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Contract No. DE-AC36-08GO28308
Pyranometers and Reference
Cells, What’s the Difference?
Jenya Meydbray
PV Evolution Labs
Keith Emery and Sarah Kurtz
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
To be published in PV Magazine
April 2012
Journal Article
March 2012
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Part 1 of 2
Pyranometers and Reference Cells, What’s the Difference?
Jenya Meydbray, Keith Emery, and Sarah Kurtz
As the photovoltaic industry has grown exponentially in the past decade, large photovoltaic (PV)
fields have become more common. The investors for these projects calculate the expected return
on investment based on expected electricity generation and adjust the interest rates and other
financial terms according to the perceived risk. These calculations usually assume worst case
according to the listed warranty and any uncertainty in the measurement is translated directly
into a reduced predicted performance. Because a 1% difference in predicted output could
represent a large fraction of the expected return on investment, a small reduction in uncertainty
translates into a much larger value to the entity making investment decisions. To reduce
perceived risk in large-scale solar investments power plant performance (or production)
guarantees have become increasingly common. This two part article explores some subtleties of
accurately measuring PV efficiency in the field.
Weather versus PV efficiency
PV output is determined by two factors:
1. Weather (solar resource)
2. PV system efficiency
Investors often seek guarantees from the EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) firm
and/or PV module manufacturer to protect themselves against underperforming PV modules.
The PV module manufacturer is in a good position to guarantee the PV module efficiency with
respect to standard test conditions defined as 25 °C PV temperature, 1000 Wm
total irradiance
and the spectral irradiance given in IEC 60904. The module manufacturer may be able to predict
the system efficiency but can’t be expected to guarantee the weather and resulting energy
delivered. These performance guarantees require two pieces of information to accurately assess
the performance of the PV modules: the amount of useable solar resource (fuel in) and energy
out. Additionally, the investors typically require measurement of the PV performance
(efficiency) before full payment. The question then arises about the best way to perform
measurement of the PV system performance. This article addresses one small part of that
question: what irradiance sensor will give the lowest uncertainty in characterizing PV
As the weather varies, the output of the PV system changes. Key factors affecting the PV system
performance include not only the irradiance, but also the spectrum, angle of the irradiance,
temperature, wind speed, and wind direction. Much of this variability is predictable because of
how all solar cells work, but variations in efficiency over time can occur because of
manufacturing defects in any of the system components. For example, if the PV module
develops a poor electrical connection, the associated resistive losses will reduce the efficiency
the most at high irradiance conditions. Whereas, the emergence of localized shunts in the solar
cell will result in disproportionately reduced low-light performance. The challenge of
identifying whether the PV manufacturer meets the terms of the contract is in quantifying
whether the efficiency varies with the weather in the way we expect it to or in some other way.
Thus, the ideal irradiance sensor for monitoring PV performance would also vary with the
weather in a way that mimics how a “good” or “defect-free” PV product is expected to vary. In
other words, if one can accurately measure the total useable incident irradiance under any
environmental conditions (fuel in) one can determine if the PV system is generating electricity
per expectations (energy out).
Meteorologists around the world use pyranometers to quantify the sunshine. Pyranometers
respond to the change in temperature when the sunlight heats a black surface. The pyranometer
gives a voltage signal that is directly proportional to the irradiance as measured in watts per
square meter. The pyranometer is specially designed to accept light from all angles, to have a
flat response to light from the ultraviolet to the far infrared, and to have a stable output regardless
of sky conditions and changing ambient conditions. A variety of products are on the market
today, typically with the most stable instruments having the highest prices. Typically
pyranometers are recalibrated about once per year, since the output can drift. A photograph is
shown in Fig. 1 of a typical state-of-the-art commercial unit.
Reference cells
PV reference cells can also be used to measure irradiance. However, they work in a very
different way: photons with energy above the band gap of the PV material are converted directly
into positive and negative charges that can be collected and used in an external circuit. The
reference cell generates a current that is dependent on the number and spectral distribution of the
photons. Typically, the current of the reference cell is measured by measuring the voltage across
a small resistor that is included in the reference cell package. This voltage is calibrated under the
reference spectrum [ASTM G173, or IEC 60904-3 spectrum] at 1000 W/m
, 25 °C using
standard techniques [IEC 60904-1]. Figure 2 shows an ESTI type reference cell where two half
cells are utilized to measure irradiance and cell temperature. Figure 3 compares the responsivity
of thermal based pyranometers with PV sensors and the reference spectrum. Like a PV module a
reference cell responds to light from all angles, but typically shows an increased reflectance, and,
therefore, a decreased efficiency for light that arrives at a glancing angle. If a solar reference cell
is constructed with typical PV cells, glass, encapsulant, and backsheet the spectral and angular
response will closely match that of the PV modules generating energy in the power plant. The
reference cell does not respond to photons with energy less than the band gap, implying that they
will be insensitive to changes in this part of the spectrum when used for quantifying the
broadband meteorological irradiance. Or, in other words, a reference cell is designed to measure
the irradiance that is available to a PV module for conversion into electricity (fuel in) rather than
being designed to measure the broadband irradiance. The close spectral match of the reference
cell to a PV system minimizes scatter in the data due to variable spectral conditions. The
attributes that introduce uncertainty when reference cells are used to characterize the weather are
the same as the attributes that make them more ideal for characterizing the PV system
Table 1 compares pyranometers and reference cells when they are used for measuring the
efficiency of PV at reference conditions and when they are used as radiometers (to measure
weather). Reference cells are especially useful for precise characterization of the PV
performance, allowing better detection of changes in PV system performance with time and
shorter time assessment of the PV operating efficiency. However, because predictions of PV
performance are almost universally based on irradiance data that were derived from pyranometer
measurements, it may be most useful to simultaneously use reference cells to characterize the PV
efficiency and pyranometers to compare performance relative to historical-type weather data.
Both reference cells and pyranometers are calibrated to international standards. ISO 17025
accredited reference cell and pyranometer calibrations are commercially available. An in-depth
comparison will be presented in part 2 of this article. Figure 3 shows the output and efficiency of
different devices across the spectrum of sunlight. Thermopile pyranometers clearly show a very
flat or broadband output but do not respond in the IR past the transmittance of quartz about 2500
nm. When utilizing this device for measuring useable incident energy for a PV power plant
uncertainty is introduced when the spectrum changes because the pyranometer and PV plant
respond differently to different spectra. Part 2 of this article will explore this uncertainty.
Financial implications of this uncertainty will also be presented.
Table 1. Comparison of use of solar reference cell and thermopile pyranometer for two
types of measurements.
Measurement of PV
efficiency at reference
Solar Radiometric
measurement (Weather)
Reference cell
Reference Cell
Can be made
to closely
match solar
response needs to
be corrected
response treated
as an error
Broadband response
requires essentially
no correction
Angle of
Can be made
to closely
match solar
Response falls off
at > 80°
Glass dome
provides wide angle
(especially useful for
> 80°)
response is
similar to PV
system; Linear
allows for
minimize sensitivity
to temperature.
Not corrected for
Need to be
corrected for
usually treated as
an error
Are designed to
minimize sensitivity
to temperature;
uncertainty may be
< milliseconds;
matched to PV
seconds; Can be
problematic for
measuring PV
< milliseconds
Slow (up to 30
seconds) response
is fine when using
average irradiance
Other issues
sky and transients
in ambient
temperature affect
Emission to cold sky
and transients in
ambient temperature
affect output
IEC 60904
9845, ISO 9846
IEC 60904
ISO 9847, ISO 9845,
ISO 9846
Fig. 1. Photograph of thermopile pyranometer. Source: NREL
Fig. 2. Photograph of Suntech ESTI type reference cell built and calibrated by PV
Evolution Labs. Source: PV Evolution Labs.
Fig. 3. Left: The spectral responsivity of several photosensitive devices in units of signal
per incident watt at a given wavelength. The spectral irradiance is in units of power per
unit area per unit wavelength.
Right: The quantum efficiency with which each of these devices converts incident
photons to electrons is compared.