Benefits and risks of using local anaesthetic for pain
relief to allow early return to play in professional football
J W Orchard
Br J Sports Med
Objective: To investigate the risks and benefits of the use of local anaesthetic in a descriptive case
series from three professional football (rugby league and Australian football) teams.
Methods: Cases of local anaesthetic use (both injection and topical routes) and complications over a
six year period were recorded. Complications were assessed using clinical presentation and also by
recording all cases of surgery, incidences of players missing games or leaving the field through injury,
and causes of player retirement.
Results: There were 268 injuries for which local anaesthetic was used to allow early return to play.
There were 11 minor and six major complications, although none of these were catastrophic or career
ending. About 10% of players taking the field did so with the assistance of local anaesthetic. This rate
should be considered in isolation and not seen to reflect standard practice by team doctors.
Conclusions: The use of local anaesthetic in professional football may reduce the rates of players
missing matches through injury, but there is the risk of worsening the injury, which should be fully
explained to players. A procedure should only be used when both the doctor and player consider that
the benefits outweigh the risks.
he use of local anaesthetic in professional football of vari-
ous codes is widespread, but has not been generally
discussed in the medical literature.
This discrepancy
represents a huge gap in the published sports medicine
knowledge base. The major explanation for the non-
publication of the use and complications of local anaesthetic
injections is that the practice is considered unethical by some
medical authorities, including FIMS.
The only major sporting
body known to have published guidelines on the use of local
anaesthetic is the National Collegiate Athletic Association
(NCAA) (guidelines available at www.ncaa.org), although
these do not list specific examples and leave the decision at
“the discretion of the individual treating physician”.
Various references in non-medical journals can be cited to
illustrate potential pitfalls of local anaesthetic injections.
3 5 9–11
These include cases where compensation has been obtained
through allegations of medical negligence.
Despite these risks generally being known, the use of local
anaesthetic is attractive because it is perceived that the risks
are often less than the potential benefits.
This paper presents a case series from a single practitioner
working as team doctor for a professional football team. It is
appreciated that this form of medical presentation is science at
one of its lowest levels. It is nevertheless hoped that the study
will be the first step towards filling the gap between “real
world” practice and published knowledge.
The study was conducted over six years. For the first two years
(1996 and 1997), I was team doctor to a professional Austral-
ian Football League (AFL) team, the Sydney Swans. For the
years 1998–2001 inclusive, I was team doctor for a professional
National Rugby League (NRL) team, the Sydney Roosters.
During 2000 and 2001, I was also the team doctor for the New
South Wales (NSW) Rugby League State of Origin team. In the
AFL and NRL competitions, teams play one 80 minute match
a week.
This case series includes all matches played in the
preseason, regular season, and finals by the first and second
grade teams of the Swans (1996–1997) and Roosters
(1998–2001). It also includes the six State of Origin matches
played by the NSW team over 2000–2001. These are represen-
tative matches (similar to international or “All star” games)
that combine players from a number of different club teams.
All documented cases were recorded of local anaesthetic
topically applied or injected to reduce pain to allow players to
train or play matches with injury. Cases were not included
when the anaesthetic was used only to allow a procedure such
as suturing of a laceration to be undertaken or was given for
pain relief only and the player did not play or train.
The diagnosis, drug used, method and time of administra-
tion, and associated complications were all recorded in an
injury database. Verbal consent was obtained from the player
on every occasion; written consent was not obtained. For State
of Origin rugby league matches, consent was also obtained
from the club doctor of each player’s regular team.
A major complication was defined as:
(1) degenerative arthritis of a major joint (knee, ankle, hip,
foot joint other than phalangeal, glenohumeral, elbow, first
carpometacarpal, or radiocarpal) arising subsequent to intra-
articular injection or total block of that joint;
(2) rupture of a major tendon—for example, Achilles or other
foot and ankle tendon, patellar, quadriceps, adductor, proxi-
mal hamstring, rotator cuff, distal biceps, distal triceps—while
under local block;
(3) fracture or refracture of a major bone—for example, all
bones of lower limb other than phalanges, clavicle, scapula,
humerus, scaphoid, radius, and ulna—while under local
(4) rupture of a major ligament—for example, the anterior,
posterior, or lateral cruciate ligament of the knee—or disloca-
tion of a major joint—for example, glenohumeral—while
under local block;
(5) inadvertent block of a major motor nerve that prevented a
player from being able to play—for example, femoral, obtura-
tor, common peroneal, sciatic;
(6) joint or other subcutaneous infection;
Correspondence to:
Dr Orchard, South Sydney
Sports Medicine, 111
Anzac Parade, Kensington,
NSW 2033, Australia;
Accepted 14 March 2002
(7) damage to an important viscus—for example, pneumotho-
rax where intercostal block was performed;
(8) any injury that was possibly worsened by local anaesthetic
use that subsequently required surgery, although if surgery
was considered inevitable before the decision to use local
anaesthetic and the surgery also subsequently provided a
definitive cure, then the complication was considered minor;
(9) any injury that was possibly worsened by local anaesthetic
and had a role in limiting the duration of a player’s
professional football career.
A minor complication was defined as:
(1) degenerative arthritis of a joint not considered above to be
a m ajor joint—for example, interphalangeal joint or acromio-
clavicular joint—arising subsequent to intra-articular injec-
tion or total block of that joint, and not requiring surgery;
(2) inadvertent sensory (but not motor) nerve block over a
wider range than planned;
(3) failure of the local anaesthetic procedure to block pain
enough for the player to participate meaningfully in the game;
(4) any injury that was possibly caused or worsened by local
anaesthetic use that caused the player to miss match playing
time (but is not listed under major complications) and which
eventually fully resolved.
The database was also used to record all cases of players
missing games through injury, players leaving the field
through injury, players having surgery, and any reasons for
players leaving the team at the end of the season. These
records were used to help assess whether a player had suffered
a complication, as listed above.
The study covered 337 football games (221 Roosters, six NSW
State of Origin, 110 Swans). This included 10 NRL finals, four
AFL finals, and eight reserve grade finals (four rugby league
and four Australian football). During this period, I treated and
recorded in an injury database 2851 injuries (1521 for the
Roosters, 1256 for the Swans, and 74 for the NSW State of
Origin team).
Table 1 details the injuries that were managed with the
assistance of local anaesthetic (both topical and injectable).
The average number of players per team per match playing
with the aid of local anaesthetic injections was 1.7 in the
rugby league games (10.2% of all players) and 1.4 in the Aus-
tralian football games (6.8%). When topical application of
local anaesthetic is considered in addition, the average
numbers were 1.9 in the rugby league games (11.1%) and 1.6
in the Australian football games (8.0%). The usual drug used
for painkilling injections was bupivacaine (sometimes admin-
istered with a vasoconstrictor agent such as adrenaline, if the
injury was not to a peripheral structure such as a finger or
toe). The usual drugs used for topical (transdermal) adminis-
tration were a combination of lignocaine and prilocaine.
The proportion of players taking the field with the aid of
local anaesthetic was significantly higher in the rugby league
than the Australian football games (χ
= 15.1, p<0.001), and
was significantly higher in first grade games than reserve
grade games (χ
= 214, p<0.001). It was significantly higher
in finals matches and State of Origin matches than regular
season matches (χ
= 76.2, p<0.001), and significantly higher
in regular season matches than preseason matches ( χ
= 54.9,
Most injections were given before the start of play. Some
injuries were injected on match day acutely, and therefore
without the use of imaging or time for the player to reflect on
the decision to use local anaesthetic (table 1).
There were six major complications (table 2) and 11 minor
complications (table 3).
No player had a career limiting injury associated with local
anaesthetic use. Only one player retired from football after
playing his last match with the aid of a local anaesthetic. He
had anaesthetic injected into his superior tibiofibular joint,
which had suffered a grade 2 sprain, for the last four games of
the season; he was able to run at training during the week
without requiring local anaesthetic. He did not suffer any
complication from this injection and the injury fully recovered
shortly after the season ended, but he was not offered a con-
tract by any professional team for the following season, and
elected to retire.
An injury commonly managed with local anaesthetic that
gave rise to two m ajor complications was sprain of the
acromioclavicular joint (table 2). Not all such injuries were
treated with local anaesthetic, because in some cases either
the doctor or the player decided that it should not be used.
There was one case in which local anaesthetic was not used,
and the player continued to play with an acromioclavicular
joint injury and developed osteolysis which required surgical
management (distal clavicle resection). Table 4 presents a
summary of the management of acromioclavicular joint inju-
ries. Although this is a non-randomised intervention with low
power, the relation between the use of local anaesthetic and
the development of symptomatic osteolysis appears to be
weak (χ
= 0.24, p>0.6). There also does not appear to be a
strong relation between number of injections used and risk of
osteolysis. Of the two cases of osteolysis after local anaes-
thetic, one player had received 16 local injections, and the
other had received only two. One player who received 24 local
Table 1 Injuries managed with local anaesthetic
Number with
painkilling local
injections used
Mean number of
games using
injection per injury
Number where
injection was used
while a game was in
Number with only
topical painkiller
Number with any
local painkiller used
Rib injuries 33 3.5 12 9 42
Iliac crest haematomas 32 2.3 24 1 33
Acromioclavicular joint injuries 27 5.7 14 1 28
Finger injuries (digits 2–5) 25 2.4 9 0 25
Thumb injuries 17 4.3 3 2 19
Ankle injuries 21 2.0 6 2 23
Metacarpal injuries 7 2.7 2 0 7
Sternum injuries 6 2.7 3 2 8
Toe phalangeal injuries (digits 2–5) 5 2.4 1 1 6
Prepatellar bursitis 4 2.8 1 1 5
Other injuries 44 2.0 11 28 72
All injuries 221 3.3 86 47 268
210 Orchard
injections to the acromioclavicular joint had his symptoms
spontaneously resolve at the end of the season without
A case of chronic plantar fasciitis was the one injury in this
series that appeared to be improved by the use of a local
anaesthetic injection during a game. In this case, the player
described feeling a tear while running which was only moder-
ately painful because of the local anaesthetic block. The next
mor ning, the pain he usually felt during his first step had dis-
appeared, but was replaced by a dull ache when running; this
lasted for three weeks, after which he become almost
completely symptom free. In this case, I believe that the origi-
nal pain arose from a chronic tightness of the plantar fascia,
and that a rupture of the fascia at the region of tightness
occur red and effectively “cured” the original condition.
The use of local anaesthetic may allow players to return to
sport at an earlier stage. This may have enormous benefits for
players of a professional sport.
This study shows that such
procedures are not without risk, but that these risks may be
acceptable for both the player and the doctor.
Only one previous study in rugby league has looked at the
use of local anaesthetic injections.
In this study, five injuries
(three acromioclavicular joint sprains, one rib fracture, and
one groin tendon tear) over three seasons were managed in
this way. Although these are similar injuries to those
presented in this study, the use of painkilling injections was
far less common. The rate of use of these procedures in other
teams in the past or present cannot be assumed by the rates
presented in this study. It is known that local anaesthetic
injections have been used in professional rugby league in
Australia since at least 1975, when a famous incident occurred
during the Grand Final: a player was unable to kick because of
inadvertent motor nerve block.
It is worth noting that in all
six seasons presented in this study, the first grade team played
in the finals series and was a premiership contender. The
motivation for the players to return to the field early was
Table 2 Major complications of the use of local anaesthetic to allow early return to play
Injury Complication
Acromioclavicular joint sprain (2) Distal clavicle osteolysis (2). In both cases this complication was somewhat expected and the two players were able
to delay surgery until the end of the season. Both made a full recovery. (Major complication no 8)
Chronic insertional Achilles
Partial rupture of Achilles tendon at anterior portion insertion which required immediate surgery. This complication
was expected, with the decision to attempt a local block made on the eve of finals. The player was able to return to
play the following season after successful surgery. (Major complication no 2)
Adductor longus tendon partial tear This was an acute contact mechanism injury. Local anaesthetic was used to enable the player to play two games in
a finals series. The player developed chronic adductor tendinopathy and missed eight games the following season,
although eventually made a full recovery. (Major complication no 8)
Prepatellar bursitis Mild prepatellar bursa infection 2 days after game, which was successfully treated by aspiration and oral
antibiotics. The player was able to return to play the following weekend without local anaesthetic injection. Of
further note is that 2 weeks later, he suffered a partial tear of the quadriceps tendon in the same knee. This was a
contact mechanism injury and he was not injected for that game. He missed 5 weeks with this injury but did not
require surgery and made a full recovery. (Major complication no 6)
Scapholunate ligament tear This was an early season injury diagnosed as being likely to require surgery. The player elected to play the
remainder of the season and delay surgery. Local anaesthetic was used for three of these games during the
remainder of the season, but was not used in 21 games. After surgery (wrist reconstruction) he made a full functional
recovery. It is possible that he may suffer late degenerative changes related to this injury. (Major complication no 8)
Table 3 Minor complications of the use of local anaesthetic to allow early return to play
Injury Complication
Posterior ankle impingement Medial plantar nerve sensory block; player able to keep playing with numb sole of foot
Fractured 1st metacarpal Slight malunion with loss of full thumb span (anticipated and expected by player)
Posterior rib fractures Failed block; player could not take field for that game although successfully played with local anaesthetic the
following week
Sternoclavicular joint sprain Injury was worsened by a further contact mechanism injury; as a result the player needed to miss four games
Comminuted intra-articular fractured
base of 1st proximal phalanx
Osteoarthritis of 1st metacarpophalangeal joint (that was eventually almost asymptomatic), a complication
considered inevitable after the initial fracture but may have been worsened by playing for 6 weeks with thumb
blocks. The injury could not be treated surgically and the alternative treatment was plaster immobilisation, which
probably would not have prevented degenerative arthritis
Posterior ankle impingement Player elected to have surgery to remove os trigonum after playing one game with the assistance of local injection
Bruised iliac crest (3) Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve block (3)
Lateral ankle sprain Pericapsular injection causing superficial peroneal nerve block; player was able to play with numb dorsum of foot
Chronic plantar fasciitis Player ruptured his plantar fascia origin but was able to complete the game. He missed 2 weeks after this but
believed that this complication “cured” his injury.
Table 4 Risk of developing osteolysis of the distal clavicle after acromioclavicular (A/C) joint injury
Number of injuries
Total games missed
from these injuries
Number of cases requiring
distal clavicle resection at
end of season
A/C joint injuries treated with local anaesthetic injections 28 16 2
A/C joint injuries not treated with local anaesthetic injections 25 18 1
Total A/C joint injuries 53 34 3
Local anaesthetic use in professional football 211
therefore probably higher than for teams not so competitively
placed, particularly towards the end of the season.
The players that were injected with local anaesthetic to play
State of Origin games came from eight different club teams,
and in all cases the club doctor for these teams approved the
use of injection. In some cases, the players were already being
injected to play w ith injury at club level. State of Origin
matches are the most important games of the season for the
players involved, so the benefits of local injections are very
In this case series, local anaesthetic was used more often in
rugby league than Australian football. This probably reflects
the relative injury profiles of the two sports. Contact
mechanism injuries that have a good prognosis for spontane-
ous healing but are very painful in the short term are the inju-
ries that are most amenable to the use of local anaesthetic.
Injuries of this type are more common in rugby league than
Australian football (which in contrast has more non-contact
lower limb injur ies).
In both of these sports, the use of local
anaesthetic is made more practical by the scheduling of only
one match per team per week. The nature of any individual
sport and player position within a sport should be considered
for each individual injury. For example, overhead throwing is
not used in either rugby league or Australian football, which
makes acromioclavicular joint degeneration a less serious
complication than in an American football quarterback, for
A retired NFL team doctor recently claimed that local
anaesthetic use is common in the NFL.
He used local
injections for “painful contusions, bruised or cracked ribs,
intercostal muscle tears, fractured or dislocated fingers, hip
pointers and isolated shin contusions”, but claimed to never
use the procedure for a “muscle pull” or inside the knee or
ankle joint.
Another recent anecdotal review of this topic
quoted another practising NFL team doctor as saying that
“blocking an acromioclavicular joint or injecting a rib injury is
reasonable at the professional level, not dangerous, and done
On the basis of cases presented in this paper and references
cited above, tables 5 and 6 present a list of examples of injuries
for which local anaesthetic injections could be considered
under routine (where benefits will usually outweigh risks)
and extreme (where risks are high) circumstances respec-
tively. Injuries to finger and acromioclavicular joint when
managed with local anaesthetic may be more likely to lead to
degenerative changes, although these changes are common in
football players even when these procedures are not used.
Degenerative arthritis of the knee and hip are also common in
professional football players.
Although these conditions
(hip and knee degeneration) are far more disabling than
degenerative arthritis of a finger joint or acromioclavicular
joint, professional football players still knowingly accept these
risks when playing.
The findings and conclusions of this study should not be
seen as being definitive or representative of any group of doc-
tors, as the numbers of cases described are too few to present
an exhaustive profile of the risks. Guidelines for anaesthetic
use in professional football are almost non-existent because of
“lack of scientific evidence”.
This situation can only be
remedied by publication of clinical case series (such as this),
followed by larger controlled studies with long term follow up.
I would like to acknowledge the teams in this survey and the doctors
who have assisted in medical coverage for the teams over the period of
the study, specifically Grace Bryant, Ameer Ibrahim, Katherine Rae,
Paul Annett, Maja Markovic, and David Thomas.
1 Orchard J. The use of local anaesthetic injections in professional
Br J Sports Med
Table 5 Injuries for which local anaesthetic could be used in professional football with routine caution—that is, where
the benefits will usually outweigh the risks
Injury Notes
Acromioclavicular joint sprain Block is usually very successful. There may be an increased risk of needing distal clavicle resection at
end of season, which is not usually a significant threat to a player’s career
Phalangeal injuries (toes and fingers)
and metacarpals 2–5
Block is easy to perform. Vasoconstrictors should not be used. Some injuries may lead to degenerative
arthritis of interphalangeal joints, although in most cases this is acceptable to a professional footballer.
The major factors to assess are loss of range of motion and whether the player has any pursuit outside
football that involves fine use of the hands, such as playing a musical instrument
Rib and sternum injuries Block is usually successful when rib injuries are lateral or posterior. Sternum, sternoclavicular joint, and
anterior injuries to high ribs are very hard to block adequately. Pneumothorax is a possible
complication, but usually occurs in conjunction with acute injury
Bruised iliac crest Block usually provides major relief from this very painful but self resolving injury. The only common
complication is sensory nerve block (lateral femoral cutaneous nerve)
Chronic plantar fasciitis Injection is very painful. Rupture of the plantar fascia origin is likely but this may, in fact, “cure” the
chronic condition
Table 6 Examples of injuries for which local anaesthetic should only be used in professional football, with extra
caution, when the rewards are very high (as risks are also high)
Injury Notes
Ankle sprains MRI scan is indicated to assess the state of articular cartilage, and injection (even extra-articular) is best
avoided if there is any significant articular damage
Tendon injuries Tendon ruptures are likely when a local block is performed to relieve pain arising from the tendon. In certain
circumstances (particularly tendons with many agonists) this risk may be acceptable
Prepatellar and olecranon bursa Infection is a likely complication of injection of these bursae. In the case of prepatellar bursa (or any other
extra-articular knee injury), documentation should be made, perhaps with a witness, to specifically note that
the injection was extra-articular, in case the player suffers a serious knee injury during the game
First metacarpal and radiocarpal injuries The thumb and wrist are more critical hand structures and degenerative conditions should not be accepted
lightly in these regions. Scaphoid fractures should always be excluded as this is a common missed diagnosis
that on occasion cannot be cured surgically
212 Orchard
2 Green T.
The dark side of the game: my life in the NFL
. New York:
Warner Books, 1996.
3 Huizenga R.
You’re okay, it’s just a b ruise
. New York: St. Martin’s
Press, 1994.
4 Orchard J. The use of local anaesthetic in professional football.
Med Sport
5 Polsky S. Winning medicine: professional sports team doctors’ conflicts
of interest.
J Contemp Health Law Policy
6 Sheahan M. Painkillers disturbing part of AFL culture.
(Melbourne) 1996 Feb 17.
7 FIMS Code of Ethics in Sports Medicine.
International sports medicine
. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2001.
8 Nelson C. Anesthetic injections in football: an ethical dilemma.
Medicine Digest
9 Cooke J. Looking back in anger.
The footy show magazine
Melbourne). (October) 1999:30–1.
10 Gallup E.
Law and the team physician
. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics,
11 Smith S. High cost of glory: former Raider Curt Marsh lost his right foot
to amputation, probably because of an injury misdiagnosed by a team
Sports Illustrated
12 Gibbs N. Injuries in professional rugby league. A three-year prospective
study of the South Sydney Professional Rugby League Football Club.
Am J
Sports Med
13 Grand Final Match Reports 1954–99.
Big League
14 Scranton P.
Playing hurt. Treating and evaluating the warriors of the
Washington DC: Brassey’s, 2001.
15 Seward H, Orchard J, Hazard H,
et al
. Football Injuries in Australia at
the elite level.
Med J Aust
16 Drawer S, Fuller C. Propensity for o steoathritis and lower limb joint pain
in retired professional soccer players.
Br J Sports Med
17 Deacon A, Bennell K, Kiss ZS,
et al
. Osteoarthritis of the knee in retired,
elite Australian Rules footballers.
Med J Aust
18 Meir RA, McDonald KN, Russell R. Injury consequences from
participation in professional rugby league: a preliminary investigation.
J Sports Med
Take home message
Local anaesthetic for pain relief can be used for certain
injuries in professional football, although complications
can be expected. The procedure may be justified when
benefits outweigh the risks.
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Local anaesthetic use in professional football 213