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EMResource Event Response
Users can access EMResource online.
The term “status” refers to a data field.
The term “resource” refers to a facility.
Enter data into EMResource within 30 minutes of the initial notification.
Follow the same process for responding to an MCI, bed counts, resource requests, and
general announcements, with the exception of the status types (data) being collected.
Monitor the event posting, and ensure your Wisconsin Interoperable System for
Communications (WISCOM) radio is on with the volume turned up.
Ensure the volume of the computer is turned up and not silenced in order to receive voice
Allow pop-up windows for EMResource in your browser.
Resources included in an event should respond. Resources not included in an event should
maintain situational awareness.
Users should update contact information under “User Info,” and select how notifications
should be received (via phone call, e-mail, text message, pager, or webpage).
Users should configure their “Preferences” to select which events should trigger an alert.
“Preferences” can be found in the main menu.
Event Types
There are four main types of events used in EMResource:
Mass Casualty Incident (MCI): This event type is used in the event of a potential
emergency department surge of patients involved in a MCI to poll the number of red, yellow,
and green triage patients that can be transferred to the receiving facility. This event should
be used in anticipation of a potential surge at a hospital emergency department.. Do not use
this template to announce disruptions in services your hospital provides, including computed
tomography (CT) downtime.
Bed Count: This event type is used in the case of an inpatient surge of patients who do not
need to be evaluated in an emergency department and will be directly admitted to the
receiving facility. This event asks facilities to report immediate beds available.
General Announcement: Used to communicate time-sensitive updates not related to any
surge event. Examples include network outages, equipment failures, and critical bypass
information. This event should be used when the emergency department (ED) status has
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changed to “Limited Divert or “Bypass. Use this event when the hospital status is changed
to “Bypass” or when CT, stroke capabilities, or the catheterization laboratory is not available.
Resource Request: Used for time-sensitive requests. For example, if your facility needs a
crucial piece of equipment, such as a pediatric-capable ventilator, you could post a resource
request event.
Notification Preferences
EMResource sends event, status change, and system notifications that are managed through
the Preferences menu. Users of the system decide when and how notifications are sent, according
to the type of event and their personal notification preferences. For each event type, choose to
receive notifications via email, text, page, voice, or web page.
Web page notifications should be enabled for all event types. The system will then prompt users to
acknowledge all notifications upon login. You can acknowledge the receipt of notifications by clicking
“Acknowledge,” as shown in the screenshot below.
You are also given the option to select “X”, in which case the system reminds you of this event until
you acknowledge receipt. If “X” is selected, the system will remind you of the event via voice alert
and a notification bell in the upper right-hand corner.
If “Mute” is selected, the system will remind you of the event via voice alert in ten minutes, along
with the notification bell in the upper right-hand corner.
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Responding to an Active Event
1. When an event is initiatied in EMResource, the system displays an event banner (see image
below). Click the event title in this banner.
2. Find your hospital in the event list and select the appropriate status type (data field) to
update. To view a definition of the requested information, click the status type title.
3. Select individual data fields by clicking the the dashes (--) to update, or update in bulk by
clicking the icon next to the facility name. Update the data fields and click “Save.”