Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited ABN 11 005 357 522
Authorised User Access to Internet Banking and Phone Banking
Value Access
To grant a third party access to your accounts, they need to be set up as an Authorised User. The following documentation needs to be
Instructions for Account Holder
Step 1 Complete:
a. Phone and Internet Banking Authorised User Authority – Value Access
b. Agents Authority – Individual & Joint
Step 2 Mail forms to:
ANZ Banking Partnerships Fulfilment team
1st floor, 118 Franklin Street
Adelaide SA 5000
Instructions for Authorised User
Step 1 Complete the “Authorised User Access to Internet & Phone Banking – Authorised User Profile Details” form.
Step 2 If you are an existing account holder and have entered your existing account number on the form, please mail the form to:
ANZ Banking Partnerships Fulfilment team
1st floor, 118 Franklin Street
Adelaide SA 5000
If you are not an existing ANZ account holder, present the form at the Enquiry desk at any ANZ Branch along with adequate identification
documents to complete an Evidence of Identity check. The ANZ staff member will carry out an Evidence of Identity check and mail the
documents to us.
The valid Identification documents are listed below
Group A (A customer must have at least one form of identification from Group A)
Document Point Value
*Birth Certificate (persons under 18) 100
*Passport (persons under 18) 100
*Passport (person arriving in Australia within past 6 weeks) 100
*Passport (current or expired within 2 years) 70
Australian Driver's Licence ß
Student Photo ID card (issued by an Australian Tertiary Education Institution) 40
ß If the licence is a replacement (ie. has 'A', 'B' or 'C' after the expiry date) at least two other forms of identification are required.
Group B
Document Point Value
*Birth Certificate 70
*Citizenship Certificate 70
Public Utilities Record (1 only) 25
Medicare Card 25
Financial Institution passbook, debit or credit card (1 per institution only) 25
*Only one allowed (i.e. a customer cannot use passport and birth certificate to complete an Evidence of Identity check)
Note: A Customer must have at least one form of identification from Group A.
If you are unable to provide this documentation, please call 1300 729 241 to find out what other documentation may be valid.
We will contact the Authorised User to advise that we have received the forms, within one business day of receiving the forms mailed to
us/ within 4 business days of the forms being dropped off at an ANZ branch.
Phone and Internet Banking Authorised User
Authority for Value Access
Individual and Joint (including Sole Proprietor, Firms, Partnerships)
ECU Links Account
Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited ABN 11 005 357 522
Account Name Date
(‘the Customer’)
(Insert trading name (‘trading as’) if trading under a business name.)
To: Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited ABN 11 005 357 522 (‘ANZ’)
I/We refer to the banking account(s) listed below.
I/We authorise ('Authorised User')
(Full name (surname first))
to act fully and effectively on my/our behalf in all dealings, matters and transactions for all purposes as I/we could on the following accounts through the Nominated Access.
Personal account Branch BSB Account number
Assign a 2 digit number last 4 digits
Access Details
Please note: All
Authorised Users
granted Access MUST
complete an Evidence
of Identity check
The Authorised User is authorised to carry out all Value and Non-Value transactions listed below on the above ANZ accounts:
- account balance - transaction history - pay bills to BPAY® billers
- debit search - cheque search - transfer funds between linked accounts
- credit search - statement order
- current year interest enquiry - cheque/deposit book order
- previous year interest enquiry
I/We will notify ANZ immediately if I/we revoke this authority.
If I/we die, this authority is binding on my/our executors, administrators, legal personal representatives and all persons, claiming from or under me/us as to all documents, acts,
matters and things done or executed in terms of this Authority before receipt by ANZ of written notice of its revocation.
I/We understand that the use of the Nominated Access by me/us or the Authorised User will be subject to the terms and conditions from time to time applicable to the
Nominated Access.
By signing below, you acknowledge and agree that:
¾ Any person you nominate to be an Authorised User can access information about your accounts, and depending on the access level selected above, can
transact on your accounts;
¾ You are liable for the use of Internet Banking by any person you nominate to be an Authorised User;
¾ If you do not use Internet Banking, ANZ may send changes to the Electronic Banking Conditions of Use to your Authorised User, and not to you. If we do
this, you are deemed to have received notice of the changes when your Authorised User receives them.
Customer's signature Customer's signature
Authorised User's signature Authorised User registration number (if available)
Note: Authorised Users cannot alter, add to or delete the above account numbers or Authorised User registration number. If the Customer is a partnership, all partners are to
ANZ TPC Use Only – Officer who completed this Authority
I have checked:
– that ALL sections of this form have been properly completed
– the customer(s) signature(s) above against the Account Authority and I am satisfied that they match
Salary number Surname Given name Signature
BSB number
Date received > Recorded by > Checked by >
Agents Authority
Individual and Joint (including Sole Proprietor, Firms, Partnerships)
ECU Links Account
Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited ABN 11 005 357 522
To: Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited ABN 11 005 357 522 (‘ANZ’)
I/We refer to the banking account(s) listed below.
I/We have authorised
(Customer(s) name ('the Customer'))
(Full name(s) surname first) [Please note – when you appoint more than 1 agent to your account each of them will be able to operate the account
on my/our behalf to:
Sign, draw, make, discount, accept or endorse cheques, bills of exchange, drafts, promissory notes, withdrawals and
other instruments.
Overdraw or increase the overdraft on the account(s).
Operate and enter into agreements to operate on the account(s) in any way permitted by ANZ including transactions by
electronic, mechanical and other means.
Authorise direct debits.
Place money on any form of interest-bearing deposit and receive payments and interest and deal with certificates of
Receive and give receipts for boxes, packets, documents or property held by ANZ for any reason.
Endorse bills of lading and insurance policies and sign and give receipts for any documents or instruments or in respect
of any payment, transaction, act, matter or thing herein mentioned.
Arrange, authorise and agree with ANZ for the giving, executing or signing by ANZ on my/our behalf of any guarantees,
indemnities, bonds, undertakings, and other instruments to or in favour of any person, firm, corporation, government,
authority or other body or organisation whatsoever and for the establishment or issuing by ANZ on my/our account of
any credits or letters of credit.
Give, sign and execute all such guarantees, indemnities, bonds, pledges, assignments, undertakings and other
instruments to or in favour of ANZ or for the protection of ANZ as may from time to time be required by ANZ, and
execute any other document or instrument of whatsoever nature, whether for the purpose of security or otherwise.
Authorise and request ANZ to enter into any agreement or arrangement or incur any liability on my/our behalf.
Generally act as fully and effectively in all dealings, matters and transactions between me/us and ANZ for all purposes
as I/we could do if present personally.
I/We have authorised each signatory separately to endorse all cheques, bills of exchange or drafts that may hereafter be paid to my/our
I/We shall be responsible to ANZ for all liability incurred or to be incurred in respect of or arising from my/our account(s) or any of the
documents, acts, matters and things herein mentioned and that such liability shall be payable to ANZ on written demand.
If I/we die this authority shall be binding on my executors, administrators, legal personal representatives and all persons, claiming from or
under me/us as to all documents, acts, matters and things done or executed in terms of this authority before receipt by ANZ of notice of
its revocation.
If I/we determine or revoke this authority, I/we shall notify you in writing.
Agents Authority
Individual and Joint (including Sole Proprietor, Firms, Partnerships)
ECU Links Account
Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited ABN 11 005 357 522
Privacy and Confidentiality Acknowledgment
In the following passages dealing with the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information, reference to "the ANZ Group"
means Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited and its related companies (including subsidiaries).
By signing this form, the customer and agent agree that the ANZ Group is collecting your information in order to maintain and administer
the accounts noted below. Without this information the ANZ Group may not be able to do this.
You may request access to your information at any of ANZ's branches. Access will be granted in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988
for a fee. If any of your information is inaccurate, you may request that it be corrected.
Account number(s)
Customer's signature(s)
(All parties to a joint account must sign this form when appointing an agent.)
Agent’s signature(s)
ANZ TPC Use only
Confirming officer's name Confirming officer's signature
Date received Recorded by Checked by
Authorised User Access to Internet and
Phone Banking
Authorised User Profile Details
ECU Links Account
Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited ABN 11 005 357 522
This form is to be completed by the Authorised User
(Select one) (Surname and First name as they appear in identification documents)
Daytime Contact Number
ANZ Account Number (if applicable)
(If you are an existing ANZ account holder, and have completed an Evidence of Identity check on this account, please enter your account number. You
will not be required to visit an ANZ branch to carry out an Evidence of Identity check)
Signature Date
Instruction to ANZ Branch Staff Member
Bond Elite customers have special arrangements in place with ANZ in relation to operating their accounts.
You are unable to access this customer’s details on the system.
The customer would like to set up an Authorised User with value access to their Bond Elite accounts.
To facilitate this please do all of the following immediately:
a. Check that this form has been correctly completed by the Authorised User.
b. If the customer holds an ANZ account and has provided the account number above, another Evidence of Identity check is not required. If the
customer does not have an account with ANZ, complete the Evidence of Identity check online on Max. Please ensure you enter the following
details while completing the check:
Enter “3574” as the BSB
Enter all 9’s in the account number and customer number fields.
c. If any accompanying forms (eg. Phone and Internet Banking Authorised User Authority) are presented to you, check that they are properly
d. Stamp this form and forward this form and any other forms presented to you through Internal Mail to the following address:
ANZ Banking Partnerships Fulfilment team
Floor, 118 Franklin Street
Adelaide SA 5000
e. If you are unable to complete any of the above, please advise the customer what information they need to provide you to complete this process.
If you need more information, please call 02-9227 1892. Thank you for your assistance.