Factsheet 407LP
December 2014
Drug treatments
for Alzheimer’s
There are no drug treatments that can cure Alzheimers disease or
any other common type of dementia. However, medicines have been
developed for Alzheimers disease that can temporarily alleviate
symptoms, or slow down their progression, in some people.
This factsheet explains how the main drug treatments for Alzheimers
disease work, how to access them, and when they can be prescribed
and used effectively. For more information about Alzheimers disease see
factsheet 401, What is Alzheimer’s disease?
n What are the main drugs used?
n How do they work?
n Are these drugs effective for everyone with Alzheimers disease?
n Are there any side effects?
n How are these drugs prescribed?
n Are these drugs effective for other types of dementia?
n Taking the drugs
n Questions to ask the doctor when starting the drugs
n Stopping treatment
n NICE guidance: a summary
n Research into new treatments
n Other useful organisations.
Drug treatments for Alzheimers disease
Drug treatment for Alzheimers disease is important, but the benets are
small, and drugs should only be one part of a persons overall care. Non-
drug treatments, activities and support are just as important in helping
someone to live well with Alzheimers disease.
Many drugs have at least two names. The generic name identies the
substance. The brand name varies depending on the company that
manufactures it. For example, a familiar painkiller has the generic name
paracetamol and is manufactured under brand names such as Panadol
and Calpol, among others. Occasionally, a drug with a very well-known
generic name (such as paracetamol) will also be manufactured and sold
using just this name.
What are the main drugs used?
There are two types of medication used to treat Alzheimers disease:
acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (often shortened to just ‘cholinesterase
inhibitors’) and NMDA receptor antagonists. The two types work in different
ways. These are explained below.
n The generic names for the cholinesterase inhibitors are donepezil,
rivastigmine and galantamine:
n Donepezil was originally patented as the brand name Aricept, but is
more widely available now as just generic donepezil.
n Rivastigmine was patented as Exelon and is now also available as
other brands, as well as generic rivastigmine.
n Galantamine was patented as Reminyl and is now also available as
generic galantamine and the brands Reminyl XL, Acumor XL, Galsya XL
and Gatalin XL.
n The NMDA receptor antagonist is memantine. It was originally patented
as Ebixa and is now also available as generic memantine. Other UK brand
names for memantine include Maruxa and Nemdatine.
Drug treatments for
Alzheimer’s disease
Drug treatments for Alzheimers disease
How do they work?
Cholinesterase inhibitors (donepezil, rivastigmine and galantamine)
In the brain of a person with Alzheimers disease, there are lower levels of
a chemical called acetylcholine. Acetylcholine helps to send messages
between certain nerve cells. In Alzheimers there is also a loss of the nerve
cells that use acetylcholine. Falling acetylcholine levels and progressive
loss of these nerve cells are linked to worsening symptoms.
Donepezil, rivastigmine and galantamine all prevent an enzyme called
acetylcholinesterase from breaking down acetylcholine in the brain. As
a result, an increased concentration of acetylcholine leads to increased
communication between nerve cells. This may temporarily alleviate or
stabilise some symptoms of Alzheimers disease.
All three cholinesterase inhibitors work in a similar way, but one might
suit a certain individual better than another, particularly in terms of side
effects experienced.
Guidance on the use of drugs in the NHS is issued by the National Institute
for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). NICE reviews drugs and decides
whether they represent good enough value for money to be available
as part of NHS treatment. Drugs considered by NICE will also have been
through the UK or European licensing process for new medicines. This
means the medicine has been tested and met rigorous standards of
safety, quality and effectiveness. The licence will be granted for treatment
of a particular health condition.
For the cholinesterase inhibitors, the NICE guidance (2011) suggests that
the cheapest drug (currently donepezil) should generally be tried rst. See
‘NICE guidance: a summary’.
The action of memantine is different from that of donepezil, rivastigmine
and galantamine. Glutamate is another chemical that helps to send
messages between nerve cells. Glutamate is released in excessive
amounts when brain cells are damaged by Alzheimers disease. This
causes the brain cells to be damaged further. Memantine protects brain
cells by blocking the effects of excess glutamate.
Drug treatments for Alzheimers disease
Are these drugs effective for everyone with Alzheimer’s disease?
Donepezil, rivastigmine and galantamine
The guidance from NICE (2011) recommends that donepezil, rivastigmine
or galantamine is offered as part of NHS care for people with mild-to-
moderate Alzheimers disease. There is good evidence (strongest for
donepezil) that these cholinesterase inhibitors also help people with more
severe Alzheimers disease (see ‘Stopping treatment’).
Between 40 and 70 per cent of people with Alzheimers disease benet
from taking a cholinesterase inhibitor. In cases where the treatment shows
benet, symptoms improve temporarily (for between six and 12 months
in most cases) and then gradually worsen over the following months.
People taking a cholinesterase inhibitor can experience: reduced anxiety;
improvements in motivation, memory and concentration; and improved
ability to continue daily activities (eg personal care, shopping, dressing).
It is not clear whether the cholinesterase inhibitors also bring benets for
behavioural changes such as agitation or aggression. Trials in this area
have given mixed results.
The NICE guidance (2011) recommends use of memantine as part of NHS
care for severe Alzheimers disease (see ‘NICE guidance: a summary’).
NICE also recommends memantine for people with moderate Alzheimers
disease who cannot take the cholinesterase inhibitor drugs (this is usually
because of side effects).
Memantine is licensed for the treatment of moderate-to-severe
Alzheimers disease. In people in the middle and later stages of the disease,
it can slow down the progression of symptoms, including disorientation
and difculties carrying out daily activities. There is some evidence that
memantine may also help with symptoms such as delusions, aggression
and agitation. For more information see factsheet 408, Drugs for
behavioural and psychological symptoms in dementia, and factsheet 509,
Dementia and aggressive behaviour.
Drug treatments for Alzheimers disease
Are there any side effects?
Generally, cholinesterase inhibitors and memantine can be taken without
too many side effects. Not everyone experiences the same side effects, or
has them for the same length of time (if they have them at all).
The most frequent side effects of donepezil, rivastigmine and galantamine
are loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. Other side effects
include muscle cramps, headaches, dizziness, fatigue and insomnia. Side
effects can be less likely for people who start treatment by taking the
lower prescribed dose for at least a month (see ‘Taking the drugs’).
The side effects of memantine are less common and less severe than for
the cholinesterase inhibitors. They include dizziness, headaches, tiredness,
raised blood pressure and constipation.
It is important to discuss any side effects with the doctor and/or the
None of these drugs are addictive.
How are these drugs prescribed?
NICE guidance (2011) states that, in the rst instance, these drugs can
only be prescribed by a specialist in dementia care. This will often be
a consultant old-age psychiatrist, geriatrician or neurologist. A GP will
generally refer a person with suspected dementia to a memory service for
a specialist assessment. A consultant-led team at the clinic will carry out
a series of tests to determine whether the person has dementia and, if so,
which type. For more about the diagnosis of dementia see factsheet 426,
Assessment and diagnosis.
If the diagnosis is Alzheimers disease, the consultant will offer the
drugs and write the rst prescription. (In some parts of the country
arrangements allow for the consultant to write to the GP to ask them
to start prescribing.) Once the person has started on the drugs and is
stable at the optimum dose (see ‘Taking the drugs’), the specialist will
Drug treatments for Alzheimers disease
usually ask the GP to take over routine prescribing. The person will then
generally have regular reviews of how well their medication is working,
either with a specialist at the memory clinic or with the GP. (This divided
responsibility between the consultant and GP is sometimes called shared
care prescribing.)
Are these drugs effective for other types of dementia?
The cholinesterase inhibitors were developed specically to treat
Alzheimers disease. There has been relatively little research into whether
they (or memantine) are helpful for people with other types of dementia.
There is evidence that the cholinesterase inhibitors are effective in people
with dementia with Lewy bodies, and dementia due to Parkinsons disease.
Rivastigmine is licensed for Parkinsons disease dementia. Acetylcholine
levels are often even lower in people with dementia with Lewy bodies than
in those with Alzheimers disease.
NICE guidelines recommend that a cholinesterase inhibitor is offered to a
person with dementia with Lewy bodies or Parkinsons disease dementia
if they have distressing symptoms (eg hallucinations) or challenging
behaviours (eg agitation, aggression). For more information, see factsheet
403, What is dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB)? and factsheet 442, Rarer
causes of dementia. For memantine, one trial showed benets for people
with dementia with Lewy bodies and Parkinsons disease dementia, but
there is not enough evidence to draw any rm conclusions.
Several trials have looked at the treatment of vascular dementia with
a cholinesterase inhibitor or memantine. The benets for either are
very small (if any), and seen mainly for mental abilities of people with a
combination of both Alzheimers disease and vascular dementia (known
as mixed dementia). NICE guidelines recommend cholinesterase inhibitors
for treatment of mixed dementia when Alzheimers is the main cause, but
Generally, cholinesterase inhibitors and memantine can be taken
without too many side effects. Not everyone experiences the same
side effects, or has them for the same length of time (if they have
them at all).
Drug treatments for Alzheimers disease
not for the treatment of pure vascular dementia. For more information see
factsheet 402, What is vascular dementia?
From the few trials carried out, there is no good evidence that the
cholinesterase inhibitors or memantine are of benet for people with
frontotemporal dementia, including Picks disease. In some people they may
make symptoms worse. These drugs are not licensed for frontotemporal
dementia and will not generally be prescribed for it. For more information
see factsheet 404, What is frontotemporal dementia (FTD)?
Taking the drugs
NICE guidelines (2011) say the specialist should seek the views of the carer
on the condition of the person with dementia, before treatment and during
follow-up appointments. They should also seek the views of the person
with dementia.
The person should take the drugs as prescribed and the doctor should
try to ensure this is done. The person may benet from using a pill box
with different compartments for each day of the week, containing the
prescribed dose. The pharmacist may be able to supply drugs pre-packed
like this.
If the person misses a dose of any of these drugs, they should take it as
soon as they remember, as long as it is on the same day. If it is the next day,
the person should not take two tablets, but should simply continue with
their normal dose.
Doses vary. Usually a person with Alzheimers disease will start on a low
dose, which will be increased later to make the treatment more effective.
Some people may not be able to take the highest dose because of side
effects. The doctor will prescribe the best dose for each individual.
Information about doses is given below.
n Donepezil is available in 5mg or 10mg tablets. It is taken once a day,
usually at bedtime. Treatment is started at 5mg a day and then increased
to 10mg a day after one month if necessary. The maximum licensed total
daily dose is 10mg.
Drug treatments for Alzheimers disease
n Rivastigmine comes in capsules or a solution to drink. It is taken twice
a day, with morning and evening meals. People start with 3mg a day in
two divided doses, which will usually increase (at intervals of at least
two weeks) to between 6mg and 12mg a day. The maximum licensed
total daily dose for oral rivastigmine is 12mg. Rivastigmine patches are
also available. These deliver daily doses of 4.6mg, 9.5mg or 13mg, with
fewer side effects than the capsules. Patches are suited to people who
struggle with taking medication by mouth; they are popular with carers.
Only one patch should be applied at any one time and it should be put on
different parts of the skin each time, to avoid the person getting a rash.
n The recommended starting dose for galantamine is 8mg each day for
four weeks, increasing to 16mg a day for another four weeks, and then
kept at a dose of between 16 and 24mg daily. Galantamine is made in
a variety of forms including a 4mg/ml (twice-daily) oral solution, and
tablets of 8mg and 12mg. Slow-release (XL) capsules are available in
doses of 8mg, 16mg and 24mg. These are popular because they only
need to be taken once a day. The maximum licensed total daily dose for
galantamine is 24mg.
n Memantine comes in two forms: as 10mg and 20mg tablets, and as
10mg oral drops. The 10mg tablets can be broken in half (into 5mg
doses) and taken with or without food. The recommended starting dose
is 5mg a day, increasing every week by 5mg, up to 20mg a day after four
weeks. The maximum licensed total daily dose for memantine is 20mg.
n It is important that the person takes the doses that have been
If the person misses a dose of any of these drugs, they should take it
as soon as they remember, as long as it is on the same day. If it is the
next day, the person should not take two tablets, but should simply
continue with their normal dose.
Drug treatments for Alzheimers disease
Questions to ask the doctor when starting the drugs
It is important that someone who has been prescribed one of these drugs
understands what it does and how to take it. The following are things that
they may wish to ask the doctor about. It can help for the person with
dementia or their carer to write down these questions, and any answers
the doctor gives.
n Why have I been prescribed this drug specically?
n What are the potential benets of taking this drug?
n How long will it be before I see a result?
n If I get side effects, should I stop taking the drug immediately?
n What will happen if I stop taking the drug suddenly?
n Can I drink alcohol while taking the drug?
n How might this drug affect other medical conditions?
n What changes in health should I report immediately?
n How often will I need to visit the clinic or surgery?
n If this drug doesn’t suit me, can I try another drug?
Stopping treatment
Medication should be reviewed regularly, and continued for as long as the
benets outweigh any side effects. If the person with Alzheimers decides
to stop taking a drug, they should speak to the doctor rst if possible, or
as soon as they can after stopping treatment. Treatment may also be
stopped by agreement with the doctor if the person becomes unable to
take the medicines in the prescribed way, even with support.
If someone stops taking their prescribed drug, their condition may get
worse more quickly. If someone has stopped and thinks they should restart
their medication, it is important that they contact their doctor as soon
as possible.
For someone who is taking a cholinesterase inhibitor, a decision will need
to be made when their Alzheimers disease becomes severe. There is now
Drug treatments for Alzheimers disease
good evidence that cholinesterase inhibitors continue to bring benets
even when someones Alzheimers is severe. Many doctors therefore
continue to prescribe a cholinesterase inhibitor for severe Alzheimers until
the above criteria for stopping treatment are met, if ever.
The issue of whether to add memantine to the cholinesterase inhibitor
for someone with severe Alzheimers disease (known as combination
treatment) is less clear cut. The two drugs work in different ways and there
is research evidence that, for someone who is already on donepezil, adding
memantine might bring additional benet. However, NICE guidance (2011)
does not recommend combination treatment.
NICE guidance: a summary
In 2011, NICE issued revised guidance recommending that people with
Alzheimers disease (or mixed dementia in which Alzheimers is the main
cause) should have increased access to the available drugs.
The current NICE guidance on drug treatments for Alzheimers disease
recommends that people in the mild-to-moderate stages of the disease
should be given treatment with donepezil, galantamine or rivastigmine,
including individuals with both Alzheimers disease and learning disabilities.
The NICE guidance (2011) further recommends that memantine should be
prescribed as part of NHS care for people with severe Alzheimers disease,
or for those with moderate disease who cannot take the cholinesterase
inhibitor drugs.
NICE also says that, when considering drug treatment, how severe
someones dementia has become should not be measured by scores
on mental ability tests (for example, the Mini Mental State Examination
(MMSE)) alone, but by a broader view of the persons condition. This is
to avoid an arbitrary decision to stop drug treatment, such as when the
persons MMSE score has crossed a threshold from moderate to severe or
because they have gone into a care home.
NICE guidelines allow people with dementia with Lewy bodies or
Parkinsons disease dementia to be offered a cholinesterase inhibitor if
Drug treatments for Alzheimers disease
their non-cognitive symptoms (eg hallucinations, agitation) are causing
distress or leading to challenging behaviour. The consultant will decide
whether these treatments are appropriate for a particular individual.
In relation to the Alzheimers disease drugs, NICE makes the following
n Treatment is started by a doctor who specialises in the care of people
with dementia.
n People who are started on one of the drugs are checked regularly, usually
by a specialist team unless shared care arrangements with primary care
are in place.
n The check-up includes an assessment of the persons mental abilities,
behaviour and ability to cope with daily life.
n The views of the carer on the persons condition are discussed at the
start of drug treatment and at check-ups.
n Treatment is continued as long as it is judged to be having a
worthwhile effect.
n Where a cholinesterase inhibitor is given, the least expensive of the
three drugs (currently donepezil) is prescribed rst. However, if donepezil
is not suitable for the person, another cholinesterase inhibitor could
be chosen.
Research into new treatments
No new drugs have been licensed in the UK for Alzheimers disease since
memantine in 2002. However, there is a lot of research into new drug
treatments. These aim either to give better relief from symptoms or – if
possible – to slow down or stop the underlying disease in the brain.
More information about taking part in research is available from
memory services or the Join Dementia Research website (see ‘Other
useful organisations’).
Drug treatments for Alzheimers disease
Other useful organisations
Join Dementia Research
0300 222 1122
A national service that enables people to register their interest in
NHS dementia research and be matched with potentially suitable
research studies.
National Institute for Health and Care
Excellence (NICE)
10 Spring Gardens
London SW1A 2BU
0300 323 0140
Provides national evidence-based guidance and advice for health, public
health and social care practitioners. Accessible versions of NICE guidance
are produced for the public.
Alzheimer’s Society operates in England, Wales and
Northern Ireland. Registered charity number 296645.
Alzheimer’s Society National Dementia Helpline
England, Wales and Northern Ireland:
0300 222 1122
9am–8pm Monday–Wednesday
9am–5pm Thursday–Friday
10am–4pm Saturday–Sunday
Alzheimer’s Society
is the UK’s leading
dementia charity. We
provide information
and support,
improve care, fund
research, and create
lasting change for
people affected by
This publication contains information and general
advice. It should not be used as a substitute for
personalised advice from a qualied professional.
Alzheimers Society does not accept any liability arising
from its use We strive to ensure that the content is
accurate and up to date, but information can change
over time. Please refer to our website for the latest
version and for full terms and conditions.
© Alzheimers Society, 2017. All rights reserved.
Except for personal use, no part of this work may be
distributed, reproduced, downloaded, transmitted or
stored in any form without the written permission of
Alzheimers Society.
Factsheet 407LP
Last reviewed: December 2014
Next review due: December 2017
Reviewed by: Dr Rupert McShane, Consultant in Old
Age Psychiatry, Oxford Health NHS FT, Delia Bishara,
Consultant Pharmacist in Mental Health of Older Adults
and Dementia, South London and Maudsley NHS FT,
Prof Roy Jones, Director and Honorary Consultant
Geriatrician, The Research Institute for the Care of Older
People, Royal United Hospital, Bath, and Dr Jill Mann,
Memory Clinic Physician, Royal United Hospital, Bath
This factsheet has also been reviewed by
people affected by dementia.
A list of sources is available on request.