vCam Mobile Controller App
User Handbook
(English Web Edition)
Version 1.1
Table of Contents
Service & Support ............................................................................................................................. 2
App version and product software revision for technical support ................................................. 2
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 3
The Start/Selection Screen .......................................................................................................... 3
Offline Access to Files (access files without being connected) .................................................... 4
The Main Screen ......................................................................................................................... 4
VMC App Settings ............................................................................................................................. 7
3.1 Setting up the app options ........................................................................................................... 7
3.1.1 Manage Projects ................................................................................................................... 7
3.1.2 Date and Time ...................................................................................................................... 8
3.1.3 Language .............................................................................................................................. 8
3.1.4 About .................................................................................................................................... 8
Using the vCam Mobile Controller App ............................................................................................. 9
4.1 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 9
4.1.1 Connect to the Control Module ............................................................................................. 9
4.1.2 Making a video recording ...................................................................................................... 9
4.1.3 Capturing JPEG images (taking pictures) ........................................................................... 10
4.1.4 Adding an observation to the screen .................................................................................. 10
4.1.5 Viewing and playing files..................................................................................................... 10
4.1.1 Sharing files ........................................................................................................................ 12
Troubleshooting .............................................................................................................................. 15
1 Service & Support
Service & Support
App version and product software revision for technical support
Product Software (firmware)
The vCam-6 and vCamMX-2 will need to run the latest software to be compatible with the vCam Mobile Controller
(VMC) app.
The below shows the latest revision at the time of this manual printing. The software version on your control module
must be equal to or greater than the below software versions.
Note that the vCam-6 control module has two types of software downloads. The version listed below is the DVR
software version updated by a file with the extension of .bin. This is the version you should be concerned about.
Software version
The message below will be displayed when attempting to connect to a control module with older software.
Out-of-date software (firmware) message
Software updates and installation instructions can be found on the vCamMX-2 and vCam-6 webpages in the download
Technical Support
When requesting technical support always quote your camera system's model number, tablet/phone model,
tablet/phone operating system and vCam Mobile Controller (VMC) app version number.
Note that the product firmware version will not show unless the app is connected to the product.
The above information can be found by entering Settings and then going into About.
The Android and About screen
2 Introduction
This document covers the operation of the vCam Mobile Controller app. The app is also referred to as the VMC app.
Please read this section!
Vivax-Metrotech provides technical support for the vCam Mobile Controller (VMC) app, our vCam
series camera systems and our locators.
Vivax-Metrotech does not supply technical support or training for smartphones, tablets or file-
sharing apps on your phones and tablets.
Please refer to the help screens and documentation included with your file-sharing apps and
the operating system on your phone or tablet (Android and iOS (Apple).
User Manual Conventions
Read this section – This section is important and should be carefully read.
Stop – Read this section before proceeding.
Safety – Obey all safety messages that follow this symbol to avoid possible injury or death.
Note – Important information that will affect the performance of the product.
TipThis tip may save you time or provide a better response.
App Icons
An available action or feature will have a yellow background.
An action or feature in use (active) will show the same icon but with a black background.
Certain actions or features in use (active) will show part of the icon in red and will be flashing.
All features may not be available for certain products or may still be in development. When
this happens, the icon will be greyed out.
The example on the left shows the Picture icon as available while the Microphone icon is not
and is greyed out.
The Start/Selection Screen
Before launching the app ensure the control module is turned on and the Wi-Fi option activated.
vCamMX-2 - Go to Setup, select Wi-Fi and press the Wi-Fi key. The status will change from off to on, and a Wi-Fi
symbol will appear in the status bar.
Press the ESC key to return to the setup sub-menu, and press again to return to the main viewing screen
2 Introduction
vCam-6 - Press the F12 Wi-Fi key to activate the Wi-Fi. A Wi-Fi symbol will appear in the status bar.
When the vCam Mobile Controller app starts, the first screen seen will be the Selection Screen.
Use this screen to select the control module to use.
VMC Start/Selection Screen
Offline Access to Files (access files without being connected)
All files created in the vCam Mobile Controller app are stored in the app in the Gallery. The Gallery can
be accessed without being connected to a control module.
1. At the Start/Selection screen select the control module that was used to create the files.
2. Tap on Cancel when the Connect to dialog box appears.
3. Tap on the Gallery icon to enter the Gallery.
The Main Screen
The Main Viewing Screen is the same for Android and iOS.
VMC Main Screen
While a recording
is in progress
Step Back/Exit Tapping this icon will
move back one step. Continue tapping to
disconnect and exit the app.
Connection Status This shows the
connected Control Module and its battery
Active Project This shows the project name in
which the files are being saved.
Elapsed Time/Size This shows the
elapsed time and size of the recording video.
2 Introduction
OSD (on-screen display) Shows the date,
distance & time from the control module.
Record Tap to Start and Stop
a video recording. While recording this icon
flashes red.
Observations Add and remove text
observations (comments) to the control
module and app screen.
Microphone A feature to be added at
a later date.
Gallery Access to the Projects video
and picture files.
JPEG Capture Captures the JPEG
picture to the project in the Gallery.
Settings Access the app settings and
Manage Projects area.
Pause / Resume Tap to
pause the recording video. Tap the red Play
icon to resume the recording.
Recording in progress icons When a recording is in progress:
1. The inside of the Recording icon will blink red.
2. The video elapsed time and size will appear in red above the recording icon.
Pause and resume a video recording While recording a video:
1. Press the Pause icon, and a Recording Paused message will splash on the screen and the Pause icon will
change from Pause to a flashing red Play icon. The recording is paused, and the elapsed length and video
size will freeze.
2. Press the flashing red Play icon to resume the video recording.
Pressing the Record icon while a video is Paused will end the video recording.
Icons that appear greyed out are not available for the control module.
While on the Main Screen tapping on the screen will hide the icons in the left column and the top
status bar. Tap the screen again to bring them back.
Android = double tap, iOS – single tap.
Default view with all icons
View with icons and status bar hidden
2 Introduction
Use the StepBack/Exit icon to return to the Start/Selection screen before Exiting
the app. Returning to the Start/Selection screen will automatically disconnect the
control module and free up the Wi-Fi to connect to the internet.
Exiting the app in other ways may leave the tablet showing that it is still connected to
the control module by Wi-Fi and produce an error message that there is no internet
connection while trying to share files.
3 VMC App Settings
VMC App Settings
Enter the VMC app settings by tapping the Settings icon. To return to the Main Screen tap the Settings icon
again or tap on the Step Back/Exit icon.
3.1 Setting up the app options
At the time of publishing this guide the Settings menu consists of:
Manage Projects
Date & Time
3.1.1 Manage Projects
Projects are folders where videos and JPEG images are stored. The current project in use will show in the upper left
corner of the Main Screen. All files created in the VMC app are stored in the Gallery under the Project Name.
The current Project name appears in the upper left of the status bar.
Tap on the Manage Projects line and the manage projects sub-menu will appear.
New – Date and Time: This option will create a Project based on the tablet's current date and time. An example of a
Project name created on 30 August 2022 at12:26 PM will be "2022_08_30_12_26"
New Name: This option will create a project you can name using alpha and numeric characters. When selecting
this option a dialog box shows the system's date. You can remove this using the backspace key or leave it as part of
your project name. Up to 40 alphanumeric characters can be used for a Project Name.
Android "New-Name" dialog box
iOS New-Name Project
3 VMC App Settings
Existing Project All projects remain in the app until deleted by the user. Select Existing Project to add new files to
an existing project. When this option is selected a list of projects will appear. Tap on the Project name to use the
3.1.2 Date and Time
The date and time used in the app are from the tablet or phone. This option will update the control module's date and
time to match the app's.
3.1.3 Language
Use this drop-down list to select a language.
3.1.4 About
The About screen contains important information needed when calling for technical support. This screen shows the
connected control module's firmware version, VMC app version and the control module serial number.
An entry with the letters N/A or Coming soon represents an option that is not available yet.
The About Screen Information Box
4 Using the vCam Mobile Controller App
Using the vCam Mobile Controller App
4.1 Overview
Now that the initial settings have been saved let's start using the app!
Before launching the app ensure the control module is turned on and the Wi-Fi option activated.
4.1.1 Connect to the Control Module
1. From the Start/Selection screen select the Control Module to connect.
The Start/Selection Screen
2. Android Tap on the serial number of the control module to connect.
iOS Tap on the Join icon of the control module to connect.
Android connection dialog box
iOS connection dialog box
After a few seconds the Main Viewing Screen will appear with an icon of the control module and its battery status in
the upper right corner.
4.1.2 Making a video recording
1. Tap on the Record icon to start the video recording. If no project is selected the Manage Project dialog
will appear. See section 3.1.1 Manage Projects.
Create a new project or select an existing project to continue.
When a recording is started the record icon flashes red and the elapsed recording time and file size
will be displayed above the icon.
To Pause the recording video tap on the Pause icon.
To resume recording tap on the flashing red Play icon.
2. To end the recording video tap on the red flashing Record icon again.
4 Using the vCam Mobile Controller App
4.1.3 Capturing JPEG images (taking pictures)
Tap the JPEG button to capture a JPEG image. The screen will momentarily flash yellow confirming a captured
4.1.4 Adding an observation to the screen
Observations are text comments added to the screen which appear in videos and pictures.
Tap on the Observation icon to open the Text Box.
The icon will fill with a black background when the text box opens.
Enter text in the text box, up to 100 characters, and tap on OK.
Enter text in the text box, up to 100 characters and then tap Return on the keyboard.
Remove the text from the screen by tapping on the black background Observation icon.
4.1.5 Viewing and playing files
All recorded videos and pictures are stored in Projects in the Gallery.
The Gallery Main Screen
Return to the previous screen
Exit the gallery
4 Using the vCam Mobile Controller App
Project View Detail
Project name and number of files in it.
Thumbnails – Represent videos and picture files.
Video icon – Shows video files with length, date and file name.
Picture icon – Shows picture files, date and file name.
1. Tap on a Thumbnail to enter that project's gallery. The view now changes to the Review screen.
Review screen
2. Tap on a Video Thumbnail to enter the video review screen.
The video review screen
4 Using the vCam Mobile Controller App
While in the Review screens swiping right to left and back will scroll through all of the
files in that Project folder.
3. Tap on the Play icon to watch the video. While playing the video tap the Pause icon to pause and unpause the
video. Use your finger on the progress line to move forward and backward through the video.
Tap on the Share icon to open the dialog box to share the file or add
it to another location on the tablet.
Tap on the Delete icon to delete the selected file(s).
Note: Use the same steps to view pictures; the picture view will have the same Delete and Share options.
Deleted files cannot be recovered!
4.1.6 Sharing files
Files created in the VMC app can be shared in several ways.
Use the share features native to the iOS and Android platforms.
Export files into file-sharing apps such as BOX, DropBox or OneDrive.
It is better to share files when the app is not connected to a control module. When the app is
connected to a control module files cannot be shared because there is no internet or cellular
connection. Disconnect from the control module, then use the internet or cellular connection.
1. Enter the Gallery and select a Project by tapping on one of its thumbnails.
Tap on any thumbnail in the project to enter its Gallery
4 Using the vCam Mobile Controller App
Export Project Tap on this icon to begin the file export or delete options. When this icon is selected a
white selection box will appear in the bottom left of the thumbnails. Now when a thumbnail is selected a
symbol will appear in iOS or an in Android.
Multi File Select – After the Export Project icon is selected, tap on this icon to select all of the files in the
Delete – After selecting the files use this icon to delete them.
After selecting files to export is done tap on the black Export Project icon to export the files.
If all files in the project were selected the entire project would be exported.
Export Dialog Box
If only a few files were selected a message like this would appear listing
the selected files.
Export Dialog Box
2. Now that the file(s) have been selected for export the Export destination must be chosen.
Select OK on the Export Dialog box, and the sharing list will appear.
4 Using the vCam Mobile Controller App
iOS File sharing dialog box
3. Decide the destination for the file export and tap on that icon to copy the files to the selected destination.
Please read this section!
Vivax-Metrotech provides technical support for the vCam Mobile Controller (VMC) app, our vCam
series camera systems and our locators.
Vivax-Metrotech does not supply technical support or training for smartphones, tablets or file-
sharing apps on your phones and tablets.
Please refer to the help screens and documentation included with your file-sharing apps and
the operating system on your phone or tablet (Android and iOS (Apple).
5 Troubleshooting
Please check the Knowledge Center on the Vivax-Metrotech website for the latest support information.
Go to and then click Support, Knowledge Center.
Product Software (firmware)
The vCam-6 and vCamMX-2 need to run the latest software (firmware) to be compatible with the vCam Mobile
Controller (VMC) app.
The below shows the latest revision at the time of this manual printing. The software version on your control module
must be equal to or greater than the below software versions.
Note that the vCam-6 control module has two kinds of software available. The version listed below is the DVR software
version updated by a file with the extension of .bin. This is the version you should be concerned about.
Software version
The message below will be displayed when attempting to connect to a control module with older software.
Out-of-date firmware message
Software updates and installation instructions can be found on the vCamMX-2 and vCam-6 webpages under the
download section.
5 Troubleshooting
Problem: I see no control modules in range.
1. Check that the Wi-Fi on the control module is turned on.
2. Check the control module has the latest software installed.
3. Check that the SSID on the control module starts with "vCam." If the SSID was changed, the app might not be
able to find the control module.
4. Try restarting the app.
5. Try restarting the control module.
Problem: The picture is freezing.
1. Ensure no source of interference is between the app and the control module.
2. Restart the app.
3. Restart the control module.
Problem: The Share File dialog box does not show up.
Check: This is probably an Access Permission setting in the iOS settings.
1. Go to Settings.
2. Find the VMC app.
3. Under ALLOW VMC TO ACCESS, ensure that Photos or Add Photos Only is selected.
Problem: The control module will not connect.
1. Check that the latest software is installed in the control module.
2. Make sure that the Wi-Fi has been turned on in the control module.
3. Make sure that the SSID has not been changed. The SSID must start with vCam6, vCamMX or vCamDrain for
the app to see the control module.
4. Ensure the control module's battery status exceeds 10% of the battery life.
Illustrations used in this manual's preparation will inevitably show some resemblance to similar images from other
manufacturers. These manufacturers have permitted the use of their graphics, and this statement is intended to
attribute such credit.
iOS is a trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc., registered in the U.S.
Android, Google and Google Maps are registered trademarks of Google LLC.
DROPBOX is a registered trademark of DROPBOX, Inc.
BOX software is a registered trademark of BOX, Inc.
OneDrive and OneNote are registered trademarks of Microsoft.
Disclaimer: Product and accessory specifications and availability information are subject to change without prior
Vivax-Metrotech Corporation
3251 Olcott Street, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA
Toll-Free: 1-800-446-3392
Phone: +1 (408) 734-1400
Email: salesUS[email protected]m