Access Made Easy
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This guide was prepared for by:
Robert Austin
This is one of a series of guides pertaining to the use of Microsoft Access.
© AXLSolutions 2012
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced in any form, or by any means,
without permission in writing.
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Unit 5 Forms ............................................................................................................... 3
The Anatomy of a Form .............................................................................................. 4
Basic Form Formatting ............................................................................................... 5
Formatting the Header, Detail and Footer ............................................................. 6
The Detail Section Single and Continuous Forms .............................................. 7
The Form Object, Bound and Unbound Forms and Controls ................................... 7
Record Source ......................................................................................................... 8
Bound and Unbound Summary ............................................................................. 11
Continuous Forms and Record Navigation ............................................................... 11
Sorting in Forms ....................................................................................................... 12
Filtering in Forms ..................................................................................................... 13
Creating Forms ......................................................................................................... 14
Form Generator ........................................................................................................ 14
Split Form Generator ................................................................................................ 16
Multiple Items Forms Generator ............................................................................. 17
Custom Form Designer............................................................................................. 17
Other Form Types ..................................................................................................... 19
The Data Entry Property .......................................................................................... 21
Sub Forms ................................................................................................................. 22
Master Fields: Child Fields ....................................................................................... 24
Introducing TempVars ............................................................................................. 25
Lifespan of TempVars ........................................................................................... 25
Example of TempVars ........................................................................................... 25
Opening Forms with the “Where” Clause ................................................................ 28
Example Filtered Form frmStudentContinuous (Teaching Institute) .............. 28
Questions .................................................................................................................. 29
Answers ..................................................................................................................... 32
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Unit 5 Forms
Forms are the principal method by which Access gives users access to the data held
in the database. This unit will not concentrate on controls like textboxes and combo
boxes; that will be for unit 6. In this unit you will learn about what forms are, what
they do, how they are bound to data and how they allow users to navigate and find
data in the application.
At this stage it may be useful to bring to your attention that Access has two
personalities; a Database Engine and an Application Engine. Up to now we have
been dealing with database engine objects - tables, queries, relationships, SQL and
your data - all of which are stored in the Database Engine. Forms are the first object
we will learn about that is from the Application Engine. Other objects of the
application engine are reports, macros and the programming language Visual Basic
for Applications.
In Access the Database Engine and Application Engine are so closely bound that its
difficult to discern that such a division exists; however knowing about this now will
help understand why forms, reports and other application engine objects behave as
they do.
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The Anatomy of a Form
Figure 5.1
There are four main parts to any form.
The Form Object select button selects the form window object. The header, detail
and footer are all children of the Form Object. The Form Object links directly to
tables and queries and provides that data for its children for display.
The Form Detail section is the area that data is displayed and interacted with. Here
we can place textboxes, tick boxes, combo boxes, labels, pictures and other data
editing controls. Buttons, pictures, audio and other action providers may also reside
in the detail area. The Form Detail displays data that is specific to the table or query
that the Form Object is Bound to. Detail can either display a record’s data in controls
or display a list of records in datasheet view.
Form Object
select button
Form Header
Form Footer
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In Form Header and Form Footer we can place controls that are not specific to a
single record; perhaps labels with the forms title, buttons that allow record
navigation in the Form Detail. Commands like Delete Record can be placed in any of
these sections but their controls cannot be bound to the data. The Footer is often
used to contain summary data about the data in the Form Detail; for example, a
running total of a column/field. One can put any controls in any section of the form
but their behaviour, especially with regards to displaying data, changes according to
the nature of that particular section.
Basic Form Formatting
The Header, Footer and Detail section only have a handful of options and properties;
most of the functionality is held in the Form Object.
Open the Teaching Institute Software System using the Shift method
. Open the
navigation pane and open frmCoursesContinuous in design view.
Figure 5.2
Hold down the shift key whilst opening the Application. Keep it pressed until it has loaded fully. This
method of opening a database ensures that no macros or VBA run on start-up.
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Formatting the Header, Detail and Footer
To select the header we need to click the Form Header . This will
force the Property Sheet window to display the header’s properties. We can change a
few properties of the header including its background colour, height, etc. Figure 5.4
shows the swatch for selecting and changing background colour and also shows all
the properties that can be changed with regard to the Detail section.
Figure 5.3
The only difference with regards formatting between the detail and the header/footer
section is the alternate color property. Setting this changes the detail’s background
color on every other row of data.
Figure 5.4
All three sectons can be hidden. This
can be useful if, as is the case with the
form in figure 5.3, we want the user to
make a selection of some kind before
displaying data in the details section.
The header in figure 5.3 has some
buttons, combo boxes and labels. These
are all perfectly allowable in the footer
also, though in this form the footer has
been given a height of zero so we can’t
see it.
You may also notice both combo boxes
and the textbox say Unbound. This
means they are not connected to a field
of a record source. The textboxes in the
Detail view do contain a value though.
More on that in a moment, but also
notice there are two buttons in the
header. This is a very typical
arrangement whereby controls in the
header or footer are intended to
manipulate data displayed in the detail
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We should look at the form in Form
View to see what the form looks like at
In Form View (figure 5.5) the Header section looks very similar to how it looked in
Design View except that the controls no longer contain the word Unbound; they are
simply blank and the gridlines have gone. The button controls are also
uninterestingly similar. The Detail section, however, has transformed into a list of
textboxes with each line naturally displaying data held in individual records. Also
note that the background colour of each record alternates
The concept to grasp here is that the header and the footer do not display data; the
detail section is where data is displayed and changed.
Figure 5.5
The Detail Section Single and Continuous Forms
Two other characteristics need to be focused on before we look at where this data is
actually coming from. Firstly the Detail section is repeating data over and over,
seemingly for every row of data held in some unseen table. In design view (figure
5.3) there is only one row of controls but in Form View there are many. That is due
to the Form Object being in Continuous Forms mode. Another mode the Form
Object can be in is Single Form mode and if that were the case the entire form would
display just one record’s worth of data at any given moment.
Lastly, in figure 5.3 the Header controls are Unbound, yet in the detail section
controls have a name; these are said to be Bound.
The Form Object, Bound and Unbound Forms and Controls
The Form Object is selected by clicking the little black square in the top left-hand
corner as shown in figure 5.1. That tiny square hides a mountain of properties; there
are literally hundreds of them, each specifying one behaviour or another, one
characteristic or another and it is from here that the Bound Controls of figure 5.3 get
their names.
Look to the left of the ID field.
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Record Source
As stated earlier the purpose of a form is to give users access to data held in tables
but in a much more digestible form than a mere datasheet; forms give form to the
data. The data to which the form is linked, or Bound, is called the Record Source and
figure 5.6 shows us that the Record Source is a query called qryCoursesContinuous.
The Bound Controls in figure 5.3 are linked to individual fields of the query
qryCoursesContinuous. What the Form Object does is orchestrate the dance of
collecting data from a dataset qryCoursesContinuous and handing that data to
controls in the Detail section of the Form Object. If we were to change the Record
Source in some way, the fields in the Detail section may say #Name? because the
changed dataset doesn’t contain fields with the same names. We will examine this
Figure 5.6
We mentioned that in Deign View e.g. figure 5.3 the Detail section was a single
row of controls, but in Form View the form was in Continuous Forms mode. When
in Continuous Forms mode the Form Object repeats its Detail section for every row
of data in the Record Source, and you can see this option in figure 5.7 under Default
View (Rectangle 2).
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Figure 5.7
Let’s now change the Record Source and see what effect this has on the form’s detail
Go back to the design view of the form, click on the data tab of the property sheet (if
you can’t see the property sheet, press F4) and change the Record Source recordset
to qryStudentCourses and view the form figure 5.8 (make sure the Selection Type
in the property sheet is set to form as in Figure 5.7).
Figure 5.8
Obviously there is something wrong. The controls are displaying #Name? because
they are Bound to a recordset field that doesn’t exist in qryStudentCourses. Except
ID column; that still works okay. ID must be the only control that has a name
corresponding to a field in the query. Let’s have a look.
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Change the form to Deign View, mouse over to properties again and click the Record
Source ellipsis button as in figure 5.9. This will open the query qryStudentCourses in
the query designer as shown in figure 5.10.
Figure 5.9
Figure 5.10
Take a look back at figure 5.3 and we’ll see the first control is bound to a field called
CourseID, and in figure 5.10 the second field from the left is called CourseID, so the
ID control must retrieve its data from CourseID.
Look through the field list of the query and you won’t find any of the other fields to
which figure 5.3 controls are bound (no Level, StartDate or EndDate).
Figure 5.11
Let’s change the name of a field in Figure 5.10 and see what
affect this has on the form. Change StudentID to add the
alias “Level”.
Save the Query, close the query. Change the form from
Design Mode to Form Mode.
And there it is! “Level” now contains values – 18, 1 and so on. StartDate and
EndDate are still #Name? but that’s fine because now we understand why that is
happening: there is no field called (or aliased as) StartDate or EndDate in the new
Optional exercise
Change the underlying query again, this time aliasing two other fields to give
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StartDate and EndDate some data to chew on and admire your alterations in the
form. Does the data you see in the form make any sense at all?
Figure 5.12
We have had to change the query to demonstrate how controls are bound to
Recordset fields, so we must change it back to its original query
Bound and Unbound Summary
The tasks we have just performed show that:
Form Objects are Bound to Record Sources such as Tables or Queries.
Controls in the Detail Section may be Bound to Fields in the Record
Controls that are Bound to fields not in the Record Source will display
We can edit the Record Source to alias a field which allows the Form
Object to bind those #Name? Controls to the aliased fields in the Record
Continuous Forms and Record Navigation
We’ve touched on continuous forms above and will now explore them in more detail.
To start:
1. Open the Teaching Institute Software System.
2. Open the form frmStudentContinuous in design view.
3. Select the Form Object.
4. Open the Property Sheet and click the Format tab.
5. Scroll down to the Navigation Buttons and ensure the drop down menu reads
6. Change the Record Selector combo to Yes.
7. Lastly, ensure Default View is set to Continuous Forms.
8. Save the form.
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9. Change to Form View.
You should now have a form much like figure 5.13.
Figure 5.13
With the form in Continuous Mode the detail of the form is duplicated for every
record in the record source. The Navigation Buttons show us we have 27 records in
total so the Detail will be repeated 27 times. Also we are currently on record 1 in the
list, so 1 of 26. The Current Record Indicator has a tiny arrow to indicate which
detail instance we are looking at.
Change the record by clicking either a picture or using the navigation buttons. As we
do this the current record indicator updates and so do the navigation buttons.
Sorting in Forms
Just like a datasheet forms can alter the order of records by entering the field one
wants to sort by and pressing either the Ascending or Descending buttons.
Figure 5.14
Figure 5.14 has highlighted the Descending tool as hinted
at by the hand hint.
The Remove Sort button removes both sorts allowing the
form to display records in their natural order. The
natural order is the order in which records are actually
stored in the database table or query.
Natural order will vary because data is stored over time and we humans don’t enter
things in order we enter it as it comes.
Navigation Buttonss
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Filtering in Forms
Figure 5.14 also shows the filtering controls. Figure 5.15 shows the Filter By
Selection tool. Select some text in a field to filter by and the tool will retrieve all
records with that field containing “na”. This is filtering by selection, or filtering by
Figure 5.15
A more advanced filter can be achieved by using filter by form. In this mode we enter
our criteria into an instance of the forms detail section and apply our criteria. Figure
5.16 give a demonstration of filter by form.
Figure 5.16
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The selection by example in figure 5.16 equates to putting Like “*na*” in the First
Name field. We can also add other criteria for other fields, for example StudentID>10
or Email Address ends with *.uk
Figure 5.17
As well as updating the form with our search or filtering results the navigation bar
assists by updating itself to reflect the data we can actually see. In Figure 5.18
filtered is highlighted in orange, 4 is the number of records in our filter and
navigating back and forth moves to records within our recordset and not the
underlying query as a whole.
Figure 5.18
Creating Forms
One of the most attractive things about Access is the ease with which Application
Objects like Forms can be created. In this section we’ll look at several different ways
to create forms.
Figure 5.19
Form Generator
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Select tblCourse in the navigation pane (just click on it so it is highlighted) and click
the Form button. Access auto generates a form containing every field in the table. If
the table is linked to a child table Access will add a child-datasheet and link the
parent form to the child, showing only those child records associated with the parent.
We can even add records to the parent or child entity and Access will take care of the
Primary and Foreign Keys. Figure 5.20 was created in exactly the same way; the only
difference is that the datasheet was moved to the right rather than underneath. (We
will use this form later in the unit so please do carry out the exercise below.)
Exercise: Do the same in your copy of the database. Don’t use the Design View but
instead use the Layout View to change the position of each element. Save the form
as frmMytblClass.
Figure 5.20
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Split Form Generator
The Split form generator automatically creates a form with two sections (hence the
name, split form). The top half contains controls linked to the Form Object’s record
source, whilst the bottom half displays the datasheet / table view of the record
source. Click on tblStudents in the Navigation Pane and select Split Form from the
More Forms drop down menu of the Forms group. You will create something that
looks like Figure 5.26.
Figure 5.26
Filtering and sorting work in the same way as in the section “Continuous Forms and
Record Navigation”.
Using the navigation controls in the bottom left-hand corner of the form you can
cycle through the records and as the data is changed in the top half of the form, so to
the selected record changes in the datasheet. There is another example of a split form
in the Consumables.accdb file.
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Multiple Items Forms Generator
We have covered Continuous Forms already. In figure 5.5 we examined
frmCoursesContinuous which was generated with the Continuous Forms Generator.
We had added some additional controls to implement useful interactivity. For
example, in the detail section we had added a button to take the user of a form to edit
the details of the course, frmCoursesView. frmCoursesView was created using the
Form Designer.
Custom Form Designer
The Custom Form designer and the Blank Form designer result in the same thing; an
empty form from which you can create your own forms. Using the auto-form
generators above are often better than starting from a blank form, but if you have
designed forms on paper first, want to make customised interfaces, make navigation
forms, execution panels, or just like doing things yourself, the Customer Form
Designer is the way forward.
Open the form frmStudentNav. This form was made with this designer. It has no
record source; navigation buttons have been disabled; there are five interactive
buttons behind which embedded macros are stored and execute with the OnClick
Multiple Items form generator is something of a misnomer; all the other generators
produce multiple items on a form why Microsoft abandoned its prior name,
Continuous Forms, is difficult to understand, so we will stick with Continuous
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Figure 5.27
Open the Consumables database using the shift key and open the form
frmConsumablesDataEntry in design view.
Customising a Generated Form
We can use the Form Designer to edit generated forms. In Figure 5.28 the Form
Generator was used to make a standard layout and then the controls were moved to
create a custom layout. The ID field was deemed as an unnecessary item of data for
the end user so has been minimized and its visible property has been set to No.
Figure 5.28
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Four buttons have also been added to the form’s header. These execute macros and
provide navigation between forms and reports.
Figure 5.29
Other Form Types
Datasheet Forms
Are basically a table view of a form behind which is a Form
Modal Dialog
Is a form that “pops out” at the user and has to be “dealt with”
before any other part of the application can be used.
PivotTable/Chart Forms
These will be introduced in another unit.
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Form Wizard
The Form Wizard has been in Access since day one and is still a great feature. Unlike
the Form Generator the Form Wizard takes you through several steps to generate
forms and helps you to create the layouts you want.
Select the data
Select Parent-Child form
Select the layout
Select the style
Save the form
Figure 5.30
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The Data Entry Property
The Data Entry Property ensures that forms can only be used to add new records.
Figure 5.31
In the case of figure 5.31 the FormObject DataEntry property has been set to True
and the data entered into the controls on the Detail section will be saved to the
RecordSource tblDepartment.
When the same form in figure 5.31 is placed into Form View it only allows data to be
added. This property is very useful if you want to have a form that can only be used
for data entry. In figure 5.32 we can see, even though there are several rows of data in
tblDepartment, no data is being displayed and we are only able to enter a new record.
Figure 5.32
Normal browsing mode
Data Entry mode
Figure 5.33
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Sub Forms
Now we bring back our previously saved form frmMytblClass from figure 5.20.
Figure 5.20
This form was created for us by the Access Form Generator but we are going to use it
to insert a sub form that provides the same information.
Although the sub form will give the same visual result as the datasheet, forms can
execute code and macros that tables cannot. For example, there may be a business
rule that tables cannot enforce but form code can, like ensuring all House records
have at least one RubbishDisposal but no more than three; that all Members may
have only one Fishing License a year.
In the form designer the sub object control is tiny (see left).
It can be linked to a table, query, form or report.
Presently frmMytblClass’s sub object is linked to a table. We will change this to a
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Figure 5.21
The following instruction will create a new form, replace the table sub object with the
form and link the parent Form Object’s Record Source with the sub object’s Record
1) Mouse over to the navigation pane and highlight the table tblAttendance.
2) Open the Create tab on the Ribbon.
3) Click the Form Generator button, a new form displaying a record of the table
will be created.
4) Save the form as frm_subtblAttendance.
5) Close the form.
6) Open up frmMytblClass in design mode.
7) Highlight the sub object currently containing the text Table.tblAttendance.
8) Mouse over to the Property Sheet and click the Data tab.
9) Click the drop down button of the Source Object and select
10) In the Link Master Fields property just under the Source Object field click the
11) Set the dialog to the same values as those in Figure 5.22.
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Figure 5.22
12) Click OK.
13) Save the form.
14) In the sub form select the Form Object.
1) Click on the Format tab in the Property Sheet.
2) Make sure Default View is set to Datasheet.
3) Change Allow Datasheet View to Yes.
4) Save the whole form.
5) And change to Form View.
6) Change the form to design view.
7) Select the sub form Form Object.
8) Change Default View to Single Form.
9) Save.
10) Open again in Form View.
Master Fields: Child Fields
The master and child fields represent the relationship between the parent form and
the child form, respectively. In the case of figure 5.22 the field ClassID of each form
object is the related field.
Another example of parent and child forms would be Teachers and Classes. With the
Teacher table being the Record Source of the parent form, the Record Source for the
child would be Class. The linking fields would be TeacherID.
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Introducing TempVars
In Access 2007 Microsoft introduced a much needed object that holds values that can
be accessed from anywhere within the application. The object is called TempVars.
TempVars is essentially a Collection Object that can be accessed globally from any
Application Object or Database Object that means TempVars is uniquely available
in all these areas:
Application Objects
o Forms, Reports
o Macros, VBA
Database Objects
o Queries, Relationships
TempVars holds up to 255 values and does not hold objects but stores primitive data
types only.
This object blurs the boundaries between the Access Database Engine and the Access
Lifespan of TempVars
The TempVars Collection is created when the Access Application opens and is
destroyed when your application closes. Whilst the Application is closed no
TempVar data persists hence it is known as a Session Variable.
It is however possible for TempVar data to persist over Sessions by writing your own
code to commit the content of your TempVars to a table before the application closes
and reload from that table when Access reopens. This can give useful features such
as remembering the last user’s username, and remembering application options.
Example of TempVars
For this example we will use the JewelleryWindow application.
Open a new query window and drag in the tblUsers table. Fill out the fields section
to include each column individually. Under UserLevel add the criteria:
It should look like figure 5.23. Now save it as qryDevListUsers and execute.
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Figure 5.23
Figure 5.24
On the main navigation form we are
going to use the button “Test TempVars”
to instantiate a TempVar called
“VarUserLevel” and give it a value of “1”.
Figure 5.25
Figure 5.26 demonstrates what the
Macro behind the button looks like.
Figure 5.26
Press the “Test TempVars” button on the main navigation form.
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We will be covering Macros in detail in a later chapter.
Now open qryDevListUsers.
Figure 5.27
Now change the Expression value of the SetTempVar Macro to “2” (Figure 5.28),
close the Macro designer, change to form view and click “Test TempVars”.
Figure 5.28
Now open that query qryDevListUsers again.
Figure 5.28
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Opening Forms with the “Where” Clause
The final part of this unit will look at opening a form with a filter immediately active.
Where is a simple SQL statement. The Form will collect all the records
from its Record Source and apply a filter based on the where clause.
For example [TeacherID]<5
Example Filtered Form frmStudentContinuous (Teaching Institute)
On frmStudentContinuous
there is a command button
to open
Figure 5.29
Change the form to Layout
or Design view, click on
and click in “On Click” on
the event tab of the
property sheet.
Figure 5.30
You can see an OpenForm
Macro. The Where
Condition argument is set
to use the StudentID of the
record you are in on the
Figure 5.31
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1) Which of the following can be done with forms?
a. Editing a record.
b. Opening another form.
c. Closing the Access application.
d. Compressing the database.
e. Executing a macro.
f. Opening a table.
g. Dropping a database table.
h. Opening word and merging a list of email addresses.
2) Which property of the Form Object can be bound to tables or queries?
a. Record Sauce.
b. Data Set.
c. Source Object.
d. Record Source.
e. Detail Section.
3) Which part of the Form Object is repeated for each row in a dataset?
4) What is the name of a form that can be used to display child records of a
separate dataset whilst housed within a parent form?
5) True or false?
a. The header of a form repeats for every record in the record source.
b. The form footer may be used to add up the total value of a column.
c. The Form Object is of little consequence.
d. Forms can be not bound.
e. The detail section is a parent of the header and footer section.
6) Detail, Header and Footer are all part of which object?
7) What is the difference between a form in Single Form and Continuous Form
8) Bound form controls allow access to data. What are the controls bound to?
9) Which of the following are true for filters?
a. Filters may be by selections.
b. Filters may be by suggestion.
c. A filter may ask for data.
d. We can filter on more than one field.
e. Make the form go faster.
10) Describe the Like operator and the use of * and ?
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11) The navigation bar is below. Name all the sections.
12) Match the icons with their description
Form Wizard
Forms Generator
Custom Form
Form Generator
Split Form
13) What are the two sets of fields called that link a form and sub form?
a. Slave-Master
b. Servant-Master
c. Client-Server
d. Parent-Child
e. Master-Child
14) Which of the following are associated with TempVars?
a. Primitive data types.
b. Session like variable store.
c. Objects.
d. Accessibility from anywhere except table definitions.
e. Storing values.
15) What does the Where clause do when opening a form?
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a. Gives the current location if an available browser and user give their
b. Restricts the data displayed on the form.
c. Changes the Record Source to only pull back those records affected by
the where clause.
d. Applies a restriction.
e. Changes the column count of a query.
16) Macros are Application level objects. Which of the following are also
application level objects?
a. Queries
b. Forms
c. Reports
d. VBA Modules
e. Macros
17) Why are the following terms similar?
Queries, Tables, Table Validations, SQL
18) Must we change the form to design view to make changes at run-time to the
header, detail and footer backgrounds.
19) What text is present in unbound form controls?
20) What text is present in a bound form control that doesn’t have an associated
field in the FormObject’s fields collection?
21) Why does (20) occur?
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1) All of them, particularly taking in to account Macros
2) (d)
3) Detail
4) Sub form, or sub whatever.
5) See below
a. False
b. True
c. False
d. False forms can be bund via their Record Source
e. False
6) Form Object
7) Single form displays a single record at a time. A continuous form object is one
that displays multiple instances of detail, each relating to one record in a
8) The controls are bound to the Form’s Record Source property
9) (A), (c), (d)
10) Like is used in the Where clause and looks for records that match a pattern. ?
denotes one character of any type. * denotes any number of charactesr of any
11) See below
A first record
E last record
B back one
F New record
C current record and total
G Filter Toggle
D next record
H Search criteria
12) See below
Form Wizard
Forms Generator
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Custom Form
Form Generator
Split Form
13) (e)
14) (a), (b), (d)
15) (b), (d),
16) (b),(c),(d),(e)
17) They all deal with data and datasets.
18) Yes
19) Unbound
20) #Name?
21) Access is attempting to associate the field with a database field but cannot
find the name.