32 Parkwood Drive
Chambersburg, PA 17201
Children learn and develop through playing. Kidz Therapy
Zone provides therapy services in a relaxed and play friendly
environment. We are dedicated to assisting individuals in
achieving their maximum level of physical and cognitive
Kidz Therapy Zone consists of highly skilled, pediatric
experienced and licensed Occupational, Physical and
Speech/Language Pathologists and assistants. Every child will be
evaluated to identify their specific needs, then an individualized
therapy program will be developed specific to that child and
their needs.
Our highly qualified therapists are dedicated to assisting
children in developing to their fullest potential. Our therapists
work together as a team communicating closely with the
referring physician, specialists, and family members to develop
individualized therapy programs to meet the specific and unique
needs of each child.
Treating the Whole Child
At Kidz Therapy Zone, we believe it is important to treat
the whole child. Part of treating the whole child is supporting
the family. A lot of families feel overwhelmed and are confused
when their child receives a new diagnosis. They do not know
where to turn or what to expect. Kidz Therapy Zone believes
that we need to be just as much a resource to the family.
Therefore, Kidz Therapy Zone’s owner, Allison Klimowicz felt it
was so important to get the word out about what to expect
when entering the therapy world that she wrote a book,
Adventure Zone.
Autism Spectrum Disorder, Oppositional Defiance
Disorder, Attention Deficit Disorder, ADHD, Sensory
Processing Disorder, Delayed Milestone, Fine
Motor, Gross Motor, Picky Eater, Transitioning,
Behavioral Problems, Anxiety, Separation Anxiety,
OCD, Handwriting, Executive Functioning, ADL,
Stuttering, Reading Comprehension, Articulation,
Oral Motor Function, Dysphagia, Swallowing, Low
Muscle Tone, Down Syndrome, Failure to Thrive,
Torticollis, Traumatic Brain Injury, Cerebral Palsy,
Sports injuries, Sprains, Strains, Unsteadiness,
Balance, Coordination, Birth Injuries/Birth Defects,
Broken Bones, Multiple Sclerosis, Concussion,
Vestibular, Toe walking, Coping Skills, etc. *
Occupational Therapy, Social Skills/Social Learning
Groups, Speech Therapy, SOS Feeding Therapy,
Swallowing, Vital Stim, Feeding Therapy,
Communication Devices, Physical Therapy, Sports
Medicine, Orthotics/Prosthetics, Sensory, Galileo
Training, Oral Motor Therapy, Concussion Clinic,
Equipment Clinic etc. *
Common Things We Treat
Services Offered
* This is not a complete list
Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapy assists children and young adults grow
and develop the skills they need to blossom into functional
independent adults. Physical and Mental impairment, injuries and
many other issues can hamper one’s ability to perform common daily
tasks or progress normally through the stages of cognitive and social
development. Occupational Therapy can teach a child to perform daily
activities they find difficult by addressing social, behavioral, sensory,
motor, and environmental issues.
Social Skills/Learning Groups
Kidz Therapy Zone uses the concepts of the complex Social
Thinking® Program along with a dynamic multi-media social approach
program to teach our children how to navigate through social
interactions, handle expected vs unexpected behaviors from peers and
handle daily problems. This curriculum is normally taught in a social
group setting with peers although it can be taught individually.
Fine and Gross Motor
Although Fine and Gross Motor skills can fall under
Occupational or Physical Therapy depending on the severity of the
issue, Kidz therapy Zone will make sure your child is learning and
developing the skills needed to excel in life. Fine and gross motor skills
include walking, jumping, eye hand coordination, coordination, grasp,
handwriting, climbing stairs, running, etc.
Sensory Processing provides a very crucial foundation for later
more complex learning and behaviors in children. For some children
sensory processing does not develop as quickly and efficiently as it
should causing several problems in development, behavior, and
learning. This could also cause problems with motor planning. Sensory
experiences include touch, sound, sight, smell, taste, movement, body
awareness and the pull of gravity. Sensory play is not only fun but is a
fundamental part of early development.
Snoezelen Room
The Snoezelen Room is a multi-sensory room that targets the
different senses in our bodies. This soothing environment stimulates
and helps reduce agitation and anxiety. It also engages and stimulates
reactions and encourages communication.
ADLs and IADLs
ADLs, Activities of Daily Living, are the normal activities that
people do everyday without assistance. The six basic ADLs are eating,
bathing, getting dressed, mobility, toileting, and continence.
IADLs, Instrumental Activities of Daily Living, are self-care
tasks that require more complex thinking skills and organizational
skills. IADLs can include money management, shopping and meal
preparation, housecleaning, medication management, etc.
Problems with ADLs and IADLs can create problems with
physical health and cognitive health. Working on these can increase
the patient’s quality of living as well increase independence.
We will not stop
seeing our
patients when
they turn 21
years old.
Speech Therapy
Speech Therapy is the treatment of speech and communication
disorders. The approach is specifically designed by our own therapists
depending on the disorder of the child. A child who is having
difficulties being understood or communicating their wants and needs
can become frustrated and angry which may lead to increased
behavioral issues. Treatment may include physical exercises that
strengthen muscles used in speech, speech drills to improve clarity or
sound production.
Articulation is especially important in producing sounds and
words which are clear and can be understood by others. Unclear
speech can impact a child significantly because that is how they express
their basic needs, wants, and express how they feel physically and
mentally. Articulation can also impact literacy skills such as reading,
writing, and spelling.
As children become increasingly verbal, they may start to
stumble over their words raising concerns about stuttering. Stuttering
is an interruption in the flow of speech. It can present itself in different
ways such as repeating certain syllables, words, or phrases, prolonging
sounds and making no sound for certain sounds and syllables.
Expressive/ Receptive Language
A developmental language disorder is common in children and
causes problems with oral communication. There are three types of
language disorders; Receptive language issues involve difficulty
understanding what others are saying, expressive language is the
difficulty expressing thoughts and ideas and mixed receptive-
expressive language involves difficulty understanding and using spoken
Communication Devices
When a child’s progression and pace of language and
communication development is slowed down or stopped by a medical
condition or disability that affects their ability to speak or learn
language, a communication device may be able to provide valuable
support. Communication devices are speech generating devices that
give the child the ability and freedom to express themselves. Our LAMP
Certified and LAMP Trained staff will assist with all communication
device needs.
Feeding Clinic
The staff at Kidz Therapy Zone understands that having a picky
or problem eater can present a very emotional and difficult challenge.
We want to face these challenges with empathy, compassion and of
course, a feeding program that is proven to work. Picky eating is not
“just a phase” this can be a lifelong problem. Our Feeding Clinic helps
children with different feeding difficulties due to autism, sensory
integration issues, picky eating, behavioral problems, or other
undiagnosed needs. The sooner you address your child’s feeding issue,
the sooner it will benefit their future associations with food, behaviors,
and physical growth.
SOS Approach to Feeding
The SOS Approach to Feeding is a play-based program that
teaches children that food can be fun while respecting their readiness
to learn. We focus on sensory, motor, oral and behavioral/learning
factors to fully evaluate and manage children with feeding concerns.
Swallowing/Oral Motor
Swallowing is a learned process. The development of these
skills is a complex process. Most children negotiate the developmental
sequence without difficulties, while other children develop difficulties
ranging from simple to complex issues. Sometimes children may have
a swallowing problem known as dysphagia. Oral Motor works on the
skills necessary for proper speech and feeding development.
Physical Therapy & Sports
Pediatric Physical Therapy can improve the lives and daily
function of children who suffer from a wide range of injuries and
congenital conditions. Nothing is more frustrating to a child then not
being able to move about independently. Our Physical Therapists are
the movement experts. We will evaluate your child and develop an
individualized plan of care to assist them with their mobility enabling
them to move through their environment with as much independence
as possible. PT services can address a variety of mobility concerns
including weakness, poor range of motion, decreased flexibility, poor
posture, difficulty walking, poor balance and coordination and pain.
Our physical therapists provide the treatment necessary for an
individualized rehabilitation program for a wide range of
musculoskeletal movement issues including a prevention program. Our
therapists will also assist your athlete in preventing injury, overcoming
an injury and/or improve their performance.
Our comprehensive concussion
clinic combineds the expertise of
our physical therapy,
occupational therapy, and speech
therapy departments. We
evaluate and treat the
dysfunctions caused by
concussions to help the child fully
Our astronaut training program is
designed to impact the vestibular
system, visual system, and
auditory system. The benefits to
this program include improved
regulation, spatial awareness,
better controlled movement,
improved ability to locate sound,
and increased perception.
Galileo Training
Galileo Training is a machine that allows for a very efficient
muscle training by emitting high-frequency vibrations. Using Galileo
Training increases the strength of children with various disabilities. This
enables even children with little to no possibilities of movement to
develop and retain muscular strength. All the Galileo’s movements
mimic the natural human gait motion. The high frequency, side
alternating movements results in a tilting movement of the pelvis
which causes the body to react with muscle contractions in both the
right and left side of the body. This helps the child strengthen muscles
children often find hard to use.
Why Outpatient Therapy
Outpatient Therapy
School Therapy
*The child may receive school
services AND outpatient services
*Only considers how the child
functions in the school setting.
*Addresses how children
function in ALL areas and
settings relevant to the child’s
life home, school, and the
*Does not typically address
underlying medical issues.
*Considers medical diagnosis
and barriers to independence.
*Adapt and compensate to
increase participation in the
educational setting.
*Even if the child does not
qualify for school services, they
may still qualify for outpatient
*Diagnosis/Disability MUST
impact success within the
general education curriculum
for the student to be eligible.
“My child already gets therapy at school, so my child does
not need outpatient therapy too.” FALSE
” My child won’t benefit from both outpatient and school-
based therapy.” FALSE
“My child does not qualify for school therapy so they will not
qualify from outpatient therapy.” FALSE
What our Patients are saying!
“The Galileo has given Brechyn and our family the opportunity
to see and do something we were told would never happen - to
walk. Before the first day using the Galileo Brechyn was only
able to stand a few seconds independently. The very first day
using the machine she walked 7 steps and doubled the count on a
weekly basis. Today, 5 months after beginning the Galileo
workouts she now walks in increments so high we are unable to
keep track. The Galileo and the staff at Kidz Therapy Zone
changed not only her life, but her family’s as well.” -B. Egolf 2021
Such an amazing center and very supportive of their kids and
families! Everyone is so professional and dedicated to the holistic
wellbeing of the child-R. Nice 2021
This place has changed our lives significantly!! Before coming
here, we were told our child will never be a good communicator.
Thanks to Miss Kristen he now communicates and smiles more
than we could have ever imagined. They are extremely
knowledgeable and are able to find the strengths in a child
despite their limitation or diagnosis and they use those strengths
to the child’s benefit.-Leslie 2021
Nice facility, great staff. Best in the business. The staff is
patient with my child and always communicates with me about
the session. Couldn’t ask for a more helpful provider-C. Miller
This questionnaire will help gauge if your child could potentially
benefit from services. These are basic questions and do not reflect
what an actual evaluation would. If you answer Yes to any of these
questions, your child may benefit from an evaluation.
Is your child difficult to understand or has trouble with
certain sounds?
Does your child get stuck on or repeat words, sounds or
Have you noticed your 3+ year old child speaking in
incomplete sentences, short phrases, or grammatically
incorrect statements?
Does your child eat less than 20 food items or have
significant difficulties at mealtimes?
Does your child pocket food, overstuff their mouth,
drool excessively or cough while eating?
Have you noticed that your child speaks less than other
children their age (i.e. small vocabulary, short phrases)
Does your child have difficulty following two step
Does your child have difficulty handling certain
textures? Loud noises?
Does your child have difficulty with zippers, buttons
and/or snaps? Or shoe tying ages 5 and up.
Does your child have any handwriting issues?
Does your child lack coordination?
Does your child complain of pain or muscle tightness?
Does your child walk on their toes or turn their feet in
when they walk?
Has your child been injured in any sport, accident or
during general play?
32 Parkwood Drive
Chambersburg, PA 17201
717-446-0439 office
717-312-8998 fax