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Change of Adviser Request
1 December 2023
OnePath Custodians Pty Limited (OnePath Custodians)
ABN 12 008 508 496 AFSL 238346 RSE L0000673
Oasis Asset Management Limited (Oasis Asset Management)
ABN 68 090 906 371
Adviser Administration
Phone 1800 290 684
GPO Box 5367, Sydney NSW 2001
Website: onepathsuperinvest.com.au
Pages 1 and 2 of this form are to be completed to change the servicing financial adviser on any OnePath product except OneAnswer
Frontier Investment Portfolio, OneAnswer Investment Portfolio, ANZ OneAnswer Investment Portfolio and OptiMix Trust.
If you wish to change the servicing financial adviser for an investment portfolio or trust product please complete page 3 and 4.
If you wish to change the servicing financial adviser for a OneCare product please use the Change of Adviser Request Form available
Please ensure a copy of the clients ID (licence/passport) document is provided so that we can verify signature/s.
Please note this form cannot be used to add a third party authority.
Additionally, if you would like Adviser Transaction Authority (ATA) for this client, please locate the relevant ATA Form for the chosen product
in the Forms & Brochures section on onepathsuperinvest.com.au
Please submit this form via email to aps@onepathsuperinvest.com.au or via post to the above postal address.
Member number:
Member number:
Member number:
Member number:
1. Client details
Member 1
Title Mr Mrs Ms Miss Dr Other
Given name(s)
(including middle name)
Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
Member 2
Title Mr Mrs Ms Miss Dr Other
Given name(s)
(including middle name)
Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
2. Financial adviser details
Licensee Sales Account No. Adviser Sales Account No.
Licensee Name
Name of financial adviser
Phone Business Mobile
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3. Important information for members/investors and signature
By completing and signing this form, you acknowledge and agree that:
Oasis Asset Management and/or OnePath Custodians will change your financial adviser (as named in section 2) for the accounts listed above.
You must no longer be receiving advice from your existing financial adviser in relation to account listed above.
When Oasis Asset Management and/or OnePath Custodians process this form, your existing financial adviser will no longer be remunerated
for advising you and will cease to have access to your information.
For the account listed above, your new financial adviser will be responsible for advising you and will have access to your information, which
may include your health information.
The collection, use, storage and disclosure of your personal information (including where authorised and required, health and other sensitive
information) will be handled as described in OnePath Custodians Privacy Policy which is available at onepathsuperinvest.com.au/about-us/
privacy-policy or by calling Customer Services.
If you have provided information about another person (e.g. a beneficiary), you should obtain permission of that person to do so and
should inform them that their information may be visible to the financial adviser named in this form and any other person authorised by the
financial adviser. You should also direct them to OnePath Custodians’ Privacy Policy which is available at onepathsuperinvest.com.au/about-
us/privacy-policy or by calling Customer Services.
OnePath Custodians/Oasis Asset Management may, acting reasonably, refuse to accept this authority.
You release/discharge and indemnify OnePath Custodians/Oasis Asset Management properly acting on this authority, except to the extent
that the liability, cost or loss is caused by the fraud, wilful misconduct or negligence of OnePath Custodians/Oasis Asset Management or its
related entities (or their agents, employees, officers or contractors).
All remuneration currently being paid for the accounts listed in this form will be paid to the financial adviser nominated in section 2.
OnePath Custodians/Oasis Asset Management will rely on the information you provide to process your request. By signing and submitting
this request form, you represent that the information you have provided is true and correct.
Signature of Member 1
Date (dd/mm/yyyy)
Signature of Member 2
Date (dd/mm/yyyy)
4. Adviser remuneration declaration (financial adviser only)
Only to be completed by financial advisers where an Ongoing or Fixed Term Arrangement Adviser Service Fee (ASF) is in place on the accounts
By signing below, I confirm and declare that:
Where an ASF is nominated it is solely for advice in relation to the member’s interest in the product.
Where an ASF is nominated it is not part of an early release scheme.
Where an ASF is nominated it is reasonable and is commensurate with the type and scope of the advice being provided.
I have specifically drawn the members attention to any nominated ASF and I have explained the implications and the effects of these
feesbeing deducted from their accounts.
Signature of financial adviser
Date (dd/mm/yyyy)
Adviser name
Licensee name
Phone Business Mobile
AFS License number
Please note: You may cancel or amend your client’s ASF at any time either online by logging into Account Access at
access.onepathsuperinvest.com.au/adviser/AdviserOnline.aspx or by sending a request to adviser@onepathsuperinvest.com.au
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Change of Adviser Request
– Investment Portfolio
1 December 2023
OnePath Funds Management Limited (OnePath Funds Management)
ABN 21 003 002 800 AFSL 238342
Please Note: This form is ONLY to be used for changing the financial adviser for a OneAnswer Frontier Investment Portfolio, OneAnswer
Investment portfolio, ANZ OneAnswer Investment Portfolio or OptiMix Trust account.
For all other products, please complete Pages 1 and 2 only.
Please note this form cannot be used to add a third party authority.
Additionally, if you would like Adviser Transaction Authority (ATA) for this client, please locate the relevant ATA Form for the chosen product
inthe Forms & Brochures section on onepathsuperinvest.com.au
Please submit this form via email to aps@onepathsuperinvest.com.au or via post to the above postal address.
1. Investor type
Investor number
Individual Joint Company Partnership Corporate Trustee
Clubs, association or uncorporated body Investing on behalf of a child under 18
Name of Company/Partnership/Corporate Trustee/Club/Association/Unincorporated body (if applicable)
2. Investor details
Investor 1/ Trustee 1
Title Mr Mrs Ms Miss Dr Other
Given name(s)
(including middle name)
Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
Investor 2/ Trustee 2
Title Mr Mrs Ms Miss Dr Other
Given name(s)
(including middle name)
Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
Investor 3/ Trustee 3
Title Mr Mrs Ms Miss Dr Other
Given name(s)
(including middle name)
Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
Investor 4/ Trustee 4
Title Mr Mrs Ms Miss Dr Other
Given name(s)
(including middle name)
Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
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3. Financial adviser details
Licensee Sales Account No. Adviser Sales Account No.
Licensee Name
Name of financial adviser
Phone Business Mobile
4. Declaration and signature (for client)
By completing and signing this form, I/we:
Authorise OnePath Funds Management to change my/our nancial adviser (as detailed in Section 3) for the OnePath accounts identied in
the Investor Number in section 1.
Conrm that I/we are no longer receiving advice from my/our existing nancial adviser in relation to the account.
Understand that upon OnePath Funds Management processing this form, my/our existing nancial adviser will no longer be remunerated
foradvising me/us and will cease to have access to my/our information.
For the OnePath account identied in Section 1, my/our new nancial adviser will be responsible for advising me/us and will have access to
my/our information.
OnePath Funds Management may, acting reasonably, refuse to accept this authority.
You release/discharge and indemnify OnePath Funds Management from any liability, cost or loss that is incurred as a result of OnePath Funds
Management properly acting on this authority, except to the extent that the liability, cost or loss is caused by the fraud, wilful misconduct or
negligence of OnePath Funds Management or its related entities (or their agents, employees, ocers or contractors);
Agree to be bound by provisions of the constitutions or trust deeds of the relevant investment funds in which I/we are an investor.
Authorise all remuneration currently being paid for the account to be paid to the nancial adviser nominated in Section 3.
Authorise the collection, use, storage and disclosure of my personal information (including where authorised and required, health and other
sensitive information) as described in OnePath Funds Management’s Privacy Policy which is available at onepathsuperinvest.com.au/
about-us/privacy-policy. If I have provided information about another person in this application, I declare that I have the permission of that
person to do so. I understand that OnePath Funds Management require me to inform the person concerned that I have done so and direct
them to the relevant Privacy Policy so they may understand the manner in which their personal information may be used and disclosed by
OnePath Funds Management.
I/we declare that I/we have read this form and declare that the information provided is true and accurate.
Signature of Investor 1/Director 1/Trustee
Date (dd/mm/yyyy)
Signature of Investor 2/Director 2/Trustee
Date (dd/mm/yyyy)
Signature of Investor 3/Director 3/Trustee
Date (dd/mm/yyyy)
Signature of Investor 4/Director 4/Trustee
Date (dd/mm/yyyy)
5. Adviser remuneration declaration (financial adviser only)
Only to be completed by financial advisers where an Ongoing or Fixed Term Arrangement Adviser Service Fee (ASF) is in place on the accounts
identified inSection1.
By signing below, I confirm and declare that:
Where an ASF is nominated it is reasonable and is commensurate with the type and scope of the advice being provided.
I have specifically drawn the investors attention to any nominated ASF and I have explained the implications and the effects of these
Signature of financial adviser
Date (dd/mm/yyyy)
/ /
Please note: You may cancel or amend your client’s ASF at any time either online by logging into Account Access at
access.onepathsuperinvest.com.au/adviser/AdviserOnline.aspx or by sending a request to adviser@onepathsuperinvest.com.au
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