Juniper Mist Automaon Guide
Juniper Networks, Inc.
1133 Innovaon Way
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Juniper Networks assumes no responsibility for any inaccuracies in this document. Juniper Networks reserves the right
to change, modify, transfer, or otherwise revise this publicaon without noce.
Juniper Mist Automaon Guide
Copyright © 2024 Juniper Networks, Inc. All rights reserved.
The informaon in this document is current as of the date on the tle page.
Juniper Networks hardware and soware products are Year 2000 compliant. Junos OS has no known me-related
limitaons through the year 2038. However, the NTP applicaon is known to have some diculty in the year 2036.
The Juniper Networks product that is the subject of this technical documentaon consists of (or is intended for use
with) Juniper Networks soware. Use of such soware is subject to the terms and condions of the End User License
Agreement ("EULA") posted at hps:// By downloading, installing or using such
soware, you agree to the terms and condions of that EULA.
Table of Contents
Introducon to Juniper Mist Automaon | 2
RESTful API Overview | 4
API Endpoints and Global Regions | 9
Determine Your API Endpoint | 9
List of API Endpoint URLs | 10
Create API Tokens | 10
Create an Organizaon Token in the Mist Portal | 11
Create a User Token in the Mist Portal | 14
Create a User or Organizaon Token Using the REST API Explorer | 15
REST API HTTP Response Codes | 17
Use the Django Web Interface to Make API Changes | 18
RESTful API Paginaon Example | 19
Mist API Metrics | 22
SLE API Documentaon | 24
Automac Site-Creaon (Use Case) | 36
Renaming Access Points (Use Case) | 36
BLE Import (Use Case) | 41
API with Wired Assurance | 47
Demo: A Non-Programmer Approach to API | 50
Addional RESTful API Documentaon | 50
Webhooks Overview | 52
Webhook Message Flow | 53
Webhook Source Addresses | 54
Webhook Hierarchy | 55
Webhook Hierarchy Overview | 55
Organizaon Webhooks | 56
Site Webhooks | 56
Webhook Topics | 58
Webhooks and Alerts | 63
Webhook Messages | 69
Message Format | 70
Infrastructure Payload Examples | 71
Locaon Payload Examples | 76
Conguring Webhooks from the API | 81
Create Webhooks from the API | 83
Update a Webhook from the API | 84
Delete Webhooks from the API | 85
Congure Device-Updowns Disconnecon Sensivity | 86
Conguring Webhooks in the Juniper Mist Portal | 86
Add a Webhook in the Juniper Mist Portal | 87
Update a Webhook in the Juniper Mist Portal | 89
Delete a Webhook in the Juniper Mist Portal | 89
Congure Zone Entry and Exit Events (Use Case) | 90
Tesng Webhooks | 91
WebSocket API Overview | 94
Stream Device Data with a WebSocket (Use Case) | 97
Communicate with a MIST WebSocket Endpoint | 97
Third-Party Integraons
ServiceNow Integraons | 102
Integrate Splunk with Mist Webhooks | 103
Conguring Mist Webhooks to Point to Your Splunk Instance | 106
Automaon Tools | 111
Automaon Tools Overview | 111
Addional Automaon Resources | 124
Introducon to Juniper Mist Automaon | 2
Introducon to Juniper Mist Automaon
Read this guide to learn about automaon and integraon with Juniper Mist™.
You can automate many Juniper Mist processes by using the RESTful API, webhooks, and the
WebSocket API.
As a network administrator, you can use this guide to get familiar with essenal concepts and available
tools. You’ll also walk through several use cases that illustrate the impact of automaon.
Get started with these overviews:
RESTful API Overview
Webhooks Overview
WebSocket API Overview
RESTful API Overview | 4
API Endpoints and Global Regions | 9
Create API Tokens | 10
REST API HTTP Response Codes | 17
Use the Django Web Interface to Make API Changes | 18
Mist API Metrics | 22
SLE API Documentaon | 24
Automac Site-Creaon (Use Case) | 36
Renaming Access Points (Use Case) | 36
BLE Import (Use Case) | 41
API with Wired Assurance | 47
Demo: A Non-Programmer Approach to API | 50
Addional RESTful API Documentaon | 50
RESTful API Overview
Juniper Mist API Architecture | 4
RESTful API Requests | 5
API Endpoint URL Format | 6
JSON Payload | 7
API Rate Liming | 7
API Authencaon Opons | 7
A Simple API Example | 8
The 100% API architecture of Juniper Mist backs every visible feature in the Juniper Mist portal.
Anything that you can do in the portal, you can automate at scale by using the API. Representaonal
State Transfer (REST) is a stateless client-server architecture with a uniform interface. Since machines
have no use for a user interface, APIs allow for a dened and faster way for machines to communicate
with each other. APIs also enable you and other users to create your own way of interacng with
systems and applicaons. You can even create custom features.
The Juniper Mist API is available to any customer with a Juniper Mist account.
Juniper Mist API Architecture
Juniper Mist uses REST APIs, which use HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE) to transfer data
in JavaScript Object Notaon (JSON) format.
As shown below, you can interact with Mist using the RESTful APIs in mulple ways.
RESTful API Requests
Using RESTful APIs follows a similar pracce to the CRUD (CREATE, READ, UPDATE, DELETE)
methodology used in development. These are the four basic acons or funcons used when working
with data.
Table 1: Basic CRUD
Create POST
Read GET
Update PUT
REST commands include:
POST: Create an object.—POST overwrites any exisng values with those contained in the payload.
Values that are not specied in the POST payload are reverted to their original values.
GET: List objects.—GET returns the value of a resource or a list of resources, depending on whether
an idener is specied.
GET /api/v1/orgs/:org_id/site
returns a list of sites belonging to the
GET /api/v1/sites/:site_id
returns informaon about the site specied by the
PUT: Update an object.—PUT modies all specied values in the payload. Any elds not specied in
the payload are le intact.
DELETE: Remove an object.—DELETE removes a resource.
To perform any of the above commands on the REST API, you need to fulll a few requirements in each
request, such as:
Authencaon: You can use an API token, Juniper Mist login credenals, or an external OAuth2
NOTE: If you are already logged in on, you can simply open a new browser
tab and go to hps:// and click the POST buon. This will
automacally create a new api user token.
See "Create API Tokens" on page 10 for more informaon about tokens.
HTTP Header: This header species the content and the authorizaon type, as follows:
For Juniper Mist, the content type is always applicaon/json.
The authorizaon can be a token or a cookie (including CSRF token and session ID).
"API Endpoint" on page 6
"JSON Payload" on page 7
API Endpoint URL Format
The API endpoint URL has two parts:
API Endpoint—The endpoint for the global region that your Juniper Mist organizaon is associated
with. See "API Endpoints and Global Regions" on page 9.
Funcon—Everything aer the API endpoint represents the funcon that the API will call.
NOTE: You would replace the bracketed items with the actual values for your API endpoint, site
ID, and device ID.
Everything aer <api-endpoint> is the funcon. The call goes to the global cloud and requests the
stascs for the specied device at the specied site.
JSON Payload
Dierent funcons require dierent elements in the JSON payload. You can view the required details in
the API documentaon.
How to view the API documentaon:
1. Log in to your Juniper Mist portal.
2. Click the Help buon (near the top right corner of the screen).
3. Click API Documentaon.
API Rate Liming
Juniper Mist limits API calls to 5,000 per hour. If you need a higher rate limit, contact Juniper support
about your use case.
NOTE: To prevent brute-force aacks, the login API (/api/v1/login) is rate-limited aer three
login failures.
API Authencaon Opons
The Juniper Mist API allows three opons for requesng authencaon:
Basic Authencaon—Token
Secure it like a password.
For instrucons about creang an API token, see "Create API Tokens" on page 10.
HTTP Login— Username and Password
Is like a dashboard login.
Can be two-factor authencaon.
Account must be linked to an OAuth provider.
Requires browser access.
A Simple API Example
Using the Django API interface, you can make your rst API call. Aer logging in to Mist, open a new
window using the same browser and enter the URL
This is equivalent to making this API call GET /api/v1/self.
The result, shown above, displays the privileges assigned to you for the organizaons and sites you are
associated with.
Addional RESTful API Documentaon | 50
API Endpoints and Global Regions
API endpoints vary by global region. You need to use
the correct API endpoint for the region that your
Juniper Mist organizaon is associated with.
Determine Your API Endpoint | 9
List of API Endpoint URLs | 10
Determine Your API Endpoint
You can determine the correct API endpoint URL for your organizaon by looking in the address bar of
the Juniper Mist portal.
1. Log in to the Juniper Mist portal.
2. In the address bar, noce the rst part of the URL, starng with the word
and ending with
Example: hps://
Your API endpoint is similar but starts with
instead of
In the above example, the resulng API endpoint URL is
TIP: The portal URL also contains your organizaon ID. In the URL, the organizaon ID
secon starts with these characters:
List of API Endpoint URLs
Table 2: Endpoints by Global Region
Global 01 Global 02 Global 03 Global 04 Europe 01
Create API Tokens
Create an Organizaon Token in the Mist Portal | 11
Create a User Token in the Mist Portal | 14
Create a User or Organizaon Token Using the REST API Explorer | 15
API tokens contain authencaon informaon and are bound to specic users or an enre organizaon.
API tokens send idencaon informaon about the user or organizaon to the API server to indicate
whether or not the user has access to the API, to ensure security.
Like many other API providers, Juniper Mist oers a way to generate API tokens for authencaon (in
the HTTP header). When considering tokens, Juniper Mist uses the terms
The following characteriscs pertain to user API tokens:
The API token assumes the same privileges as the assigned user’s account privileges.
Juniper Mist automacally removes an API token that has not been used for 90 consecuve days.
The base Uniform Resource Idener (URI) for the Juniper Mist API is {api_endpoint}/api/v1/.
NOTE: In place of {api_endpoint}, you need to use the API endpoint for your global region.
See "API Endpoints and Global Regions" on page 9.
In Juniper Mist, there are two types of API tokens:
Organizaon Token
The token persists under the Mist organizaon.
The token is not bound to any specic user, meaning the access does not depend upon any user’s
access to the organizaon.
org tokens, which can have dierent privileges.
The token can only be used for that specic organizaon.
Rate liming is done by the individual token. For example, if OrgToken1 consumes 5000 API calls
and reaches the rate limit, OrgToken2 is not impacted.
User Token
The token persists to a specic user account.
The token is bound to the specic user, meaning the access directly correlates to the user’s access
to the organizaon.
The token can be used for any Managed Service Provider (MSP) or organizaon that the user has
access to.
tokens, which all have the same privilege as the user account.
Rate liming is done by the account that is ed to the user. For example, if UserToken1 consumes
5000 API calls and reaches the rate limit, UserToken2 AND account log in to the GUI are
You can create API tokens through the Mist Portal or REST API Explorer.
Create an Organizaon Token in the Mist Portal
1. From the le menu of the Juniper Mist portal, select Organizaon > Admin > Sengs.
2. Scroll down to the API Token secon and click Create Token.
3. Select an Access Level to dene the permissions for the token.
4. Click Generate.
5. Click the copy buon next to the Key eld and store it somewhere for safekeeping.
NOTE: The only me you will see the enre, untruncated key is upon creaon. You will not be
able to see the full key ever again. If you misplace the key, you will have to create a new key.
6. Click Done at the boom of the window.
7. Click Save near the top-right corner of the page.
Create a User Token in the Mist Portal
You can generate an API user token from the My Account page in the Mist portal.
To generate an API user token:
1. At the top-right corner of the Juniper Mist portal, click the Juniper Mist Account icon, and then click
My Account.
2. In the API Token secon, click Create Token. If you have enabled single sign-on for your organizaon,
you will not be able to create API user tokens.
3. Enter a name for the token and click Generate. The generated key is the user API token.
4. Click the copy buon next to the Key eld.
Ensure to store the key somewhere for safekeeping as you will not be able to see the full key again. If
you misplace the key, you’ll need to create a new key.
5. Click Done.
NOTE: If you need to delete a user token, click the token in the API Token secon of the My
Prole page, and then click Delete in the Edit Token page.
Create a User or Organizaon Token Using the REST API Explorer
1. Log in to the Juniper Mist portal.
NOTE: You must be logged into the portal to use the REST API Explorer.
2. Open a new browser window and paste your URL: {api_endpoint}/api/v1/self/apitokens.
NOTE: In place of {api_endpoint}, you need to use the API endpoint for your global region.
See "API Endpoints and Global Regions" on page 9.
The REST API Explorer is the API page for token control. Here you can create, read, update, and
delete tokens and token informaon. This page inially displays the tokens that you have already
This page also enables you and other users to make an API call directly from the browser. With Media
type: applicaons/json already selected as the default, a GET request will be performed to show you
a list of your tokens. A truncated key will display for any previously created tokens.
3. Click POST.
The response will be similar to this example:
"id": "437de3bf-acd2-4bed-****-cbba973b91f8",
"last_used": null,
"key": "L0kN12lkn4lkn***nklnqlkewnrsFTJ",
"created_time": 1596821422
4. Copy the key (token) and store it for safekeeping.
NOTE: The Juniper Mist API will never again display the actual token (
) in full, anywhere,
aer creang the key. Aer you navigate away from this page and come back, the key will
appear but in a truncated version. You should treat this key as a password and store it in a
safe place. If you lose this key, you will need to create a new one.
REST API HTTP Response Codes
Here’s the full list of HTTP response codes and denions: hps://
Juniper Mist uses the following response codes:
Table 3: HTTP Response Codes
Status Descripon
200 OK
400 Bad Request. The API endpoint exists but its syntax/
payload is incorrect, detail may be given
401 Unauthorized
403 Permission Denied
404 Not found. The API endpoint doesn’t exist, or the
resource doesn’t exist.
Use the Django Web Interface to Make API Changes
RESTful API Paginaon Example | 19
The Juniper Mist API is built on a Django Representaonal State Transfer (REST) framework. This
architecture allows for a browsable API. This API allows for increased usability and exibility by enabling
you and other users to perform CRUD operaons within the API. In a sense, the Django interface acts
like a RESTful client. This funcon is handy for execung CRUD operaons on a single API object.
To make a change to a conguraon object, you must be logged in to the Juniper Mist portal and know
the URL API path of the object. Consult the API documentaon, for details and parameters for changing
objects. You will nd the URL API paths for all objects available.
This task walks you through how to get device informaon from an access point (AP) and rename the AP
directly from the Django interface.
To use the Django web interface to make API changes:
1. Log in to the Juniper Mist portal.
2. Open the API URL for a specic device: hps://<api-endpoint>/api/v1/sites/<site_id>/devices?
name=<device name>. The device name is case-sensive.
NOTE: Replace the placeholders with the correct API endpoint, site ID, and device name.
In this case, the URL will look like this (porons of the site_id are omied): hps://<api-
The browser issues a GET /api/v1/sites/c1947558-268d-4d31-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/devices?
name=TEST-rename command through the Django interface.
Juniper Mist assigns every device a unique idener, which is typically based on the MAC address
(00000000-0000-0000-1000-<device_mac>). In the context of the device API, it is called id. You
need to reference the AP using id so the API knows which specic device to rename.
To make the change, insert the device ID (id) into the API call and display it in the browser.
The new call will look like this: hps://
xxxxxxxxxxxx/devices/00000000-0000-0000-1000-5c5b3xxxxxxx. The output is the same as the
previous request; however, the API context now enables you to make a change to the specic device
based on the id and not the name. (Noce the lack of enclosing “[ ]” brackets.)
4. Enter the JavaScript Object Notaon (JSON)-formaed text in the Content input box for the
intended AP rename call. You do not need to include the unique device ID (id) because the id context
exists in the URL.
"name": "RENAMED"
5. Once complete, press PUT to push the request to Juniper Mist. The results should look like this,
indicang that the AP has been renamed:
"id": "00000000-0000-0000-1000-5c5b3xxxxxx",
"name": "RENAMED",
"site_id": "c1947558-268d-4d31-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"org_id": "3f12cb79-fb5e-4d4b-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"created_time": 1685989351,
"modified_time": 1686321430,
"map_id": null,
"mac": "5c5b3xxxxxxxx",
"serial": "A07451xxxxxxx",
"model": "AP43",
"hw_rev": "C02",
"type": "ap",
"tag_uuid": "3f12cb79-fb5e-4d4b-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"tag_id": 3056xxx,
"evpntopo_id": null,
"deviceprofile_id": null
For more informaon, see the Site secon of the API Documentaon site.
RESTful API Paginaon Example
Some organizaons have inventories with thousands of APs. This can be challenging when you want to
view them all with an API GET request because by default, the response will be returned without
paginaon on a single page. You can enable paginaon to the returned data by adding HTTP header
parameters for X-Page-Limit and X-Page-Page to the API GET request.
The X-Page-Limit denes the maximum number of results per page while the X-Page-Page denes the
maximum number of page results. The example below shows the format of a GET request that includes
Request URL:
Request Method: GET
Status Code: 200 OK
Date: Thu, 16 May 2019 04:22:05 GMT
Request Headers:
X-Page-Limit: 1000
X-Page-Page: 35
The response you receive from Mist when making the request in the Django web interface, will look like
Refer to our API document for more informaon on usage: hps://
Overview#query (Juniper Mist login required)
Addional RESTful API Documentaon | 50
API Endpoints and Global Regions | 9
Mist API Metrics
SLE APIs | 23
Insights APIs | 23
Mist Assurances with APIs | 24
When you use the Juniper Mist portal to monitor the operaon of your network, you gain insight into
what’s happening before it becomes an issue. You can see the network from mulple viewpoints:
wireless, wired, WAN, and others. Addionally, you can use the tools that Juniper Mist provides to
troubleshoot and correct potenal issues.
The primary Mist dashboard at Monitor > Service Levels presents the results of the predicve analycs
and correlaon engine (PACE), in the form of Service Level Expectaon (SLE) metrics. SLEs leverage
machine learning and the Mist PACE in the Juniper Mist cloud. Using these resources, SLEs turn
streaming telemetry from the access points (APs) into visualizaons represenng end users' network
experience in near real me. For more informaon about SLEs, see the Juniper Mist AI-Nave
Operaons Guide.
As with everything seen in the Mist GUI, SLEs and Insights informaon are also available from the API.
It may be useful for you to gather informaon on specic SLEs to use for historical reporng purposes
or to trigger other automaon. Like other API calls, you begin by determining which endpoint you want
to gather data from. Below, we show an example of the API GET request for the
getSiteSleClassifierDetails endpoint:
Insights APIs
Insights provide an overview of network experience across the Enre Site, Access Points or wireless
Client. It’s a great place to start when checking into a site.
You can nd Insight informaon by making a GET call to one of the following Insights endpoints:
The GET call would look like this:
To view examples of available Insight metrics, log in to the Mist portal and open this link in a new tab
from the same browser:
Using the previous example, you would add your desired metric at the end of the call.
Mist Assurances with APIs
Mist oers many cloud-based assurance services to help you idenfy the cause of poor user
experiences on the network. The assurances are automated Mist tools that provide insight into users’
connecon data and can even proacvely make conguraon adjustments to the network. Mist oers
services such as Wireless Assurance, Wired Assurance, WAN Assurance, IoT Assurance, and Access
Assurance. SLEs and Insights are two features that are included in each of these licensed oerings.
The APIs associated with Wired Assurance allow you to congure devices using Network Templates and
individual switch sengs. Wireless Assurance allows you to congure wireless templates or individual
access points. You can also get wireless SLE and Insights data from the API.
API Use Case Examples
Source of Truth
As network operaons connue to evolve, the Source of Truth (SoT) is becoming a more important
concept. This SoT allows you to describe to an external soware applicaon how the network should be
congured and have it directly interact with Mist for device conguraon.
The source of truth can be something as simple as a set of YAML or JSON data les or as sophiscated
as a dedicated applicaon or a suite of applicaons that manage and automate your enre network.
Conguring sites and devices via the API, based on data in the SoT, provides a level of control and can
keep conguraons consistent across sites and devices.
Service Oriented Conguraon
Change management is a large part of network operaons. Manual changes are both error prone and
me consuming. Integraon of change management into a plaorm like ServiceNow helps simplify
common change management requests by leng changes ow through proper change management
processes as well as reduce the human error of making the changes. The API for Wired Assurance
enables these integraons between service plaorms and the wired network conguraon.
SLE API Documentaon
Metrics/Classiers | 25
API Endpoints | 26
Calculang SLE Percentages | 29
Monitoring SLEs | 35
Many endpoints used on the Juniper Mist™ WiFi Service Levels dashboard can be found in the API docs:
hps:// (requires valid login) or hps://
Those endpoints which may not be found in the API docs are noted below.
Juniper Mist SLEs support metrics and classiers. Metrics track whether the service level meets the
congured threshold value. If a metric does not meet the threshold, then this failure may be aributed
to one of the classiers to further understand where the failure occurred.
The currently supported metrics and their classiers are as follows:
AP Upme: ap-availability
AP Reboot: ap-reboot
AP Unreachable: ap-unreachable
Site Down: site-down
Capacity: capacity
AP Load: AP-load
Non WiFi Interference: non-wi-interference
WiFi Interference: wi-interference
Coverage: coverage
Asymmetry Downlink: asymmetry-downlink
Asymmetry Uplink: asymmetry-uplink
Weak Signal: weak-signal
Roaming: roaming
Failed to Fast Roam: No-Fast-Roam
Slow 11r Roams: Subopmal-11r-roam
Slow OKC Roams: Subopmal-okc-roam
Slow Standard Roams: Slow-Roam
Successful Connects: failed-to-connect
Associaon: associaon
Authorizaon: authorizaon
Throughput: throughput
Capacity: capacity
Coverage: coverage
Device Capability: device-capability
Network Issues: network-issues
Time to Connect: me-to-connect
Associaon: associaon
Authorizaon: authorizaon
Internet Services: IP-Services\u000C
API Endpoints
The UI ulizes a number of API endpoints to display the SLE data. Most of these endpoints are
supported for the Site, AP, or Client scopes.
The key endpoints are as follows:
Metric List: Get the list of metrics for the given scope
Endpoint: /api/v1/sites/:site_id/sle/scope/:scope_id/metrics
Site: /api/v1/sites/:site_id/sle/site/:site_id/metrics
AP: /api/v1/sites/:site_id/sle/ap/:ap_id/metrics
Client: /api/v1/sites/:site_id/sle/client/:client_mac/metrics
Metric Threshold: Process the SLE threshold
EP: /api/v1/sites/:site_id/sle/:scope/:scope_id/metric/:metric/threshold
Site: /api/v1/sites/:site_id/sle/site/:site_id/metric/:metric/threshold
AP: /api/v1/sites/:site_id/sle/ap/:ap_id/metric/:metric/threshold
Client: /api/v1/sites/:site_id/sle/client/:client_mac/metric/:metric/threshold
Metric Histogram: Get the histogram for the SLE metric
EP: /api/v1/sites/:site_id/sle/:scope/:scope_id/metric/:metric/histogram
Site: /api/v1/sites/:site_id/sle/site/:site_id/metric/:metric/histogram
AP: /api/v1/sites/:site_id/sle/ap/:ap_id/metric/:metric/histogram
Client: /api/v1/sites/:site_id/sle/client/:client_mac/metric/:metric/histogram
(ie: 1540591200)
(ie: 1540594800)
Metric Summary: Get the summary for the SLE metric
EP: /api/v1/sites/:site_id/sle/:scope/:scope_id/metric/:metric/summary
Site: /api/v1/sites/:site_id/sle/site/:site_id/metric/:metric/summary
AP: /api/v1/sites/:site_id/sle/ap/:ap_id/metric/:metric/summary
Client: /api/v1/sites/:site_id/sle/client/:client_mac/metric/:metric/summary
Metric Impact Summary: Get impact summary counts oponally ltered by classier and failure type
EP: /api/v1/sites/:site_id/sle/:scope/:scope_id/metric/:metric/impact-summary
Site: /api/v1/sites/:site_id/sle/site/:site_id/metric/:metric/impact-summary
AP: /api/v1/sites/:site_id/sle/ap/:ap_id/metric/:metric/impact-summary
Classier Summary: Get SLE classier details
EP: /api/v1/sites/:site_id/sle/:scope/:scope_id/metric/:metric/classier/:classier/summary
Site: /api/v1/sites/:site_id/sle/site/:site_id/metric/:metric/classier/:classier/summary
AP: /api/v1/sites/:site_id/sle/ap/:ap_id/metric/:metric/classier/:classier/summary
Metric Impacted Ap List: Get impacted APs oponally ltered by classier and failure type
EP (Site): /api/v1/sites/:site_id/sle/site/:site_id/metric/:metric/impacted-aps
Metric Impacted User List: Get impacted users oponally ltered by classier and failure type
EP: /api/v1/sites/:site_id/sle/:scope/:scope_id/metric/:metric/impacted-users
Site: /api/v1/sites/:site_id/sle/site/:site_id/metric/:metric/impacted-users
AP: /api/v1/sites/:site_id/sle/ap/:ap_id/metric/:metric/impacted-users
Calculang SLE Percentages
The SLE metric success rate is calculated as a percentage of how oen the threshold was met during the
selected meframe. Classiers are also calculated as percentages, but these values indicate their impact
towards the parent failure.
For example, the below screenshot shows Time to Connect succeeded 96% of the me; all clients who
successfully connected from 3:00-4:00pm completed the connecon process within the 4 second
This metric’s success rate (%) is derived from the “Metric Summary” API endpoint:
“start”: 1540591200,
“end”: 1540594800,
“sle”: {
“x_label”: “seconds”,
“y_label”: “seconds”,
“interval”: 600,
“name”: “time-to-connect”,
“samples”: {
“degraded”: [
“total”: [
The metric failure rate is calculated by dividing the failures (
) by the total
). This is then translated to the success rate percentage. Using the above API response
payload, the calculaon would look as follows:
This screenshot shows classiers that contributed to the metric failures:
The classier’s impact (%) is derived from the same “Metric Summary” API endpoint:
“start”: 1540591200,
“end”: 1540594800,
“classifiers”: [
“name”: “DHCP”,
“samples”: {
“degraded”: [
“name”: “authorization”,
“samples”: {
“degraded”: [
“name”: “association”,
“samples”: {
“degraded”: [
“name”: “IP-Services”,
“samples”: {
“degraded”: [
The classier impact is calculated by dividing the classier’s failures (
) by
the sum of all failures (
). This is then translated to a percentage. Using the
above API response payload, the calculaon for DHCP would look as follows:
Monitoring SLEs
SLE data is updated every 10 minutes. However, the SLEs are prone to uctuaons when monitoring at
this granularity. Thus it is recommended to query for 1-hour intervals using the explicit start/end me,
and polling only once per hour.
Automac Site-Creaon (Use Case)
Automaon in a Juniper Mist network enables you and other administrators to make system changes
automacally, while minimizing human error. It also enables you to make massively scalable changes that
simply cannot be made from a GUI.
The video below shows an example of a script that creates ve hundred sites in less than 5 minutes
using a CSV le for input, a Juniper Mist device template, the Juniper Mist API, and Python:
Video: Automac Site Creaon Use Case
Renaming Access Points (Use Case)
At mes, you and other wireless administrators need to rename Juniper Mist network access points
(APs) at a specic site. Consistent naming helps provide order and consistency in network inventory
documentaon. For example, a site may physically move to a new locaon and take on a new naming
To perform this renaming task, in the Juniper Mist portal you can perform a bulk renaming acon using a
regular expression. This opon is easy and readily available, but it can become complex if you have many
devices to rename.
Another opon is to create a Python script to rename the APs. This opon simplies the task of
renaming many devices. The example script below illustrates the Python script renaming sequence. The
script renames specic APs that have already been claimed to a site. The script uses three les, as
The rst le (cong.json) contains the conguraon variables.
The second le (ap-names.csv) is a CSV le that contains the MAC address of the AP to be renamed
as well as the AP’s new name.
The third le ( is the Python script itself, which takes informaon from the other
two les.
To use the script, you place all three les in the same working directory.
The rst le, which contains the JavaScript Object Notaon (JSON) formaed conguraon, includes
variables needed to connect to the API to make the required calls to nd and rename the specied APs.
"api": {
"org_id": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"token": "ApUYc...hsO",
"mist_url": "https://<api-endpoint>"
"site": {
"id": "<site-id>"
NOTE: In place of <api-endpoint>, use the API endpoint for your global region. See "API
Endpoints and Global Regions" on page 9.
The Python script uses the contents of the CSV le to idenfy the AP (by the MAC address) and then
rename it to the new name ap-names.csv.
By default, when you inially claim an AP, the AP takes the name of its own MAC address. The main
Python script does the actual work of nding and renaming of the AP, which consists of the following
1. (def)—Get the MAC address of the AP to rename.
2. Find the AP on the site.
3. Rename the AP.
The main funcon (def) uses the other funcons to complete the task and loops, as necessary.
This is what the script looks like:
#!/usr/bin/env python3
The format of the MAC address part of this CSV file must be the following:
import argparse
import time
import json
import requests
import csv
from pprint import pprint
def is_ap_in_site(configs: dict, ap_mac: str):
This function checks for an AP assigned to a site.
- configs: dictionary containing all configuration information
- site_id: ID of the site we will to assign the AP to
- the ID of the AP if the AP is assigned to the site
- the current name of the AP
api_url = f"{configs['api']['mist_url']}sites/{configs['site']['id']}/devices"
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Token {}'.format(configs['api']['token'])}
response = requests.get(api_url, headers=headers)
if response.status_code == 200:
devices = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))
for device in devices:
if device['mac'] == ap_mac:
return (device['id'], device['name'])
print('Something went wrong: {}'.format(response.status_code))
return (None, None)
def rename_ap(configs: dict, ap_id: str, new_ap_name: str, ap_old_name: str):
This function renames an AP.
- configs: dictionary containing all configuration information
- ap_id: ID of the AP device object
- new_ap_name: name to apply to the AP
- ap_old_name: current name of the AP
api_url = f"{configs['api']['mist_url']}sites/{configs['site']['id']}/devices/{ap_id}"
headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Token {}'.format(configs['api']['token'])}
body = {}
body['name'] = new_ap_name
response = requests.put(api_url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(body))
if response.status_code == 200:
device = json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))
print(f"{device['mac']} renamed from {ap_old_name} to {device['name']}")
print(f"AP ID: {ap_id}\tSomething went wrong: {response.status_code}")
def retreive_ap_mac_list(csv_filename: str) -> dict:
This function converts the content of the CSV file to a Python dictionary.
- csv_filename: the name of the comma separated value file.
- A dictionary containing the content of the CSV file
ap_csv = csv.DictReader(csv_filename)
ap_list = []
for line in ap_csv:
return ap_list
def main():
This script batch renames the APs listed in a CSV file.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Configures a Mist AP for an APoS site survey')
parser.add_argument('config', metavar='config_file', type=argparse.FileType(
'r'), help='file containing all the configuration information')
parser.add_argument('ap_list', metavar='aps_names', type=argparse.FileType(
'r'), help='csv file containing new AP names')
args = parser.parse_args()
configs = json.load(args.config)
ap_mac_list = retreive_ap_mac_list(args.ap_list)
for ap in ap_mac_list:
ap_id, ap_old_name = is_ap_in_site(configs, ap['mac'])
if ap_id:
rename_ap(configs, ap_id, ap['name'], ap_old_name)
print(f"AP {ap['name']} is not part of site {configs['site']['id']}")
if __name__ == '__main__':
start_time = time.time()
print('** Start the batch renaming of APs...\n')
run_time = time.time() - start_time
print("\n** Time to run: %s sec" % round(run_time, 2))
To run the script, call the script and provide the cong.json lename and the ap-
names.csv lename as arguments. For example:
user@linux-host> python config.json ap-names.csv
Aer you run the script, the output should look something like this:
** Start the batch renaming of APs...
aabbcc001121 renamed from OLD-AP-01 to NEW-AP-01
aabbcc001122 renamed from OLD-AP-02 to NEW-AP-02
aabbcc001122 renamed from OLD-AP-03 to NEW-AP-03
** Time to run: 3.24 sec
You can also check the Juniper Mist portal and verify the changes by checking the device’s inventory.
Automaon is not limited to RESTful APIs and Python. You can nd other automaon opons such as
WebSocket and webhook API usage and tools to help in the development process.
RESTful API Overview | 4
No Link Title
REST API HTTP Response Codes | 17
BLE Import (Use Case)
IN THIS SECTION Script | 42 Script | 45
Assets.csv | 46
This Juniper Mist use case shows you how to eciently import your Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) assets
with their names using the power of Juniper Mist Asset Visibility.
When you set up and acvate locaon-based services with Juniper Mist Asset Visibility, admins like you
can see all BLE clients and assets. You can also see their precise locaons, right on an indoor oor plan
or map.
For sites that use BLE asset tags, it’s handy to track these devices by giving them easily readable names
that provide some context. You can add and display these names individually within the Juniper Mist
portal, but if you have a lot of assets to manage, doing it one by one can be quite me consuming. An
easier way to do this is to run a script to import BLE assets and assign them a name in bulk.
For this use case, you need to:
Enable Asset Visibility in the Site Sengs for each site.
Make sure that you have an acve license for Asset Visibility.
Make sure that you have placed compable APs on the oor plan.
This use case involves two scripts: and A third le, a CSV le called assets.csv,
contains the BLE assets and their corresponding names.
Here's the order of steps you follow when you need to import BLE assets:
1. Start by updang the script with your Mist API token, Mist site universally unique idener
(UUID), and the region (or cloud) in which your organizaon is hosted.
2. Next, you add, remove, or inspect the BLE devices and their names within the assets.csv le.
3. Run the script, which will use the CSV content to create the assets in Juniper Mist. Script
A lot happens behind the scenes in the script. The script imports the data from the CSV le and
converts the data into JSON format. Then, for each device, the script creates a BLE asset and triggers
the script. This script does the work of making all the necessary calls to the
Juniper Mist API.
# Update with your Mist API Token and Juniper Mist site UUID.
# Inspect the "assets.csv" file to update the PSKs being created, then run this exercise to
automatically create BLE assets from CSV.
import sys, csv, json, re
from mist_client import Admin # Import the Juniper Mist client
mist_api_token = '' # Your Juniper Mist API token goes here. Documentation: https://
site_id = '' # Your Site ID goes here
csv_file = 'assets.csv'
# Convert CSV file to JSON object.
def csv_to_json(file):
csv_rows = []
with open(file) as csvfile:
reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
title = reader.fieldnames
for row in reader:
csv_rows.extend([ {title[i]: row[title[i]] for i in range(len(title))} ])
return csv_rows
# Creates BLE assets using the given CSV file and the Juniper Mist API
def create_assets(admin, data):
for d in data:
mac = re.sub(r'[^0-9a-fA-F]', '', d.get('MAC', '')).lower()
assert len(mac) == 12
assert mac.isalnum()
print('Invalid MAC {}, skipping this Asset.'.format(d.get('MAC', '(none)')))
# Build the asset payload
payload = {'name': d['Name'].strip(), 'mac': mac}
# Create the BLE Asset and note the targeted region (or cloud)
api_url = '{}/assets'.format(site_id)
(success, result) =, payload)
# Add the new PSK to the return list
if result == None:
print('Failed to create BLE Asset {}'.format(mac))
if success:
print('Created BLE Asset \"{}\" ({})'.format(result.get('name', '(unnamed)'),
print('BLE Asset \"{}\" already exists with MAC Address {}'.format(d.get('Name',
'(unnamed)'), mac))
# Main function
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Check for required variables
if mist_api_token == '':
print('Please provide your Mist API token as mist_api_token')
elif site_id == '':
print('Please provide your Mist Site UUID as site_id')
# Create Mist client
admin = Admin(mist_api_token)
print('Converting file {} to JSON...\n'.format(csv_file))
# Convert CSV to valid JSON
data = csv_to_json(csv_file)
if data == None or data == []:
print('Failed to convert CSV file to JSON. Exiting script.')
print(json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
# Create the WLAN PSKs from CSV file
print('Creating BLE Assets...\n')
create_assets(admin, data)
44 Script
The script funcons like a regular RESTful client for interacng with the Juniper Mist API.
The script makes API calls based on the input from the CSV le and the output of the script.
The script also error-checks the HTTP response from the API and displays the output, as
# Mist API client session.
import json, requests
# Mist CRUD operations
class Admin(object):
def __init__(self, token=''):
self.session = requests.Session()
self.headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Token ' + token
def get(self, url):
session = self.session
headers = self.headers
print('GET {}'.format(url))
response = session.get(url, headers=headers)
if response.status_code != 200:
print('Failed to GET')
print('\tURL: {}'.format(url))
print('\tResponse: {} ({})'.format(response.text, response.status_code))
return False
return json.loads(response.text)
def post(self, url, payload, timeout=60):
session = self.session
headers = self.headers
#print('POST {}'.format(url))
response =, headers=headers, json=payload)
if response.status_code == 400:
return (False, response.text)
elif response.status_code != 200:
print('Failed to POST')
print('\tURL: {}'.format(url))
print('\tPayload: {}'.format(payload))
print('\tResponse: {} ({})'.format(response.text, response.status_code))
return (False, None)
return (True, json.loads(response.text))
In this example, the assets.csv le resides in the same directory as the and les.
The following example shows how to format the CSV le with the name of the BLE asset and its
associated MAC address:
Amber Badge,aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff
Mark Badge,11-22-33-44-55-66
Invalid MAC,xx.yy.zz.xx.yy.zz
Automaon goes beyond just using RESTful APIs and Python. Other opons like WebSocket and
webhook APIs are available. You can explore these other opons for automaon purposes.
API with Wired Assurance
Network Templates | 47
Site Sengs | 48
Switch Sengs | 48
API Use Cases | 49
There are primarily three main URI endpoints of interest with respect to Wired Assurance:
Network Templates
Site Sengs
Switch Sengs
Network Templates
Documentaon is located just below RF Templates here: hps://
Create Network Template
POST: hps://
Payload: JSON Formaed Payload
Required: name
Get List of Network Templates
GET: /api/v1/orgs/:org_id/networktemplates
Payload: None
Filters: id, name
Get Network Template
GET: /api/v1/orgs/:org_id/networktemplates/:networktemplate_id
Payload: None
Update Network Template
PUT: /api/v1/orgs/:org_id/networktemplates/:networktemplate_id
Payload: JSON Formaed Payload (only changes/addions needed)
Delete Network Template
DELETE: /api/v1/orgs/:org_id/networktemplates/:networktemplate_id
Payload: None
Site Sengs
Documentaon is located here: hps://ng
Get Site Sengs
*Includes both switching and non-switching related sengs*
GET: /api/v1/sites/:site_id/seng
Payload: None
Update Site Sengs:
PUT: /api/v1/sites/:site_id/seng
Payload: JSON Formaed Payload (only changes/addions needed)
To link this site to a template, add the “networktemplate_id” key with the value of the ID for the
network template to apply.
Note: There is no POST or DELETE for site sengs. The only way to create site sengs is to create a
new site, and the only current way to delete them is to delete the site.
Switch Sengs
Switch Sengs
Documentaon is located here: hps://
Get Switch Sengs:
GET: /api/v1/sites/:site_id/devices/:device_id
Payload: None
Update Switch Sengs:
PUT: /api/v1/sites/:site_id/devices/:device_id
Payload: JSON Formaed Payload (only changes/addions needed)
Reset Switch Sengs:
POST: /api/v1/sites/:site_id/devices/:device_id
Payload: None or JSON
This eecvely deletes the conguraon dened at the switch sengs and replaces it with either
nothing, or whatever is passed in the payload. Great for if you messed up and need to reset the
sengs before reconguring.
NOTE: This is currently missing from the API documentaon. We are currently working to get it
re-added. You can nd it in the django API browser.
Get Switch Cong Commands:
This returns the cong set commands that Mist will push to the switch. Note, this does not include
the basic connecvity (browneld cong snippet, or greeneld cong), just the sengs that are
pushed via the Template/Site/Switch conguraon from Mist.
GET: /api/v1/sites/:site_id/devices/:device_id/cong_cmd
Payload: None
Super useful in both browneld deployments as well as learning and tesng EX in Mist.
API Use Cases
Source of Truth
As network operaons connues to evolve, the Source of Truth (SoT) is becoming a more important
construct. These SoTs allow us to describe how the network should be congured in an external
soware applicaon and have that SoT talk directly with Mist to congure.
The source of truth can be something as simple as a set of YAML or JSON datales or as sophiscated
as dedicated applicaons such as Netbox or NSOT. Conguring sites and switches via the API based on
data in the SoT provides a level of control and can keep conguraon consistent across sites and
Service Oriented Conguraon
Change management is a large part of network operaons. Manual changes are both error prone and
me consuming. Integraon of change management into ITSM plaorms like ServiceNow helps simplify
common change management requests by leng changes ow through proper change management
processes as well as reduce the human error of making the changes. The API for Wired Assurance
enables these integraons between ITSM plaorms and the wired network conguraon.
Connuing Eorts
While the API gives us some immediate opportunies to programmacally congure EX Switching, work
is already progressing for addional funconality. For example, automang the migraon Cisco IOS
conguraons as well as the automated migraon of exisng Juniper EX congs to the Mist plaorm
using exisng soware libraries and opensource tools.
Demo: A Non-Programmer Approach to API
This video shows the non-programmer way to approach the Juniper Mist™ API. Even though this
example involves switching, you can use the same approach with everything covered in the Juniper Mist
API, both wired and wireless.
In this example, Andy shows you how to use the Chrome developer tools to gure out exactly which API
endpoint is being called and how to take advantage of that in Postman.
Video: Automaon for Access Switching
Addional RESTful API Documentaon
To access API reference informaon, including parameter descripons, go to hps://
Webhooks Overview | 52
Conguring Webhooks from the API | 81
Conguring Webhooks in the Juniper Mist Portal | 86
Congure Zone Entry and Exit Events (Use Case) | 90
Tesng Webhooks | 91
Webhooks Overview
Webhook Message Flow | 53
Webhook Source Addresses | 54
Webhook Hierarchy | 55
Webhook Topics | 58
Webhooks and Alerts | 63
Webhook Messages | 69
You can congure webhooks to get real-me nocaons as events happen across your Juniper Mist
organizaon or within a parcular Juniper Mist site.
You may know webhooks as user-dened HTTP callbacks, HTTP posts, or HTTP nocaons. These
nocaons include event details that you can use in your own applicaons or third-party soware.
As you begin working with webhooks, it can be helpful to compare them with APIs. APIs work on a pull
or polling model. You create an API call, and Juniper Mist responds with the requested data. In contrast,
webhooks work on a push model. Aer you congure a webhook, you receive data as events occur.
Table 5: REST APIs and Webhooks Comparison
REST APIs Webhooks
Model Pull or polling model Push model
Limit 5000 per organizaon per hour No limit
Operaons Pull stascs, create conguraon,
update conguraon
Push alerts and key stascs
Coverage 100 percent Alerts, key events, or locaon
Recommended use cases Automaon, conguraon Integraon with third-party
monitoring tools or business
NOTE: The concepts of alerts and alarms are considered interchangeable. However, when
conguring an alert, you should make note of the alert or alarm syntax and use what is displayed.
Webhook Message Flow
As opposed to clients polling and pulling informaon from the API, Juniper Mist pushes webhooks to a
target webhook URL. There, underlying services can collect, store, or parse the message for specic data
and then perform acons on the infrastructure automacally.
This image shows the stages of data ow for webhooks.
1. An event occurs on a network device that Juniper Mist manages.
2. Juniper Mist processes the event and checks the current webhook conguraon for a match.
3. If Juniper Mist nds a match, it sends the webhook to the endpoint URL as congured.
4. If mulple events for a specic topic occur within a certain meframe, Juniper Mist aggregates the
events and sends them in a single message.
Webhook Source Addresses
IP Source Addresses for Juniper Mist Cloud Instances | 54
IP Source Addresses for Juniper Mist Cloud Instances
When you congure webhooks to use in your Juniper Mist network, you need to specify the URL of a
public-facing webhook receiver where Mist can send messages.
To ensure that your server receives the HTTP messages from the Juniper Mist cloud, congure your
rewall to allow trac from these source addresses:
Table 6: Regional Cloud IP Addresses
Global 01 Global 02 Global 03 Global 04 Europe 01
( -
You can use the Juniper Mist webhook ping to test connecvity from your Mist cloud through your
network infrastructure. For more informaon, see "Tesng Webhooks" on page 91 .
Webhook Hierarchy
Understand the relaonship between
organizaonal- and site-level webhooks. Get
familiar with the webhook topics that you can
congure at each level.
Webhook Hierarchy Overview | 55
Organizaon Webhooks | 56
Site Webhooks | 56
Webhook Hierarchy Overview
Juniper Mist has two conguraon hierarchies for webhooks: the organizaon level and site level. The
conguraon method is the same for both; however, not all webhooks are available at both levels.
All webhooks that are available at the organizaon level are also available for specic site-level
The available site-level webhooks are not available at the organizaon level.
Be aware of the hierarchy when conguring webhooks.
As an example, if you have two sites and you congure the Alerts webhook at the organizaon level,
you will receive all organizaon-level alerts for both sites.
Conversely, if you do not congure the Alerts webhook at the organizaon level and only congure the
Alerts webhook on one of the two sites, you will receive alerts only for that single site.
Finally, if you congure the Alerts webhook at the organizaon level and a single site, the webhook
receiver will receive duplicate messages (assuming they are sent to the same receiver URL).
You can congure mulple webhook receivers for a single webhook (and its topics) from the API. It is
recommended to have a single webhook that includes all the available topics and then parse the
informaon that you want from messages received by the webhook receiver.
Organizaon Webhooks
You can congure these topics at the organizaon level:
Alerts—Juniper Mist-dened alarm events congurable on a per-site basis in the alert framework.
Audits—A topic that tracks conguraon changes made from the Juniper Mist dashboard.
Client Join—The webhook that Juniper Mist triggers whenever a client joins a wireless network.
Client Sessions—The webhook that includes informaon about each specic client.
Device Events—A topic that is specic to events that occur on devices (currently AP, switch, and
Device Up/Downs—The topic that generates a message when a device starts up or goes down.
Juniper Mist Edge Events—The topic that generates messages for a Juniper Mist Edge port and link
status changes and link aggregaon control protocol (LACP) port and link changes.
Site Webhooks
Locaon Webhooks | 57
Network Service Webhooks | 57
Infrastructure Webhooks | 57
You can congure these topics at the site level:
Locaon Webhooks
To use locaon webhooks, you must upload a oorplan with accurate AP placement through the Juniper
Mist portal to correlate the client data. For more informaon, see the
Floorplan Setup Overview
in the
Juniper Mist Locaon Services Guide.
Locaon Coordinates—Data sent at regular intervals of less than one per second.
Zone—Data pushed any me a client enters or exits one of the dened areas.
Occupancy Alerts—Alerts on a congured zone occupancy threshold being exceeded.
RSSI Zones—Alerts based upon a WLAN’s minimum RSSI value of a client’s signal strength in
relaon to the site’s APs.
SDK Client Scan Data—Specic data about a client that isn’t available without installing an
applicaon (using the SDK) on the client itself.
Virtual Beacon Entry and Exit Events—Data pushed any me a client enters or exits one of these
Zone Entry and Exit Events—Data pushed any me a client enters or exits one of these areas.
Network Service Webhooks
Latency—A webhook that provides DHCP, DNS, and authencaon latency informaon aggregated
across all the client devices at the site level.
NOTE: You'll need a Marvis subscripon to subscribe to this webhook.
Infrastructure Webhooks
Alerts—Juniper Mist-dened alarm events congurable on a per-site basis in the alert framework.
Audits—A topic designed to track conguraon changes made from the Juniper Mist portal.
Client Join—This Juniper Mist webhook triggers whenever a client connects to a wireless network.
Client Sessions—The webhook that includes informaon about each specic client.
Device Events—The topic that is specic to events that occur on devices (currently AP, switch, and
Device Updowns—The topic that generates a message when a device starts up or goes down.
Juniper Mist Edge Events—The topic that generates messages for the Juniper Mist edge port and
link status changes and for an LACP port (if congured) and link changes.
Webhook Topics
Aer you've enable webhooks at the organizaon, site, or both levels, select the topics that you want to
receive messages for.
Use the following tables to learn more.
Table 7: Both Organizaon and Site Topics
Topic Purpose and Payload Details
alerts (alarms) User-selected alarms for devices and infrastructure,
Marvis acons, and security. To nd alerts in the
Juniper Mist portal, select Monitor > Alerts > Alerts
Conguraon from the le menu.
Devices and infrastructure: Device down, device
restarted, VPN peer down, ARP failure, DNS
Marvis: Faulty cable, failed AP health check, poor
Wi-Fi coverage, port apping, bad WAN uplink
Security: KRACK aack, TKIP ICV aack, rogue
client, rogue AP, honeypot
Depending on the type of alarm, the payload includes
details such as the IDs of the organizaon and site, the
event type, the severity, and the count of each event
type during the aggregaon interval.
To see which alarms are available and get examples of
their payloads, from a REST API client, issue the
following API call: GET /api/v1/const/alarm_defs
Table 7: Both Organizaon and Site Topics
Topic Purpose and Payload Details
audits A topic that all Mist conguraon changes trigger this
The payload includes details such as the
administrator’s name and username, the device ID, the
type of change, and the mestamp for the change.
client-join Client connecons only.
The payload includes details such as the IDs of the
organizaon and site; the MAC address and name of
the AP that the client connected to; and the WLAN ID,
band, SSID, RSSI, and mestamp for the connecon.
client-sessions Client session informaon.
The payload includes details such as the MAC address
and name of the AP that the client roamed to or
disconnected from, the WLAN ID, the band, the device
family (“Mac,” “iPhone,” “Apple watch”), the client
manufacturer and model, the mestamps for the
connecon and disconnecon, the oat duraon, the
RSSI, and the terminaon reason.
device-events Events aecng access points, switches, and gateways.
This topic includes events such as port up or down, AP
power changes, and channel changes.
The payload includes details such as the IDs of the
organizaon and site, the MAC address and name of
the device, and the mestamp of the event.
To see which alarms are available and get examples of
their payloads, issue the following API call from a REST
API client: GET /api/v1/const/device_events
Table 7: Both Organizaon and Site Topics
Topic Purpose and Payload Details
device-updowns Device disconnects, reconnects, and restarts.
The payload includes details such as the IDs of the
organizaon and site, the type of event, and the
device’s MAC address and name.
To congure device-updowns in the Juniper Mist portal,
select Monitor > Alerts > Alerts Conguraon from the
le menu. Here you can congure more granular
control of the types of devices and alert thresholds.
mxedge-events Juniper Mist Edge physical and LACP link status.
ping A ping event that goes to the webhook URL.
The payload includes the site ID, the webhook ID and
name, and the mestamp.
Table 8: Site-Only Topics
Topic Purpose and Payload Details
asset-raw-rssi Replaces deprecated topic named asset-raw.
Raw data from packets emied by named and ltered
The payload includes details such as the IDs of the
organizaon, site, map, AP, antenna, and asset; the AP
locaon; the RSSI; the beacon UUID and
manufacturer; the service packets; and data.
discovered-raw-rssi Raw data from packets emied by passive BLE.
The payload includes details such as the IDs of the
organizaon, site, map, reporng AP, and antenna; the
MAC address; the asset ID, manufacturer, and UUID of
the asset/beacon; and the RSSI.
Table 8: Site-Only Topics
Topic Purpose and Payload Details
locaon Locaon data for Juniper Mist SDK clients, wireless
clients, and assets.
Data includes details such as the site and map IDs, X
and Y coordinates, mestamp, the type of client, and
the client ID or MAC address.
nac-accounng This webhook triggers with any Juniper Mist network
access control (NAC) account event
ACCOUNTING_UPDATE). The payload includes details
such as mestamp, AP, client_ip, SSID, username,
client_type, client_mac, nas_vendor, site_id, rx_pkts,
and tx_pkts.
occupancy-alerts Occupancy status based on the congured occupancy
The payload includes details such as the IDs of the
organizaon, site, map, and zone; the event
OK”); the mestamp; the occupancy limit; and the
current occupancy.
rssi-zone Devices near an access point.
This topic provides informaon about devices entering
or exing a zone around an AP where the RSSI
received by the AP is above a congurable threshold.
You can create a new RSSI zone for each AP and
include the RSSI Zone name and an RSSI Zone
sdkclient-scan-data Locaon data for Juniper Mist SDK clients.The data
includes details such as the band, channel, SSID,
BSSID, and RSSI for the connecon; the AP’s MAC
address; list of neighboring APs; the mestamp when
the client was last seen; and the mestamp for the
Table 8: Site-Only Topics
Topic Purpose and Payload Details
vbeacon Devices near a virtual beacon.
This topic provides informaon about devices in
proximity to a congured vbeacon. Use this webhook
with the Juniper Mist SDK.
Raw data from packets emied by connected and
unconnected devices.
The payload includes details such as the IDs of the
organizaon, site, map, and reporng AP; the locaon
coordinates of the AP; the RSSI and band; and the
payload from the Wi-Fi beacon. It does not include the
client’s locaon data.
zone Locaon data for virtual beacons on your oorplan,
pushed when a client enters or exits a zone.
The data includes details such as the site, map, and
zone IDs, the mestamp, the trigger (enter or exit), the
client type (SDK client, wireless client, or asset), and
the ID or MAC address of the client.
client-latency DHCP, DNS, and authencaon latency informaon
aggregated across all the client devices at the site level.
Latency data is provided for a 10-minute window at
10-minute intervals. We recommend that you use this
webhook to receive network latency data instead of
polling through the API.
NOTE: You'll need a Marvis subscripon to subscribe
to this webhook.
Webhooks and Alerts
Conguring Alerts | 63
Alert Details | 64
Event Aggregaon | 69
Conguring Alerts
You can congure alerts for an enre organizaon, single sites, or mulple sites from the Alerts
Conguraon page in the portal.
: To nd this page, select Monitor > Alerts > Alerts Conguraon from the le menu of the
Juniper Mist portal.
All the alerts visible here are available to send an alert webhook by simply enabling the alert.
The alerts are broken down by color based upon severity, as follows:
The alarms are also categorized into these groups:
Infrastructure—Infrastructure alarms don’t keep state. They are based directly o device events.
When you monitor devices from infrastructure alarms, you typically either treat each event as a
standalone event, or you match stateful device changes.
Marvis—Marvis events are events idened under Marvis Acons. These events are generally
stateful. Inside their payload is a key called details. Under details you can see state and the values:
open or validated.
open means this issue is currently happening.
validated means that Marvis has validated that the issue is resolved. Aer the issue is deemed to
be validated, the same webhook type will be set with the updated state.
Because of the AI nature of Marvis acons, Marvis requires sucient data to ensure that these
alarms are accurate and aconable. Marvis needs to accumulate enough data to eliminate false
posives. This requirement results in a varying number of mes for the events to arrive.
Security—Most of the events in security are single-me events. These alerts will detect only specic
aacks and don’t determine if the aack is acve. Rogue APs are rate-limited to reporng once every
10 hours. Rogue clients and Honeypot AP events are sent once every 10 minutes.
The following alerts also have congurable failure thresholds:
ARP Failure
DHCP Failure
DNS Failure
Device Oine
For informaon about conguring alerts, see the Alert Conguraon informaon in the Juniper Mist
Network Monitoring Guide.
Alert Details
The table presents detailed informaon about each alert.
Table 9: Webhook Alerts Table
Alert/Webhook Name Group Category Descripon Triggering
ap_bad_cable marvis ap Bad Ethernet cable
connected to a
Juniper AP
Based on AP
ethernet errors,
connecng at
Req SUB-
ap_oine marvis ap Oine (Marvis) Site down: all
APs lose
around the same
me. Switch
down/issue: all
APs on the same
switch lose
around the same
me. Locally
online: AP is
heard locally but
lost cloud
Locally oine:
AP is not heard
locally & lost
Req SUB-
arp_failure marvis connecvity Site-wide wireless
connecon failures
Sudden increase
in failures across
the site OR
100% failures
on a server/
Req SUB-
Table 9: Webhook Alerts Table
Alert/Webhook Name Group Category Descripon Triggering
authencaon_failure marvis connecvity Site-wide wireless
and wired
connecon failures
Sudden increase
in failures across
the site OR
100% failures
on a server/
Req SUB-
bad_cable marvis switch Faulty cable
connected to a
Juniper switchport
Based on port
errors, power
draw without
ethernet link,
increase in bytes
out and 0 in
(and vice versa)
Req SUB-
bad_wan_uplink marvis Router Underperforming/
interface (SRX, SSR)
Latency, jier,
packet loss,
output drops &
drop in transmit
Req SUB-
dhcp_failure marvis connecvity Site-wide wireless
and wired
connecon failures
Sudden increase
in failures across
the site OR
100% failures
on a server/
Req SUB-
dns_failure marvis connecvity Site-wide wireless
connecon failures
Sudden increase
in failures across
the site OR
100% failures
on a server/
Req SUB-
Table 9: Webhook Alerts Table
Alert/Webhook Name Group Category Descripon Triggering
gw_bad_cable marvis Router Faulty cable
connected to a
Juniper gateway
(SRX only) port
Interface stat
errors, input/
output bytes
being 0
Req SUB-
gw_negoaon_mismatch marvis Router Dierence in MTU
packet size seen in
the network (SRX
Packets being
MTU errors
Req SUB-
health_check_failed marvis ap Unhealthy APs to
be replaced
Aer all auto-
self-healing on
the AP fails,
Marvis indicates
a proactve RMA
to replace the
Req SUB-
insucient_capacity marvis ap AP(s) with low Wi-
Fi capacity
Aer RRM
makes changes,
a single client or
a set of clients
have heavy
resulng in high
AP channel
Req SUB-
insucient_coverage marvis ap Areas around AP(s)
with consistent
poor Wi-Fi
Aer RRM
makes changes,
clients are sll
seen with low
Req SUB-
Table 9: Webhook Alerts Table
Alert/Webhook Name Group Category Descripon Triggering
missing_vlan marvis switch VLAN congured
on AP missing on
switch port or
AP observes
trac on each
vlan and
between APs on
the same switch
& other APs in
the site. Doesn't
require a Juniper
Req SUB-
negoaon_mismatch marvis switch Dierence in
sengs between a
wired client &
connected port
and/or auto-
Req SUB-
non_compliant marvis ap APs with
APs in a given
site deviang
from the
version seen on
majority APs
(same model) at
that site
Req SUB-
port_ap marvis switch Port constantly
going up & down
Port apping
with high
frequency &
Req SUB-
sw_alarm_chassis_psu infrastructure switch Junos Power
Supply Alarm
power supply
missing event
will trigger this
Table 9: Webhook Alerts Table
Alert/Webhook Name Group Category Descripon Triggering
switch_stp_loop marvis switch Same frame is seen
by a switch mulple
Frequent STP
changes along
with sudden
increase in tx/rx
Req SUB-
vpn_path_down marvis Router VPN peer path
down (SSR only)
100% failure of
a peer path
Req SUB-
Within each alarm is contextual data that you can extrapolate for event correlaon comparing mulple
devices. You can nd examples of all the exisng alert (alarm) denions with the funcon /api/v1/const/
alarm_defs (requires you to be logged in to Juniper Mist).
Event Aggregaon
Juniper Mist aggregates events based on topics that you’ve set up. If mulple events occur for the same
topic during the specied aggregaon window, Juniper Mist will group them into a single message.
Because of message aggregaon, you will need to parse the events from each message when they are
Webhook Messages
Get familiar with the message format and the
payloads for various webhook topics.
Message Format | 70
Infrastructure Payload Examples | 71
Locaon Payload Examples | 76
Message Format
Payload Structure | 70
Each webhook topic can have a slightly dierent format.
Most webhooks have the following structure where the event_details are the payload of events, as
"topic": "webhook-topic",
"events": [
{"EVENT DETAILS": "...."},
{"EVENT DETAILS": "....",
Payload Structure
Each webhook can have drascally dierent elds in the payloads (message body). However, several
elds are common: alarms, device-events, and audit topics.
All webhook messages are in JavaScript object notaon (JSON) format and include the following
informaon in the header, which describes the conguraon of the message itself. The header
informaon appears before the payload in the message. If you congure a custom header in the
webhook conguraon, it also appears here.
POST /uri/... HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mist-webhook
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 382
X-Mist-Signature: ce3af7760f1289d02bf6a7ad19f3xxxxxxxxxx
Infrastructure Payload Examples
Alert | 71
Audit | 72
Client Join | 73
Client Sessions | 73
Device Events | 74
Device Updowns | 75
Juniper Mist Edge Events | 75
Take a look at some webhook examples, starng with the infrastructure webhooks.
This alert (alarm) example displays a detected rogue AP, the count (number of mes Juniper Mist
detected it), and the AP and the basic service set idener (BSSIDs) that detected it.
"topic": "alarms",
"events": [
"aps": [
"bssids": [
"count": 16,
"id": "95193bda-1fef-4ea6-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"last_seen": 1549068720,
"ssids": [
"timestamp": 1549068202,
"type": "rogue-ap-detected",
"update": true,
"org_id": "2818e386-8dec-2562-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"site_id": "4ac1dcf4-9d8b-7211-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
This example is an audits alert indicang that John Doe updated a device. It shows the organizaon
(org_id) and site (site_id) the device belongs to.
"topic": "audits",
"events": [
"admin_name": "john doe [email protected]",
"device_id": "00000000-0000-0000-1000-5c5b35xxxxxx",
"id": "8e00dd48-b918-4d9b-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"message": "Update Device \"Reception\"",
"org_id": "2818e386-8dec-2562-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx",
"site_id": "4ac1dcf4-9d8b-7211-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"src_ip": "xx.xx.xx.xx",
"timestamp": 1549047906.201053
Client Join
This client-join message displays the MAC address of the client that joined. It also displays the
associated connecon details the instant a client joins a wireless network.
"topic": "client-join",
"events": [
"ap": “5c5b35d0xxxx",
"ap_name": “AP43 Test",
"band": "5",
"bssid": "5c5b35dfxxxx",
"connect": 1592333828,
"connect_float": 1592333828.324,
"mac": "70ef0071xxxx",
"org_id": "6748cfa6-4e12-11e6-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx",
"rssi": -54,
"site_id": "d761985e-49b1-4506-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx",
"site_name": "Test",
"ssid": "Mist",
"timestamp": 1592333828,
"version": 2
"wlan_id": "6c0c0b07-0d77-44d1-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
Client Sessions
The client-sessions payload displays detailed informaon regarding the enre session from a client to a
single AP.
"topic": "client-sessions",
"events": [
"ap": “5c5b352fxxxx",
"ap_name": “AP43 Test",
"band": "5",
"bssid": "5c5b352bxxxx",
"client_family": "iPhone",
"client_manufacture": "Apple",
"client_model": "8+",
"client_os": "13.4.1",
"connect": 1592333548,
"connect_float": 1592333548.117,
"disconnect": 1592333828,
"disconnect_float": 1592333828.589,
"duration": 279.835049793,
"mac": "70ef00xxxxxx",
"next_ap": "5c5b35d0xxxx",
"org_id": "6748cfa6-4e12-11e6-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"rssi": -87,
"site_id": "d761985e-49b1-4506-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx",
"site_name": "Test",
"ssid": "Mist",
"termination_reason": 3,
"timestamp": 1592333828,
"version": 2
"wlan_id": "6c0c0b07-0d77-44d1-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
Device Events
The device-events payload displays details about the device experiencing the event with the reason.
"topic": "device-events",
"events": [
"audit_id": "a8ec4d8a-4da6-4ead-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx",
"ap": "5c5b35xxxxxx",
"ap_name": "AP41 Near Lab",
"device_name": "AP41 Near Lab",
"device_type": "ap/switch/gateway",
"ev_type": "NOTICE",
"mac": "5c5b35xxxxxx",
"org_id": "2818e386-8dec-2562-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"reason": "power_cycle",
"site_id": "4ac1dcf4-9d8b-7211-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"site_name": "Site 1",
"text": "event details",
"timestamp": 1461220784,
"type": "AP_RESTARTED"
Device Updowns
The device-updowns webhook is a subset of the device-events webhook. It sends only the basic
informaon of the device and reason (type) it went down.
"topic": "device-updowns",
"events": [
"org_id": "2818e386-8dec-2562-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"site_id": "4ac1dcf4-9d8b-7211-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"type": "AP_RESTARTED",
"ap": "5c5b35xxxxxx",
"ap_name": "AP01",
"site_name": "Site1"
"timestamp": 1461220784
Juniper Mist Edge Events
The mxedge-events webhook payload can contain basic informaon about an event occurring on an
individual Juniper Mist Edge device similar to device-events.
"topic": "mxedge-events",
"events": [
"audit_id": "03a65fa8-f74b-4c82-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"mxcluster_id": "27558fe2-a0e5-4236-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"mxedge_id": "00000000-0000-0000-1000-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"mxedge_name": "ME1",
"org_id": "dfb3a656-2a21-4ea5-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"timestamp": "1692974834.308884",
Locaon Payload Examples
Locaon Coordinates | 76
Occupancy Alerts | 77
RSSI Zone | 79
SDK Client Scan Data | 79
Virtual Beacon Entry and Exit Event | 80
Zone Entry and Exit Events | 81
The next group is the Locaon webhooks, which are available only for sites (not organizaons).
Locaon Coordinates
The locaon webhook payload correlates client informaon to a locaon on a map (oorplan) uploaded
to Juniper Mist. An accurately scaled map and use of the SDK client are requirements for this webhook.
"topic": "location",
"events": [
"site_id": "4ac1dcf4-9d8b-7211-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"map_id": "845a23bf-bed9-e43c-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"x": 13.5,
"y": 3.2,
"timestamp": 1461220784,
// for SDK client
"type": "sdk",
"id": "de87bf9d-183f-e383-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"name": "optional",
// for WIFI
"type": "wifi",
"mac": "5684daxxxxxx",
// Optional for wifi
"wifi_beacon_extended_info": [
{"frame_ctrl": 776, "seq_ctrl": 772, "payload": "............"},
// for ASSET
"type": "asset",
"mac": "7fc293xxxxxx",
"ibeacon_uuid": "f3f17139-704a-f03a-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"ibeacon_major": 13,
"ibeacon_minor": 138,
"eddystone_uid_namespace": "2818e3868decxxxxxxxx",
"eddystone_uid_instance": "5c5b35xxxxxx",
"eddystone_url_url": "",
"mfg_company_id": 935,
"mfg_data": "648520a1020000",
"battery_voltage": 3370
Occupancy Alerts
The occupancy-alerts webhook displays informaon about specic zones if they exceed the congured
"topic": "occupancy-alerts",
"events": [
"alert_events": [
"current_occupancy": 10,
"map_id": "f5d26c7f-1670-4921-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"occupancy_limit": 5,
"org_id": "6748cfa6-4e12-11e6-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"timestamp": 1594861457,
"zone_id": "b83312a7-7269-4ae1-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"zone_name": "PLM and Leadership"
"current_occupancy": 20,
"map_id": "f5d26c7f-1670-4921-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"occupancy_limit": 10,
"org_id": "6748cfa6-4e12-11e6-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"timestamp": 1594861457,
"zone_id": "80acf542-e863-43cf-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"zone_name": "CSQA"
"current_occupancy": 9,
"map_id": "f5d26c7f-1670-4921-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"occupancy_limit": 4,
"org_id": "6748cfa6-4e12-11e6-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"timestamp": 1594861457,
"zone_id": "a4c7a7c2-880e-4a0e-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"zone_name": "Marketing & Sales Ops"
"site_id": "67970e46-4e12-11e6-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"site_name": "MIST OFFICE"
The rssizone webhook payload displays devices that have exceeded a congured minimum RSSI
threshold across a site.
SDK Client Scan Data
The SDK Client Scan Data webhook payload displays specic data about a client that isn’t available
without installing an applicaon (using the SDK) on the client itself.
"events": [
"connection_ap": "5c5b35xxxxxx",
"connection_band": "2.4",
"connection_bssid": "5c5b35xxxxxx",
"connection_channel": 11,
"connection_rssi": -87,
"last_seen": 1592333828,
"mac": "70ef00xxxxxx",
"scan_data": [
"ap": "5c5b35xxxxxx",
"band": "2.4",
"bssid": "5c5b35xxxxxx",
"channel": 11,
"rssi": -87,
"ssid": "mist-wifi",
"timestamp": 1592333828
"ap": "5c5b35xxxxxx",
"band": "5",
"bssid": "5c5b35xxxxxx",
"channel": 36,
"rssi": -75,
"ssid": "mist-wifi",
"timestamp": 1592333828
"site_id": "d761985e-49b1-4506-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"
"topic": "sdkclient-scan-data"
Virtual Beacon Entry and Exit Event
The vbeacon webhook is triggered when a mobile device running the Juniper Mist SDK is entering or
exing the area dened by a virtual beacon.
Zone Entry and Exit Events
The zone webhook is triggered when a device enters or exits a dened zone.
"zone_id":"b83312a7-7269-4ae1-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx "
Conguring Webhooks from the API
Create Webhooks from the API | 83
Update a Webhook from the API | 84
Delete Webhooks from the API | 85
Congure Device-Updowns Disconnecon Sensivity | 86
You can congure webhooks from the API, rather than using the Juniper Mist portal.
NOTE: For more informaon about the API, go to these resources:
"RESTful API Overview" on page 4 (in this guide)
"Addional RESTful API Documentaon" on page 50
When conguring webhooks, always be aware of the conguraon hierarchy.
In an organizaon-level webhook, specify the organizaon ID: /api/v1/orgs/<org-id>/webhooks
NOTE: To nd the <org-id>, select Organizaon > Sengs from the le menu of the Juniper
Mist portal. The organizaon ID appears near the top of the Organizaon Sengs page.
In a site-level webhook, specify the site ID: /api/v1/sites/<site-id>/webhooks
NOTE: To nd the <site-id>, select Organizaon > Site Conguraon from the le menu of
the Juniper Mist portal. Then select the site. The site ID appears near the top of the site
Conguraon page.
Example: Site Conguraon
The following funcon displays all the webhooks congured for a specic site:
The following output is the result of the previous API call:
Content-Type: application/vnd.api+json
Vary: Accept
"name": "Lobby-Zone-Events",
"url": "",
"secret": "",
"enabled": true,
"topics": "zone",
"verify_cert": true,
"id": "20538707-b873-4a60-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"for_site": true,
"site_id": "4ac1dcf4-9d8b-7211-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"org_id": "3f12cb79-fb5e-4d4b-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"created_time": 1686252096,
"modified_time": 1686252096
Create Webhooks from the API
Use a POST to congure a webhook and to enable topics.
In your API call, be aware of the conguraon hierarchy and the dierent topics that are available for
organizaons and sites.
In the API funcon, be sure to specify the organizaon ID or site ID. See "Conguring Webhooks
from the API" on page 81.
In the topics line, be sure to specify only the topics that are appropriate for the organizaon or site
level. See "Webhook Topics" on page 58 .
Here is an example of a POST to congure a site webhook to enable site-level topics:
"name": "analytic",
"type": "http-post",
"url": "https://username:[email protected]/uri/...",
"secret": "secret",
"x-custom-1": "your_custom_header_value1",
"x-custom-2": "your_custom_header_value2"
"verify_cert": false,
"enabled": true,
"topics": [ "location", "zone", "vbeacon", "rssizone", "asset-raw-rssi", "device-events",
"alarms", "audits", "client-join", "client-sessions", "device-updowns", "occupancy-alerts",
"mxedge-events", "nac-accounting", "sdkclient-scan-data",]
Update a Webhook from the API
To update a webhook from the API, you send a PUT command to the webhook’s API with the topic
parameter that you want to update.
Following is an example conguraon of an exisng, organizaon-level mxedge-events webhook viewed
from the API:
"enabled": true,
"name": "mist-edge",
"url": "",
"secret": "",
"topics": [
"verify_cert": true,
"id": "a7c61a9c-a25b-4c27-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"for_site": false,
"site_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"org_id": "3f12cb79-fb5e-4d4b-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"created_time": 1575305516,
"modified_time": 1692974137
If you want to make a change to this webhook, you need to make an API call (PUT) from your API client
to the desired API URL. In this example, the API is the URL to display all webhooks congured for the
organizaon: https://<api-endpoint>/api/v1/orgs/3f12cb79-fb5e-4d4b-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx/webhooks
NOTE: In place of <api-endpoint>, use the API endpoint for your global region. See "API
Endpoints and Global Regions" on page 9.
You will need to include the unique id for the webhook and the conguraon item you want to change.
In this example you want to change the URL for the webhook receiver to hps:// To do that, you need to update (PUT) the webhook by specifying the url
and the webhook ID displayed as a sparse eldset to the organizaon’s web API:
Delete Webhooks from the API
To delete a webhook using the API, you rst need to nd the webhook ID.
You can nd the webhook ID in the webhook response. In the following example, the id is a7c61a9c-
"enabled": true,
"name": "mist-edge",
"url": "",
"secret": "",
"topics": [
"verify_cert": true,
"id": "a7c61a9c-a25b-4c27-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"for_site": false,
"site_id": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"org_id": "3f12cb79-fb5e-4d4b-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"created_time": 1575305516,
"modified_time": 1692974137
To delete this webhook, make an API call (DELETE) from your API client.
As detailed below, this call species the API endpoint, the organizaon ID, the resource (webhooks), and
webhook ID (a7c61a9c-a25b-4c27-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx).
Aer you delete the webhook, the Juniper Mist API will return an HTTP 200 OK response.
Congure Device-Updowns Disconnecon Sensivity
You can tune the device-updowns webhook to allow for a custom me threshold. This seng enables
you to determine when a device is down. The threshold values can be anything from 0-30 minutes:
A threshold of 0 represents no threshold.
Anything over 30 minutes will automacally reset to 0.
A device that stays down during the threshold will trigger a device-updown event.
You can congure this threshold seng only on a per-site basis.
To set a threshold for devices at a specic site, issue a PUT command to the API.
Here is an example:{site_id}/setting/device_updown_threshold:15
Conguring Webhooks in the Juniper Mist Portal
Add a Webhook in the Juniper Mist Portal | 87
Update a Webhook in the Juniper Mist Portal | 89
Delete a Webhook in the Juniper Mist Portal | 89
You can congure webhooks in the Juniper Mist portal, rather than using the API.
Keep in mind, everything that you can congure in the portal is a result of an API. And all changes that
you make in the portal actually are calls to the RESTful API. In fact, clicking save is simply a call to the
appropriate API to make an update.
Although there are more APIs available than are implemented in the portal, you might nd it convenient
to use the portal for certain conguraon tasks.
When using the portal to congure webhooks, be aware of the conguraon hierarchy. Go to the
appropriate page for the webhooks that you want to congure.
Organizaon-level webhooks—From the le menu of the Juniper Mist portal, select Organizaon >
Site-level webhooks—From the le menu of the Juniper Mist portal, select Organizaon > Site
Site-level webhooks—/api/v1/sites/{site_id}/webhooks
Add a Webhook in the Juniper Mist Portal
1. In the Juniper Mist™ portal, navigate to the organizaon or site sengs:
For organizaon-level webhooks, select Organizaon > Sengs.
For site-level webhooks, select Organizaon > Site Conguraon, and then select the site.
2. Scroll down to the Webhooks secon, and click Add Webhook.
3. Enter the informaon:
Name—Enter a name to idenfy this webhook.
Webhook Type—Unless you are sending webhooks to a Splunk installaon, select HTTP Post.
URL—Enter the URL of desnaon you want Mist to send the webhooks to.
Topics—Select the topics you want to receive webhooks for. You must select at least one.
4. (Oponal) Click Advanced Sengs for addional opons.
Verify Cercate—This opon is enabled by default. If you do not want Mist to verify that the
cercate of the webhook receiver is valid, click No. Although this method is not secure, it does
provide some exibility if your webhook receiver does not have a valid signed cercate. We do
not recommend this method, for security reasons.
Secret (HTTP-POST only)—Using a secret allows you to specify a secret (like a password) used to
calculate a pair of HTTP headers. A secret enables you to verify that the message is coming from
Juniper Mist and has not been modied.
Custom Headers—The Custom Headers conguraon enables you to specify any custom headers
needed for your webhook receiver. Some receivers (or their proxies) require a token-based
authencaon method, user-based authencaon, or a method to present custom headers to
indicate the type of data being sent. 
NOTE: Keep these cauons in mind when considering whether to use a secret or custom
When a secret is provided, two HTTP headers will be added:
X-Mist-Signature: HMAC_SHA1 (secret, body)
X-Mist-Signature-v2: HMAC_SHA256 (secret, body)
If the headers format is invalid, “X-Mist-Error”: “headers format invalid” will be sent.
If the total bytes of the headers exceed 1000, “X-Mist-Error”: “headers too big” will be
If any header value is not a string, “X-Mist-Error”: “header[%s] not a string” will be sent.
5. Click Add.
Update a Webhook in the Juniper Mist Portal
Updang a webhook in the portal is nearly the same as adding a webhook.
1. From the le menu of the Juniper Mist portal, navigate to the organizaon or site sengs:
For organizaon-level webhooks, select Organizaon > Sengs.
For site-level webhooks, select Organizaon > Site Conguraon, and then select the site.
2. Scroll down to the Webhooks secon, and click the webhook that you want to update.
3. Make the conguraon changes, and then click Save.
For more informaon about the opons, see the informaon in "Add a Webhook in the Juniper Mist
Portal" on page 87.
Delete a Webhook in the Juniper Mist Portal
If you no longer need a webhook, delete it.
To delete a webhook:
1. From the le menu of the Juniper Mist portal, navigate to the organizaon or site sengs:
For organizaon-level webhooks, select Organizaon > Sengs.
For site-level webhooks, select Organizaon > Site Conguraon, and then select the site.
2. Scroll down to the Webhooks secon, and click the webhook that you want to delete.
3. Click Delete.
Congure Zone Entry and Exit Events (Use Case)
Webhooks are one-way messages from a source server or applicaon to a desnaon server or
applicaon. The webhooks methodology is “re and forget,” meaning that you use webhooks primarily
to schedule event-driven messages for alerng and monitoring. In a Juniper Mist network, you can use
webhooks to send messages based on Organizaon or Site topics. This means that you use webhooks
primarily to schedule event-driven messages for alerng and monitoring.
For this use case, from the Juniper Mist API you set up a webhook nocaon whenever a device enters
or exits a zone. This nocaon is useful for a site with building automaon. A user who enters or
leaves a dened zone in Juniper Mist (such as a room) and has a tracked device in hand can trigger an
event that is sent from Juniper Mist to the building automaon system to turn the lights on or o.
To set up webhooks in the Juniper Mist portal, you need the following conguraon items (and may
want to use the listed oponal item as well):
Name for the webhook instance (required)
URL (desnaon to receive the Juniper Mist webhooks (required)
Streaming API in the Site Webhooks secon (select the “Zone Entry/Exit Events” topic to stream to
the desnaon) (required)
Secret, like a password, to authencate communicaon from Juniper Mist to the webhook
desnaon (oponal)
Aer you have this informaon, you can congure the webhook in the Site Sengs
1. From the le menu of the Juniper Mist portal, select Organizaon > Site Conguraon.
2. Click Add Webhook, enter the informaon, and click Add.
For more informaon about the elds to complete, see "Add a Webhook in the Juniper Mist Portal"
on page 87.
Anyme a device enters or exits a zone, Juniper Mist will create a webhook POST to the specied
URL. The incoming request payload, as formaed in JavaScript Object Notaon (JSON), looks like
“topic”: “zone”,
“events”: [
“mac”: “807d3axxxxx”,
“map_id”: “2d0d2bd7-78b8-4f4b-9454-xxxxxxxxxxxxx”,
“site_id”: “010412fe-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-99ff83111031d”
“timestamp”: 1633109338.539088,
“trigger”: “exit”,
“type”: “wifi”,
“zone_id”: “33294994-6a5f-4804-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx”
Using this informaon, you can acvate other automaons in a third-party system, such as turning
o the lights in zone 33294994-6a5f-4804-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx based on the trigger of exit.
Tesng Webhooks
By tesng webhooks, you can verify the conguraon process as well as inspect and parse the event
messages you will receive from Mist. If you do not have a webhook receiver available to you, you can
use a public, free service. Many such services enable you to receive and inspect the incoming webhook
POST messages from Juniper Mist. These public sites create a random URL that you can use on a
temporary basis. The data that you received is ephemeral and is deleted as soon as you close your
browser. Using one of these sites from your browser, you can idenfy parameter data from the message
payloads to help create your workow.
Aer you congure your webhook, you can trigger it and view those messages as they are received on
the public webhook receiver.
Two of these free tesng webhook receivers are:
These sites are not Juniper maintained and are to be used at your own risk.
This is an excellent me to test end-to-end connecvity from your respecve Mist cloud instance to
your dened webhook receiver. This validates that no devices (a rewall or router) are blocking
communicaons between the two endpoints.
This can be done from the API by issuing a POST (from your REST client) to, in this case, your site, the
congured webhook (id) as seen in this example:
A successful result looks like this:
"topic": "ping",
"events": [
"site_id": "4ac1dcf4-9d8b-7211-xxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"id": "18ff1f91-a9e0-c3b7-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx",
"name": "my webhook",
"timestamp": 1461220784
WebSocket API Overview | 94
Stream Device Data with a WebSocket (Use Case) | 97
WebSocket API Overview
WebSocket API Endpoint | 94
Authencaon Opons | 95
WebSocket Streaming Channels | 95
You can use WebSockets in your Juniper Mist network. The WebSocket protocol can open a
bidireconal communicaon session between a client and a server. You can send messages to the server
and receive real-me, event-driven responses without having to poll the server for a reply.
The inial client request and server response use the HTTP protocol to establish the WebSocket
communicaon. From then on, the client can subscribe to one or more topics (streaming channels) to
stream data.
You and other administrators can use WebSockets in very specic use cases, such as data visualizaon
dashboards or maps that must reect real-me data values.
Populate a custom dashboard with the live status of Juniper Mist access points (APs) and real-me
locaon data of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) assets.
Stream device data and stascs (such as transmit and receive packets) on an hourly basis to an
external, operaonal dashboard like Grafana. Although the device stascs are robust, you can easily
parse them to abstract the desired data for display.
WebSocket API Endpoint
The API endpoint depends on the global region that your organizaon is associated with. See "API
Endpoints and Global Regions" on page 9 .
Authencaon Opons
Juniper Mist requires authencaon to establish a connecon to the WebSocket API. You can use these
"Create API Tokens" on page 10
HTTP login with Juniper Mist login credenals
API call to an external OAuth2 provider
WebSocket Streaming Channels
Aer Juniper Mist establishes a streaming connecon with a client, the client needs to subscribe to at
least one channel to send and receive messages. Messages go back and forth via the bidireconal
WebSocket protocol. To stop sending and receiving messages from a channel, you can unsubscribe from
NOTE: All channels require that you specify the site ID. To nd a site ID in the Juniper Mist
portal, select Organizaon > Site Conguraon from the le menu, and then click the site.
Once you are logged in, you can view further informaon on each WebSocket.
NOTE: Your documentaon link will depend on the region (cloud) you have logged in to.
Table 10: WebSocket
Names Streaming Channels Documentaon
Discovery of BLE Assets /sites/:site_id/stats/maps/:map_id/
BLE Asset Locaon /sites/:site_id/stats/maps/:map_id/
BLE Asset RF Glass Info /sites/:site_id/assets/:asset_id/diag hps://
Table 10: WebSocket Documentaon
Names Streaming Channels Documentaon
SDK Client Locaon /sites/:site_id/stats/maps/:map_id/
SDK Client RF Glass Info /sites/:site_id/
Wi-Fi (Client Locaon /sites/:site_id/stats/maps/:map_id/
Wi-Fi Client Stats /sites/:site_id/stats/clients hps://
Wi-Fi Client RF Glass Info /sites/:site_id/clients/:client_mac/
Unconnected Clients /sites/:site_id/stats/maps/:map_id/
Devices /sites/:site_id/devices hps://
Device Stats /sites/:site_id/stats/devices hps://
Commands from Devices /sites/:site_id/
Streaming PCAP /sites/:site_id/pcaps hps://
Stream Device Data with a WebSocket (Use Case)
In this example, we will discuss the Juniper Mist use
case of streaming device data with a WebSocket.
Communicate with a MIST WebSocket
Endpoint | 97
A WebSocket is a protocol that provides full-duplex communicaon over a TCP connecon. A
WebSocket API provides a way for a client to communicate with an endpoint. Juniper Mist uses this
protocol to stream near-real-me data to a client. A client will make a request for the data it wants to
receive by subscribing to a channel. The client makes the request only once, and the server will stream
the channel data to the client as updates are made.
This method of communicaon is good for receiving event-driven data in near–real me. Its primary use
is for collecng device data. You and other network administrators can then feed this data into a custom
event display, a nocaon system, an external logging facility, and much more.
Using WebSocket is especially helpful if the informaon that your organizaon needs isn’t available
navely within the Juniper Mist portal.
In this use case, we show how to congure a client to request and subscribe to a site’s device stascs.
Using a WebSocket requires the following elements:
HTTP header conguraon
WebSocket Connecon URL (wss:// Please verify your URL
based on your geographical locaon.
Communicate with a MIST WebSocket Endpoint
To communicate with the Juniper Mist WebSocket endpoint, you use an applicaon called Postman.
Postman is a GUI API plaorm for building and using APIs. You can build scripts that make mulple API
calls. This API also enables you to make WebSocket calls.
The following steps describe how you can connect to the Juniper Mist WebSocket, starng with adding
the URL to the input box next to the Connect buon:
1. Click Connect.
The Messages pane shows that the client tried to connect and was immediately disconnected. This is
because the Juniper Mist WebSocket requires authencaon.
2. To x the authencaon problem, add a custom HTTP header to the request.
a. Under the KEY heading, create a new “Authorizaon” key.
b. In the VALUE input box, enter the word token followed by a space and then the Juniper Mist
authorizaon token.
c. Select the check box on the le of the KEY column to make it acve.
d. Click Connect to establish the WebSocket session with Mist.
3. Once connected, switch to the Message heading in Postman.
This is where you tell Mist which data you want, by subscribing to the device stascs stream.
The following example requests device stasc data for the specied site.
"subscribe": "/sites/c1947558-268d-4d31-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/stats/devices"
4. With this informaon entered in the Messages input box, click Send.
Postman presents your request with an Up Arrow and the Juniper Mist response with a Down Arrow.
The following example shows what you can expect to see in a response from Juniper Mist.
"event": "channel_subscribed",
"channel": "/sites/c1947558-268d-4d31-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/stats/devices"
Within a few seconds of subscribing, you should start to see events streaming into the Messages
pane in JSON format (default):
1. {
2. "event": "data",
3. "channel": "/sites/c1947558-268d-4d31- xxxx - xxxxxxxxxxxx /stats/devices",
4. "data": "{\"mac\": \"5c5b35f15ed8\", \"last_seen\": 1686592607, \"uptime\": 6259614,
\"version\": \"0.9.22801\", \"_partition\": 48, \"_offset_apbasic\": 4639768722, \"ip_stat\":
{\"dns\": [\"\", \"\"], \"ips\": {\"vlan12\":
\",fe80:0:0:0:5e5b:35ff:fef1:5ed8/64\"}, \"gateway\": \"\", \"ip6\":
\"fe80:0:0:0:5e5b:35ff:fef1:5ed8\", \"netmask6\": \"/64\", \"ip\": \"\", \"netmask
\": \"\", \"dhcp_server\": \"\"}, \"ip\": \"\", \"ble_stat
\": {\"tx_pkts\": 9073, \"tx_bytes\": 105431, \"rx_pkts\": 393432193, \"rx_bytes\":
2772782221, \"tx_resets\": 0}, \"_time\": 1686592607.62131}"
5. }
You can see the same output in the following formats:
1. {"event": "data", "channel": "/sites/c1947558-268d-4d31-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/stats/devices",
"data": "{\"mac\": \"5c5b35fxxxxx\", \"last_seen\": 1686592607, \"upme\": 6259614, \"version\":
\"0.9.22801\", \"_paron\": 48, \"_oset_apbasic\": 4639768722, \"ip_stat\": {\"dns\":
[\"\", \"\"], \"ips\": {\"vlan12\":
\",fe80:0:0:0:5e5b:35:fef1:5ed8/64\"}, \"gateway\": \"\", \"ip6\":
\"fe80:0:0:0:5e5b:35:fef1:5ed8\", \"netmask6\": \"/64\", \"ip\": \"\", \"netmask\":
\"\", \"dhcp_server\": \"\"}, \"ip\": \"\", \"ble_stat\":
{\"tx_pkts\": 9073, \"tx_bytes\": 105431, \"rx_pkts\": 393432193, \"rx_bytes\": 2772782221,
\"tx_resets\": 0}, \"_me\": 1686592607.62131}"}
1. {"event": "data", "channel": "/sites/c1947558-268d-4d31-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/stats/devices",
"data": "{\"mac\":
2. \"5c5b35fxxxxx\", \"last_seen\": 1686592607, \"upme\": 6259614, \"version\": \"0.9.22801\",
\"_paron\": 48,
3. \"_oset_apbasic\": 4639768722, \"ip_stat\": {\"dns\": [\"\", \"\"], \"ips
\": {\"vlan12\":
4. \",fe80:0:0:0:5e5b:35:fef1:5ed8/64\"}, \"gateway\": \"\", \"ip6\":
5. \"fe80:0:0:0:5e5b:35:fef1:5ed8\", \"netmask6\": \"/64\", \"ip\": \"\", \"netmask\":
6. \"dhcp_server\": \"\"}, \"ip\": \"\", \"ble_stat\": {\"tx_pkts\": 9073,
\"tx_bytes\": 105431,
7. \"rx_pkts\": 393432193, \"rx_bytes\": 2772782221, \"tx_resets\": 0}, \"_me\":
1. {"event": "data", "channel": "/sites/c1947558-268d-4d31-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx/stats/devices",
"data": "{\"mac\": \"5c5b35fxxxxx\", \"last_seen\": 1686592607, \"upme\": 6259614, \"version\":
\"0.9.22801\", \"_paron\": 48, \"_oset_apbasic\": 4639768722, \"ip_stat\": {\"dns\":
[\"\", \"\"], \"ips\": {\"vlan12\":
\",fe80:0:0:0:5e5b:35:fef1:5ed8/64\"}, \"gateway\": \"\", \"ip6\":
\"fe80:0:0:0:5e5b:35:fef1:5ed8\", \"netmask6\": \"/64\", \"ip\": \"\", \"netmask\":
\"\", \"dhcp_server\": \"\"}, \"ip\": \"\", \"ble_stat\":
{\"tx_pkts\": 9073, \"tx_bytes\": 105431, \"rx_pkts\": 393432193, \"rx_bytes\": 2772782221,
\"tx_resets\": 0}, \"_me\": 1686592607.62131}"}
You will connue to receive messages unl you either disconnect or unsubscribe from the channel by
sending a message.
"unsubscribe": "/sites/c1947558-268d-4d31-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx/stats/devices"
Once you receive the data, you can do any number of things with it, such as:
Create a custom display or dashboard of events.
Archive the data long term.
Create custom monitoring and alerts.
Create more automaons based on results.
Using a WebSocket represents another opon for you and other administrators to create your own
Mist customizaons based on your organizaon’s needs.
Third-Party Integraons
ServiceNow Integraons | 102
Integrate Splunk with Mist Webhooks | 103
ServiceNow Integraons
You can integrate your Juniper Mist organizaons with ServiceNow to view device informaon and
Marvis Acons in ServiceNow and to set up ServiceNow workows for common Mist tasks.
You can integrate Juniper Mist data into ServiceNow by using the following applicaons from the
ServiceNow website.
Juniper Mist Automated Provisioning (JMAP)—This integraon provides tools to automate Day 0 and
Day1+ directly from ServiceNow.
Can be used for a single organizaon or with your managed service provider (MSP) account.
Can be used to automate network infrastructure and services deployments from ServiceNow:
creang and conguraon organizaons and sites, managing licenses, claiming devices, and more.
Provides “acons” to easily create automaon work ows with ServiceNow.
For more details, including the JMAP installaon instrucons and admin guide, go to Service
Now's JMAP page.
Service Graph Connector (SGC) for Juniper Mist—This integraon provides the ability to import your
Juniper Mist device inventory into ServiceNow so that you can monitor and manage devices in
You use this integraon with individual organizaons, but it does not yet support an MSP view.
If you have a Marvis Virtual Network Assistant subscripon for Juniper Mist, you also can set up
auto-ckeng to automacally create/update/close incidents based on Marvis detecons, and
link them to the related CI.
Mist Edge devices are not included.
For more details, including the SGC installaon instrucons and admin guide, go to Service Now's
SGC page.
Integrate Splunk with Mist Webhooks
Conguring Mist Webhooks to Point to Your Splunk Instance | 106
Splunk can be hosted in the cloud or on-premise. If you are running managed Splunk Cloud, you will
need to raise a cket with your Splunk support to have HEC congured. For self-service Splunk, or
Splunk Enterprise (on-premise) the following instrucons help you congure HTTP Event Collecon
(HEC) to receive webhooks from Mist.
HEC is a method by which Splunk can receive an HTTP POST request that includes a payload of data.
This enables cloud services like Mist to send data to Splunk using webhooks. Webhooks requires IP
reachability from the Mist Cloud to your Splunk instance. In other words, you need a publicly accessible
URL for your Splunk server with the HTTP port open.
Conguring HEC in Splunk
1. In your Splunk GUI, go to Sengs > Data Inputs
2. Go to HTTP Event Collector > Add New
3. Provide a Name, and Source Name Override.
If your organizaon uses Splunk Output Groups, select the appropriate output group. Otherwise,
ignore the Output Group selecon.
4. Click Next
5. Congure the following elds:
a. For the Source type, click the Select buon and select _json from the menu
b. For the App context, click the Search & Reporng tab
c. For the Index, select network from the Available items list
You can use an exisng index type as we have done in the example, or you can create your own.
6. Click Review
7. Verify the sengs and click Submit
8. Record the Token Value. You will need this for the Mist Webhook conguraon.
9. Navigate back to Sengs > Data Inputs > HTTP Event Collector
10. Click Global Sengs in the upper right corner
11. Specify the default Source type as _json.
Port 8088 is the default. You can specify a default index if needed
This completes the HEC setup in Splunk.
12. You can test the Splunk HEC conguraon by execung the following command in a Linux CLI. The
Linux machine must be able to reach the Splunk instance over the network.
curl -k 'https://<FQDN OF SPLUNK>:<HEC PORT>/services/collector' \ --header "Authorization:
Splunk <HEC TOKEN>" \
--data '{"event": "hello world"}'
The result of the previous step should look similar to: {“text”:”Success”,code”:0}. If you do not see a
success message, conrm that there are no rewalls blocking the HEC port on the Splunk instance.
Conguring Mist Webhooks to Point to Your Splunk Instance
Before you Begin | 107
Before you Begin
You must have the following informaon ready so that you can complete the Mist conguraon:
The FQDN of your Splunk HEC instance
The port number HEC is listening on (Default is 8088)
Your Splunk HEC Token
You can congure webhooks in Mist at either the Org level, or the Site level. For this example, we
congure an Org level webhook and the topics we will be subscribing to will be “audits”, “alarms”, and
1. Log in to the Mist portal for your organizaon
2. Navigate to Organizaon > Sengs and copy your Organizaon ID
3. Navigate to hps://
NOTE: You must substute your real Organizaon ID for "org_id" in the URL above.
4. In the following JSON code block, make the following substuons:
Substute the fully qualied domain name (FQDN) of your Splunk instance for <FQDN of
Substute the port on which your Splunk instance is listening for <PORT>
Substute your actual Splunk token for <SPLUNK TOKEN>
"name": "Splunk Webhook",
"type": "splunk",
"url": "https://<FQDN of SPLUNK>:<PORT>/services/collector", "splunk_token": "<SPLUNK TOKEN>",
"enabled": true,
"topics": [
"verify_cert": true}
5. Aer substuon, copy the enre block of JSON and paste it into the Content box at the boom of
the page
6. Click the POST buon when you're ready.
You can now verify the conguraon is in the top eld of the window and that the id eld contains data.
This conrms that Mist and Splunk can communicate.
Automaon Tools | 111
Automaon Tools
This topic talks about a few automaon tools that
you can use with Juniper Mist
. We make no
reccommendaon regarding any of the tools
discussed below. We provide the informaon and
examples for informaonal purposes only.
Automaon Tools Overview | 111
Addional Automaon Resources | 124
Tools Overview
The enre Juniper Mist™ GUI is built on top of the robust Mist API. This architecture makes Mist
administraon highly customizable, exible, and scalable. Using automaon tools, you can perform tasks
or groups of tasks not available in the GUI.
Automaon begins by idenfying and understanding the tasks to be performed. Most automaon tools
are designed for machine-to-machine transacons. Because of this design, automaon tools are not
always intuive for humans to understand and congure. Thankfully, many tools exist that help you
interact with machine-based interfaces and even create your own automaon scripts. The Juniper Mist
API is just such a tool.
Postman is a tool to help you automate Juniper Mist management tasks. Postman can do many
things, but you will use it as an API client. According to the Postman web site (,
the Postman API client is the foundaonal tool of Postman. This client enables you to easily
explore, debug, and test your APIs while also enabling you to dene complex API requests for
HTTP, REST, SOAP, GraphQL, and WebSockets.
Postman provides its own API GUI client to interact with a REST API interface, and many others.
Postman allows users to set up reusable environments and use variables for consistency and
eciency when tesng. You can visually organize each individual request into an order, inspect
and store responses for reuse, and even have Postman help generate programmac code such as
Here is a short video on using variables in Postman to interact with the Juniper Mist API.
Video: Automaon for Access Switching
Postman is an excellent development tool. You can use it to test individual conguraon changes
and then put them together into collecons. This video is an excellent example of using Postman
and a web browser to put together API requests to congure 802.1x in a switching template.
With the popularity of Postman, Juniper developers have published collecons in the public
Postman workspaces. Collecons are a method of organizing API requests and documentaon into
groups. You can import, export, and share collecons.
Here is a short video demonstrang the use of Postman collecons and the Juniper Mist API.
The Postman collecons incorporate many Juniper Mist capabilies. They also include collecons
for gathering client informaon, Mist Edge devices, switching, soware-dened WAN (SD-WAN),
and many other objects. You can nd these collecons, which include the Juniper Mist cloud APIs,
Mist cloud WebSocket, and Mist Runner Collecons, from this link: hps://
Python is an object-oriented programming language. It’s a popular language for many reasons. One
reason is that Python is highly exible and extensible. Compared to other programming languages,
it is easy to learn and work with. Python is used for web development, data sciences, networking,
and the Internet of Things (IoT), to name a few uses. It is open source and works on mulple
For more informaon about geng started with Python, check out the Python Soware
Foundaon at hps://ngstarted/.
Juniper Networks supports Python use in many forms, such as direct script execuon and toolkit
scripts: hps://on/us/en/soware/junos/automaon-scripng/
Python Script Examples
Leveraging the robust API library in Juniper Mist, you can automate tasks using Python. In this
secon, you will see some simple Python scripts that make a series of calls to the Mist API to
gather informaon or make changes to Mist.
These scripts are meant to serve only as examples and may or may not work in your environment
due to possible variances in your environment.
Display WLANs on a Specic Site
This is a simple example script that connects to the Mist API and displays all the wireless LANs
(WLANs) for a specic site:
import requests
import json
url = ''
##Set the API request headers
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Token
results = requests.get{url, headers=headers}
wlans = json.loads{results.text}
##Print each wlan and wlan_id
for wlan in wlans:
print{wlan["ssid"], ">", wlan ["id"]}
user:$ python3
mist-prod > a7c61a9c-a25a-274c-a7c61a9c-a25b
mist-test > a7c61a9c-a25b-4c27-a7c61a9c-a25b
Comparing RSSI (Windows)
You execute this Python script on a Windows laptop. The script gathers the current signal quality
percentage, not received signal strength indicator (RSSI), from a Windows laptop. The script then
gets the RSSI from the access point (AP) to which the laptop is connected by parsing for the
wireless adapter’s MAC. The script makes these requests simultaneously and displays the client’s
signal quality on the same line as the AP’s RSSI. The script runs unl you send a Ctrl+ccommand
from your keyboard to break out of the script execuon.
The script makes use of the netsh wlan show interface Windows command. This is the command’s
C:\Users\user>netsh wlan show interface
There is 1 interface on the system:
Name : Wi-Fi
Description : Intel(R) Wi-Fi 6E AX210 160MHz
GUID : aa7a439e-fe66-494c-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
Physical address : 70:cd:xx:xx:xx:xx
State : connected
SSID : wi-fi
BSSID : d4:20:xx:xx:xx:xx
Network type : Infrastructure
Radio type : 802.11ax
Authentication : WPA2-Personal
Cipher : CCMP
Connection mode : Auto Connect
Channel : 149
Receive rate (Mbps) : 516
Transmit rate (Mbps) : 574
Signal : 83%
Profile : hoth
Hosted network status : Not available
This is the script itself:
import requests
import json
import os
import time
import random
import string
import subprocess
##Set the API request headers
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Token <YOUR_API_TOKEN>'
##Function to get (strip) the "Signal" quality percentage from Windows from the "netsh
wlan show interface" command
def get_clientsignal{}:
results = subprocess.check_output(["netsh", "wlan", "show", "interface"]).decode()
lines = results.split('\r\n')
d = {}
for line in lines:
if ':' in line:
vals = line.split(':')
if vals[0].strip() != ''and vals[1].strip() != '':
d[vals[0].strip()] = vals[1].strip()
for key in d.keys():
if key == "Signal":
return (d[key])
##Function to get (strip) the "Physical address" MAC from Windows from the "netsh wlan
show interface" command
def get_windowsmac():
results = subprocess.check_output(["netsh", "wlan", "show", "interface",]).decode()
lines = results.split('\r\m')
d = {}
for line in lines:
inf ': ' in line:
vals = line.split(':')
if vals[0].strip() != '' and vals[1].strip() != '':
d[vals[0].strip()] = vals[1].strip()
for key in d.keys():
if key == "Physical address":
client_mac = (d[key])
return (client_mac)
##Main Section
###Define variables
client_mac = get_windowsmac()
client_mac = client_mac.replace(":", "")
###input your site_id in the API URL
url = ('<YOUR_SITE_ID>/{}'.format(client_mac))
client_rssi = 0
my_rssi = 0
###Loop through every 3 seconds and print the results to the terminal
while True:
results = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
client = json.loads(results.text)
client_rssi = get_clientsignal()
my_rssi = client['rssi']
print('Windows Signal', '=', client_rssi, ' ', my_rssi, '=', 'AP rssi')
When you run the python script, the resulng output should look like this:
Windows Signal = 83% -59 = AP rssi
Windows Signal = 83% -59 = AP rssi
Windows Signal = 83% -62 = AP rssi
Windows Signal = 83% -62 = AP rssi
Windows Signal = 83% -62 = AP rssi
Windows Signal = 83% -62 = AP rssi
Windows Signal = 83% -62 = AP rssi
Windows Signal = 83% -62 = AP rssi
Windows Signal = 83% -62 = AP rssi
Windows Signal = 83% -62 = AP rssi
Windows Signal = 83% -62 = AP rssi
Windows Signal = 83% -62 = AP rssi
Windows Signal = 83% -62 = AP rssi
Windows Signal = 83% -62 = AP rssi
Windows Signal = 83% -62 = AP rssi
Windows Signal = 83% -62 = AP rssi
Windows Signal = 83% -62 = AP rssi
Windows Signal = 83% -62 = AP rssi
Windows Signal = 83% -62 = AP rssi
Windows Signal = 83% -62 = AP rssi
Windows Signal = 83% -62 = AP rssi
Windows Signal = 83% -62 = AP rssi
Windows Signal = 83% -58 = AP rssi
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “, line 71, in <module> time.sleep(3)
The Juniper Mist AP reports its stascs approximately every 60 seconds. This is the reason the
AP RSSI only changed twice during the me the script was running.
Comparing RSSI (MacOS)
This Python script is executed on a MacBook laptop. It is nearly idencal to the previous Windows
script. The script simultaneously gathers the RSSI from the MacBook and gets the RSSI from the
AP to which the laptop is connected by parsing for the wireless adapter’s MAC address. It makes
these requests simultaneously and displays the client’s signal quality on the same line as the AP’s
RSSI. The script runs unl you send a Ctrl+c command to break out of the script execuon. To
access the command on the Mac OS, you must include the absolute path to the command: /
SystemLibrary/PrivateFrameworks/Apple802111.framework/Versions/A/Resources/airport -I.
This is what the airport -I command displays:
Mac:Desktop user$ /SystemLibrary/PrivateFrameworks/Apple802111.framework/Versions/A/
Resources/airport -I
agrCtlRSSI: -60
agrExtRSSI: 0
agrCtlNoise: -93
agrExtNoise: 0
state: running
op mode: station
lastTxRate: 486
maxRate: 450
lastAssocStatus: 0
802.11 auth: open
link auth: wpa2-psk
BSSID: 5c:5b:xx:xx:xx:xx
MCS: 8
channel: 120, -1
This is the script itself:
import requests
import json
import os
import time
import random
import string
##Set the API request headers
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Token <YOUR_API_TOKEN>'
##Function to get (strip) the "RSSI" quality percentage from MacOS from the "airport -I"
def get_clientsignal{}:
input = os.popen( '/SystemLibrary/PrivateFrameworks/Apple802111.framework/
Versions/A/Resources/airport -I)
return int(**.join([x.split()[1] for x in input if 'agrCtlRSSI' in x]))
##Function to get (strip) the MAC from MacOS from the "ifconfig" command
def get_macbookmac():
input = os.popen('ifconfig en0')
return ''.join([xsplit()[1]for x in input if 'ether' in x])
##Main Section
###Define variables
client_mac = get_macbookmac()
client_mac = client_mac.replace(":", "")
###input your site_id in the API URL
url = ('<YOUR_SITE_ID>/{}'.format(client_mac))
client_rssi = 0
my_rssi = 0
###Loop through every 3 seconds and print the results to the terminal
while True:
results = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
client = json.loads(results.text)
client_rssi = get_clientsignal()
my_rssi = client['rssi']
print('Macbook rssi', '=', client_rssi, ' ', my_rssi, '=', 'AP rssi')
When the script runs, it gathers the RSSI informaon from the MacBook and the connected AP
(through a Mist API call) and prints its output on a single line. The script runs unl you cancel it by
issuing the Ctrl+c command.
Mac:Desktop user$ python3
Macbook rssi = -61 -57 = AP rssi
Macbook rssi = -61 -57 = AP rssi
Macbook rssi = -61 -57 = AP rssi
Macbook rssi = -61 -57 = AP rssi
Macbook rssi = -61 -57 = AP rssi
Macbook rssi = -61 -59 = AP rssi
Macbook rssi = -61 -59 = AP rssi
Macbook rssi = -63 -59 = AP rssi
Macbook rssi = -64 -59 = AP rssi
Macbook rssi = -65 -59 = AP rssi
Macbook rssi = -63 -59 = AP rssi
The Juniper Mist AP reports its stascs approximately every 60 seconds. This is why the AP RSSI
changes only once in the example output.
Random Password Creaon for a Guest Portal
When you congure a WLAN for a guest portal, use the Guest Portalconguraon to dene the
landing page. This is the page for guests to log on to their wireless network. This conguraon
page enables you to gather informaon about guests such as their full names, e-mail addresses,
and company details. You can add custom elds if you need users to gather addional types of
You can congure the guest portal to use an alphanumeric passphrase for authorizaon. This is a
manual process, but you can automate it to run regularly, such as daily, to create a new random
password that you distribute to guests each day.
This image shows the current congured passphrase for the guest portal:
Below is a Python script to create a new, random password for a guest portal. This script will send
a PUTcommand to the API to change the passphrase.
import requests
import json
import random
import string
url = '<YOUR_SITE_ID>/wlans'
##Set the API request headers
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Token <YOUR_API_TOKEN>'
results = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
wlans = json.loads(results.text)
wlanid = None
portal = None
##Search for the guest SSID, mist_guest
for wlan in wlans:
print(wlan["ssid"], ">", wlan["id"])
if wlan ["ssid"] == "mist_guest":
wlanid = wlan["id"]
portal = wlan["portal"]
if wlanid:
##This function generates a 6 alphanumeric random string
thisisnew = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for _ in range(6))
print("New Password is:", thisisnew)
portal["password"] = thisisnew
##This takes the results and issues a PUT for the new password in the guest portal
results = requests.put(url+"/{}".format(wlanid), headers=headers, data='{"portal":
' + json.dumps(portal) +'}')
This is the output from the script. It lists the wlan name and the wlan_idunl it nds the mist_guest
WLAN (dened in the script) and resets the passphrase with the newly generated, random
Mac:Desktop user$ python3
Mist-1 > 38fn03d0f9d-nfd3-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
Mist-2 > p3j9n30lmsl-nfd3-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
Mist-3 > 3knlso2k4ls-df9n-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
mist_guest > 9djn3axc93nn-89sb-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
New Password is: UiCnPW
Mac:Desktop user$
You can verify the passphrase change by going back to the WLAN conguraon, or WLAN
template page, and checking the guest portal conguraon. When you click Reveal, you will see
the new passphrase.
Addional Automaon Resources
For detailed informaon and examples, use these resources:
Table 11: Juniper Mist Automaon Resources
Resource Descripon Where to Find It
Python scripts demonstrang
possibilies of Mist APIs.
Examples of Python scripts using
the Mist APIs. These scripts are
using the mistapi Python package
to simplify the authencaon
To view script examples, go
mist_library and browse the scripts
MISTAPI - Python Package to use
Mist APIs
This package is built from the Mist
OpenAPI specicaons and is
designed to simplify the use of the
Mist APIs with Python scripts.
To learn more about the package,
go to: hps://
Mist API Labs Proof-of-Concept and prototype
applicaons and scripts created to
demonstrate the possibilies of
Juniper-Mist APIs and some of the
use cases.
Go to: Mist-Lab Demo Apps and in
the Search box, enter webhooks.
Mist Postman Webhook Samples Provides precongured examples of
POST webhook syntax.