Holly (1994). Grandfather’s Dream
West Indian
*Bryan, Ashley (1989). Turtle Knows Your Name
Stock, Catherine (2001). Gugu’s House
Diverse Cultures
Neasi, Barbara (2001). Listen to Me
Ransome, James (2012). My Teacher