Minister (Consular)
Embassy of Bangladesh
3510 International Dr, NW
Washington D.C.
Sub: Statement on obtaining a digital Birth Certificate.
Dear Sir,
I am a Bangladeshi citizen, currently living in ........................................................................................
I would like to obtain a birth certificate as I have never received a digital birth certificate
before from any where of Bangladesh as well as foreign mission.
Moreover, I have lack opportunity to collect a digital birth certificate locally from where I
was born in Bangladesh. I do not have any reliable resources who could request it on my
behalf at this time there.
Accordingly, I enclosed here a database filled out online application form (Serial no
.......................................). A copy of the form-J is also enclosed here.
The reason to obtain the Birth Certificate from the Mission is ......................................................
It is highly grateful to you, if you register a digital birth certificate for me.
Name: .............................................................................
BD Passport No: .........................................................
Issued Date: .................................................................
Place of Issue: .............................................................
Cell: .................................................................................
(Sign Here)
Affix here a 2x2 inch
Photo with glue
Rb¥ mb` MÖn‡bi Rb¨ KwZcq wb‡`©kbv
1. AbjvB‡b Rb¥ wbeÜb I‡qemvB‡U ( BR Application dig
c~iY mv‡c‡ÿ wcÖ›U AvDU wb‡q, wba©vwiZ Kjv‡g ¯^vÿi Ki‡Z n‡e|
2. `~Zvev‡mi wba©vwiZ Application Form-J c~iY K‡i h_v¯’v‡b GK Kwc Qwe AvVv w`‡q
jvMv‡Z n‡e|
3. evsjv‡`k n‡Z Rb¥ mb` MÖnY bv K‡i `~Zvevm n‡Z Rb¥ mb` MÖn‡bi Kvib D‡jøL
c~e©K, c~‡e© †Kvb wWwRUvj Rb¥ mb` MÖnY K‡ib bvB GB g‡g© ¯^xKv‡ivw³ mn wgwbóvi
(Kbmy¨jvi) eivei Av‡e`b Ki‡Z n‡e|
4. cyivZb cvm‡cv‡U©i cÖ_g 7(mvZ) cvZvi Kwc mshy³ Ki‡Z n‡e|
5. cyivZb Rb¥mb‡`i Kwc (hw` _v‡K) mshy³ Ki‡Z n‡e|
6. bZzb Rb¥mb‡`i Rb¨ ïaygvÎ USPS Gi 06 (Qq) Wjv‡ii gvwb AW©vi|
7. -    ïaygvÎ USPS Gi 10 (`k) Wjvii gvwb AW©vi|
8. ‡jUvi mvB‡Ri †diZ Lvg cÖ`vb Ki‡Z n‡e h_vh_ WvKwUwKU mn| Lv‡gi Dci
Attention: Birth Certificate Section D‡jøL K‡i w`‡Z n‡e|