October 1, 2021 September 30, 2024
National Addendu
Table of Contents
PREAMBLE ................................................................................................................................................. 1
ARTICLE 1. PARTIES TO THE AGREEMENT ........................................................................................ 1
ARTICLE 2. SCOPE OF THE AGREEMENT ............................................................................................ 2
ARTICLE 3. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ................................................................................ 2
ARTICLE 4. EMPLOYMENT CATEGORIES ........................................................................................... 2
ARTICLE 5. LABOR MANAGEMENT PARTNERSHIP.......................................................................... 3
ARTICLE 6. HOURS OF WORK ................................................................................................................ 9
ARTICLE 7. REST BREAKS AND MEAL PERIODS ............................................................................... 9
ARTICLE 8. STAFFING ............................................................................................................................ 11
ARTICLE 9. STAFF SCHEDULING ........................................................................................................ 17
ARTICLE 10. UNIFORMS ....................................................................................................................... 19
ARTICLE 11. DONOR RECRUITMENT ACCOUNT MANAGERS..................................................... 20
ARTICLE 12. COMPENSATION ............................................................................................................ 20
ARTICLE 13. OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY .................................................................................. 21
ARTICLE 14. HOLIDAYS ....................................................................................................................... 22
ARTICLE 15. PAID TIME OFF ................................................................................................................ 24
ARTICLE 16. PAYROLL ERRORS AND OVERPAYMENTS ............................................................... 26
ARTICLE 17. SAFETY & HEALTH......................................................................................................... 27
ARTICLE 18. HEALTHCARE ................................................................................................................. 29
ARTICLE 19. FLEXIBLE SPENDING ACCOUNTS ............................................................................... 31
ARTICLE 20. RETIREMENT PLAN ....................................................................................................... 31
ARTICLE 21. ADVANCE NOTICE.......................................................................................................... 32
ARTICLE 22. NATIONAL GRIEVANCE AND ARBITRATION PROCEDURE .................................. 32
ARTICLE 23. SEPARABILITY AND SAVINGS CLAUSE ................................................................... 34
ARTICLE 24. OTHER LEAVES ............................................................................................................... 35
ARTICLE 25. DURATION, TERMINATION AND RATIFICATION .................................................... 35
MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING NO. 1 SEVERANCE ....................................................... 37
MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING NO. 2 SAG ...................................................................... 38
APPENDIX A. LIST OF IBT UNIONS .................................................................................................... 40
APPENDIX B. PREMIUM RATES .......................................................................................................... 41
APPENDIX C. TEAM CARE RATES AND DESCRIPTION ................................................................. 46
APPENDIX D: PAID FAMILY LEAVE POLICY ................................................................................... 48
APPENDIX E: ARTICLE 7 SIDE LETTER ............................................................................................. 52
The parties hereto enter into this collective bargaining agreement for the purpose of maintaining
harmonious labor conditions and establishing methods for a fair and peaceful resolution of disputes that
may arise between the parties. The parties recognize and agree that a harmonious relationship depends on
mutual respect and a shared commitment to the public good by ensuring that blood products are collected
and processed in a safe manner, through a healthy and safe work environment and by having qualified
staff. All parties hereto pledge to cooperate with each other in good faith in the enforcement of the terms
and conditions of this National Teamsters Addendum (hereafter “National Teamsters Addendum” (“NTA”)
or “Teamsters Agreement”).
Section 1. Employer Covered
The Employer signatory to this National Teamsters Addendum and associated Local Agreements, addenda
and/or riders is the American National Red Cross. The American National Red Cross is a single national
non-profit corporation and a federally chartered instrumentality of the United States, able to conduct its
business and affairs, and otherwise hold itself out, as the ‘American Red Cross’ in any jurisdiction. The
chapters or other local or regional offices of the corporation are local units of the corporation, for which the
corporation prescribes all policies and regulations, and which are not legal entities separate from the
corporation. As such, the American National Red Cross has the authority to negotiate and execute contracts
on behalf of any such chapters or regional offices.
Section 2. Unions, Operations and Employees Covered
A. The "Union" consists of any “Local Union” which may become a party to this National Teamsters
Addendum and any Supplemental Agreement as hereinafter set forth. Such Local Unions are
hereinafter collectively referred to as “Local Unions.” In addition to such Local Unions, the
International Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) is also a party to this Agreement and the agreements
supplemental hereto.
B. The Employer recognizes each Local Union as the sole and exclusive collective bargaining agent
with respect to rates of pay, hours and other terms and conditions of employment for its own
respective bargaining unit employees in certified or recognized units referenced in Appendix A
C. A list of all the Local Unions covered by this National Teamsters Addendum is described in Appendix
A to the National Teamsters Addendum, which will be updated by the parties by mutual written
agreement as additional operations or employees become covered by this National Teamsters
The National Teamsters Addendum covers specific terms and conditions of employment negotiated by the
parties and is intended to supplement Local Agreements. The National Teamsters Addendum shall
supersede and replace any conflicting or inconsistent terms and conditions of Local Agreements identified
prior to the ratification of both the National Teamsters Addendum and Local Agreement. Any post-
ratification disputes regarding errors and/or omissions will be handled through the National Grievance
The Employer and the Union agree not to discriminate against any individual with respect to any term or
condition of employment nor limit, segregate or classify employees in any way to deprive any individual
employee of employment opportunities because of such individual’s race, color, religion, sex, national
origin, disability, veterans status, sexual preference or orientation, gender identity, genetic information
(consistent with the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA)), age, and any other legally
protected group or class. Nothing in this National Teamsters Addendum shall be interpreted to deny any
employee his/her ability to raise statutory discrimination claims through applicable court or administrative
Section 1.
A. The Red Cross shall standardize all bargaining unit job classifications (to include updating job
B. Prior to implementing or posting any new job classifications or positions, the Red Cross shall provide
the Teamsters Partnership Committee (TPC) with notice in accordance with Article 21.
C. The Parties agree to explore the creation of a Per Diem Program to augment the workforce and create
better work/life balance for employees.
Section 2. Employees shall fall into the following four categories:
A. Regular Full-Time: American Red Cross employees who are normally scheduled to work 40 or more
hours in a work week (or 80 hours in a two-week period) and are not a temporary employee. This
includes those employees who are regularly scheduled to work 35 or more hours per week and are
members of bargaining units where this was considered to be full time employment at the time of the
ratification of this National Teamsters Addendum.
B. Regular Part-Time: American Red Cross employees who are normally scheduled to work less than
40 hours in a work week (or less than 80 hours in a two-week period) and are not a temporary
employee. This includes those employees who work less than 35 hours where full-time is considered
as 35 or more hours per week. This category also includes employees who work on an as-needed
basis without a defined schedule. Hours worked by employees without defined work schedules will
be reviewed every six months for prolonged periods of inactivity.
C. Temporary Full-Time: American Red Cross employees who are hired and normally scheduled to
work 40 or more hours in a work week (or 80 hours in a two-week period) to supplement the
workforce on a temporary basis. Employment assignments are limited up to six months. Once a
temporary American Red Cross employee exceeds 180 calendar days of employment, he/she will
automatically become a member of the bargaining unit.
D. Temporary Part-Time: American Red Cross employees who are hired and normally scheduled to
work less than 40 hours in a work week (or less than 80 hours in a two-week period) to supplement
the workforce on a temporary basis. This category also includes employees who are hired to
temporarily supplement the workforce and work on an as-needed basis without a defined schedule.
Employment assignments are limited up to six months. Once a temporary American Red Cross
employee exceeds 180 days of employment, he/she will automatically become a member of the
bargaining unit.
Section 3. Medical Benefit Eligibility by Employment Classification
A. Regular Full-Time: eligible for full-time medical benefits when they work 30 or more hours per week
B. Regular Part-Time: eligible for part-time medical benefits when they work from 20-29 hours per
week. Any part-time employees who work fewer than 20 hours/week are not eligible for benefits
(medical and otherwise)
C. Temporary Full-Time: not eligible for medical benefits
D. Temporary Part-Time: not eligible for medical benefits
Section 1. The continuing viability and sustainability of the Red Cross is critical to donors, contributors,
the public, employees and the entire Red Cross family. This sustainability is advanced through a true
partnership between labor and management. Collaboration empowers all stakeholders. As such, the parties
establish this Red Cross Labor Management Partnership (hereinafter “LMP”) to effectuate a lasting and
effective labor management partnership.
Section 2. Key objectives of the LMP shall be to:
A. Assist in achieving and maintaining industry leading performance and competitiveness;
B. Make Red Cross an employer of choice in every location;
C. Expand the number of Red Cross donors and sponsors;
D. Provide Red Cross employees with employment and income security;
E. Obtain employee feedback; and,
F. Maintain a collaborative labor management environment.
Section 3. Process and Structure of LMP
A. The parties will maintain a Teamsters Partnership Committee (TPC) consisting of Red Cross
executive level staff who have decision making capability and IBT leadership. The IBT will appoint
up to five (5) Divisional Representatives and the parties shall designate their respective co-
chairs. The TPC will meet as often as necessary, at least once per quarter, to discuss strategic issues
of the Partnership and implement, review and oversee initiatives at all levels.
The powers of the TPC do not supersede the legally mandated obligations of the parties such as the
duty to bargain over mandatory subjects, the duty of the unions of the IBT to represent the interests
of their members as well as Red Cross’ management rights. In that regard, the parties recognize that
the TPC and the partnership process is not a forum to negotiate mandatory subjects of bargaining or
make changes to the collective bargaining agreement.
B. LMP Access to Information
The parties will cooperate and share information with each other. If appropriate, the Union may be
required to execute a nondisclosure agreement. Any provided documentation will be at no cost to
the unions of the IBT.
C. Consultants
The parties may jointly request the assistance of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
(FMCS) to assist the Partnership formation and implementation process and to continue with such
assistance until such time as the majority of TPC members agree that these services are no longer
D. Partnerships at Other Organizational Levels
The TPC may create joint partnership subcommittees to engage in the implementation of joint
partnership action plans and initiatives. All joint committees created by the TPC will consist of an
equal number of members from the respective Union(s) and Red Cross.
E. Existing Labor-Management Cooperation Arrangements
Existing arrangements shall be permitted to continue and where possible be enhanced by TPC
partnering efforts.
Section 4. Support and Tools for Partnership
Red Cross agrees to provide the following to the unions in order to enable them to engage in the work of
furthering the LMP:
A. Access to Premises The union's leaders and staff shall not be unreasonably denied access to Red
Cross facilities.
B. Orientation When new employees are hired, they shall be given an orientation packet provided by
the Union, and all new employees shall be introduced to Union leadership at the worksite during that
orientation. Union leadership shall be given the opportunity to address new hires during this
orientation for a reasonable amount of time to be determined by the parties at the local level; and the
Employer shall provide a private office or conference room to hold the meeting, if available.
C. Unit Membership Lists On the first workday of every month, the Employer shall transmit to
the respective Local Union a current list of all bargaining unit employees, including their name, cell
phone number, home address, email, shift information, payroll dues deduction status, date of hire,
job title/classification, rate of pay, hours worked, date of entry into current job classification,
worksite location and DOB to the union via electronic means, to the extent such information is
D. Upon thirty (30) days written notice from the Union, the Employer will provide up to one (1)
additional payroll deduction slot to be used by the unions of the IBT for partnership support from
bargaining unit members or for other designated purposes. Red Cross shall remit said support to the
IBT on a monthly basis with transmittal summaries.
Section 5. Employer Neutrality and Majority Verification Procedure
A. Red Cross and the Union recognize that it is important: for employees to have a voice at work; to
acknowledge and respect the fundamental rights of workers to decide whether to be represented by a
Union and engage in collective bargaining in an environment free of intimidation, threats or coercion;
and to acknowledge and respect the role of Unions in representing the interests of employees who
have chosen to designate the Union as their exclusive representatives for purposes of collective
negotiations. The parties believe that collective bargaining is a vehicle that provides respect to
workers; and, understand that voice, collaboration, and partnership are consistent with the mission of
the American Red Cross. Further, the Parties recognize that non-union employees within Red Cross
have the right to express their desire to be represented by a Union and that the International
Brotherhood of Teamsters (IBT) desire to represent these employees.
B. The Employer shall remain neutral regarding the question of Union representation of any of its
unorganized non-managerial, non-supervisory and non-confidential employees. The Parties agree
that the question of whether employees should or should not be represented by the Union is an
individual decision which employees should answer free of intimidation, threats or coercion from
anyone. The Employer agrees that it shall direct its officers, managers, supervisors and agents that
they shall not comment or communicate, directly or indirectly, to the contrary. Likewise, the
Employer shall not provide assistance to any individual or group who may wish to pursue an anti-
union campaign nor shall the Employer engage or otherwise employ a consultant or agent whose
charge is to design and/or implement a campaign to dissuade employees from selecting the Union as
their collective bargaining representative. For purposes of this Section, the Parties also understand
that the employees in the subject bargaining unit shall not be considered “agents” of either party
absent proof of agency in connection to the specific conduct at issue.
C. The Parties shall not threaten, intimidate, discriminate against, retaliate against, or take any adverse
action against any employee based on his or her decision to support or oppose Union representation.
D. The Parties shall issue a mutually agreed-upon Employer statement to be provided to employees who
have questions about this Section. This statement shall be distributed in every reasonable manner
possible, including, but not limited to: posting on bulletin boards, distribution through the Employer’s
internal mail system, and distribution through the Employer’s e-mail system.
E. When a Local Union seeks to organize non-represented Red Cross employees under this Article, the
IBT shall provide Red Cross with a written Notification of Interest, which shall state the job
classifications and location of the employees that the Union seeks to represent and which Local Union
seeks representation. Upon receipt of such notice, the Business Agent/Senior Official of the Union,
the Red Cross manager in charge of the facility, and the Director of Labor Relations shall promptly
meet to discuss protocols regarding introductory meetings, employee communications, and access
restrictions (which shall limit organizing access under this Section to the sole purpose of
communications with Red Cross employees), with the understanding and agreement that there will
be no interference with the conduct of Red Cross’ business, with donors and sponsors, or with the
performance of work by the employees during working hours or in working areas.
F. Within three (3) business days of written notice from the Local Union of the start of a unionization
effort by a Local Union, the Employer shall organize a meeting of its managerial and supervisory
personnel to which representatives of the designated Union shall be invited. Union representatives
will be given sufficient time to explain the provisions and operation of the LMP Article to the
assembled personnel. The Union shall conduct an organizing campaign that is focused on the benefits
of unionization and collective voice for the workers and the Red Cross, and shall not engage in
communications that are defamatory towards the Red Cross, its managers, supervisors, employees,
donors, or sponsors.
G. The Parties shall provide each other with at least twenty-four (24) hours advance notice of any press
announcement concerning the LMP agreement and the Employer neutrality obligation and shall
ensure that such press announcement is consistent with the terms of this Section.
H. The Parties may, from time to time, issue joint communications or announcements. Nothing in this
Article shall be construed to limit either party’s ability to engage in their own communications so
long as such communications are consistent with the terms set forth in this Section.
I. Once the IBT has submitted a Notification of Interest under this Article, and the majority verification
procedure described herein is utilized, the Employer will provide to the designated Union (upon its
request) lists of employees eligible for representation and those excluded due to their status as
managerial, supervisory, or confidential personnel. The lists of eligible employees shall contain the
following information: the employee’s name, job title/department, home address, home telephone
number and mobile telephone number, to the extent available. Lists of excluded personnel shall state
the reason why the employee has been excluded.
J. The Employer agrees to grant Union representatives reasonable access to its Red Cross-owned or
controlled workplace facilities (excluding mobile sites) during business hours. The Employer will
inform its employees that discussion of the question of unionization is permitted at work, as long as
it does not interfere with or disrupt normal work activities and does not occur in front of sponsors
and donors. If the Employer is asked about the permissibility of having discussion about unionization
in the workplace, the Employer shall respond consistent with parameters set forth herein. The
Employer shall grant representatives of the Union reasonable access to employees at each of its
Union representatives shall not be denied reasonable access to non-work break areas or similar
spaces. Union representatives shall be given reasonable access to work space and sites during non-
work time provided no donors are present. The Employer shall not conduct surveillance of Union
representatives. Union representatives shall not unreasonably be denied access to exterior employee
areas and parking lots. Union representatives shall be given reasonable access to all entrances to
Employer facilities for the purpose of distributing literature to employees and communicating with
K. The designated Union may request recognition as the exclusive bargaining representative for any
appropriate unit of employees in which the Union claims majority status. The IBT shall retain the
right to request recognition for its designated Union at any location and facility where Red Cross
employees remain unrepresented, subject to the above restrictions. The Employer agrees to
voluntarily recognize the designated Union upon a showing of majority status in any appropriate unit
described by the IBT in its written notice. Proof of majority status shall be based on a private secret
ballot election arranged and conducted by the Arbitrator. Any election will be held at the respective
Red Cross facility following published notice to the employees of at least 14 days and shall be
conducted on date(s) and time(s) that will maximize employee opportunity to vote. The Union and
Red Cross may each designate a witness to be present during the entire voting period. The Arbitrator
shall establish and oversee the rules of the election and shall certify to the parties the results of the
election. The Arbitrator shall be jointly selected from among the arbitrators designated pursuant to
Section P below and compensated by the parties. The decisions of the Arbitrator will be final and
binding upon the parties.
L. The parties shall attempt to agree upon an appropriate bargaining unit with regard to each election
held pursuant to this Article for purposes of collective bargaining. Any issue including disputes over
an appropriate unit that cannot be resolved shall be decided by the arbitrator and such decision shall
be final and binding.
M. In the event the IBT designated Local Union is recognized as the bargaining representative of the
Employer’s employees, the Union and the Employer agree to immediately enter into good-faith
negotiations for the purpose of reaching a mutually acceptable collective bargaining agreement which
it is anticipated by the Parties to include the National Teamsters Addendum.
N. The first collective bargaining agreement applicable to any new bargaining unit will be determined
as follows:
1. The Employer and the Union shall meet within fourteen (14) days following recognition to begin
negotiations for a first collective bargaining agreement.
2. If, after one hundred twenty (120) days following the commencement of negotiations, the Union
and the Employer are unable to reach agreement for such collective bargaining agreement, they
shall submit those matters that remain in dispute to the Rapid Response Team consisting of two
appointees designated each by Red Cross and the IBT, which shall use their best efforts to assist
the parties in reaching a collective bargaining agreement. If, after thirty (30) days following such
submission to the Rapid Response Team of outstanding matters, the Union and the Employer
remain unable to reach a collective bargaining agreement, at the discretion of the Union, the
matter may be submitted by the Local Union to conventional binding interest arbitration in
accordance with procedures set forth below. Either party may request a good faith extension of
these periods. If the Union chooses to invoke interest arbitration, the interest arbitrator shall
consider existing terms and conditions of employment at the location at issue in reaching the
decision and shall take into account the terms of the National Teamsters Addendum in any award
on the issues.
3. If interest arbitration is invoked, it shall be a conventional arbitration proceeding. The interest
arbitrator shall be authorized to evaluate the proposals of the Employer and the Union on an
issue-by-issue basis and fashion a remedy that attempts to accommodate and reconcile the
interests of the Parties. The interest arbitrator shall be authorized to add to, detract from, or
modify the final offers submitted by the Parties. The decision shall be in writing and shall be
rendered within thirty (30) days after the close of the interest arbitration hearing record. Costs
of interest arbitration shall be split by the Red Cross and the IBT designated Union.
4. Throughout the proceedings described above concerning the negotiations of a first collective
bargaining agreement and any interest arbitration that may be engaged in relative thereto, the
Union agrees that there shall be no strikes, leafleting or organizational picketing at any Red
Cross/sponsor/donor facility (including informational and area standards picketing) in support of
any of its organizing activities or bargaining demands, but employees may distribute flyers in the
non-work areas of Red Cross’ facilities that are aimed at informing other employees about
forming a union. The Employer likewise agrees not to resort to a lockout or partial lockout of
employees to support its bargaining position. In those circumstances where a Union has chosen
not to invoke interest arbitration, the provisions of this paragraph, number 4, shall expire after
one hundred twenty (120) days from inception of negotiations.
O. The Employer and the Union shall each designate a top level representative to discuss complaints
about alleged violations or any alleged violation of this Section 5. If, whenever the majority
verification process is utilized or during the period leading up to such utilization, one party believes
another party has violated these standards, the affected party should contact the other party’s
representative by phone or email. The Parties should have a direct conversation within twenty-four
(24) hours to try to resolve the issue. Where the Parties agree that a violation has occurred, and it is
possible to correct the problem, the party responsible for the violation will make a good faith effort
to correct the problem immediately.
P. There shall be a list of agreed-upon permanent arbitrators designated to resolve disputes that arise
pursuant to this Section.
Q. The above list of arbitrators and the manner set forth for their selection shall also be utilized for first
contract interest arbitration.
R. The Parties agree that any disputes regarding the interpretation or application of this National
Teamsters Addendum shall be submitted to arbitration before the arbitrator selected herein on an
expedited basis. Any hearing (which may be telephonic) before the arbitrator shall be scheduled
within three (3) business days of the filing of the dispute with the arbitrator. The timelines set forth
herein may be waived with the agreement of the Parties. An arbitrator’s ability to comply with the
timelines set forth herein shall be determinative of the choice of arbitrator from among those listed
herein for any particular hearing. The parties further agree that the arbitrator shall have the right to
determine the nature of the hearing to be held under the circumstances, including whether written
evidentiary submissions are sufficient. The arbitrator shall have the authority to enter an award
(including by bench decision) for full remedial relief, as well as the authority to order the non-
complaining party to comply with this National Teamsters Addendum. The arbitrator shall also have
the authority to issue any interim relief, such as temporary restraining orders or preliminary
injunctions, prior to a hearing. The Parties agree that the decision of the arbitrator shall be final and
binding. If a party fails to comply with a ruling, enforcement may be sought in United States District
Court, and the Parties consent to the entry of any order of the arbitrator as the order or judgment of
that court.
S. The Employer shall instruct its management and supervisory personnel on the terms of this Section
5. The Local Union shall instruct their representative on the terms of this Section 5.
T. The Employer shall neither file, nor support a third party filing, a representation petition with the
National Labor Relations Board or any other Labor Board. The Employer will not seek, or require
the Union to seek, a National Labor Relations Board representation election. The Employer waives
its right to insist on a National Labor Relations Board election and certification prior to recognizing
the Union if the arbitrator certifies that a majority of the employees in the designated unit desire the
Union to be their exclusive bargaining representative.
Section 1. The standard workweek will be a Saturday to Friday pay period, unless prohibited by state law.
Staff will be paid bi-weekly on a Friday, with a seven (7) day pay lag.
Section 2. Nothing in this National Teamsters Addendum shall be construed as a guarantee of hours of work
per day, per week, or per pay period. Nothing in this Agreement shall limit the Employer from requiring
longer hours of work as long as the overtime requirements set forth in Article 13 are met. The Employer
agrees to grandfather guaranteed minimum hours existing in current Local Agreements.
Section 3. The Employer commits to evaluating hours worked and identifying problem areas with systemic
issues. The Employer will share the results with the TPC to validate and prioritize the areas with the most
significant concerns. The Employer will perform in-depth reviews in the prioritized regions, including
assessments of bookings, staffing, contractual language, seniority, scheduling, market conditions and any
other factors influencing the shortfall. Based on the outcome of the reviews, recommendations will be
developed to be presented to the Local Union.
Section 4. The Employer shall have the right to maintain, institute and change shifts, workweeks and pay
periods, so as to obtain the production it desires. This includes the right to establish, maintain or discontinue
Section 5. Saturday or Sunday work may be required of all employees, and will be scheduled according to
Local Agreements.
Section 1. Rest Breaks
A. Employees shall be provided a fifteen (15) minute rest break during the first four (4) hours of their
shift. The employee’s first break shall be given no sooner than one and one half (1 ½) hours after the
start of the shift. For Collections staff, the employee’s first break shall be given no sooner than one
and one half (1 ½) hours after the start of the drive. For blood drives scheduled with 4.5 hours of
donor processing time or less, the employee’s first break shall be given no sooner than the completion
of drive setup. A second fifteen (15) minute rest break shall be given during the second four (4) hours
of the employee’s shift.
(1) With the supervisor’s approval, Collections Staff may elect to take their first rest break within
one and one half (1 ½) hours after the start of their shift; however, staff will not be required to do
(2) Should business needs require an alternate approach, the Local Union and management may
mutually agree to an alternate break policy.
B. Rest breaks may not be combined and must be taken separately unless mutually agreed to by the
supervisor and employee unless prohibited by law.
C. The supervisor shall schedule breaks recognizing both the importance of breaks and the necessity to
service the needs of the public in an efficient and timely fashion.
D. An additional fifteen (15) minute rest break shall be provided for each successive two (2) hours after
eight (8) hours of work.
E. Additional rest breaks may be provided to employees if required by state law.
Section 2. Meal Periods
A. Each employee who is scheduled to work six (6) hours or more inclusive of (compensated) travel
time shall be provided a thirty (30) minute unpaid meal period. The thirty (30) minute meal period
shall be at or around the midpoint of the employees’ work shift, if practicable.
B. The meal period may be combined with one break with supervisor approval unless prohibited by law.
C. Additional meal time may be provided to employees if required by state law.
D. Within ninety (90) days following ratification, staff in the Charge role at blood drives and in fixed
sites, that are the only Charge on site will not have the 30-minute meal period deducted from their
timecard. They are expected to remain on site during the entire drive/shift time and handle
operational issues that may arise while they are taking their meal break. For blood drives and fixed
site operations where there is a Team Supervisor or another Charge available, it is expected that the
Charge will take their unpaid thirty (30) minute meal break.
E. Extreme Extraordinary Circumstances
Where Local management and the Local Union agree on a process for handling extreme extraordinary
circumstances impacting the meal and break process, they should be aware of the following process
as an example:
1. At the beginning of the drive Supervisors/Team Leads will discuss if such Extreme Extraordinary
Circumstances arise would anyone Volunteer not to take the 30-minute Meal Period. A list will
be created to honor Meal Breaks that absolutely must be given in this situation, so staff decisions
feel honored.
2. If a 30-minute Meal Period is not given because of the Extreme Extraordinary Circumstances, it
will be replaced with a paid 15 minute break in lieu of the Meal Period not given that day, unless
prohibited by law.
3. Each drive that warrants an Extreme Extraordinary Circumstances must be approved by
Collection Management at which time they will email this information to Union and RDSE within
24 hours, so it can be reviewed by both parties monthly.
Section 3. Documentation
A. For Collections, the Employer shall use and retain Drive Management Records to ensure that all rest
breaks and meal periods are provided in accordance with this Article.
Section 4. TPC Oversight
A. The parties agree to have the TPC review the meal break and rest periods processes on an annualized
Section 1. The Red Cross and the IBT mutually agree to maximize the efficient use of staff and to provide
adequate staffing levels in order to:
Provide quality and safe care to donors;
Ensure the health and safety of employees;
Promote the retention and recruitment of qualified employees; and
Ensure the safety of the blood supply and full compliance with all regulatory guidelines.
Section 2. No bargaining unit employee shall perform any regulated function unless he or she has
successfully completed associated training. Additionally, to ensure the safety of staff and donors, if
collection technicians trained as Charges or Power Red operators, and for MUAs cross-trained in
phlebotomy or health history, have not performed associated tasks (health history, Whole Blood
phlebotomy, Power Red Collections or drive supervisor) within the past six (6) months, then the Red Cross
will conduct a periodic evaluation and shall provide refresher training as required. The Periodic Evaluation
referenced above will be expanded to include all functions above and implemented within six (6) months
of ratification. Red Cross will continue to perform Annual Competency Assessments (ACA) on all
Collections staff annually. Periodic Evaluations conducted under this section shall only be used to ensure
that the employee can successfully perform the associated task(s). An employee will not be disciplined for
an unsuccessful Periodic Evaluation; however, Performance Management processes will be utilized if an
employee cannot successfully complete retraining.
Section 3. Bargaining unit work, as defined in Local Agreements will normally be performed by members
of the bargaining unit, except that such work may be performed by supervisors when:
a. Required for the training, retraining or coaching of bargaining unit employees;
b. To provide bargaining unit personnel their breaks and lunches;
c. As necessary for supervisors to remain current with regulatory requirements;
d. To ensure proper donor customer service and maintain an orderly flow of production; or
e. Due to unforeseen circumstances, donor surges, or in cases of emergency.
Section 4. Kitting, Warehouse, Manufacturing, IRL, HLA and Hospital Services
A. Manufacturing, IRL and Hospital Services staffing levels will be determined as follows:
1. The Employer shall employ sufficient staff to efficiently and safely process, prepare and deliver
collected blood products in a timely manner.
2. The Employer shall be entitled to cross-train and utilize any employee within Manufacturing and
Hospital Services to perform blood processing, preparation and distribution tasks for which they
have successfully completed training.
3. The Employer and the Local Union will negotiate any appropriate base wage increase related to
the additional duties discussed in this Section.
4. In operations with multiple unions, the local unions and local management team will meet to
establish a local cross training process.
5. Cross-training will be between the following work groups:
a. Warehouse and Kitting
b. Hospital Services and Manufacturing
c. Manufacturing and IRL and HLA
Section 5. Collections and Clinical Services
A. Collections and Clinical Services staffing levels will be determined as follows:
1. All collection sites/blood drives or other collections of blood products or delivery of clinical
services (therapeutic apheresis, Dendreon or similar clinical services) will be staffed based on
the anticipated presenting donors, including prescheduled donors (online or other) and walk-ins,
as well as the hours of operation for the site/drive/service. If, at any point before or during the
drive, management determines that the drive is understaffed, then Red Cross will make every
effort to send additional bargaining unit staff to assist with the drive and be paid in accordance
with the Appendix B premiums. All staff will be scheduled pursuant to local agreements and
2. The current version of the Drive Management S.O.P., located in e-Binder, identifies that
Collections is responsible for and has the authority to ensure a successful drive. Charges must
follow the Drive Management process to assist with addressing issues such as donor flow, end of
drive management and communication with other departments.
3. During daily regional drive review, the local leadership team will endeavor to add extra
employees to drives that have factors including but not limited to New Hires, OJI, no volunteers,
4. The Red Cross and Local Unions, in their regular scheduled Labor Management Meetings
(LMM), shall jointly assess Production Planning decision-making (e.g., staffing, new hires, etc.).
The LMM shall discuss, each meeting, issues regarding adequate staffing to efficiently and safely
collect blood products based on the hours of operation and anticipated presenting donors,
including prescheduled donors (online or other) and walk-ins, 3 staff mobiles, OJI schedules,
new hires’ schedules for the first 30-days, and how to provide clinical services. The staffing
matrix shall define the minimum number of staff per job function needed at each drive.
5. Shift trading shall be defined as a voluntary exchange of shifts by equally qualified employees
within the employee’s classification. All shift trade requests must be approved by APS or their
designee. Any local agreement or practice currently in effect shall continue to be honored. Upon
the implementation of BSF, the Company and the Union agree to meet and discuss the effects of
the implementations on the trade process.
6. The Red Cross will schedule staff in sufficient numbers to allow staff to take break and lunch
period(s) pursuant to Article 7 Rest Breaks and Meal Period. It is understood that the Employer’s
schedule cannot take into account non- scheduled employee absences, unexpected donor turnout
or other unforeseen circumstances.
7. Registered Nurses or LPNs will be scheduled for blood collection operations, regardless of
anticipated collection size, as required by federal, state law or regulation, and consistent with
Sections 5, A4 and A6 above.
8. Registration, donor qualification (health history assessments and vital signs), phlebotomies,
disengagements and post collection donor care, or post collection blood processing may be
performed by those employees who have successfully completed training to perform any one of
these functions or combination of such functions.
9. Employees designated to perform the Charge function shall be counted as .5 FTE for purposes of
the staffing matrix. Such employee is allowed to perform any blood collection tasks for which
they are trained. Supervisors shall not be included in the staffing matrix and will not perform
bargaining unit work except as noted in Section 5(A) 6 above.
10. Employees with work restrictions may be assigned, at the Red Cross’ discretion, to a blood drive
or other blood collection site. Employees with restrictions shall not be included in the staffing
matrix if they are unable to perform health history, phlebotomy, disengagement, post collection
donor care, or post collection blood processing. Should the employee with restrictions be able to
perform three or more of these functions, they will be considered staff under the staffing matrix.
11. In an effort to reduce injuries and improve drive start and end times, the Employer acknowledges
that the unloading, setting up and breaking down of drives may take more than forty-five (45)
minutes to safely perform each task. Therefore, while every effort will be made to adhere to a
45/45/45 schedule, in circumstances where there are issues, including, but not limited to site
suitability concerns; an insufficient number of staff to perform the unloading, setting up and
breaking down of equipment; etc., then the appropriate amount of time (which may exceed forty-
five (45) minutes) to execute those tasks shall be scheduled prior to the date of drive using the
Role Time Detail Exception Process. Bargaining unit employees shall have access and the ability
to complete this form. If these events occur during the drive, then ARC will make every effort to
send additional staff to assist and be paid in accordance with Appendix B premiums. All staff
will be scheduled pursuant to local agreements and practices. Red Cross will ensure appropriate
staff are trained on the process to request exceptions to the standard load/unload, setup and
breakdown time.
a. Collections staff may be required to assist with set up and tear down of the blood
drive. Although it is the primary duty of the driver to load and unload the vehicle, current
Collections staff may need to assist in the loading and unloading of equipment where there
is an insufficient number of drivers available and to the extent necessary. To ensure staff
safety, all employees, including management, will abide by the proper load and unload
protocols established by the American Red Cross titled: Safe Lifting: The Fundamentals of
Ergonomics; and 45/45/45 Blood Drive Setup Process.
b. Collections staff may not be able to assist in situations where there are physical, worksite,
and equipment limitations. At sites where the Employer has identified additional obstacles,
the Red Cross may assign additional staff to assist in, or may extend the time for the standard
load/unload, set up and break down procedures.
c. Current Collections staff may be required to drive non-DOT Employer vehicles. Staff who
drive non-DOT vehicles must successfully complete all associated driver and safety training
programs within six (6) months of ratification.
d. Collections staff hired prior to January 1, 2016, may volunteer to train for DOT training and
drive DOT Employer vehicles once licensure is received.
e. Consistent with the timeframes in Section H below, Red Cross may require new Collections
hires to be trained on DOT and drive both non-DOT and DOT Red Cross vehicles. The Red
Cross shall have it clearly state such duties as a job requirement in the vacancy announcement
and position description advertised on
f. Each location will have a designated amount of Collection Tech II CDL
positions. Collections staff who volunteer to attain a commercial driver’s license (CDL) at
the employee’s expense, will be placed into one of those positions if open, and be scheduled
to drive Employer vehicles that require a CDL. At multi-union locations, this could result in
the bargaining unit employee being reassigned to a different exclusive representative.
g. Collections Staff who are designated as Drivers for the Region shall receive a driver
premium. A driver premium of $0.75/hr. shall be provided to Collections Staff who drive to
or from a blood drive, and the premium shall apply to all hours an employee works on that
day. This premium shall be paid in addition to any other differentials and skill based
premiums outlined in Art. 13, Appendix B. MUAs or MUAs who have completed cross
training into a CTII position are not eligible for the driver premium and shall receive the
appropriate base wage increase negotiated between the Employer and Local Union. CDL
drivers are not eligible for the driver premium.
h. ARC shall designate the number of Collections Staff Drivers based on need. Once
determined, the positions shall be filled first by volunteers using seniority order. If, however,
there is an insufficient number of volunteers to fill the designated slots, ARC shall attempt
to fill the slots with new hires. If there is an insufficient number of new hires, then bargaining
unit employees shall be selected in reverse order of seniority. As new hires complete cross-
training for driving, then they will replace current employees with a date of hire prior to
January 1, 2016, who were previously required to drive. Individuals who volunteered to
drive, may continue to drive under this process.
i. In multi-union locations, Collections Technicians trained to drive will not be scheduled as
Drivers unless there is a shortage.
Section 6. Mobile Unit Assistants (MUA), Collection Material Coordinator, Supply Clerk and
Loader/Packers (or equivalent job titles)
A. Mobile Unit Assistants (MUA), Collection Material Coordinator, Supply Clerk and Loader/Packers
(or equivalent job titles) staffing levels will be determined as follows:
1. MUAs will be scheduled for blood drives according to the staffing matrix based on the anticipated
presenting donors for the blood drive.
2. MUAs, Collection Material Coordinators, Supply Clerks and Packer/Loaders (or their equivalent
titles) may be assisted by other Collections staff in the staging of equipment, setting up and
tearing down of the blood drive and in processing blood units collected. Although it is the
primary duty of the driver to load and unload the vehicle, current Collections staff may need to
assist in the loading and unloading of equipment where there is an insufficient number of drivers
available and to the extent necessary. Current Collections staff may not be able to assist in
situations where there are physical, worksite, and equipment limitations.
3. An MUA (or equivalent job titles) may be cross-trained, to perform blood collection functions
such as, but not limited to, health history, phlebotomy, disengagement, donor care, blood
4. Should an MUA, Collection Material Coordinator, Supply Clerk, Loader/Packer have work
restrictions that preclude them from being able to load or unload a truck, such employee will not
be assigned as part of blood Collections staff.
5. In cases where sites have additional obstacles, the Red Cross may assign additional staff to assist
in, or may extend the time for, the set up and break down. The following are examples of
obstacles included, but are not limited to:
a. where there are greater than five (5) steps to entry;
b. walking distances of ¼ mile or greater to set up;
c. relocation of a site during the drive (this would only extend time and not require additional
6. The Employer and Local Union will negotiate any appropriate base wage increase related to the
additional duties discussed in this Section.
Section 7. MUA Cross-training
A. As MUA cross-training is initiated at each location, the training program will be offered first to those
MUAs who volunteer for such training with the most senior being trained first and proceeding down
the volunteer list by seniority. Once all MUAs who volunteered for training have completed training,
the next phase of cross-training will be mandatory and will be done in inverse seniority order. Once
an MUA has successfully completed training, the MUA will be converted to the Collection Tech II
job classification and will receive a one-time lump sum bonus of one hundred dollars ($100). The
Employer and Local Union will negotiate any appropriate base wage increase as follows:
(1) Upon completion of the MUA cross-training, the MUAs shall receive the greater of the following
two alternatives: a) MUAs move to the CTII rate; or, b) MUAs receive a 3% base wage rate
increase, as calculated in the Red Cross’ initial proposal to the locals for the new wage rate. For
option (b), the 3% would be paid as follows:
Option (b) further clarified -- For MUAs without CDLs who successfully cross-train into CTII
roles, the Red Cross would provide a wage increase which is equal to 3% of the average base
wage rate for all MUAs under that contract (without CDLs); and, for MUAs with CDLs, the Red
Cross would provide a wage increase which is equal to 6% of the average base wage rate for all
MUAs under that contract (with CDLs). So for example, if the average base wage rate for all
MUAs without CDLs in a given contract is $15/hour, the increase for all MUAs without CDLs
under that contract -- upon successfully completing the cross-training -- would be $0.45/hour.
B. Should an MUA elect not to participate in cross-training or should an MUA not be able to successfully
complete the cross-training program, those individuals will be retained in the MUA classification
until the completion of the cross-training at their location. During this period of time, the MUA will
be given priority consideration for other vacant positions within Red Cross (including Humanitarian)
that they may be qualified to perform with appropriate training. MUAs who have not secured another
position within Red Cross may have their MUA position eliminated. If an MUA has their position
eliminated, they shall receive severance pay under terms of the severance policy then in effect.
C. Effective January 2016, MUA cross training launched, and the Red Cross began hiring Collection
Tech IIs who can drive.
D. The Red Cross retains its right to launch MUA cross-training in multi-union locations.
E. Multi-Union Cross Training
(1) Due to the unique circumstances presented at multi-union locations, current MUAs (Drivers) will
cross train and will convert to the job title of Collection Technician I (CTI) (local agreements
will be changed to reflect the change in job title). Collection Technician I will be required to train
in either Phlebotomy or Health History, but not both. CTI will still be required to train in the
other tasks associated with venipuncture (VP) training (including, but not limited to
disengagement, post-collection donor care and post-collection blood processing). A current
MUA may volunteer to fully cross train in all tasks if they choose to, but will not be required to
do so. If full cross training is completed, the MUA will move to the Collections Technician job
description. Pursuant to Section 5 above, current collections staff who volunteer to drive will all
convert to the job title of Collection Technician II (CTII) (local agreements will be changed to
reflect the change in job title).
(2) If the number of collections staff in the CTII position that are newly hired or have volunteered to
drive does not meet the business needs in any particular area, employees will be selected based
on reverse order of seniority.
(3) New hires will be solicited and hired based on their primary job function and placed in the
appropriate existing bargaining unit and classification. For example, if the primary need is for a
Driver, then a CTI will be hired; if the primary need is for collection of blood, then a CTII will
be hired. There is no intent by ARC to lessen the size of either bargaining unit, and every effort
will be made to maintain the integrity of each affected union’s bargaining unit in relation to this
cross-training agreement. Total CTI and CTII staff numbers are based on collection goals for that
specific geography.
(4) ARC will provide the Local Unions with copies of MUA and Collections Technicians job
vacancy announcements and position descriptions in the region within ninety (90) days from the
execution date of this Agreement. The Local Union will have an opportunity to provide
comments and/or discuss the descriptions to the extent required by law.
(5) CTI’s, upon the completion of cross training, will receive negotiated increases consistent with
the Global Settlement Agreement.
(6) The Parties agree that should significant problems occur during implementation of this initiative,
ARC and the Local Unions affected will meet for an immediate resolution.
Section 8. Volunteers
A. The Red Cross may utilize trained volunteers to perform non-regulated tasks and the regulated tasks
of donor qualification, as set forth below:
1. Volunteers will be permitted to perform certain defined responsibilities where the volunteer has
received all of the necessary and verifiable training, so as not to negatively impact the SQuIPP
of blood products, which shall be identical to the training provided to bargaining unit employees.
2. Volunteers will not be used to replace laid off bargaining unit employees or to displace or reduce
employees scheduled to work. There shall be no layoffs of bargaining unit employees or
diminution of wages and working conditions as a result of utilizing volunteers.
3. Volunteers will identify themselves as volunteers.
4. In the event the donor qualification process becomes automated and the Red Cross creates a role
for volunteers, the Red Cross must provide sufficient advance notice and on-going briefings of
all aspects of the plan to the IBT, the affected bargaining unit(s) and the LMM. Nothing in this
Article shall constitute a waiver of the union’s right to bargain over the effects of using
Section 9. The Employer will comply with all applicable local, state, and federal staffing laws and
Section 1. The Red Cross will regularly publish Collections staff schedules for at least three (3) future work
weeks unless a Local Agreement provides for more advance notice. Prior to releasing the 3
schedule, Collections management and Union Representative(s) or his/her designee(s) will be provided a
one-day review period, offering suggested changes to APS before the final schedule is published.
Section 2. The parties agree to continue their collaboration on scheduling, and to negotiate on a national
basis the above issues needing to be negotiated prior to any implementation. This negotiation will not
constitute a reopener of this National Teamsters Addendum, but the resulting agreement would be added
as a supplement to the National Teamsters Addendum when and if it is completed. Until such time, all
current scheduling practices, except for those negotiated in this Agreement, shall continue as allowed under
the existing Local Agreements, past practices, etc.
Section 3. Notwithstanding the above, the Red Cross agrees to the following:
A. Provisions for guaranteed hours of work or pay per week in Local Agreements shall continue to be
in effect.
B. The Red Cross will make its best efforts to ensure that a minimum of ten (10) hours has elapsed since
the employee’s last compensable work for the Red Cross, and the start of the employee’s next
shift. In the event the employee is required to work within this ten (10) hour turnaround time, the
employee will receive $50. However, in lieu of the penalty pay, the employee may request to arrive
late to their next assignment in order to have a full ten (10) hours between shifts. This request shall
not be unreasonably denied. If the time between shifts is nine (9) hours or less, the request to arrive
late shall not be denied. The employee shall provide appropriate notification per the regional policy
no later than the clock out time of the previous shift. Once Red Cross systems are established to track
the number of turnaround time violations, the number of requests of employees to arrive late to shifts
and the number of times the mandatory late arrivals occurred, such information shall be reported on
a quarterly basis to the TPC.
C. The Employer will make its best effort to avoid extending both fixed sites and mobile drives beyond
the staff’s scheduled end time. Where an employee’s schedule is changed the day of, management
will endeavor to work with the employee to address any personal schedule conflicts (such as
childcare, doctor appointments, etc.). If the same day schedule change is in excess of 1.5 hours, earlier
or later than the original schedule, then the employee may refuse hours outside of this 1.5-hour
window without discipline or attendance infraction. However, any hours refused by the employee
shall count against any guaranteed hours calculation in the contract.
(1) For mobiles and whole blood only collections permanent sites (exclusive of integrated and
Apheresis fixed sites), if any donors are still in the belt line more than forty-five (45) minutes
beyond the scheduled end time, then the employees on that drive shall receive $25 in extra pay.
The Late End pay is triggered when the Phlebotomy End Time exceeds forty-five (45) minutes
after the scheduled end time. For mobile drives, the "belt line" shall be defined as follows, for
the purpose of triggering the payment of the Late-End Drive penalty. The end of the belt line
shall be the time at which the last donor's Phlebotomy End Time is recorded (as reflected by the
actual timestamp), plus 15 minutes. For example, if a drive is scheduled for 10:00am to 4:00pm,
and the Phlebotomy End Time is 4:46pm, then the penalty will be paid to those staff still on the
drive after 5:00pm. If, on the same drive, the last donor's Phlebotomy End Time VPN is 4:40pm,
then no penalty will be paid. Any employee who is required to remain on the drive regardless of
whether he or she is directly assisting a donor or working on another assignment which causes
the employee to remain on the drive (include handling a donor reaction) more than one hour
beyond the scheduled end of the drive, as defined herein, shall receive the late drive penalty pay.
(2) For Fixed Sites, a late end will occur if the Phlebotomy End Time (as reflected by the actual time
stamp) exceeds the Last Appt End Target. Below is the logic supporting the late end definition:
a. Identify the last appointment slot at each drive by procedure type
1. Apheresis
2. Double Red
3. Whole Blood
4. AB Plasma
b. Add the appropriate duration minutes per procedure to arrive at expected Appt end time
1. Apheresis = 180
2. Double Red = 75
3. Whole Blood = 45
4. AB Plasma = 80
c. Select the latest end time from step 2 as Last Appt End Target Time
d. Identify the last phlebotomy/bag & tube scan (donor disconnect) at the drive
e. Compare the time stamps between step 3 and 4
f. If the phlebotomy end/disconnect time is greater than Last Appt End Target, the drive ended
(3) As it relates to fixed sites, if either party identifies late end drives as a recurring issue at a fixed
site, the Red Cross agrees to meet with the local union within ten (10) business days to discuss
the issue and potential solutions, including extending the late end drive penalty to fixed site
locations in accordance with this Article.
D. During normal business operations the following procedures shall apply. For mobile drives, if, within
the last fifteen (15) minutes, all appointment slots are filled, no walk-in donors will be accepted. If,
within the last fifteen (15) minutes, there are open appointment slots, walk-in donors will be
For fixed sites, the same principle would apply as long as an appointment slot for the same procedure
is available. Only a five (5) minute grace period shall be provided to donors who arrive late to an
appointment scheduled within the last fifteen (15) minutes of the drive.
E. The Red Cross shall notify the IBT and all Local unions of the start and projected end dates of any
"appeal" for blood or any "urgent need" that it announces to the public.
F. All mobile drives scheduled as two (2) staff drives, wherein staff work six (6) hours or more inclusive
of compensated travel will have a 60 minute scheduled shut down with no appointments or walk-
ins. Employees shall take their 30 minute uninterrupted lunch period during the one (1) hour shut
G. With the implementation of BSF, for mobile drives, the last scheduled time for a whole blood donor
will be 15 minutes prior to the end of the drive hours. For example, if a mobile drive is from 12:00
noon to 6:00 pm, the last whole blood donor appointment slot will be 5:45pm.
Section 1. Collections employees will be provided scrub uniforms according to the Collections Staff Scrub
program. The program allows employees to purchase uniforms through an ARC designated vendor, with
an annual uniform allowance. The Red Cross vendor shall be required to offer all sizes. If the selected
vendor does not provide the size an employee needs, Staff may request to utilize a different vendor that can
provide the size needed, in the required color. Such requests shall not be unreasonably denied by
management and will be eligible for use of the allowance.
Section 2. Full-time staff and part-time Collections staff who work more than 20 hours a week will receive
$110.00 per year credit (approx. 4 sets of scrubs) and employees who work less than 20 hours per week
will receive $58.00 per year credit (approx. 2 sets of scrubs) annual uniform allowance. Credit amounts
can be applied to any applicable shipping fees and taxes.
Prior to the implementation of any RFP process for uniforms, the Red Cross shall review the process with
the TPC. The TPC may provide feedback and/or input on uniform options that the Red Cross shall
Effective July 1, 2022, full-time staff and part-time Collections staff who work more than 20 hours a week
will be provided with an annual Uniform Allowance that will provide the purchase of five (5) sets of scrubs,
plus shipping, of the quality that Red Cross deems represents the image that Red Cross wishes its employees
to present to the general public (e.g., $25 per uniform x 5 = $125). Employees who work less than 20 hours
per week will receive an allowance that will provide for the purchase of three (3) sets of scrubs, plus
shipping. From the above-mentioned Uniform Allowance, employees will have the opportunity to purchase
other qualifying scrubs from the selected vendor.
Section 3. Collections employees must comply with the previously authorized colors of red (Sangria) tops
and black pants. Uniforms will not be branded, and employees are to wear name tags with logos during
work hours.
Section 4. Collections employees may purchase additional garments from an ARC designated vendor at
their own expense.
Section 5. Collections employees may purchase at their own expense and wear a lab coat from an ARC
designated vendor. Lab coats will not be considered personal protective equipment (PPE).
Section 6. All other Red Cross bargaining unit employees will continue to follow the uniform guidelines
in their Local Agreements.
Section 1. Account Manager Incentive. Account Manager provisions shall be bargained locally. Prior to
making changes to the design of an Incentive Program that are not de minimis, the Employer shall notify
the TPC and local union, and provide the local union with an opportunity to bargain such design changes
prior to implementation.
Section 2. It is not the intent of the Employer to set unattainable goals or to penalize the Employee for
circumstances or events outside of their control. The Employer commits to reviewing such situations and
determining appropriate course of action.
Section 3. Bargaining unit work, as defined in Local Agreements, shall be performed by members of the
bargaining unit.
Section 4. Each employee is responsible for documenting and submitting travel expense reimbursement
requests using the Concur system consistent with Red Cross policy. The Red Cross will use reasonable
efforts to reimburse employees as soon as practicable following submission of an expense reimbursement
request through Concur but in no event later than thirty (30) days after the expense reimbursement request
is submitted.
Section 1. Wage Increases.
Bargaining unit employees covered by this National Teamsters Addendum shall receive a three percent
(3.00%) across the board (ATB) raise, to be effective the third full pay period following the ratification of
this National Teamsters Addendum. The Red Cross shall pay a retroactive pay bonus at a rate of 3% of
gross hourly wages earned (excluding premiums, shift differentials, incentives, bonuses or other earnings
not hours based) from September 30, 2021, through the third full pay period following ratification of this
agreement. Retroactive payments will not be made to terminated employees.
Section 2. Bargaining unit employees covered by this National Teamsters Addendum shall receive a three
percent (3%) across the board (ATB) raise effective the first full pay period after September 30, 2022; and,
another three percent (3.0%) across the board (ATB) raise effective the first full pay period after September
30, 2023.
Section 3. All other base wage rate increases not addressed herein (including but not limited to new
classification salary, salary ranges, market driven increases) shall be addressed at the local level by and
between the respective Local Union and the Employer.
Section 4. The Red Cross will conduct compensation studies to assess market rates in its regions. Local
unions may also meet and confer with local management to discuss the need for a specific local
compensation study. Unresolved issues may be escalated to the TPC for discussion and review. The study
will follow existing Red Cross practices to market price the jobs leveraging Red Cross existing salary
surveys. The results of the compensation study will be reviewed with the local union(s) and shall also be
provided to the local union(s)’s representative on the TPC, who may make recommendations to the local
union(s). This does not waive the Local Union’s right to bargain any recommended changes.
Section 5. Notwithstanding salary caps or maximums contained in the Local Agreements, each member of
the bargaining unit shall receive all raises as described above.
Section 1. Overtime at the rate of one and one-half (1 1/2) times an employee's regular straight time hourly
rate of pay shall be paid for all work over forty (40) hours in one (1) week.
Section 2. The Employer shall have the right to determine when overtime shall be worked. The Employer
shall also have the right to require the performance of such work. In the event overtime is needed, the
scheduling of said overtime will be according to Local Agreements.
Section 3. In no event shall overtime or premium pay be pyramided or duplicated.
Section 4. Premiums and On-Call pay for term of the National Teamsters Addendum are specified in
Appendix B, Premium Pay Rates.
Section 5. Other Pay Premiums
A. The Employer agrees to calculate the cost of said premiums over the 6-month period of January 1,
2015, through June 30, 2015, and determine the financial impact of absorbing into the employees’
hourly base rate the 6-month cost of the premiums and will choose one of the following options:
1. All premiums not outlined above that are paid to current employees on full-time and occasional
basis shall be absorbed into their hourly rate based on the previous six (6) month average pay for
each hour worked or not worked but paid. This shall be applied to employees including, but not
limited to bus drivers, CDLs, those receiving a Donor Center differential, drivers and those who
are regularly scheduled to work weekends; or
2. Negotiate a different yet mutually acceptable reinvestment proposal with the IBT.
If the parties cannot reach a different mutually acceptable reinvestment proposal, the premium related
pay provisions in Local Agreements will be identified in Appendix B and will continue for Employees
hired before ratification. Employees hired after ratification will not be eligible for any Local pay
B. The status quo shall be maintained until one of the options in Section 6A above has been selected.
C. The Employer will also evaluate the cost of absorbing into hourly base rates any Saturday and Sunday
1.5x and 2x premiums earned by Employees with a regular schedule that includes Saturday and/or
Sunday. If the Employer and IBT cannot reach a mutually acceptable reinvestment proposal, the
Employer will grandfather these current employees with these premiums and the weekend shift
differentials in Appendix B will not apply.
Section 1. Core Holidays
A. Eligible employees receive six (6) Core Holidays each year observed on the following dates:
New Year’s Day (January 1)
Memorial Day (Last Monday in May)
Independence Day (July 4)
Labor Day (First Monday in September)
Thanksgiving Day (4th Thursday in November)
Christmas Day (December 25)
B. Holidays falling on a Saturday will be observed on the preceding Friday. Holidays falling on a
Sunday will be observed on Monday.
Section 2. Holiday Pay
A. Employees who work a regularly scheduled forty (40) hour standard work week receive eight (8)
hours of holiday pay. Employees whose regularly scheduled standard work week is less than forty
(40) hours receive pro-rated holiday pay based on their standard work hours. For example, an
employee, who is regularly scheduled to work a twenty (20) hour workweek, receives four (4) hours
of holiday pay and an employee, who is regularly scheduled to work a thirty (30) hour work week,
receives six (6) hours of holiday pay. In consideration of Collections’ scheduling practices, full time
Collections employees will receive eight (8) hours of holiday pay regardless of their location’s
standard work week. Bargaining Unit employees who are permanently assigned 4 ten-hour day
schedules (e.g., Apheresis sites) shall receive ten (10) hours of holiday pay.
B. Temporary employees and employees regularly scheduled to work less than twenty (20) hours per
week are not eligible for holiday pay. Employees on unpaid leave are not eligible for holiday pay.
C. Holiday pay is not counted as hours worked for purposes of calculating overtime and is not paid out
at termination of employment, unless required by state law.
D. If an employee is not scheduled to work on a holiday, the employee will receive pay for the holiday
at the regular straight-time rate of pay.
E. If an employee is scheduled to work on a holiday, the employee will receive holiday pay at the regular
straight-time rate of pay plus additional pay for all hours worked at one and one-half times (1 ½) the
regular rate of pay for hours worked on either the actual calendar holiday or on the observed holiday.
F. If an employee works both the observed and actual calendar holiday, the employee receives one and
one-half times (1 ½) the regular rate of pay for hours worked on the observed holiday and will receive
only the straight time rate of pay for any hours worked on the actual calendar holiday.
G. When a holiday falls during an employee’s scheduled paid time off (PTO), in order to receive holiday
pay, the employee is required to work the last scheduled day before and the first scheduled day after
the holiday.
H. If a core holiday falls during an employee’s scheduled PTO and the employee receives holiday pay,
the employee’s PTO balance will not be charged for the holiday.
Section 3. Floating Holidays
A. Employees will receive five (5) floating holidays each year. The proration of hours for holiday pay
for Core Holidays will apply to floating holidays.
B. PTO eligible employees will receive three (3) floating holidays on January 1 for use by June 30, and
two (2) floating holidays on July 1 for use by December 31 (starting in 2022).
C. Employees, who are on an unpaid leave of absence on the grant date, will receive a holiday grant
depending upon when the employee returns. If the employee returns during the months of January
March or July September, he will receive a full bi-annual grant. If an employee returns during the
months of April June or October December, the employee will receive half of the bi-annual grant.
D. Floating holidays must be used within the period granted and will expire after June 30 and December
31, respectively; unused days do not carry over to the next grant period. The Red Cross will endeavor
through the time off request process as managed by AP&S and Management, to apply available
floating holiday time prior applying accrued and unused PTO time, upon employee request.
E. Floating holidays are paid at the employees regular rate of pay, may be used in one-hour increments
and are required to be scheduled and approved in advance. For Collections Employees, floating
holidays may be used to supplement regularly scheduled weekly hours not to exceed forty-hours in
one week.
F. Employees cannot receive both floating holiday pay and regular pay for the same day.
G. Floating holidays are not paid out at termination of employment, unless required by state law.
Section 4. Staffing
Staffing for core holidays shall be based on Local Agreements.
Section 1. Purpose
The Paid Time Off (PTO) benefit program gives eligible employees time off from work for rest, recreation,
illness, to care for a sick family member or other circumstances based on individual need.
Section 2. Eligibility
Employees who are regularly scheduled to work at least twenty (20) hours per week are eligible for PTO.
Temporary employees and employees who work less than twenty (20) hours each week are not eligible.
Section 3. PTO Accrual Schedule
A. Eligible employees accrue PTO in fixed amounts on the first day of the pay period according to the
schedule in the Accrual Table below, depending on their length of service.
B. Accrual Table
Annual PTO
Limit (hr)
Pay Period
C. The amount of PTO earned each pay period is based on the employee’s weekly standard
hours. Weekly standard hours for full-time staff are forty (40) hours based on the standard work
week. Employees who are regularly scheduled fewer than forty (40) hours a week earn a prorated
amount of PTO.
1. For example, a full-time employee regularly scheduled with forty (40) weekly standard hours
will accrue the full amount of PTO. A part-time employee regularly scheduled with twenty (20)
weekly standard hours will earn fifty percent (50%) of the full amount because their standard
hours are fifty percent (50%) of the full time forty (40) weekly standard hours. A full-time
employee in a location with a standard 37.5 hour work week will earn a pro-rated amount of PTO
days. For example, an employee with eight (8) years of seniority will accrue PTO at 5.77 hours
for the pay period (20 days x 7.5 hours/26 pay periods).
2. In consideration of Collections’ scheduling practices, full-time Collections employees (including
mobile and fixed sites) will accrue PTO on a 40-hour basis regardless of their location’s standard
work week.
D. The Accrual Limit is the maximum PTO balance allowed at all times throughout the year. Once the
Accrual Limit is reached, no additional hours will accrue until after PTO is taken and the PTO balance
is less than the Accrual Limit. The Accrual Limit for part-time employees is prorated based on their
regularly scheduled weekly standard hours. For California employees, the Accrual Limit is 1.5 times
the amount shown in the Accrual Table.
E. Employees must be in active pay status to receive PTO accrual for the pay period. Employees in
unpaid status cease to accrue PTO.
Section 4. PTO Usage
A. PTO eligible employees may use a maximum of forty (40) hours of PTO when taking a full week of
PTO provided they have such PTO available.
B. An employee may not take more than twelve (12) hours of PTO per day.
C. PTO may be taken as it is earned.
D. PTO is available for use in hourly increments.
E. Employees may not take more PTO than they have accrued and will not be allowed to have a negative
PTO Balance.
F. PTO is paid at an employee's regular pay rate and does not include overtime or special forms of
compensation such as premiums, shift differentials, weekend differentials, skill based differentials,
etc. PTO is not counted as hours worked for purposes of calculating overtime.
G. PTO may be used for both planned and unplanned absences, and will be charged when an employee
is absent during his or her scheduled hours.
H. In an effort to provide a better work-life balance and approve more time off for employees and ensure
that operations are appropriately staffed, the American Red Cross will offer the following
Prearranged and Ad Hoc PTO and Floating Holiday (FH) request program.
Prearranged PTO Staff will submit requests for prearranged PTO/FH during two (2) bid windows,
on the first business days of September and March. Full week(s) of PTO/FH shall take precedent over
individual PTO/FH days. The September bid window will be for time off for January 1 to June 30;
the March bid window will be for time off for July 1 to December 31. The employee will have three
weeks to submit their requests. The employer will disposition requests no later than October 15 for
the January June period, and April 15 for the July December period. A minimum of 10% of
employees in each classification (vacation groups) shall be allowed off on any given day. Local
language or established practice regarding awarding PTO by classification will be followed.
Ad Hoc PTO/FH covers requests for personal business or other events that cannot be foreseen or
planned during the prearranged PTO bid windows.
1. The employee can only request Ad Hoc PTO after the bid window has closed. Ad Hoc PTO
requests are first come, first served.
2. Ad Hoc requests can only be requested before the final staff schedule has been created. Once
approved, the Employer shall not rescind the scheduled PTO.
3. If Ad Hoc PTO is requested after the staff schedule is posted, the employer will review and
disposition the request. The employer has the right to deny the request if the request would create a
negative scheduling or operational impact on the business.
4. Ad Hoc requests will not be unreasonably denied.
Waitlist: If an employee request prearranged time off that the employer cannot fulfill, the employee
will be put on a waitlist. If that date opens up throughout the year, the employee will be moved off
of the waitlist and given the opportunity to take the day he/she requested PTO. During schedule build,
the employer reserves the right to review and approve and open more PTO slots.
I. When an employee uses PTO to cover an unplanned absence, the time will be accurately recorded by
management as it is used. If an employee is on FMLA or extended medical leave and has exhausted
his/her paid leave, the employee will be required to use all PTO with the exception of five (5) days,
which shall be reserved. The Union does not waive its rights under any applicable law or regulation.
J. An employee whose last day of work occurs prior to the end of the pay period will receive a prorated
amount of PTO. Similarly, an employee who transfers into an employment status that is ineligible
for PTO will receive a lump-sum payment for accrued but unused PTO.
K. Accrued, unused PTO will be paid to employees at termination of employment, up to the Accrual
Limit for full-time employees or up to the prorated Accrual Limit for part time employees.
L. Sick Bank For Limited Use: An employee can use hours from the sick bank in the event he/she has
a continuous leave of absence due to his/her own personal serious illness or disability, unless
otherwise required by applicable law. The first five work days of the continuous leave of absence
must be covered by PTO or leave without pay. After the five work day waiting period, the sick bank
balance will be available for use. For those contracts transitioning on or before January 1, 2016, the
sick bank and its balance will be eliminated on December 31, 2018, unless otherwise required by
applicable law. For those contracts transitioning on January 1, 2017, the sick bank and its balance
will be eliminated on December 31, 2019, unless otherwise required by applicable law.
Section 5. Paid Family Leave
Bargaining Unit employees shall be eligible for Paid Family Leave (Appendix D) under the same terms and
conditions as non-represented Red Cross employees.
Section 1. Once validated and submitted to Employer’s Third-Party Payroll Provider for payment,
Employees whose paychecks are incorrect by the lesser of 10% of gross wages earned in the applicable pay
period or one hundred twenty dollars ($120) will have their payroll correction processed. Requests received
by the Third Party Payroll Provider by 1:00pm Eastern Time will be processed, whereby electronic transfers
will be initiated or a check will be mailed the same day. Requests received after 1:00pm Eastern Time will
be processed the following day. Lesser amounts shall be made on the next paycheck.
Section 2. To support accurate payroll processing, Human Resources will conduct monthly reviews with
management and local union leadership to ensure that payroll errors are being addressed timely. In the event
the conditions in Section 1 are not followed, local union leadership should contact the Labor Director for
their area for escalation.
Section 3. This Article shall not apply to Local Agreements that already have a process for addressing
payroll errors.  
Section 4. In the event of any overpayment, the repayment schedule shall adhere to the terms of the
overpayment process as applied by the Third-Party Payroll Provider. If there is an overpayment to an
employee, a fair payback arrangement will be established that takes the circumstances of the employee into
consideration. Local union leadership can be included in such discussions, at the employee’s request.
The Employer and the IBT agree that the safety of employees and the general public is of utmost
importance. Therefore, the Employer shall provide a safe work environment that is free of recognized
hazards that could cause death, injury or illness.
Section 1. The Employer shall comply with applicable federal, state and local safety laws, rules and
regulations. Nothing in this Agreement shall imply that the IBT has assumed legal responsibility for the
health and safety of employees.
Section 2. The Employer shall not discipline or discriminate against any employee for the reporting of any
injury, illness or other incidents involving safety or health issues or hazardous conditions. The Employer
shall annually train all employees of the proper procedures for reporting information, and their right to
report such information free from discipline or discrimination.
Section 3. An employee acting in good faith has the right to refuse to work under conditions that the
employee reasonably believes present an imminent danger or serious harm as defined by OSHA. The
Employer shall not discipline or discriminate against an employee for a good faith refusal to perform
assigned tasks if the employee has requested that the Employer correct the hazardous conditions, but the
conditions are not corrected, and the danger was one that a reasonable person under the circumstances
would conclude is an imminent danger or serious harm as defined by OSHA. An employee who has refused
in good faith to perform assigned tasks shall retain the right to continued employment and receive full
compensation for the tasks that would have been performed.
Section 4. The Employer shall provide information and training to employees on infectious diseases (this
includes droplet, airborne, contact and vector spread diseases) to which he/she may have routine workplace
exposure, including but not limited to blood-borne pathogen transmitted diseases. Information and training
shall include the symptoms of diseases, modes of transmission, methods of self-protection, workplace
infection control procedures, special precautions and recommendations for immunizations where
applicable. The Employer shall continue to provide and make the hepatitis B vaccinations available to
employees who are at risk of occupational exposure.
Section 5. Workplace Safety in Emergency Situations
A. The Employer is focused on the well-being and safety of its employees and volunteers and will
continue to work in collaboration with the IBT to identify and implement strategies on maintaining
safety in the workplace. A comprehensive workplace violence prevention program may include, but
not be limited to the following topics:
(1) methods for identifying work practices and environmental factors that may lead to violence; this
shall include a review of all workplace violence incidents that occurred in the facility, service, or
operation within the previous year, whether or not resulting in an injury;
(2) measures that will reduce the risks for violence, including training for employees;
(3) procedures for responding to violence if it occurs; including coordination with facilities
workplace violence procedures;
(4) the provision of support to staff who have experienced workplace violence; and
(5) training in techniques for recognizing potentially violent situations/behavior; defusing violent
situations; and protecting themselves.
Section 6. Personal protective clothing and equipment required as defined by OSHA shall be furnished and
maintained by the Employer without costs to employees whenever such additional equipment is required
as a condition of employment or is required by OSHA, as determined through job hazard analysis performed
by Environmental, Health and Safety, or other applicable laws and regulations. The personal protective
equipment will be provided during the evaluation process if working conditions present an imminent danger
or serious harm as defined by OSHA. Examples of equipment include but not limited to masks of any type,
gloves, gowns, shoe covering, face shields, or other. Personal protective clothing and equipment shall be
provided in sufficient quantities and in various sizes to fit employees and shall be readily
accessible. Employees shall be trained as required by OSHA in regard to personal protective clothing and
equipment. Employees are required to wear personal protective equipment as designed when required by
the task defined by the Exposure Control Plan. Upon request, the Red Cross and Union agree to meet and
discuss relevant and/or material health and safety issues through the TPC.
Section 7. Evacuation Plans and Safety Zones. All staff will be informed of all of the evacuation plans and
designated safe zones will be discussed with the sponsor and staff prior to the start of the blood drive
including, but not limited to an active shooter on the premises, tornado and fire exits, etc. When evacuation
plans and safety zone plans are unavailable the American Red Cross Emergency Action Plan will be the
default guidance.
Section 8. Training Programs. All employees shall successfully complete all necessary training prior to
being assigned work (e.g., all employees will complete health and safety training prior to being assigned to
task). Nothing in this Article or provision shall constitute a waiver of either party’s bargaining obligations
or defenses. The Employer still has an obligation to notify and bargain changes in terms and conditions of
employment with the exclusive representative.
Section 9. Information. The Red Cross shall provide all health and safety information, at least quarterly, to
the Union members of the joint national and regional health and safety committee. This information shall
include but not be limited to the OSHA 300 injury and illness logs, the Sharps Safety log, and other health
and safety reports generated internally and externally.
Section 10. Prior to proposing or implementing any safety and health initiatives or modifications to existing
plans, the Employer shall receive pre-decisional input from the TPC on the proposed changes. Except in
cases where regulatory changes require immediate action, every effort will be made for pre-decisional input,
however, where not possible, a discussion regarding the change will still occur with the TPC. Nothing in
this section shall constitute a waiver of the Employer’s obligation to notify and bargain changes to the
extent required by law or the Unions right to assert any claims or defenses.
Section 11. Inclement Weather
The Parties agree that this should be an issue that is dealt with at the local level. Within 60 days of the
ratification of the contract where there are no local agreements on inclement weather local management
shall meet with the Local Union, if requested, to come to an agreement on a process for inclement weather
at their location.
Section 12. Site Suitability.
A. Prompt access to nearby handwashing and restroom facilities should be no more than 500 feet from
the mobile blood drive.
B. Proper room clearing of tables/chairs/furniture should be done prior to the arrival of mobile
staff. Staff shall not be required to remove, move or re-set furniture outside of the furniture (i.e.,
tables and chairs, etc.) required for the blood drive, or a de minimis amount of sponsor furniture. If
Staff encounter a situation where the removal of additional sponsor furniture is needed, the staff
should immediately contact local management who will attempt to resolve.
C. There should be at least two (2) or more fans, as determined by local agreement, (based on space
constraints and fan size) on a truck/Promaster for blood mobile operations during warmer months
based on geography. Donor Recruitment and Mobile Collections should work with labor
management partnership to identify and evaluate drives where ambient room temperature creates a
potential hazard (i.e., due to lack of air conditioning) in efforts to work with the sponsor to address
the situation.
D. Mobile Collections should work with labor management partnership towards eliminating steps at any
drives by evaluating stairs and reported hazards due to stairs. The TPC will meet with management
within three (3) months of ratification.
E. The Donor Recruitment/Account Manager, or District Manager, should be contacted to address any
issues in conflict with Section 14, Site Suitability.
Section 1. Bargaining unit employees will be provided coverage through the “Full Coverage” Team Care
Plan (“Team Care MM200”), which includes dental, vision, life, short term disability, medical and
prescription drug benefits.
The plan description for 2022 shall be the plan referenced in Appendix C to this National Teamsters
The Short-Term Disability benefit for full-time employees shall be $450 per week. Part-time employees
shall continue to receive the current benefit: $300 per week for the first ten weeks and $350 per week for
the following sixteen weeks.
A. The Basic Life Insurance benefit and Accidental Death and Dismemberment benefit for bargaining
unit employees shall be increased to $40,000.
B. Red Cross shall provide bargaining unit employees with the option to supplement their life insurance
by electing up to five (5) times their annual base pay, subject to carrier underwriting rules.
C. Red Cross shall provide bargaining unit employees with the option to purchase a Long-Term
Disability benefit, subject to carrier underwriting rules.
Section 2. For the 2022 calendar year rates for Team Care, the Red Cross will pay 100% of any annual
premium increase from the 2021 rates, through the earliest of June 30, 2022, or ratification. This shall not
exceed six percent (6%), including the additional costs associated with the life and short-term disability
Following the time period outlined above, the Red Cross will contribute 88% and the employee 12% of the
premium for single coverage and Red Cross will contribute 75% and the employee 25% of the premiums
for coverages with dependents. The Employer and Employee premium cost share shall remain unchanged
at these percentages for each tier of coverage for the remaining duration of this contract, except as provided
for herein. Any subsequent annual premium increases will be assigned per these percentages. Precise rates
will be reflected in Appendix C.
There are no changes to the current part-time cost sharing.
The Parties agree that the annual premium increases shall not exceed 6% in 2022 (including the additional
costs associated with the life and short-term disability benefits); 6% in 2023, and 6% in 2024.
Section 3. Both full-time and part-time employees may opt out of health care coverage (at time of hire,
annual enrollment or due to a qualifying event), providing they show proof of alternate coverage and are in
compliance with current or future requirements under the ACA or comparable laws. Additionally, the
following provision will apply:
A. Red Cross shall not be required to make a contribution on behalf of any employees who do not enroll
in coverage.
Section 4. Employees currently with a Healthcare Spending Account (HSA) may maintain their current
funds and such funds will remain available for their use until they are exhausted. The Red Cross does not
administer or have any responsibility for these accounts.
Section 5. New hires are eligible to enroll in the program eight (8) weeks after their date of hire. No
Employer or Employee premium payments shall be required during the eight (8) week eligibility period.
Section 6. Consistent with Article 4, Section 3, all current and new regular part-time employees will have
the option of enrolling in health coverage with Team Care for the life of this Agreement. The Red Cross
will only be required to make its contributions for those employees who actually enroll.
Section 7. Any employee healthcare deductions in arrears are recouped via one (1) current plus one (1)
missed deduction per paycheck, until caught up.
Section 8. For the duration of this Agreement, no non-Teamster groups (i.e., non-Teamster locals or
International Unions) will be eligible for healthcare benefits under this Agreement without the written
approval from the Board of Trustees of the administrators of the Team Care benefits and the Red Cross.
Section 9. The Red Cross and the TPC shall immediately establish a healthcare committee. The purpose of
the committee is to review current benefits enjoyed by the employees and discuss options and make
recommendations of options that may be available to the employees.
Section 1. Employees may enroll in Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) for qualified medical expenses for
the duration of this National Teamsters Addendum. This shall include the use of a debit card for expenses.
Section 2. For the duration of this National Teamsters Addendum, employees may continue to enroll in
Dependent Care FSA for reimbursement of qualified Dependent Care expenses, and in the standard
Personal Plans and Discounts voluntary benefit programs (including critical illness, accident, homeowners
insurance, etc.) under the current terms and provisions in effect. At its discretion, the Red Cross may change
these programs, vendors, and rates at any time.
Section 1. All eligible employees can participate in the American Red Cross Savings Plan 401(k).
Section 2.
A. The Red Cross has determined that the Annual Red Cross Contribution ("ARCC") and the Points-
Based Employee Contribution (“PBEC”) shall be eliminated effective July 1, 2015. Eligible
employees who retire or whose employment terminates on or after July 1, 2015 shall have only those
benefits derived from the ARCC and the PBEC that have accrued as of June 30, 2015 based on the
terms of the American Red Cross Savings Plan. Those amounts that are earned prior to July 1, 2015,
will be maintained.
B. The Red Cross will continue to administer the other terms of the Savings Plan in accordance with the
terms of that Plan for eligible employees, including a matching contribution up to 4% of the
employee’s salary.
Section 3. The IBT and the Red Cross have established a joint committee to identify and discuss future
retirement plan options, including but not limited to 401(k) auto enroll options, that the parties may consider
in the future. The joint committee shall also consider healthcare and other related benefits.
Section 4. Effective January 1, 2023, new hire employees shall be auto-enrolled into the Red Cross Savings
Plan at a 4% employee contribution. Employees may decide to adjust their voluntary contribution as they
see fit; such contribution shall be matched by the Employer in accordance with Section 2.B above.
Section 1. The Employer shall provide the five (5) divisional TPC representatives with reasonable advance
notice of not less than (30) calendar days prior to effecting changes in personnel policies, practices or
conditions of employment which impact more than one Local Union, or are national in scope. The
employer’s notice shall be provided by the Vice President of Labor Relations, or their designee, and shall
be sent in writing and electronically. The Employer’s notice shall be in writing and identify the following:
specific changes in policies, directives, procedures, or practices and proposed effective date of the change.
Section 2. Within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of the notice, the TPC may request a briefing on behalf
of all of the affected Local Unions on the proposed change(s) from the Employer. During the briefing, the
Employer shall provide additional information regarding the proposed change(s) and the Unions will be
permitted to ask questions and comment regarding the same. If a briefing occurs, then a Union may invoke
its right to negotiate the effects of the proposed change within seven (7) calendar days after the
briefing. The Union may also take legal or other action challenging the legal validity of such changes.
Section 3. Nothing herein is intended to act as a waiver on behalf of the Union of its rights or defenses to
legally challenge any such employer proposed and/or implemented changes. Further, this is not a waiver,
of any kind, of the Unions’ right and the employer’s obligation to bargain mandatory subjects.
Section 1. Definition
A “national grievance” is defined as any complaint or dispute arising under and during the term of this
National Teamsters Addendum raised by the employee or Union against the Employer, or by the Employer
against the Union, involving an alleged violation, misinterpretation or misapplication of a provision of this
National Teamsters Addendum. All such disputes shall be adjusted and settled solely and exclusively in
accordance with the procedures set forth in this Article (unless a specific Article in the National Teamsters
Addendum contains its own dispute resolution mechanism).
Section 2. Procedure
Step 1 - A national grievance must be filed within thirty (30) calendar days of when the Union or affected
employee(s) should have become aware of the events giving rise to the dispute. The national grievance
shall be reduced to writing and presented to the appropriate Director of Labor Relations, or his/her designee
with a copy submitted to the TPC. The Union Representative, employee(s) involved and the appropriate
Director of Labor Relations or his/her designee(s) shall meet within ten (10) calendar days after the national
grievance is presented to attempt to resolve the grievance. The appropriate Director of Labor Relations or
his/her designee shall provide a written answer to the Union Representative and a copy to the TPC within
ten (10) calendar days of such meeting.
Step 2 Any national grievance unresolved at Step 1 may be advanced by the Local Union to the National
Grievance Committee. The National Grievance Committee shall consist of an equal number, but no more
than four (4) representatives from each party (IBT, Red Cross) and shall meet quarterly. Any national
grievance referred to the National Grievance Committee at least twenty-one (21) calendar days before the
next quarterly meeting will be considered at such meeting. The deadline for the National Grievance
Committee to issue a written decision shall be ten (10) calendar days after it meets on a case. National
grievances can be resolved at Step 2 only by majority decision of the National Grievance Committee in a
written decision signed by members of the National Grievance Committee. A decision of the National
Grievance Committee shall be final and binding on the Company and the Union.
Section 3. Arbitration
A. If the National Grievance Committee cannot reach a majority decision and is deadlocked, the Local
Union or Employer may refer the matter to the neutral arbitrator who shall make the decision. The
arbitrator shall issue a concise decision on the underlying grievance by bench decision unless
otherwise agreed to by the parties.
B. The fees and expenses of the arbitrator, as well as hearing room and transcript costs, shall be borne
equally by the parties. Each party shall be responsible for any costs associated with their
C. The parties shall utilize a Standing Panel of seven (7) National Academy of Arbitrators (NAA)
certified permanent arbitrators, among whom cases will rotate randomly. The Standing Panel of
arbitrators shall be established in the following manner:
(1) The parties will make a written request to the National Office of the American Arbitration
Association to provide the parties a list of fifteen (15) NAA-certified arbitrators, national in
(2) within 10 days of receiving the AAA list, the head of the TPC and the Vice President of Labor
Relations of the American Red Cross, or their designated representatives, will rank each arbitrator
on the AAA list from 1 to 15 and return this list, by email, to the AAA;
(3) the AAA will identify and appoint to the Standing Panel the seven (7) highest mutually acceptable
(4) if any of the seven (7) arbitrators decline the appointment, the next highest mutually acceptable
arbitrator will be designated by the AAA; and
(5) if, during the life of this agreement, should two or more arbitrators decline to remain on the
Standing Panel, become disabled or deceased, the parties will promptly update their rankings of
the remaining arbitrators from the original list provided by the AAA, and the highest mutually
acceptable arbitrators will fill the spots to return the Standing Panel number to seven (7).
D. An arbitrator will be randomly assigned to each deadlocked grievance at the NGC meeting by the
E. If a national grievance has been deadlocked by the NGC, and the Union or Employer wishes to
advance the matter to arbitration, the Union or Employer has sixty (60) calendar days to notify the
assigned arbitrator of his/her appointment to preside over the arbitration, or the grievance will be
deemed denied.
Section 4. Venue of Arbitration Hearings
A. Before ruling on the merits of a grievance, the NGC will determine whether the grievance has been
appropriately brought before the NGC, which only has the authority to rule on national grievances
(as defined by Article 22, Section 1).
B. Once the NGC rules on the status of a grievance, the grievance will be moved, if necessary, back to
the local union. If the determination is made to move the grievance back to the local level, the local
union grievance and arbitration rules and procedures, as outlined in the local’s contract, shall govern
and control. All durational requirements and rules for processing grievances at the local level shall
begin upon notice to the local union by the NGC of the decision to move the grievance back to the
local level.
C. If a national grievance that proceeds to arbitration was brought by one local union and/or only affects
employee(s) who are members of one local union, the arbitration shall be conducted at the nearest
AAA office, not further than 50 miles from the local union of which the grievant(s) are members. If
there are no AAA offices within 50 miles of the local union, the parties agree to mutually select a
location within 50 miles from the local union. This provision does not preclude the parties from
mutually agreeing upon an alternative location within 50 miles of the local union to hold the hearing.
D. If a national grievance that proceeds to arbitration was brought by two or more local unions and/or
affects employees who are members of two or more local unions, the arbitration will be held in one
of the following locations: for grievances arising out of the Eastern region, Washington, D.C.; for
grievances arising out of the Central region, Chicago, Illinois; and for grievances arising out of the
Western region, Los Angeles, California. Unless the parties agree upon a location in each city in
which the arbitration will be conducted, the offices of the AAA will be reserved for the hearing.
Section 5. Time Limit for Filing
The parties may mutually agree in writing to extend any of the time limits set forth in this Agreement.
Section 6. Authority of the Arbitrator
The decision of the arbitrator on any matter which shall have been submitted in accordance with the
provisions of this National Teamsters Addendum shall be final and binding on the Employer, Union and
the employees. The arbitrator shall have no authority to add to, subtract from or otherwise alter the
provisions of this Agreement, or impose on either the Employer or the Union any limitation or obligation
not specifically provided for under the terms of this Agreement.
Section 1. Separability: The Employer and IBT agree that if a court of competent jurisdiction or applicable
Local, State, or Federal laws compel the invalidation or modification of any provision of this National
Teamsters Addendum, such provision shall be deemed inoperative, if found invalid, or modified to the
extent required by law or a court of competent jurisdiction. With respect to a part of this National Teamsters
Addendum being declared invalid, it is the express intent of the parties that all of the provisions of the
Agreement that are not declared invalid shall remain in full force and effect.
Section 2. In the event that any Article or Section is held invalid or enforcement or compliance with which
has been restrained as above set forth, the parties affected thereby shall meet and confer regarding the
affected provisions. If the parties are unable to arrive at mutually agreeable substitute language, then the
matter shall be referred to a neutral arbitrator pursuant to Article 22 who shall resolve the dispute via interest
Section 1. Disaster Assignments Leave/ Leave After a Disaster Assignment
Effective the first of the month following ninety (90) days after ratification, the Disaster Assignments Leave
language in all local contracts shall be removed, and the following shall be added to the Addendum:
A. As part of the critical mission of the Red Cross, employees may actively participate in local, regional
and national disaster relief efforts. The Red Cross will make reasonable efforts to provide employees
with opportunities to participate in Red Cross disaster training and to accept assignments on Red
Cross disaster relief operations.
B. Employees will be compensated at their regular rate of pay while attending disaster training during
scheduled working hours or while on disaster assignments. Employees who have completed service
on a disaster operation will be given additional time off before resuming their work duties. An
employee will be given one (1) day of additional time off for every seven (7) days he or she was
assigned to the disaster operation, not to exceed ten (10) days. This time off is not charged against
the employee’s paid time off and is not considered work time for purposes of calculating overtime.
This time off must be taken within four (4) weeks following the disaster assignment and time off may
not be exchanged for payment of the dollar equivalent of the time off.
Section 2. Public Health Leave
In the event of a public health crisis which requires employees to quarantine due to illness or exposure, an
employee shall not be required to use PTO or Floating Holidays. In addition, the Red Cross and the TPC
agree to immediately engage in Effects Bargaining.
Section 1. Duration and Termination
This Addendum and Local Agreements shall take effect upon ratification of the National Tentative
Agreement/Addendum (NTA) and Local Tentative Agreement (LTA). The National Teamsters Addendum
and Local Agreements shall remain in full force and effect until September 30, 2024, which shall be the
contracts’ expiration date. These agreements shall then renew themselves from year to year unless either
party to the Agreement provides written notice to the other party at least sixty (60) days prior to the
expiration of this Agreement of a desire to change, amend, or terminate these Agreements.
Section 2. Practices
All past practices not superseded by the National Teamsters Addendum or in conflict with the National
Teamsters Addendum or law, shall continue during the duration of this National Addendum.
Section 3. Ratification
A. The NTA and LTA shall not be binding on a Local Union or the American Red Cross until ratified
(where applicable) by the Local (or all affiliated Locals as provided for in their constitution and/or
bylaws). Both the NTA and LTA must be ratified together, and there will be no further negotiations
of or modifications to the NTA or an LTA after ratification unless mutually agreed to by the parties
in writing.
B. First Contracts. (1) Local Unions that have yet to negotiate first contracts will vote to ratify the
National Teamsters Addendum. If ratified, the National Teamsters Addendum shall apply to those
bargaining unit employees immediately. Thereafter, the Local Parties will meet to negotiate their
First Local Collective Bargaining Agreements by May 28, 2022. The local parties shall negotiate
terms and conditions of employment consistent with the National Teamsters Addendum and ratify
their Local Agreements in accordance with their bylaws and constitution.
(2) The Employer agrees that it will use its best efforts to implement the National Teamsters
Addendum as soon as practicable after the date the election results are certified, but in no event
shall that be later than the first of the month following sixty (60) days after election results are
certified. These new bargaining unit employees still will be eligible to receive Team Care on the
first of the month after eight (8) weeks from the date of certification
This MOU is entered into between the Employer (American Red Cross) and the IBT (any “Local
Union” which may become a party to the National Teamsters Addendum), as part of the National
Teamsters Addendum. This letter is intended to memorialize the intent of the parties.
There is no national severance benefit agreement between the IBT and ARC. Severance benefits
shall be negotiated on a local basis. Where union employees who are involuntarily terminated due
to a reduction in force and the local contract does not have a severance provision, the parties shall
meet and negotiate in good faith regarding severance eligibility and benefits.
The TPC shall be responsible for all things the SAG has been traditionally handling. As such, the TPC shall
jointly review the SAG MOU #2, following ratification, and update the MOU as appropriate.
In an effort to resolve the DRD issue (Article 11), the Union proposes that the ARC continues to
honor the December 2019 side letter with Teamsters Local 507 until the two sides come to a mutually
acceptable local agreement. If no agreement can be reached then the FY19 plan will continue in
regards to this bargaining unit. ARC and Local 728 will bargain locally in regard to the DRDs and
include any and all language in the local agreement.
Teamsters Local 170
Teamsters Local 215
Teamsters Local 223
Teamsters Local 243
Teamsters Local 25
Teamsters Local 337
Teamsters Local 340
Teamsters District Council 2, Local 388M
Teamsters Local 391
Teamsters Local 414
Teamsters Local 507
Teamsters Local 542
Teamsters Local 554
Teamsters Local 570
Teamsters Local 63
Teamsters Local 682
Teamsters Local 71
Teamsters Local 728
Teamsters Local 760
Teamsters Local 783
Teamsters Local 795
Teamsters Local 839
Teamsters Local 886
Teamsters Local 929
Premiums associated with how an employee is scheduled
1. Standard Shift Differentials
a. Employees whose work hours (some or all) occur during hours that fall outside of what is
considered to be 1
shift, will be compensated with a shift differential for the hours worked that
fall into a 2
or 3
shift category. Any hours worked during 1
shift will be compensated at their
normal rate of pay.
b. Unpaid time (such as PTO) does not receive shift differential.
c. Part-time and full-time staff are eligible for shift differentials. No variation in premiums due to
geographic location.
d. Employees require supervisor approval to work beyond their scheduled shift.
e. To the extent that an employee does not fall under one of the functions in Section 2 below, his/her
shift differential will be as follows:
Table 14.1
Standard Shift Differential
Shift: 6a-6p
Base pay
Shift: 6pmidnight
Shift: midnight-6a
2. Shift Differential & Weekend Premiums by Function
a. Employees will be compensated with the below premiums for hours worked on the weekend, based
on their function, as follows:
(i) Manufacturing and Testing Weekend premiums begin Friday at 11pm
Table 14.2
(ii) IRL,
Therapeutic Apheresis, Telerecruitment, Collections - Weekend premiums begin
Friday at 6pm
Table 14.3
Tele recruitment
Base pay
Base pay
Base pay
Base pay
*Currently, Tele-recruitment does not have a third shift, however they may choose to hire for third shift in
the future and would like the option to offer differentials at that time.
b. To the extent an employee does not fall under one of the above functions, his/her weekend premium
will be as follows:
(i) Weekend premiums begin Friday at 6pm
Table 14.4
Standard Weekend Premiums
Shift: 6a-6p
Shift: 6pmidnight
Shift: midnight-6a
Base pay
Base pay
c. Baylor Plan
Anyone hired for or working three 12 hour shifts over the weekend (Saturday, Sunday and any
other day during the week) gets paid for 40 hours at the weekend premium rate.
3. On-call pay (stand-by to be called in to work)
a. On-call is the time in which an employee is expressly assigned to be available to take a call from
work which could include notice to come into work. It does not mean an employee will be called.
b. Employees who are required to perform on-call duties will be compensated at the following rates:
Table 14.5
Friday, Saturday, Sunday and
IRL Reviewers
Therapeutic Apheresis
* When the daily rate applies, on-call days are defined as a 24-hour period from
4. Call-in pay (a minimum # of hours to be compensated if you are called in to work)
a. Employees who are called in to work, outside of their normal work schedule for that day/week,
will be compensated with a minimum of 3 hours of regular time or their actual hours worked,
whichever is greater. Any hours that are paid, that are not the result of actually working, will
not count towards an employee’s 40 hours for that week for overtime purposes.
Table 14.6
3 hours
The 3 hour guarantee only applies when the employee
must come in to the office to work
3 hours
Work performed at call in is 1.5x
Therapeutic Apheresis
3 hours
Minimum 3 hours if called in. Compensate for all
hours worked including those in preparation for the
treatment and taking calls to/from medical director and
treating physician.
Prep work and consults are at straight time rate up to
40 hours worked in a pay week. Standard overtime
rules apply.
Work performed at call in is paid the straight time rate
up to 40 hours of work. All work beyond 40 is at 1.5x
(not pyramided)
Require staff to IVR or online punch weekly work to
track time taking calls, time traveling and time working
5. Skill-Based Premiums (All Changes shall be made within 90 days following ratification)
Premiums will be paid to certain employees who are performing additional skill-based duties, on
an occasional basis, in the following manner:
a. Double Red Cell (DRC): Collections staff, other than Collections Technician IIIs,* collecting
DRC shall be compensated at the rate of $1.50 per hour. The premium will apply to all hours
an employee works on that day, and will be paid in addition to any shift or weekend
b. Charge (Collections Specialist II): Charge staff shall be compensated at the rate of $2.50 per
hour. The premium will apply to all hours an employee works on that day, and will be paid in
addition to any shift or weekend differentials.
c. Trainer: Provides both classroom and/On-the-job instruction to develop new skills in a staff
member and can also perform competency assessments for other staff members. This
designation requires successful completion of trainer/instructor certification (by Red Cross
regulated standards).
d. Employees performing the trainer function as described above will be compensated at the rate
of an additional $2.00/hr., and will apply to all hours an employee works on that day. Trainer
differential will be paid in addition to any shift or weekend differentials.
e. Instructor (OJI): An OJI performs training that occurs in the live environment prior to
authorization to perform independently and can also perform competency assessments. OJI
designation requires the successful completion of a trainer/instructor certification (by Red
Cross regulated standards).
f. Employees performing the OJI function as described above will be compensated with an
additional $2.00/hr., and will apply to all hours an employee works on that day. OJI differential
will be paid in addition to any shift or weekend differentials.
g. Translator: This designation requires successful completion of an assessment (by Red Cross
regulated standards).
(i) Employees performing in the Translator function will be compensated at the rate of an
additional $1.25/hr., and will be compensated at a half day minimum, for example, 1 -
4 hours will receive 4 hours; and, greater than 4 hours (for an 8-hour work day), the
premium will apply to all hours an employee works on that day. Translator differential
will be paid in addition to any shift or weekend differentials.
h. Preceptor: This terminology should no longer be used.
The Employer shall establish a new position classification, Collection Specialist III (CSIII) with an
additional $2.50 per hour (in total) added to an employee’s wage rate:
The CSIII position qualifications shall include demonstrated leadership skills as well as previous
qualification and experience in:
Power Reds (CTIII)
Charge (CSII)
OJI position
The Employer shall determine the number of CSIII’s required and the selection of CSIII’s shall be
by skill and ability (i.e., employer discretion) with seniority as a tie breaker. As with all premium
positions, an employee requesting to step down from the role or classification will lose the premium
or wage increase associated with the role when the Employer releases the employee from the
role/classification. The Employer maintains the right to delay the release while it is replacing the
employee seeking to step down.
Employees selected for CSIII classification who do not have a charge and/or power red
premium included (“baked in”) to their existing hourly rate will have their base wage increased
by $2.50 per hour.
Employees selected for CSIII classification who have a charge and/or power red premium
included (“baked in”) to their existing hourly rate shall receive an increase above their “baked
in” wage rate, not to exceed $2.50 per hour.
Employees selected for CSIII classification shall not be entitled to receive any further
premiums for Power Reds, Charge or OJI.
(There is no premium associated with Project Impact, and the parties agree to finalize the Effects
Bargaining Agreement following ratification.)
The Parties agree that all outstanding Local contract negotiations and any wage compression/hire rate
negotiations shall be completed no later than May 28, 2022.
Full-Time Employees
January 1 through June
30, 2022
Monthly Premium
Monthly Red Cross
Employee Per Pay Period
Contribution (24 Annual)
Employee Only
$ 835.60
$ 741.24
$ 47.18
Employee +
$ 1,613.30
$ 1,228.02
$ 192.64
Employee + Child(ren)
$ 1,747.07
$ 1,329.79
$ 208.64
Employee + Family
$ 2,282.45
$ 1,737.07
$ 272.69
July 1 through December
31, 2022
Monthly Premium
Monthly Red Cross
Employee Per Pay Period
Contribution (24 Annual)
Employee Only
$ 835.60
$ 735.58
$ 50.01
Employee +
$ 1,613.30
$ 1,204.96
$ 204.17
Employee + Child(ren)
$ 1,747.07
$ 1,304.71
$ 221.18
Employee + Family
$ 2,282.45
$ 1,704.31
$ 289.07
Part-Time Employees
January 1 through June
30, 2022
Monthly Premium
Monthly Red Cross
Employee Per Pay Period
Contribution (24 Annual)
Employee Only
$ 834.04
$ 624.30
$ 104.87
Employee +
$ 1,611.70
$ 749.24
$ 431.23
Employee + Child(ren)
$ 1,745.51
$ 770.73
$ 487.39
Employee + Family
$ 2,280.89
$ 856.67
$ 712.11
July 1 through December
31, 2022
Monthly Premium
Monthly Red Cross
Employee Per Pay Period
Contribution (24 Annual)
Employee Only
$ 834.04
$ 611.68
$ 111.18
Employee +
$ 1,611.70
$ 697.54
$ 457.08
Employee + Child(ren)
$ 1,745.51
$ 712.17
$ 516.67
Employee + Family
$ 2,280.89
$ 771.17
$ 754.86611.07
Effective January 1,2023
Full-Time Employees
Monthly Premium
Monthly Red Cross
Employee Per Pay Period
Contribution (24 Annual)
Employee Only
$ 885.07
$ 779.13
$ 52.97
Employee +
$ 1,708.75
$ 1,276.25
$ 216.25
Employee + Child(ren)
$ 1,850.48
$ 1,381.94
$ 234.27
Employee + Family
$ 2,417.55
$ 1,805.19
$ 306.18
Part-Time Employees
Monthly Premium
Monthly Red Cross
Employee Per Pay Period
Contribution (24 Annual)
Employee Only
$ 883.47
$ 647.88
$ 117.80
Employee +
$ 1,707.15
$ 738.85
$ 484.15
Employee + Child(ren)
$ 1,848.88
$ 754.35
$ 547.27
Employee + Family
$ 2,415.95
$ 816.83
$ 799.56
Effective January 1,2024
Full-Time Employees
Monthly Premium
Monthly Red Cross
Employee Per Pay Period
Contribution (24 Annual)
Employee Only
$ 938.17
$ 825.87
$ 56.15
Employee +
$ 1,811.28
$ 1352.83
$ 229.23
Employee + Child(ren)
$ 1,961.51
$ 1,464.85
$ 248.33
Employee + Family
$ 2,562. 61
$ 1,913.51
$ 324.55
Part-Time Employees
Monthly Premium
Monthly Red Cross
Employee Per Pay Period
Contribution (24 Annual)
Employee Only
$ 936.49
$ 686.77
$ 124.86
Employee +
$ 1,809.52
$ 783.15
$ 513.19
Employee + Child(ren)
$ 1,959.74
$ 799.58
$ 580.08
Employee + Family
$ 2,560.78
$ 865.80
$ 847.49
American Red Cross Paid Family Leave Policy
The American Red Cross recognizes that employees must balance work obligations with providing
care for their families. The intent of the Paid Family Leave Policy (PFL) is to provide eligible
employees with a dedicated paid leave to support them while meeting family obligations.
The policy provides employees with up to twelve (12) weeks of paid leave at 80% of regular base salary
or wage based on their weekly standard hours up to a maximum base equal to the IRS definition of a
Highly Compensated Employee at the time of the leave ($130,000 in 2021) to care for a close family
member with a serious health condition (Caregiver Leave”) and/or care for or bond with children within
the 12 months following the birth or placement (via adoption, surrogacy, or foster care) of a child in the
employees household (Parental Leave). Employees’ own medical conditions are not eligible for this
policy and are provided for by other applicable leave and disability benefit plans provided by the Red
The terms of this policy will be administered by the American Red Cross Absence Management Service
Center (the Leaves Administrator). The Service Center can be reached at 1-877-860-7526. Employees
will need to comply with any documentation and/or certification as requested by the Leaves Administrator.
To qualify for Paid Family Leave, you must be: (1) a regular full-time, or part-time employee who is
normally scheduled to work at least 20 hours per week and eligible to earn PTO at the time of the
qualifying event; (2) have worked for the Red Cross for at least one (1) year; and (3) have worked
1,040 hours or more (inclusive of paid time off and holiday pay) within the 12-month period
immediately preceding the date the leave would begin. This policy does not apply to employees who
are temporary, part-time scheduled fewer than 20 hours per week, AmeriCorps, or other non-benefits-
eligible employees. This policy also does not apply to employees covered by a collective bargaining
agreement (CBA”) unless the CBA specifically provides for their eligibility for this benefit.
Spouses and/or domestic partners who are both eligible employees may each take leave under this
policy for the same qualifying event; however, managerial approval may be required for employees
working in the same unit to be on leave at the same time.
Description of Benefit
Paid Family Leave may be taken for one or more of the following events consistent with how those
events are defined under the federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA”):
Caregiver Leave for the care, treatment, or diagnosis of a physical or mental illness or
condition of an employee's family member for whom the employee has caregiver
responsibility. A family member under this policy includes the employee’s spouse or
qualified domestic partner, child, parent, grandparent, grandchild, or sibling with a
serious health condition as defined by FMLA.
Parental Leave for an employee to bond with a child or children after the birth, adoption, or
foster care placement, within 12 months following that event. The adopted or foster child or
children must be under age 18. The adoption of a new spouse’s or domestic partners child or
children is excluded from this policy. Parental leave cannot be taken during short-term
disability following childbirth but can commence after approval by the disability insurer for
return to work.
An event occurring prior to the effective date of this policy (either October 1, 2021, or, if an employee is
covered by a Collective Bargaining Agreement, the effective date per the CBA) is not eligible for Paid
Family Leave.
Up to thirteen (13) weeks of leave including a one (1) week unpaid waiting period under this policy may
be taken within a rolling 12-month period. Employees can elect to use available PTO or Floating Holidays
to supplement pay during the waiting period and while receiving pay under this policy. The combination
of PTO, Floating Holiday, and Paid Family Leave hours cannot exceed an employee’s normally scheduled
weekly work hours. Unused leave under this policy does not carry-over to the following period. The usage
period and amount of leave provisions also apply when the leave is used for a combination of qualifying
events and when more than a single qualifying event occurs within the 12-month period. Additional leave
may be available through other benefit policies, such as Paid Time Off (PTO”) if more time than
provided under this policy is needed.
Caregiver Leave for the same family member can only be used once every 24 months following the
first day of the previous Paid Family Leave for that family member. This does not apply if the previous
Paid Family Leave taken for that family member was for Parental Leave.
Intermittent leave is not available under this policy and leave taken must be greater than a full week
including the waiting period, based on the employee’s regularly scheduled work week. A leave does not
have to start on the first day of a pay cycle of the employee’s standard work schedule. If less than one
week of leave in total is needed, PTO or other available leave must be used instead of Paid Family
Where leave under this policy also qualifies for job-protected leave under other federal or state leave
laws, such as FMLA, Paid Family Leave will run concurrently, and will be applied to any qualifying
FMLA or state leave to the extent consistent with applicable law. An employee must also file a request
for FMLA when applying for leave under this policy.
Leave taken under this policy that does not otherwise qualify for FMLA job protection will be treated
as if FMLA applies for job protection purposes. For example, under the Caregiver Leave component,
this policy covers care for family members that do not qualify under FMLA. Leave taken under this
policy for a non-qualified family member would be treated the same as FMLA for job protection
Requesting Leave
Eligible employees must (1) notify their supervisor following their department’s call-in policy or
guidelines and (2) contact the American Red Cross Absence Management Service Center (the “Leaves
Administrator) at 1-877-860-7526 at least 30 days in advance of the start of the leave. If leave is not
foreseeable, employees must provide as much notice as reasonably practicable under the circumstances.
Requests for leave under this policy must be made to the Leaves Administrator within 15 days of the
qualifying event, except for Parental Leave. Employees applying for leave under this policy are required
to submit the documentation requested by the Leaves Administrator to support the request. Where leave
under this policy also qualifies for FMLA leave or similar state paid leave programs, employees must
submit the required FMLA or state leave documentation, which may also suffice to support this policy’s
documentation requirement as determined by the Leaves Administrator. If the requested Paid Family
Leave is not approved by the Leaves Administrator prior to requested start date of the leave, an employee
can elect to use PTO while waiting for approval of the leave request beyond the one week waiting period.
If the Paid Family Leave is approved, the Leaves Administrator will reinstate 80% of PTO hours taken
beyond the waiting period with Paid Family Leave. If this results in an overpayment, the Red Cross will
recover the overpayment following its standard recovery procedures through Payroll. Failure to provide
documentation requested by the Leaves Administrator in support of the leave by the due date set by the
Administrator will result in the request being denied.
Benefits While on Leave
Eligibility for benefits continues during Paid Family Leave. Employees already enrolled may continue
health and other insurance coverages during Paid Family Leave subject to the terms, conditions, and
limitations of the applicable plans in which the employee may participate. Applicable employee and
employer contributions towards the cost of benefits will continue while on leave and will be deducted
from pay. If pay is not sufficient to cover the cost of benefits, the employee will be responsible for missed
deductions through catch up deductions in future payrolls.
Beginning Paid Family Leave is not a qualifying event to allow changes to an employee’s current
benefit enrollment or the opportunity to elect new benefits. However, an event coincident with paid
family leave such as but not limited to the birth of a child would be a qualifying life event allowing
changes to be made to benefit elections. The Benefit Plan policy would be the primary determiner of
changes allowed.
PTO will continue to accrue at the employee’s standard rate.
Standard holidays occurring during Paid Family Leave will be recorded as such and do not extend the
leave period or augment pay. Unused Floating Holidays that expire during the leave period (June 30 and
December 31) are forfeited per the Holidays policy in the Employee Handbook. Floating Holidays will
be granted biannually as scheduled in the Holidays policy.
Coordination with State Paid Family Leave Programs
Where an employee is also eligible for a state paid family leave benefit, benefits under this policy
will coordinate and run concurrently with the state plan to the extent consistent with applicable law.
The combined benefit received under the state and Red Cross programs will not exceed 100% of
an employee’s regular base salary or pay to the extent consistent with applicable law.
Return from Leave
Confirm your return-to-work date or any changes to the date with your Manager/Supervisor and the
American Red Cross Absence Management Service Center at 877-860-7526 prior to coming back to
If the circumstances of your leave change and you are able to return to work earlier than the date
indicated on your leave approval, you are required to notify the Absence Management Service
Center in advance. Notification should be provided within two workdays after the change if the
circumstance is known, and no later than two workdays prior to the date you intend to report to
If you don’t return to work and need to extend your leave, notify the Absence Management Service
Center and your department. If you do not notify your Manager /Supervisor of changes in your leave
needs and do not return to work as scheduled, additional absences may be applicable to the attendance
policy, which could result in discipline or termination. Additionally, failure to notify
your Manager/Supervisor of changes in your return may result in the termination of your
Your Manager/Supervisor must confirm your return to work with the American Red Cross Absence
Management Service Center upon return in order to reinstate access to American Red Cross systems.
Eligibility for leave ceases at the end of employment. Where an employee is on Paid Family Leave when
employment is terminated, leave under this policy does not continue beyond the end of employment.
Unused Paid Family Leave days are not subject to payout.
The Red Cross reserves the right to discipline employees who abuse this policy. Examples of abuse
include but are not limited to, falsifying documents submitted to support leave or being untruthful about
the reasons for requested leave.
The Red Cross reserves the right to modify this policy in whole or in part including cancellation at any
The Red Cross and the Coalition acknowledge that the National Addendum prohibits the California local
unions from bargaining daily overtime. The parties enter into this side letter so that the Red Cross and the
California local unions may negotiate over the California daily overtime legislation. The Red Cross and
the Coalition agree that if the outcome of the daily overtime negotiations in California conflicts with the
National Addendum, the California local agreement shall control regarding daily overtime.