BART Perks Phase II
Evaluation Report
San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit District
September 2019
Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................................. iv
Executive Summary .................................................................................................................................. 1
Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 8
Chapter 1: Experimental Design and Recruitment ................................................................................. 12
Chapter 2: System Design and Incentive approach ................................................................................ 16
Chapter 3: Response to Incentives ......................................................................................................... 23
Chapter 4: Participant Characteristics and Feedback ............................................................................. 34
Chapter 5: Cost Effectiveness and Cost to Scale .................................................................................... 41
Table ES. 1: Change in Share of Participant Trips During Incentivized Periods - Average Shift ............ 3
Table 1: Extra Reward Offers ................................................................................................................. 20
Table 2: Share of Users by Reward Value (Cumulative Over the Program)......................................... 23
Table 3: Share of Rewards by Reward Type .......................................................................................... 24
Table 4: Change in Share of Participant Trips During Incentivized Periods - Average Shift ................ 26
Table 5: Comparison of Behavior Change Between Prior Perks Participants and New Recruits ........ 29
Table 6: Which of the Following Offers to Earn Points Do You Remember Seeing? ........................... 30
Table 7: Extra Reward Offers (March 2019 June 2019) ..................................................................... 31
Table 8: Participant Response to Extra Reward Offers ........................................................................ 32
Table 9: Share of Transbay Trips and Commuters by Perks I and Perks II ........................................... 34
Table 10: Percentage of Participants by Barriers to Following Shift Commute Offers ....................... 39
Table 11: Barriers to Shifting Commute Time Earlier and Later........................................................... 40
Table 12: Potential Grant Funding Sources for BART Perks ................................................................. 43
Figure ES. 1: Shift Commute Offer Example ....................................................................................... 2
Figure ES. 2: Share of Participant Travel by Time of Day, Before and During the Perks Program, by
Type of Offer ............................................................................................................................................ 4
Figure 1: BART System Map Highlighting the Transbay Corridor ........................................................... 8
Figure 2: Recruitment Flyer (Front and Back) ....................................................................................... 14
Figure 3: Travel Behavior of Early and Delayed Offer Groups Prior to Program ................................. 15
Figure 3: Structure of Perks Software Systems ..................................................................................... 17
Figure 4: Shift Commute Offer Example (Page 1 and 2) ....................................................................... 19
Figure 5: App Redemption Page ............................................................................................................ 22
Figure 6: Share of Redeemed Value by Type of Card ........................................................................... 25
Figure 7: Share of Participant Travel by Time of Day, Before and During the Perks Program, by Type
of Offer ................................................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 8: Inbound A.M. Transbay Participant Trips Before and During BART Perks Phase I Program 28
Figure 9: Comparison of Demographic Characteristics of Perks Phase I & II participants and all BART
riders ....................................................................................................................................................... 35
Figure 10: Average Cumulative Points Earned Compared to Satisfaction with the Perks II Program 36
Funding for BART Perks Phase II was generously provided through the Federal Transit
Administration’s Pilot Program for Transit Oriented Development, which encourages economic and
ridership development in major transit corridors. The grant (CA-2016-066-00) funded two sub-
projects (BART Perks and the Downtown Oakland Specific Plan), both focused on BART’s Transbay
Corridor connecting downtown Oakland and San Francisco.
A team of dedicated consultants supported the Perks II project. Metropia developed the incentives
software platform, incentives algorithm, and crowding predictive model under the direction of Drs.
Yi-Chang Chiu and Ali Arian. The Behaviouralist, led by Dr. Rob Metcalfe, developed the experimental
design and program evaluation. TransSight, under the direction of Satinder Bhalla, led the front-end
software development and engineering.
Multiple staff from several BART departments led or supported components of the work. BART’s
Office of the Chief Information Officer, under Angie West, oversaw the software development and
systems integration. BART’s Marketing Department, under Aaron Weinstein, supported the
experimental design, project evaluation, user experience research, and user surveys. Ryan Greene-
Roesel in BART’s Strategic Planning Department managed the project under the guidance of Val
Menotti and Ellen Smith. BART’s Communications, Fare Collection Engineering, Operations Planning,
Legal, Customer Service, and Treasury Departments also made key contributions.
Several forthcoming academic papers are expected from the project, including:
Robert Hahn, Robert Metcalfe, Eddy Tam (2019). Estimating the Welfare Impacts for Public
Transit: New Experimental Evidence and Theory. Working Paper.
Ali Arian, Chih-Wei Hsieh, Yi-Chang Chiu, Ryan Greene-Roesel (2019). Developing A Crowding
Prediction Model using A Machine Learning Approach for a Fare Card-Based Transit System.
Working Paper.
Ali Arian, Raymond Huang, Yi-Chang Chiu, Ryan Greene-Roesel (2019). The Development and
Field Validation of a System Optimal Individualized Incentive Scheme for a Metro Transit
System. Working Paper.
Executive Summary
This report summarizes the results of BART Perks Phase II, a pilot program aimed at reducing train
crowding with incentives. One of very few international examples of projects to reduce crowding on
mass transit with incentives, Perks Phase II ran from December 2018 to June 2019, and built on the
lessons learned of a similar pilot (Perks Phase I) completed in 2017. A grant from the Federal Transit
Administration funded the project as part of a program of efforts to encourage ridership
development and more efficient capacity utilization in the BART Transbay Corridor that connects San
Francisco and Oakland via the underwater Transbay Tube.
Program Overview
Perks Phase II offered personalized incentives to a pilot group of 1,900 BART riders with the objective
of achieving a modest (approximately 5 percent) reduction in the share of travel made in congested
periods. Participants were recruited from prior Perks Phase I participants and on select station
platforms and were predominantly frequent commuters to downtown San Francisco stations. After
registering with their Clipper smart cards, participants accessed the program via BART’s website and
Official Mobile Application. Participants received limited time offers to earn points by changing their
typical departure time and cashed out their rewards by selecting from a variety of gift cards. To
support a robust program evaluation, half the participants randomly did not receive offers to shift
their commute in the first three months of the program, so their behavior could be compared to
those that did receive offers.
Incentive Offers
Participants received point offers of about $1 per trip on average for starting their journey at a
specific station (based on their most frequent entry and exit stations) and during a specific 20-minute
time window (customized for the individual rider) in the morning and/or evening commute period.
The incentivized time window was determined by algorithms, including a crowding predictive model,
that identified whether less-crowded options were available up to forty minutes before or after the
typical departure time. If a less crowded window was not identified within 40 minutes of the typical
departure time, no offer was shown, based on focus group findings that users do not like being asked
to make large shifts. Four types of offers were possible: morning-shift early, morning-shift late,
afternoon-shift early, and afternoon-shift late.
Only regular BART riders (defined as having made at least four one-way trips on BART per week on
average over the last four weeks) were eligible to receive this type of offer. Figure ES. 1 illustrates an
example shift commute offer within the BART app. Participants also received point offers designed to
encourage additional trip making on evenings and weekends, or to the airport.
Figure ES. 1: Shift Commute Offer Example
The Perks Phase II incentive approach improved upon Phase I by providing participants with
customized and dynamic, rather than static, incentive offers. Perks Phase II incentive offers were
unique to the participant and tailored to their travel history, including their station origin, average
departure time, and history of traveling during congested periods. Offers were updated monthly
based on changes in predicted congestion patterns. In comparison, Perks Phase I provided essentially
the same static incentive offering to all users regardless of whether they were already travelling at
the desired times, and without taking into account whether users would be shifted to less crowded
Table ES. 1,summarizes the program results in terms of the percentage increase in the share of
participant travel made during incentivized periods, for those who received offers to shift compared
to participants who did not receive offers to shift their commute. Participants with offers increased
the share of their travel during incentivized periods by between 6 and 20 percent, depending on the
type of offer. Looking just at trips in the Transbay corridor, the range was 8-18%.
Table ES. 1: Change in Share of Participant Trips During Incentivized Periods - Average Shift
Change in Share of Travel During Incentivized Periods
Type of Offer
All Participant Trips
Trips in the Transbay Market
Morning shift earlier
Morning shift later
Afternoon/evening shift earlier
Afternoon/evening shift later
Note: These percentages reflect the increase in the share of travel made during incentivized periods for those receiving
the incentive compared to those who did not, from mid-December 2018 to the end of March 2019. Differences significant
at the 95% confidence level.
Figure ES.2 looks at the results another way by comparing participant travel (fraction of system
entries by time period) during the program to the 3 months prior to the program, for participants
who received each of the four types of offers. The shift late offers demonstrate a more visually
noticeable effect in causing participants to enter the system later, compared to the shift-early offers.
Figure ES. 2: Share of Participant Travel by Time of Day, Before and During the Perks Program, by
Type of Offer
Note: The “before” period refers to the three months prior to the program and the “after” period refers to the first three
months of the program. The sample sizes for panels a, b, c, and d are 661, 642, 610, and 659 respectively. Participants
may have received more than one type of offer.
The travel shift results indicate a strong response to the incentives overall and in comparison, to
Perks Phase I, which showed about a 10% reduction in travel during the dis-incentivized peak hour.
Moreover, the definition of “shift” in Perks Phase II was more robust, because it entailed shifting
from a more to a less congested time window and making time shifts of 20 to 40 minutes, as opposed
to shifting from one time period to another by any number of minutes (even one). Some of the
strength of the response can be attributed to the participation of prior Perks Phase I users. These
individuals made up about a third of Perks II program enrollment and exhibited much stronger shift
results than the new recruits. Travel behavior shifts just among new recruits ranged from 5 to 16%.
In addition to receiving offers to shift their commute time, participants received offers of between
200-500 points ($1 - $2.50) per trip for making additional BART trips on selected evenings and
weekends and to the airport. Among eleven such offers evaluated, five resulted in statistically
significant and positive increases of between 13 to more than 100% in the incentivized type of trip.
Participant Characteristics and Feedback
More than half of participants (about a thousand) responded to a survey administered in mid-April
2019 to gauge their feedback about the program, barriers to shifting commute behavior, and their
demographic characteristics. The results indicated that most participants (about 70%) were satisfied
with the program, a similar share as Perks Phase I. Overall, satisfaction was strongly related to the
amount of rewards received. Top areas of feedback included requests for expanded ways to earn
points, better notification of new offers through in-app push notifications, and different types of
rewards (besides gift cards, and especially Clipper value) and a desire to be rewarded on an ongoing
basis for riding BART, rather than just receiving limited time offers. Regarding demographic
characteristics, the survey showed that the following groups were underrepresented compared to all
BART riders: those identifying as non-white and non-Asian, low-income households, non-English
language speakers and those without a smartphone. As expected based on the recruitment
approach, Perks participants more closely reflected the demographic makeup of BART ridership to
downtown San Francisco, which tends to be more affluent than BART’s overall ridership.
Cost Effectiveness and Cost to Scale
In Perks Phase II, the incentive cost per shifted trip varied over the course of the program but was
approximately $1 overall, a significant improvement over the incentive cost of $10 per shifted trip in
Perks Phase I.
The greater degree of efficiency was achieved primarily by rewarding only behavior
change (e.g. change from baseline travel behavior) rather than rewarding pre-existing behavior as
was done in Perks Phase I, and by expanding the eligible windows for time shift.
The study team undertook a simulation of the cost to scale the Perks program to achieve an
approximately 5 percent reduction in a measure of system crowding called the total crowding score
(TCS), which represents the aggregate amount of crowding (people per train car) occurring on BART,
with higher weight given to more severely crowded conditions. Achieving this reduction would
require a program enrollment of between 30,000 and 75,000 users (assuming a range of 10 to 20%
uptake of the incentive offers), and would cost about $1.9 million per year including $1.2 million
annually in incentives, plus an additional $650,000 to cover program staffing, customer service,
The percent change was calculated by comparing the share of participant trips that were of the incentivized type among
those who received the offer compared to those who did not. For example, if 3% of trips made by those who received a
given offer were of the incentivized type, and 1% of trips made by those who did not receive the offer were of the
incentivized type, then the total percent change in trip making attributable to the incentivize would be calculated as (3% -
1%) / 1%, or a 200% increase.
Note that this figure relates only to points earned for shift commute offers, and not to “extra reward” or survey offers.
marketing and research, and information technology support. This analysis assumes that all enrolled
users would behave similarly to the 1,900 users enrolled in the Perks pilot.
A full cost-benefit analysis was outside the scope of the study, but the following simple comparisons
suggest the program is likely to be cost effective if scaled up:
Train car comparison: A scaled up program that would reduce crowding (TCS) by 5% would
free up an equivalent of approximately 30 train cars for an annual program cost of
approximately $1.9 million. Purchasing an equivalent amount of train car capacity (about 30
cars) would cost approximately $6m annually (a new train car costs about $200,000 annually,
with a $5 million up-front purchase cost over a useful life of 25 years).
Backfilling comparison: Assuming each shifted trip frees up space for another fare paying
passenger during peak times, the $1 per shifted trip figure compares favorably with the
approximately $4 average fare paid by the typical commuter who might backfill the space.
Summary Findings and Recommendations
BART Perks Phase II was one of very few international examples involving the use of personalized
incentives to reduce crowding on mass transit. Perks II was unique in that incentive offers were
customized to the individual and based on predicted congestion levels, as determined by a crowding
predictive model. Perks II also featured a robust case-control evaluation approach that measured
changes in the travel behavior of participants receiving offers and compared them to similar
participants who did not receive offers at the same time. Recommendations are as follows:
Strong results justify continued exploration of incentive programs to manage congestion. Perks
Phase II re-affirmed the core finding of Perks Phase I that meaningful travel behavior changes can be
accomplished through incentive programs. The program also appears to be cost effective based on a
high-level analysis, suggesting that continued investment in incentive programs is worthwhile. Some
uncertainty remains regarding whether the strong results would translate to the much larger
population (35,000 70,000) of BART riders necessary to scale up the program. Some Perks
participants may have self-selected into the program based on an interest in incentives and
willingness to shift. Whether enough such individuals could be found for a scaled-up program is
The Perks platform can be leveraged to meet a range of agency goals in addition to reducing train
crowding. Once established, a program like Perks could support multiple agency goals beyond
managing train congestion. Promising future uses include:
Encouragement of additional weekend, evening, and airport travel: Perks II showed that
incentives to encourage more evening and weekend transit trips can result in statistically
significant increases in trip making. Future programs could further explore this potential.
Management of station crowding. Station crowding is a major concern at the downtown San
Francisco stations, and significantly increasing capacity would be very costly. Perks II did not
explore reduction of station crowding, but future programs could examine whether station
crowding can be reduced through incentives to shift to adjacent stations in addition to the
time of travel.
Improved customer communication. The travel data provided by Perks could be leveraged to
support more tailored and customized communications. For example, in the event of a major
station closure, BART could leverage Perks data to inform Perks customers who typically travel
to the affected station at that time.
Future programs should explore even more precise targeting of congested conditions. Incentive
offers in Perks Phase II were updated monthly based on average congestion predictions for the
upcoming month. The software system had the technical capability of updating offers daily, but the
study team judged that too much variation in the offers could be confusing, especially given that offer
updates were communicated over email rather than through push notification. Future programs
could explore whether riders will respond to offers that change based on real time congestion. This
could allow even more precise targeting of congested conditions and help ensure that when riders
make travel shifts that they enjoy a congestion reduction benefit. About 73% of Perks participants
said they frequently or sometimes experienced less crowding when entering the station at the
designated time; this figure could be increased if incentives were more closely matched to real-time
congestion patterns.
Even without incentives, BART can help improve conditions for riders by providing real-time updates
in expected crowding conditions. More than 90% of Perks participants said they would like BART to
provide predictions of train crowding.
Future programs should consider incorporation of app-based incentive and crowding notifications.
A top request from Perks user surveys was for in-app push notifications to alert riders of new
incentive offers (these were communicated only by email during the program). Future programs
should consider incorporation of such notifications to maximize rider awareness of incentive offerings
and crowding conditions, especially if offers are to be updated more frequently in response to real
time variations in congestion.
Future programs should examine and consider ways to ensure fair distribution of costs and benefits
among riders of different incomes. Two-thirds of BART trips start or end on Market Street in San
Francisco, the area where BART crowding is most severe. Perks participants reflected the
demographic make-up of BART’s ridership to these stations, which tends to be more affluent
compared to BART’s overall ridership for the entire system. While workers of all incomes could
benefit from congestion reduction, future programs will need to carefully consider and address any
issues related to the potential for focusing monetary rewards on high income populations.
Future programs should seek to include Clipper value as a reward offering. Most Perks participants
were satisfied with choosing from a variety of electronic gift cards for their rewards, but many
expressed a preference for receiving Clipper smart card value instead of cash rewards or gift cards.
Future programs should seek to offer Clipper value as a reward. This will be more possible once the
next generation regional Clipper technology is available.
A dedicated source of ongoing funding is necessary to scale the program. Scaling the Perks program
to provide a system-wide crowding reduction is expected to cost about $1.9 million annually. Grant
funding or merchant partnerships could defray some of these costs, but would not remove the need
for a stable, ongoing source of funding. BART’s operating budget is very constrained, with many
potential uses for existing and new revenue sources, so new sources of funding would need to be
The report presents the results of BART Perks Phase II, a pilot program that tested the effectiveness
of using incentives to reduce crowding on BART. It ran from mid-December 2018 to June 2019, and
was preceded by a similar pilot (Perks Phase I, Sept 2016 - March 2017). The report summarizes
program results, compares them to the results of the Phase I pilot, and provides recommendations
for future programs.
Between 2004 and 2016, ridership on the San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) system
increased by about 40% overall and 75% in the Transbay corridor connecting San Francisco and
Oakland via the underwater Transbay Tube (Figure 1), due primarily to strong employment growth in
downtown San Francisco. Beginning in 2017, ridership began to decline in the evenings and
weekends, but heavy congestion during commute periods remains the norm.
Figure 1: BART System Map Highlighting the Transbay Corridor
BART is working to alleviate train congestion by expanding its fleet of rail cars, which will allow longer
trains with more standing room, and through implementation of the $3.5 billion Transbay Corridor
Core Capacity Project, which will increase peak hour train frequency in the Transbay tube by about
45% by 2028. The Transbay Corridor Core Capacity Program is currently in the Engineering phase of
the Federal Transit Administration's (FTA) Capital Investments Grants (CIG) Program.
Participants in the CIG program are eligible to compete for FTA Pilot Program for Transit Oriented
Development Planning Grant funds, intended to encourage economic development and ridership in
corridors slated for major transit investments. BART received a $1.1 million TOD Planning Grant
Development grant in 2016 for developing ridership in the Transbay corridor.
The grant funded two sub-projects: The first involved encouraging commercial development in
downtown Oakland through creation of the Downtown Oakland Specific Plan, to maximize corridor
throughput by leveraging existing reverse commute capacity. This report focuses on the second sub-
project funded by the grant (Perks Phase II), which aimed to reduce congestion and maximize
throughput in the peak direction along the corridor by incentivizing riders to shift their travel to less
crowded times.
BART Perks is one of only a few international examples of projects using incentives (tied to smart card
data) to reduce crowding. One prominent example is the Singapore Land Transportation Authority’s
Travel Smart Rewards program), which awarded points for riding during shoulder-peak times, and
also provided discounted off-peak rides and employer financial incentives to support schedule
An early evaluation found a 7.5% reduction in the average share of trips made during the
peak periods during the program compared to beforehand among participants; most of this shift
seems to have been to the few minutes just before the peak hour.
BART Perks Phase I, which was
modeled closely on the Singapore program and used the same underlying software platform,
produced a similar result of about 10% reduction in the share of peak hour travel.
Singapore Land Transportation Authority. Travel Smart.
transport/mrt-and-lrt-trains/travel-smart.html. Accessed July 18, 2017.
Pluntke, C., and B. Prabhakar. INSINC: A Platform for Managing Peak Demand in Public Transit. JOURNEYS,
Land Transport Authority Academy of Singapore, 2013, pp. 3139.;balaji/papers/13INSINC
San Francisco County Transportation Authority and the Bay Area Rapid Transit District, 2018. Evaluation Findings from
the BART Perks Test Program.
%20Eval%20Report.pdf. Accessed July 25, 2019.
BART Perks Phase II
Program Overview
BART Perks Phase II offered incentives to a pilot group of 1,900 BART riders with the objective of
achieving a modest (approximately 5 percent) reduction in the share of travel made in congested
periods. A secondary objective was to encourage travel during times when BART has low ridership or
excess capacity (evenings, weekends, and airport trains). After registering with their Clipper smart
cards, participants could access the program via BART’s website and BART Official Mobile Application.
The program provided limited time incentive offers tailored to the participant and allowed
participants to cash out their rewards by selecting from a variety of gift cards. The main program
objective was to test the effectiveness of using incentives to reduce crowding on BART.
Key Differences from Phase I
BART Perks Phase I was implemented in September 2016 with a grant from the Federal Highway
Administration’s Value Pricing Program. The firm (Urban Engines) that offered the underlying
software behind Perks Phase I decided to discontinue their product. To implement Perks Phase II,
BART worked with a new firm (Metropia, Inc.) to modify their incentives platform, which had been
developed for application to roadway travel, to suit a transit environment and to benefit from the
lessons learned of Perks Phase I.
In comparison to Perks Phase I, BART Perks Phase II:
Enrolled 1,900 people compared to 18,000, to allow small-scale testing of the new platform,
which had never been tried in a transit context, unlike Perks Phase I which had been
successfully deployed at scale in Singapore.
Enrolled by invitation only. The Perks Phase II recruitment was carefully controlled to ensure
sufficient participation by the target market (peak hour commuters) within the small sample
of enrollees.
Deployed through a mobile app: Phase II was deployed through the website and
the BART Official Mobile application. Perks Phase I used a separate, custom-built website
and required separate login credentials.
Featured customized and dynamic incentive offerings. Perks Phase I offered essentially the
same incentives to all participants for the duration of the pilot program
, whereas Perks
Phase II incentives were customized to the individual participant, and incentive offers were
updated at least monthly based on changes in congestion levels and other factors.
Provided limited-time offers rather than ongoing rewards. All Perks Phase II offers were
structured as limited-time offers targeted at specific individuals, compared to Perks Phase I
which provided all participants with a minimum of one point for every mile travelled on
BART. Perks Phase II participants did not receive any base rewards for general BART travel.
The full Perks Phase I Evaluation Report is available at
An exception were the “Bonus Boxes” offered during Perks Phase I, some of which were offered only to BART Riders
travelling in the crowded Transbay market. See the Perks Phase I evaluation report for details.
Tested occasional promotional offers for weekend and evening travel, whereas Perks
Phase I was focused exclusively on reducing peak period travel.
Paid incentives out through gift cards, whereas Perks Phase I participants were paid
exclusively by PayPal. Limitations with the current Clipper card contract prevented use of
Clipper as the payment mechanism for both pilots.
Included a case-control approach. Half of the participants in Perks Phase II did not receive
offers to shift their commute during the first three months of the program, allowing
comparison with those who did receive offers, and providing a robust basis for analyzing the
program effectiveness (all participants received offers for evening, weekend, and airport
travel throughout the program). Because Perks Phase I did not include a case control, the
results of the program could not be assessed with the same degree of confidence.
Remainder of this Report
The remainder of this report is organized as follows:
Chapter 1: Experimental Design and Recruitment
Chapter 2: Software System and Incentive Approach
Chapter 3: Response to Incentives
Chapter 4: Participant Characteristics and Feedback
Chapter 5: Cost Effectiveness and Cost to Scale
Chapter 1: Experimental Design and Recruitment
Experimental Design
Perks II was designed to ensure that any participant travel shifts detected could be attributable to the
incentives program and not to exogenous factors. To achieve this, program participants were
randomly assigned into two groups upon enrollment: the first group received offers to shift at the
beginning of the program, and the second group began receiving offers to shift after the first three
months. Throughout the program, both groups received additional, ongoing offers to earn extra
rewards by answering survey questions or for using BART during selected evenings or weekends, or
to the airport.
This approach is more robust than Perks Phase I, which did not feature a control. Instead, behavior
change was evaluated by comparing travel patterns before, during, and after the program, and to all
BART riders. While the evidence from Perks I strongly suggested that the behavior shifts identified
during the program were attributable to the incentives, the influence of exogenous factors could not
be ruled out.
The program experimental design was also setup to test whether distribution of a $5 sign-up bonus
affected enrollment and engagement, and whether prior participation in Perks Phase I made a
difference in the degree of travel behavior shift shown. These objectives were achieved by randomly
providing half of participants with the $5 sign-up bonus, and by recruiting Perks Phase I participants
in addition to new participants for the experiment.
Recruitment approach
The Perks recruitment aimed to achieve the following:
Enroll regular BART commuters who typically travel to downtown San Francisco during
congested times.
Enroll about 2,000 participants, to ensure differences in behavior among participants with
offers to shift and participants without could be detected with statistical significance.
Randomly recruit about half of participants into the early and delayed offer groups.
Randomly assign about half of participants to receive a $5 sign up incentive.
Include some Perks Phase I participants in the recruitment, so their behavior could be
compared to those who had not participated in the first Perks.
Participants were recruited from two sources:
Email recruitment from Perks Phase I participants: A subset of those who participated in Perks
Phase I opted in to receiving notifications from BART about future incentive programs. The
study team analyzed the travel histories of these individuals (as recorded during Perks Phase I)
and identified those who made at least 50 percent of their BART trips from downtown
Embarcadero, Montgomery, or Civic Center stations.
An email invitation to join the Perks
Phase II program was sent to a random subset of qualifying individuals.
Distributing flyers at downtown San Francisco stations: Twelve people distributed flyers
advertising the program at the Embarcadero, Montgomery and Civic Center stations in
downtown San Francisco from 8:00 9:30 AM on December 13th, 2018, to coincide with peak
commute periods.
Those invited to participate in the program (either via email or flyer) were provided with a unique
sign-up code. The codes were evenly distributed into four groups:
$5 sign-up incentive, immediate offers to shift
No sign-up incentive, immediate offers to shift
$5 sign-up incentive, delayed offers to shift
No sign-up incentive, delayed offers to shift
The codes in these four groupings were distributed randomly when handing out flyers and sending
emails. Figure 2 presents the flyer.
Downtown San Francisco BART stations were the focus for recruitment because these stations have the highest
commuter ridership and trains servicing them experience the highest levels of congestion in the BART system. One of the
downtown stations (Powell Street) was not included in the recruitment because it also serves a large number of trips for
non-commuter purposes such as shopping, recreation, and tourism.
Figure 2: Recruitment Flyer (Front and Back)
Recruitment results
As occurred with Perks Phase I, enrollment targets were achieved rapidly with minimal outreach.
Approximately 1,900 individuals were recruited within a few days of the date of the flyering event,
and the study team decided to close the enrollment at that point. Ultimately, 63% of participants
were recruited through flyering and 36% through email, and 29% of those invited to participate in the
program signed up. The uptake rate was essentially the same among those who received an email
invitation (28%) versus a flyer (30%) and among those who received a $5 sign up incentive (28%)
versus no incentive (31%). In other words, neither the sign-up incentive nor the method of outreach
had a discernable effect on the likelihood of enrollment. The recruitment also resulted in a nearly
even split in enrollment within the early and delayed offer groups. Prior to the program start, these
groups had nearly identical travel behavior (Figure 3), indicating that any changes in behavior during
the program can be attributed to the incentives.
Figure 3: Travel Behavior of Early and Delayed Offer Groups Prior to Program
Note: Compares the percentage of system entries occurring in each time period in the three months prior to the
program, between those who received an early offer to shift and those who did not receive offers to shift until later in the
Chapter 2: System Design and Incentive approach
System Software Design
The Perks Phase II software system consisted of front-end systems developed by BART with
consultant support (including the website and BART official mobile applications) that
communicated with several software modules provided by a vendor (Metropia) and BART databases.
These systems are described below and diagrammed in Figure 4.
Modules provided by BART included the following:
BART Perks web page and BART official mobile application: These are the front-end systems
that interacted with the user.
Fare gate entry and exit database: After users opted-in to the program, data from BART’s fare
gate entry and exit database was provided to the Metropia account management module for
the purpose of calculating incentive offers and awarding points.
Single Sign-On (SSO): This module is BART’s credentialing system, which stored participants
usernames and passwords, to authenticate users when they login to the Perks system.
Passenger flow model: BART’s Passenger Flow Model (PFM) calculated historic train loads
based on train schedules and system entries and exits. This information was passed to
Metropia’s crowding prediction model, which dynamically updated its crowding predictions
based on historic trends.
Modules provided by Metropia included the following:
Perks2 Application: This module consolidated all the data needed for the Perks web page and
mobile application, as well as a gift card redemption engine and administrator dashboard
interface provided by third party vendors.
User database: This included a directory of users and their trip records obtained from BART’s
Clipper data. This information was used to create personalized incentives and communicate
with participants.
Crowding Prediction Module: This module consisted of an algorithm that predicted train
crowding levels on a pre-defined frequency, to inform the calculation of incentives.
Incentive calculation engine: This module integrated predicted crowding levels with riders’
behavior and trip data and calculated personalized incentive offers.
Figure 4: Structure of Perks Software Systems
The Perks II system design improved upon Perks Phase I in several ways. Perks II:
Used BART’s credentialing system. Perks Phase I required users to generate a new username
and password to access Perks, whereas Phase II used a standard BART user name and
password that can be used for other BART purposes beyond Perks.
Offered a package of features rather than a single-purpose website. Phase I was offered
through a stand-alone, single purpose website. Perks Phase II was offered through the BART
official mobile application, which also includes real-time train departures, trip planning and
station information, thereby providing customers with multiple reasons to download and
engage with the app.
Provided flexibility for vendor substitution if needed. Perks Phase I was licensed from a third-
party vendor, and when the vendor stopped offering the service, an entirely new software
system was needed. Perks II was setup so that BART owns the front-end interfaces (website
and mobile app), which communicate with vendor databases via application programming
interfaces. If a change in vendor had been necessary, BART had the flexibility to maintain the
same front-end user experience with back end databases provided by a new vendor.
The most significant improvement of Perks II over Perks I was the inclusion of customized and
dynamic incentive offers based on the user’s travel history and predictions of expected crowding on
BART based on a crowding prediction model developed as part of the project. Perks Phase I provided
the same static incentive scheme to all users, and for simplification purposes, assumed that
congestion patterns do not vary spatially and do not change over time.
Incentives and User Interface
Perks participants could receive three types of offers:
Shift commute offers: These provided users with points for entering BART up to forty minutes
before or after their typical entry time, to reduce travel during congested times.
Extra reward offers: These offers provided users with points for making evening, weekend,
and airport BART trips at specific times and for specific stations.
Survey offers: Users received points for answering a single survey question offered through
the mobile app. These were primarily designed to encourage engagement with the app. Users
also received points for completing a longer survey administered in April via Qualtrics.
Offers were communicated to users following their enrollment in the program by email, and users
could view their offers by logging into the Perks section of the BART website or mobile application.
Unlike a traditional rewards program, and in contrast to Perks Phase I, these offers were provided for
a limited time only, and users did not receive points for every trip taken on BART. Offer types are
discussed in more detail below.
Shift commute time offers
Shift commute offers provided users with points (ranging from 50 to 200 per trip) for entering their
most frequently-visited station at a specific 20-minute time window during the morning and/or
evening commute period. The time window shown was up to 40 minutes before or after their typical
entry time and optimized so that if the individual entered the station at the incentivized time, net
crowding on BART would be reduced. Users could receive up to four commute-related point offers
(shift early AM, shift late AM, shift early PM, shift late PM). Only regular BART riders (defined as
having made at least four one-way trips on BART per week on average over the last four weeks) were
eligible to receive this type of offer. The offer particulars (amount, timing, and station) were
determined by an algorithm that drew upon the participants travel history and the crowding
predictive model. Figure 5 illustrates an example shift commute offer.
Figure 5: Shift Commute Offer Example (Page 1 and 2)
To identify the right incentive time windows, the Perks algorithm identified the user’s typical
departure time and then calculated the predicted crowding reduction benefit of shifting this user to
one of the adjacent time periods. If no benefit would occur from shifting the user, then no offer
would be shown. Similarly, no offer was shown if achieving crowding reduction would require the
user to make larger shifts (beyond up to 40 minutes from their average departure time). This was
based on feedback from user focus groups that individuals did not wish to make large shifts in their
commute and perceived the program negatively if they thought that large shifts would be required.
The algorithm assumed that everyone who receives a point offer shifts to the incentivized window
and calculated the optimal number of people to shift to avoid over-congesting the incentivized
Extra Reward Offers
All Perks participants received point offers designed to encourage additional trip making on evenings
and weekends, or to the airport. Table 1 lists the offers provided during the program. Participants
were equally and randomly divided into two groups (A and B) for the purpose of evaluating the
effectiveness of these offers. Each group A and B was comprised of half of the early offer and half of
the delayed offer group described in the prior section. In the first two and a half months of the
program, Groups A and B received the same extra reward offers. Beginning in March, 2019, different
offers were provided to each group at different times so their effectiveness could be evaluated.
Offers ranged between 200 to 500 points ($1 2.50) per qualifying trip. Participants could make no
more than 3 reward trips in a given day.
Table 1: Extra Reward Offers
Group A
Group B
Mid-Dec 2018
Take BART to the airport
Take BART to the airport
January 2019
Take BART to the airport
Take BART to the airport
February 2019
Enjoy the Bay Lights Exit Embarcadero
Station on weeknights after 7 PM
Enjoy the Bay Lights Exit Embarcadero
Station on weeknights after 7 PM
Ride BART with your sweetheart on
Valentine’s weekend
Ride BART with your sweetheart on
Valentine’s weekend
March 2019
Enjoy the Macy’s Flower Show - Exit
Powell Street Station March 30
Cheer the St Patrick’s Day Parade – Ride
BART on March 16
Oakland Art Murmur Exit 12
or 19
Street Oakland Stations on Friday March
April 2019
Ride BART to the A’s - Exit Coliseum
Station April 20
or 21
Enjoy the Macy’s Flower Show - Exit Powell
Street Station April 6
& 7
Explore the Bay! Ride BART on Saturdays
in April
Spring getaway ride BART to the airport
May 2019
Spring getaway ride BART to the
Explore the Bay! Ride BART on Saturdays in
Oakland Art Murmur Exit 12
or 19
Street Oakland Stations on Friday March
Ride BART to the A’s - Exit Coliseum Station
May 4
, 5
, 25
Group A
Group B
June 2019
Explore the Bay! Ride BART on Saturdays
in June
Spring getaway ride BART to the airport
Point redemption
Users viewed their point history and redeemed points by logging into the Perks section of the BART
website or mobile application. Upon redemption, the user instantly received a gift-card code via
email. Users selected from among ten gift cards including pre-paid Visa, Amazon, Target, iTunes,
eBay, Starbucks, Walmart, Best Buy, Sephora, or the Tango gift card (redeemable at more than 60
additional retailers such as Google Play, Nordstrom, Pottery Barn, REI, Barnes and Noble, and CVS,
and with more than fifteen charities). Gift card options were selected based on the top-ten most
searched for gift cards nationally according to, with some modifications to prioritize
gift cards that provide the most flexibility and were readily available through an off-the-shelf provider
of national gift card choices. The team did not pursue gift card options with local merchants for the
pilot period, but such options could be pursued for future deployments. Figure 6 shows the point
redemption page.
Figure 6: App Redemption Page
Chapter 3: Response to Incentives
This chapter describes the user response to incentives, including the number of points accumulated,
gift cards redeemed, and travel shifts made in response to point offers.
Point Accrual and Redemption Patterns
Perks users accumulated about $23,000 in point value over the course of the program, or
approximately $12 per participant over a six-and-a-half-month period ($1.80/participant/month on
average). Looking just at rewards associated with commute offers, this figure drops to about $7 per
participant total. Table 2 shows the distribution of points by user and Table 3 shows the share of
rewards by type.
Table 2: Share of Users by Reward Value (Cumulative Over the Program)
Dollar Value of Points Accumulated
Share of Participants
Greater than $50
$30 - $49
$10 - $29
Less than $5*
*Point values of less than $5 were not redeemable, so effectively these individuals did not receive any rewards.
Table 3: Share of Rewards by Reward Type
Type of Offers
Point Value per Offer
Share of Total Rewards
Shift commute
50 200 points ($0.25 - $1.00)
Extra offers
200 - 500 points ($1.00 - $2.50)
Survey question
5 points ($0.03)
Sign up incentive
1,000 points ($5.00)
Note: Figures do not total to 100% due to rounding.
As of a month following the end of the program, $13,400 of the total $23,000 of rewards had been
redeemed. This represents about 80% of the value that was eligible to redeem (after subtracting out
points less than 1,000, the minimum threshold for redemption). Among those who redeemed
rewards, Amazon was the most popular gift card choice by far. Figure 7 shows the percentage of
program rewards by type of reward.
Figure 7: Share of Redeemed Value by Type of Card
Response to Shift Commute Incentives
This section summarizes the participant response to receiving offers to shift their commute time.
Participant’s response to these offers was evaluated by comparing their travel times to the travel
times of participants who did not receive offers to shift their commute during the same month, and
by comparing participant travel behavior before and during the program. The evaluation results
reflect the first half of the program (mid December 2018 through end of March 2019). For the
remainder of the program (April to June 2019), offers to shift were provided to most participants,
making the program results from that period more difficult to ascertain.
Overall Shift Results
Participants increased the share of their travel during incentivized periods by between 6 and 20%,
depending on the type of offer (Table 4). Looking just at trips in the Transbay corridor, the range was
8-18%. These percentages reflect the increase in the share of travel made during incentivized periods
for those receiving the incentive compared to those who did not. These results are substantially
higher than the shift figures calculated for Perks Phase I, which showed about a
10% reduction in travel during the dis-incentivized peak hour.
Amazon Gift Card
Prepaid Visa Card
Starbucks Gift Card
Target Gift Card
Sephora Gift Card
iTunes Gift Card
eBay Gift Card
Walmart Gift Card
BestBuy Gift Card
Table 4: Change in Share of Participant Trips During Incentivized Periods - Average Shift
Change in Share of Travel During Incentivized Periods
Type of Offer
All Participant Trips
Trips in the Transbay Market
Morning shift earlier
Morning shift later
Afternoon/evening shift earlier
Afternoon/evening shift later
Note: These percentages reflect the increase in the share of travel made during incentivized periods for those receiving
the incentive compared to those who did not, from mid-December 2018 to the end of March, 2019. These results are
statistically significant at the 95% confidence level.
Figure 8 looks at the results another way, by comparing participant travel (fraction of system entries
by time period) during the program to the 3 months prior to the program, for participants who
received each of the four types of offers. The shift late offers demonstrate a more visually noticeable
effect in causing participants to enter the system later, compared to the shift-early offers.
Figure 8: Share of Participant Travel by Time of Day, Before and During the Perks Program, by Type
of Offer
Note: The “before” period refers to the three months prior to the program and the “after” period refers to the first three
months of the program. The sample sizes for panels a, b, c, and d are 661, 642, 610, and 659 respectively. Participants
may have received more than one type of offer.
The travel shift results indicate a strong response to the incentives overall and in comparison, to
Perks Phase I, which showed about a 10%reduction in travel during the dis-incentivized peak hour.
Moreover, the definition of “shift” in Perks Phase II was more robust. In Perks Phase II, “shift”
entailed moving from a more congested to a less congested time window, as determined by a
crowding predictive model and associated algorithm, and shifts were made of between 20 and
40 minutes away from the individuals prior average departure time. The algorithm also checked to
ensure that moving an additional trip to the adjacent window would not just transfer congestion
from one time period to another. In Perks Phase I by contrast, “shift” was defined as moving a trip
from the 7:30 8:30 time window to any other period in the morning, regardless of the difference in
departure time (e.g. traveling at 7:29 A.M. would be considered a shift), or whether the adjacent time
window and train were congested or not. This difference can be seen when comparing before and
after plots of Perks Phase I and II. Phase I (Figure 9) shows a spike in travel just before and after the
7:30 8:30 time window, whereas Phase II (Figure 8) shows a smoother shifting of travel in the
desired direction.
Figure 9: Inbound A.M. Transbay Participant Trips Before and During BART Perks Phase I Program
Comparison of Prior Perks Participants to New Participants
About one third of Perks Phase II participants were recruited from a list of Perks Phase I participants
who had previously opted-in to receive updates from BART about future incentives programs. Their
choice to opt-in to future communications suggests a high level of interest in incentive programs,
potentially translating into a higher propensity to make travel shifts. To investigate this, the travel
behavior of prior Perks participants was compared with new recruits. Table 5 presents the results and
shows that prior Perks participants were indeed significantly more likely to make travel behavior
shifts, especially in the morning. These findings suggest that the behavior change results among prior
Perks participants are higher than what would be expected for typical participants should the
program be scaled up.
Table 5: Comparison of Behavior Change Between Prior Perks Participants and New Recruits
Change in Share of Travel During Incentivized Periods
Type of Offer
Prior Perks Phase I
Non-Perks Phase I Participants
Morning shift earlier
Morning shift later
Afternoon/evening shift earlier
Afternoon/evening shift later
Note: Differences significant at the 95% confidence level.
Evaluation of Morning-Only Offers
During the month of April, a program variation was tested in which participants only received offers
to shift their commute during the morning. This was done to establish whether encouraging people
to change their AM commute time also changes their PM commute time. No clear evidence was
found to suggest that people who commuted earlier or later in the AM time as a result of the offers
change their PM commute time.
Response to Evening, Weekend, and Airport Incentives
In addition to receiving offers to shift their commute time, participants also received offers
encouraging them to make additional BART trips on selected evenings and weekends and to the
airport (referred to as “Extra Rewards” offers). These Extra Reward offers were not advertised by
email to participants, to avoid distracting from the commute shift offers, which were the main focus
of the program. Participants could discover the extra offers by logging into the Perks program
interface and scrolling down to see additional offers listed below any offers they received to shift
their commute time. Table 6 lists a subset of the offers (those that had been provided to all
participants as of mid-April 2019 when the participant survey was fielded) and shows that with the
exception of the “Take BART to the Airport” offer (which ran for almost two months, longer than
other offers), only 18-21% of participants noticed the offers they were given
Table 6: Which of the Following Offers to Earn Points Do You Remember Seeing?
Offer Name
% Reporting they saw the offer
Enjoy the Bay Lights! Exit Embarcadero after 7 pm
Ride BART with your Sweetheart: Ride BART Feb 16 and 17
Take BART to the airport: Exit from SFO or OAK
Enjoy the Macy's Flower Show: Exit at Powell St. Station
Enjoy the Bay Lights! Exit Embarcadero after 7 pm
Note: N = 1017. Survey was distributed in April 2019, so offers made in May and June were not included. List
only includes offers shown to both A and B groups.
As described in the prior chapter, the same Extra Rewards offers were initially provided to all
participants. The effectiveness of these early offers is not evaluated in this report, because of lack of
comparison group. Beginning March 2019, participants were randomly assigned to an A and B group
(different from the groups used to evaluate the commute offers), and each group received different
offers at different times for the remaining months of the program, so their effectiveness could be
evaluated. Table 7 lists the offers and their value.
Table 7: Extra Reward Offers (March 2019 June 2019)
Offer Title
Point Value
Offer Rules
Oakland Art Murmur
(Encourage evening travel)
Exit 12
or 19
Street Oakland Stations on Friday
March 1st, 5-9 PM
Exit 12
or 19
Street Oakland Stations on Friday
May 3
, 5-9 PM
Cheer the St Patrick’s Day
Parade (encourage weekend
Ride BART on March 16
Enjoy the Macy’s Flower Show
(encourage weekend travel)
Exit Powell Street Station March 30
or 31
Exit Powell Street Station April 6
or 7
Explore the Bay! (encourage
weekend travel)
Ride BART on Saturdays in April
Ride BART on Saturdays in May
Ride BART to the A’s
(encourage weekend travel)
Exit Coliseum Station April 20
or 21
Exit Coliseum Station May 4
, 5
, 25
Spring getaway (encourage
airport travel)
Exit SFO or OAK in April
Exit SFO or Oak in May
Five of the offers listed above resulted in a positive and statistically significant effect on travel
behavior. Table 8 shows those five offers and their result. Effects ranged from a 13 to 169%
difference between the share of trips made in the incentivized period between the test and
comparison groups. These results indicate that incentives hold promise for encouraging additional
evening and weekend travel.
Note however, that the absolute change in trip-making associated with most of these offers was
quite small. For the “Ride BART to the A’s” incentive example, less than half a percent of the
treatment group, or 4 people, made the requisite trip (exit Coliseum station on April 20
or 21
). This
is in part because most offers were narrowly defined (exit a specific station on a specific day), and
because, as described above, most participants did not notice the offers they were given. To fully
understand the potential of programs such as Perks to encourage evening and weekend travel,
further testing would be necessary, as would better promotion of the offers to ensure they are
Table 8: Participant Response to Extra Reward Offers
Offer Title
Offer Rules
Share of Trips
No offer
Share of trips-
with offer
Increase attributable
to offer
Oakland Art Murmur
(Encourage evening
Exit 12
or 19
Street Oakland
Stations on Friday
May 3
, 5-9 PM
Cheer the St Patrick’s
Day Parade
(encourage weekend
Ride BART on
March 16
Enjoy the Macy’s
Flower Show
(encourage weekend
Exit Powell Street
Station March 30
or 31
Enjoy the Macy’s
Flower Show
(encourage weekend
Exit Powell Street
Station April 6
Ride BART to the A’s
(encourage weekend
Exit Coliseum
Station April 20
Note: All differences are significant at the 95% confidence level.
Response to $5 Sign-Up Incentive
As noted previously, half of participants were recruited with a $5 sign up bonus to test whether it
would encourage higher rates of enrollment and/or higher propensity to shift. The latter question
stemmed from a Perks Phase I finding that those who received higher rewards early in the program
showed greater propensity to shift throughout the pilot.
The $5 bonus did not affect rates of program enrollment. In fact, the share of those who chose to
enroll was slightly higher among those who received no bonus. The bonus did appear to impact travel
behavior during the program, but not in the manner expected based on Perks Phase I results. Those
who received the early offers to shift their commute, and who received the $5 bonus earned 88
points less on average than those who didn’t, indicating that the bonus may have slightly decreased
their likelihood of following the offers they were given. Conversely, those who received the delayed
offers to shift and received the $5 bonus earned 129 points more on average than those who did not
get the bonus. These results suggest that the $5 bonus was helpful only in that it stimulated some
program engagement among those who did not get other forms of rewards early in the program.
Chapter 4: Participant Characteristics and
This chapter describes participant characteristics, based on analysis of their travel trends and the
results of a participant survey distributed in April 2019 (mid-way through the program), including
participant demographic characteristics, feedback about the program, and ability to shift their
schedules. More than half of participants (about a thousand) responded to the survey.
Travel Characteristics
Both the Perks Phase I and II recruitments focused on enrolling commuters in the Transbay Corridor
by targeting outreach efforts in the downtown San Francisco Station, but the recruitment strategies
had several key differences. The Perks Phase I recruitment took place over several days, anyone could
register, and the program was publicized by a press release that was picked up by more than 20 local
news outlets. The Perks Phase II recruitment was done via distributing flyers for a single hour on a
single day as well as through email, was not advertised, and an individualized coupon code was
required to participate. In spite of these differences, the recruitments enrolled similar types of
Table 9 below compares the percentage of participants who were regular commuters and travelled
regularly in the Transbay market and shows that these characteristics were very similar across the
two pilots, with a slightly higher concentration of Transbay riders in Perks Phase II.
Table 9: Share of Transbay Trips and Commuters by Perks I and Perks II
Perks I
Perks II
Share of Transbay trips
Share of commuters
Note: Share of Transbay trips are share among all trips. Share of commuters is number of users who had at least 8 trips
per week for a median week. Perks Phase II characteristics reflect patterns up through March 2019.
Demographic Characteristics
Perks Phase I Participants were asked to report their demographic and personal characteristics
including their ethnicity, household income, whether they speak a language other than English at
home, and whether they have access to a smartphone. Figure 10 compares their responses to those
of Perks Phase I participants, all BART riders, and BART weekday riders to downtown San Francisco
stations. It illustrates that Perks Phase I and II participants had similar characteristics, and in both
pilots, non-whites and non-Asians, low-income households, non-English language speakers and those
without a smartphone were under-represented compared to all BART riders, and to a lesser extent,
compared to BART downtown commuters. As expected based on the fact that recruitment took
place in downtown San Francisco during peak times, Perks participant characteristics match more
closely with BART commuters to San Francisco than they do with BART riders as a whole.
Figure 10: Comparison of Demographic Characteristics of Perks Phase I & II participants and all
BART riders
Perks Phase II Survey (n=1,007) administered April 2019.
Perks Phase I Survey (n=10,351) reflects the combined results of two similar surveys administered fall 2017 and spring
BART Riders Downtown Commuters (n=1693) reflects the weighted results of the BART Customer Satisfaction Survey,
administered fall 2018, but limited to respondents who reported entering or exiting BART in downtown San Francisco
(Embarcadero, Montgomery, Powell, Civic Center Stations) and if the survey was collected on a “weekday peak” train
(train run dispatched from end of line between 5:30-8:30 AM or 3:30-6:30 PM on a weekday).
All BART Riders” reflects the weighted results of the BART Customer Satisfaction Survey (n=5,294), administered fall 2018.
All differences between the Perks Phase I, Phase II, and all BART Riders groups are statistically significant at the 95%
confidence level, with the exception of the difference between the share of smartphone users between Perks Phase I and
II. The significance of differences with the BART Riders Downtown Commuters group was not evaluated.
% Non White % HH income < $50k % Non English at Home % No Smartphone
Perks II Perks I BART Riders - Downtown SF All BART Riders
Customer Feedback
Customer response to the Perks program was gauged via an online survey administered in early April,
2019. Responses are indicated only for the group that received early offers to shift, since the delayed
offers group would have just begun receiving such offers. The early offer group reported 65%
satisfaction (with 37% somewhat and 27% very satisfied) with the program. As shown in Figure 11
satisfaction was closely correlated with the amount of rewards received.
Figure 11: Average Cumulative Points Earned Compared to Satisfaction with the Perks II Program
Notes: Reflects cumulative points earned up to mid-April, 2019, when the satisfaction survey was administered. N=1071.
These satisfaction rates are comparable to, or somewhat lower than, results from Perks Phase I.
During Perks Phase I, two similar surveys were administered to the same group of participants. The
first (from December 2016), indicated satisfaction levels of 68%, but this rose to 78% by the time the
second-round survey was completed in February 2017.
Nevertheless, the plurality of Perks II early-offer participants who had previously participated in Perks
Phase I indicated a preference for the new program: 43% indicated they liked the new Perks better
than the old, and 22% said they liked the old Perks better. The remainder said they liked them both
the same or didn’t know.
About 600 respondents provided open ended responses about the program. Based on a randomly-
selected sample of 100 of these responses, the top comments related to:
Desire for more/expanded ways to earn points (19% of comments)
Desire for in-app or push notifications to ensure they were made aware of the point offers
(18% of comments)
Desire for different types of reward (besides gift cards) (12% of comments)
Neutral Somewhat
Very Satisfied
Average Cumulative Points
Desire to be rewarded on an ongoing basis for riding BART, rather than having just limited
time offers (10% of comments)
In comparison, the top responses from the Perks Phase I program (based on a qualitative
classification of more than 6,000 open-ended survey comments submitted) included a desire for
expanded ways to earn points (about 30%), different types of rewards (about 20%), and a concern
that the rewards were too low (about 18%). Far fewer respondents in Phase II expressed concern
about rewards being too low (about 3%). In Perks Phase I, a typical commute reward trip earned less
than $0.10
, whereas a typical commute reward trip in Perks II earned about $1.
Customers were also asked about their satisfaction with receiving various electronic gift cards as the
form of reward. About 74% of the A group indicated “very or somewhat” satisfied. This appears to be
comparable to the satisfaction experienced with use of PayPal for Perks Phase I, although
comparisons are difficult because the Perks Phase I question was asked on a 4-point scale (Excellent,
Good, Only Fair, Poor), whereas Perks Phase I was asked on a 5-point scale. About 70% of Perks Phase
I participants rated use of PayPal for rewards “excellent” or “good.
Responses to Commute Offers
Participants were asked about various factors that might have influenced whether they followed the
commute offer they were given.
This value is based the exchange value of points to dollars. The actual payout varied by individual, because most rewards
were paid out via a random rewards generator (Spin to Win Game), in which participants could receive nothing for their
points or a value of up to as much as $100 at a time.
Table 10 shows the results. The top barrier listed was shifting commute time (34% indicating they
could rarely or never do so). This was followed by the burden of having to check the offers and
remember when to enter the station. The offer point value not being high enough was also cited as
an issue, but not by as much of a margin. Less than a third of individuals said that they did not
experience a crowding reduction as a result of the offer. This indicates that in the majority of
instances, the shift offers functioned as intended to encourage travel at less crowded times.
Table 10: Percentage of Participants by Barriers to Following Shift Commute Offers
% Answering Rarely or Never
I can shift my typical commute time by 20-40 minutes
I check my offers to see how to earn points
I can remember when I need to enter the station
When I enter at the designated time, I experience less crowding
The offer points are high enough to interest me
The offers are for a station I use frequently
Ability to Shift
Participants were also asked to list barriers to shifting. They could select multiple reasons. The top
reason for not being able to shift earlier was personal preference (presumably, habit and not wanting
to wake up early). The top barrier to shifting later was also personal preference but was followed very
closely by concerns that their employer would not allow it. These results are generally consistent with
top barriers to shifting in Perks Phase I, which highlighted personal preference as the top barrier to
shifting early and employer concerns as the top barrier to shifting late.
Table 11: Barriers to Shifting Commute Time Earlier and Later
Shift 20-40 Minutes Earlier
Shift 20-40 Minutes Later
Personal preference
Employer would not allow it
Nature of the work would not allow it
Child care constraints
Other after-work commitments
Parking availability at BART
Other (specify)
Feedback Obtained Through Customer Service
The highest concentration of customer service inquiries for Perks Phase II was during the program
launch and related to a technical issue associated with program login that was resolved quickly.
Following launch, inquiries came primarily from individuals who did not receive points as expected. In
many cases, this was due to their trip being made very near the entry time cutoff for receiving points.
Several individuals also expressed confusion about the fact that the program did not reward all their
BART trips on some level, as is expected for a typical rewards program (such as for airline rewards).
This contrasts to Perks Phase I, in which most inquiries stemmed from confusion about how to
redeem points. Participants were paid via PayPal and needed to use the same email address for
PayPal as they did when registering for the Perks program. Many inquiries were generated by
customers who did not realize that their rewards were coming via PayPal, or if they used a different
email address for PayPal so could not access their rewards. In Perks Phase II, these issues were
avoided by providing participants with the ability to redeem their rewards for gift cards directly
within the application.
Chapter 5: Cost Effectiveness and Cost to Scale
This section examines the program cost effectiveness and the cost to scale up the program to achieve
a desired level of crowding reduction.
Cost Effectiveness
One metric of the program cost effectiveness is the incentive cost per shifted trip. This is estimated
by dividing the approximate number of trips shifted by the program by the cost of the associated
incentives. For Perks Phase I, this cost amounted to $10 per shifted weekday Transbay Trip and $7 for
all shifted weekday trips. These shifted trips may or may not have reduced the number of people on
crowded trains the Perks program design assumed that any trip shifted out of the 7:30 8:30
period, regardless of the trip geography or the amount of shift in minutes, was beneficial.
In Perks Phase II, the incentive cost per shifted trip varied over the course of the program but was
approximately $1 overall, a significant improvement over the $10 of incentive per shifted trip in Perks
Phase I.
The greater degree of efficiency was achieved primarily by rewarding only behavior change
(e.g. change from baseline travel behavior) rather than rewarding pre-existing behavior as was done
in Perks Phase I, and by expanding the eligible windows for time shift. Moreover, trips shifted in Perks
Phase II can be more readily assumed to produce a reduction in the number of people on crowded
trains, since offers were only provided if they would produce a crowding benefit based on the
crowding predictive model and incentive algorithm behind the program.
Cost of Scaled-Up Program
Scaling up the Perks program to produce a meaningful reduction in system crowding would require
dedicated staffing and an increased incentive budget. To estimate these costs, the study team
undertook a simulation of the BART system (the technical methodology of the simulation is
documented in a separate paper available upon request). The simulation assumed that BART wishes
to achieve a 5% reduction in a measure of system crowding, called the total crowding score (TCS),
defined as the aggregated cube of density (people per train) over system segments and time periods
on a given day. This formulation gives exponentially more weight to very crowded conditions.
The analysis indicated that achieving a reduction of 5% would require a program enrollment of
between 30,000 and 75,000 users (assuming a range of 10 to 20 % uptake of the incentive offers) and
would cost about $1.9 million per year including $1.2 million annually in incentives. Additional annual
program costs (for an ongoing program) are estimated at approximately $650,000 and include
staffing costs for program oversight and management and customer service, marketing and research,
and information technology support for maintenance of front and back end software systems. This
estimate assumes continuation of existing Perks program and excludes the start-up costs associated
with developing a new program.
A full cost-benefit analysis was outside the scope of the study, but the following high-level
comparisons suggest the program is likely to be cost effective:
Note that this figure relates only to points earned for shift commute offers, and not to “extra reward” or survey offers.
Train car comparison: A scaled up program that would reduce crowding (TCS) by 5% would
free up an equivalent of approximately 30 train cars for an annual program cost of
approximately $1.9 million. Purchasing an equivalent amount of train car capacity (about 30
cars) would cost approximately $6m annually (a new train car costs about $200,000 annually,
with a $5 million up-front purchase cost over a useful life of 25 years).
Backfilling comparison: Assuming each shifted trip frees up space for another fare paying
passenger, the $1 per shifted trip figure compares favorably with the approximately $4
average fare paid by the typical commuter.
Potential Sources of Funding
New funding sources would need to be identified to support Perks II if scaled up as an ongoing
program. This section discusses several options for funding sources. Although core program costs
could be offset from a variety of sources, a stable, ongoing source of funds would be necessary to
ensure that predictable incentives could be provided to participants and to sustain the staffing
necessary to oversee the program.
BART Operating Revenue
BART’s operating budget is very constrained, with many potential uses for existing and any new
revenue sources. Investment in incentives would need to be weighed against competing budget
priorities. New sources of operating funding would likely need to be identified to support the
Grant Funding Sources
Federal funds were used to develop the Perks Phase I and II pilots. Future state or federal grants
could be used to support the addition of new program features, such as gamification or adding
rewards based on mode of access to the station, as opposed to ongoing program operating costs.
Table 12 lists potentially relevant local, regional, state and federal grant opportunities. Many grants
explicitly disallow the use of funds for incentives, and most do not fund ongoing operating costs.
Table 12: Potential Grant Funding Sources for BART Perks
Fund Source
Eligible Uses
Available Funding
Measure BB:
Alameda County
Sales Tax
The Technology
Expenditure Category
funds technology,
innovation, and
development programs
Approximately $77M
available in the overall
category, to be
distributed between
Must be focused on
Alameda County
Measure J: Contra
Costa County
Sales Tax
Expenditure Category 17
includes funding for
commute alternatives
Approximately $20M
available in the overall
category, to be
distributed between
Must be focused on
Contra Costa
County residents
Proposition K: San
Francisco County
Sales Tax
The Expenditure
Subcategory for
Transportation Demand
Management / Parking
Management funds
projects that can lead to
reduction of single-
occupant vehicle
dependence and
encourage alternative
modes of travel
Approximately $13M
available in the overall
subcategory, to be
distributed between
Must be focused on
San Francisco
County residents;
BART is not a
sponsoring agency
(BART would have
to partner with a
sponsoring agency
to apply for funds)
Fund for Clean Air
Funds eligible projects
that reduce on-road
motor vehicle emissions
Annual call for projects,
$10k - $1.5M per
Must demonstrate
impact on reducing
vehicle miles of
Planning Grant
Funds local and regional
transportation and land
use planning projects
that further the region’s
RTP SCS or contribute to
the State’s GHG
reduction targets
Annual call for projects,
approximately $17M
per year, $50k - $1M
per project
Intended for
planning projects;
incentives for public
participation may
be ineligible
Transportation and
Funds deployment of
advanced transportation
and congestion
Annual call for projects,
$60M per year, up to
$12M per recipient
Must demonstrate a
reduction benefit
Mobility on
Demand Sandbox
Funds activities leading
to the demonstration of
innovative mobility on
demand and transit
integration concepts
First cycle allocated
$8M in 2016, anticipate
second cycle in 2019
with a similar level of
Primarily intended
to expand mobility
Other Funding Options
Merchant partnerships: BART staff could solicit merchants to provide occasional contributions
to the program. The cost of additional staffing required to seek and manage partnerships
would need to be compared to the potential savings obtained through merchant donations. A
stable, ongoing source of funding for incentives would still be needed even with merchant
Employer partnerships / Transportation Management Agencies: BART could seek employer
partnerships and request that employers cover some of the cost of incentives for their
employees. Such contributions could be voluntary or could be structured as a method for
employers to meet requirements imposed on them through development impact agreements.
For example, many of the buildings in downtown San Francisco are part of Transportation
Management Agencies that require a financial contribution to help offset the congestion and
vehicle trip related impacts associated with commuting.