Preparing for Disaster
for People with
Disabilities and other
Special Needs
Visit the websites listed below to obtain additional information: The Access Board DHHS Administration on Aging National Council on Disability National Organization on Disability American Association for People with Disabilities American Foundation for the Blind National Association of the Deaf Los Angeles City Department on Disability Easter Seals
For more in-depth information, get a copy of "Disaster Preparedness for
People with Disabilities" (A5091) from the American Red Cross, or visit
For the millions of Americans who have physical, medical,
sensory or cognitive disabilities, emergencies such as fires,
floods and acts of terrorism present a real challenge. The same
challenge also applies to the elderly and other special needs
populations. Protecting yourself and your family when disaster
strikes requires planning ahead. This booklet will help you get
started. Discuss these ideas with your family, friends and/or your
personal care attendant, or anyone else in your support network
and prepare an emergency plan. Post the plan where everyone
will see it, keep a copy with you and make sure everyone
involved in your plan has a copy.
Where will you, your family, your friends or personal care attendants
be when an emergency or disaster strikes?
You, and those you care about, could be anywhere – at home, work,
school or in transit. How will you find each other? Will you know
your loved ones will be safe?
Emergencies and disasters can strike quickly and without warning
and can force you to evacuate your neighborhood or confine you
to your home. What would you do if basic services water, gas,
electricity or telephones were cut off?
Local officials and relief workers will be on the scene after a
disaster, but they cannot reach everyone right away.
You are in the best position to plan for your own safety as you are
best able to know your functional abilities and possible needs during
and after an emergency or disaster situation. You can cope with
disaster by preparing in
advance with your family
and care attendants. You
will need to create a
personal support network
and complete a personal
assessment. You will
also need to follow the
four preparedness steps
listed in this booklet.
1. Get informed
2. Make a plan
3. Assemble a kit
4. Maintain your plan and kit
Knowing what to do is your best protection and your
What You Need to Do
A personal support network (sometimes called a self-help team)
can help you prepare for a disaster. They can do this by helping you
identify and get the resources you need to cope effectively. Network
members can also assist you after a disaster happens.
Organize a network that includes your home, school, workplace,
volunteer site, and any other places where you spend a lot of time.
Members of your network can be roommates, relatives, neighbors,
friends, and co-workers. They should be people you trust and who
can check to see if you need assistance. They should know your
capabilities and needs, and be able to provide help within minutes.
Do not depend on only one person. Include a minimum of three
people in your network for each location where you regularly spend
a lot of time since people work different shifts, take vacations and
are not always available.
Decide what you will be able to do for yourself and what assistance
you may need before, during and after a disaster. This will be based
on the environment after the disaster, your capabilities and your
To complete a personal assessment, make a list of your personal
needs and your resources for meeting them in a disaster environment.
Think about the following questions and note your answers in
writing or record them on a tape cassette that you will share with
your network. These answers should describe both your current
capabilities and the assistance you will need. Base your plan on
your lowest anticipated level of functioning.
Daily Living
Personal Care
Do you regularly need assistance with personal care, such as
bathing and grooming? Do you use adaptive equipment to
help you get dressed?
Water Service
What will you do if water service is cut off for several days
or if you are unable to heat water?
Personal Care Equipment
Do you use a shower chair, tub-transfer bench or other similar
Adaptive Feeding Devices
Do you use special utensils that help you prepare or eat food
Electricity-Dependent Equipment
How will you continue to use equipment that runs on
electricity, such as dialysis, electrical lifts, etc.? Do you have
a safe back-up power supply and how long will it last?
Getting Around
Disaster Debris
How will you cope with the debris in your home or along
your planned exit route following the disaster?
Do you need a specially equipped vehicle or accessible
Do you need help to get groceries, medications and medical
supplies? What if your caregiver cannot reach you because
roads are blocked or the disaster has affected him or her as
Daily Living
Building Evacuation
Do you need help to leave your home or office? Can you
reach and activate an alarm? Will you be able to evacuate
independently without relying on auditory cues (such as noise
from a machine near the stairs these cues may be absent if
the electricity is off or alarms are sounding)?
Building Exits
Are there other exits (stairs, windows or ramps) if the elevator
is not working or cannot be used? Can you read emergency
signs in print or Braille? Do emergency alarms have audible
and visible features (marking escape routes and exits) that
will work even if electrical service is disrupted?
Getting Help
How will you call or summon for the help you will need
to leave the building? Do you know the locations of text
telephones and phones that have amplification? Will your
hearing aids work if they get wet from emergency sprinklers?
Have you determined how to communicate with emergency
personnel if you don’t have an interpreter, your hearing aids
aren’t working, or if you don’t have a word board or other
augmentative communication device?
Mobility Aids / Ramp Access
What will you do if you cannot find your mobility aids?
What will you do if your ramps are shaken loose or become
separated from the building?
Service Animals/Pets
Will you be able to care for your animal (provide food, shelter,
veterinary attention, etc.) during and after a disaster? Do you
have another caregiver for your animal if you are unable to
meet its needs? Do you have the appropriate licenses for
your service animal so you will be permitted to keep it with
you should you need or choose to use an emergency public
Contact your local emergency management office or American Red Cross
Chapter to gather information you will need to create a plan.
Community Hazards. Ask about the specific hazards that threaten
your community (e.g. hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes) and about your
risk from those hazards. Additionally, hazard information for your local
area can be obtained at
Community Disaster Plans. Learn about community response
plans, evacuation plans and designated emergency shelters. Ask about
the emergency plans and procedures that exist in places you and your
family spend time such
as places of employment,
schools and child care
centers. If you do not own
a vehicle or drive, find
out in advance what your
community’s plans are for
evacuating those without
private transportation.
Community Warning
Systems. Find out how
local authorities will warn
you of a pending disaster
and how they will provide information to you during and after a disaster. Learn
about NOAA Weather Radio and its alerting capabilities (
Assistance Programs. Ask about special assistance programs available
in the event of an emergency. Many communities ask people with a
disability to register, usually with the local fire or police department, or
the local emergency management office so needed help can be provided
quickly in an emergency. Let your personal care attendant know you
have registered, and with whom. If you are electric-dependent, be sure to
register with your local utility company.
Because a disaster can disrupt your primary emergency plan, it is also
important for you to develop a back-up plan to ensure your safety.
Meet with Your Family/Personal Care Attendants/Building
Manager. Review the information you gathered about community
hazards and emergency plans.
Choose an "Out-of-Town" Contact. Ask an out-of-town friend or
relative to be your contact. Following a disaster, family members
should call this person and tell them where they are. Everyone must
know the contact’s phone numbers. After a disaster, it is often easier
to make a long distance call than a local call from a disaster area.
Decide Where to Meet. In the event of an emergency, you may
become separated from household members. Choose a place right
outside your home in case of a sudden emergency, like a fire. Choose
a location outside your neighborhood in case you can’t return home.
Complete a Communications Plan. Your plan should include
contact information for family members, members of your support
network, caregivers, work, and school. Your plan should also
include information for your out-of-town contact, meeting locations,
emergency services, and the National Poison Control Center (1-800-
222-1222). A form for recording this information can be found at - or at These websites
also provide blank wallet cards on which contact information can
be recorded and carried in a wallet, purse, backpack, etc, for quick
reference. Teach your children how to call the emergency phone
numbers and when it is appropriate to do so. Be sure each family
member has a copy of your communication plan and post it near your
telephone for use in an emergency.
Escape Routes and Safe Places. In a fire or other emergency, you
may need to evacuate on a moment’s notice. Be ready to get out fast.
Be sure everyone in your family knows the best escape routes out of
your home as well as where the safe places are in your home for each
type of disaster (i.e., if a tornado approaches, go to the basement or
the lowest floor of your home or an interior room or closet with no
Use a blank sheet of paper to draw the floor plans of your home.
Show the location of doors, windows, stairways, large furniture,
your disaster supplies kit, fire extinguisher, smoke alarms, other
visual and auditory alarms, collapsible ladders, first-aid kits, and
utility shut-off points. Show important points outside such as
garages, patios, stairways, elevators, driveways, and porches.
Indicate at least two escape routes from each room, and mark
a place outside of the home where household members and/or
your personal care attendant should meet in case of fire. If you or
someone in your household uses a wheelchair, make exits from
your home wheelchair accessible.
Practice emergency evacuation drills at least two times a year,
but as often as you update your escape plan. Be sure to include
family and/or your personal care attendant in the drills.
Plan for Your Pets.
Take your pets with
you if you evacuate.
However, be aware that
pets (other than service
animals) usually are not
permitted in emergency
public shelters for health
reasons. Prepare a list of
family, friends, boarding
facilities, veterinarians,
and “pet-friendly” hotels
that could shelter your
pets in an emergency.
Prepare for Different Hazards. Include in your plan how to
prepare for each hazard that could impact your local community
and how to protect yourself. For instance, most people shelter
in a basement when there is a tornado warning, but most
basements are not wheelchair-accessible. Determine in advance
what your alternative shelter will be and how you will get there.
Other hazards, like a home fire, will require you to leave. Make
sure both primary and secondary exits are accessible and that
you can locate them by touch or feel (since lights may be out
and thick, black smoke may make it very hard to see). Reference
the websites listed on the back cover to learn more about the
different actions required for different hazards.
Action Checklist Items To Do Before a Disaster
Considerations for people with disabilities
Those with disabilities or other special needs often have unique
needs that require more detailed planning in the event of a
disaster. Consider the following actions as you prepare:
Learn what to do in case of power outages and personal
injuries. Know how to connect and start a back-up power
supply for essential medical equipment.
Consider getting a medical alert system that will allow you
to call for help if you are immobilized in an emergency.
Most alert systems require a working phone line, so have a
back-up plan, such as a cell phone or pager, if the regular
landlines are disrupted.
If you use an electric wheelchair or scooter, have a manual
wheelchair for backup.
Teach those who may need to assist you in an emergency
how to operate necessary equipment. Also, label equipment
and attach laminated instructions for equipment use.
Store back-up equipment (mobility, medical, etc.) at your
neighbors home, school, or your workplace.
Arrange for more than one person from your personal support
network to check on you in an emergency, so there is at least
one back-up if the primary person you rely on cannot.
If you are vision impaired, deaf or hard of hearing, plan ahead
for someone to convey essential emergency information to
you if you are unable to use the TV or radio.
If you use a personal care attendant obtained from an
agency, check to see if the agency has special provisions
for emergencies (e.g., providing services at another location
should an evacuation be ordered).
If you live in an apartment, ask the management to identify
and mark accessible exits and access to all areas designated
for emergency shelter or safe rooms. Ask about plans for
alerting and evacuating those with sensory disabilities.
Have a cell phone with an extra battery. If you are unable
to get out of a building, you can let someone know where
you are and guide them to you. Keep the numbers you may
need to call with you if the 9-1-1 emergency number is
Learn about
devices and other
technology available
(PDAs, text radio,
pagers, etc.) to assist
you in receiving
emergency instructions
and warnings from local
Be prepared to
provide clear, specific
and concise instructions
to rescue personnel.
Practice giving these
instructions (verbally,
pre-printed phrases, word board, etc.) clearly and quickly.
Prepare your personal support network to assist you with
anticipated reactions and emotions associated with disaster
and traumatic events (i.e. confusion, thought processing and
memory difficulties, agitation, fear, panic, and anxiety).
You don’t have to be the only one prepared encourage
others to be prepared and consider volunteering or working
with local authorities on disability and other special needs
preparedness efforts.
Know how and when to turn off water, gas and electricity at
the main switches or valves and share this information with
your family and caregivers. Keep any tools you will need near
gas and water shut off valves. Turn off the utilities only if you
suspect the lines are damaged, you suspect a leak, or if local
officials instruct you to do so.
(Note: Gas shut-off procedure - As part of the learning process,
do not actually turn off the gas. If the gas is turned off for any
reason, only a qualifi ed professional can turn it back on. It
might take several weeks for a professional to respond. In the
meantime, you will require alternate sources to heat your home,
make hot water and cook.)
Fire Extinguisher
Be sure everyone knows how to use your fire extinguishers
(ABC type) and where they are kept.
Smoke Alarms
Install smoke alarms on each level of your home, especially
near the bedrooms. Individuals with sensory disabilities
should consider installing smoke alarms that have strobe lights
and vibrating pads. Follow local codes and manufacturers
instructions about installation requirements. Also, consider
installing a carbon monoxide alarm in your home.
Insurance Coverage
Check if you have adequate insurance coverage. Homeowners
insurance does not cover flood damage and may not provide
full coverage for other hazards. Talk with your insurance agent
and make sure you have adequate coverage to protect your
family against financial loss.
First Aid/CPR & AED (Automated External Defibrillation)
Take American Red Cross first aid and CPR/AED classes.
Red Cross courses can accommodate people with disabilities.
Discuss your needs when registering for the classes.
Inventory Home Possessions
Make a record of your possessions to help you claim reimbursement
in case of loss or damage. Store this information in a safe
deposit box or other secure (flood/fire safe) location to ensure
the records survive a disaster. Include photographs or video of
the interior and exterior of your home as well as cars, boats
and recreational vehicles. Also, have photos of durable medical
equipment and be sure to make a record of the make and model
numbers for each item. Get professional appraisals of jewelry,
collectibles, artwork or other items that may be difficult to
evaluate. Make copies of receipts and canceled checks showing
the cost for valuable items.
Vital Records and Documents
Vital family records and other important documents such as
birth and marriage certificates, social security cards, passports,
wills, deeds, and financial, insurance, and immunizations
records should be kept in a safe deposit box or other safe
Reduce Home Hazards
In a disaster, ordinary items in the home can cause injury and
damage. Take these steps to reduce your risk.
Keep the shut-off switch for oxygen equipment near your
bed or chair, so you can get to it quickly if there is a fire.
Have a professional repair defective electrical wiring and
leaky gas connections.
Place large, heavy objects on lower shelves, and hang
pictures and mirrors away from beds.
Use straps or other restraints to secure tall cabinets,
bookshelves, large appliances (especially water heater,
furnace and refrigerator), mirrors, shelves, large picture
frames, and light fixtures to wall studs.
Repair cracks in ceilings and foundations.
Store weed killers, pesticides and flammable products away
from heat sources.
Place oily rags or waste in covered metal cans and dispose
of them according to local regulations.
Have a professional clean and repair chimneys, flue pipes,
connectors, and gas vents.
In the event you need to evacuate at a moment’s notice and take
essentials with you, you probably will not have the opportunity
to shop or search for the supplies you and your family will need.
Every household should assemble a disaster supplies kit and keep
it up to date.
A disaster supplies kit is a collection of basic items a family would
probably need to stay safe and be more comfortable during and after
a disaster. Disaster supplies kit items should be stored in a portable
container(s) as close as possible to the exit door. Review the con-
tents of your kit at least once per year or as your family's needs
change. Also, consider having emergency supplies in each vehicle
and at your place of employment.
The following should be included in your basic disaster supplies kit:
Three-day supply of nonperishable food and manual can opener.
Three-day supply of water (one gallon of water per person, per day).
Portable, battery-powered radio or television and extra batteries.
Flashlight and extra batteries.
First aid kit and manual.
Sanitation and hygiene items (hand sanitizer, moist towelettes,
and toilet paper).
Matches in waterproof container.
Extra clothing and blankets.
Kitchen accessories and cooking utensils.
Photocopies of identification and credit cards.
Cash and coins.
Special needs items such as prescription medications, eye glasses,
contact lens solution, and hearing aid batteries.
Items for infants, such as formula, diapers, bottles, and pacifiers.
Tools, pet supplies, a map of the local area, and other items to meet
your unique family needs.
If you live in a cold climate, you must think about warmth. It is possible
that you will not have heat during or after a disaster. Think about your
clothing and bedding needs. Be sure to include one set of the following
for each person:
Jacket or coat.
Long pants and long sleeve shirt.
Sturdy shoes.
Hat, mittens, and scarf.
Sleeping bag or warm blanket.
Supplies for your vehicle include:
Flashlight, extra batteries and maps.
First aid kit and manual.
White distress flag.
Tire repair kit, booster/jumper cables, pump and flares.
Bottled water and non-perishable foods such as granola bars.
Seasonal supplies: Winter - blanket, hat, mittens, shovel, sand,
tire chains, windshield scraper, florescent distress flag; Summer
sunscreen lotion (SPF 15 or greater), shade item (umbrella, wide
brimmed hat, etc).
Quiz: Review your plan every six months and quiz your family about
what to do.
Drill: Conduct fire and emergency evacuation drills on a regular basis
with your family.
Restock: Check food supplies for expiration dates and discard, or replace
stored water and food every six months.
Test: Read the indicator on your fire extinguisher(s) and follow the
manufacturer's instructions to recharge. Test your smoke alarms monthly
and change the batteries at least once a year. Replace alarms every 10 years.
If Disaster Strikes
If you are instructed to take shelter immediately, do so at once
If you are instructed to evacuate
Should you need
to leave, your first
option and plan
should always
be to family or
friends first; they
can accommodate
you, your pets,
and help you be
most comfortable
in a stressful situation. Emergency public shelters will be available,
and can provide a safe place to stay and meals while you are there.
However, they do not provide personal health care. If you require
the care of a personal attendant and choose to go to a shelter, bring
the attendant with you.
Listen to the radio or television for the location of
emergency shelters. Note those that are accessible to
those with physical disabilities and those that have other
disability friendly assistance features such as TTY lines.
Shut off water, gas and electricity if instructed to do so and
if time permits.
Wear appropriate clothing and sturdy shoes.
Take your disaster supplies kit.
Lock your home.
Use travel routes specified by local authorities and don't
use shortcuts because certain areas may be impassable or
Confirm upon arrival at an emergency shelter that it can
meet your special care needs.
Inform members of your support network and out-of-town
contact of your location and status.
Learn More
The Federal Emergency Management Agencys Community and
Family Preparedness Program and American Red Cross Community
Disaster Education are nationwide efforts to help people prepare for
disasters of all types.
For more information, please contact your local emergency management
office or American Red Cross chapter. This booklet and the preparedness
materials listed below are online at and www.redcross.
org. Other preparedness materials are available at these sites, as well as
These publications are also available by calling FEMA at
1-800-480-2520, or writing:
P.O. Box 2012
Jessup, MD 20794-2012
Publications with an “A number are available from your local
American Red Cross chapter.
Are You Ready? An In-depth Guide to Citizen Preparedness (IS-22)
Preparing for Disaster (FEMA 475) (A4600)
Food and Water in an Emergency (FEMA 477) (A5055)
Helping Children Cope with Disaster (FEMA 478) (A4499)
Local sponsorship provided by:
FEMA 476
August 2004