Document B121
– 2018
Standard Form of Master Agreement Between Owner and Architect for Services
provided under multiple Service Orders
AIA Document B121
2018. Copyright © 2014 and 2018 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. The “American Institute of Architects,” “AIA,”
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B221™–2018, Service Order for use
with Master Agreement Between
Owner and Architect
AGREEMENT made as of the 30th day of June in the year 2022
(In words, indicate day, month, and year.)
BETWEEN the Owner:
(Name, legal status, address, and other information)
Auburn-Washburn USD 437
Shuler Education Center
5928 SW 53
Topeka, KS 66610
and the Architect:
(Name, legal status, address, and other information)
HTK Architects, Inc.
900 S. Kansas Ave., Suite 200
Topeka, KS 66612
The Owner and Architect agree as follows.
AIA Document B121
2018. Copyright © 2014 and 2018 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. The “American Institute of Architects,” “AIA,”
the AIA Logo, and “AIA Contract Documents” are registered trademarks and may not be used without permission. This document was produced by AIA software at
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§ 1.1 This Master Agreement shall be effective for one year after the date first written above ("Date of this Master
§ 1.2 This Master Agreement shall apply to all Service Orders agreed to by the Parties within the term of this Master
Agreement until completion of the Service Order. In the event of a conflict between terms and conditions of this
Master Agreement and a Service Order, the terms of the Service Order shall take precedence for the services provided
pursuant to the Service Order. An agreed upon Service Order together with this Master Agreement form a Service
Agreement. A Service Agreement represents the entire and integrated agreement between the parties, and supersedes
prior negotiations, representations, or agreements, either written or oral. A Service Agreement may be amended or
modified only by a Modification.
§ 1.3 This Master Agreement will renew on an annual basis, on the day and month of the Date of this Master
Agreement, unless either party provides notice of their intent not to renew this Master Agreement. Notice must be
provided at least 60 days prior to the renewal date. In the event either party elects not to renew this Master Agreement,
the terms of this Master Agreement shall remain applicable until all Service Orders under this Master Agreement are
completed or terminated.
§ 1.4 The Owner identifies the following representative authorized to act on the Owner’s behalf with respect to this
Master Agreement:
Dr. Scott McWilliams, Superintendent
Auburn-Washburn USD 437
Shuler Education Center
5928 SW 53
Topeka, KS 66610
§ 1.4.1 In each Service Order, the Owner will identify a representative authorized to act on the Owner’s behalf with
respect to the Service Order.
AIA Document B121
2018. Copyright © 2014 and 2018 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. The “American Institute of Architects,” “AIA,”
the AIA Logo, and “AIA Contract Documents” are registered trademarks and may not be used without permission. This document was produced by AIA software at
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Terms of Service. To report copyright violations, e-mail [email protected].
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§ 1.5 The Architect identifies the following representative authorized to act on the Architect’s behalf with respect to
this Master Agreement:
Maria R. Kutina, AIA, NCARB
Principal, HTK Architects
§ 1.5.1 In each Service Order, the Architect will identify a representative authorized to act on behalf of the Architect
with respect to the Service Order.
§ 1.6 Nothing contained in this Master Agreement or in a Service Order shall create a contractual relationship with, or
a cause of action in favor of, a third party against either the Owner or Architect.
§ 2.1 The Architect shall perform the services set forth in each agreed upon Service Order, consisting of AIA
Document B221-2018, or such other document as the Owner and Architect may mutually agree upon. Each Service
Order shall state the name, location, and detailed description of the Project; describe the Architect’s Services; state the
Architect’s compensation; and list the attachments and exhibits incorporated by reference.
§ 2.2 This Agreement is based on the Initial information set forth in this Article 2. This agreement shall serve as a
Master Agreement between the ("Owner") and the ("Architect"). This Agreement between the Owner and Architect
retains the Architect, and architect’s consultants, when necessary, to provide professional services; such as but not
limited to or by time.
(Paragraph deleted)
§ 2.2.1 General consulting services for the purposes of assisting the Owner in planning, reviewing, procurement of
work, contractors or other services, or any other general consulting services requested by Owner.
§ 2.2.2 Future capital improvement projects funded by capital outlay, general funds, leases purchase, bond
referendum, etc.
§ 2.2.3 New and/or existing facility projects, including but not limited to, expansion/additions, new free standing
buildings and sites/or site infrastructures.
§ 2.2.4 Deferred maintenance and/or annual maintenance programs and projects, including but not limited to
Mechanical, electrical, plumbing and special systems.
§ 2.2.5 Assist the Owner on Contract Document Development for projects developed by the Owner or other
consultants or as otherwise requested.
§ 2.2.6 Programming and / or project management.
§ 2.2.7 Any other professional services covered by basic services of Article 3 or additional services of Article 4
described in the Service Order.
§ 3.1 The Architect shall perform its services consistent with the professional skill and care ordinarily provided by
architects practicing in the same or similar locality under the same or similar circumstances. The Architect shall
perform its services as expeditiously as is consistent with such professional skill and care and the orderly progress of
the services provided pursuant to a Service Agreement.
§ 3.2 Except with the Owner’s knowledge and consent, the Architect shall not engage in any activity, or accept any
employment, interest or contribution that would reasonably appear to compromise the Architect’s professional
judgment with respect to this Master Agreement or any Service Agreement.
AIA Document B121
2018. Copyright © 2014 and 2018 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. The “American Institute of Architects,” “AIA,”
the AIA Logo, and “AIA Contract Documents” are registered trademarks and may not be used without permission. This document was produced by AIA software at
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§ 3.3 The Architect shall maintain the following insurance until termination of this Master Agreement. If any of the
requirements set forth below are in addition to the types and limits the Architect normally maintains, the Owner shall
pay the Architect as set forth in Section 9.4.
(Identify types and limits of insurance coverage, and other insurance requirements applicable to the Agreement, if
.1 General Liability
$2,000,000 Each occurrence, $4,000,000 General Aggregate
.2 Automobile Liability
$1,000,000 Combined single limit
.3 Workers’ Compensation
.4 Professional Liability
$1,000,000 per claim, $3,000,000 Aggregate
§ 3.4 The Architect shall coordinate its services with those services provided by the Owner and the Owner’s
consultants. The Architect shall be entitled to rely on the accuracy and completeness of the services and information
furnished by the Owner and the Owner’s consultants. The Architect shall provide prompt written notice to the Owner
if the Architect becomes aware of any error, omission, or inconsistency in such services or information.
§ 3.5 The Architect shall not be responsible for an Owner’s directive or substitution made without the Architect’s
§ 3.6 Prior to the Owner’s acceptance of the Construction Manager’s Guaranteed Maximum Price proposal, or the
Owner’s approval of the Construction Manager’s Control Estimate, as applicable, the Architect shall consider the
Construction Manager’s requests for substitutions and, upon written request of the Construction Manager, provide
clarification or interpretations pertaining to the Drawings, Specifications, and other documents submitted by the
Architect. The Architect and Construction Manager shall include the Owner in communications related to substitution
requests, clarifications, and interpretations.
§ 3.7 Review of the Construction Manager’s Guaranteed Maximum Price Proposal or Control Estimate
§ 3.7.1 At a time to be mutually agreed upon by the Owner and the Construction Manager, the Construction Manager
shall prepare, for review by the Owner and Architect, and for the Owner’s acceptance or approval, a Guaranteed
Maximum Price proposal or Control Estimate. The Architect shall assist the Owner in reviewing the Construction
Manager’s proposal or estimate. The Architect’s review is not for the purpose of discovering errors, omissions, or
inconsistencies; for the assumption of any responsibility for the Construction Manager’s proposed means, methods,
sequences, techniques, or procedures; or for the verification of any estimates of cost or estimated cost proposals. In the
event that the Architect discovers any inconsistencies or inaccuracies in the information presented, the Architect shall
promptly notify the Owner and Construction Manager.
§ 3.7.2 Upon authorization by the Owner, and subject to Section, the Architect shall update the Drawings,
Specifications, and other documents to incorporate the agreed upon assumptions and clarifications contained in the
Guaranteed Maximum Price Amendment or Control Estimate.
§ 3.8 Schematic Design Phase Services
§ 3.8.1 The Architect shall review the program, and other information furnished by the Owner and Construction
Manager, and shall review laws, codes, and regulations applicable to the Architect’s services.
§ 3.8.2 The Architect shall prepare a preliminary evaluation of the Owner’s program, schedule, budget for the Cost of
the Work, Project site, and other Initial Information, each in terms of the other, to ascertain the requirements of the
AIA Document B121
2018. Copyright © 2014 and 2018 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. The “American Institute of Architects,” “AIA,”
the AIA Logo, and “AIA Contract Documents” are registered trademarks and may not be used without permission. This document was produced by AIA software at
12:10:02 ET on 09/12/2022 under Order No.3104236809 which expires on 03/02/2023, is not for resale, is licensed for one-time use only, and may only be used in
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Project. The Architect shall notify the Owner of (1) any inconsistencies discovered in the information, and (2) other
information or consulting services that may be reasonably needed for the Project.
§ 3.8.3 The Architect shall present its preliminary evaluation to the Owner and Construction Manager and shall
discuss with the Owner and Construction Manager alternative approaches to design and construction of the Project.
The Architect shall reach an understanding with the Owner regarding the requirements of the Project.
§ 3.8.4 Based on the Project requirements agreed upon with the Owner, the Architect shall prepare and present, to the
Owner and Construction Manager, for the Owner’s approval, a preliminary design illustrating the scale and
relationship of the Project components.
§ 3.8.5 Based on the Owner’s approval of the preliminary design, the Architect shall prepare Schematic Design
Documents for Construction Manager’s review and the Owner’s approval. The Schematic Design Documents shall
consist of drawings and other documents including a site plan, if appropriate, and preliminary building plans, sections
and elevations; and may include some combination of study models, perspective sketches, or digital representations.
Preliminary selections of major building systems and construction materials shall be noted on the drawings or
described in writing.
§ The Architect shall consider with the Owner and the Construction Manager the value of alternative materials,
building systems and equipment, together with other considerations based on program and aesthetics, in developing a
design for the Project that is consistent with the Owner’s program, schedule, and budget for the Cost of the Work.
§ 3.8.6 Upon receipt of the Construction Manager’s review comments and cost estimate at the conclusion of the
Schematic Design Phase, the Architect shall take action as required under Section 11.4 and request the Owner’s
approval of the Schematic Design Documents. If revisions to the Schematic Design Documents are required to comply
with the Owner’s budget for the Cost of the Work at the conclusion of the Schematic Design Phase, the Architect shall
incorporate the required revisions in the Design Development Phase.
§ 3.8.7 In the further development of the Drawings and Specifications during this and subsequent phases of design, the
Architect shall be entitled to rely on the accuracy of the estimates of the Cost of the Work, which are to be provided by
the Construction Manager under the Construction Manager’s agreement with the Owner.
§ 3.9 Design Development Phase Services
§ 3.9.1 Based on the Owner’s approval of the Schematic Design Documents, and on the Owner’s authorization of any
adjustments in the Project requirements and the budget for the Cost of the Work, the Architect shall prepare Design
Development Documents for the Construction Manager’s review and the Owner’s approval. The Design Development
Documents shall be based upon information provided, and estimates prepared by, the Construction Manager and shall
illustrate and describe the development of the approved Schematic Design Documents and shall consist of drawings
and other documents including plans, sections, elevations, typical construction details, and diagrammatic layouts of
building systems to fix and describe the size and character of the Project as to architectural, structural, mechanical and
electrical systems, and other appropriate elements. The Design Development Documents shall also include outline
specifications that identify major materials and systems and establish in general their quality levels.
§ 3.9.2 Prior to the conclusion of the Design Development Phase, the Architect shall submit the Design Development
Documents to the Owner and the Construction Manager. The Architect shall meet with the Construction Manager to
review the Design Development Documents.
§ 3.9.3 Upon receipt of the Construction Manager’s information and estimate at the conclusion of the Design
Development Phase, the Architect shall take action as required under Sections 11.5 and 11.6 and request the Owner’s
approval of the Design Development Documents.
§ 3.10 Construction Documents Phase Services
§ 3.10.1 Based on the Owner’s approval of the Design Development Documents, and on the Owner’s authorization of
any adjustments in the Project requirements and the budget for the Cost of the Work, the Architect shall prepare
Construction Documents for the Construction Manager’s review and the Owner’s approval. The Construction
Documents shall illustrate and describe the further development of the approved Design Development Documents and
shall consist of Drawings and Specifications setting forth in detail the quality levels and performance criteria of
AIA Document B121
2018. Copyright © 2014 and 2018 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. The “American Institute of Architects,” “AIA,”
the AIA Logo, and “AIA Contract Documents” are registered trademarks and may not be used without permission. This document was produced by AIA software at
12:10:02 ET on 09/12/2022 under Order No.3104236809 which expires on 03/02/2023, is not for resale, is licensed for one-time use only, and may only be used in
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materials and systems and other requirements for the construction of the Work. The Owner and Architect
acknowledge that, in order to perform the Work, the Construction Manager will provide additional information,
including Shop Drawings, Product Data, Samples and other similar submittals, which the Architect shall review in
accordance with Section 3.11.4.
§ 3.10.2 The Architect shall incorporate the design requirements of governmental authorities having jurisdiction over
the Project into the Construction Documents.
§ 3.10.3 During the development of the Construction Documents, if requested by the Owner, the Architect shall assist
the Owner and Construction Manager in the development and preparation of (1) the Conditions of the Contract for
Construction (General, Supplementary and other Conditions) and (2) a project manual that includes the Conditions of
the Contract for Construction and Specifications, and may include sample forms.
§ 3.10.4 Prior to the conclusion of the Construction Documents Phase, the Architect shall submit the Construction
Documents to the Owner and the Construction Manager. The Architect shall meet with the Construction Manager to
review the Construction Documents.
§ 3.10.5 Upon receipt of the Construction Manager’s information and estimate at the conclusion of the Construction
Documents Phase, the Architect shall take action as required under Section 11.7, and request the Owner’s approval of
the Construction Documents.
§ 3.11 Construction Phase Services
§ 3.11.1 General
§ The Architect shall provide administration of the Contract between the Owner and the Construction
Manager as set forth below and in AIA Document A201™–2017, General Conditions of the Contract for
Construction. If the Owner and Construction Manager modify AIA Document A201–2017, those modifications shall
not affect the Architect’s services under this Agreement unless the Owner and the Architect amend this Agreement.
The term "Contractor" as used in A201-2017 shall mean the Construction Manager.
§ Subject to Section 4.2, the Architect’s responsibility to provide Construction Phase Services commences
upon the Owner’s acceptance of the Construction Manager’s Guaranteed Maximum Price proposal, the Owner’s
approval of the Construction Manager’s Control Estimate, or by a written agreement between the Owner and
Construction Manager which sets forth a description of the Work to be performed by the Construction Manager prior
to such acceptance or approval. Subject to Section 4.2, and except as provided in Section, the Architect’s
responsibility to provide Construction Phase Services terminates on the date the Architect issues the final Certificate
for Payment.
§ The Architect shall advise and consult with the Owner and Construction Manager during the Construction
Phase Services. The Architect shall have authority to act on behalf of the Owner only to the extent provided in this
Agreement. The Architect shall not have control over, charge of, or responsibility for the construction means,
methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, or for safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work,
nor shall the Architect be responsible for the Construction Manager’s failure to perform the Work in accordance with
the requirements of the Contract Documents. The Architect shall be responsible for the Architect’s negligent acts or
omissions, but shall not have control over or charge of, and shall not be responsible for, acts or omissions of the
Construction Manager or of any other persons or entities performing portions of the Work.
§ 3.11.2 Evaluations of the Work
§ The Architect shall visit the site at intervals appropriate to the stage of construction, or as otherwise required
in Section 4.2.3, to become generally familiar with the progress and quality of the portion of the Work completed, and
to determine, in general, if the Work observed is being performed in a manner indicating that the Work, when fully
completed, will be in accordance with the Contract Documents. However, the Architect shall not be required to make
exhaustive or continuous on-site inspections to check the quality or quantity of the Work. On the basis of the site visits,
the Architect shall keep the Owner reasonably informed about the progress and quality of the portion of the Work
completed, and promptly report to the Owner (1) known deviations from the Contract Documents, (2) known
deviations from the most recent construction schedule submitted by the Construction Manager, and (3) defects and
deficiencies observed in the Work.
AIA Document B121
2018. Copyright © 2014 and 2018 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. The “American Institute of Architects,” “AIA,”
the AIA Logo, and “AIA Contract Documents” are registered trademarks and may not be used without permission. This document was produced by AIA software at
12:10:02 ET on 09/12/2022 under Order No.3104236809 which expires on 03/02/2023, is not for resale, is licensed for one-time use only, and may only be used in
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§ The Architect has the authority to reject Work that does not conform to the Contract Documents. Whenever
the Architect considers it necessary or advisable, the Architect shall have the authority to require inspection or testing
of the Work in accordance with the provisions of the Contract Documents, whether or not the Work is fabricated,
installed or completed. However, neither this authority of the Architect nor a decision made in good faith either to
exercise or not to exercise such authority shall give rise to a duty or responsibility of the Architect to the Construction
Manager, Subcontractors, suppliers, their agents or employees, or other persons or entities performing portions of the
§ The Architect shall interpret and decide matters concerning performance under, and requirements of, the
Contract Documents on written request of either the Owner or Construction Manager. The Architect’s response to
such requests shall be made in writing within any time limits agreed upon or otherwise with reasonable promptness.
§ Interpretations and decisions of the Architect shall be consistent with the intent of, and reasonably inferable
from, the Contract Documents and shall be in writing or in the form of drawings. When making such interpretations
and decisions, the Architect shall endeavor to secure faithful performance by both Owner and Construction Manager,
shall not show partiality to either, and shall not be liable for results of interpretations or decisions rendered in good
faith. The Architect’s decisions on matters relating to aesthetic effect shall be final if consistent with the intent
expressed in the Contract Documents.
§ Unless the Owner and Construction Manager designate another person to serve as an Initial Decision
Maker, as that term is defined in AIA Document A201–2017, the Architect shall render initial decisions on Claims
between the Owner and Construction Manager as provided in the Contract Documents.
§ 3.11.3 Certificates for Payment to Construction Manager
§ The Architect shall review and certify the amounts due the Construction Manager and shall issue certificates
in such amounts. The Architect’s certification for payment shall constitute a representation to the Owner, based on the
Architect’s evaluation of the Work as provided in Section 3.11.2 and on the data comprising the Construction
Manager’s Application for Payment, that, to the best of the Architect’s knowledge, information and belief, the Work
has progressed to the point indicated, the quality of the Work is in accordance with the Contract Documents, and that
the Construction Manager is entitled to payment in the amount certified. The foregoing representations are subject to
(1) an evaluation of the Work for conformance with the Contract Documents upon Substantial Completion, (2) results
of subsequent tests and inspections, (3) correction of minor deviations from the Contract Documents prior to
completion, and (4) specific qualifications expressed by the Architect.
§ The issuance of a Certificate for Payment shall not be a representation that the Architect has (1) made
exhaustive or continuous on-site inspections to check the quality or quantity of the Work, (2) reviewed construction
means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, (3) reviewed copies of requisitions received from
Subcontractors and suppliers and other data requested by the Owner to substantiate the Construction Manager’s right
to payment, or (4) ascertained how or for what purpose the Construction Manager has used money previously paid on
account of the Contract Sum.
§ The Architect shall maintain a record of the Applications and Certificates for Payment.
§ 3.11.4 Submittals
§ The Architect shall review the Construction Manager’s submittal schedule and shall not unreasonably delay
or withhold approval of the schedule. The Architect’s action in reviewing submittals shall be taken in accordance with
the approved submittal schedule or, in the absence of an approved submittal schedule, with reasonable promptness
while allowing sufficient time, in the Architect’s professional judgment, to permit adequate review.
§ The Architect shall review and approve, or take other appropriate action upon, the Construction Manager’s
submittals such as Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples, but only for the limited purpose of checking for
conformance with information given and the design concept expressed in the Contract Documents. Review of such
submittals is not for the purpose of determining the accuracy and completeness of other information such as
dimensions, quantities, and installation or performance of equipment or systems, which are the Construction
Manager’s responsibility. The Architect’s review shall not constitute approval of safety precautions or construction
means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures. The Architect’s approval of a specific item shall not indicate
approval of an assembly of which the item is a component.
AIA Document B121
2018. Copyright © 2014 and 2018 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. The “American Institute of Architects,” “AIA,”
the AIA Logo, and “AIA Contract Documents” are registered trademarks and may not be used without permission. This document was produced by AIA software at
12:10:02 ET on 09/12/2022 under Order No.3104236809 which expires on 03/02/2023, is not for resale, is licensed for one-time use only, and may only be used in
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User Notes: (843343193)
§ If the Contract Documents specifically require the Construction Manager to provide professional design
services or certifications by a design professional related to systems, materials, or equipment, the Architect shall
specify the appropriate performance and design criteria that such services must satisfy. The Architect shall review and
take appropriate action on Shop Drawings and other submittals related to the Work designed or certified by the
Construction Manager’s design professional, provided the submittals bear such professional’s seal and signature when
submitted to the Architect. The Architect’s review shall be for the limited purpose of checking for conformance with
information given and the design concept expressed in the Contract Documents. The Architect shall be entitled to rely
upon, and shall not be responsible for, the adequacy and accuracy of the services, certifications, and approvals
performed or provided by such design professionals.
§ Subject to Section 4.2, the Architect shall review and respond to requests for information about the Contract
Documents. The Architect shall set forth, in the Contract Documents, the requirements for requests for information.
Requests for information shall include, at a minimum, a detailed written statement that indicates the specific Drawings
or Specifications in need of clarification and the nature of the clarification requested. The Architect’s response to such
requests shall be made in writing within any time limits agreed upon, or otherwise with reasonable promptness. If
appropriate, the Architect shall prepare and issue supplemental Drawings and Specifications in response to the
requests for information.
§ The Architect shall maintain a record of submittals and copies of submittals supplied by the Construction
Manager in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents.
§ 3.11.5 Changes in the Work
§ The Architect may order minor changes in the Work that are consistent with the intent of the Contract
Documents and do not involve an adjustment in the Contract Sum or an extension of the Contract Time. Subject to
Section 4.2, the Architect shall prepare Change Orders and Construction Change Directives for the Owner’s approval
and execution in accordance with the Contract Documents.
§ The Architect shall maintain records relative to changes in the Work.
§ 3.11.6 Project Completion
§ The Architect shall:
.1 conduct inspections to determine the date or dates of Substantial Completion and the date of final
.2 issue Certificates of Substantial Completion;
.3 forward to the Owner, for the Owner’s review and records, written warranties and related documents
required by the Contract Documents and received from the Construction Manager; and
.4 issue a final Certificate for Payment based upon a final inspection indicating that, to the best of the
Architect’s knowledge, information, and belief, the Work complies with the requirements of the
Contract Documents.
§ The Architect’s inspections shall be conducted with the Owner to (1) check conformance of the Work with
the requirements of the Contract Documents and (2) verify the accuracy and completeness of the list submitted by the
Construction Manager of Work to be completed or corrected.
§ When Substantial Completion has been achieved, the Architect shall inform the Owner about the balance of
the Contract Sum remaining to be paid the Construction Manager, including the amount to be retained from the
Contract Sum, if any, for final completion or correction of the Work.
§ The Architect shall forward to the Owner the following information received from the Construction
Manager: (1) consent of surety or sureties, if any, to reduction in or partial release of retainage or the making of final
payment; (2) affidavits, receipts, releases and waivers of liens, or bonds indemnifying the Owner against liens; and (3)
any other documentation required of the Construction Manager under the Contract Documents.
§ Upon request of the Owner, and prior to the expiration of one year from the date of Substantial Completion,
the Architect shall, without additional compensation, conduct a meeting with the Owner to review the facility
operations and performance.
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2018. Copyright © 2014 and 2018 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. The “American Institute of Architects,” “AIA,”
the AIA Logo, and “AIA Contract Documents” are registered trademarks and may not be used without permission. This document was produced by AIA software at
12:10:02 ET on 09/12/2022 under Order No.3104236809 which expires on 03/02/2023, is not for resale, is licensed for one-time use only, and may only be used in
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User Notes: (843343193)
§ 4.1 The Architect may provide Additional Services after execution of a Service Agreement without invalidating the
Service Agreement. Except for services required due to the fault of the Architect, any Additional Services provided in
accordance with this Section 4.1 shall entitle the Architect to compensation pursuant to Section 9.3.
§ 4.2 Unless otherwise provided in a Service Order, upon recognizing the need to perform the following Additional
Services, as they relate to the services provided pursuant to the Service Order, the Architect shall notify the Owner
with reasonable promptness and explain the facts and circumstances giving rise to the need. The Architect shall not
proceed to provide the following Additional Services until the Architect receives the Owner’s written authorization:
.1 Services necessitated by a change in the Initial Information, previous instructions or approvals given by
the Owner, or a material change in the Project including size, quality, complexity, the Owner’s
schedule or budget for Cost of the Work, or procurement or delivery method;
.2 Services necessitated by the enactment or revision of codes, laws, or regulations, including changing or
editing previously prepared Instruments of Service;
.3 Changing or editing previously prepared Instruments of Service necessitated by official interpretations
of applicable codes, laws or regulations that are either (a) contrary to specific interpretations by the
applicable authorities having jurisdiction made prior to the issuance of the building permit, or (b)
contrary to requirements of the Instruments of Service when those Instruments of Service were
prepared in accordance with the applicable standard of care;
.4 Services necessitated by decisions of the Owner not rendered in a timely manner or any other failure of
performance on the part of the Owner or the Owner’s consultants or contractors;
.5 Preparing digital models or other design documentation for transmission to the Owner’s consultants
and contractors, or to other Owner-authorized recipients;
.6 Preparation of design and documentation for alternate bid or proposal requests proposed by the Owner;
.7 Preparation for, and attendance at, a public presentation, meeting or hearing;
.8 Preparation for, and attendance at, a dispute resolution proceeding or legal proceeding, except where
the Architect is party thereto;
.9 Evaluation of the qualifications of entities providing bids or proposals; or
.10 Consultation concerning replacement of Work resulting from fire or other cause during construction.
.11 Assistance to the Initial Decision Maker, if other than the Architect;
.12 Services necessitated by replacement of the Construction Manager or conversion of the Construction
Manager as constructor project delivery method to an alternative project delivery method;
.13 Services necessitated by the Owner’s delay in engaging the Construction Manager;
.14 Making revisions to the Drawings, Specifications, and other documents resulting from agreed-upon
assumptions and clarifications included in the Guaranteed Maximum Price Amendment or Control
Estimate; and
.15 Making revisions to the Drawings, Specifications, and other documents resulting from substitutions
included in the Guaranteed Maximum Price Amendment or Control Estimate.
.16 Making revisions in Drawings, Specifications, or other documents (as required pursuant to Section
6.7), when such revisions are required because the Construction Manager’s estimate of the Cost of the
Work, Guaranteed Maximum Price proposal, or Control Estimate exceeds the Owner’s budget, except
where such excess is due to changes initiated by the Architect in scope, capacities of basic systems, or
the kinds and quality of materials, finishes, or equipment;
§ 4.2.1 To avoid delay in the Construction Phase, the Architect shall provide the following Additional Services, notify
the Owner with reasonable promptness, and explain the facts and circumstances giving rise to the need. If, upon
receipt of the Architect’s notice, the Owner determines that all or parts of the services are not required, the Owner shall
give prompt written notice to the Architect of the Owner’s determination. The Owner shall compensate the Architect
for the services provided prior to the Architect’s receipt of the Owner’s notice:
.1 Reviewing a Construction Manager’s submittal out of sequence from the submittal schedule approved
by the Architect;
.2 Responding to the Construction Manager’s requests for information that are not prepared in accordance
with the Contract Documents or where such information is available to the Construction Manager from
a careful study and comparison of the Contract Documents, field conditions, other Owner-provided
information, Construction Manager-prepared coordination drawings, or prior Project correspondence
or documentation;
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.3 Preparing Change Orders, and Construction Change Directives that require evaluation of the
Construction Manager’s proposals and supporting data, or the preparation or revision of Instruments of
.4 Evaluating an extensive number of Claims as the Initial Decision Maker; or
.5 Evaluating substitutions proposed by the Owner or Construction Manager and making subsequent
revisions to Instruments of Service resulting therefrom.
§ 4.2.2 The Architect shall provide Construction Phase Services exceeding the limits set forth below as Additional
Services. When the limits below are reached, the Architect shall notify the Owner:
.1 One ( 1 ) reviews of each Shop Drawing, Product Data item, sample and similar submittals of the
Construction Manager
.2 Two ( 2 ) per month visits to the site by the Architect during construction
.3 Three ( 3 ) inspections for any portion of the Work to determine whether such portion of the Work is
substantially complete in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents
.4 One ( 1 ) inspections for any portion of the Work to determine final completion
§ 4.2.3 Except for services required under Section and those services that do not exceed the limits set forth in
Section 4.2.3, Construction Phase Services provided more than 60 days after (1) the date of Substantial Completion of
the Work or (2) the initial date of Substantial Completion identified in the agreement between the Owner and
Contractor, whichever is earlier, shall be compensated as Additional Services to the extent the Architect incurs
additional cost in providing those Construction Phase Services.
§ 4.2.4 If the services covered by this Agreement have not been completed within thirteen ( 13 ) months of the date
of this Agreement, through no fault of the Architect, extension of the Architect’s services beyond that time shall be
compensated as Additional Services.
§ 5.1 The Owner shall provide information in a timely manner regarding requirements for and limitations of each
Service Order.
§ 5.2 The Owner shall render decisions and approve the Architect’s submittals in a timely manner in order to avoid
unreasonable delay in the orderly and sequential progress of the Architect’s services.
§ 5.3 The Owner shall coordinate the services of its own consultants with those services provided by the Architect.
Upon the Architect’s request, the Owner shall furnish copies of the scope of consulting services in the contracts
between the Owner and the Owner’s consultants. The Owner shall furnish the services of consultants as designated in
an individual Service Order, or authorize the Architect to furnish them as an Additional Service, when the Architect
requests such services and demonstrates that they are reasonably required by the scope of the Service Order. The
Owner shall require that its consultants and contractors maintain insurance, including professional liability insurance,
as appropriate to the services or work provided.
§ 5.4 The Owner shall furnish all legal, insurance, and accounting services, including auditing services, that may be
reasonably necessary at any time to meet the Owner’s needs and interests under a Service Agreement.
§ 5.5 The Owner shall provide prompt written notice to the Architect if the Owner becomes aware of any fault or
defect in the services or work related to a Service Agreement, including errors, omissions or inconsistencies in the
Architect’s Instruments of Service.
§ 5.6 Within 15 days after receipt of a written request from the Architect, the Owner shall furnish the requested
information as necessary and relevant for the Architect to evaluate, give notice of, or enforce lien rights.
§ 5.7 The Owner shall establish the Owner’s budget for the Project, including (1) the budget for the Cost of the Work
as defined in Section 11.1; (2) the Owner’s other costs; and, (3) reasonable contingencies related to all of these costs.
The Owner shall update the Owner’s budget for the Project as necessary throughout the duration of the Project until
final completion. If the Owner significantly increases or decreases the Owner’s budget for the Cost of the Work, the
Owner shall notify the Architect and Construction Manager. The Owner and the Architect, in consultation with the
Construction Manager, shall thereafter agree to a corresponding change in the Project’s scope and quality.
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§ 5.8 The Owner shall furnish tests, inspections and reports required by law or the Contract Documents, such as
structural, mechanical, and chemical tests, tests for air and water pollution, and tests for hazardous materials.
§ 5.9 The Owner shall include the Architect in all communications with the Construction Manager that relate to or
affect the Architect’s services or professional responsibilities. The Owner shall promptly notify the Architect of the
substance of any direct communications between the Owner and the Construction Manager otherwise relating to the
Project. Communications by and with the Architect’s consultants shall be through the Architect.
§ 5.10 The Owner shall coordinate the Architect’s duties and responsibilities set forth in the Agreement between the
Owner and the Construction Manager with the Architect’s services set forth in this Agreement. The Owner shall
provide the Architect a copy of the executed agreement between the Owner and Construction Manager, including the
General Conditions of the Contract for Construction.
§ 5.11 The Owner shall provide the Architect access to the Project site prior to commencement of the Work and shall
obligate the Construction Manager to provide the Architect access to the Work wherever it is in preparation or
§ 5.12 Within 15 days after receipt of a written request from the Architect, the Owner shall furnish the requested
information as necessary and relevant for the Architect to evaluate, give notice of, or enforce lien rights.
§ 6.1 The Architect and the Owner warrant that in transmitting Instruments of Service, or any other information, the
transmitting party is the copyright owner of such information or has permission from the copyright owner to transmit
such information for its use in relation to a Service Agreement.
§ 6.2 The Architect and the Architect’s consultants shall be deemed the authors and owners of their respective
Instruments of Service, including the Drawings and Specifications, and shall retain all common law, statutory and
other reserved rights, including copyrights. Submission or distribution of Instruments of Service to meet official
regulatory requirements or for similar purposes in connection with a Service Agreement is not to be construed as
publication in derogation of the reserved rights of the Architect and the Architect’s consultants.
§ 6.3 The Architect grants to the Owner a nonexclusive license to use the Architect’s Instruments of Service solely and
exclusively for purposes of constructing, using, maintaining, altering and adding to the Project, provided that the
Owner substantially performs its obligations under the Service Agreement, including prompt payment of all sums
when due pursuant to Articles 8 and 9. The Architect shall obtain similar nonexclusive licenses from the Architect’s
consultants consistent with this Master Agreement. The license granted under this section permits the Owner to
authorize the Contractor, Subcontractors, Sub-subcontractors, and suppliers, as well as the Owner’s consultants and
separate contractors, to reproduce applicable portions of the Instruments of Service, subject to any protocols
established pursuant to Section 10.9, solely and exclusively for use in performing services or construction for the
Project. If the Architect rightfully terminates a Service Agreement for cause as provided in Section 8.4, the license
granted in this Section 6.3, and related to the terminated Service Agreement, shall terminate.
§ 6.3.1 In the event the Owner uses the Instruments of Service without retaining the authors of the Instruments of
Service, the Owner releases the Architect and Architect’s consultant(s) from all claims and causes of action arising
from such uses. The Owner, to the extent permitted by law, further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the
Architect and its consultants from all costs and expenses, including the cost of defense, related to claims and causes of
action asserted by any third person or entity to the extent such costs and expenses arise from the Owner’s use of the
Instruments of Service under this Section 6.3.1. The terms of this Section 6.3.1 shall not apply if the Owner rightfully
terminates this Agreement for cause under Section 8.4.
§ 6.4 Except for the licenses granted in this Article 6, no other license or right shall be deemed granted or implied
under this Master Agreement. The Owner shall not assign, delegate, sublicense, pledge or otherwise transfer any
license granted herein to another party without the prior written agreement of the Architect. Any unauthorized use of
the Instruments of Service shall be at the Owner’s sole risk and without liability to the Architect and the Architect’s
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§ 6.5 Except as otherwise stated in Section 6.3, the provisions of this Article 6 shall survive the termination of this
Master Agreement.
§ 7.1 General
§ 7.1.1 The Owner and Architect shall commence all claims and causes of action against the other and arising out of or
related to any Service Agreement, whether in contract, tort, or otherwise, in accordance with the requirements of the
binding dispute resolution method selected in this Master Agreement and within the period specified by applicable
law, but in any case not more than 10 years after the completion of the services provided pursuant to a specific Service
Agreement, whichever is sooner. Completion of the services pursuant to a specific Service Agreement shall be the date
of Substantial Completion of construction related to the services performed pursuant to the Service Agreement or,
where there is no construction work related to a Service Agreement, the date the Architect completes its services under
the Service Agreement. The Owner and Architect waive all claims and causes of action not commenced in accordance
with this Section 7.1.1.
§ 7.1.2 To the extent damages are covered by property insurance, the Owner and Architect waive all rights against
each other and against the contractors, consultants, agents, and employees of the other for damages, except such rights
as they may have to the proceeds of such insurance as set forth in AIA Document A201™–2017, General Conditions
of the Contract for Construction. The Owner or the Architect, as appropriate, shall require of the contractors,
consultants, agents, and employees of any of them, similar waivers in favor of the other parties enumerated herein.
§ 7.1.3 The Architect and Owner waive consequential damages for claims, disputes, or other matters in question,
arising out of or relating to a Service Agreement. This mutual waiver is applicable, without limitation, to all
consequential damages due to either party’s termination of a Service Agreement, except as specifically provided in
Section 8.6.
§ 7.2 Dispute Resolution
§ 7.2.1 If any claim, dispute or other matter relates to or is the subject of a lien arising out of the Architect’s services,
the Architect may proceed in accordance with applicable law to comply with the lien notice or filing deadlines prior to
resolution of the matter.
§ 7.2.2 The Owner and Architect shall endeavor to resolve claims, disputes and other matters in question between
them. A request for dispute resolution shall be made in writing, delivered to the other party to this Master Agreement.
The request may be made concurrently with the filing of a complaint or other appropriate demand for resolution, and
the parties shall proceed to the selection of the hearing officer and agree upon a schedule for later proceedings.
§ 7.2.3 The parties shall share a hearing officer’s fee and any filing fees equally. The hearing shall be held in the place
where the Project is located, unless another location is mutually agreed upon. Agreements reached in dispute
resolution shall be enforceable as settlement agreements in any court having jurisdiction thereof.
§ 7.2.4 If the parties do not resolve a dispute pursuant to this Section 7.2, the method of dispute resolution shall be the
[ X ] Litigation in a court of competent jurisdiction
If the Owner and Architect do not select a method of dispute resolution, or do not subsequently agree in writing to a
dispute resolution method other than litigation, the dispute will be resolved in a court of competent jurisdiction.
(Paragraphs deleted)
§ 8.1 If the Owner fails to make payments to the Architect in accordance with a Service Agreement, such failure shall
be considered substantial nonperformance and cause for termination of the Service Agreement or, at the Architect’s
option, cause for suspension of performance of services under the Service Agreement for which the Owner failed to
make payment. If the Architect elects to suspend services, the Architect shall give seven days’ written notice to the
Owner before suspending services. In the event of a suspension of services, the Architect shall have no liability to the
Owner for delay or damage caused the Owner because of such suspension of services. Before resuming services, the
Owner shall pay the Architect all sums due prior to suspension and any expenses incurred in the interruption and
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resumption of the Architect’s services. The Architect’s fees for the remaining services and the time schedules shall be
equitably adjusted.
§ 8.2 If the services under a Service Agreement have been suspended by the Owner, the Architect shall be
compensated for services performed prior to notice of such suspension. When the services under the Service
Agreement are resumed, the Architect shall be compensated for expenses incurred in the interruption and resumption
of the Architect’s services. The Architect’s fees for the remaining services and the time schedules shall be equitably
§ 8.3 If the Owner suspends the services under a Service Agreement for more than 90 cumulative days for reasons
other than the fault of the Architect, the Architect may terminate the Service Agreement by giving not less than seven
days’ written notice.
§ 8.4 Either party may terminate a Service Agreement upon not less than fourteen (14) days’ written notice should the
other party fail substantially to perform in accordance with the terms of the Service Agreement, through no fault of the
party initiating the termination. Termination of a Service Agreement under this Section 8.4 shall not be deemed a
termination of other Service Agreements under this Master Agreement.
§ 8.5 The Owner may terminate a Service Agreement, upon not less than fourteen (14) days’ written notice to the
Architect for the Owner’s convenience and without cause.
§ 8.6 In the event of termination of a Service Agreement not the fault of the Architect, the Architect shall be
compensated for services performed prior to termination, Reimbursable Expenses incurred, and all costs attributable
to termination, including the costs attributable to the Architect’s termination of consultant agreements. The Architect
will not receive any fees, expected profits or other compensation in relation to work that has not been performed.
§ 8.7
(Paragraphs deleted)
Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, a Service Agreement shall terminate one year from the date of
Substantial Completion.
§ 8.8 The Owner’s rights to use the Architect’s Instruments of Service in the event of termination of a Service
Agreement are set forth in Article 6 and Section 9.5 of this Master Agreement.
(Paragraph deleted)
§ 9.1 The Owner shall compensate the Architect for the services described in a Service Order pursuant to the Service
Order and as set forth in this Article 9.
§ 9.2 Except as otherwise set forth in a Service Order, the hourly billing rates for services of the Architect and the
Architect’s consultants, if any, are set forth below. The rates shall be adjusted in accordance with the Architect’s and
Architect’s consultants’ normal review practices.
(If applicable, attach an exhibit of hourly billing rates or insert them below.)
Exhibit B – HTK Hourly Fee Schedule
§ 9.3 When compensation for Basic Services is based on a stipulated sum or a percentage basis, the proportion of
compensation for each phase of services shall be as follows:
Schematic Design Phase
percent (
Design Development Phase
percent (
Construction Documents Phase
percent (
Bidding Phase
percent (
Construction Phase
percent (
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2018. Copyright © 2014 and 2018 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. The “American Institute of Architects,” “AIA,”
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Total Basic Compensation
one hundred
percent (
The Owner acknowledges that with an accelerated Project delivery, multiple bid package process, or Construction
Manager as constructor project delivery method, the Architect may be providing its services in multiple Phases
simultaneously. Therefore, the Architect shall be permitted to invoice monthly in proportion to services performed in
each Phase of Services, as appropriate.
§ 9.4 When compensation identified in Section 9.1 is on a percentage basis, progress payments for each phase of Basic
Services shall be calculated by multiplying the percentages identified in this Article by the Owner’s most recent
budget for the Cost of the Work. Compensation paid in previous progress payments shall not be adjusted based on
subsequent updates to the Owner’s budget for the Cost of the Work.
§ 9.4.1 When compensation is on a percentage basis and any portions of the Project are deleted or otherwise not
constructed, compensation for those portions of the Project shall be payable to the extent services are performed on
those portions. The Architect shall be entitled to compensation in accordance with this Agreement for all services
performed whether or not the Construction Phase is commenced.
§ 9.3 Except as otherwise set forth in a Service Order, the Owner shall compensate the Architect for Additional
Services designated in Article 4 as follows:
(Insert amount of, or basis for, compensation. If necessary, list specific services to which particular methods of
compensation apply.)
Exhibit B - HTK Hourly Fee Schedule or a lump sum fee as agreed upon prior to expenses being encountered
§ 9.4 Compensation for Reimbursable Expenses
§ 9.4.1 Reimbursable Expenses are in addition to compensation for the Architect’s professional services and include
expenses incurred by the Architect and the Architect’s consultants directly related to a Service Agreement, as follows:
.1 Transportation and authorized out-of-town travel and subsistence;
.2 Long distance services, dedicated data and communication services, teleconferences, Project web sites,
and extranets;
.3 Permitting and other fees required by authorities having jurisdiction over the Project;
.4 Printing, reproductions, plots, and standard form documents; applicable to plan review, bid documents,
financial procurement assistance, agency reviews and presentation documents.
(Paragraphs deleted)
Renderings, physical models, mock-ups, professional photography, and presentation materials requested by
the Owner or required for the Project;
.6 If required by the Owner, and with the Owner’s prior written approval, the Architect’s consultant’s
expense of professional liability insurance dedicated exclusively to the Project, or the expense of
additional insurance coverage or limits in excess of that normally maintained by the Architect or the
Architect’s consultants, and disclosed by the Architect in writing prior to execution of this Master
Agreement or a related Service Agreement;
.7 All taxes levied on professional services and on reimbursable expenses;
(Paragraphs deleted)
§ 9.4.2 For Reimbursable Expenses the compensation shall be the expenses incurred by the Architect and the
Architect’s consultants plus zero percent ( 0 %) of the expenses incurred.
§ 9.4.3 Reimbursable Expenses will be allocated to each Service Agreement.
§ 9.5 Payments to the Architect
§ 9.5.1 Progress Payments
§ Unless otherwise agreed, payments for services provided pursuant to a Service Agreement shall be made
monthly in proportion to services performed. Payments are due and payable upon presentation of the Architect’s
invoice. Amounts unpaid forty-five ( 45 ) days after the invoice date shall bear interest at the rate entered below.
(Insert rate of monthly or annual interest agreed upon.)
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§ The Owner shall not withhold amounts from the Architect’s compensation to impose a penalty or liquidated
damages on the Architect, or to offset sums requested by or paid to contractors for the cost of changes in the Work
unless the Architect agrees or has been found liable for the amounts in a binding dispute resolution proceeding. In any
event, the Owner shall not withhold payments to the Architect pertaining to a Service Agreement to offset amounts in
dispute under a separate Service Agreement.
§ Records of Reimbursable Expenses, expenses pertaining to Additional Services, and services performed on
the basis of hourly rates shall be available to the Owner at mutually convenient times.
§ 10.1 Each Service Agreement shall be governed by the law of the place where the Project described in the Service
Order is located, excluding that jurisdiction’s choice of law rules.
§ 10.2 Notice shall be provided in writing to the designated representative of the party to whom the notice is addressed
and shall be deemed to have been duly served if delivered in person, by mail, by courier, or by electronic transmission.
§ 10.3 The Owner and Architect, respectively, bind themselves, their agents, successors, assigns, and legal
representatives to each Service Agreement. Neither the Owner nor the Architect shall assign a Service Agreement
without the written consent of the other, except that the Owner may assign a Service Agreement to a lender providing
financing for the Project if the lender agrees to assume the Owner’s rights and obligations under the Service
Agreement, including any payments due to the Architect by the Owner prior to the assignment.
§ 10.4 If the Owner requests the Architect to execute certificates, the proposed language of such certificates shall be
submitted to the Architect for review at least 14 days prior to the requested dates of execution. If the Owner requests
the Architect to execute consents reasonably required to facilitate assignment to a lender, the Architect shall execute
all such consents that are consistent with the Service Agreement, provided the proposed consent is submitted to the
Architect for review at least 14 days prior to execution. The Architect shall not be required to execute certificates or
consents that would require knowledge, services, or responsibilities beyond the scope of the Service Agreement.
§ 10.5 Unless otherwise required in a Service Agreement, the Architect shall have no responsibility for the discovery,
presence, handling, removal or disposal of, or exposure of persons to, hazardous materials or toxic substances in any
form at the Project site.
§ 10.6 The Architect shall have the right to include photographic or artistic representations of the design of the
Projects for which services are performed among the Architect’s promotional and professional materials. The
Architect shall be given reasonable access to the completed Projects to make such representations. However, the
Architect’s materials shall not include the Owner’s confidential or proprietary information if the Owner has previously
advised the Architect in writing of the specific information considered by the Owner to be confidential or proprietary.
The Owner shall provide professional credit for the Architect in the Owner’s promotional materials for the Projects.
This Section 10.6 shall survive the termination of a Service Agreement unless the Owner terminates a Service
Agreement for cause pursuant to Section 8.4.
§ 10.7 If the Architect or Owner receives information specifically designated as "confidential" or "business
proprietary," the receiving party may disclose such information as required by law or court order, including a
subpoena or other form of compulsory legal process issued by a court or governmental entity. The Party receiving such
information may also disclose it to its employees, consultants or contractors in order to perform services or work
solely and exclusively for the Project, provided those employees, consultants and contractors are subject to the
restrictions on the disclosure and use of such information as set forth in this Section 10.7.
§ 10.8 The invalidity of any provision of the Agreement shall not invalidate the Agreement or its remaining
provisions. If it is determined that any provision of the Agreement violates any law, or is otherwise invalid or
unenforceable, then that provision shall be revised to the extent necessary to make that provision legal and
enforceable. In such case the Agreement shall be construed, to the fullest extent permitted by law, to give effect to the
parties’ intentions and purposes in executing the Agreement.
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§ 10.9 The parties shall agree upon protocols governing the transmission and use of Instruments of Service or any
other information or documentation in digital form. The parties will use AIA Document C106–2013, Digital Data
Licensing Agreement, to establish the protocols for the development, use, transmission, and exchange of digital data.
§ 10.9.1 Any use of, or reliance on, all or a portion of a building information model without agreement to protocols
governing the use of, and reliance on, the information contained in the model and without having those protocols set
forth in AIA Document C106–2013, Digital Data Licensing Agreement shall be at the using or relying party’s sole risk
and without liability to the other party and its contractors or consultants, the authors of, or contributors to, the building
information model, and each of their agents and employees.
Special terms and conditions that modify this Master Agreement are as follows:
(Include other terms and conditions applicable to this Agreement.)
§ 11.1 For purposes of this Agreement, the Cost of the Work shall be the total cost to the Owner to construct all
elements of the Project designed or specified by the Architect and shall include the Construction Manager’s general
conditions costs, overhead, and profit. The Cost of the Work also includes the reasonable value of labor, materials, and
equipment, donated to, or otherwise furnished by, the Owner. The Cost of the Work does not include the compensation
of the Architect; the compensation of the Construction Manager for Preconstruction Phase services; the costs of the
land, rights-of-way, financing, or contingencies for changes in the Work; or other costs that are the responsibility of
the Owner.
§ 11.2 The Owner’s budget for the Cost of the Work is provided in the Initial Information, and shall be adjusted
throughout the Project as required under Sections 5 and 11.4. Evaluations of the Owner’s budget for the Cost of the
Work represent the Architect’s judgment as a design professional.
§ 11.3 The Owner shall require the Construction Manager to include appropriate contingencies for design, bidding or
negotiating, price escalation, and market conditions in estimates of the Cost of the Work. The Architect shall be
entitled to rely on the accuracy and completeness of estimates of the Cost of the Work the Construction Manager
prepares as the Architect progresses with its Basic Services. The Architect shall prepare, as an Additional Service,
revisions to the Drawings, Specifications or other documents required due to the Construction Manager’s inaccuracies
or incompleteness in preparing cost estimates, or due to market conditions the Architect could not reasonably
anticipate. The Architect may review the Construction Manager’s estimates solely for the Architect’s guidance in
completion of its services, however, the Architect shall report to the Owner any material inaccuracies and
inconsistencies noted during any such review.
§ 11.3.1 If the Architect is providing cost estimating services as a Supplemental Service, and a discrepancy exists
between the Construction Manager’s cost estimates and the Architect’s cost estimates, the Architect and the
Construction Manager shall work together to reconcile the cost estimates.
§ 11.4 If, prior to the conclusion of the Design Development Phase, the Construction Manager’s estimate of the Cost
of the Work exceeds the Owner’s budget for the Cost of the Work, the Architect, in consultation with the Construction
Manager, shall make appropriate recommendations to the Owner to adjust the Project’s size, quality or budget for the
Cost of the Work, and the Owner shall cooperate with the Architect in making such adjustments.
§ 11.5 If the Construction Manager’s estimate of the Cost of the Work at the conclusion of the Design Development
Phase exceeds the Owner’s budget for the Cost of the Work, the Owner shall
.1 give written approval of an increase in the budget for the Cost of the Work;
.2 terminate in accordance with Section 8.5;
.3 in consultation with the Architect and Construction Manager, revise the Project program, scope, or
quality as required to reduce the Cost of the Work; or
.4 implement any other mutually acceptable alternative.
§ 11.6 If the Owner chooses to proceed under Section 11.5.3, the Architect, without additional compensation, shall
incorporate the revisions in the Construction Documents Phase as necessary to comply with the Owner’s budget for
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User Notes: (843343193)
the Cost of the Work at the conclusion of the Design Development Phase Services, or the budget as adjusted under
Section 11.5.1. The Architect’s revisions in the Construction Documents Phase shall be the limit of the Architect’s
responsibility under this Article 11.
§ 12.1 This Master Agreement represents the entire and integrated agreement between the Owner and the Architect
and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations or agreements, either written or oral. This Master Agreement
may be amended only by written instrument signed by both the Owner and Architect.
§ 12.2 This Master Agreement is comprised of the following documents identified below:
.1 AIA Document B121™–2018, Standard Form of Master Agreement Between Owner and Architect
(Paragraphs deleted)
.2 Exhibits:
(Clearly identify any other exhibits incorporated into this Master Agreement.)
Exhibit A - HTK Proposal Letter
Exhibit B - HTK Hourly Rates
Exhibit C - HTK Certificate of Insurance
Exhibit D - Kansas Department of Administration Contractual Provisions
Exhibit F – Fee Summary
(List other documents, if any, forming part of the Master Agreement.)
Exhibit E - AIA Document A201-2017, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction
Exhibit G - AIA Document C106–2013, Digital Data Licensing Agreement
This Master Agreement entered into as of the day and year first written above.
OWNER (Signature)
ARCHITECT (Signature)
Maria Kutina, Principal, A-6833
(Printed name and title)
(Printed name, title, and license number, if required)
900 S. Kansas Ave., Suite 200 • Topeka, KS 66612 P 785.266.5373
June 30, 2022
Dr. Scott McWilliams, Superintendent
Shuler Education Center
5928 SW 53
Topeka, KS 66610
Re: Professional Services Proposal – Master Agreement
Dr. McWilliams and Board of Education:
Congratulation on the successful April 2022 Bond Election. We have enjoyed working with your
District and look forward to continuing to build our relationship. Thank you for trusting HTK
Architects with so many of the amazing projects that together, we can make become a reality.
Below is a breakdown of the currently known projects, listed as Service Orders, planned as an
outcome of the bond election. This contract type is written as a master agreement contract in
which projects can be individually executed and constructed through separate Service Orders
that support the master agreement. This agreement would replace the current “On-Call”
agreement HTK has held with the district since 2014. The current ongoing projects operating on
under that contract will maintain, until they are substantially complete.
Currently known projects:
Service Order 001 – Package B: Washburn Rural High School Renovation and CTE
Provide professional services for an addition and renovation planned at Washburn Rural
High School as outlined in the April 2022 Bond Election.
Service Order 002 – Package C: Tallgrass and Elementary Schools:
Tallgrass Addition and Renovaiton
Pauline Central Elementary School Addition and Renovation
Indian Hills Elementary School Addition and Renovation
Jay Shideler Elementary School Addition and Renovation
Wanamaker Elementary School Addition and Renovation
Farley Elementary Addition and Renovation
Auburn Elementary Renovation
Pauline South Elementary Renovation
Provide professional services for additions and renovations planned at the buildings above
as outlined in the April 2022 Bond Election.
Service Order 003 – Auburn-Washburn Athletics Masterplan
Provide architectural services for an athletics master plan as outlined in the June 20, 2022
fee proposal.
See Service Orders for the related engineers, design team, construction managers, construction
budget, and compensation information.
Proposal 2 of 2
900 S. Kansas Ave, Suite 200 • Topeka, KS 66612 P 785.266.5373
Future projects will be, as needed, to provide architectural services for any district improvement
project, including Bond Election, Capital Outlay, Lease Purchase, Grants, or other funding
model of a project. Any additional compensation will be agreed upon with the District prior to
moving forward.
If you agree with this proposal, please execute the Master Agreement AIA Document B121-
2018. Executing this agreement does not approve moving forward with any Service Orders. All
Service Orders must be individually approved. See enclosed Service Order One for reference. If
there are questions on this, please let me know.
Once again, thank you for this opportunity to serve Auburn-Washburn!
Maria R. Kutina, AIA, NCARB
Enclosure: Master Agreement
Service Order 1
Exhibit F – Fee Summary
900 S. Kansas Ave, Suite 200 • Topeka, KS 66612 P 785.266.5373
9300 West 110
St., Suite 150 • Overland Park, KS 66210
P 913.663.5373
Effective August 1, 2021
(Rates are subject to annual adjustment)
Principal/Partner III ........................................................ $275.00
Principal/Partner II ......................................................... $240.00
Principal/Partner I .......................................................... $220.00
Associate/Dir./Sr. Arch/Mgr. III ...................................... $185.00
Associate/Dir./Sr. Arch/Mgr. II ....................................... $175.00
Associate/Dir./Sr. Arch/Mgr. I ...................................... $155.00
Architect/Project Manager V .......................................... $135.00
Architect/Project Manager IV .......................................... $130.00
Architect/Project Manager III .......................................... $125.00
Architect/Project Manager II ........................................... $120.00
Architect/Project Manager I ........................................... $115.00
Interior Architect/Designer/Graphic Artist III .................... $130.00
Interior Architect/Designer/Graphic Artist II ..................... $120.00
Interior Architect/Designer/Graphic Artist I ...................... $100.00
Intern Architect/Arch Tech IV .......................................... $100.00
Intern Architect/Arch Tech III ............................................ $95.00
Intern Architect/Arch Tech II ............................................. $90.00
Intern Architect/Arch Tech I .............................................. $85.00
Administrative III ............................................................ $100.00
Administrative II ............................................................... $80.00
Administrative I ................................................................ $70.00
(A/C, No):
(A/C, No, Ext):
IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed.
If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on
this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s).
(Per accident)
(Ea accident)
N / A
BODILY INJURY (Per accident)
BODILY INJURY (Per person)
Y / N
(Mandatory in NH)
If yes, describe under
DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more space is required)
$MED EXP (Any one person)
PREMISES (Ea occurrence)
ACORD 25 (2016/03)
© 1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD
900 S. Kansas Ave., Suite 200
Annl Aggr
Each Claim
HTK Architects, Inc.
5928 SW 53rd
Holmes Murphy & Associates - KC
Suite 700
1828 Walnut Sreet
Topeka, KS 66612
816 857-7820
Auburn-Washburn USD 437
Kansas City, MO 64108
Topeka, KS 66610
Monica Wilks
Professional Liability
Exhibit C
State of Kansas
Department of Administration DA-146a
(Rev. 07-19)
Exhibit D
Important: This form contains mandatory contract provisions and must be attached to or incorporated
in all copies of any contractual agreement. If it is attached to the vendor/contractor
standard contract form, then that form must be altered to contain the following provision:
The Provisions found in Contractual Provisions Attachment (Form DA-146a, Rev.
07-19), which is attached hereto, are hereby incorporated in this contract and
made a part thereof.
The parties agree that the following provisions are hereby incorporated into the
contract to which it is attached and made a part thereof, said contract being the
________ day of ______________________, 2021.
1 . Terms Herein Controlling Provisions: It is expressly agreed that the terms of each and every provision
in this attachment shall prevail and control over the terms of any other conflicting provision in any
other document relating to and a part of the contract in which this attachment is incorporated. Any
terms that conflict or could be interpreted to conflict with this attachment are nullified.
Kansas Law and Venue: This contract shall be subject to, governed by, and construed according to
the laws of the State of Kansas, and jurisdiction and venue of any suit in connection with this
contract shall reside only in courts located in the State of Kansas.
Termination Due to Lack Of Funding Appropriation: If, in the judgment of the Director of Accounts
and Reports, Department of Administration, sufficient funds are not appropriated to continue the
function performed in this agreement and for the payment of the charges hereunder, State may
terminate this agreement at the end of its current fiscal year. State agrees to give written notice of
termination to contractor at least thirty (30) days prior to the end of its current fiscal year and shall
give such notice for a greater period prior to the end of such fiscal year as may be provided in this
contract, except that such notice shall not be required prior to ninety (90) days before the end of
such fiscal year. Contractor shall have the right, at the end of such fiscal year, to take possession of
any equipment provided State under the contract. State will pay to the contractor all regular
contractual payments incurred through the end of such fiscal year, plus contractual charges
incidental to the return of any such equipment. Upon termination of the agreement by State, title
to any such equipment shall revert to contractor at the end of the State's current fiscal year. The
termination of the contract pursuant to this paragraph shall not cause any penalty to be charged to
the agency or the contractor.
Disclaimer Of Liability: No provision of this contract will be given effect that attempts to require the
State of Kansas or its agencies to defend, hold harmless, or indemnify any contractor or third party
for any acts or omissions. The liability of the State of Kansas is defined under the Kansas Tort Claims
Act (K.SA. 75-6101, et seq.).
Anti-Discrimination Clause: The contractor agrees: (a) to comply with the Kansas Act Against
Discrimination (K.S.A. 44-1001, et seq.) and the Kansas Age Discrimination in Employment Act
State of Kansas
Department of Administration DA-146a
(Rev. 07-19)
(42 U.S.C. 12101, et seq) (ADA), and Kansas Executive Order No. 19-02, and to not discriminate
against any person because of race, color, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression,
religion, national origin, ancestry, age, military or veteran status, disability status, marital or family
status, genetic information, or political affiliation that is unrelated to the person's ability to
reasonably perform the duties of a particular job or position; (b) to include in all solicitations or
advertisements for employees, the phrase "equal opportunity employer"; (c) to comply with the
reporting requirements set out at K.S.A. 44-1031 and K.S.A. 44-1116; (d) to include those provisions
in every subcontract or purchase order so that they are binding upon such subcontractor or vendor;
(e) that a failure to comply with the reporting requirements of (c) above or if the contractor is found
guilty of any violation of such acts by the Kansas Human Rights Commission, such violation shall
constitute a breach of contract and the contract may be cancelled, terminated or suspended, in
whole or in part, by the contracting state agency or the Kansas Department of Administration; (f)
Contractor agrees to comply with all applicable state and federal anti-discrimination laws and
regulations; (g) Contractor agrees all hiring must be on the basis of individual merit and
qualifications, and discrimination or harassment of persons for the reasons stated above is
prohibited; and (h) if is determined that the contractor has violated the provisions of any portion
of this paragraph, such violation shall constitute a breach of contract and the contract may be
canceled, terminated, or suspended, in whole or in part, by the contracting state agency or the
Kansas Department of Administration.
Acceptance of Contract: This contract shall not be considered accepted, approved or otherwise
effective until the statutorily required approvals and certifications have been given.
Arbitration, Damages, Warranties: Notwithstanding any language to the contrary, no interpretation
of this contract shall find that the State or its agencies have agreed to binding arbitration, or the
payment of damages or penalties. Further, the State of Kansas and its agencies do not agree to pay
attorney fees, costs, or late payment charges beyond those available under the Kansas Prompt
Payment Act (K.S.A. 75-6403), and no provision will be given effect that attempts to exclude, modify,
disclaim or otherwise attempt to limit any damages available to the State of Kansas or its agencies
at law, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
particular purpose.
Representative’s Authority to Contract: By signing this contract, the representative of the contractor
thereby represents that such person is duly authorized by the contractor to execute this contract on
behalf of the contractor and that the contractor agrees to be bound by the provisions thereof.
Responsibility for Taxes. The State of Kansas and its agencies shall not be responsible for, nor
indemnify a contractor for, any federal, state or local taxes which may be imposed or levied upon
the subject matter of this contract.
1 0. Insurance: The State of Kansas and its agencies shall not be required to purchase any insurance
against loss or damage to property or any other subject matter relating to this contract, nor shall
this contract require them to establish a "self-insurance" fund to protect against any such loss or
damage. Subject to the provisions of the Kansas Tort Claims Act (K.S.A. 75-6101, et seq.), the
contractor shall bear the risk of any loss or damage to any property in which the contractor holds
1 1. Information: No provision of this contract shall be construed as limiting the Legislative
Division of Post Audit from having access to information pursuant to K.S.A. 46-1101, et seq.
State of Kansas
Department of Administration DA-146a
(Rev. 07-19)
1 2. The Eleventh Amendment:
' The Eleventh Amendment is an inherent and incumbent protection
with the State of Kansas and need not be reserved, but prudence requires the State to reiterate that
nothing related to this contract shall be deemed a waiver of the Eleventh Amendment."
1 3. Campaign Contributions Lobbying: Funds provided through a grant award or contract shall not be
given or received in exchange for the making of a campaign contribution. No part of the funds
provided through this contract shall be used to influence or attempt to influence an officer or
employee of any State of Kansas agency or a member of the Legislature regarding any pending
legislation or the awarding, extension, continuation, renewal, amendment or modification of any
government contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement.
Package Project
Total Fee
Total Fee
Package B
Package C.1
Pauline Central
Package C.2a
Indian Hills
Package C.2b
Jay Shideler
Package C.3a
Package C.3b
Package C.4a
Package C.4b
Pauline South
Package C.5
Exhibit F
This schedule is a preliminary fee summary based on project costs presented
during Schematic Design. Monthly billings will be based on these Construction
Estimate amounts until the project estimate is revised at the Design Development
phase. Revisions are expected as follows:
*Revise column "C" Construction Estimate amount to an agreed upon Design
Development estimate and scope of work. The Total Fee Amount shall be revised
to a lump sum fee using the Total Fee Percent listed in column "D" above.
Document C106
– 2013
Digital Data Licensing Agreement
AIA Document C106
– 2013. Copyright © 2007 and 2013 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. The “American Institute of Architects,”
“AIA,” the AIA Logo, and “AIA Contract Documents” are registered trademarks and may not be used without permission. This document was produced by AIA
software at 10:37:12 ET on 07/07/2022 under Order No.3104236809 which expires on 03/02/2023, is not for resale, is licensed for one-time use only, and may
only be used in accordance with the AIA Contract Documents
Terms of Service. To report copyright violations, e-mail [email protected].
User Notes: (3B9ADA3E)
The author of this document has
added information needed for its
completion. The author may also
have revised the text of the original
AIA standard form. An Additions and
Deletions Report that notes added
information as well as revisions to
the standard form text is available
from the author and should be
reviewed. A vertical line in the left
margin of this document indicates
where the author has added
necessary information and where
the author has added to or deleted
from the original AIA text.
This document has important legal
consequences. Consultation with an
attorney is encouraged with respect
to its completion or modification.
AGREEMENT made as of the day of in the year
(In words, indicate day, month and year.)
BETWEEN the Party transmitting Digital Data (“Transmitting Party”):
(Name, address and contact information, including electronic addresses)
HTK Architects
900 S. Kansas Ave., Suite 200
Topeka, KS 66612
and the Party receiving the Digital Data (“Receiving Party”):
(Name, address and contact information, including electronic addresses)
for the following Project:
(Name and location or address)
Auburn Washburn USD 437
2022 Capital Improvements
The Transmitting Party and Receiving Party agree as follows.
§ 1.1 The purpose of this Agreement is to grant a license from the Transmitting Party to
the Receiving Party for the Receiving Party’s use of Digital Data on the Project, and to
set forth the license terms.
§ 1.2 This Agreement is the entire and integrated agreement between the parties. Except
as specifically set forth herein, this Agreement does not create any other contractual
relationship between the parties.
§ 1.3 For purposes of this Agreement, the term Digital Data is defined to include only
those items identified in Article 5 below.
Exhibit G
AIA Document C106
– 2013. Copyright © 2007 and 2013 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. The “American Institute of Architects,”
“AIA,” the AIA Logo, and “AIA Contract Documents” are registered trademarks and may not be used without permission. This document was produced by AIA
software at 10:37:12 ET on 07/07/2022 under Order No.3104236809 which expires on 03/02/2023, is not for resale, is licensed for one-time use only, and may
only be used in accordance with the AIA Contract Documents
Terms of Service. To report copyright violations, e-mail [email protected].
User Notes: (3B9ADA3E)
§ 1.3.1 Confidential Digital Data is defined as Digital Data containing confidential or business proprietary
information that the Transmitting Party designates and clearly marks as “confidential.”
§ 2.1 The Transmitting Party grants to the Receiving Party a nonexclusive limited license to use the Digital Data
identified in Article 5 solely and exclusively to perform services for, or construction of, the Project in accordance
with the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.
§ 2.2 The transmission of Digital Data constitutes a warranty by the Transmitting Party to the Receiving Party that
the Transmitting Party is the copyright owner of the Digital Data, or otherwise has permission to transmit the Digital
Data to the Receiving Party for its use on the Project in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
§ 2.3 If the Transmitting Party transmits Confidential Digital Data, the transmission of such Confidential Digital
Data constitutes a warranty to the Receiving Party that the Transmitting Party is authorized to transmit the
Confidential Digital Data. If the Receiving Party receives Confidential Digital Data, the Receiving Party shall keep
the Confidential Digital Data strictly confidential and shall not disclose it to any other person or entity except as set
forth in Section 2.3.1.
§ 2.3.1 The Receiving Party may disclose the Confidential Digital Data as required by law or court order, including a
subpoena or other form of compulsory legal process issued by a court or governmental entity. The Receiving Party
may also disclose the Confidential Digital Data to its employees, consultants or contractors in order to perform
services or work solely and exclusively for the Project, provided those employees, consultants and contractors are
subject to the restrictions on the disclosure and use of Confidential Digital Data as set forth in this Agreement.
§ 2.4 The Transmitting Party retains its rights in the Digital Data. By transmitting the Digital Data, the Transmitting
Party does not grant to the Receiving Party an assignment of those rights; nor does the Transmitting Party convey to
the Receiving Party any right in the software used to generate the Digital Data.
§ 2.5 To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Receiving Party shall indemnify and defend the Transmitting Party
from and against all claims arising from or related to the Receiving Party’s modification to, or unlicensed use of, the
Digital Data.
The parties agree to the following conditions on the limited license granted in Section 2.1:
(State below rights or restrictions applicable to the Receiving Party’s use of the Digital Data, requirements for data
format, transmission method or other conditions on data to be transmitted.)
Electronic data of the ( ) only are
hereby furnished to Recipient for Recipient’s convenience and use in providing equipment or material for the
referenced project only. By accepting and using this electronic media, Recipient agrees to the following terms and
conditions for itself, its heirs, successors, assigns, insurers and all those claiming by, through or under it:
All data contained on this electronic media are instruments of professional service and shall remain the property of
HTK Architects and our Project consultants. As such, this data is intended for Recipient’s use only in reference to
this specific Project. Any other use or reuse, or transfer to other parties, is prohibited without written permission of
HTK Architects.
The information contained on this electronic media is provided as a convenience to Recipient and is furnished in “as
is” condition. The official contract documents issued for the project are printed hard copy drawings, specifications,
addenda and other contract documents. Modifications may have been made to the hard copy contract documents
that do not appear on the electronic media. Recipient is solely responsible for confirming and correlating the
accuracy and completeness of the electronic data to be consistent with the hard copy contract documents. It is
further understood that the official hard copy contract documents are not guaranteed as to accuracy or completeness.
Discrepancies or conflicts within the official contract documents are to be resolved in accordance with applicable
terms of the contract documents, and neither HTK Architects, nor the Owner are to be responsible for resolution of
discrepancies or conflicts in any other manner.
Exhibit G
AIA Document C106
– 2013. Copyright © 2007 and 2013 by The American Institute of Architects. All rights reserved. The “American Institute of Architects,”
“AIA,” the AIA Logo, and “AIA Contract Documents” are registered trademarks and may not be used without permission. This document was produced by AIA
software at 10:37:12 ET on 07/07/2022 under Order No.3104236809 which expires on 03/02/2023, is not for resale, is licensed for one-time use only, and may
only be used in accordance with the AIA Contract Documents
Terms of Service. To report copyright violations, e-mail [email protected].
User Notes: (3B9ADA3E)
By accepting and using this electronic media, Recipient agrees to be bound by the foregoing terms and conditions,
and further, to indemnify, defend and hold harmless HTK Architects, Project Engineers and the Owner, together
with their respective officers, owners, board members, employees, insurers and consultants from any claims, suits
liabilities, damages losses or costs arising from Recipient’s use of same.
The Receiving Party agrees to pay the Transmitting Party the following fee or other compensation for the Receiving
Party’s use of the Digital Data:
(State the fee, in dollars, or other method by which the Receiving Party will compensate the Transmitting Party for
the Receiving Party’s use of the Digital Data.)
$100 per transmitted AutoCAD sheet
$100 per transmitted Revit Model
The Parties agree that the following items constitute the Digital Data subject to the license granted in Section 2.1:
(Identify below, in detail, the information created or stored in digital form the parties intend to be subject to this
This Agreement is entered into as of the day and year first written above and will terminate upon Substantial
Completion of the Project, as that term is defined in AIA Document A201™–2007, General Conditions of the
Contract for Construction, unless otherwise agreed by the parties and set forth below.
(Indicate when this Agreement will terminate, if other than the date of Substantial Completion.)
(Printed name and title)
(Printed name and title)
Exhibit G