Surface Observing
User’s Guide
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Department of Defense
Federal Aviation Administration
United States Navy
March 1998
The 1990s have witnessed a carefully planned and executed modernization of the nation’s
weather services. The Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS) is the first system to be
operationally deployed as part of theis modernization. ASOS is therefore in the forefront of system
deployments and associated service improvements that will require most of this decade to
complete. In this sense, ASOS is the harbinger of 21
century weather services.
In the end state, ASOS will be operational at about 1,000 airports across the United States.
This system is the primary surface weather observing system in the United States, which supports
the essential aviation observation programs of the National Weather Service (NWS), the Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA), and the Department of Defense (DOD).
The implementation of ASOS brings with it many opportunities and challenges. The
opportunities include the unprecedented availability of timely, continuous and objective
observations from many more locations. The challenges generally related to institutional learning
needed to fully understand and adjust operation to take the greatest advantage of this new
technological resource. The potential applications of the ASOS data go beyond that of providing
basic weather information for aviation and forecasting; ASOS also will provide enhanced support to
vital national programs such as public safety, hydrology, climatology, agriculture, and
environmental protection, just to name a few. The ASOS User’s Guide is intended as basic
reference and introduction to ASOS for a broad range of users.
As of this writing (March 1998), there are about 500 commissioned ASOS’s nationwide. An
additional 500 are coming on-line in the next few years. This deployment fulfills the commitment
of the Government made over a decade ago to provide the nation a highly cost-effective, capable
and reliable automated weather observing system for safe, efficient aviation operations and other
applications. This achievement is made possible by the dedicated effort of many people throughout
the government and private industry working together as a team to conceive, plan, develop, test
and evaluate, implement, commission, monitor, maintain and operate a system.
This ASOS User’s Guide is gratefully dedicated to all who have worked so hard to make
ASOS a reality. Special thanks are extended to Dr. Jim Bradley for mentoring this program from
the very beginning. Finally I wish to thank Dave Mannarano for coordinating the writing and
production of this ASOS User’s Guide.
Vickie L. Nadolski
ASOS Program Manager
Executive Summary
Since the last Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS) User’s Guide was published
in June 1992, numerous changes have occurred. These changes have, to the maximum practical
extent, been incorporated into this updated version of the ASOS Users Guide. These changes
include the transition of observing code format from the Surface Aviation Observation (SAO)
code to the Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR) code in 1996; the implementation of new
software loads into ASOS up to and including software Version 2.6; the incorporation of various
sensor enhancements and improvements, including modification to the Heated Tipping Bucket
precipitation accumulation gauge, the hygrothermometer, and anemometer; and incorporation of
the Freezing Rain and Lightning Sensors into the ASOS sensor suite. Additional product improve-
ment efforts are underway to further expand and improve the capabilities of ASOS. These efforts
are also described in the ASOS Users Guide.
As of this writing (March 1998), there are about 500 commissioned ASOS’s nationwide. An
additional 400 + are coming on-line in the next few years. This deployment fulfills the commitment
the Government made over a decade ago to provide the nation a highly cost-effective, capable
and reliable automated weather observing system for safe, efficient aviation operations and other
applications. This achievement is made possible by the dedicated efforts of many people through-
out the government and private industry working together as a team to conceive, plan, develop,
test and evaluate, implement, commission, monitor, maintain and operate the system.
This ASOS User’s Guide is gratefully dedicated to all who have worked so hard to make
ASOS a reality. Special thanks are extended to Dr. Jim Bradley for mentoring this program from
the very beginning. Finally I wish to thank Dave Mannarano for coordinating the writing and
production of this ASOS User’s Guide.
Vickie L. Nadolski
ASOS Program Manager
Table of Contents
CHAPTER ONE..................................................................................................................................1
1.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1 Purpose and Scope .................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Background................................................................................................................................ 1
1.3 Total Surface Observation Concept........................................................................................... 2
1.4 Quality Control........................................................................................................................... 2
1.5 General Conventions .................................................................................................................. 3
CHAPTER TWO .................................................................................................................................5
2.0 System Description .................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 System Components .................................................................................................................. 5
2.1.1 ASOS Sensor Groups ..................................................................................................... 5
2.1.2 Acquisition Control Unit .................................................................................................. 5
2.1.3 Operator Interface Device.............................................................................................. 9
2.2 ASOS Data Outlets ...................................................................................................................9
2.3 ASOS Data Types ..................................................................................................................... 9
2.4 METAR Elements ..................................................................................................................... 9
2.5 Automated METAR vs. Manual METAR .............................................................................. 10
CHAPTER THREE ..........................................................................................................................11
3.0 Automating the Objective Weather Elements.......................................................................... 11
3.1 Ambient and Dew Point Temperature..................................................................................... 11
3.1.1 Ambient/Dew Point Temperature Sensor ..................................................................... 11
3.1.2 Ambient Temperature/Dew Point Temperature Algorithm .......................................... 12
3.1.3 Ambient Temperature/Dew Point Temperature Strengths and Limitations .................. 13
3.2 Wind ......................................................................................................................................... 14
3.2.1 Wind Sensor .................................................................................................................. 15
3.2.2 Wind Algorithm ............................................................................................................. 15 Wind Direction and Speed ................................................................................ 15 Wind Character................................................................................................. 16 Gusts................................................................................................. 16 Variable Wind ................................................................................... 16 Squalls............................................................................................... 17 Wind Remarks .................................................................................................. 17 Wind Shift ......................................................................................... 17 Peak Wind ........................................................................................ 18
3.2.3 Wind Strengths and Limitations..................................................................................... 18
3.3 Pressure ................................................................................................................................... 18
3.3.1 Pressure Sensor ............................................................................................................ 18
3.3.2 Pressure Algorithm ....................................................................................................... 18
3.3.3 Pressure Strengths and Limitations............................................................................... 19
3.4 Precipitation Accumulation ...................................................................................................... 19
3.4.1 Heated Tipping Bucket Precipitation Gauge ................................................................. 20
3.4.2 Precipitation Accumulation Algorithm .......................................................................... 20
3.4.3 Precipitation Accumulation Strengths and Limitations .................................................. 22
CHAPTER FOUR ............................................................................................................................ 23
4.0 Automating the Subjective Weather Elements ........................................................................ 23
4.1 Automating Sky Condition ....................................................................................................... 23
4.1.1 Cloud Height Indicator Sensor ......................................................................................23
4.1.2 Sky Condition Algorithm ............................................................................................... 24
4.1.2a Meteorological Discontinuity Sensors ............................................................... 25
4.1.2b Back-Up Sensors .............................................................................................. 26
4.1.3 Sky Condition Strengths and Limitations ....................................................................... 26
4.2 Automating Surface Visibility .................................................................................................. 27
4.2.1 Principles in Visibility Automation ................................................................................. 28
4.2.2 Forward Scatter Sensor ................................................................................................ 29
4.2.3 Visibility Algorithm ........................................................................................................ 29
4.2.3a Meteorological Discontinuity Visibility Sensor .................................................. 30
4.2.3b Back-Up Visibility Sensor ................................................................................ 31
4.2.4 Visibility Strengths and Limitations................................................................................ 31
4.3 Automating Present Weather and Obscurations ..................................................................... 32
4.3.1 Single Site Lightning Sensor .......................................................................................... 32
4.3.2 Single Site Lightning Sensor Algorithm ......................................................................... 32
4.3.3 Automated Lightning Detection and Reporting System (ALDARS)............................ 33
4.3.4 ASOS Lightning Sensor Strengths and Limitations.......................................................33
4.3.5 Precipitation Identification Sensor................................................................................. 34
4.3.6 PI Algorithm.................................................................................................................. 35
4.3.7 PI Strengths and Limitations .........................................................................................36
4.3.8 Freezing Rain Sensor .................................................................................................... 36
4.3.9 FZRA Algorithm ........................................................................................................... 37
4.3.10 FZRA Strengths and Limitations...................................................................................38
4.3.11 Obscuration Algorithm .................................................................................................. 38
4.3.12 Obscuration Algorithm Strengths and Limitations......................................................... 39
CHAPTER FIVE .............................................................................................................................. 41
5.0 Explanations/Examples of ASOS Observations ...................................................................... 41
5.1 5-Second Wind Updates .......................................................................................................... 41
5.2 One-Minute Observations........................................................................................................ 41
5.3 ASOS Aviation Routine Weather Reports............................................................................... 41
5.3.1 Backup and Augmentation ............................................................................................ 42
5.3.2 Missing vs. Non-Event Data......................................................................................... 42
5.3.3 Estimated Data.............................................................................................................. 43
5.3.4 Examples of METAR/SPECI Reports.......................................................................... 43
Table of Contents
Appendix A: ASOS Video Screens ................................................................................................ A1-11
Appendix B: ASOS Initial Operation Capabilities............................................................................. B1-2
Appendix C: Content of ASOS-Generated METAR: A Quick Reference Guide ............................ C1-2
Appendix D: ASOS Voice Vocabulary ................................................................................................ D1
Appendix E: Acronyms........................................................................................................................ E1
5.4 Auxiliary Data.......................................................................................................................... 46
5.5 Standard Hydrometeorological Exchange Format (SHEF) Messages .................................... 46
5.5.1 SHEF 15-Minute Precipitation Criteria Message ......................................................... 48
5.5.2 SHEF Hourly Routine Precipitation Message............................................................... 48
5.6 Daily and Monthly Summaries................................................................................................. 48
5.6.1 Daily Summary Message .............................................................................................. 48
5.6.2 Monthly Summary Message ......................................................................................... 50
5.7 ASOS High-Resolution Sensor Data ....................................................................................... 50
CHAPTER SIX ................................................................................................................................. 53
6.0 ASOS Data Outlets .................................................................................................................53
6.1 Interactive Video Screen Displays .......................................................................................... 53
6.2 Non-Interactive Screen Displays............................................................................................. 53
6.3 ASOS Printer........................................................................................................................... 53
6.4 Long-Line Dissemination ......................................................................................................... 54
6.5 Computer-Generated Voice Messages .................................................................................... 54
CHAPTER SEVEN .......................................................................................................................... 59
7.0 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 59
7.1 Data Not Provided by ASOS .................................................................................................. 59
7.2 Planned Product Improvement ................................................................................................ 59
7.2.1 Ice-Free Wind Sensor ................................................................................................... 60
7.2.2 Dew Point Sensor .........................................................................................................60
7.2.3 Ceilometer/Sky Condition.............................................................................................. 60
7.2.4 All-Weather Precipitation Accumulation Gauge ........................................................... 60
7.2.5 Enhanced Precipitation Identification ............................................................................ 61
7.2.6 Sunshine ........................................................................................................................ 61
7.2.7 Schedule ........................................................................................................................ 61
7.3 Summary .................................................................................................................................. 61
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Figure 1. ASOS Quality Control Concept ..........................................................................................4
Figure 2. ASOS Combined Sensor Group .......................................................................................... 6
Figure 3. Additional Sensor Group ..................................................................................................... 7
Figure 4. Availability of ASOS Data .................................................................................................. 8
Figure 5. ASOS Hygrothermometer ................................................................................................ 11
Figure 6. ASOS Anemometer .......................................................................................................... 14
Figure 7. ASOS Pressure Sensor ..................................................................................................... 19
Figure 8. ASOS Heated Tipping Bucket .......................................................................................... 20
Figure 9. Laser Beam Ceilometer .................................................................................................... 23
Figure 10. Example Of Cloud “Hit” At 4,500 Feet ............................................................................ 24
Figure 11. Example Of “Unknown Hit” ............................................................................................. 24
Figure 12. Example of Packing Effect ............................................................................................... 27
Figure 13. Forward Scatter Visibility Sensor ...................................................................................... 28
Figure 14. Visibility Sensor—Top View ............................................................................................. 29
Figure 15. Lightning Sensor ................................................................................................................ 32
Figure 16. The Precipitation Identification Sensor ............................................................................. 34
Figure 17. Freezing Rain Sensor ........................................................................................................37
Figure 18. ASOS Network Data Flow—Initial Configuration (1997) ................................................ 55
Figure 19. ASOS Network Data Flow––Final Configuration ............................................................ 56
Table 1. Temperature Sensor—Range, Accuracy Resolution ........................................................12
Table 2. Wind Sensor—Range, Accuracy, Resolution .................................................................... 15
Table 3. Cover ASOS Cloud Amount Report—Percent of Sky ..................................................... 25
Table 4. Criteria for Reporting a Meteorological Discountinuity Ceiling Remark........................... 26
Table 5. Visibility Sensor—Accuracy in Statute Miles ................................................................... 30
Table 6. Present Weather Reporting Hierarchy.............................................................................. 38
Table 7. ASOS Report of Freezing/Frozen Phenomena .................................................................38
Table 8. ASOS Report of Present Weather.................................................................................... 39
Table 9. ASOS High-Resolution Data ............................................................................................ 51
Table 10. Weather Elements Not Reported by ASOS ...................................................................... 59
1.0 Introduction
Since the first aircraft took flight, weather observa-
tions have been essential for safe aviation operations. Over
the years, the National Airspace System (NAS) has ex-
panded to thousands of flights and millions of passenger
and cargo miles a day. Paralleling this expansion has been
the demand for increased weather observations. In recent
years the National Weather Service (NWS), the Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA), and the Department of
Defense (DOD) have collectively expended over 1,000
staff-years annually to create and disseminate manual
weather observations. This expanding demand on human
resources spurred the development of automated sensors and
reporting systems to provide surface weather observations.
With the advent of new reliable and sophisticated sen-
sors and computer technology in the 1970s, it became in-
creasingly practical to automate many observing functions.
This potential came to fruition with development and test-
ing of the Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS)
in the 1980s, and its deployment and implementation in
the 1990s. By the turn of the century, over 900 airports
will have ASOS.
The primary function of the ASOS is to provide
minute-by-minute observations and generate the basic
Aviation Routine Weather Report (METAR) and Aviation
Selected Special Weather (SPECI) report. This informa-
tion is essential for safe and efficient aviation operations,
and is used by the public to plan day-to-day activities.
ASOS also provides valuable information for the
hydrometeorologic, climatologic, and meteorologic re-
search communities.
1.1 Purpose and Scope
The purpose of the ASOS User’s Guide is to familiar-
ize users with the unique characteristics of ASOS data, how
to interpret it, and optimize its use. The primary audience
for the ASOS User’s Guide includes pilots, air traffic con-
trollers, meteorologists, hydrologists, climatologists, and
other users of surface weather observations. It is assumed
that readers are familiar with the current Federal Meteoro-
logical Handbook Number 1 (FMH-1), which describes
the observing practices, coding, and reporting standards
for surface weather observations.
This User’s Guide provides information applicable to
all ASOS units, whether they are sponsored by the NWS,
FAA, or DOD. The Guide covers all essential aspects of
system operation, including data acquisition, processing,
and report formatting and dissemination. This Guide is by
no means exhaustive and additional information is
The ASOS User’s Guide is organized into four topical
areas. Each topical area includes one or more chapters.
The information within these topical areas flows from a
general introduction to specific core detail and finally to a
conclusion or summary.
The first topical area provides a general overview
(Chapters 1-2). The second topical area discusses the auto-
mation of the objective weather elements (Chapter 3) and
automation of the subjective weather elements (Chapter
4). These chapters describe the sensor operation principles,
the algorithms, and the strengths and limitations of ASOS
in reporting each element. The next topical area provides
specific examples and explanations of ASOS output (Chap-
ters 5-6). Finally Chapter 7 provides a look to the future
and a conclusion. Appendices provide additional detail.
This includes examples of ASOS video screens, perfor-
mance specifications, and a quick reference guide to the
content of the ASOS generated METAR/SPECI reports.
1.2 Background
The earliest fielded automated systems, the Automated
Meteorological Observing System (AMOS) and the Remote
Automated Meteorological Observing System (RAMOS),
were deployed in the 1960s and 1970s. These systems re-
ported only the objective elements of ambient and dew point
temperature, wind (speed and direction), and pressure.
The more complex, spatially observed elements of sky
condition and visibility had to await advances in sensor
technology and improvements in computer processing.
These goals were initially achieved by developing and field-
ing the Automated Observation (AUTOB) in the early
1970s. It was only when these more subjective elements
could be automated that the opportunity arose to develop a
fully automated observation system. The first such system
was developed during the joint FAA-NWS Aviation Auto-
mated Weather Observing System (AV-AWOS) experi-
ments performed between 1973 and 1978. In the 1980s,
further advances in technology finally permitted the NWS,
FAA, and DOD to develop a practical, fully automated
observing system for nationwide use.
1.3 Total Surface Observation
ASOS provides the basic surface weather observation
at many airports. At selected airports, an observer may add
information to the ASOS observation. These additions are
considered important for safe and efficient operations in
the airport/terminal area and provide backup observations
for those elements that ASOS normally reports.
Although ASOS is the primary source of surface ob-
servational data in the United States, other surface observ-
ing networks, distinct from ASOS, provide supplementary
data for forecasting and other specific interests. These net-
works include severe weather spotter networks, hydrologi-
cal reporting networks, synoptic and climatological
observing networks, and cooperative observing networks.
Data from these sources are not derived from ASOS and
are not provided as part of the ASOS observation. This
information is included in separate data sets or products.
Examples of this information are severe weather reports
(tornado/funnel cloud sightings, etc.), snow depth, water
equivalent of snow on the ground, and middle and high
cloud information (height, amount, and type).
In the modernized weather service, new and improved
technologies such as satellite, Doppler Weather Surveil-
lance Radar (WSR-88D), and lightning detection networks
provide valuable weather information separate from data
reported by the ASOS. By integrating these data, meteo-
rologists can now obtain a more accurate and complete
depiction of the weather than what can be obtained only
from a single source.
1.4 Quality Control
The automation of surface observations reduces or
eliminates direct human involvement in acquiring
(sensing, collecting), processing (assessing, formatting,
documenting), and disseminating (transmission, display,
broadcast) surface observations. Even though the ASOS is
highly automated and reliable, effective Quality Control
(QC) of ASOS products is critical for ensuring the high
level of trust in the automated output (Figure 1).
There are three cascading levels of quality control for
ASOS. Each level focuses on a different temporal and
spatial scale.
n Level 1 is performed on-site, in real-time before an
observations is transmitted.
n Level 2 is performed at a Weather Forecast Office
(WFO) for a designated area, about the size of a state,
usually within 2 hours after the scheduled observa-
tion transmission time.
n Level 3 is performed centrally on all ASOS METARs
nationwide, usually about 2 hours after the scheduled
transmission time.
Level 1—At the Site
Built into each ASOS are automated self-diagnostics
and QC algorithms. These QC algorithms operate on raw
sensor data; they prevent questionable data from being in-
cluded in the One-Minute-Observation (OMO) or the trans-
mitted METAR/SPECI. When the ASOS detects either a
qualifying degree of system degradation, component fail-
ure, or data error, the relevant data are excluded from re-
port processing and a Maintenance Check Indicator ($) is
appended to the METAR/SPECI report. If sufficient raw
data are not available for report processing, the element is
not included in the OMO or METAR/SPECI report. The $
is used to indicate that maintenance may be needed but
does not necessarily mean that the data are erroneous. On-
site observers may also augment and/or backup the ASOS
METAR/SPECI data at selected locations. These observ-
ers provide an immediate data check and often catch prob-
lems before the observation is transmitted.
Level 2—Area
WFO personnel routinely monitor and assess the avail-
ability and meteorological quality of long-line transmitted
METARs and SPECIs from all ASOS locations in their
county warning area (CWA). This quality control usually
occurs within 1- 2 hours after the data are transmitted. If
data are suspect, the WFO staff investigates the problem,
informs points of contact (either the on-site observer, main-
tenance technician, or associated FAA Flight Service Sta-
tion) and coordinates corrective action to ensure that a
quality observation is provided, or suspends the question-
able observation pending resolution of a problem. The goal
at the area level is to correct a problem or prevent any ad-
ditional erroneous data from being transmitted. When a
system problem is detected, a maintenance technician is
notified. Maintenance technicians are based at selected
NWS offices and service all NWS and FAA ASOS’s within
their area of responsibility. The Navy and Air Force per-
form maintenance on their own ASOSs.
Level 3—National
National QC operations are centered at the ASOS Op-
erations and Monitoring Center (AOMC). It is staffed 24-
hours a day and provides an 800 phone-in number for
trouble calls. AOMC technicians routinely monitor the long-
line transmitted ASOS hourly METAR. To help with this
monitoring, two types of automated messages are routinely
provided to the AOMC. These messages identify: (1) those
METAR/SPECI reports with a $ appended and (2) those
METAR not received within the standard Time-Of-Trans-
mission window. These messages are provided by the NWS
Telecommunication Gateway (NWSTG), which is collo-
cated with the AOMC in the NWS Systems Operations
Center (SOC).
When a problem is encountered, AOMC technicians
open a trouble report, alert the responsible ASOS Elec-
tronic Technician and/or NWS office to take appropriate
action, and monitor progress toward resolution. The AOMC
may also coordinate with the appropriate FAA Weather
Message Switching Center Replacement (WMSCR) facil-
ity to resolve FAA National Airspace Data Interchange Net-
work (NADIN) communications problems that affect
long-line transmission of ASOS reports. AOMC QC ac-
tion is usually initiated after hourly METAR data are miss-
ing for 2 hours.
The AOMC performs other vital functions, such as
downloading critical operational information to the ASOS,
keeping accurate clock synchronization, and maintaining
data for system reinitialization, such as field elevation,
magnetic declination, phone numbers, etc.
The goal at the national level is to maintain uniform
system integrity and prevent problems in data from con-
tinuing for extended periods of time.
Automated QC messages are generated at the National
Center For Environmental Prediction (NCEP) hourly and
made available to WFOs. These messages identify hori-
zontally inconsistent and possibly unrepresentative obser-
vations through comparison of selected elements in the
hourly METAR with a corresponding computer-generated
Optimal Interpolation (OI) analysis field. The evaluated
elements are:
n Wind direction and speed
n Potential temperature (used as a surrogate for ambi-
ent temperature)
n Dewpoint temperature
n Sea-level pressure.
Those METAR elements that differ from the corre-
sponding OI value by more than the allowable criteria are
flagged as suspect and included in the NCEP CQ message.
Other automated QC monitoring programs are operational
at the local WFO and alert the staff when data elements or
whole observations are missing, usually within 1 hour.
The National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) performs
additional quality control prior to archive.
1.5 General Conventions
The time convention used in this document to
describe the valid times and schedules used by ASOS is:
DD = Date; 01< DD< 31
HH = Hour (24-hour clock); 00 < HH < 23
MM = Minute; 00 < MM < 59
SS = Second; 00 < SS < 59
H+MM = Minutes past the current hour.
M+SS = Seconds past the current minute.
For example, a time period from 56 minutes past the
previous hour to 50 minutes past the current hour would be
referenced as: “-H+56 to H+50.”
The times specified in this document are in either Lo-
cal Standard Time (LST) or Universal Coordinated Time
(UTC), alternately referred to as Zulu Time (Z).
In the descriptions of the algorithms, if less than 75
percent of the maximum amount of data used in the com-
putation of any parameter is available, the parameter is not
reported. Unless otherwise noted, all midpoint fractional
values are rounded down to the nearest appropriate value.
All other values are rounded in accordance with normal
rounding procedures.
Figure 1. ASOS Quality Control Concept
2.0 System Description
The ASOS performs all the basic observing functions,
including the acquisition, processing, distribution, trans-
mission, and documentation of data.
2.1 System Components
The ASOS consists of three main components. The
first two components are at all ASOS locations; the third
component is found only at airports at which observer aug-
mentation/backup support is provided.
n Sensor group(s), consisting of individual weather sen-
sors and a Data Collection Package (DCP)
n The Acquisition Control Unit (ACU)
n The Operator Interface Device (OID)
2.1.1 ASOS Sensor Groups
The ASOS sensors continuously sample and measure
the ambient environment, derive raw sensor data and make
them available to the collocated DCP. These raw sensor
data include visibility extinction coefficients, ceilometer
cloud hits, freezing precipitation resonant frequencies and
other sensor data. These data are processed as preliminary
input into the observation algorithms. The ASOS consists
of the following basic complement of sensors
n Ceilometer, Cloud Height Indicator [CHI] Sensor (one
to three sensors per site)
n Visibility Sensor (one to three sensors per site)
n Precipitation Identification (PI) Sensor
n Freezing Rain (ZR) Sensor (not planned to be included
where ZR potential is nil)
n Lightning Sensor (only at selected sites)
n Pressure Sensors (two sensors at small airports; three
sensors at larger airports)
n Ambient/Dew Point Temperature Sensor
n Anemometer (wind direction and speed sensor)
n Precipitation Accumulation Sensor (Heated Tipping
Bucket [HTB] Gauge)
Sensors are sited in accordance with guidance stated
in the Federal Standards for Siting Meteorological Sensors
at Airports (FCM-S4-1987), published by the Office of the
Federal Coordinator for Meteorological Services and Sup-
porting Research (OFCM). At virtually all locations, the
pressure sensors are located indoors within the ACU.
The field complement of ASOS sensors are typically
located near the Touchdown Zone (TDZ) of the primary
designated instrument runway. If the TDZ site was found
unacceptable, the Center Field (CF) location is the most
likely alternate location. The field sensor array is referred
to as the “ASOS Combined Sensor Group.” At larger air-
ports or airports where the operational need is justified,
additional sensors may be strategically located at an other
location to provide additional weather information (“Me-
teorological Discontinuity Sensor Group”) or backup sen-
sor capabilities (“Backup Sensor Group”). These additional
sensor groups generally consist of a ceilometer, a visibility
sensor, and a collocated DCP
. Figure 2 shows a typical
ASOS Combined Sensor Group. Figure 3 shows an op-
tional ASOS “Meteorological Discontinuity” or “Backup”
Sensor Group.
A DCP is located with each sensor group. It continu-
ally gathers and processes raw data from the adjacent sen-
sors (e.g., voltages, extinction coefficients, data counts) and
conditions these data before transmission to the ACU. Data
conditioning may include such processes as sampling, for-
matting, and scaling.
2.1.2 Acquisition Control Unit
The ACU, which is the central processing unit for the
ASOS, is usually located inside a climate controlled struc-
ture, such as an observing office or control tower building.
It ingests data from the DCP(s) and pressure sensors, and
is capable of accepting information from the FAA New
Generation Runway Visual Range (NGRVR) system.
The ACU performs final processing, formatting, qual-
ity control, storage and retrieval of the data, and makes
ASOS data available to users through various outlets. A
brief description of the various ASOS data outlets and data
Other sensors are under development and may be
added at a later time.
At the Hub airports, the PI sensor will be included in
the Touchdown Sensor Group if it is located at the TDZ of
the primary instrument runway.
Figure 2. ASOS Combined Sensor Group
Figure 3. Additional Sensor Group
Figure 4. Availability of ASOS Data
types is summarized in Figure 4. Additional details and
examples may be found in Chapters 6 and 7.
2.1.3 Operator Interface Device
The Operator Interface Device (OID) is the primary
means through which an on-site observer enters back-up
or augmentation observations into the ASOS METAR/
SPECI report. It consists of a keyboard, and video screen
interfaced directly with the ACU either through hardwire
or telephone line. Various OID screen displays are avail-
able; see Appendix A for examples.
2.2 ASOS Data Outlets
The ASOS Peripheral Data Outlets include:
n The ASOS Operator Interface Device (OID) and re-
mote dial-in user interactive video screen displays. Ex-
amples of various OID video screen displays are shown
in Appendix A
n On-site video display screens. These include the Video
Display Unit (VDU) screens, and user-provided video
n On-site printer hard copy (at OID equipped locations),
when required
n Long-line dissemination of coded messages through
NWS and FAA communications networks. Long-line
networks are described in Section 6.3
n Computer-generated voice (available through FAA
radio broadcast to pilots, and general aviation dial-in
telephone lines). Examples of computer-generated
voice messages are given in Section 6.4
2.3 ASOS Data Types
The various ASOS data types available through these
outlets include:
n One-Minute Observation (OMO) data (content same
as METAR/SPECI data)
n Aviation Routine Weather Reports (METAR) and
Aviation Selected Special Weather Reports (SPECI).
At staffed locations, SPECI messages for tornadic or
volcanic activity are manually composed and dissemi-
nated through ASOS when these conditions are ob-
served (described in Section 5.3)
n Auxiliary data display (described in Section 5.4)
n Standard Hydrometeorological Exchange Format
(SHEF) messages (described in Section 5.5)
n Maintenance Data (raw sensor data, system diagnos-
tics, system status) (examples given in Appendix A)
n Daily and Monthly Summary messages (described in
Section 5.6)
2.4 METAR Elements
The ASOS will automatically report the following sur-
face weather elements in the METAR:
n Wind: Direction (tens of degrees - true), Speed
(knots), and Character (gusts)
n Visibility up to and including 10 statute miles
n Runway Visual Range (RVR) at selected sites
n Basic Present Weather Information (type and
intensity): Rain, Snow, Freezing Rain, Squalls
n Obstructions: Fog, Mist, Haze, and Freezing Fog
n Sky Condition: Cloud Height and Amount (CLR,
up to 12,000 feet above
ground level
n Ambient Temperature, Dew Point Temperature
(degrees Celsius)
n Pressure: Altimeter Setting in inches of mercury
(Hg), and Sea-level Pressure (SLP) in Hectopascals
in Remarks
n Automated, Manual, and Plain Language Remarks
(depending on service level) including: Volcanic
Eruption (plain language), Tornadic Activity (plain
language), Wind Shift, Tower Visibility, Beginning
and Ending of Precipitation, Virga (plain language),
Significant Cloud Types (plain language), SLP, and
Other Significant (Plain Language) Information
n Additive and Automated Maintenance Data includ-
ing: 3, 6, 24-hour Precipitation Amount, Hourly
Temperature and Dew Point, 6-hour Maximum and
Minimum Temperatures, 3-hour Pressure Tendency,
various sensor status indicators, and maintenance
check indicator ($).
The ASOS Capability to report these elements is sum-
marized in Appendix B. The content of the ASOS METAR/
SPECI is described in the following chapters and is sum-
marized in Appendix C. In the future, ASOS may also pro-
vide additional information on snowfall, hail, drizzle, and
sunshine duration (see Chapter 7 for further details).
In the METAR code cloud amounts are depicted as
either Clear (CLR), Few (FEW), Scattered (SCT), Broken
(BKN), or Overcast (OVC)
A Hectopascal (hPa) value is equivalent to a millibar
(mb), i.e., 1012 hPa = 1012 mb.
2.5 Automated METAR vs.
Manual METAR
In form, the unattended ASOS METAR and the at-
tended ASOS (Observer oversight) METAR look very
much alike. For example, under the same circumstances,
the ASOS would report:
KDEN 281950Z AUTO 11006KT 6SM HZ SCT080
15/12 A3013 RMK AO2 SLP123
while the observer who is editing the ASOS might report:
KDEN 281950Z 11006KT 5SM HZ SCT080
BKN140 15/12 A3013 RMK AO2 FEW ACC W SLP123
Notice that both METARs contain the station ID, ob-
servation type, time, wind, visibility, obstructions, sky con-
dition, ambient temperature, dew point temperature,
altimeter setting, and sea-level pressure (in remarks).
The automated observation indicates the station type
as “AUTO” which signifies an unattended observation (i.e.,
Observer not logged onto ASOS for back-up or augmenta-
tion), and identifies the system as one capable of reporting
present weather (AO2).
The second observation indicates that the Observer
logged onto the system (AUTO is missing). The Observer
augmented sky condition for clouds above 12,000 feet and
added information in the Remarks section about cloud type
and location which ASOS cannot provide. This is just one
example. Other detailed examples are given in Chapter 5.
To fully appreciate these examples, the ASOS User’s
Guide first examines each of the weather elements reported
by the ASOS and compares the manual and automated ob-
servations in terms of sensors used, the observing proce-
dures employed, and reporting capabilities. Automated
observing concepts are also discussed for greater clarity
and understanding. The specific chapter-by chapter break-
down is as follows:
n Chapter 3 discusses the more objective and directly
measured (i.e., non-visual) elements such as ambient
temperature, dew point temperature, wind, pressure,
and precipitation accumulation.
n Chapter 4 discusses the more subjective, and to some
extent, indirectly measured (i.e., visual) elements of
sky condition, visibility, present weather (phenomena
and obstructions).
n Chapter 5 provides examples of ASOS weather re-
ports, messages, and summaries.
n Chapter 6 discusses the outlets through which the
ASOS data are available.
n Chapter 7 describes those elements not currently pro-
vided by ASOS, future product improvement plans,
and alternate means through which these data are now
available or may be available in the future.
3.0 Automating the Objective
Weather Elements
The “objective” weather elements are defined as am-
bient and dew point temperature, wind, pressure, and pre-
cipitation accumulation. These elements are classified as
“objective” because they are more simply and directly
measured and are easier to automate than other elements.
This chapter describes how ASOS reports objective elements.
3.1 Ambient and Dew Point
Ambient and dew point temperature reports are among
the most widely disseminated of all the weather elements
in the surface observation. Because of keen public inter-
est, nearly all radio and most television stations report tem-
perature and humidity at least once an hour. Ambient and
dew point temperature are vital in determining aircraft per-
formance and loading characteristics and are critical for
accurate weather forecasts. To meet these needs, ASOS
provides a 5-minute average ambient air and dew point
temperature every minute.
3.1.1 Ambient/Dew Point
Temperature Sensor
Both the manual and automated temperature sensors
directly measure the ambient dry-bulb and the dew point
temperatures. The hygrothermometer used in the ASOS is
a modern version of the fully automated “HO-83”
hygrothermometer, first used operationally in 1985. This
instrument uses a platinum wire Resistive Temperature
Device (RTD) to measure ambient temperature and a chilled
mirror to determine dew point temperature.
The RTD operates on the principle that electric resis-
tance in a wire varies with temperature. This RTD is lo-
cated in the stream of aspirated air entering the sensing
unit and assumes the ambient air temperature.
To determine dew point temperature, a mirror is cool-
ed by a thermoelectric or Peltier cooler until dew or frost
begins to condense on the mirror surface. The body of the
mirror contains a platinum wire RTD, similar to that used
for ambient temperature. This RTD assumes the mirror’s
temperature, which is held at the dew point temperature.
When this condition occurs, the mirror’s surface is in va-
por pressure equilibrium with the surrounding air (i.e., has
reached the saturation vapor pressure). The temperature
required to maintain this equilibrium is, by definition, the
dew point temperature.
Optical techniques are used to detect the presence of
surface condensation. Within the hygrothermometer, a
beam of light from a small Light Emitting Diode (LED) is
directed at the surface of the mirror at a 45 degree angle.
Two photo-resistors are mounted to receive the reflected
light. The “direct” sensor is placed at the reflection angle
and receives a high degree of light when the mirror is clear.
The indirect sensor is placed to receive light scattered when
the mirror is clouded with visible condensation, (i.e., dew
or frost formation).
In normal operation, a feedback loop controls an elec-
tric heat pump running through a cooling-heating cycle,
which cools the mirror until dew or frost is formed; it then
heats the mirror until the condensate (dew or frost) is evapo-
rated or sublimed. This cycle nominally takes about 1
minute to complete.
As the mirror’s cloudiness increases, the “direct” sen-
sor receives less light and the “indirect” sensor receives
more light. When the ratio of indirect to direct light reaches
an adaptive criterion value, the mirror is considered to be
at the dew point temperature. The adaptive criterion value
(ratio of indirect to direct light) is adjusted once a day to
compensate for residual contamination on the mirror due
to dust and other airborne particulates.
Figure 5. ASOS Hygrothermometer
Since a clean mirror needs relatively less indirect light
to determine when dew has formed than a dirty mirror, the
mirror is heated once a day to recalibrate the reference re-
flection expected from a dry mirror. This procedure com-
pensates for a possible dirty or contaminated mirror and
redefines adaptive criterion value used to determine when
dew or frost has occurred. This once per day recalibration
nominally takes about 15 minutes.
The ASOS hygrothermometer meets all NWS specifi-
cations for measuring range, accuracy, and resolution. The
specifications for accuracy are given in Root Mean Square
Error (RMSE) and Maximum (MAX) Error. Specifications
are listed in Table 1.
The RMSE for Dew Point Temperature is given as a
range of values and is dependent on the Ambient Tem-
perature minus the Dew Point Temperature value (i.e., Dew
Point Depression [DD]). The low end of the RMSE and
MAX Error range is for a DD of 0°F; the high end of the
Error range is for a DD of 63°F.
3.1.2 Ambient Temperature/Dew Point
Temperature Algorithm
Both ambient temperature and dew point temperature
are considered conservative elements (i.e., continuous in
space, and slowly and smoothly changing in time). Based
on this characteristic, time-averaging over a short period is
the preferred method of measurement.
The ASOS hygrothermometer continually measures
the ambient temperature and dew point temperature and
provides sample values approximately six times per minute.
Processing algorithms in the hygrothermometer use these
samples to determine a 1-minute average temperature and
dew point valid for a 60-second period ending at M+00.
These data are passed to the ACU for further processing.
Once each minute the ACU calculates the 5-minute
average ambient temperature and dew point temperature
from the 1-minute average observations (provided at least
4 valid 1-minute averages are available). These 5-minute
averages are rounded to the nearest degree Fahrenheit, con-
verted to the nearest 0.1 degree Celsius, and reported once
each minute as the 5-minute average ambient and dew point
temperatures. All mid-point temperature values are rounded
up (e.g., +3.5°F rounds up to +4.0°F; -3.5°F rounds up to -
3.0°F; while -3.6 °F rounds to -4.0 °F).
The ACU performs all temperature averaging func-
tions. It also performs a number of data quality tests on the
ambient and dew point temperatures, including upper and
lower limit checks, a rate of change check, and a cross
comparison. The current 1-minute ambient and dew point
temperature are compared against these limits. The upper
and lower limits are +130°F to -80°F for ambient tempera-
ture and +86°F to -80°F for dew point temperature.
If the current 1-minute ambient or dew point tempera-
ture differs from the last respective, non-missing, 1-minute
reading in the previous 2 minutes by more than 10°F, it is
marked as “missing.” The current 1-minute ambient tem-
perature is also compared against the current 1-minute dew
point temperature to ensure the dew point is not higher. If
the dew point temperature exceeds the ambient tempera-
ture by 2°F or less, the dew point temperature is set equal
to the ambient temperature. If the dew point temperature
exceeds the ambient temperature by more than 2°F, the 1-
minute dew point temperature is set to “missing.”
If, within the past 5 minutes, there are at least four
valid (i.e., non-missing) 1-minute ambient and dew point
temperatures, the respective 5-minute averages are com-
puted and reported in degrees Celsius in the OMO and
METAR. If there are less than four valid 1-minute average
ambient or dew point temperatures within the past 5 min-
utes, ASOS does not compute the current 5-minute aver-
age for ambient or dew point temperature. When this occurs,
ASOS uses the most recent 5-minute average value calcu-
lated within the past 15 minutes.
Parameter Range RMSE Max Error Resolution
Ambient -80°F to -58°F 1.8°F ± 3.6°F 0.1°F
Temperature -58°F to +122°F 0.9°F ± 1.8°F
+122°F to +130°F 1.8°F ± 3.6°F
Dew Point -80°F to -0.4°F 3.1°F to 7.9°F 4.5°F to 13.9°F 0.1°F
Temperature -0.4°F to +32°F 2.0°F to 7.9°F 3.4°F to 13.9°F
+32°F to +86°F 1.1°F to 4.7°F 2.0°F to 7.9°F
Table 1. Temperature Sensor—Range, Accuracy Resolution
If the ASOS has not recorded a valid 5-minute aver-
age ambient or dew point temperature within the past
15-minutes, no ambient or dew point temperature is re-
ported and the sensor failure notation is entered into the
ASOS system maintenance log (SYSLOG). This
15-minute “hold-off” allows the daily 15-minute calibra-
tion heat cycle to occur without adverse affect. The cur-
rent 1-minute average ambient temperature and the
5-minute average ambient temperature are updated once
each minute and stored in memory for 12 hours. These
stored data are used in further computation:
n Once each minute, ASOS uses the running 5-minute
average ambient temperature to update the hourly
maximum and minimum ambient temperatures. At the
end of the hour (H+59), the cumulative maximum and
minimum ambient temperatures for the hour and the
minute(s) they occurred are stored in memory for 24
n At synoptic hour (00, 06, 12, and 18 UTC) reporting
times, the current 6-hour maximum and minimum am-
bient temperatures are computed from the hourly maxi-
mum and minimum ambient temperatures in tenths of
degrees Celsius, and included as remarks (“1s
for maximum temperature, and “2s
”for mini-
mum temperature) in the current synoptic hourly
n The current 12-hour average ambient temperature is
also computed once each minute from the current and
previous 12-hour reported 5-minute average tempera-
ture (this value is used for calculating current sea-level
n Once each hour (at the hourly METAR report time)
the current hourly ambient temperature and dew point
temperature are reported in the METAR Remarks sec-
tion, to the nearest tenth of a degree Celsius, in the
form “Ts
n Once each minute, ASOS computes the highest and
lowest ambient temperatures, so far for the current cal-
endar day, in tenths of degrees Celsius. The calendar
day maximum and minimum ambient temperatures are
reported in the midnight, LST hourly METAR remarks
), and are stored in memory for 31
days as part of the Daily Summary Product. The “mid-
night, LST hourly METAR” is usually transmitted be-
fore 23:59 LST. Therefore, there may occasionally be
a discrepancy between the maximum and minimum
temperatures reported in the “4” group and the daily
maximum and minimum temperatures reported in the
ASOS Daily Summary Message (DSM) which runs
from 00:00 to 23:59 LST (see Section 5.6 for details).
n Once each day (at 23:59 LST), the highest and lowest
ambient temperatures for the current month, along with
the date(s) of occurrence, are computed and stored in
memory until the end of the following month. On the
first day of the following month, ASOS outputs the
Monthly Maximum Temperature and date(s) of oc-
currence, plus the Monthly Minimum Temperature and
date(s) of occurrence
Additional temperature parameters are derived from
the Calendar Day and Monthly Maximum and Minimum
Temperature data. These data may be reported in the daily
and/or monthly summary messages, as appropriate.
The daily data include: calendar day average ambient
temperature, the latest daytime maximum temperature
(LDT), the latest nighttime minimum temperature (LNT),
departure of calendar day average ambient temperature
from normal, and heating degree days (HDD) or cooling
degree days (CDD).
The monthly data include: average monthly tempera-
ture, average monthly maximum and minimum tempera-
ture, number of days maximum temperature exceeded a
set maximum temperature threshold (90°F in the 48 con-
tiguous United States and Hawaii, and 70°F in Alaska),
number of days maximum temperature < 32°F, number of
days minimum temperature < 32°F, number of days mini-
mum temperature < 0°F, monthly heating degree days, and
monthly cooling degree days.
Relative humidity is calculated using the 5-minute av-
erage ambient (dry-bulb) temperature and dew point tem-
perature. The 5-minute average temperature is also used to
process other algorithms, specifically sky condition (ob-
scuration determination), present weather (freezing rain de-
termination, and snow - rain discrimination), obscurations
(freezing fog, fog, mist, haze discrimination), and pressure
(sea-level pressure, pressure altitude, and density altitude
3.1.3 Ambient Temperature/
Dew Point Temperature
Strengths and Limitations
Although the methodology of determining the ambi-
ent temperature and dew point temperature is not new, sub-
stantial improvements have been achieved by ASOS in
measuring temperature and dew point by increasing the
These data are contained in the Monthly Summary mes-
sage issued by ASOS.
sensor aspiration and siting the sensors away from build-
ings and heat islands. Furthermore, ASOS’s continuous
monitoring, self-diagnostics, and application of quality
control algorithms ensure that any ambient temperature/
dew point temperature degradation trend is reported be-
fore sensor performance falls below performance standards.
At times, however, the reported dew point tempera-
ture may become stuck at around zero degrees Celsius. At
other times, it may not be representative because of exces-
sive mirror contamination due to dust or other atmospheric
aerosols. An aggressive preventative maintenance program
is conducted that includes periodic cleaning of the mirror
surface. Furthermore, a planned product improvement ef-
fort is underway to find a more reliable alternative for mea-
suring Dew Point temperature (see Section 7.2.2 for details).
3.2 Wind
The rotating cup anemometer and the simple wind vane
are the principal indicators of wind speed and direction.
Until the mid 1940s, the electrical contacting anemometer
was the standard wind measuring instrument. Since then,
the “F420” series of instruments have become the stan-
dard for wind measurement in the U.S. A basic system of
this series consists of a cup-driven Direct Current (DC)
generator with an output calibrated in knots and a vane
coupled to an indicator by means of a DC synchro-system.
The ASOS uses a modern automated version of the F420,
in which electro-magnetic signals generated by the rotat-
ing cup and wind vane are directly converted into report-
able values by ASOS.
Before ASOS, airport wind sensors were generally
exposed 20 feet above ground level. With modern, high-
performance aircraft, this standard no longer applies. Now,
current federal standards for siting meteorological equip-
ment specify (with some variance permitted) a height
of 10 meters (32.8 feet). Typical ASOS wind sensor heights
are 33 feet or 27 feet, depending on local site-specific
restrictions or requirements. Figure 6 shows the ASOS
anemometer. The ASOS will report the following wind
related parameters.
Wind Direction: ASOS reports a 2-minute average
of 5-second average wind directions once a minute (i.e.,
24 samples each minute) for distribution through the OMO
and computer-generated voice messages. The current 2-
minute average wind direction is updated on selected OID
screen displays once every minute and included in the trans-
mitted METAR/SPECI messages. The direction from
which the wind is blowing is reported to the nearest 10
degree increment (e.g., 274 degrees is reported as 270 de-
grees). Wind direction is reported relative to true north in
the METAR/SPECI message, in the daily/monthly sum-
maries, and on all video displays. Wind direction is re-
ported relative to magnetic north in the computer-generated
voice messages, and on the OID “AUX” data display screen.
See section for details.
Wind Speed: A 2-minute average is updated once ev-
ery 5 seconds and is reported once every minute in the
OMO and computer-generated voice messages, and in-
cluded in the METAR/SPECI message and various OID
screen displays. See Section for details.
Wind Gust: This is a basic component of wind char-
acter and is updated every 5 seconds. It is appended to and
reported with the basic wind observation only when ap-
propriate conditions for reporting wind gust exist (see defi-
nition in Section Wind gust information is included
in the current OMO, computer-generated voice messages,
the METAR/SPECI, and OID displays.
Wind Shift: This remark is reported in the OMO and
the METAR/SPECI when appropriate. See Section
for details.
Variable Wind Direction: This data element is re-
ported in the OMO and the METAR/SPECI when appro-
priate. See Section for details.
Figure 6. ASOS Anemometer
Squall: Although squall is a basic component of wind
character and, under appropriate conditions is updated ev-
ery 5 seconds, it is reported in the present weather section
of the METAR/SPECI observation; direction and speed val-
ues are indicated in the wind group. See Section
for details.
Peak Wind: This remark is reported in the scheduled
hourly METAR, as appropriate. It is the greatest 5-second
average wind exceeding 25 knots which has been observed
since the previously scheduled hourly METAR.
Daily Peak Wind: This value is reported in the Daily
Summary message (see Section 5.6.1). It is the greatest
5-second average wind speed observed (converted to miles
per hour) during the 24-hour calendar day beginning at
5-seconds past midnight, Local Standard Time (LST),
(00:00:05 LST) and ending at midnight (00:00:00 LST)
the next day.
Fastest 2-Minute Wind: This value is reported in the
Daily Summary message. It is the fastest 2-minute average
wind speed (in miles per hour) observed over the 24-hour
calendar day.
3.2.1 Wind Sensor
The ASOS wind sensor (Figure 6) employs a “light
chopper,” electro-optical method to determine wind speed
and convert it to appropriate electro-magnetic signals. Wind
sensor measurements conform to the Range, Accuracy,
Resolution specifications described in Table 2. In addition,
the sensor’s starting threshold for response to wind direc-
tion and wind speed is 2 knots. Winds measured at 2-knots
or less are reported as calm.
3.2.2 Wind Algorithm
The basic method of observing wind direction and
speed is to take a fixed point, time averaged measurement.
The ASOS algorithm uses a 2-minute period to obtain the
current average wind direction and speed. In both cases,
ASOS obtains the wind character (i.e., gusts and present
weather squalls) and the peak wind by comparing the dif-
ference between the average wind speed with the maxi-
mum “instantaneous” wind speed observed over a specified
time interval. When this difference exceeds a prescribed
value, the appropriate additional wind information is in-
cluded in the observation. The ASOS wind shift remark is
determined from the difference between the current 10-
minute average (of 2-minute average winds) and the 10-
minute average (of 2-minute average winds) from 15
minutes ago, provided the intervening 2-minute average
wind speeds are greater than 9 knots. Within ASOS, all
average wind directions and speeds are rounded up to the
nearest degree and knot, respectively. Wind Direction and Speed
In the past, observers monitored an analog or digital
wind dial over a short period to determine the average wind
direction and speed for the observation. Most sites also had
a wind recorder device to provide a continuous documented
record of measured wind direction and speed. The observer
often used this device to determine the maximum instanta-
neous wind speed over the 10-minute period before com-
pleting the observation. The observer used visual/mental
averaging and ultimate human judgement to create an ob-
servation of wind. This method was not always consistent
from site to site or from one observer to another.
ASOS continuously and objectively measures wind di-
rection and speed once every second, far more frequently,
consistently, and accurately than an observer could. Every
Parameter Range Accuracy Resolution
Wind Speed 0 to 125 knots ± 2 knots 1 knot
- or -
5% (whichever is greater)
Wind Direction 0 to 359 degrees ± 5 degrees nearest
when wind speed degree
is > 5 knots
Table 2. Wind Sensor—Range, Accuracy, Resolution
ASOS processes data identically, which provides site-to-
site consistency unknown in past records. Five-second wind
direction and wind speed averages are computed from the
1-second measurements. These 5-second averages are
rounded to the nearest degree and nearest knot and are re-
tained for 2 minutes. These five-second averages are the
fundamental units used to compute reportable wind val-
ues and are, in effect, the ASOS equivalent to the manual
“instantaneous” wind observation.
Every 5 seconds a running 2-minute average wind (di-
rection and speed) is computed and used to further com-
pute wind character. If the computed 2-minute average wind
speed is 2 knots or less, the 2-minute average wind direc-
tion and speed is reported as “calm” (00000KT).
Once each minute the current 2-minute average wind
is stored in memory for 12 hours and made available for
reporting in the OMO, the computer generated voice mes-
sages (i.e., the ground-to-air radio and telephone dial-in
message), the METAR/SPECI reports, and OID displays. Wind Character
Wind Character information is added to the METAR
after the Wind Direction and Speed data when the variabil-
ity in the steady state wind exceeds threshold criteria. Wind
Character components include Wind Gusts and Variable
Wind. Although Wind Squalls are reported as a Present
Weather phenomena in METAR, they are also discussed
here for comparison and contrast.
Both the manual procedure and the ASOS algorithm
determine Wind Character by examining the maximum “in-
stantaneous” wind speed over the 10-minute period imme-
diately preceding the observation. The manual procedure
requires a visual examination and interpretation of the dial
readings or recorder to determine “instantaneous” wind
speed. The ASOS algorithm, by contrast, relies on objec-
tive 5-second averages of 1-second wind measurements. Gusts
In the manual procedure, a gust is reported when an
observer sees rapid fluctuations in sensor wind speed indi-
cations with a variation of 10 knots or more between peaks
and lulls during the 10-minutes before the observation. The
reported gust is taken from the maximum “instantaneous”
wind speed observed during this period. The average 2-
minute wind is used to report wind direction and wind
speed. Conceivably, an average 2-minute wind speed as
low as 3 knots (observed in the last minute) may be re-
ported with a gust of 10 knots (observed in the last 10 min-
utes). Observations of 5 knots with gusts of 10 to 15 knots,
however, are the more common minimum values reported.
The ASOS algorithm also relies on a 10-minute ob-
servation period to determine gusts, but uses it in a differ-
ent way. Once every 5 seconds, the ASOS computes the
greatest 5-second average wind speed (and corresponding
direction) during the past minute, and once each minute
stores this information in memory for 12 hours.
Once every 5 seconds the ASOS computes the current
2-minute average wind speed and compares it with the
greatest 5-second average wind speed during the past
minute. If the current 2-minute average wind speed is equal
to or greater than 9 knots and the greatest 5-second aver-
age wind speed (during the past minute) exceeds the cur-
rent 2-minute average speed by 5-knots or more, then the
greatest 5-second average speed observed during the past
minute is stored in memory as a gust for 10 minutes.
Once every 5 seconds, the ASOS compares the high-
est gust stored in memory for the past 10 minutes with the
current 2-minute average wind speed. If the difference be-
tween the two is 3 knots or more, the current reported wind
speed is greater than 2 knots, and the highest gust exceeds
the minimum 5-second wind speed in the past 10 minutes
by 10 knots or more, then the highest gust stored in memory
is designated as the reportable gust. This value is appended
to the current wind direction and speed reported in the
OMO, computer-generated voice messages, and the
METAR/SPECI reports. The minimum gust speed reported
by ASOS is 14 knots. Wind speeds from 3 knots and 11
knots may be reported with gusts to 14 knots. For example,
a 2-minute average wind of 240 degrees at 10 knots with
gusts to 20 knots is reported as: “24010G20KT.” Variable Wind
Both the manual procedure and the ASOS algorithm
use the same definition for determining a variable wind
but use different methods for reporting it. In both cases, a
variable wind is reported when the wind direction varies
by 60 degrees or more during the 2-minute evaluation pe-
riod before the observation. If the 2-minute wind speed is
6 knots or less, than a variable wind direction indicator
(VRB) is included in the basic wind group; if the 2-minute
wind speed is greater than 6 knots, then a variable wind
direction group is appended to the basic wind group in the
body of the METAR/SPECI report.
The basis for the manual determination of a variable
wind is simply a visual interpretation of the wind instru-
ment reading during the 2-minute evaluation period. The
ASOS algorithm by contrast compares the range of 5-sec-
ond average wind directions during the past 2 minutes (24
In either case, if the current 2-minute average wind
speed is 6 knots or less, the wind direction and speed is
reported as “VRBff,” where “ff” is the current 2-minute
average wind speed in knots. For example, a variable wind
at 3 knots is encoded as “VRB03.”
If the current 2-minute average wind speed is greater
than 6 knots, then the current wind direction and speed are
placed in the body of the report and followed by a variabil-
ity indicator in the form “d
,” where d
the minimum, and d
is the maximum variable wind
direction during the past 2-minutes. For example, a current
2-minute wind of 270 degrees at 10 knots that varies from
240 degrees to 300 degrees is coded as: 27010 240V300. Squalls
In the manual procedure, observers report a squall
when wind speed suddenly increases by at least 16 knots
and speed is sustained at 22 knots or more for at least
1 minute. Observers manually determine a squall by visu-
ally examining the indicated or recorded “instantaneous”
wind speed. The reported squall value is taken from the
maximum “instantaneous” wind speed sustained for at least
1 minute. Although squalls are measured as a parameter of
wind, they are reported as an element in the present weather
field of the METAR/SPECI report.
ASOS algorithm by contrast, computes a potential
squall value once every 5 seconds. If the current
2-minute wind speed (measured every five seconds) is
greater than or equal to 22 knots and exceeds the 2-minute
average wind speed computed two minutes ago by 16-knots
or more, then the highest 5-second average wind speed dur-
ing the last 2-minutes is stored in memory as a squall for
10 minutes. Only the current squall or non-squall default
value is stored in memory. The stored squall value is re-
ported as “SQ” in the present weather field if the current
2-minute average wind speed is greater than 2 knots, and if
the squall value exceeds the current 2-minute average wind
speed by more than 3 knots.
According to this algorithm, a squall may continue to
be reported by the ASOS for up to 10 minutes after the
squall is written to memory, provided the above minimum
wind-speed, squall reporting conditions are met. The mini-
mum wind speed - squall combination reported by ASOS
is a wind speed of 3 knots, with a squall of 22 knots. Wind Remarks
The ASOS will include Wind Shift and Peak Wind
remarks in the METAR/SPECI reports when appropriate. Wind Shift
Both the manual procedure and the ASOS algorithm use
the same definition of a wind shift as described in the FMH-
1: “A wind shift is indicated by a change in wind direction of
45 degrees or more in less than 15 minutes with sustained
winds of 10 knots or more throughout the wind shift.”
The observer relies on his alertness and a visual esti-
mate of the 2-minute average wind to determine the onset
of a wind shift. A Frontal Passage (FROPA) remark may
be appended to the wind shift remark when the wind shift
is associated with a frontal passage. This determination of
course is based on human judgement.
The ASOS, on the other hand, determines a wind shift
by first making sure that minimum wind speed and direc-
tion change criteria are met. These checks are made to en-
sure that light, variable winds are not erroneously reported
as a wind shift.
The wind speed criterion requires that all 2-minute av-
erage wind speeds computed each minute over the past 15
minutes are greater than 9 knots. If this criterion is met,
then the current 10-minute average wind direction derived
from ten one-minute-observations is compared to a similar
10-minute average wind direction from 15 minutes ago. If
the wind directions differ by 45 degrees or more, then a
wind shift is encoded.
The wind shift remark generated by the ASOS in the
METAR report is: “WSHFT hhmm,” where “hhmm” is the
Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) of when the shift be-
gan (15 minutes ago). Once the wind shift remark is re-
ported, it will continue to be included in all subsequent
reports (including long-line dissemination of ASOS gen-
erated SPECI) through the next scheduled hourly METAR.
The ASOS, of course, is unaware of distant phenomena
and synoptic scale weather patterns and consequently can-
not confidently determine if a frontal passage (FROPA)
remark should be appended to the wind shift remark. There-
fore, FROPA is not reported by ASOS. At attended sites
however, this remark may be added by the Observer in
accordance with agency reporting policy.
18 Peak Wind
The Peak Wind, by definition, is the highest instanta-
neous wind speed observed or recorded since the last sched-
uled hourly observation (METAR). The Peak Wind
direction, speed and time of occurrence are reported in
METAR remarks as: “PK WND dddff(f)/(hh)mm,” where
ddd = direction (true) in tens of degrees, ff(f) = wind speed
in knots, and (hh)mm = (hour) minutes past current hour
of most recent occurrence of the reported peak wind. The
“hh” indicator is included only when the peak wind oc-
curred in the previous hour since the last METAR.
The manual procedure requires a Peak Wind to be re-
ported when the maximum instantaneous wind speed since
the last METAR exceeds 25 knots.
In ASOS, the Peak Wind is determined from the high-
est observed 5-second average wind speed which exceeds
25 knots since the last generated METAR, whether trans-
mitted or not (FIBI).
3.2.3 Wind Strengths and Limitations
The major strength of the ASOS in reporting winds is
the consistency of measurements. While Observers rely on
perception and human judgement to interpret wind instru-
ments, automated systems rely on digital second-by-sec-
ond measurements that are processed identically from
time-to-time and place-to-place.
One limitation in the automated observation is a lag in
reporting wind shifts (in METAR remarks). The wind shift
algorithm cannot rely on external clues used by the ob-
server (like thunder or snow showers) for early collateral
assurance of a wind shift - frontal passage occurrence. It
must therefore wait the full 15-minutes required in the defi-
nition of wind shift before outputting a remark. Although
highly unlikely, a wind shift and variable wind remark may
both be generated and included on the same METAR un-
der conditions of light and variable winds which just barely
meet the wind shift reporting criteria, or when a FROPA
has occurred in the preceding 10-15 minutes. To be more
responsive to operational needs, the wind reporting algo-
rithm has been tuned to prevent excessive, frequent report-
ing of a wind shift once a report is issued and when a
variable wind condition exists.
3.3 Pressure
Atmospheric pressure is the most important surface
weather element for aircraft operations since it provides
the means of establishing the height of an aircraft above
the ground. It is the only element that cannot be directly
observed or qualitatively sensed by the observer or pilot.
As a result, pressure has always been carefully measured
and the operational sensor routinely compared to some ref-
erence standard.
All the currently computed pressure elements will con-
tinue to be reported by the ASOS with the same or higher
level of precision as the human report. The pressure pa-
rameters available from ASOS are:
n Sensor Pressure
n Altimeter Setting
n Pressure Remarks
n Sea-Level Pressure
n Density Altitude
n Pressure Altitude
n Pressure Change/Tendency
n Station Pressure
Because accurate pressure is critical, three separate and
independent pressure sensors are used at towered airport
locations. At other locations, two pressure sensors are used.
The ASOS algorithm compares the pressure sensors’ read-
ings and issues a pressure report only when there is accept-
able agreement between at least two sensors.
3.3.1 Pressure Sensor
The ASOS pressure measurement instrument consists
of redundant digital pressure transducers, which use ca-
pacitive sensors, one side of which is permanently evacu-
ated to a vacuum to make it a barometric pressure sensor.
Advanced microcomputer electronics and sophisticated
firmware provide reliable performance. The barometers are
located on a tray at the bottom of the ACU and are exposed
to the ambient air pressure. In cases when the ACU is in-
stalled in pressurized buildings, this exposure is through a
port connected to an outside static pressure vent. Figure 7
shows the pressure sensors in the ACU. The specified op-
erational characteristics for these sensors are:
n Range: 16.9 - 31.5 inches of mercury
n Accuracy: ± 0.02 inches of mercury
n Resolution: 0.003 inches of mercury (measurement);
0.005 inches of mercury (reporting)
3.3.2 Pressure Algorithm
A sophisticated algorithm routinely computes and up-
dates the pressure report for each pressure sensor once a
minute from readings obtained every 10 seconds from each
sensor. If one or more of the 6 pressure readings obtained
from each sensor in the past minute is missing, then the 1-
minute pressure value for that sensor is marked as “miss-
ing” and the sensor is logged as “inoperative.” The current
1-minute pressure values from each sensor are then com-
pared against each other and absolute differences computed.
The lowest 1-minute sensor pressure value obtained from
a pair of sensors, whose pressure difference is 0.04 inch or
less, is the designated ASOS pressure to be reported at the
end of the minute. This pressure value is then used to com-
pute an altimeter setting and other derived pressure values.
A sensor whose 1-minute sensor value differs by more
than 0.04 inch from another operational sensor is automati-
cally logged as “inoperative” and the sensor pressure value
set to “missing.” This will cause a maintenance check indi-
cator to be appended to all subsequent ASOS METAR/
SPECI reports until the sensor is returned to an “opera-
tional” status. Once a pressure sensor is logged as inopera-
tive, it can only be returned to an “operational” status by a
maintenance technician. If one of the sensors (at two-sen-
sor locations), or if two of the sensors (at three-sensor lo-
cations) are logged as “inoperative,” then the designated
ASOS pressure elements are all omitted in the METAR/
SPECI reports.
3.3.3 Pressure Strengths
and Limitations
The pressure sensors are the most reliable and accu-
rate sensor in ASOS. The only limitation (if one can call it
that) is that pressure remarks will be reported more often
in ASOS METAR messages than in manual METAR mes-
sages simply because of the continuous weather watch
which ASOS provides.
3.4 Precipitation Accumulation
Accurate liquid-equivalent precipitation accumulation
measurements are essential for hydrological, flood fore-
casting, and agriculture applications. For aviation purposes,
freezing or frozen precipitation accumulation measurements
provide a quantitative dimension to the qualitative detec-
tion and reporting of freezing or frozen precipitation by
other ASOS sensors.
Basic manual measurements of precipitation accumu-
lation in the U.S. have traditionally relied on the Standard
8-inch Gauge. This consists of an 8-inch cylinder with an
inverted funnel orifice leading to a graduated inner cylin-
der at the base of the funnel neck. The inner cylinder is
used to measure liquid precipitation accumulation. When
freezing or frozen precipitation is expected or is occurring,
the funnel and inner cylinder are removed. Frozen precipi-
tation captured in the outer cylinder are periodically melted
indoors to measure the liquid-equivalent of frozen precipi-
tation (LEFP).
In the early development of an automated precipita-
tion accumulation gauge, it was recognized that automated
measurement of liquid and LEFP each presented a unique
challenge, so, a separate specification was written for each
type of precipitation. The automated Heated Tipping Bucket
(HTB) technology from the 1970s was adopted and modi-
fied to meet these needs. Over the years, many improve-
ments were made and incorporated into ASOS. Early
versions of the heated gauge applied excessive heat creat-
ing excessive evaporation and the under-reporting of the
liquid-equivalent mass.
The current version of the HTB gauge applies less heat
over a longer heating cycle, thus yielding a more accurate
mass measurement of frozen precipitation. Changes in the
tipping bucket inner design also have improved overall per-
formance in liquid precipitation events. These improve-
ments have resulted in the ASOS HTB becoming a very
capable liquid precipitation accumulation gauge in all but
the most extreme heavy rainfall events. However, some
Figure 7. ASOS Pressure Sensor
deficiencies still remain in its ability to fully measure pre-
cipitation accumulation during the cold-season LEFP
events. Consequently, the ASOS HTB is primarily used to
measure liquid accumulation. Alternative solutions are
being pursued to provide LEFP information. These solu-
tions include: (1) Provision of separate LEFP reports
through existing manual supplementary observing networks
from event-driven Supplementary Data Observations and
schedule-driven Supplementary Climate Data reports, and
(2) Development of a follow-on All-Weather Precipitation
Accumulation Gauge for ASOS (see Section 7.2.4).
3.4.1 Heated Tipping Bucket (HTB)
Precipitation Gauge
The ASOS HTB shown in Figure 8 consists of 6 main
n A wind shield that surrounds the HTB and protects it
against blowing snow from falling into the HTB col-
lector funnel (the wind shield is installed on the ASOS
HTB in climates where the snowfall is > 20% of the
annual precipitation accumulation)
n A 12-inch diameter collector funnel
n A pivoting dual chamber tipping bucket. This bucket
tips when one chamber is filled with 0.01 inch of liq-
uid precipitation, thus emptying the contents into a
drain pan and exposing the other chamber to the pre-
cipitation gathered by the collector funnel
n An electronic switch which counts the number of tips
per minute
n A drain pan and a drain tube
n Heating elements to prevent freeze-up during cold
The HTB has 2 heating elements. One heating element
is wrapped around the underside of the collector funnel,
and the other around the drain tube. Each heater is sepa-
rately thermostatically controlled to maintain a tempera-
ture of 40°F. A master thermostat regulates electric power
to both heating elements. Power is turned on when the tem-
perature falls below 40°F and is turned off when the tem-
perature falls below -20°F. Power is not turned on again
until the temperature rises above -12°F. Power is turned
off when the temperature is at or above 40°F.
The HTB has a precipitation accumulation range of 0
to 10.00 inches per hour, a resolution of 0.01 inch (i.e., one
tip) and an accuracy of ± 0.02 inch or 4% of the hourly
total (whichever is greater).
3.4.2 Precipitation Accumulation
The precipitation accumulation algorithm obtains pre-
cipitation accumulation data from the HTB precipitation
gauge once each minute. These data are valid for discrete
60-second periods ending at M+00. The ASOS algorithm
corrects the tipping bucket measurement, particularly dur-
ing periods of high rainfall rates. Each minute the mea-
sured rainfall is adjusted using the following equation:
C = A (1 + .60A)
In this equation, C = the calculated rainfall amount
and A = the measured amount from the tipping bucket. All
calculations are performed internally using floating point
until rounded for final output each minute.
If a 1-minute precipitation accumulation output is miss-
ing and the precipitation identifier sensor (discussed in Sec-
tion 4.3) is either inoperative or concurrently reports
precipitation, then the associated METAR precipitation
remarks/messages will either be omitted (Prrrr remark is
deleted), or contain a “/ ” (e.g., 6////, 7////). Furthermore,
when the precipitation accumulation sensor is inoperative,
a “PNO” remark will be appended to the METAR to indi-
cate that precipitation accumulation information is not avail-
able. In SHEF, missing precipitation accumulation data will
be reported as “M” in place of the missing value. When
available, the output data are used each minute by the al-
gorithm to compile a variety of cumulative precipitation
remarks/messages. These include:
METAR hourly message, “Prrrr” remark: In this
message “rrrr” is the liquid equivalent of all precipitation
(in hundredths of an inch) which has occurred since com-
putation of the Prrrr remark for the last scheduled hourly
Figure 8. ASOS Heated Tipping Bucket
METAR message. The “rrrr” is the sum of all 1-minute
precipitation accumulations calculated during this period.
If any of the required constituent 1-minute precipitation
accumulation calculations are missing, the remark is omit-
ted and “PNO” is appended to the remarks section. If no
precipitation has occurred since the last scheduled hourly
METAR, the Prrrr remark will not be reported. If only a
trace of precipitation has occurred, the Prrrr remark will
report “P0000.”
METAR 3- and 6-hourly report, “6RRRR” precipi-
tation accumulation remark: “RRRR” is the amount of
precipitation, in hundredths of an inch, which has accumu-
lated in the past 3- or 6-hours. Three-hourly amounts are
reported in the 03, 09, 15, and 21 UTC METAR reports.
Six-hourly amounts are reported in the 00, 06, 12, and 18
UTC METAR reports.
If any of the constituent hourly Prrrr remarks are miss-
ing, the 6RRRR remark is encoded as 6////.
METAR 24-Hour “7RRRR” precipitation accumu-
lation remark: “RRRR” in this message is the amount of
liquid equivalent in hundredths of an inch accumulated over
the last 24-hours. This remark is reported with the 1200
UTC METAR provided there has been at least 0.01 inch of
precipitation in the past 24-hours (i.e., since the last 1200
UTC METAR). The precipitation accumulation reported
in the 7RRRR remarks is compiled from the hourly pre-
cipitation computations. If any hourly amount is missing
during the 24-hour period, the 7RRRR remark is encoded
as 7////.
SHEF 15-Minute Precipitation Criteria message:
These messages are generated when the current 15-minute
period accumulation exceeds the locally established pre-
cipitation accumulation onset threshold and will cease when
the accumulation for the current interval falls below the
termination threshold. The precipitation accumulations for
the four most recent discrete 15-minute periods (ending at
H+00, H+15, H+30 and H+45) are chronologically listed
in these messages.
These messages are issued in “.E” SHEF message for-
mat, and are initially disseminated through the NWS or the
FAA communications networks to the NWS Telecommu-
nications Gateway (NWSTG) and the System Monitoring
and Coordination Center (SMCC) where they are made
available for redistribution to NWS offices and compila-
tion on the daily Service Records Retention System (SRRS)
tape for the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). These
messages are identified within the NWS by their RR6
AFOS/AWIPS header: “CCCRR6XXX,” where “CCC” is
the originating AFOS node, “RR6” is the designation for
SHEF 15-minute messages originating from ASOS and
“XXX” is the ASOS location identifier (see Section 5.5.1
for details).
All SHEF data from FAA sites are contained in a “col-
lective” (a group of individual messages bundled together)
and are identified by the collective header
“NMCRR7NKA.” The precipitation accumulation for each
15-minute period is derived from the sum of the 1-minute
precipitation accumulation calculations within each discrete
15-minute period. If any of the constituent 1-minute pre-
cipitation accumulation calculations are missing, the value
encoded in the SHEF 15-minute precipitation criteria mes-
sage for the entire 15-minute period is “M.”
SHEF Hourly Routine Precipitation message: The
precipitation accumulation period for this message is 60
minutes. The end time (in minutes past the hour) is set at
H+00. These messages are issued once an hour at the time
specified to support calibration of the precipitation pro-
cessing at the designated WSR-88D Radar Product Gen-
These SHEF messages contain an hourly precipitation
accumulation. They are issued in “.A” SHEF message for-
mat and are made available and distributed in the same
manner as the SHEF 15-Minute Precipitation Criteria mes-
sages. The messages are identified within the NWS by their
data from FAA sites are contained in a collective and are
identified by the collective header “NMCRR7NKA.” These
messages are further distinguished from the 15-Minute
Precipitation Criteria messages by message type identifi-
cation within the body of the message (see Section 5.5.2
for further details).
The SHEF Hourly Routine Precipitation accumulation
is derived from the sum of the 1-minute precipitation accu-
mulation calculations during the latest discrete 60-minute
period. If any of the constituent 1-minute precipitation ac-
cumulation calculations are missing, the SHEF Hourly Pre-
cipitation message will report the precipitation
accumulation as “PPH M” (see Section 5.5.2).
Daily and Monthly cumulative precipitation totals:
These precipitation totals are summed each minute and in-
cluded along with other data in the Daily Summary and
Monthly Summary Products/messages.
The information in the Daily Summary is valid for the
24-hour period beginning at 00:00 LST and ending at 23:59
LST. This message is issued on the following calendar day
at programmable transmission times (see Section 5.6 for
further details).
The Monthly Summary message is valid for the calen-
dar month. This message is issued on the first day of the
following month at a time specified by the system man-
ager. The Monthly Summary message contains the
amount(s) and date(s) of the maximum 24-hour precipita-
tion accumulation during the calendar month; the number
of calendar days with precipitation equal to or greater than
0.01, 0.10, 0.50 and 1.00 inches respectively; and depar-
ture of monthly cumulative precipitation totals from nor-
mal. Other parameters are also included in the Daily and
Monthly Summary messages. See Sections 5.6.1 and 5.6.2
for further details.
3.4.3 Precipitation Accumulation
Strengths and Limitations
There are well known problems (referenced in Sec-
tion 3.4) associated with a HTB precipitation gauge. A
major problem occurs during high rainfall rate events when
the tipping bucket cannot keep up with the water flow and
under-reports the accumulation. The ASOS software cor-
rects for the HTB bias to under report precipitation accu-
mulation during most heavy rainfall events (greater than
1.80 inch per hour); however, during extremely heavy rain-
fall events (greater than 10 inches per hour), the HTB may
still under-report the total rainfall accumulation.
During freezing conditions, the application of heat to
melt snow and prevent gauge icing also induces evapora-
tion or sublimation, especially during light freezing rain or
snow events at temperatures near 32°F. This results in a
tendency to under-report freezing or frozen precipitation
The tendency to under-report accumulation during
freezing rain or snow events is moderated by using a less
intense heat source to melt the frozen precipitation from
the tipping bucket at a slower rate. The slower heating rate
however, can sometimes allow unmelted snow to bridge
over the heated funnel surface and form a snow cap over
the orifice opening which prevents any further accretion
into the gauge.
At some time after the precipitation event ends, under
bright sunshine and/or warming ambient temperature, the
snow cap melts and falls into the gauge. This causes a de-
layed accumulation to be registered and falsely reported at
a time when no precipitation is occurring. “False tips” may
also be caused by dew, frost, or heavy fog.
4.0 Automating the Subjective
Weather Elements
While automating most objective weather elements is
fairly straightforward, there are numerous complexities in
automating subjective visual elements such as sky condi-
tion, visibility, and present weather. The major problem is
how to objectively quantify subjective human judgement.
With subjective elements, observers traditionally read
instruments and watch weather conditions in their area at a
fixed time to produce a “snap-shot” observation—a method
called spatial averaging. To create a similar observation,
automated systems repetitively sample conditions in a rela-
tively small volume of air and then average these data over
a set time period—a technique called time averaging. Tech-
nological advances have made it possible for modern ob-
servations to progress from the periodic, subjective, spatial
averaging methodology of the observer to an objective,
nearly continuous, temporal averaging method of auto-
mated observing systems.
The rules for observing sky condition (clouds), vis-
ibility, present weather, and obscurations were designed
for observers and are still defined for subjective use; how-
ever, the FMH-1 now includes expanded rules for auto-
mated techniques. Because of the complexity of the
subjective weather elements, separate sections are devoted
to sky condition, visibility, and present weather. Each sec-
tion discusses the differences between manual and auto-
mated rules and techniques.
4.1 Automating Sky Condition
Observers have used rotating beam ceilometers
(RBC) and the newer laser beam ceilometers (LBC) for
years to measure the height of clouds. Visual estimates were
still needed to determine the amount of clouds. The chal-
lenge of automating the data from such sensors was not
only to process the height accurately, but also to provide a
representative description of the amount of cloud cover-
age. Because the atmosphere is normally in motion, it was
found that processing the ceilometer signal through a so-
phisticated algorithm over a 30-minute time period pro-
vided an optimally representative and responsive
observation similar to that depicted by an observer. To be
sensitive to the latest changes in sky conditions, the most
recent 10 minutes of the data are processed twice (double-
weighted). To be most responsive to operational needs, the
ASOS ceilometer is located near the touchdown zone of
the primary instrument runway at most airports. At large
airports, a secondary Cloud Height Indicator (CHI) may
be located elsewhere on the airport to provide additional
information when there is a meteorological discontinuity.
At small airports the ceilometer may be collocated with
other sensors near a center-field location or touchdown
zone, depending on local siting requirements.
4.1.1 Cloud Height Indicator Sensor
The ASOS uses a laser beam ceilometer with a verti-
cal measuring range of 12,600 feet and reporting range of
12,000 feet (Figure 9). The ASOS cloud sensor, or CHI, is
a vertically pointed laser transmitter and receiver. Its op-
eration is similar to radar in that the time interval between
pulse transmission and reflected reception from a cloud
base is used to determine the cloud height. Sophisticated
time-averaging algorithms in the ACU are also used to in-
terpret “cloud hit” information from the CHI and deter-
mine cloud height and amount.
The CHI consists of a gallium arsenide laser beam
ceilometer operating in the near Infrared (IR) portion of
the electro-magnetic spectrum at a wavelength of about a
0.9 microns. The instrument employs Light Detection and
Ranging (LIDAR) principles and computer algorithms to
provide cloud coverage and height information. The noise
inherent in the return signal varies with ambient tempera-
Figure 9. Laser Beam Ceilometer
ture. To optimize the laser’s signal-to-noise performance,
the CHI’s pulse frequency varies with the ambient tem-
perature. The frequency range is 620 Hertz (Hz) to 1,120
Hz with a nominal pulse frequency of 770 Hz at room tem-
perature (68 ºF). The frequency is also modulated by the
age of the equipment to maintain a constant power output.
The width of the beam is confined to a divergence of ± 2.5
milliradians (mrad) so that at 12,000 feet the beam’s sample
area is a circle with a diameter of 60 feet.
The CHI reports will contain only opaque clouds.
Moisture layers, or thin clouds detected by the CHI and
considered too thin to be a cloud, will be reported as a re-
striction to vertical visibility or simply not reported. The
reporting of vertical visibility is dependent on the thick-
ness and density of the moisture layer. To correctly clas-
sify these signals received by the ceilometer, sensor
software processes the data into three categories: “no hit,”
“cloud hit,” and “unknown hit.”
The signal signature of a cloud return or “cloud hit” is
characterized by a rapid increase in backscatter when the
beam passes from the clear air beneath the cloud into the
moist conditions within the cloud. Figure 10 is an example
of a “cloud hit” at 4,500 feet. At the end of each 12-second
sampling, the CHI produces a detailed, high-resolution
back-scatter profile from which a unique determination of
the cloud base can be made. The cloud base “hits” (or re-
turns) from each pulse are assigned to one of the 252 50-
foot vertical data bins within the 12,600 foot measurement
range. This results in a vertical resolution of 50 feet!
Not all signal returns exhibit the sharp signature pat-
tern of a “cloud hit,” (as shown in Figure 10). Those sig-
nals without sharp returns are classified as “unknown hits.”
A return from deep fog where the scatter return pattern
extends from the surface to around 600 feet is shown in
Figure 11. These “unknown hits” are primarily caused by
precipitation and fog that mask the base of the clouds. This
broadened moisture field returns laser back scatter signals
from various heights within the moisture field. Because
these signals cannot be processed as a definite cloud re-
turn, they are processed as a vertical visibility (VV). VV is
defined as the distance in feet a person can see vertically
from the surface of the earth into an obscuring phenomena
or indefinite ceiling.
All the values of “unknown hits” are processed and
stored in height bins reserved for the VV values (separate
from the “cloud hit” bins). Finally, all the returns in the
VV bins are processed into a single mean height and as-
signed to a single bin. The VV returns are then processed
by the sky condition algorithms to determine cloud cover,
cloud height, or VV.
4.1.2 Sky Condition Algorithm
Computer algorithms (organized processing steps) are
used to process the signal data as described above into sky
condition reports that are encoded into METAR and SPECI
reports. Describing exactly how the algorithms work is quite
complicated, so what follows is a simplified explanation.
Every 30 seconds a sample is compiled from the CHI’s
back scatter returns taken from the most recent two or three
12-second processing intervals completed within the 30-
second period. Each 12-second interval processes more than
9,000 signals for back scatter returns. These data are pro-
cessed to determine the height of the returns and whether
the sample compiled from these returns is a “cloud hit” or
an “unknown hit.” Every minute, ASOS processes the most
recent 30 minutes of 30-second sample data; the last 10
minutes of data are processed twice (double weighted) to
be more responsive to the latest changes in sky condition.
This technique provides a total of 80 samples; 40 in the
Figure 10. Example Of Cloud “Hit” At 4,500 Feet
Figure 11. Example Of “Unknown Hit”
first 20 minutes and 40 in the last 10 minutes. The cloud
signal hits for the latest 30 minutes are then rounded or
“binned” to the nearest 100 feet for cloud heights between
the surface and 5,000 feet; to the nearest 200 feet for heights
between 5,000 and 10,000 feet; and to the nearest 500 feet
for heights above 10,000 feet.
Each minute, if more than fives bin height values have
been recorded (during the last 30 minutes), the cloud heights
are clustered into layers using a least-square statistical pro-
cedure until there are only five bins remaining (each bin
can have many “hits’ in it). These bins, or clusters, are
then ordered from lowest to highest height.
Following this clustering, ASOS determines whether
the clusters can be combined into “meteorologically sig-
nificant” height groups. This second clustering is done so
that very close layers are not reported (e.g., BKN030
OVC032). At the end of this combining process, all cluster
heights between the surface and 5,000 feet are rounded to
the nearest 100 feet. Above 5,000 feet, the algorithm rounds
the cluster height values to the nearest reportable value
(i.e., nearest 500 ft. up to 10,000 ft. and nearest 1,000 ft.
above 10,000 ft.). These bins now are called “layers” and
the algorithm will select up to three of these layers to be
reported in the METAR/SPECI in accordance with cloud
layer reporting priority as specified in FMH-1.
The amount of sky cover is determined by adding the
total number of hits in each layer and computing the ratio
of those hits to the total possible. If there is more than one
layer, the “hits” in the first layer are added to the second
(and third) to obtain overall coverage. For reporting pur-
poses, the ASOS measured cloud amount for each layer is
then converted to a statistical functional equivalent of a
human observation. All cloud layer heights are reported
Above Ground Level (AGL) with respect to field eleva-
tion. The cloud amounts reported by ASOS are Clear (CLR)
below 12,000 feet, Few (FEW), Scattered (SCT), Broken
(BKN), or Overcast (OVC). Table 3 shows the relation-
ship between the ASOS measured cloud amount, the hu-
man equivalent, and the reported category.
The sky condition algorithm also tests for total
obscurations. Necessary conditions for reporting totally ob-
scured sky include a surface visibility of one mile or less
and a high percentage of “unknown hits” at or below 2,000
feet AGL. When these conditions are met, ASOS processes
and formats cloud return values classified as “unknown
hits” into the sky condition report as “VVaaa.” VV is an
obscuration; “aaa” represents the visible height in hundreds
of feet an observer can see vertically into the obscuring
Finally, when a ceiling layer (BKN or OVC) is reported
below 3,000 feet AGL, an algorithm tests for conditions
requiring a variable ceiling remark. If these conditions ex-
ist, ASOS places the entry of CIG minVmax (where min,
max is the height in hundreds of feet of the upper and lower
limits of the variability) in the remarks section.
4.1.2a Meteorological Discontinuity
A sky condition algorithm has been developed for use
where cloud formation (or advection) typically occurs in
(or from) a known location and results in significant con-
current differences in sky conditions over the airport. The
meteorological discontinuity algorithm uses output from
two CHI sensors. The primary sensor is sited near the touch-
down zone of the primary instrument runway. The second
CHI is typically sited 2 to 4 miles away from the primary
sensor, upwind in the most likely direction of the advec-
tion, or closer to the fixed source of the unique sky condi-
tion. The second CHI serves to detect operationally
significant differences in sky conditions.
Information from the meteorological discontinuity sen-
sor is included in the ASOS METAR under appropriate
conditions described below. Data from the primary and
meteorological discontinuity sensors are independently
processed through the single sensor algorithm and then
compared. Only data from the primary sensor is used in
the body of the METAR.
Table 3. Cover ASOS Cloud Amount
Report —Percent of Sky
ASOS Measured Human ASOS
Amount in % Equivalent Report
of sky cover in oktas
00 to < 05 0 CLR
> 05 to < 25 > 0 to 2/8 FEW
> 25 to < 50 > 2/8 to < 4/8 SCT
> 50 to < 87 > 4/8 to < 8/8 BKN
> 87 to 100 8/8 OVC
If the primary sensor is not operational, the sky condi-
tion is not reported, a maintenance check indicator ($) is
appended to the METAR, and no further comparisons are
made. If the meteorological discontinuity sensor is not op-
erational, the remark “CHINO LOC” is added to the
METAR, where LOC is the nominal location of the meteo-
rological discontinuity sensor (e.g., CF, RWY26L), a main-
tenance check indicator ($) is appended to the METAR,
and no further comparisons are made.
If both sensors are operational and report a ceiling,
and the ceiling reported by the meteorological discontinu-
ity sensor is lower than the ceiling reported by the primary
sensor by the difference criteria listed in Table 4, then a
remark “CIG VALUE LOC” is included in the METAR
where VALUE is the ceiling height (in hundreds of feet)
reported by the meteorological discontinuity sensor. For
example, if the primary sensor reported a ceiling at 8,000
feet and the meteorological discontinuity sensor reported a
ceiling at 6,500 feet on runway 26L then the remark “CIG
065 RWY26L” is reported.
4.1.2b Back-Up Sensors
At some locations, mainly major airports, a back-up
CHI may be available. The back-up is generally collocated
with the primary sensor suite while the meteorological dis-
continuity CHI is not. The back-up sensor operates con-
tinuously in stand-by mode. When a METAR/SPECI report
is created, the ASOS checks for data from the primary CHI
sensor. If the primary sensor is inoperative, then ASOS
will interrogate the back-up sensor, process that data
through single-sensor algorithms, and enter the value into
the report. When the primary sensor is back in service, the
back-up sensor is once again placed in stand-by mode.
4.1.3 Sky Condition Strengths
and Limitations
The ASOS ceilometer is a vertically pointing laser that
measures the height and infers the amount of cloud ele-
ments that pass over the sensor. It operates continually and
once every minute it determines the sky condition for the
most recent 30 minutes. The sensor does not measure or
know what is happening along the horizon, nor does it re-
port on clouds above 12,000 feet. The horizontal limita-
tion can be partially overcome by using a second
meteorological discontinuity CHI sensor at selected major
airports where studies have shown that more than one sen-
sor is needed. Due to the inherent motion of the atmosphere
however, a single CHI is usually sufficient to report accu-
rate cloud conditions.
A common concern is that the algorithm does not re-
spond fast enough to changes in the sky condition. If a
solid cloud deck suddenly appears, the algorithm will re-
port a “FEW” layer within 2 minutes and a “BKN” ceiling
layer within 10 minutes. One limitation however is that if
the CHI becomes inoperative for three consecutive 30-sec-
ond readings (1.5 minutes) or misses five or more readings
in the most recent 30 minutes, it does not report sky condi-
tion. The algorithm requires a full 30-minutes of data from
the CHI after restart before a valid sky condition report is
once again generated.
Precipitation poses a double challenge. Because the
laser can only look vertically, precipitation particles directly
overhead will scatter the laser light, often leading to an
increased number of “unknown” signal returns. The algo-
rithms described above help distinguish a vertical obscu-
ration caused by falling rain drops from the base of the
cloud layer above it. Precipitation can also fall onto or col-
lect on top of the instrument. To limit that problem, a blower
is used to move air over the slanted glass cover housing of
the laser lens.
Table 4. Criteria For Reporting A Meteorological Discontinuity Ceiling Remark
BY PRIMARY SENSOR (Primary - Met Discontinuity)
UP TO 1,000 FEET > 300 FEET
> 1,000 FEET UP TO 3,000 FEET > 400 FEET
> 3,000 FEET UP TO 5,000 FEET > 600 FEET
> 5,000 FEET UP TO 8,000 FEET > 1,000 FEET
> 8,000 FEET > 1,600 FEET
Occasionally, the laser CHI can see “too many”
clouds. For example, a very sensitive laser will some-
times detect invisible moist layers before they coalesce
to become visible clouds. Also, occasional sharp
inversions, especially in very cold winter conditions,
may trigger the report of clouds. Algorithm developers
will continue to work on eliminating these small but
annoying traits.
There are times when the CHI may report fewer
clouds than the observer. Studies have shown that up to
20 percent of the reports of “FEW” cloud events will be
missed by using only one ceilometer. These events are
usually widely scattered fair weather cumulus, which the
ASOS may report as “CLR.”
What are some of the advantages of ASOS? It will
report the onset of low stratus moving over the ceilometer
within 2 minutes, and the formation/dissipation of a low
ceiling within 10 minutes. If a low cloud layer forms or
falls below 1,000 feet AGL, or if the ceiling rises to equal
or exceed 1,000 feet AGL, the ASOS will transmit a SPECI
report. ASOS will continually monitor the sky condition
and automatically create and issue a report with a speed
and responsiveness comparable to an observer. The
ceilometer does not suffer from night adaptation. Observ-
ers must wait for their eyes to adapt to the dark before
being able to accurately distinguish night time sky condi-
tions. It is difficult, even for the experienced observer, to
distinguish gray on gray when lower stratus cloud layers
move in under higher stratus clouds.
Finally, ASOS reports more broken cloud layers and
fewer overcast layers than an observer because the ceilo-
meter does not suffer from the “packing effect” (Figure
12). The “packing effect” is a condition where the observer
tends to overestimate the cloud coverage because clouds
near the horizon appear to blend together or overlap. This
effect is due to the curvature of the earth and parallax view
of distant objects.
4.2 Automating Surface
Visibility remains one of the most difficult elements
to automate. Sensors can successfully measure atmospheric
elements relating to visibility, but it is very difficult to
relate these measured elements to the characteristics of
human vision. The physical limitations of the human eye
and human subjectivity are greatly impacted by precipita-
tion, day and night vision adaptation, contrast, physical
obstructions, and perspective.
The value reported as the visibility may reflect only
the distance an observer can see due to obstructions such
as nearby buildings and trees, not how far the eye can actu-
ally see in the absence of such obstructions. It is not un-
usual to see differing reports of visibility observations under
the same conditions because of perspective. The challenge
facing observing system developers was to automate vis-
ibility reporting to accurately reflect both the meteorologi-
cal and non-meteorological elements that enter into the human
evaluation of visibility.
The NWS and FAA jointly developed the concept of
Runway Visual Range (RVR). This concept combined vis-
ibility theory with extensive empirical testing of
transmissometer measurements to represent the distance a
pilot could see runway lights or objects during take off or
landing. Thus, it was natural to apply this knowledge in
automating the measurement of surface visibility.
The task of automating surface visibility began ear-
nestly in the early 1970s when the FAA and NWS jointly
conducted the AV-AWOS experiments. These test dem-
onstrate the feasibility of automated surface observations.
By the 1980s, the agencies were able to show that it was
practical to automate surface visibility and report a value
that was suitable and responsive to the needs of the avia-
tion community. From these tests, a working group in 1981,
under the auspices of the Office of the Federal Coordinator
for Meteorology (OFCM), produced a set of definitions
and guidance for automating sensor derived visibility.
Figure 12. Example of Packing Effect
4.2.1 Principles in Visibility
In the early 1970s, NWS scientists developed the con-
cept of Sensor Equivalent Visibility (SEV). SEV was de-
fined as any equivalent of human visibility derived from
instrument measurements. This means that visibility is not
measured directly but is inferred by measuring other physi-
cal characteristics and properties of the air. These proper-
ties include the transmittance (or conversely attenuation)
of light due to absorption and scattering by atmospheric
contaminants such as aerosols, course particulates, and
hydrometeors. Studies have shown that human visibility is
closely correlated with transmittance. A sensor can mea-
sure this atmospheric capacity and quantify it through so-
phisticated algorithms to represent visibility. This is SEV.
Before automating visibility and applying the SEV
concept, developers had to create a standard value that could
be consistently reproduced in electronic sensors. The fun-
damental measure of atmospheric clarity, the extinction
coefficient, was defined by using the Optec Transmissomet-
er, which measures the attenuation of light by scattering
and absorption in the mid-visible light wavelength of 550
nanometers (550 billionths of a meter). It was found that,
in general, scattering was the primary cause of attenuation
(and therefore visibility reduction). Furthermore, scatter
meters were less costly to build and easier to install and
maintain than transmissometers. Therefore, qualification
testing focused on scatter meters with the goal that they
could be used as an alternative to the Transmissometer.
A forward scatter meter was found to correlate better
with Transmissometer extinction coefficients and human
visibility than a back scatter meter, particularly during snow
events. Later testing showed that with slight adjustments
in derived visibility based on the type of weather (i.e., rain
or snow) a forward scatter meter was fully acceptable as a
visibility sensor. A visible light source was found to work
best with the forward scatter meter because of better agree-
ment with observers during small particle (e.g., haze)
The next step was to develop algorithms to process
the sensor data into a representative visibility. This step
required identifying those key elements the human eye re-
sponds to in determining visibility. During the day, the
human eye relies on variations in contrast between the vis-
ibility target and its background when viewing through fog,
mist, haze, rain, or snow. At night, the human eye uses a
distant unfocused light to determine visibility. The illumi-
nance threshold, like contrast threshold, assumes that the
average observer can see a light source of two mile-candle
A photocell on the visibility sensor turns on at dawn
or off at dusk at a light level between 0.5 and 3 foot candles
(deep twilight). This function determines whether the sen-
sor uses the day or night equation to calculate visibility.
For a given extinction coefficient, the day calculation will
provide a visibility from 1/2 to 1/3 of that derived by the
night equation. Therefore, an abrupt change in visibility
may be reported after sunrise or sunset if there is a signifi-
cant obstruction.
SEV and the prevailing visibility (PV) of the observer
are based on different concepts. The SEV in ASOS is de-
rived by frequently measuring the forward scatter charac-
teristics of a small atmospheric sample (0.75 cubic feet)
near the sensor and processing these data for 10 minutes.
PV, as determined by the observer, relies on visual inter-
pretation of current conditions in a full 360 degree circle
around the observation point. This is not done continu-
ously, but only during hourly observation time and when
significant weather changes are occurring and noted. SEV
and the human-derived prevailing visibility agree most con-
Figure 13. Forward Scatter Visibility Sensor
impinge on the detector lens. Only that portion of the beam
that is scattered forward by the intervening medium in the
sampling volume is received by the detector (see Figure
14). The sensor sampling volume is 0.75 cubic feet and the
sensor response time is 20 seconds. A measurement sample
is taken every 30 seconds. Visibility sensor measurement
accuracy is specified in reference to comparison with two
NWS visibility standards and is summarized in Table 5. In
this regard, the forward scatter sensor has shown excellent
performance when compared with the “Optec” Transmis-
someter standards.
Visibility in METAR is reported in statute miles (SM).
The reportable increments are: M1/4SM, (less than
1/4SM), 1/4SM, 1/2SM, 3/4SM, 1SM, 1 1/4SM, 1 1/2SM,
1 3/4SM, 2SM, 2 1/2SM, 3SM, 4SM, 5SM, 6SM, 7SM,
8SM, 9SM and 10SM. Note that visibilities between zero
and less than 1/4 mile are reported as M1/4SM
. Measured
visibilities exactly half way between reportable values are
rounded down. Visibilities of 10 miles or greater are re-
ported as “10SM.”
4.2.3 Visibility Algorithm
The ASOS visibility algorithm samples sensor data
every minute, obtaining a 1-minute average extinction co-
efficient and day/night indication. The algorithm calculates
a 1-minute average visibility every minute and stores the
value for 10 minutes. Finally, ASOS computes a running
10-minute harmonic mean once per minute from the stored
data to provide the latest visibility.
sistently when the weather is homogeneous over a large
area; however, testing has shown that there is also strong
agreement between human and automated visibilities, even
during periods when weather conditions are quite variable.
The AV-AWOS experiments in 1979 showed that the
values obtained from three visibility sensors (in a 3-mile
triangular arrangement) were, in most cases, in close agree-
ment. Further testing supported the premise that only one
sensor, located in a representative area, could be used to
describe the visibility for an airport area. It was still recog-
nized that sites plagued by advection fog or other visibility
discontinuities would require additional sensors. Every air-
port required a site survey to properly locate the visibility
sensor and identify locations that might need additional
The location of the visibility sensor(s) was critical. The
small sampling volume of the sensor dictated that the sen-
sor be located as near to the area of concern as possible. As
a result, most primary visibility sensors were placed near
the touchdown zone (TDZ) of the primary instrument run-
way. The actual siting of the sensors had to meet, as closely
as possible, the requirements established by the Federal
Standard for Siting Meteorological Sensors at Airports, and
the clearance requirements of the FAA. This included con-
sideration of local sources of visibility reduction (e.g.,
plowed fields, snow blowing operations, and smokestacks),
the proper sensor height (at least 10 feet), and adequate
obstacle clearances.
4.2.2 Forward Scatter Sensor
The ASOS visibility sensor (Figure 13) operates on a
forward scatter principle in which light from a pulsed Xe-
non flash lamp in the blue portion of the visible spectrum
is transmitted twice a second in a cone-shaped beam over
a range of angles. The projector and detector are protected
with a lens hood and canted down at 15 degrees from the
horizon to prevent snow blockage.
The detector “looks” north to minimize sun glare, par-
ticularly from low sun angles near sunrise or sunset. To
optimally balance the detection efficiency and differentia-
tion ability of the sensor under varying conditions, a nomi-
nal 45 degree horizontal incident angle is set between the
projector beam and the detector field-of-view within the
sampling volume. This is achieved by offsetting the pro-
jector about 45 degrees to the left (i.e., northwest) of the
detector. As a result, the projector beam does not directly
Manual observations of 0, 1/16, and 1/8SM may be
Figure 14. Visibility Sensor—Top View
A harmonic mean is used in the final computation
rather than an arithmetic mean because it is more respon-
sive to rapidly decreasing visibility conditions and will
generally yield a lower value than the arithmetic mean. This
result is preferable because it provides an earlier warning
of deteriorating conditions. Conversely, when visibilities
are rising rapidly, the harmonic mean will be slower than
the arithmetic mean in reporting the improving visibility.
This conservative bias is intended to provide an additional
margin of aviation safety. A 10-minute computation and a
harmonic averaging technique was chosen to strike an op-
timal balance. A longer averaging period tends to dampen
short-term non-homogeneous fluctuations while harmonic
averaging may respond conservatively to rapidly chang-
ing conditions. The harmonic mean is computed from the
V = n / (1/V
+ 1/V
+ ...+ 1/V
Where V is the harmonic mean, n = 10, and V
, V
,... V
are the individual 1-minute values.
The difference between the harmonic mean and the
arithmetic mean can be seen when a fog bank moves in
and suddenly drops the visibility from 10 miles to 1/4 mile.
Initially there are 10, 1-minute values of visibility equal to
10 miles and both the arithmetic and harmonic mean are
reporting 10 mile visibility. In the first minute, there are
nine values of 10 miles and one value of 1/4 mile used to
compute the current visibility. The arithmetic mean yields
9.025 miles while the harmonic mean yields 2.041 miles.
In the second minute, there are now eight values of 10 miles
and two values of 1/4 mile used to compute current visibil-
ity. In this case, the arithmetic mean is 8.050 miles and the
harmonic mean is 1.136 miles.
The value obtained from this computation is then
rounded down to the nearest reportable visibility value. This
visibility is stored in memory for 31 days as part of the
METAR/SPECI reports and made available for distribu-
tion. The raw extinction coefficient and day/ night settings
are stored for 12 hours in the engineering data for mainte-
nance technician monitoring purposes. Eight one-minute
data samples in the last 10 minutes are required to form a
report. If less than 8 of the current 10, 1-minute visibility
values are available in memory, the 1-minute visibility is
not reported by ASOS.
The newest visibility value is checked against the vis-
ibility reported in the last METAR or SPECI report to de-
termine if it has passed any specified visibility thresholds.
If so, ASOS creates a SPECI report. The algorithm also
checks for variable visibility. If requirements for variable
visibility are met, ASOS generates an appropriate auto-
mated remark.
At airport locations with control towers, the ASOS pro-
vides the ability to enter tower visibility. If tower visibility
is less than 4 statute miles and is also less than the reported
surface visibility, then tower visibility is entered in the body
of the report and surface visibility is entered in remarks. If,
on the other hand, the surface visibility is less than the tower
visibility, then surface visibility is entered in the body of
the report and tower visibility is entered in remarks.
4.2.3a Meteorological Discontinuity
Visibility Sensor
At some airports a second visibility sensor is placed
where unique weather, not necessarily representative of the
entire airport, may impact flight operations for a portion
of the airport or a particular runway. The secondary
ASOS at least 80% at least 98% all data
Visibility of data within of data within within these
Measurements these limits. these limits limits
0 thru 1 ¼ ± ¼ + ½ ± 1
1 ½ thru 1 ¾ + ¼, - ½ + ½, - ¾ ± 1
2 thru 2 ½ ± ½ ± 1 ± 1
3 thru 3 ½ + ½, - 1 + 2 RI
/ - 1 + 2 RI
/ -1
4 thru 10 ± 1 RI
± 2 RI
± 2 RI
*RI + Reportable Increment
Table 5. Visibility Sensor—Accuracy in Statute Miles
(As compared to NWS Standard Transmissometer)
meteorological discontinuity visibility sensor may be used
to provide an early alert of deteriorating conditions, such
as fog rolling in off a nearby bay or river. Whereas the
primary visibility sensor is sited near the touch-down zone
of the primary instrument runway, the second (meteoro-
logical discontinuity) visibility sensor is sited about
2-4 miles away in the most likely location for a meteoro-
logical discontinuity.
The data from the primary and meteorological discon-
tinuity sensors are independently processed through the
single sensor algorithm and then compared. Only data from
the primary sensor is used in the body of the METAR.
If the primary visibility sensor is not operational, the
visibility is not reported, a maintenance check indicator
($) is appended to the METAR, and no further compari-
sons are made. If the meteorological discontinuity visibil-
ity sensor is not operational, the remark “VISNO LOC” is
added to the METAR, where LOC is the nominal location
of the meteorological discontinuity visibility sensor (e.g.,
CF, RWY26L), a maintenance check indicator ($) is ap-
pended to the METAR, and no further comparisons made.
If both sensors are operational, a meteorological dis-
continuity visibility remark is reported when the visibility
measured by the meteorological discontinuity sensor is less
than 3 miles and is also less than the visibility measured
by the primary visibility sensor by one-half mile or more.
When these conditions are met, a remark in the form “VIS
VALUE LOC” is added to the METAR, where VALUE is
the visibility reported by the meteorological discontinuity
sensor and LOC is the nominal location of the meteoro-
logical discontinuity sensor. For example, a meteorologi-
cal discontinuity visibility value of 1SM on runway 26L is
reported as: VIS 1 RWY26L.
4.2.3b Back-Up Visibility Sensor
A back-up visibility sensor is available at selected ma-
jor airports where a requirement has been established. It is
located within 2 statute miles of the primary visibility sen-
sor and operates continually in “sleep mode,” i.e., mea-
surements are taken, stored internally in ASOS, but not
included in the METAR report until activated by failure of
the primary sensor. The ASOS algorithms process the pri-
mary and back-up sensor data separately and determine
when data from the back-up sensor are substituted in the
observation. When the primary sensor is restored the back-
up sensor returns to “back-up” status.
4.2.4 Visibility Strengths and
One of the main advantages of the visibility sensor is
its location at the touchdown zone of the primary instru-
ment runway where it provides a precise visibility value
appropriate for that location. Another strength of the sen-
sor is consistency of observations. Under the same weather
conditions, an ASOS visibility reported at one site will be
identical to the visibility reported at another site because
both ASOSs use identical sensors and algorithms. Varia-
tions introduced by human observers from such limitations
as perspective, sun angle, day and night differences, and
poor locations are eliminated.
During certain daylight hours the human eye can
readily be affected by light back-scattered toward the ob-
server. This may occur around sunrise or sunset when sun-
shine is pouring into a low cloud deck or a local weather
obstruction, (such as mist, snow, rain, or haze) from be-
hind the observer. In this situation, the bright sky and the
back-scattered light can overwhelm the human eye caus-
ing the observer to report a lower visibility than ASOS.
This back-scattering of light from the sun and sky into the
observer’s vision by particulates in the air is called
Visibility restrictions under back-scatter conditions are
considerably less common than under forward-scatter con-
ditions. Under airlight conditions, a direct 180 degree back-
scatter reflection is required for reduced human visibility.
Visibilities in other directions are not as restricted. Conse-
quently, airlight visibilities are not representative
of the entire viewing area. Under forward-scatter condi-
tions, however, ASOS uses a wider 0-45 degree scattering
angle range to obtain a more representative measurement
of conditions.
The major disadvantage of an automated forward scat-
ter sensor is the small sampling volume (0.75 cubic feet)
which can give undue weight to small scale differences in
the atmosphere. Even broadening the sample by including
all the sensor measurements over a 10 minute period (20
samples) may not provide enough data to create a visibil-
ity report that represents the entire airport area. For instance,
if patches of fog (BCFG) or shallow fog (MIFG) form, or a
fog bank moves over one end of the runway, ASOS may not
“see” it if the sensor is not in the right location. Initial site
surveys were conducted at each airport to determine proper
placement of the primary visibility sensor. Follow-on studies
are conducted to decide if additional sensors are needed.
4.3 Automating Present
Weather and Obscurations
As noted earlier, the algorithms developed for auto-
mated reporting of visibility and sky condition required a
new perspective. By contrast, the automated detection and
reporting of present weather and obstructions required
whole new observing technologies and techniques. Present
weather and obstructions arguably are the most complex
and difficult elements to automate due to their variety of
composition and appearance. Once the first generation of
present weather sensors was developed, the reporting al-
gorithms were refined to give a present weather report simi-
lar to the human report. Improvements in sensor capability
and algorithm sophistication have resulted in the current
generation of highly-capable, automated, present weather
and obstruction reporting technology.
The ASOS employs a variety of sensors to correctly
report present weather and obscurations. A new lightning
sensor has recently been added to the ASOS sensor suite at
a limited number of sites, which provides information on
thunderstorms. The precipitation identification (PI) sensor
discriminates between rain and snow; a freezing rain sen-
sor detects ice accretion caused by freezing precipitation;
and the visibility sensor and hygrothermometer provide data
for algorithms that further refine the reports of present
weather and infer the existence and type of obscuration.
4.3.1 Single Site Lightning Sensor
Where required, the ASOS uses the Global Atmospher-
ics Inc. (GAI) Model 924 single site lightning sensor as a
source for reporting a thunderstorm (see Figure 15.Light-
ning Sensor). The ASOS Lightning Sensor (ALS) is in-
stalled at selected Service-Level “D” ASOS sites that do
not have the FAA Automated Lightning Detection And Re-
porting System (ALDARS). The ALDARS is another
source of lightning information provided through the Na-
tional Lightning Detection Network described in Section
4.3.3. The ALS sensor is a single-point omnidirectional
system that requires two criteria before reporting a thun-
derstorm: an optical flash and an electrical field change
(radio signal), which occur within milliseconds of each
other. The requirement for simultaneous optical and radio
signals virtually eliminates the possibility of a false alarm
from errant light sources.
The sensor can detect cloud-to-ground and cloud-to-
cloud strikes. All strikes are counted, but only the cloud-
to-ground strikes are used to generate an estimate of the
range. Cloud-to-ground strikes are grouped into three range
bins: 0 to 5 miles, 5 to 10 miles, and 10 to 30 miles. Be-
cause the cloud-to-cloud detection is less efficient than
cloud-to-ground detection, the ASOS considers cloud-to-
cloud strikes to be within 5 miles.
A cloud-to-ground strike is made up of one or more
individual flashes. Within one flash, numerous discharges
can occur; these individual discharges are called strokes.
The sensor groups all strokes occurring within 1 second
of each other into a single flash. The range of a cloud-to-
ground strike is determined by the range of the closest
stroke within a flash.
The sensor automatically “ages” each lightning strike
for 15 minutes. Because a thunderstorm is defined to be
in progress for 15 minutes after the last lightning or thun-
der occurs, the sensor continues to report each strike in
the appropriate bin for 15 minutes after it is first detected.
A thunderstorm is determined to end when no strikes are
detected within the last 15 minutes.
4.3.2 Single Site Lightning
Sensor Algorithm
ASOS polls and processes data from the single site
lightning sensor once a minute. The raw sensor data can
be viewed through Direct Command Mode using a
“THUNDER” command. To determine the starting and
stopping times of a thunderstorm, ASOS examines data
Figure 15: Lightning Sensor
in the 0-5 and 5-10 mile cloud-to-ground range bins and
in the cloud-to-cloud bin. For the single site lightning sen-
sor, ASOS does not use data in the 10-to-30 mile range bin.
A thunderstorm is declared to start when the sum of
strikes in the three bins (0-5, 5-10, and cloud-to-cloud) is
equal to, or greater than, two. To minimize the possibility of
a false alarm, the ASOS algorithm requires two strikes to
start a thunderstorm; false alarms are more likely with a single-
stroke starting algorithm. ASOS declares a thunderstorm to
end when the last strike is “aged” out of the three bins and the
sum of the strikes in the three bins falls to zero.
There are two possible thunderstorm reports: “TS”
when strikes are occurring within 5 miles, and “VCTS”
when strikes are occurring outside 5 miles but within 10
miles. ASOS transmits a SPECI report at the start and end
of any thunderstorm condition.
To begin a “TS” report, the two-or-more strike condi-
tion must occur in one of the following formats:
n 0-5 bin only
n cloud-to-cloud bin only
n 0-5 and 5-10 bins
n 0-5 and cloud-to-cloud bins
n cloud-to-cloud and 5-10 bins
n 0-5, 5-10, and cloud-to-cloud bins
A “VCTS” report is transmitted when the strikes oc-
cur only in the 5-10 mile bin. If a thunderstorm begins as a
“VCTS” report, and a single strike is detected in either the
0-5 or the cloud-to-cloud bin, the report is changed to “TS.”
Similarly, a “TS” report will be changed to “VCTS” when
the only strikes detected are occurring in the 5-10 mile bin.
4.3.3 Automated Lightning Detection
And Reporting System
A potential alternative source of lightning information
is the National Lightning Detection Network (NLDN) op-
erated by GAI. It consists of approximately 100 lightning
direction finder sensors located throughout the Continen-
tal U.S. (CONUS). The sensors record the parameters of
each cloud-to-ground lightning strike with precise time and
location. All strike reports are sent by satellite to the GAI
processing center at Tucson, AZ, where a computer pro-
cessing algorithm compares strike reports from multiple
sensors, computes each strike location, and provides this
information to the FAA communications network within
seconds of the strike.
The FAA has constructed a processing architecture
called Automated Lightning Detection and Reporting Sys-
tems (ALDARS) at each of the 20 Air Route Traffic Con-
trol Centers (ARTCCs) in the CONUS. There is no NLDN
lightning coverage in Alaska or Hawaii. The AWOS Data
Acquisition System (ADAS) at each ARTCC filters NLDN
data for its particular ARTCC coverage area and identifies
strikes within 30NM of any Airport Reference Point (ARP)
within the ARTCC coverage area. A strike is placed in one
of three range bins: within 5NM of ASOS (at the airport),
5-10NM of ASOS (vicinity of the airport), and 10-30NM
(distant from ASOS). These data are sent to the ASOS by
the ADAS where they are processed and treated by ASOS
as any other sensor derived data, and are included in the
transmitted ASOS reports when appropriate. At sites that
may concurrently receive ALS and NLDN-ALDARS in-
formation, the ALS data will take precedence for process-
ing and reporting by ASOS. Current plans, however, call
for no sites to have both ALS and ALDARS data.
4.3.4 ASOS Lightning Sensor
Strengths and Limitations
n The ALS occasionally reports valid lightning within
10 miles when thunder cannot be heard by an observer.
An extensive field evaluation in the summer of 1997
indicated that the sensor can report 15-20% more valid
thunderstorm minutes than an observer, primarily be-
cause an observer’s ability to hear thunder at most air-
ports is restricted.
n Due to the two-part criterion (optical and radio) for
identifying lightning strikes, the sensor has an inher-
ently low false alarm rate. The 1997 field evaluation
indicated a false alarm rate of 0.0039 (i.e., about 0.4
percent of ASOS thunderstorm minutes may be false).
n The ranging estimates provided by the sensor have
significant uncertainty and can contribute to reporting
thunderstorms when cells are beyond 10 miles. A very
strong lightning strike at 15-20 miles can be errone-
ously placed in the 5-10 mile bin by the ASOS sensor.
n The 1997 field evaluation identified cloud-to-cloud
strikes detected at ranges near 30 miles. The cloud-to-
cloud bin was retained in the ASOS algorithm because
of the importance of cloud-to-cloud lightning in iden-
tifying thunderstorms. A significant number of thun-
derstorms contain primarily cloud-to-cloud lightning
and if it were eliminated from the reporting algorithm,
there would be a risk of failing to report thunderstorms.
4.3.5 Precipitation Identification
The Precipitation Identification sensor (PI), better
known as a Light Emitting Diode Weather Identifier
(LEDWI), differentiates rain from snow and determines
the intensity of the precipitation.
The LEDWI contains a coherent light transmitter (i.e.,
there is a continuous relationship among the various phases
of the light waves within the beam) and a photo diode re-
ceiver. The transmitter and receiver are mounted on a cross-
arm 10 feet above the ground or base of the platform. They
are equipped with heated lens hoods, face directly at each
other, are separated by a distance of 2 feet and are oriented
in a north-south direction with the receiver looking north.
(See Figure 16 for a view of the LEDWI.)
The transmitter generates a coherent Infrared (IRED)
light beam, 50 millimeters in diameter, aimed directly at
the receiver. The receiver lens is masked with a narrow
1 millimeter horizontal slit aperture through which the trans-
mitter light beam passes before it is focused by the lens
and impinges on the photo diode. The narrow aperture
makes the receiver more sensitive to beam fluctuations
caused by particles down to the size of a small raindrop
(0.04 inch diameter).
Because the slit is much wider than its height, the re-
ceiver is more sensitive to beam fluctuations induced by
the vertical velocity component of particles passing through
the beam than the horizontal component. Built-in sensor
algorithms minimize the possibility of any false identifica-
tion caused by greater sensitivity.
As a particle of rain or snow passes through the coher-
ent light beam, the particle creates a shadow that modu-
lates the light, which then passes through the receiver’s
horizontal slit aperture as a partially coherent (intermittently
disrupted), colliminated (parallel to the slit) beam. The
shadow varies depending on the size and speed of descent
of the particle as it falls across the receiver.
When many particles fall through the beam, a scintil-
lation pattern is created. The fluctuating beam pattern is
sensed by a photo diode and amplified, creating a jumble
of frequencies containing information on the size and speed
of the falling particles. A spectral analysis reveals how much
energy or power is contained in the various frequency
bands. For example, a predominance of power in low fre-
quencies from 75 to 250 Hz indicates snow. When energy
is predominantly in a band from 1000 to 4000 Hz, the pre-
cipitant is almost certainly rain. The LEDWI registers rain
and snow mixed as a “smearing” of the spectral power,
which is usually reported by ASOS as unknown precipita-
tion (UP). This analysis is the basis of the discrimination
algorithm, which differentiates rain from snow.
When the precipitation is not mixed, (i.e., pure rain or
pure snow) the LEDWI can determine the intensity of the
precipitation. The intensity is determined by the power of
the signal return in the rain (1-4 kHz) or snow (75-250 Hz)
portion of the power spectrum. The power return of rain is
derived from the size and fall velocity of the particles whose
size distribution, correlates well with liquid water content.
It is possible to accurately determine the rain intensity
through an empirical relationship (the Marshall-Palmer dis-
tribution), which can distinguish light (up to 0.10 inch per
hour), moderate (0.11-0.30 inch per hour), or heavy (greater
than 0.30 inch per hour) intensities for rain.
In the case of snow, it is again the size and fall veloc-
ity of the snowflakes that determines their size distribu-
tion. This correlates well with rate of snow accumulation.
Unlike rain however, the density of snow can vary signifi-
cantly depending on whether the snow is “wet” or “dry,”
and so the liquid content cannot be accurately determined.
Figure 16. The Precipitation
Identification Sensor
The LEDWI report of intensity is well correlated with the
rate of snow accumulation but is not directly related to the
visibility reduction due to snow, which observers use to
differentiate between light, moderate, and heavy snow.
ASOS processing algorithms use the visibility sensor data
to modify the LEDWI snow intensity report so that moder-
ate snow is not reported when the visibility is greater than
1/2 mile and heavy snow is not reported when the visibil-
ity is greater than 1/4 mile.
The LEDWI has an “adaptive baseline,” which adjusts
the power spectrum threshold to reduce reports of false
precipitation. For instance, wind turbulence and thermals
(e.g., the shimmer seen across an open field on a sunny
day) can induce scintillations that are near the frequencies
characteristic of snow. Therefore, ASOS sets the threshold
for snow detection above the spectral power induced by
This “adaptive baseline” can pose a problem when
snow increases so slowly that the baseline rises without
snow being detected. When this occurs, only a sudden in-
crease in snow may trigger the sensor to report snow. A
similar condition may occur when the LEDWI is turned
on (say after a power failure) and precipitation is falling.
The initial adaptive baseline may be set much too high to
detect precipitation correctly and will not be reset to a rep-
resentative threshold until the precipitation ends.
Rain detection is generally not a problem. Occasion-
ally, if the rain is preceded by a gradually increasing drizzle,
the rain channel adaptive baseline threshold may rise to a
point where light rain is not sensed. As a general rule, rain
lighter than 0.01 inches per hour will not be detected.
4.3.6 PI Algorithm
Every minute, the PI algorithm requests the PI sensor
data, stores the data in memory for 12 hours, and examines
the latest 10 minutes of data stored in memory. If three or
more samples are missing, the algorithm sets the sensor sta-
tus to “inoperative” and reports “missing” for that minute. If
the 10-minute memory buffer contains less than two sensor
samples of precipitation, the precipitation report terminates.
If, however, two or more samples in the latest 10 min-
utes indicate precipitation, the algorithm then determines
the type and intensity to report. In general, to report any-
thing other than “Unknown Precipitation” (UP), two of the
samples are required to be the same type. If there is a tie
between two types of precipitation (e.g., two rain samples
and two snow samples) snow is reported. This determina-
tion is based on the hierarchal scheme for reporting present
weather: liquid (-RA, RA, +RA), freezing (-FZRA, FZRA),
and frozen (-SN, SN, +SN) in ascending order.
ASOS reports only one precipitation type at a time.
For instance, if both freezing rain and snow are detected,
snow is reported. Additional precipitation elements may
be added to the report by observers. The PI algorithm per-
forms a temperature check on the PI sensor output. If -SN,
SN, or +SN is reported, and the temperature is > 38 F, then
the PI sensor output is set to “No Precipitation” (NP). The
PI algorithm also formats and reports precipitation begin-
ning and ending remarks just as the observer does.
Once the precipitation type is determined from the last
10 minutes of data, then the 1-minute samples from the
past 5 minutes are used to compute intensity. Precipitation
intensity is determined from the highest common intensity
derived from three or more samples. Common intensities
for heavy precipitation are light, moderate and heavy; for
moderate precipitation, common intensities are light and
moderate. For example, if rain is the determined precipita-
tion type, and there are three moderate rain and one light
rain detected in the past 5 minutes, then ASOS reports
moderate rain in the METAR/ SPECI report. Likewise, if
snow is the determined type and there are one light, two
moderate, and one heavy snow in the past 5 minutes, then
moderate snow is reported.
As a third example, if the most recent 5 minutes of
sensor data contains one report of light rain, and two re-
ports of moderate rain, then light rain is reported by ASOS.
If, on the other hand, there are less than three common
intensities of the reported precipitation type, then ASOS
reports the lightest intensity. For example, if rain is the
determined type, and there are only one moderate rain and
one heavy rain reported by the sensor, then the precipita-
tion intensity is set to moderate rain (RA) in the ASOS
METAR/SPECI report. If snow is the determined precipi-
tation type and there are only one moderate and one heavy
snow, then ASOS reports moderate snow.
The ASOS PI algorithm formats and reports precipi-
tation beginning and ending remarks just as the observer
does. The PI sensor output is further compared with the
freezing rain sensor output to ultimately determine the pre-
cipitation reports and remarks (see description of the freez-
ing rain algorithm for further details).
Under blowing snow conditions, particularly where
snow is blown to a height of 10 feet or more, the PI sensor
(LEDWI) can mistakenly interpret the scintillations from
blowing snow rising up and/or settling through the sensor’s
IRED beam as rain, and occasionally as snow, depending
on the vertical velocity of the snow particles.
At higher wind speeds (10 knots or greater), the up-
ward vertical velocity of the snow particles usually is suf-
ficient to be incorrectly interpreted as rain. The ASOS
blowing snow algorithm interrogates the LEDWI and other
ASOS sensors for concurrent blowing snow conditions and
rain reported by the LEDWI. When this “error” is detected,
ASOS replaces the false LEDWI rain report with a correct
blowing snow report in the ASOS METAR/SPECI present
weather field. This change is made by evaluating sky con-
dition and 15-minute average data for ambient tempera-
ture and wind. A 15-minute average is used to reduce the
risk of the output oscillating from one present weather re-
port “solution” to another. ASOS evaluates all LEDWI re-
ports of rain with an ambient temperature of 32
F or less.
Under these conditions, either blowing snow (BLSN) or
unknown precipitation (UP), is reported in the present
weather field. When all data are available, ASOS reports
blowing snow when:
n Visibility is less than 7 statute miles
n Ambient temperature is 14
F or less
n Sky cover is less than overcast or the ceiling height is
greater than 10,000 feet
n Wind speed is greater than 22 knots,
If these conditions are not met, ASOS reports UP.
4.3.7 PI Strengths and Limitations
Because of its continuous monitoring capability, the
ASOS PI sensor often detects and reports the beginning
and end of rain or snow before an observer. In addition,
because of its sensitivity, the PI sensor can detect light pre-
cipitation even at times when it cannot distinguish between
rain and snow (as the observer can). In these situations, the
ASOS may report too many “UPs.” Earlier updates to the
sensor and the algorithm minimized generation of exces-
sive remarks (e.g., UPB04E07R AB07E14UPB14, etc).
Because drizzle particles are small and fall slower than
raindrops, their power spectrum is weak and smeared; there-
fore, drizzle is often not detected. On occasion, however, it
may elevate either the high or low frequency channel of
the PI sensor sufficiently to be reported as rain or snow.
When light drizzle is falling, the PI sensor may, on occa-
sion, interpret the scintillation pattern created by these sus-
pended water droplets as light snow when the temperature
is < 38 F. Product improvement efforts are aimed at reli-
ably detecting and correctly reporting drizzle (see Section
Ice pellets (PL) and rain have a similar size and fall
velocity. Consequently, ice pellets will force an output from
the PI sensor of either UP, -RA, RA, or +RA (depending
on intensity of the ice pellets). The PI sensor will more
likely interpret this as rain and output -RA, RA, or +RA
rather than UP. The ASOS processing algorithm will, in
turn, also report either -RA, RA, or +RA, as output by the
PI sensor.
ASOS may report other types of frozen precipitation
as rain or snow, depending on the scintillation pattern
caused by their size and fall velocity. For example, snow
grains are larger than drizzle and fall slower so they are
sometimes reported as snow. Snow pellets also fall slower
than raindrops and will therefore be reported as snow. Hail-
stones are larger than raindrops and fall faster, and there-
fore will be reported as rain.
In mixed precipitation conditions, such as snow and
ice pellets, the PI sensor likely interprets the ice pellets as
rain (see above). The snow, however, has a higher report-
ing precedence and thus snow will be reported by the pro-
cessing algorithm. A mixture of snow grains and drizzle
may also be reported as snow. In cases where snow grains
are mixed with freezing drizzle, ASOS will either report
snow or no precipitation.
Sometimes the LEDWI may sense non-atmospheric
phenomena. For example, insects flying in the receiver
field of view can cause it to report precipitation. Spiders
that run threads between the cross arms can trigger a false
precipitation report when the wind moves the threads up
and down. Even sun glint, particularly on a bright day when
there are snow crystals (diamond dust) floating in the air,
can trigger false precipitation indications.
Strong winds during snow and blowing snow occa-
sionally pack the receiver or projector heads of the LEDWI
with snow. A total blockage of the lens will cause a loss of
any detected signal creating an error condition. A partial
blockage may contaminate the measurement and lead to
inaccurate reports of precipitation type or intensity. An
intensive ongoing effort is underway to eliminate the prob-
lem and prevent lens blockage.
4.3.8 Freezing Rain Sensor
The ASOS Freezing Rain (FZRA) Sensor is based on
technology initially developed to detect icing on aircraft
in flight. The sensing device consists of a small cylindri-
cal probe that is electrically stimulated to vibrate at its reso-
nant frequency. A feedback coil is used to measure the
vibration frequency, which is proportional to the mass of
the probe. Figure 17 shows the design of this
“magnetostrictive oscillator” (i.e., Freezing Rain Sensor).
Magnetostriction is a property of certain metals in which
a change in the (axial) dimension of a body caused a change
in magnetization. It is used in the ASOS sensor to drive the
probe at a natural resonant frequency of 40kHz. The axial
vibration is of such low amplitude that it cannot be seen or
felt. The probe is orientated vertically to provide optimal
uniform exposure to freezing precipitation regardless of
wind direction. This position also prevents birds from
When ice freezes on the probe, the combined mass
increases and the resonant vibration frequency decreases.
There is a well defined relationship between the measured
frequency and the ice accretion on the probe. The freezing
rain instrument is sensitive enough to measure accumula-
tion rates as low as 0.01 of an inch per hour. The freezing
rain sensor continuously monitors the resonant frequency
of the vibrating probe, obtains a sample once a second, and
once each minute averages the results to update the probe’s
current resonant frequency. When excessive freezing rain
accumulates, (i.e., equal to or greater than 0.08 inch) the
sensor goes into a heating cycle to melt the freezing rain
from the probe and return it to the base resonating fre-
quency. This process normally takes two to three minutes.
During this time, the sensor status is set to “deice” and the
output is not updated.
4.3.9 FZRA Algorithm
Once each minute, the freezing rain algorithm accesses
the current 5-minute average ambient temperature and the
current frequency output from the freezing rain sensor and
stores this data in memory for 12 hours. Data from the last
15 minutes are used to compute the current 1 minute freez-
ing rain report. If three or more freezing rain sensor out-
puts in the last 15 minutes are missing, the sensor status is
set to “inoperative,” and the freezing rain report is set to
“missing.” The current minute’s frequency output is converted
to an ice accretion thickness using the following equation:
Zt = (40,000 - Fn) * 0.000152
Where Zt is the current ice accretion thickness in inches
and Fn is the current sensor frequency.
Each minute the Freezing Rain sensor outputs a re-
port. The Freezing Rain report is set to “FRZA” under the
following combined conditions:
n If the current ice accretion exceeds 0.005 inch,
n If the current ice accretion exceeds the minimum ac-
cretion since the sensor was last declared operational
or during the past 15 minutes, whichever is less, by
0.002 inch
n If the current five-minute ambient temperature is less
than 37
Otherwise, the freezing rain report is set to indicate a
lack of freezing precipitation for the current minute. The
freezing rain report for each minute is saved for 15 min-
utes. Finally, the freezing rain report is checked against the
present weather report from the previous minute and spe-
cial alert criteria for the beginning and ending of freezing
precipitation, or changes in intensity, and if necessary a
SPECI will be generated.
Table 6 shows the reporting scheme for the ASOS
Present Weather Report. The reporting scheme follows the
familiar hierarchy of LIQUID-FREEZING-FROZEN, in
ascending order of priority. Only the highest priority pre-
cipitation phenomena observed will be reported at any one
time (i.e., ASOS does not report mixed or multiple pre-
cipitation types). For example, if the freezing rain sensor
indicates “-FZRA” and the precipitation identifier reports
“UP”, then the ASOS will report “-FZRA.”
The previous minutes’ present weather reports are fur-
ther examined to determine which present weather remarks
need to be generated and appended to the METAR report.
This includes precipitation beginning and ending times in
minutes past the current hour (e.g., FZRAB05E21). Once
freezing rain has been sensed and the ambient air tempera-
ture is 36
F or below, it will be encoded in subsequent
METAR reports for 15-minutes after it is no longer sensed.
Figure 17. Freezing Rain Sensor
4.3.10 FZRA Strengths and Limitations
The major strength of the freezing rain sensor is its sen-
sitivity and continuous monitoring, usually allowing it to de-
tect freezing precipitation conditions before an observer,
especially at night. Working in conjunction with other sen-
sors, mixed precipitation events can be better defined. For
example, under conditions of mixed precipitation, such as
ice pellets (PL) and freezing rain (FZRA), the PI sensor will
output UP, -RA, RA, or +RA (for the PL), and the FZRA
sensor will output FZRA. In any event, the ASOS processing
algorithms will finally interpret and correctly report this con-
dition as -FZRA or FZRA (see Table 7).
At temperatures near freezing, snow can become
attached to the probe firmly enough to cause a frequency
shift that could be misinterpreted as freezing rain. This prob-
lem of differentiating snow from freezing precipitation is
overcome by checking the output of the PI sensor to deter-
mine if it is raining or snowing when the freezing rain
sensor has a frequency shift. If the PI sensor indicates rain,
then the report will be freezing rain. If the PI sensor
indicates snow, then snow will be reported in the body of
the METAR message.
4.3.11 Obscuration Algorithm
Obstructions are not directly measured by ASOS, but
rather inferred from the measurement of visibility, tem-
perature, dew point, and present weather (precipitation).
ASOS reports only four obstructions: fog (FG), mist (BR),
freezing fog (FZFG) and haze (HZ). Other obscurations,
such as dust, smoke, and blowing sand are not automati-
cally reported by ASOS, but may be augmented by the
observer in accordance with agency policy.
The obscuration algorithm checks the reported visibil-
ity once each minute. When the surface visibility drops
below 7 statute miles, the algorithm obtains the current dew
point depression (DD) to distinguish between FG, BR, and
HZ. If the DD is less than or equal to 4
F (~2
C), then FG
or BR will be reported (Table 8). Visibility will then be
used to further differentiate between FG and BR. If the
visibility is less than 7 miles and down to 5/8ths of a mile,
BR is reported. If the visibility is less than 5/8ths of a mile,
FG is reported. If the ambient temperature is also below
freezing, freezing fog (FZFG) is reported. When precipita-
tion is reported, FG or BR may also be reported when the
preceeding conditions are met. When the DD is greater than
F (~2
C) and no precipitation is reported by the PI and
freezing rain sensors, then HZ is reported as the obscura-
tion; however, when precipitation is reported HZ is not re-
In the event the DD is missing (i.e., temperature and/
or dew point is missing) the obscuration algorithm relies
solely on visibility to discriminate between FG, BR and
HZ. If the reported visibility is less than 7 miles and equal
to or greater than 4 miles, HZ is reported. If the visibility is
less than 4 miles and down to 5/8ths of a mile, then BR is
reported as the obscuration. If visibility is less than 5/8ths
of a mile, FG is reported. When present weather is also
reported, FG or BR is appended to the present weather re-
Table 6. Present Weather Reporting
Freezing Precipitation ASOS
Rain Identification Present
Sensor Sensor Weather
Report Report Report
FZRA No Precip. NP
FZRA Missing NP
Table 7. ASOS Report of Freezing/Frozen
Type of Weather ASOS Present
Occurrence Weather Report
Ice Pellets (PL) -RA, RA, or +RA
Ice Pellets and Snow (SN) -SN, SN, or +SN
Ice Pellets and Freezing Rain -FZRA, or FZRA
Ice Crystals No Precipitation
Hail (GR) +RA
Snow Grains (SG) -SN, SN, or +SN
Snow Pellets (GS) -SN, SN, or +SN
28 20 8 3 NONE HZ
28 27 1 1/4 SN SN FZFG
28 22 6 5 NONE HZ
38 37 1 1/2 NONE FG
38 34 4 5/8 NONE BR
40 M M 4 NONE HZ
Table 8. ASOS Report of Present Weather
port. If reported visibility is equal to or greater than 4 miles
but less than 7 miles, and no present weather is reported,
then HZ is reported as the obscuration.
4.3.12 Obscuration Algorithm
Strengths and Limitations
One obvious characteristic of the obscuration algorithm
is that FG or BR cannot be reported, even if it is the only
obstruction to vision, when the DD is greater than 4
F or
when DD is missing and visibility is 4 miles or more. In
these situations, if FG or BR is actually occurring, then HZ
is incorrectly reported when the visibility is less than 7
miles. The ASOS, of course, cannot report obscuration re-
marks for distant phenomena such as “FG BANK NE-SE.”
The ASOS, on the other hand, will provide more timely
reporting of the formation and dissipation of obscuring phe-
nomena due to its continuous monitoring capability.
5.0 Explanations/Examples
of ASOS Observations
ASOS provides six basic types of data:
n 5-Second Wind Update
n The OMO Data
n The METAR / SPECI Messages
n Auxiliary Data
n The SHEF Messages
n The Daily and Monthly Summary
n Products/Messages
5.1 5-Second Wind Updates
The current 2-minute average wind is computed once
every 5 seconds and automatically updated on FAA pro-
vided ASOS Controller Equipment (ACE) video displays
at selected sites. A list of the 24 most recent 5-second aver-
age wind values used to compute the current 2-minute av-
erage wind is also available on the OID screen. (See
Appendix A for example of 5-second average wind).
5.2 One-Minute Observations
Once each minute, ASOS performs internal diagnos-
tic and QC checks on sensor data and then updates the One
Minute Observation (OMO). The OMO is encoded in
METAR format and includes all basic weather parameters
found in the body of the METAR plus selected automated
remarks. The OMO also accepts manually entered remarks
(via OID keyboard entry), such as variable visibility and
tower visibility. The basic difference between the OMO
and the METAR/SPECI is that the OMO is generally not
transmitted long-line beyond the local FAA or NWS com-
munications network node (see bullet 3 below). OMO
information is collected during the 60-second period end-
ing at M+00 and made available to users each minute at
M+23 (23 seconds past the current minute) through the
following media:
n OID, VDU, and authorized dial-in user computer
display screens. Various screen displays of OMO
data are available. See Appendix A for examples,
and the ASOS Software User’s Manual (SUM) for
n Computer-generated voice messages of the current
OMO (or METAR / SPECI). These messages are sent
to pilots (generally within 50 miles of an airport)
through the ASOS Ground-To-Air VHF radio or navi-
gation aid. They are also made available to the avia-
tion community through telephone number provided
for dial-in.
n Long-Line Dissemination: OMO data will not be sent
over long-line until both the modernization of the FAA
and the NWS communications networks is complete
(see Figures 18 and 19). At that time, FAA ADAS and
NWS AWIPS communications nodes will collect
OMO data from local ASOS locations. These data will
be made available to FAA and NWS users in METAR
format. Future communication links will allow each
NWS WFO to access the OMO data from selected
ASOS locations every 5-minutes when operating in
the “warning” mode, or every 15-minutes when oper-
ating in the “alert” mode.
5.3 ASOS Aviation Routine
Weather Reports
All ASOS locations prepare and disseminate Aviation
Routine Weather Reports in METAR / SPECI code for-
mat. Although ASOS is designed to operate completely
unattended, it can also function in an attended mode with
an observer augmenting data and providing backup sup-
port if needed. In either case, the ASOS report is identified
by the “AO2” designator near the beginning of the remarks
(RMK) section of the report. This indicates that the ASOS
report is an Automated Observation–Type 2, with the added
capability to report present weather phenomena (e.g., RA,
SN, FZRA). When operating in the unattended mode, an
“AUTO” report modifier is inserted near the beginning of
the report after the Date-Time group.
When operating in the attended mode, the AUTO des-
ignator does not appear. The absence of the AUTO desig-
nator indicates that an observer and/or an air traffic
controller is signed-on to the OID and is capable of pro-
viding backup or augmentation support if necessary. Only
one observer is permitted to sign-on the ASOS at a time.
Remote (off-site) observer sign-on is not permitted. If the
observer corrects the ASOS METAR/SPECI report, the
“COR” indicator appears as the report modifier after the
Date-Time group. When the observer and the air traffic
controller are both signed-off the ASOS, the AUTO report
modifier is restored to the METAR/SPECI report.
When an aircraft mishap occurs, the on-site observer
can (and should) initiate a local special observation. In this
event, the remark “(ACFT MSHP)” is appended to the lo-
cal SPECI report, which is sent to the ASOS printer and
stored in memory for 31 days. The long-line version of the
SPECI report is sent without the (ACFT MSHP) indicator.
All ASOS reports that are transmitted through the NWS
long-line communications network are captured at the NWS
Systems Monitoring and Coordination Center (SMCC) and
compiled with other transmitted data into a daily Selective
Records Retention System (SRRS) tape. This tape is sent
to the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) once a day
for archiving and inclusion in various climatic summaries.
NCDC also directly downloads data from selected sites for
special climatological processing.
5.3.1 Backup and Augmentation
“Backup” is observer editing of the ASOS report for
missing , clearly erroneous, or temporarily unrepresenta-
tive elements that ASOS should report correctly, or trans-
mission of an entire report when total ASOS equipment
failure has occurred. This activity may include use of al-
ternative data sources and transmission medium. Only data
elements normally generated by ASOS are added to the
ASOS observation through backup. Backup may be ap-
plied to the ASOS-generated METAR/SPECI reports or to
daily and monthly summary products. For example, back-
up could occur if the ASOS Hygrothermometer becomes
inoperative and the temperature/dew point data are omit-
ted in the METAR. To backup the ASOS observation, an
observer using alternate source(s) of information manu-
ally edits temperature/dew point data into the ASOS ob-
servation in place of the missing data (See Example 1 in
Section 5.3.4). This complete observation is then transmit-
ted as the METAR report.
Augmentation is the process of manually adding in-
formation to an ASOS METAR/SPECI report or Daily
Summary Message / Monthly Summary Message (DSM /
MSM) product that is beyond the capability of ASOS to
provide on its own. This task is performed before trans-
mission. FAA/NWS policy permits augmentation at desig-
nated locations where qualified staff are available.
Edited and augmented data are processed by the ASOS
when computing the daily and monthly summary products.
For example, if the operator edits a temperature in a
METAR report, that edited temperature value would auto-
matically be used to compute the daily and monthly sum-
mary temperature information for the site. The extent of
backup and augmentation provided at each location is de-
pendent on the national and regional policies of the host
agency. Each agency provides observer support in coordi-
nation with interagency NWS/FAA and aviation industry
agreement on the service level assigned to each location.
5.3.2 Missing vs. Non-Event Data
Generally, if less than 75 percent of the data required
for the computation of any weather element for the
METAR/SPECI report are available, then ASOS simply
does not report that element. For example, if three 1-minute
visibility values are missing in the past 10 minutes, then
the current 1-minute visibility will be missing. One no-
table exception to the 75 percent rule is that precipitation
accumulation requires nearly 100 percent of the 1-minute
data samples during the accumulation period. For example,
if just one 1-minute precipitation accumulation value is
missing in the past hour, then the current hourly precipita-
tion accumulation report will be missing.
When a schedule-driven or event-driven data element
is missing in the body of the METAR/SPECI report, the
corresponding group and the preceding space for that data
element are omitted from the report. Trailing elements in
the report shift to fill in the blank space left by the omitted
Schedule-driven elements should always appear in the
METAR/SPECI report: Wind, Visibility, Sky Condition,
Ambient and Dew Point Temperature, and Altimeter. It is
readily apparent from the compressed form of the report
when these elements are missing. For event-driven (i.e.,
criteria triggered) elements such as runway visual range,
present weather and obstructions, it is not always clear from
the report that their omission is due to missing data or sim-
ply because the event has not occurred.
To clearly show when event-driven elements are miss-
ing, a sensor status indicator is added to the remarks sec-
tion when ASOS cannot report the element. A sensor status
indicator is also added to the remarks section when event-
driven meteorological discontinuity sensor data for second-
ary visibility and/or sky condition are not available.
Additionally, a sensor status indicator is included in the
remarks section when the event-driven hourly precipita-
tion accumulation remark is not available. Finally, although
Sea-Level Pressure (SLP) information is included in both
the METAR and SPECI reports from ASOS, a sensor sta-
tus indicator for missing SLP is only added to the METAR
report when SLP information is not available. The sensor
status indicators are:
n RVRNO—Runway Visual Range Information Not
n FZNO—Freezing Rain Sensor Information Not Avail-
n PWINO—Present Weather Identifier Information Not
n TSNO—Thunderstorm Information Not Available
n PNO—Precipitation Accumulation Gauge Informa-
tion Not Available
n SLPNO—Sea Level Pressure Information Not Avail-
n CHINO LOC—Cloud Height Indicator Information
at Meteorological Discontinuity Location Not Avail-
able (e.g., CHINO E)
n VISNO LOC—Visibility Sensor Information at Me-
teorological Discontinuity Location Not Available
(e.g., VISNO RWY06)
In general, when data for an automated remark are not
available the remark is omitted from the METAR/SPECI
report. A notable exception is when more than a trace of
precipitation has occurred but accumulation data for the
period is incomplete (i.e., some data are missing and there-
fore the amount is undetermined). In this case, the 3/6
hourly and 24 hourly precipitation accumulations are coded
as 6//// and 7////, respectively.
5.3.3 Estimated Data
The Federal Standard Algorithms for Automated
Weather Observing Systems Used for Aviation Purposes
(November 1988), does not allow an automated system to
use algorithms to generate estimated data for a METAR/
SPECI report. Because ASOS conforms to the federal stan-
dard, estimated automated data is not included in any ASOS
generated METAR/SPECI report. Estimated data however,
may be manually included in the ASOS METAR/SPECI
report through backup when the automated data are miss-
ing or deemed inaccurate. The METAR/SPECI report does
not indicate whether a data element has been estimated.
5.3.4 Examples of METAR/SPECI Reports
The examples in this section conform to the FMH-1,
Federal Meteorological Handbook No. 1, Surface Weather
Observations and Reports (December 1995). See Appen-
dix C for a quick reference guide for the ASOS-generated
METAR/SPECI reports.
Example 1: Missing Data
At this automated site where observer oversight is not
available, the word “AUTO” is encoded after the date/time
group. In the remarks section, the “AO2” indicates that this
is an automated system with a precipitation discriminator.
In other words, this site can report the occurrence of pre-
cipitation in the present weather field. In this METAR re-
port, the only element reported is the altimeter (A3029). If
an element is missing, METAR code does not permit an
“M” to be encoded. Missing elements are simply not en-
coded. The only exceptions to this rule are found in the
remarks section. When sea-level pressure is missing,
“SLPNO” (sea-level pressure not available) is encoded.
When precipitation accumulation amounts are not avail-
able, the 3- or 6-hourly and 24-hourly precipitation addi-
tive data groups, i.e., 6RRRR and 7RRRR, will appear as
“6////” and “7////.” METAR code does allow for sensor sta-
tus indicators to be encoded at the end of the report. Since
this site is in need of maintenance, a maintenance indicator
($) is placed at the end of the report.
Example 2: Full Report
BKN009 BKN016 OVC070 00/M01 A3008 RMK AO2
SNB1057 CIG 006V010 SLP166 P0000 60000 70002
T00001006 10017 20000 51005 FZRANO TSNO
This 1200 UTC report is from a fully operational au-
tomated site without observer oversight. Because the site
does not have a freezing rain sensor installed and does not
have the capability to automatically report thunderstorms,
FZRANO and TSNO are encoded in the remarks section.
The obscuration mist (BR) has been encoded since the sur-
face visibility is less than 7SM, but greater than or equal to
5/8SM, and the dew point depression is less than or equal
to 4
F. ASOS automatically provided all of the encoded
data including the begin time for the snow (SNB1057), the
variable ceiling height remark (CIG 006V010), and the sea-
level pressure value (SLP166).
Example 3: Surface Visibility vs. Tower Visibility
SPECI KDEN 060409Z 03008KT 2 1/2SM BR OVC003
M06/M07 A3012 RMK AO2 TWR VIS 3 VIS 1 1/4V5
This SPECI report is from a site with observer over-
sight; note that the AUTO indicator after the date-time group
is omitted. In this report both the surface, sensor derived
visibility and the tower, human derived visibility are in-
cluded. When the tower visibility is less than 4SM, the lower
of the two visibility values is encoded in the body of the
report and the other is included in the remarks section. In
this case, the surface visibility is lower and therefore en-
coded in the body, while the tower visibility is found in the
remarks section of the report. The tower visibility is manu-
ally entered into the ASOS report through the OID. The
variable visibility remark (VIS 1 1/4V5) is automatically pro-
vided by ASOS and refers to the surface visibility.
Example 4: Meteorological Discontinuity Sensor Data
a: METAR KBOS 291856Z 03006KT 1 3/4SM BR
FEW001 SCT019 BKN023 12/10 A2961 RMK AO2
SFC VIS 3 CIG 018 E SLP028 T01170100 $
The tower visibility is 1 3/4SM and the surface (sen-
sor) visibility is 3SM. In this case, the tower visibility is
encoded in the body of the report and surface visibility is
placed in remarks (SFC VIS 3). A meteorological discon-
tinuity sensor grouping (ceilometer and visibility sensor)
is located east of the primary ASOS sensor suite. A ceiling
height of 1,800 feet is being reported east of the primary
sensors (CIG 018 E). If the meteorological discontinuity
ceilometer was not operational, then the remark “CHINO
E” would have been encoded.
b: SPECI KBOS 291710Z 06004KT 1 1/2SM BR
OVC001 09/08 A2970 RMK AO2 SFC VIS 1 3/4 VIS
1/2 E $
A visibility remark (VIS ½ E) has been encoded for
the meteorological discontinuity sensor installed east of the
primary sensors. If this visibility sensor were not opera-
tional, then the remark “VISNO E” would have been en-
c: METAR KBOS 292256Z 04004KT 1 1/2SM RA BR
BKN011 BKN050 OVC060 11/11 A2956 RMK AO2
SFC VIS 3 TSB29E50 SLP008 VIS W-N 1 3/4 TS
DSPTD P0016 T01110106 $
In the remarks section, the observer has augmented a
sector visibility (VIS W-N 1 3/4). ASOS does not now au-
tomatically report a sector visibility.
Example 5: Obstructions
a. SPECI KATY 080515Z AUTO 00000KT 1/4SM
b. METAR KATY 080553Z AUTO 00000KT 1/4SM
HZ VV001 M23/M26 A3036 RMK AO2 SLP326 6//
// T12331261 11139 21239 410671239 58007
c. METAR KATY 080653Z AUTO 00000KT 2 1/2SM
BR OVC001 M23/M26 A3037 RMK AO2 SLP329
ASOS can automatically report the obscurations of fog
(FG), freezing fog (FZFG), mist (BR), haze (HZ), and blow-
ing snow (BLSN). Reporting these phenomena is based on
surface (sensor) visibility, temperature, dew point depres-
sion, and the occurrence of precipitation. If there is pre-
cipitation, ASOS does not automatically report HZ or
BLSN; however, it may report FG, FZFG, or BR during
Looking at the three reports above, the obscuration
changes from FZFG to HZ and then to BR. In the first
report, the surface visibility is less than 5/8SM, the tem-
perature is below 0
C, and the dew point depression is less
than 4
F. Therefore FZFG is encoded. FZFG would also
have been encoded if precipitation were occurring. In the
second report, the dew point depression changes to 5
(ambient temperature = -23.3
C and dew point tempera-
ture = -26.1
C) and the obscuration changes to HZ. If pre-
cipitation were occurring, HZ would not have been
encoded. In the third report, the surface visibility increases
to 2 1/2SM and dew point depression changes to 4
F (am-
bient temperature = -23.3
C and dew point temperature =
C). Therefore, BR is encoded as the obscuration. Note
that no distinction is made between BR and freezing mist,
as is done with FG and FZFG. Mist is reported as BR re-
gardless of the temperature.
Example 6: Obstructions vs Visibility
a. SPECI KSP1 311245Z 31007KT 1/2SM BR 26/25
A3003 RMK AO2 SFC VIS 3 $
b. SPECI KSP1 311247Z 31007KT 1/2SM FG 26/25
A3004 RMK AO2 TWR VIS 3 $
In the first report of this example, the tower visibility
is 1/2SM and the surface (sensor) visibility is 3SM. Deter-
mining surface obscuration is based on surface visibility,
not tower visibility. In this case, note that BR is encoded
as an obscuration. In the second report, we changed the
surface visibility to 1/2SM and the tower visibility to 3SM.
The obscuration correctly changed from BR to FG.
Since surface observations are taken at the surface,
obcuration entries should accurately report conditions at
the surface, not at the height of the tower cab. Both reports
are correct as encoded.
Example 7: Obstructions vs. Surface Visibility
a. SPECI KSP1 041606Z 03013G22KT 2 1/2SM BR
CLR 23/21 A3005 RMK AO2 TWR VIS 10 $
b. SPECI KSP1 041608Z 36011G18KT 2 1/2SM CLR
23/21 A3004 RMK AO2 SFC VIS 10 $
Because ASOS provides reports of surface conditions,
algorithms that automatically encode obscurations, as well
as the intensity of snow, use the surface (sensor) visibility
as input. In the first report, the surface visibility is
2 1/2SM and the tower visibility is 10SM. In this case,
ASOS automatically encoded mist (BR) as the obscura-
tion. In the second report, the visibilities were changed to
10SM at the surface and 2 1/2SM from the tower cab. Since
the surface visibility is now 10SM, ASOS does not encode
an obscuration since it is not occurring at the surface. Both
reports are correct as encoded.
Example 8: Variable Wind
a. METAR KSP1 301756Z AUTO 33007KT 290V360
10SM FEW049 19/M01 A2981 RMK AO2 SLP229
T01941006 10200 20122 58017 PWINO TSNO $
10SM SCT050 19/M01 A2978 RMK AO2 SLP220
T01941011 PWINO TSNO $
c. SPECI KORE 291712Z AUTO 33003KT 6SM HZ
SCT014 BKN038 BKN049 11/07 A2965 RMK AO2
Variable wind direction encoding is based on the ob-
served sustained wind speed. When the wind has a sus-
tained speed of greater than 6 knots, the variability of the
wind’s direction is encoded in the body of the report. (See
the first report in this example.) When the sustained wind
speed is 6 knots or less, a variable wind has an encoded
direction of “VRB.” As is shown in the second report of
this example, the sustained wind speed is 6 knots but the
wind is gusting to 15 knots. (Gusts are reported for a mini-
mum of 10 minutes after they are first observed.) The di-
rection is still encoded as “VRB.” In the third report the
winds are not variable and the actual direction is encoded.
Example 9: Surface Visibility and RVR, Plus Remarks
METAR KSP1 041156Z 05024G33KT 020V080 M1/4SM
R04/2800V5000FT +SN FZFG VV002 M02/M02 A2953
PK WND 04036/1135 SFC VIS 1/4 SNB07 PRESFR
SLP096 SNINCR 2/12 4/012 6//// 7//// T10201020 10167
21022 58199 PNO $
At selected sites, Runway Visual Range (RVR) is en-
coded when conditions warrant. As shown above, RVR is
encoded immediately after the visibility in the body of the
report. RVR is encoded whenever surface visibility is one
statute mile (1SM) or less, and/or if the minimum RVR
value is less than or equal to 6,000 feet. In this case, sur-
face visibility is 1/4SM (see remarks section).
This example also illustrates the order of remarks in
an ASOS report. After the “RMK” (remarks) contraction,
the following order is used:
1. Tornadic remarks: e.g., FUNNEL CLOUD B06 FUN-
2. “AO2” indicator
3. Automated remarks: e.g., PK WND 04036/1135 SFC
4. Manual remarks: e.g., SNINCR 2/12 4/012
5. Additive data: 6//// 7//// T10201020 10167 21022
6. Sensor status indicators: e.g., PNO
7. Maintenance check indicator: $
Example 10: Surface Visibility and RVR
a. SPECI KSP1 041202Z 35008KT M1/4SM BR CLR
18/18 RMK A02 SFC VIS 2 SNE02 PNO $
b. SPECI KSPI 041205Z 35008KT 340V070 1/4SM FG
If for any reason the RVR should not be available from
a site designated to report RVR, the remark RVRNO is
encoded when the surface visibility is 1 statute mile or less.
In the first report above, the surface visibility is 2SM. In
the second report, the surface visibility reduces to 1/4SM
and the RVRNO remark is encoded.
Example 11: Corrected Report
a. METAR KSP1 081153Z 22006KT 9SM FEW250
M10/M13 A3015 RMK AO2 SLP259 T11001128
11094 21133 58006 4/002
b. METAR KSP1 081153Z COR 22006KT 9SM
FEW250 M10/M13 A3015 RMK AO2 SLP259 4/002
T11001128 11094 21133 58006
This example illustrates the ASOS correction feature.
Anyone signed-on as an observer can generate a corrected
report. This feature allows the observer to enter data any
place in the report. The observer is completely responsible
for data quality and proper encoding practices. ASOS does
not do any error checking in the correction feature. In the
first report, the observer added the “4/sss” (snow depth on
ground) group, however, it was not encoded in the proper
order of entry. Using the ASOS correction feature allows
the observer to correct data. In the second example a cor-
rected report was issued with the “4/sss” group encoded in
the proper location, between the “SLP259” and
“T11001128” group. Future enhancement to the ASOS QC
algorithms will include format error checking when manual
entries are made.
Example 12: Augmentation For Severe Present Weather
SPECI KSP1 241321Z 04008KT 7SM +FC -TSRA
FEW035 BKN070 OVC090 31/20 A2964 RMK TOR-
NADO B14 NE AO2 TSB21RAB21 P0000 $
This SPECI was generated to report the beginning of
a thunderstorm (TS), which began at 1321Z. Note that a
tornado (+FC) also is occurring and began at 1314Z. The
observer added the +FC indicator in the body of the report
and the direction (northeast - NE) from the station where
the tornado was located when it began.
Example 13: Augmentation For Volcanic Eruption:
SPECI KSP1 241258Z 01007KT 300V040 3/4SM VA
FEW050 BKN070 OVC095 10/M03 A2963 RMK AO2 VIS
When a volcanic eruption is first noted, a SPECI report
is generated. Because there was volcanic ash (VA) at the site,
the observer augmented the SPECI to report this obscura-
tion. More information about the eruption was entered by the
observer in the remarks section (shown in bold print).
5.4 Auxiliary Data
Auxiliary data consists of:
n Relative Humidity
n Sea-Level Pressure
n Station Pressure
n Density Altitude
n Pressure Altitude
n Magnetic Wind
These data are available on the VDU, user-provided
video monitor screens and selected OID screens; they are
updated every minute. The auxiliary data are generally de-
rived from other processed sensor data by the weather re-
porting algorithms, and, therefore, cannot be edited directly,
but may be altered indirectly by editing of the component
parameters through the OID. Examples of auxiliary data
displays are shown in Appendix A.
5.5 Standard Hydrometeorological
Exchange Format (SHEF)
In addition to METAR messages (which may contain
precipitation accumulation remarks such as Prrrr, 6RRR/,
and 7RRRR), ASOS also generates two distinct SHEF mes-
sage types.
One type of message is in “.E” SHEF message format.
This message is generated when precipitation accumula-
tion onset criteria are exceeded and is discontinued when
precipitation accumulation falls below the termination cri-
teria. This type of message is referred to as the “SHEF 15-
minute Precipitation Criteria Message.” This message
contains a chronological listing of precipitation accumula-
tion during the four most recent 15-minute reporting time
periods. The 15-minute Precipitation Criteria Message is
issued at either H+00, H+15, H+30, or H+45.
The second type of SHEF message is in “.A” SHEF
format and is routinely generated at a fixed time each hour
(H+00). This message is referred to as the “SHEF Hourly
Routine Precipitation Message” and contains precipitation
accumulation information for a 60-minute time interval end-
ing at a fixed time each hour.
The onset and termination criteria for the SHEF 15-
minute Precipitation Criteria Message and the end time for
the SHEF Hourly Routine Precipitation Message are set
during system acceptance. They may be subsequently
changed only by an authorized ASOS system manager.
SHEF messages are stored in ASOS memory for a mini-
mum of 3 days plus so far for the current day. SHEF mes-
sages are available from all NWS and FAA ASOS locations.
All SHEF messages originating from NWS ASOS lo-
cations and transmitted on the NWS AFOS network are
identified by the generic message header:
“CCCNNNXXX,” where NNN = RR6 (for the SHEF 15-
minute Precipitation Criteria Message), or RR7 (for the
SHEF Hourly Routine Precipitation Message). For NWS
ASOS locations, CCC is the Station Identifier (SID) for
the primary responsible WSFO/WFO, and XXX is the
ASOS location’s SID. SHEF messages originating from
NWS ASOS locations are transmitted individually.
Those SHEF messages originating from FAA ASOS
locations are captured at the FAA WMSC (WMSCR in the
future) and passed across Gateway to the NWS as collec-
tives. These collectives are identified by the AFOS PIL
header: “NMCRR7NKA.” Collectives contain both types
of SHEF messages (RR6, RR7) from commissioned and
pre-commissioned FAA ASOS locations.
Example I. SHEF 15-Minute Precipitation Criteria Message
1200 UTC 0.50 inch 0.25 inch 0.00 inch
1215 UTC 0.50 inch 0.25 inch 0.25 inch
1230 UTC 0.50 inch 0.25 inch M
RR6 SHEF MSG #1 1245 UTC 0.50 inch 0.25 inch 0.75 inch
RR6 SHEF MSG #2 1300 UTC 0.50 inch 0.25 inch 0.25 inch
1315 UTC 0.50 inch 0.25 inch 0.20 inch
TTAA00 KTOP 201245
.E TOP 1020 DH1200/PPC/DIN15/0.00/0.25/M/0.75: C = 0.50/.25
TTAA00 KTOP 201300
.E TOP 1020 DH1215/PPC/DIN15/0.25/M/0.75/0.25: C = 0.50/.25
Legend for Example I. (See SHEF Message #1)
.E TOP: .E format message from Topeka, KS (TOP).
1020: Month (October) and day (20) for first observation in time series (current year assumed).
DH1200: Hour and minute UTC time stamp of first data value in time series. Example given here is 12:00 UTC.
PPC: Precipitation, Actual Increment (PP); Fifteen minute increment (C).
DIN15: DI = Data Interval; N15 = Fifteen Minutes.
/0.00/ Incremental precipitation (in inches) for first, second, third and fourth 15-minute periods
/0.25/ of time series. Missing data are replaced with “M.” The first value (0.00 inches) is valid
/M/ for 12:00 UTC. The last value (0.75) is valid for 12:45 UTC.
C = n.nn/.tt SHEF 15-minute onset threshold criteria/termination threshold criteria. In this example: n.nn = 0.50
inches, and .tt = .25 inches.
Distinctions between different SHEF message formats
are also made in the body of the individual messages. See
SHEF Version 1.1 issued by the NWS Office of Hydrol-
ogy, 31 January 1985 for further details.
5.5.1 SHEF 15-Minute Precipitation
Criteria Message
The messages in Example I are identified by the “RR6”
in the AFOS header, the “.E” message type designator and
the “DIN15” 15-minute time interval indicator in the body
of the message.
In Example I, MSG #1 was issued at 12:45 UTC be-
cause during the current 15-minute period (12:31 - 12:45
UTC) the precipitation accumulation first exceeded the 15-
minute precipitation accumulation onset criteria of 0.50
inch. The three previous 15-minute time periods are also
included in MSG#1 and listed in chronological order (even
though precipitation accumulation during those time peri-
ods did not exceed the onset threshold criteria).
MSG #2 was issued at 13:00 UTC because precipita-
tion accumulation during the immediately preceding 15-
minute period (ending at 12:45 UTC) exceeded the onset
threshold criteria and the precipitation accumulation dur-
ing the current 15-minute period (12:46 - 13:00 UTC) is
still equal to or greater than the termination criteria of 0.25
inch. 15-Minute Precipitation Criteria Messages cease to
be issued when the discrete 15-minute precipitation
acccumulation falls below the termination threshold crite-
ria. If precipitation accumulation is missing during any
minute within a discrete 15-period, then the value reported
for that 15-minute period is “M.”
5.5.2 SHEF Hourly Routine
Precipitation Message
The messages in Example II are identified by the
“RR7” in the AFOS header, and the “.A” SHEF format
designator in the body of the message. In example II the
end time of the SHEF Hourly Routine Precipitation Mes-
sage is set at H+00. Thus, all precipitation accumulation
reports in example II are for the 60-minute period from
H+01 to H+00. A SHEF Hourly Routine Precipitation Mes-
sage is issued routinely every hour, regardless of whether
or not there was precipitation during the hour.
SHEF MSG #3 is valid at 1400 UTC. This 60-minute
period includes the 0.20 inch precipitation accumulation
which occurred during the 15-minute period ending at 1315
UTC. Note that the detection threshold specified for the
ASOS HTB is 0.01 inch per hour, and the precipitation rate
accuracy is the larger of 10 percent or 0.01 inches per hour.
SHEF MSG #4 shows a large 60-minute accumula-
tion of 1.35 inches ending at 1500 UTC.
SHEF MSG #5 valid at 1600 UTC is a typical example
of a 60-minute reporting period with no measurable pre-
SHEF MSG #6 valid at 1700 UTC is a typical example
of a 60-minute reporting period where some of the 1-minute
data were missing. If precipitation accumulation is miss-
ing during any minute within the discrete 60-minute pe-
riod, then the value reported in the SHEF Hourly Routine
Precipitation message after “PPH” is “M.”
5.6 Daily and Monthly
All ASOS locations are capable of generating and
transmitting daily and monthly weather summaries, how-
ever, only selected NWS ASOS locations transmit these
data long-line. These summaries are valid for the calendar
day, or the calendar month, ending at 23:59 LST. The daily
summaries are normally transmitted early on the follow-
ing day at a programmable transmission time specified by
the system manager. Backup transmission times are gen-
erally 1 and 2 hours after the initial scheduled transmis-
sion time. The monthly summaries are normally transmitted
early on the first day of the new month at programmable
transmission times. Backup transmission times are gener-
ally 1 and 2 hours after the initial scheduled transmission
time. The ASOS generated daily and monthly summaries
replace the “F-6” data previously provided from staffed
Daily and monthly summaries are stored in ASOS
memory for 10 days after transmission. The content and
format of the daily and monthly summary messages is
only briefly summarized here.
5.6.1 Daily Summary Message
The Daily Summary Message (DSM) contains
data to complete the Preliminary Local Climatic Data
(PLCD) record for each specified location. These data are
valid for the previous day and include:
Example II. SHEF Hourly Routine Precipitation Message
RR7 SHEF MSG #3 1400 UTC 0.20 inch
RR7 SHEF MSG #4 1500 UTC 1.35 inch
RR7 SHEF MSG #5 1600 UTC 0.00 inch
RR7 SHEF MSG #6 1700 UTC Missing
TTAA00 KTOP 201400
.A TOP 1020 DH1400/PPH 0.20
TTAA00 KTOP 201500
.A TOP 1020 DH1500/PPH 1.35
TTAA00 KTOP 201600
.A TOP 1020 DH1600/PPH 0.00
TTAA00 KTOP 201700
. A TOP 1020 DH1700/PPH M
Legend for Example II. (See SHEF MSG #3)
.A TOP: “.A” format message from Topeka, KS (TOP).
1020: Month (October), and day (20) of observation (current year assumed).
DH1400: Observation time in UTC. Example given here is for MSG # 3 (14:00 UTC).
PPH: Precipitation, Actual Increment (PP); Hourly increment (H).
0.20 (a.aa): Incremental precipitation is in hundredths of an inch. In the example given here, precipitation
accumulation for the current hour in MSG # 3 (ending at 14:00 UTC) is 0.20 inch
n Daily (00:00 to 23:59 LST) Maximum/ Minimum
Temperatures and Times of Occurrence
n Daytime (0700 to 1900 LST) Maximum Temperature
and Time of Occurrence
n Nighttime (1900 to 0800 LST) Minimum Tempera-
ture and Time of Occurrence
n Daily Minimum Sea-Level Pressure
n Daily Total Precipitation Accumulation (Liquid
n Hourly Precipitation Amounts (H+00 to H+59)
n Daily Average 2-Minute Wind Speed
n Fastest 2-Minute Wind Direction, Speed (MPH) and
Time of Occurrence
n Daily Peak Wind Direction and Speed (MPH) and
Time of Occurrence
n Weather Occurrence Symbols
n Minutes of Sunshine and Percentage of Sunshine
(When Available)
n Daily Total Snowfall, Ice Pellets Accumulation (When
n Depth of Snow, Ice and/or Ice Pellets on the Ground
(In Whole Inches) at a Designated Observation Time
(When Available)
n Average Daylight Sky Cover (Sunrise to Sunset)
(When Available)
n Average Daily Sky Cover (When Available)
n Remarks for Estimated Data
5.6.2 Monthly Summary Message
The Monthly Summary Message (MSM) contains data
necessary to complete the monthly Preliminary Local Cli-
matic Data (PLCD) record for each specified location.
These data are valid for the previous calendar month and
n Monthly Maximum Temperature and Date of Occur-
n Monthly Minimum Temperature and Date of Occur-
n Average Daily Maximum Temperature
n Average Daily Minimum Temperature
n Average Monthly Temperature
n Number of Days with Maximum Temperature
of 32
F and Below
n Number of Days with Maximum Temperature of 90
and Above (Use 70
F in NWS Alaska Region)
n Number of Days with Minimum Temperature
of 32
F and Below.
n Number of Days with Minimum Temperature of 0
and Below.
n Monthly Heating Degree Days
n Monthly Cooling Degree Days
n Monthly Mean Station Pressure
n Monthly Mean Sea-Level Pressure
n Monthly Maximum Sea-Level Pressure and Date and
Time of Occurrence
n Monthly Minimum Sea-Level Pressure (Nearest 0.01
Inch Hg) and Date and Time of Occurrence
n Monthly Total Precipitation (Water Equivalent)
n Number of Days with Precipitation Greater Than or
equal to 0.01, 0.10, 0.50, and 1.00 inch
n Greatest 24-Hour Precipitation (Water Equivalent) and
Date(s) of Occurrence
n Short Duration Precipitation (5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45,
60, 80, 100, 120, 150, 180 min) including Date of Oc-
currence and Time when period ended
n Monthly Total Hours of Sunshine Observed (When
n Monthly Percentage of Total Sunshine Observed
(When Available)
n Greatest 24-Hour Snowfall and Date(s) of Occurrence
(When Available)
n Greatest Depth Of Snow on Ground and Date(s) of
Occurrence (When Available)
n Number of Clear, Partly Cloudy, and Cloudy Days
during Month (When Available)
n Remarks For Estimated Data
5.7 ASOS High-Resolution
Sensor Data
High-resolution sensor data from the ASOS 12-hour
archive file are available for review at the ASOS OID or to
authorized remote users. These data have not undergone
final quality control checks. They are primarily intended
for maintenance troubleshooting purposes and should not
be used as valid meteorological data without extensive
evaluation. The high-resolution data which are available
for review are summarized in Table 9. Examples of ASOS
1-Minute Sensor Data are shown in Appendix A.
Table 9. ASOS High-Resolution Data
n 30-Second Cloud Height Reading (Ceilometer Data)
n 1-Minute Average Visibility Extinction Coefficient
n 1-Minute Photometer Reading
n 1-Minute Average Ambient Temperature
n 1-Minute Average Dew Point Temperature
n 2-Minute Average Wind Speed and Direction (Every Minute)
n Maximum 5-Second Average Wind Speed and Direction For Each Minute
n 1-Minute Precipitation Identification Sensor Data
n 1-Minute Lightning Data *
n 1-Minute Precipitation Amount
n 15-Minute Incremental Precipitation Amount Stored Every 15 Minutes
n 1-Minute Sunshine Data *
n 1-Minute Frozen Precipitation Water Equivalent *
n 1-Minute Snow Depth *
n 1-Minute Freezing Rain Occurrence
n 1-Minute Average Pressure For Each Pressure Cell
* When Sensors Become Available
6.0 ASOS Data Outlets
ASOS data are provided through multiple data out-
lets. There are five basic types of ASOS data outlets. The
basic ASOS data outlets are described below along with a
brief description of the types of data available through each
of these outlets. The basic ASOS data outlets are:
n On-Site and Remote OID Video Screen Displays, and
Remote User Interactive Video Screen Displays
n On-Site, Non-Interactive Screen Displays
n On-Site Printer Hard copy
n Long-Line Coded Messages
n Computer-Generated Voice Messages
6.1 Interactive Video Screen
At staffed ASOS locations, up to two Operator Inter-
face Devices (OID) can be provided. The OID consists of
a monitor and keyboard and provides interactive access to
ASOS data through the ACU. A primary OID is located at
the designated primary observer location. At airports with
air traffic control towers, an OID is also provided which
may be designated either the primary or secondary OID,
depending upon primary observer location. On-site users
may “sign-on” to the ASOS OID in any one of four access
levels with the proper password. Those four levels include:
n Observer Level
n Air Traffic Control (Tower) Level
n Technician Level
n System Manager Level
OID users in both the Observer Level and the Air Traf-
fic Control Level can be signed on to the ASOS simulta-
neously, however no two users can be signed on in the
Observer Level at the same time. Remote OID users and
remote interactive computer users may only sign on as:
n Unsigned User
n Technician
n System Manager
Up to 8 on-site OID/remote OID users may be signed-
on at one time, however, only one on-site OID user at a
time may be signed-on in the (primary) Observer Level or
Air Traffic Control (ATC) Level. It is not possible to re-
motely sign-on in the Observer level or ATC level. This
prevents remote editing or augmenting of the ASOS data.
The various types of data available in these sign-on levels
are listed in Figure 4, and shown in Appendix A, ASOS
Video Displays.
6.2 Non-Interactive Screen
On-site displays, other than the OID, include the FAA
ACE Video Display (VD) and the Video Display Unit
(VDU). The VD is intended for Air Traffic Controller use.
The VDU (up to 4 per airport) is intended for observer use
at the primary observation location. Other users, such as
fixed base operators, may interface with the ASOS by pro-
viding their own off-the-shelf, non-interactive video moni-
tors. Up to 50 such monitors can be interfaced with ASOS
at a single airport. The data which may be displayed on
these monitors is identical to the data displayed on the VDU.
See Appendix I for examples of the FAA VD and VDU
The FAA VD includes the 5-second wind update of
the current 2-minute average wind (magnetic), the current
1-minute update of the altimeter setting, the last transmit-
ted METAR, and the density altitude at the time of the last
transmitted METAR. This data is automatically updated
by the ASOS.
The VDU displays the most current OMO data, the
last transmitted METAR, and auxiliary data such as Rela-
tive Humidity, Sea-Level Pressure, Density Altitude, Pres-
sure Altitude, and wind (direction given in both magnetic
and true degrees). Most auxiliary data are refreshed auto-
matically once every minute (see Section 5.4 for details).
The data available on the user provided monitor is identi-
cal with that provided on the VDU. No user interaction
with ASOS is permitted with the FAA VD, VDU, or user
provided monitor.
6.3 ASOS Printer
One printer may be provided at the primary OID
equipped location. The following data are automatically
n All transmitted METARs
n The OMO generated just before and after the OID edit
function has been accessed
n Equipment failures
n Daily and monthly summaries (after computed)
In addition, any data displayed on the primary OID
screen may be printed upon command.
6.4 Long-Line Dissemination
The ASOS coded messages are transmitted nationwide
through NWS and FAA communication networks (see Fig-
ures 18 and 19).
Initially, the FAA will provide OMO data for local
use only; no networking of these data is possible. Addi-
tionally, all ASOS METAR messages are available to us-
ers on both the FAA and NWS networks. Exchange of
ASOS METAR messages between the FAA and NWS com-
munications networks occurs through the NWS Telecom-
munication Gateway (NWSTG). ASOS METAR messages,
SHEF data, and Daily Summary and Monthly Summary
Messages from both FAA and NWS locations are addi-
tionally available to other users through the NWSTG.
In the final network configuration, OMO data from all
ASOS locations will be made available to users upon re-
quest. OMO data from specified ASOS locations will be
provided to the NWS Weather Forecast Offices (WFO),
upon request, once every 5 minutes when the WFO is op-
erating in the “warning” mode, or once every 15 minutes
when the WFO is operating in the “alert” mode.
6.5 Computer-Generated Voice
ASOS computer-generated voice messages include
those which are broadcast directly to pilots through the
ASOS ground-to-air radio, and those which are made avail-
able to the general aviation public through FAA sponsored
telephone dial-in access. The information contained in the
ground-to-air radio message and the telephone dial-in mes-
sage are identical. ASOS computer-generated voice obser-
vations are spoken at the rate of 100 words per-minute.
The content of the computer-generated voice message
is either the current OMO or the current METAR, depend-
ing on location. At unstaffed locations, the OMO is used;
at FAA towered locations the OMO or METAR may be
used at the discretion of the air traffic controller. The con-
tent of the computer-generated voice includes the follow-
n Location identification
n Type of observing station (automated), but not type
of observation (i.e., METAR or SPECI)
n The valid time of the observation
n The individual reported weather elements normally in-
cluded in the METAR (except sea-level pressure). One
major difference from the METAR however, is that wind
direction in the voice message is given in reference to
magnetic direction instead of true direction
n Selected automated remarks and manual OID key-
board entered remarks
After the altimeter setting information is given, the
word “remarks” is spoken to indicate that additional infor-
mation follows. This additional information may be ASOS
generated and/or manually entered. The ASOS is capable
of selecting appropriate words from the approved ASOS
voice vocabulary (see Appendix D) and producing com-
puter-generated voice remarks for:
n Variable visibility (e.g., “visibility two miles variable
three miles”)
n Pressure (e.g., when density altitude is > 1,000 feet an
automated remark is generated; “Density altitude two
thousand five hundred”)
n Lightning (e.g., “Lightning Distant Northeast”)
Manually generated remarks are appended to the com-
puter-generated voice remarks through the OID keyboard.
For example, manual entry remarks through the OID key-
board may include tower-visibility.
At towered airports, the air traffic controller has the
option of selecting for the broadcast weather message ei-
ther METARs (scheduled or unscheduled) or OMOs. At
non-towered locations, the broadcast weather message de-
faults to the OMO.
Each computer-generated voice message begins with
an identification of the location, the phrase “AUTO-
(ZULU) time of the observation.
To clarify and distinguish the different data elements
in the computer-generated voice message a verbal identi-
fier (prefix) accompanies each weather element (e.g., “tem-
perature four dew point three”). Weather elements missing
in the METAR or OMO alpha-numeric message are enun-
ciated as “missing” in the corresponding computer-gener-
Figure 18. ASOS Network Data Flow–—Initial Configuration (1997)
Figure 19. ASOS Network Data Flow––Final Configuration
ated voice message (e.g., “sky condition missing,”; “vis-
ibility missing”).
Example 1
If the airport’s specific location is included in the
airport’s name, the airport’s name is announced.
ZULU, ...”
Example 2
If the airport’s specific location is not included in the
airport’s name, the location name is first announced, and
then the airport name is given.
ZULU, ...”
Example 3
During the nationwide implementation of the ASOS,
each location will operate in test mode for approximately
30-60 days before commissioning. A longer period of test
broadcasts may occur at selected locations. During this test
period, computer-generated voice messages will have the
word “TEST” in the message following the word
“OBSERVATION” to indicate that the observation is not
SIX ZULU, ...”
Example 4
The phrase “TEMPORARILY INACTIVE” is added
to the message after the word “OBSERVATION” to indi-
cate that the system is inoperative.
Example 5
In this example, a “clear below 12,000 feet” observa-
tion is given. Notice that the number “9” is pronounced
NINER. The magnetic declination at MHK is 7
E. The true
wind direction reported in the METAR (280 degrees) is
reported as 270 degrees magnetic (rounded to the nearest
10 degrees) in the computer-generated voice message.
20/13 A2988 RMK AO2 SLP929 T02000130
Example 6
In this example, a manual lower tower visibility is
given. The measured true wind direction is 164 degrees
(rounded to 160 for reporting in the METAR). The mea-
sured magnetic wind direction is 157 degrees (rounded to
160 degrees for reporting in the computer-generated voice
message). Although magnetic declination at MHK is 7
note that both the true and magnetic wind directions are
reported as 160 degrees in this example.
OVC050 20/20 A2992 RMK AO2 SFC VIS 3 P0001
Example 7
ASOS does not report a cloud height of zero, but is
capable of reporting a vertical visibility with an obscura-
tion. Observed visibilities of zero, 1/16 or 1/8 mile are all
reported as “less than one quarter” mile by ASOS but may
be manually augmented. The pressure sensors are inop-
erative and therefore the altimeter is missing (note the “$”
maintenance flag in the METAR message). The magnetic
declination at ABI is 8
E. With a calm wind however, both
the true wind direction in the METAR (00000) and the
magnetic wind direction in the computer-generated mes-
sage are reported as “calm.”
VV001 16/16 RMK AO2 $
Example 8
In this example, variable visibility is automatically in-
cluded as a remark. The magnetic declination at BUF is
W. The computed true wind direction (rounded to the
nearest degree) is 237 degrees, and the computed mag-
netic wind direction (also rounded to the nearest degree) is
245 degrees. For reporting purposes, wind directions are
rounded down to the nearest 10 degrees. Thus the true di-
rection reported in the METAR is given as 240 degrees
while the magnetic direction reported in the computer-gen-
erated voice message is also given as 240 degrees.
SPECI KBUF 111541 AUTO 24010 11/2SM -SN SCT010
OVC018 M02/M03 A2955 RMK AO2 VIS 1V2
7.0 Introduction
This chapter lists elements ASOS does not now pro-
vide and describes plans for product improvement.
7.1 Data Not Provided by ASOS
The elements not currently sensed or reported by ASOS
are listed in Table 10. Other complementary technology or
supplementary observing networks will report these weather
conditions. Some additional data may be added to the ASOS
report through augmentation. Data from separate observ-
ing networks or from remote sensing technologies such as
WSR-88D, GOES, and LDS can be used to complement
the sensor observation provided by ASOS.
The operational implementation of ASOS is clearly a
major technological achievement in automation of surface
observations. As with any new sophisticated technology,
continuous development and product improvement are es-
sential to keep pace with an ever changing world. The ASOS
product improvement program is an on-going effort to en-
hance existing capabilities and develop new sensors and/
or algorithms for reporting hail, snowfall, liquid equiva-
lent of frozen precipitation, and snow accumulation. Work
continues on incorporating independent ALS and NLDN-
ALDARS data into the ASOS to provide real-time infor-
mation on thunderstorm location.
7.2 Planned Product
The development and fielding of the ASOS network
represents a large initial commitment of time and tax dol-
lars. The goal of ASOS planned product improvements is
to ensure the most cost-effective benefits to the nation well
into the next century, to prevent premature system obso-
lescence and the need for a costly full system replacement,
and to more adequately meet changing user requirements
and decrease maintenance demands. To meet this goal, the
NWS has initiated a long-term product improvement
The objectives of this multi-year program are to refine
and improve the ASOS baseline suite, while taking advan-
tage of future scientific and technical breakthroughs in sen-
sors and algorithms which will enhance and expand the
baseline capabilities. The current ASOS baseline includes
reports for the following elements: Wind, Visibility, Present
Weather/Obscurations, Ambient Temperature/Dew Point
Temperature, Altimeter Setting (Pressure), and Liquid Pre-
cipitation Accumulation.
Typically, several years of test and evaluation activi-
ties are required before a new sensor is ready for imple-
mentation. The process begins by first defining the
operational and performance requirements that a potential
sensor must meet, defining the specification, and then se-
lecting a number of vendors from which to procure suit-
able prototypes. These prototypes are generally tested and
evaluated over at least a two year period in selected envi-
ronments to ensure that the sensors are subjected to a full
spectrum of weather conditions.
Table 10. Weather Elements Not Reported
n Tornado, funnel cloud, waterspout
n Hail
n Ice crystals
[Snow grains, Ice Pellets, Snow pellets]
n Drizzle, freezing drizzle
n Volcanic ash
n Blowing obstructions (sand, dust, spray)
n Smoke
n Snow fall (accumulation rate) and snow depth
n Hourly snow increase (SNINCR) remarks
n Liquid Equivalent of Frozen Precipitation
n Water equivalent of snow on the ground
n Clouds above 12,000 feet
n Operationally significant clouds above 12,000 feet
in mountainous areas
n Virga
n Distant precipitation in mountainous areas
and distant clouds obscuring mountains
n Operationally significant local variations
in visibility
n Minutes of sunshine
a = Provided by supplementary observing networks
b = May be provided by manual augmentation
c = May be provided by future ASOS sensors/
d = Provided by complementary technologies
(Satellite Cloud Product, ALDARS, etc.)
An iterative process of refining the hardware and soft-
ware capabilities occurs during this period. Evaluation re-
sults and requests for specific changes are continuously
sent to the vendors. As potential technology improvements
become available, they are incorporated into the prototype
sensors for further testing.
The most promising prototype sensors, usually from
one vendor, are then integrated into the operational ASOS
sensor suite and tested at approximately 20 sites for an-
other year or two. This procedure enables test and evalua-
tion to occur in a more realistic setting and under more
varied weather conditions. It also helps to ensure that the
hard ware/software components of the new sensor are com-
patible with those of the existing ASOS sensor suite.
The iterative process of sensor refinement continues
as the vendor receives evaluation data and requests for
changes. At this stage, the evaluation process includes feed-
back from potential users, made possible by the more op-
erational setting. After evaluation and filtering of user
feedback comments, recommendations for improvement
are forwarded to the vendor. Again, as sensor improve-
ments become available, they are incorporated into the pro-
totype sensors for further testing. Upon successful
completion of this process, a new sensor/capability is added
to the ASOS nationwide network. The following sections
describe specific product improvement activities.
7.2.1 Ice-Free Wind Sensor
The current ASOS wind sensor uses the traditional cup
and vane design that occasionally experiences freeze-up in
icing conditions. To minimize these occurrences, the ASOS
Program Office is testing a variety of replacement wind
sensors with respect to the ability to continue operation
under adverse winter conditions such as freezing rain, freez-
ing drizzle, and snow. First-year testing started during the
fall of 1995 with ice-free wind sensors from four vendors.
Second-year testing (field, chamber, and wind tunnel)
started in December 1996 and is ongoing as of this writing.
7.2.2 Dew Point Sensor
The current ASOS dew point sensor exhibits several
problems, including corrosion and calibration problems,
resulting in inaccurate and unreliable performance of the
sensor. Consequently, ASOS technicians make more fre-
quent periodic maintenance trips than the ASOS specified
90-day preventive maintenance interval. Several modifi-
cations have been made, and continue to be made, to the
existing dew point sensor. One improvement is the replace-
ment of the silver coated mirror with a gold coated mirror.
This increases the mirror’s reflectivity and the sensor’s
ability to compensate for mirror contamination over a
longer period of time before maintenance is needed. An
effort is now underway to completely replace the chilled
mirror dew point sensor with an alternative technology.
An alternative vendor/technology search was con-
ducted in Spring 1996 and revealed five potential alterna-
tive sensor technologies:
n Chilled surface-capacitive
n Infrared hygrometer
n Hygro-mechanical arch
n Lithium chloride
n Thin-film capacitive
Based on analysis of the competing technologies, the
thin-film capacitive technology was selected for testing.
Initial testing began at four test locations in 1997.
7.2.3 Ceilometer/Sky Condition
The ASOS specification requires the ceilometer to re-
port cloud heights up to 12,000 feet. Under most circum-
stances, the sky condition algorithm processes the cloud
height information properly. The resultant sky condition
report is fairly representative of the actual sky condition
near the airport. However, the algorithm can be improved
to enhance reporting of cloud bases and vertical visibility
during fog, virga, and precipitation events. Algorithm im-
provements are also needed to reduce the false reporting
of lower mid-level moisture layers as clouds.
The ASOS Program can and will make some of the
proposed algorithm enhancements using the current ceilo-
meter. Laser beam ceilometer technology employed in the
current model has advanced in recent years to provide im-
proved cloud base detection. In addition, new generation
cloud height sensors (e.g., 25,000 foot ceilometers) may
provide more reliable information in the lower atmosphere
during adverse weather conditions. Initial testing of the
25,000 foot ceilometers from three vendors started in Au-
gust 1996.
7.2.4 All-Weather Precipitation
Accumulation Gauge
The current ASOS Heated Tipping Bucket gauge is
strictly a liquid precipitation accumulation sensor. A Fro-
zen Precipitation Water Equivalent Sensor was a planned
addition to ASOS. Numerous attempts were made to de-
sign a suitable frozen precipitation water equivalent sen-
sor. These sensors typically consisted of a collection bucket
mounted on a load cell. The basic problem was that the
load cell exhibited too much hysteresis with temperature.
In June 1996, the NWS Offices of Hydrology and Meteo-
rology finalized a requirement for an “all-weather” gauge
that will measure both liquid and frozen precipitation wa-
ter equivalent. Initial testing of all-weather precipitation
accumulation gauges (AWPAG) from two vendors started
in January 1997. The AWPAG requirement was modified
in Spring 1997 based on initial test results. Follow-on test-
ing is planned for 1998.
7.2.5 Enhanced Precipitation
The current precipitation identification sensor does not
consistently detect and report light precipitation (< 0.01
inch/hour), ice pellets, or hail. The current precipitation
identification sensor was designed to meet a requirement
to detect precipitation that falls at a rate >0.01 inch/hour.
ASOS’s existing precipitation identification sensor can
detect rain or snow; however, the sensor identifies ice pel-
lets and hail as rain, or undetermined precipitation (UP).
Field reports have identified a resurgent need for the de-
tection and identification of drizzle or very light precipita-
tion (< 0.01 inch/hour), ice pellets, and hail. Finally,
although the first generation algorithms for blowing snow
are now part of ASOS, further development and refine-
ment is being pursued. Initial sensor testing from two ven-
dors started during 1995-1996 winter. A single vendor’s
technology was tested during 1997.
7.2.6 Sunshine
The ASOS specification has a requirement for a sun-
shine sensor. Test and evaluation of candidate sensors be-
gan in 1992. The sunshine sensors from test vendors were
tested and evaluated. All candidates’ sensors were com-
pared with two reference sensors, the Foster-Foskett and
the Eppley pyrheliometer. Test results revealed that one
vendor was clearly superior in meeting the ASOS specifi-
cation. In 1995, the Office of Meteorology redefined the
ASOS specification for the sunshine sensor. Sunshine sen-
sors from the leading vendor were installed at four test sites
in early 1996. A one-two year demonstration began at eight
other sites in Summer 1997.
7.2.7 Schedule
The earliest product improvement sensor forecasted
to reach production is the sunshine sensor. It is expected to
be fielded as early as FY 1999. Limited production and
field implementation of other sensors/algorithms is esti-
mated to start in the year 2000 and be completed by 2007.
7.3 Summary
The characteristics of the ASOS include:
n Continuous Operation; Reports Updated Every Minute
n Fast Response to Changing Conditions
n Consistency of Observations
n Designed for Aviation Operational Use
n Critical Sensors Normally Located Near TDZ
n Visibility Determinations to 10 Miles
n Cloud Height Determination Up to 12,000 Feet
n Present Weather Sensors Included
n Multiple Sensors Where Needed
Among the basic strengths of the ASOS observation
is the ability to measure critical weather parameters (such
as sky condition and visibility) where they are needed most
—at the touchdown zone(s). Other parameters may be
measured at a representative location, usually near the cen-
ter of the airport. ASOS data are updated once each minute
and transmitted directly to the air traffic controller. ASOS
generated METAR messages, SHEF messages, and daily
and monthly summary products are routinely made avail-
able for nationwide dissemination. The ASOS is capable
of performing all the basic observing functions and oper-
ating fully unattended, thus freeing observing personnel
for other demanding duties.
ASOS data may be accessed through a variety of me-
dia never before available from a surface observing site.
Various local on-site video screen displays are available
on the OID (proper access code/password may be re-
quired), and VDU. Remote monitor hook-up can be made
available to airlines and other external users on the air-
port. Authorized remote users (with modem-equipped
computers and the proper access code/password) may also
acquire a wide variety of OID screen displays through the
ASOS remote user dial-in port. Computer-generated voice
messages are made available to local aviation users through
ground-to-air broadcast and a dial-in telephone number
provided at each ASOS location. Long-line users are pro-
vided with routine access to ASOS generated METAR and
SHEF messages, and daily and monthly summary data.
The wealth of high-quality ASOS data now available to
users provides new resources and exciting opportunities
in meeting future needs for environmental data.
uuuuu u u uuu u
uuuuu u u
uuuu u
uuuu uuu
uuuu uuu
uData type available through data outlet 1 This level not available remotely
2 Selected OMO data provided once every 5 or 15 minutes upon request
3 Either OMO or last transmitted METAR/SPECI - Not both
4 Available through FAA ADAS interface
Figure 4. Availability of ASOS Data
On-Site ASOS
Self Checking
On-Site Observer
Level 1
Site Specific Area
Level 2
County Warning
Level 3
National Area
WFO Monitoring
(human &
Regional Oversight
System Oversight
Based on METAR
• Synoptic Overview
• Interactive Technology
• Automated QC System
“Real Time
FAA Sites
NWS Sites
“Near Real Time
Reg HQ
Reg HQ
Figure 1. ASOS Quality Control Concept
METAR/SPECI - Aviation Routine Weather Report
SHEF - Standard Hydrometeorological Exchange Format Reports
NWSTG - National Weather Service Telecommunications Gateway
ADAS - AWOS/ASOS Data Acquisition System
WMSC - Weather Message Switching Center
* - PC-Based Asynchrono
Communications Exte
(for ASOS)
Interagency Interface
Figure 18. ASOS Network Data Flow–—Initial Configuration (1997)
METAR/SPECI - Aviation Routine Weather Report
SHEF - Standard Hydrometeorological Exchange Format Reports
OMOs - One Minute Observations
DS/MS - Daily Summary/Monthly Summary Messages
WMSCR - Weather Message Switching Center Replacement
ALDARS - Automated Lightning Detection and Reporting System
* - Alternate proposal for delivery
the 5/15-minute data from FAA to
Interagency Interface
5/15-Minute Data*
5/15-Minute Data*
5/15-Minute Data*
5/15-Minute Data*
Proposed ALDARS Data
Proposed ALDARS
Figure 19. ASOS Network Data Flow––Final Configuration