Mercury Contamination in Arctic Canada:
Possible Implications for Aboriginal Health
Youssef H. El-Hayek
Methylmercury is a potent neurotoxin found at elevated
concentrations in both the Arctic ecosystem and tissues of
the local Aboriginal inhabitants. Combined studies of
ecological contamination with the possible implications
for human health, have made this one of the largest
environmental research projects in Canadian history.
Recent scientific advances have revolutionized the
understanding of the global mercury cycle. The major
source of mercury exposure is through the consumption of
locally derived food sources. Mercury tissue
concentrations are reaching alarming levels in some
Aboriginal communities. Studies on both animals and
humans have provided compelling evidence suggesting
that methylmercury contamination induces neurological
defects. Cognitive defects have been noted in children
exposed congenitally in several other seafood-consuming
communities around the world. Defects in motor function
have been observed in both adults and children in Inuit
Communities. Furthermore, environmental mercury has
been linked to both autism and Alzheimer disease.
Aboriginals are currently exposed to methylmercury in
addition to several other environmental toxins. This may
have serious repercussions for neurodevelopment and
health in this population.
Mercury and the Environment of Arctic Canada
The Northern Contaminants Program (NCP)
Approximately 7.5% of Canada's aboriginal population inhabits the Arctic
region in the northern part of the country, where they comprise just over half
of the combined population (Statistics Canada, 2001). The lives of these
56,000 people are linked to the local environment, particularly through the
consumption of traditional foods (Van Oostdam et al, 2005). Mercury
contamination as a possible health concern was initially raised in the early
1970s, following contamination of fish due to effluents from chlor-alkali
plants in northern Ontario. Similar concerns were later recapitulated in
several other communities (CACAR, 2003). Moreover, early studies in the
mid-80s indicated that the Arctic ecosystem harbored unusually high levels
of contaminants such as persistent organic pollutants, radionucleotides, and
heavy metals including mercury (Wong, 1986). In response to such
concerns, the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development
established the Northern Contaminants Program (NCP) in partnership with
Federal and Territorial Departments, Aboriginal organizations, and
University researchers (CACAR, 2003). Since its conception in 1991 the
NCP has focused on determining the levels and sources of contaminants in
the Arctic, and assessing the possible impacts and risks towards human
The Mercury Cycle in the Arctic Ecosystem
The initiatives of the NCP, in conjunction with the development of more
sophisticated instrumentation, have lead to a scientific revolution in our
understanding of the global mercury cycle (CACAR, 2003). Mercury exists
in three states: elemental mercury, inorganic mercury salts, and organic
mercury. In aquatic environments, inorganic mercury is converted to the
more toxic organic state, otherwise known as methylmercury (MeHg).
Methylmercury is found at elevated concentrations in the tissues of aquatic
animals in the Arctic (Lockhart & Evans, 2000; Wagemann et al., 1995).
When a contaminant enters the food web, it is passed on from prey to
predator, and in the process successively increases in concentration. Animals
higher up the food web are therefore at a higher risk for exposure. This
process is known as biomagnification or bioaccumulation. Once it enters the
food chain, mercury is biomagnified as methylmercury (Atwell et al., 1995),
and results in global human exposure primarily through the consumption of
contaminated fish (WHO, 1990).
Although the process of biomagnification enhances exposure levels, it is the
physiochemical reactions of mercury in the air and water that ultimately
determine the amount that enters the food web. Natural sources of mercury
from local rocks and soils have remained steady for decades, while human-
made, or anthropogenic sources are on the rise (CACAR, 2003).
Anthropogenic emissions from fossil fuel consumption, waste incineration,
chlor-alkali plants and metal smelting and processing release elemental
mercury in a gaseous state into the atmosphere (Pacyna & Keeler, 1995).
Once in the atmosphere, gaseous mercury is capable of long-range transport
in air currents (Schroeder and Munthe, 1998), which can reach isolated
environments such as the Arctic from industrial regions such as Europe,
Asia, and North America.
Canadian researchers have recently characterized a staggering discovery
known as atmospheric mercury depletion events (MDEs) at Alert, Nunavut
and Kuujjuarapik, Quebec (Schroeder et al., 1998; 1999a). During the polar
sunrise in the spring after approximately five months of darkness,
atmospheric mercury levels drop drastically. During this sudden exposure to
solar radiation, atmospheric mercury is converted into a more reactive,
oxidized form (Schroeder et al., 1999b), which deposits more easily in the
snow (Schroeder et al., 2000). The occurrence of MDEs in the springtime
correlates with the preparation of plants and animals for peak summertime
activity possibly enhancing exposure. Approximately 60% of the mercury
that reaches lakes and rivers flows out and 25% falls to the bottom and, and
current data suggests that, at least in some areas, the levels of mercury in
lake sediments are increasing (CACAR, 2003).
Mercury Exposure Levels
Aboriginal Perspectives on Food
For us to be fully healthy, we must have our foods, recognizing the
benefits they bring. Contaminants do not affect our souls. Avoiding
our food from fear does. (Egede, 1995)
Exposure to mercury in Aboriginal communities occurs primarily through
the consumption of traditional country foods (Van Oostdam, 2005). Country
food refers to mammals, waterfowl/ seabirds, fish, and vegetation harvested
from the local flora and fauna. The attitudes towards the collection,
consumption, and trade of traditional food are different to those in Western
life. Food is an integral part of the community, with social, cultural,
economic and spiritual ramifications (Wheatly, 1996). Data from 1,721
interviews collected from five Inuit areas illustrated that traditional food is
perceived to provide cultural and economic benefits in addition to basic
nutrition (Kuhnlein et al., 2000). Cultural aspects aside, it would cost
approximately 55 million dollars to purchase equivalent amounts of imported
food, which is well above the 10,000 dollar aboriginal average household
income (Usher & Wenzel, 1989). Despite the date of the previously
mentioned study, it illustrates that a major economic drawback would be
associated with avoiding locally derived food sources. It is therefore apparent
that exposure to contaminants such as mercury can be potentially confounded
by socio-demographic, economic, and cultural factors.
Intake Levels and Guidelines
The major global source of MeHg exposure is through the consumption of
contaminated fish (WHO, 1990). In aboriginal communities, exposure may
also arise through the consumption of other local animals such as seals, polar
bears, narwhal muktuk, and caribou (Kuhnlein et al., 2000). Metals such as
mercury accumulate mostly in the internal organs of animals such as the liver
and kidney (Chan et al., 1995). The WHO has specified a guideline for the
provisional tolerable daily intake (pTDI) for total mercury (0.71μg/kg/day)
and methylmercury (0.47μg/kg/day) (WHO, 1978). Health Canada has also
issued a methylmercury pTDI of 0.2μg/kg/day for children and women of
childbearing age (Health Canada, 1998). The U.S Environmental Protection
Agency has established a MeHg dose of 0.1μg/kg/day for pregnant mothers
(U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1997).
Mercury intake levels for various populations have been compiled based on
a comparison of dietary surveys with the known mercury content of various
foods. Care should be taken in interpreting these values since much of the
available data is based on total mercury levels, not the more toxic organic
form. This has important implications as certain species such as fish contain
mostly MeHg while sea mammals contain mostly inorganic mercury
(Wagemann, 1997). Furthermore, recent reconstructions of MeHg intakes
using mathematical models based on biomarkers have illustrated that dietary
surveys may have overestimated intake values (Gosselin et al., 2005).
Finally, it should be understood that the data represent an average for the
population. As in any statistical distribution, a few individuals may be
exceeding the mean value by a large magnitude. Data from dietary surveys
indicate that the Inuit have the highest intakes of mercury with levels close
to the pTDI (Kuhnlein, 2001), while other groups have intake levels well
below the pTDI. The data suggests that Inuit children and women of
childbearing age may be exceeding the pTDI.
Tissue Levels and Guidelines
The Medical Services Branch of Health Canada, the First Nations and Inuit
Health Branch (FNIHB), the Cree Board of Health and Social Services, and
the Government of the Northwest Territories (GNWT) have accumulated a
wealth of data on tissue mercury levels. The combined efforts of these and
other agencies have made this one the largest contamination research
projects in Canadian history.
There are two commonly used biomarkers to assess mercury tissue levels:
mercury levels in hair and mercury levels in maternal/umbilical cord blood.
Health Canada has issued ranged guidelines for methylmercury blood levels
(Health Canada, 1979). Levels below 20μg/L are acceptable, while those
between 20 and 100μg/L are at increasing risk, and above 100μg/L
considered at risk. More recently, the USA issued a benchmark level of
58μg/L and a recommended maternal level of 5.8μg/L (NRC, 2000).
The blood levels mirror intake levels, in that Inuit mothers are exceeding
both Canadian and US guidelines, while no Caucasian, Dene, or Metis
mothers exceed the lower guideline of 5.8μg/L (Butler & Walker, 2005).
Within Inuit regions, Nunavik appears to have the highest proportion of
mothers exceeding recommended guidelines (Figure.1). It should be noted
that mercury concentrates on the fetal side of the placental circulation so
umbilical cord levels would be 1.5 to 1.8 times higher than in maternal blood
(Van Oostdam et al., 2005). The general historical trend is that the
percentage of Inuit mothers exceeding blood guidelines is on the decline
(Van Oostdam, 2005). However, issues regarding the statistical sampling of
historical accounts have been raised (Van Oostdam, 1999).
Figure 1. Maternal contaminant levels in Arctic Canada: Total mercury
g/L plasma)
Figure reprinted from (Van Oostdam et al, 2005) with permission from Elsevier
Dene/Métis (1.4)
Inuit - Nunavik
Inuit - Baffin (6.7)
Inuit - Inuvuk (2.1)
Inuit - Kitikmeot (3.4)
Caucasian (0.9)
Other (1.3)
Inuit - Kivalliq (3.7)
Mercury and the Nervous System
Toxicity of Mercury
Once ingested, 90% of MeHg is absorbed across the gastrointestinal tract.
Once in the blood stream it can easily cross the normally protective blood
brain barrier, due to its lipophilic nature (Mendola et al., 2002). It can be
transferred from mother to fetus via the placenta (Kajiwara et al., 1996), and
to infants through lactation (Sakamoto et al., 2002). Methylmercury is a
neurotoxin that can induce severe, irreversible damage to the central nervous
system (Philbert et al., 2000). Although the mechanisms remain to be fully
elucidated, it appears that a major neurotoxic effect involves oxidative stress
through the increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS).
Methylmercury also alters cell proliferation, differentiation, and migration
(Mendola et al., 2002). These processes are crucial to the well-orchestrated
and highly organized process of brain development.
A number of factors can potentially modulate the effect produced a
neurotoxic agent such as MeHg. One obvious factor is dose, or the
concentration that the nervous system is subjected to. Another would be the
extent of exposure time. When dealing with low-level exposures, however,
there may be more subtle factors involved. One such factor is the time point
of exposure during development. Brain development proceeds in a very
tightly regulated, highly organized pattern. Slight perturbations in this
process may have profound consequences for the immature brain. On the
other hand, a fully mature brain may be less vulnerable. Consequently, low-
level exposure may induce different defects in prenatal, neonatal, adolescent,
or adult nervous systems. Furthermore, subtle defects early in CNS
development may not become apparent until relatively late stages of life.
This is known as the Barker Hypothesis, which postulates that, certain
parameters in early life, such as low birth weight or small head
circumference induced by malnutrition, are indicators for disease
development in later life (Osmond & Barker, 2000). In 2003, this hypothesis
was expanded to include environmental toxins and brain development
(Landrigan et al., 2005). This hypothesis is similar to that of "Silent
Damage" (Weis & Reuhl, 1994). It has been postulated that the early
exposures to neurotoxic chemicals reduces the number of neurons in critical
brain areas, which becomes magnified later in life due to the aging process.
This for example, includes a well-documented correlation between early life
exposures to pesticides and Parkinson disease (Landrigan et al., 2005).
Acute Poisoning
The horrific neurotoxic effects of high level MeHg exposure are well
characterized through catastrophic events of mass poisoning. On two
separate occasions in Japan, fish become contaminated with MeHg from
local industrial discharge (Tsubaki, 1977). The first event occurred in the
1950s at Minamata Bay, and resulted in severe developmental defects
including cerebral palsy, microcephaly, blindness, and seizures in children
exposed during pregnancy (Goto, 2000). This has been dubbed Congenital
Minamata Disease. A similar episode occurred in Niigata, Japan in the
1960s. Based on lessons learned in Minamata, abortion was recommended
for pregnant mothers exhibiting high hair mercury levels (Tsubaki, 1977). In
exposed adults, the primary effect seems to be a targeted loss of neurons in
areas of the brain involved in vision, motor function, as well as the
disruption of sensory nerves (Reviewed in Castoldi et al., 2001).
Consequently, acute exposure during adulthood induced defects such as
hearing loss, muscle weakness, mental deterioration, and visual
abnormalities. In 1971, accidental consumption of seed grains treated with a
mercury containing fungicide resulted in hundreds of deaths in Iraq, with
thousands becoming clinically ill. Children exposed during pregnancy
exhibited higher frequencies of mental retardation, blindness, seizures, and
other neurological defects (Marsh et al., 1987). Three major conclusions can
be drawn from these unfortunate events. Firstly, high levels of MeHg can
have a devastating effect on both the developing and mature nervous
systems. Secondly, acute poisoning induces damage to several brain areas,
resulting in a broad spectrum of clinical manifestations. Thirdly, exposures
of the developing fetus to MeHg results in more severe neurological defects
than exposures in later life.
Low Level Exposure
Animal Studies
As mentioned above, the acute neurotoxic effects of MeHg have been well
documented. The effects of chronic low-level exposure are somewhat more
controversial. Animal models have several advantages over human studies,
the most important of which being that it permits testing in a controlled
environment. This facilitates data interpretation by reducing the potential
confounding effects of environmental factors such as diet or genetic
variations. The results from animal models are mixed (Reviewed in Rice,
1996). The major drawback being difficulty in distinguishing between
defects in sensory/motor functions from defects in cognition, or
"intelligence". Rodents and monkeys exposed developmentally to MeHg
seem to display difficulty in performing simple tasks. This difficulty appears
to be more related to sensory or motor deficits rather than a direct defect in
cognitive aptitude. In one series of experiments, Macaque monkeys exposed
to MeHg during pregnancy displayed infantile alterations in visual
recognition tasks that are believed to assess cognitive function. However,
this same group of monkeys was not impaired on similar tests later in life.
In a separate series experiments no cognitive deficits were found in monkeys
exposed, but visual and somatosensory defects were recorded. In one study,
five monkeys were dosed from birth to seven years of age with 50μg/kg/day
of MeHg (Rice, 1998). These monkeys displayed defects in auditory, visual,
and somatosensory function at age 20 years. The monkeys were then tested
for defects in speed of information processing, which is highly correlated
with IQ in humans. A button pushing test in response to a visual stimulus
experiment was set up to distinguish between reaction time (information
processing) and motor time (speed of movement). Since no significant
difference was observed between the reaction times in the experimental and
control groups, and the authors concluded that cognitive defects were not
impaired. Care should be exercised in interpreting these results since which
is that five monkeys is hardly a large enough group to develop a statistical
population. Despite the inconsistency in animal models a few conclusions
may drawn with respect to low-level exposure. First, it is likely that
developmental exposure can induce sensory and motor defects; however,
evidence for direct cognitive defects is more controversial. Second,
although a controlled scientific environment is a necessity, it is
nonetheless a simplistic model of a much larger, genetically heterogeneous
human population. Third, these experiments do not take into account the
possible additive effect of exposure to multiple environmental
neurotoxins, as is the case in Arctic Canada (Van Oostdam, 2005), which
may have additive effects.
Congenital Exposure in Humans
A number of human studies have been carried out to address the issue of
development defects following congenital exposure to low levels of MeHg
through maternal consumption of contaminated seafood (Castoldi et al.,
2001; Myers & Davidson, 2000). None of these studies have identified
mental retardation or other severe development defects. However, it is
ambitious to expect that such small sample sizes would have the sensitivity
to detect increases in rare outcomes such as mental retardation.
Consequently, researchers have focused on more identifying subtle signals
of neurological damage and developmental delay, which are anticipated to
be more likely prevalent as a consequence of low-level developmental
exposure. Table 1 compares known MeHg biomarkers in various
populations including those in Canada. Note the wide variation in levels,
illustrated in the range column. In general, the results of human studies
mirror those seen in animals, in that there are inconsistencies. However, the
data supporting cognitive defects are relatively more conclusive. Cognition
is usually assessed by subjecting patients to standard tests that assess
aptitude in areas such as language, memory, and attention. The National
Research Council of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) recently
reviewed some of these studies and concluded that the evidence supporting
neurodevelopmetal defects associated with methylmercury through
contaminated seafood is compelling (NRC, 2000).
Table 1. Comparison of mercury (total) concentrations in Nunavik with
those observed in other cohorts.
Cohort Medium Years N Geometric Range Interquartile
(reference) mean range
Cord blood
18.595 2.8-97.0 12.0-27.2
blood (μg/L)
10.4130 2.6-44.2 6.6-17.0
hair (μg/g)
1992 3.7123
Cord blood
James Bay
Women hair,
not pregnant
1981 2.570 max=19.0
USA Women hair,
not pregnant
1274 0.14-0.90
hair (μg/g)
1546 0.09-0.62
Table 1. (cont’d)
Cohort Medium Years N Geometric Range Interquartile
(reference) mean range
Table reprinted from (Van Oostdam et al, 2005) with permission from Elsevier.
Original source: (Muckle et al, 2005b)
The average Hg concentration was reported in nmol/L, this concentration was
divided by 5 to transform to
95% confidence interval.
Women aged between 15 and 39 years old.
Arithmetic mean.
Standard deviation.
Among seafood consumers.
Among non-seafood consumers.
In New Zealand, maternal exposure to MeHg, primarily through the
consumption of contaminated fish, resulted in a lower performance on
neurobehavioral tests in children at age 4 (Kjellstrom et al., 1986) and age 6
(Kjellstrom et al., 1989). At age 4, children exhibited abnormal test scores
on the Denver Developmental Screening Test. Higher incidences of
premature birth and low birth weight was also reported. At age 6, children
Seychelles Island
hair (μg/g)
5.9740 0-25 6.0
hair (μg/g)
6.6789 0.6-36.4 6.1
hair (μg/g)
935 6.0-86.0
Disko Bay
Cord blood
25.3178 2.4-181.0
blood (μg/L)
12.8180 1.9-75.6
Faroe Islands
Cord blood
22.9894 13.4-41.3
hair (μg/g)
4.3914 2.6-7.7
Cord blood
20.4163 1.9-102.0 11.8-40.0
hair (μg/g)
4.1144 0.4-16.3 2.5-7.4
displayed poorer scores on the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-
Revised and in the Test of Language Development. However, the
experimenters also found that social class and ethnic group affected scores.
In both incidences, defects were correlated to higher levels of mercury in
maternal hair.
A larger study in the Faroe Islands assessed the effects of maternal exposure
through the consumption of contaminated fish and pilot whale (Grandjean et
al., 1997). At seven years of age, the children were subjected to several
neurobehavioral and sensory-motor tests. Defects were observed in verbal
memory, language, attention, motor function, and visual-spatial abilities.
Clinical testing revealed that the children had no apparent physiological
defects, and were otherwise healthy. The same experimenters later found
that these defects were also associated with umbilical cord mercury levels.
Curiously, no evidence for a threshold hair level was found in these studies,
with mothers exhibiting a broad range of levels. This population is also
exposed to relatively high levels of PCBs, particularly through the
consumption of whale meat. However, corrections for PCB cord blood
levels suggested that concomitant exposure could not explain the mercury
related defects, and that there was no additive effect between these two
environmental contaminants (Budtz-Jorgensen, 1999). Another study
conducted in the Faroe Islands correlated a decreased neurologic optimality
score in 182 neonates to cord blood mercury levels (Steuerwald et al., 2000).
Maternal hair mercury levels were also found to be associated with
neurobehavioral defects in 351 children in Amazonian communities in
Brazil (Grandjean et al., 1999a). Gold mining in the Amazon Basin has
released mercury into rivers, and subsequently contaminates fish in
downstream areas.
The results of two other major epidemiological studies did not report any
effects of prenatal MeHg on neurobehavioral function. In the Republic of the
Seychelles over 700 mother-children pairs were examined (Davidson et al.,
1998). Deep sea and reef fish consumption is the source of MeHg for this
population. Six age appropriate neurobehavioral tests were implemented on
children age 66 months. Adverse effects were controversially noted in the
pilot study; however, the main study, in which the covariates were better
controlled, revealed no apparent neurobehavioral defects associated with
maternal MeHg. The average maternal total mercury hair levels were
intermediate between those recorded in the Faroe Islands and New Zealand.
The authors of the Seychelles study recently reported that two of the 21
neurobehavioral endpoints examined at 9 years of age were correlated to
MeHg exposure, but that this was probably due to chance as a consequence
of multiple analyses (Myers, 2003). The mercury levels in local fish were
comparable to those found in the United States (Mahaffey & Rice, 1997),
suggesting that the higher hair mercury levels were due to a greater
consumption of fish, rather than higher contamination in the environment.
Another smaller study on 131 infant-mother pairs in Mancora, Peru
similarly found no neurodevelopmental anomalies.
The Seychelles, New Zealand, and Faroe Islands studies were all reviewed
by the NAS. Despite the negative results in the Seychelles, the NAS still
concluded that the evidence was compelling. Several factors were suggested
to account for the apparent inconsistencies in findings between these studies
(NRC, 2000). Differences in age at testing, the end points assessed, the
source of mercury, and the pattern of exposure could all account for the
differences between the results of the Faroe Island and the Seychelles
studies. The exposure and experimental designs, however, were similar in
the New Zealand and Seychelles study. Although it is curious that the pilot
study found neurobehavioral effects in the Seychelles, differences in
environmental and genetic factors may have also played a role.
Referring to Table 1, the Inuit of Disko Bay, Greenland have the highest
maternal and cord blood levels. Similar, but lower levels are found in the
Seychelles, Faroe Islands, New Zealand, and Nunavik regions. Lower levels
are found across Caucasian Southern Quebec and U.S. populations. Given
the compelling evidence that mercury contamination during pregnancy can
cause neurodevelopmental defects, and that those aboriginal populations
such as the Inuit harbor comparable maternal and cord levels, it seems
reasonable to assume that such populations are at risk. Prospective
longitudinal studies on the neurobehavioral effects of MeHg and other
contaminants on Aboriginal populations have been ongoing since 1997
(Muckle et al., 2001a & 2001b). The exposure data have already been
published and statistical analysis of the possible neurodevelopment defects
are currently being undertaken and will be available soon.
Postnatal Exposure in Humans
The previous section addresses defects in cognitive functions. A recent study
addressed the possible effects of postnatal MeHg exposure on neuromoter
function in Inuit preschool children (Muckle et al., 2005). Blood mercury
levels are an indicator for very recent exposure, within 1 or 2 months (WHO,
1976). The authors found that blood mercury levels at the time of testing
were associated with tremor amplitude in pointing tasks. Additionally, 234
Quebec Cree children aged 12 to 30 months revealed abnormal tendon
reflexes (McKeown-Eyssen et al., 1983). However, the abnormality was
only correlated with blood mercury levels in males, and no evidence was
observed relating increasing amounts of maternal hair mercury and
abnormal tendon reflexes. Beuter and colleagues found a similar correlation
between methylmercury exposure and static/ kinetic tremors in Quebec Cree
adults (Beuter & Edwards, 1998; Beuter et al 1999a, Beuter et al., 1999). At
mercury hair levels higher than 24ug/g, eye-hand coordination was also
impaired in this group. Furthermore, adult Brazilian Amazon dwellers were
found to be at increased risk for defects in arm movement and manual
dexterity (Lebel et al., 1998).
In 1977, 306 Quebec Cree adults were analyzed for the possible
neurological defects associated with chronic low-level exposure in response
to litigation against 15 mining and industrial companies (Koffman et al.,
1979). The authors found no correlation between MeHg levels and
neurological problems. Recently, these data were reanalyzed using different
statistical methods (Auger et al., 2005). Instead of using an overall
neurological score, which may exclude subtle defects, the authors examined
several possible neurological outcomes independently. The authors
performed several tests for cognitive impairment, reflexes, and sensory-
motor functions, and found only a correlation with tremor. There are several
problems characteristically associated with studies of this type – for
example, bias of subjects who have something to gain, such as a winning a
lawsuit or public recognition. Other possible confounding factors include
alcohol usage, which is known to induce neurological defects including
tremor. The most difficult complication is attempting to assess whether the
tremors are associated with chronic low-level postnatal exposure, or delayed
neurotoxicity from prenatal exposure. Delayed neurotoxicity is well
established in response to acute poisoning in Minamata patients, in which
patients over the age of 40 years exhibit difficulties in performing daily
activities (Kinjo et al., 1993). Auger and coworkers found the strongest
association of tremors with average mercury levels along the hair shaft
(Auger et al., 2005). These levels are believed to be a good indicator of long-
term exposure, as opposed to peak levels along the shaft or scalp hair, which
are believed to represent fluctuations of past exposure. However, similar to
the Brazilian study, tremor development was associated with age in that
younger adults exhibited the response exclusively. Thus, it is possible that
induction of tremors in adults may be a delayed neurotoxic consequence of
low level congenital exposure correlated to historical time points such as
industrialization of these rural areas.
It has been suggested that elemental mercury exposure, particularly through
dental amalgams, may be a risk factor for Alzheimer Disease (AD)
(reviewed in Mutter et al., 2004). Patients with sporadic AD have a gene
known as apolipoprotein E4 that is expressed in the brain. This compound
may have a reduced ability to bind metals such as mercury, which may in
turn increase the risk of AD development. As discussed previously, fish
eating populations are exposed primarily to organic rather than elemental
mercury. A study on 474 Baltimore residents aged 50 to 70 years exposed to
mercury primarily through contaminated fish, however, revealed no
association between blood mercury levels and neurobehavioral performance
(Weil et al., 2005). This study has some limitations (Mutter and Naumann,
2005), the most serious of which is that blood methylmercury levels
represent only recent exposures, and do not take into consideration exposure
throughout life or during development.
In summary, there is currently no compelling evidence to suggest a
correlation for cognitive defects with respect to chronic or acute low-level
exposures in adult fish eating populations. This is supported by the fact that
in the Faroe Islands the blood mercury levels at seven years of age were
generally uncorrelated with neurobehavioural deficits, except in the area of
performance on memory for visuospatial information (Grandjean, 1999b).
This indicates that cognitive impairment is likely a function of congenital
but not recent exposure. There may be neuromotor deficits associated with
chronic low-level exposure, as indicated by previously mentioned studies;
however, it is not absolutely clear whether theses effects are due to some
form of delayed neurotoxicity associated with prenatal exposure.
Mercury and Autism
Autism is the most severe of the Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). It is
characterized by impairments in social interaction, difficulties in
communication, and repetitive or stereotyped behavioral patterns. Autism
was first described in 1943, and by 1995 the National Institutes of Health
had reported a prevalence of 1 in 500 (Bristol et al., 1996). The exact
etiology of ASD is unknown, however, it is clear that development is subject
to both genetic and environmental factors. For example, genetically
identical twins have only a 60 % concordance rate in disease expression (Le
Couteur, et al., 1996).
From the 1930s to 2001, a preservative known as thimerosal was commonly
added to childhood vaccines. Thimerosal contains a slightly different form
of organic mercury known as ethylmercury. It was proposed that exposure to
ethylmercury may contribute to the pathogenesis of ASD (Bernard et al.,
2001; Bernard et al., 2002). Support for this hypothesis was based on
temporal associations between onsets and prevalence of ASD with the
introduction of ethylmercury into vaccines. Furthermore, autistic patients
exhibited elevated levels of mercury in biological samples such as urine.
Finally, the effects of low-level exposure to organic mercury in fish eating
populations induces neurobehavioral defects characteristic of ASD.
However, despite these correlations, the current viewpoint of the scientific
community does not support this hypothesis. The conclusions of both the
Institute of Medicine and the World Health Organization are that thimerosal
does not cause neurobehavioural defects (IOM, 2004). However, the subject
remains controversial with advocates of the thimerosal hypothesis vocally
accusing the scientific community of covering up evidence (Kennedy, 2005).
Although the link between ASD and thimerosal is tenuous, a recent study
has implicated environmentally released mercury as a risk factor (Palmer et
al., 2006). The state of Texas has the fourth highest release rates of
environmental mercury in the US. Investigators have found that, on average,
a 61 % increase in the rate of autism among school children is associated
with each 1000 lbs. of environmentally released mercury. The results of this
study do not prove a causal relationship between environmental mercury and
ASD. It is nonetheless a first step, with more detailed studies at the
individual rather than ecological level required. None of the previously
mentioned studies on fish eating populations has identified severe
developmental disorders such as autism. It remains to be seen whether
exposure to environmental mercury is a risk factor for ASD in aboriginal
populations in Canada.
Outlook and Conclusions
Nutritional Benefits of Traditional Foods
Traditional country foods are of high nutritional benefit, providing a good
source of vitamins, minerals, lipids, and proteins (Van Oostdam, 1999).
Consumption of these foods has been associated with lower levels of
saturated fat and carbohydrates (Kuhnlein et al., 2004). Health benefits from
consuming 1-2 servings of fish a day have been well documented
(Kromhout et al., 1995). Consumption of fish more than 4 times per week
during pregnancy may actually improve cognitive functions in children
(Daniels et al., 2004). Thus, the risks associated with mercury exposure
should be carefully weighed against the benefits (Kuhnlein et al., 2000).
This risk benefit assessment should be assessed for different populations,
which may have different eating habits. For example, caribou are currently
the main source of mercury exposure for Inuit communities, which are the
most highly exposed population (Kuhnlein et al., 2000). It would therefore
seem unreasonable to advise against fish consumption in this population,
given the benefits. However, a reduction in caribou consumption may be
warranted, although the health benefits of this animal are currently unknown
(Van Oostdam, 2005).
Possible Implications of Climate Change
It is become abundantly clear that the activities of the human race are
inducing environmental changes on a global scale. Greenhouse gases and
aerosols are being released into the atmosphere causing global warming,
with the 1990s likely the warmest decade of the millennium (IPCC, 2001).
The marine food webs are being disrupted (Pauly et al., 1998) and the
hydrological cycle is being altered by excessive damming (Dynesius and
Nilsson, 1994).
Current understanding of the possible implications of climate change are not
well understood; however, speculation is rampant in the scientific
communities. Global mercury levels in the atmosphere have more than
doubled since the dawn of industry (Lamborg et al., 2002). The process of
biomagnification makes aquatic environments the most vulnerable,
especially in the Arctic due to mercury depletion events. Although global
mercury emissions are decreasing, levels are on the rise in the Arctic, with
climate change being a possible cause (CACAR, 2003). Several possible
factors may contribute to alterations of environmental mercury levels
(CACAR, 2003). For example, the loss of permafrost is expected to occur
with global warming. This would increase the amount of wetlands,
enhancing the influx of soils and organic materials into lakes and rivers,
which may concurrently increase mercury levels. Animals reliant on the
permafrost are already being found in different areas. The shift in animal
species may alter exposure patterns of local communities, and possibly
lengthen food chains enhancing biomagnification. Arctic oscillations are a
natural phenomenon that result in the reversal of ocean and air currents into
the north. Climate change is expected to increase the frequency and strength
of these oscillations, which may increase the amounts of mercury brought
into the Canada Basin from industrial regions such as Russia. Changes in the
amount of sea ice and general salinity are also predicted to have effects.
Careful analysis of the neurological effects of mercury contamination can
potentially be confounded by alterations of the mercury cycle in the
environment, which itself may be influenced by global climate change. All
longitudinal studies of human health implications represent static images of
mercury contamination through an environment which may have very well
changed since the time of initial measurements. As mentioned earlier, it is
the physiochemical and biological properties of mercury that ultimately
define exposure, not just the consumption of traditional foods. With the
environment constantly evolving due to human activities, mercury exposure
levels may fluctuate in an unpredictable fashion.
The evidence from cellular, animal and human studies all indicate that
methylmercury can induce irreparable damage to the nervous system.
Mercury and several other environmental contaminants are currently found
in the arctic biota, and are contaminating traditional aboriginal foods
sources. These contaminants are found in the tissues of the Aboriginal
inhabitants, in some cases at alarming levels. Evidence from studies of
seafood consuming communities around the globe strongly suggests that
methylmercury can induce neurodevelopmental and motor defects in
exposed populations. Studies are currently underway to completely assess
the health impacts of mercury contamination in the Arctic. However, with
the possibilities of confounding factors such as delayed neurotoxicity,
climate change, and exposures to multiple contaminants, an in depth
understanding of the effects on health is highly optimistic. The seemingly
inexorable link between the Aboriginal people and their local environment
may have social, cultural, spiritual, and nutritional ramifications; yet it may
paradoxically have serious repercussions for their survival and future in
Arctic Canada.
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