Human health implications of environmental contaminants in
Arctic Canada: A review
J. Van Oostdam
, S.G. Donaldson
, M. Feeley
, D. Arnold
, P. Ayotte
G. Bondy
, L. Chan
. Dewaily
, C.M. Furgal
, H. Kuhnlein
, E. Loring
G. Muckle
, E. Myles
, O. Receveur
, B. Tracy
, U. Gill
, S. Kalhok
Environmental Contaminants Bureau, Safe Environments Program, Health Canada, Rm 4-046, BMO Building, 269 Laurier Avenue W.,
AL4904B, Ottawa, ON, Canada K1A 0K9
Carleton University, 1125 Coloney By Drive, Ottawa, ON, Canada K1S 5B6
Health Canada, Food Directorate, Bureau of Chemical Safety, Banting Research Center, Tunney’s Pasture, Ottawa, ON, Canada K1A 0L2
Unite´ de recherchen sante´ publique (Centre hospitalier universitaire de Que´bec - Centre hospitalier de l’Universite´ Laval),
Universite´ Laval, 945 Ave Wolfe, Ste. Foy, Que´bec, Canada G1V 5B3
Centre for Indigenous Peoples’ Nutrition and Environment, Macdonald Campus of McGill University, 21,111 Lakeshore Road,
Ste.-Anne-de-Bellevue, Quebec, Canada H9X 3V9
De´partment Science Politique et Unite´ de recherche en sante´ publique (Centre hospitalier universitaire de Que´bec - Centre hospitalier de
l’Universite´ Laval), Universite´ Laval, 945 Ave Wolfe, Ste. Foy, Que´bec, Canada G1V 5B3
Environmental Contaminants Research Division, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, 170 Laurier Avenue West, 12th Floor, Ottawa, ON,
Canada, K1P 5V5
cole de psychologie et Unite´ de recherche en sante´ publique (Centre hospitalier universitaire de Que´bec - Centre hospitalier de l’Universite´
Laval), Universite´ Laval, Ste Foy, Que´bec, Canada G1K 7P4
AXYS Environmental Consulting Ltd., Suite 300, 805 8th Ave SW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2P 1H7
Faculte´ de Medicin, Nutrition, Universite´ de Montreal, CP6128, Succursale Centre Ville Montreal, QC, Canada H3C 3J7
Health Canada, Environmental Health Directorate, Radiation Protection Bureau, 775 Brookfield Road, AL 6302D1, Ottawa, ON,
Canada K1A 0L2
Health Canada, Health Products and Food Branch, 2nd Floor, Qualicum Twr A, 2936 Baseline, AL 3302C Nepean, ON, Canada K1A 0K9
Indian and Northern Affairs, Northern Science and Contaminants Research Directorate, 10 Wellington Street, Gatineau, Quebec,
Canada K1A 0H4
Accepted 30 March 2005
Available online 16 November 2005
The objectives of this paper are to: assess the impact of exposure to current levels of environmental contaminants in the
Canadian Arctic on human health; identify the data and knowledge gaps that need to be filled by future human health research
and monitoring; examine how these issues have changed since our first assessment [Van Oostdam, J., Gilman, A., Dewailly, E
Usher, P., Wheatley, B., Kuhnlein, H. et al., 1999. Human health implications of environmental contaminants in Arctic Canada:
0048-9697/$ - see front matter. Crown Copyright D 2005 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 613 941 3570.
E-mail address: jay
[email protected] (J. Van Oostdam).
Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165 246
a review. Sci Total Environ 230, 1–82]. The primary exposure pathway for contaminants for various organochlorines (OCs) and
toxic metals is through the traditional northern diet. Exposures tend to be higher in the eastern than the western Canadian Arctic.
In recent dietary surveys among five Inuit regions, mean intakes by 20- to 40-year-old adults in Baffin, Kivalliq and Inuvialuit
communities exceeded the provisional tolerable daily intakes (pTDIs) for the OCs, chlordane and toxaphene. The most recent
findings in NWT and Nunavut indicate that almost half of the blood samples from Inuit mothers exceeded the level of concern
value of 5 Ag/L for PCBs, but none exceeded the action level of 100 Ag/L. For Dene/Me´tis and Caucasians of the Northwest
Territories exposure to OCs are mostly below this level of concern. Based on the exceedances of the pTDI and of various blood
guidelines, mercury and to a lesser extent lead (from the use of lead shot in hunting game) are also concerns among Arctic
peoples. The developing foetus is likely to be more sensitive to the effects of OCs and metals than adults, and is the age groups
of greatest risk in the Arctic. Studies of infant development in Nunavik have linked deficits in immune function, an increase in
childhood respiratory infections and birth weight to prenatal exposure to OCs. Balancing the risks and benefits of a diet of
country foods is very difficult. The nutritional benefits of country food and its contribution to the total diet are substantial.
Country food contributes significantly more protein, iron and zinc to the diets of consumers than southern/market foods. The
increase in obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease has been linked to a shift away from a country food diet and a less active
lifestyle. These foods are an integral component of good health among Aboriginal peoples. The social, cultural, spiritual,
nutritional and economic benefits of these foods must be considered in concert with the risks of exposure to environmental
contaminants through their exposure. Consequently, the contamination of country food raises problems which go far beyond the
usual confines of public health and cannot be resolved simply by risk-based health advisories or food substitutions alone. All
decisions should involve the community and consider many aspects of socio-cultural stability to arrive at a decision that will be
the most protective and least detrimental to the communities.
Crown Copyright D 2005 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Arctic regions; Environmental monitoring; PCBs; Organochlorines; Mercury; Maternal; Infant; Monitoring environmental pollution;
Northern populations; Public health; Risk factors; Risk-benefit management
1. Introduction .................................................... 168
1.1. Aboriginal peoples of Canada ....................................... 168
1.2. Aboriginal perspectives on food and health ................................ 170
1.3. Factors that contribute to Aboriginal Northerners’ exposure to country food contamination........ 170
1.4. Evaluation of research in CACAR and application to benefit and risk
assessment/management .......................................... 171
1.5. Research ethics ............................................... 172
2. Exposure assessment ............................................... 172
2.1. Country food consumption in the Arctic .................................. 173
2.2. Contaminant levels in people and their relationship to traditional food diets ............... 174
2.2.1. Tissue levels of contaminant results ................................ 175
2.2.2. Levels of mercury in hair and blood ............................... 183
2.2.3. Population groups and studies ................................... 184
2.2.4. Maternal hair ........................................... 185
2.2.5. Maternal/cord blood ........................................ 186
2.2.6. Levels of selenium in maternal blood ............................... 187
2.2.7. Levels of lead in maternal blood ................................. 187
2.2.8. Levels of cadmium in maternal blood ............................... 187
2.2.9. Radionuclide exposure....................................... 187
2.3. Trends in traditional/country food dietary intakes and contaminant exposures ............... 189
3. Toxicology. .................................................... 190
3.1. Priority contaminants ............................................ 190
3.1.1. Toxaphene ............................................. 190
3.1.2. Chlordane ............................................. 192
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246166
3.2. Toxicological effects induced by exposure to food-chain contaminant mixtures ............. 193
3.2.1. Discussion ............................................ 196
3.3. Contaminant and dietary nutrient interactions ............................... 196
3.3.1. Discussion ............................................ 197
4. Epidemiology and human biomarkers ...................................... 198
4.1. Immune system function.......................................... 199
4.1.1. Clinical outcomes ......................................... 200
4.1.2. Biomarkers ............................................ 201
4.2. Neurodevelopment ............................................. 202
4.2.1. Clinical outcomes ......................................... 202
4.2.2. Biomarkers of developmental effects ............................... 204
4.3. Sex hormone disruption .......................................... 206
4.3.1. Clinical outcomes ......................................... 207
4.3.2. Hormonal biomarkers ....................................... 208
4.4. Oxidative stress .............................................. 208
5. Risk-benefit characterization, assessment and advice ............................... 209
5.1. Contaminant exposure risks ........................................ 210
5.1.1. Contaminant intakes ....................................... 210
5.2. Special considerations for risk management in Arctic communities . . .................. 217
5.2.1. Nutritional benefits ........................................ 217
5.3. Social, cultural, spiritual and economic benefits of country food . . . .................. 220
5.4. Assessment of perceptions of risks, benefits and safety of country foods ................. 222
5.4.1. Perceptions of risks in the north ................................. 222
5.4.2. Research on the perceptions of food-chain contamination in the north .............. 222
5.4.3. Impacts of these perceptions ................................... 224
5.5. Risk-benefit characterization........................................ 224
5.5.1. Risk management frameworks .................................. 224
5.5.2. Problem identification and context ............................... 225
5.5.3. Risk and benefit assessment ................................... 225
5.5.4. Risk characterization....................................... 227
5.5.5. Assumption/uncertainties of concern .............................. 228
5.5.6. Weighing benefits and risks–challenges in practice ....................... 228
5.5.7. Option analysis/evaluation .................................... 228
5.5.8. Selecting a risk management option ............................... 229
5.5.9. Implementation ......................................... 229
5.5.10. Monitoring and evaluating the decision ............................. 229
5.6. Risk and benefit communication...................................... 229
6. Conclusions .................................................... 231
6.1. Aboriginal perspectives on food and health and interpretation of research results............. 231
6.2. Exposure assessment............................................ 232
6.3. Toxicology................................................. 232
6.4. Epidemiology and biomarkers ....................................... 233
6.5. Risk and benefit characterization, assessment and advice ......................... 233
7. Knowledge gaps ................................................. 235
7.1. Exposure assessment............................................ 235
7.2. Toxicology................................................. 235
7.3. Epidemiology ............................................... 236
7.4. Risk and benefit characterization, assessment and advice ......................... 236
Acknowledgements .................................................. 236
References ....................................................... 237
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246 167
1. Introduction
This paper reviews what is known about the human
health implications of contaminants (i.e., organochlor-
ines, heavy metals and radionuclides) in the Canadian
Arctic, identifies the important knowledge gaps and
examines how these issues have changed since the first
assessment (Van Oostdam et al., 1999). Specifically, it
discusses the knowledge of human exposure to and
possible health effects of current levels of environ-
mental contaminants in the Canadian Arctic, and iden-
tifies the data and knowledge gaps that need to be
filled by future human health research and monitoring.
This paper draws on existing knowledge and incor-
porates new information from the research and com-
munication activities funded under the human health
and communication subprogrammes of the Canadian
federal Northern Contaminants Program (NCP), which
began in 1991. The NCP was established in response to
concerns about human exposure to elevated levels of
contaminants in fish and wildlife species that are impor-
tant to the diets of many northern Aboriginal peoples.
Early studies (Wong, 1986) indicated that there was a
wide spectrum of substances such as persistent organic
pollutants, heavy metals and radionuclides at unexpect-
edly high levels in the Arctic ecosystem.
Under the first phase of NCP (NCP-I; 1991–1997)
research focussed on gathering the data required to
determine the levels, spatial patterns, and sources of
contaminants in the northern ecosystem (including its
people), and the probable duration of the problem.
Results generated through NCP-I were synthesised
and published in 1997 in the first Canadian Arctic
Contaminants Assessment Report (CACAR-I)
(CACAR, 1997). In 1998, the NCP began its second
phase (NCP-II). NCP-II focuses upon questions about
the impacts and risks to human health that may result
from current levels of contamination in key Arctic
food species as well as determining the temporal
trends of contaminants of concern in people, key
Arctic indicator species and the environment.
The objective of this paper is to address concerns
about possible adverse human health effects in people
exposed to the present levels of environmental con-
taminants in the Arctic. These concerns are especially
significant for many northern Aboriginal peoples
because of the high proportion of country foods in
their diet. These food sources include marine animals
(e.g., whales, walrus, seals, and fish) and terrestrial
game. Clearly, contaminants are only some of many
factors affecting human health and well-being in the
Arctic. Factors such as lifestyle (e.g., alcohol consump-
tion, smoking tobacco product s and narcotic use), diet-
ary choices, socio-economic factors, and genetic
predisposition are important health determinants that
need to be considered when evaluating the results
described herein.
1.1. Aboriginal peoples of Canada
The Aboriginal peoples of Canada as defined in
s.35 of the Constitution Act, 1982, include the Inuit,
the Me´tis and the First Nations, who in the Arctic
include the Dene and Yukon First Nations. All of
these peoples are present in Canada’s North. For sta-
tistical purposes, this section will describe the Inuit of
Northwest Territories (NWT), Nunavut, Nunavik
(northern Que´bec) and northern Labrador; the Dene
and Me´tis of the NWT; and the 14 First Nations of the
Yukon Territory. Me´tis are present in the Mackenzie
Valley and southern Yukon (Fig. 1.1.1).
About 56,000 (or 7.5%) of Canada’s total Abori-
ginal population of 743,000 live in the country’s
Arctic region, where they comprise just over half
(53%) of the combined population (Table 1.1.1). In
Nunavut, the Aborigi nal population accounts for
approximately 84% of the total population of
24,665. A p opulation break-down by ethnicity in
Nunavut shows the Inuit make up 83% of the popula-
tion. The general pattern in Nunavik is similar, with
about 88% of the population being Inuit and 11% non-
Aboriginal. The corresponding figures for the NWT
are about 28% First Nations, 10% Inuit, 9% Me´tis,
and 52% non-Aboriginal, of the total NWT population
of 39,455. Overall, an average 87% of people living in
those areas defined as Inuit regions of Canada identi-
fied themselves as Inuit. In the Yukon, Aboriginal
peoples comprise about 20% of the total population
and consist mainly of First Nations and Me´tis peoples.
Additional 1996 demographic data for Canada’s
Arctic regions reveals high proportions of the total
population between the ages of 0 and 14 years (34%),
and between the ages of 25 to 44 years (33%) (Fig.
1.1.2), while the 65 years-and-over age group repre-
sents only 3% of the total population of Arctic Canada
(Statistics Canada, 2002 (based on 1996 data)). In
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246168
comparison, the overall population of Canada has an
older age structure with smaller proportions in the
younger age groups and greater proportions in the
older age groups.
In Arctic Canada the Inuit population has the highest
percentage of people in the 0–14 age group (42%), and
the non-A boriginal population the lowest (22%).
Approximately 19% of the Inuit population in Arctic
Canada are between ages 15 and 24, vs. roughly 13% of
the non-Aboriginal population . Again, a similar pattern
Table 1.1.1
Aboriginal peoples: population size and proportion of the total
population in each region of Arctic Canada, 1996
Region Total
% Aboriginal
Nunavut 24,665 84 (20,695)
Northwest Territories 39,455 48 (19,010)
Nunavik (Northern Quebec) 8700 89 (7765)
Labrador (arctic) 2435 88 (2145)
Yukon 30,650 20 (6170)
Total Canadian Arctic Regions 105,905 53 (55,785)
Source: Statistics Canada (2001).
Data presented in this table are for those who identify with one
or more Aboriginal groups (Metis, Inuit, or North American Indian).
Fig. 1.1.1. General locations of Arctic cultural groups (adapted from Van Oostdam et al., 1999).
Percentage of each age group
Inuit* Métis* First Nations
Arctic Canada Canada
Non-aboriginal* All ethnicities
65+ 45–64 25–44 15–24 0–14
Fig. 1.1.2. Age distribution of Canadian Arctic population by
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246 169
by ethnicity holds true in the rest of Canada. There are
lower proportions of Inuit in the 25–44 and 45–64 age
groups in Arctic Canada compared to the total Can a-
dian population (33% and 22%, respec tively).
In comparison to Arctic Canada, the total Canadian
population shows an even distribution, with a smaller
population of young people (21% aged 0–14) and a
larger population aged 65 years and over (12%),
accounted for by the large non-Aboriginal population.
Both the Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal populations
of Arctic Can ada have a lower percentage of people in
the 65-and-over age group (range of 3–6% for the four
ethnic groups of interest).
1.2. Aboriginal perspectives on food and health
In Aboriginal populations, food is perceived as an
integral component of being healthy. While this sec-
tion does not discuss this issue in full detail, it attempts
to illustrate how Aboriginal perspectives on food and
health differ from those in most Western societies.
Aboriginal peoples describe their food quite speci-
fically as Inuit food, or Dene food, as the case may be.
The term bco untry foodQ refers to mammals, fish,
plants, berries, and waterfowl/seabirds harvested
from the local environment. Imported foods refer to
all other foods which are brought mainly from the
store and general ly imported from other regions of the
country/world. Country foods play a critical role in
the social, cultural, spiritual, economic and nutritional
well-being in many Aboriginal communities. Within
many northern Aboriginal societies exchanging coun-
try food involves a complex set of social and cultural
rules and procedures that relate to the structure and
organization of these societies.
For Inuit, country food are directly associated with
physical health and well-being. At Sanikiluaq, for
example, people regard certain foods, such as seal, as
being capable of generating bodily warmth and
strength in a way that imported food cannot. Such
foods are therefore essential in the diet of Inuit activ-
ities such as hunting (Usher et al., 1995). However, as
Egede (1995) notes, country foods represent not only
health in the physical sense but also form an essential
basis of personal and community well-being for Inuit
and Dene.
Among Inuit, individual life is itself seen as a
synthesis of two elements that can be roughly trans-
lated as: the body (the physical being and function-
ality of the human body) and the soul (spirit, mind,
immediate emotional state, or even the expression of
consciousness) (Borre´, 1994). Country food is impor-
tant in contributing to the way individuals frame their
own well-being (Ridington, 1988). Am ong Inuit, this
integration is accomplished through capturing, sharing
and consuming country food. The cultural aspects and
knowledge transfer related to the harvesting of coun-
try foods such as sharing and communal processing of
food are important to individual and community
These cultural aspects have been examined in sur-
vey-type studies in Arctic Canada. For example, infor-
mation collected in interviews in three major dietary
surveys demonstrated a similar agreement of selected
cultural attributes of the harvesting and use of country
food. Data for the five Inuit areas (n = 1721 individual
interviews) show that more than 80% of respondents
agreed that harvesting and using country food by the
family gives a wide range of social, cultural, spiritual,
economic and nutritional benefits ( Kuhnlein et al.,
1.3. Factors that contribute to Aboriginal Norther-
ners’ exposure to country food contamination
Food is a significant vector for contaminant expo-
sure in all populations. A substantial proportion of the
Aboriginal diet consists of country food; therefore,
Aboriginal peoples have a higher risk of contaminant
exposure if contaminant levels are higher in traditional
foods than the non-Aboriginal populations in the
North specifically, or in the rest of Canada.
Aboriginal peoples are especially likely to be
exposed to environmental contaminants such as mer-
cury or polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) through the
consumption of fish and mammalian organ meats or
marine mammal fats, respectively (Kinloch et al.,
1992; Kuhnlein et al., 1995c). Health impact assess-
ments must consider both exposure to contaminants
through country foods and the many benefits of these
foods. Health impact assessments must also be con-
sidered in terms of the distinctive significance of
country food to Aboriginal peoples. Vulnerability to
a hazard is a function not only of the intrinsic nature
of the hazard, but also of the geographical location
and socio-economic conditions of peop le exposed to
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246170
it, as well their cultural perspective of the hazard
(Hewitt, 1983; Douglas, 1992).
Dewailly et al. (2001c) conducted a study to better
understand the socio-demographic factors that influ-
ence Nunavimmiut exposure to contaminants and the
intake of certain nutrients found to be defic ient among
some sub-groups in this Nunavik population. These
researchers re-analyzed 1992 Sante´ Que´bec data and
identified a number of relationships between contami-
nant exposures, nutritional deficiencies, and various
socio-demographic factors among residents in the
region. Inuit couples appeared to have higher levels of
country food consumption than those reporting to be
divorced, widowed or single. Mean contaminant intake
increased with age, with the geometric mean age-
adjusted intake being higher among Inuit with fewer
years of formal education completed, among those liv-
ing in couples, and among those living in households of
more than six individuals. For several nutrients, mean
age-adjusted intake was higher among those residing in
communities along the Hudson coast. Some nutritional
deficiencies were more frequently associated with indi-
viduals less often empl oyed in full-time work.
The results of the Dewailly et al. (2001a) study
reflect the effects of some traditional socio-demo-
graphic factors (occupation, community of residence,
marital status and household structure, age, gender,
and level of education) on contaminant and nutrient
intakes through country food consumption. These
results identify sociological characteristics of indivi-
dual and their potential effects on such things as their
geographical, social, and economic access to both
country and imported foods in Nunavik. The findings
are helpful to health officials, as they support the
identification of potential bat-riskQ groups for some
contaminant exposures and nutritional deficiencies
based on existing community variables that are com-
monly available. Further, it provides information as to
the potential bwhyQ question relating to individuals’
exposure or lack of access to these foodstuffs. In
general, this information supports the development
and design of more effective promotion strategies
for country food and health.
Economic factors also affect exposure of Aborigi-
nal peoples to contaminants in country food. Country
food is an economic necessity for most Aboriginal
peoples. In many northern commu nities, employment
and incomes are low, and country food makes a sig-
nificant addition to effective household income. The
cost of a standard basket of imported food to provide a
nutritionally adequate diet is prohibitively high in
Arctic communities. For example, previous calcula-
tions of the cost to purchase equivalent amounts of
imported meats in local stores have resulted in esti-
mated value of country food production in the NWT
of about $55 million, or well over $10,000 per Abori-
ginal household per year (Usher and Wenzel, 1989).
Although this estimate was published in 1989, and
applied to the NWT when it still included Nunavut,
the key message still holds today. Moreover such
estimates apply only to the product itself, as a food
commodity, and do not include any other values that
Aboriginal peoples commonly attach to country foods
such as the activity of hunting itself, or the collective
cultural and social values of sharing and teaching.
Finally, there are health costs associated with not
eating country food, which are borne both by
Aboriginal peoples themselves and by public health
programs. Fo r example, reduced country food con-
sumption in northern Aboriginal populations,
coupled with decreased physical activity, has been
associated with obesity, dental caries, anemia, low-
ered resistance to infection, and diabetes (Szathm-
ary et al., 1987; Thouez et al., 1989).
1.4. Evaluation of research in CACAR and applica-
tion to benefit and risk asses sment/management
The Northern Contaminants Program (NCP) has
generated a considerable body of knowledge on the
human health implications of contaminants. This
assessment report reviews this information and pre-
sents research that has been conducted in or is relevant
to Arctic contaminants issues. As with any scientific
review caution shoul d be used when interpreting the
results of any single study. In assessing causal asso-
ciations between findings in any epidemiological or
toxicological study the following factors must be
considered: the strength and magnitude of the associa-
tion, consistency of the association, dose–response
relationship, temporally correct association, and bio-
logical plausibility of the association. Several studies
are needed to draw any conclusions about factors such
as consistency of the association. Many toxicological
and epidemiological studies examining the issue from
several perspe ctives may have to be revie wed to draw
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246 171
causal associations between environmen tal contami-
nants and human health effects and may also point out
new directions for research and evaluation.
The results from 5 to 10 years of NCP research have
been gathered from a variety of studies. For example,
these studies have ranged from animal experiments on
toxaphene which found immune effects at low doses,
to labor atory tests of components and metabolites of
chlordane which indicate that levels of oxychlordane
and trans-nonachlor in highly exposed individuals
may approach levels where physiological changes
are seen in rodents. Animal experiments based on
the mixture of contaminants found in Arctic marine
mammals demonstrated effects on immune systems.
Epidemiological studies in the Canadian Arctic have
documented higher exposures to environmental con-
taminants among a number of Arctic populations.
Initial results from ongoing cohort study among the
Inuit population of Nunavik have shown a decrease in
birth size possibly related to increasing PCB concen-
trations. Ongoing studies related to this birth cohort
study have also found a possible link between con-
taminants and immune deficits in Inuit infants. Similar
findings have also been seen on birth size and immu-
nological effects in the Michigan fish-eater studies and
the Netherlands populations, respectively.
As discussed, these results need to be interpreted
with caution. Some of the studies are the first analyses
of data and have not yet been published and critiqued
by the scientific community. Once published and sub-
jected to full peer review, and available for comment in
the scientific literature, the importance and validity of
data and its interpretation will be confirmed. Other
factors such as lifestyle (e.g., alcohol and cigarette
consumption), diet, socio-economic status, and genetic
predisposition are important determinants of health. In
fact, contaminants may only play a modest role in
determining many important health outcomes (e.g.,
birth size). All these factors need to be considered
when evaluating the results described herein.
1.5. Research ethics
A number of considerations must be taken when
undertaking research in the Arctic. Communities must
consent to the research within their jurisdiction and,
when seeking informed consent, researchers should
explain the potential benefits or harmful effects the
research may have on individuals, communities and/or
the environment. No undo pressure should be applied
to obtain this consent and greater emphasis should be
placed on the risks to cultural values than on the
potential contributions of the research to knowledge.
Communication and participation planning have
become integral components of the research proposal
development process for projects funded through the
NCP. Methodologies and guidelines have been devel-
oped through the NCP to ensure an ethical and
responsible approach to contaminants research in the
Arctic. The purpose of these guidelines is to ensure
researchers respect and appreciate their responsibil-
ities to the communities in all aspects of their research
from research needs assestment to project design and
implementation to communication of the final results
and conclusions.
2. Exposure assessment
Key aspects of exposure to environmental contami-
nants include evaluating sources of exposure and
measuring human tissue levels of specific contami-
nants. In the context of Arctic Canada, consumption
of contaminated traditional foods is a major vector of
exposure to organochlorines, heavy met als, and radio-
nuclides. Since Van Oostdam et al. (1999), documen-
tation of the Canadian Arctic food systems has vastly
improved. The importance of traditional food in the
diet of Nunavik Inuit (Blanchet et al., 2000) and the
diet of pregnant women in the Inuvik region (Toffle-
mire, 2000) have been better documented. The safety
of traditional food has been the object of surveillance
(Lawn and Hill, 1998; Lawn and Harvey, 2001), and
three major studies of dietary intake in Arctic com-
munities have been completed by the Centre for Indi-
genous Peoples’ Nutrition and Environment (CINE)
(Kuhnlein et al., 2001a,b).
Fig. 2.1.1 shows the communities included in the
three CINE surveys, identified as Yukon First Nations,
Dene and Me´tis, and Inuit. In Van Oostdam et al.
(1999), partial results from the Dene and Me´tis survey
were known, and they Yukon survey was underway.
Data collection in Inuit communities ended in April
1999. Final reports from these three major d ietary
surveys are now available (Receveur et al., 1996,
1998; Kuhnlein et al., 2000), and additional peer-
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246172
reviewed publications are forthcoming. Data from the
Dene and Me´tis communities have led to several pub-
lications developing the points already reported in Van
Oostdam et al. (1999): how traditional food improves
the nutritional quality of the diet (Receveur et al.,
1997); what levels of exposure are associated with
traditional food consumption for organochlorines and
heavy metals (Berti et al., 1998a; Kim et al., 1998) and
radioactivity (Berti et al., 1998b ); and what are some of
the social, cultural benefits (Receveur et al., 1998a,b)
and determinants (Simoneau and Receveur, 2000)of
traditional food use. Throughout this large resear ch
effort, the objectives were to understand the patterns
of traditional food use as well as the benefits and risks
of using this food in the context of the total diet.
Comparable methods were used in all of three surveys
whereby several types of interviews were conducted in
two major seasons with individuals in randomly
selected households. Food samples were collected for
analysis of several co ntaminants and nutrients. In all,
24-h recall interviews were conducted with 1012 Dene
and Me´tis, 802 Yukon First Nation residents, and 1875
Inuit, and more than 700 food samples were contrib-
uted to the research during the study years.
2.1. Country food consumption in the Arctic
In Table 2.1.1, average weekly frequency of con-
sumption of main traditional food items during late
winter and fall in the major geographical areas is
given. The most frequently mentioned traditional
food items are caribou, moose, salmon, whitefish,
grayling, trout, coney, scoter duck, cisco, walleye,
spruce hen, pike, ptarmigan, Arctic char, Canada
goose, muskox, eider duck, crowberry, beluga muktuk,
ringed seal, narwhal muktuk, partridge, and cloud-
berry. More than 250 different species of wildlife,
plants and animals were identified in workshops by
community residents as forming the rich framework of
the traditional food systems of Arctic peoples. Regio-
nal differences in species used most frequently are due
to ecosystem variety and cultural preferences.
S’òmbak ’ é
Lutsel K’e
Deninu kue
Hay River
édli Kóé
Teetl’it Zheh
Rádeli Kó
Ross River
First Nations communities in theYukon
Metis and Dene communities in the NWT
Inuit communities in NWT, Nunavut and Labrador
Fig. 2.1.1. Communities participating in CINE dietary assessments.
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246 173
Results of 24-h recall dietary interviews in the three
areas (Yukon, Dene and Me´tis, and Inuit) demonstrated
the extent of traditional food use. Fig. 2.1.2 shows that
country food use as a percent of total dietary energy in
the three areas, varied from a low of 6% in communities
close to urban centres, to a high of 40% in the more
remote areas. In terms of gram s per person per day
(amount per capita calculated from averaging all 24-h
recall data for fall and late winter combined), traditional
food represents: for women 20–40 years of age,
approximately 106 g in the Yukon, 144 g in Dene
and Me´tis communities, and 194 g in Inuit commu-
nities; for men of the same age group the corresponding
values were 169 g, 235 g, and 245 g for each region,
respectively. Traditional food consumption increases
with age so that in the age group 40 years and over, per
capita daily consumption for women was: 193 g, 335 g,
and 341 g in the Yukon, Dene and Me´tis, and Inuit
communities, and 236 g, 343 g, 440 g, respectively, for
the men in each region ( Kuhnlein and Receveur, 2001).
2.2. Contaminant levels in people and their relation-
ship to traditional food diets
A number of maternal/cord blood contaminant stu-
dies were done in the NWT, Nunavut and Nunavik
between 1994 and 2000 (Fig. 2.2.1 ), and these studies
have given an assessment of the spatial variation in
contaminant levels. All of the studies in Nunavut took
place before devolution and so all of these population
groups are included in NWT/Nunavut. In the NWT
and Nunavut there are four ethnic groups: Caucasians,
Dene and Me´tis, Inuit, and Other (East Asian and
African). Since Caucasians in the NWT consume
mostly imported foods their contaminant patterns are
very similar to southern Canadian values, they pro-
vide a good comparison for northern peoples who
consume northern traditional foods. The number of
mothers in each region and ethnic group varied due to
number of mothers available and the time of sam-
pling. Populations sampled ranged from 175 Inuit
mothers in Nunavik to 145 Inuit, 134 Caucasian, 93
Dene and Me´tis and 13 Other mothers in the NWT/
Nunavut (Tables 2.2.1–2.2.7). The Caucasian and
Table 2.1.1
Five country/traditional food items most often consumed (yearly average of days per week)
Region Food item and yearly average of days per week consumed
12 3 4 5
Yukon Moose 1.6 Caribou 0.7 Salmon 0.6 Grayling 0.4 Trout 0.1
Dene and Metis
Gwich’in Caribou 3.2 Whitefish 1.3 Coney 0.5 Moose 0.3 Scoter 0.2
Sahtu Caribou 2.5 Moose 1.0 Trout 0.8 Whitefish 0.7 Cisco 0.3
Dogrib Caribou 3.9 Whitefish 1.2 Trout 0.2 Moose 0.2 Walleye 0.2
Deh-cho Moose 2.7 Whitefish 0.9 Caribou 0.8 Spruce Hen 0.4 Pike 0.3
South Slave Moose 2.2 Caribou 1.9 Whitefish 1.8 Trout 0.4 Ptarmigan 0.2
Inuvialuit Caribou 1.8 Char 0.5 Goose 0.2 Whitefish 0.2 Muskox 0.1
Kitikmeot Caribou 1.2 Char 0.9 Muskox 0.3 Trout 0.3 Eider Duck 0.2
Kivalliq Caribou 1.9 Char 0.4 Crowberry 0.2 Beluga Muktuk 0.2 Trout 0.1
Baffin Caribou 1.3 Seal 1.0 Char 0.9 Narwal Muktuk 0.2 Beluga Muktuk 0.1
Labrador Caribou 1.3 Trout 0.5 Partridge 0.3 Cloudberry 0.3 Char 0.2
Source: Kuhnlein (2002).
Yukon Dene/Métis
Percent energy
Source: Kuhnlein and Receveur, 2001
Fig. 2.1.2. Percentage of energy from traditional/country foods in
the Yukon, Dene and Me´tis, and Inuit communities.
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246174
Dene and Me´tis mothers were from more than one
region in the NWT/Nunavut but there were no sig-
nificant differences in contaminant levels between
these populations, so they were combined into their
respective groups. Inuit came from four regions in
NWT/Nunavut and there were significant differences
between various groups, and so they are retained as
separate groups. In Nuna vik only 159 Inuit mothers
were included in the population sampled.
2.2.1. Tissue levels of contaminant results
The results presented here for the NWT and Nuna-
vut were supplied by Butler Walker et al. (2003,
2005), who are preparing the NWT/Nunavut Environ-
mental Contaminants Exposure Baseline report. The
results for Nunavik were supplied by Muckle et al.
(2001a,b) in an upcoming paper and in some specific
analyses for this report.
Residues of a number of organochlorine pesti -
cides have been attributed to long-range transport
to the Arctic, and approximately 11 of these pesti-
cides were included in the maternal/cord blood mon-
itoring programs. The levels of eight of the major
pesticides found most commonly in Canadian Arctic
maternal blood samples are presented in Table 2.2.1.
Oxychlordane and trans-nonachlor are components/
metabolites of technical chlordane, an older genera-
tion insecticide no longer used in most of the devel-
oped world. It can be seen that Inuit have levels that
are six to ten times higher than those seen in other
population groups such as Caucasians, Dene and
Me´tis, or Other (Fig. 2.2.2). When the Inuit groups
in NWT/Nunavut/Nunavik are examined, the Inuit
from Baffin have the highest oxychlordane and
trans-nonachlor levels. Similar patterns are seen for
HCB, mirex and toxaphene, as the Inuit mothers
have markedly higher levels of these pesticides
than those seen in rest of the groups (see Figs.
2.2.3 and 2.2.4 for HCB and toxaphene levels,
Fig. 2.2.1. Contaminant studies in the Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and Nunavik.
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246 175
Table 2.2.1
Mean levels of organochlorine pesticides in maternal blood, by region and ethnic group (geometric means, range, Ag/L plasma)
OC contaminant Ethnicity/Region
(n = 134) Metis/Dene
(n = 93) Other
(n = 13) Inuit
(n = 30) Inuvik
(n = 31) Kitikmeot
(n = 63) Kivalliq
(n = 17) Nunavik
n =159)
Years of study 1994–1999 1994–1999 1994–1995 1996 1998–1999 1994–1995 1996–1997 1995–2000
Oxychlordane 0.05 (nd–0.22) 0.04 (nd–0.23) 0.04 (nd–0.21) 0.58 (0.09–2.4) 0.15 (0.03–1.1) 0.29 (nd–2.9) 0.36 (nd–6.2) 0.30 (0.01–3.9)
Trans-Nonachlor 0.06 (0.02–0.26) 0.06 (nd–0.37) 0.07 (0.02–0.30) 0.64 (0.16–2.5) 0.28 (0.05–1.8) 0.31 (nd–3.0) 0.44 (0.03–3.7) 0.46 (0.01–4.6)
p,pV-DDT 0.05 (nd–0.19) 0.03 (nd–0.13) 0.22 (nd–3.2) 0.14 (0.04–0.47) 0.07 (nd–0.45) 0.08 (nd–0.33) 0.09 (nd–0.35) 0.09 (0.02–1.1)
p,pV-DDE 0.91 (0.22–11.2) 0.69 (0.15–5.3) 4.0 (0.51–34) 2.1 (0.55–6.0) 1.1 (0.40–3.8) 1.3 (0.12–7.8) 1.7 (0.21–7.2) 2.2 (0.14–18)
DDE: DDT 18 (nd–75) 18 (nd–89) 15 (nd–31) 15 (7.1–43) 13 (nd–51) 15 (nd–53) 19 (nd–52) 23 (2.8–209)
HCB 0.12 (0.04–0.61) 0.18 (0.02–1.7) 0.11 (0.02–0.40) 0.53 (0.14–1.5) 0.31 (0.06–1.2) 0.56 (0.05–4.5) 0.46 (0.07–1.8) 0.31 (0.05–2.8)
h-HCH 0.09 (nd–0.55) 0.04 (nd–0.13) 0.48 (0.04–39) 0.11 (nd–0.44) 0.08 (nd–0.25) 0.09 (nd–0.44) 0.09 (nd–0.30) 0.04 (0.02–0.25)
Mirex 0.02 (nd–0.14) 0.02 (nd–0.21) 0.01 (nd–0.07) 0.06 (nd–0.19) 0.03 (nd–0.11) 0.05 (nd–0.38) 0.06 (nd–0.80) 0.07 (0.01–0.60)
Toxaphene (total) 0.05
(nd–0.50) 0.07
(nd–0.81) NA 0.59 (nd–6.4) 0.43 (nd–3.6) 0.686
0.74 (nd–5.2) NA
Parlar 26 0.01
(nd–0.04) 0.01
(nd–0.06) NA 0.10 (0.02–0.57) 0.05 (nd–0.36) 0.096
0.08 (nd–0.43) NA
Parlar 50 0.01
(nd–0.05) 0.01
(nd–0.07) NA 0.13 (0.03–0.66) 0.06 (nd–0.43) 0.146
0.10 (nd–0.57) NA
NA= Not available; nd = not detected.
Source: Butler Walker et al. (2003).
Source: Muckle (2000) and Muckle et al. (2001b).
N = 25.
N = 42.
Four composites (n = 12, 12, 12 and 14; Seddon, 1996).
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246176
Table 2.2.2
Mean levels of PCBs in maternal blood, by region and ethnic group (geometric means, range, Ag/L plasma)
OC contaminant Ethnicity/Region
(n = 134) Metis/Dene
(n = 93) Other
(n = 13) Inuit
(n = 30) Inuvik
(n = 31) Kitikmeot
(n = 63) Kivalliq
(n = 17) Nunavik
(n = 159)
Years of Study 1994–99 1994–99 1994–95 1996 1998–99 1994–95 1996–97 1995–2000
Aroclor 1260
1.3 (0.24–5.7) 1.3 (0.26–14) 1.1 (0.31–3.7) 8.0 (2.0–27) 2.4 (0.62–7.9) 4.5 (0.20–27) 5.6 (0.41–60) 6.0 (0.10–48)
PCB 28 0.02 (nd–0.10) 0.01 (nd–0.06) 0.02 (nd–0.04) 0.02 (nd–0.05) 0.01 (nd–0.09) 0.01 (nd–0.06) 0.01 (nd–0.07) NA
PCB 52 0.01 (nd–0.07) 0.01 (nd–0.04) 0.01 (nd–0.02) 0.03 (nd–0.08) 0.02 (nd–0.06) 0.02 (nd–0.11) 0.02 (nd–0.09) NA
PCB 99 0.04 (nd–0.19) 0.03 (nd–0.28) 0.03 (nd–0.09) 0.19 (0.04–0.73) 0.08 (0.02–0.28) 0.12 (nd–0.81) 0.13 (nd–1.3) NA
PCB 101 0.01 (nd–0.03) 0.01 (nd–0.04) 0.01 (nd–0.02) 0.02 (nd–0.06) 0.02 (nd–0.07) 0.02 (nd–0.07) 0.02 (nd–0.04) NA
PCB 105 0.01 (nd–0.05) 0.01 (nd–0.06) 0.01 (nd–0.02) 0.04 (nd–0.15) 0.02 (nd–0.07) 0.02 (nd–0.09) 0.03 (nd–0.22) NA
PCB 118 0.04 (nd–0.27) 0.04 (nd–0.26) 0.03 (nd–0.09) 0.14 (0.03–0.50) 0.07 (0.02–0.32) 0.09 (nd–0.40) 0.09 (nd–0.66) 0.10 (0.01–0.84)
PCB 128 nd nd nd 0.01 (nd–0.05) 0.01 (nd–0.03) 0.01 (nd–0.06) 0.01 (nd–0.02) NA
PCB 138 0.11 (0.02–0.48) 0.10 (0.02–0.98) 0.10 (0.03–0.29) 0.51 (0.12–1.5) 0.19 (0.05–0.67) 0.30 (0.02–1.6) 0.37 (0.03–3.3) 0.42 (0.01–3.1)
PCB 153 0.14 (0.03–0.61) 0.16 (0.03–1.8) 0.12 (0.03–0.41) 1.0 (0.25–3.9) 0.26 (0.06–0.88) 0.56 (0.02–3.6) 0.70 (0.05–8.3) 0.75 (0.03–6.1)
PCB 156 0.02 (nd–0.11) 0.02 (nd–0.22) 0.02 (nd–0.07) 0.06 (0.02–0.30) 0.02 (nd–0.08) 0.05 (nd–0.31) 0.05 (nd–0.49) NA
PCB 170 0.03 (nd–0.16) 0.03 (nd–0.39) 0.03 (nd–0.10) 0.18 (0.04–0.95) 0.04 (nd–0.13) 0.01 (nd–0.67) 0.11 (nd–2.3) NA
PCB 180 0.09 (nd–0.50) 0.08 (nd–0.12) 0.07 (0.02–0.29) 0.40 (0.07–1.8) 0.08 (0.02–0.30) 0.27 (0.02–1.7) 0.28 (0.03–4.2) 0.32 (0.02–2.3)
PCB 183 0.01 (nd–0.05) 0.02 (nd–0.14) 0.01 (nd–0.03) 0.05 (nd–0.16) 0.02 (nd–0.07) 0.03 (nd–0.11) 0.05 (nd–0.44) NA
PCB 187 0.03 (nd–0.13) 0.05 (nd–0.52) 0.03 (nd–0.13) 0.18 (0.05–0.53) 0.06 (0.02–0.25) 0.01 (0.01–0.54) 0.13 (0.02–1.1) NA
Sum of 14 PCBs 0.52 (0.11–2.2) 0.52 (0.12–5.5) 0.43 (0.13–1.4) 2.7 (0.70–9.4) 0.82 (0.23–2.7) 1.6 (0.12–9.4) 1.9 (0.17–22) 2.3 (0.17–16)
NA= Not available; nd = not detected.
Source: Butler Walker et al. (2003).
Source: Muckle (2000) and Muckle et al. (2001a,b).
Aroclor 1260 = 5.2 (PCB 153 + 138) (Weber, 2002).
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246 177
In contrast to the above pattern, the patterns
demonstrated by h-HCH (beta-hexach lorocyclohex-
ane) and DDE (dichlorodiphenyl dichloroethylene),
a metabolite of the pesticide DDT, are quite different.
Levels of h-HCH are 5 to 12 times higher among
individuals in the Other group than levels seen in
Inuit, Caucasians, or Dene and Me´tis (Fig. 2.2.5).
The levels of DDE in the Other group are also roughly
three to six times higher than the levels observed in
Inuit, Caucasian, or Dene and Me´tis (Fig. 2.2.6). The
Other group is made up of people with African and
East Asian ancestry, and their exposure to these con-
taminants may have taken place in Africa or East
Asia, or in foods imported from these regions,
where h-HCH and DDE are still widely used.
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are a group of
industrial compounds that were widely used in the
1950s, 1960s, and 1970s, and are now banned and
being phased out but are still widespread in the envir-
onment. PCBs have been implicated in deleterious
effects on the learning abilities of young children,
and are a major contaminant of concern in the Arctic.
Inuit mothers have the highest levels of PCBs mea-
sured as Aroclor 1260 compared to Caucasians, Dene
and Me´tis, and the Other mothers (Table 2.2.2 and
Fig. 2.2.7). When the Inuit from all regions are com-
pared, it can be seen the Baffin Inuit have the highest
levels of PCBs (8.0 Ag/L).
When PCBs are examined on a congener-specific
basis, the more highly chlorinated congeners (PCBs
128–187) exhibit a similar pattern to that seen for
PCBs as Aroclor 1260. Concentrations of PCB con-
geners are found in the following order: PCB
153 N 138 N 180 N 187, etc. There are no marked differ-
ences in congener patterns among the various ethnic
groups. The Inuit have a slightly greater proportion of
the most predominant PCB 153 when compared to the
Caucasian and Dene and Me´tis groups, and also have
slightly smaller proportions of PCBs 28, 52, 101 and
128 (see Table 2.2.2).
A number of studies have shown that some PCBs
have dioxin-like activity. Twelve of the 209 PCBs
share certain toxicological properties with dioxins
and furans and have been assigned dioxin-like toxi-
city equivalency factors (TEFs) by the World Health
Organization (Van den Berg et al., 1998). The con-
centration of these bdioxin-likeQ PCBs can be multi-
plied by their TEF to calculate a PCB toxic
equivalency (TCDD–TEQ) which is then added to
the dioxin/furan component for a total TCDD–TEQ.
There have not been many dioxin, furan and dioxin-
like PCB analyses conducted under the Canadian
Northern Contaminants Program maternal blood con-
taminant monitoring progra m due to the expense and
large sample volumes needed for these analyses.
Recently some analyses of composite samples were
undertaken to assess the relative contributions of
dioxins, furans and dioxin-like PCBs in Arctic Cana-
Table 2.2.3
Dioxins and furans and PCBs in maternal blood
Ethnicity 2,3,7,8, TCDD–TEQs
(ND =0) (pg/L plasma)
Inuit 117.8 29.8 147.7 80%
Caucasian 42.0 115.0 157.0 27%
Dene 54.0 67.0 121.0 45%
TEQs= toxic equivalents.
D+F=dioxins and furans.
Table 2.2.4
Cord and maternal contaminants (lipid weight basis)
Contaminant N
p value
B-HCH 116 68 59 1.4 0.87 0.0001
Hexachlorobenzene 335 37 40 1.1 0.95 0.0001
Oxychlordane 143 32 54 0.63 0.96 0.0001
PCBs (Aroclor 1260) 303 360 454 0.84 0.96 0.0001
Source: Van Oostdam (2001).
Abbreviations: B-HCH, beta-hexachlorocyclohexane; PCBs, polychlorinated biphenyls.
Sample size: cord–maternal pairs.
Concentration (Ag/kg lipid, arithmetic mean).
Cord/maternal blood (paired data only).
Pearson’s correlations.
Statistical significance of cord/maternal Pearson’s correlations.
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246178
dian populations (Van Oostdam and Feeley, 2002). In
Table 2.2.3 the results are outlined for the 11 com-
posite analyses for maternal blood from some of the
mothers in the same groups previously described for
organochlorines and PCBs. The Caucasian mothers
had slightly higher levels of total TCDD–TEQs
(dioxins and furans a nd dioxin-like PCBs 2,3,7,8-
TCDD–TEQs) than Inuit or Dene mothers (157 vs.
148 and 121 pg/L, respectively) but the relative
contributions of dioxin-like PCBs are very different
in the three groups. Among Inuit mothers 80% of the
total TCDD–TEQs are accounted for by dioxin-like
PCBs while Caucasian mothers have only 27% of
the total TCDD–TEQs coming from PCBs. The
Dene mothers have a more equal contribution of
dioxins and furans and dioxin-like PCBs in the over-
all total TCDD–TEQs. The main source of exposure
for dioxins and furans, PCBs and many other orga-
nochlorine contaminants is through diet. Due to the
expense and more difficult analyses there are few
data on levels of dioxins, furans and dioxin-like
PCBs in Arctic traditional/country foods. In spite
of this, it seems reasonable to speculate that Cauca-
sian mothers obtained their higher levels of dioxins
and furans in their diet from imported foods while
Inuit mothers likely obtained their higher levels of
dioxin-like PCBs from traditional/country foods such
as marine mammals whi ch contain higher levels of
PCBs (well documented).
Comparisons can be also made based on contami-
nant levels found in cord blood. A similar pattern to
that seen in the maternal data emerges for various
contaminants, although the magnitude does vary in
maternal and cord blood for contaminant data from
the NWT and Nunavut (Van Oostdam et al., 2001).
Since lipid levels vary markedly between maternal
and cord blood, cord-to-maternal comparisons are
best made on a lipid weight (lw) basis. The strong
correlation between cord and maternal blood levels
can be seen in Table 2.2.4; correlations range from
0.87 to 0.96 and all are highly significant. These
correlations indicate that either cord or maternal
blood levels may be used in health impact studies of
these contaminants. Some organochlorines (lipid
Table 2.2.5
Worldwide comparisons of maternal blood levels of PCBs (Aroclor 1260) and h-HCH (geometric means, Ag/L plasma)
Contaminant NWT/Nunavut/Nunavik Inuit
NWT other
Arctic Russia
PCBs (Aroclor 1260) 2.4–8.0 1.1 6.4–36 3.3–4.3
Beta-HCH 0.04–0.11 0.48 0.07–0.24 0.31–3.1 127
Source: Butler Walker et al. (2003).
Source: Muckle (2000) and Muckle et al. (2001a,b).
Source: Deutch (2001).
Source: Deutch and Hansen (2000).
Source: Klopov et al. (1998).
Source: Klopov (2000), Klopov and Shepovalnikov (2000), and Klopov and Tchachchine (2001).
Source: Odland (2001).
Source: Sharma and Bhatnagar (1996).
Table 2.2.6
Current and historic levels
of mercury in maternal hair (Ag/g)
Community Year(s) tested Age group (years) No. tested Range Geometric mean GSD
Min Max
Inuvik+region 1976–1979 15–45 70 0.5 41.4 4.16 2.91
Inuvik+region 1998–1999 15–45 85 b LOD 11.5 0.49 2.74
Tuktoyaktuk 1976–1979 15–45 48 0.5 41.2 4.62 2.76
Tuktoyakuk 1998–1999 15–45 7 b LOD 11.5 2.29 5.69
Source: Snider and Gill (2001).
LOD: below analytical method detection limits (0.4 Ag/g).
Peak exposure levels reported as parts per million (ppm) in hair.
GSD: Geometric mean standard deviation.
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246 179
weight basis) such as PCBs, oxychlordane, and DDE/
DDT are found at lower levels in the cord blood than
the maternal blood, thus resulting in cord-to-maternal
blood ratios of 0.6 to 0.9. PCB congeners in cord
blood were also 0.7 to 0.9 times the mat ernal concen-
tration. Some organochlorines such as h-HCH, hexa-
chlorobenzene, and heptachlorepoxide showed the
opposite pattern, with 1.4 to 3.2 times higher levels
being found in the cord blood compared to maternal
blood. Similar patterns for a number of contaminants
have been reported by Bjerregaard and Hansen (2000)
for Greenland Inuit. Although many researchers have
taken the ratio between the cord and maternal blood
concentrations to be a static relationship, recent work
by Van Oostdam et al. (2001) has indicated that this
ratio does vary by contaminant concentration, with the
highest cord-to-maternal ratios being found at the
lowest concentrations.
Comparisons to other populations in the world
can easily be made. No specific comparisons were
made to the southern Canadian population, as the
Caucasian population included in the NWT/Nunavut
sampling has a similar diet and resulting similar
contaminant levels as the southern Canadian popula-
tion, which can serve as a useful benchmark for
southern levels of contaminants. In comparison to
Canadian Inuit mothers from Nunavik and Nunavut/
NWT, Inuit from Greenland have markedly higher
levels of PCBs as Aroclor 1260, i.e., 2.4–8.0 Ag/L
vs. 6.4–36 Ag/L, respectively (Table 2.2.5). This
difference may resul t from consumption of more
marine mammals in the traditional Greenland diet.
Compared to Inuit mothers, low er levels of PCBs are
seen in non-Indigenous people living in Arctic Rus-
sia. In contrast, levels of h-HCH are markedly
higher in the mothers from India, followed by non-
Indigenous mothers of Arctic Russia and then
mothers in the Other group in the NWT/Nunavut
(Table 2.2.5). This indicates that DDT must still be
used in the Indian and Russian commercial food
supply or used for insect control in the local envir-
onment. The markedly higher levels of h-HCH in
mothers in India (127 Ag/L) (Sharma and Bhatnagar,
1996) are likely due to the more extensive present-
day use of h-HCH in the tropics to protect against
insect vectors in the home and on crops.
Human environmental monitoring for organo-
chlorines does not have a long history in the Cana-
Table 2.2.7
Mean concentrations of metals in maternal blood, by ethnicity and region (geometric mean (range), Ag/L whole blood)
Metal Ethnicity/region
(n = 134) Metis/Dene
(n = 92) Other
(n = 13) Inuit
(n = 31) Inuvik
(n = 31) Kitikmeot
(n = 63) Kivalliq
(n = 17) Nunavik
(n = 162)
Lead 21.2 (2.1–58) 31.1 (5.0–112) 22 (5.0–44) 42 (5.0–120) 19 (2.1–102) 36.1 (6.2–178) 29 (12–64) 50 (5.2–259)
Mercury (total) 0.9 (nd–4.2) 1.4 (nd–6.0) 1.3 (0.20–3.4) 6.7 (nd–34) 2.1 (0.60–24) 3.4 (nd–13) 3.7 (0.60–12) 10.4 (2.6–44)
Mercury (organic) 0.69 (0.0–3.6) 0.80 (0.0–4.0) 1.2 (0.0–3.0) 6.0 (0.0–29) 1.8 (0.0–21) 2.9 (0.0–11) 2.7 (0.40–9.7) NA
Selenium 123 (80–184) 117 (67–160) 128 (97–156) 118 (99–152) 118 (88–151) 122 (86–171) 106 (77–156) 318 (150–1232)
Cadmium 0.43 (nd–8.5) 0.65 (nd–5.9) 0.36 (nd–3.2) 1.7 (0.03–6.2) 1.0 (nd–7.1) 1.9 (0.01–7.8) 1.4 (0.11–7.7) NA
NA= Not available; nd = not detected.
Source: Butler Walker et al. (2005).
Source: Muckle et al. (2001a,b).
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246180
dian Arctic. In most cases there are only one or a few
data points to assess contaminant trends—the late
1980s to the mid-1990s. Methodological differences
in sampling strategies, and sampling high consumers
versus general mat ernal samples make it difficult to
compare the specific results of these two time points.
Fig. 2.2.2. Maternal contaminant levels in Arctic Canada: oxychlordane (Ag/L plasma).
Fig. 2.2.3. Maternal contaminant levels in Arctic Canada: hexachlorobenzene (Ag/L plasma).
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246 181
Recently Dallaire et al. (2003a) has analyz ed the cord
blood contaminant data by year collected by Muckle
et al., (2001a,b) and has found that there is a sig-
nificant downward trend in cord blood contaminant
levels over 1996–2000 (Fig. 2.2.8). A decrease in
traditional food consumption or a decrease in con-
Fig. 2.2.4. Maternal contaminant levels in Arctic Canada: total toxaphene (Ag/L plasma).
Fig. 2.2.5. Maternal contaminant levels in Arctic Canada: h-hexachlorocyclohexane (Ag/L plasma).
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246182
taminant levels in these traditional foods have been
hypothesized as the cause of this decrease (Dallaire et
al., 2003a).
2.2.2. Levels of mercury in hair and blood
Traditional/country foods, such as fish and sea
mammals, are considered the primary environmental
Fig. 2.2.7. Maternal contaminant levels in Arctic Canada: PCBs (as Aroclor 1260) (Ag/L plasma).
Fig. 2.2.6. Maternal contaminant levels in Arctic Canada: p,pV-DDE (Ag/L plasma).
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246 183
pathway for mercury for Canadians living in the
Arctic. Environmental and health concerns about mer-
cury levels in human tissues in Canada were first
identified in the early 1970s in two northern Ontario
First Nations communities following contamination of
fish due to effluents from chloralkali plants (Sherbin,
1979; Health Canada, 1979). Later on, these same
concerns were raised in other Aboriginal communities
across Canada (e.g., Nelson House, Manitoba; James
Bay, Que´bec) affected by hydroelectric developments
(McKeown-Eyssen and Ruedy, 1983 ).
Following these developments, the Medical Ser-
vices Branch of Health Canada determined human
tissue concentrations and regional distribution of mer-
cury in Aboriginal peoples of Canada. These mercury
determinations (total and organic mercury) have been
done for adults, pregnant and reproductive-age
women, and children including newborns. Up to
1998, the First Nations and Inuit Health Branch
(FNIHB), formerly the Medical Services Branch of
Health Canada, carried out community health risk
assessments by analyzing hair and blood samples
obtained from more than 40,000 residents in more
than 500 First Nations and Inuit communities across
Canada (Van Oostdam et al., 1999). Since the mid-
1980s, the mercury monitoring program among Cree
First Nations of Que´bec has been continued by the
Cree Boa rd of Health and Social Services. A similar
program has been undertaken by the Governme nt of
the Northwest Territories (GNWT) Department of
Health and Social Services.
2.2.3. Population groups and studies
Specific population groups with exposure to mer-
cury through consumption of traditional/country foods
in NWT, Nunavut and northern Que´bec (Nunavik)
include four ethnic groups: Caucasian, Dene and
Me´tis, Inuit, and Other (East Asian, African). There
are extensive data sets on patterns of exposure, includ-
ing seasonal and temporal patterns, measured by hair
and blood mercury levels as biomarkers and by eating
pattern surveys, for First Nations and Inuit across
1993 1995 1997 1999 2001
Year of birth
1993 1995 1997 1999 2001
Year of birth
1993 1995 1997 1999 2001
Year of birth
1993 1995 1997 1999 2001
Year of birth
Fig. 2.2.8. Adjusted mean organochlorine (OC) concentrations according of the year of birth: (a) PCBs; (b) DDE; (c) HCB; (d) oxychlordane
(Dallaire et al., 2003a).
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246184
Canada covering a 30-year period (Wheatley and
Paradis, 1998; Health Canada, 1999). These data
sets are maintained at Health Canada, the Cree
Board of Health and Social Services of James Bay
(for the James Bay Cree since 1988) (Dumont et al.,
1998), and the Department of Indian Affairs and
Northern Development for data from the NCP over
the past 10 years (Van Oostdam et al., 1999). The
research and data on mercury from human tissue
monitoring programs by the above-mentioned sources
have led to one of the largest environmental contami-
nant research projects in Canada.
It is being carried out in northern Canada by
Dewailly and colleagues to examine detrimental
effects on children exposed to dietary mercury and
other contaminants. Recent maternal hair and mater-
nal/cord blood contaminant studies in the NWT have
given an assessment of the spatial and temporal
variation in mercury levels (Tables 2.2.6, 2.2.7 and
2.2.8)(Snider and Gill, 2001; Dewailly et al., 1999;
Butler Walker et al., 2005). The number of mothers
in each region and ethnic group varie d due to the
number of mothers eligible to be included in the
sampling procedure.
2.2.4. Maternal hair
The Inuvik region is located in the Mackenzie
Delta and Sahtu regions of the NWT. The mercury
exposure as measured in hair of women of reproduc-
tive age during 1976–1979 and 1999–1999 are sum-
marized in Table 2.2.6. Clearly there are time trends
and regional differences. Mercury levels in hair were
lower in both Inuvik and region and Tuktoyatuk
1998–1999 than those seen in 1976–1979. Levels in
1998 were approximately four times higher in Tuk-
Table 2.2.8
Worldwide comparisons of maternal blood mercury levels (Ag/L
whole blood) for women living in arctic regions
Site Year(s) collected N GM
(Ag/L) GSD
Disko Bay 1994–1996
180 12.8
Iceland 1994–1996
40 2.9 1.3
Kirkenes 1994
40 3.4 1.2
Bergen 1994
50 3.4 1.1
Hammerfest 1994
57 2.5 0.8
Sweden 1994–1996
23 1.6 1.2
GM: geometric mean.
GSD: geometric standard deviation.
Source: Bjerregaard and Hansen (2000).
Source: AMAP (1998).
Fig. 2.2.9. Maternal contaminant levels in Arctic Canada: total mercury (Ag/L plasma).
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246 185
toyatuk women than Inuvik region women. Mercury
levels may now be lower in hair of women from some
NWT communities but differences in sampling strate-
gies may effect any conclusion on time trend. Some of
the results reported by Wheatley and Paradis (1998)
may be effected by resampli ng communities/residents
with previously high mercury values.
Similarly, Dewailly et al. (1999) in their studies in
the Salluit region reported that the mean (geometric)
mercury concentration in hair samples collected in
1999 was 5.7 Ag/g, a value 2.5-fold lower than the
15.1 Ag/g determined in a 1978 survey conducted by
Health Canada. The mean mercury concentrations
measured during 1999 in the 18- to 39- and the 40-
to 59-year-old age groups were also five and four times
lower ( p b 0.001), respectively, than those documented
during the 1978 survey. Dewailly et al. (2000a) has re-
evaluated these data and reported that mercury levels
in the Salluit residents’ hair were five- to six-fold
lower in 1979 and 1980 compa red to 1978. It was
pointed out that 1978 also had an exceptional harvest
of beluga and other marine species. Higher consump-
tion related to a large traditional/country food harvest
could explain why high mercury concentrations were
found in hair samples in the 1978. Dewailly et al.
(2000a) concluded that mercury levels in Salluit v ary
markedly from year to year due to variation in avail-
ability of traditional/country foods, but recent tissue
levels are similar to the levels found in the late 1970s.
2.2.5. Maternal/cord blood
The Caucasian, and Dene and Me´tis mothers were
from more than one region in the NWT/Nunavut, but
there were no significant differences in contaminant
levels between these pop ulations, so they were com-
bined into their respective groups. Inuit came from
four regions in NWT/Nunavut, and there were signifi-
cant differences among various groups, so they were
retained as separate groups. In this data set, signifi-
cantly higher levels of mercury were found in maternal
blood from Inuit women compared to Caucasian, Dene
and Me´tis, or mothers in the Other group (see Table
2.2.7 and Fig. 2.2.9). In terms of geographic represen-
tation, among individuals tested in the program Inuit in
the Baffin region had higher levels of mercury in
maternal/cord blood than those seen in the Kitikmeot,
Kivalliq and Inuvik regions. Markedly higher levels of
mercury were observed in Inuit from Nunavik. Mer-
cury has been noted to concentrate on the fetal side of
the placental circulation, and cord blood mercury con-
centrations were 1.5 and 1.8 times greater than mater-
nal concentrations in Nunavik and Nunavut,
respectively. Similar patterns have been reported by
Bjerregaard and Hansen (2000) for Greenland Inuit.
Dallaire et al. (2003a) found that a significant reduc-
tion of lead and mercury concentratio ns in umbilical
cord blood of Inuit infants born in Nunavik (Que´bec,
Canada) between 1994 and 2001 (Fig. 2.2.10).
Some of the recent data from Arctic countries on
mercury levels in maternal blood are shown in Table
2.2.8. No specific comparisons were made to the
southern Canadian population, as the Caucasian popu-
lation included in the NWT/Nunavut sampling has a
similar diet and therefore will have similar contami-
nant levels as the southern Canadian population, which
Dichotomous model
F = 20.60
P < 0.0001
Exponential model
F = 16.02 ; P < 0.0001
1993 1995 1997 1999 2001
Year of birth
1993 1995 1997 1999 2001
Year of birth
Fig. 2.2.10. Adjusted mean metal concentrations according to the
year of birth for (a) lead and (b) mercury (Dallaire et al., 2003a).
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246186
serves as a useful benchmark for southern levels of
contaminants. Maternal and cord blood mercury levels
were low, wer e similar in Norway, Iceland and Swe-
den, and were similar to levels in Caucasians, and
Dene and Me´tis mothers in the NWT (Table 2.2.7).
Mercury levels in Greenland Inuit mothers were higher
than those seen in Inuit mothers from Nunavik and
Nunavut/NWT ( Table 2.2.7). These higher levels are
likely due to the consumption of more marine mam-
mals in the traditional Greenland diet.
2.2.6. Levels of selenium in maternal blood
Selenium levels in maternal serum are very similar
among Caucasian, Dene and Me´tis, Other, and Inuit
(Baffin, Inuvik, Kitikmeot, and Kivalliq) peoples from
the NWT/Nunavut (range of 117–128 Ag/L) (see
Table 2.2.7). Seleni um levels were elevated (318 Ag/
L) only among Nunavik Inuit who had the highest
levels of mercury. High concentrations of selenium
are generally found in the traditional/country food diet
of the Inuit of Canada (and Greenland), particularly
marine mammals (e.g., whale skin). This element is a
component of the glutathione peroxidases and it is
believed that it may act as an antagonist to methyl-
mercury, thereby offering some protection against
potential adverse health effects due to methylmercury
exposure; however, there is still much controversy
over the role of selenium in methylmercury toxicity
(AMAP, 1998).
2.2.7. Levels of lead in maternal blood
Table 2.2.7 shows that lead levels in maternal
blood are moderately elevated among some of the
Inuit groups (Baffin, Kitikmeot, Kivalliq, and Nuna-
vik) and the Dene and Me´tis (range of 29–50 Ag/L),
while Caucasians, Other, and Inuvi k Inuit have lower
levels (range of 19–22 Ag/L) (Butler Walker et al.,
2005). Research on lead isotope signatures has indi-
cated that these elevations of blood lead levels are
likely due to the use of lead shot in the hunting of
traditional/country foods, and thus its presence in the
wild game consumed (Dewailly et al., 2000b).
In an international context, lead levels are moder-
ately elevated among some of the Inuit mothers from
Greenland (range of 31–50 Ag/L), and less so among
women from Siberian Russia (range of 21–32 Ag/L)
compared to other circumpolar countries or regions
(AMAP, 1998).
2.2.8. Levels of cadmium in maternal blood
Table 2.2.7 shows that the Inuit have the highest
mean levels of cadmium in maternal blood, ranging
from 1.0 Ag/L in Inuvik to 1.9 Ag/L in Kitikmeot.
Baffin and Kivalliq Inuit have levels of 1.7 Ag/L and
1.4 Ag/L, respectively. These values are roughly 1.5–5
times higher than blood cadmium levels of Dene and
Me´tis (0.65), Caucasians (0.43), and Other (0.36).
Note that of these three latter groups, blood cadmium
levels were highest among the Dene and Me´tis, but
still lower than any of the Inuit groups. This difference
is likely due to the high rate of smoking among Inuit
mothers and the high cadmium content in Canadian
tobacco (Benedetti et al., 1994). It may also result
from the consumption of marine and terrestrial mam-
mal liver and kidney. Although liver and kidney can
contain significant amounts of cadmium, Elinder
(1992) has shown that cadmium absorption from
food is only 3% to 7% while the absorption of inhaled
cadmium is from 10% to 60%.
2.2.9. Radionuclide exposure
Van Oostdam et al. (1999) identified the lichen
caribou human food chain as the most significant radia-
tion exposure pathway for Arctic residents. Caribou are
a major source of meat in many northern communities.
These animals graze over wide areas on slowly grow-
ing lichens, which can accumulate deposited radionu-
clides and other contaminants over decades . Most of
the radiation exposure received through this food chain
resulted from anthropogenic radiocesium isotopes and
from the naturally occurring lead-210 polonium-210
decay chain (Van Oostdam et al., 1999). Radiocesium. The radiocesium isotopes—
cesium-137 (
Cs) and small traces of cesium-134
Cs)—entered the environment as a result of atmo-
spheric testing of nuclear weapons. The most intense
period of testing occurred in the late 1950s and early
1960s. At that time
Cs was contributing a radiation
dose as high as 5 mSv (millisieverts) per year to some
northern residents (Tracy et al., 1997), in addition to a
normal radiation background dose of about 2.4 mSv/
year (UNSCEAR, 1993). After the cessation of atmo-
spheric testing by the major powers in 1963, levels of
Cs in the northern environment decreased drama-
tically but have persisted at lower concentrations right
up to the present. This is due to the long half-life (30
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246 187
years) of
Cs and to its slow turnover rate in Arctic
ecosystems. Also, until 1980, there were small inje c-
tions of radiocesium into the atmosphere from con-
tinued testing by non-signatories of the 1963 Limited
Test Ban Treaty. On September 10, 1996 the General
Assembly of the United Nations adopted a Compre-
hensive Test Ban Treaty banning the testing of all
nuclear weapons in all environments for all time
(Preparatory Commission, 1996). A number of
nations have yet to ratify this Treaty and in 1998
India and Pakistan conducted several underground
nuclear tests, although none of these tests were
observed to have released any measurable radioactiv-
ity to the environment.
Large quantities of radiocesium (
Cs and
Cs in
a ratio of about 2 to 1) were released from the Cher-
nobyl nuclea r reactor accident in 1986. Although fall-
out from this accident had a major impact on reindeer
herds in Scandinavia (Xhman and Xhman, 1994), the
effect on Canadian caribou herds was to increase
radiocesium levels by about only 20% above residual
fallout levels (Marshall and Tracy, 1989; MacDonald,
2002). Because of its shorter half-life (2 years),
disappears from the environment much more quickly
Tracy et al. (1997) gave details on whole-body
measurements of radiocesium carried out by Health
Canada on northern peoples in 1989–1990. The aver-
age radiation doses for northern communities at that
time were all less than 0.1 mSv/year and the highest
single dose was 0.4 mSv/year. These are insignificant
compared to normal background radiation doses of 2 to
3 mSv/year. Since that report, recent measurements of
radiocesium levels in Canadian caribou herds have
shown that levels are decreasing further, with an eco-
logical halftime of about 10 years (MacDonald et al.,
1996). Lead-210 and polonium-210. Naturally
occurring uranium in rocks and soils releases radon
gas into the atmosphere. Van Oostdam et al. (1999)
showed that radon gas itself is not a particular problem
in the North. However, the decay of radon in air gives
rise to the long-lived lead-210 (
Pb; half-life = 22.3
years), which in turn decays to the alpha-emitting
radionuclide polonium-210 (
Po; half-life = 138
days). These radionuclides eventually settle onto
lichens and other vegetation in more or less equal
concentrations. When the lichens are eaten by caribou,
Pb is concentrated in bone and
Po accumulates in
the meat and organs of the animal, which are in turn
eaten by northern peoples. Van Oostdam et al. (1999)
Po doses as high as 10 mSv/year for some
northern communities consuming large amounts of
caribou. The report recommended that more research
be carried out to better characterize this source of
radiation exposure.
The radionuclides
Pb and
Po are naturally
occurring and have been present in the Arctic environ-
ment for thousands of years at more or less the same
concentrations as found today. Local enhancements
may have resulted from uranium mining, milling, and
ore transport operations, although there is no evidence
that any such contamination is widespread.
Since the publication of Van Oos tdam et al. (1999),
extensive dietary surveys have been carried out by
CINE (see Section 2.1) which more accurately reflect
the amount of polonium-210 ingested through caribou
meat and other traditional/country foods. For exam-
ple, in a 24-h recall survey, Berti et al. (1998b)
obtained a caribou consumption of 224 g/day for
men and 178 g/day for women living in Gwich’in,
NWT, who were over 40 years of age. These values
have been corroborated independently by whole body
surveys of
Cs in northern residents and in the meat
they have been consuming (Tracy and Kramer, 2000).
Concentrations of
Po in Canadian caribou meat are
known to vary from 10 to 40 Bq/kg, with an average
of about 20 Bq/kg (Thomas, 1994). Until recently,
questions remained as to how much polonium is
absorbed in the human inte stine and how long it
remains in the body. A study by Thomas et al.
(2001) shows that intestinal absorption of polonium
is indeed more than 50% and that the retention time in
the human body is significantly longer than the pre-
viously accepted value of 50 days. All of these factors
combined would give a radiation dose of 3 to 4 mSv/
year to a high consumer of caribou meat, over and
above normal background radiation. Summary of radionuclide exposures. Infor-
mation for the two most important radionucli-
Cs and
Po—contributing to the radiation
exposure of northern residents is summarized in Table
2.2.9. The table gives concentrations of the two radio-
nuclides in caribou meat, concentrations in human
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246188
tissues where available, and the radiation doses to
humans consuming a traditional diet of caribou and
other traditional/country foods. All of these doses
must be interpreted in the context of a worldwide
average exposur e to natural background radiation of
2.4 mSv/year (UNSCEAR, 1993). The radiocesium
doses have decreased to insignificant levels. Barring
future inputs from another nuclear reactor accident or
from a resumption of nuclear weapons testing, the
radiocesium levels in northern food chains should be
completely undetectable in a few years. The
doses remain somewhat elevated over and above nor-
mal background radiation (2.4 mSv/year).
2.3. Trends in traditional/country food dietary intakes
and contaminant exposures
Interview data from Inuit communities in 1999–
2000 included questions about how individuals com-
pared their intake of traditional/country food at that
time to intake 5 years earlier. More than 50% of the
entire sample from all Inuit communities reported that
they were consuming the same or more than they did
previously. When asked why more traditional/country
food was not consumed by the family, most men-
tioned the expenses of hunting and other priorities
for their tim e. Many individuals (42–68% of respon-
dents in the five regions) expressed their wish to be
able to purchase traditional/country food in the com-
mercial food stores in their communities because they
did not have time to harvest these foods themselves
(Kuhnlein et al., 2000).
In addition to the studies conducted by CINE, a
review of circumpolar Inuit dietary studies was con-
ducted by Dewailly et al. (2000d) . The study collected
and reviewed all available dietary studies from the
circumpolar Inuit regions to conduct an analysis of
data coverage, and temporal and geographic trends in
consumption, contaminant level s and nutrient status.
Research conducted in Canada covered in this review
included: the Sante´ Que´bec study in Nunavik (1995);
Lawn and Langer (1994) survey in Labrador and the
NWT; a survey in Broughton Island by Kuhnlein
(1989); research conducted by Wein et al. (1998) in
the Belcher Islands, NWT; and a study by Wein and
Freeman (1992) in Aklavik, NWT.
Results obtained from recent studies for the Cana-
dian Nor th were compared to the Nutrition Canada
Eskimo Survey conducted in 1971. The analysis
shows that in 1971, daily traditional/country food
consumption varied between 191 and 219 g/day
among women, while amounts today vary between
164 and 448 g/day. Among men, traditional/country
food intakes varied between 277 and 646 g/day in
1971 and are now between 171 and 615 g/day, as
reported in the more recent studies. In Canada, intakes
of traditional/country food (by weight) do not seem to
have changed significantly in the last 20 years.
Changes in the Inuit diet are primarily related to an
increase in the amount of imported foods consumed.
More cereals, meats, fruits, vegetables and sugars are
included today than before. Mean energy intakes
among Inuit were lower in 1971 than today, and the
contribution of protein to total energy intake has
decreased in the last 30 years while the total lipid
intake has increased on average. According to the
Sante´ Que´bec study this is attributable in Nunavik
to a higher consumption of market meats and prepared
meals. This increase is also related to the degree of
urbanization of Inuit communities (Schaefer and
Steckle, 1980). Despite the fact that higher nutrient
intakes are observed today compared to the last 20–30
years, several recent studies still show low intakes of
Table 2.2.9
Radionuclide levels in caribou meat and people in the Canadian
Arctic, and resulting radiation doses to people
Levels/Doses Radionuclide
Cesium-137 Polonium-210
Levels in caribou meat (Bq/kg)
Mid-1960s 500–3000 10–40
Late 1980s Up to 700 10–40
Late 1990s Up to 300 10–40
Levels in northern residents (Bq/kg)
Mid-1960s Up to 1500
Late 1980s Up to 110
Doses to northern residents (mSv/year)
Mid-1960s Up to 5
Late 1980s Up to 0.4
Late 1990s Up to 0.2
Source: Tracy and Kramer (2000).
Doses based on measured whole-body concentrations of
(Tracy et al., 1997).
Doses based on estimated caribou consumption in a typical
northern diet and on human metabolic parameters. The higher
Po doses in the 1960s is not based on any changes in environ-
mental levels of
Po but on an estimated higher consumption of
caribou meat at that time (Tracy and Kramer, 2000).
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246 189
vitamins A and C, and folic acid and calcium among
Inuit populations (Dewailly et al., 2000d).
Similar dietary intake measurements in Qikiqtar-
juaq (Broughton Island), Nunavut were taken in
1987–1988 and 1999. The earlier study, however,
was more intensive in that data were collected
bimonthly for the entire year, whereas in the latter
study data were collected during two periods repre-
senting the estimated highest and lowest intake sea-
sons. In both studies, measurements of mercury,
chlordane, PCBs and toxaphene were made in foods
eaten, for development of the food database. It was
shown that mercury exposure data were similar in the
two surveys, thus implying little change in dietary
pattern or mercury concentration in food. However,
reported intakes of the organochlorines were some-
what higher in the latter survey, particularly among
the highest users (95th percentile). This was due to a
higher reported consumption of narwhal muktuk and
blubber in the community (Kuhnlein et al., 1995c).
3. Toxicology
3.1. Priority contaminants
3.1.1. Toxaphene
Toxaphene, or chlorinated bornane, was one of the
most extensively applied insecticides in North Amer-
ica during the 1960s and 1970s. Encouraged as a
replacement pesticide for DDT, total global use esti-
mates for toxaphene are on the order of up to 1.2
billion kg (McDonald and Hites, 2003). Due to its
environmental persistence (soil half-life of up to 14
years) and ability to be trans ported in the atmosphere,
toxaphene continues to be a contaminant of concern
for Arctic populations who consume country or tra-
ditional food items. A number of dietary surveys
conducted in the Canadian Arctic have provided
intake estimations which suggest high level consu-
mers of marine mammal fatty tissues and organs
(blubber, liver, brain, and kidneys) may exceed the
current tolerable daily intake (TDI) guideline for
toxaphene, in certain cases by over two orders of
magnitude (Section 5.1.1). This higher intake of tox-
aphene from the diet can then result in increased
concentrations of residues being detected in human
tissue samples. For example, total toxaphene residues
detected in maternal blood samples from Caucasians
living in the Arctic were found to be over 10-fold
lower than Inuit (0.05 ppb vs. 0.74 ppb, respectively)
(Section 2.2).
Toxicological issues related to toxaphene, which
in part led to its deregistration as a pesticide,
included it being classified as a suspected carci nogen
and endocrine disruptor. To further address these
aspects, with an ultimate goal of possibly revising
the current Health Canada TDI of 0.2 Ag/kg body
weight (bw)/day, a number of experimental studies
were devised.
Toxaphene’s ability to interact with DNA, a critical
event in the development of certain cancers, was
tested in a series of in vitro studies. In a standard
mutagenicity assay, technical toxaphene was tested in
five strains of Salmonella typhimurium for its ability
to induce point mutations (Schrader et al., 1998). This
test is commonly employed as an initial screen for
chemical genotoxic activity, with the premise being
that DNA point mutations are implicated in many
human genetic diseases, including tum our formation.
Results indicated that while toxaph ene was able to
induce mutations in bacteria, the addition of a meta-
bolic activation system significantly decreased its
activity. In addition, toxaphene was tested for its
ability to induce sister chromatid exchanges (SCE)
in hamster lung fibroblasts (V79 cells). Although
not related to mutation frequency, an increase in
SCE beyond a background value indicates a chemical
has caused genetic (DNA) damage, such as adducts,
which is correlated to recombinational DNA repair.
Even at cytotoxic concentrations, toxaphene was only
able to induce nonsignificant increases in SCE.
Technical toxaphene is a complex mixture of
chlorinated bornanes, theoretically comprised of up
to 32,000 different congeners. As with PCBs, various
abiotic and biotic processes results in selective decom-
position of the technical formulation to the extent
where only 100–200 congeners are detected in envir-
onmental samples (Gouteux et al., 2002; MacLeod et
al., 2002). To address possibly toxicological differ-
ences that may exist between technical toxaphen e and
benvironmentalQ toxaphene, technical toxaphene was
fed to cod for 4 months and then toxpahene residues
(biotransformed) were extracted and purified from cod
liver (Besselink et al., 2000). Following an initial
exposure to a known liver carcinogen, N-nitroso-
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246190
diethylamine, female rats were treated for 20 weeks
with 0.46–12.5 mg cod liver-extracted toxaphene
(biotransformed)/kg bw/week by subcutaneous injec-
tion. One week following the last dose, rat livers were
removed and assessed histopathologically for altered
hepatic foci, a preneoplastic lesion associated with the
development of liver cancer. Unlike the positive con-
trol, TCDD, neither technical toxaphene or toxaphene
extracted from cod liver significantly increased the
mean foci area or percent area fraction of foci in the
liver. Overall, these preliminary results would suggest
that biotransformed toxaphene does not have strong
tumour promoting activity.
Following a preliminary study where nonhuman
primates were dosed with technical toxaphene for 52
weeks (1.0 mg/kg bw/day), an additional longer term
study was initiated. Groups of 10 female cynomolo-
gus monkeys were given daily oral doses of 0, 0.1, 0.4
or 0.8 mg technical toxaphene/kg bw/day for at least
75 weeks. After 75 weeks, treated females were mated
with control males, with continued toxaphene expo-
sure for the additional 26-week mating and gestation
period. Prior to the mating phase of the experiment,
immunological assessment of the treated females was
conducted between weeks 33 and 70 (Tryphonas et
al., 2001).
No parameters related to fertility and gestation
were affected by toxaphene dosing. One of the more
prominent offspring observations was that male neo-
nates from the toxaphene treated dams weighed less at
birth and grew at a slower rate during lactation than
the controls, whereas the opposite effect was seen
with fema le offspring. At the highest dose, male new-
borns weighed about 10% less than controls while on
average females from all treated dams weighed
approximately 24% more than the controls.
During immunologic assessment of the treated
females, effects related mainly to humoral immunity
(antibody mediated) were observed. The primary and
secondary response (IgM and IgG) to T-cell-depen-
dent antigens (sheep erythrocytes and tetanus toxoid)
was decreased in the animals dosed with 0.4 and/or
0.8 mg toxaphene/kg bw/day. These results suggest
that the animals could possibly be more susceptible to
bacterial infections. Discussion. Although questions remain as
to the significance from a human health perspective of
the tumours induced in experimental animals by tech-
nical toxaphene, short term in vitro and in vivo studies
suggest toxaphene would be classified as a weak
mutagen and an equivocal tumour promoter. Asso-
ciated with toxaphene-induced liver cancer in rodents
were observations of hepatic toxicity (liver weight
increase, fatty cell degeneration, focal necrosis). In a
study designed to investigate a possible link between
liver toxicity in humans and toxaphene, 104 autopsy
samples from Greenland Inuit, collected from 1992 to
1994, were assessed for histopathological findings as
well as concentrations of contaminants (Dewailly et
al., 1995). The average sum (mean) of chlordane-
related chemicals in a representative sample of omen-
tal fat (n = 41) was 2.80 ppm (range of 0.57–9.61
ppm) while toxaphene (detected in 100% of samples)
was found at lower levels (mean = 0.57 ppm; range of
0.09–1.85 ppm). No differences were seen in the
levels of contaminants in samples for which liver
pathologies (fatty degeneration, p ortal fibrosis, and
inflammation) were or were not present. While not
designed to provide conclusive evidence, the results
are at least suggestive that the toxaphene concentra-
tions found are not associated with detectable symp-
toms of liver toxicity in humans.
From the main reproductive study in no n-human
primates, ingestion of up to 0.8 mg toxaphene/kg bw/
day had no immediate effect on fertility. In compar-
ison, the 95th percentile estimated daily intake of
toxaphene by Inuit in Qikiqtarjuaq from a 1998–99
dietary survey was 26 Ag/kg bw/day, or approximately
30-fold lower (Secti on 5.1.1). A similar comparison
can be made with respect to body residues accumu-
lated through the diet. For example, body burdens
(total bioaccumulated) as estimated from the non-
human primate feeding study would be in the order
of 2.9, 13.6 and 32.6 mg for the 0.1, 0.4 and 0.8 mg/
kg bw/day doses, respectively (Arnold et al., 2001;
Arnold, 2003). Average toxaphene body burdens
found in Baffin and Kivalliq women who participated
in a maternal blood study would be 1.1 and 9.1 mg,
respectively based on total lipid, or within the same
range where immunologic effects and infan t weight
changes were seen ( Butler Walker et al., 2003). This
would suggest that, for certain consumers of country
or traditi onal food, exposure to toxaphene may be
sufficiently high as to warrant concerns related to
the immune system and infant physical development.
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246 191
3.1.2. Chl ordane
North American production of chlordane began in
1947 and peaked at approximately 5000 tons/year by
1974. Chlordane was first registered in Canada as a
pesticide in 1949 with subsequent sale and/or use
prohibited after 1995. One of the major applications
of chlordane was as a termiticide in the U.S. where its
estimated there have been over 30 million houses
treated (Kilburn and Thornto n, 1995).
Technical chlordane actually consists of up to 120
similar compounds with 5–6 major isomers predomi-
nating (Table 3.1.1). Of interest is that up to 10% of
chlordane can be the related insecticide heptachlor
while up to 20% of commercial formulations of the
latter can be chlordane.
As with other structurally-similar chlorinated insec-
ticides, chlordane was identified as a contaminant of
concern in certain Arctic communities based on esti-
mated daily intakes exceeding recommended guide-
lines as established by various health agencies. Mean
intake of chlordane by the Inuit community in Qikiq-
tarjuaq (Broughton Island) in 1998 was estimated at
0.62 Ag/kg bw/day. High consumers of country foods
(top 5%) were thought to be ingesting up to 5 Ag/kg
bw/day of chlordane residues. Consumption of marine
mammal blubber (beluga, narwhal, walrus) was
responsible for up to 84% of the total chlordane intake
although these three food items contributed less than
4% of the traditional diet (Kuhnlein and Receveur,
2001). In contrast, a conservative estimation is that
North Americans are only exposed from food to up to
0.01 Ag/kg bw/day of chlordane (Doughert y et al.,
2000). These intake figures are in comparison to
btolerableQ guidelines, as established by Health
Canada and US EPA, of 0.05–0.5 Ag/kg bw/day.
Following an evaluation of chlordane residues in
marine mammals by Health Canada, it became appar-
ent that there were major differences between a ctual
human exposure through consumption of these foods
and the technical chlordane mixtures used in the
safety assessments (Table 3.1.1). In particular, trans-
nonachlor (TNC), a minor component of technical
chlordane, and oxychlodane (OXY), a stable metabo-
lite of chlordanes and nonachlors, can contribute over
75% to the chlordane-related residues found in marine
mammal blubber (Muir et al., 2000). As important,
trans-nonachlor and oxychlordane account for more
than 90% of the chlordane residues found in human
milk samples ( Newsome and Ryan, 1999).
As the majority of toxicology data used to establish
tolerable intake values was generated using technical
chlordane, a major goal of NCP was to address the
lack of information on chlordane-related residues
commonly found in country foods and humans.
For the initial series of experiments, rats were
orally dosed for 28 days with cis- and trans-nonachlor
or oxychlordane and the results compared to technical
chlordane. At the highest dose tested, 25 mg/kg bw/
day, no animals treated with either cis-nonachlor or
technical chlordane died while there was significant
morbidity/mortality with trans-nonachlor and espe-
cially oxychlordane at lower doses (Table 3.1.2).
Residue analysis conducted at study termination
and after the animals had been given an addit ional
28 or 56 days following dosing indicated that oxy-
chlordane was approximately 2–3 times more bioac-
cumulative than trans-nonachlor and 19–26 times
greater than trans-chlordane. While both male and
female animals effectively cleared trans-chlordane
Table 3.1.1
Relative percent contribution to chlordane total
Isomer Technical
cis-Chlordane 19 1.7
trans-Chlordane 24 1.4
cis-Nonachlor 2.7 8.3
trans-Nonachlor 9.7 54.9
Heptachlor 10 6.8
Oxychlordane 0 27
Buchert et al. (1989).
Marine mammal blubber average, 1993–1994.
As heptachlor epoxide.
Table 3.1.2
Chlordane-induced mortality in sub-acute studies
Chemical Dose
Time to
Technical chlordane 25 N 28 0
cis-Nonachlor 25 N 28 0
trans-Nonachlor 2.5 N 28 0
25 17–20 43
Oxychlordane 10 1 100
2.5 26 4
1 N 28 0
Bondy et al. (2000, 2003).
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246192
residues by 28 days after dosing, oxychlordane and
trans-nonachlor were significantly more persistent
especially in females, with up to 90% of oxychlordane
still present after 56 days following dosing (Bondy et
al., 2003). Histopathological indications of organ
effects (mainly liver, kidney and thyroid) were appar-
ent at the highest dose (25 mg/kg bw/d ay; 10 mg/kg
bw/day OXY) for all chemicals, but also at lower
doses for TNC and OXY (0.25 and 2.5 mg/kg bw/
day, respectively) (Bondy et al., 2003). Residue ana-
lysis also supported the concept that there is a link
between total amount of chlordane-related chemicals
bioaccumulated and indications of toxi city.
Additional experimental investigations focused on
endpoints related to immunology as previous studies
had suggested prenatal exposure to various OC pesti-
cides was associated with an increased risk of recurrent
otitis media in Inuit children. Unlike toxaphene, treat-
ment with certain of the chlordane compounds, mainly
nonachlors, resulted in a stimulatory response in terms
of Ig production. However, in female rats, there was a
dose-related decreased resistance to Listeria infectivity
with TNC, starting at doses as low as 0.25 mg/kg bw/
day (Tryphonas et al., 2003). The sex-related differ-
ence, in terms of female animals being more suscep-
tible to bacterial infections, was once again thought to
be related to amount of accumulated chlordane resi-
dues (higher and more persistent in females). Discussion. At sufficiently high levels of
exposure, technical chlordane is capabl e of producing
a variety of toxic effects in both experimental animals
and humans. The lowest adverse effect dose in experi-
mental animals was estimated to be approximately 50
Ag/kg bw/day, based on histopathological lesions pro-
duced in liver. Long-term exposure to doses of tech-
nical chlordane as high as 250 Ag/kg bw/day produced
liver weight increases and hepatocellular swelling in
rats. In comparison, high consumers of country foods
are likely ingesting up to 5 Ag/kg bw/day of chlor-
dane-related chemicals.
Results from these series of experiments provided
indications that the more persistent and bioaccumula-
tive chlordane-related chemicals, nonachlors and oxy-
chlordane, are also more toxic than the technical
mixture. For examp le, exposure for short durations
to cis- and trans-nonachlor produced significant
effects in various immunology parameters, including
a decreased ability to mount an effective challenge
against bacterial infection. A similar response was not
observed with techni cal chlordane, even at doses 100-
fold higher. As toxicity of chlordanes appears to be
related to the extent of accumu lated residues, compar-
ison of tissue or organ concentrations between experi-
mental animals and humans may be a reasonable
approach to refining the risk assessment. At the lowest
dose tested which caused effects, 0.25 mg/kg bw/day,
total chlordane residues in experimental animals were
approximately 0.8 mg/kg bw. In comparison, the
average body burden of sum of chlordanes from a
recent Arctic survey of maternal blood was approxi-
mately 319 Ag/kg bw, or almost 25-fold lower
(Muckle et al., 2001b). However, values from this
survey ranged up to 212 Ag/kg bw, or only 4-fold
lower. This would imply that certain Arctic consumers
of countr y foods might accumulate sufficient quanti-
ties of chlordane-related chemicals to be within the
range where immunological effects are seen in experi-
mental animals.
3.2. Toxicological effects induced by exposure to food-
chain contaminant mixtures
While the majority of toxicology studies focus on
individual chemicals, from the perspective of food-
borne contaminants, exposure is almost always to
complex mixtures. These mixtures are comprised of
not only chemicals with different physicochemical
properties but also possible metabolic/degradation pro-
ducts of the original chemicals, often more toxic than
the original compounds. Methodologies have been
suggested to address the issue of risk assessment for
complex mixtures (US EPA, 2000; Groten et al., 2001).
These can involve either reconstitution or extraction of
the mixture from the matrix in question (soil, air, or
water) or, in the case of certain foods, actual incorpora-
tion of the food commodity in question into experi-
mental diets. Applicable for Arctic residents are studies
by Lapierre and colleagues in which marine mammal
fat was fed to rodents and immunological endpoints
assessed (Lapierre et al., 1999).
To further address the issue of complex mixtures of
environmental contaminants found in country foods, a
contaminant mixture was reconstituted to approximate
what is found in ringed seal blubber and fed to fema le
pigs from 4 months of age until weaning of their first
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246 193
litter (Table 3.2.1)(Bilrha et al., 2004). Following
weaning, the piglets were assessed for a variety of
developmental and immunological parameters at
intervals up to 8 months of age.
There were no signs of maternal toxi city although
female pigs in the high dose group were exposed to
contaminant levels that exceeded tolerable daily
intakes by up to 2 orders of magnitude. There was,
however, a dose-dependent decrease in the length at
birth for female piglets (7% decrease at the highest
contaminant intake). Following contaminant assess-
ment in the piglets at 1 month of age, various immu-
nologic tests were conducted up to the age of 8
months. Minimal effects were seen with respect to
physical development, although there was a slight
decrease in testis weight for all animals (not dose-
dependent) and sperm motility for the high dose
animals. For immunological endpoints, one of the
more significant findings was a reduction in antibody
response to Mycoplasm a hypopneumoniae vaccina-
tion seen in the piglets exposed perinatally to the
highest dose from the age of 5 months onwards. At
8 months of age, only 10% of piglets in the high dose
group had what would be considered as a positive
response to this antigen, compared to 50% in the
controls (Bilrha et al., 2004). Additional findings
included slightly enhanced proliferative responses of
lymphocytes and enhanced phagocytic activity of leu-
kocytes, mainly evident in the mid and high dose
animals. As the findings became more prevalent as
the animals aged, it was suggested that innate or
natural immune defense was less affected as compared
to acquired immunity.
When assessed at delivery, the pigs showed a dose-
dependent increase in plasma concentrations for most
of the OCs found in the complex mixture. For exam-
ple, low, mid and high dose group plasma concentra-
tions of PCBs (sum of congeners) were 153, 1425 and
11,485 ppb, respectively (controls not detected). In
comparison, the mean concentration of PCBs in
maternal plasma samples from an Inuit cohort in
Nunavik was 397 ppb lipid, with a range up to 1951
ppb lipid, or only 6-fold lower than the high dose
group (Muckle et al., 2001b).
The same complex mixture of contaminants was
tested in vitro for its ability to affect the maturation
and embryonic development of porcine oocytes.
While doses of contaminants almost 1000-times
higher than those seen in plasma of Inuit women of
reproductive age had no effect on the fertilization of
oocytes, there was a significant decrease at the highest
dose tested of polyspermy (Campagna et al., 2001).
However, there were indications that the in vitro
maturation process and subsequent developmental
Table 3.2.1
Composition of the organochlorine mixture
Chemical Weight percent in mixture (wt.%)
PCB mixture
Technical chlordane 21.3
p,pV-DDE 19.3
p,pV-DDT 6.8
Technical toxaphene 6.5
a-HCH 6.2
Aldrin 2.5
Dieldrin 2.1
1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 0.9
p,pV-DDD 0.5
h-HCH 0.5
Hexachlorobenzene 0.4
Mirex 0.2
g-HCH 0.2
Pentachlorobenzene 0.2
Source: Ayotte (2001).
Mixture containing 2,4,4V-trichlorobiphenyl (320 mg), 2,2V,4,4V-
tetrachlorobiphenyl (256 mg), 3,3V,4,4V-tetrachlorobiphenyl (1.4
mg), 3,3V,4,4V,5-pentachlorobiphenyl (6.7 mg), Aroclor 1254 (12.8
g), and Aroclor 1260 (19.2 g).
Table 3.2.2
Composition of complex mixture based on human blood residues
Chemical Amount in 5 mg/kg bw dose (mg)
PCB mixture
Aldrin 0.005
h-HCH 0.075
cis-Nonachlor 0.052
p,pV-DDE 0.919
p,pV-DDT 0.057
Dieldrin 0.022
Hexachlorobenzene 0.296
Heptachlor epoxide 0.023
Mirex 0.029
Oxychlordane 0.136
Toxaphene 0.07
trans-Nonachlor 0.220
A OCs 1.900
Methylmercury chloride 2.000
Source: Bowers et al. (2003).
Containing PCBs 28, 52, 99, 101, 105, 118, 128, 138, 153, 156,
170, 180, 183, 187.
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246194
competency of oocytes was negatively affected at
lower doses. When similar endpoints were investi-
gated with both oocytes and sperm being treated in
vitro, an increase in polyspermic oocytes oc curred at
lower doses while a decrease was evident at higher
doses (Campagna et al., 2002).
In a similar experimental design, pregnant rats were
exposed from gestation day 1 to the end of lactation to
a complex mixture of contaminants based on what has
been found in blood from Arctic populations known to
consume country/traditional food items (Table 3.2.2).
Pregnant rats were treated orally (food supplement)
with 0, 0.05, 0.5 or 5.0 mg/kg bw/day of the mixture
from gestation day 1 to the end of lactation (postnatal
day 23). Developmental landmarks were assessed in
the pups as well as a number of neurobehaviour end-
points up to maturity (postnatal day 60). A 15 mg/ kg
bw/day dose of Aroclor 1254 served as a positive
control (Bowers et al., 2003).
The contaminant mixture had no significant effect
on maternal gestational weight gain, litter size, pup
sex ratio or offspring mortality however maternal
body weight in the high dose mixture group decreased
by 6–10% during lactation compared to the controls.
Pup weight gain was decreased throughout lactation in
the high dose and positive control groups, with the
difference in weight increasing as the pups matured
(20% by PND 23). The decreased weight gain
observed during lactation also persisted into adult-
hood (PND 80). Maternal blood samples collected at
5–7 days after the final dose exhibited mercury con-
centrations ranging from 0.5 to 46.4 ppm for the 3
complex mixture dose groups, compared to maximum
values of 44 ppb in the previously mentioned Nunavik
cohort (Muckle et al., 2001b). Offspring blood mer-
cury values ranged from 13.0 to 250 ppb for the 3
mixture groups compared to an average cord blood
concentration of 22.7 ppb from the Nunavik cohort.
Various organ weights at PND 35 were also affected
(liver and brain increased; spleen an d thymus
decreased) in mainly the same two dose groups. Cer-
tain organ weight effects also persisted when mea-
sured at PND 75 (brain and spleen).
In young rats (17 days old), the highest mixture
dose produced time-dependent hyperactivity and
decreased rearing in a novel open-field, both sugges-
tive of altered reactivity to the environment. In con-
trast, 17-day-old pups from the Aroclor positive
control group exhibited hypoactivity and decreased
rearing, suggestive of reduced motor activity or
decreased interaction with the novel environment. At
30 days of age, hypoactivity and decreased rearing was
still evident in Aroclor-treated pups compared to the
controls, but to a lesser extent. Acoustic startle and
prepulse inhibition of acoustic startle were evaluated in
the pups at PND 21 and 44. Acoustic startle is a basic
defensive reflex response to sudden noise while pre-
pulse inhibition (PPI) of acoustic startle is a measure of
the integration of sensory information (i.e., informa-
tion processing) in the brain and reflects basic neural
functions. Offspring from the positive control group
(Aroclor 1254) consistently exhibited a decrease in the
startle response at PND 21 and 44 while the mixture
had little impact on the startle response at PND 21. The
lowest mixture dose however decreased PPI at PND 21
but not at PND 44. Gender differences in the effects of
the mixture and the positive control treatment emerged
as animals matured. For instance, at PND 44 the two
highest mixture doses and the positive control
decreased startle in males but produced small increases
in startle responses in females. Similarly, while PPI
was unaffected in fema les, Aroclor and the two highest
mixture doses produced small increases in PPI. in
males. When visual discrimination, a measure of learn-
ing, was tested in the offspring at PND 100, only
females from the high dose mixture group showed a
decreased response.
In a further attempt to define the relationship
between exposure to complex mixtures of contami-
nants and potential adverse effects, physi ological
based toxicokinetics (PBTK) modeling was applied
Table 3.2.3
Comparison of PBTK-derived TDIs to estimated contaminant
OC contaminant Average
Inuit intake
Estimated TDI
from modeling
rat data
(Ag/kg bw/day)
Hexachlorobenzene 0.12 0.27 2.7
Chlordanes 0.43 0.05 0.02
HCHs (a, h, g) 0.03 0.3 4.4
Total DDT 0.53 20 18
Mirex 0.01 0.07 0.21
PCBs (sum 14 congeners) 0.66 1 17
Dieldrin ND 0.1 18.5
Source: Chan et al. (1997, 2000). ND—not determined.
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246 195
to residue data obtained following a subacute dietary
exposure period. Female rats were dosed (gavage) for
28 days with an organochlorine mixture based on
average intakes from a Qikiqtarjuaq dietary survey
conducted in 1988 (Chan et al., 1997). At the end of
the dosing period, various tissues were collected for
both toxicological assessmen t and residue analysis
(Chan et al., 2000). Comparison of tissue residues
found in the rats at the highest dose tested (observed
adverse effect level) to estimated equivalent human
residues from modeling suggested that the average
dietary intake of chlordane by Inuit was approxi-
mately 20 times greater than a suggested safe dose.
For all other OCs, except DDT, the tolerable intake
from the modeling exercise suggested that actual diet-
ary intakes would be less than doses capable of indu-
cing toxic effects (Table 3.2.3).
Physiologically based toxicokinetic (PBTK) mod-
els have been shown to be useful tools in predicting
the target tissue dose of chemicals in a mixture and in
extrapolating effects between species (Haddad et al.,
2000). In agreement with the chlordane toxicological
studies, these results suggest that consumers of coun-
try foods may be accumulating chlordane residues at
concentrations where adverse effects are observed in
experimental animals.
3.2.1. Discussion
Toxicological studies with complex mixtures that
mimic real life situations (exposure or body burdens)
have the added advantage of identifying any potential
interactions that may occur between the different
contaminants. For example, preli minary experimental
results suggest that PCBs and methylmercury could
act synergistically to induce adverse neurological
effects (Bemis and Seegal, 1999). Also, non-cyto-
toxic doses of toxaphene have been shown to sig-
nificantly enhance the genotoxic response of a
carcinogenic PAH in cultured human liver cells
(Wu et al., 2003).
Two series of experiments with dosing based on
slightly different complex mixtures has provided evi-
dence that: 1) organochlorines can cause effects
related to fetal development (decreased birth weight),
immunosuppression (deceased antibody production)
and possibly oocyte maturation; and 2) organochlor-
ines combined with methylmercury produced beha-
vioural alterations both similar and unique to those
seen with PCBs alone. Physical developmental delays
of offspring from the combined in utero/lactational
exposure also persist into adulthood. There were indi-
cations that certain effects from both experiments
were occurring at contaminant concentrations seen
in recent blood surveys from Arctic residents. This
would imply that these endpoints would be relevant to
assess in human studies investigating associations
between adverse health outcomes and exposure to
environmental contaminants.
3.3. Contaminant and dietary nutrient interactions
The ability of diet to affect the prevalence of
various adverse health outcomes in humans has been
clearly established. For example, its been estimated
that 20–60% of all human cancers are related to diet
(Doll, 1992). Diets rich in various antioxidants,
including vitamins and essential trace elements, are
hypothesized to have a beneficial influence on risks
associated with other major human diseases, including
diabetes, osteoporosis, kidney and cardiovascular dis-
eases (IOM, 2000). Dietary long chain polyunsatu-
rated fatty acids, such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), play an essential
role in human growth and neurodevelopment while
the same fatty acids have recently been associated
with a reduced risk of impaired cognitive function
in adults (Das, 2003; Kalmijn et al., 2002).
From an Arctic perspective, results from experi-
mental research have suggested certain diet compo-
nents can either protect against or attenuate adverse
effects caused by contaminants of concern. For exam-
ple, protein, fibre and trace elements (calcium, iron,
and zinc) can all influence the extent of cadmium
bioavailability and toxicity (WHO, 2000). Earlier stu-
dies have suggested replacing casein with fish protein
can decrease the toxicity of methylmercury in mice
(Ohi et al., 1976). Although the mechanism is unclear,
selenium has been shown to be protective against
mercury-induced toxicity, possibly through complex-
ing reactions (Watanabe, 2002; Whanger, 2001).
Developmental exposure to both a selenium deficient
diet and methylmercury can result in synergistic
effects on the neurobe havioural functions in mice
(Watanabe et al., 1999).
To further define the benefi ts associated with con-
suming country foods, a series of experiments were
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246196
devised to investigate potential interactions between
dietary components and contaminants. In a first
experiment, rats were exposed to diets containing
different types of protein (casein, fish or whey) for
4 weeks prior to dosing with methylmercury for 14
days. At the end of the methylmercury treatment
period, various organs were analyzed for mercury
content and the presence of thio barbiturate reactive
substances (TBARS), as an indication of oxidative
stress (lipid peroxidation). No mercury pharmacoki-
netic differences were seen and the type of dietary
protein had no effect on organ TBARS (Chan et al.,
2004). In a similar experimental design, the lipid or
fat component of diets was modified so rats ingested
20% by weight either seal oil, fish oil, DHA, soya oil
or beef lard for the same 4-week period followed by
14 days of oral dosing with methylmercury. Only in
rats consuming the soya-containing diet was there no
increase in TBARS concentrations in brain tis sue
suggesting dietary oleic and linoleic acids (essential
fatty acids) are important in preventing methylmer-
cury-induced oxidation damage (Chan et al., 2004).
Related studies have shown that selenium did not
prevent increases in mercuric chloride-induced
TBARS in rat liver homogenates isolated from ani-
mals maintained on a soya oil-supplemented diet
(Farina et al., 2003).
Selenium has been recognized as an essential trace
element for both animals and humans. In parti cular,
selenium is thought to be important for maintaining
membrane integrity and reducing oxidative damage to
cellular macromolecules, including lipids and DNA
(Rayman, 2000). Experimental evidence to date indi-
cates that selenium not only can decrease the extent of
methylmercury neurotoxicity but if a selenium defi-
ciency condition exists, mercury toxicity can be
enhanced. The chemical form of selenium appears to
be an important factor in its ability to influence methyl-
mercury toxicity. For example, sodium selenite
), an animal feed supplement, forms com-
plexes with mercury to a greater extent than selenium
isolated from liver (Magos et al., 1983). Both selenium
and vitamin E are known to be capable of reducing the
toxic effects induced by acute or chronic exposure to
methylmercury (Ganther, 1978). Hamsters exposed to
methylmercury concurrently with vitamin E exhibited
no signs of intoxication whereas those exposed to
methylmercury alone develop severe symptoms of poi-
soning (Chang et al., 1978). As with selenium, a diet
enhanced with vitamin E is protective against mercury-
induced oxidative damage while a deficient diet
enhances methylmercury hepatic lipid peroxidation
(Andersen and Andersen, 1993). In an experiment to
further address the relationship between methylmer-
cury and antioxidants, female rats were maintained
on diets supplemented with selenium, vitamin E or
both for 8 weeks prior to mating and during gestation.
Beginning 4 weeks before mating, all rats were dosed
with 1.25 mg methylmercury/kg bw/day and allowed to
deliver their litters. Selenium alone did not prevent
mercury-induced pup mortality while vitamin E alone
and in combination with selenium did (Chan, 2002).
To further characterize the potential toxicity of mer-
cury found in country foods, rats were fed diets in
which seal liver, a major source of methylmercury
exposure for Inuit, was added. The seal liver, contain-
ing either 20 ppm (low) or 110 ppm (high) mercury,
comprised 20% of the diet and was fed to rats for 14
days before absorption; organ distribution rates for
mercury were then determined. Whereas 16% of mer-
cury from the low dose seal liver diet was absorbed,
only 3% in the high dose diet bioaccumulated which
indicates the chemical form of mercury in seal liver is
substantially less bioavailable than methylmercury in
fish tissue (usually 90%+) (Chan, 2000a,b). However,
2% of both the seal liver mercury doses was distributed
to brain compared to 0% in rats fed the control diet (veal
liver with 110 ppm inorganic HgCl
). This supports
analytical findings that on average only 2% of total
mercury in ringed seal liver was in the form of methyl-
mercury where as up to 53% of mercury was estimated
to be insoluble mercuric selenide (HgSe) (Wagemann et
al., 2000). Previous experimental results have indicated
a total mercury dose of 158 mg from seal liver did not
induce toxic effects in cats (Eaton et al., 1980).
3.3.1. Discussion
A recent review has concluded there is a link
between exposure to chemicals from the environment
and over 200 different human diseases (Janssen et al.,
2004). Certain essential dietary nutrients, including
vitamins, minerals and fatty acids, found in tradi-
tional/country foods have been suggested as being
capable of reducing or possibly preventing adverse
effects caused by contaminants. Results from preli-
minary experiments have indicated that omega-6 fatty
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246 197
acids in soya oil were more effective at preventing
lipid peroxidation in brain s of methylmercury treated
mice than oils rich in omega-3 fatty acids (DHA and
EPA). In addition, mercury in seal liver is less bioa-
vailable when it occurs at high concentrati ons, possi-
bly due to the insoluble complexes it forms with
selenium. Selenium, an essential trace element for
humans, did not prevent methylmercury-ind uced pup
mortality while another antioxidant, vitamin E, alone
or in combination with selenium did. From a human
perspective, to date there has been little epidemiologic
evidence that selenium supplementation has a thera-
peutic benefit with envir onmentally associated health
disorders (Lacour et al., 2004). Furthe r studies dealing
with interactions betw een dietary components and
contaminants will have to consider both the mechan-
istic implications as well as the relevance.
4. Epidemiology and human biomarkers
Over the past decade most research efforts in Arc-
tic Canada were focussed on the characterization of
exposure of northerners. Epidemiological studies are
now in place or in preparation. In order to detect early
biological changes preceding overt diseases, biologi-
cal markers of effects were also validated and intro-
duced in epidemiological studies.
Van Oostdam et al. (1999) identified areas with
knowledge gaps where research programs should be
oriented. Under epidemiology, the following priorities
were listed:
1) Evaluate the developmental status (neurobeha-
vioural, immunological, reproductive, etc.) of new-
borns in the Arctic;
2) Evaluate fetal effects of merc ury; and
3) Evaluate kidney function among people exposed to
cadmium (via liver and kidney consumption, or
In this section, the discussion is limited to methyl-
mercury and POPs. Other contaminants such as cad-
mium and lead are now considered of low priority
since major sources are local point sources (sm oking
for cadmium and lead shot for lead) , and information
on their toxicity is already available, validated, and
widely used by regional/national/international health
organizations. Furthermore, most health risk uncer-
tainty related to the presence of contaminants in the
Arctic food chain is du e to methylmercury and POPs.
Most of this section is devoted to prenatal exposure
and adverse developmental effects resulting in altered
immune and nervous system function early in life. In
addition, since oxidation is one of the possible
mechanisms of mercury toxicity, biomarkers of oxi-
dative stress are being investigated as biomarkers of
effect in the adult Inuit population.
Since Inuit people constitute the most exposed
group in the Canadian Arctic, this assessment is
focussed on this group.
Conducting epidemiological studies in the Arctic is
difficult and should take into account the following
specific considerations.
Mixtures of contaminants found in the Arctic.
Multi-chemical interactions of ecological ly rele-
vant mixtures (at relevant concentrations) can
have an effect different from the sum of the effects
of each component of the mixture. Arctic seafood
contains a mixture of contaminants which may
differ from those found in other parts of the
world. How important these differences are is not
known. The PCB congener profile found in human
tissues in the Arctic, however, is similar to that
found in southern Canada. Effects of mixtures need
to be better understood.
Population size. The small size of the popula tions
living in the Arctic limits the use of epidemiology.
The number of disease cases is small and case
control studies are extremely difficult to conduct.
Only cross-sectional and cohort designs are possi-
ble. Health outcomes most amenable to epidemio-
logical research in the Arctic are those with a range
of stages from normal to abnormal, and which can
be measured in all individuals (e.g., neurodevelop-
ment, immune parameters, bone density, and ferti-
lity parameters), and are not based on a stochastic
distribution (having the disease or not; e.g., can-
cer). It is probably possible to avoid this limitation
by implementing circumpolar studies.
Toxicant–nutrient interactions. The possibility that
nutrients present in seafood could modify or coun-
teract the toxicity of contaminants is highly probable
and specific to fish-eating populations. These inter-
actions need to be better understood.
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246198
Genetic factors. It is important to recognize that
genetic variability may affect the susceptibility of
individuals or populations to the effects of pollu-
tants. Gene/environment interactions could also
explain why some populations or individuals are
more susceptible than others. Since few genetic
studies have been conducted in the Arctic, and con-
sidering that Aboriginal peoples have their own
genetic background, the impact of genetic poly-
morphisms that are involved in xenobiotics metabo-
lism and toxicity in the Arctic should be evaluated.
Confounders. Many health endpoints have multi-
factorial causes and environmental stressors can
contribute in varying degrees to the etiology of
these diseases. Compared to the role that lifestyle
and genetic factors play in the etiology of most
diseases, contaminants likely play a modest role.
However, this contribution is highly prevent able.
4.1. Immune system function
In children and young adults accidentally exposed to
large doses of PCBs and polychlorinated dibenzofurans
(PCDFs) in Taiwan (bYu-Cheng diseaseQ), serum IgA
and IgM concentrations as well as percentages of total
T-cells, active T-cells and suppressor T-cells were
decreased compared to values of age- and sex-matched
controls (Chang et al., 1981). The investig ation of
delayed-type hypersensitivity responses furthe r indi-
cated that cell-mediated immune system dysfunction
was more frequent among patients than controls.
Infants born to Yu-Cheng mothers had more episodes
of bronchitis or pneum onia during their first 6 months
of life than unexposed infants from the same neighbor-
hoods (Rogan et al., 1988). The authors speculated that
the increased frequency of pulmon ary diseases could
result from a generalized immune disorder induced by
transplacental or breast milk exposure to dioxin-like
compounds, more likely PCDFs (Rogan et al., 1988).
8- to 14-year-old children born to Yu-Cheng mothers
were shown to be more prone to middle-ear diseases
than were matched controls (Chao et al., 1997).
In Dutch preschool children the effects of perina-
tal background exposure to PCBs and dioxins per-
sisted into childhood and was associated with a
greater susceptibility to infectious diseases. Levels
of PCB exposure, based on serum PCB congener
153 values, of this cohort from two Dutch cities
were compa rable with those found among Canadian,
northern Que´bec Inuit (Fig. 4.1.1). Common infec-
tions acquired early in life may prevent the develop-
ment of allergy, so PCB exposure mig ht be
associated with the lower prevalence of allergic dis-
eases found in this study (Weisglas-Kuperus et al.,
2000). It should be also be noted that Canadian Inuit
from northern Que´bec have higher levels of PCB
153 than modern US populations (1990s) studied,
but similar to historical levels in the US (1960s and
1970s) and lower levels than those seen in the Faroe
Islands (Fig. 4.1.1).
U.S./11 Cities (19591965)
U.S./California (19641967)
U.S./North Carolina (19781982)
U.S./Michigan (19801981)
Netherlands/2 Cities (19901992)
U.S./New York (19911994)
Germany/Düsseldorf (19931995)
U.S./Massachusetts (19931998)
Denmark/Faroe Islands (19941995)
Canada/Northern Quebec (19951998)
0.01 0.025 0.05 0.10 0.20 0.40 0.80 1.60 3.20
g/g serum lipid
Fig. 4.1.1. Distribution of PCB 153 concentration in cord serum or plasma, 10 studies (Longnecker et al., 2003).
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246 199
Some of the data presented in Section 2 on human
exposure has relied on summary measures such as
PCBs as Aroclor 1260. It should be noted that PCB
153 on average was found at the highest concentra-
tions in all populations sampled (Table 2.2.2) and is
one of the key PCBs that determines overall concen-
tration of PCBs measured as Aroclor 1260.
Organic or inorganic mercury has cytotoxic activ-
ities for cellular components of the immune system in
several species of rodent s. Methylmercury, a form of
organic mercury, can alter non-specific defense
mechanisms, such as inhibition of natural killer
(NK) cell’s activity in rats and mice. It also decreases
the expression of certain activation markers of T-cells
(HLA-Dr and IL-2R) (NRC, 1992). Moreover, it has
been well demonstrated that methylmercury can affect
the function of B-cells and therefore reduce the
humoral-mediated response (Daum, 1993).
4.1.1. Clinical outcomes
In Nunavik, an epidemiological study conducted
during 1989–1991 investigated whether organochlor-
ine exposure is associated with the incidence of infec-
tious diseases and immune dysfunction in Inuit infants
(Dewailly et al., 2000c). The number of infectious
disease episodes during the first year of life of 98
breast-fed and 73 bottle-fed infants was determined.
Concentrations of organochlorines (OCs) were mea-
sured in early breast milk samples and used as surro-
gates to prenatal exposure levels. Otitis media
(middle-ear infection) was the most frequent disease,
with 80% of breast-fed and 81% of bottle-fed infants
experiencing at least one episode during the first year
of life. During the second follow-up period, the risk of
otitis media increased with prenatal exposure to p,pV-
DDE, HCB and dieldrin. The relative risk (RR) for 4-
to 7-month-old infants in the highest tertile of p,pV-
DDE exposure compared to infants in the lowest was
1.87 [95% confidence interval (CI), 1.07–3.26]. The
lowest tertile had a breast milk concentration of p,pV-
DDE of b 730 vs. N 1320 lg/kg lipid in the third or
highest tertile. The relative risk of otitis media over
the entire first year of life also increased with prenatal
exposure to p,pV-DDE (RR, 1.52; 95% CI, 1.05–2.22)
and HCB (RR, 1.49; 95% CI, 1.10–2.03). Further-
more, the relative risk of recurrent otitis media (z 3
episodes) increased with prenatal exposure to these
compounds. No clinically relevant differences were
noted between breast-fed and bottle-fed infants with
regard to biomarkers of immune function, and prena-
tal OC exposure was not associated with these bio-
markers. In this study, the potential confounders were
not fully controlled i.e., omega-3 fatt y acids, vitamin
A and smoking. For this reason, studies were designed
and initiated to address these issues.
In Nunavik, there are two ongoing studies on the
effect of OCs on immune function and infectious
disease incidence. The first one is a component of
the cohort study, where infectious diseases are mon-
itored during the first year of life (Dallaire et al., 2004).
Results showed that that prenatal exposure to PCBs
and DDE was associated with a higher incidence rate
of acute infections durin g the first 6 months of life.
Although the associations were not always statistically
significant because of limited statistical power, infants
in the highest quartiles of PCBs and DDE exposure
had systematically more episodes of infections than
their counterparts in the first quartile of exposure. This
was mostly observed during the first 6 months of life,
and the association was much weaker when infections
during the first 12 months of life were considered.
The second study is a review of all the medical
files of 350 preschool children who participated in the
Nunavik umbilical cord blood monitoring program in
1993–1996 (Dallaire et al., in preparation(b)). Preli-
minary results showed that durin g the first 5 years of
life, children in the higher quartiles of PCB prenatal
exposure had a significantly higher incidence rate of
outpatient visits for otitis medi a and LRTIs, but not
for URTIs. The association between PCB exposure
and otitis adopted a clear dose–response pattern. This
study confirms the associations previously observed
in the same population. Furthermore, it shows that the
relation between OCs and respiratory infection seems
to persist passed the first months of life.
It should also be noted, however, that some studies
have not found a link between pre or post-natal PCB
or dioxin exposure in infants and respiratory tract
symptoms but did find shifts in various types of
white blood cells related to contaminant levels (Weis-
glas-Kuperus et al., 1995). Ot her factors such as
vitamin A and omega-3 fatty acids can also modulate
immune function and vitamin A has been found to be
deficient in some Canadian Inuit populations (Blan-
chet et al., 2000). It will be important to see the full
results of the Nunavik studies when it will be possible
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246200
to address a number of the important determinants of
immune status.
4.1.2. Biomarkers
In 1997, an international symposium was held in
Bilthoven (Netherlands) to discuss the most appropri-
ate biomarkers of effect that could be used in epide-
miological studies investigating the effects of
contaminants on immune function (Van Loveren et
al., 1999). One of the stronger conclusions was to use
antibody responses to vaccination with an antigen
having no prior exposure. Lymphocyte subsets and immunoglobulins.
In the course of the 1990 cohort conducted in Nuna-
vik, biomarkers of immune system function (lympho-
cyte subsets and plasma immunoglobulins) were
determined in venous blood samples collected from
breast-fed and bottle-fed infants at 3, 7 and 12 months
of age. Results showed that at age 3 months, concen-
trations of white blood cells (lymphocytes and more
specifically those of the CD4 subtype), were lower
( p V 0.05) in blood samples from breast-fed babies
when compared to those in the bottle-fed group. At
7 and 12 months of age, IgA concentrations were
lower ( p V 0.05) in breast-fed infants than in bottle-
fed infants. This also appeared to be the case for CD4/
CD8 ratios, although differences were not statistically
significant. None of the immunological parameters
was associated with prenatal OC exposure (Dewailly
et al., 2000c).
In the scope of the ongoing cohort study on neu-
rodevelopmental effects of Arctic contaminants
(Muckle et al., 2001a), an immune component was
added in 1998. The following immune function bio-
markers have been selected: antibody response fol-
lowing vaccination; complement system; cytokine
production by Th1/Th2 cells; and vitamin A status. Antibody response following vaccination. An-
tibody response to vaccination is an intermediate mar-
ker of the competence of the adaptive immunity to
infections. Vaccination programs include essentially
three types of products: 1) killed vaccine (influenza,
whole-cell pertussis, inactivated polio); 2) protein-con-
jugated or protein-based vaccine (Haemophilus influ-
enzae type b, diphtheria, tetanus, acellular pertussis
vaccine, hepatitis B); and 3) attenuated live virus
(measles–mumps–rubella, varicella, BCG). Antibody
response to conjugated Haemophilus influenzae type b
(Hib) is of great interest. This vaccine is important in
Inuit children because, prior to immunization, Hib was
the most frequent cause of bacterial meningitis in Inuit
children, which was 5–10 times more frequent than in
caucasian children (Ward et al., 1986). Complement system. The complement (CV)
system plays an important role in natural immunity
against infectious agents. It is particularly essential in
young children for whom the acquired immune system
is not yet fully developed. Deficiency of many of the
CV components is associated with increased suscept-
ibility to infections, generally of the upper respiratory
tract. In a murine model, exposure to OC compounds
increased the susceptibility to Streptococcus pneumo-
niae infections, decreased C3 levels, and lowered total
CV hemolytic activity (White et al., 1986). Cytokine production by Th1/Th2 Cells. Or-
ganochlorines and heavy metals could modulate the
production of Th1/Th2-type cytokines. Along with
their effects on Th1/Th2-type cytokines, OCs and
metal ions are known to alter B-cell activity and to
impair host resistance to several bacterial and viral
infections (Heo et al., 1996). High levels of OCs and
metal ions in blood and tissues are frequently related to
fish consumption. Fish oil-supplemented diets (rich in
omega-3 fatty acids) have generally been show n to
reduce plasma levels of some cytokines. Most human
studies have shown decreased plasma levels or dimin-
ished production of IL-1 and TNF. Both contaminants
and omega-3 fatty acids alter the balance between Th1-
and Th2-type cytokines, and could impair host resis-
tance to infections. One of the principal limitations of
using cytokines is their high variability due to minor
infections (usually non-detected). The extremely high
incidence of minor infections in the Arctic strongly
limits the use of cytokines in epidemiological studies. Vitamin A status. Vitamin A influences the
expression of over 300 genes and thus plays a major
role in cellular differentiation, including that of cells
related to immune response (Sommer and West, 1996;
Semba, 1994). Results from different anim al and
human studies vary; however, almost all studies
revealed that lymphopoiesis and/or maturation of lym-
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246 201
phocytes are altered (generally reduced) with vitamin
A deficiency (Sommer and West, 1996; Olson, 1994;
Semba, 1994). Vitamin A deficiency could increase
the frequency, severity, and duration of infections.
Lower respiratory disease was associated with vitamin
A deficiency in many cross-sectional clinical and
population-based studies. Also, otitis media was
among the first infections to be associated with vitamin
A deficiency in humans (Sommer and West, 1996;
Bloem et al., 1990; Semba, 1994).
Vitamin A clinical deficiency has never been docu-
mented in Canadian Arctic populations. However,
numerous studies have docum ented inadequate
intakes of vitamin A (Receveur et al., 1998a). A
more recent report suggests that the daily vitamin A
intake in Nunavik falls below the recommended
intake (Blanchet et al., 2000). Furthermore, persistent
organic pollutants such as OCs have been shown to
alter vitamin A homeostasis in many species, includ-
ing primates (reviewed by Zile, 1992 ). It is important,
therefore, to gain a better understanding of the rela-
tionships between vitamin A, OC levels, and infec-
tious disease incidence in Arctic populations.
In a recent pilot study, plasma concentrations of
retinol were measured in cord blood samples to assess
the vitamin A status of 135 Inuit newborns from
Arctic Que´bec and 22 newborns from the general
population of southern Que´bec. Mean retinol concen-
trations were 148.2 ng/mL and 242.8 ng/mL, respec-
tively (Dallaire et al., 2003b). Vitamin A levels of
more than 200 ng/mL have been considered as normal
vitamin A status, those between 100 and 200 ng/mL
as low, and those lower than 100 ng/mL as deficient
(Sommer and West, 1996). The difficulty of using
vitamin A as an effect biomarker of PCB exposure
is related to 1) the variability of vitamin A intake
among individuals and 2) non-systematic supplemen-
tation programs in infants. Vitamin A status is being
measured in the preschool and the newborn studies
currently underway in Nunavik.
4.2. Neurodevelopment
4.2.1. Clinical outcomes Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Effects
of prenatal exposure to background levels of PCBs and
other OCs from environmental sources have been stu-
died since the 1980s in prospective longitudinal studies
in Michigan, North Carolina, the Netherlands and
Oswego, New York. The principal source of PCB
exposure was Great Lakes fish consumption in both
the Michigan (Schwartz et al., 1983) and the Oswego
(Stewart et al., 1999) studies, and consumption of dairy
products in the Netherlands (Koopman-Esseboom et
al., 1994a). Newborns from the North Carolina cohort
were exposed to background levels of PCBs, and there
was no specific source of exposure (Rogan et al.,
1986b). Comparison of exposure levels between
these different cohort studies is presented in Fig. 4.1.1.
Growth effects. The effects of prenatal exposure
to PCBs and other OC compounds from environmen -
tal sources on birth size and duration of pregnancy
have been investigated in the Michigan, North Car-
olina and Netherlands studies In Michigan, higher
cord serum PCB concentrations were associated at
birth with lower weight, smaller head circumference,
and shorter gestation (Fein et al., 1984; Jacobson et
al., 1990b). Similar effects were observed in the Neth-
erlands study up to 3 months of age (Patandin et al.,
1999). Prenatal PCB exposure was not associated with
birth size or growth at 1 year of age in North Carolina,
the cohort with the lowest PCB exposure (Rogan et
al., 1986a).
A recent study on infant development was con-
ducted in northern Que´bec. Prenatal PCB exposure in
this cohort is 2–3 times higher than that observed in
general populations in southern Que´bec and in Massa-
chusetts (USA); is similar to that found in Michigan and
the Netherlands; and is about 2–3 times lower than
found in Greenland and the Faroe Islands. After con-
trolling for potential confounders with the studied out-
comes, higher cord plasma PCB 153 concentrations
were associated with lower weight and height at birth,
and to shorter gestation (Muckle et al., in preparation).
These findings are consistent with the results of pre-
vious epidemiological studies conducted in popula-
tions exposed to PCBs through consumption of PCB-
contaminated food. The hypothesis of protective effects
of omega-3 fatty acids against the negative effects of
PCB exposure on birth outcomes was examined for the
first time in this study. The results indicate that the
negative effects of prenatal PCB exposure on human
growth and gestation remained significant despite the
significant beneficial effects of omega-3 fatty acids on
these same endpoints (Muckle et al., 2004).
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246202
Neurobehavioural effects. Exposure to PCBs was
associated with less optimal newborn behavioural
function (e.g., reflexes, tonicity and activity levels)
in three of the four studies previously described (Huis-
man et al., 1995a; Rogan et al., 1986a; Stewart et al.,
2000). Adverse neurological effects of exposure to
PCBs have been found in infants up to 18 months
of age in the Netherlands study (Huisman et al.,
1995b). In Michigan, prenatal PCB exposure was
associated with poorer visual recognition memory in
infancy (Jacobson et al., 1985, 1990a, 1992), an effect
that was recently confirmed in the Oswego study
(Darvill et al., 2000). In North Carolina, deficits in
psychomotor development up to 24 months wer e seen
in the most highly exposed children (Gladen et al.,
1988; Rogan and Gladen, 1991). In Michigan, the
Netherlands, Oswego and Germany, prenatal PCB
exposure was linked to poorer intellectual function
during childhood (Jacobson et al., 1990a; Jacobson
and Jacobson, 1996; Patandin et al., 1999; Stewart et
al., 2003; Vreugdenbil et al., 2001; Walkowiak et al.,
2001). Virtually all the adverse neurobe havioural
effects reported to date were linked to prenatal expo-
sure, indicating that the embryo and fetus are particu-
larly vulnerable to these substances. Moreo ver, recent
analyses from the Michigan and the Netherlands
cohorts underline the greater vulnerability to prenatal
PCB exposure in non breast fed infants (Jacobson and
Jacobson, 2004; Vreudenhil et al, in press, cited in
Jacobson and Jacobson, 2004).
One prospective, longitudinal study, performed in
the Faroe Islands, examined the effects of prenatal
exposure to low doses of methylmercury resulting
from fish and pilot whale consumption (Grandjean
et al., 1992, 1997). Because pilot whale tissues
contain other neurotoxicants, this cohort was also
exposed to PCBs and, as such, is the only cohort
studied to date where the main source of PCB
exposure was consumption of marine mammals, as
is the case for the Inuit. Further analysis provides
some evidence that the effects of methylmercury
identified in this study are not the consequence of
exposure to PCBs. Again, PCB concentrations in
cord serum in these different studies are presented
in Fig. 4.1.1. Methylmercury. Three well-designed, pro-
spective, longitudinal studies that examined the neu-
robehavioural effects of prenatal exposure to low
doses of methylmercury were performed in New Zeal-
and, the Faroe Islands, and the Seychelles Islands.
High methylmercury exposure in the Faroese popula-
tion results from fish and pilot whale consumption
(Grandjean et al., 1992); deep-sea and reef fish con-
sumption is the source of exposure for the Seychelles
population (Myers et al., 1995); and fish consumption
is the source of exposure for the New Zealand popu-
lation (Kjellstro¨m et al., 1986).
Comparisons of mercury concentrations in Inuit
populations with those cohorts are shown in Table
4.2.1. Greenlandic Inuits have the highest levels of
maternal and cord blood mercury. High and quite
similar levels of mercury are also seen in the Faroe
Islands, Seychelles and New Zealand and Nunavik
studies and lower levels are found in the southern
Que´bec and US populations cited (Muckle et al.,
The Faroe Islands study reported associations
between maternal hair mercury concentrations cor-
responding to the pregnancy period and children’s
performance on neurobehavioural tests, particularly
in the domains of fine motor funct ion, attention,
language, visual–spatial abilities, and verbal mem-
ory (Grandjean et al., 1997). Those effects were
also found to be associated with cord blood mer-
cury concentration (Grandjean et al., 1999). In the
New Zealand study, higher hair mercury levels
were associated with poorer neurodevelopmental
test scores in similar domains to those observed
in the Faroe study (Crump et al., 1998; Kjellstro¨m
et al., 1986). In contrast, prenatal methylmercury
exposure was not related to neurobehavioural
effects in the Seychelles Islands study (Davidson
et al., 1995, 1998; Myers et al., 1995). Recently,
the authors of the Seychelles Islands study reported
that two of the 21 neurobehavioural end points
assessed at 9 years of age were associated with
prenatal methylmercury exposure, but their conclu-
sion was that these associations were probably due
to chance as a result of multiple analyses (Myers et
al., 2003).
Differences in the marker of mercury exposure,
the end points assessed, age at testing, source and
pattern (stable vs. episodic) of exposure between the
Faroe and the Seychelles Islands studies have been
suggested to account for the differences in the find-
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246 203
ings (NRC, 2000). The New Zealand study, in which
the exposure and research design were similar to the
Seychelles Islands study, also found neurobeha-
vioural effects, as did the pilot study conducted in
the Seychelles Islands population.
Since 1997, Nunavik mothers and infants have
been observed in a prospective longitudinal study.
Exposure data were published (Muckle et al.,
2001a,b). Statistical analysis of the data is ongoing
and results on growth and neurobehavioural effects of
perinatal exposur e to PCBs, other OC compounds,
and methylmercury will be published soon.
In addition, a sub-sample of the newborns who
participated in the Nunavik cord blood monitoring
program in 1993–1996 were evaluated at preschool
age in 2000 and 2001 using a battery of sensitive tests
designed to assess fine motor, gross motor, neurolo-
gical, and neurophysiological functions. Results will
be available in the near future.
4.2.2. Biomarkers of developmental effects Cytochrome P4501A1 induction and DNA
adduct formation. Overexpression and increased
activity of cytochrome P4501A1 (CYP1A1) in pla-
centa have been linked to reduced birth weight (Pelk-
onen et al., 1979; Lucier et al., 1987). This enzyme
can bioactivate several xenobiotics to reactive inter-
mediates that can bind DNA.
CYP1A1 induction and DNA adducts were tested
as possible markers of early develo pmental effects
related to OC exposure in Inuit women from Nunavik
(Lagueux et al., 1999). CYP1A1-dependent ethoxyr-
esorufin-O-diethylase activity (EROD) and DNA
adducts were measured in placenta samp les obtained
from 22 Inuit women from Nunavik. These biomar-
kers were also assessed in 30 women from a Que´bec
urban centre (Sept- I
les) who served as a reference
group. Prenatal OC exposure was determined by mea-
Table 4.2.1
Comparison of mercury (total) concentrations in Nunavik with those observed in other cohorts
Cohort (reference) Medium Years N Geometric mean Range Interquartile range
Nunavik Inuit Cord blood (Ag/L) 1996–2000 95 18.5 2.8–97.0 12.0–27.2
Maternal blood (Ag/L) 1993–1995 130 10.4 2.6–44.2 6.6–17.0
Maternal hair (Ag/g) 1992 123 3.7 0.3–14.0 2.5–6.2
Southern Quebec Cord blood (Ag/L)
1977–1978 1108 1.0 0.9–1.0
James Bay Cree Women hair, not pregnant (Ag/g)
1981 70 2.5 Max=19.0
Northern Quebec Cree Maternal hair (Ag/g) 215 6.0
USA Women hair, not pregnant (Ag/g) 1981 1274 0.36
1546 0.24
Faroe Islands
First cohort Cord blood (Ag/L) 1986–1987 894 22.9 13.4–41.3
Maternal hair (Ag/g) 1994–1995 914 4.3 2.6–7.7
Second cohort Cord blood (Ag/L) 163 20.4 1.9–102.0 11.8–40.0
Maternal hair (Ag/g) 144 4.1 0.4–16.3 2.5–7.4
Seychelles Island
Main study Maternal hair (Ag/g) 1989–1990 740 5.9 0–25 6.0
Pilot study Maternal hair (Ag/g) 789 6.6 0.6–36.4 6.1
New Zealand Maternal hair (Ag/g) 1978–1984 935 8.3
Greenland, Disko Bay Cord blood (Ag/L) 1994–1996 178 25.3 2.4–181.0
Maternal blood (Ag/L) 1994–1996 180 12.8 1.9–75.6
Source: Muckle et al. (2001b).
The average Hg concentration was reported in nmol/L, this concentrations was divided by 5 to transform to Ag/L.
95% confidence interval.
Women aged between 15 and 39 years old.
Arithmetic mean.
Standard deviation.
Among seafood consumers.
Among non-seafood consumers.
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246204
suring these compounds in umbilical cord plasma.
Placental EROD activity and the amount of DNA
adducts thought to be induced by OC exposur e were
significantly higher in the Nunavik group than in the
reference group. For both biomarkers, smoking was
found to be an important confounding factor, but OC
exposure was significantly associated with EROD
activity and DNA-adduct levels when controlling for
self-declared smoking status. It was then concluded
that CYP1A1 induction and DNA adducts in placental
tissue could const itute useful biomarkers of early
effects induced by environmental exposure to OCs
(Lagueux et al., 1999). In the latter study, however,
there were very few Inuit women who did not smoke
during pregnancy, the smoker and non-smoker groups
were not balanced, and the smoking status was not
ascertained with a biomarker. Therefore, a second
study was conducted to determine if environmental
exposure to PCBs induces placental CYP1A1 in Inuit
women. This more recent study was designed to con-
trol the confounding effects of smoking better. The
use of cotinine concentration in meconium and of
cadmium concentrations in placenta as markers of
prenatal exposure to tobacco smoke was previously
validated (Pereg et al., 2001). Placenta, cord blood
and meconium samples were obtained from 35 Inuit
women in Nunavik and 30 women in Sept-I
les (refer-
ence population). Efforts were made to sample more
smokers in the Sept-I
les population and more non-
smokers in the Nunavik population in order to balance
the smokers and non-smokers groups. Smoking status
was ascertained with the use of cotinine concentration
in the meconium and, when necessary, individuals
were reassigned to the proper smoking category
based on this marker.
PCB concent rations were measured in cord plasma
and CYP1A1 activity (EROD) was assessed in placen-
tal tissue. Despite the higher PCB exposure of the Inuit
population, both groups showed similar EROD activ-
ities when data were stratified according to the smok-
ing status ascertained by the cotinine concentration. In
the Nunavik popula tion, EROD activity was correlated
with 2,2V,4,4V,5,5V-hexachlorobiphenyl (PCB 153)
plasma concentration (a marker of exposure to the
environmental PCB mixture). However, cotinine con-
centrations in meconium were also significantly corre-
lated to PCB 153 plasma concentrations, and
multivariate analyses failed to demonstrate a signifi-
cant contribution of PCB exposure to placental
CYP1A1 activity when tobacco smoking (as estimated
with cotinine concentration in the meconium) was
included in the analysis. Results from this study, there-
fore, showed that low-level environmental PCB expo-
sure does not induce any increase in CYP1A1 activity
in the placenta, leaving tobacco smoking as the major
modulating factor (Pereg et al., 2002). Exposure of
Inuit from Nunavik to PCBs was much lower than the
PCBs/PCDFs exposure in Taiwanese children. This
could explain these contradictory results. Thyroid hormones. Although many theories
exist on how PCBs affect neurodevelopment, the main
hypothesis involves the effect of PCBs on thyroid
hormone homeostasis (Porterfield and Hendry,
1998). Thyroid hormones regulate neuronal prolifera-
tion, cell migration and differentiation, including con-
trol of when differentiation begins and when cell
proliferation ends (Hamburgh, 1969).
One hundred and eighty-two singleton term births
were evaluated in the Faroe Islands, where marine
food includes pilot whale (Steuerwald et al., 2000).
Maternal serum, hair, milk and umbilical cord blood
were analyzed for contaminants. Levels of essent ial
fatty acids, selenium, and thyroid hormones were
determined in cord blood. Each infant’s neurologic
optimality score was determined at two weeks of age,
adjusted for gestational age, and predictors were
assessed by regression analysis. Thyroid function
was normal and not associated with PCB exposure.
In the Netherlands study, 418 mother–infant pairs
were enrolled. Thyroid hormone levels were in the
normal range, but higher dioxin and PCB–TEQ levels
in human milk were significantly correlated with
lower thyroid T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyrox-
ine) levels and with higher levels of thyroid-stimulat-
ing hormone (TSH) in the infants’ plasma at the age of
2 weeks and 3 months. Thyroid hormone level altera-
tions detected in this study, however, were not directly
associated with neurological dysfunction (Koopman-
Esseboom et al., 1994b).
In Nunavik, 466 measurements were taken of thyr-
oid hormones in Inuit newborns’ umbilical cord blood
samples in the cord blood monitoring program that
took place between 1993 and 1996. Free T4 (thyrox-
ine), total T3 (triiodothyronine), TBG (thyroxin-bind-
ing globulin) and TSH were measured. Hydroxylated
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246 205
metabolites of PCBs (OH-PCBs) and other phenolic
compounds were also measured in a subsample
(n = 10). As expected, birth weight was positively
associated with thyroid hormones (thyroxine, TBG).
For this reason, further analyses were adjusted for
birth weight. After adjustment, TBG and TSH levels
were significantly and negatively associated with PCB
congener levels (Dewailly et al., 1998)
The main transport mechanism of thyroid hor-
mones to the brain requires passing through the
blood/brain barrier via a thyroid hormone transport
protein called transthyretin (TTR) (Chanoine and
Braverman, 1992). Although PCBs show some bind-
ing affinity for TTR (Chauhan et al., 2000), OH-PCBs
have much higher in vitro binding affinities—as high
as 12 times the binding affinity of the natural ligand,
thyroxine (T4) (Lans et al., 1994; Cheek et al., 1999;
Brouwer, 1991). Binding to TTR is not limited to OH-
PCBs—other chlorinated phenolic compounds such
as pentachlorophenol (PCP), halogenated phenols,
and brominated flame retardants also have strong
affinities for TTR (Van den Berg et al., 1991; Van
den Berg, 1990; Meerts et al., 2001). Recently, PCP
was found to be the dominant phenolic compound
determined in Inuit whole blood (Sandau et al.,
2000). Other halogenated phenolic compounds may
also be important contaminants in plasma, as they
have been found to exhibit toxicological properties
similar to those of OH-PCBs (Van den Berg et al.,
1991; Schuur et al., 1998).
PCBs have been previously measured in umbilical
cord plasma; however, few studies have examined
levels of hydroxylated metabolites in blood, especially
in humans. OH-PCBs have been quantified recently in
Canadian Inuit whole blood (Sa ndau et al., 2000) and
in Swedish and Latvian fish-eaters (Sjo¨din et al.,
2000). Sandau et al. (2000) examined chlorinated
phenolic compounds in umbilical cord plasma of new-
borns in three populations with different PCB expo-
sures, including the Inuit population. Retinol and
thyroid hormone status [triiodothyronine (T3), free
thyroxine (T4), thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH),
and thyroxin-binding globulin (TBG)] were deter-
mined in most samples. The authors found an inverse
association (r = 0.47; p = 0.01) between log-normal-
ized free thyroxine and log-normalized total phenolic
compounds (sum PCP and OH-PCBs). Total chlori-
nated phenolic compounds were also negatively asso-
ciated with T3 (r = 0.48, p = 0.03) (Sandau et al.,
4.3. Sex hormone disruption
The development and maintenance of reproductive
tissues are to a large extent controlled by steroid
hormones. Some environmental chemicals mimic,
while others antagonize natural hormone activity
when tested with in vitro assays or in whole animal
models. Studies dating back to the late sixties identi-
fied o,pV-DDT, a minor constituent of technical DDT,
as a weak estrogenic compound capable of causing an
increase in rat uterine weight in the classic immature
female rat model (Bitman and Cecil, 1970). This com-
pound and a few others sharing estr ogenic properties
have been implicated in abnorm al sexual development
in birds (Fry and Toone, 1981), and in feminized
responses in male fish (Jobling et al., 1995).
Certain male reproductive tract disorders (cryp-
torchidism, hypospadiasis, and testicular cancer)
have been reported to be increasing in parallel with
the introduction of xenoestrogens such as DDT into
the environment. Reduced semen quality was also
reported in certain regions of the world during the
last half of the 20th century (Carlsen et al., 1992;
Auger et al., 1995). Although these alterations are
thought to be mediated by the estrogen receptor,
they are also consistent with inhibition of androgen
receptor-mediated events. Kelce et al. (1995) identi-
fied the major and persi stent DDT metabolite, p,pV-
DDE, as a potent anti-androgenic agent in male rats.
In addition to inhibiting androgen binding to the
androgen receptor, this compound, when administered
to pregnant dams, also induced characteristic anti-
androgenic effects in male pups (reduced ano-genital
distance; presence of thoracic nipples). Treatment
with p,pV-DDE at wean ing delayed the onset of pub-
erty, while treatment of adult rats resulted in reduced
seminal vesicle and ventral prostate weights.
2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) is
yet another OC which has been shown to alter sexual
development in male rats (Mably et al., 1992).
Decreases in epididymis and caudal epididymis
weights, and in daily sperm production and caudal
epididymal sperm number were observed at day 120
and at most earlier times, when a dose as little as 64
ng/kg was administered to dams on day 15 of gesta-
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246206
tion. A number of compounds structurally related to
TCDD, including other 2,3,7,8-chloro-substituted
dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofurans, as well as non-
ortho and mono-ortho substituted PCB congeners,
bind to the Ah receptor and displ ay similar toxicolo-
gical properties.
Typical OC mixtures found in highly exposed
human populations contain a large variety of OC
compounds, including substances with estrogenic,
anti-estrogenic, or anti-androgenic capacities. It may
therefore be anticipated that complex real life mix-
tures, composed of numerous compounds that can
interact with different receptors involved in cell dif-
ferentiation and growth, could affect reproduction and
development, and be involved in the pathogenesis of
hormonally responsive cancers.
4.3.1. Clinical outcomes Sexual maturation of newborn males. DDE
was recently found to inhibit binding of androgen to
its receptor and to block androgen action in rodents.
Normal development of male genitalia in mammals
depends on androgen action. Recently, Longnecker et
al. (2002) used stored serum samples to examine the
relationship between maternal DDE levels during
pregnancy and adjusted odds of cryptorchidism
(n = 219), hypospadias (n = 199), and polythelia
(extra nipples) (n = 167) among male offspring,
using a nested case-control design with one control
group (n = 552). Subjects were selected from a United
States birth cohort study begun in 1959–1966, when
DDE levels were much higher than they are at present.
Compared with boys whose mothers recovery-
adjusted serum DDE level was less than 21.4 lg/L,
boys with maternal levels greater than or equal to 85.6
lg/L had adjusted odds ratios of 1.3 (95% confidence
interval (CI): 0.7, 2.4) for crypt-orchidism, 1.2 (95%
CI: 0.6, 2.4) for hypospadias, and 1.9 (95% CI: 0.9,
4.0) for polythelia. For cryptorchidism and polythelia,
the results were consistent with a modest-to-moderate
association, but in no instance was the estimate very
precise. The results were inconclusive. In this cohort,
DDE concentrations in umbilical cord serum were
much higher than in Nunavik (geometric mean
2.2, range of 0.14 to 18 Ag/L, Table 2.2.1).
Sexual maturation of newborn males is examined
within the on-going cohort study conducted in
Nunavik, and ano-genital distance and penis length
are recorded. In adults, no study on hormone-as so-
ciated diseases (breast cancer, endometriosis, and
male fertility) has been conducted in the Canadian
Arctic. Environmental risk factors for osteoporo-
sis. POPs have recently been associated with an
increased risk of osteoporosis in humans. The rela-
tionship between DDE and bone mineral density was
recently examined in 68 sedentary Australian women
who reported adequate dietary intake of calcium
(Beard et al., 2000). Reduced bone mineral density
was correlated significantly with age (r = 0.36,
p = 0.004), as well as with increases in the log of
DDE levels in serum (r = 0.27, p = 0.03). The
authors also used multiple-regression analysis to
examine the influence of other predictor variables
on the relationship between log DDE and bone
mineral density. The strongest model ( p = 0.002)
included log DDE ( p = 0.018), age ( p = 0.002), and
years on hormone replacement therapy ( p = 0.10) as
predictor variables, and this model afforded a pre-
diction of 21% of bone mineral density variation.
These results sugges t that past community exposures
to DDT may be associated with reduced bone
mineral density in women. As a potent androgen
receptor antagonist, DDE may reduce the inhibitory
effect on cytokines and result in the inappropriate
turnover of osteoclasts or inadequate production of
osteoblasts within bone marrow, thus leading to
reduced bone density (Beard et al., 2000). These
are interesting results, but they must not be over-
interpreted as this was a small study and the meno-
pausal status and time since menopause, two
important determinants of osteoporosis, were not
included in the analyses.
A study was conducted in Nuuk, Greenland,
in September 2000 to evaluate the prevalence
of risk factors for osteoporosis fracture and more
particularly environmental factors and their asso-
ciation with bone mass in menopausal women
(Coˆte´ et al., 2005). The risk of osteoporosis frac-
ture was assessed using an ultrasound bone den-
sitometer. All three ultrasound parameters adjusted
for age were lower in this Inuit population com-
pared with the women of Que´bec (Coˆte´ et al.,
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246 207
The study found that 19% of the Inuit women had a
high risk of osteoporosis fracture compared to 7.2%
for the women of southern of Que´bec. To identify
which risk factors were associated with ultrasound
parameters, a multiple linear regression model invol-
ving the stepwise removal of non-significant indepen-
dent variables was used. The independent predictors
of the bone density were age ( p = 0.018), BMI
( p = 0.018), former users of oral contraceptives
( p = 0.003), current hormone replacement therapy
users ( p = 0.005), and the sum of log of mono-ortho
PCB TEQs ( p = 0.004). These variables accounted for
36% of the variance of the bone density (r
= 0.359)
(Coˆte´ et al., 2005). Mono-ortho substit uted congeners
(IUPAC numbers 105, 118 and 156) share some
structural similarities with TCDD and can bind to
the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR). The conse-
quences of activation of the AhR pathway on osteo-
porosis, however, are not clear. One possible
explanation is that dioxin -like compounds elicit a
broad spectrum of anti-estrogenic activities and may
reduce bone density through this mechanism. In sum-
mary, mono-ortho PCB concentrations were asso-
ciated with a low bone density, and this association
remained significant after controlling for potential
confounding factors (Coˆte´ et al., 2005).
4.3.2. Hormonal biomarkers Hormone profiles. To obtain a steroid pro-
file of androgens for both precursors and metabolites
of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a series of steroids,
including DHT, could be measured: dehydroepian-
drosterone (DHEA), androst-5-ene-3 eta,17-diol,
androstenedione, testosterone, DHT, estrone, estradiol,
DHEA sulfate, androstane-3,17-diol glucuronide, and
androsterone glucuronide. These steroid levels help
explain alteration in steroidogenic enzymes in classical
steroidogenic tissues such as adrenals and the testis,
and for steroidogenic transforming enzymes localized
in peripheral tissues (prostate and skin).
In the Arctic, no study has been conducted to
determine hormone profiles. A pilot study was
recently performed in Greenland (n = 48 males) and
the following male hormones were measured: DHEA,
delta5-diol, delta4, testosterone, DHT, E1 and E2. A
study on male fertility is also on going in Greenland
(Toft et al., 2003).
4.4. Oxidative stress
Although oxidative stress has been associated
with many chronic diseases (e.g., cancer, cardiovas-
cular disease (CVD), neuro-degenerative disorders,
etc.), no specific epidemiological study of these
outcomes has been conducted in the Arctic to assess
the role of oxidants and antioxidants. Results
reported by Salonen et al. (1995) suggest that the
high CVD mortality observed among fish-eaters
from Finland could be explained by the high mer-
cury c ontent of the fish (mainly non-fatty freshwater
species), which could counteract the beneficial
effect of fish consumption. This group noted a
significant association between mercury concentra-
tion in the hair of eastern Finnish men and the risk
of coronary heart disease (CHD). Mercury can pro-
mote the peroxidation of lipids, resulting in more
oxidized low-density lipoprotein (LDL), which has
been implicated as an initiator of atherosclerosis. In
the same population, Salonen et al. (1982) pre-
viously observed an enhanced risk of CHD death
in subjects with low serum selenium concentrations,
an antioxidant which may possibly block the mer-
cury-induced lipid peroxidation.
That both mercury and selenium can modulate
CHD risk is also suggested by observations in fish-
eating coastal populations such as Inuit living in
Arctic regions. Inuit consume large amounts of fish
and marine mammals, and consequently receive large
doses of mercury. Contrary to the situation in eastern
Finland, however, the mortality rate from CHD in
Inuit is low. Although, it was reported that omega-3
fatty acids are strong protective factors for cardiovas-
cular diseases among Inuit (Dewailly et al., 2001a),
the protection could also result from a high intake of
selenium, (Be´langer et al., 2003), through the con-
sumption of traditional/country foods such as muktuk
(beluga and narwhal skin) and sea mammal liver
which are rich in selenium.
Methylmercury is a highly toxic environmental
neurotoxin that can cause irreparable damage to the
central nervous system (Choi, 1989; Clarkson, 1993,
1997). Althoug h the underlying biochemical and
molecular mechanisms that lead to impaired cell
function and nerve cell degeneration are not well
understood, there is abundant evidence supporting
the hypothesis that a major mechanism of methyl-
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246208
mercury neurotoxicity invol ves oxidative stress (Sar-
afian and Verity, 1991; Yee and Choi, 1996). Mer-
cury increases production of reactive oxygen species
(ROS) via deregulation of mitochondrial electron
transport, as wel l as through glutathione (GSH) deple-
tion (Lund et al., 1993). The oxidative stress hypoth-
esis is clearly supported by the finding that
methylmercury neurotoxicity can be inhibited by var-
ious antioxidants, including selenium (Park et al.,
1996) and N-acetyl-l-cysteine, a precursor of GSH
(Ornaghi et al., 1993).
Glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx) and glutathione
reductase (GSHRd) activities were measured in blood
samples from 142 residents of Salluit, Nunavik
(Dewailly et al., 2001b). Activities of enzymes
involved in detoxication of free radic als were mea-
sured to investigate the relationships between mer-
cury, selenium and oxidative stress. Mercury was
found to be negatively correlated with GSHRd activ-
ity, an NADPH-dependent enzyme that regenerates
glutathione from glutathione disulfi de. In contrast,
plasma selenium concentration was positive ly corre-
lated to GSHPx activity, a selenoenzyme that cata-
lyzes the conversion of hydrogen peroxide to water.
Mercury exposure may, therefore, diminish defense
mechanisms against oxidative stress by limiting the
availability of glutathione, while selenium may afford
protection by favouring the destruction of hydrogen
A biochemical assessment of the oxidative stress in
adult residents of Nunavik is underway using the
following three other indices:
1) The first is the ratio of coenzyme Q10-reduced
form (ubiquinol-10) to oxidized coenzyme Q10
(ubiquinone-10) in plasma, which is now consid-
ered on e of the most reliable and sensitive indices
of an oxidative stress in vivo (Yamashita, 1977). In
contrast to the total level of coenzyme Q10, which
is reported to be associated with multiple factors
including gender, age, cholesterol and triglycerides
levels (Kaikkonen et al., 1999), the ubiquinol-10/
ubiquinone-10 ratio index is apparently indepen-
dent of these variables and thus represents an
oxidative stress index of choice.
2) Increased levels of specific F2-isoprostanes (direct
oxidation metabolites of arachidonic acid) in plasma
and/or urine are another index recently used to
demonstrate oxidative stress in several pathological
conditions involving oxygen free radical formation
(Pratico, 1999; Patrono and FitzGerald, 1997). The
most easily measurable and frequently used F2-iso-
prostane species as a marker of oxidative stress in
vivo is 8-isoprostaglandin F2-alpha (Pratico, 1999;
Patrono and FitzGerald, 1997).
3) The level of plasm atic LDL oxidation could also be
assessed as a potential marker of oxidative stress.
Preliminary results indicate that oxidized LDL was
significantly lower in Inuit subjects than normal
Caucasian population (1.6
, p b 0.0001), support-
ing the previous observation that omega-3 fatty
acids and selenium could be strong protective fac-
tors for cardiovascular diseases among Inuit
(Be´langer et al., 2003).
These results will become available in 2006. This
study also includes a neurological assessment and
should produce some interesting results on another
measure of oxidative stress and its possible relation-
ship to neurological outcomes.
5. Risk-benefit character ization, assessment and
The contamination of wildlife in the Arctic ecosys-
tem poses a complex problem. Weighing the benefits
of country food consumption against the risk of con-
taminant exposure is very difficult, and cuts across the
disciplines of nutrition, toxicology, envir onmental pol-
icy, sociology, and public health practice; and each
discipline has its unique perspectiv e. A comprehensive
risk-benefit assessment/management framework is
needed to coordinate the various perspectives and to
respond to the challenging task of weighin g the risks
and benefits of country food consumption in northern
The NCP has adopted such a framework for risk
assessment and management, one whi ch involves a
cooperative multi-agency approach, where the pro-
blem is considered in its ecological and public health
context, and those who are affected by the risk
management decisions are involved in the decision-
making process. This collaborative approac h is
required under the NCP as territories and provinces
are responsible for delivering health advice to their
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246 209
residents but the broad range of issues requires input
from all NCP partners (federal and territorial depart-
ments, Aboriginal groups, local communities and
other interested parties).
This section explains the process of risk-benefit
characterization. It focuses on risk-benefit character-
ization in Arctic communities and the special consid-
erations that are required. An important consideration
in Arctic communities is the role that risk perception
plays in communication. Final ly, an evaluation of
current risks is provided.
5.1. Contaminant exposure risks
5.1.1. Contaminant intakes Persistent organic pollutants. The contami-
nants having the greatest exceedances of dietary
guidelines were chlordane and toxaphene. Fig. 5.1.1
shows the overall mean inta kes of chlordane, toxa-
phene and mercury for various Aboriginal groups,
based on data collected in the mid to the late 1990s.
Mean intakes of Dene and Me´tis of the NWT and
Yukon First Nations were below the provisional Tol-
erable Daily Intakes (pTDIs) for these contaminants,
whereas the mean intakes in Inuit communities
exceeded the pTDIs for chlordane and toxaphene
(Chan, 2002).
Among the five major Inuit regions, Baffin, Kival-
liq and Inuvialuit communities mean inta kes of 20- to
40-year-old adults exceeded the pTDIs for chlordane
and toxaphene while the intakes for Kitikmeot and
Labrador did not exceed the pTDIs (Fig. 5.1.2). When
intake data in the Baffin region were separated by age
group, it is seen in Fig. 5.1.3 that mean intakes of all
age groups exceeded the pTDI for toxaphene, and that
the three adult age-groups exceeded the pTDI for
chlordane. The intake of both contaminants increases
n = 802
n = 1012
n = 1875
Mean intake (µg/kg/day)
Fig. 5.1.1. Mean intakes of chlordane, toxaphene, and mercury in
northern Canada (Ag/kg/day) (Kuhnlein et al., 2001b).
Mean intake (µg/kg/day)
Fig. 5.1.2. Mean intakes of toxaphene and chlordane in different
regions (ages 20–40 years) (Chan et al., in preparation(a)).
61+41 6020 401519
Mean intake (µg/kg/day)
Age group (years)
Fig. 5.1.3. Mean intakes of toxaphene and chlordane among differ-
ent age groups in Baffin (Chan et al., in preparation(a)).
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246210
with each age group. This increasing level of exposure
with age is associated with the corresponding age-
related increased intake of country food as was docu-
mented in Van Oostdam et al. (1999).
Individual intake of contaminants depends primar-
ily on the amount of each country food consumed by
the individual and the concentration of contaminants
in that food. In this research contaminants contained
in purchased market foods wer e not considered. Table
5.1.1 shows the sources of chlordane, toxaphene, and
PCBs in the dietary intake profiles of the Baffin
region (n = 522 interviews) . It can be seen that the
three most important food species, by their propor-
tional contribution to total weight of food consumed,
are caribou, ringed seal and Arctic char. However, the
three species representing the largest proportions of
chlordane and PCB exposure were the blubbers of
narwhal, walrus, and beluga. For toxaphene, the
greatest proportional contributions wer e made by wal-
rus blubber, ringed seal flesh, and beluga blubber.
Species which only make up a small proportion of
the diet but high proportions of the contaminant
exposure have markedly higher concentrations of
these contaminants (Kuhnlein et al., 2000). Propor-
tionate contributions to chlordane and toxaphene
exposures are also shown in Table 5.1.2 for all five
Inuit regions. In regions such as Baffin and Kivalliq
which had intakes higher than the pTDI for chlordane
and toxaphene (Fig. 5.1.2) it can be seen that the
major sources of exposure are marine mammal blub-
ber (beluga, walrus or narwhal). In regions such as
Labrador where the mean intakes did not exceed the
pTDI, caribou meat and various fish species were the
Table 5.1.1
Sources of organochlorines in the Baffin Region (percent contribution)
Species Part Weight percent
Chlordane percent
PCBs percent
Toxaphene percent
Caribou Flesh 38.2 0.9 1.3 0.1
Ringed seal Flesh 18.7 0.8 2.4 8.9
Arctic char Flesh 15.6 2.2 1.5 3
Narwhal Muktuk 5 1.8 7 0.1
Walrus Flesh 3.2 1.7 0.6 0.1
Ringed seal Broth 2.9 0.2 1.1 0.1
Polar bear Flesh 2.8 1.5 3.1 0.1
Narwhal Blubber 1.9 37.9 44.5 35.6
Ptarmigan Flesh 1.3 0 0 0
Beluga Muktuk 1.2 1.7 1.7 0.9
Walrus Blubber 1.2 34.9 22.2 43.1
Beluga Blubber 0.4 11.1 8.5 6.3
Ringed seal Blubber 0.3 1.9 1.3 0.3
Polar bear Fat 0.1 2.3 1.6 0.5
Total % 92.8 98.9 96.8 99.1
Source: Kuhnlein and Receveur (2001).
Percent by weight of each species contributing to the traditional diet.
Percent of each contaminant contributed by each food.
Table 5.1.2
Proportionate contributions of three main food sources of chlordane
and toxaphene, in five Inuit regions, by food item
Inuit Region Food item and
of chlordane (%)
Food item and
of toxaphene (%)
Inuvialuit Beluga blubber (84%) Beluga blubber (81%)
Caribou meat (5%) Beluga muktuk (4%)
Beluga muktuk (5%) Arctic char flesh (3%)
Kitikmeot Beluga blubber (59%) Beluga blubber (52%)
Arctic char flesh (13%) Arctic char flesh (26%)
Caribou meat (7%) Ringed seal flesh (9%)
Kivalliq Beluga blubber (62%) Beluga blubber (53%)
Beluga muktuk (15%) Walrus blubber (15%)
Walrus blubber ( 8%) Arctic char flesh (10%)
Baffin Narwhal blubber (38%) Walrus blubber (43%)
Walrus blubber (35%) Narwhal blubber (36%)
Beluga blubber (11%) Ringed seal flesh (9%)
Labrador Caribou meat (30%) Salmon flesh (41%)
Lake trout flesh (20%) Lake trout flesh (29%)
Salmon flesh (12%) Arctic char flesh (9%)
Source: Kuhnlein and Receveur (2001).
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246 211
major source of exposure, indicating lower concentra-
tion in these species.
The population distributions of seven organochlor-
ines are shown in Table 5.1.3 for Qikiqtarjuaq—a
community selected because of high country food
use. Mean intakes exceeded the organochlorine
pTDIs for chlordane, PCBs and toxaphene, while
median intakes exceeded the pTDI only for toxa-
phene. The 95th percentile indicates the level of
intake by the highest 5% of consumers. When the
95th percentile/pTDI was compu ted it was noted that
high consumers are exceeding the pTDIs by more
than 100-fold for toxaphene and chlordane, and 15-
fold for PCBs (Kuhnlein et al., 2000, 2001a,b; Batal,
2001). It is understood from dietary survey results
that any one individual will not likely eat the same
amount of high contaminant food items on several
consecutive days. If more days of intake data from
individuals were available, a tighter distribution and
therefore a lower prevalence of high levels of expo-
sure would result. The risk associated with usual
levels of exposure (that is, levels, lower than the
ones characterized by the 95th percentile/pTDI but
higher than the pTDI) need to be characterized, since
they appear prevalent in the Baffin region. These
results (Kuhnlein et al., 2001a,b, 2003; Batal, 2001)
confirm the earlier studies indicating higher expo-
sures to various POPs in Inuit communities and
those that were reviewed in Van Oostdam et al.
Possible changes in dietary intake of contaminants
are a significant concern in the Canadian Arctic.
Insight into the change in contaminant intake over
the past 12 years in Qikiqtarjuaq (Broughton Island),
Nunavut, a community known to have high country
food consumption levels, can be achieved by compar-
ing data collected in 1987–1988 (Kuhnlein et al.,
1995a; Chan et al., 1997) to data collected in 1998–
1999 (Kuhnlein et al., 2000). Intakes of organochlor-
ines, including PCBs, chlordane, and toxaphene
(Table 5.1.4), were higher in the more recent study,
particularly among the high-end consumers (95th per-
centile). While the organochlorine concentrations
used for the estimation of the two surveys were simi-
lar (data not shown), the amount of narwhal muktuk
and blubber consumed was significantly higher in
1998–1999. The major sources of organochlorines
were narwhal blubber and muktuk, walrus blubber,
and ringed seal blubber reported in 1987–1988 com-
pared to narwhal blubber and muktuk in 1998–1999
(Kuhnlein et al., 1995c, 2000).
PCB tissue levels and guidelines. While chlor-
dane and toxaphene are of significant concern due to
exceedances of dietary guidelines, there are only lim-
ited human or animal toxicology data available for
these contaminants and no human tissue guidelines
have been developed. More information is available
on human tissue levels and on the animal and human
Table 5.1.3
Population distribution of organochlorine intake in Qikiqtarjuaq (Ag/kg bw/day)
Organochlorine N PTDI (Ag/kg/day) N N PTDI Mean Median 95th percentile 95th/PTDI
Chlordane 110 0.05 34 0.62 0.02 5.18 104
HCB 110 0.27 14 0.23 0.02 1.7 6
DDT 110 20 9 1.58 0.04 13.1 0.7
HCH 110 0.3 11 0.06 0 0.36 1
Mirex 110 0.07 5 0.01 0 0.04 0.6
PCBs 110 1 16 1.9 0.05 15.3 15
Toxaphene 110 0.2 52 3.34 0.26 26.2 131
Source: Kuhnlein and Receveur (2001).
Table 5.1.4
Comparison of daily intake of selected contaminants in Qikiqtarjuaq
in 1987–1988 and 1998–1999
Contaminant Daily intake
(Ag/kg bw/day)
in 1987–1988
Daily intake
(Ag/kg bw/day)
in 1998–1999
Median 95th
Median 95th
Mercury (total) 1 7 0.6 6.4
PCBs 0.3 3.6 0.05 15
Chlordane 0.06 2.1 0.02 5.2
Toxaphene 0.05 8.1 0.26 26
Source: Kuhnlein et al. (1995a) and Chan et al. (1997).
Source: Kuhnlein et al. (2000).
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246212
toxicity of PCBs, which has allowed the development
of human tissue PCB guidelines. This section compares
PCB tissue levels in various ethnic groups to the PCB
guidelines developed by Health Canada.
Blood contaminant levels in the NWT, Nunavut
and Nunavik, are presented and compared in Sec-
tion 2.2.1. For PCBs (as Aroclor 1260), Health Cana-
da’s maternal blood guidelines have a level of concern
where concentrations are N 5 Ag/L, and an action level
where concentrations are z 100 Ag/L. The most recent
findings (Fig. 5.1.4) indicate that, on average, 43% of
the blood samples from Inuit mothers in NWT/
Nunavut exceeded the level of concern; of these,
87% were b 20 Ag/L, and none exceeded the Action
level of 100 Ag/L (Butler Walker et al., 2003). The
corresponding values for Dene and Me´tis, and Cau-
casians exceeding the level of concern wer e 3.2%
and 0.7%, respectively (Butler Walker et al., 2003).
Fig. 5.1.4 also shows that exceedances of 5 Ag/L
PCB blood guideline vary markedly among five
Inuit regions, with greater exceedances in Baffin
(73%), Kivalliq (59%), and Nunavik (59%), where
the greater levels of PCBs were observed (Butler
Walker et al., 2003; Ayotte, 2001). Inuvik had the
lowest percentage exceedance (16%) among the Inuit
regions. This information on blood guideline excee-
dances supports the previous assessment of dietary
intakes, as it is the Inuit groups that exceed the TDIs
for dietary contaminants intakes as well as the tissue
guidelines. Metals—mercury, cadmium, and lead. Toxic
metals such as mercury, cadmi um, and lead can
bioaccumulate and this was well documented by
Van Oostdam et al. (1999). Concentrations of these
metals vary markedly between tissues and species of
animals. Metals accumulate mostly markedly in
organs such as liver and kidney (Chan et al.,
1995). The dietary surveys outlined in Section 3.1
measured both dietary intakes for all country foods as
well as contaminant levels and allowed estimates of
exposures to be calcul ated for specific population
groups. Fig. 5.1.1 shows that the Inuit have the high-
est intakes of mercury and their mean intakes
approach the provisional tolerable daily intake
(pTDI) for mercury of 0.71 lg/kg/day (WHO, 1978 )
while the mean intakes of mercury among First
Nations peoples in the Yukon and NWT are well
below the pTDI. The pTDI of 0.71 lg/kg/day is
based on total mercury; the pTDI for methylmercury
is 0.47 lg/kg/day. Much of the present data on dietary
levels of mercury in food are only available for total
mercury so the comparisons made in Fig. 5.1.1 are
reasonable. Certain species, such as marine mammals,
contain mostly inorganic mercury while other species
such as fish contain mostly organic mercury ( Wage-
mann et al., 1997), so more accurate risk assessments
could be undertaken if methylm ercury was speci fi-
cally measured in country foods. Recently Health
Canada has developed a new pTDI for methylmer-
cury for children and women of childbearing age of
0.2 lg/kg/day (Health Canada, 1998). It would not be
reasonable to use this pTDI in Fig. 5.1.1 illustrates the
results for all men and women sampled in these
communities, but it does indicate that children and
women of childbearing age could be exceeding the
Percent of population
% at Level of Concern (>5 and <100 µg/L)
59 59
Fig. 5.1.4. Maternal blood guideline exceedances for PCBs as
Aroclor 1260 in Arctic Canada, by region and ethnicity (Van
Oostdam, 2001).
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246 213
Table 5.1.5 shows that for the Inuit regions some
food items with low concentrations of mercury, such
as caribou meat, contribute a small amount but sig-
nificant proportion of mercury exposure due to the
high intake of this country food. Other country foods
only rarely eaten, such as ringed seal kidney, contri-
bute a significant proportion of the contaminant expo-
sure due to the high concentration of mercury therein.
There is also marked regional variability in the coun-
try foods contributing to exposure. In the Baffin
region, where the highest levels of mercury in
human tis sues were found, the most significant
sources of exposure were marine mammals, ringed
seals and walrus. This necessitates dietary recommen-
dations that are specific to local populations and that
reflect the particular species contributing the most
significant exposure.
Exposure to mercury also varies markedly among
the various Inuit groups as was the case for the
various organochlorines. Fig. 5.1.5 indicates that the
Inuit from Baffin have the highest exposure to mer-
cury and that the older age groups have higher expo-
sures to mercury. As was noted for the intake of POPs,
Section 5.1.1, this increased exposure with increasing
age is associated with the corresponding age-related
increased intake of country food.
To further examine metal exposures, data are pre-
sented for Qikiqtarjuaq (Broughton Island), Nunavut,
as these data exemplify a wide range of exposures to
toxic metals (arsenic, cadmium, mercury and lead).
Table 5.1.6 shows that mean intakes exceed the
pTDIs only for mercury. The 95th percentile indicates
the level of intake by the highest 5% of consumers. In
computing the 95th percentile/pTDI ratio, it was
noted that high consumers are exceeding the pTDIs
by nine-fold for mercury and ratios for all other
metals are less than three. This indicates that mercury
is of greatest concern. As noted earlier in the case of
organochlorines, it is unders tood from dietary survey
results that an individual will not likely eat the same
level of high contaminant food items on several con-
secutive days. If more days of intake data from indi-
viduals were available, a tighter distribution and
therefore a lower prevalence of high levels of expo-
sure would likely result. Nevertheless, it is advisable
to discourage high intakes by individuals whenever
possible and, since regular levels of exposure (i.e.,
Table 5.1.5
Proportionate contributions of three main food sources of total
mercury, and total mercury concentrations by food item in five
Inuit regions
Inuit region Food item Proportionate
of Hg (%)
Inuvialuit Caribou meat 52 0.06
Beluga muktuk 11 0.73
Lake trout 11 0.85
Kitikmeot Caribou meat 27 0.06
Arctic char flesh 15 0.10
Caribou ribs 7 0.14
Kivalliq Caribou meat 38 0.06
Beluga muktuk 24 0.73
Lake trout flesh 12 0.85
Baffin Ringed seal meat 36 0.40
Narwhal muktuk 14 0.56
Caribou meat 12 0.06
Labrador Caribou meat 37 0.06
Lake trout flesh 36 0.85
Ringed seal kidney 6 2.84
Source: Kuhnlein and Receveur (2001).
61+ 4160 2040 1519
Total Mercury Intake (µg/kg/day)
Fig. 5.1.5. Mean intake of total mercury in different regions (Ag/kg/
day) (Chan et al., in preparation(b)).
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246214
levels lower than the ones characterized by the 95th
percentile/pTDI but higher than the pTDI) appear
widespread in the Baffin region, the risk associated
with this exposure needs to be characterized. These
results (Kuhnlein et al., 2000, 2001a,b; Batal, 2001)
confirm the earlier studies reviewed by Van Oostdam
et al. (1999).
To see whether there was a temporal change in
mercury intake in Qikiqtarjuaq (Broughton Island),
data on the daily intakes of mercury collected in
1998–1999 (Kuhnlein et al., 2000) were compared
to those collected in 1987–1988 (Kuhnlein et al.,
1995c; Chan et al., 1997). Intakes of mercury were
similar in the two surveys (Table 5.1.4), indicating
there has been little change in dietary pattern and/or
mercury concentrations in the foods. The major
sources of mercury in 1998–1999 (Kuhnlein et al.,
2000) compared to those collected in 1998–1999 are
ringed seal meat, narwhal muktuk and polar bear
flesh. In 1987–1988, the major sources were also
ringed seal meat, narwhal muktuk and polar bear
(Chan et al., 1995). Con taminant tissue levels and guidelines.
Mercury. In the 1970s Heal th Canada developed
blood guidelines for methylmercury. Blood levels
below 20 Ag/L are classified as being in the acceptable
range, between 20 and 100 Ag/L as bincreasing riskQ
and levels greater than 100 Ag/L in blood as bat-riskQ
(Health Canada, 1979). The United States undertook a
re-evaluation of methylmercury and developed a
benchmark dose level of 58 Ag/L for this metal
(NRC, 2000). Applying the United States’ suggested
10-fold safety factor to the benchmark dose level
allows the development of a maternal blood guideline
of 5.8 Ag/L.
Table 5.1.6
Population distribution of heavy metal intake in Qikiqtarjuaq (Ag/kg bw/day)
Metal N PTDI (Ag/kg/day) N N PTDI N N 0 Mean Median 95th percentile 95th/PTDI
Arsenic 110 2 30 110 1.3 0.3 5.6 2.8
Cadmium 110 1 27 110 0.6 0.2 2.3 2.3
Total mercury 110 0.71 47 110 1.6 0.6 6.4 9
Lead 110 3.57 49 110 3.6 2.7 10.4 2.9
Source: Kuhnlein and Receveur (2001).
Table 5.1.7
Blood guideline exceedances for methyl mercury, lead, and cadmium in Arctic Canada, by region and ethnicity
Region/Ethnic group Country/Ethnic
N Methyl mercury Lead Cadmium
Percent of samples
exceeding 5.8 Ag/L
Percent of samples
exceeding or equal
to 20 Ag/L
Percent of samples
100 Ag/L (%)
Percent of samples
exceeding 5 Ag/L
(1994–1999) 134 0 0 0 6
(1994–1999) 92 1 0 2 3
(1995) 13 0 0 0 0
(1996) 31 68 10 10 13
(1998–1999) 31 16 3 3 7
(1994–1995) 63 27 0 2 10
(1996–1997) 17 35 0 0 18
(1995–2000) 162 79
16 12 NA
NA= Not available.
Based on US EPA 1999 re-evaluation of methyl mercury.
Increasing risk range is 20–100 Ag/L, Health Canada.
Guideline value of 5 Ag/L is for occupational exposure.
Source: Butler Walker et al. (2005).
Source: Ayotte (2001).
z 5.8 Ag/L value.
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246 215
Butler Walker et al. (2005) and Ayotte (2002) show
that among the mothers from NWT/Nunavut and
Nunavik, only Inuit exceeded the Canadian level of
concern of 20 Ag/L and almost no Caucasian or Dene/
Me´tis mothers exceeded the lower guideline of 5.8 Ag/
L based on the United States evaluation. These differ-
ences among the three ethnic groups are almost cer-
tainly due to eating patterns. Among five Inuit
regions, percentage exceedances of the Canadian
guideline level of concern of 20 Ag/L for organic
mercury were highest in Nunavik (16%) and Baffin
(10%) (Table 5.1.7 and Fig. 5.1.6). The percentage
exceedance of the 5.8 Ag/L United States blood guide-
line for organic mercury among Canadian Inuit
women ranged from a low of 16% in Inuvik to
highs of 79% in Nunavik and 68% in Baffin. No
mothers were in the bat-riskQ range of N 100 Ag/L.
The groups that have the greatest exceedance of
these blood guidelines are also the same groups that
most often exceed the tolerable daily dietary intakes
discussed previously.
The proportion of Inuit mothers who are in the
bincreasing riskQ range for mercury has decreased
quite markedly over the years. Wheatley and Paradis
(1996) reported that 56% of mothers included in their
1972–1989 monitoring study were in the bincreasing
riskQ range compared to 3–16% of Inuit mothers in the
1990s (Table 5.1.7). However care must be taken in
concluding trends based on some of the historical
mercury data as this data set may be biased due to
re-sampling communities and individuals with high
mercury values ( Van Oostdam et al., 1999). Based on
the new United States evaluation, a much greater
proportion of Inuit women exceed the guideline indi-
cated that although levels of exposure may have
decreased, concerns for health associated with expo-
sure still exist.
Lead. Canada and the United States use 100 Ag/L
as the action level for lead. In NWT/Nunavut, all
average lead levels in women’s blood samples were
markedly lower than the 100 Ag/L action level, but
3.4% and 2.2% of the blood samples from the Inuit,
and Dene and Me´tis women, respectively, exceeded
the action level (Butler Walker et al., 2005) (see Table
5.1.7). Among Inuit women, percentage exceedances
ranged from a low of 0% in Kivalliq to a high of 12%
in Nunavik. Historical data have shown that levels
among many populations have decreased in parallel to
the phase out of lead in gasoline around the world
(AMAP, 1998), indicating that the lead issue in the
Arctic may be due to local use of lead. Recent
research by Dewailly et al. (2000b) using lead isotope
tracers has indicated that most of the current lead
exposure among Nunavik Inuit results from the use
of lead shot.
Cadmium. The guideline of 5 Ag/L for cadmium
is an occupational level, and, in the absence of any
other guideline, is offered as a general guidance. In
NWT/Nunavut, cadmium levels in women’s blood
exceeded this guideline in 10% of Inuit, 6% of
Caucasians, 3% of Dene and Me´tis, and 0% of
women in the Other group. Among Inuit, the per-
centage exceedances ranged from a low of 7% in the
Inuvik region to a high of 18% in the Kivalliq region
(Butler Walker et al., 2005) (see Table 5.1.7). A
number of studies have shown that there are mark-
edly higher smoking rates among north ern Aborigi-
Percent of population
% >20 µg/L and <100 µg/L (1) % >5.8 µg/L (2)
Fig. 5.1.6. Maternal blood guideline exceedances for organic mer-
cury in Arctic Canada, by region and ethnicity (Van Oostdam, 2001).
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246216
nal peoples (Benedetti et al., 1994), and other studies
have found that smoking and not country food con-
sumption contributes most cadmi um exposure (But-
ler Walker et al., 2005).
Radionuclides. The debate continues in interna-
tional scientific circles as to whether there is a dose
threshold for radiation-induced cancer. Radiation pro-
tection authorities have always assumed a linear, no-
threshold hypothesis in setting exposure limits. This
means that all radiation exposures, no matter how
small, carry a risk of producing cancer which is
proportional to the dose received. However there is
mounting evidence that a threshold may exist for
radiation. The US-based Health Physics Society has
recommended against quantitative estimation of
health risk below an individual dose of 50 mSv (milli-
sieverts) in 1 year or a lifetime dose of 100 mSv over
and above normal background radiation (Health Phy-
sics Society, 1996). The issue is of significance to
northerners, who were exposed in the past to nuclear
fallout, or who have slightly higher exposures from
caribou meat consumption.
Even if one assumes that the linear no-threshold
hypotheses are correct, the risk of continued con-
sumption of caribou meat is very small. Table 2.2.9
indicates a maximum dose rate (at present) of about
3 to 4 mSv/year. The International Commission on
Radiological Protection (ICRP) gives a lifetime risk
coefficient of 7.5.
per mSv of exposure for
cancer and other serious illnesses (ICRP, 1991). If a
person were to receive a lifetime radiation dose of:
3:5 mSv=year 70 years ¼ 245 mSv
245 mSv 7:5 10
¼ lifetime risk of 1:8% from average carib ou
meat consumption:
A normal background radiation of 2.4 mSv/year
would give a lifetime risk of 1.3%. The normal
incidence of cancer in the general population is
approximately 25%. The only way to reduce these
doses further would be to restrict caribou meat
consumption, which would deny northerners the
many benefits of a diet of fish and wildlife. Other
lifestyle choices such as smoking and alcohol con-
sumption have a much greater influence on rates of
Recent evidence from A-bomb survivors (Shimizu
et al., 1999) and Chernobyl emergency workers (Iva-
nov et al., 2001) indicates that high dose radiation
may be a factor in increased mortality from cardio-
vascular disease. This link needs to be studied further
in groups exposed to high levels of radiation. The
relevancy of this to northerners who have lower expo-
sures is uncertain at this time.
5.2. Special considerations for risk management in
Arctic communities
5.2.1. Nutri tional benefits
The nutritional benefits of country food and its
contribution to the total diet are substantial, although
only 6–40% of total dietary energy may be derived
from this food source. These foods are important
sources of lipids, vitamins, minerals and protein
and in many cases are the primary source of many
important nutrients (Van Oostdam et al., 1999).
Research has found that days bwithQ traditional/coun-
try food have significantly less fat, saturated fat,
protein, sucrose and total carbohydrate than do
days bwithoutQ country food (Table 5.2.1). These
findings are consistent across the Canadian Arctic
Table 5.2.1
Percent energy from macronutrients on days with or without tradi-
tional/country food (least square meansF S.E.M.)
Nutrient Region With TF (%) Without TF (%)
Carbohydrate Yukon 37.2F 0.7
(n = 410)
41.3 F 0.8
(n = 387)
Dene/Me´tis 34.5 F 0.6
(n = 661)
41.3 F 0.8*
(n = 346)
Inuit 35.2 F 0.5
(n = 968)
46.6 F 0.7*
(n = 632)
Sucrose Yukon 9.1 F 0.4 11.2 F 0.5*
Dene/Me´tis 9.1F 0.4 11.8F 0.5*
Inuit 12.3 F 0.4 16.7 F 0.5*
Protein Yukon 31.1 F 0.5 19.0 F 0.5*
Dene/Me´tis 30.7 F 0.4 20.1F 0.6*
Inuit 34.2 F 0.4 17.9 F 0.6*
Fat Yukon 31.6 F 0.6 40.3 F 0.6*
Dene/Me´tis 34.2 F 0.5 38.8F 0.7*
Inuit 30.1 F 0.4 35.9 F 0.6*
fatty acids
Yukon 10.6 F 0.3 14.4F 0.3*
Dene/Me´tis 11.6F 0.2 13.6F 0.3*
Inuit 9.1 F 0.2 12.1 F 0.2*
Source: Kuhnlein et al. (2004).
* Different from with TF, p b 0.01.
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246 217
and confirm that decreasing country food in the diet
is likely to have negative health consequences in part
through the corresponding increase in total fat, satu-
rated fat and sucrose consumption above recom-
mended levels, a lower intake of the vitamins A,
D, and E, riboflavin and B6, as well as a decreased
use of the important minerals iron, zinc, copper,
magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium,
and selenium (Kuhnlein et al., 2004). Although
some nutrients, such as vitamin C, were provided
mainly by fortified market foods, one should not
undermine the great potential that some traditional
foods could contribute to the diets of indigenous
peoples, if they were better utilized. Fediuk et al.
(2002) listed a variety of rich sources of vitamin C
from animal and plant traditional food such as raw
fish eggs, raw whale skin, the livers of caribou and
ringed seal, and blueberries. With the contemporary
higher levels of fat intake, an increasing number of
cardiovascular deaths can be expected (NRC, 1989);
similarly, high saturated fat intake and high sucrose
intake have been associated with increased risk of
colorectal cancers (World Cancer Research Fund,
1997). The rising levels of excess weight and obesity
documented in Yukon (Receveur et al., 1998a) and
Inuit communities (Kuhnlein et al., 2004) need to be
further considered when the balance between tradi-
tional/country foods and imported foods is evaluated:
18% of women 20–40 years of age, and 33% of
women 40–60 years of age in the five Inuit regions
surveyed by CINE in 1998–1999 had a body mass
index (BMI) over 30. An increase in mean BMI over
a 5-year period (1992–1997) h as also been reported
for women in the Inuit communities of Repulse Bay
and Pond Inlet (Lawn and Harvey, 2001). This
increase in the proportion of energy derived from
fat observed on days when no country food is con-
sumed could be associated with the growing preva-
lence of exce ss weight observed in Yukon and Inuit
communities. Although usually providing smaller
proportions of daily energy and total dry weight in
diets than imported food, country food was shown to
contribute significantly more protein, iron and zinc
to the diets of Baffin Inuit children (Berti et al.,
In Table 5.2.2, the top three sources of several
nutrients in the total daily diet as reported consumed
in the five Inuit regions show that at least one
country food is mentioned for each nutrient with
the exception of calcium. It is also clear that iron
and zinc are almost entirely contributed by country
food, whereas the top three calcium sources are
Table 5.2.2
Top three sources of selected nutrients from 24-h recalls (fall and late winter combined) in five Inuit regions
Nutrient Inuit region
Inuvialuit (n = 387) Kitikmeot (n = 300) Kivalliq (n = 341) Baffin (n = 522) Labrador (n =417)
Vitamin A Caribou liver Caribou liver Carrots Walrus liver Carrots
Carrots Carrots Beluga blubber Ringed seal liver Margarine
Beef liver Mixed frozen vegetables Caribou meat Narwhal blubber Ringed seal kidney
Omega-3 fatty acids Margarine Arctic char flesh Arctic char flesh Arctic char flesh Margarine
Arctic char flesh Caribou meat Caribou meat Walrus blubber Salmon flesh
Beluga blubber Margarine Beluga blubber Ringed seal broth Salad dressing
Vitamin E Margarine Caribou meat Caribou meat Caribou meat Margarine
Potato chips Bannock Potato chips Bannock Potato chips
Caribou meat Margarine Bannock Narwhal blubber Caribou meat
Calcium White bread Bannock Bannock Bannock Evaporated milk
2% milk Pizza Pizza 2% milk 2% milk
Pizza White bread White bread Pizza White bread
Zinc Caribou meat Caribou meat Caribou meat Caribou meat Caribou meat
Ground beef Ground beef Ground beef Ringed seal meat Ground beef
Caribou dried meat Caribou dried meat Beluga muktuk Narwhal muktuk Chicken
Iron Caribou meat Caribou meat Caribou meat Ringed seal meat Caribou meat
White bread Ringed seal meat Beard. seal meat Caribou meat Partridge meat
Ground beef Caribou dried meat Ringed seal meat Walrus meat White bread
Source: Kuhnlein and Receveur (2001).
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246218
entirely from imported food (Kuhnlein et al.,
2001b,c; Blanchet et al., 2000).
Since CACAR-I, new analytical results for nutri-
ents in country foods have shown some remarkable
nutrient properties. For example, exceptional sources
of vitamin C (N 20 mg/100 g fresh weight) in Inuit
country foods have been shown to be beluga muk-
tuk, narwhal muktuk, seal liver, caribou liver, cisco
eggs and blueberries. Excellent sources of omega
fatty acids, vitamin A, vitamin D and vitamin E
have been shown to be beluga blubber and oil,
narwhal blubber, Arctic char, burbot eggs, beluga
muktuk and narwhal muktuk. As well, several nutri-
tionally essential minerals have recently bee n
reported in high levels in Arctic foods, including
iron, zinc, selenium, copper, magnesium and man-
ganese (Blanchet et al., 2000; Kuhnlein et al.,
Fish are an important part of the country food diet
across the Canadian North. The health benefits of con-
suming 1–2 servings of fish per week (17–34 g/day) have
been well documented (Simopoulos, 1991; Kromhout et
al., 1995; Weisburger, 2000) and some studies support
recommendations for great er amounts, up to 69 g/day
(Kris-Etherton et al., 2000). Health benefits would
accrue most likely for preventing heart disease (Shmidt
et al., 2000), but a lso possibly for certain cancers
(World Cancer Research Fund, 1997) and type-2 dia-
betes (Feskens et al., 1991, 1995; Ekblond et al., 2000).
Fish intake by Aboriginal peoples is summarized in
Table 5.2.3 and suggests that they are likely to fully
benefit at the current levels of consumption.
Limiting fish consumption in any way based on
levels of organic mercury exposure would be further
unwarranted in Inuit communities, given that the main
source of exposure in these communities was caribou,
representing 52%, 27%, 38% and 27% of total expo-
sure in Inuvialuit, Kitikmeot, Kivallik, and Labrador,
respectively (Kuhnlein et al., 2000). In Baffin, seal
meat was the single main contributor of organic mer-
cury (36% of the total exposure level). Seal meat and
caribou are not highly contaminated with organic
mercury, but their frequent consumption makes them
the main sources of organic mercury intake in Baffin.
In contrast to fish, the health benefits of consuming
seal and caribou, above and beyond what can be
inferred from their specific nutritional values, have
not been studied and remain unknown.
Table 5.2.3
Reported daily fish consumption by gender and age group in three recent dietary surveys among Canadian Arctic indigenous peoples
Indigenous peoples region (main fish species) Women (age 20–40) Women (age 41+) Men (age 20–40) Men (age 41+)
(no. of 24-h recalls)
(no. of 24-h recalls)
(no. of 24-h recalls)
(no. of 24-h recalls)
Yukon first nations (salmon, trout, grayling,
48 (n = 253) 76 (n = 169) 69 (n = 221) 91 (n = 159)
Dene and Metis
Gwichin (whitefish, loche, inconnu, arctic char,
lake trout)
65 (n = 47) 66 (n =54) 35 (n = 51) 158 (n = 43)
Sahtu (whitefish, lake trout, cisco, loche) 13 (n = 49) 154 (n = 42) 37 (n = 46) 105 (n = 43)
Dogrib (whitefish, pike, trout, loche) 8 (n = 28) 82 (n = 29) 32 (n = 21) 120 (n = 31)
Deh-Cho (whitefish, lake trout, loche) 10 (n = 72) 39(n = 38) 37 (n = 51) 13 (n = 56)
Akaitcho (whitefish, lake trout, loche) 21 (n = 85) 34 (n = 67) 44 (n = 79) 30 (n = 80)
Inuvialuit (arctic char, whitefish, cisco, herring,
lake trout)
54 (n = 121) 111 (n = 74) 12 (n = 100) 124 (n = 45)
Kitikmeot (arctic char, lake trout, whitefish) 34 (n = 113) 137 (n = 49) 36 (n = 76) 136 (n = 41)
Kivallik (arctic char, lake trout) 21 (n = 112) 109 (n = 68) 65 (n = 87) 169 (n = 48)
Baffin (arctic char, arctic cod, cisco) 39 (n = 160) 72 (n =105) 47 (n = 112) 73 (n = 102)
Labrador (lake trout, salmon, rock cod, arctic char) 24 (n = 112) 50 (n =97) 29 (n =80) 60 (n = 89)
Data adapted from Receveur et al. (1996, 1998) and Kuhnlein et al. (2000).
Estimates obtained by averaging food intake over all 24-h recalls collected in two seasons (Sep–Nov and Feb–Apr).
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246 219
Other researchers have also noted that the shift
away from country food diets may also be linked to
the rise in obesity, diabete s and cardiovascular disease
among Aboriginal peoples in the United States and
Canada (Young, 1993; Young et al., 1993). Increased
saturated fat, sucrose, and alcohol in diets has led to
higher incidences of gall bladder disease, tooth decay,
alcoholism and its complications, and fetal alcohol
syndrome. Poor diet quality has also been associated
with higher incidences of anemia, otitis media,a
variety of infections, and to some kinds of cancer
(Kuhnlein and Receveur, 1996).
5.3. Social, cult ural, spiritual and economic benefits
of countr y food
Historically, circumpolar northern Indigenous
populations have relied on a variety of Arctic flora
and fauna for survival. The way of life for Aboriginal
peoples in Arctic Canada has been and still is very
much defined by their relationship with the environ-
ment. Today country foods are still central to cultural,
social and spiritual well-being in many regions. They
are essential to the social and cultural health of indi-
viduals and communities (e.g., Van Oostdam et al.,
1999; Receveur et al., 1996; Sante´ Que´bec, 1995;
Condon et al., 1995 ). Country foods, and related
activities (hunting, fishing, collecting, distribution,
preparation, and consumption), still play critical
roles in everyday life in many northern communities
for reasons that include their social and cultural
importance, formal and informal economic value,
and contributions to physical, mental and spiritual
well-being (Dewailly et al., 2000d).
Each food, and its related activities, provide spe-
cific benefits which must be considered when balan-
cing the benefits and risks of exposure to
environmental contaminants through country food
consumption. Arctic Canada is undergoing signifi-
cant economic, political, social, cultural and environ-
mental chang e as a result of influences and pressures
both from within and outside of the region. The
maintenance of the link between the people and
the land is therefore important, further stressing the
importance of the collection, sharing, and consump-
tion of wild foods in the North. Aboriginal peoples
report that country foods define, maintain and
increase aspects of the cultural, social and spiritual
identity and well-being (Dewailly et al., 2000d;
Kuhnlein et al., 2000; Bjerregaard and Young,
1998; Egeland et al., 1998). Culture is strongly
tied to language and participation in traditional activ-
ities and hunting and gathering various traditional
resources provide the opportunity for these aspects
of culture to be expressed. As the Inuit Circumpolar
Conference stated, hunting is an integral social activ-
ity to Inuit communities.
bHunting ... is crucial to sustaining, reproducing, and
expressing Inuit social relations. Where disruptions in
primary cooperative subsistence activities occur,
social relations at the community level suffer. Sealing
... is ... d... the patterned acquisition and use of (an
animal) in such a way as to enhance the social rela-
tionships existing in a community.T ... Inuit have
always depended [sic] animals and other Inuit to
maintain their culture and perpetuate their society.
...sealing continues to establish and reaffirm produc-
tive and cooperative social relationships that are so
crucial to Inuit survival through the hunting and sha-
ring of seals. For many Inuit sealing is ... a dset of
culturally established responsibilities, rights, and
obligations.TQ (Inuit Circum polar Conference, 1996)
Hunting, fishing and gathering of wild resources
and the subsequent sharing of those items with indi-
viduals throughout the community are social activ-
ities bringing together individuals, families and
generations, and are often the focus of celebrations
and festivities. In this way, they form and maintain
an important social fabric among individuals which
supports community health and well-being. For
example, not only is muktuk nutritionally and psy-
chologically beneficial, but its widespread sharing
among relatives and between communities creates
and sustains the bonds that remain the basis of
Inuit social, cultural and economic relationships
today (Freeman et al., 1998). Further, these activities
are opportunities for the transfer of knowledge
between generations and the maintenance of lan-
guage, as they necessitate and use traditional knowl-
edge and components of Abor iginal language, thus
passing on information about hunting techniques,
places and local history while on the land. Similarly,
the preparation of country foods provides opportu-
nities for coming together, learning and sharing
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246220
among individuals in communities. The link between
Aboriginal people and the land, seas and waterways
they travel and use is also regarded in a spiritual
sense as an offering or gift. This spiritual relationship
with the environment is expressed, maintained and
strengthened by the ongoing practices of hunting,
fishing and gathering of resources in a respectful
way. Specifically, in regards to social and mental
health, country foods and related activities are
reported to define and maintain aspects of identity
and Abor iginal culture.
bInuit foods may have contaminants, they also have
much more. They have sustained us, nourished us,
brought us together, and given us the sense of who we
areQ (Egede, 1995).
To the people who have traditionally hunted on
particular traplines, these areas are their primary
world. Their roots and their ideas of who they are,
are tied to their lands. The ties of particular people to
the land are strongest to their own traplines since
much of their own personal history and their family
history is knit into the cultural and spiritual landscape
of the North (Weinstein, 1976). Berkes and Farkas
(1978) state that the retention and rejuvenation of
Aboriginal practices (traditional food habits, such as
eating of fish and game) depend to some extent on
maintaining a sense of identity and pride.
Northerners state:
bInuit foods give us health, well-being and identity.
Inuit foods are our way of life... Total health includes
spiritual well-being. For us to be fully healthy, we
must have our foods, recognising the benefits they
bring. Contaminants do not affect our souls. Avoiding
food from fear does.Q (Egede, 1995).
bFor the old people, the food for them is real food—
strong food like igunaq, seal and all kinds of country
food, and when they do not have it for a long time,
they star t to crave’s their way of life.Q (Quaqtaq
resident, Nunavik; as in O’neil et al., 1997)
bThey are so important to me because they are who
we are. They are part of being Inuit. I have always
eaten them and always will.Q (Labrador Inuk; as in
Furgal 1999)
There are also economic realities which influence
how much Aboriginal peoples rely on traditional/
country food. Employment and income are often
low or uncertain compared to southern Canada,
fluctuating with development projects an d seasonal
opportunities. In many cases and for many people,
the costs of nutritious imported food are prohibi-
tively high in northern communities. For example,
in 1989 the cost to purchase equivalent amounts of
imported meat in local stores was estimated to be
over $10 000 per Aboriginal household per year
(Usher and Wenzel, 1989). Country food, therefore,
is an economic necessity for many Aboriginal
In a recent study, Kuhnlein et al. (2000) documen-
ted the cultural, socia l and economic benefits of coun-
try food among adult Inuit in five regions of the
Canadian Arctic. Results indicated that z 90% of
1721 respondents believed that harvesting and using
country food by the family:
1. contributes to physical fitness and good health
2. provides people with healthy food
3. favours sharing in the community
4. is an essential part of the culture
5. is an occasion for adults to display responsibility
for their children
6. provides education on the natural environment
7. contributes to children’s educat ion
8. provides skills in survival
9. provides skills in food preparation at home
In addition, the survey reported that interviewees
recognize country food as being significantly more
healthy for children, healthy for pregnant/breast feed-
ing women, tasty and more important to community
life compared to market food. It is clear from the
research initiative by Kuhnlein et al. (2000) that
country food provides multiple social and cultu ral
benefits to Inuit. The effects of losing these benefits
as a result of decreasing use of country food are of
concern in several ways, including increased inci-
dences of diabetes and heart disease, and effects on
mental health (Van Oostdam et al., 1999).
When country food is compromised by contami-
nants, more than Aboriginal peoples’ health is
affected; their economy, culture, spiritual well-being
and way of life are also threatened. The importance
of country food is further stressed by the lack of
healthy, accessible and economically viable nutrition
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246 221
alternatives in many communities and for many
individuals. Many market foods are expensive, of
lower nutritional value and deprive Aboriginal peo-
ple of the cultural and social significance and other
benefits of hunting and consuming country food.
Consequently, the contamination of country food
raises problems which go far beyond the usual con-
fines of public health and cannot be resolved simply
by risk-based health advisories or food substitutions
5.4. Assessment of perceptions of risks, benefits and
safety of country foods
It is widely understood that the public does not see
risk in the same way as technical bexpertsQ (Kasper-
son, 1986; Erikson, 1990; Douglas, 1992) and that
even among experts there are differences in their
judgments of certain risks (Kraus et al., 1992). Indi-
vidual factors such as age, gender, education, occupa-
tion, language, world view, and culture may all
influence the individuals’ perceptions and concerns
about certain hazards (Flynn et al., 1994; Slovic and
Peters, 1995). Also, certain attributes of hazards have
been identified as being strongly influential on the
perception and acceptance of risks among the public.
These factors include: involuntary exposures, uncer-
tainty about probabilities or consequences of expo-
sure, lack of personal experience with the risk (fear of
the unknown), effects of exposure delayed in time,
genetic effects (effects on the next generation), acci-
dents related to anthropogenic activity, unequal dis-
tributed risks and benefits, and the ease of perception
of the associated benefits (Slovic, 1987; Douglas,
1986; Pidgeon et al., 1992).
For the individual, perception is a combination of
personal and collective (i.e., social) factors that influ-
ence the way in which one understands issues, and to
which one reacts and takes acti on at the individual
level (i.e., personal behaviours). It is recogni zed that
the individuals’ basic conceptualizations for risk are
much richer than that of experts and reflect legitimate
concerns that are often omitted from formal risk
assessments (Slovic, 1987). It is for these reasons
that the perceptions of those involved and affected
by a hazard must be considered as they directly
influence the effectiveness of any risk management
decision and action (including communications) taken
to minimize risks and to maximize the benefits of, in
this case, consuming country foods in the North. It is
critical to assess and understand the northern public’s
perception of food-chain contamination and the way
in which this issue is being addressed in order for
decision-makers and risk communicators to design
successful activities to support the reduction of
risks. Better and more effective risk management
processes, decisions and communications help mini-
mize anxiety, build trust, and avoid negative repercus-
sions (e.g., confusion misperception, rejection of
advice, mistrust, and introduction of exposure to indir-
ect risks).
Consideration of public perception in these activ-
ities supports the development of more effective risk
reduction strategies.
5.4.1. Perceptions of risks in the north
With the issue of food-chain contamination by
various organochlorines, heavy metals and radionu-
clides, through primarily long-range transport,
northern people are faced with involuntary exposure
to a different type of hazard, as it is not easily
observed or detected by conventional means.
Furthermore, because of the central importance of
country foods in Aboriginal communities in the
North, even today, understanding and considering
this context is critical to effectively communicating
and managing these issues. Due to the significant
qualitative and symbolic benefits attributed to coun-
try foods in Aboriginal cultures, the perceptions and
concerns related to food contamination are not sim-
ply proportiona l to the level of harvesting and
consumption activities in communities. Reports of
contamination undermine confidence in the environ-
ment as well as in harvesting activities as sources
of individual and collective well-being. These and
other characteristics complicate the management of
this issue, further emphasizing the need to under-
stand public perceptions of this issue and how they
are addressed.
5.4.2. Research on the perceptions of food-chain con-
tamination in the north
Van Oostdam et al. (1999) detailed efforts made in
assessing and collecting both qualitative and quanti-
tative data on the perceptions of environmental con-
taminants among northe rn residents, and related
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246222
activities during Phase I of the NCP. The discussion of
results presented here summarizes this information
and presents any further knowledge gained in this
area to date.
The Sante´ Que´bec (1994) survey assessed percep-
tions of Nunavik residents towards contaminants in
country foods and revealed the high level of aware-
ness (62%) and the desire to know more (87%) about
this issue. Overall, 55% of Nunavik residents consid-
ered country foods to be more healthful and nutritious
than commercial foods, and 21% believed that com-
mercial foods were of higher quality either because
they were better, more modern, or because country
goods were contaminated. These perceptions varied
with age, with the most favourable attitudes towards
country foods being among individuals in the 25- to
45-year-old age group, and the least favourable atti-
tudes among the younger participants. The survey also
indicated that 14% of people reported having changed
their habits upon becoming aware of food-chain con-
tamination. About 11% reduced country food, while
3% discontinued consumption altogether (Dewailly et
al., 1994 ). The survey, however, did not assess the
duration of these changes. Work done by O’Neil et al.
(1997) and Poirier and Brooke (1997) in Nunavik
communities further documented these positive per-
ceptions of country foods. More recent work by
Dewailly et al. (1999) in Salluit found that most
individuals in this community (71%) believe country
food to be bvery good for their healthQ, as was found
by Furgal et al. (1999) among most (91%) of the
Labrador Inuit surveyed in the community of Nain,
who reported their belief in the safety of country
foods. As Nunavik residents state:
bCountry food is preventing you from diseases.
Therefore it is a medicine. When you are sick and
you are trying to gain back your strength, you eat
country food, it’s your medicine.Q (Quaqtaq resident;
O’Neil et al., 1997)
bIn the winter we feel that wild meat is better to
keep warm and for the body to feel good. We even
bring frozen meat with us to eat while we are out
because it is better for maintaining warmth and
vitality out on the land. It is different in this way
from Qallunat food, like chicken and other fry-pan
type foods, because when we eat this we get cold
more easily and become hungry again rather
quickly.Q (Inuit health official; Poirier and Brooke,
Despite the strong belief in the health and safety of
country foods, concern is raised in some regions a bout
the presence of and potential effects of contaminants
on animal and human health, as well as the activities
used to investigate these issues in wildlife (Furgal et
al., 1999; O’Neil et al., 1997). Northerners are con-
cerned a bout the health and well-being of wildlife
(Usher et al., 1995; O’Neil et al., 1997; LIA, 1997;
Poirier and Brooke, 1999; Furgal et al., 1999). As one
Nunavimmiut hunter stated:
bI even discarded a beluga, a fine health, young adult
male at his best becau se I thought it had mercury in
him. He had this noticeable but tiny hole in his skin.
I’d hear somewhere that there were people who
injected mercury into beluga and I was afraid that
this one had been contaminated.Q (Nunavimmiut hun-
ter; Poirier and Brooke, 1997)
In a review of 13 contaminant cases in Aboriginal
communities from Alaska to Nunavik, Usher et al.
(1995) found that a lack of attention and understand-
ing of the perception of contaminants among Abori-
ginal peoples in communication efforts had significant
impacts on the receptiveness and effect of messages
that were delivered to address public concerns. In
most cases, communities were alerted to the possibi-
lity of food-chain contamination only from reports of
animal tissues laboratory results, which were some-
times obtained for purposes not even directly related
to local food safety concerns. With the exception of
cases where there were visible pollution events (e.g.,
Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska) it was only after the
reports of the presence of the contaminant(s) and the
possible toxic effects that residents started to suspect
that previously unexplained events, particularly
abnormalities in animals, fish or humans, might be
related to contaminants (Van Oostdam et al., 1999).
Almost all cases reviewed gave rise to local uncer-
tainty and anxiety, potentially related to the balance of
clear and credible information on toxicity (especially
in cases of chronic but low-level exposure) or bsafeQ
levels. Such concepts, standards, safety factors, and
chronic exposures are all aspects of risk messages that
are difficult and confusing, yet critical to explain in
risk communication exercises. In cases where there
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246 223
has been fairly strong evidence of low risk (e.g.,
cadmium in caribou liver and kidneys) or of benefits
outweighing the risks (e.g., organochlorines in marine
mammal fat), and this is clear ly communicated, the
problem of uncertainty and anxiety appears to have
been minimized (Usher et al., 1995).
The connection between anxiety about potential
health effects from country food consumption and
actual consumption behaviours is complex. Signifi-
cant reductions in country food consumption can
occur when people are informed of binvisible contam-
inantsQ in the local food supply. Yet, invisibility alone
is not the problem, as Aboriginal people have for
years dealt with problems of trichinosis, botulism,
and hypervitaminosis using their experience and tra-
ditional knowledge.
Northerners also regularly report knowing when an
animal is unfit for consumption. These statements are
often based on knowledge of visible abnormalities in
wildlife such as parasitic or other infections. Confu-
sion among these concepts has been reported by
residents in some communities. Participants in a
study conducted in Salluit, Nunavik stated a belief
that organic mercury was caused by a bug, bacteria,
germ or worm (Dewailly et al., 1999). The association
could be made here with a significant amount of work
done in this and other Nunavik communities on tri-
chinosis in walrus. The combination of factors on this
issue means that community residents have only
scientists to trust in confirming the presence of con-
taminants in country food. There is often uncertainty
as to how much to respond to the hazard. They must
rely on individuals using different modes of under-
standing, communication and inquiry, and there are
often competing messages about the nature and extent
of the risks by different experts (Elias and O’Neil,
1995). Works by Usher et al. (1995), O’Neil et al.
(1997) and Poirier and Brooke (1999) show the poten-
tial distrust resulting from this confusion, and the
effects they have on reception of later explanation or
clarification of the situation.
5.4.3. Impacts of these perceptions
Regardless of the knowledge of pollution or con-
taminants, many northerners report that they would
continue to eat country foods despite the advice given
by health officials, because country foods are part of
their culture, lifestyle and health (O’Nei l et al., 1997;
Furgal et al., 1999). Nunavik residents participating in
recent work investigatin g the factors influencing indi-
viduals’ intent to eat country foods (Furgal et al., 2001)
report various advantages to eating country foods,
including: the health and nutritional benefits; the eco-
nomic/cost advantages; as well as aspects of taste and
freshness. These participants and women in the western
Canadian Arctic (Kuhnlein and Dickson, 2001), did not
identify the concern of contaminants or food safety
issues as a factor strongly influencing their choice of
whether or not to eat country foods.
Further work on the potential effects of differing
perceptions and on the public understanding of con-
taminants on individuals’ behaviours conducted in
one Baffin Island community (Clyde River), shows
that some adjustment in hunting activities has
occurred as a result of concern for contaminant in
the local area (Wenzel and Qillaq, 2000). Ongoing
research in Nunavik will shed light on the social
processes involved in risk perception and the effects
of perception on individual health-related behaviours
(Bruneau et al., 2001).
5.5. Risk-benefit characterization
The need for a collaborative, multi-agency
approach in risk assessment and management was
identified in the late 1980s, and has now evolved
into a broad comprehensive framework that is detailed
in this section.
5.5.1. Risk management frameworks
The main objective of the NCP is: to reduce and,
whenever possible, eliminate contaminants in country
foods while providing information that assists
informed decision-making by individuals and commu-
nities in their food use (Van Oostdam et al., 1999). This
could be considered the overriding risk management
goal for all a ctivities under NCP.
The Presidential/Congressional commission on
Risk Assessment and Management presented a very
useful Framework for Environmental Risk Manage-
ment (Fig. 5.5.1) in its final report in 1997. In this
report, principles for risk management decision-mak-
ing were outlined. Among them were:
1. Identifying and clearly characterising the problem
in its public health and ecological context;
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246224
2. Establishing a process that elicits the views of
those affected by the decision, so that different
values and perceptions are considered;
3. Careful analysis of the weight of scientific evi-
dence concerning potential effects to human health
and to the environment; and
4. Considering a range of risk management options.
Health Canada’s updated (1997) risk management
framework descri bed in the document Health Canada
Decision-making Framework for Identifying, Asses-
sing and Managing Risks (Health Canada, 2000), is
similar to the Framework for Environmental Health
Risk Management developed by the Presidential/
Congressional Commission on Risk Assessment
and Risk Management. Guiding principals for risk
management presented in Health Canada’s frame-
work included:
1. maintaining and improving health as a primary
2. involving interested and affected parties;
3. taking a broad perspective;
4. using a collaborative and integrated approach;
5. tailori ng the process to the issue and its context;
6. using the precautionary approach;
7. clearly defining roles, responsibilities and account-
abilities; and
8. striving to make the process trans parent.
Common to both risk management frameworks are
the importance of engaging stakeholders and affected
parties during each phase of the process; the impor-
tance of appropriate and timely risk communication;
and ensuring that the health risks are considered within
the appropriate ecological and pu blic health context.
5.5.2. Problem identification and context
The problem identification and context stage of the
environmental health risk management framework is
extremely important in identifying, assessing and
managing health risks. In this stage the problem is
identified, put into its ecological and public health
context, risk management goals are determined and
stakeholders are identified and engaged. The NCP has
extensive processes in place to en sure that project
proposals are reviewed by all stakeholders and that
goals and objectives are relevant for the NCP and
follow principles set out by the NCP and its partners.
Project proposals are reviewed by Territorial Con-
taminant Committees (TCCs) in the Yukon, NWT,
Nunavut and Nunavik/Labrador. These committees
have representation from local, territorial and federal
governments, community representatives and Abori-
ginal groups. Committee members rank the proposal
in terms of relevance, communication and capacity
building, among other crit eria. Proposals then go to
review committees for human health, socio-cultural
relevance, education and communication, and biolo-
gical monitoring, where more detailed technical
reviews occur. The proposals undergo a final revie w
at the level of the NCP Management Committee.
Stakeholders have the opportunity at several levels
to be engaged in the problem/context stage of the
NCP risk management framework.
A small amount of funding is also available for
locally identified contaminant concerns, such as a
potential contaminated site or wildlife species that
may pose a risk to the health and well-being of
local community members. This is one example
under NCP where those who are affected by the risk
management decisions are directly involved in identi-
fying and characterizing the problem, and in each
subsequent step of the risk management process.
5.5.3. Risk and benefit assessment
Benefit and risk assessment provides the scientific
foundation for risk management decision-making. It
Fig. 5.5.1. Framework for environmental health risk management
(Presidential/Congressional Commission on Risk Assessment and
Risk Management, 1997a,b).
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246 225
involves the careful objective analysis of the weight of
evidence and scientific information on risks and ben-
efits, and thorough consideration of the qualitative
values associated with risk perception, and social,
cultural and spiritual identity.
Benefit and risk assessment includes the identifi-
cation and develo pment of options to manage the
health risk. Under the NCP framework, the assess-
ment of risks and benefits is undertaken in a multi-
disciplinary fashion with participation from research-
ers, severa l levels of government, and community
representatives. This process evolves as new scientific
information on health outcomes, nutritional, socio-
cultural and economic benefits, and risk perception
becomes available.
Under the NCP, benefit and risk assessmen t is
undertaken on a case-by-case basis and involves
both scientific evidence and good judgement. Risks
are assessed by Health Canada using their risk assess-
ment process (Health Canada, 1993, 1994, 2000), and
in recent years also by the Centre for Indigenous
Peoples’ Nutrition and Environment (CINE). The
risk assessment process used for assessing the
human health implications of country food consum p-
tion in Arctic comm unities was described in detail in
the CACAR-I (Van Oostdam et al., 1999), and is
summarized in the following text. Risk assessment. There is no universal defi-
nition of health risk. It has been defined as: the prob-
ability that a substance or event will produce harm
under specific conditions (US EPA, 1997). Risk arises
from exposure to a harmful substance or event and
depends on whether that substance or situation can
cause harm. Risk is determined by the careful con-
sideration of the nature, likelihood, and severity of
adverse effects on human health and the environment.
What must be understood is that risk is complex and
multifaceted. It does not mean the same thing to all
people, and perceptions of risk are important in both
risk assessment and management, and in related
Risk assessment is the process wherein information
is gathered and analyzed to determine the likelihood
that a specific adverse health effect will occur in an
individual or populatio n following exposure to a hazar-
dous agent. This process often establishes a best esti-
mate of the risk as there are often gaps in information.
The Health Canada risk assessment process con-
sists of four steps: 1) hazard identification; 2) hazard
characterization; 3) exposure assessment; and 4) risk
Hazard identification and characterization are based
on toxicological studies conducted in laboratories and/
or epidemiological studies to establish dose–response
relationships for contaminants. This invol ves gather-
ing information on what type of adverse health effects
might be expected as a result of exposure to the agent,
and how quickly these effects might be experienced.
The no-obs erved-adverse effect-level or NOAEL, is
the dose at which no biologically adverse effects are
observed in the study population as compared to the
control population.
After the identification of the appropriate NOAELs
and uncertainty factors, exposure guidelines (accepta-
ble or tolerable daily intakes, provisional tolerable
daily or weekly intakes: ADI/TDI/pTDI/pTWI) can
be calculated by dividing the NOAEL by the uncer-
tainty factor. The uncertainty factors adjust for the
inter- and intra-species variation between and within
animal and human populations. These intakes when
averaged over the course of the entire human life
span are thought to represent the exposur e for humans
that is without appreciable risk of adverse health
effects, based on the available information (Van Oost-
dam et al., 1999). These guidelines are reviewed when
new toxicological and epidemiolo gical information
becomes available, as was the case for mercury and
for the pTDI for women of childbearing age and for
children established in 1998 (Health Canada, 1998).
To estimate risk, contaminant levels in country
foods are used to estimate the probable daily intake
(PDI). The PDI is calculated by multiplying the aver-
age contaminant concentration in a food by the esti-
mated daily intake of the food and this number is then
divided by the average body weight of the consumer.
The PDI is then compared to the exposure guideline
value for the particular contaminant in question to
estimate risk. If the PDI exceeds the TDI, then advice
to limit consumption may be issued, and risk manage-
ment decisions need to be considered. Risk character-
ization, benefit assessment, and the identification and
evaluation of risk management options are completed
by the Territorial Health agencies and their partners.
These processes often involve the multi-stakeholder
contaminant committees established under NCP in
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246226
each territory and in the northern provincial regions of
Nunavik (Que´bec) and Labrador.
Different risk assessment procedures are used for
substances determined to be genoto xic carcinogens. A
more conservative approach is taken where no expo-
sure level is considered to be free of risk. Animal and/or
human study data are used to mathematically predict
the exposure effect on various cancer risks, with risks
usually assessed as one additional cancer per 100,000
population (10
risk) or one additional cancer per
million (10
risk) (Van Oostdam et al., 1999).
In recent years, the Centre for Indigenous Peoples’
Nutrition and Environment (CINE) at McGill Uni-
versity has been active in assessing risks and benefits
associated with country food consumption. For
example, a risk characterization of arsenic in berries
in the Akaitcho Territory, as was toxaphene in fish
from Fort McPherson, NWT (Stephens and Chan,
2001) was completed. CINE assesses risks using a
process similar to that previously described, but with
a significant difference, in that they use information
from dietary studies they have conducted under the
NCP across northern Canada. These dietary studies
(Receveur et al., 1996, 1998; Kuhnlein et al., 2000)
provide consumption informat ion by community, by
sex and age group, and by season. In addition, these
studies present information on the nutritional benefits
of country foods being consumed, on the cultural and
social significance of country foods and on risk
perceptions. Benefit assessment. Comparing the quanti-
tative risks with primarily qualitative benefits asso-
ciated with country food is very challenging. Attempts
have been made to assess the nutritional benefits of
country food and to qualify the social/cultural bene-
fits. However, a formal quantitative methodology to
weigh and compare the many benefits associated with
the health risks of a diet of fish and wildlife has not
been established. For example, it has been well
demonstrated that fish consumption has significant
health benefits in reducing cardiovascular disease
among northern populations. Benefits are assessed
and relative risks related to the benefits are consid-
ered, as are perceptions of risk.
Benefits are often assessed at the territorial or local
level. Territorial Health Departments and TCCs (or
sub-committees of these groups) come together to
discuss benefits, and the other determinants involved
in the risk characterization. Information on the bene-
fits of country food consumption gained from research
activities is considered, and local Aboriginal represen-
tatives are included in the meeting to ensure that their
knowledge and perspectives are included. Local repre-
sentatives are best positioned to consider the socio-
cultural and economic importance of specific country
food items in the region of concern.
5.5.4. Risk characterization
Risk characterization provides a key source of
information for risk management decision-making.
It is a process where the uncertainty and assump-
tions that were used in the risk analysis are evalu-
ated and the strength of scien tific evidence for health
effects associated with the contam inant is consid-
ered. Risk characterization involves the use of reli-
able scientific information from a range of
disciplines (e.g., biology, physiology, economics,
and social sciences) and shoul d provide opportu-
nities for discussion and deliberation. Scientific
uncertainties, related assumptions, potential impacts
on decision-making and health-related needs are
carefully considered. The success of the risk char-
acterization process depends on the participation of
interested and affected parties in discussions, so that
they may understand and participate effectively in
the risk management process.
Within the NCP risk management framework,
risk characterization is discu ssed by risk assessors,
risk managers, health authorities, Aboriginal groups,
community or regional representatives, territorial and
federal governments and researchers. Risks are char-
acterized and discussed within the same forum in
which health benefits and risk management options
are discussed. Risk assessors and scientists provide
information on the uncertainties and assumptions
that are associated with the TDIs and ADIs for
various contaminants and on the strength of evi-
dence for health effects associated with a particular
contaminant. Researchers provide information on
covariables for studies to assess all factors that
may have had an influence on outcomes of a
study. Territorial government and community repre-
sentatives, local health author ities, Abor iginal groups
and other interested parties help to ensure that all
health-related questions of concern are answered and
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246 227
that the risk characterization has put the risk in the
proper perspective.
5.5.5. Assumptions/uncertainties of concern
The effects of chronic low-dose exposure in
human popula tions remain controversial because of
the inconsistency of findings among different studies
and populations. Moreover, multiple factors such as
smoking, substance abuse, nutrition and pre-existing
health status can potentially affect the development
of health effects associated with a particular contami-
nant. Addition al considerations must include the fact
that most country foods contain many toxic metal or
organochlorine contaminants (Chan et al., 1995,
1997; Kuhnlein et al., 1995c; Berti et al., 1998a).
Risk characterization of multiple chemical exposures
poses a major challenge for risk managers, as most
risk assessments address only single chemicals.
Information on toxicologic interactions of environ-
mental contaminants is limited. However, there is
ample evidence sugges tive of supra-additive and
infra-additive interactions among environmental con-
taminants (Krishnan and Brodeur, 1994). Research is
being conducted under the NCP to gain a better
understanding of toxicologic interactions between
contaminants and between nutrients and contami-
nants. However, research has not progressed far
enough to allow this to be included in the present
risk characterizations.
5.5.6. Weighing benefits and risks—challenges in
After the risks are characterized and the nature and
extent of uncertainty and assumptions are understood,
the characterized risk must be weighed and compared
with the known and potential benefits. Risks and
benefits are discussed and weighed in a multi-agency
forum, with participation from risk assessors, risk
managers, health authorities, Aboriginal governments,
and community or regional representatives, territorial
and federal governments and researchers. It is impor-
tant to have as much technical and non-technical
information as possible on which to base the compar-
ison of risks and benefits, and to consider the per-
spectives and interests of all affected parties. These
working groups or committees must take on the chal-
lenging task of considering the uncertainty associated
with the health risks, the difficulty in comparing
quantitative risks with qualitative benefits, and the
consideration of other associated health risks and
issues in the region.
5.5.7. Option analysis/evaluation
Once risks have been characterized, risk manage-
ment options can then be identified and evaluated. At
this stage, the specific nature of regional issues must
be considered, and public perceptions, uncertainties,
and the social, economic and cultural consequences of
the options are to be taken into careful consideration.
Under the NCP, the identification and evaluation of
risk management options occur at the level of the
Territorial Contaminants Committees, or a sub-set of
these in the form of a Heal th Advisory Working
Group. Those invol ved in identifying and analyzing
risk management options include: territorial or pro-
vincial health authorities, Aboriginal groups, scien-
tists, risk assessors (Health Canada or CINE)
community or regional repres entatives, environmental
health officers, nutritionists and local and /or federal
government representatives. It is within these groups
that benefits are identified, assessed and compared to
risks; assumptions and uncertainties associated with
the risks are discussed; and local perceptions of risks
are considered.
It is important that options are identified with the
wide rage of interested and affected parties, because
the responsibility for managing the risk is often
shared, and various organizations may be involved
in implementing the selected strategy. Interested and
affected parties can help to identify criteria for ana-
lyzing options by providing requi red information,
participating in the analyses, and providing advice
as to whether the results of the analysis are acceptable
and help to redefine risk management goals as
When analyzing potential risk management strate-
gies, the following are considered: risks vs. benefits;
expected costs of implementing the plan; available
resources; unintended consequ ences (creation of new
risks, or unwanted social, cultural, ethical, environ-
mental and other indirect health impacts); and the
perceptions, concerns and values of interested and
affected parties. Risk management options relevant to
the issue of contaminants in country food can include:
regulatory measures (at local or international level); the
release of consumption advice or identification of alter-
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246228
native food sources; education and communication
strategies to help people make informed decisions; or
not taking action when action is not required.
5.5.8. Selecting a risk management option
The results of the optio n analysis are used to select
the most appropriate risk management option or
options. Selecting an appropriate risk management
strategy is always a challeng e because complete infor-
mation is often not available. Uncertainty factors relat-
ing to the intake values (TDI/ADI) may be large,
making it difficult to accurately characterize the risk
for particular contaminants. Data on dietary exposures
may be limited and actual exposures may be lower than
estimated. Good information on risk perceptions may
also not be available.
There have been several cases for the Canadian
Arctic wher e recommendations to continue consuming
country foods have been made despite the potential risk
of adverse effects from exposure to contaminants. The
benefits of continued consumption are great, and there
is uncertaint y associated with the assessment of risk.
All individuals are exposed to mixtures of contami-
nants, not sole contaminants as health risk assessments
assume; there is evidence of interaction between nutri-
ents and contaminants. In addition, the assessments are
based on daily consumption levels over a lifetime,
which are not consistent with the largely seasonal diet
of northern Aboriginal peoples.
5.5.9. Implementation
Once the preferred risk management option is
selected, a strategy for its implementation is developed.
All affected parties need to participate in developing
the management strategy. A protocol is established for
the release of information related to contaminants in a
prompt and understandable way. The communication
of information must take into consideration cultural
differences, language differences, and other potential
barriers to comprehension such as individual percep-
tion of risk. Personal perception of risk can have a
significant impact on personal and community reaction
to the information presented (Van Oostdam et al.,
5.5.10. Monitoring and evaluating the decision
Once a risk management decision has been made, its
implementation is carefully monitored and evaluated to
see if it is appropriate and effective. If implementation
problems occur, or if knowledge of the hazard or the
risk changes, the decision should be revie wed. This
step is extremely important and illustrates how the
process of risk management is an evolving process
and is subject to change as new information about the
situation is learned and assessed. This approach must
be continually modified to suit each situation and each
community (Van Oostdam et al., 1999).
5.6. Risk and benefit communication
Effective communication is fundamental to the aims
of the NCP. Northerners must have appropriate infor-
mation on the contaminant risks, and nutritional bene-
fits to make informed decisions about the harvesting
and consumption of country food. Communicating risk
and benefit information in a balanced, clear, accessible
and meaningful way to northern communities requires
sound and accurate technical information as well as
respect for and understanding of the knowledge, per-
ceptions, concerns and priorities of northerners. Thus,
benefit and risk communication of the potentially sen-
sitive environmental health information generated
under the NCP presents its own unique set of consid-
erations and challenges, and has been a focus of
resources, efforts and research during NCP-II.
Communicating about contaminants is typically a
challenging process in the North, due to part nature of
the subject matter. Stiles and Usher (1998) acknowl-
edge that messages describing risk are the most diffi-
cult ones to generate. There is a fundamental
difference between the quantitative way in which
risk assessment results are characterized and the qua-
litative terms with which the general public thinks
about risks. While health professionals are accus-
tomed to risk calculations given as probabilities with
built-in uncertainty factors, people receiving the mes-
sage generally want definitive, clear-cut answers to
the question of bWhat does it mean to me?Q or bIs my
food safe to eat?Q. This requires that technical termi-
nology be put into plain language, whether be it
English, French or the Aboriginal language under-
stood by the audience; that visual representations of
risk avoid the use of complex data graphs and figures;
and that the messages be developed and delivered
with consideration for the cultures and knowledge
systems of Aboriginal peoples.
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246 229
The contextual, technical, social and procedural
challenges for communicators associated with these
differences were reported in detail in CACAR-I (Va n
Oostdam et al., 1999) and by Usher et al. (1995), and
reiterated in more recent work by Lampe et al. (2000)
and Furgal et al. (2005). These reports emphasize the
fact that within the cultures of northern Aboriginal
peoples, the environment, including the foods that it
offers, is a defining element of identity and overall
well-being. Country foods are more than a source of
nutrition. It is an important source of economic, cul-
tural, social and spiritual well-being. Practical alter-
natives to country food are also not readily accessible
to many northerners due to the associated costs and
availability. Communicators must thus be sensitive
and aware that any information that leads to a disrup-
tion of country food production, sharing and con-
sumption patterns of northern comm unities has the
potential to affect the northern way of life and the
social fabric that keeps communities healthy, active
and sustainable.
Effective risk and benefit communication is a pro-
cess, not simply a product (Usher et al., 1995). Ideally,
it is a dialogue: an ongoing two-way or multi-direc -
tional exchange of information, perspectives, ideas
and feelings among individuals that creates and fos-
ters opportunities for feedback and mutual learning.
Effective risk and benefit communication use various
media (e.g., reports, pamphlets, posters and audio–
video materials), not to substitute face-to-face discus-
sion, but to complement, enhance and facilitate dia-
logue and exchange. Ideally, too, it will portray a
situation accurately such that recipients of the infor-
mation will have a sound and shared appreciation of
the issue at hand and its solutions, and will feel
empowered to take action or make informed choices
(Van Oostdam et al., 1999). Practical guidelines for
developing communications materials specific to var-
ious media and delivering presentations to northern
audiences have been developed by Stiles and Usher
(1998) and Lampe et al. (2000), and in-depth assess-
ment of NCP communications materials and methods
can be found in the Knowledge in Action publication
(see Furgal et al., 2003 for more details).
An appreciation o f the profound importance of
effective communication was gained through the
experiences of early communications efforts that fell
short of the ideal. These instances made it evident that
misguided communications efforts, however well-
intended, can and have led to significant impacts,
both direct and indirect, intentional and unintentional,
among the affected populations. The implications of
poor risk communication of contaminants in country
food and recommendations for improving communi-
cation efforts are becoming well documented (Wheat-
ley and Wheatley, 1981; Usher et al., 1995; Powell
and Leiss, 1997; Van Oostdam et al., 1999; Lampe et
al., 2000; Furgal et al., 2005). In their revie w of 13
instances since the 1970s of dealing with contam inant
issues in Aboriginal communities, Usher et al. (1995)
reported that deficient communications efforts on
environmental contaminant had left communities feel-
ing anxious, angry and confused and disrupted social
and cultural aspects of life relat ed to harvesting and
consumption of country food.
Usher et al. (1995) reported that 3 years following
the completion of follow-up studies, residents were
still anxious about the health risk posed by PCBs, and
attributed many of their health problems, including
cancer, suicides and premature births, to these con-
taminants. Hunters in one community had also shifted
their seal hunting areas more distant from a perceived
area of contamination (Wenzel and Qillaq, 2000). In
this case, the communication process had begun in
earnest by the researchers, through seeking appropri-
ate permission to conduct the study and informing
residents by co mmunity radio. Several factors, how-
ever, compounded to create the communication crisis.
This may have been averted through a more careful
consideration of the particula r risk and benefit trade-
offs of country food consumption, and by a thorough
communication plan developed in cooperation with
the community using funds allocated for communica-
tion activities (Usher et al., 1995; Powell and Leiss,
The practice of risk communication related to con-
taminants in northern country food has changed over
the past two decades, building upon lessons learned
along the way. This parallels loose ly what Powell and
Leiss (1997) describe as three distinct stages in the
evolution of risk communication:
1. The early days focussed on the quantitative and
comparative expressions of risk estimates;
2. The next phase adopted additional aspects of
enhancing the credibility of the source and mes-
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246230
sage by building trust through public discussion
and developing messages based on unde rstanding
the information needs, perceptions and concerns of
the audience;
3. The current efforts further emphasized the social
context of risk management by building effective
stakeholder relationships through long-term orga-
nizational commitments to practising responsible
risk communication.
In terms of the NCP, this has meant a transition from
risk communication to risk-benefit communication;
that is, from delivery of risk assessment results to
ongoing two-way dialogue on the benefits and risks
associated with the issue. Risks are placed within the
context of the nutritional, social, cultural, economic
and spiritual benefits of consuming country food, and
within a greater public health context relating to general
health and well-being. In place of one-way models of
message dissemination, NCP-II strove toward shared
decision-making through partnerships involving terri-
torial and regional contaminants/health comm unities
and representatives of Aboriginal organisations at all
stages of the risk management and risk communication
process. As a result of these changes, there has also
been a shift away from health authorities issuing advi-
sories to providing general advice which is discu ssed
and delivered by individuals who are trusted in the
community, using various formats and materials.
To support the shared decision-making process for
benefit and risk communication, the NCP established
various protocols and supports networks in all north-
ern regions. In the Yukon, NWT and Nunavut, the
Territorial Contaminants Committees, whose mem-
bers included representatives of Aboriginal organiza-
tions and Territorial Health Departments, determine
the applicability of Health Canada recommendations
to northerners and devise an appropriate communica-
tion plan for the release of the information. Depending
on the significance of the risk assessment results, the
information may be released through a number of
methods, including a press release, radio phone-in
shows, and various forms of print media. The Terri-
torial Health Departments, in association with the
regional Aboriginal organizations, take the lead in
ensuring that people receive the appropriate informa-
tion. Similar processes are in place in Nunavik and
Labrador, involving, respec tively, the Nunavik Re-
gional Board of Health and Social Services in con-
sultation with the Nunavik Nutrition and Health
Committee, and the Labrador Inuit Association and
Labrador Inuit Health Commission in consultation
with the relevant health authority.
6. Conclusions
The key objectives of this paper are to assess the
impact of exposure to current levels of environmental
contaminants in the Canadian Arctic on human health,
and to identify the data and knowledge gaps that need
to be filled by future human health research and
6.1. Aboriginal perspectives on food and health and
interpretation of research results
Traditional/country foods are an integral compo-
nent of good health among Aboriginal peoples, and
their social, cultural, spiritual, nutritional and eco-
nomic benefits must be considered in concert with
the risks of exposure to environmental contaminants
via consumption of traditional/country foods.
Persistent environmental contaminants such as
PCBs, toxaphene, DDT and mercury biomagnify and
bioaccumulate in the food chain. Because a substantial
proportion of the Aboriginal diet consists of tradi-
tional/country food, Aboriginal peoples have a greater
contaminant exposure than non-Aboriginal peoples or
people in southern Canada. Traditional/country food is
an economic necessity for many Aboriginal peoples,
and provides additional benefits beyond the activity of
hunting itself, as it is the tie that binds Aboriginal
peoples together and allows the sharing and teaching
of their traditional social and cultural values.
In assessing causal associations between findings
in any epidemiological or toxicological study the
following factors must be considered: strength and
magnitude of the association, consistency of the asso-
ciation, dose–response relationship, temporally cor-
rect association, and biological plausibility of the
association. Determining the adverse human health
effects due to the presence of contaminants in tradi-
tional/country foods is very difficult as many factors
contribute to the health of an individual and in fact
contaminants may only play a modest role in deter-
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246 231
mining an individual’s health status. Factors such as
lifestyle (e.g., alcohol consumption, smok ing, and
substance abuse), diet, socioeconomic status and
genetic predisposition need to be considered when
evaluating the results in this report.
6.2. Exposure assessment
A recent assessment of the average weekly fre-
quency of consumption of main traditional/country
food items in Dene and Me´tis, Yukon, and Inuit
communities has shown a very wide range of these
foods, including more than 250 different species of
wildlife, plants and animals. Regional differences in
species used most frequently are due to ecosystem
variety and cultural preferences Traditional/coun try
food use for women and men 20–40 years of age is
highest in Inuit communities, followed by Dene and
Me´tis of the NWT and then First Nations people of
the Yukon. It was also noted that for Can adian
Inuit, intakes of traditional/country food do not
seem to have significantly changed in the last 20
Inuit mothers have oxychlordane and trans-nona-
chlor levels that are 6–12 times higher than those in
Caucasians, Dene and Me´tis or Other mothers, with
Baffin Inuit mothers having the highest levels. Simi-
lar patterns were observ ed for PCBs, HCB, mirex
and toxaphene. Levels of h-HCH are 5–12 times
higher among the Other mothers than in Inuit, Cau-
casians or Dene and Me´tis mothers, while DDE
levels in the Other mothers are also roughly 3–6
times higher. This higher exposure may be due to
the fact that the Other mothers consists of people
whose exposure may be related to their possible
African or East Asian country of origin or foods
imported from these regions. PCBs are a major con-
taminant of concern in the Arctic. Inuit mothers have
the highest levels of PCBs compared to Caucasians,
Dene and Me´tis and the Other mothers, with Baffin
Inuit having the highest levels. Caucasians mothers
from the NWT have slightly higher levels of total
TCDD–TEQs (dioxins and furans and dioxin-like
PCBs) than Inuit or Dene mothers. The relative
contributions of dioxins and furans and dioxin-like
PCBs to the total TCDD–TEQs are very different in
the three groups. Among Inuit mothers dioxin-like
PCBs account for 80% of the total TCDD–TEQs,
while for Caucasian mothers its only 27%; Dene
mothers have a relatively equal contribution from
both sources.
Recent research has revealed significantly higher
levels of organic mercury in maternal blood of Inuit
women compared to Caucasian, Dene and Me´tis, or the
Other group. Nunavik and Baffin Inuit have higher
levels in maternal/cord blood than those seen in the
Kitikmeot, Kivalliq and Inuvik regions. Mercury levels
in Salluit resident’s vary markedly from year to year
due to variation in availability of traditional/country
foods, but recent tissue levels are similar to the levels
found in the late 1970s.
Research on lead isotope signatures has shown that
the slightly elevated blood lead levels among some of
the Inuit groups and the Dene and Me´tis are likely due
to the use of lead shot in hunting of traditional/country
foods, and thus its presence in consumed wild game.
Blood cadmium levels are roughly 1.5 to 5 times higher
among Inuit than in Dene and Me´tis, Caucasians, and
Other. This difference is likely due to the high rate of
smoking among Inuit mothers and the high cadmium
content in Canadian tobacco.
Radiocesium entered the atmosphere as a result of
atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons. Since the
CACAR-I (Van Oostdam et al., 1999), measurements
of radiocesium levels in Canadian caribou herds
have shown that levels are now considered insignif-
icant and are continuing to decrease, with an ecolo-
gical half-life of about 10 years. The radionuclides
lead-210 and polonium-210 are naturally occurring
and supply most of the radiation dose to consumers
of traditional food. These radionuclides have been
present in the Arctic envir onment for thousands of
years at more or less the same concentrations as
today and accumulate in the lichen–caribou–human
food chain. Current estimates of polonium exposure
would give a radiation dose of 3 to 4 mSv/year to a
high consumer of caribou meat over and above
normal background radiation exposure of 2 to 3
6.3. Toxicology
In experimental studies, to clarify the potential
toxicity of toxaphene, a no-observed-effect-level
(NOEL) of 0.1 mg toxaphene/kg bw/day was found
for non-human primates regarding immunological
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246232
effects. These findings support those seen in rodents
where doses were 10 times higher (no NOEL was
found in these studies). In certain Arctic populations,
toxaphene residues are within the same range as the
experimental studies where effects on immune func-
tion and infant size have been observed. While more
information is needed on the carcinogenic and endo-
crine-disruptive capacity of toxaph ene, new and forth-
coming information will be useful in a re-assessment
of the toxicity and provisional tolerable daily intake
(pTDI) of this chemical.
The pattern of chlordane-related residue accumu-
lation in humans parallels that seen in the highest
levels of the Arctic marine food chain. Estimated
chlordane intake values for Arctic residents vary
from levels below the Health Canada pTDI to levels
approaching or exceeding the higher US EPA TDI,
depending on marine mammal fat consumption.
More research is required on to clarify the risk
that chlordane poses to human health. Based on
the latest rodent studies at Health Canada, a thor-
ough risk assessment with the goal of re-assessing
the TDI should take into account that the major
chlordane metabolite oxychlordane is almost 10-
fold more toxic than the parent chlordanes and
nonachlors, and that trans-nonachlor and oxychlor-
dane are among the more bioaccumulative chlordane
There is some evidence that dietary nutrients
such as polyunsaturated fatty acids, fish protein,
and selenium may interact with methylmercury toxi-
city at least on the mechanistic level. The two
former nutrients may be protective against methyl-
mercury neurotoxicity; however, there is no conclu-
sive evidence of such an effect. Selenium has been
the main nutritional factor considered by epidemio-
logical and clinical studies to date. No epidemiolo-
gical studies, however, have ever shown a
correlation between selenium intake and the occur-
rence or absence of symptoms for methylmercury
intoxication. There are also inconsistencies in the
protective effects seen in animal studies, and the
role of selenium remains to be confirmed. In animal
studies, selenium alone did not provide protection
against fetal mortality caused by in utero methyl-
mercury treatment, while vitamin E alone and the
combination of vitamin E and selenium treatments
6.4. Epidemiology and biomarkers
Neurobehavioural effects of perinatal exposure to
environmental contaminants are best studied in pro-
spective longitudinal cohort studies starting during
pregnancy because there are numerous other determi-
nants of infant and child development that need to be
documented and are best assessed during pregnancy or
at birth. Examples of these determinants are prenat al
exposure to alcohol, drugs and tobacco; exposure to
other environmental contaminants such as lead; and
intake of nutrients such as selenium and omega-3 poly-
unsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) during pregnancy.
For methylmercury, the Faroe Islands study appears
to be the most useful to extrapolate results to the
Canadian Arctic [exposure to PCBs and mercury, simi-
lar sources (e.g., marine mammals), intake of omega-3
polyunsaturated fatty acids]. Differences remain, such
as the genetic profile, a higher intake of selenium
among Inuit, and a different pattern of exposure
(peaks). Detailed analyses provide some evidence
that the neurobehavioural deficits identified are the
effects of methylmercury and not the consequence of
exposure to PCBs.
In Nunavik, otitis media (middle ear infection)
during the first year of life was associated with pre-
natal exposure to p,pV-DDE, HCB and dieldrin.
Furthermore, the relative risk of recurrent otitis
media increased with prenatal exposure to these com-
pounds. To date, the ongoing Nunavik study supports
the hypothesis that the high incidence of infections
observed in Inuit children (mostly respiratory infec-
tions) maybe due in part to high prenatal exposure to
POPs, although definitive conclusions need to await
final adjustment for important possible confounders
(e.g., parental smoking, and vitamin A).
The strength of the negative association of PCBs
on birth weight for newborns in northern Que´bec was
comparable to the associations with prenatal exposure
to alcohol and smoking during pregnancy. The nega-
tive effects of prenatal PCB exposure on birth weight
and duration of pregnancy could still be demonstrated
despite the beneficial effects of omega-3 fatty acids
from the traditional/country diet. The ongoing Nuna-
vik cohort study should help to shed more light on
contaminant exposure and potential related health
effects in the areas of neurodevelopment and immune
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246 233
6.5. Risk and benefit characterization, assessment and
The primary contaminants of concern in the con-
text of traditional/country food consumption in Arctic
Canada are the persistent organic pollutants PCBs,
chlordane and toxaphene, the toxic metal mercury
and naturally occurring radionuclides.
In recent dietary surveys among five Inuit regions
(Baffin, Inuvialuit, Kitikmeot, Kivalliq and Labra-
dor), mean intakes by 20- to 40-year-old adults in
Baffin, Kivalliq and Inuvialuit communities exceeded
the pTDIs for chlordane and toxaphene. High con-
sumers (95th percentile) of traditional/country foods
are exceeding the pTDIs by many-fold for toxaphene,
chlordane, and PCBs. The Inuit populations that had
the greatest exceedance of the pTDIs also had the
greatest exceedance of the PCB maternal blood
In one Inuit community, Qikiqtarjuaq (Broughton
Island), Nuna vut intakes of organochlorines including
PCBs, chlordane, and toxaphene were higher in 1998–
1999 than in 19 87–1988, particularly among the high-
end consumers (95th percentil e). While the organo-
chlorine concentrations used for the estimations were
similar, variations in the amounts of certain tradi-
tional/country foods consumed likely account for
this difference.
Mercury is the toxic metal of greatest concern in
the Canadian Arctic. Dietary intakes of mercury were
similar in the two surveys conducted in 1987–1988
and 1998–1999, indicating that there has been little
change in dietary pattern and/or mercury concentra-
tions in traditional/country foods. Based on the excee-
dances of the provisional tolerable daily intake (pTDI)
and of various blood guidelines, mercury, and to a
lesser extent lead (from use of lead shot in hunting of
game), may be a significant conce rn among Arctic
peoples. It may be easier to change peoples’ use of
lead shot, as the users of the shot are also the con-
sumers of the wild game. For mercury, the connection
between those affected in the North and sources of
pollution in the south is not as direct and it may be
more difficult to institute appropriate pollution abate-
ment measures.
There is mounting evidence that a threshold may
exist for radiation-induced cancer and this threshold
may be equal to or greater than 100 mSv. The issue is
of significance to northerners, who were exposed in
the past to nuclear weapons fallout, or who have
slightly higher exposures due to caribou meat con-
sumption. Even if one assumes that the linear no-
threshold hypothesis is correct, the risk of continued
consumption of caribou meat is very small. A max-
imum radiation dose rate at presen t is estimated to be
about 3 to 4 mSv/ year. The only way to reduce these
radiation doses further would be to restrict caribou
meat consumption, which woul d deny northerners the
nutritional, social and cultural benefits of this impor-
tant traditional/country food.
The nutritional benefits of traditional/country food
and its contribution to the total diet are substantial,
although only 6–40% of total dietary energy may be
from this food source. Research findings are consis-
tent across the Canadian Arctic and confirm that
decreasing traditional/country food in the diet is likely
to have negative health consequences, in part through
the corresponding increase in tota l fat, saturated fat
and sucros e above recommended levels. Traditional/
country food also contributes significantly more pro-
tein, iron and zinc to the diets of Inuit children than
imported foods.
Effective communication is fundamental to the
aims of the NCP. Communication efforts incorporate
Aboriginal knowledge on the nutritional benefits and
risks associated with the consumption of traditional/
country foods and of imported foods, and on the
importance of a traditional lifestyle to overall health
and well-being. These efforts provide northerners with
the appropriate information to make more informed
decisions about harvesting and consumption of both
traditional/country and imported foods, and also to
avoid some of the mistakes of earlier communication
efforts related to environmental contaminants.
No one method of communication is best, but what
is needed is a variety of methods and materials appro-
priate to communities in different regions and specific
to groups within each community, all aimed at p rovid-
ing opportunities for two-way exchanges of informa-
tion and allowing an understanding of the issue to
develop. This builds a collective comprehension of
benefits and risks, as well as the limitati ons of the
scientific assessment.
The practice of risk communication has changed
over the past two decades, building upon lessons
learned along the way. In place of one-way models of
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246234
message dissemination, NCP-II strove toward shared
decision-making through partnerships involving Ter-
ritorial Health Departments and regional contami-
nants/health committees, community representatives
and representatives of Aboriginal organizations at
all stages of the risk management and risk commu-
nication process.
7. Knowledge gaps
7.1. Exposure assessment
Continued monitoring and assessment of the fre-
quency of consumption of traditional/country foods
in a limited number Dene and Me´tis, First Nations,
and Inuit communities is needed to identify any
significant changes in consumption patterns. Focus
needs to be placed on communities with the highest
exposure but must include an assessment of regional
The monitoring of organochlorines in human tis-
sues does not have a long history in the Canadian
Arctic, and continued monitoring of tissue levels is
needed to determine contaminant trends. Special
attention should be given to oxychlordane, trans-
nonachlor, HCB, mirex, toxaphene, PCBs, and mer-
cury, especially among the Inuit of Nunavut and
Nunavik. There may be systematic differences
among subgroups in these regions, and more data
are needed.
Although there is a longer history of Arctic envir-
onmental monitoring of mercury, than of organo-
chlorines differences in sampling strategies have
made any conclusions on trends very tenuous. Reg-
ular monitoring of tissue levels among communities
with a range of exposures for mercury and selenium
is advisable.
Ongoing concern about the effects of naturally
occurring polonium-210 in northern food chains
has led to a research project looking at the evi-
dence of damage from this radionuclide in cul-
tured human and animal cells using advanced
techniques in molecular biology. This work needs
to be completed, as the detection of these effects
could serve as an early warning, long before any
overt health effects occur or alleviate unfounded
Focussed monitoring of traditional/country food
consumption in specific Arctic communities through
surveys of dietary intakes of environmental contami-
nants, particularly of organochlorines (e.g., PCBs,
chlordane, toxaphene) will help to provide more
spatial and temporal data on changes in dietary
patterns or contaminant concentrations in food. Com-
munities with high traditional/country food consump-
tion and a range of contaminant exposures need to be
Surveys of dietary intake in one Inuit community
have shown that mercury exposures were similar in
1987–1988 and 1999, thus implying little change in
dietary pattern or mercury concent ration in food.
However, monitoring in a range of communities
would provide additional data points on which to
base firmer conclusions.
7.2. Toxicology
More research is needed on the bioaccumul ation
and/or metabolism of toxaphene congeners by aquatic
and terrestrial organisms, including human, in order to
ascertain the number of congeners present in
btoxapheneQ and in the environment; to clarify their
specific toxicity (e.g., immunological effects, infant
size, mutagenicity and genotoxicity, and endocrine
effects); and the appropriate TDI for these congeners.
The most relevant toxi cological issues to be
addressed in future research on chlordane contami-
nants are the relationship between tissue levels in
humans and in experimental animals, and the occur-
rence of specific functional changes, including but not
limited to immune suppression. Since trans-nonachlor
and oxychlordane appear to be present at higher levels
in marine mammal tissues than are other chlordane-
related contaminants, it would be useful if future
human exposure assessments focussed on trans-non-
achlor and oxychlordane tissue levels.
Additional experimental animal and in vitro studies
on the toxicological effects of complex organochlor-
ine mixtures should also include assessment of the
interactions between substances that may result in
antagonism, additivity, or synergism and identification
of compounds responsible for toxic effects. Particular
attention needs to be paid to in utero and lactational
exposure and developmental, reproductive effects,
and immunological effects.
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246 235
It is clear that there is a need for more studies
designed specifically to address the role of nutrition
in the metab olism and detoxification of methylmer-
cury. It is also important to collect more detailed
dietary information in future epidemiological studies
of methylmercury exposure. A controlled human
study on effects of various nutrients such as omega-
6 fatty acids, selenium and vitamin E on methylmer-
cury toxicokinetics will be useful to confi rm the
results obtained from the animal experiments.
7.3. Epidemiology
The Nunavik cohort study should allow differentia-
tion of the specific deficits attributable to PCBs and
those associated with mercury, since the cord blood
PCB-mercury intercorrelation is low. With the estab-
lishment of a prospective Arctic birth-cohort, there will
be opportunities to look at other contaminants which
may have neurodevelopmental effects, as well as to
study long-term effects that can only be documented at
school age or later in the course of development.
The only recent epidemiological study of contami-
nant effects conducted in the Canadian Arctic is the
one in Nunavik. This study suggested an association
between in utero exposure to POPs and susceptibility
to infections during the first year of life. Although
efforts have been made to also use effect biomarkers
(vitamin A and cytokines), as noted earlier, the low
predictivity of these markers limits their use. The
usefulness of new markers (antibodies post-immuni-
zation and complement system) needs to be assessed
within the cohort study in Nunavik and elsewhere in
the Arctic.
Epidemiological studies on stochastic diseases
(e.g., breast cancer and other hormonal cancers) are
extremely difficult to conduct in the Arctic because
the number of cases is low. This is due to 1) the size of
the population and 2) the fact that many chronic
diseases (cancer) have a low incidence. To assess
these health endpoints, long-term circumpolar studies
need to be used to increase the sample size and
increase the likelihood of detection of any real effects.
Epidemiological studies in the Canadian Arctic should
be restricted to diseases or conditions that: 1) have
high-incidence rates; 2) have gradients of severity
(from normality to overt abnormalities); and 3) are
easy to diagnose.
7.4. Risk and benefit characterization, assessment and
Focussed monitoring and assessment of organo-
chlorine intake, especially by high-end consumers of
traditional/country foods in specific Inuit commu-
nities, are strongly warranted. The risks associated
with usual levels of exposure to organic mercury via
consumption of contaminated traditional/country
foods also need to be characterized since they too
appear prevalent in the Baffin and Nunavik regions.
The substantial nutritional benefits of traditional/
country food and its contribution to the total diet have
been documented; however, further research is needed
on the negative health consequences of not consuming
traditional/country food.
Few projects have been conducted under the NCP
to specifical ly investigate public perceptions of con-
taminants in traditional/country foods and related
risks, understandings and misunderstandings of the
issue, and the potential impacts they may have on
individual behaviour and activities. There is a conti-
nuing need to document and understand public per-
ceptions of contaminants and how the issue is being
addressed in the North.
There is a need to further clarify messages for
Aboriginal people s, taking into account different com-
munity-of-origin dialects that can significantly affect
the reading comprehension of printed material, and
improving the effectiveness of some of the methods
used to convey environmental health information.
Research is also needed on ways that women of child-
bearing age use information to make informed deci-
sions regarding consumption of PCB- and mercury-
contaminated traditional/country food items.
The list of people who have been involved in the
environmental contaminant, dietary and health effects
research studies discussed in this paper is extremely
long, from researchers to contaminants coordinators
in each region, to community health workers, to
dietitians, to nurses, to mothers and community resi-
dents. We are very grateful to them. Without their
efforts and contributions of new and ground breaking
research and cooperation we would have very little to
J. Van Oostdam et al. / Science of the Total Environment 351–352 (2005) 165–246236
present in this paper. We would also like to thank F.
Dallaire, M. Mirault, P. Julien, J. Bailey, S. Bernier,
H. Bilrha, S. Bruneau, S. Jordan, D. Pereg, J. Butler
Walker and R. Roy who worked closely with the
authors of this paper. Special thanks to P. Bjerre-
gaard, D. Villeneuve and G. Egeland who reviewed
an earlier version of this paper.
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