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Management Faculty Research Management, Marketing and MIS
e balanced scorecard framework-A case study of
patient and employee satisfaction: What happens
when it does not work as planned?
Andrea Lorden
Alberto Coustasse
Marshall University,
Karan P. Singh
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Lorden, A., Coustasse, A., & Singh, K. P. (2008). e balanced scorecard framework - A case study of patient and employee
satisfaction: What happens when it does not work as planned? Health Care Management Review, 33(2), 145-155.
Background The successful utilization of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) framework in
healthcare has been demonstrated in the literature. Given these successes, a financially
struggling hospital implemented a BSC framework intervention which attempted a culture
change centered upon patient satisfaction which it hoped would translate to improved financial
stability. Despite the evidence of BSC successes, the intervention, entitled Route 99 (R99) did
not succeed in this hospital.
Purpose This case study was conducted to identify learnable lessons and confounding factors
associated with the successes and failures of R99. Metrics for patient satisfaction and employee
satisfaction were examined as reflections of the intervention, the BSC framework, and the
confounding financial condition of the hospital.
Methodology -- Through case study methodology, mean quarterly patient satisfaction scores
tabulated by an outside vendor for inpatient and outpatient services were divided into four time
intervals and compared through Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). Employee satisfaction was
measured through a hospital provided twelve question employee survey, administered through
convenience sampling at the beginning and seven months into R99. Each question utilized a five
point Likert scale, and generated two samples which were verified for sample independence
through Chi-squared analysis. The Mann-Whitney U test was used for comparison.
Findings Inpatient patient satisfaction scores exhibited a non-significant upward trend.
However, the ANOVA demonstrated a significant rise in outpatient patient satisfaction (p<
0.05). Interestingly, employee satisfaction declined (p< 0.05) significantly for supervisors and
directors in three areas. The inverse relationship between patient satisfaction and employee
satisfaction is in contrast to that found in the literature by the authors.
Practice Implications Examination of the BSC framework, the hospital’s financial standing,
and the metrics for patient satisfaction and employee satisfaction illuminated the importance of
management transparency, leadership support, appropriate metric selection, and the strength of
the BSC under turbulent circumstances.
The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) framework is a performance measurement model
proposed by Kaplan and Norton in their landmark article in the Harvard Business Review
(Kaplan & Norton, 1992). The management technique is a model which translates an
organization's vision, mission and strategy into a condensed set of performance measures used to
communicate and evaluate progress toward the vision, mission, and strategy of the organization.
To establish a foundation for decision-making, it is necessary to identify reliable
performance measurements, link the measurements to a specific strategy, establish achievable
targets, communicate and educate the staff, encourage individual and unit goal-setting and
develop reward and feedback systems (Jones & Filip, 2000). The BSC emerged in response to
criticisms of traditional budgeting and performance assessment (Johnsson & Kaplan, 1987).
Primarily, in response to the need for improved budget methodologies addressed through
Activity Based Costing also developed by Kaplan, and the shortfall of parameters utilized to
manage activities other than financial activities. Due to their slow and aggregate nature,
traditional internal accounting systems have provided information to management too slowly for
the most effective decision making. Further, organizations should be managed through other
important parameters such as capacity utilization and lead-time to complement the financial
picture (Johnsson & Kaplan, 1987). When fully deployed, the BSC transforms strategic planning
from an academic exercise into the nerve center of an enterprise (Arveson, 2003).
The Balanced Scorecard (BSC) framework is built upon similar key constructs as
Deming’s Total Quality Management including customer defined quality, continuous
improvement, employee empowerment, and measurement based management and feedback. As
in Total Quality Management, the BSC incorporates feedback from internal business processes.
However, the BSC also incorporates a feedback loop reflecting outcomes of business strategies.
Together they are known as "double-loop feedback" (Argyris, 1991; Balanced Scorecard
Institute, 2006). Double loop learning arises from following and changing, if necessary, the
strategic vision. The continual adjustment of strategy is necessary in order to accomplish
permanent change in a business environment (Argyris, 1991). For this study, the BSC
constituted the theoretical framework which guided the organizational research.
The BSC framework is composed of four quadrants including financial indicators,
customer perspective, internal business functions, and learning and growth of the organization
(Kaplan & Norton, 1996). Once each business unit has identified its customer, the business unit
leader must address and answer a question associated with each quadrant. From the financial
perspective, the business unit leader should answer how does the owner view our performance?
From the customer perspective, managers must know if their organization is satisfying customer
needs, so must answer are we meeting customer needs and how does the customer see us? From
the internal business functions perspective, managers need to focus on internal operations which
satisfy customer needs, so must answer what do we need to do to excel at meeting our customer
needs? And finally, from the learning and growth perspective, the business unit leader must ask
how can we continue to create value through innovation, improvement and learning? Through
the answers to these questions, each quadrant can be aligned with appropriate metrics. These
metrics as determined by the business unit leaders are then integrated throughout the business
unit to reflect and coordinate the strategy of the BSC framework. In the end, the goal of the BSC
framework is to maintain the balance among these quadrants while it meets the goals of the
business unit (Kaplan & Norton, 1996). Although Kaplan and Norton have recommended these
four quadrants for the BSC framework, they have asserted the BSC framework is flexible and
should be modified to suit the specific needs of a business unit (Kaplan & Norton, 1996).
Forgione was the first in the literature to link the BSC with health management as an
approach to combine health care financial and quality measures (Forgione, 1997). Forgione
reported the implementation of capitated payment systems and diagnostic related group
reimbursement places powerful incentives in opposition to health care quality. Additionally, just
as financial disclosures are essential for the efficient allocations of capital resources, quality
disclosures are essential for the efficient allocation of health care resources (Pink et al., 2001).
Since that time, the BSC has been implemented as part of a growing trend within the healthcare
industry in a variety of healthcare units including emergency rooms (Huang, Chen, Yang, Chang
& Lee, 2004), psychiatric centers (Santiago, 1999), intensive care units (Meliones, 2000),
women’s services (Jones & Filip, 2000), burn centers (Wachtel, Hartford & Hughes, 1999), long
term care facilities (Macdonald, 1998) and human resources (Fottler, Erickson, & Rivers, 2006).
Some hospital systems have developed a BSC framework to encompass their entire enterprise
(Pink et al., 2001; Yap, Siu, Baker, & Brown, 2005).
Patient satisfaction is an integral part of a health care organization's mission and culture
(Cardello, 2001). Patient satisfaction is a multidimensional construct researchers have
conceptualized in many ways (Nelson, 1990; Brand, Cronin, & Routledge, 1997; Keith, 1998;
Bryant, Kent, Lindenberger, Scbreiber, Canright, & Cole, et al 1998). Depending upon the focus
of the survey instrument, patient satisfaction scores may reflect efficiency of care,
communication with healthcare professionals, treatment outcome, pain management, or state of
the facility. Empirical research on patient satisfaction has demonstrated a lack of an accepted
conceptual or theoretical model, a lack of standardized methods to assess patient satisfaction, and
a continuing need for consensus within the medical profession on the role patient satisfaction
should play in healthcare (Arahony & Strasser, 1993). Studies have shown an association
between hospital patient satisfaction and employee satisfaction (Atkins, Marshall, & Javalgi,
1996), clinical outcomes (Leggitt, Potrepka, & Kukolja, 2003), and market share (Zimmerman,
Zimmerman, & Lund, 1997).
Employee satisfaction is also a multi-faceted metric. Although frequently tracked
through employee turnover, attention has been given to other components of employee
satisfaction including employee workload (Atkins et al., 1996; Mycek, 2001), perception of the
working environment (Atkins et al., 1996), and empowerment or depersonalization in the work
place (Vahey, Aiken, Sloane, Clarke, & Vargas, 2004). Finally, in multiple studies, employee
satisfaction has been positively correlated to patient satisfaction (Atkins et al., 1996; Mycek,
2001; Huey-Ming Tzeng & Katefian, 2002; Leggitt et al., 2003; Corvino, 2005).
In this paper, the authors will elaborate on the process utilized by a community hospital
to implement a BSC framework strategic business plan centered on patient satisfaction.
Additionally, the implications of the relationship between patient satisfaction and employee
satisfaction for this hospital will be discussed along with the confounding issues caused by the
eventual financial failure and closure of the hospital. The paper will conclude with a discussion
of the learning experiences including the importance of leadership support, management
transparency and the strength of the BSC framework even under adverse circumstances.
Case Description
Quantitative research methodology followed a single longitudinal embedded case study
design complemented by qualitative participatory research. Yin (2003) notes that case studies
are the preferred strategy for studies dealing with "how" or "why" questions. Through the
systematic, stand-alone implementation of case study methodology for events and contemporary
phenomena within real life context, increased validity of associated findings was accomplished.
Further, by using a multi method approach, data could be compared and contrasted for
inconsistencies. This control for both construct and external validity resulted in a well rounded
study (Yin, 2003). Through multiple roles, one of the researchers participated and maintained
consistent focus on improvements through the use of collaborative approaches in organizational
management. Theory, research and practice were performed in parallel and were corrected when
necessary to obtain the best knowledge and richest experience of the case study for a naturalistic
generalization (Stake, 1978).
Setting and Intervention
The community hospital was a 150 bed teaching, non-profit hospital. At the time of the
intervention, January, 2003, to December, 2003, the hospital was offering acute care including
but not limited to emergency room, intensive care unit, outpatient surgery, surgery, radiology,
hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and adult psychiatric care.
Based upon the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats evaluation of the
hospital, the Director’s Steering committee developed institutional values and a vision statement,
to be the first choice in health care, to be used in the organizational intervention called Route
99 which was based upon the BSC framework developed by the hospital. The Director’s
Steering committee consisted of the directors from patient care services, business office, quality
management, and the housekeeping departments. The directors of this committee reported to
one of five Vice-Presidents who reported to the Chief Executive Officer. These directors also
held the knowledge and ability to create a long range vision and execute a plan to bring the
vision into action. The main objective of the intervention was to achieve a shared vision of
customer driven service culture. The articulated strategic management plan and the BSC
framework were utilized to develop and implement social and training activities considered
beneficial to the staffs’ ability to translate the learning into culture change. The stated goal of
Route 99 was to achieve 99% excellence in four core areas in order to accomplish the new
vision. The four core areas developed for the BSC framework included 1) customer service, 2)
finance, 3) quality of care, and 4) best people. Within the intervention, these core areas were
analogous to Studer’s “Pillars of Excellence(Studer, 2004).
The “Connect-the-Dots” team was the name given to the group governing the
implementation of the Route 99 intervention. It consisted of the researcher and nine directors
appointed by the Vice President of Patient Care Services. Due to the broad expanse of the
intervention, the team along with the Chief Executive Officer decided the intervention should be
implemented in phases throughout the hospital. As patient satisfaction was chosen as the driving
indicator of success for the intervention and Patient Care Services was the hospitals major
interface with patients, it was decided implementation of Route 99 should begin with the
customer quadrant of the BSC.
Once the information from the Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats
evaluation and the strategic business plan were organized into the BSC framework, it was
disseminated to the all employees. With a shared vision of improved patient satisfaction scores,
each department was allowed to develop goals consistent with the intervention and meaningful to
its department. Utilizing instruments with a road race theme introduced at the kick-off event,
departments were to display progress towards improved patient satisfaction within the
department fulfilling the first of the double loop feed back process prescribed by the BSC
framework. The kick-off event included administration of the first staff survey along with the
introduction of instruments for communicating the progress of the intervention to the employees.
A “traffic light” was posted visibly throughout the hospital indicating the status of current patient
satisfaction scores and a “race track” located outside the cafeteria next to the employee bulletin
board displayed the status of each unit for employees to view and changed quarterly with updates
of patient satisfaction scores.
Feedback teams were also incorporated into the intervention. Continuous improvement
teams were comprised of volunteers recruited at the kick off event, one team each for inpatient
and outpatient services. These teams identified patient satisfaction issues and implemented
responses to produce continuing improvement. Additionally, anonymous feedback cards and
drop boxes were available to patients, visitors, and employees for suggestions or complaints.
Upon receipt of a feedback card, temporary feedback teams were formed to appropriately
address the specific issue presented. Monthly celebrations were also held to unveil and
recognize departments achieving patient satisfaction score improvements. These celebrations,
feedback teams, and hospital wide display of patient satisfaction scores worked together to
provide the second feedback loop described by Kaplan and Norton’s BSC framework.
Instruments and Measures
The four quadrants developed for the case intervention BSC framework included 1)
customer service, 2) finance, 3) quality of care, and 4) best people. Within the intervention,
these core areas were analogous to Studer’s “Pillars of Excellence(Studer, 2004). Consistent
with participatory research methods, Vice Presidents chose metrics within their Pillar of
Excellence. The first Pillar, customer service, was measured through the use of patient
satisfaction scores as chosen by the Vice President of Patient Care Services. The second Pillar,
finance, chosen by the Vice President of Finance, was tracked through multiple quantitative
measures including overall Medicare length of stay, gain from operations, net income, operating
margin, and debt service ratio. The third Pillar, quality of care, utilized occurrences of inpatient
acute myocardial infraction mortality and pneumonia antibiotics coverage within 4 and 8 hours
and were chosen by the Vice President of Medical Services. Finally, the fourth Pillar, best
people, included measures chosen by the Vice President of Human Resources which
encompassed team work, employee turnover, employee satisfaction, and employee involvement
were measured through a twelve question survey administered on two separate occasions during
the intervention. The financial and quality quadrants although described, are beyond the scope
of this publication.
The Inpatient patient satisfaction survey provided and administered by an outside vendor
consisted of thirty eight (38) items measuring ten sub-categories of inpatient patient satisfaction
including admission, room, meals, nurses, test and treatments, visitors and family, physician,
discharge, personal issues, and overall assessment. The outpatient patient satisfaction survey
consisted of registration, facility, test or treatment, personal issues and overall assessment. The
hospital followed the same definitions and constructs of patient satisfaction as the vendor. The
instrument reliability and validity has been tested through sample and large scale testing, client
feedback, and focus groups and has been administered through mail to eliminate selection and
acquiescence biases (Urden, 2002)
The twelve question employee satisfaction survey utilized a five point Likert scale for
each question where values assigned to facilitate analysis were as follows: one: strongly agree,
two: agree, three: neutral, four: disagree, and five: strongly disagree. The survey was a needs
assessment provided by members of Route 99 to the hospital and followed the design of
Buckingham and Coffman (Buckingham & Coffman, 1999) for measuring the strengths and
weaknesses of management to provide an environment conducive to employee satisfaction.
Management position (employee, supervisor, director or higher) was also collected so data could
be analyzed by employment level. No demographic or other identifying information was
collected to assure anonymity of respondents. The construct validity for the twelve question
survey has been estimated through multi-factorial research performed by the Gallup
organization, while each question’s reliability and validity has been estimated through a meta-
analysis by Harter and Creglow (Buckingham & Coffmann, 1999)
Data Collection
Patient surveys were distributed, collected, and tabulated by an outside vendor. Surveys
were distributed via mail post-discharge to patients who utilized the hospital’s inpatient and
outpatient facilities. The patient surveys were returned to the vendor also via mail services.
After removal of any identifying patient information, raw mean patient satisfaction scores were
tabulated and delivered quarterly for inpatient and outpatient services to the quality management
department by the external vendor. Sample sizes varied by quarter, but have been estimated as
approximately 300 and 700 respondents per quarter for inpatient and outpatient areas,
The employee satisfaction survey was administered two times during the intervention. At
the beginning of the intervention, it was designed to determine a baseline of employee
perceptions. The second time, seven months after the initial survey, it was intended to measure
any changes in the employee’s needs and perceptions of their work environment.
Data Analysis
Raw mean patient satisfaction scores reflected patient satisfaction on a 100 point scale
whereby 100 would be complete patient satisfaction with the hospital services. To determine if a
statistically significant change had occurred within the hospital, an analysis of the mean raw
patient satisfaction scores from the first quarter of 1998 to two quarters post intervention (June,
2004) was performed. The mean patient satisfaction scores were divided into four time periods.
The first time period started on January 1, 1998, a date which corresponds to the first collected
quarterly mean patient satisfaction scores for the hospital, and ended on June 30, 2000, (Pre-
FTER). The June 30, 2000, date was chosen due to the occurrence of a Full-Time Employee
Reduction (FTER). The second time frame ran from July 1, 2000, to December 31, 2002
(FTER-R99). This time frame included the period from the FTER to the time when Route 99
had begun. The third time frame was January 1, 2003, to Dec 31, 2003, which encompassed the
time period of the intervention (R99). Finally, the two post intervention quarters (Post R99)
included January 1, 2004 to June 30, 2004.
Once the four time intervals were established, Levene’s test for equal variances was
performed to assure comparability among the four groupings of patient satisfaction mean raw
scores. A one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was then performed to identify any
significant change in mean patient satisfaction score for a given time interval as compared to the
other three time intervals. SPSS, version 12.0, statistical software was utilized to generate the
patient satisfaction score analysis for both inpatient and outpatient areas of the hospital. These
results are limited by the availability of only quarterly mean patient satisfaction scores.
Measures for employee satisfaction were reflected through the use of a 12-question staff
survey administered before the intervention began (n= 227 or 22% of employees) and seven
months into the intervention (n=191 or 19% of employees) utilizing convenience sampling
methods. Sample independence was tested through a Chi-squared test for independence for each
question. The Mann Whitney U test was performed on the responses for each question to
determine if a statistically significant change had occurred from February to September of 2003.
Direction of change in employee satisfaction was inverse to the change in mean rank or, an
increase in mean rank would indicate a decrease in employee satisfaction while a decrease in
mean rank would indicate an increase in employee satisfaction. Inclusion criteria for survey
responses were completion of the survey questions including employee level identification. In
the first survey, 169 respondents failed to identify their employment level and were consequently
excluded from the evaluation. In the second survey, only 9 respondents failed to identify their
employment level which caused exclusion from evaluation. Prior to the start of this case study,
appropriate approvals were sought and received for the protection of human subjects from the
Institutional Review Board at the University of North Texas Health Science Center.
Patient Satisfaction Results
The quarterly raw mean inpatient patient satisfaction scores for the intervention were
79.6, 79.7, 81.6, and 82.3 respectively (Figure 1). These results displayed a moderate upward
trend returning to levels attained two and a half years prior to the intervention. Additionally, the
post intervention quarter demonstrated a continuation of this trend with a raw mean score of
82.7. This trend was not shown to be significant by the ANOVA (p> 0.05), and the second
quarter of 2004 displayed a slight drop in raw mean score to 82.0. Further, ANOVA did
demonstrate a significant difference (p< 0.05) in the mean inpatient patient satisfaction score
between the time frame before the full-time employee reduction (Pre-FTER) and the time frame
FTER-R99 with a difference of 2.48 points in mean patient satisfaction score (Table 1).
Insert Figure 1 about here
Insert Table 1 about here
The corresponding quarterly raw mean patient satisfaction scores for the outpatient area
were 86.7, 89.9, 88.7, and 88.8 respectively (Figure 2). These mean scores reflected three of the
four highest raw mean scores achieved by this hospital through 2003 since it started utilizing the
patient satisfaction survey. The outpatient mean patient satisfaction scores for the intervention
have been shown to be statistically significant (p< 0.05) by the ANOVA when compared to the
two time frames, Pre-FTER, and FTER-R99 with 3.02 and 2.74 point difference in mean patient
satisfaction score respectively (Table 1). Additionally, the two raw mean patient satisfaction
scores for the quarters following the intervention suggest the outpatient area retained elements of
the intervention with regards to patient satisfaction (Figure 2).
Insert Figure 2 about here
Employee Survey Results
For the first survey, 227 respondents divided into 183 employees, 29 supervisors, and 15
directors or higher were analyzed. The second survey included 191 respondents divided into 153
employees, 26 supervisors, and 12 directors or higher. Upon sample independence verification,
the twelve question survey produced statistically significant decreases in employee satisfaction
reflected by the following increases in mean rank. For directors and higher, the availability of
materials demonstrated a 6.98 point change in mean rank (p < 0.05). At the supervisor level, two
questions were statistically significant for 1) whether their supervisor (director) cared about them
as a person, a 12.4 point change in mean rank (p< 0.05) and 2) whether their opinions were
valued, a 8.25 point change in mean rank (p< 0.05) (Table 2). Although the remaining mean
ranks did not demonstrate statistically significant change, the following observations were made.
At the director and higher level, remaining questions demonstrated a decrease in employee
satisfaction reflected by increased in mean rank from February to September except for one
which showed no change and pertained to having a best friend at work. At the supervisor level,
all remaining questions showed a decrease in employee satisfaction reflected by increased mean
rank with one exception which pertained to commitment of co-workers to quality work. Finally,
at the employee level, minimum to moderate increased employee satisfaction reflected by
decreased mean ranks were detected for questions which pertained to availability of materials,
opportunity to do best work, and supervisor cared about employee as a person.
Insert Table 2 about here
Organizational Results
This hospital’s technical financial default for not maintaining its adjusted debt service
ratio of 1.15 for its long term debt became public in April, 2003. Upon disclosure, the Chief
Executive Officer and his team disputed the claim by the owners of the long-term debt. The
resignation of the Chief Executive Officer followed in May of 2003. It should be noted the Chief
Executive Officer was also the Chairman of the Board and maintained the Chairmanship until
December, 2003. An interim Chief Executive Officer was put in place and the intervention was
subsequently downgraded from a strategic business plan to a patient satisfaction initiative.
Additionally, because the entire intervention did not have the opportunity to be implemented,
multiple initiatives were unutilized or unmeasured, and the organizational results were not as
In the case presented, the hospital failed financially and permanently closed its doors in
October of 2004 ending its 57 year service to the community and leaving more than 1,000 staff,
300 physicians, and 60 residents without a hospital within which to practice. Although the
intervention failed to bring about the changes necessary to save the hospital from closing its
doors, the driving indicator for the intervention, patient satisfaction, demonstrated a statistically
significant increase for outpatient patient satisfaction and an increase for inpatient patient
satisfaction mean scores. These statistically significant increased patient satisfaction mean
scores suggested employee comprehension of this hospitals shared vision of patient satisfaction
and translation of that knowledge into improved patient satisfaction. During the intervention,
employee satisfaction metrics demonstrated decreased scores, some statistically significant.
Based upon Vahey et al (2004) and others (Atkins et al., 1996; Huey-Ming Tzeng & Katefian,
2002; Larrabee et al., 2004), increased employee satisfaction mean scores would have been
The combination of outcomes gave rise to two questions. First, the intervention’s driving
indicator of patient satisfaction scores rose, so why did the intervention fail? Second, why did
the patient satisfaction mean scores rise when employee satisfaction mean scores decreased
significantly? Upon examination, the authors have identified three learning experiences which
answer these questions and explain the unusual combination of outcomes found in this case
Learning Experience One Leadership Support
Kaplan and Norton (1996) have pointed out the relevance of leadership support in
developing, communicating, and establishing a shared vision that is actionable and linked to
departments, teams, and individuals. The level of participation and involvement by a leader in
the process of change signals the importance of that change to the organization (Thomson &
Strickland, 1998). Kaplan and Norton have also discussed experiences of leaders who managed
successful Balanced Scorecard implementations. Each leader emphasized communication and
extensive involvement of middle managers and other employees as vital to the success of visions
becoming operational and institutionalized (Kaplan & Norton, 2001). Although top management
participated in the development of the BSC framework, three of the five Vice-Presidents did not
actively support the intervention. According to Deming the aim of leadership is to remove
causes of failure and to help the people to do a better job with less effort” (Deming, 1986, p.
248). The leadership support that drove the intervention to accomplish increased patient
satisfaction scores was provided by the Patient Care Services Vice-President. Despite news
regarding upper management changes and financial problems, the Patient Care Services Vice-
President kept the area on track to deliver healthcare with increased patient satisfaction
When raw mean patient satisfaction scores were evaluated by time interval, visible drops
in patient satisfaction scores occurred at a time which coincided with the Full Time Employee
Reduction (FTER) on July, 2000. This finding concurs with Murphy and Murphy (1996) who
found staff reductions have been linked to changes in communications and efficiency which
impact patient satisfaction. Given the closure of this hospital in October, 2004, the anticipated
scores for the metrics patient satisfaction and employee satisfaction preceding this event would
have been to trend downward. The employee satisfaction analysis for supervisors and directors
and higher followed this downward trend. However, where management employee satisfaction
scores demonstrated significant decreases, employee level employee satisfaction scores trended
slightly upward. This observation coincides with the strong leadership push from the Patient
Care Services Vice-President and the ability of the supervisors to buffer management turmoil
from their employees. The first learning experience is a validation of the need for leadership
support as prescribed by Deming (1986), Thomson and Strickland (1998), Beer and Eisenstat
(2000), and Kaplan and Norton (2001).
Learning Experience Two Management and Financial Transparency
The shared vision of any organization is based upon the underlying assumption of
transparency by management with regards to all areas of the organization when developing the
initial BSC framework. In conjunction with a strategic business plan, the BSC framework
should have addressed the significant financial issues this hospital was facing. Indeed, if the
weak financial status of this hospital had been disclosed to the Directors Steering committee in
the beginning, a better strategic plan or shared vision could have been developed to address these
significant issues.
As the intervention progressed, and it became public this hospital was in technical
financial default of its loan, issues related to leadership support, management and financial
transparency became confounding factors regarding the effectiveness of the intervention.
Because this hospital’s strategic plan was to be implemented in stages, if the financial issues had
been revealed, a different strategy may have been developed and implemented more effectively.
We can only speculate about a potentially different outcome for this hospital, but the evidence
with regards to the rise in patient satisfaction mean scores, and the variety of success seen in
other healthcare settings would lead us to assume a better outcome. The second learning
experience is the need for management and financial transparency.
Learning Experience Three Strength of the Balanced Scorecard
Even in the failure of this hospital, the BSC framework has demonstrated its strength
through increased patient satisfaction scores. Its ability to guide management from defined
vision to shared vision and onto actionable and measured success was demonstrated through the
rise in patient satisfaction scores despite confounding events. When the strategic plan was
developed, the BSC framework encouraged appropriate evaluation and implementation of
metrics to achieve the goals of the plan. Through the strong leadership support in Patient Care
Services, the shared vision of patient satisfaction defined by the BSC framework remained the
focal point and was translated into action by the employees despite upper management changes
and hospital financial disclosures. Because the metrics were put into place with the specific
purpose to measure the status of the intervention, the BSC framework provided constructive
feedback for attainment of the desired goal, increased patient satisfaction scores.
While inpatient patient satisfaction scores returned to levels attained two and a half years
prior to the intervention, the outpatient patient satisfaction scores were consistently higher than a
peak patient satisfaction score three years earlier. The authors attribute the increases in both
inpatient and outpatient patient satisfaction scores to the successful learning experience of the
employees through the intervention. The third learning experience is the strength of the BSC
framework as a management tool, even in adverse conditions.
The future of the healthcare industry is certain of one thing, change. For organizations to
flourish with the ever changing technological advances, multiple stakeholders, and consumer
expectations, healthcare management teams need to accurately assess their market and financial
position. In order for this hospital to evolve and survive, it attempted to change through use of
the BSC framework. The failure of the intervention in this case study has validated the need for
leadership support and management transparency as suggested by Deming and as indicated as an
underlying construct of the BSC by Kaplan and Norton.
Where leadership support was present, patient care services, focus was maintained to
achieve the defined vision set forth, in this case, increased patient satisfaction. However, the
responsibility for effective vision communication has to be shared rather than centralized. Due
to most of the senior management team not “buying in” to the strategic plan from the beginning,
this hospital lost the benefit of all vice-presidents serving as communication managers. Without
the cooperation from other departments and the communication necessary to address the source
of problems, improvement efforts could not be incorporated as lasting changes for the
The successful implementation of the BSC was also hindered in this case by the lack of
transparency by management, particularly in the financial quadrant. The result was an
unfortunate mismatch in metrics and strategic goals. In order to effectively utilize the BSC
framework to achieve strategic goals, metrics must be assessed as to their effectiveness to
measure and communicate specific strategic goals. The correct and accurate selection of internal
and external metrics is essential for successful implementation of a strategic plan. Metrics
selected prior to the start of the intervention, need to be monitored throughout implementation
and changed as necessary based upon their observed ability to reflect the strategic plan. As this
case study illustrates, failure to adapt metrics can result in misleading outcomes. Although
patient satisfaction is an important metric, and significant improvements were achieved, it did
not drive the necessary change to save this hospital from financial failure. Health care
executives must be aware that patient satisfaction is a complex metric. Its all encompassing
nature may not make it suitable as a system performance measure or as a reflection of employee
satisfaction as demonstrated in this case study.
However, the ability of the BSC framework to significantly improve the patient
satisfaction metric has validated the effectiveness of the double loop feedback developed by
Kaplan and Norton and demonstrated the strength of this approach even in adverse
circumstances. With accurate metric selection, a well implemented measurement system can
yield the feedback healthcare managers need to improve clinical care and services.
In an organization which desires to change its culture or strengthen its position within a
given healthcare market, these concepts must align. Alignment must include consistency in
plans, processes, information, resource decisions, actions, results, and analysis in order to
support key organization wide goals (Baldrige National Quality Program, 2005). Without
leadership support, management transparency, and accurate metric selection any tool, even one
that has demonstrated itself as effective as the BSC framework, will not accomplish the strategic
goal set before it.
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Figure 1: Inpatient Patient Satisfaction Raw Mean Scores
Inpatient patient
mean scores.
Data from the QM office of the hospital,
1998 to
Figure 2: Outpatient Patient Satisfaction Raw Mean Scores
Table 1: Mean Patient Satisfaction Score Summary by Time Intervals
Table 2: Twelve Question Survey Summary