M2M: Implementation of KYC
December 2020
Section 1: Introduction
What is M2M KYC?
As per the Department of Telecommunications*, KYC is mandatory for all M2M SIMs. Click here to access DoT Guidelines
Understanding M2M KYC
In case KYC is not completed within the timeline, the SIMs are marked as non-compliant and are eligible to get disconnected anytime.
Implication for non-compliance
(*File No: 800-09/2010-VAS-III, dated 16.5.2018, and subsequent extension File No: 800-09/2010-VAS-III, dated 6.12.2018)
Airtel IoT Hub is enabled with an easy to understand module on KYC where the customer can update their KYC details
How to do M2M KYC?
Customers on Airtel IoT Hub have to do KYC. Customers are fully accountable for filling accurate KYC information within the defined timelines.
Who needs to do M2M KYC?
Device Type
Device IMEI
Device Make & Model
Registration Number
Custodian Name
Custodian Address
Additionally, Airtel has provided two extra optional fields to capture any user notes.
What information has to be updated for KYC?5
Refer to Section 2 to understand the definition of Custodian
Section 2:
Understanding the spirit in which KYC
needs to be filled
Type 1
Type 2
ü I am an IoT/ M2M service provider who bundles Airtel SIM, a device
& an application and offers it as a product/service to a third party
ü I am an intermediary between Airtel & the end user/end custodian
of the SIM
ü Once the SIMs are deployed on field, I do not have full control over
the SIMs & the IoT device. I do not manage the SIMs or the device
on a regular basis.
ü I am the end user of the M2M/ IoT product/ service
ü I am the custodian of the SIM
ü I have full control of the IoT device along with the SIM and I
proactively manage it
Understanding your ‘CUSTOMER TYPE’
Responsibility of KYC completion on IoT Hub
Type 1
Type 2
Who will be marked as Custodian?
Billed entity Billed entity
Billed entity * End user of M2M service
Who is responsible for the KYC
* In case an IoT device changes hands (due to reselling; transfer of ownership), the responsibility of updating the KYC details lies with the
billed entity. The billed entity needs to provide a system to its end customers to proactively update all KYC details.
Airtel’s direct customer (billed entity) owns the task of KYC completion and needs to take full responsibility of filling it accurately. The end users data could be
that of the billed entity itself or another user, dependent on who is using and controlling the SIM.
Type 1
Type 2
i. ABC Vidyut Vitran Nigam procures
SIMs from Airtel directly their for
Electronic Metering project
ABC Vidyut will fill KYC details for all the meters where SIM
has been used and will mark itself as the custodian. While
these SIMs could be installed in residential area, the
individual house owners are not aware of their presence as
ABC Vidyut deploys and manages them in entirety.
Some examples
ii. XYZ Smart Irrigation Ltd. has won a Govt.
project to provide services of water
conservation in farms. For this it uses IoT
device with Airtel SIMs for measuring water
parameters in farms. The entire
project/devices are owned & maintained by
XYZ Smart Irrigation will fill the KYC details on Airtel IoT
Hub. It will mark itself as the custodian of the SIMs.
PQR FinTech will fill the KYC on Airtel IoT Hub. Under
custodian names, they will enter the details of each of
their end customers who are actually using and
controlling the device.
i. PQR Fintech Services, a PoS Vendor, takes
Airtel SIMs and bundles it with their device. It
offers PoS as a service to its various customers
(namely merchants, shop owners, etc.)
ii. 123 VTS Services, a telematics company
takes Airtel SIMs to offer services to its
retail as well as corporate customers
123 VTS will fill the KYC details on Airtel IoT Hub. The
custodian will be the end user of the device (retail
customer/ end user of corporate customer).
I have an active M2M SIM but I have not deployed it yet (i.e. given as a service to the end customer). Do I need to fill the KYC?
Yes. KYC of an active SIM will include details of the temporary custodian. For e.g. if ABC Telematics has activated devices, but has not
deployed them, the custodian details will be that of ABC Telematics till the devices are actually deployed.
An Auto OEM procures SIMs from Airtel to be inserted in a OBD/ TCU device being fit in its cars at the time of manufacture. This
car would be sold to a retail customer, who after using it for a few years, could resell it. Who will do the KYC and who will be the
SIM custodian?
The Auto OEM will be responsible for filling out the KYC. It would be the Auto OEM’s responsibility to inform the end customer that
the car/vehicle sold contains a TCU/OBD device with a SIM card, and that the end customer needs to inform the Auto OEM in case
of any change in the KYC parameters required under the M2M guidelines. Further, the Auto OEM would need to update the
requisite details in the Airtel IoT Hub throughout the lifecycle of the SIM.
A Telematics company procures SIMs from Airtel and bundles them with their TCU/OBD device. It has a long distribution chain,
where it sells the device to a distributor, who further sells it to the end customers. Who will be marked as Custodian here?
The custodian will be the end customers of the device as the SIMs are being used by them.
However, it is the responsibility of the ‘Telematics company’ to fetch this information by setting up a platform/system where the
end customers can update the required details.
How can I update KYC?
KYC can be updated;
i. During the M2M SIM activation
ii. At Airtel IoT Hub, as explained in upcoming slides
For further queries, please get in touch with m2m.support@airtel.com
Section 3 -
KYC journey on Airtel IoT Hub
When a user logs-in on Airtel IoT Hub for the first time, a pop-up with the KYC Undertaking will appear. This will have to be mandatorily accepted
before a user can start using Airtel IoT Hub
SIM activation or no other task is possible till the entity taking M2M SIMs accepts the undertaking.
KYC Undertaking on first time log-in
During SIM activation
Via “M2M KYC Compliance” section on Airtel IoT Hub
Possible to update at individual SIM level i.e. one SIM at a time
Possible to do bulk SIMs update/ individual SIM update
How can a user update KYC on Airtel IoT Hub?
Select the SIM that you want to
activate and choose the plan.
Then click on “Update KYC &
i. A user can do KYC at the time of SIM activation. This is possible at individual SIM level and will have to be updated by selecting one SIM at a time
Updating KYC during SIM Activation..Step 1
ii. A pop-up to update the KYC details will appear. The details should be entered here.
Updating KYC during SIM Activation..Step 2
All fields with (*) are mandatory as per
DoT requirements. Airtel has provided for
two additional fields where the users can
enter any comments/ make notes.
Updating KYC during SIM Activation..Step 3
iii. Airtel has provided a list of all common M2M use cases as drop-down. In case the device type does not fall in any of the listed categories, please select
“Others” and specify the exact device type in the Open Text field
Unless all mandatory fields are filled, user will not be able to “Save & Activate.
Once all details are
entered, click on “Save &
Updating KYC during SIM Activation..Step 4
iv. Once all details are entered, click on “Save & Activate”
Updating KYC during SIM Activation..Step 5
v. User will have to confirm on billing commencement as well as authenticity of KYC data by clicking on OK.
Once KYC Undertaking is accepted, the following Dashboard appears
Updating KYC via “M2M KYC Compliance” section..Step 1
M2M KYC Compliance
section will appear on
the LHS of the Airtel IoT
Hub page for all users
Options under the “M2M
KYC Compliance” tab
Summary of the total SIMs
by KYC Compliance
Updating KYC via “M2M KYC Compliance” section..Step 2
KYC Due Date is 1
month from date
of activation
SIMs can be filtered by
“KYC Status” and
“Activation Date/ KYC
Due Date”
Updating KYC via “M2M KYC Compliance” section..Step 3
Understanding the KYC Status of any SIM:
Compliant: All KYC details have been filled and submitted on Airtel IoT Hub
Non-Compliant: KYC Due Date (i.e. 1 month from the date of activation) has passed
Pending: KYC is pending for upload with the due date approaching
A user can update KYC of individual SIMs from this page as well. User needs to simply select the SIM and click on “Update KYC”. A pop-up will appear where
all details can be filled in
Updating KYC via “M2M KYC Compliance” section..Step 4
Downloading the file for Bulk SIM Update
By clicking on “Bulk Download”, an excel template with all the SIM details pre-filled and all KYC fields can be downloaded
Excel Spreadsheet for Bulk Update
*In case KYC has to be updated for a smaller subset of SIMs, only the rows pertaining to those SIMs need to be there in the excel sheet. The remaining rows can be deleted. Alternately, the rows
can remain with the Action Column P as “No Action.
Airtel has provided a list of all common M2M use cases as drop-down. In case the device type does not fall in any of the listed categories, please select
“Others” and specify the exact device type in Column H which is an open text field.
After filling all the
requisite details,
Select “Update.*
Uploading the file for Bulk SIM Update..Step 1
The excel spreadsheet can be uploaded by clicking on “Bulk Upload.” User will have to accept the declaration confirming the authenticity of KYC data.
Once the file is uploaded, it is processed within 4 hours.
Note: In case there are any fields missing, the file can still be uploaded successfully. However, the task would get rejected.
Uploading the file for Bulk SIM Update..Step 2
In case the KYC action fails, the
Error File can be downloaded to
check for rejection reason.
Upload History
The upload history Section gives the record of all KYC files that have been uploaded along with their Status.
The file that was
uploaded by the
user can be
accessed from here
The KYC Undertaking Section provides the M2M KYC Undertaking that was agreed to at the time of first login
Date and Time Stamp, IP address of the
machine used as well as the customer
user ID at the time of acceptance of
Undertaking can be viewed here.
KYC Undertaking section
Thank You!